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11-9-1886 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era, November 9, 1886 The rT i-Weekly Kentucky New Era

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^ The Tr -Weekly Kentucky New Era. th NrifBER 19 NOVEMBP',It 9. 1886. CHRISTIAN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, TI1E.41)AY, a ILLISE II. HOPKINSVILLE, THOUNAN OS peuple suffer with Obituary. James Mostgomery A ppoleted. back ache, ot loom/leg that In moat le H.r Chirlatiaa Thanks NEWS. of dise.iiet1 11141- KENTUCKY it. ie.ton, Ill 104ex. couwa, It is rr,)'options (leiter- RTH Comely Felembi. Jame. Montgomery, formerly 1 liter, *filch pleaders fool lu- died at lila ney• at., ' Judge Waiter B. Scaler Louis% ilk a th sag killed by the ,.ses /11 Sioperontendesit of the tIona cameo! lo The beet nod safest , hums here of paralysis on Tuesday I SALE! Ns-krill.. Railway, Imolai Dr..1. II. 11,•Lessi'a Liver and EMMA KIIICY41/t4 : TIP( !eel id over, at Boat ug ressii been • resident of remedy I. Mt 1. ' morning. Ile ham mid lies to re. Leula, lama been tendered Kidney Belot. $1.00 err bottle. the hell, id I i"..1 the tictory le 1.ambert, while driiiik, was Evanston for aeveuteeis years, and war 1 ti) Matthew accepted the General Superintende a large Ole:, of Skit headache, *lief on the stomach, k among ou is assiobe.1. killed by a street car at landavIlle. highly eineenied by head r.. Mt. a id of the Ohlo %O.Iley Railway, with and Wens s. lie leaves a large family oh blilloustiera, nausea, are promptly till labor for other at !elati- at ileederson. Mn. MuliOtom- ,I a Ill b.• celltal OUa Hang was fatally shot The I uurt- quarters baitialied toy fir. J. If Mc- chIldreu to mourn his lees. rod agreeably Ilefore I by Chas. Mellott, aged la civet •ry IS Wide!: 111110W11 a grihlroad art, al,' other lissom. on, O., al wag held Thursday, mid was wirier Lean's Little Liver end Kidney bitehiee. men, and his appoliausent I consider host. yeeni. amount of sickiime In the family. 2:,•• a vial. drives in Blan- a low tile ti, sey Mot on a credit to the Manage- week we are offering some 81:mei& of this, pueltiou Is This feel that I 11111, J. N. Null., a mer- Walter Rennett Seales was a patter W Hee dor, filters mild revpilros 1U) • hoice.t blessing* to At Rocky inept. Goods. I.. un- though rimed in K.ntu. ky. to:in-ebb tl cheia, was, killed wisile •atistiog help, res., ott and Ladies' Un- ate is1,41,•i•is.)01111' heart.. kari h ele CLOAKS, Flannels, Gents' liii -et. err.- J.... pit hcaU-a and II. M. Leais'is kets, Comforts, loadissg a beiller. His par free *Rh ergot* os ith lit. J. me, pails voice that A NASAL INJECTOR awl that Ilea aided Elisabeth Eggle•t, Scatra. stieegoienino conned mid Blood Puri- at- wear, Neck- FlemIngsburg Wiii. Conley each iailthe el Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy , Gloves, &c. We call especial .rt that has s ogee- Near lo 1809 the family settled in iii,istian derwear, Wool a. epok it, esieli It by R. Armistead. fier. $1 011 per bottle. picked up his gun by the motile. Lillie riv- Price 50 recite. Sold J. irk, has been iunty, Ky , osi • farm near s, litz-,1 aItio Mo. III this a fatal Injuries.. ..-- --ow ea at- E:pugritg Ii, rough weather, getting *cutoff, ',Alt-this 1% alter am. eng,ged Iss tame tention to our to do er, where damp lewelitlee, are fa- loom, of making ei politer lb. General sad His Cost of Mail. wet, Ileitis in I c formerly of Louis- lug. Not lestig alter% aid Walt* r rve. iii Frank Walwortis, vorable to the void'action of diermees 1,4 share. As dl thank you, Oh! 1 lustier. S. Mvote- nee, for we are ii lotiolde vilie, eh* titled his lather hi New Hie law vibe. sit Him. I.-r. As a prevent- tag the Use kleineyeau•I blot the ii••piratioto of sour Saratoga. 'waif, •uhatipictitly trovereor of nen- An anamieg story had been go I thailk you, lot York, died last ceek at ive, and tor the cure of all kkliwy and 401codah. king great re- of 1831 lie *as lugI lig 3Depaartzrieiit, words of entreaty rind Lucky, and iii Lir apring repent! Of the Fretoch papers valuable remedy, certt, pt. taco is is iel Broughton, a desperado, wan- liver tremble, tsar that Bill lice/um,' to pisselior. tie settled at a General whore recent dueling exploit.. tur meat- t au Dr. J. 11. MeLean'a Liver and Kidney erientitagetise:it. 1 Audi carry toely upside-red John N'elateill in ' Short Wraps, Frankfurt, Franklin coutity, Ill.. where_ horeetteateei aume-mooremeast tools In which you will find all the latest novelties Ladies with me The murderer a as- ar- sti . per uDifIsThThdItus. Williasstaborg. he remained Ave years. In 1836 upon Erigiresi anti on the Continent. TIsio 3vi the sicialy season reit. of all kinds, Misses' Long and Short Wraps, and county rested. attorney getteral, lie re- be pmfweasrd Or In advance fib Jackets,Plush Wraps through life. My %kilt to yeti( tieing appointed isorttly breve is bald to malarial then the seat oriov- of mail. Csee day der yourself impregnable; by In... one of the In Franklin in tow day last week moved to V stiooll11•, all u xtraordioary Clint a Children's Cloaks in endless variety ENTS of some a ill le. remembered atmosphere ores &len etiolate of temper- cutting acrapea him- lii Itt:30 he married Mina Mis- the story goes, Gen.- teot for a path* ay. there were three trowent. use Dr J. bright plates along lite's of Julei Ridge- demanded of attire Is fraught with linger; PHLA trades. tares, by.. 'fan of the victims will ty Risigeviats, daughter clever artistan lit l'arno and county. let It. McLean's StrengthettinglOwelial mid To ibe ladles of Christian way, us Pliliadelplos. At the eras oh oilin whether he would engsge to make probably die. bottle. be J. W. Sentra Visa under the or- illoeel Purifier. $1 00 per 2Margaira.s memento aid the legbilaturs of l$17 cost of Melt, to he worn 1:3gai=s your lovely a use say .hip Euphrates is at The British troop the Third Judicial 1) S- should he absolute- etre liembielie is the bane of many both for its intrineic ele. toil judge of dinary dIreaa, which tretedired oat redly, hocure•rtl bound foes, 1 alcuti•, may be CO., Sufi, trict. a id. II the southern pe- ly fin• r.1 awl bullet proof. 'Floe man lives; this sumo% le.g ismiplaint in Astrican at Cloth, trimmed memory •tf the promise it on board. lo'ittir 41entirn sb,„,,_ Ladies' Short Wraps, all wool Diagonal value and the with cholera dtwilla ..t the mete, ego-1.411.g ii ut, ••ronil•ed to do as requested, mooing ellfed NO pro:veot 'I in poste 1.0tle worth $8.00 Misses' britige: • To he resatenshered have racurretl. Cairo 1.0 mitre north, mod he took lit 19,000 tram a as the price of it. 'I Ise Dr .1. II Ms Isom's' $5.00, worth $8 00; Ladies' Newmarkets at $5.00, ts. Tlwy are watch d. ay nailed ise of a eftteto-year-4,1,1 son re.d.sens, at Shia* neetowil. lia tail owsiti was opeeehly concluded, and in Liver mei Aide, 1'111. at $5, 6 and pruproi.'"Elle At Owingsviile Havelocks at $3.00, worth $6.00. Ladies' Astrican Jackets iiperat•sui r. quit it g was brought reload plemant to, take, I larger titan a pin Your comets are as of I hark; Sorrels fatally shot lib ati- a ilea 11111/ %era oue titase the article iteter who gave it. favorite for to look through our stock be- vt bile Ink I i.g do vi u the addition of hive clop it judges. to, the so Ilse Gesieral's Inmate. This- General Swot, atad are the holiest' , worth $8, 10 and 12. It will pay you imbedded ita Its tee n .y ear old slater pens as the diamotol mealier hi pie 11 it, red, load taste in the mouth, a ride litdis the wall. Supreme Csiiin bench, eels it up teseefielly, examlisol biliouswetta, time It painful fore buying elsewhere ease; your !stenit.. trite las the all, and Judge Scat...4 was oi.e lit tlit urisieg to the nice told lam to put ly jaundice, for leueorriwa and Was Morns, colored, Ca. ant-to- thought to treasure Rev. rive aelected, the other four ha-leg SA on. Tile man did as lw was bid. "As menetruation. 25 cents a vial. keeps.. ' a outset so,• .16, - ted by a la.uiaville polka-men S .1 II 01 your that I and icy Breese, Thomas Ford, eta guarantee the efficiency Pratioes who hal a life if expeoure away le memory's casket wanant, a 111W lit the orderly resider' and Stephen A. !toughie it yoli a ill have, I presume, no Ob.. of le vet etiet, are etabject thrianations, neuralgia are remembered Its the li011itee of a sermon last Suede y. into mine vear• or so afterward he eiliered jertiOn to my 'toting it," dryly remark- and lumbago at el will Roil a valuable BLANKETS!! mod noble went. 114111'1,a I ,liter- BLANKETS! women ndttitig 141111 bettor the such hiving The tobacco *moon opened at 0 os•ies- 140111e ,-.,al ed tlw General,and issitoislelo rents-shy Dr. J. l'utcatek love, ptirOy leer a Mils 111riled 1.111 iii.turtmesiely as lie took a brace and May tio,i'e iici,rat mantle of bawls last week well micro for good pro... ed rieeen could protest Oil !Jelin/silt ; It a ill bridal' pais' mill in 1853 he 11.11 awl P. There are live factories far ao lie wait mitierrileil, 'if plotolS slid doehargesi them. subdue isdloismeeloir and peace 011 upon ye a and yours, from $4 to soiled Blankets left. Remember the price, $4 50, tai the Supreme I:ouri man stood the Hr.-, A few more of those 1st the t-sty, all of whlt-lo &log Slow to put Waul again elected dead with fear, the flue hands treatment of thee (rolls sorrow, grief or Yam better than Amin r your beech 1,, till the vacancy caused by the did, to the great credit of his work- are selling an extra size White Blanket at $2 50, up• large amonet. medwitio a e kWh loorribi) gripe the pa- worth $7 60 We I tears C kis you in your the 1101i. Lyman T um- initrisaty lie care. I elle reeignatiou of manship, w ith complete son the retatlug of the that can- -1 10 Grand l'reweit mur- Oriel nisi el. $4.00. At $3 60 we will sell you an extra size Blanket ytou in your „ley, Near Omaha bull, a ho war elected 10 the United a I...sleet ;dated at the beck of the worth grief, mid 1 with noel amoiseli. Dr. J. 11. M. I.ewn'a Chills dered Jerrie Buck and hi. *Mimed ale- a loss- 50 we will sell you from Stater Sestate. he id, and afterwarii'dischaiged tive not be bought anywhere for less than $500. At $8 hot the slouds are MLA d atel ma,le a if.. on*, lever Cure, toy mild vet rife. that at ter. Piewett ass captor. position, deli as cell as no with misoilar effect. or Ito rvt•ry dog 'dice at hius at 30 cents& bot- than $10 00. Our were pismached there inottlit•atioig Jim Joh., roil action will cure. Su:al a Blanket that cannot be bought in Kentucky for less WIRE, your lou is.. that coefeeelon tary Judge States ever held he discharg- rather non-sir-cr. Ile also tried iti vain am) all three are lii jail. tle. The dem his that iettlesI talon Bill Simplest' ed 1110 ditties faithfully •ittl with errolt .to pisrce the coat with a eworol. 'the best in America for the money. At $13.60 we will sell by law die- Blankets are the The murder cais tor money . ere ni•ey accidents and sing Implements in and am* here beet. lift- alike to lila judgement and his abilities gOoisit timieral was so delighted trip' your hisetsand• 1,1011.11 n1111 cause seri- that will compare will anything in this city at $20.00. a man of Merlins lion- that Ise haoded the toaseli which affect you a Blanket your Signal states He *as, Iii tact, Iii. new garineet my prayer to tiod is that The [seldom-got locutivenWiter aver loos to tile former ed; awl city of cliaramer and purpose. Hi* abil- rtiom tett et e -Its for 10,000 franc., the ous James Bro.' it, a brother oh rem- as "true" ais is the that Judge beet advantage on a•••I the in his work, u Isis-is may ha' quickly futures essay be for ities were men to the Bret being the price agreed Senator Brown. ham been indicted by the use of Dr J. II McLean's given me; aed lien he was on the bench. With his C41111pelinarion Air the edied Ouse-keeper you have a keg of second check In having received as a poor's' Volcauk. Oil Linieneet. us each latent energies fairly aroutsed, Ilia 1111111- tright lee itaditiVen hint. ECONZ)MX‘CORTES• GICOMMX‘NCNWILTSES. each tick it bring. draw •- bleicsu.k." whisky, OW called because nosy Itilly abler.*, 111111 111r4 Clear Iv you suffer ;wicking pains on 1111011- trafficked In. 1111111.1 - - ••• Hog:glee, Jaeger'', to the celestial shore, where the law prolsibit• its being our ebaser jU,IgrIlle111 broright 10 hear on ma iuitrl Wonderful Ceres. ing the eyee, or caidisst bear bright Wagon. by the car welcome us to be in all God's holy aiseels will Nuesertius bodice have been found nate legal 'ruble one felt that there eight "Irak at 75c. we will nible pricee. Each _ 50 c_ silks buy youa large size bed Comfort, sold everywhere at 90c.; I.ouiss lite recei.t!y. 