Avenge ^lUlly Nat Preoe En For Um WMk lladMl April 4, 1M4

13,937 J^m btr of th« Audit Burzau of Circulation lEupnttm B Fra li

Manehmntm^A City a/ VOUga Charm

VOL. LXXXin, NO. 160 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7. 1864 (CteMUlad A dvertM eg m r m f 14)


In State 4 Turks Gunned Down,

59 Pickets Held

In AVCO Strike

Cyprus Tensions STRATFORD (AP) _

More pickets were arrested

today as negotiators con-

tinued to work for a con- Free Travel tract agreement to halt a ward two-day strike at the Ly- coming Division of AVCO Seen Blocked co-hostess. Corp.

Twenty-five persons were ar- rested this morning, .bringing By Incident

the total to 59. The latest ar- rests, like the others, were the NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) result Of picket line Incidents. Federal, state, management —Feeling ran high in the

and union negotiators continued Turkish quarter of Nicosia a marathon session that began today following the shoot- at 4 p.m. yesterday. There was ing of four Turkish Cypri- no Immediate word of any de- ots in a field outside the velopments. Six pickets were arrasted la.st capital. night. Twenty-eight were taken ”'wo Turks were found dead

Into cu.stody earlier yesterday Monday night. A third, serious- in a scuffle as some employes ly wounded, staggered into a

tried to cross the picket lines. British air force radio station All of those arrested were 8 ?king help. Police wers charged with disorderly con- searching for the fourth man. duct and released under bond Turkish Cypriot officials All but one of the persons ar- charged the four were shot by rested are members of the Greek Cypriots in retaliation tor union. I the killing of a Greek (Jypriot ! who the Turks alleged tried to 'The latest session between cross the border Into ths management and representa- j Turkish quarter.

tives of Local 1010, United Auto I "This kind of incident cer- Workers began at 4 p.m. tainly is not going to help our yesterday. job here," said a U.N. official. The strike began at 12:01 a.m. Others felt the Incident would Monday, while a negotiating •stiffen Turki.sh opposition to a session was In progress. That U.N. plan -to open all major round of talks ended at 5:30 higl ays to both Greek and ajn. yesterday. ’Turkish vehicles. The local seeks a four-day, The Greek Cypriot govern- 32-hour work week and what is ment of President Makarios has

called a substantial wage in- agreed in principle to the plan. crease, The current wage scale After a quiet night, fighting was not available. between Greek and Turkish AVOO produces space equip- Cypriots broke out again alMut ment, including space capsules. noon today in northwest Cyprus Roy F. Darwin, right, with Deputy Sheriff Frank Merrill‘If ter ‘^entencln^”’' three miles east of the Greek An honor guard stationed at the head and foot of his coffin, Gen Douglas Mac- village of Kato Pyrgos, U.N. Town Worker$ Picket peace-keeping patrols were sent FAIRFIELD, (AP) _ Plcket- to the area to investigate. Police Chief ‘1?. ^ Fairfield Town Hall Dr. Fazll Kuchuk, Turkish

Darwin Sentenced, will be continued today by-pub- Cypriot vice president of the Is- lic works department employes land, charged that Greek Mayor^ Argue who are seeking town recogni- (Cypriots marched the tour tion of their union and a con- Turks Into a field outside a Nl- tract. MacArthur Paid Homage cosia city gate, shot them with

Defense to Appeal Over Crime F(jllowlng yesterday’s picket- rifles and left them for decul. ing by 31 workers. First SMset- Kuchuk, who based his accu- WATBRBURY (AP)—Mayor insn John J. Sullivan remained sation on the survivor’s account, A life prison sentence was imposed today on Roy F. Joseph F. McNeills ’’complain- adamant In his position not to In History-Laden Armory said he believed the shooting Darwin of Andover. ed generally about vice” blit rec^ l x e the union. was In reprisal tor the slaying rovlded no solid facts on which “"I'lijT'piekei line was thrown of a Greek Cypriot auxiliary po- '^ e sentence was passed by Judge Alva P. Loiselle ) act, says Police Supt. Joseph up shortly after 4 p.m., follow- N EW YORK (A P )— Dip-’f’come you so well deserve in the*- Gen. Davidson liceman in Nicosia Sunday. m Superior Court at Rockville where two weeks ago a gH. Oullfoile. Ing the completion of their days etemal land of the free and acted as Presi- Headquarters of the U.N. work. The ^ckets dimersed at lomatg and generals, sol- dent Johnson’s personal repre- peacekeeping fore# said tour jury found Darwin guilty of second degree murder in 'The mayor, said the superin- home of the brave.’’ sentative to lay a wreath on the 6 p.m. when Town Hkll doe- diers who served him and Among the dignitaries who en- Turkish Islanders were shot and the slaying of Hope Rothwell, a Bolton teen-ager tendent In a statement yester- 6d. the common p^ple who ad- casket of the 84-year-old warrior the Incident was being Investi- Darwln’a wife, Marian, and'f^------‘_____ ^ y , "did not cite specific mat- tered the armory were U.N. who died Sunday in Washington ...^^*** Coyne, organizer tor mired him paid solemn and Ambassador Adlal E. Steven- gated by the U.N. commander, bla zon, Roy Jr., were In (xiurt He said the court erred by ters, nor did he ask me to In- after three major opei-atlons. Indian Gen. Prem Singh GyanL today whan the sentence was vestlgate any specific situation. *£1^1*®**^ Bmployes Union, dignified last respects to- son Sen. Jacob K. Javlts, Among the earliest arrivals of passed. not Informing the jury that it AFL-CIO, said the picketing H'N.Y.; Gen. Lucius D. Clay; British U.N. troops found the had the right to determine the “He gave me no Information would continue today and as day to General of the the several hundred who waited two bodies shortly after the sur- After the senten

>9 Ifev. ,; PACK TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL T, 1964 ' me. ' ••• MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COIW., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 —Stop Reading Word hy Word— ' Columbia Ausensi Wins Sheinwold on Bridge RockviUe-Vempn prominent role la the campaign "9m Sooth A—w " i Martin Bid Dates Eyed for renewal approval, tqr eetting Dr. Sanborn Big Triumph BELIEVE TOUR EYES NorihSouth vuhMnUi Renewal Shift Brings up booths in meet of the town’s >arate Wheat from Chaff INSTEAD OF YOUR EARS NORTH supermarkets, and by distrib- By ALPHED sheinw o l d No ’Changes Are Made For Review uting information llyere to the By The Reading' Laboratory, Inc. ForVoting Cites School As Rigoletto National Men’s Team Champion AKQSS7SS town’s reeldents. Liggsff Drug Written for NEA In some card games spades ^ 9 Extra Tasks to Town In addition, the PTAs have * A < 5 In $3.5 Million Budget 8 Weeks Old PARXADB By JOHN GRUBBR count twice as much as any oth- On Renewal indicated that they Intend to At ]V|,eeting er suit. This is not true of support actively the question of awhile, practice will make the ml for particular facta. Big A highly enUnwiastic audience bridge, but the player with AA854 AKQIMSS If the plans for the North End urban renewal project n m e ynor raadliiK mt this col dlrouaeion result-^tho town to lease the Stdiool 8L Tod^ marks the eighth week The board of directors tonight Robertson School expansion, by pencil unnecessary. ideas won’t be written in one practically shouted itseV hoarse spades has a big advantage over 97 5 97 Nom In no changeo In the town’s are approved by the town— it will probably be on the mnn mh I oomporc your apeed Dr. George Sanborn, educa-, 0A143 0*742 ^ pari „ ------^ . . . since General Manager Richard will choose either May 12 or use of information pamphlets Now try the wider columns of word or in capital letters. They his opponents; he can outbid *8.6 million budget began lest and personal contacts. wllh that Indicated at the end. tional consultant, has repeated | last evening at tlia Oonn. Opera «K949 «QJ7 |1 per year and authorization Martin requested Mayor Fran- referendum planned this spring— the town must shoul- May 19 as the date for holding n e expected speed assunaee a your text book. The technique is will take a paragraph or more. them without having to bid (or night’s town meeting. for selectmen to accept stats cis J. Mahoney to call a spCeclal In answer to two questions the same, but you’ll need two Do it this way. the recommendations contained i Aean. production o f "Rifaletto.’* fOVIH der the cost for a couple of extra jobs which the project a referendum on North End dally ftee par cent Improve- more tricks. That is, if he be- A 9 7 While several questions were road aid meeting of the board of direc- will necessitate. ^ concerning completion date for fixations per line. Drawing the' You’ve skipped till you ar- in his booklet, "A School Build- I Starred In the title role Renewal, according to Eldward lieves his eyes rather than his 9 J 10 < 4 asked regarding items in the tors to review hie (Martin’s) One of these is the reland- the renewal project, and the pencil down the middle, fixate ears. Rybezyk, executive director of rived In the neighborhood where, Ing Survey," prepared for Co- ^(amiel Ausenal who turned In O K Q 10 5 stx-page budget summary, dis- performance. scaping and refurbishing of the Connecticut Bonk A Trust Co. extent of North End opposition to the left of the pencil on the you know the idea should be. South dealer the Manchester Redevelopment lumbia. i a magnificent performance both « 101 2 tributed to Uie more than 170 By his request, Martin dra- Whlton Memorial Library build- will also have to be revamped in Agency (MRA). Rybezyk estimated that three first line .then to the right on Read the first Sentence of the vocally and histrionically. North-South vulnerable f e e * Weri N « 12th Qrcuit matically pointed up the fact order to face N. Main St. when years from the approval date Dr. Sanborn gave a detailed,, i persona attending, only the ing on N. Main St., which must Rybezyk revealed the dates Pre-reading tells you what to the same line, and so on down paragraph. That should be plen- His was as fine an operatic Opening lead—Five of Hearts. 1 0 Doable Radoi that a general manager in Man- It is relocated. would be fairly accurate, and the page. So that individual page-by-page explanation of his school budget came onder critl- be fixed up to face the north— while appearing last night be- read and ^ t as important, ty; If not, read the second. performance as you are likely When this hand came our way 1 7 Pass 2 A (» Pm olsm. chester can be reviewed at any George Trapp, vice president that, "aside from three or four words will not distract you, Skim through the rest of that findings at a Saturday meeting. in the recent national tourna- G>urt Cases Instead of the south, which it fore the Town Development what not to read. Looking for He cited the Porter School not- to encounter In many a year 2 NT rsm 4 9? 5 0 , OpponenU of footbaU, now time, and that there is no need now faces— when N. Main S t is and manager of the bank, said property owners. North Bbiders a date in the Revolutionary read between the lines as we paragraph, and read the first ment, the opponents could have Doable Pm •5 97 A S 1 for an added mandatory re\dew from Hartford that the bank’s Commission (TDC), to allay are universally behind renewal, LEMON ing its cla.s.A pounds. ment to Justify a junior-senior has become noticeably larger Copyright, 19M teachers, said, "if you want to Mahoney for "stalling” the BE SURE...for a complete FREE Inspection to my hand with another trump renewal project, since federal, of government,” he said WHEELS— *4A* concept and that other towns $4«,000 Cut than it was a year or ao aga General Features Oorp. do something about their sala- Other fines: Bernard Brooks, meeting, but has been careful which had been forced into the Later, she was to usa this new- ries, I suggest you complain to 51, Bloomfield, *40, for failure policy prohibits local renewal The national health program of your Home by a Termite Control Expert (8) CHECK FRONT GLASS ENCLOSURES NEGROES SUSPENDED not to'press for the review, when agencies such as the Manches- In operation since World War WHEEL BEABINOS arrangement had ultimately re- foimd resonance to great ad- particularly the male contingent the State Board of Education. to drive in an established lane meeting in regular session. HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — gretted it rises, to the sohe of the broken (*26) and driving without a li- ter Redevelopment Agency II, covers five million Belgians Supervised by Graduate Entomologists. (4) CHECK BRAKE From Budget vantage, for Ausensi’s voice la It's they who determine the sup- At tonight’s board meeting, FOR RATHTURS Three Negroes, the first and which has the most of the work buffoon which are blotted out by cenoe (*15): Anthony Brozna, (MRA) from getting credit Doctors have fixed their own SYSTEM Superintendent Myron Col- a powerful one and without her ply of teachers and determine one of the items on the agenda only members of their race to lette and Principal George Pa- in this department. Likewise the final curtain. toward the town’s cost of re- fees for each case, and the and SHOWERS increased volume she would have what the salaries wiU be.” 18, Wilson, *45, speeding; Gene will be the acceptance or re- Call Ml 9-9240 become Huntsville policemen, tros presented a graph on pro- The Board of Education will been hard pressed to balance the early ballet was excellent, Spearheading the answers to R; Blodgett, 18, South Coven- newal for work done on public health fund reimbursed the pa- All Four Only have been suspended. jection of all or part of the pro- Glass does a beautiful job for such jected school needs. The plan present a budget of $1,738,707- the Spanish baritone in the as were the costuming and sets. Credit for Tanganyika budget queries were Douglas try, *18, making an unsafe buildings unless the building’s tients. The fund has a deficit of B L ISS has been Serving the .29 at a public hearing April posed charter revisions, includ- $20 million. purposes in your bathroom. Easy to Police Chief Floyd Dyar said advocates, over a period of sev- many scenes she haa with him Altogether it was a fine Rigo- Hayes, chairman of ths Board turn; John T. Hacker Jr., 19, draw more than 10 per cent of he suspended the men Monday eral years, the addition of an 14. A reduction of $48,000 was letto, that more than gave the Olaston/bury, $15, disregarding ing the controversial biennial, their patrons from the proposed Lefevre’s Catholic-Socialist throughout the remainder of the Dar es Salaam — With a $4.6 o f Finance and Samuel W. Pearl, mandatory review of the gen- Home Owner in Conn, for over Clean. Never wears out. when they refused to leave his industrial arts program, home- made by the board after infor- customers’ their money’s worth a stop sign; Andrew T. Hayden, renewal area. MRA officials feel coalition, when it came to pow- opera. million credit from the United first selectman." eral manager’s performance. office after discussing com- msJdng, a kindergarten, full- mal meetings with the town from the opening menace of 42, Marlterough, $26, following the library does not qualify. er in 1961. promised to reform Histrionically she was good, States. Tanganyika's high- Raymond E. Ramsdell, super- Some of the directors private- 81 years plaints about working condi- time music and art programs, council and discussions over ”T7»e Curse,” sounded in the too closely; and Lawrence Jef- Thus the improvements to the the debt-ridden program. The OPEN 8 AM . to S PJ(. too. She knows the part and school system is to be expanded intendent of schools, noted that ly aver, that if they had held Uona. He said he had told the foreign languages and a full- financing the proposed educa- brass before the cu train ever fries, 17, of 185 Green Rd.. $20, library must come from the revised health statute sets a SATURDAT 1 A M . to IS NOON plays It for all It Is worth; to to take 6,900 new students. Vernon’s education Increases Martin’a requested review, they men that the grievances would time nurse in addition to Dr. tional program. following too closely. town. scale of maximum charges for tell the truth, however, it isn’t were quite low; $9 in 1963 as might now be better able to vote the doctors. Increases demand- SERVICE ON ALL be referred to the City Council Sanborn’s recommendations. The final reduction was made worth too much in my book. Also, Nicholas Lesbines, 25, The Whiton Memorial Library CON'YENTIONAL BIAKES police committee- compared to an average state "yes or no” on that recommen- ed by the doctors would total Dr. Sanborn said it at expen- by eliminating five proposed Still it remains one of the most raise of $21 per pupiL He indi- Middletown, $36, speeding; Ja- was built in 1932, and financed J. A. WHITE 8USS 00. sive to provide for this extra dation, by knowing what it en- $10 million a year. A two-thirds vote of the five teaching positions in special popular roles in all opera with cated that the educational net D. MacKapy of Wapplng, tailed. largely through a fund estab- curriculum and does not feel it The revised law also requires 31 StudI $t.— nm w Ml t-7322 council members is required to areas in the elementary st^ools the public and last night only standards of the town’s schools $21, failure to grant the right lished in the will of Dr. Francis uphold the suspension. can be comprehensive with such and two proposed teaching posi- of way; Donald L. Morneau, 28, H. Whiton. that records of each patient be MORIARTY proved the assertion. The audl- were high while the board of kept for Inspection by the gov- a small enrollment. He added tions in the high school; by re- enqc was tremendously enthil^ (Coventry, and John W. Se- Forest Acres Guarded The fund not only still exists that "it Is a question of hov/ education managed to keep the ernment. Doctors claim this ducing proposed expenditures siastic. Increases down. quist, 30, 7nfield, each $10, but has grown in value over the much the town is willing to Washington — About 418,488,- would violate patients' privacy. C o n t r o l C o r p . BROTHERS for school libraries and teaching While Miss d’Angeio was able The budget for the 1964-65 breach of the peace; John F. years, to about $380,000 today, spend if It is not adequate in 000 acres of slate and private The government says the In- DIV. OF BLISS EXTERMINATOR COMPANY, Inc. TEL. *48-6186 supplies; and by reducing funds to cope with Mr. Ausensi’s virile fl.scal year was set at $3,493,941. Mullin, 17, EMt Hartford, $18, according to the controller’s of- an ordinary curriculum.” forests are protected against fice. The terms of the trust per- spectors will be physicians, 801-315 CENTER ST. earmarked new equipment and vocality, he proved too much for Education' accounts for $2,384,- improper passing; Benoit Pelle- bound by oath to malntoln the THE OLDEST I LARGEST PEST CONTROL CO. IN CONN. The projected program as replacement of old equipment. Dino Formlchinl, substituting tier, 39, Hetoron, $18, failure to fire under a federal-state pro- mit the use of the capital for presented t^ C3ollette and Patros 698 of this. Last year's budget gram. patients' privacy. Die revised budget is intend- for the previously announced was estimated at $3,007,652. obey a stop sign; Ronald ITiom- permanent Improvements to the was unanimoualy approved b.V Whlton library, although any ed to finance a program that Flavlano Labo, as the Duke. He Final figures will not be avail- son, 34, East Hampton, $18, the board of education last will provide for 3463 students, started well enough, but before speeding; Sidney Sheptoff, 48, CUMC INTEGRATED reduction in the fund will cause week. able until arfter the present fiscal 350 more than this year. This the second act he was mani- year ends. of 119 White St., $16, disregard- ATLANTA, Ga. (AP)—Grady reductions in the fund’s earning The present administrative fa- Hospital, a huge public medical {X)wer too. will require twelve additiwial festly tiring. To his credit, let In introducing the budget, ing a stop sign; Robert Webb, cilities were described by Dr. complex, operated Its emergen- So, since the town will have Fashion is elementary teachers and in- it be said that he adopted none Hayes said that it contained no 21, Newfield, N. H., $24, speed- Sanborn as "not desirable and cy clinic on a racially integrat- to bear the cost of the library creased expenditures for misoel of the voice-saving tricks that controversial items, such as ing, and Robert Wlegard, 50, of only fair conditions at best.” ed basis Monday night for the alterations, the probable source laneous supplies and materials. tenors commonly employ under road, sewerage or incinerator 198 E. Center St., $10, intoxica- The clerk’s (Mrs. Jean Peters) first time. for the funds will be the Whlton “THE office is housed on one side of Salaries for teachers and the circumstances. FISH FRY estimates. He indicated that the tion. A hospital spokesman said the other employes have been He sang for all he was worth, Trust. the building and Patros’ office (ALL YOU CAN EAT) tax rate for the town will not Bond forfeitures, ranging move, an efficiency measure In LOFTY determined by salary schedules right up to the close and if at from $26 to $60, were ordered The town could as an alterna- on the other which involves, ac- bq set for several weeks, to the works for three years, had tive appropriate money from Look... adopted by the Board. The the end he was obviously in less give finance officials a chance against 11 out-of-state motor- cording to Dr. Santoom, a frus- been approved by the hospital the General Fund for the library board feels that "these good voice than when he start- Fri«d Fish Umen W«d9* to view the surplus. OAK trating amount of running up ists who failed to appear In staff and the Pulton County, De- alterations, although there has ^c h e d u 1 e B, and the teach- ed, he at least tried to give the and down the stairs as. each of- Franch FriRd FotatoRS Coleslaw A.11 items on the call of the court to answer to motor ve- kalb County and Atlanta Medi- been no amount included for fioe is on the second floor. ers’ salary .schedule In partic- audience his all for every mo- meeting were passed with the hicle charges, seven for speed- FROM A ment he was heard. cal Associations. this purpose In any account In Collette’s comment on the sit- ular, are representative of sim- Freshly Raked Rolls and Rutter exception of a sewer authority ing counts. The emergency clinic treats the general manager's proposed uation was, “You’d almost think ilar schedules In other towns in Jashua Hecht made a strong which was tabled. Items passed Numerous other cases were SMALL Not a Price and impressive Sparafucile, with more than 150,000 patients each 1964-65 budget. Mrs. Patros selected the ar- this area and are necessary to Included the authorization for continued. year, including 100,000 Negroes. The North End branch of the rangement.” attract and retain the type of a voice that was the equal to ACORN GOP Women Confab person whom we wish to em- Ausensl's In volume. If not in EVERY WEDNESDAY More than 75 Connecticut ploy.” subtlety of musical Inflection. GROWS...” There’s a Smartaire flat for every hour of your women are expected to attend Other increases in the school And Arnold Voketaitis did just 5 P.M. to 9 P.M. the 12th annual Conference of budget are the result of in- as well with the role of Mon- day. A choice of low-slung casuals, open back Republican Women in Washing- creased expenditures for trans- terone. With such truly large CHEVELLE by Chevrolet ton, D.C. April 6 throug 11. portation. because of more stu- voices in the cast, the orchestra ENJOY ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS began to sound weak, though it and sides. And T-sti-aps everywhere I Tolland County women who dents to be transported. There THIRST are also similar increases in the was at full strength and bulg- plan to attend are Mrs. Virg:inia SATISFYING It’s got young ideas about size, style and power Lewis of Columbia, State Cen- operation and maintenance of ing the Bushnell’s pit. COCKTAILS tral (Jommitteewoman for the school plants, the result of a Yet had Anton Guadagno, who 35th District; Mrs. Emily Albee, new school and an addition to conducted, raised the level of It’s fun to drive a car with young ideaa.' Like Now’s the time you’ll get the most fun from $6.99 fo $8.99 Mansfield and Mrs. A. J. Brun- an existing school. the accompaniment, we should Chevelle. It’s built by Chevrolet, ao you get a new Chevelle. And a great trade on your old dage, Mansfield. Over 90 per cent of the school have had difficulty in hearing youthful styling and performance plus the fea- Gloria Enva as the Nurse and car. Because springtime is ’Trade ’N’ Travel The state delegation will be budget is set aside to pay sal- HOWARD JOHNSON’S tures that make Chevrolete so practical to own. Time at your Chevrolet dealer’s. aries. insurance, electricity and Bettlna Dubro as Maddalena, headed by Mrs. Babette Ran- “ Landmark for Hungrry Its size is appealing—shorter than big cars, schoff. National Committee- other items. Only 7.3 per cent both of whom had voices of the Choose from 11 elegant models including woman, Mrs. Anna-Mae Swltas- of the budget 1s not conun-Itted. size commonly encountered in Americans” easy to handle and park. Yet there’s plenty of sedans, convertibles, wagons and Super Sports. ki, vice chairman of the State The board expect.s to receive Rigoletto casta. room inside for people and luggage. But if it gives you young ideas about how beat to Central Committee ___ and ____ Mrs. approximately $430,000 from Others in the oast included l/i Mile Off Oakland St. You can pick about any hill-climbing, safe- Yolanda Antoine, Mario Volta, enjoy a vacation, don’t be surprised. That’s juat Joan Osterweil, ConnecUcut | federal grants togeth- On Tolland Tampike passing engine performance you like—with another good reason for aeeing your Chavlolet conference.! receipts from local Robert Schmor, and Louis Pic- chairman for the styling and interior luxury to match it. dealer now. There will be a banquet April 9 funds. This is approximately 26 ciardo, all of whom were bet- at the Sheraton-Park Hotel and per cent of the total budget and ter than may frequently be en- leaves $1,309,103.66 to be fi- countered in productioTui o f the Chevelle Malibu Super Sport Ooapt a box supper April 10 at the work. Washington Coliseum. nanced by town taxation. Timely Topic In the pi-oposed budget the The chorus seng well, too; Miss Edith Haver of Whit- Board of Education hag in- ney Road will be the guest creased the salary of the super- 9TAHTM speaker at the Ladies Aid So- intendent 6t schools from $11,- ciety meeting Thursday at 1 687.50 to $18,250. The board MANCHESTER woRmw p.m at the Congregational has been interviewing candi- Church pariah home. position. Dnivc-9n^ltcn tu Merle B. Woodmansee, the KRMi ai Ul D Miss Haver will show slides of TOVtoztt _ FIRST RUN her trip to Alaska last year. present superintendent of Some of the slides encompass schools, will be retrilng before eROOM the area of the recent earth- next fsJI. The salary of the as- quake. Light refreshments will sistant superintendent was also be served. Increased from $9,808.33 to $12,- MOT HER 000. Briefs The public hearing on the Thomas Roberta. 18. of Co- WOMM. . ! board of education budget will lumbia Center, a member of the be held April 14 ^ t 8 p.m. in the Naval Reserves, has returned library of the South Windsor MMMMKBflnDDD from two weeks active duty High School. ------training at the Naval Training Manrhenter Evening Herald Mirg«urfeiHiepA)iti Shown Center, Great Lakes, 111. South At O o jj.. PTA .xecoiv. w„, Ti'r:?:?':'; * and 8;*6 hold a meeting Thursday at 8 644.0148. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul 'C O Brookman, Collins Rd. Menu *Brllliantl Tomorrow-—corned beef hash, -A beans, peaches; Thursday—friedJ CURRENT ANNUAL chicken, potato chips, peas,^ DIVIDEND ON cranberry sauce, ice cream: Fri- i XIIIA AI I RAn M1(\J' INSURED SAVINGS day—fish sticks, rice, vegetable, fruit cocktail. Board Meets 'lN £BEm £S Just as all things have a beginning, so does financial security. The beginnings The executive board of the Co- may be small, but added to faithfully through the years, can become a sourca lumbia Co-operative Kinder- eoMemomr ID-MU garten will meet tonight at 7:30 of financial strength as sturdy as the oak. Begin plantiag the seeds of security in Yeomans Hall. A regi;'n»- C33inr5ICL3 today by saving at Manchester's oldest financial institution. meeting will follow at 8. All MMSTMUST ri t aMSSMrMHTNMmm run those intereisted in registering Shown children for next year’s program are welcome to attend. BURNSIDE Manchester Evening Hernid ' R e a d H e r a l d A d i . a/ncA.e4^6e^ -U 'St Columbia correspondent, Vir- ginia M. Carlson, telephone BS8- Charge Accounts Invited 0124. 'S$M /« ^ « forb/tfd$n wonfP WECK THE T*H*T DEALS ON CHEVROLCT • CHEVELLE • CHEW O • CORVAIR AND CORVETTE NOW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER’S Make A Note, Jot It Down— SAVINGS CLAIM 74,414 JAILED AMERICAN EXPUSS , Fla. (AP)—Thera are EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT it AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET INEALER TBAVELER8 CHEQUES 74,414 political prisoners in AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER IN MANCHESTER, OONN. IN WEST HARTFORD, OONN. Cuba, S,S81 Cubans have been a n d L O A N killed by the Fidel Castro re- “FiMIILY NIGUr CARnR CHEVROLCT CO.. INC. THE GRODY CHEVROLCT CO. A. S' S O C I A T I O N gime, and 276,469 Cubans have 122* MAIN ST U a!T -«4*.82S * 21 ISHAM R O A IV -2 S 6 ^ 1 fled their country, an exile NEVER A OHAItOiE for the chlldron they ^ e r n a n group claimed today. when AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET MiauBia AUlVnHuinBo Chevrolet deal er The Revolutionary Student Dl- use our “UtU s Folks IN NEW BRITAIN, OONN. IN HARTFORD. OONN. roctorate, an anti-Castro youth Menu” . . . MANCNKSTIR'S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION' MANCHISTiR SHOFFING FARKADR group with underground sources WH.COX-RAU CHEVROLCT. INC. CAFITOL MOTORS. INC. raportod that 966,000 parsons, or BURlNEMMBN't • l U l a r r A N l E Y st r eet —22*-0M6 1214 MAIN STREET—627-8144 WIONISDAY, THURSDAY oml FRIDAY NIGHTS TO f 14 par cent of Cuba’s population, LUNCHEON* have boon Jailed' alneo Castro AVropWZEO OnlDVROLliT DOALBR WALNUT STRJOCT AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER 1007 MAIN STREET NEAR MAPLE STREET solsod powor In 1N9. «^*TWST SIDE STORr Df BART HARnrORO. OONN. IN WINIMBOR, OONN. PWORIN CHEVROLCT. INC. ARDERY CHEVROLET, INC. BRANCH OFnCE — ROUTE SI -i- COVENTRY 4T* OONN. BOUIBVARIT—28••«441'^ lU FOQUONOOK AVB.—Q ^ * * * ejiU\4« '•'J :V' -.;\v V. m:-. PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MAN|p[ESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL T, 1964 Senior Citizens Parley Slated You Should Know... Set Card Party TV-RaeJio Tonight By Nutmeg 020 Joseph A . Cataldi The Senior Citizens Club oon GUITAR Sleith Makes Plea Sowral studont ducted by the recreation de- rtprzatuta- partment announces that Ks an- ttvez from Manebezter H igh and JoMplt A. CSktiUdl Is that rari- nual card party will be held at Television ruing Jun4or H igh Sohoola to- ty among appointess to town HOBBY l»iS $ the Center on School St. on 6:00 t 8) B i* 8 ThM ter (In p roa-» 7:80 ( 8) What in the World gether wMh their teachera will •Cm ciM ; he fits a post that Tuesday, April 21, at 8 p.m. r6M> For Lower Taxes (34) llkx>norotc HIcblIfntz attend the fourth annual W ork- •am* My was created especial- The party, under the direction (33-80) Mr. Novak FOR ADULTSe.e W for him, chairman of the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mc- ( 8-30^) Combat shop of Nutmeg 020, the sec- ( 8) News (13) Huckleberry Hound “Out of all the towni and cities in. the State of Con- T owb Oonsarvation Commission Keever, will feature military G8) la the Public Intereit 8:00 ( 8-Hb Red Skelton ondary school library asaistanta ITS RJNI ITS EASYl ' i.8-132 Red Skelton organization, on Saturday. (TOC). whist and set back, with prizes (24) Yeilowetone . ^ (24) Sir Clark on A.. Art nwticut of 20,000 population or more,’’ William Sleith In fact, ail seven members of for each being donated by the (40) Stoney Burke 8:80 ( 32-30) You Don't Say (C ) The workshop, expected to at- IVERYIODY IS DOING ITI 6:M ( 8) New t Soortt and Weath- (.8-20^) McHale's Navy directors at a public hearing on the proposed the TOC are cut of the same Senior Citizens Club. Refresh- er tract some 250 parUolpimts Learn to play the goltar in oar SPECIAL 10-WEEK R ltt- (33) C3ub House . n* “ ne'e from around the state, will be 1964-^ town budget last night, “Blanchester is far and ' eloth, definitely not politicians, ments will be served. 8:00 (3-13) Petticoat Junction BY CLASS. It's a wen planned Uiteteattag method taaoh away tns most axponsivs townO— ------— ------6:80 140) Advem urei In Tim e (10-33-30) Richard Boone held at Southern Gbainectlcut Init certainly men whn are The profit from this card Ing guitar accompanimeait for folk, iraotora oad- pogalar to liva In or to conduct a busl- (18) Subecriptloo 7W State CMlege in New Haven. m^c. I Wholeheartedly devoted to con- party goes to defray the cost ( 8-30-40) (Greatest Show on , noss In." The current budget, at $90,000, Earth (C) serving Manchester's natural of the annual Senior Citizens (18) Life of Riley Participating aa panel lead- "BasMl on the 1068 mlU rata calls for $68,000 from tuition NMurees. campaigning program. This year (24) What’s New 9:30 (3-12) Jack Benny ers In morning book dlacuaslona and about $27,000 from the 10:00 (.3-12) G arry Moore I nsf ructions timaa tha assaasmant parcant- the three-day campaigning pro- ( .3) Walter Oonklte will be EUisaneth Strom from town; tuition chaiges had only When General Manager Rich- (8) Outlaws Hour (C) aga, taxaa . . . on a 120,000 ard Martin, last May, appointed gram will be held at the Salva- 6:46 ( 20) Ron Cochran ( 8-20-40) The V ^^tlve the high Khool and Stephen brought in about $26,000 oa of By Arnold Landsberg homo. . .would ooat you $658 Y '^1 tion Arm y Camp in Coventry on 7:00 (S) To Tell the Truth 11:00 i3-8-10-13-33.80.40) News. VaiciuUs of IlHng. The dlocus- March 81. In his proposed 1904- this commission, he chose men SporU Weather In Manchaster. vriio had a proved love and in- June 9. 10 and 11. Tickets for (24) Jr. High lie n e e sion theme la "Books of the 66 budget, Martin cropped the (10 Movie „ „ (18) Subecrlptlon TV CLASS STARTS WEDNESDAY. APRIL t "You could support that homo terest in the great outdoors, this card party may be secured (30) Open Mike U:18 (3) Movie Shetiea.’’ community college a^roprla- (34) In School Preview la Wost Hartford for $458; In and they,' in turn, chose Cataldi from any member of the Senior (18) SubKrIptton TV Others who hlan to attend In- tlon down to $115,000, estimat- (12-22-80-40) News. (30) Tonight Show (C) Instmments Rcntad— Enrollinent Ltmltod Now Haven for $495; and so on to be their first chairman. Citizens, or by calling the rec- Sports. (40) Steve Allen clude, from Bung, Michael Do- ing $57,150 in income from tui- reation department, 22 School Weather 11:20 (12) Movie Fee $20.00 For The 10 W oA Qaad * across the whole length and ti(m and still requiring about Cataldi holds the distinction 7:15 (22) Backstage ran, Edward Johneon, and Mrs. breadth of thie eUte. of being the only member in St. 11:30 (10-22) Tonight (C ) $60,000 from the town. • (30) Sports (Jamera (s8) Movie E. H. BiUl, librarian; from "Nowhere will It ooct you the history of the Manche.ster In asking that Martin's budg- SEE SATERDAY'S TV 3VEEK FOR CXIMPLETE LISU NG Manchester High, Patricia Gut, anywhere near $653 ae it doee Sportsmen's Association and UNE OUITAR ’a MUSIO CENTER et outa be retained, Mrs. Gowen Rosemary Brown, Bonnie Min- in Meincheeter to eupport a the Manchester Coon and Fox Mansfield Scouts lll'/ i Center St. • .649-78S5 • MancliMtar made two points: ton, and Mrs. David Monalhui, $20,000 home. Club to hold simultaneous office Ufararlan. First, hhe said, when the col- “Why (must) Mancheeter tax bi both organizations. convincing the town’s board of To Attend Show leg« was approved last year Its people eo eeverely In order In 1962 and 1963 he served as directors to set aside the .'53- the approval was based on two acre dak Grove tract as a per- Radio to live In what, I think, moet of president of the Sportsmen’s asau n i^ixis — that the cost manent nature preserve. Boy Scouts and their leaders (Thla listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 10 or IB us believe to be Juet a nice, Association while holding the to the town would decrease Plans have been formulated from the Mansfield State Train- average town? post of secretary of the Coon minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts). yearly, and that, therefore, the for keeping the preserve in its : ing School and Hospital will be "Mancheeter falle In the lower and Fox Club. He is currently college budget would not Jeo- present wild state, but with guests of Blackledge District WDBC—1388 <»11:00 lews third of the etate’e citiee In Ita secretary for the Sportsmen, 8:00 Long John Wade 11:16 ports Final pardise the eiementary and certain refinements, such as Scouts Saturday, April 18, at 8:00 Dick Robinson S ratio of Grand Liet dollare per and Is also a past treasurer of 11 30 Art Johnson Show secondary school programs. clearing dead trees, planting the District Scout Show to be 106 News Sign Off WPOP 4418 resident. (This) le simply an- the Coon and Fox Club. held at the Manchester High 8:00 new, blazing trails for campers, WBAt-ais I.K>u T e n i other way of saying town "N o w it Is clear that neither Catsddi is proud of the fact School Gym. Dr, Harold B ar- 8:00 Easy Ed Sbov 7:00 Bob Christian eliminating mosquitoes, and 10:00 wealth (la small) in proportiem of these assumptlona Is valid,’’ that during his administration rett, show committee chairman, 0:20 News Weather and Sports Mad Daddy Show improving the site's pond. 7:00 Edward P Morgan WINT—1288 to the number of people. she said last night. of the 66-member Sportsmen’s 8:0n announced that the scout mem- 7:15 Ed Hynes Show Mews. Weather. Sports “WlMR the facts came to Association, the group spent Cataldi would like to make 10:80 Tonight At Mv Pises 6:20 Radio Greater Hartford MEATOWN "What I am saying la that bers from the Training School certain that the many rare mi- 1-30 Slam Off 6:46 Lowell Thomas 12151/2 SILVER LANE. EAST HARTFORD Manchester is not a ncH toira; budgot, not aay what It should 95,000 to build a 2 ^ -acre pond will see a variety of exhibits WILLIAM SLEITH WINSLOW MANCHESTER MRS. ELEANORE GOWEN ATTY. EUGENE KELLEY JOSEPH TRIPP gratory birds that have nested wn 0—1080 6-60 Sports Tims probably.. .It can never become have bisen admitted that an or- ATTY. JAMES HIOOINS on the club’ 140-acre site on demonstrations. and activities 6:00 News. Weather. Sporta 7:10 Evening Reixirt "Economic stagnation." "Cut the education budget." in the area each year continue a rich town. Tot It doggedly ror had been made, and a "An error has been made." "Hire a personnel director." "Great horror of taxes.' "Improve the pension plan." Merrow Rd. in Coventry. prepared by Blackledge pack, 6:30 Financial Report 7:35 Public Affairs Program to come babk. 8:35 Music 8:00 Life Line “ALL MEATS FRESH CUT—NONE PRE-PACKAGED!’* | InsleU on acting like one. TJn- strict auaterity budget should The pond has been stocked troop, and post units as a show 9:.30 His commission is presently 6:45 Three Star Extra Best of Broadway leae we return to a spending have been presented. This has money. But the backlog should $132,216 to finance the town’s wHh over 500 Rainbow trout for parents, friends and towns- 7:06 Conversation Piece 10:06 Music to Relax By partments have lost needed its payments to the (im m unity Supt. William Curtis—al- parents of sch(X)l children and studying a plan where the Lutz philosophy where ability to pay not been done.” be decreasing, not increasing. and Brooldes, some as long as people. 7:25 Chei Hunllev 13:26 Sign Off pension plan. In the post the funds, he said, because of the college. though not mentioned by name not the taxpayer should pay for Junior Museum could use the 7:30 News of the World STORE HOURS: TUES.-WED. 9-5; THURS.-FRL 9-9 is the theme, I see nothing Secondly, she said, to object "Do you really know what it 21 indies. The show will run from 1 p. budgeted amount has bMn crop- growing education expendi- " I don't have an ax to grind — for not living in town and the cost of education. area for teaching Manchester 7:46 Congressional Report ahead for this town but eeo- Not far distant on North m. to 8 p.m., with participating 8.05 Pops Concert to the bo4i«d of educatlon’i pro- costa to run a school?” he ask- ped, but the plan has held its tures. with anybody,” he said. " I ’ve sharing the tax load for educa- school children of the delights SATURDAY 8 to S^tCLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY) nocnlo, etvle and cultural stag- River Rd., also in Coventry, is units setting up their activities 9:06 Nlghtbeat posed budget at such a late date e d " I f you want a ‘discount’ own because of the Improving Sieith, too, criticized the In- been complaisant (about the tion; and of the high tax level of the open spaces, and the mir- nation." FINED $6,000 the 110-acre Manchester Coon Friday evening and Saturday "la ciooing the door after the education, then go ahead and performance of the fimd’s In- crecusing education budget, for w ay the town has been run), generally. acles of nature. Sleith eras among about 160 HARTFORD (A P)—THomas and Fox Club, where its 100 morning. Refreshments and pa- CASH FUEL horse has run away." hire ‘discount’ personnel." vestments. aggravating the town’s dour but the one thing that has Maloney, who objected that The tentative plan for clear- Manchester taxpayera and elec- M. DeUniks, 55, operator of members enjoy hunting, pic- trol of the premises will be "Now the bosrd of dlrectore Atty. Eugene Kelly spoke for "As I understood It," Atty. economic situation. awakened me is the Community his taxes on a four-room home a ing and restoring the area may tors who, despite a persistent nicking and good fellowship. handled by Explorer Posts 112 SERVICE PUT ONE IN YOUR FREEZER can only approve the education the Municipal Employee’ Group Higgins said, “income from the "What happened to the prin- C!!oUege. on Irving St. had more than Waterbury funeral home, has be done with the h«jp of Boy rain, earns to listen or speak Hartford Native and 134. Post 47 will be re- budget, not soy what it ahold (M EG) to urge the board to ap- plan was to be used to improve ciple that boards of education "I'm not against education; I doubled since 1953. Scouts, working tor their merit CAR RENTALS to the directors at the annual been fined $6,000 and given a sponsible for parking and sale Save 88.00 Oa 800 GaSons AT THIS PRICE! prove a proposed $6,615 Job of It, not to fill up deficlenriea” re- had a dual responslbiUty . . . don’t mind paying for toe high Burkamp, who argued at CatakU’s love of fishing and badges. budget hearing at the WaddeU be spent for. We all rtiouM have one-year suspended sentence on hunting goes back about 35 of tickets at the door. Tickets 84-Hour Burner Service personnel officer, which Martin sulting from raiderfineaclng by one to the pupil but also one school; but I have been com- length against police depart- Eye Nike Site School auditorium, Broiul St., spoken up when the budget was a charge of understating his in- yean, and serves as a great also may be obtained from any or LEASING bad out from the budget sub- the town. A suggested improve- to toe taxpayer who supplied pletely unable to accept toe ment requests for a replace- Cataldi and his group are last night. being drawn. come by more than $3,600 dur- oackdrop for his interest in pre- scout or cub unit or from Dis- mitted by tbe town controller. ment, he said, would be a ooet toe means tor education? Community. College. I don’t ment emergency truck, a new greatly interested in the sur- As a curative, she asked that ing 1958 and 1959. Delinlks had trict chairman Arthur Smith * All Mokes About 16 spoke, half of them T h « penionnol officer wtaild, of living pension increase ior "Seventy per cent of every think we need It.” serving Manchester’s nature plus Nlke-site land off Keeney McKinney “Neort year the board of educa- mechanic’s position on the pay- pleaded guilty Feb. 24 to one of or Dr. Barrett. Proceeds from calling with Sleith for sUbU- he sold, save the town money in the town’s penstoners, now on dollar spent in Mamtoester for spots for the younger genera- St., which the town may soon^ •All Modeb tion conduct public hearings Mrs. Ralph Lewis, Adams St., roll, and requests for materials two counts charging him with sale of tickets will be used to Lum ber and Supply Co. OVEN-READY Izatlon of the town’s present the long run by working out a fixed income. town administration goes to tldn. purchase. when it la drawing Its budgets, questioned details of the budget to erect street name signs. filing an inaccurate federal in- further Blackledge scouting. • A ll Times 42-mill tax rate, the rest ask- merit pay plaa, new pay grades, Criticism of tbe proposed ed- schools. 'What’s left, after this Cataldi was bom in Hartford Although part of the area so that next year It may indeed but asked the full appropriation Sinsigalli, who complained come tax return. U.S. District Est. 1947— Bolton ing for support from the direc- and a reclaaelflcatlon plan that ucation budget— which amounts giant maw is satisfied, must on Jan. 3, 1914, the son of A n - will be used as a distribution be a budget of the people." requested by the board of edu- the "little people” are being Court Judge M. Joseph Blumen- tors for part or all of General the town’s emi4oyes ate ask- to $6,220,825 of the proposed take care of our town gen'em- thony and Dorothy Cataldi. reservoir site, much of it will be First Ran 180 Days Paul Dodge Pontiac Not all the voices ra li^ last cation be granted. There’s no "brainwashed" and all tax bene- feld yesterday placed Delinlks Tel. 643-2141 Manager Richard Martin’s pro- ing. $9,009,662 total town budget— ment, streets, poUce, fire de- When he was but an infant available for recreation and INC. posed 1064-65 town budget night were opposed to the doubt, she said, that each year fits are going to the "big peo- on probation and ordered him 373 M A I N S T R E E T He also asked (xioalderation come from Winslow Manches- partment, and all toe other my- ple.’’ his fam ily moved to E ast H art- park use, and the TOC wants a Tehran—Xerxes, am ancient Mra Eleanor L. Gowen, 60 budget recommendations. Jo- “the education budget takes to pay all taxes and penalties for a longevity pay piovMon ter, 263 Hollister St., an Eighth riad of services that we luive ford, where he attended schools. hand in its development. king of Persia, was host at a Ph^ne 649-2881 seph G. Tripp. 887 Hilliard St, quite a whipping." Parker, who said he believes due. Plsnnouth Lane, the dissident District director. a right to expect. Holes in our His parents still Uve in East Attending a meeting of the feast that lasted 180 days. that MEX3 Is backing. member of the Cttlsens Advis- a school prbicipal in South "You can’t vote against edu- streets are unimportant so long Others who asked that the tax Hartford. Conservation Commission Is Windsor, asked for adoption of Georn Bingham, president of ory Council on the Community cation and you can’t speak as we have audio-visual gym- table be stabilized were Charles W^ile in school, he played a like stepping within the covers FOR TURKEYS College, asked that the directors the budget as presented by Gen- Union Local 901 o f the A m e r- Morrison, 423 E. Center S t ; lot of , and his love of 16 - 24 Lbs. A y m g * Limit against It," he observed, but the cracks in (xir sch(x>lB. of an Audubon Society pamph- WED. ONLY! retain the $25,000 budget cut in eral Manager Martlp— and ican Federation of State, Coun- Daniel Maloney, 186 Irving St.; the game resulted in his elec- "facts of the situation rtiow "Manchester has no more let, for Cataldi and his six co- like oonummlty llege budget cited delays In a public works ty and Municipal Emfrioyea Kenneth Kurkamp, 75 Laurel ANNUAL DINNER DANCE tion, in 1962, to the post of that administration and over- ec(XK>mic right to support a members are full of plans, and recommended by General Mana- project aa being responsible for (AiFL-aiO), said the l(x:al also St; Frank Sinisgalli. 30 Falk- treasurer of Manchester’s Little Cosmetics head costs of education have school budget lui grandloee as ST. BR ID G ET’S R O SAR Y S O a E T Y await only a "go ahead" to re- AMERICAN LEGION ger Martin. serious injuries to a Waddell supports the innpoeed longevity nor Dr.; and Franklin Parker, Zjoague. risen (disproportionately) in the this one is than the average MEMBERS and GUESTS serve Manchester lands for The toiyn’s ooat of maintain- School child who fell iiito an pay, and asked that the town 30 Academy St. In 1987, Cataldi married the IT’S past several years. Manchester resident earning permanent park and preserve ing the college had been repre- open eewer excavation near the consider paying the ooet of Blue Specific interests were ex- former Clementina KazalskI of areas. "Th6 teachers aren’t getting $140 per week has In sending PURE PORK sented laist yeetr, when the town school last year. Ooaa for employes’ families as pressed by: Lowell, Mass., and the couple (the pay increases),’’ he said. his kid to high school in a SATURDAY, APRIL 11 Although the TCC is com- organized It, a « decreasing each "Each year the pirofeeaional wSU aa for the kidividual em- settled in Manchester, first on " I f you lot some of the jieople brand new CatoHlac obnverUble. Morrison, who was critical of posed of both Democrats and Liggefts staff of the city prepare public ploye, as It now doee. S t Lawrence S t, then Ridge- year am enrollment Increased. in charge do more work and “It might make him proud, the size of the proposed police republicans, an onlooker would B ut the $140,000 the board of works plans for the city, and Speaking as secretary of the K of C HOME wood S t, and, in 1952, at their hire fewer aesistants,’’ he said, but it Is a foolish and dangerous department budget, at $480,776 never know it, since politics At The Parkade education le asking for the col- present them to your board. Town Pension Board, Atty. present address, 33 McKinley never enters into any of its dis- WED. cost" could be cut. thing, even as H Is for M an- from $438,000 last year; of the lege for the cxxnlni year would Then the great horror of taxes Jamee Higgins asked the direc- DINNER 7:30 P.M.— DANCING 9-1 cussions or plans. MANCHESTER "The only way to get the chester." "regardless of expense’’ atti- 8 O’CLOCK—LEGION HOME, LEONARD ST. SAUSAGE require at least $60,000 from Is brought to the fore. There are tors to approve the pension message across to the Ixwrd of Raymond Blanco Jr., 136 Hol- tude which he says caused win- BINGO LU-JOY’S ORCHESTRA A t the time of his marriage, Two Children ONLY 1-LB. the town, assuming an enroll- many needed projects on the board’s full $142,487 request, Cataldi was working for the How Cataldi manages to fol- education is to cut their budg- lister St., asked the directors ter snow removal operations to ment of ISO fu ll-r im students. shelf because of a lack of Martin has proposed a total of DONATION^$7.50 PER COUPLE Gotham Towel Supply Co., but low his sportsman activities and et," he said. Other town de- "to set some kind of limits" for be too expensive: of “School In September 1939 he went to still belong to other fraternal EVERY W EDNESDAY NIGHT ROLLS w ork for Pratt and WTjltney’s organizations airways amazes his MEAT East Hartfordi plant in the as- wife and two children, Joan, 19, sembly department, and in 1946 and Joseph Jr., 15. M OTO'S was elevated to his present po- Yet, he Is an active member sition of foreman. of the Manchester Lodge of His love of sports, carried Ehks,' Campbell Council, FUEL C O . over from his youth, led him to Knights of Columbus, and Brian 367 M A I N ST. coach, for two years, a West McMahon Assembly, Fourth EAST HARTFORD Side Rec midget basketball Degree Knlghte. He and Ms FOR EXPERT team, and to take up bowling. family are active communicants WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING Likes to B

