UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE Detecting and Verifying Event-Driven Races in Mobile Apps A Dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science by Yongjian Hu December 2017 Dissertation Committee: Dr. Rajiv Gupta, Chairperson Dr. Iulian Neamtiu Dr. Heng Yin Dr. Zhijia Zhao Copyright by Yongjian Hu 2017 The Dissertation of Yongjian Hu is approved: Committee Chairperson University of California, Riverside Acknowledgments I am deeply indebeted to my advisor, Dr. Iulian Neamtiu, for his generous support and guidance during my Ph.D. journey. Without his help, this dissertation would not have been possible. I am grateful to Iulian for the time we spent together discussing various research ideas and the kindness that allows me do the research I'm interested in. I still miss the crazy time we spent working together prior to paper deadlines. His passion and enthusiasm will be a great model for me to work in the future career. Thanks, Dr. Neamtiu! I want to thank my committee chair, Dr. Rajiv Gupta, for his help and for teaching an excellent class on compiler optimization which simulated my interest in the programming analysis research. I also thank the other members of the committee, Dr. Heng Yin and Dr. Zhijia Zhao, for their support and constructive feedbacks. I am also thankful for my collaborators, Dr. Oriana Riva, Dr. Suman Nath from Microsoft Research, Dr. Patrick Mutchler, Dr. Gogul Balakrishnan from Google. The internship with them is a nice experience that helps me improve in research and coding. I would like to express my gratitude to all my labmates: Tanzirul Azim, Arash Alavi, Zhiyong Shan, Bo Zhou, Yan Wang, Changhui Lin, Amlan Kusum, Vineet Singh, Steve Su for helping me in many ways during my graduate study.
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