'rhe wow a ilatuoil-borii lawyer. As a judge and Its'- ysni stundad pr01411111y 1111e Dr J. 1.1. Me- parted never More. the caw I at Ilityt it Wholreale aatIs(a(tion. retool, to be - Eye Salve. She,• sell-you an extra size Comfort worth $1.25; your pre- Costaasershel says tlwre is and am a lawyer he has lett a reputation taIl progghsta of It44 Ga , ooty • Wr In ateat S:reatetlwiting sell you a bed Comfort worth $1; at $1 we will To my friecds at (mum, all were murdered for ey. to few ln lila geiwration. K Neil' Dis- box. sutiful nu-vu- that second have 'wen swilling Dr. ltsis out of the best Oil Calico, good value for $2.00. is sal reuiembrans e, a be ahd $1.50 will buy you a Comfort made cious' tom heino area drugged, then robbed covery, Electrk Bitters and Bucklen'a a twenty pocket book in which crated theis thrown iii the river. Hard on she Soldiers. Andes' Salve for two year.. Have never by the to be• Cos- that *ell a,. *ell, or dollar giilTplete, MccompanSed It must be a granteliing tiondletLremediea CITY DIRECTORY. Ttaere --- metty (rim n la, is an- Farmer'sad Illeehaales sack; but carnivorous mortals would du give Pita universal satisfaction. • *tied blear ytill" of SOCIETIES. in neve been some wonderful cures effected BENEVOLENT - before enlisting true heart. that 1 SOAP 0101111 and Do -tor bills. Relieve well to think twice IES'AND GENTS' UNDERWEAR. other 'fit ring Irvin city. Several The holy synod of by there, medicine* In flats your ot- your nostloera. Wives, and Slater, the Ruskin"' army. Hopkterville 1.0.1pe, NO. $7. A F.* A 11.- prise very Weil. t appreciate Mattel Of lironotineed Consumption have tiowly purchase of lir. lio- the Rusetian church appears to have Meets at filsousic Hall. 151 story la Thompooa wore by a of a few bot- all-wool Medi- Beide titre3,111 know. Bost been rettrely cured 1#y use of Block, 1s1 Moadas night in sorts nwatk Gents' Scarlet, all-wool Medicated Flannel Suits at $1, worth $2; Ladies ferhig ottolos*a Cough and Lung Syrup, the come to the conclusion that the czars cam- tles of Dr. King's New Diacovery, taken Oriental (hapter, No 14, K. A. If.-Atated 1 treasure yeior cord. of known remedy 1s•r l'oughe, Colde, to levity, value $4. Gents' all-wool Scotch grey Shirts than all beat army is overfed or inclined Hitters. We eonvocation Monday of each month •t Masse- cated Flannel Suits at $2.50 a suit, first-class Re- it comiret;on with Electric hirsailly hand-els.;s roup and Brotichial affectiohe. issued an injunction ic Hall essendation. your and has accordingly tiwni always,. Sold by II err3 a goods we will guarantee cannot be bought anywhere of croup ism one '414; guarantee No. 0.. K. T -Netts 4th and Drawers at $2.50 suit. These I *ill be remem- tiree. Children Wednesdays and Fridors. Moors. Comnianitery Skil the ti gist that on all that B Ginter. in Masonic Hail. may este you of dollars. Piles Monday In each month than $3. Ladies' Marino Vests and Panteletts at 90c. a suit; Gents' Marino Shirts I lope the har- Lent, and the six greet days of repent- No, for less ber. d wise,. I am Vow. zey mots area $1.00. Sample free. Sold Royal ArelinUfn. Hil1,1010,Ville 1:01111e11, 'l =SSts at fasts. each month. trii•11, purity hid ance must be strictly obeerved S54.-Meets*i and lith Thursdays in and Drawers at 35c. each; Gents' Camel's Hair Suits at $3.25, worth $5.00. e. at oo• • oe• tor by G. K. Gaither. church ouch Ni,. 11. CMisenFnetide-Meeta ••ike To members of the western THE MARKETS. Monyon Council, 'nay 1.10J . I. Hall hi an.) 4th Monday in each •k of Buggy liar- teinderagee might be severe, but in Rueitia in K of a mandate McKim A so in Its lovely covering. Corrected by Cil•aLlta month. reasonable prices. role 'wetted very serious indeed. Easter Lent of 431-4=ocscissic, ICIZ•4301ESSES GI-04:1042.1ES. NEWS. it is Hoesissysio.a. hr., Nov 0, 00111 Chriatian Lodge. No 'H, Knights Klx-essis tasty other goods ktiOW it lo, with your THE Ireighted, sit I Lista there for seventy-nine days: and Cork, 9 548 LIMIKY Ilint•LO .ruiaa to mention. and y dammeotee,e..arV, ti1017111 o. 111‘. .-Ile -woo 'co ,- your Ware of jay M. Itelhaut aR timid** that there are three other knee, Evergreen .yards Diagonal Twill, in all colors, at 20c. a yard. worth35c. . succeeds Hama,:sugar eanel,, in each month WiFeralatVW`-- and "14 . and Oh Thursday• Another gift Inuit the blood Fujilic Works of France. extending in all over ninety days Hams country;, flannel bloating... Minister of Endowment Bank, K. of P -Meet. Sd Hoe- inches wide, 60c. per yard. Eider Down Cloaking at 90c. per yard; striped Jersey means that fur Lard, • 90/01 .car( ass atichue with sornetimee more, which day in evert .....nth. etfully, a Irlend is a is rumored that Osman Itigna, with 5.0.1 Ladies' Flannel Skirts at It „year the Russian sol- -Meets first aad at 60c. per yard; Extra heavy Twilled Flannel at 25c. worth 35c.; me *tie a remind- to relieve To- moo. than half the Prioulotirr: r,Ps1eu1i 5.5.0 ; Knights of the Golden COMB one Mingle i.etting. To a large force, Is marching neifter &soh, eggs, milk, Bran ant e n tLiAli S.- Iou. _IS I third Fridat In eaill month. Just received a new line of will help dier must eat $1.35, worth $2.00; Silk Velvets in all colors at $1 per yard. that anchor tit hope that ker. - orn Year. Ancient Order of United Workmen -Tinsel er nor sugar. anti in the ion% Lent not even 3rco. Peori Heal. • meeting, *1 sad 4th 'fuesdays in each month. eisemere aud tempta- at Darwin, plushes in all colors. ui all to esiespe Eight hundred spinner* hard ton the soldiers. but New Urieario MoIalisea, Vane), toren fish. It looks Green River Lodge, No Id, 1.0. 0. V.-Meets thst bestowed Ii ,have ',truck against a redut.tion clin,11r, 5:10, cease tions. May the helot Bag it must be pleasant for an econotnieal Is evert Friday eight at I O.0. r Hall. cent. Its *ago.. iletterorim 0.7.- aiire Asschor of God's of 6 per to find an established Merry Encampment, No. al, I. 0. clisig ever to that government atom omie), per gation, Lodge meets lot sod Id Thanes, Four own were killed eatenlay by church meeting its views so agreeably. n love. per gallon, ever Itoseella dry goods the Albion col- Orits, T. M. C. A -Itt.00M & brick-work at TIMOTHY, ea METZ let me re- falling --Chicago Times. Clover reed, Main and Eighth. Rooms opm 'I'ao the litopkinavIlle Band sitore,....rner liery, at Point Prid,l, Wales. ut nail., retail, Tumid*,, Thursday and Saturday evealapi from for the simile bushel, turn my ellteere thank.. end Sootett. Beans, nem, per 0 to le oche*. Grissam's Old Stand, Hopkinsville, Ky. A Greenville l'ex I telegrani reports Pete, per bilohel, use back from dreamiaesel An Eng.ishinan, an Irishman and a COI.ORED LODGES. Oust milled of sem Liediwy, Deputy Beaus, Lima. per imuu•1; the killing meets tat used Um company of Scotchman were represented as looking Coffee, green. goldea, Union Benevolent Soriety- -IAZ Toiletry night to Sheriff at Rehire county, by a negro .at Homer ' _ a at a Codee, good green rio, and Si) Monde t ening, In 'nen ng who were the through a confectioner's window lot-til "home ',represent," named Stand. Cottle Java, A IA ershiner Hall. woman who was eery- factors, - 1,1011110 NEW STOCK. of congratula- beautiful young Case.., goat Freedom LiwIge, No, Is, P. B. T.-Lodge STORE. ce to to extend the hand burned the Chick.- Am.:man. 1.0510 ,ar.4374,..xic),Ircii.,INEW drat .% are at Memphis ioi,uug at Poittell'a in the shop. 'Oh!" exclaims Mr. Pat- Cheese, y meets on lot and SATs...oda eights sucemes. Let Os Worts, en- Wilt joy over our taw Cooperage Cumpasay's a half tion rick. "do let us be speeding Crack'-')ittic: Rice. 1.3 GC all of about $100,000; insured Temple, Ne. Se, S of If -Ledge :1•• that Owl is the giver tailing• Inee that we Sugar. N. i 0. • 1 Minia•tora DIALER renienibg crown wills the dear crayture, 4th Tuesdays in Postall's Hall. tor about ;40,0110. Clareleh. Sew LT nieetalit &nit aissi to lima Is disc all houor and and have V. O.of 0 I good, may look at her conveniently led, ,V.4 flopkoseville Lodge. No. Mee. G to C. Rehertiouti, the law sod 4th Monday sights la IVX401.71E IVII011\TTDMI_Arn, lietever of good may come The Hon. J. bit of a chat with her." "You extrav- (irsauihttii oas s, 5 tou•hel,...... • F.-Lodge meet, SI Staple and Fancy rooter for w a not. • heart of ex-Gov. Jteili M. Palmer, Salt k &news., 7 bushels, •'-',; Hower a osereuner. Then let us oe on. partner agant dog." said Mn. George, "I'm sure No MOT. G. 5.0 of V - tellr homes. Ill., Wedueerlay, Lake. 5 - - ,•-• !Ryon.. Tie Ledge elhai at Springdeld, quite as well. - IS meets 1st and 9.1 Wednesday night at and forever. half the money would do Lodge ondolp him forever agtel sixty-three years. tier /wept . 50 Ilfooiwr A tit e-shmer's Hall treemssiy with Jobs Mosycos let us go in by all means; she is a home and native head, NA .'arcs', per buabel, 1•5 Yours (sir God, opened tbe in- )r a Geti. Bossisliger 3 esterilay charming girl." "Ala wait a wee!" Mackerel. Ni'. I, per it. 750111,16 CHUReltre. II. W SUMO. Roes at Rosimboullet, ken it'll Maekerel Barrels, No.s, s 0,1416,56 J. N. ROCERIES. Military (Orpheus*, Mr. Andrew; "'Janne ye street, Rev. G terposed per dozen, • - . B•ryier cersca-Mata t. furled, d by !tette*. 'The War Lemons, Eluliday School etery Bus- France, stye aur purpose equally well to ask luau-n, se Preatridge, pastors Order. oranges., per Prayer meeting every Rodeos- , STROPKINSVILLE,KY. 9 PreldbitiOn Minieter made& martial sorecii. per bushel. choice 1,15 lay morning. POSTEI,L BLOC K,6TH ,be bonnie levee to gie us twa sixpence Apples, evening. era or.uspiLri.barrel. 5.00 clay South Mr. !ape corset--Ninth street. Eld. cOlreTT tot fa .1 The non-election of Snii5la In for• shilling, and inquire where's .:i04u.5.0; n 0 nataTI full lute of i.00d• at close prices. Country • sew Tall Stock el- t•RSISTIela Oats. t% elah. pastor. Sunday School everyA --Has;tat opened with full, j ism North Carolina We're cwt. (clover 555.001 I. W. eschew,. ?Or goods Nov 4, 1886. Carolina afitl O'Hara Thompson's house, and sick like? Hay, par morning. Prayer meeting everi W produce taken in Monuav, ewt. timothy. 5us Sunday nuke Use Fiftieh, Congress the drat well save the Pin Ottr.eer , esening. Regular aerrieoa ..unday The only house in town that keep* that iis aeconlance will no hungry, and may as Oust, sesta' Re it renienitiered war. ry, et ening. tien- purely chile Congress' since the • - emental( proi•laleme of MI act of the eiller."-London Quarterly. Midas. ones. street-Rev. Witii the lif. F. 1 buret), South-Ninth imoista. April Via. ISMS, Hungarian dele- every Sunday la ,2,.rd.6 axlcs. riorlee t-90 Ansetubli , approved In the Amorist) and Reef(atOs', gross J W. Lew i.. pyotor. Services Candid Labouebere. Sunday School et ery DRY GOODS, , act to prohibit the emir, bar- l'riene Minister Von "flea and Nom. grow 54105 morning and et ening rotated "an gation.. whether Pr.)., meeting every Weil - trireme and interests of I have not the slightest notion illunday monolog and truffle Iii (spirituous, Sir Stuolka declared that the ter upon politics seeder evenlng. on Virginia St. 1 Christian rout ty," an eltion1,1 be defended any opinion that lentertain Louisville Market. - I l'I and iiee me at my litand small liquors In Eastern Europe Preabytertan i hunk eouthern Assembly VV4CI. the legal else of a contentious Reg 1,etwoen fith and Sib. to tette the seller s4 with (be aeon,. or upon anything Ninth stole'.-Ker. Va. I.. Nouns... peotor. electi•on morning •t it • amity on the tatat,t hi right. All that I can say is Mar Ser% aces every Sunder Notions staid character 4,!WM and dens of 1A11:18111LLE. Nov Trunks v, -oil, man- Se inlay Caps, (in M. , of P. Hats, house at 7:10 , celebrated M.sail web& Boots, The teeter k A . . neat . rime's sod arrived V. farther spirituous, at that the opinion is a concluaion BUTTI4B- morning 9./0. Prayer ufacturers ot raet-steel war metered school every Sabbath rohl thereto was held same proems paella/es NI to 51 Wednesday ecening. eliould he Saxony. lia. been at in my mind; and the Country meeting every in said Bucks,. Premiss. Dairy to wr:1 not be undersold by anyone- oys the **viral voting preciocts form the conclusion First Ifreolqtenen Church-Corner Liberty - at Into a atoeli company with a that leads me to Creamery . Bite May, the 2.el any .4 No- tronsertril and ser•eth streets Rev. Montgomery you oty sots 'Euestlay, to believe that it ha a right one. a. AYER'S lor- capital of 9 009,000 mark.. leads me It •N I/ PAS- pastor. Serviemetery Sunday 11 o'clock. tholimatiti eight hundred 7 Si•hool ate vember, sine But how ran I know that the data upon Kentucky Eames , arid oNdire k, p. in. ria bath and the efffeers of elect- Sundersl say. that Prince ...... 7 meeting Wednesday give me, at leanie awl eighty six, The 1.