BRAND NEW 1964 IL E iO T j ARTCTj FULL 9 0 PROOF COM ET T H E P E R F E CT B LE ND E D W H IS K Y ^WORLD’S onsiif u ffu fto //lut A 'p u ju u iju 'to 'J to ite ,* DURABILITY and the best way I know to be a friend is to five you the finest quality blend I can at the lowest possible price. I hope you enjoy H a s much CHA M PION WINDOW as I’ve enjoyed making it for you I MOST HONORED CAR IN ’64 SHADES Mod# to Ordar SALES UP 131% ALSO most modern PrMldMt Throughout The UJS.A. VENETIAN BUNDS Enjoy those other fine 0 Dim OMHIav 08b, Dart, Bring your old roUers la and save U e per shade "202" 2-DOOR SEDAN Full family-size car; Big 114" wheelbase. $457 ...4/5 QUART Traditional record of high resale. Fuel oA i| tlia moife -rn r>A ^ hems M l PWStt MCLUK SM It DUC heating method. It io the ably ftwl OLDE Price includes: Standard transmission, heater, dietflled and refined ipedficeny for BOURBON MWTUCKY SYKAIGHT defrosters, oil filter, air cleaner, dual signal STRAIOHT •OMBON WHISKY efficient, (dean home heating. Com- MPKOOF lights, wheel discs, 2 year coolant.. .and OURBON WHISKY 86 PROOF DELIVERED1995 IN MANCHESTER pact, xnodam ofl-pewend ftmiaoea Ford Motor Co. 2 year or 24,000 mile war­ are eo effisethm and efficient that, 8195 DO W N — 36 MONTHS TO PAY ranty. FEDERAL LABEL LIST PRICE $2178. in moet caeea they pay Bor tiMm-

rtlvee in a few ehort yeaii. In odd io YIAR OLD Gonnectieiit, 8 oat of 10 home- Charcoal London Charcoal Also enjoy ownen know Uiat only oil heat ie Parfactad Dry I Filtered E. A. JOHNSON IK PROOF MPKOOF GOLD LABEL oounfoortahle and economlcaL Whlaky a lighter version of MPKOOF SLENDiO SCOTCH PAINT 00. W HISKY. 16 PROOF the Perfect Blerided Whltlqf Moriarty Brothers PHONE 649-4501 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL—BIERCURY MONTEREY, MERCURT METEOR, MERCURY rOMET—W if.i.V JEEP ALL PRICES 723 M A IN ST. MANCHESTER BETTCR HEAT OOUNOn. 90.6 PRCX)F M I S * 301-315 C EN T ER STREET A T B R O A D ST^ O PEN E V E N IN G S, 643-5135 INCLUOE SALES TAX Read Herald Ads. . / \