(ilitiOn formed were Mixed o'clock.. a. is. Prayer WI Mena for myself, 1 hope to have my old Dimon nee Judge to which the curichnion was picked lad. and Kirk. NAVIN% Just spelled la appatioted by the l'uttoly Luba's.,ff Rswwa-ski, Ilii sale A ui bassa- Haat , can I tell whether Churnh-Ninth street-Rev. a. P. Cure • part of later patronage. Con- correct; or, if so, how elveisiltiluntc Ague for member of ha. assured Couto Kal- ,1 1•LTHIERS- 'ow hold tise eleetion sior to Austria, 41 louder. Replier servtiow every Sus- Dis- brain forms just conclueions from New Ireehan, of iliiiordcf MAX MENDEL. the Sectionol Congreesekre al isoky.ois the authority of N. de filers, my sr re niorning at :0 o'clock. Nev,-r fails In cure every form greet. foor HIzat 3° day It time, did lake Bulgaria. correct data., when I find that the same Chum-a-Bev. A. per-oiler to Malarla-inferted districts. trict of beetle:ay at that that Rued.' a ill not occupy umberland Preehyterian of others eervieem each Sab- question and ditl e-flit; data fermenting in the brains Wire patent. wilder wbeat 4'.00 50 5.13 C. Ittilitn., pastor. Regular tile vole CM mad A soutli-lemnd Irian on the Louisville, t.; Al. Sabbath, School Um. peil- opinion?- Clnoce Minnesota . . in „„, bath at!! o'clock mid 7 Is Warranted, revolt thereof mid melee Wall derailed near produce a directly contrary Prayer meeting the New oriratio. & 'friss Plain patests 4.30 t° 5.r, .1)10 each /Sabbath morning ofthillee hi three the 7;10 f•N cry eau-, alien used Ii, NI, hooka tw returned •ini thirteen card wrecked. London Truth. Straights .. . . 4.15 5"_ ! ou Thursday evening at 61111161w. of iclielnerg rt. aUvet, Rev. J. IV. itirection.i. hi couluin• si., the Couhty Court (jerk on the train, Clear ...... 1.7S ..51 ••'-`5 Spnotiest C hureb-Cou with office of There acre forty tramps Regular services at a quar- neutralize, Mia,thatic poison. MYANSESYIX•X•M asiil be it further re- Hight of the Aurora. Bottom wades COO to 4.95 et:gable. Keeler. wed not only of oat! comity ; of a hom Cast killed and eleven o'clock. A. B. and 7110 o'clock Liver to beelth3 viz: o'er powerful vol- ter to eleven but stimulates the that the tome °Beers, In experiments with hie ISIONS- Sunday. senility School at sine Mal membered a...landed Putt-Per hid. It SO P. M., every gives tone to the Stomach. Judge. Jelin demonstrations of Mass H. Amt.-nein, County taic battery, practical -per It, loose 714, o'clock. the appetite. A It is stated that the Rue.'en Foreign It•CON H. I. Comity Cies k, mid Jul electrical discharges in . N .11011.0 Libert etreet freeman's l'hapel.C. W Itreatiiiti, another the effects of Abouhlers Sunday School eva (Ill•-e line ilk-titled to establIali ribs:ilea 434 Church. It A. Stewart. pastor; "Pottersville, Texas, Sheriff *how duts it is and made by Dr. de la Rue. Clear morning at 1141)(1, paper, of which him.(you, rarefied air were Ni.. at 9 a in.;[intimate,/ every Sunday nial otarepute the woge switii-olneial tear 0,1se weetuse Wed- Jan. 15, 188.4. I by la* 10 C011ia iii close forced hint hi the conclusion that .....- 11 a. in. and at sight Prayer COLLEGE goal These huts election now a resident of Park I mooting Prklay eight. COMMERCIAL at mid _Nominal goittay night. lam 4- ass t poll tor candidates party , mile* is probably the bight shouldt:re "Dr. J. C..4yer Co.: =06. 'Ode connection *tilt the Itoovat•che thirty-eight side* 150 neaten Li tor, did compare the poll Lod Clear rub H“rei-evinLit MIMIC voted er„,e„ the most brilliant auroras take .. 7.7: Friday. •zorpt during "Gentlemen: For more than awl it mill be editor. at which tear aides Open on TuswIav Rad --AND---- tlil etleetiiiii. in. cusp Tree loath sill - that• pale and faint glow may stemma. from *a. I have lived in locali- that a Di-) oity tit the I Greeter. the prima don- place, leaf Itioville Public Schools abYvil 40 years eir said pull books, Moue Kt.-Ile as t'Mere pupils of the Hoek yoleatiou, possibly be protheses] as high even am • • Avenel fee, II to all It in Malarial armee*, e ho v.•1,,11 ria. 1106 na. ie insane. Iler all -tion Is repotted Prime ate the fourth yeer grubs. ties aboundin gal bight of 134 C. H. role, barter awl traek- ot emietant brooding eighty-two miles, but at• scam'lenity Illaa911- other& been the snlifeet ier were agaloot the to be the result . disorders; hare OF BUSINESS TRAINING. the is possible.- Hams INSTITUTE or malt .npoors,, of her voice, 11 Well, slime milee no auroral discharge et sidripotw, vinous ever the hos Breakfast holm a,. of their attacks in many forms. 3 a a vestal.- ate of has shown no 7'047', OINEU1ORY, said tillicer• have made her recritt coufitwnietit, Arkansaw Traveler. Shoulder). COUNTY remedy so reli- vutee were - and found no feet, oboe/Mg t het A 941 sign. ofj .riuriling to her. Damn Baer CIRCUIT LI/U tea. nd that Largest l'Ine la Het World. Louisville ...... 112„to ./Iyer's .1fue tale ol issh liquors and and septets heroines.. able and safe as cast *genet the rev- Chicago and it. Louis First mesday is March -- It is otlicially ithuotilKied that the vine in the world is said to for tiw sale thereef; alien The largest J. 11. Orme Taken according 3,1170 votes at au i riol, and that nit 4191- l Cure. said certifi- °bitten in I obit Is growing at Oys, Portugal, Jac B.Garsett Cosaisenswealtleal of a CENTURY. It Its 111()VI orders-II that to be one Wiese- Clint. it will never fail to OVER ONE-THIRD fore, hero completely reetored lu 11 Red 7111711 114 urea., elirections, I INSTITUTED be and tbe same la peace liaa been in bearing since 1402. No. cate of seiel officer* The prin- which has $ Lougberty MO:a John Hovd Is ha the North-wither!! region. in No. cure. lierebelow itesurded and maximum yield was in 1864. A ISTRIRLY th.00RT. now and lit the revolt have sought Its loan- J. B..V. HUNTER." 1.4lowia.g: cipal Madera quan- . 4Ple Judge. beat tosolt-Itermall sat bristles the wood. and Noire. that which year it produced a sufficient No. 1 tat zed ...... A 11 Anderoin horses. meritorious. Illaigatibes refuge in Hayti, and it is stated 41, sad lluecioeful 114.= •news or' KILNYUCILIff Sc-i. gallons of ‘o. I whim ... Fourth llowday is April. Joey, nosobor county graduated at this old Casameradal haftwel Coesiostwisseru leaving the iolan.i. tity of grapes' to make 163 of every otnervi they ere dodoes. of hair 13,444 Jsnuary. *borough amasser Reek Cumsrtsn 5 gallons, and in Cure. Nuainemd=esand in itt74, 146 1-3 Ague Patfeimaltip, wine; • Ayer's 11rennanlal diagJudge„ A. II. A tidermee an No. misted 1/041PO4 in seta 1111011411. Mataliglaatico, B11•11•01•• UM.Sella We, 0044 only 79 1-4 gallons. It covers first illoaday .4 the County (sr, for Sick Headache. 1 Pte. Judge PR oat Actual Buoiuess. J. W Breathitt, Clerk the stem A. H. ndenion ..... Pflieldlat au- area of 3.1115 cols+ feet, and Rea- . saereey met John Boyd, Sherif, duly aat.uo John, W. Osesty ATER Sr 06, Lewd], Nam Telegraphy. l'uurt, 1-2 feet in cir- Clerk. DR. J. C. Type-Writing and the mite of (leas Liver Pills at the base measure" 6 John W. fireatinu...... Comely Short-Hand, thoriteol to comp..ce For poet( that Dr. 1 /iinn's . . DruggIsts. ever• eters is obtain• told Mmes. LorlaTILLII LIT, Ireoell Or Cl.aille. e..1.1 ht- all emoted howeelf noel,* without making that at an election eek your druggist ctunferenoe.-Chicago eottsiTY COURT I toting man of to-day 14 asefeetene, Renter, 'is thm,.1.1 certify cure Sink to mite& illeippiag, or to call $6. !Aurelio's. If you •iperi to tin tinier • Meehanee. eh. a ,,I stay mese. CATTLE-0°ml Thiel Monday la October stet siikject Price $1; ale bottles, • tbocovigh Booing-op serer lewd at .II- cosesty Ott rueeley, trial pas kage. 1).11v tate for a cattle .. .. 14 75 to 450 Carmen. I lark. It ok -Keeper. or eves sa Iciiitor.• In said for a Math Youth's Mother. export time 1,, the ,fflualy erses. 11.r as I. Law ver lkortor, e alreesses Itchica • for and agates' tor Sold by shipping . .. a :5 "4 00 May these depertineeto of trade sill he holed !Weenies at November, DM. Regular mile boxer, 35 cents. St. Light CITY COURT. miats• cram is as of equal sumo. Siheot "pee ot An old Mississippi pilot toile The to mare . S 00 - t SO tem:Mots% 11.LL as absolute fart. Ladies elleetled lima trail. of soorges tio•n. good th.a Mt• 'n -liege. Thom te , apply Is sale, barter and ti 4 Gaither affection commo• soil resetb ...... 110 "150 Rvvember. Fabruar:, March c•• enter at any time Yet worm. -eters! Louis tiloee-D..mocrat that the Oxen, ‘ 1 so .. i ss Miro Monday la all be yew noted. Stsclento ad end melt leonine at the w •Issoue his vener- RU10. le,...1 vi ... 3 se and Ang:iiit...os law for hokl -xhibited by Mark Twain and ... 3 ee aa, prostated by the Swam Ba Moats for Fiera. 'Aoki etoelirm afser aralraj. &NMI, Evaaoralo, ;slams doe resident of Keokuk, . .. tjtty.A iii sal') twenty, two.' able mother, now • R65"7 rrff' • •1 his electiou ••••IIMII••••• nira.. 'r'beelt ''' - • *SO oddities. rty. tot, refreshing. She alvraya Fltwistrrie s • •Stung. Inparleon, a 1 on low., is very Butchers, medium to geed t .- - soe s.. ern% Nov. 4 -Manaus, heed fitarTHItRN CAPRI:MI. Use wile of iptrius- K•neas in her son Sninuel, mid Butcners, common to Inadtelle. 1 Si 'she stood thus: Againat and lial firm faith OMNI rei Seventh chief of the Chirecahua Apaches, touch steers. pow sows and H. W. Tibbs, Agent. vloota• aid nialt !Moors S 944- *Ile was always •goad Tele, avid amino., passed says of him: scalawags spirit liquors 2.s7a. thirteen bucks to tw 41 45 :1• 4°6110 11".1'"" Ma"" For Hie sale of to-day, boy, Ramuel was. though prone Hoes--Chotee packing and butchers 1 111'1W 11 HILL GRANG1. Bryant moki.e) throuoh this city, tinder gtaant, 1 against the vale ol op rituoull 0: name to Fair Ii, paint butchers . Offlecro of (hunch 11,11Graege, No. lee P. of Majority Fla. While mischievous lie'. always :4 ..44: Adams, eta route to Fort Marion, Light asedturn butcher.. H., for 1106: NI P. Ring, W. NI; W. It. ADVERTISERS liquor* 71 through ll'olorado beet pion a mother ever . t in •• 4 110 Vs. L.; 1:., Stowe. W. eld. geh 'toy *lie party were going ine-the Shoats W.0; A. H. Wallace, r (love tinier 0111' hands. W. Ape et F. NI Pierre. W. pmts.-II through the ear window New York Run. 00L- A; J. A. Wallace. COLLEGE, POO Nano!m to, Adiona. N. Tree.-,_ .3 A Brown. exact cost BUSINESS Novriather, Restudy to 1174 Chap; J.14. the of htfore he was re- ilicyelsr. Isear medium. can learn Stratton. J P.0 CC a d rats motile Moaner Quiet Tina. is a . se tag. A II,A oiduanom, Itasorte.1 lothl•g T.ilt Thee be Menthes] a k las and bicycle in -is %I eitda.e.v;)erais; ".; 111,arliseissre.C.i. OWWiesa4; iesee'; illial Louisville, By. 1..0 C 111.* captured. hoe gone a mile ton • assorted Coni L. Cot. Third and Jefferson Sta. J. Iv . Haltarliffr. platers, A man Ii toll Ittee I ion Pteree, flora; Woe Smite wait, line of Stabbed himaell Iii a half desen seconds. Runny. Soothers of any proposed dirlfro. Joie+ Bistro, ff. C. C. two minutes and thirty-three Welty ri to la AS: Miss feast, Clardy, Librarian IBANILINS, rannionmer, sairour-aaria, serlinia Wounds morn- Burry, Nee 1110011-111ERTINIS, 411.- ifteictinit • trot- .. 7 to fe would have been good for plank CASEY 6411A111131. warring. attacked hi's hoterpreter, airlking That aa to wti in Arches )Wlve. ing be years agoc Per- Tub-washed of t;aalty Greece,No. II. P. of H. for advertising American Reekles's with the saise•kles ting horse twenty-five batters Human shout the head Thom. I.. Utahans 5% . M.• I.• 0 tlarroll. and recopied by stadsmas. Ras years hence the bicycle •11,01Z901- MUM C. Books or Manuscripts copied cute, During the ssintiequent haps twenty-live $1 per Mon In- W. ti.; 1 hes Orme, W LeCturev, Jobs No Text lei the W..e1.1 foe es Ids wrist. i;eal its prim* $1,6$ to is W. gave. have little NS.i t.dl. to TM& N•LVIt log off all down to 9053*-I. Joilmr. W Chaplain; Jae. J. Stuart, by addressing as to tree merit. OrMluates Fe- the train matted. eerrt record will gel rival, toneless large loots papers largest bonsai eadoreement Sures, Ulcer., Salt Rheum. swat milt Walter Wareeid, IA As't Steward; N. r. Bruises, the iriterpreter, Wien - W. hoe- Chapped Hails, Uhl!. the patty except met $1 can HI DES Borer W Treasurer; Whooshes Hes tain ing situations. m- ver Sorra, Tetter, that formerly Prime 01,0 Yhe -keeper; beers ISM leo behlosi, and follow* to-taght. refer;: Chao. F. Jarkenn, W. Oats P. Rowell & Co., mall. Improve your gum an,l all Skin Knowles.... ad was form .11. salt...I • g4 (inhale. Geo. instruction will be givesby Waite., 1'min. now he reemdueed in photographic Prints Mrs. Jam. J. Stuart, Ceres Hie. Th.'s. HONE relate, Mrs. It Adveorttaing Bureau. orlacation. Le- prialtIvely rtires l'oes, or no pi., Pomona; Mrs. Whetted Hoary, Piers; floorewower obtain a practical CATAKKII REMEDY- for 15 rent& •V- C. RefMy. York. to give prefer'. sat- SHILOH'S It to IS C Hronangh` Inewardem; Jean 10 apneas 110.„ New Coils.- am 41.1airalm.. eul it I. guarartertl Alt Tiaisthr g,nid to prime. abaft rs 411.111011.scids 25 positive cure for Catarrh, [Optic:eerie, companies are ICOO Stottuass Agent. Graeae MOM Mt 143040eigat resemble*. STUDY. or money refunded. l'fiew & F.arthquak-e hauranoe Medium to welled 9 00 to teed $0•10. tee Isifartion, For sale by J. R. iota day is ewe serada. by harry B. aid Caulker Mouth. limetkr tin to cents per box. For sale C411i0111111 kammaliaa arm anelisteed. ” Garret. One. •;.

W ..•••••41111...