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ^CHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL T, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 Bolton bnok and forth without doing damage Reg^ion 8 to anybody until suddenly somebody's Waiting Ifpralh blood goes up and he’s trying for a Connecticut, P B C Opens Bids April 20 knockout Down in Brasil, obvioiisly, Rham Budget somebody's trying to lock things up for a Yankee F f oSfiNC spell, tiihtly enough to guarantee that On Industrial Arts Gear todciv tha forces of the wild left won't be com- BjA.H.0. Approved by ing out for another round for quite a Republicans, In ganaral, hava The publio building mmis-<^Saturdsy afternoon selling 1. u n while ' eoncantratsd on that asotlon of slon will open bids on indus- Ilghtbulb packages to raise , Close Vote h a m b u r g e r s , Let us hope it stays at such a level. tha State's Attorney’s feport qn trial arts equipment for the Jun- money for toe purchase of band Offl toe su te Highway Department ior-senior high school April 20 equipment and uniforma. By a margin of only five Let us hope the nice revolution which which might indicate something Anyone who can help by driv- got the almost immediate approval of of a case against Oommtsslonsr at 8 p.m. at the C00 specifications which may havs Arnold Lawrence had advertised SEcotIto •••••••••••••••«•* 11 to try to build lUelf security on blood The annual misaion board zens of Hebron, Andover and : look for tke {oldon arch es. . . McDonaM’s * B I C O B t l l B f t ' ctuistitutsd favoritism. Demo- for bids, which are to be mailed and Sunday school teachers’ Marlborough meeting at the ; 46 WEST CENTER STREET ICOBUi and tyranny. crats, in general, have concen- to the PBC or submitted be- potiuck supper of Bolton Con- school. MBMBmor trated on that section of toe re- tween 7:30 and 8 p.m. gregational Church will be The vote, which came after SILVER LANE EXTENSION TUB A8BOCU1AnocuniD______paitiSB port which concerned speclfle The PBC has been requested held Friday at 6:30 In Fellow- two hours of discussion, was 79 The Aseociatwl foeei ie escJusIvelr uitttled relationships between under- e me nee at repAHoatloa el all n*ws die> by the architect to decide about ship Hall. Dr. Arthur Rindon, for approval and 74 against. tehee credltad w it or not etberwiM eredl^ Hubeeng Arid Notyets ling individuals In tos depart- surfacing of the driveways and executive aecretary of the The only for-mal move to reduce In tala paver and aiae the local aewe pub- ment and outside Indivldaala parking area at the new school Greater Hartford (Jouncll of toe budget waa one which ] _h#d htrt. Hare warrants havs been is- All rlsfets at rapobUoaUoa ol apeelsj din- The television industry is about to be so that it can be coordinated Churches, will speak on "Asia.” would have cut out toe $966 to . patehea Boraln are also reaerred. sued,, reforms Inside tha depart- with toe contractor. The con- This officially opena the mission be paid In commissions on in- HAVE YOU AN given a research miracle we doubt it ment itself have been instigat- tractor's supplemental bid for course of study. surance premiums. Superb The Borald Priatlas Oonmaar, ine., as- wants. ed, and it is being held that the paving was deleted before the Anyone who has not been EVENT SCHEDULED imaa no ftnanctaJ reepoeelDllI^ for typO' doings of such underlings cast Many items In the budget' graphlcat errors appearlns la adTertleements It is a radar truck which can drive up contract was awarded. At this contacted should call Mrs. Har- were questicned, such as the THAT CALLS for wo other raadlac matter fat The Hancbeeter no reflection on too department time members of the PBC had ry Goodwin. Iremns Borald and down any street and compile an ac- commissioner. amount for textbooks, number FOOD? JbU Ihrrlee cUeat ot N, B. A Scrrica, lac. talked with the town road fore- The Tolland Laymen's School and compensation of custodial ( ^ V J ja ReprasentauTes — ‘Xhe Julias curate notation of the channels to which But there Is a middle section man about having the town do of Religion, sponsored by the Mathews gpedaf Asoae; — New Torii Chl- staff, librarian and nursea sal- It may be a wedding, a ban- j and Boston. the television seU on that street are of toe report submitted by the paving out of bond issue Tolland Association, starts aries. Most of the questions ap- SEB//QE quet or Just an Informal get- __ ^___ AUDIT BURBAD OF CmCDlA- tuned. State’s Attorney John LaBelle funds. Thursday, April 16, at 'Vernon ^peared to come from Hebron together of a society, lodge or TJOK which nobody seems to want to The PBC will send a letter to Congregational Church from 8 The radar can monitor an area three residents. Hebron’s share of the some friendly gronp. IXaplay adroctlMag eieleslBg keuboon: touch. the selectmen asking If the to 10 p.m. Further Information Recognized for Service budget rose from $166,000 last War Monday — 1 pja FHd». 1 blocks deep on either side of the street town Is interested in doing the may be obtained from folders This is toe section of ths re- Red and white "Holy Innocents Guild" shoulder patches were presented last Friday to 13 year to $190,000 this year. We Are Prepared to 7M- l^oaday — 1 p j nL .------M o n d a y- . Every television set, whan it is tuned port in which Is told toe story Job and If the Job should, by in the church vestibule. For WoteosdayII MIIIIMMIIMJ — *1 pjn. yiaii. Tnoaday. Aiewetsw^, teen-agers. In recognition of their services In teaching religion to a group of handicapped A motion was passed to For Ttmmflay — 1 p.m. Wodnoaday. to a certain station as a receiving of how a company called ths ordinance, be let out to bid. The church world service used tranfer $4,315 to cover June 30, Serve You to Your For IMday — 1 n.m. TImraday. set A large part of the PBC clothing collection is being held children at St. Jamas' School. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Edward Reardon, pastor of St. James', also functions, fainUy, as a transmitting Church Street Parking (Jo., in and Harry F. Smith, the director of the pro-gram, made the presentations. The Instructors, 1964 operating deficit. For iainiday — 1 p.m. Friday. Hartford, haying acquired land meeting was taken up with let- this month. Collection boxes will Complete Satisfaction Oaaatflod dtadUna: 10:10 ajn. aach day a( station. ters to end from the arohitect be In toe entrance to the Edu- from left to right, are Brian Jeffries, Kathy Fitzgerald, Jeannette Amirault, Marianne John H. 'Veomans of Andover foMleatlsa aseapt Saturday — t Am. from which the sUte had to Smith, Debbie Wllk, Nancy Rourke,-*Kathy Carroll, Julia Sardella and Carol Infante Not was moderator. Our (mtering service is set. up take for Its East-West Hij^iway about various aspects of con- cation Building April 19 through This is what the electronic truck picks structlon. 30. •' present when the picture was taken were Sandl Bender, Cathy Conlon, Marsha Kriatoff to be flexible enough to ac- up. through the city, wound up get- and Mary Ellen Bottum. (Herald photo by Saternts,) commodate any size gathering. Tuaaday, April T « ting back from toe state more A short discussion as to The advisory committee voted K of C Setback whether or not there is a need to place 8 box for contributions Why not call us and talk over So here, almost ready for the televi- land than the sUte had pur- the details ? chased, plus some cash. for a new elementary school to Friends of the Andover Com- She stayfed In Eng- Doves, 2478; Esquires, 2404; sion industry if it really wants to know, ended the meeting. mittee for Equality In the $t'4 million,, alleging breach of : Eighth District, 2349; MELCO, is the way to find out what the ratingrs The easiest guess as to Why X land, working on "Guns o( Ba- contract. PoUtidsfls Tcm; Psopk No Chairman Douglas (Jheney church vestibule. tasl," but on March 20 she 12334; Markhams. 2271; North really are—find out which programs ' neither toe Republicans nor the asked, where does the urgency The Congregators’ meeting Sellers, a hard worker. Has .Ends, 2257; Shamrocks, 2229, Democrats want anything at all Has Heart Attack abruptly left toe picture and been known to play as many as ' and Ramblers, 2228, really do have the audience. start? (Jommisslon member has been moved to April 17. Joined her husband here. Since seven different parts In one GARDEN GROVE This avaninf tha political inajority on to do with even commenting on Robert Warfel said that enum- Bolton Grange will meet Fri- I High single. Eighth District, If the television industry can be de- this story Is the guess that It (Continued from Page One) then 20th Century-Fox has sued movie. During the last year he TELEPHONE 649-5313—649-5314 tha town Board of Dlractora facaa tha 'eration flgures show projected day at the Community Hall at Seilers and Miss Eklund for 1129, first, and Shamrocks, 119, tected shuddering at the prospect, that may be a story In which both enrollment remaining about the 8 p.m. for inspection night. Mr. made five movies. second. unpleasant and tha unenviable task of parties meet In an atmosphere until w# can get Peter Sellers is understandable. same. Keqneth Matthews, who and Mrs. John Malone are in back." trying to decide Just when to invite tha and context neither party wanU Ala lisson tetween toe PBC and charge of refreshments. Mem- voters of Manchester to render their ver> We all have an Instinctive fear of the to have advertised. the board of education, said that bers are asked to bring items The actor, one of the most diet on the rather long and the extremely unknown. Perhaps another n e ss why versatile of British comedians, a school would not be needed to the meeting for toe auction was taken by ambulance to the debatable list of proposed town charter nobody wants to touch this par- now if the kindergartens are table at a Pomona Grange meet- A well-fortified ignorance is telecast- ticular story Is the nature of not Included in the elementary ing In Columbia the following hosplUl where his condition was changes. ing bliss. the final paragraph in ths school and the stibstandard first reported as "very severe." night. Later, a hospitol bulletin aald, , llie shrewdest political decision tha And a little knowledge of what peo- Bute's Attorney's discussion of rooms are still used. He said Mrs. Alan Leventhal, chair- the board of education must "Mr. Sellers suffered a mcxler- party involved could make might be to * pie really like could be a most upsetting tola case. man of the Cancer Drive, re- ate heart atUck, and his condl that puts money to work for people •chedule a special referendum devoted "It is interesting to nots," wa make toe decision. ports that she has received Uon was listed as fair. He’s ex- and potentially dangerous theing. If the board of education about 20 per cent of toe town’s to the charter changes alone. quote ."tost Irving Schwarts, pected to be hospitalized for We think the television industry the president of toe Church votes for a new elementary $490 quota in toe first six days school, (Jheney said, then the several weeks." That would at least minimise the two would rather grope its way along, philo- Street Parking (Jompany, is the of the mall appeal. Sellers’ bride of two months, same Irving Schwarts who dur- planning commission and the The fire department will drill dangers. Involved. sophically resigned to the fact that board of finance would be Swedish actress Britt Eklund, ing 1954-19S9 received more than tomorrow at 7 p.m. 21, a beauteous blonde, said her One of these dangers is that other everybody wants to watch a western one glO0,O(X) as o(Hninissions from brought in to the picture. husband had no previous history much more worth while , proposltiona year, that everybody wants to watch a To Interview Candidates Manchester Evening Herald tos agent of record handling The board of education will in- of ill health. placed on the voting machine in com- private eye show the next year, that tos stats of OonneoUcut insur- Bolton correspondent, . Cleme- Their honeymoon was Inter terview the second of two can- well Young, telephone 648-89S1. rupted when he came here to do pany with these proposed charter ' everybody wants something else next ance." didates for the position of gui- changes might suffer from the nature year, and so on, and let the network Laat spring, when toe flrst dance counselor in executive of the company they were forced to termites, devils and discards get the rest list of those who had received session at 7:30 tonight in the r«F5P»*s«was*i*:»- ies'of toe original document a ed for 8 p.m. Unfinished busi- them. hasbeens of bygone days udienever it itams which had bean ocrahelMd ness on the agenda includes re- An innocent, constructive proposal like has a programming gap, than consider out, with ink the oopying ma- naming of Bolton Elementary the posslbUlty that people might like to School, naming of the high North Bnd renewal, looking forward to AN EGYPTIAN CAT BEFORE CLEOPATRA Athw.ui». Hartford chine ignored, on toe original. achool gym and library, kinder- Closad Mondays the possibiHty of a modem and better see and hear somebody new and not fa- Evantually, aa toe current garten housing for 196i-<5, re- Manchester, should not be forced to go mous or infamous yet THIS GRAND and graceful State's Attorney’s report has port of the conference with the befofo the voters la company with a This has been mostly the year of the Oraeoo-Bgyptlan cat in bronas now reoailed, ths asms omitted first selectman concerning hasbeens. When it hasn’t been that, it date* from thb 2nd century B.C. from toe flr^ list became one snow removal at the high proposal for tearing down the crucial of toe great big names on tos sbhnol, and elementary achool secUona of the new town charter. has gone to the other extreme, and spe- and now resides In tbs perma- nent collection of the Wads- final list. Other than to Identify prmxjsal. i clallxed in presenting the notyets, these Jimmy toe name as one connected with The superintendent will nom- , And it is obvious enough that the po- worth Atocneum. In Egypt, the inate candidates for an English Htica^ party Involved, by its own report- being iMldren under the age of 10. Billion-Dollar Bet toe parking lot operation in What’s it going to be next year? We cat was toe sacred symbol of Hartford, however, no one teacher and a science teacher | ed dedaion to schedule the referendum Bast, tos lion-hsadsd or cat- for the high school and for haven’t the fmntest Idei^ but we do know seemed able to offer an expla- on charter changes this spring, does not Breslin headed goddess, who symbeilized nation which mads this alloca- three slpmentsry positions. Lig-! that a knowledge of what people really toe life-producing p policeman off the street corner Methodist (Jhurch will hold s Tlyinsr For A Knodcoot? fatally disturb. that machine in toe lobby keeps ^ knows, his own Investigation smorgasbord Saturday with plastic tops are balanced UNDERNEATH flicking new numbers onto toe A walk through the dixls mel, the owner, is going to be and put him in our hearts.” This of those same state insurance Most of the much-enduring stands of oups and beer can-strewn mud sittings at 6 and 6:30. Re.serva- with plastic in order to prevent warping! Then there are those wistful souls screen and opening day is that one of tos mors spsctsoular sui- commission disbursemenU toe redwood have either been logged off, or much closer. of the Worlds Fair yesterday cides we’vs had. is fundamentally tha * central tlons should be made as soon as This group has a 42 x 42 x '59-inch top in among us who want revolutions to be will be cut down on private lands. Some point of toe C2irtsUan faith. probe of the laat General As- possible with Mrs. Herald Lee i This is a one billion dollar bet, afternoon seemed to back up "This was a sign painting sembly brought to light, and white stardust. Chairs are smartly styled eonducted with moderation and to re- forests have been preserved, or so the Mr. Dominick’s statements. A store," Isay was explaining, Jesus knew that ths real decl- or Mrs. Michael Goldsnider. | conservationists thought, by a combina- the World’s Fair, and very skNia ^ the true force of life then turned over to toe sUte's Mrs. Arnold McKinney is gen- with exposed posts, $99.50. Others from sult in perfect Justice. tion of private gifts or public appropria- shortly now, the money and the cold rain, driving down from "and I built thia whole pUcs, attorney’s office for such fur- $69.50. a chlUsd sky, threw gloom, onto carpets, upstairs room; tos came 'not from legaHsm with- eral (;hairman. We never learn. We never, really give tions—and many acres of this parkland effort and the thinking behind out, but foom'Control within. He ther digging as It might consid- Members of the school band it are going to be out playing tos grounds. The empty bhild- works, right from scratch. If up. Ihe fact that each revolution inevit- are set aside as memorials to children Inge, with the ripped plastic pointed constantly to a right- er proper. There could be an- will visit all homea in Bolton ‘ or s See Your Ajent Broker who have died or men who have fallen the dangerous game of pleas- anything goes wrong with tos •ouaasM which exceeded that of other report coming out of his See Your Agent or Broker ably disappoints us does not deprive us in their country’s service. Among the ing the public. sheets (Hi tha outsides flapping Fair and the MeU and I don’t in tos wind, gave tha f e r i ^ ths Seribss and Pharisees. "For office some day, wMh another of naive hope for the next one. latter is the National Tribute Grove in But as of yesterday, the New get psopls, iin going to flU my out of the heart,’' said Jesus, cross reference. Jededlah Smith State Park. York World’s Fair was in tos that you were walking through mouth with water and hoid it QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923! It has always been permissible to hope hands of people like Mr. Dom- a summer beach resort on a in there until Tm dMd." ooms evil thoughts, murder, ^•*1 regard to revolutions in Brasil. It is proposed to slash a freeway wlntsr’a day. adultery, fornication, theft, false through the Grove. Highway Jieople inick, who comes from 16th "Water can’t kill you that witness, slander. These are That is reahy a relatively civUised coun- argue that they want to make the scen- Avenue in Brooklyn and is a "Wa’U be only 10 per cent way,” lamy was told. proud member of Liooal 1536, what defile b man. The heart, 164 EAST CENTER ST. tiT- It has accomplished more changes ery accessible to tourists (traveling at off when we open," Bill Don- "Yes It can.” be aaid. "Bs- than, is where polics action M Herald of power or regime with fewer human 60 to 70 miles an hour). But the prac- Carpenter's Union. Mr. Dom- oghue, the preee oMaf, promis- oausa with the water, Tm also needed. tical point is that state parkland la Inlek had his hands encased in ed. "And by that 10 per cent going to stick a shotgun into MANCHESTER ^ 649-5261 ■cratches than any self-governing area cheapter to convert into freeways than a pair of White Chief gloves, I d(m’t mean there will be a my mouth." Kay Ohaae HoUis Jr., Yesterdayg. in history. private property and, the authorities which are canvas and have a ragged look to It. The place w4U US4 Newipaper PuMlahsn Associate Minister But it may be that even Brasil even- argue, they owe it to the public to give -Brnaleata South Methodist Church. 25 Years Ago Ample Parking Front and Rear tually comes to the conclusion that there the cheapest possible transportation. can be too much of a good thing, like The sacrilege that California plans to Tow msrohants rspoct heavy perpetrate is so blatant—the freeway b^t in salsa of rakes; rssi- civilised revolutions. route is a plain violation of the trust pesparing for Oiambsr P e ih ^ , somebody has thought, that of those who contributed to the Tribute of ComiAsroe's Clean-U^ FU- "Before Lesssa Happen, Insure With Lappen!" With Hartford National’s new “Credit First” Mortgage Plan, you know Is the reason they happen so often, and Grove—that it is Just possible the con- Up Week. from so many different angles—that no- crete tide will be averted from the great Selectmen

RockviUe’ V ernon Ushed fr.eedom of the presa, dis- Struck the left rear of the Hen- Obituary Charter Items Tops MacArthur Given Homage banded the "thought police." Driver Arrested eel vehicle, police said. Darwin Sentenced, MacArthur’s next big step was Wisconsin’s Primary FOR RENT Mrs. Hansel's daughter, Inge- to draw up a constitution which On Road Charge berg, 10, received a whiplash In- ■ and 16 BUiL Movie P n )M > Rosedale Residents Win made the emperor a vague In history-Laden Armory jury but did not require hoapl- tore - eoqad or ■Ueet, alie "symbol of state" and outlawed M eun. elide prejeeton. U1 treatment, police eaid. Death Oaim s On Agenda Tonight war as an Instrument of nation- A Test of Rights Bill A 26-year-old Chestnut St. Defense to Appeal tttm Bate One) Both vehicles wsrs drivsn WELDON DRUO CO. Acceptance of Area Roads al policy. leading to the second floor Im- motorist yesterday afternoon awsy by ths motorists, and In the years that followed, he Ml Mala St-—TeL dtS-Mli Inalde, the floral tributea In- mediately catches the eye. was charged with following too Walther was ordersd to sppesr <¥•- Mrs. Clulow Acceptance or rejection of a imiltitud# of chsrUr po- instituted a sweeping land ra- (Confined from Page One) by a favorite ■on. Rep. John (Coatlmied from Psg« One) Sind his attorneys studied the Roaedale residents last nighty sic St.; Gregory Evenson, 44 It is a double staircase. If you In Manchester’s ClrcuR Court sion proposals will hMdIine the boSrd oi dirdetort cluded a . huge rainbow ot flow- form program, gave women the Byrnes. closely when police investigat- paper briefly and then the A n - jeered Seymour Davitt, Vernon's Mountain St.; Mrs. Wllllamina belong to a certain company, 12 on April 20 by Pstrobnsn ers from the SSnd Dlviaion, the vote, revised the ultra-conserva- "a patriot and a leader in whom ed a car-truck accident on E. dover man waa returned to the 'Mrs. Rebecca Atkinson Clu- representative to the Capitol Lockhart and son, 88 Grand agenda, when it meets at 8 tonight in the Munieipsl you must always mount the one Rsjmond Mazzone. tioned Uw procedure under a tive educational system and ob- we can all taka pride" was read KANSAS CTTY. Mo. (A P )-In cooiple8e eelectiQR at bench warrant laaued for Dar- smalt detention cell near the low, 49. of 30 Foster 8t„ moth- Region Plannli^ Agendy. Ave. Building. The board is expected to accept, but not untni "Raliibow Divlaion" MacArthur on the right. You may spend the Middle Tpke., near Vernon St. tained financial assistance from an unusual referendum directly No arrests nor injuries were win’a arreat Dec. 8. court entrance. er of Miss Beatrice I. Clulow, About 100 Roeedale inhabi- Admitted yesterday: Tolande mously, all the recommends-^ helped organVM and command- rest of your life wondering what at a testimonial dinner for the Police said that Carlton W al- hoA, ddkioiM the United States which permit- on the Issue, Kansas City voters reported in tv/o other two-vehl- The motion waa answered by Darwin was convicted of the manager of The Herald busi- tants packed the town meeting Soucy, Kingsbury Ave. Ext.; tlons of the Charter Revision It would be like to go up the governor Saturday night in expired portion of the terM ef ed in hatUe in World W ar i. ted Japan to rebuild Its shat- today will affirm or repeal nn tlter, 26, of 20 Chestnut S t. cle sccidcnts yesterday, on# Atty. Etalo G. Gnuttl, special Sept, 18 slaying of 17-year-old ness office, died last night at to vote fo r acceptance of the Harriet Northrop, Ellington; Commission, Including the con- left stairs. of which occurred st 8:15 S.m. the late W alter B. rdx. Another wreath, tram the tered Industry and finally em- Madison by Postmaster Gener- ordinance extending racial had been looking in the rear assistant to the state's attorney Hope Rothwell. She disappear- Manchester Memorial Hospital roada in the area. Lavitt tried Barbara Shepardson, Bolton; troversial biennial mandatory The Oriental rugs are not on St ths Center wee minor, and (11) To appoint i AiamMr t« Franconia AthleUc and Qvlc bark on the read to its present al John Qronouskl. Gronouskl, equality to taverns, places of and who conducted the people's ed while en route to her home after a short illness. She was unsucceatfully to prevent "a Bryan Twohig, Buff Cap Rd.; review of the general manager's the floor of the big drill shed. view mirror and failed to see Involved 4 town truck; and an the building eommltUe fo r the Aieoclatlon, bora the words; prosperity. former state tax commissioner, amusement and other businesses case against Darwin. after attending a 4-H meeting the widow of John G. Clulow. tremendous inequity" from Barbara Rankin, EUingtoo; performance, and it will prob- They are In exquisite rooms a forward car. driven by Mrs. 11:45 p.m. two-car crash at ‘RufifiEft Sie v e d unexpired portion of the ttSM "Te one old aoldier who will adjoining it. MacArthur's land reform pro- returned to the state Friday to which seek the patronage of tlie Atty. Onutti spoke briefly at the Toliand Agricultural Always alert and willing to cloaking Vemon'a other 21,800 Clarence Noad, 43 Market S t: ably set May 12 or May 19 as public Erika M. Hensel of Rt. 31, Cov- Hartford and Waddell Rds., in CANDIKS conform to modem trends, Mrs. residents. of Thomas D«uran4A< w M hes never feds away." The regiment grew out of the gram, which strengthened the help Reynolds campaign. entry. stop to make a left turn. against each point made by Center in Vernon. Darwin was John Madden, 88 Village St.;' the referendum date for voting About 209,000 are eligible to -ru. i » --.vwhich one vehicle was towed reaignsd. Servicea wove conducted by old volunteer militia. conservative fanning class, was White House press secretary Shea. Gnutti told Judge Lolselle. present at the meeting. Clulow flew by jet plane last At stake was acceptance of Nancy Krpata, Broad Brook; on the questions. vote in this city of 478,000 with I P ' * Iront headlight of the away with moderate left side (12) To eoneldSr 4 proposal clergymen ot throe feiths before For many years the militia's credited with preventing Japan George Reedy said Monday •■I think that your honor gave Her body was found four days year to Fremont, Ohio, to four roads in the Rosedale sec- Peter Koss, Old Town Rd. The Republican minority of about 80,000------.•fNegroes, truck was smashed as Walther fender damage. tion of rural 'Vernon. The roads, by tha Farmansnt Msmortal the opening ef the arm ory on main duties were putting from swinging to the left. At the night in Washington the tele- long consideration to the points later in a loneiy wooded sec- spend her birthday with her Births yesterday: A son to three on the hoard has girded Frank Martin, chief clerk of all in sub standard condition, Day Committss thdt the Civil park avenue at S7th street to the down riots and strike dttturb- same time, he was criticized for gram was ".solely and simply a Involved." tion off Dockerel Rd. in Tol- son, E. Donald Clulow, and his Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunilng, for one last ditch fight. In an the Board of Election Comml.«- family. This was her first plane will be repaired according to War Status In Center Fark be nublie. They were the Rt. Rev. ances. permitting Communists to re- telegram which was sent to a He said that Connecticut law land ju.st over the Vernon town 1 West Rd.; a daughter to Mr. attempt to reject several of the sloners. guessed the turnout trip. She was accompanied by action approved laat night at Heads Builders turned, ao that it fSOSS the Cen- Horace W. R. Donegan, Episro- It did not get into battle in the sume legal activity. Democratic fund raising dinner, Qttiss’t PbanuMy makes it quite clear that the line. The discovery was made and Mrs. Raymond Csinz, 54 revision proposals, but Its oppo- would run 25 to 40 per cent— her daughter. an eatimated cost of 840,000, ter. It new faces South. Ml Wehop of New York; the Civil War, but did man the Many of hls occupation poli- which as far as we were in- RELAXATION . . . REFRESHMENT! 878 M A I N srr. court decides upon the volun- during the second massive Prospect St. Salvatore Filloramo, president sition will probably be more dra- 80,000 to 80,000. Bom June 14. 1874, in Derry Placement of the road accept- (13) To hear 4 rseommends- Rev. T. J. Finlay, rector defenses of Washington and cies were attacked from one formed, was being given in hon- tariness of evidence, not the search around the site where of the Filloramo Construction matic than effective. Robert P. Lyons, rochalrman McFall. Portadown, Ireland, ance on the call of a town Dieoharged yesterday; Emma tlon by the Manchester QSfeiOp- of fit. Rfirthoiomew'i Episcopal quelled the bloody draft riots in quarter or another. Most of or of the governor of Wiscon- Jury. her abandoned car was found. Oo„ has been elected chairman In other actions tonight, the of the People for Public Accom- Mrs. Clulow was a resident of meeting w as the subject of s Vesper. 22 Whit# S t; ChrisUne ment Commission conCdtiUng church here and minister to tha New York. In the Spanish-Amer- them have survived intact. It is sin." Judge Lolselle then denied State and local police led an of the Cdntractors' Division of board will consider four addt- modations. predicted 86,000 vot- recent Connecticut Supreme Shea 81 Spring St; Mrs. Mary- MacArthur family Francis one of the ironies of history that The While House policy of not the motion. Shea asked that an Intensive investigation for three Manchester for 78 years, ex- the Manchester Chamber of ican War, the regiment stayed ers would approve the ordi- Court decision. According to ellen Carroll and son, 81 Ver- tlonal appropriations 82.900 for ^ Cardinal Spellman, Roman the chief supporters of hls no- Intervening In any primaries wednesdoy excerption bo noted. months before Darwin's arre.st. cept for a period from 1800 to Oenunerce, replacing James Mc- home, fearing it would be brok- nance S-to-i. state statute, the roada could non Ave.; Mrs. Jean Garrell and personnel retirement and ‘n- » '« '} . p -*"***® *^ Catholic archbishop of New w ar consUtutlon are the Social- still stands, he said. Atty. G r u 11 i immediately About 1,000 persons were ques 1916, when She lived in Utica, Carthy of McCarthy Ikvter- surance cosU, to be financed! To hear 4 report Of lU en up and Its members distrib- "A s far as I can tell, this so- FOR LUNCH was a not be accepted by the town, son. 26 Spring St.; Mrs. Carol York; and Rabbi M ax Schenk, ists and Communists who today moved for sentence, and without tioned. The investigation cen-1 „ ■ * • *■ member of prlses. subcommittee on refuse die- uted among other outfits. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kenne- called public accommodations thereby preventing normal Dollerls, Andover; Mrs. Marion from the Insurance fund; 83,500 resident 6/ the New York are the cmef Japanese critics of •paclal pause Darwin, his attorneys tered around the Public Safety i ^**'^*’" Congregational Church, Anthony Dzen of the Dzen posal, concerning developments "Unfortunately,” says an offi- dy aiso sent a message to the ordinance will be defeated about maintenance such a.*! snow plow- 'Johnson and son, 126a E. Main for the highway department, to Scard ot Rabbis. I the United States. It is this con- and several deputy sheriff.*! I Building In Vernon's rural area. | "'hich she joined in 1817. Construction Co. was re-elected within the Northeast Refuat cial history of the regiment, dinner, saying, "a substantial 3-to-l," said Tliurman L. Mr ing. Residents in Rosedale pe- St for the highway department, oi.trict Aaenev which laalunse Army, Navy, Air Force and I stitution which gives them the stood up. Darwin was arre.sted last | Survivors, besides her daugh- vice chairman. "because of a silence enforced victory for Reynolds’ slate will C -mlck, executive director uf titioned selectmen in 1857, ask- to be financed by reducing i includes Coast Guard enlisted men were ; right to criticize as they do. Sat Judge Lolselle who appeared December as he worked at: ter. with whom she made her The Contractor's Division by state authority, the full facts pay a deserved compliment to the As.*iociatlon for Freedom of LEMON ing that the roads be accepted. Vernon news Is handled by the appropriation for the Pub- towns, drilled so they would be perfect to be uncomfortable, delivered Pratt and Whitney Division in j home, and her son in Fremont, holds monthly meetings, to keep (16) To exempt, on e4rtlfl64- did not reach the press and the a great governor, but more Im- Choice. N o action was taken on the The Herald’s Rockville Bureau, lie Works Administration; in today’s funeral events. A the sentence in a low voice. East Hartford under a warrant 1 are another son, Stanley W . its members Informed of the tion by the t*ner41 m4A4t8r regiment was widely accused of portant, it will bol.*tter and rein- An ordinance prohibiting ra- petition. 6 W . Main St„ telephone 876- 82,000 for garbage collection man from each service was to ■When the judge finished John is.*!ued by County .Coroner B e r-' Clulow Sr. of Manchester; four trends in building, and of the that such fiction U in 0)4 M et cowardice.” Open Forum force those who arc making the cial discrimination in hotels, CHIFFO N The roads involved are and disposal, and 82,500 for stand exactly two paces from Yeomsms, court clerk, reached nard J. Ackerman. j grandchildren. Stanley W. 8186 or 648-2711. problems encountered and over- interesU of the town, IR ao66M- In World War I, the regiment good fight for human dignity in motels, and re.staurants went Juniper Lane, Llynwood Dr. , elections, both to be financed by ths casket's comer, frozen at Into a drawer at his desk, w rit- The following evening state | Clulow Jr. of Rockville, artd come locally. J once with the chfirtfir, t6wn helped smash the Hlndenburg the United States.” j into effect in Kansas City on You Can Tas^ The Quality and Cubels Dr. A fourth road, reducing the account for the attention. A Springtime Invitation ing briefly on a sheet of paper. police announced that Darwin John Clulow, Sarah Clulow and Filloramo. who has been a transactions with Sfiwfirfi H. Line, losing many men. In oil April 9, 1962, CAKE Sunningdale Rd., was later ad- cost of issuing bonds. The regimental armory, where To the Editor, Wallace has campaigned He faced Darwin and said, "I had confessed. Next day he was j Barbara Clulow. all of Fre- member of the chamber's board Glenney, a member of the M 4M ^ : I World W ar II, broken up Into opposition to “ the civil wrongs In September 1963, the Citv ded to the list. pie To all current and former I Routes 6 & 44A — Manchester, Conn. hand you here a notice of your arrested on a bench warrant mont. and several nieces and of directors, from 1962 to 1964, The board is also scheduled; of education; R. Michfiel Ouiah, ^ rolled ] various units. It operated In five bill,” he de.scrlptlon of the civil Council adopted an amendment In 1967, Judge Harry Lugg. Events steel, s ^ d a r d Arm y issue, was ^ from Okinawa to ths friends and aaeocistei of the right to have your sentence re- and taken to Tolland County nephews. came to Manchester in I960 ' (1 ) To consider accepting a a member of the fidvtlory b04M rights proposal pending In the ' specifically extending its cover- Each 8 3 c then town counsel, ruled that placed during the night on a Robertson School, formerly the viewed." State Jail to await trial. Funeral services will be held from New York City, and im- 837,500 low bid for constructing of health; William B. niorfiton, Rhine. U.8. Senate. age to taverns, places of amuse- the town could not legallv biack-draped catafalque. dates 8th District School; 1 He approached Darwin and A confession and testimony of '■ Thursday at 3 p.m. at the mediately formed his own con- the proposed Globe Hollow bath- a member of the rfifievele^ent Seven of Us members, or for- " I came to Wisconaln in an ment, sport.s and recreational bring acceptance of the roads to 166O. It is a red brick building On the 60th anniversary ol at Mil offered the paper. Darwin a re-enactment were ma.ior IW . P. Quish Funeral Home, In State struction company. house. commission; Leon A . 'Thfirp, mer members, have won Ihe effort to alert you to the dangers establishments, store.*!, auditor before a town meeting because topped by parapets. the Robertson School, the Anni- leaned over the full-sized table pieces of evidence entered by 225 Main St. The Rev. O lffo rd He resides at 375 S. Main St. (2) To allocate 810.000 in ad- chairman of the Civil Deffinie Medal of Honor. iums. dance halls, public meet of their width. Similar requests Ihe 7th Regiment, which drills versary Committee, and the of Sin ever growing powerful mayron** v and accepted the sheet. Darwin the state. O. Simpson, pastor of Center with hia wife, the former Marie ditional fund.s from the W ater advieory committee; Arid WfiltOr On the prosaic pentagon ta- Ing plaC'S, public transporta- ■ were made in 1968 and 1959. (Continued from Page One) there, is 111 years old, an out- P T A would like to welcome all federal government," he said Congregational Church, will Trapp, and the couple's five Department Reserve Fund to N. Leclerc, town treeeufer. bles of organization, the regi- tlon and trade and commercial ^ Then. In 1962. an association growth of colonial militia. Its of you and your frlend.s to an Monday night in a final cam - bake shops officiate. Burial will be in Bast sons, Frank, 22, William, 18, pay for thS water main installa- (16) To arrange, uMn the ment Is known as the 107th In- schools. E.xrluded were barber wa.s formed of Ro.sedale Inhab- headquarters is on the ground men, who must be "gentlemen" Open House on Sunday, April paign statement. Cemetery. Thomas, 16, Charles, 10, and tion, to run from in front of the fantry, 42nd Division, New York and beauty shop.*!, other purvey- i Rockville-V ernon itants. and a new petition sub- floo.*. recommendation ef bitfiotor have won honors in World Wars IW h from 2 until 6 p.m. Reynolds closed hls campaign Friends may call at the fu- James 9. - high school on E. Middle Tpke. National Guard. But Us mem- ors of personal .serviee.s, room -! mitted to First Selectman Det. Capt. Thomas Hankard Ted Powell, a eeriee Of eeminfira I and n. The old grsds have been with a new.-! conference In Mad- neral home tomorrow from to Manchester Memorial Hos- bers and alumni will never ing and boarding houses and | George Rlsley. Again no action said he held up announcing the on Urban Renewal at MrinehM- The body lay at the Universal working hard rounding up pic- ison. He rejected the possibility to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. pital on Hajmea St. cease to call It "The Seventh.” rented apartments. 1 was taken, and the association burglary until court personnel for his release," Norton said, ter Community College. Funeral Chapiel, Lexington Av- tures, movies, programs and that "responsible Republicans Only the amendment was at sued. having access to the cage had Davis completed his high school (3) To fix a date for a public enue and 83nd Street, not far other mementoes. We have pic- and independents" will enter the Chase Zone Decision By JOHN RODERICK i.ssue today, not the original or- been checked out. education, stutfled advanced hearing on whatever capital from the hotel apartment where tures from 1914, '15, '16, '17, Democratic primary to register Judge Alva P. Loiseile. sit- TOKYO (AP) In wartime he dinance. It provides fines of $26 English, writes religious muric, improvement projects are to be MacArthur had lived the past 13 '19, '20, and '21 and would like dislike- for hls administration. ting in Tolland County Superi- was a feared but unknown en- to $600 and lo.ts of license to do 4 Turks Shot is organist for prison services, financed with a bond issue. Police Chiefs year*. Only members of the * .. - j - more. W e would also like many He said there are some people or Court, ruled that the ques- Concrete Testing Hit business upon three convictions Delayed by Council is a member of the prison band (4) To authorize an exten- family and intimate friends p * more pleturee or programs from who would vote against him, tion should be placed on the HARTFORD (AP) — The The Tavern Owners Associa- SPEAK sion of data proce.sslng for w a- “ but they’re not Republicans at call of a town meeting. The and choir, and works as an were permitted to view the, ^ ^‘®" the years between l8l3 and On Cyprus State Highway Department ter and sewer department bill- Mayor^ Argue Arthur chiefly for his postwar tion and the hastily organized town appealed, and it was the x-rsy technician. 1830. all. just bigots. " The city council withheld a^ Also favoring apartments was should revise ite procedure.^ in ing and for additional tax as- The widow, jeen MscArthur, ‘1 ‘he A ^ Reynolds has said Wallace Association for Freedom of recent higher court's decision "He's an altogether different If yo\f have any of these me- Robert Garabedian who said in- the testing of concrete pave- se.s.smcnt processes. ,sul whose decisions remolded Chol'e rallied 20,000 signatures ruling last night after develop- (Continued from Page One) upholding Judge Loiselle's find- person today than he was when and Mn, Arthur, 26, visited the 1 mentoes, please contact the fol- could get 100,000 votes “ from dustrial applicants who had ment, two state auditors said (5 To settle claims against Over Crime their lives. fanatics." Wallace said he on referendum petitions. The ing that, caused last night's ac- he arrived here,” the lawyer 1 funeral home ior about five , lOAing members of the Anni- er Norman B. Chase asked visited the area said they were yesterday. minutes 1 "Upreme commander of Council had the choice of re- Entrenched Turkish army tion. said. the town by Marie Godin for versary Committee. would consider 25,000 a 'good change of zoning for the Prog- not Interested in locating there. Clarence Baldwin and Robert pealing the amendment or cal troops held their positions along 3998. and by Blanche Marino (Coattnued freni Page Om ) The general was clad in the!^"!®'’ powers, representing 13 Marjorie McM'enemy 649-7381 showing." LENOX PHARMACY In addressing the meeting, Claifey, In their audit of the ress and Bellevue Aves. area Atty. Pigeon said the ques- for 8900. It was impo8.sible to predict, election It stood by the the Kyrenla road north of Nlro- Lavitt said he did not oppose department for the 1861 and RATE OUTS ASKED treplcal uniform he wore in the! ® f®;Mary B. Mullaney 649-7224 299 E. CENTER STREET—649-0896 that would allow him to build a tion before the council was Pacific war and during the Ko- MacArthur ruled how many Republicans,— if any, a m e n d m e n t 21-2. sia in territory held by the the repair and acceptance of 1862 fiscal years, said Instances HARTFORD (AP) — Should 6) To request the Manches- geared to hit at important ele- Stephanie Johnson 649-1072 90 - unit apartment complex whether the land should be left rean summers. In accordance i P®°P’® .f"'* exerted more would vote in the Democratic Turkish Cypriots. Last week M s- the roads. He indicated that were found where no tests were utility companies in Connecticut ter Housing Authority to un- mente in this area." So come one, come all, back UP unused or change the zoning with his custom, he wore none *''fiuence on them than did any fight. Voters do not register by And You Start there. karlos unilaterally abrogated Rosedale residents should pay made of a particular day's run be required to drop rates be- dertake a study to determine The superlntendeht said that to school and meet with your and allow construction. He of hls many medals, just the! ■* 8°vernors or party and are permitted to bai- The area is zoned for heavy the 1960 treaty of alliance with for part of the costs involved of concrete. cause of the cut in federal the need for Iow-co.st rental- state police did not mention any anv school time friends and teach- pointed out that the city ne- I proconsul.9. lot in either race. Industry. Turkey and Greece which au- and He moved that the question Test beams which contrac- taxes? The State Public Utili- housing in Manchester. of the places raided Thuraday five stars of hls rank. ers. Moving U p - gineer had told the planning As pi-oconsul a term he him- Chase w as turned do'wn thorizes placement of 060 Turk- should be tabled until the next tors are required to furnish ties Commission said yesterday (7) To set dates for work- In complaints they relayMl te As the body lay in repose, Anniversary Committee There is no Republican con- in business, clubs, church, commission that that Chase's self used to describe hls occu- March 2 by a council vote of 8 ish ‘.Toops and BOO Greek troops town meeting. were either lost or broken, tKe it has the matter under study. shop session.s for consideration him. > IS-gurt eaiutes roared at many and tire test. The party’s 30 national PTA and service organi- to 2. The council then cited a plan to build a pond could alevi- on the island. places-at \Vest Point where he pation role—the general main- Robertson PTA convention delegates are headed Lavitt said that the tabling auditors said. The Connecticut State Laltor of the town budget, prior to The complalnti, he oontlnued', zations. Leadership grav- drainage problem in the area. ate the drainage problem. The Turkish government made the moit brilliant scholas- tained hls distance from the would give officials time to They said the department on Council AFL-CIO , and State M ay 7, the lost day for ILs adop- were not acknowledged biieause itates to the one who can The council agreed to hear Against rezonlng was Francis warned the Greek government tic record of all time, end later Japanese people and put on the work out an assesment sched- learning; of the matter had the Sen. W illiam J. yerriker, D- tion and for the fixing of a tax state police had requeoted express himself or her- Peloquln of 6 Prospect Ave. today that any attack on the trappings and solemn show they Chase again. ule, thereby returning; to Rose-1 concrete tested. The tests Waterbury, have aeked the rate. neither acknowledgment nor was superintendent; in New self clearly, forcefully and who said that apartments would Turkish arm y contingent on York, a* well as other Army had learned to expect over the Last night, he told the coun- dale the costa of upgrading; the | speciflea tlons. commission to look into the pos- (8) To authorize the sale of reports. persuasively. add "150 cars" to the area. He C^rus would be coneidered an areas on the continent, and at centuries from their shoguns, V'# cil that the apartments would be roads in question. Republicans ” Issued a state sibility of rate reductions. used five department equipment, Acknowledgment is not eua- "good for the tax re v e n u e .H e said residents of the area had attack against Turkey itself. selected points in the Pacific. the awesome military rulers. Lavitt’s proposal was shouted ment saying that the audit with a total value of $75, with- tomery, the Superintendent said. said the garden-type apart- bought homes there for some The Turkish ambassador in In Washington leaders of Con- He established his supremScy down by Rosedale Inhabitants shows another division of the KILLED BY TRAIN out advertising for bids. Muleahy was not available DALE "country peace” that he claimed Athens, Dedim Ilkin, delivered gress made arrangements for early In 1946, when Emperor ments “would add to the entire who voted to permit the tow-n highway department "continu- SHELTON (API Joseph (9i To fix dates for public for comment on the atatement HOLMES would be disrupted if the apart- the warning before dawn to the body to He in state in the Hirohito left hls moated palace area.” to finance the roads. Then they ing to act In a lax and lethar- yalentlne, 76, wris killed today he.a rings on proposed In.staUa- CARNEGtE ments were built. Greek Foreign Minister Stavros Capitol rotunda Wednesday and : to pay a pcr.sonal call on Allied Conducting Chase's presenta- left the meeting. gic manner until the state aud- police said, when his station tlon of sanitarv sewers in Earl this summer r% Costopoulos and told him the Indian Cashtws L^ad Thursday, The general will b e ' headquarters. The Japanese, tion to the council waa Atty He charged that property In addressing the town meet- itors come In to make recom- wagon was struck by an cast-i st., and In the Devon-Deepwood Turkish government had infor- buried in the MacArthur Memo- who had been taught to regard COURSE FOR Robert J. Pigeon. Formally op- would be devalued and said the ing, Lavitt said, "There is a mendations for procedural re- bound New Haven Railroad ■ Drs. area. mation of an impending attack New Delhi—IndU iS the chief ri'al 'building at Norfolk, Va., Hirohito a.*) akin to a god, never posing the zoning change were pond could turn into a "health stgtute which allows local plan- visions." I on its arm y regiment stationed ij J . appoint a member .supplier of efishiw nute for the Saturday, after funeral services | forgot this gesture, Mon and about a half-dozen residents of menace.” ning commissions to assess State Sen. Robert L. Bliss Valentine resided In a cottage to the Advisory Recreation and United Stfites. MosaniMriue rillO on Cyprus. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church | Hungry, their cities In ruins, Floweri properly arranged and the area represented by Atty. Peloquln disclosed that some- abutters for the Improvement of of N ew Canaan, in the state-1 near the scene of the accident. Park Commission, for the un- supplies some. Costopoulos told the am bassa- in that city. 1 their industries stumbling along Harry Hammar. one had visited his home and roads. I f the people in Rosedale ment released today by the WOMEN dor the Greek government had at 20 per cent efficiency, the diaplayed enhance the beauty of Herman Olson, chairman of threatened” him. He said the want to be fair, they should OOP State Central Committee, ----- i no information of such an at- NEW YORK (AP)—The 7th Japanese were a dispirited peo- the Rockville Planning Commis- person, whom he declined to help pay for the roads." said he felt that there were too | tack. Regiment Armory, where G e n .; pie. MacArthur undertook to ih- the funeral services. We give an sion, told the council that the identify, purported to represent ^e delegation from Roaedale many cases in which the de-1 Douflaa MacArthur lies in r e - ! still in them "the two great con- conqmission had approved the Atty. Pigeon and Chase and told were aided by several town poli- partment has been criticized by Local Stocks ONLY AT MICHAELS CAN YOU fU N C H AM PAIdieUt pose ie something spe-, cepts of the artistic touch to the care of floral zoning change. H e said the com- him that a cement plant would ticians Including Bruce Beng- an auditors' report. today, humart history— Christian Idea of the dignity of mission agreed that a pond be built in the area if approval strom, a fire district commis- eul. 12th Circuit Where else would you find Sn ' the Individual and the Demo- offerings at Holmes Funeral Home. Chase offered to build would for construction of the apart- sioner and deputy sheriff, and <}uotatlons Furnished by TREASURE CHEST Appeal fo r Pardons cratic principles ot human free- take care of any drainage prob- ments were not given. 'William R. Hahn, a member of Dempeey-Tegeler Co., Inc. armory with Oriental rugs? | SO M ER S (A P ) — " I ’ve done Or with silver dinner services dom.” lems. Several other residents from Court Cases the board of education. About Members of New York DIAMONDS more than I need in the w ay of for the offleers, stowed behind 1 He also had to establish hls Olson, terming the area "ab- the area spoke against the re- 36 homes are located on the time." aaid one. Stock E.xchange the doors of Intricately carved | personal authority over the solutely unsuited for industry,” zoning including one who esti- roada in qusstlon. "You fello>V8 ■ . ■ gentlemen Bank Stocks Vsor eisiMnS gurthss* Is SsrevST, e»nS4t In an sttabUsrise lewskir. eablnats of walnut, oak and ma bickering Allies. said city had been unsuccessful mated that it would cost the EAST HARTFORD SESSION Rommage Sale will never regret it if you give Bid Asked ■sstuM Ml rSMHsIlM M e( hogany? What other armory 1 The Russians had proposed In finding any industry to lo- town "a million dollars" in new Thomas L, Perry, 41, of 357 The Ladles Auxiliary of the me an opportunity," said anoth- Conn. Bank and tSshs, you sen Initl Me boaata walla lined with oil paint Ihat Tokyo be turned into a di- cate in the Prospect and Belle- school construction and road im- S. Main St., Mam^eater, this ■yemon Fire Department will DALE CARNEGIE er. Trust Co...... 71 75 ingt of former regimental offi- vided city, as Berlin had been, vue Aves. area. provement to accommodate the morning pleaded guilty to oper- hold its annual rummage sale Thfey were men convicted of Hartford National Ms arise. cer*, discreetly lighted with the that the Soviet Union occupy the j families if the apartments were ating a motor vehicle while un- April 11 from 9 to 2 at the murder pleading with tha State Bank Co...... 69 73 aid of large and apparently northern main island of Hokkai-1 built der the Influence of liquor, and Co. 2 firehouse. FREE Legal Notices Board of Pardons to give them Fire Insurance Companies priceless chandeliers? do and that the Japanese army One resident argued that in- was fined |100. Beard Meeting a chance at freedom. Hartford Fire .... 67'/i 71 As llluatrated This armory is at Park A v- be split up and sent to the So- fatronee te dustry would have no place to Perry was arrested on Jan. The executive board of the Domonstration UMITATION ORDEB But the board yesterday National Fire ....131 139 enue and 67th Street, a presti- viet Union, the United States Off-Street Perkleg* A T A TO U RT O F P R O B A T E held locate in Rockville if the section 25 by Manchester police follow- ■yernon Junior Women’s Club turned down the pleas of 26 in- Phoenix Fire ____ 123 ,^131 at Hancheeter. within and for the will meet tonight at 8 at the gioua neighborhood. and other allied nations aS slave is rezoned. ing an 8:30 p.m. accident on mates of state prison. Including Life and Indemnity Ins. Cos. *245 Mooting! pletrlct of Mancheater on the 30th home of Mrs. Peter Merson, The 7th, which is 158 years labor, dav of March. 19«4. Two maps and three aerial Main St., near Forest St., in 12 convictetj of murder. Aetna Casualty ..120 128 Preaem, Hon. John J. Wallett, Scott Drive. Mrs. Harold Pusch old, haS sometimes been known MacArthur coldly turned photographs of the area were which Perry struck the rear A 13th man serving life for Aetna Life ...... 183 I 9 l Judge. will be co-hoetess. The A rt a* the "Silk Stocking Regi- thumbs down on all these and _,E»fAte^of MUton F. Wagner, late entered as exhibits by Chase's end of a parked vehicle. The the 1953 slaying of dancer Conn, G e n e ra l____188 VS 196 MANCHESTER Group of the club's Fine A rts 958 Main Street ment.” 1 refused to accept the Interfer- of Mancheater in aald Dlalrict. de- attorney. Perry car had to be towed Senada "Penny" Evans of Hfd. Steam Boiler 140 148 | ceased. Committee will meet tomorrow MICHAELS JEWELERS Manchesteiw64S4741 It Is housed in a forbidding,! ence of the 13-natlon Allied WEDNESDAY The council met briefly in away. Westport had his case put over Security Ins...... 66',4 69>.4 On motion of Francea K. W ag- night at 8 at the home of Mrs. I Brick building of 1*80 vintage. Commission, ner of said Manchester, adminla- executive session following th e' **• pleaded not to the M ay 4 meeting of the Travelers (new) .. 4914 52'4 i April 8, at 7:30 P.M. tratrix. Marinas Oerakaris, 16 George replete with parepets and tow- Hls first series of directive* hearing. The aldermen are ex-' to the drinking while board.. PubUo UtUitles era. Inside, the grend staircase' freed political prisoners, estab- at the O R D E R E D ; That six months driving charge and requested a Dr. Co-hostess will be Mrs. from the 30th day of March, 1964, pected to listen to a tape re- Kenneth Parsons. The prisoner, William M. Da- Conn. Light Power 36)4 38',4 jury trial at East Hartford. The WHITON be and the same are limited and cording of last night's proceed- Hospital Notee vis, 41, was the first man to be Hartford Gas Co. . 3 9 ^2 I AUow'ed for the creditors within trial was scheduled for today, which to bring In their claims ings before giving a ruling. The Admitted Friday; CTlfford convicted under a statute— re- Southern New Eng- AUDITORIUM when Perry changed his plea. am lnst said estate, and said ad- council has 60 days in which to Ludwig, Talcottvllje Rd.; Greg- pealed last year— which permit- land Telephone . 56 )4 60 >4 7NE DEKNDABIES; SUCCESS CARS OF '64 LIBRARY ministratrix is directed to give pub- rule on the appeal. ory Emerson, 44 Mountain St. ted a jury to impose e life term ManufacDirlng Companies lic notice to the creditors to bring 85 N orth M ain Street in their claims within said time The council acta as the zon- Admitted Saturday: Jeffrey without hope of pardon or pa- Allied Thermal ... 46'4 50'4 North Mancheeter S!. publishing a/copy of ing board for Rockville. Turicington, Wapping; Mrs. Em- role instead of death in a first Arrow, Hart, Heg.. 54'4 58H wis ortfr In some newspkper hav> About Town degree murder verdict. Barden ...... 12 Ing a circulation In said probate ma yesper, 22 White St.; W al- 1014 district within ten days from the lace Johndrow, Ellington. Davis and four others re- Bristol Brass .... 8 9 OLD VIC air conditioning! HARTFORD date of this order and return Admitted Sunday: Mrs. Lena ceived the no-release sentences Coleco...... 41i 5»4 maJte to this court of the notice Temple Chapter, Order of Tuesday, AprU 7, given. Police Arrests Eastern Star, will meet tomor- Madgefrau, 52 Ellington Ave.; while the law was in effect. Dunham-Bush .... 414 5' 4 GAS at 7 :S0 p jn . in the JOHN J WALLET, Judge. row at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Mrs. Francea Hookenachmidt, Davis’ lawyer, John Norton, N . B. Machine . . . 26 29 ON THE AVENIDA JUAREZ- Pitney Bowes Bldg. Tolland; Mrs. Alm a Lugrinbuhl, argued it was the intent of the North and Judd .. 18 20'4 at A TOURT OF PROBATE h-lrt , Temple. Refreshments will be 5X6 F a rm in g to n A v e . at Manchuter, within and for t h - ! Clarence Walker, 29. no cer- served after the business meet- Ellington; Edward Rocha, Tol- legislature to make Um repeal Peter P a u l...... 30 33'4 Get All The Facts About G AS Air Conditioning Hartford District of Manchester on the 2nd i *Ain address, late this morn- ing. land; Mrs. Leah Gerber, Hilltop of the law retroactive to include PlasUc Wire Cable im 13 SOLD OUT! (One block west dav of April, 1964. ing was charged with intoxica- Rd.; Leland Bard, Ellington. his client and tha others. Standard Screw .. 33 36 ^ eaent. Hon. John J. Wallett. From Any Gas Company Employee During of Cinerama) \ Judze. tion, after police found him PEDESTRIAN DEATHS Birth Saturday; A daughter The board said it will seek a Stanley Works ... 22'4 24'i Eatate of Maurice A. Maloney, ■staggering along Main St. W al- HARTFORD (AP) — There to Mr. and Mrs. Gilman White, legal opinion on the status 'o f Veeder-Root ...... 52 V4 56',i “To be or not to bo. . “Ser 0 no *er. . Hsmlet, late of Manchester, In said Dis- ker was unable to post bond 17 T alcottvllle Ave. the five prisoners from the The above quotations are not Be Our Oueet! No trict deceased. were 15 pedestrian deaths In the translated into Spanish, was a recent itanding- Coet! No Obligation! The administratrix havinx ex- and was taken to the State Jail first thres months of this year, Birth Sunday: A daughter to state's attorney general. to be construed as actual mar- NATIONAL GAS AIR CONDITIONING WEEK APRIL 6-12 hibited her administration account at Hartford to await presenta- compared with 11 In the same Mr. and Mrs. Alton Chadwick, "Despite apparent no hope kets. room-only success in Mexico City, as were jdAyi by with said estate to this Court' for tion in Circuit Oiurt 12 at East 205 R egan Rd. allowance, it i.< period last year, the State Safe- Moliere and Tennessee Williams. We are making a special effort to acquaint everyone with To w'ln a promotion. . . . ORDERED: That tiie Ibtli «iav uf Hartford tomorrow or at the ty Commission said yesterday. Discharged Friday; Napolean prepare for it! Make your- April, 1964. at two o'clock after- Manchester court .session on Roberts, 84 Windsor Ave.; Whit- The 1964 fatality total stood at A t various times, the Old Vic and U. S. Actor*’ Stu- self promotable! noon at the Prohate Office in the Thursday, police said. ney Southerland, 42 Ward St.; CAS air conditioning during our special Gas Air Condi- Municipal Bulldlnir In .-aid Man, 63 yesterday . Last year at the Chester, be and the same is as- same Ume 77 deaths had been Maurice Lemleux, Ellington: dio have played to packed houses. •Izned for a hearina on the al- tioning Week. Every member of our Gas Company fam- 10 W a y s This Course recorded by the commission. ' Mrs. Delores Loehr, 26 S. Grove lowance of said administration ac- Legal Notiae St.; Mrs. Elaine Philip and son, And in the plazas of Guanajuato, elatiic Spenilh WUl Benefit Men and count with said estate, ascertain- ily will become a ‘‘Special Ambassador of Gas Air Condi- Women ment of heirs and order of dis- AT A COURT OF PROBATE held Ill's Union St.; Mrs. Doris dramas are presented during a yearly festival. tnbutlon. and this Court directs at -'tanchesier, within and for the Legal Notice Arons and daughter, Ellington. 1. Increase Poise and that notice of the time and place I district of Manchester, on the 3rd Discharged Saturday: Thomas tioning” during the week of April 6 through April 12. assizned for said hearinz he ziven day of April. A.D. 19i54 Original Mexican drama and musical comedies, ► Confidence AT A TOURT OF PROBATE hald Shea, 52 Hammond St.; Gerard We have desIpM to get you in our powor to all persona known to be in- Present, Hon. John j. Wallett at Manchester, within and lor the 2. S p eak E ffec tiv e ly terealed therein to appear and be , Judge. district of Manchester, on the Mth Paquette, Farmington: Francis sidewalk art exhibits, performance* or the corp* of 8. Sell Yourself and heard thereon by publishing a copy ! Estate of Philip Farr, late of day of March. A.D. 1944 PsM, 112 Prospect St.; Michael Call your friends at the Gas Company and ask them: nf this order in some new spaper, Manchester in said district, de- ballet-Mexican cultural fare is as richly varied ei Your Ideas ceasod. Wilbur, Ellington Ave.; Adolph 4. B e Y o u r s e lf w ith having a circulation In uid Dis- jJdiV*"*' the cuisine at its famous intemationfil reftaurint*. trict. at least seven days before L'pon the application of Felix Estate of Susanna Ewick Turek. Hahn, Broad Brook; Mrs. Anna 1. Why will GAS air conditioners last 4 to 5 times Any Group fhe day bt aald hearing and hv harr. executor, praying for au- late of Manchester In said district, Prucha, Wlllington; Mrs. Leona 5. R em e m ber N a m e s mailing on or before April 6. 1964. ihority to lease certain real es- deceased. Our ofigiiMor* iro a wily group of guys who tpond moot of thoir timo Wttii the Potira SCO you iron't baked In on a certain eng me. You can as long? Booeka, Columbia; Brian and In the many galleriea fiUed with vital modem art. . . by certified mail a copy of this tate w situated- in aald ...... Manchester...... •PPHcallon of Ernest J. 6. T h in k a n d S p e a k onitr to Evangeline M. Halonev, as by, said _ -DDlicatloiiapplication more fu ly Tureck. praying that an InsIrumant Barry Barrows, 128 E. Main St.; in a concert of the National Symphony atthe Piiae* draomirig up ways to win your approval. Take the Dodge Polari SOD. choose from l sisndird 311 cu. In. V8 dp to a street-version ot our on Your Feet appears. It Is 2. Why will they cost so much leM to maintain? MO Farmington Ave., Hartford, ...... purportiM to bs the laat will ^ Mary Ellen Coleman, Stafford 7. C ontrol F e a r an d Conn. ORDERED: That the foregolng testament of said deesased bs ad- difii de Belles Arte* • •. in the historic dance* performed You’d ku hard-prossod to find a car that's got more going tor you. walloping, all-out 426 cu. In. ftamcharger V8. Compromise? Nope. Wa JOHN J. WAIXETT. Judge. ai>plication be heard and qeter- mitted to probate as per appllca- Springs; Peter Janton. 16 3. Does it cost less to operate a GAS air conditioner? Worry mined at the Probate offlci In •lon on flle^ It is I'v Thompeon &t.; Mrs. Loretta by the international fiward winning Ballet Polklmlco Pooply-pdddod, contour-formed bucket seats. All-vinyl upholttory, just feat that a freedom of choice Is the surest road to your approvsi. 8. B e a B e tte r UMITATION O B D » Mancheater in eaid District, on the ORDERED: That the foregoing Gorman and dai^hter, 5 Oak Conversationalist AT A COURT or P R O B A T E held 31st day of April. A.D. 1964. at ten application be hoard and deter- Naclonal... throughout Mexico are element* of the M -lu-iill Mrpeting. Padded dish. Center console. And lots of other Thit's our way of doing businau—giving you lots ot car and lots How much less? Bt.; M ra Joyce Mchmond and at Ifaneheeter. within and for the o clock in the forenoon, and that mined at the Probata office In irimmiflgs. But that's only t N half of H. of satisfaction at a prica that's hard to quarrel with. 9. D e v e lo p Y o u r H i d - matrict of Manchester, on the 1st notice be given to all pereona in- Manchester In' said District, on the son, 46 yU lB M St. tWo great traditions which Mexican* h ive blended den Talents ii^ of April. 1964 terested in said estate of the pen- 4. Who is responsible for the service? 16lh day of April. A.D. 1964. at tan Diecharged Sunday: Mrs. ) PiflM M our approeci) to powor will further illustrate the peihL Dodge Daalir be gild 10. E a rn T h a t B etter Preaent, Hon. John J. Wallett. dency of said application and the o clock In the forenoon, and that Into their modem national cu ltu re-th e learned Yeur wi l l to damonstrita tha point Judge. Marie Horst, 100 South St.; time and place of hearing thereon, notice be given to all persons In- We hfive rficfiived our first ship- Job, More Income Eitata of Marla LentI aka. Marv by pub'ishing a copy of this order. leresled In ssid estate of the pen- Mrs. Barbara Bevins, 35 Snip- Maya-Aztec and the European, strong with Reafii*. Get ill the facts about GAS air conditioninf bafors suauMr sets La. ^nli. late nf Manchester In said In some newspaper having a clr-1 d^cy of_ said application and th« since spirit. Dlalrict. deceased. cuiatlon In said district, at least J time'and placs 'of bearing Utara- ment of LaCoste Golf Shirts, for No cost or obligation, of course. On motion of Paul L. Lent! of seven days before the day of s a id ' cn. by publUhIng a copy of this said Manchester, executor. B 4 Dodge hearing. ' m a p ^ a r If they aee "some niTw spa^r'havln Knowledge of our modem neighbor is impeitfint DAli O R D E R E D : That alx months cause at said time and place and circulation in aald district.^Ar*hfLM PenonRl Notices both men and women, we offer for from the lit day of Apri'. 1964. be be heard relative thereto, and by seven days before the dav of said and tha sam e are limited and al- today. Send for the free 16-page booklet. “Know mailing on or before April 8. 1964. hearing, to appear if they aee your inspection our new assort- Boauiiv)Muu.^QHHM H,ll! CARNEGIE lowad for the creditors within by certified mall, a copy of this cause at said t&nt and place and Mexico,-Box 1900. New York 19 which to bring in their claims order to FeUx Farr, executor, c/o he heard relative thereto. ^ Card Of Thanks ocainst aaid estate.-.and said ex- John D. I-aBe'le. Atty.. 843 Main make return to this court, and b« W * wish to thank all of our ment. COURSES ecutor la d ire cle d ^ lF ' give pubi c St.. Manchester. Conn.; Florence mailing on or before March 80, nslghbori. friends, and relaUves for Preoented by Managemeat notice to the creditors to bring In Raffa. 137 Charier Oak St... Man- 1964. bv certified mall, a copy ot ths many acts of kindness a n d ' their claims within said time si- chester. Conn.; Evelym Pagani. 12S « l d will and of this ordar to Elton sympathy shown us in our recent, Sold, Serviced, Backed By Development Institiite, lowad by pub'lsh'ng a copv of this Charter Oak St.. Manchester. Turek. 9 Oxbow Lane. Weemllald. hersarsment.. We MpecUUy thank B. Mtchael Francoeur. order In some newspaper having a Prietd at 8.95 for Man CH O RCIjlES M OTORS. Inc. Conn.: Anna Deyor'o. 69 Birch St.. Conn.; Dona'd Turek. l a 'tDiulMuialias the lUbbiese Society and Masone, I L ■'*••(*•» *» intarnailMiai aSaewiii circulation In said nrnbsls dis- Manchester, Conn.; Josephine De- I Ihreufh the ceeptratlM ef The Area Manager **lac«. Hartford. Conn.: Mesr| and all these who lent th ^ b e a u -! 80 OAKLAND STREET—ItANCHESTER, CONN. THE HARTFORD GAS COM PANY 528 Farmington Ave. trict srilhin ten days from the date vorlo, 64 South S| , Hartford. Turek. r/o Mrs. Helen 'Dirak. titui f ’oral tributes and loaned th e. Priced «t 8.50 for Woman o f this order and return make to Conh. , St. Augustine St.. West Hartfoiloi^ use tt ears. 1 Advertiting Cxeeutivee Aueelatlon ™ Neweeeeer • 233 Pearl Street, Hartford 249-1331 Hertford W iS COUr4 of the notice e-'i -n. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, i Conn. JOHN J. WAI.LETT. J^^ee . JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge Mrs. Katherine Hugites and sons' 687 Main Street, Manchestsr 649-4503 TEL. 232-6000 •SEE "THE BOB HOPE SHOW," NBC-TV, OiKS YOUB LOCAL USTINQ.