Rarthquakes are still doe lug "row cl Aaalyeta Lllui Prof. Lauda( PA?. usiThtait, klimager. be the as.t beasteru emcee, J. K. GANT,astemense THE IRV Eit Preaminceo Pomeroy" Piasters superior to Sore all others and Eyes posemalag poidtlee cur- Ifs lisposidicaue carried Donau* by • 34 ative NE qualitiea druggiete ca-Gun.t and hi . IL y The eyes n lacy mirth) with dic at-go.ther c -PeaLleallie Be- ty of 4,14.W l'he Legislature Garner, Hopkineville. is Wks body, and affuni as exotalleat lades low Era Pristine sot Makin. a. DalablberIldk j mot ballot and Senator - of Rs eiseiltion. When the oyes boreasti II Tee Mack Klesstloa Malay. WILSON, CONFEETIONE Hart- a.., the itt relieved toy weak, and lids intimated 1021 0. IBC, • fats he. a I biotite Mid sore, it ,,itametto 11 to 11 le'. teat keuevesomir. is aa •vnienee that the system has K IC Ps t:,1N el FlY ti SHAN 1, al'rl •lew 01, THE tiol SOMMLIIIISf, Nov. 4.-Mart U tree:, a . N become diriontered i tis.aohilaa, for ItAWIES. young loan living near Happy Hollow. Hots. W. R. Morrison in muster to a which Ayer's batusparilla is the heal Tobacco ps thou Ode rummy, CoMissien Ihrt. met with a tetrible death Merchants, Weekly Pow erit.sae year. : dayeaelli Chicago kuown remedy. Cora.lection.s, frame'. hum the Herald, on Tuesday alla weakko. : mak- eveuitog. lig v. aa seturolog HOPKINSVILLE. KY., 'hot highs attar tioesekemehric : bag as inquiry of Iii. district, went this from the eleetion. filled 'a itli Elide)'a Pero:obi, whieh predneed• painful la- •ND THY PUUILlIT CANDIES. lusty be &AP' I boos., whets he •tartel to cruse fasioutation la 1144 et'., caueral ow much Weekly New Sea, ese year, • : 1* 11FIP4 7.''77'. 2teCcaltweearhoy, President. suffering for a number of years. By the lore runt & : trestle, lima cad ooyertaktou bt a smolt- " ma W arliaLOO, blame, ILL • No: 3.-E1ltor of ad.a -a of a physician I -iiiimenced taking Ala sia Ana& " Ilk bound freight train. a hich dashed Itini III ete-Dots. At 111111.461111117 ••• eget eiseedla Ayer's bigirsaparilla. After using lonkusg Herald: Ituebal. this P IN baser, kl II, bowies Time I, ol ha to the smith, a dietrisice 1.1 183 feet. 1.•tiito, 1 1 Lam,. Julia W. IlabLerry. Thaw. W Daher. CAM Berl& issediclite• short bums I wen completely (11E FINVSE mutt. Tn. Meetly, Fri. le mete mitt les twareit 01 him, us Wake elites. 111111 ....._ -on may's' ker Frank Janke's, at Neveola, M , awl ise Cured _._ : SO as. lotted early Ii, the Mil Wog Fresh Bread te uL orive41 mote llly s-era Cr. non' in splendid Weekly, m globs or Inee : a 110111 Jon Cii 1..44 lie Ca" aid essa.lasol sh000t is conon 1 end strong tiger, TOBACCO pond recognition. tom. awl 1 an1 1•• a e sa lea hog hi... to 50,0 11.141r Utinigheal 1,1110 as tel,s-Atis alooldi her'sl. - kl: %V 11.1.ue Gag,, Concord. II. -IFII all, at1.1 the s CL1 W aATkB Vaeasies.b, CIPEC •" of the late Fria. t.kpreas For a t rot years 1 Wyg Si. have arranged wile Ike pablmarre 011fte THE REV. GEO,• II. I tort THAYER, of Illabbet y ' it deetio., oil' hut'- to. Cl lie WIth• hit Itm dr in may cy ea.and was Ole/able 'EVERY D. Y, se wapapers 'weed below to Vanua* Um res- Bourbon, aver no th sr T hid., say*: "Boils lily Om-11 IS, ••11tall it any relief unfit I ocnitualleed haw lta• asy Rehm the detective. old get hliu lit abort Soil CICARS. doe, liar &ad er sit et Maga al 011.0 our lives to 51111.0illh. •ualtig Ayers Sarsaparilla. Thia ruetii- A •11) II 1.1 Isar. , when tie, • Ike billow mantes Sea et Postale. we CONSU M CURE. Sold. by .1. cites has effected a complete etas, and I wilK. •-au et port. FURNITURE, T11 Vaiallie. A.c 11411m. serlben: R. Arusietead. belittle it to be site Woo bhi.otl free ..Vi barge Acts.-C. L. Upton, Nashua, N. It. -t 114.2 Tat .4/ gig 4 r Saw as. sad Wesley Cow. Mc Js.L. Murdtwh, the veteran elle---- 4211-C10 wirc• 14, 'IF NV Sir Si IF .1 JP NT 4. rier-Jounial - - •• a childhood, Tb• Colossal Frora am! until with a few Weekly Loineville t. eimmercial eseltar. mbar* that at the outbreak el the Skase. - - 11 IS months,I hat e hi-en with Weak THE HE Daily 14atmor Ole Comm./octal - - - It al each. was playllog In anti Pon, Eyrie. 1 hate used tor them Jail, t wirier Joaraol - • - 11* "Hamlet" at t,ountry Merchants Columbia's typbal goddess couiplai s. with Iseuedeisi results, FRED. Special Inducements to Ounal•y 4 °unto. Journal - - - 4 a on her W. Milwaukee. The play wail half finirlied, KEISKER, Seasons ona,. Persar.arilla, • . Weekly Kraal avails i ourier - - II II pinnacle over New York harbor is bar. Ayers consider it • Areal for all ill,. lea.hoe 1)4th P•p. ca. 1. a"1.!•au Iteakia, Pork Wear 1, I) It reser ill, Journal - - - Sat wheal there was a tumult in tiw honer great blood - Ire. C. NUM's, NEWS DEPOT• walk 8ea•Il119 'Amami , log • hard time of it. Bartholdi fins 412 Main St.. bet.4th and 5th, Farmers' Host* Journal, Louisville - •le Glover, Vt. I I. W 1 L.1 14 Tbe actors mooted. A sprang Title 'tocsin Week') It Iseete Journal - - - 60 Mall gallantly doffed hie chap -au to li,r aid I suffered for a year with 1n:'anitua- ,al.strawh Weekly New York Sits - - - - •• apse the stage and read Lincoln's call declare" that lie Is delighted. This 2-107..TiS7.Tii-ii-,=, - - - Harper's Mostary Ilsgasine GM Mon in my left eye. Three ulcers formed ought to austral tier heavy heart, but of thought- Harper'• a eekly an for 73.0O1.1 troop+. The play was never on the ball, depriving me of sight, and Largest essiorammuit, Latest Ofesigm•, A°31EK hrr sae Lowest Frice•. ° Marper s baser accuser* are suatiyglid loud_ _causing great 4ain. .A1ter tcylog Many black or dark ,but Mr. Murdoch, in the garb Harper's luting 4 mouth. other rimed les, to no pit troe sea final- resembling mu Petenes'•Illsgasime - - 11 OD a Denies, stood by the aide of Matt Car. A multitude are dlactiverisig ilefeets. ly Induced to nee Ayers Sarsaparilla. art Kedeotto Maissino • OW - As her uplifted Daily Ite•111114 Post - - I a pewee and made a speech for the Union. ariu quivered a little is By Taking variably War' Weekly livemtss Post the MAN As SS high wind the other day Wane Next day he pacloe.1 up his wardrobe, spec- tirt4raiseestitiet Gorky's Lady.* look III three boitleA of this medieine I have been harr,seltni tators alirugged their sit 'der. and said iatitralay Evening Poet 4 41 tvever reopened entirely tilted. My atirlit has been re- arid the trunk+ until really New 1 ork Ledger 40 they did not expect her to ex- ntoresi, and there m no sign of inflamma- expose tw the war was over. hibit we Ctiatur Magaaine • ••• suers a weakueoi and declared that tion, wire. or ulcer iti my eye.-- Kendal LEADS THE WORLD, ...Nic °las "r0 spects but co she a on II not this at all. One critic is T Bowen. Sugar T1 ee Hides. 01,1o. Tim Currie'. Cliteago - - - - SW greatly troubled, the black her Clavierist* Saturday Night sad New Era •a ••During the years ut 1862, 1863 and to notice that "die two My daughter. ten yeses obi, was aijiet- Uoilbormili' 11110.1111Agasie•ead New Om 40 posarreir spike* colors grad 11111114, the loyal unmarried men oof the or rays raell side ol ed with Pertifultoia Sore Et re. During Detroit Presaged Era IR nee New • the that tem project too 1,1r ;" °t he'a ob- the last two)ears slit. never saw light of greet of dark Phila. sallostay Night and New Eria a W country were in the army and at home any kind Fli van lane of the highest Our Little Ones aid Nursery sad New Rea II se ject to the way she is theuaorwtxe perir least he they were breeding opperheads. exert's) their skill, but with no Lounitille Semi-Weekly Poet sad Now Real Ile t These the be a -511,1 Other*, la ttli somestiat Southern Bivouac and New Ere 4* permanent asiceeaa. On the eoly.inmeii. WOW Of age and voted for cleveland, as unite reason, think the lights are tiai Spirit of the Vann and New Era a II datiou of• friend I purchased a cloth weak tor general ill aaaaa American Veneer and New Era II0 'expected. In 1.464 and le415 the sol- The Ayer's Saraapstrilla, which no daughter was aliiinng National Stockman and ratios, sod Near complaint is ale° made that the pier I- commenced taking. Before abe hail WWII bre •WI diers came home, and Within twelve which they unsightly and untidy, hut thin %ill tit, third bottle her might MOO restored. tams and Fireside and New Kra $OD snow Mutant IIM1aths nearly all of them %ere mar- dosotle.u, Her 1.11re it - w. It Suther- ittudingion Hawkeye sad New Its& SW remelted oeolay. land, Evangelist, Shelby . Ky. tt According Mad-Weekly Poet sad New gra $O ried. Their boys a ill cast their drat On the whole, lit spite of the grum- HMO! aail Fara aid New Era, IS blers, this statue. far Presidential vote in ISM, and time out the grandest image Sarsaparilla, speciallyupin a thl Ilie„eoth% *ill be a rare decoration Ayers of ten of them are, like their fathers. of the lineet roadstesii in the world lead- I'v'-pared t, Iii J C Ayer St 0 , lawr11,11••• , dinonostenons, 51/1 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 11111. Republicaue. We are as sure to tarry ing to tile niettopolis litoId by all Druggists Pr ie. at, sit botilase.M. peciantie, ha of the freest land This space •111 be onewpied by au advertlar the election us the sun Is to rise."-beti. Iii the its_ti hi. lariat of for tilos Apt • - P'EltMCINIEI Henry Watterson will rotors Mem Logan. de satisfactory Alter a thorough teat I moat posItite- -Large and well selected stock of- • suggested this week. An exchange creilita Mr.. Logan ly &earn that Acker's Engliali Remedy , Staple ;•nne-r-rassey.:-Greeteelm I Nature. with originating theory. this If she Is the beet medicine for Asthma, Croup. cats. *ND III TRIM. tha Hon. John Rhea ha* I st gone to New iniagnies that nothing has been done in Cough'. V1 !looping l'ongh, Slid all bang THE PROHIBITION BAR through the Mexico to see if perchance Dr. Hunter Tn.U hies that can be It ti A it the Democratic baby line the result ot t so is weldnupplaral with IrTtl. WhI•L Ira. itrainlies of blue body about it, for he fully gita:m:;tteai it. For Slid Wines Tread. Cool Beer at' ays on tap, cud a vote out there. If he haw the Re- election the of itta8 a ill open her eyed. IICEMENTS! and• (Moore lot of Ft is t igin * and Tobaccos 'ISIS'I Si Us?' sale by It. B. Garner. hill 9iIi NI 1 I 11 a' 'fillt publican triumph always on hand. in the Third will be If Mrs. Logan could leave the thishieas - ••• .11.- -- cur to atom knocked into pie. of theorizing for that of riaring !Irmo- A Modern T of the Sea. provision is We ofler the following "I nol ticeme ts" schoolboy emetic babies .he would desert e %%ell of to subscribers to Henry George,the Labor candidate fer the Saw Es,: self up iu hi her country. Puitsuxtritt•, Nov. 4.-It is now Mayor of York, side of wilh New polled 67,000 coons. positively known that William Cramp HARDMAN ere will furnish oh. weekly PLAN am, and LI This vote shows that the labor party hi The El Paso. Texas, paper" announce A Sons laitee made errangetnesite to con- For $4.25 New Era 1 year. with bek Cl la our alrawdsg, and pie W'rekly l'ourier- ot «truct a sly netlike gun crubwr Ow the keyhole the metropolis is eia.noring for recogni- that a secret orgabization has been Journal I year. and a %Valerian?' Wateh IS TRULY w.oi pastry i..- Government %filch will be capable of we ant venal el lasiolly tient light tion with the promise of a great vicosey formed,the purpoow of which is to raise rittinips twenty knutx an hour and ot For $5.25 one year, ticket, awl_ Cou- nsalyy• litilt,11 in a Mir years. dan-MWTTainalts rier-Journal and Watch, to army a- 10,000 men in the Vetted Rang a 100 pound dynamite shell every "To Be Seen Is ButTo Be Admired," therein thi we will furnish the Week- two niinuteio. Th. the enormous Labor vote Is the boom Stater and, crowing into Mexico, wire venal is to cost nut For $2.40 ly New Krn. • ticket is not repea more than $350,000, but at drawing, the Weekly Nen York World. anal • When Heard Is Sure To Be Desired. It gave Mr. George for President. the states of Chihuahua, id it fall to But come full Sonora and handsome leather-bound gilt •ealged meet the requiremente of Ittutorv of the contract the United States. During°, wrest them from Mexican do- when fitlishel. the eontractore II• elk-ganef. of der .gn hut tItanal, a Mil:reg., If t4e ITO Democratic members isitust re we will tumid'. the Tn- 1 o ptirlmon. .14 bile Itra inari clone lose, lovely touch then minion andefortit them titre) an III lepen. fend the *mom* expended by the tior- For.$3.40 Weekl) New Era I )oar. and phenomeaal durability. ha" inmate at the In the next Hour, the Smith cattrib- ticket, New York World anal it olout republic. Aid is ex mctrol front ertnetit. It is Kahl diet on mamma id '.igttasimetiaa I utes about one handred. Chem an-. this requirement the coat reit hits gone the s New York and' Chicago caidtali-t• MARVELOUS titl PRICES! Leading gmeinov,anterts: nearly all pledged to a revision of the begging. The dynamite projecti`e to be and Standard Piano of America, .:aitest).zumainullt the promotera of tile n,ltetite are confi- 1104.11 la thrown from a long steel tariff. it will, hence. doubtless develop tube dent of surteag, a* it is stated %mild by Melina of the it *widen release of clime- BOOKSMILLION and it i.rap.lts t.ala lra oank It P.11,“1.1. 1i.,-, us, recently introduced the m that the tariff will be am canumanding as premed air at 1,000 Ceriplet• %eve& one &Dr, erSm harp eitnn attachment 1111111111 tat iron frame kit, is., 4,f the require an army of at hash 3.7o0,000 men pounds pressure per b, Vanes.* 111.4 ualuaiule uip as, men.s endow% Meese& Ores Away. Ta• , .. •..ct PROFESSIONAL CARDS. of the age. M hair also s full las ., of other mike. of l'1 4n..• ac..1 ()igen., Issue in the Fiftieth Coogreas ea it has square inch. The valve at the •r• amItik•lhol kw 0.a. FINE FARM to guard the troutier breeeb of fi.1l1. ao artaie4 11.1WW.ow•osoolo that the Ms effectually se to 574.geed type neer poor,. the gout tieing opeinr.1, SIM ellIllpreased good is., v., of • F been In the Forty-eighth and Fort,- iron, *seamy of aaa 5.TA. It et be •••.. 1 ItIt I Clitt. LOW FOR prevent the tilibuaters te..m ceossieg 1,110•14110 VD or en Easy MONTI'S. .0114 Q. ANTEKIT Pet- OEN air being admitted, there is too *bock, toe Ii., with.. ra•tru• M. h. re eh* uinth. c.ft I. oar. la :1•1.1, Imuu4 nom Mom Catiaidie lint lhoolm ...l4,.,, clergy it is also said are ill an inimeti-e velocity is attained be- • seek. ion inmi mete I as A. Torso. If. IS. Jim A.tirex, 111 D. Seed for Catalogues, Tynan. 1. or _ilatnmiding_Yt:atr be Sale• Widow 11•41.4. Ve.rea. is,.. I. us. b••• favor tot the oclienic fore the such leaves the insizzle, awl at • taicla Many rumors are afloat at ituarellville and A. K. Cutting toot ra•olmota.v. Moo, ,1“ 111•I .0.4. sail a range I• awl •• .. protect of Vito Miles the lievilraiif ..r the DRS. YOUNG & GUNN, .1 farm In Chriatlan county of ISO JESSE is mentioned as being one of the I Winter. r•••••• acre.. near FRENCH, about• race war. It seems that some lead- Iteorealloaa.• ic ,r re,m, Old Belle" the1 gun is sail to be remarkable, fhe car- et AlmistiI hat./.• lilt- it I.... Pasta. •. • tea,9 miles from Illoplonn•ille, and ing spirit& About 10,000 deluded tool* tridge ••••' palarraaga .vs,. ••• ••....• at t•.• Will In. only Il., mile. frum It. li. 5s- pot This is Wholanalsi bodily en thoughtless negro boys distributed eongints of a thin copper can of I Ilirek HOM(EOPATH1STS rastriloutirsg• =)sipot for the South. to the !I Neeme. • I. a., II good li.nentone awl. Ma tre•titafelly, Bad ez • will be *pewit-tog the anflni moot nolzwovertowietertlitreirect - deteer-ef 110/1t1NSVILLE, ICY. hinet• from the t ado to the Cerulean Springs liVe49•1161•• NMI 115•11.191,150.• WV. some contnining 2.181 mounds of dy nansite, •04 Not. coli•rtoott tor *heel road A never fa:1,re I ranch i uns through LrtTi itil.eankti wwl that in damp prison cell a henever this and elhtinho.• 004 poll. ••• °See rye OM and Main. It bI the lives and property of owner- Kora .111,1•18.11vowla All under good fence &tut attached to it a long %woolen nearly all In rulti•a• whew is attempted. ehaft. S. Tbe.6..eard Letter It 949.1.4.1...411.• non. It cont•In" a trate• fi wen ipg 3 yo,,,,E. ous prominent white citizens semis A Man cal. not sloon•• raupta. if which *beadle* the flight ot the shell, as •t• 4,1•04 pse - - sad a cabin. 11,tor.was f m. 4.e• argain will he given .n this tected fro' Heal in thee* tones by ahere force toi -a,.- of every lard.• 01, peril, because the Rhea men boycotted the stick dots that of the rocket. 1••••••••••61., form. sat ORR Wilselirsi. farm Apply t G. Tile cent euti arme unless he is Ireees &rep. • 11•••1 ceutes. IC8T.A.13LaISEIMID 11382. a colored barber *bop whose employee visitel with puid.11- • et T.11.0.0 wails • en allis We 7 Kern terra rasa. • Ne• at Co., silent. If he tineit •teal, Active. Pushing sad Reliable. worked for Hunter. There is nothiag let him join the Ward as.••• a • kart 1 .• Antint burerolek;cranbeted o The tray stab* Lobo 5 R•mt va• Republican party teaoot A.P. CAMPBELL, in it beyouol a local all.1 on the pub- 1.••• ta• I at. ma 110.61•1•••• IS •••• 333EACPCI-I seam:don. harry the 31B3ELC).„ B. Garner can always be relied • -.5 !WA Owls/ l• WrIWaillfw tLan cht. lic domain in a state. - - -VVhfOreale mattlike manlier. upon to carry itu stock • la Copier.. NI.. A hr., hr the some et WICAGO, APVSL n,t I:- -ill DigliefIll pie are the plireet and Laws Thor.. VIII, DENTIST, Thai The Third district is again on deck best &theist, and etedalii the reputation tit awe.. A No.. P. 1,1.,. - in to certify. ilot die Ilhncor Trust and um of ' Moir ' Th. 51, .• 0. •. Sa•ings the State Central and Executive being setive, pushing awl Bank has Om day received horn the ICUFG"'Sr G-CPCOMbEf, with a sensation. Ur. Hunter, reliable, bv II 1.64,•11•••• MVO., A ay 'I,. Kentucky 'she woe *ether 4 • I,ott• Umoo Cagar Company etChicago, is be !veld a: Cosunitries reeounnemiling articles a ills have been called to meet in aril rote!) el Tao its Spread Deposit, eleeted to Congress over Joint Rhea by &yarn of be Nall, Tea.-. • %HO ay OfIcei over IL Frankel & •ouss Belied merit and such as are popular. il• ame law of IooraTa...••• the Frankfort November 23 to arrange U. S. 4°o Peadeotore arn 1,000 for I.I. TS. Notkart of Si IL Marate awl Coupon , majority last Tuesday, is now de- Having the agency for the celebrated Fes.• Ire* - - of a.,,,., Molt ''s., I.. emare'Sol.. pew" a. fo•lloal Clothing bolding a state coiltesitiou Carpels to all nominate 054 mar Boots Bild Dr. Shoes King's clared to be itieligIble to that office. It New Discovery tor coonstinip- me.a, lima kLarket Vale. If which II nue It FRANK...11S is Jobs NotrerboaVe a •••.•1 a tr. li-L4HKSSILLE, TINS. considergreat.gmlite caadidatee for State OIL-era, Theme C11111. tiotecolde and tough's, • mm. •••••. Jallia G. E. MEDLEY, •' 1154 11911. is mid that the good lie will eeli it fill a •L'• maw Mo • rur miming pti rr nee. embrace ,11111Tel.a. Doctor left the IS Tim base ••••1.6. 1 ,• el •• 41904 Ho. alnelt• In all ileicartmen O. an. Mr ...lien sa ousper- ri.insHitosoa:tki;snnotbge positive guarantee. t. it,, 13.10,11 1,15117,.1 81012. non of our it and pre.1.4 mittiree are conipoitel of the following It a Ill surely cure author tor •• Mat, I.------• • g-. when you, 1, lad IT, ell% . We er.itt1.1 nll silent ton to 009. State three years since for New Mexico, IS 11••••••• 4 any and every affection of throat, lunge, ooripleiv Rtorl.. 0 111.••••• •101•••• 11:13E.W7VISErr POO. (5.) 7os, S. CAtr, riot 4..aelog ••• ••••1...1.1. thereby destroying his citizenship We neer the above Climx-roets•t 1.":1e•rayairtime)rst, in or chest, and in order to prove irir claim aerm.11 0.51. •1,411,1- ohne. •... it war, I. as a FORFEIT, it our 'lar• d 1•••••I•ts 110VKINSVILLE, KY. "Fa Which contemn conspIrle lines .5 ,1 lateett Johnaton. Chairman; W. C we ask St GKOtEk" does not pnae is be • olveagn• in Ronk lien.nely. Tap...from, S Ply. ltztra this State. Ile caught wind of the Rhea- you to call and get a THal Bottle e. Sleeper Om.% utier and Ingram I. arprtfi. oil a, ker.d. a !..m 14, its., genuine 'Sayan. fi:ler Cigar -MUM,Cigar Co siting.. Rano. Kir. 'We will rheertall) diliclerale Olsen*, V 01.14. asta. a an... Ogre over Kell'''. Jewelry 4% Lee- limns in F. P. Helm, U. V. Triplett, A. Fem, Imi• Mom the 11r11,11 W1'101.11110 biller. it III duat our Johning Department Haleell tangle, and seeing a chatter ta I. trims, Week Me Nem.Ai Mar 47 VI ell atn. IVA with allernamert.•• rater 4caeona5,le ga.ntr, anal at lament iraziael pruees. Write W. Hanititon, W. L. ••• •v•• Ski. mata,•••••••• a, 4 pahemml for quotattone. that liappartmeat is win his Ringo, Wm. !it'd- lamr,...... ••• an Ittioneno 'moaners Moll We eel, way into the House, be speedily re••••41•to ae•t.. eM• loehelo tn.4•11a. it,. bent frointa of the hest manufacturer, and al remarts• TSi Carlisle's Majority -• An Lxplanatim fitentle week vtatettme, • et. e • t Me close prier. Ropoertlully my, L. Tobin, W. B. Hoke, S. 11. of reta. •a• rirgata,lt . packed hls goods and made for Kentucky. 1.1.eatami esa.04114 swam the AT Taltilltlfra. Gains, Situation. 19 auemin'a Vole, Steele. &r el. Very. Po Ix. thockdale, Sam E. Hill, M. mm milm,too Them facto will be brought up against of Ms.• mo .e. . • rh.14••• ti.stliitatl:tim.1:ttenhl :•1111 171.4•,_•§10•11 1,..r Williams. State Executive: Henry him, and he may have to return to the •Ir , -----5 . JOHN raLedn. JOHN COVINGTON, Nov. 4.0.I• •,•••••• ••.1 rzimrD.Je. liarnett. Hunter 5.-The odicial . • ------.0.4• Wild Went, C. M. TIstotniut, and y West uncrowned amt unhonored. count elects John G. Carlisle with • • tortm1 i• nom leelne lb. MOOR, J.S. Worthetn, T.ii • %awn Sherley, C. majority of 789 lora et twee. laia•ma.... 1•.• ••• Mr. Carlisle was visit- .,••••••ta THE FELAND8, Wallace, A review of the situation after the R. A. Spurr, I. I). Harris, Z ed to-night by a re resebtative of t 91 Tb• Nome 4••••46 Mee& sea V 111151 As/iodated Press, w airrelertetliVe battle discloses the fact that there have I:Young. T. G. Stuart, al/ as el him %hat, %hole 1111 hramlle•I•er• a m ••'nut * • m • rem... rneys at-Law, in him opinion, am the Call.. /woo been Ifernocratic Iii joint se-04one Of the SS. end Republican odes of this kind the State ▪ Ilamotreociatal tomlea.lo tar Amoy trode.• Will practice le all Ike enerte Wie Com- con partitively small msjority tet:eived ,••• an.11....tru•ht• a o1 • hem Into( 'wettest itt Its. mouwealtb. unexpected quarters. In the tar Central Committee lima only one vote as halal amt,..ra ewe •tAtme• cm, Om 'mitt. by him at the recent election. lie saul: ,ft.,.,,. -0,•14 01111es us Hopper Week. beer hi a 0 Or Popolar West, in the lake region, even in the whole, while the members of the State "If the vote against tile last sam• wmae. All! Tueeday Coolies* at. thy ••••• aim For their h had been • Called East, the Democrats have won Executive Committee have larger than the vote againat Sorb. ••••I R. Rm. e••••• splendid each one 211 Al tat. mon in tne heretofore 14", i Vivems.5 EVERS DOD'S allot I.D ?ME THIF. vote. mute eigeilficattee might is a•am a.. not .4 T. 11. Vero% .• NEW IsTOCIK OFFAL Lt. N ID INT" 14 victories, while In the South the Re- It was foriewrly a custom to Wail beer sh tte attached to it. Such, however, 5, Museed Tee.sal... • Xt 77.• bora. C. A. Champlin. 000DR OFFERED NV is riot a nen. neve ••• publicans have made haphazard the State Convention on attriedvelho_.ermy gains. January etti, the fact. Too years ago my • 11.4. Ow.. • Pt Ow ateItt. of topptotorost Prt Coil's These can not be construed into but this haelseen departed from received 9,325 vote., or Attorney and Counsellor at Law a crid- mid of re- nearly, it quite, S abaSea•ea the Neer. • ••*.i 5, R u Vs, h t• lateens many its were east -.54 en4 1 .••••• 11•••• •.•• JOHN be left iesu of the administrative treat year. rgairiat me MOAYON, or say the conventions have THE of the been held 11.04.114.. b... Re low, FARMER'S I.-,- its ..o...4 Office over Planters FRIEND, Bank. Tumidity, and yet two years ago my • Steels Y.•••• policies ot our party, for when the late in the spring. Several 31 peo- papers, nit 4ialbe4er• NaeMlonle. a! C no.(744. Rotittosetlis, - - - - majority wae_tyearly-ii,HUll-_ 7 Ky. -CONSISTING OF- -• ple do criticise they cut a broader Laity the Weetern Meoplog swarth Argus, are in favor la-ell generally •upposed that the Ilee bleleinal. *4..0 R. Nary (oppo- N•• sammr of 4 111.311ton • V.v. tiv. than the c:iance election of a few Cen- ▪ aa early couvention so that coutitie- sition to tile really atter ed to atty. o 8.41ey Carle.. • cc. ado Itt a Brad situfamak-nabst • satImo .4 I •I. •. 44v. •tm....a w ith thing I think nay majority so A gresnien. The party is to-day intact Republican majorities can he en- s this etre- tiol&en Wawa. a !•••••1 5, no •••ber new lot Station- obnipnit ntonant: Imoa Thorn* ca. A of Dry thou *veld hate Goods, beets 11,000 or 7,0110. Notions, Up to this time dnetrinated SS Votort•e• Fade. • *tact 41'1110 it has contested itself with Democratic idea, R. aro •lesaaviler. a. 1 and Outside id the cities the *5 tict 11.15g pu Mc ery just received at this and the towns, ad- si with corretting abuses and "topple( woe Over to the party. • ••-•t It! lriat. each.. •••••• jecamt to theist it was scarcely known of tb• aa.a .• how, •tr office Clothing, Hats, an 77 Anse. a S.., 11; Boots Shoes, &(.. you leaks In the Treasury, rather that I had an opponent, The 11.w, is.4 •oaa. a than ca- and eves) in the • 1 aal 1.•••• • The Louisville Times Cititur niitl towns 741 The • tering upon the working out of ag- eoninteming my friends attaelied Irmo, &web. 111. meas. ...i.e., • John 14ahfer ••••0•••tt •M CIGAR All of the Latest styles Alfred over the powibilities of very little immortality lii the a.Illebt•••11 Our Ll LOVA at the Lowest Priceb, gressive meaeures. President the 1.abor "arty oppo.itiom. r11.44.4. • tttttIse ••• D•111.1 toe Cigar Is strictly Dont Cleveland 4.8.0autialat eAt re.1• made They acre th ro n off their c• II.. IKVAPI•VILLE a carraaarea Dalai Fewer Elegaat quality. Super.or workmaulup. say.: If the Labor party • plant by Pointe Oe••• and tin party "make haste slowly" in ,otalliiiee to the fact that &retold time, heretofore NaO to 'sake roalt•7 ray. A re1/11•61 •r11 wax strung 1•••0•••,,m, of .0,1.... The Light t Steamer Sold by all Grocers. admirietering it may carry one or snore N. P 14 P,mlaty the government, and all candidatee load announced tit...Howlers 1105 of TN-V.. •.4 /•••••••• JOHN has ▪ 11.o•gra.1 trmom CIGAR MOAYON, COMPANY, Stales in DeM. There is lio in oppoeition and II. rafter Ilegt• sad t bowie& 5•111.1199•011.•• N MC 8'I' I N their act, and intention, will be gle- telling esti end cud a very 65.0 •1001, .11•1••••. p•••••• times em•ee 111 IL Mateo $t., - ClICAPOs r. N whet is .mati vote. They J S. Tile ih Psoll . Manager tltthi and Virginia Street Homily going pi happen in the United omppowil it %mild be like t ratified In 1888. RP. SASH...... Clerk. Reesei by the saute e ay this • Iris. States of America before titne and therefore sin.. Tmciae., Ivo timi!.• 1.0...4n an.. Melee. hails the clam of this Noon. Bram..••• meat •1111,. gave seareely any attention to the elm- ii Ilaildbee one.. f.. dreatie Nashville Union: Christian counts.- ceetary. Suppose Henry George Vraelleak 1.amere4 should tifili.‘' 15•490511. • fait lemri,•14.o aa 1 •of T4910 mmamm WIII lease .....tile f Cannelton daily "%Wiliam:aim. Kentucky, Imam.. tsar.. ori • ttom kan re KV. 1 11.0•••4 ezropt natio , alt o'clock. a on,. making sure isms has voted out whisky by a be the Labor candidate In 1888 aiel Bring asked his re- if view• on the tariff •• Armlet's of esta. rt. rr••/1. reasortIons Ii., £5. 501,11601.. with the it. a. It. club majority of 74. eeise •flecteil the cote Tlidon. II,...,. hoot, 1:ratat A. in Davidson county,- the enthusiastic suport of all the to any extent. Mr ti.lolorot. teal. Hoom.A. listuraisg, Canneltos Ia. •• •II iO. bemtli.• •••• t daily at 11:31, p ir• r,f,1m11 t'uha to•••••• Carlisle of so...... A.M replied : owensber- at ag, the ladies worked , labor organizations "The tariff question •,. Sundayeieept it, and I a eroical y,-us ae lb. heroically in the in the country, and 6..6g.,6 the wort a cm gamma and.. U kis. had 1111 tttttrc C.-. .15.0 lows. to u, Just recelt big 5 full lisle &eat induence upon the vote ebt•le•• 1.••• rime them S. ...ten.. ••• rein. ewe. •CIRTI•T T11114 Is ..1 Fall 14,1 'Whiter flood., eonsiating of cause, and it is to them and their ; suppose that enthiedasru 10.5 1 705 b•Te 4..norr ham sad 01.4. tire- should merge this time than 41,100, r,my ••• mate it Ilse hail at 'aren't& tarseee Kesnomille 9• m. sharp ••• Wo haveanti con444- less energy that the credit for the . into faioatkieni! Ile OUR 11111EIREAl.ED OFFER. Leave,1.r• mem strtrera erat-t, sic- would carry New elections its this oliostrict. There are al- 4 I'- fa sharp and In ovary nye junti We b. 1.