\ ‘n; ^ •-";r 1. , x .




r do that also. The cost of tha Antwtr to PrtvtoiN Punte session wbuld be between 11,500 Zimkiewicz-Clark and $3,100 depending on the en- 1V«ERe '5 tfEEMSOMe H ere and Th ere wamiAuiiJ Summer Lessons rollment. No supervleory cost DOHT TELL ME V4HO VOL) ija a ia u !7 ii-i St. Mary’5 Bniaeopal Church it involved, as Mrs. Doris ACROSS 8 Legal point CAN GUESS.'— I'VE HAD LOTS 0 ¥ PRACTICE^ narai^naiiii wa5 the eoene Saturday of the Chamberlain, principal, haa vol- T H E IN T E R N A L 6 Onager IslIII?) LJ May Be Resumed LATELV/— VOO'Re SELLING BUILDING LOTS 1 CiplUl of Spain lOGateoufi wedding of Mias PatrM a Ann unteered her services If the Revenue bur eau.' 7De Giulle'i an HI1I4 ' ON The MOON— AND iue first pe r so n element Clark of Manehtater and Louia school operates. State aid, again —But 1WANK vou-M* nation 11 Bi r d bi l l The summer session at the dependent on enrollment, would To SIGN GETS A FREE PITZA PIE AND IS OxldliinS aam n G eo ff* Zlmkiawtea of Suffleld. elementary school held'In recent VOU'VE ANSVeRED Firotuborance Tha, brldt la a daughter of reduce the cost to the town. A SPLIT-LEVEL Vie w OF THE EARTH.'- enjyme talian city isiu u years but deleted from the new al v ouestvons ]4 Reviaita Mr. and Mra..Allan W . O ark of BUT FOR VOUR inf o r ma t io n . MV HOSUANO 18 Gr ape f o r wan amia school budget by the board of DIDN'T WIN FIRST PRIZE IN THE GAMBOONl 15 Principal meal initance . 43 AroaHla Ck. Jh# brldefroom , Manchester Rr-ening Herald 10 Cl ai si /y education Is up for review at sweepstakes — ONLY *\oo t 31 Grimacea (I tha son of-Mr.* and Mrs. Louia Andover correspondent Lnw- 17 “Summer" in cciiac!inr3li-Jir-im:;ii-.iLi tonight’s board meeting. Peril 22 Indo-Chineao ZlmMawlea of Suffleld. renee Moe, telephone 74S-g7M. ( set'^ ITH O USHT' language aaaGJsif la n u ii Ai.--^ The reason for taking an- 18 Numeral (ab.) 23 Right lab.) Tha Rav. Oedrva r. Noatrand, V A T BRUSH 30 Bom 35 Name common ABUnlUof reotor, partenBad Um double other look at this project Is 24 Oriental gui tan In Ireland relucts nee 2 TE E TH ! 21 Dr o o l i ring cerembBy. Sydney MacAl- that a number of parents be- 25 Mexico City 25 Genua of 37 And (Fr.) 49 Large plant SPRING lieve It to be of such value that Russian Soldiers mapl es 38 I T e r i 61 NIgnt M or e i pine yre* tha oiganlet. buiKight ----- It should be continued. A group 38Holbetn, Corot, 26 Uncommon 39 Brltilh drink •vent Given In nuvrlage by her fa- A N ' Raphael and 27 Exude 42 Rectify 82 Number t e a ther. the brtde wore a floor- of these people put out a flyer Fewer in Cuba PHCXJEV! others 29 Bargain event 43 Roman road decade length gown, designed writh a Friday which went home to 82 Gem carved in 30 Allowance f or 44 Remove 54 County ta parents with the children. In- 45 Area of duMt Virginia bateau necklkM, long tagiertd (ConUnued from Page One) HOME relief waste cluded In the flyer wa.s a form 33 Hawaiian pot 31 Painful 47 Man's name 56 Viper eleenrea, a fitted, bodies and •heath * l r t trinmad with re- for parents to All out. People the House Foreign Affairs Com- component IT 34 County in New I r~ 3 I" r'r~ 7“ r v w IT embroidered alenoon laoe, gnd desiring further Information mittee. It said: "Most Soviet York may call Mrs. Gerald Anderson. 14 a detachable chapel . l e n ^ troops have been withdrawn 35 Fainter IS Mrs. Andrew Os.sner, Mrs. Wil- from the island." 36 Refuge train. Her veil wae -attao M to GARDEN 14 a plllbra of re - embroidered liam Kelley, or Mrs. Steve Ur- 40 Rugged rr sin. McGeorge Bundy, special as- mountain spur alenoon laoe, and she carried sistant to President Johnson on 41 ------ofi? Laredo it white cymbtdhim orchids on h The plans for this year's International .security n'fp' s. C IH4 ^ W«^r IrM 43 Mountain in prayer book with atreamen df sumer school call for more thsn said In an Interview on a radio Im Asia Minor just the reading program In tM I*, VS. OH. C hecking oamatlond and ivy. and television show. A B C s "Is- 44 Egypt' ! Aiwan which 67 children took part .SU PPLIES S A LE! O N THE- 5T 7T U !T Mias C^eiyt J. Clark of Man sues and Answers " last Sun- M A JO R 'S 47 Table scrap cheater, eietw of the bride, wae last year. It would include mod- day that "there are very many ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAM LIN ...MhW. W.-I TALL TA L E 5 = SO Cyl i ndr i cal a maid of honor. Mlee Diana Clark em mathematics and science- few er" Russian soldiers in Cuba S3 di ck- beeUe nature studies. now. 56 Number of TalcottvlUa and Mias Wendy WELL, r MUST SAY ITfS 57 Cuddle Clark of Manchester, both ooua- The program would be for But he said It is a lot harder A MOST REMARKABLE tna of the bride, and Miss Mary four weeks In July, have two to count soldiers, "especially 68 Governor ' U PERFORMANCE UP 59 Dethrone Ann Jeaania of Hamden were morning sesaions —R:30 to 10:30 when they are In checked TO NOW CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER and 10:30 to 12:,30. Students DOWN 41 brideemalda shirts.'' than It was to count inuhlon They wore pink floor-length could elect to attend one or missiles. He wouldn’t want to 2 Dismounted IS u 11 W gowns, fashioned with embroi- both sessions. The hours would pretend "that we know exactly A Wid. 3 Low und hill dered pink and white bodices permit those children Interested how many" Soviet soldiers are 4 Wife of Aegir u ST In the swimming program to still there. (m^h.) and bell-ihaped skirts, and Assortment, d. 5SulTU u ST matching ptllboxea with circu- First • Seaport in * lar face veils. Tha honor attend- Libya u U ant carried a flolonlal bouquet ’ ’*1 -i- All Tops 7 Carpenter of a National •oit of pink carnations and rotes with blue baby's breath, and the bridesmaids carried colonial Store s in Quality I W E G I V E OUT OUR W AY BY J. R. W ILLIAM S bouquets of pink camationa and * b o r i n g photo MRS. LOUIS GEORGE roses with white baby’s breath. ZIMKIEWICZ Md Ronald J. SuIIlvAn of Thomp- irS HERE U SIN G A WHOLE ROLL O F OH, JISTMAKIN' THINGS EAGV •onville served as best man for t tw W MU. Ibe. T.M. W UA M. < (N. Y.) Polytechnic Institute. | B A N D A G E J U S T TD CO V E R ON MVSELF, I5ALL-'*-! KNOW hi* brothar-ln-law. Ushers were OUR ANNUAL PRE-SEASON CREEN U P a f e w S C R A TC H E S YOU'RE GONNA ViAWrATMCTD ] Robert Dunphy and Borys Paw- Both are employed by Pratt All at Low Lst a mpsj P R I S C I L L A ’S P O P BY AL VERM KER >»OU g o t O N VOUR H E A P CHANGE TH' BANOAGE tVER.y' luk, both of Manchester. and Whitney, division of United N o t ice W H E N "lOU F E L L d o w n ? TIAAE IT GETS DIRTY SO J The bride's mother wore a Aircraft Corp., East Hartford. u ' V '*!■ i h NCA. hK ^ T ^ H A T ' S T H E ID E A? MEREL>/ UNWIND THE OUT- , Low Prices! SIDE LA-YER, CUT IT OFF, AN’j pink silk dress with a re-em- W E H A V E DAILY I'AA Bac k in business.' broldered lace bodice, matching i jacket, pink accessories, and a Ministers Meet DELIVERY TO THE corsage of pink cymbldium or- AW NING chids. The bridegroom's mother Post Candidate MICHIGAN wore a beige chiffon dress with a lace bodice, matching acces- The Rev. Theodore Bachelor, B OLTO N sories, and a corsage of green assistant minister of the Wap- cymbldium orchids. ping Community Church, will be PEAT HUMUS A reception for 200 guests AREA SALE introduced at the luncheon was held in Nelli Hall of the meeting of the Manchester Min- 9 8 '^ Pur# O rg a n ic, church. When leaving on a isterial Association tomorrow. filG SAVINGS FOR YOU motor trip to Washington, D. W a e d Fra#. Ide al for He Is a candidate for the post of LENOX Order Now— You'll Be Glad You Did C., Mrs. Zlmklewicz wore a part-time Protestant chaplain ~€^ navy- blue aulL a flowered hat, at Manchester Memorial Hos- Us# in Flow er Beds and navy accessories. The cou- pital. PHARMACY Also Save On Jalousies and Porch Enclosures 5 0-LB or a i a To p D r a iiin g Nothinij shall come between us. But time has a habit of chan^in<5 things ple will live at 114 Pond Lane, The session will begin at 11 B A G That was our wedding vowj Manchester, i a.n 299 E. CENTER ST. 4-T AiTd look what's between us now! a.m. at the Community Baptist for Lawns a -t Mrs. Zimktewics is a ^ u rc h , 585 Center St., with HOME SPECIALTIES graduate of Manchestersster High <]\^luncheon served at noon. The TEL. 649.0896 BONNIE BY JOE CAM PBELL School and Mr. Zimkiewlcz(iewlcc is a ! businessbui meeting will be held TEL. 643.2856 30 PURNELL PLA C E S a v« ZOc fUJJ 1050 graduate of Renaselaer after the meal. || N e mt W m*. >«. t .m ■.» ai n«. o«. ' mCLADTO c. f. p»L rwi<» 5EEMJU1RE MOT) llrSaAflil Imp . “ Don’t tay I didn’t warn you! I've been having night- PLAVIN6 ‘ maree about a fad like this ever since the last time we SOMEflORMY' H-7 raised the price of haircuts!'' r: THE WORRY WART Sphagnum Peat Moss .. tw. a. tM I.. ut *m.0t GAME WITH C A N A D IA N 7 ytwRtw,// Absorbs up to 2 0 times its w e igh t in 4 -(iU B IC w STO C K REDUCTION w a t e r - Use w h e n planting traas BEN CASEY at F O O T or shrubs $ J ^ 9 8 Save 51c BALE W6 SAVE WXJR^ I'M af r aid MWEV NASHS HAtriS ARE... ifeai>i>iiiW4’.5iiaiiSMir'i. ' « FATHER A THOROUGH OF A PERSONAL CAUSATIVE NATU«t. / EXAMINATION, MISS NASH. R3R HIS AGE, NOW LET ME > HE'S IN GOOD TELL you WHAirX THINK, PR.SHANKl IM I B A L D 4-7 GREEN LAWN FOOD SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O'NEAL 1 2 - 5 - 7 C ov e rs 5 0 0 0 Square Feet / ace NOU ENOOVING , 3 5-LB B A G m / VOUR. QTAV, AMBASSADOR? J ms Say* 50c SUCH A BEAUtlPUL- vV> AND INtERKtlMe PRICES COtlN'TlRV EMERALD MORTY MEEKLE GREEN BY DICK CAVALLI SLASHED HOME APPLIANCES PLANT FOOD t r w I,, VI - GETOUVOF <20O0 f*a^Nm, ( WELL., ABOUT I'MJUeTNOTRT V A «y e iG H T ;v o < j MACTAVI6H. X TIMB! WHAT TOOK B - 1 2 - 6 - A ll Purpose BUZZ SAWYER TD LIVE WITH IN FREEZERS 35-LB B A G $ 2 3 9 BY ROY CRA.NE >f OV a a 6TUf=FK) VCXJ60L0 NG?.' THE MOSNING REFRIGERATORS DISHWASHERS Sav* 30c VI FLEfiSAOII UNTIL rVE HAD OIDYOU HEAR THAT, LOOK.' SHE'S RIDING AROUND THE POOL HOLPING M/a^ACKER. SAWYER? HE IMITATES HAPPY'S FIN.' THAT GIRL'S A WONDER. ------. —J . ------LAUGHTER. y 0^ 'AS,SHE LS lissssmto AriRAGS I w From $ 1 1 0 . 0 0 ATTENTION, EMERALD ___ RIGHT. - ‘188 “ GREEN .f- “■ ‘168 " ROSE FOOD -i f A UTO M ATIC 220 VOLT — ELECTRIC Special Formula For Sturdy Vigorous G ro w t h 5-LB B A G ■cMJMM ¥-7 WASHERS A ll Bra nd N e w ^ Sav* 10c /A DRYERS 59 CAPTAIN EASY Merch a nd ise BY LESLIE TURNER .J1 7 g .o o MICKEY Fl.N.N SOME H .O O S SAMPLES aiHl BY LANK LEO NAR D TBLL Mft 7 WBLL. ITS A COl ONV WMBKC MSBPy HOWI^B DUNNO. BUTTHEV Me KEE SAYS HE NEVER SAW SUCH A C O ILE C ... Aioor AMOtfS ICHARACTBRS WITH CittATKIB MINDS UVB NORDt'^ MEN ROSE BUSHES ALL HAVE ONE THNG OP ODDBAUS! MOST OP 'BMJMD SHADV PASTA ' i Per PR0J5CJ„\rBBB for a year whil e EUPERIMBNTIN' O N E O F A KIND r r r n i i i SEUICTED POR. IN COMMON M. NONE iU T ARE NOW StiPPOSEPLV ADAPTIN' THBR TALENTS - ‘128 * I'LL TURN IT IN TOMORROW, THB M a K K E - ON P5T IDEAS OK IHVBNTIONSt THESE PEUOW-I OP-EM IS NORMAL! TO MORE LAWFULi CREATIVE WORK! ^ BOSS! I'M Le VELIN'— '/ OU'LL WI NDHORST SHIPS? Large - Selected SEC! T-THEN VOU DO VOUR END AMON PICKS N O N- POUNPATlON HE vOONPORMISTS l i k e \T—AHDLBT THAT SWELL OF SETUP ON THB HIM5 B L F ! LITTLE BOY— KEEP HIS SIGHT! PTOPERTV THEy ALL GUARANTEED IN FULL FOR ON E YEAR 2 Y*ars Old INHBRITBDI, Pack*d in E A C H P*at Mom Sav* 20c FREE FREE . li }m u s STAMPSKeUls{

DAVY JONES MR. ABERNATHY BY LBFP and McWILLIAMS BY R A LSTO N JONES and F R A N K R ID O E W A Y THREE PIECE KITCHEN SET EXTRA M EXTRA M H E W A S A LW A Y S RUN NIN G W H AT'LL VOU I'LL PLANT THIS M A N ' VOU'RE GREEN STAMPS GREEN STAMPS DO IF 1 DON'T, IN VOUR F ACE.' BEGGING FOR MORE 100 VAN DAPBLER^ A a r o u n d , B U T I F IN A LLY BIG MAN P P U N IS H M E N T... Jusf For Stopping In During I SEE YOU S O L V E D T H A T L ITT L E TR Y THIS ON FOR W IT H O N E 5 -L B ^ A G W ITH O N E 3-LB B A G FINALLY PROBLEM. SIZE~00^ GOT Our Stock Reduction Cloarance Solo MONTY Glendale Park Lofts Four Fescue SIT STILLTO FOR HIS PORTRAIT. LAWN SEED LAWN SEED MANCHESTER'S LARGEST RADIO. 6 8 % P*r«nnia l f He artiest a n d M o st Dro u gh t- TV. RECORD m i APPLIANCE C ov*rs 1600 Squ ar* Fee! Resistant o f Gra ss Seeds STORE Pria*5 Mfcctiv* Thru faturday, A|»ril 11, 1944 wi iistavi THi aiGHT ro UMti aUANTiriis 1Potterton’s10 C IN TIR i T R I i r CORNER O F C H U R C H «**•«..» *.♦ f V, ;.- tV.«% -»*^^r^- Jf