-+A=I=S' 7=1:Z=Ss have arranged with the ptildisheraid Va... for 4un.lsy, Nrd..u,sy ,11 r•••••11919.111m. G-00=S key is given. They spread tempting ,Jereey anti Wed Virgitsia, ways a tea W Ito vote against me on goo. round trip hot not 55 room and proba- theme books to furnieh the whole Owl y.five -In Id I I he %,arionis* responsible tor stores pun-bawd be the steward. lams Cheeks] A. A lest t & List, 'es and patterns,- lunches summit. of lily advocacy of the revenue with OL10 year's sulseript ion to isir pnper wate at each of the polling places, bly l'eabselvaida, which wotall result and ticket In our drnwtng for Sten BYRN KS & 857 Wm,Agents tanstrusiti Hoses, N T. reform, and 1 preen MC they did so si for gene served all who hungered or were athirst in a failure of a choice by the Weekly, and 114110 for Tri-U"eek le ; or we fcr rem.trat or Devotes an& m hoard Ohio Elia:tend the recent ries Hon; but Nodby Nullities& I have 1.0 not will send any flvn for 1M eta., or the whole Hosi•ery, Komi -coffee and cold water being liberally dirge, and throw the son Pugs. Gloves election into to Is lieve that forty-dve for 1111.80. $11.11111. 3 Corsets, the the Addrewi number was ail orders to lion diepeneed-and won the-day. House of Repreeentativee. greeter than usual. 1 his I •origreasion- - NEW KRA" runt.tautivli ('Ii.. iii the lilt-. cool al Handkerchiefs The Hopkineville lurch ilietrict is overwheinsingly Its favor of Ileeklesvillke. Kr. and Embroidery. New Eta gives • Congrese the 1).-ma-rata will have Job Printing promptly they a revision of the tariff mod a A Tel a splendid assortment glow lug reduction of of ladies' ill' tits' liand-ntatie account of the effurta of three majorities in eighteen State delegations, and Cuotonomade grea tiIaLioti, end no man a 11.1 openly takes executed at this office. noble w(mien, and we can well shieto would give in 1, believe the Democratic can- to the opposite Fr I could be elected G. E. MARSH. S. a 14C A STEIN. tin York Stang that than ills *peaking the truth when k didate theorise States-one to any ticket. Of coure • at stemetic 1004 time at- Stivoryboay delighted with the meterul tempt will guys •• no one ventured half. be made to show thet the besutiful *Mecums made by Mrs. Lamar, Den to utter a come The Republicans emil.1 have ma- who lone* suatalued by the Democratic par- has never failed to plow her customers. New or ribald word In their holy jorities in eighteen presence. State delegations, Spring eirenlar Jnat Maned. Send for It. Address Bought of the very best manufacturers, ty at the recent election are (hie lo its and eepecially suited Lathe Southern trade. tine No wanted to. Every one which would give 101 ELLEN IA MAR Ti treated their eandliate the moithon on the tariff question. but a them It ith profound and unaffected ✓use eons the.. careful examination of the returns Building lions 11111F tternocratic a ill Lots candidate Iv:milk Cracker Works, prove that tact. They were as secure from would have. there is no foundation for insult Two States-New Hemp- G-GrIts' 1160% ouch a conclusion. as The 1110111.4 are toy nisi tliongli they were in their own par- Mine and Wee( Virginia D. P. FAULDS, 1•1•••••••••••••••• -would have no means confined to the Sates or dis- Near Hopkinsville. km lors." no vete, became this-hr ilelegathilin rita- t/lila where representatives No. :115 Upper Fourth St., 013 Fourth A vs., LouslievSlie• K t.. voted to cam Who shall say that molder , • number of fine budding lots, .11 the ore's- a good woman hoe Ian as equal member of Democrat. the tariff bill at the hat Newton end ! vIlle road, opposite the old Rooting term Chi Ito lidluems after thie of Coingrem. anti there la nothieg In the example added aershlicane, and tide c try would These lots are lte feet by about PIO feet. and PIANOS AND ORGANS! van mink to dietwurage the advocates treater. !unreel IS feet wide-with le foot alley MY of re- STOCK to our own experience OF on 1.1 itself Dealer CLOTHING! in Toesday lama in the middle of en exohte- back of each. Will be sold LOW DoWN all Amer-leer art Parents Sheet Mo- bre eisinti anti redortiort. Many causes are No holier ue, ant all kiwi. of omen She.'.11 1 ,, alf151111011/111. power surround' • man dem sweet greater, c•LI.14 c0., paw perliare,, than that of attributed to the defeat of our Ewell- new land lettatic iloalcOl• In the great AND-- that tof a wife or mother, licarfi• We rates in rug sod he eta would dmi auch a Democrat- different lonalities. Suisse of thew causes trusts either fully, contides in ic State ea au-re local mod some gel,. CHICKERING PIANO mil her and Virginia coning her ole tor • It fa WO early 10 attempt to esmu- ardScaz to follows her counsel, will rarely me tbe Remoblican candidate, and sti h a 'mi-rat them. but I 'Milk it safe to say Barber Shop! I ha" k lari7 1 *.!'" "4 the astray. Reyrablican State lla that Minnesota casting heal causes have rontributed far err A;i7f,..7,7, "2' au `,;:',,:1 t4Yof Sn the In the roll of honor -- that history atoll bee vote more to produce Manufacturer* of every variety of 1 prouipaly answrensi. IL: ATA1.041IWO for the Democratic ra, he result than the gen- kits' tag iilidste. I hate reopened my Barber Shop, on Mt nesoll- tugltfit. Furnishing write, the names Gob ot many eral mos, goad Nam Nee is that all. Al any retto, there le no: Piot ! vine street. between Mn. rnrd. Schmitt and The Senate could not n. P. X"..ti.T.71-•7Z,Ei. eat will entree for alarm Caldwell A Mouthworth, whore I will be glad lit, Lei th..e,,,ineupet tirlee appear; but noise will be bbizemed or desponoleney. t: ac,in1lltidasaurro AMYL fog the reesou that there to ape all my old enotomere and the poblie. an Fourth Ave.. Louisville, Ky. Lirrzr.apt Fri •re five Democratic party has survived in brighter colors mativ •h•vlag, Hair-( ntlirt ethsaiprovise Root- than those et Weld- Staftee . and _ with olotioled delegation'. defeats which II hi that 'soul have been fatal to Vilacking ,Ion• an the ries' m 1 son and Christian counties. EXAMINE Indy, and' ,wither party any other political organiz4tion, and JAleEN ill atoll A VMS. MY STOCK (amid eenititand 1E13M1•111EIDEIIm tiu this little reputes. 9/111 only stimulate tbe Vallee of twenty it Plaill--FancyCrackers Before States, - mat nog purchases Over one aid' hi are . else% here pa million Dome of Ackarill If/ greater exertions in the future We requiroil for Dyspepsia a majority. There It' Tablete mid in the galO1 %mild need not isurreeder any principle, or Mehra wietsthe,purely baldgb old links in this abandon Female upon their country any policy tieretofuire College neerillik if the announc- Evansville, Ind. Fetal ard. with Uhroeuk l'imeollpaglea. Mlestetimal ed, hut we must prepare to meet LOANS 41. m Oidlege should fail our op- , 7t.toxINTov-elties. to make a Ropkinsvit le. Ky. boar Stomach, Sick patient* °voile and manfully on ally Mod Ander la NEIL is- esti pup elyesseetwit NOTEN. tn, and lemale sue that divide* the earths." The rail Term ad? open on MOND 1, AU- reemblas lInneefo. th my attention shall be tinseled Our goods ran be bouahl of on r wholesale W A NTED-Notea wolf Palled haelneas mem GUST 'RA eitpe•orne• entirely to the above lino of levels, us. when R. B. Garner °Were AM An fermi/ y, thor- will always be found to nougats am awe); yea HIM Rawer in Itiramoralloat factor, prin.., and an for one month to twelve mcntha. A !moist- full and handaorsie tins, at the very amumows CURS wail laimallately ough MO runt Me 1111.1 theft. her..11,ft,11P. POP lowest prier*. and positive cure in the "It ACKMETACK" • lasting frame self ordered direet trete lie. $1,011 to 111.11011.00 etrletly eoefidestial &sal Dyspepsia Mobs mama anol fra- ..ther "dormouse elt:i 141 or Wein-ft Cots= and , vrt, -•ordereg good., ,,f -ea Safe, '1,164110On, loille111411141 mode. t•orres • late. Ile sells them oat a gwaranema. grant perfume. Price 25 and GO cents. Wh.doicale Cenci MAKIRMilkeffealk J. W. KVIIIT. 1r=ar1 It. *ode Ger •••eis4 Marsh AI Seagate's Crack- 1110stiolinswoolMd• W • room_ 'Ka Canter,I I Sold by J. R. Arialmead. ere," otherwise later.* geode may he eget et ansaemsy. N. T Ey M.LIPSTINE.

elk I.. 0 l'AILLID T. J. bigwig. THEIR WAYS. AU', et Lew. TIDE OF ICE. ANTS AND Co. FILLED BY A & AT A GYPSY WEDDING. I Chas.McKee et gliesiallases aril Male - Mien, Kosairebe ef the Forme sews Thais lave AND SIITILIL DII•1.filte IX NEW ER fibs Marriage Oseemena sod nu enema- Steam Wartal. -WIlinete•LE TRI-WEEKLY Assailer. by ketere'• Purees sat Vertivitlee--Irun and Peelle. and One evening about 520 o'clacik and In spite of the multifarious deter AND FANCY are more simple than a A STAPLE Few things on these tiny 0 II Er.D4V: NOVIClISER 111•11 the sun still high Waive the western tasks that are imposed marriage ceremony among the gypsies, to clean TIONE mountam range, we folnd ourselves op- burghers, they still find time MgEll description of • wedding as re- & Co., It X and • little persons. Callis lEt.CO peseta the Davidson glee, sr. It passes and adorn their worthy Y)4E SOUL'S MEASURE. witnessed by the writer will not, LIN OP- cently • brae.' Mt MO art I spreads fan- No spot, no atom of dust or anything -- PULL prove uninteresting. There out of We believe, the shore under the noighlior- .le. uncleanly will they tolerate on their White Oats, Is taxi thiriket, "What a happy •score of tents at the like upon Canned Goods, Rolled were more than three miles in brewith They get rid of tbe dirt with Fancy Pickles, fram,! were temporary ing cliffs, It is budies. encampment, where we 1,300 ft...4 in us their feel or with hot high affsetions' What a holy aim!" of each a firs abuse the front, ani is the brushy tufta theist., guests, and at the opening crumble and They act, for all the mar le ban' to Wink thyislf blazing away height whim it begins to their tongue. Calls a Hays) so lately were Is was burning, cracking and cats wham they , (Simosasers clard arta deed of shops toward the shore. A terrain"' world, like domestic TOBACCO. as early as 6 e'cluck in ths morning aw OF Itiit blame; nairaine• mil) and a half in depth sep- clean and lick themselves: and they BEST BRANDS morn sad weeder- day which was to witness the mar- .1 laikilie back, with Ike erste* it from the sae A forest, or a slut one another at the toilet precisely riage of one of the favorite young girl. 1 Salt, Etc, Matt, rimming of a fort-st, elandi between it like moakeys. Their sense of chisalinew Meal, Lard, Baean .ou um) at look rutin I thee. lifted with twee the camp. An hour afterward and Flour, of it is slowly but surely ap gees so far that the naturalist awn i Real =state te it. men with silvery hair. and .111 the water an old gypsy to his unpleasant surprise, the TOBACCO face. with but PDS Lida, dumbly hrielail of Wise altered haw% bronzed, wrinkled wood sealed, marks he has apphed with en Foi Country Produce. d mild be Pr"gmTliehfiallteg of this eilenin a colored Highest Prices Paid ill, cid the mius, tin tine and life shall eye, stepped o I •little in ants' removed INSURANCE - on 'n the iii ;g awn among these much care on his "trial "Ws keep II. of playing the violin, clock had Lui 16"1."1.....I I in""hy. FLUI I 1.4/111111.4143 Mlle& tart. gan ..ary trees will fan like grant before by their dirt-hating friends. They keep Woman* "tread, rhosba""D" se.1 Anderson until) ver so Teniptataiet haw* dart, two string. en it. The player's openin; lite eel.' • of the reaper. We a-ere very their dwellings just as cleanly. se an art, tune. "Haste 6 -AN It-- KY. a die, liarkiew wield piece was ti.- well-knew.' 1%10 HOPKINSV1LLE, CIGARS. of their 4 STREET, lIght near this g:isrier. W. taw all tlie wrin- But the conveying away MAIN whets O..• Ill Is ',miring Lath. to the Wed.ima." to winch the young '. 'to cr.' tablet height. Maurer and the deep discolor*, ceased brethren, wham dead bodies they bootee' 3vaisz,•, Yu N. 'rotor Lay, Its Visor. were soon dancing with oval kle, and Fisk' ham* M COIltreni.lattatellats none appear to regard with the greatest an- lisiasue lit...atty. %Vitae sons. of the older ff 'IP NIP 4.0 ear alF We O&M how the muntrous Weel tipathy, gives them MOM trouble than wunien were watching the dancers. oo POWDER THE NEGRO'S BLACKNESS. wound in and out between the moun- anything else. When seam members others were engaged in culinary prep Cook 1437 C.M. MaAlt..TII.A.M tains, and 4:needed them on every side. of an ant community, which Mr. Absolutely Pure. CelleCting ' Stratums. COMPLETE LINES OF Merchants Illissues• Offered hoe the Color ef the AI rubbed the skin off in spots, and left kept imprisoned, died and could not }IA ls JUST RECEIVED FULL AND ,r., fassit.. At the ope g sit rote itt the tent* and This powder never •arias. A sleeved of pari- SkIs-A Pusallug Question like highotater marks removed, these remaining seemed whole...menet• Moreincosoin- riesa's ewart h -lrs,ki,i Illaacitillw greoved lines be ty. sirenslit &tot A I.. WIL•ioll. the physi- •tuod the cliffs; how it with the greatest horror. For teal than Ow ordinary kinds, mil canoe he told question has puzzled all along the face of the affected of WO, This gypsy chief. with III.. hands lit his in esispetulto.. with the inuitil tote 1 /IF it any amount and ground to pow- days the insects ran about seeking a way powders. Joie Hopkinsvil le, Ky. Notions, who have given gathered as it went woristla alum or phosphate and iologista steadfastly gazing totem the alert Dry Coods pocketa, POWOla CO , Not only are human being, der and to pasta whatever came out, and ceased only when completely oislywis eras 11.01raL 11•Itisitt tilbT I NO OF- of tlantglit. dancers. At a given signal from the MI all Illnaet, N. 1. -orritat CON in hot climates, but °dm within it, reach, becoming worse and exhausted. The ante belonging Ile the black or dark Neal5 the music an I ilaucin,g avimed. LACES. animate vary in hits man- and greedier and more rapa- canipoistue species seized the dead and FINE DRESS GOODS, resembling Two rows of gypsies, a Lii about twelve worse, Om far as I have seen) in- se at creepi down into the low- threw them into a water pail, Lwh flee. Pigs are or fifteen in .eacii low, were formed. cious WA, a sepulcher. Ord,- variably black in hot climates. Blumeo- sing laaweea lands, so that when it reaches the they converted mai Finriols errand Handkerchiefs, Mending Lae to free. dis- are said to treat 010ce Irdery, the and the ants Post variation among mind end its course nerdy, though, bach included this said lax feet apart. half way a here it 11 lour have coven-41 itself dead with more reverence. They reeernblaaces of pigs to ourselves. these r WOa two gypsies solve away, it will , their CUL rpoiektes, Joan between have own graveyard*. --- knit Lad sell-- we expose two surfaces similar in all rw snout eigiiteen ith slime and confusion; it will even possess their Hall up a bnxineitice him/ of the sun, beta to its track, but in the vWinity of their nests. "recta but color to the glare the groand. All being left ruin and desolation which lie Etc., other inches above a valley deceased conmanions Oil Cloths, Mattings. the black becomes the hotter and the chief called it will likewise have cleft out They convey their de- thus far in retalinees, a floor lay them down in All of which lie offers at colors graduate according to their linilegniont, who with walls polialied like team and thither, where they ti- out the name of the rows. grees of darkness on to white, which men about nA smooth as marble; one that will be orderly little heaps or ia -DE %LIR IN REAL ESTATE was a very lian.laoina gypsy Franklin's celebrated after ages, when it has carpeted It is only the corpses of their fellow*, Low Prices. the least heated. 22 years of age. His hair and eyes were used in Exceedingly of placing pieces of different green and hung its walls however, that they treat in this man- experiment very dark, anti the conformation of his itself with list and pay stock was never on the snow while the PUB tapestry of its vine. Surely no ner. Dead strangers they throw out On C'omnassion, Call and Examine them. His eultared cloth face strongly indicated the race to which with the and observing the depth to power on earth could have done like something unclean, or tear the body we. sharing he belonged. lie wore an olive-colored other GRANITE Larger or Prettier, respectively sunk In the job so neatly. in pieces. Even between the master and winch they velveteen '-oat, red waistcoat, and • the. MEM Ell this very strikingly. One wee this work in progress and in slaves of the same community snow illustrates glaring•celored harelkerchief round his to this a black skin should be in Alaska. The bald says she has observed a dissimilarMi..Treat According neek. In perion, he was tall, Malt ular, (nab coinpletion for enduring the fierce ra- with& surface as smooth as mode of burial. While the masters find and oth- specially unfit and well made. In obedience to the islet yonder, an property for non-realdents tropical Sm,. Many specw with delicate tracery along its their last repose in a special graveyard, attention to diation of the chiers contlirtailti he came from •tent at glass and ers and give prompt rather far-fetched and -tracery that looks like side by side, the sievelike like heaped-up tattoos, some one stile of the encampment, walked be- polished side* YAM= teen offered to account glass-Wall modelled by refine. near the nest, despised equ.aily in pedantic, have tween the rows of gypsies. stepped over etching upon paradox; but the only so very many years ago; death as in life. for this apparent the broonistica, tune, I roma, and then glaciers not one I have met with was century, some of theni, Iwo The ant cemeteries are often thickly satisfactory stood with his arias come.) waiting the Rhin the a correspondent to probably the very populated, for their life Li abort. The Claims by 01 suggested lately haps. A glacier, Collocfioll arrival of his inti-tided wife. &Co be- one summer. Nature. He states gout reasons for the name of glacier we are marking, followed this male lives only through McCamy,Bonte The chief then callea out and MtsuclU 'teeing that the penetration of light track and ground them all into ahate; the female lives somewhat kinger, 4e. cif the bride, who came from a tent at the or remit when collected. MOE531,21 1.1 facia -slur Jris the skin to the internal organs of actio , of motion eliall I the workers die ot old age in the ath of c--cry kind and through oppesute aide of the encampment. Sae teary angle injurioue and he further impressed upon • ads 10th year.-The l'oesnopolitan. of the body is wise about 19 years of age, rather short say, Ill indelibly that such penetration may oc- rock bereabOUt; so all these ti s suggests of stature, apparently of a helthy and and every extent unlaut special from era to arc the world Shakespeare's jays have bees cur to a consideruble hardy constitution, while the pearly northlands, Some of prov town is [Haile against it. One of my over, have been laboriously licked into traiodated lero Workmanship Unman lustre of her eyes and long, dark, gloomy Policies MOMS, to shut my- of ice. Insurance AND was tide rat.. Fire echisolboy cape r i lllents to identify her with the shape by the irresistible CURE FOR FIIECAIIIIIACES storeroom, the hair seemed- grind •vil TOP. self up 10 it windowless of the gypsy race. She ‘'erily, the mills of the gods to the purest remnant - are frequently precedlel by • IN side of ellich was freely exposed the two rows of slowly, but what a grist they grind! Piles Issued on all classes of property in AND DEALERS [AN the also walked between artier oh Weight ill the back, loins and over sun, and then place my hand very lightly over the Alaska Coe Han Francisco Chronicle. Huai. gypsies, tripped lower part of the abdomen. cawing the keyhole or crevice of the door. had no sooner affeetion broomstick, which she for Marching Soldiers. pail-emit Ii.. allppose lie has some LOW EST PRICES tient light pawed through to illuminate man, in the Cold Coffee organs show done than the young gypsy Boulangerl of the kidneys or neighboring the tingers,and A good mark for Gen. are- Implements, my hand, especially imagin- indignition ___and_iJountry. ncultural manner of most gentle and gallant the officers com- At titmice', •yrnprome Calralle Virgule sad Spring. the position of the boreal. I have the instructions sent to of the therein able, took her in 111.4 arms, arid com- prriueeit. flatulency. imesabeas it since my hand has be- manding tile regular army and the like perepir- in Part lf not repeatal pleted the ceremony by giving his new- istomarli, s-ti. A moisture Consisting Desired. and therefore can not militia reserves engaged in the autumn a very illeagrerable come full grown t/made wife some of the loudest kisses we ation, producing - - Ky. still as translucent as manunivers they were told to pre- gettitig w anti, is a COT- Hopkinsville. say whether it is heard in our life. itching, after I.. marvelous rose, lovely ever vent, as much as possible, soldiers attendant. Klima, Bleeding and For Sale or Rent. then. Then the music and dancing were re- Binders, to examine at the first well they meet, and rile. 3 iehl at every to the Deering been proposed drinking Iteishig It has lately the whole of the members of the Remialt the patient to sumed, if the weather was hot, to make each catioa aff tr. Itueanko". Pile uo Maple .with all the stomach by causing had suspended business: part* af.‘ V.r.xyAsigrikitit lamp, which will encampment take with him before setting out arts directly-tiiani the necessary out f swallow an electric a good feast were go- man allay lug America, some- preparations for a provision of filtered iected, abearbing the Tumors. & MOWERS. illuminate it sufficiently to 'thew looked bright, and on a long march affecting a per- Two heeler* and lots on REAPERS ing on; every face provision ca the harrow lielsing, mei street, near South thing of its condiC through the in- The men water. If he had said. "a Ailonsee For Sale• Brows ' Itrorlueet1 lb, stostlerful every heart seemed joyous. better. manetit Prier 60 cense. Kentucky College. O1 valuable Illip10% ruenti tegument". I say proposed, but suspect the cold coffee," it would have been Medicine Piqua, ot ON, smoked, the women talked volumes, The Lir. Bosatiko V irgini. the lamp is too hot. The carbon There is no such safe and sustaining G. E. Gaither. Bali, 4 business lots on that children shouted and frolicked. the old 0. For sale by For 10. St., opposite the proposed layer in the rete mucesum of the negro. drink as coffee for the marching scatter, and Mowers, ELME PABMENTS. horses grazed by the side of the banks, hotel. 10140 Champion Binders carbon, It prevents, in Depew we. A, The 'I'T .• Id her filmset tourist or sportsman. Chauncey M. ER being v'T' • • •1* %%Awn Mr. NEW -s nibbled their costae food end tints the donkey is scarce and bad, ilia lialiees. In lots on South Virginia street, on must and looked as if places where food erves-ing the Boulevard Two Inuit-ling with a self- satisfied at, rapid day, lw met &ambit weal side, acre in each. protect that moat that day's typhus fever, by counteracting Paris, tow'titer Repairs for the Same. conscious they were to have who etrayea over there to hunt And tENCH, the cults vac or true skin, a the waste of the tiesues. I 'elite., A unit printed. t led eo`uren paper, con we have lots for respite from their weary toils; even aticeates. ••Well .0,1 the ran- In addition to the lots named of vaccular tissue, pre- The internal waste caused by fatigue tip slam( In most etery part of tb. the bodily envelope that were wagging you speak 6/11r. and ttselling. South., two or three 'doge of any, laiMmuch i-oda previa tent, "4 -.epees. city. and a number of dwelling., tor rem at senting _ a vast surface of circulating of an ex- is the most dangerous 'lag* life Schools open Sept. C A -S-Ntta- ITV:tr.:a"; to their tails as if in anticipation Fo-eati ukaly non It" tattoo price•to suit renters. Our and-Steel- Plows, blood, which is certainly - subject astaRrettatity is too tow to-laironaiteoffe -I parties *tithing to avail tbeemettimof Avery's Chill tra feed or of better and a larger Wiwi- beast, "Delete." esti he, sadly, Foreign, 1st. awl gel a borne illumination when only pro- and so all the dead stuff in the body heard the schools uinu..i apply at once he, Lrilliant tity of rations than usual, even without hasten% istideratimil a wont I've from sunlight by the thin translu- poimittlIN what is living. 1 have seen vilast l'are *aid - National and tected the trouble of having to Imo. before any two week% except Mass other specialties In real es- Shovels, cuticle. persons, after walks greater than their We nave tea ...sty Iron Beam Double cent dinner could be allowed them.-Brook- er It " tate. V a,ant loVe well locateil all over We know that sunlight has consider- strength could hear, stiff.-r as if from Home News. It you wants borne CsZotall to Dee WI sun- lyn Magazine. In point of fact. they el penes..s she are able chemical energy and also that violent poison. There WM 1111,411ere peo- merely througli in- ream form elf bloo I Moor- -11, Br. IssU stroke, to which light complexioned NOW Album* Torso/ the Tido were poisoned, but eulti Hex irom CALLIS de CO. Engines and Threshers, of j as St-rmula, Rumley's ple are especially liable, is more de- the book-bind- ability to get rid of the detritus der or skin dim-note There was a crisisin After a practirel test on light than on teem tempera- of the wasted tissue in themselves. Tourists K HE., rte. Plows, pendent ing business at the early years asserts that Aeller Rine' Engine and rhr6sher, Ste,im being the case, the value of pho- should, no Inure than Gen. Baulanges'a II hi Gamer eerles3 11E5, ture; and, such war, when the new manufacture certalialt cure all such di. will veil or screen extending provi- soldiers, when out on holiday excur- Elixir of an effective tograph albums came as a special sets, including SA ph.eIli. owl Kimonos Thursday and Saluda; body may be very sions, drink water out of the first well hut a uesday, over the whole of the dence to start up idle factories. The tient. It is not it pat.nt noetrims, Seed-Sowers, with to prevent the rapid -Barrow accompanied Lip- they meet, and It. WORK Wheel great, even though York, and the lie gusrarderre JOB lld Shoes Appletons, in New scientific ureparation. absorption of heat and using up of their own bodies they .5:. considerable pincotts and Mr. Alternus, in Philadel- is at le, which is itself to fill up their flask,, before -ter will. it is said, organ Neatly awl promptly eareutei sd ssesolleit an lames- roasting of the cull. ahia, were the first manufacturers of oualit Ilei•ry Ward Brea 4,-oh week. A staunch:Democrats,. ireal to OUT of the on long ws:k a with iroffee, Europe attempt ii ever offers., to advertiser nttentton insensible. The shading effect goods in this country. The Ate starting maul hie trturn lime vi tnducementa IT11115 cmc, 413 Wire these •• M Barb conver- nicer to drink col.: teen 01 tel. oLite of Superior is, in fact, due to the to them which is, twritspa the etimpli lteli3:1t9 laackneee pletona' attention was called put hhi light into beat. --Mattieu Wil- who had than hoe-Paris Coe Landon Truth, Mr it, eeher ha. several times Tttiretdrle,. d l'It. extra eion of through Baron Rothschild, id. a 44 v041)- eerfull) .10010 ale ls.a- Magazine. French pen to the paper with the SBAtRrReotwcs, t3N ell stip liams in Gentleman's brought over a half dozen of Irsaeral is Jormalem. e..-h time some- and A Merry g the work. Nit NEW E& I ur 'leo. Itettart went it manufacture an presents to friends, and It is nee rivet. THE WEEKLi HARROWS.e. •Ittrers and at The Tipsy Delp of Munich. A merry funeral. with mutue them( use iiitetierel SCRAPERS, WHEELL-BA- remartit- who put an order in the hands of Mr. be has determine I to Stalle. ROAD Iffi.ocila Naas one picture of dance's, took place recently at Jerusalem eut, Weever, that 111117 Apropos of Munich, for half a dozen more like lahdenakilItt. Matthews funeral, which ...levee the usual daily life that used to amuse me there -a peculiar kind of Willi be owned every FrOliti a, them. every five or six years. At tile was the tipsy dogs. The art students time Mr. Gottschalk, turns up CULTIVATORS. About the same Jerusalem et a A and Liver csoul- WALKING and RIDING young military officers, who con- been Sephardic synagogue in FOR IPESPEral and • Philadelphia merchant, had Tie i prinuall gri.r•r. rot- great classes of society. called Chelleu Hogniaoh. taint. tou have a Prop's. stitute the two given one by some Paris friends as a Shiloh'. Vitali:. r. Ii " STITH &POOL, Every other one are preserved all the scrolls of tne Toed, every tootle of RAKES,HOIST POWER. are devoted fanciers. resent to a bier, and souse years Switi h% J. IC Ar."- BSCR1 PTION RATES HAY at-tris--heela at have beet-nue useleve, Menti-olUt.- r tad. Maim. leittalawithor-doir ago, when the suit over t ETC.' Danes are the Terihn. etc. In accordance with an tdo Wawa HAY FORKS, dogs, blood-hounds and WAS going on, he took the book LIPLI ACCIIIRODA'TIONS I drink patent thew old documents are wen US BERFe.01RweEttlrugyU, BUT. swellest breeds, and the brutes all in his stateaooin just custom. retest,' CALL AND SEE out of his trunk and With The following are the sunicriptois their masters. It gets into custom into bags or put in earthen jugs payable strictly cash LOCATED! beer like before landing in preparing for out- se Kgsvrciy New [Kt, CONVIENTLY All! and dog- are as com- its musk', dance and song are carried advance: their heads having forgotten examination, and, There is a large cavi reeinaCordial McCamy,Bonte a Co. mon in the course of an evening at the on earth it side of the city. 5. 