PAGE TWELVE HANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HEAa LD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, A P^L 7, 1964 PAGE Upside Down Out THiyiMPP Lying on his back, Jeoff Long of St. Louis has just Four Teams Serious Challengers to Yankees bMn retired at second base by Baltimow short- HUHTING stop Bob Johnson, who is looking to throw ball to Howard Breathes Fire Again first base for a doubleplay—which was too late. -''an d ' Seen Helpful (AP Photofax.) Thfire She Goesl FISHING Prexy Visions Tighter Race Third baseman Boyer of' the Cardinals stares riOW TO MEA81 RE BOSTON (AP) — Chlca-t, Ths Yankees Longer Hitters V !?*C»TOKIg ars still t h e ^ v e g o ^ speed and mora<$Jielp in the outfield. A1 Kaline ahead as the ball oounces tlirou^h his legs for an WATER DISTANGES go, Baltimore, Minnesota Yankees. As a woodsman, you can prob pitching help In the big npokle, wasn’t hitting weU this spring t- error. A sliding 3am Rowers bf the Orioles wound and Detroit will press the "Their defense Is as good as Fritz Ackley." buthilt that’stk.C . no cause__ J for___ concern___ ? AUGUSTA, Ga (AP)— " V ' ably moke fair distance estl ever under new Manager Yogi COMMERCLVL — Ed Scott up with a triple. t A P Photofix.) mates over land. But estimating defendinflr champion New Baltimore—"Hank Bauer has because everyone knows what With every drop of rain, ■ Berra. But I didn't see Mickey instilled a lot of aggressiveness he can do. A great deal depends >«N> 353. Jack Coflell 155-358, Nick water distances are deceiving. York Yankees in a five-way Mantle step out. He’s still favor- the Augusta National Golf Twerdy 357, Bob Biims 143, Here’s how to do It. Stand in the lineup. He's got the club on the bat of Norm Cash and pennant ing the knee on which he had hustling. I think shortstop Luis pitching.” C/Ourse grew longer, and the Tony MarinelU 358, Bob Ma*- straight and pull your hat brim the operation. Roger Maris nano 138. down until It touches far shore fight, President Joe Croflffi Aparicio Is in for a really great The race—"I think it will be field feir the Masters got wasn’t doing much. year. Bauer is making him the ■♦#1 of lake or river you want to believes. better as a result of the Dodgers smaller. CWLRLH TEN PIN — Tom measure. Then turn very slowly His reasoning: AH four show "The biggest New York con- take-charge guy and Aparicio Is beating New York In the World This course always favors Atamian 230-556, Bob Pearson and steadily on your heel. Now, marked Improvement while the cern is pitching-namely solid taking hold very well. He’s the Series. Some of the teams who the long hitter,” said veteran 223. Vic Sqadrlto 221-561, "read" land distance that cor- Yankees, seeking their 14th Hag help for Whitey Ford, Jim Bou- one who runs in to the pitcher thought the Yankees were in- Byron Nelson. ’’And wltn a i NEW YORK (AP) — responds to the same place tm- in 16 years, have stood sUll. ton and A1 Downing. 'Ihe prob- now." vincible may change their think- soaking rain. It favors the man Hank IVlttke 213-581. Art Mc- lem la not the eight men on the *»Pj Frank Howard, baseball’s Kay 211, John Muschko 211, der your hat brim. The 64th campaign opens next Minnesota—"The team has a ing.” who hits the ball a long way 'n BAGGY CAMP COOK M on^y with Los Angeles in field, its on the mound and lot of tools. It is more mature the air. That’s Jack Nicklaus.” reluctant dragon, is breath- Stan Hilinski HI 20C, Irv Fos- the bullpen.” Kansas City owner Charles O, 1—P I ^ Y YOUR GAME ing fire aga'n and that ter 203, Kingsley Kuhney 203, Lasy camp cook# use the bag Washington. Cronin made his now and looks the part. I was Finley—"Yes, I’ve written him "The rain cuts the field of John Porcheron 203-562, Bemie method. Works like this: They remarks Monday on the basis of The Cronin analysis of the „impressed , .by that -young - • pitch---- : we won’t call a meeting he sug- player.s with a good chance There doesn’t need to be a bit means that Walt Alston, Krutt 201. V,- |iack small bags such as the his observations at Florida four challengers; er, Jerry Arrlgo. Sam Mele is ‘ gested concerning changes he down to only four or five, ” said of difference between your manager of the World m kind salt come In. In camp they camps. iTOklng better at second. Zollo wanted made In the Yankee Sta- the even more veteran Gene weekend match and one of our "I can’t predict a Chicago — "A1 Lopez is the Sarazen. ”Nlcklau.s, and just a major golf toumamentfi. Chnmolon , ELKS — Rocky Lupacohino .ay V boll water. Eggs go In one sack; 10-team most opUmlsUc manager down shortVersalles is just terrific at dium foul lines ” can breathe just a little bit easi- 138-373, Jim Aceto 139-358, Bob potatoes in another. Last sack race as much as we would hope there. In switchhlttlng Don Bu- conUnually making the Have Finley’s threats to move ' others; Arnold Palm- They’re played with the same er. Wagner 136, John Rieder 137- is filled with coffee. Lift ’em In for one,” Cronin said. ”I pick w d up from Indianapolis, the big plays.” I his club affected the players’ | Snead, maybe. And clubs and balls and according Howard, whose hulking 6- and out with a comer of the Uie White Sox, Orioles, Twins Detroit—"The line-up is much I attitudes? — "The mood of his ‘he young.sters, Rex Bax- to the same rules. 354, Nap Pitcher 142, Lee Wood i White Sox have a mature “ ...... ter and Jack Rule.” foot-7 form wa.s conspicuou.sly 354, Hertor Rivard 353. John | vrs ■ bag hanging over the edge. and Tigers as the leading chal- year old ro o ^ rse c o ^ basemfn ^ 6«>d. The ball The only problem Is for both ab.scnt from the Dodder train- ' 4 FREE SPOOL TANGLE Nitklaus, the 24-year-old of us to apply the same philoso- Madigan 350, Jack Chri.stadore each has decldely improved.*>*cauW|who can fly and^ade nie ^ d e i P'^ye^s haven’t time to think Golden Bear who last year wa.s Si ing camp for most' of the 375. m/ This works . . . sometimes. If phy to our respective games. ^ aprine, turned up la.st week and 1 the run of a large fish tangles tile younge.st player ever to win Your mental attitude can be a.. 1' ^ other lines before they con be the Masters, looked at the the flimsy I.o.s Angeles attack GUYS AND DOLLS — Stan steady downpour Monday and exactly the same as is Ours ha.sn't been the same since. Hilinski 226-577, Mike Koss 201- taken up, allowing the fish to when we’re lining up a single The giant-sized outfielder run some more with the reel on Flaring Tempers and admitted it didn’t hurt putt for thou.sands of dollars. 551, Art Shorts 218, Bob Sta- i ‘i free spool may pull it through Sweep of Eastern Series Goal of Boston chances to be the first player stroked two more hits Monday I yens 204, Judie Lockwood 175- ever to repeat. A case of jitters In either in- night as Los Angeles whipped other lines, help unsnarl. Are More Likely stance can be fatal. Training Camp ■ 180-508. Dee Block 198-476, Ann RAINY HUNT "This is just wonderful for Facilities the New York Yankees 5-1 in Pagrickas 191-511. Ellen Rei- me.” he said. , When we are on the regu- an exhibition game. It brought Certain ookl, rainy conditions lar tournament circuit. It’s up ^ - - chert 196-613, Thel Marice 176, can cause guns to nmt almost With Red Wings Rain is expected to continue his spring production to sbc hits I Jessie Magnanl 176. Bill Russell, 'Playoff Pressure off and on through Wednesday, to us to de^’elop a mental at- in 15 appearances for a .400 ______I while you watch them. Antici- titude that becomes as grooved pate these times and c»rry an NEW YORK (AP)—Tempers according to the Weather Bu- ‘Major L e a g u e ’ in average. 1 may flare In Detroit tonight if reau, although it is hoped the as our swing. You should do the Florida Top Slugging Mark M a x / oUy rag to wipe gun with from same. time to time. the red-necked Red Wings are course will be fit for practice Personal problems kept How- J'.'X lC O Start half as mad at the Chicago May Help Crush Royals’ Dream rounds today. It was closed be- The trouble with the aver- By EARL YOST ^capacity of 6,500. During the-feLauderdale. ard out of the Dodger camp un- LIVELY WORMS fore noon Monday. age golfer 18 that he has a Located far from On a hot day you can help Black Hawks as they are at past three years, the city ha.s the center of town, near both til last weelr and without his I At Second Bane Referee Frank Udvarl. CINCINNATI (AP) —'*>fense as it has done nothing ls<*>match local fans The tournament opens Thurs- tendency to become a little ST. P E T E R S B U R G, spent $200,000 on Improvements. bat the Dodger attack w as' keep worms alive by wetting a here have day, and it seems highly unlike- jumpy when he starts bear- FLA, (AP)—Spring train- the Pompano park of Washing- sponge and laying It on top of The veteran official took a Bill Russell plus playoff Impo.ssible. Let’s Just say awaited since a year ago when Lang Field is easily the most ton and the new Pompano Har- somewhat on the skimpy side. For Boston RSoxi verbal beating from Detroit think we can finish the job In ly there will be enough sun- ing down to win. He swings picturesque in Florida, due to Howard’s lifetime slugging Um can. pressure may well enable the Celtics needed seven a little harder, and the first ing facilities, for the most ness Racing Track, the Yankee Coach Std Abel Monday as the five.” games? shine to put any roll back into part in Florida, are strictly the pleasant surroundings of average of .512, tops among the HOT FEET the Celtics to crush Cincin- the lush fairways. thing you know his game has park can seat 7,243 fans, and MESA, Arlz. (A P )— Unless National Loop Has Wide Edge Young bucks won’t need this Wings and Hawks prepared for "Ru.ssell is the best pressure gone up Uke the noon bal- Tampa Bay, the Yacht Club and often does. New York being the Dodgers and ninth best among the sixth game of their best-of- nati’s dream of ending the “Because this is the playoffs, Nloklaus was a.sked If he I'big league.” For this visit- Coast Guard Air Station. active players, a-z’s a needed Chuck Schilling starts hitting tip but canny old timers who player in the league," explains baby,” smiled Tommy Heln- thought a wet cour.se would turn loon. best gate attraction in the right away, he’s going to lose seven Stanley Cup semifinal Boston basketball dynasty Celtics’ Co-CppUln Frank ing Connecticut newspaper- , owned by the punch to Alston’s cast. appreciate comfort know series. Detroit, trailing 3-2, is a sohn. the tournament into a Nlcklau.s- You know your game when man, it is always a treat each Grapefruit League. Howard’s hitting shared the his second base job to rookie enougn at night to fill tlndr In a four-game route tonight. Ramsey. "I’ve never seen him Palmer battle. you step on the first tee. BOBOS: The U. S. Open cham- city, can accommodate 9,500. While the playing surface at Dalton Jones. In Up to Date Baseball Parks step away from oblivion but the There’s no longer any ques- fail under pressure. He Just Cincinnati star Oscar Robert- pion’s winning form is key to spring to move from one town The glass enclosed press box Is spotlight with ' canteen with lulling water and Red Wings have a ready-made son, the league's MVP, puts the ”I certainly hope so,” Nick- Usually you know your oppo- to another io watc^ the various Pompano is excellent the pitching. 1316 Dodger ace hurl- Red' Sox Manager Johnny tion whether Bo.ston will win gets better." nent’s game. The thing for “Par or Better.” one of the best liked features Peaky called the turn today as slip It down at the bottom of scapegoat in Udvarl If they fall its eighth straight Eastern Di- Royals’ problem tonight this laus said, "because that would major league clubs in spring among the writers, especially on stands are strictly minor league ed six strong innings, allowing NEW YORK (NEA)— San Francisco, but Walter F.<^ Thomson, former manager of t h ^ sleeping bag. Real luxury to force (Jhlcago Into a deciding "Pressure is a thing you have way; mean that I would be right up you to do is to go about shoot- training drills and exhibition — which falls perfectly into the five hits and striking out six. Boston began its exhibition trip vision playoff crown in the to learn to live with," Russell there. Arnold is just about ing the score of which you cool spring nights. I can recall Northward with a closing con- The magnificent William O’Malley financed the building Yankee Stadium, made five LAZY ICE FISHING seventh game. NBA. The Celts lead the be.st- "What are you going to do entranced trying to b«^t your games. This year 15 of the 20 the temperature being in the category of the Senators. Tne Bo Belinsky, the Angeles of in Los An- trips to Dodger Stadium in Lazy ice fishermen chop a Abel accu.sed Udvarl of "chok- says. "For eight years it has about Russell? He’s every- ready to start playing his best know you are capable. Don’t game that his own score will clubs are based in Florida. park was constructed in 1957 test at the Chicago Cubs’ camp. Shea Stadium in Flushing, of-seven series 3-0 and have the always been with us. Everybody golf. He’s hitting the ball a.s far worry about the other fellow. 40s for one recent night game Angel southpaw, continues to Pesky already has given geles after trading for the order to be certain that what small hole near each of their ing up” when he allowed a dis- Royals "running scared” in the where. pe blocks everything. suffer. The greatest single adver- when I was glad to be "inside,” for Buffalo of the international impress in the Angels’ Palm new home of the New York property. Dodger Stadium is mistakes were made there Up upe and bore through Ice puted Chicago goal in the has aimed at us. Everywhere He’s got everybody bothered. as I’ve ever seen him hit it.” Pace yourself to play your There are undoubtedly many League at a fee of $125,000. rookie center fielder Tony Con- words of their own coach, Jack we go there has been an intense Palmer, the Masters winner tisement during the winter even in Miami. TTie park, now Springs, Calif., camp. He won igliaro of Revere, Mass., a defi- Mets, further illustrates the first privately owned major would not be repeated in Shea so it floods. Then they stock Hawks’ 3-2 victory last Sunday. McMahon. You can’t play your game game. If you can accomplish angles to the psychological aide months for Florida is its major used by Baltimore, opened in Another $40,000 was ^>ent on his second game of the spring In 40 years, or Stadium. The $24.2 million, five- each hole with bait to avoid He called the official’s decision rivalry. You learn to handle It. against him.” In 1968, 1960. and 1982, agreed that, nine times out of 10 the of golf and probably most folks improvements to lure Wash- nite green light to start against how far the National The only item to be cleared that he is driving In the Nick- other fellow will beat him- league promotional program- 1949. Monday, allowing only three New York in Yankee Stadium League as moved ahead of the since Col. Jacob Ruppert built tier showplace, accommodating repeated long tripe to bait box. ‘ridiculous” and said It cost De- "Cincinnati Is just learning The Russell spectre Is caus- have their own theories. I just i n ^ n to that East Coast com- hits in six innings as Lm An- Yankee Stadium. up Is how soon the series will be about pressure. It can make a, laus range. “I’m happy about self. For a two month period, any- Attendance Poor April 14. And he’s assigned left- American promotion-wise. 55,300 has 21 escalators, two FILE AWAY JAM troit the game. wrapped up and the Celtics ing discontent on the club and have one big simple one that I one who picks up any newspa- munity. geles defeated the Cleveland In- Houston’s all-enclosed dome elevators, the latest in lighting guy’s arm tighten up, a reflex my driving, and 1 feel my irons If you can shoot the score IxxMited across the bay from handed Glo Connelly of Pitts- By 1965 the A fingernail file Is the perfect The Red Wings asked the Na- would like nothing better than some rumors McMahon won’t want to share with you: per is bound to see daily ac- The stands at Bradenton, dians. 7-1. stadium Is under construction and a scoreboard 86 feet high tool to free shells that Jam In tional Hockey League to replace action. It can make a man un- be rehlred. The coach has been are a little better,’’ he said. at which you are aiming, your Never beat yourself. Make St. Peteraburg, Tampa can offer field, Mass., his first major will have had built for It or and St. Louis is building a new teach the Royals a lesson via a sure. That’s where you can dis- "I’ve been playing pretty well, opponent usually becomes so counts of teams in spring train- A1 Lopez Field, named after while simple, are old and out- Said Belinsky; league start in Boston April 19 and 175 feet long which doc.s automatic shotguns. Udvarl, scheduled to work sweep. outspoken in his criticism of the other fellow try to do It. ing. The athletes usually start moded by today’s standards. "I'm getting more action on constructed six new parks In park for the CardlnaKs. There everything but talk and in color FREEZER TIP Thursday’s seventh game in (Jhl- tinguish between great players his players. and I feel better coming into the Tampa resident and current against (Jhlcago. 12 years. In the same period, are moves to build new parks "I can’t believe Cincinnati and average players. It’s an in- this tournament than I have for early in February and depart manager of the Chicago White The same case holds true at my fast ball and slider, and my "I am growing Impatient for yet. This Up will keep your game cago—if there is one, with an- One of them said; "Of course control is better. As soon as I the American League has come in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. There isn’t a pillar or post doesn’t have at least one good teresting facet of this game.” three or four years. for their home bases two Sox. Cincinnati is based in Tam- Fort Meyers where Pittsburgh some of these fellows to come longer and in better condition other referee. NHL President game in its system,” said Bos- there is some discontent. If a “It’s all right with me If it months later. Meanwhile, the trains. The Braves left Braden- get my screwball working, I around,” Pesky said. "If any of up with only two—the Minneso- Worthy Walt in the joint, so no obstructed In your freezer. Breeze game Clarenpe Campbell said, how- So why did Cincinnati get a man says you’re a chump, pa, a park almost adjacent to should be In good shape.” ta Metropolitan and the Wash- They have a model and then ton Coach Red Auerbach. "But 7-5 season’s series edge on Bos- rains until Sunday. It's an ad- publicity received by the State Tampa International Airport. tcm after a stay of 25 years be- our kids prove to me they can views, and 96 per cent of the the regular way. Then take the ever, that such a change would if my club keeps playing de- you’re not going to kiss him on of Florida, and the cities which Can’t Get Runs ingrton, D. C., Stadium. some In Shea Stadium In seats are between the foul poles. ton and yet failed in the re- vantage to anybody who can Defense Major Part Lopez Field opened in 1954 and cause the city failed to im- do the job they are going to get Queens. Its opening has been frozen game out and dip in wa- be impossible. both cheeks for i t ” carry the ball, and that’/s what boost major league clubs, can- at the time boasted the Reds prove conditions but Kansas Roger Craig who had trouble the chance to play. The National League in more The roundness of the stands ter. Refreeze immediately. The Canadlens and Maple I’m doing these days.” not be measured in dollars and getting runs with the New York recent years has beaten the delayed almost as long as that will give customers a homey and White Sox. Although faciU- City moved in without any "Jones appears to be ready of King Tut’s tomb, but the Glaze Ice covering provides an Leafs met in Toronto tonight cents. Uea are ace high, attendance whimper when the team was Mets, is running into the same for the major leagues. In a cou- American to the punch in every feeling. There are no straight and Montreal, ahead 3-2, needs difficulty with the S t Louis wait was worth-whilfc One look llnea A party sitting in one additional seal to help keep WBA Says Liston In Success of Celtic's On the other hand, Florida has always been poor at Lopez grafited a franchise in the ple of days I will make up my way. The NL was first to move and Jim Thomson, thq brawny oxygen out. one more victory to eliminate Field and this prompted the American League. Cardinals. Craig, the victim of mind definitely, but unless Schil- a franchise in 1953, when the section can see friands in others. the defending cup champlona has done quite a bit to lure the 12 shutouts last season, shared Scotsman who Is busines man- The New Breed of Met fans Dodger-Giant Pay TV major league clubs. White Sox to move to Sarasota Newest project is in Cocoa ling starts to hit, he will be out Braves went from Boston to ager of the Mets, doesn’t have Montreal Captain Jean Bell- Not in Rankings NEW YORK (AP)—De-fsame as a group yet,” said when the pulled pitching chorea with Ray Sa- of the lineup." Milwaukee, where they enjoy- never had it so good, and Wil- veau, who rested an Injured knee fense, a word seldom heard Wayne Embry, captain of the For example, Fort Lauder- where a park and field were decki and Bob Humphries and to tell anybody that this Is the liam A. Shea Stadium is an- Patriots Seeking team. dale Stadliun, home of the New up stakes and headed for Ari- constructed In 60 days. Natu- Schilling, who hit .234 last ed fantastic bucks office suc- finest all-purpose edifice ever during the Canadlens’ fifth- MIAiMI BEACH Fla. (AP) _ around the National Bas- zona the Cards wound up on the short year, is batting only .230 this cess for a decade. The NL other long step forward for the game victory, may return to the Former Heavyweight Cham^on Some say the main factor In York Yankees, is a masterpiece. rally, it has not been fully com- end of a 1-0 verdict against Bal- built for sports. National L,eague. Backfield Coach Ready for Fast Start ketball Association, plays a The Tampa park was .built at spring. "I am concerned about moved quickest to the rich gold lineup tonight. The tall pivot- Sonny Liston hasn’t been sus- the sweep Is Boston’s Bill Rus- The city spent 3900,000 in lur- pleted, but the Houston (Jolts timore. pended by the World Boxing major role tonight as the ing the Yanks away from St. a coat of $500,000 and can seat found it satisfactory. The over- him because he loses weight fields of California. man skated strongly during sell. Russell’s defensive genius 7,5(X). In addition to the main Elsewhere. Ken Johnson of very quickly." When the Dodgers and Giants BOSTON (A P)-The Boston Montreal's hour-long workout. Association. But he can’t fight NEW YORK (NEA)— Boston Celtics seek an un- has taken its toll on Cincinnati Petersburg. all cost is a half million dol- Houston pitched six perfect in- Patriots are In the market for to regain hds crown until he is “I have flgores to idiow field, Tampa has four other lars. When completed. It will "If we were 1-2-8 in the switched to Los Angeles and But Coach Toe Blake said Bell- Without good attractions, that radio, because It was precedented four - straight players who like to shoot from Within the past 10 years, nings but lost when Milwaukee standings I might be more in- San Francisco, the New York a new defensive backfield coach. veau would play "only If he is reinstated to the WBA’s rat- how can you persuade home close up. The Royals hit with Florida cities have spent more diamonda for use by Cincinnati seat 6,500. On the site is a col- bunched four hits for two runs Fred Bruney has re.signed to ac- ings. more or less a teaser and sweep in the Eastern Divi- minor league clubs. lege-llke dormitory which can , ^ I cWn**! to wait for some of these metropolitan area was left opan 100 per cent.” television sports viewers to didn’t give the Ustener the only 35 per cent of their .shots than $5,000,000 in erecting new in the second inning snd s 2-1 players to come around," Pesky for the Mets when the NL ex- cept a similar po.st with the WBA President Ed Losaman pay for what they get now sion finals against the Cin- Sunday night as Boston won the parka or improving old ones. While Clearwater is best house 80 players, plus a minor Philadelphia Eagles of the rival said Monday night that Liston whole aspect of the game, known for turning out cham- victory. Manny MoU socked a continued. "But we finished panded. Coming in with the I for nothing ? helped build patronage. I cinnati Royals. third game 102-92. Built Park, Got Team league clubhouse, a 101-room grand slam homer, highlighting i seventh last year and we have National Football League. Chess, Clieckers, Pool had been dropped from the rat- The Celtics, who dropped sev- pionship softball teams. Jack dorm for 250 players complete Mets Were the Colt ,45s and the ^ And without home view- also have figures to show "Russ was phenomenal In tha West Palm Beach built a new a six-run Pittsburgh rally and | nothing to lose playing any mushrooming city of Houston. Bruney inaugurated the young ings because of a police charge ers to pay for Uiem, how en of 12 regular season games Russell Stadium, named in hon- with cafeteria and recreation American League with the Pa- VERO BEACH, Fla. (AP)— pending in Denver. He Is ac- that free telexlslon elimi- first game, may)>e the best I’ve park for an estimated $840,000 or of the former major league a 12-4 victory over Minnesota, youngsters who can do the lob.” Never a wrong move. i are you going to get good nated a lot of customers. with the Royals, have unleashed ever seen him,” said teammate room. Kansas City lost its fifth 1 ------— ______triots, playing safety for two Everything was shipshape at cused of carrying a concealed to land the Milwaukee Braves. pitcher who resides in Clearwa- First for Negroes , attractions? Since pay-television Is only a tenacious defense in sweeping John Havlicek. “He was just as The eye-picture layout was not Dodgertown at Vero Beach, straight as Detroit rallied fori seasons, acting as playing-coach the training camp of the world weapon. It’s like the Old puzzler, the first three games of the se- ter, it also boasts the Philadel- The NL was first to accept the third and serving as coach The WBA said in a Monday an extension of the live sensational the next two completed last year, when the phia Phillies. The capacity is home of the Los Angeles Dodg- six runs in the last two innings SrhlYllflt champion Los Angeles Dodgers “Which came first, the 8Ate, It will help a lot ries. Cinlnnati held to a top pro- games.” Braves moved over from Bra- ers and all I>ouger farmhands, and an 8-7 victory. V ^ « Ml 1 U I O 1 g H 8 Negro combatants. It has had only last fall. before they reported. All the release of ratings that “Former chicken or the egg?” duction of 92 points, seems 7,000, exceeded many times for more of Boston Coach Mike Holovak Heavyweight (Champion Sonny Think what we could have Coach Jack McMahon of the denton, but was ready this softball, rarely for base- is a city in itself, actually a chess and checker pieces were "I think we have it made on our three-game doomed even with an apparent | Royals doesn't buy this theory. spring with a seating capacity World War n army post. M San Francisco toJi^d‘"^5!rTwo - Year Pact j the better ones since. says he’ll take his time in choos- In shape and the 15 billiard balls Liston was removed from the licked,” said Harold Weiss> return to form by ailing Jerry ball games. It was built in 1954 ing a successor. ratings due to his Indefinite pennant - deciding series "I think a lot of the show has of 6,400, 4,000 in the grand- and ready in 1966. Built in the 1920s for Oinoin- Chicago Cubs 9-7. 'The Chicago The NL’s progressiveness Is were raked up for the enter- man, assistant director of with the Cardinals last Lucas and Oscar Robertson. nothing to do with Russell,” he stand. West Palm Beach is nati, Orlando s is White Sox nipped the Mets 2-1 With NHL Qub refiected in performance, and Before joining the Patriots. tainment of the players foUow- suspension.” sports for Subscription Tel- year.” Red Aumbach, the Celtics’ said. “It’s been us. Only in three hoping to lure another major In Sarasota un- now used by Minnesota. There and Cincinnati defeated Phila- more Important, what comes Bruney played four seasons In Ing their dally workouts. The However, Lassman said lat- evision, Inc. “We have the coach, is elated with the Boston of the 12 quarters have we shot league (American League) club derwent major improvements — are 2,545 permanent seats and delphia 5-3 . with it when it is superior—at- the NBX, one of them at Wash- man In charge was Peter O’Mal- er, "Liston is not suspended; he Dodgers and the Giants O’Malley was asked If ^rformance. He called Sun- 40 per cent. You know after the Red Sox left — and BOSTON (AP) — Milt is simply removed from the rat- people wouldn’t visit homes these to its stadium, where the facil- a 8,000 capacity. The permanent Schmidt, member ot the Na- tendance. The Yankees have ington under Joe Kuharlch, new ley, son of Dodger prealdent and will have about 24,000 \ day s victory, “one of the great-1 guys are not 30 per cent ities are adequate to handle is a fine area to watch a game seats were donated by failed to win the American head coach of the Eagles. Walter O’Malley. ings.” home sets wired for pay where STV was installed est defensive efforts I’ve ever! shooters ” today. A large trailer park sur- EARUER SUNDAY GAMES tional H(x^ey League’s Hall of Lassman said a correction Instead of attending games seen.” three teams at one time. from old Grif- Fame, has a new two-year oon- League pennant only twice in In Los Angeles and San St. Peter^urg is the only rounds half the park, many 15 years. Only on those occa- would be made in next week’s at the box office. if In the Western Division final, trailer residents view the game fith Stadium in Wsishington. NEW YORK (AP) — Sunday traot with the Boston Bruins. Francisco, two of the hot- Florida city which offers a It is esLsy to see that getting sions did a rival outfit make WBA bulletin. test baseball cities in the “Not for long,” answered the St. Louis Hawks and San game every day, thanks to two from seats atop their homes. baseball games in New York Terms of the new contract, any kind of a run at the Bronx He said that Liston. Uiough country, by (he time we the wily one. "S^ner or lat- Francisco Warriors resume Harvard Star Out baseball teams to train in are starting earlier this year announced yesterday, were not clubs training In the city of Finest Park Florida cities is a sound invest- Bombers. The NL has had si:- Youngsters Overcoached not suspended, could not be con- are ready to go on the er a fellow gets tired of be- their series Wedne.sday with the multi-colored (no longer just than in the past following a bill made public. His present con- different champions In as many sidered a contender for the air in July. ing a host and dishing out Hawl-.s carrying a 2-1 margin. CAMBRIDGE, Maas. (AP) — Without an>' question the ment. It costs money to make signed by Gov. Rockefeller. The tract as coach was due to ex- Dtu., ASXiiJR 'A’o-WY CiAlNlAtiER k'l The recurrance of a knee in- green) benches. At Lang Field finest park, with the best facili- money and Florida communities years. Seven clubs are consider- heavyweight title until placed “And we’re not going to hospitality and free drinks. Don’t count Wilt (Chamberlain la another beauty. Built in 1947 Mets start their Sunday games pire this month. ed contenders this season. Claims Cards^ Ken Boyer back on the WBA standings. hurt the live gate.” he add- Then his friends either have FAMILIAR GROUND and the Warriors out of it jury may deal a long-rango ties — even down to cai-peted are happy to spend a dollar to at 1:05 p.m. and the Yankees blow to Harvard football at a cost of $270,000, it has a dressing quarters — Is at Fort make two. Weston Adams, chairman of With bigger and better parks, Lassman said If Liston ed defensively, "there or to go to the park or get —Boom Boom Geof- Though. Their 36-polnt victory begin thelr’s at 1:30 o'clock. the board of Erectors, said — “makes an appeal to come back Subwriptlon Television on Saturday night was also a study Hopes, Junior Tom Bilodeau hotter competition and smarter Mound Deals Plugged Holes 8T. PETERSBI’RO, Fla. 1' anywhere else. We’re Just present plans called for Schmidt promotion, the National League and behaves himself,” he was an extension of the regular their own sets.” frion is on familiar in defense with the Hawks man- from Milton waa pronounced to continue as coach. He added (NBA)—Ken Boyer, the liest' sure WBA members would con- That sounds Just like the ground in the Stanley aging just 85 points. A repeat lost to the baseball team for has outdrawn the American the third baseman in baseball, be- box office, and we’re going S<^midt wtll be called upon in past two campaigns—by 1,345,- In Leaky Braves’ Defense sider reinstating him on the to fatten It, not bleed it early days of free home Cup playoffs. The performance would bring the at least two weeks yesterday any other capacity in which his 103 paid admissions in 1962 and lieves youngsters are over- ratings. to death.” televlston — and Milton Warriors right back In the thick with a srpradned ligament in his coached. Berle. hard - hitting right of things. right knee. It was the same in- background and long experience 2,287,001 in '63. WBST PALM BEIACH, Fla.—«. 'i# STV has a 15-year deal may better serve the club's The hopelessly 10th place general manager doesn't “When I was in high school with the world champions wing of the Montreal Even though things look pret- jury which hampered him aa (NEIA—For three years It has have to be a genius but must they provided us with a field Canadians has been in ty grim for the (Cincinnati Roy- a halfback in football. To solve player'development program. Meta, performing at the old leemed to a lot of people that and the Giants—hard flve- "In other words, he’ll be a , played to 1.- be ready to move when an and the equipment to play Governor Pays .vear eontracts with two 13 previous playoffs, als, they're not ready to give up a pixrblem at the position, foot- LINCOLN CONTINENTAL John MoHale's principal objw- opportunity is offered. Our with,” said the St. Louis Cardi- Wigton to Coach yet. troubleshooter If need be,” 080,104 people last season, tlve was beefing up pitching five-year options. Both one for every year of ball (Coach John Yoviscin had Adams said. only 228,816 less than the 1,- club got rolling last season nals’ star. “We had a coach. He For Sox Tickets clubs o«Ti stock and share “Sure, the odds are against us, planned to switch Bilodeau to staffs of major league clubs oth- when Gene Oliver and Bob looked out fur us, had charge his National Hockey but we’re due to play good ball. Schmidt has sreved as Bruins’ 308,920 who paid to see the er than hie own Milwaukee. In the proceeds from the At Staples High quarterback. Bilodeau plays coach tor nine ot the past 10 Yankees again win their way Sadowski came from St. Louis of us on trips and all that, but BOSTON (AP) — Gov. Endi- viewers. League career. We haven’t put together a good shortstop in baseball. years. He first took over from Into the World Series. The In that period MoHale, presi-’ for Burdette on June 15. he didn’t do much coaching. cott Peabody, invited to the “We have that other WESTPORT (AP)—The ap- General Manager Ijynn Patrick dent and general manager of "This waa the kind of spot "Give boys a ball—they’ll Boston Red Sox opening . day necessary Ingredient, too— lowly Mets stiijed up a New the Braves, traded and lad led pointment of George Wlgton, nesur mid-season 1964-55. In Breed of fans and the visiting general managers look for. learn what to do with It. They game as guest of the team, money,” continued Weiss- Lots of Coaches 1960-61 he moved up to the an entire staff. Away went the The Cardinals had a shot at learn by playing. If one- does has Insisted on paying a con- man. “Last fall we Issued assistant basketball coach at clubs, especially the Dodgers starters. Joey Jay, Juan P(z- front office as Phil Watson was and Giants, don’t hurt a bit at the pennant and believed Bur- something better than the oth- m tribution to the Kennedy Me- $21 million In stock—and the University of Connecticut, BRADENTON, Fla. (A P I- named coach. But after 16 saro. Bob Buhl. Don Nottobart, dette might be the clincher. ers they know It, and they’ll try mmm morial Library Fund. It was subscribed In less Asked why his team has six the gate. Carlton Willey, Lou Burdette as head basketball coach at 8 out of 10 homes games the following year County Stadium In Milwau- Unfortunately, he wasn’t, but his way. They figure things out The Red Sox released the than a week. An eleotronles Staples High School was ' an- coaches” President Charles O. Schmidt waa coaching again. and Bob Hendley and the fire we got Oliver and Sadowski, a for themselves If you give them following letter from Gov. Pea- firm and one that special- nounced today. Finley of Kansas City says " I kee set the pattern for munici- fighters, Terry Fox. Don Mc- Schmidt had Boston in the palities building a park in order finished pitcher 11 years young- a chance. I’ve ««en Wds go up body to club owner Thomas izes In billing are part of Wlgton will also assist in want to make it easier on Man- Stanley Cup playoffs four of his to obtsiin a ‘franchise. Mahon and Bob Shaw. er than Burdette. Oliver will to hit and right away some- j Yawkey: our setup, so we are certain football at the high school ef- ager Ed Lopat.” The Athletics have a cold room first five seasons but the club The Giants practically were MoHale didn’t exactly look play first base for us. body saw something wrong "Dear Mr. Yawkey; to have meehanleal facil- fective next September. have Jimmie Dykes and Luke has been out of the money for made a present of the wind good when the huge J a y Young Pitchers with the way they samng the mI " , ■' I "I wish to congratulate you ities.” He Joined the athletic staff Appling alternating as ' third IS YOURS ONE OF THE 8 ? ? ? ? ttre straight campaigns. tunnel that U wrapped together two 21-game "Young pitchers we feel can bat. I can’t see It.” -is, . ! on your magnificent offer to STV operates on a little at Storrs In 1956, coming from base coaches with Mel McGaha oeosons. helping Cincinnati to a go right along vrith Spahn are Boyer, whose 111 runs bat- turn over the proceeds of the electronic gadget about, the Ohio State Univeraity where he at first base. Each has done pennant in the procem. the left-handed Denny Lem as- ted In was second to Hank opening day to the JFK Me- size of a cigar box which starred In basketball and track. some managing. They also have But McHale explains that he ter and the right-handed Sa- ^ Aaron of Mllwaiikee last sea- morial Library Fund, has three dials — one for While at Storrs, he setyed as pitching coach Tom Ferrlck, Worm up that Stan Musial Adds Administrator wasn’t going against the book dowski and Tony Cloninger. * son, never coached, never man- i “Your action is an example each channel they will use. a freshman coach in track, Gus Nlarhos, and Babe Dahl- by swapping pitching for pow- Hank Fischer also will start. •fiod, but speaks from a back- for tho entire nation. We are The gadget can be Installed football and basketball. He was grren. Minor league pitching hard-to-heut room er. The one-time Notre Dame Dan Schneider, 21, Is a stylish ground that Is unique. The Boy- proud of you. on any home set for $10. in his second season as frosh coach Bill Posedel Is also help- ■T. LOUIS (AP)—The man'^at Syracuse and Rochester, N. first baseman says he only car- ora almost had a team of Boy- 4, "Enclosed, herewith, please After that, the subscriber left-hander. Dennis Ribant i$nd hoop coach when he moved up ing out in spring training. 20Ji who will be the new administra- Y., before becoming sssociate ried out standard (g ratin g Dick Kelley, right and left, re- ers when he was a boy in Alim,' find my check In the amount of pays $I a week for main- to the varsity position on an with the new procedure in rObuilding the IN. ' tor for President Johnson’s athletic director of Michigan spectively, and up from Denver, Mo. (pop. 8.50). $18.00 In payment for six box tenance and approximately interim basis when Coach Hugh UNSPONSORED WINNER ih* State Univeraity. He conducted Bravea. seats to the opening day game. general admission cost for Council of Physical Fltneas have a chance. “We built a basebaU field Greer died. ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. a combat fitness program while Filled Big Hole "We are loaded with relief across the street from our "My best wishes for a very each sports event he tunes hasn’t gained a pound since he Buccesaful season. In. The first 65,000 sub- Wlgton piloted the Huskies (AP)—After Australian Bruce em&L CHASER lettered In three sports st Syra- he was in the Navy in the mid- This task was finished he con- pitchers — right-handed Bob house,” Ken recalled. “Me and, to 11 victories In 13 remaining AI SOs. Stewart became athletic di tends, when FeHpe Alou and Tlefenauer, Frank Funk. Jack my brothers got the field ready, i "Sincerely, scribers In each area will Devlin won the St. Petersburg BY IRON |!|REMAN cuse University In the 1930a “Endlcott . Peabody, Gover- pay only $5 for Installation games on the schedule and a Open for his first American S t Louis University Athletic rector of S t Louis U. in 19S8. Ed Bailey came from San Fran- Smith, Ron Plche and Phil Wa sprigged the grass—a Ber- near upset of West Virginia in THIS REVOLUTIONARY NEW DE- cisco in exchangs for Hendley, muda type—and did aU the KEN BOYER nor.” and the maintenance fee ■Victory In three years he said Director J. Robert Stewart ac- Nlekro and left-handed Billy will be waived for 62 weeks the NCAA Tournament. ”I’ll be back, you can bet on It.” VELOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT- cepted tha offer of the admlnla- Shaw and Del Crandall. Alou Hoeft. Nlekro is a knuckle- other work.” Yankees. Lenny, a high school Clrnek Hi m ruled the gaping hole which had Vero Boyot, now retired from for thr«n. Asked If the 26-year-old master INO will keep your cold or chilly room tratlva job from physical coun- ‘Boxer of Month’ bailer with experience In the senior, b a shortstop who will STV will telecast home The Detroit Tigers nave won plumber from Canberra had a advantag»$: warm and cozy, with filtered, circulat- cil boas Stan Muaial. Stewart existed in center field since higher minors who spent last “ •rolng, railroading and such, get a haadsonie bonus. Hall of Famers 100 or more games in a season Billy Bruton went to Detroit in season In the Army. had seven baseball-playing sons games between the Dodgers sponsor or represented an y ClmUlM mum ilr. ing, thermottaticaliy controlled heat. flew to Waabington Monday "I think Lenny (the baby and Giants. The c Iu Im are three times and finished second American golf club maker he Operating coat up to 75% less than night to meet with Musial, who Award to Cotton the deal for sorely needed sec- "Lemaster. 25, is going to xnd six daughters. "He’s got 27 brother) Is ' the best prospect SALISBURY, N. C. (AP) — in two of those years, 1915 and V Hut CMHi fraa k*t witw WHY DOES THIS CAR HOLD ITS VALLE SO HIGH FOR SO LONG? ond baseman Frank BolHng. grandchildren. The family usual- of all,” said Ken. “He’s bigger The National Sportcasters and eominltted to free television replied: “I have no sponsor at tuk w kditr. other add-on heaters. Heats cold bath- was appointed by the Prealdent xtiaxit ^ a big winner. Last season on away-from-home games 1961. all.” y I«4i>l4u

PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1964 PAGE Roonng—Sidlnf 16 Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 Household Goods 51 Apartments—Flat*— Bosineas Locations Houses For Sale 72 RN or LPN, Friday and Sat- For Rent 64 Houses For Sals 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 urday, 11-8 a.m. Greenlawn Tenements 63 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sslc 72 Wanted—Real Estate 77 Trauble Reachins Our Advertiser? BID WELL HOME Improvement PEDIOREE miniature Collie, SINOER CONSOLE sewing ma- LONDON PARK - Six room VBIWON - Mltchen telephone Wan tad—Real n Company — Roofing, siding, al- Convalescent Home, Rockville, male, cne year old, loves chil- chine used for demonstration MANCHESTER - Deluxe FVnir STORE FOR RENT with at- Cape, 6 rooms finished, 2 years MANCHESTER—Convenient to SIX ROOM Cape, one room OLDEIR HOME on bus line MANOOBTER Vlclntty — Just 878-4291. •xch^e, spacloua 0 room bua. 6 room Cape, tree shaded unflnlehed, near schools, bus, OUR EXPANDING real eetate WE HAVE a client ______terations, additions and re- dren, $40. 649-3468. purposes In our sewing room. room apartments In modem 4' tached 2-tUll garage, located old, large .wooded lot. $i8,ooo, JWch, deep treed lot, walk-out with extra B aona lot. House listed. Very clean txpandabla Mrvice otters the homeowner M-Hour Answering Service modeling of all types. Bbrcel- Substantially reduced. Low, on W. Middle Turnpike near Phllbrick Agency, 649-6464. lot, oC bot water heat, diniag shopping area. Kitchen haa would readily convert to a 8-8 in purahaataif lO-u a ^ k i a t! GIFTS BY AVON—Thousands family house on West Center MbMment, aluminum atorais room, reo room, 2 or I bed- Cape with extra insulation. prompt, efficient service in industrial land entt af the! lent wrorkmanshlp. 649-6490. low terms. Singer Sewing Cen- Street. Ample off-street park- Parkade. Call B. Dubaldo, 646- stove and refrigerator. Flre- flat. New heating unit, garagt, Larga kX, fir^ a c e d living of people received Avon for nnd acreens, oil hot wator beat, rooms, ^|de pie order placa In living room. Reason- •elling, trading, or outright river. All cash deal. B roken' Christmas. If you are one of ter, 882 Main Street, 648-8883. ing. Fior appointment to in- 6206 between S-B, Saturday M . • f •nerous bedrooms, paneled in a desirable rental area. Va- room. $18,900. Ellsworth Mit- cash for residential or invest- Free to Herald Readers Articles For Side 45 throughout, assumable mort- able. Oall owner 648-07S1. cant, we have the key. Aek- pnXectwl. Oalt Mr. W ertner, the lucky women who did, you meet call Mr. Werbner, Jarvis Manchester (within 10 -lying room, epic 'n span garage. $16,600. Wolverton ten, Realtors, 868 Mtddla Turn- ment properties. For re ^ ts Roofing and Chimne3rs 16-A Realty Co.. 283 East Center Ing $18,900, but owners want to plks, East. 648-6080. Jarvis ResJty Oo., 648-4111 Want Information on one of oar classified advertisements? No know what a fine product we LAWNMOWERS - A r 1 e n s, FOR SALE—O. E. refrigerator. STORE, 460 Main 8t„ 646-8229, ^rouibout. Wolverton Agmcy, AgMicy, Realtor, 649-3818. ROCKVILUJ—Older OM>e, 7 call Wesley R. Smith Agency, manufacture. Why not become Lawn Boy, Toro, Bolens Orbit Street, 643-4112. miles of) Realtor 649-381$. se l and are reasonable peo- 649-1894. answer at the telephone listed? Simple eall the ROOFTNQ — SpeclalUlng re- Call 643-0066. 9-8. rooms, 2-car garage, bam, TWO FAMILY of 5-6, rertden- HE WHO WHUPBRB about iba psdring roofs of all kinds, neve one of the Ihcky women who Air, and riding mowers. Wheel- fruit yard. $12,800. Rockville ” Crockett, Realtor, profierty he has to sell eeldam sells Avon? No experience horse and Bolens 4-wheel BARGAIN OFFERINGS MANCHB8TER-l.arge modem Tolland tial area, new heating sys- MANCHESTER - ROQ)(VILLE roofs, gutter woiic, chimneys immaculate ranch on lOOxM Realty, 876-2627. £2;«V tems, partial basements. One geU resutta. We have qualified cleaned, repaired. Aluminum needed. Call 289-4922. tractors. Parts and sendee. Musical Instruments 53 Houses For Rent 65 ■BUYING OR SELLING buyers waiting to purchaae siding. SO years' experience. Capitol Ek]Uipment Company, $ 8,000—for one, $9,600 for two. tondscaped lot, (uU baeement, RURAL DELIGHT COVENTRY Golf course bor- PORTER STREET vacancy. WHl qualify for min- ANSWERING SERVICE Glenwood Manor 4Vi room ranch type recreation room. Vin Bogglnl, imum FHA or VA financing. A homes to all price rsiwaa Free estimates. Call Howley, 38 Main St., Manchester. FOR SALEl—Hammond spinet THREE ROOMS, fumlMied or Country living. Three bed- dera property, (near Bolton SCHOOL A HOME Why not list your property 649-0500 — 875-2519 .643-6361. 643-0763. BANQUET waitres.ses — Please Open dally 7-6, Thursday 7-9, unfurnished, reasonable, p>ine year 'round homes, ad- Bel Air Real Betate, 64$-9SS3. line). $15,700. only. Immaculate buy at $16,900. T. J. Crockett, Saturday .7-4. organ only one year old. Like Four new luxury apart- joining loU, artesian rooms, large living room, Spartcltog King size Colonial, Realtor, 648-1677. with ue. Two offices to serve call after 5 p.m. 649-1833. ______new condition. $796. Call Man- ments available April 16 in grove, adults only, pleasant BOLTON-$16,000. 440 foot front- 6^ room ranch, 14x20 living Have assurance of exper- you. Prompt professional serv- and leave tout message. Voa’Il hear from our advertiser In Jig well, lake privileges. kitchen with elbow room, lovely front-to-back living room, SCREENED loam lor the best Chester 649-9296 after 6 p.m.^ quiet residential neighbor- location east Manchester. 642- age, approximately $ acres. ampCe dining area, garage, room, knotty pine paneled SPACIOUS 6 room older Co- ienced service. For Infor- ice. Jarvis Realty Oo., R i ^ time without spending ail evening at the telephone. Radio-TV Repair EXPERIENCE Unnecessary. 6389. raised hearth fireplace wall with picture window overlook- mation call Stanley Bray, Run little .shop-by-mail club. In lawns, delivered from our RRAvn view hood. Four spacious rooms I ifiOO—FUUy furnished, newly Neat 6 room houae, brook. B. almoet full acre. Minutes to ing i^ v ate terraced purden. lonial, modern kitchen, IH tors 283 East Center Stlreet Services 18 screeninv nient Anrtnv.r .8U«tar and bath, Philco electric J. Carpenter, Raaltor, 649-6001. rfjO|>i^ng, highway. $14,600. with bookshelves, 3 good sized baths, I bedrooms, 2-car ga- Realtor, 643-6273. Manchester; Route 88, VernosL Two hovirs weekly, 10 weeks. screening plant. Andover Co- with sway bar, beautiful tone FTVE ROOM single house, painted 6 room ranch bedrooms, each with double Formal dining room, large CONNIE’S 'rv and Radio Serv- Earn $60 or more In famous lumbia. George H. arilflng kitchen with /^Combination large yard, centrally located, type summer cottage, Garriaon 280-8288, cheery kitchen, $ twin aized rage, aluminum combinations, 643=4112, 875-0626. Lost and Found 1 Auto Driving School 7-A need cash, price $296. Save washer and dryer) Individual BEAUTIFUL 6 rooms, 3 baths, 649gS06. closets, hot water heat, full 100x140 wooded lot, $17,900. ice. available all hours Satis- products. Club .shopping saves Inc., 742-7886. $55. Car. 649-7567 or 649-7120. Immediate occupNmey. Call large screened porch, to St. James district, flre- basement with 2-car garage, bedrooma, encloaed breezeway. BRAE-BURN REALTY faction guarant-ed. Call 649- friends money. Write for free zoned Hydronic heating with 643-4584. next to lake and beach, Truly a home for the discrim- Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. MAN’S BLACK raincoat, large FARM LOAM, fieldstone, fire- domestic hot water fur- placed living room, wall-to-wall ?4 acre, high, well landscaped 1316. 324-page catalog. No obliga- PIANO, 4’ LaFarge upright, corner lot, trees, out- carpeting, completely finished lot, trees. Minimum down, fi- inating buyer. Reallsticatly, Legal Notica size, taken by ml.-rtake at St. E-Z LERN tion. Popular Club, Depart- place wood, and chain saw nished, air - conditioning, side fireplace, nicer BARROWS k WALLACE Mary’s Episcopal Church Ea.s- work. Max Rank), Columbia, remodeled and refinlshed as sound and fire resistant, rec room with bar. Many out- Manchester Parkade, nancing available. Lawrence F. SELLING YOUR Home? Call ment J802, Lynbrook, New splnit, walnut. Excellent pitch. COVENTRY—Cute three room > residential section. ^dlng extras. Three blocks Flano, Realtor, 643-2766. E."f mS. “i J S r ssss";; Paul J. Correntl Agency, 648- OBBEa o r HEABnO ter Sunday, other coat may be Driving School Millinery, Dressmaking 19 York. 228-9323 after 4 p.m. private garage and storage house, $60. monthly. 640-0886. Manchester, 649-6806 Street. Please call 649-6696. State ^ 0 (^ OonnecUcut._ Fiolwte claimed by calling 643-6446. Be.-rt offer. 742-7197. area, adults preferred, $150. 1,300—Vacant 4-room ranch from Main Street Call 649- Charles Nicholson, 742-6364. Doris McLallen, 639-6770. 6363. Qualified buyers waiting Court, Town of Bolton. OhitriM•trlet fli DARK, RICH, stone-free loam. 6661. SIX R(X)M Cape, aluminum for multiple dwellings. Don’t Ai^over. April 6, 1964 OmnecUcut’s largest, luito- EXPERT ALTERA'nONS oJ per month, one year lease. CAPE COD — Two bedrooms, type home, fireplace, BOLTON’S 9EST B U T-0 bed- Exclusive With EsUte' of 1/Ouis' C. DUnock. U U LOST—Multi-colored gray ahv matic and standard shift, Al.so fill, gravel, sand and ROCKLEDGE, Garth Rd. Ex- siding, treed lot, tile bath, cen- delay—call today. o^^ton. In said DUMA ^ ladies’ and gentlemen’s gar- Antiques Call Miss Terrio, 649-5253, stove, refrigerator, garage, recent oil hot water BEAUTIFUL paneled heated room Spilt Level on partly ceptional quality, custom built gora cat. vicinity Old Cheney free pick-up service, teen- ment.-?. Ail work done prompt- Help Wanted—Male 36 stone. 643-9504. 56 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. large yard, $120. monthly, baseboard heat, pan- J. WATSON BEACH k CO. trally located, many extras, Office btiilding. Reward. 649- age classroom, older and family room off kitchen, 3 bed- wooded lot, approximately two 8 bedroom luxury ranch, $15,000. 643-5083. j^Prekent, Hon. Norman J, Fysuse, ly and rea.sonably at Center RELOCATION SALE — Every- ——MANCHESTER OREEN «n-An- 643-5683. eled porch, full base- room ranch, aluminum storms, acres, with State stocked trout everything from radio con- Realtors Legal Notices 2304. nervow' students our spe- Tailor Shop, 32 Oak Street. DRIVERS for school buses, ment, large, private T^e Executors having mThiMiox Manchester-Vemon area, 7:30- thlng reduced at the Morrison' “quej?. Open every day except cellar. 188x346 lot, only $16,- brook running through proper- trofiled garage doors to swim- 31 Central Row, Hartford their administration acoouat with cialty U5 Center St., «(an- Paint A Waiinannr asK Monday. 481 E. Middle Turn- EAST HARTFORD—New apart- wooded lot, lake priv- ty. Completely bullt-to kitchen 632-3114 LIMITATION OMDEB FDUND—Gold and browm mafe chester Call for free book- 8:45, 2:16-3:30. Call 643-2414. Paint k Wallpaper Store, 385 Resort Property ileges. 500. Carlton W. Hutchins, 649- ming pool, below cost. Owner, Lots For Sale 73 AT A CXIURT OF PROBATE held said estate to this Court for al> dog. Call Lee Fracchia, Dog Center Street, Manchester. pike. 643-7222. ment. Combination living room 5132. includes refrigerator, freezer, 643-8110. lowance. It Is let 643-8601 Moving—Trucking- For Rent 67 WALKER STREET — 7 room at Manchester, within and for the ORDERED: That the 23nd day M Warden. 643-8594. TURRET LATHE operator.------bedroom, large kitchen with $ 0,780—A ttractive 4 room atove, oven, dishwasher, dla- TWO BUILDING lots, prime lo plslrlct of Manchester, on the 1st April. 1964. at 1:30 ofclock In the Storage 20 Must be able to set up and SERVICE STATION supplies appliances, wall-to-wall car- BELOW $12,000-Cute 4 room poaal, Urch cabinets. Living LICENSED Real Estate Sales- Cape, enclosed breeseway, ga- day of AprU, 1964. GARDNER LAKE, Conn. Mod- home, garage, glassed cation, city utilltlee. mibrick Present, Hon. John J. Wallett, , afternoon at the ProbaU Offlcs to NOTICE is hereby given that work from blueprint.s. AverA__ ! f l nand H o nequipment—going i i l r \ m A n f __ /-viv^ out of Wanted—To Buy 58 peting, tiled bath $106. month- expandable home on the bus room (12x22) has paneled fire- man desires position with ac- rage. Near schools, shopping, Agency, 649-8464. Judge. I Bolton be and the same assign ^ Pa.art- full shed dormer, fire- $116 monthly mortgage. Vln full basement, one half acre corner Route 86, French Road, ORDERED: TTiat six months paper having a circulatloa in said ford. 247-9774. Painting—Papering 21 ers on . 5-day week. place. garage, recent 6 014% ASSUMABLE mortgage— from the 1st day of April. 1964. be LOST: Pa,-?s Book Number 7767, Apply Tober Ba.sebali Manu- Approximately (301 2 light 4 WE BUT. BELL or trade an- menf, in Vernon. Hot water, Bogglnl. Bel Air Real EsUte, lot, easy Parkway access, min- $8,900, will take first mortgage. and the tame are limited and al- District, ana by posting a copy ol ft. fixtures; (3) 4 light 8 ft. tique and used furniture, china, adults only. 649-1467. Wanted To Rent 68 room Cape, amesite 643-9332. ANSALDI HEIGHTS Wapptog. Six room ranch to Ray S. HoScombe. Realtor, 644- lowed for the creditors within this order on the public sign post Saving.-? Department of The PAINTING, EXTERIOR and in- facturing Co., 114 Brooklyn St., drive. imum down, financing avail- In the Town of Bolton, wbsre de- Connecticut Bank and Tru.st 1962 CUSHMAN scooter. $226 or Rockville. fixtures: (2) 1 light 8 ft. fix- glass, silver, picture frames able. Lawrence F. Flano, Real- excellent condition. One-half 1285. which to bring in their claims ceased owned property, and bjl terior, paperhanging, wall- HDEAL FOUR room heated MIDDLE-AGED woman em- (COVENTRY NORTH -Near acre lot, enclosed backyard, against said estate. and said Company, application made best offer. Phone 644-1775 paper removed, dry wall work. tures; (1) 4 light 6 ft. fixture: and old coins, old dolls and tor, 648-2766. Charles Nichol- I room Remch, 2 fireplaces, executors are directed to give pub- sending a copy, certtoed maiL (1) 2 light 8 ft. fixture. 849- guns, hobby collections, attic apartment, stove Included, ployed desires 3 or 4 room LAWRENCE F. FIANO Coventry gof,f course. 100 acre son, 742-6364. carport, aluminum storms, ANDOVER LAKE — Two lots, lic notice to the creditors to bring postue prepaid, to The OonnecU- for payment. Reasonable rates. Bank financ- rent, central location pre- garage, recreation room, cut Sank and Trust Company, One 1962 HONDA 50CC, excellent EXPERIENCED painters want 4817. contents or whole estates. Fur- parking, $96. Call 649-1919 be- farm, high location, lots of road combination windows, screens, awnings, full base- near sandy beach. Writ# Box In their claims within said time {Constitution Plasa; Arthur Randall,. ing arranged. Fully Insured. niture Repair Service Tatcott- tween 6:30-7 p.m. ferred. References. 649-3320 af- ResCtor 843-2766 frontage, older 9 room home, ment, hatchway. Owners 644- B. Herald. allowed by publishing a copy of condition. Call anytime after 649-9658. Jo.seph P. Lewis. ed. Call 649-6326. LAKEWOOD CIRCLE — Cb- doors, tile bath, city util- this order in some newspaper hav- CPA, 36 Gillette Street, both of Announcements 1:30. anytime Saturday or Sun- - .. ^ TRAILER—4 feet wide, 7 feet ville. --1--=. —uim. Conn. Tel. ici. «-to-643-7449. ter 5. dairy bam. out buildings, lonial Cape, 6 large rooms, 1149. Hartford, Connecticut; Charles W, THREE ROOM duplex, gas fur- Ovaries Nicholson 742-6364 itles, amesite drive, trees, ing a circulaUon In said probate Austin, c/o Hie Guernsey-West- day 649-5850. INSIDE AND OUTSIDE paint- EXPERIENCED carpen- '°ng, height 5 feet, ramp and ;------many potentials. Lawrence F. 1*4 b a th s, fire p la c e, g a r a g e , MANCHESTER — I reeidentiai district within ten days from the EHLiECTROLUX sales and s e rr- nace, nice yard, available good condition throughout, SOUTH WINDSOR — It makes zoned lots, long frontage, \ date of thia order and return brook Co.. P.O. Box 375, West Hart- ing. You name your own price. ter wanted. Call Forbes, Inc., I toil gate, metal frame, $75. ■ "WANTED TO BUT, old poet Flano, Realtor, 643-2786. situated on well land.scaped hot water, oil heat. ford. Connecticut, O. Norman lee. bonded representative, Al- 649-5392. I 649-2426. cards (p’^or 1926) Amelia La- May 1st., $70. 643-5773. WANTED- Bam or garag* to Charles Nicholson, 742-6364. sen.se to get the moot for your trees, $2,700. Wolverton' 51?'**'* *•' « notice Halgh. c/o The Nlantic Lumber 649-7863, 87G-8401. rmJL SHED DORMER - Six wooded lot. $28,900. Phllbrick fred Amell. 206 Henry St., Man- Business Services ------' - _ Peusz, 39 Maltby Place. New work on car. Call 649-6069. Agency, 649-8464. money. Split levels are the Agency, Realtor, 649-2818. jo hn j . wallett, Judge. Oo., NianUc Connecticut and Mrs, DOUGHNUT BAKER, exper- USED ELECTRIC adding ma- Haven. FOUR ROOM apartment, first rooms, 2 baths, remodeled Daisy B. Dtmock, Dtmoek Lane, chester. 643-0460. Offered 13 PAINTING, PAPERHANQING MANCHESTER—8 room raised CHARLES LESPERANCE real economy homes. Always Bolton. Connecticut, all at least ienced, full-time. Apply in per- chine; al.so u.sed ca.sh regls- :------floor, with stove, no children. kitchen, fireplace, rec roc?m, ranch that features 3 bed- the playroom and the garage LIMITATION OBDEB seven days before the day as- Good work, reasonable rates. Business Property MANCHESTER—Six room split AT A COURT OF PROBATE held INCOME TAX Returns prepared machines .son Bess Eaton Donuts, £)onuts, 150 ter. Call 649-9669 before 6 p.m. "ANTED — Apartment size Inquire 172 (jharler Oak screened porch, Bowers SchooU, rooms, living room with fire- level home on a deep, well for much less more than g;a- Suburban For Sale 75 signed WASHINO repair- Over 30 years In Manchester. at Mancheoter vlUiin and for the NORMAN I. PREU88, Judgw by auditor. Business and In- ed. RCA Whirlpool and Ken- Your neighbor my recon.men- Center Street, Manchester. electric stove, 3 or 4 burners. Street. 643-7862, For Sale 70 Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. place, kitchen with bullt-to landscaped lot, garage, oil hot 649-7620 rage rent alone would cost Dletrlct of Manchenter, on the 31st dividual. Raymond Oirard. Call more. All work guaranteed. dation. Ra}rmond Flake, 649- ELECTRIC RANGE, $35.. Elec- Call 643-5283. range and dishwasher, dining water heat, 2 full baths, 3 bed- w7 have finroJfeArg. ^ MencheMer day of March. 1964. collect, 875-7362. tric range .suitable for cot- THREE ROOM apartment, oc- BUSINESS ZONE HI — Eight $14,900—Air conditioning, dish- Preaent. Hon. John J. Wallett, Call 643-4913. 9237. MR. ,IR. EXECUTIVE area, lower level includes rooms, living room with fire- from $16,500. up. Glenn Rob-' room ranch, approximately Judge. tage, $10. Victorian platform cupancy Aprid 15. Call 643- rooms with two offices, sep- washer, fireplace, large kitch- room, den or office, utility one acre, many extras, g ^ INCOME TAXES prepared In Rooms Without Board 59 7222. place well designed kitchen, $14,4(X)—TERRIFIC value in a erts Agency, Realtors. 644 Estate of Barbara Schoen. late REPAIRS on all makes of re EXTERIOR and Interior paint- Are you interested In a gen- rocker, $26. Call 643-5733 be- arate entrance, suitable for en, roomy 8 bedroom ranch, room and garage, oil hot wa- walking distance to schools and 1521, 644-0181. terms to qualiifled buyer, no of Manoheeter In said District, de- INVITATION your home or by app^ntment, tween 6:30-7:30. business or professional use. 105x250 lot. Don’t wait. Carlton 6 room Cape, 4 bedrooms, agents. $16,900. 742-6078. ceased. frigerators, washers, ranges, ing. Wallpaper books. Paper- uine career opportunity? FOR RENT—Front room, half ter heat, 1% baths. Owner .shopping. Wolverton Agency, On motion of Mary Bums Box experienced tax work, 24 hour and dryers. All oil burners hanging. Ceilings. Floors. FUlly This is not a sales, com- Phllbrick Agency. 649-8464. W..Hutchins, Realtor, 649-5182, heading west. Wolverton wooded yard with fencing; MANCHESTER VK3INITY — TO BID sendee. Call 643-4723. KNEEHOLE desk, mahogany block from Main, parking. 59 FOUR ROOM apartment, first Realtor, 649-2813. bus line, .shopping nearby. Ob- No. 91. Ferry Road, Chester. Con- cleaned and serviced. All work in.sured. Workman.ship guar- mission or canvassing type Birch Street, 649-7129. floor. Tel. 643-7980. INVESTMENT PROPERTY — EIGHT ROOMS for $17,900—we Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. Lakefront opportunity. Well necUcul. executrix. Sealed Bids will be received guaranteed. 649-0055. anteed. Leo Pelletier, 649-6328. position. The management finish, drawers on both sides. GERARD STREET—Lovely co- tain maximum financing or built vacant 4C4 room Ranch, Fanns For Sale 76 ORDERED; 'That six months feder al in c o m e tax re- Call 643-5931 after 5 p.m. 2 stores. 7 room apartment, have one ll.sted. Old but solid. assume mortgage. We.sley R. from the 31st day of March. 1964. until 3:00 P.M. (E.S.T.) April turns prepared with your sav- If no answer, 643-9043. of our firmly established COMFORTABLE ROOM for New heat, paint, etc. Vacant Vernon lonial, (our adequate bedrooms. plastered walls, fireplace, BOLTON—100 acre farm plus a be and the same are limited and TYPEWRITERS — Standard and separate 30x37 concrete Enclosed porch and a nice Smith Agency, 649-1894. large private lot, many shade allowed for the creditors within 21, 1964, by the Housing Au- ings in mind. Reasonable New England corporation is COMBINATION T-V, radio,Rec- gentleman, parking, 272 Main SIX ROOM duplex, on bus line, block building with heat, lava- Lot is 100 by 270 with a big lovely recent 8 room colonial, thority of the Town of Manches- and electric. Repaired, over- INTERIOR and exterior paint- now interested in placing a Street. treed lot, two car garage. trees, 128’ water frontage. which to bring in their claims rates. B. J. Bayles, 649-6246. hauled, rented. Adding ma- ing, wallpaper removed, fully ord player, mahogany cabinet, available May 1st. 643-6324. tory, and office space. $26,900. bam. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, SPACIOUS COLONIAL PORTER STREET Area—Lo- jrith (our liedrooms. Some against said estate, and said ex- ter, and then publicly opened for high potential type porson 648-1577. Drive by, our .sign on the prop- cation alone make.s this 6 room Anxious out of town owner ecutrix is directed to give public chines rented and repaired. in.sured. Rene Belanger, 648- plus Mallory converter. Call THOMPSON HOUSE - Cottage Contact Phllbrick Agency, 649- erty. See the excellent neigh- asking $16,500. Lawrence F. barns, all equipment stays. supplying approximately '75,000 FULL-TIME tax accountant for an accelerated develop- 643-6074 before 8 p.m. FOUR NICE clean rooms and 8464, (or details. 6-room Garrison, large (Colonial worth $18,200, 2-car Ideal for the ‘‘gentleman farm- notice to the creditors to bring In ready to a.sstst you with your Pickup and delivery service. 0512 or 644-0804. Street, centrally located, large and bath with large attic borhood, the central location, Flano, Realtor, 643-2766 their claims within .-iald time al- gallons Bunker "C” No. 6 Fuel Yale Typewriter Ser^ce. 849- ment program. First year SIX ROOM Cape, near school, rooms, V4 acre lot, perfect garage, lot 200 feet deep, bet- er”, plus an opportunity to sell lowed by pub'ishing a copy of this Oil for the 1964-1066 Heattai« Income tax preparation Rates income range $5200-$6200, pleasantly furnished rooms, space, heat and hot water fur- bus, shopping. 2-car garage, location for children, Ideal, then call us and we’ll gladly (Carles Nicholson, 742-6364. order In some newspaper having a 4986. EDWAR3 R. PRICE - Paper- parking Call 649-2858 for over- ter call now to get particulars. some lots to the future. T. J. Season. reasonable. S. J. Turidngton hanging and painting service. third-fourth year $9-$12.000. Boats and Accessories 46 nished, $100 per month. For Land For Sale 'J\ aluminum Siding, combina- worry-free hom* for you. take you through. T. J. Crock- Wesley R. Smith Agency, 649- Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. circulation In said probate district Jr.. 643-7731. Further progress ba.sed on night and permanent guest more information call 649-7567 tions, knotty pine kitchen, fire- ett, Realtor, 648-1577. VERNON—Mitchell Exchange. within ten day.-- from the date of Specifications and Contract 8HARPENINQ Sendee - Saws, 649-1003. rates. Upgrade your living at 1894. A-l condition, 5*.4 room ranch, this order and return make to this Documents may be obtained at knives, axes, shears, skates, ability and performance. A 8 FOOT VEE Ijottom .*«l‘«i and eleven o clock in the forenoon, and No job too small. John Ver- (Manchester Area) Mrs. Morse, 109 Foster St. MANCHESTER — Off Silver thing. 1*4 acres, too, with plen- WALKER STRBE7T — 8 room Inc. Call 644-0788, 644-1732, 5061. creditors within automatic transmission, excel- i fireplaces, flag.stone terraces, Expansion-minded company, parking. Call after 5, 646-6614. Cape with one car garage, fire- that notice be given to all persons lent condition, $695. 649-1768. concrete repairs. Reason- faille, 649-5760. Lane bua line. 6 room older 18,600 — WEILL KEPT 5*4 room ty of trees, etc. Ideal location. ‘’*®'*' claims Interested in said estXe of the 5-ACRE I 5 years old, selling residen- Garden—Farm—Dairy FOUR R(X)M heated apart- home, 100x160 lot, garage, 8 place, cozy rear porch, nice COVENTRY—Just over the Bol- agaln.st said estate, and said execu- pendency of said appIleaUon and ______. ably priced. 643-0851. COMFORTABLE room for gen- ranch, 8 bedrooms, attractive T. J. Oockett, Realtor, 643- MANCHESTER—desirable fea- f^ve public FLOOR SANDING, finishing, tial property at the rate of Products 50 ment, not (umlriied, warm bedrooms, ceramic bath, oil 1577. lot, near schodis, shopping ton line. (Custom built homes, tures every homemaker looks the time and place of hearing 1957 PLYMOUTH Savoy Hard- ~----- r.------;---- T" waxing. Interior and exterior over $17 million annually, tleman, separate entrance, dining area, sul-urban. Owner non-development, wooded lots. to,*he creditors to brinir In mcreorn by publishing a. copv ^ top, 4-door sedan. 649-9337 af- tt^VE SMALL pickup truck— and cozy, $80. Children wel- heat, excellent condition. Per- anxious (3arlton W. Hutchins, area and bus. S. A. Beechler, for can be found in this 6 their claims within said time al- this order in some newspaper hav- painting. Expert workman.ship. offers challenge to self-start- APPLES — Macs, Baldwins, parking. Call 649-2555. come. Tel. Garfield 9-9928. fect for young family. $14,900. Realtor, 643-6969. 6 room Cape, 4 rooms and Iw ed by publishing a copv of this FARM f' J ter 5 p.m. i Attics and Romes, D e I i c i o us . Lower Realtor. 649-5132. MANCHESTER—4, 6 ajid 7 bed- room Colonial. Convenient. oiMer In some newspaper having a ing a circulation In said district ______!______' cellars cleaned. Rubbish re- William E. Saglio, Genertil ers who are willing to woik Wolverton '► Agency, Realtor, room houses on special list- bath fini.shed, ba.sic price Sensibly priced, $17,000. H. B. at least seven days before Bie day CJontractor, 649-3240. Free es- for success. \ spring prices. Bunce Farm, FURNISHED ROOM for rent, LARGE SPACIOUS two family, $14,750, Options. Model home «TOUlation In said probate district of said hearing, to appear If they 1956 BUICSC Special, 2-(toor moved. Reasonable. Call 849- lady only. Mrs. Morse, 109 646-2813. ings. Priced from $86,000. Vln Grady, Broker, 843-8009. ^thln ten days from the date of see cause at said time and place timates. 529 W. Center Street, 643-8118. heated. 6-6, available June 1st. Boggini, Bel Air Real EsUte, at corner of Brewster and this order and return make lo and be heard relative thereto and KDROOMS Hardtop, very clean, power after 5 :30 p.m. Expert training . . . com- Foster St. BRICK RANCH HOME this court of the notice given I steering, rebuilt automatic 643-6514. NORTH COVENTRY - Near 643-9332. ’ BOLTON-All you can lose is make return to this court VACUUM CLEANEi^S. toasters, plete salesr-promotion and Parkv/ay. Like new 6H room SUBURBAN Moneto Construction Company, ______JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge JOHN J WALLETT, Judge. transmis.sion. radio, heater, all Bonds—Stocks- advertising support . Fertilizers 50-A PLEASANT ROOM (or gentle- your heart when you see this new rubber. 73,000 original irons, iamp.s, drills repaired. man, parking. 643-8203, 21 Ed- Colonial-Rahch, 6 acres, 2-car VERNON CENTER — Older 9 3 Stephen Street, Manches- Inc. Call 644-0786, 644-1732, antique gem of a home to the j Low taxes, hig:h scenic I Free estimates. Free pickup Mortgages 31 high commission potential garage, early American. Hayes rooms, 104x200 lot, oil furnace, 289-5657. miles. Will demon.strate Man- . . . growth prospects . . . FOR SALE—Good cow manure. mund St. Furnished Apartments 63-A ter Green area—2 blocks center of Bolton. Features 6% 11 o c a t i o n. Ideal for che.ster-Ea.st Hartford area. and delivery, 529-3365. $5 and $io loads Delivered. Agency. 648-4808. Off Keeney Street—large $9,990. Rockville Realty, 875- from East Center Street. A A BETTER ARRANGEMENT (or ambitious, high-quality 2527. GLASTONBURY — Quality 5 rooms, bath and 2 car garage L E G AL N O TI C E j horses. One car 228-9440 anytime. Also, gardens plowed. 643-7804, FURNISHED ROOMS, complete TWO ROOM furnished apart- delightful Ranch, 6 rooms, well con.structed functional on a lot 866 feet deep. Priced RAPID RUBBISH removal— of your finances will make full-time salesmen. light hou.sekeeplng facilities. | MANCHESTER—Convenient to room Ranch plus ba.sement or stable. Located on Attics, cellars and yards. Spe- 649-8731. ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, High and Junior High, 8 room mahogany paneled recrea- 8 bedroom home to (toe res- under $18,000 (or quick sale. To GIVEN of the certification of party- 1957 DESOTO 4-door sedan, more of your Income available Centrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, i hot water. Apply Mariow’s, BUTLER ROAD—8 bedroom recreation room, oversized ga- desirable South Road. cializing in cleaning houses, for personal use Lump debt No previous real estate ex- Cape with attached garage, tion room, 2 full baths, air ranch, close to shopping area idential neighborhood with rage, fireplace, % acre, patio, inspect call Barbara Babin, the of Democratic Party to good condition. Bargain. Call perience nece-s.sary. Sales or FOR SALE—Weil rotted cow 14 Arch Street, Manchester, j 867 Main St. excellent nearby school fa- Jarvis Realty Co., Realtote, Call for an appoint-1 owner after 6:30 p.m., 643- ap>artment.s and flats. Handy into one monthly payment of manure (or lawn.s and gardens. treed lot, 3 bedrooms, dining conditioned, 2-car garage, and schooCs. Phone 649-7924 plastered walls, hot water of i*!® delegate* to the conventions man service. Call 649-0218, 643- $22.25 for each thousand dollars business background pre- ONE ROOM, private home, i room, living room with fire- after 8. cilities. FTexible floor plan heat, many extras. By trans- ______643-4112, Eves. 643-1686. M epeclfied below. A list of the persons so endorsed I ment. 6381. I ferred. Call Mr. Kelly, 278- Peila Bros., 643-7405. 114 ROOMS furnished light % acre lot. Call may easily be adjusted to as candidates is on file In my office, being' the office of the 7479. including repayment over, five private entrance, gentleman, housekeeping, centrally locat- place, 1V4 baths, tip top condi- (erred owner. $18,500. 649-0942 BANNER RT 4-door se- ___ ' .. years FrankFTank Burke. 246-8897246-8897, 1800, for Interview appoint- tion, good location. Wolverton (XIVENTRY LAKE — Water- the small or large family. for appointment. TANNER ST.. Desirable Bow- Tovm Clerk, School Road, Andover, and copies thereof are 1961 CHEVROLET ment. preferred. 119 Cooper Hill St. I ed, reasonable, suitable for available for public distribution. ^ mereor are flan. 6 cylinder. . automatic,automatic ^-^RDS CLEANED, brush and Connecticut Mortgage Elx Household Goods 51 649-0695. I Agency, Realtor, 649-2813. front. $14,400, Professional Priced in the low twenties era school a block away, 6 * I trees k S A A U removed, t A ^ I lawnsA A MAre- ^ mm m • ^ / mm m ^ m one person. Call 12 noon-6 p.m., for quick sale. To in.spect, excellent condition. $100 plus- changb, 15 Lewis St., Hartford, 649-8404 WARREN E. HOWLAND neighborhood, completely fur- BUCKLEY SCHOOL room ranch, good condition. STATE CONVENTION Chaplin Asaiiy take over payment.s. 643-8226. paired. light trucking. Refer- (Jonn. BARROWS & WALLACE COMPLETELY reconditioned Realtor ni.shed, year 'round 6 room please contact Well maintained, beautifully Either 2 or 8 bedroom plan. ences, Free estimates. 742- 1 Omstitution Plaza. Hartford CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CONVENTION upright piano. As.sortment of ROOM FOR RENT, nice loca- BEDROOM and kitchen, fur- home, fireplace, garage, large landscaped. 6 room ranch, Basement with garage, SENATORIAL DISTRICT CONVENTION 1958 CHEVROLET station wag- 61^, , SECOND MORTGAGES - Un- good used stoves. 643-6563. tion, call 643-1659 before 8 p.m. nished. (or two adults, includ- 060 Mato St., Manchester .screened porch, artesian well, attached gareige. manv ex- deep lot, trees. Excellent value 643-9442 on. 6 cylinder. .**«y be obtained from Mrs. ARE YOU IK ALL TYPES .-fcreens rewired Help Wanted— $9,38 MONTHLY- range, and dishwasher, oak 5*A ROOM RANCH. Green Spruce trees, large garden TOWN OF ANDOVER Beatrice E. Kowalski, Democratic Registrar of Voters, Route 6 F ord, 1966. 2-door cu.stom, 8 Bedroom, Living Room, Dinette, meals and laundry free for TWO FURNISHED rooms, mal dining room, living room with Alcoa .screening. Leave MANCHESTER Male or Female 37 errands. Call 849-5459. kitchen and bedroom, all im- FOR ALL MAKES and hallways 8 good sized bed- floors, attached garage, $14,- Manor, aluminum combination area. Only $16,000. Lawrence Andover, Connecticut. Instructions for filing such a slate of or ouf of cylinder, radio, heater, auto- Rugs. Lamps, Tables 000. Phllbrick Agency, 649-8464. F. Flano, Realtor, 643-2768. BOARD OF FINANCE matic. Call 649-0:tt5 after 6 at Shart- ahtogle aiding, close to bus and to 1984’ by persona other than party-endorsed candidates: pro- MASONARY—Fireplaces, chlm ------WOULD LIKE typing and/or OPEN NIGHTS n L L 9 P.M. JOB OPPORTUNITY 860 Main St., Manchester 8464. for any or all conventions is filed in accordance with Sec 9-408 dition. Call 643-6074. I neys, patios, and brick veneer. OM no I nxT bookkeeping 1 to0 uo do in my nome. home. — ------— ment. Heat, stove, and refrig- ■ 0 h o o 1, tl4,80C Phllbrick of the Gen. Statutes, Revision of 1958, revised to 1964. rtded the number of such candidacies plus the nutpber of en- RN OR LPN, 11-7, 6 nightsa. will pick up and deliver. Call erator on bus line. Call 648- Agency, 649-8464. 643-1106 dorsed candldstes exceeds the number to be elected to said Brick, block, etc. Workman- week. Vernon Haven. 878-2077. Will pick up and ucuver.deliver. Call BVBRYTHING IN aterlUzed re- Auto Driving School 7-A ship guaranteed. Cjall 649-2402 conditioned used furniture and 7773. WE HAVE AN IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR A Forms for petitions for filing such candidacies for district town committee. (If number of opposing candidacies filed Is MORIARTY anytime. applinncaa, high quality - low •14,600 — FAIRLY priced 6V4 INVITATION delegates by or on behalf of a slate of enrolled Republican Party reduced to less than 25%, no primary will be held.) learn to DRIVE - Special It **” ’ j?'”* by "raE HOUR^pring^cleajT pricea: LeBlanc Furniture, 196 FOUR ROOM apartment first room home, large kitchen with members of other than party-endorsed candidates may be ob- attention to nervous and elder- ADDITIONS — Retaining walls, South Street, Rockville, 876- floor. Adults only. CsCl 649- dining area, 3 bedrooms, liv- MANCHESTER—Huge 8 room tained from the Republican Registrar of Voters of any tovra Forma for petitions for filing such candidacies by or on behalf ly Claaaroom (or teen-agera. cement floors, garages, bath- Call after 4:80, 643-7026. a74. Open 0-g. 8152 between 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. ing room with fireplace, small ranch, 2 batha, double garage, TO BID In the district. Instructions tor filing such a slate of candidates of enrolled Democratic party members may be obtained from BROTHERS rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof- experience required. Cali 232- • LINOTYPE OPERATOR Mrs. Beatrice E. Kowalski, Democratic Registrar of Voters, Pickup aervlce Day or era- 9716 or 875-2045. BBlAUnFUL brand new Town ■unroom, full cellar, 2-car ga- family room, recreation room, Sealed bids will be received at are contained In Part I, Instruction Page, of the petition form, Btog leaaons. Raaaonablo ratea. ing. Cali 649-4291. RUGS, never used, 9x12 leop- rage, almost 2 acres. Wolver- the Office of the General Mana- copies of which are available in said Registrars’ offices. I^o r to Route 6, Andover, OcmnecUcut. Instructions for filing such can- M3-5135 ard, $37; 9x16 gold broadloom, House Apartments (8 avail- many extras. Carlton W. Manchester Driving Academy WAITRESS for counter and Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 yiVt hour week, paid vacation, Blue Cross and ton Agency, Realtor, 640-2813. Hutchins, Realtor, 649-6182. ger, 41 Center Street, Manches- obtaining the petition form, the consent of each candidate to didacies are contained In Part I, InstructiMi Page, of the petition 742-7249. ' $35; 9x12 braided. 289-6666. able), sound resistsint, 4 large form, copies of which are available in said Registrar’s office. RMfing—Siding 16 table service, 6 days a week, NOW IS THE TIME to pretty rooms, 2 bedrooms. Includes ter, Connecticut, until April 15, be proposed therein plus a deposit of $15.00 for each such can- 301-315 C tiittr, Sf. Major Medical coverage. Pension Plan and other ■EVEN ROOM older home, 4 TWO FAMILY 6*4 eombinaticn 1964 a t 11:00 A.M. for the storm didate must be filed with said Registrar. A petition for an op- Prior to obtaining the petition form, the consent of each candi- MORTLGCK'8 Orivliig a^>wq 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Good hourly up your poOch. Grooming our DUNCAN PHYFE Dining room Individual cellars, heat, hot wa- k. A. DIOM, INC Roofing, rate, good gratuities, pleasant bedrooms, 2 baths, tot 72xUl. with 2-car garage, 2 heating ■ewer construction, Ferguson posing slate containing the required number of signatures of date to be proposed thereto plus a deposit of $15.00 for each WE GIVE Inc., offlcea, claaaroom located specialty; also, boarding. 643- set, 8-piece mahogany, excel-: ter, »». u.G. n<:E: appUances—range —range, benefits. Marion E. R oberta. Realtor, such candidate' must be filed with said Registrar. A petition aiding, painting. Carpentry AI- working conditions. Apply to 6427, H. C. ChaM, Harmony lent condition. Alao, mahogany; refrigerator, disposal, indlvld- systems, condition sxcellsnt. Rd.-Porter SL area. Bid forms, enrolled Republican Party members to the town or district, Maocheater Parkade. loarer •48-5908. Wesley R. Smith Agency, 6^ ms the case may be, must be filed with the Republican Registrar containing the .required number of signatures of enrolled Dem- GREEN STAMPS level. Beglnnere, older, oenr- teraUanii and addltioas Cell- person Brass Key Reetaurant. HIU Kannela, Bolton. Oilppendale secretary $20. uaI laundry hookupe, coin-op plans end ' specifications are inga. Woritmanahlp guaran- available at the oontroller’s of- of Voters to the town to which said petition haa been circulated ocratic party members in said municipality must be filed with oua atudenta, our epeciaity. 648-7176 -----laundry,- parking, Tested in. Apply In Person M4.900-imBBATABLE ranch ■old Registrar of Voters not later than 4:00 p.m. April 14, 1964, teed. aOO Autumn at. 648-4860 MATURE jVOMAN to act as ATTENTION huntera and peo- quiet residential neighborbood, fice, 66 Center Street, Manch6s- not later than 4;0() P.M. on April 13, 1964, being the 31st day Teen-age driver’a education companion to an elderly wom- value 6^ rooms and garage, preceding the day of the primary. being the 21st day preceding the day of the Primary. course, a u te certified. 64»-7n8. le with children! AKC reg- LEAVING STATE-Selllng all $146. monthly. Model apartment M^,(3M»TEII-014,0()O. 0 room ter, Connecticut 64obilhcR€if RM6 an, one day per week. QaK itered Labrador retriever pup- furniture, garden tools, lawn alumuium windows, high as- brick Caps, flrsplaos, garage, TOWN OF MANCHESTER. Rockville ottloe, M Ward at., RID WELL SIDING and roofing, open daily. 66-61 Oongreae 8t. ■umabls mortgage, finest con- Dated at Coventry, Connecticut, this Srd day of April, 1064. Dated a t Andover, OonneoUout, this Srd day AprU, 1064. 649-9801 or write Box N, Her- epies with riiota, 6 weeks old. furniture, many other items. Cutset Raymond Damato, 648- IfEraUk mesUent condition, trMs, near CONNECnOUT at 876-4011. 648-5879, 875-9100. ald. Phone 643-6169. dIttaB. WsMsy R. •m lth Reasonable. 649-8879. 7091, 643-9461, 649-3062. sohool. daritoa RIOHABD MARTIN, ELMORE TURXmOTON •U8AN P. B. L08BB Agwey, 040-U04. W. Hutchins, Realtor, 0404U02. GENERAL MANAGER Tosrn Clerk Town Cfierfc m \

FAGB 8DCTEEN TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 19M ,'l®anrIiPBter ^Q^nitts lim U t

The Lucy Spencer Group of Second Congregational Church H o s p i t a l N o t es About Town will meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. in H EA R 8t. JoMph’8 Mothers CSrcle the church parlor. Mrs. Joel Vlattingjiours are 2 to 8 p.m. L o w d I Lu iM b tro n Nichols and Mrs. L. J. Tuttle in all areas excepting maternity win meet tomorrow at 8:30 will be co-hostesses. AND THE p.m. at the home of Mrs. Alfred where they are 2 to 4 p.m. and Kntleelll, 80 McKee St 6:80 to 8 p.m. and private rooms " M E S S A G E F O R The Golden Age Club will where they are 10 a.m. to 8 tk.m. meet Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Oadette Olrl Scoil^ Troop 77 Visitors are requested not to A M E R IC A " will apoMor a rummage sale clubrooms rtn School S t smoke in patients’ rooms. No Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 more than two ^tsitors at one T E A M p.m. In Woodruff Hall of Center Emanuel Lutheran Church time per patient. Congregational Church. Any- Women will sponsor a rummage WednendaY, April I sale Friday at 9 a.m. in Luther Patients Today: 276 -i one having clean used clothing, Hall. Articles for the sale may 7:30 P.M. books or toys to contribute may be brought to the church until ADMITTED YESTERDAY: leave them at the church Fri- Thursday night Thomas Lappe, 9 Cook St.; ary. ___ Mrs. Elizabeth Abrahamson, 41 f iy Calvary Ohureh Orchard St., Rockville: Mrs. Past Mistress Club, Daugh- 647 E. MTODUE TPKS. The Immarulate Conception ters of Liberty, No. 125, will Andover: Frank Yonth after service: Mothers Circle will meet tomor- FREE COKES! meet tomorrow^ at 8 p.m. at the I ’ ^o*^*** ALL WELCOME row at 8 p.m. at the home of home of Mrs. Frank Duncan, 8 FREE HOT-DOOS 1 Mrs. Bernard Fogarty, 281 LitUe S t Cliriatensen 127 Coo- Porter S t Mrs, John Conner . ___ per Hill St.: Patrick Fltzger- win bo the co-hostess. r, rm. nr r • . Poi'tcr St. | Mark Fos- C. Thomas Weaver Jr. of 4 ter. 121 Union St., Rockville: TJniMi Lodge, Knights of Devon Dr. is sendng on a re-. Richard Jackman, 583 Hartford ^ Pythias, will meet tomorrow at ^onal committee ^ r an annuar R(j . ports Kirkland. 152 S p.m. at Orange Hall. Upsala College, East Orange, Wells St.; Mrs. Alice Knowles,- alloys and N. J., alumni fund campaign. Storra; Albert Michaud, Coven- try; Alice Orzechowskl, 445 Advertisement— Story Circle, South Methodist R E A L T Y Parker St; Mrs, Elaine Potter- Church, will meet tomorrow at ton, Femwood Dr., Bolton; Mrs. 10:30 a.m. at the church. Kathleen Edgar, 52 Grove St., PRO DUCTI ON Rockville; Shnron Tollsano. El- ing

DIRECT OR lington; Ryan Knowles, 30 Lo- P u b l i c R e c o r d s cust St.; Ralph Rockwell, 32 C OURS E also Starkweather St.; Mrs. Mary Marriage Licenses Toumaud, 131 Lake St; Mrs. FREE DEMONSTRATION LECTURE Dorothy Miller, Coventry; Joseph Paul Moriarty, 27 T H U R » A Y , A P R IL t A T S P .M . clash Lilac St., and Joyce Carol Smo- Holmes Brown. Blast Windsor lensk!. 313 Autumn St., St. Hill; Mrs. Rita McConville, 453 MEN and WOMEN, young or old, regardless of previous Summit St.; William Andrews, James' Church, April 26. experience, if you are over 21, you can be a real estate Building Permits 58 H School St. broker merely by passing an examination. Obtain your license To A. J. Johnson 4 Co. for ADMITTED TODAY: Carol and enter this richly rewarding profession. You can start on Ernest Ruebin, for a garage at Poliansky, Coventry; Mary Trl- a part-time basis on your own. or Join the staff of an estab- 62 Lenox St., 81,250. vigno, 26 W. Middle Tpke.; They re in '^Shchjo lished real estate firm. Our course offers the finest license ary To Eugene J. Michaud ■ for i ■J*'”,® 153 Bran- exam preparation available, as well as teaching you how to ford S t; Mrs. Ruth McGinn, 26 The song is, "If I Only Had a Brain,” in rehearsal for musical review, "That’s Show Bia” Sol Roman, for addition to a open an office and be successful in the real estate business. single-family dwelling at 60 Cumberland St. scheduled for Apttl 10 and 11 at 8 p.m. in St. Maurice’s Church auditorium, Bolton. As Attend a FREE FIRST LECTURE at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Scott Dr., $3,906. j BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A well-dressed scarecrows are, from left, Mrs. Angle Armentano, Mrs. Pauline Maneggia, April 9, presented by Lee Institute at Morse College, Hartford. To Eugene Girardin for John daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Please write or phone for a g^iest ticket. DlCiocclo, for construction of a jamin Gron.':ki, Tolland; a Mrs. Diana Costanzo, Mrs. Mary Le Febvre and Mrs. Margaret Maneggia. (Herald photo by daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Satemis.) MORSE COLLEGE, 183 Ann St., Hartford—522-2261 garage at 20 Fulton Rd., $1,000. To V. T. Johnson 4 Co. for ard Sullivan, 130 Eldridge S t Robert Bartoo, for alterations BIRTHS TODAY; A son to j to a dwelling at 165 Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nearing, i Mrs. Barbara Sal- St.. $3,000. 542 Hilliard St.; a son to Mr. vatore, 62 Englewood Dr.; John To Prank Spakauskas for and Mrs. Clinton O’Brien, 98 Linden St.; Mrs. Adam Perlebach, for construe- Oakland St. j Ruth Quaglia, 119 Waddell Rd.; tion of a dwelling at 16 Hendee DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; ! Joy®® Almon, 48H Union Rd., $18,000. I Mrs. Patricia Rosensheln. 147, Rockville; Ronald Rudeen, 42>^ Woodbridge St.; Herman Ranlett, Wapplng; Mrs. Alma (Gerald I t Charest photo) Sawers, Warehouse Point; J. Bradford Blancard will direct Mrs. Nancy Lewie, Coventry; the Manchester Gilbert and Sul- DEPARTMENT OF 'THEATRE William Shuteran, Wapplng; Uvan workshop production “Yeo- The University of Connecticut Robert Cowles, 328 Lake St.; are man of the Guard" to be held Storrs, Connecticut George Sweet, 627 Center St.; at the Manchester High School Mrs. Audrey Richards. 86 Bar- April 10th and 11th at 8:15 p.m. presents ry Rd.; Arthur Wheeler, 49 Proceeds will be donated to the Davis Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Instructors of the Handicapped C O C K - A - D O O D L E D A N D Y I Alice VanDyne, Glastonbury; swimming pool project. Mr. I John Russak, Coventry; Ml- Blancard is a scholarship stu- By Sean O’Casey di- I chael Riley, 27 Maxwell Dr., dent at Hartt College He plays I Vernon; Mrs. Irma Czerwlnski first French Horn in the Hartt A rollicking Irish comedy-fantasy —■ a criticism and daughter, 254 Henry St.; Sirmphony. While in Germany and a celebration of life Mrs. Myma Hagenow and he was conductor-arranger for daughter, 29 WTiitney Rd.; Mrs. the 3rd Infantry Division Glee A PRIL 10-18 (N o Sunday Perform ance) Joan Atkins and daughter, 10 Club and presented several Gil- Bunce Dr. bert and Sullivan operettas. The H A RRIET S. JO R G E N SE N T H EA TRE DISCHARGED TODAY: Rob- Glee C3ub under his direction ert MacMillan, 35 Gardner St.; was the All Army entertainment Tickets and reser\'atlons available Mrs. Joyce Hany, Ellington; competition two years in a row. NOW Mrs. Beulah Hartsgrove, 180 Mr. Blancard lives with his wife Center St. and 3 children at 158 Dauntless Auditorium Box Office—429-9321, ext. 441

Lau, Hartford. Tickets, 82.00, (8;30 to 4:30) The American Society of Com- may be obtained at Johnson Admission; $1.00 Curtain at 8:15 p.m. pc'er.

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V l Amoiiuol-doortednn, F I in handfing and brakes 6 model 220 (nbovt). H som ething ne w . AAany 1 9 6 4 electric ra n g es, a v a il H R MONTH down piymnnl and a Rambler American out-turns them all. Stops safer with Double- 36-month contract with a b le in varie ty o f siz es, sh a p es a n d colorsp normil u iryln|C h ir|M ; all fedoril tnan p a ll a Safety Brakes; two systems; if one Dons not Include opilonti oqulpmeot, trani- would

is damaged, the other works. portttlon,law n nc o .iU liin d local tsitn,Hnay> ho ve an e x tra e ye-level oven with full-vie w w in-

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ra te ly o p era te d au to m atic o vens. The e y e-lev el

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