1• purpose, wondered what cetnetery at th. Li %ND sr t'sysi• beer shops as shillelah duels used to be doing this toward the end of the Tr-Weekly. could be for. While he was they are DYSPEPSIA. INDIGESTION. ti peel al attention Donnybrook. In the more conserva- news foot of Mount Olive, where at the pilot came on deck with the stun WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS. II I and elute the dogs have to preserved. On that der all the tive resorts that Abraham Lincoln was nominated crow., MALARIA. LIVER COMPLAINT, ,'or 1 U up in the halls, and you of and workshops are closed and Ti be left tied for president, and the first question KIDNEY TROUBLES, wort aloof ba CO, ; of & a FRIEND, your entry through a gauntlet said. fill the street... Teamsand GREEN make one. Mr. Gottschalk R. every NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Vehicles.,J. warders, all panting for their r The men assemble in the synagogue. red-eyed was; "Who is Abraham Lincoln enh .;.ot st- IT gives NEW Weekly. IN Now and then a con- where prayers for the welfare of the T Is Inv SO DEALERS favorite posset. afterward imported LiF it to the 3, ear Si • Mr. Gottschalk A procession it formal. I ing and De- C1=1.C3-£6 1../077:7 I siderate master carries a foaming pot and samples were tan are recite-I. whole SYSTEM note tit. TS a few albums, are carried uader lightful to take, for 5 to his pet, and then the neglected Philadelphia In front Torah scrolls of greet value Ly Strength...nag months to out brought by two different men carry sad 1-e Mescin. Ton- 'sr I ions, *et up such a ntelsotcholy howl- with the Citupalis and at their side as • Medicate for brutes to Mr. Altemus Ailing the NERVES, raceme. Implem'ts to give photographers wax candlea. Then follow Weak and BRIDGE STREET, alit In Ice Agricultural ing and gnashing of teeth so as make them. On burning and Chil- and completelyDi- Club Rates. query whether he could bags and jugs. Women grans( the teed. an idea of what an American dog. of the pho- about 100 man carrying dren- Weekly in clulr of Line of Good.: &e. you his saying that he could, one the Sep- 'Si A mi Sole Agent* for the Following the rabbi of in clubs of 10 pound in when business is brisk.- to place an order for At the ZoWl gate rri-Weekly tographers offered ascends a large stone Alfred Trumble in New York News. a., many as he could hardic synagogue $114 mt Price& 1,000 copies, or for the sultan, the Weekly in elubsof 5 and rerites a prayer I Si fromm this sprang the business eekly in C1111•0 IS White Bolls In Cuba. make., and rabbis, and the congrega- E this house In now so prominent. state officer*, Person. now taking the wasety•- New Era who -are some- in which the whole work'. Thee to th e Cri•Weekly,eau Anon Baileo blancos-white balls beginning of the war tions thronghout .teNi re re change due 70N The desire at the throlial an.i ee "Au, .ror all as•zpared tone , times given by the clubs. These are, together the the procession wends its way Binders, t for Willie means for keeping cave, where A Beek. •Voliee.' Sem rea Woe Weekly. McCormick Virginia S;ree( of Spain and France, valley to the •OriTAINS Ellis' like the white balls Held," or the Josaphat ompson boys in tile c.byle•ding- come pictures of "the are deposited. The • so hurtful balls to which all the ladiee must home," came just in the bags and jugs is com- physicases.tents( rib. "the dear ones, at in the evening Minernlo, how he treat stifl- dressed in white only, with white which was fast celebrition lasts till late pered of carefully Reapers and Mowers, trine to save a business Selected Vegeta- raise* se HOME, bons and white flowers. Dancing at the stagna- -Jewish Messenger. waded, together going to pieces in the general ble Medlci•••. of has& balls, and, indeed, at all times, the combined atoll- with& mit 15 CI:Ailed. Flcw, club tion. The Appleton* and Lippincotte Prophetic Violas. • an.,cards by mew ..-DEALERS olive' talk in a slow, comfortable, that A Mother's fully, melded pt-pr arse, Cubans have Loth frig iently acknowledged is saia to has. Safe and Plesesst way, most suitable to the cli- their The mother of Peganini Cu of sec. dreamy albums turned the tide in both respecting the wilmdv• is none of that will, rapid seen • wiindrous vision ISsit Studebaker Wagons. mate. There see, .1,41 G.11..64 0...1 fa se. awl• Harrows, causes also.-The Argisnaut. marvelous eon. Slie psi. i4 lfl Iron Duke jumping and dashing up and down the fuuture Of her • ;Hardware, United State. lisietwasty. iated her dream to him in thew terms: • .a.s. •••• fr• room which we see at the Favorite Name. In reg sod cilealica Congas% AND STEEL PLOWS, boys' son, you will be a great musician! violine D AVERY'S CAST watering-places, even in midsummer, Max and Paul are the favorite "My s, Cutlery and and ,radiant with beauty, ap- SaMosoima. sa. E. generally terminating in a nice little names in Germany. and Anna For an angel, , One in. in the night and said that Russian bath. That is too much east Martha the favorite girls' names. peered to I might make should be Guns, )rsets, non here. The Cuban dancers are as ..y out of every eight or nine is called any request True Blue Steel Plows, that you might Blount's co.] when they atop dancing as when Max. Of 4.300school g.rls, 63$are called granted. So I asked C. P. NOLAN & CO., of all violinists, and tery. they begin. At no time are the alpeatish arms and cal Martha. become tae greatest Pole Queensware, STAR STEEL PLOWS, I t and even the angel promised that my request From Pole to LONE osmin made great advocates for dancing, baN A Irentwatie Moak. -Chicago Times .11 IC S noss•tui•-• Owortorwed SgVKNTH ST ,If0PHINSt ILLS, ST, in Spain "tertuliss" are more popular should be fulfilled." all imam.of th, in the way of p.iv II, • ore foe French, New Orleans Times- A fantastic something Double Shovels, than balla-Cor. poems printed in The tiarpOWWW'S Story. Iron Beam books is• volume of A Curlew. Whitt ('ask. L•s(forsi. n'arse I. 7353. --Keep a full stock of- Democrat. paper of evety in M ty- ▪ D various-sized type on Recently there was exhibited J. sr. AVII• a Int.-Turey_yeers ago I China and g and Riding 11, Ilve Walkin Roaring Tildes. the rainbow, and covered in wine cask, holiling was 1.rfrnerr the Nogg% ratite. Brown's color of mos a richly carved toyer"(sue laid op with . Southern trade. ot plain string.- the Oda rat.( the two sad The twat example-. of the eagre brown patwr tied with a over GOO lame mad« entirely from 50.4 lomat• acre Mean 4,gess. anntlett setame. purr Algebra all Glassware, 0EL 11111 bore, the phenomenon in which the Chicago herald. wood of the old Reiman bridge built • I.Leiliec. aviS lime. SURE &FANCY GROCERIES, yr NT AL 710 inehl ..04.1611•Vitta orsesed issera. Tate% "C..7 tint's', are said to be fur.lid..naives by the Emperors Trajan M.. All ear Raw- all at Cotton Instead of wont. across the Rhine iiv ond Loy,ere Uses. preity Willy off. Flack a Co`a Engin.. neparaters and mouths of the Rivers The ruins of the bridge fruit. sae areseratally dream ed. but the Wheel-Berrows and Road-St-tapers, and Straw. rushed by the of woolen clothing, and Ma:innate. 1,0,, el Avines Wall Papers Separator... Eagle Engine% Separators and Tsientang In the The great apostle the river in 1/190. Se - vet On kol a corer deem Wake LIQUORS, Bill., Springfield Engin...and Entailer. (utter. amazon, Mogi), • rival itt 1). Leh- were fished out of noa.seanime osid roe es ohm. We nese- WINES, and Has Cutters, and large liver, in Dr. Jager, has found out of the mew area WS Stackers, Rose a Co's Straw, Oats both hand and case of the last mentioned the eral smaller casks, to be made • et d • .1 It amebae thee I tem Ensillage Cutters, all shies mann. of Stuttgart, who advocate* by sey rale rtremmestlbellemery. and air *team power, Bell City Feed and Con China, the way,' plunges on like an ad- being wood that is left, have been ordered 1,103.stlabisestay amasi is mese Hoist Power, and Hay Forks, vubvtitution of cotton for wool, an tool I've ones geed deal 4414. power; Thomas' Hay Raker', lagia• vancing cataract, four or five miles in and Amerwans.-Chicago Ilerald. taw ) Ahawee at Tam ihrompedlle Fresh Seer,Etc. anti deep wells; Mast, Foos A Co's Turban lees irritating to the skin, cheaper, yen NNW•• km= 4hellers, Pumps for cisterns 1ING! breadth and thirty feet high, and thus p..1 f werry. lampla Ceiling Decorations same, for cleaner. by Earthquakes. ai..1 ro wed you Me he.., Wind Mills and Pumps pumas up the stream to a distance ot Waves Caused 3 ware, Sutra T. WKIMATIL twenty-five by earthquakes eighti milea at the rate of Cotten Battled Is Cisewertee. Ocean waves caused Expareeesos• styles. ebb in in Jap- The Tivopor's in all of the least mars an hour. The change from Cotton Batting is corning into rase arts telegraphic. Thome started ,• . a.;Narrl rasa Our Mock of anweree Iv full anti complete, tide is almost instantaneous. In The batting is used for anese waters on Aug. 27, 1983. were • l's. J. C. Ate -ilesehimes kW* sad one prices as low as the lowlier Call be- Stretchers. to flood our canneries. Irak, Of you Wire tegily a. the IMO* and we guarantee to oars and I. fore purehasing tire mimes up be on the Cali. mat. Barb e-hole tide jar. which should by tide pewee Iowa the Amazon the (he covering of the registered ver rtarnsp.rt'Lv. We he.. bele Wallanoll mosey in five or six waves follow- neck before the batting is fornia coast the same day. In 1,1.4 ever ram ysiors„ darling which thee we styles and at to stilt (1) the stream tilled to the &we imam moms he Ellis. I. fell and eomplete, with latest teem & Beget«. succession, and Lod te II,, le Thompson Our line of BD" rich other in rapid Bernardino Hour, -re - Is mid Sib. WILMILIFt ''HOR8K SHOE ools log used". --San loch a Pow breeple to who CaTJ'1;2. one. We call special attention to the feet high.-- Detroit !ha them sews hr every each twelve to fifteen Waterway. w ny Will. YOU cough when Shi- mammy '..s es.' can be firms at She reik f t mine Om, I see sehord is lobe pose Sumo Is /toppled with the hese lIntiora th•S Free Press. that tlia hoary loh's Cure will give immediate Ibeithe of wink% ma* my MOW found maywhere, glee sa• call No.8, S Main St. It has been discovered Hold by J. R. ousel/"sae writ - Price 00 cents and $1. dheow Infitlf, mil I occur to you what a funny which encmte-hes upon the water T. E. Did it ever 'non Armistead, TIMM MOB 1/6. stamp is? Even the de. of Caned* prevent malaria and Tesups7r. Opt Skaarwlina.a4/e FERTILIZER! Pottage rays ear-- flung• fast f..r risii. --ea-41r partment can't sell it after they canoe iarrhea, and I. excellent negro, who Ayer• sadists pais*. thanes WIM Smith, PAPERS, Core. Every bag has a guaranteed -Exchange. Mies Moran le chicle. s Sarsapan'lla OLD For Tobacco and Give as• esti Wife buying. IL Effiretts of Mamie- Mrs. 1)olan and MAKE MONEY! le good morally sue lewdly. Ile ear and this gnarentee found to exert • very recently, has been arreatiel. rawly tlasseettly ellardire bleml-parkler, camast be silo esaftilly MIUSIC has been I. de paws.or are daisy meek by esemalftl epees. Respectfully, !Ale dieesses the reefer...trim rowiy escaped being lyischeil the 0.1) media-ow thee evains•••• renews •11. "ties_ lipplicrtIons The perceptible effect upon Reer41,la. lierelary, ad lLegetions MIMEO FOR SALE toilIn eterta. Iirsta and tresteil by eit.•real ss well as of limas Is vestewein treeeeetly parativzorl et CO., Is and circulation of animaa free the aysearm. Da wish nee J.- R. GREEN a vy to lair.. inch cientilshoo AR R YOU MADE miserable oy reereatts et 0,00 dense.a a. wars proper amulet subject. Leas Address her clereler% s. and msnot with Ay•r'w trio- ConstipetIon, Dizzltiess, Dr. J. C. Ayer a UMW.Mem. wit .1•11 S. ft 1,111.SDS. to purify the blood has now Ibietiees Military ballooning in Europe of Appetite.. Yelleve Skin ? Sold by ail Dirmights Pelmet; 208 MAIN ST.. HOPKINS parIlla. Uiiilir the vitalizing I. ,er, sale by tur At This Office. kis SOS& such a stage that under-0471 Vitslirer if• paddle cure. For Ss WSW trosintr7Wrielh. the (ueveloia of the reached at Ills tn.-4101w sV trained in banous steering, J. R. A ruilsbrad. actiou. are being NE. body are brought into healthy •


hrlsthan County Ilaullait 4,41 THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. epeta ortoloe! ERA.- -6P•u941 iza9 Capt. $ou White J. U. (iii Ile, Hee- itifiRI-Ydraflai •.1.1 the it toddy *pre hoard H.41614464 Ita &Oil S./.1 41•t1 y iuii.irliltig rt teedge Hard.. I. en aim Mc- Mt.. r0 Mat t• art iously The rebinds's pecple a lit' had been anxiously awaiting the moot slier ue - Comb, e. 11,u •... 9Y - MoileIll atitiounced to the Ar• Season! -..11.711LIntiat) 5,811 The Loudest Laugh Poohibition was only eel ried by a ma) ivy of 71. In SIII. It 11 t v.iies Het ry Dram e, .1 S. I'..rriels, J. Gloss Months Imbuement" it. *mother CO". day. Two aim Ere Priming aid Pwalishinj See our" Only at the were palled, only 400 sh irt oat tise highest name .r or T'1(14 e 14S In any race asol at t era' latter, leave I.,r Arleitres Was. Wednesday, Nov. 10th. August election. Prohibition absorbed the loitered In the other races a..d cense. to day oat their mutual 1111111t. Out a few day • in. 01 cloak display To Close JOOIN 0. TWIT, - - Editor. Only queen, the Ift•ti e in node were light. Jelly carries the te y over Leff die tor row 1.r & Wrirmingion's 4 .4 -posy la their at Frankel's. reeetoyel 2,3ed %..t.o, hese ever, a hi -h I. ltapplaeas sad Stealth m••I Itenoiletrorted Ver.nuf OW On) Congreee by a mejorlo o4433. Ilium All A meti. to rent. A pply at tite County votes cast tty ail other eoenty lit the A it• important prohlemit. the f..rtieri TUESDAY, NOV Ell DER V, Cottage probably the highest number of Demovratic ES IC 'I WORT OLUME ots the latter. Every ClerIC• adder. Diatriet. Titus Chrietian becomes the b tune' l eno re icy Hint et the I e-t Set. depoinling Verily with 11114 b,eaii hey prtewr- ilo:el e ob Kt I one to She Buchanan, Kepubliese, carried the . cesety o'er Its .d.sed., I "rio.i..c.o. lt sulte is familiar The Mien': ARRERS I TABLE. ties u4 (rut, and lob 0110 vast afford ti be RAILROAD TIER that of Jaeuary. Metnitir of the Board of Equeliz let 4.4.1 majority. eV houtli #sq Ram tia Light cf t M0011! OF CLOTHING, ces..idere.1. T. e stack 1,11A a as sick aed tided-able 1a.ltIle the p!ritiotalf chance to 4ectile S barguill In received a very complimentary' v- h' al 'Wogs Comae e. is. The last isil New specialties TRAM& NOR?. leaik a. S. 10 F .iii thous eel nine Is 1. dre 1 a d • v,Iit iI e 'ellf”rtila Collereleated liii (rid It lalredut.ana Now Verture.. OAK •• wraps at Freukree. sveraatlt.g'y suowed on ler. serer arse • a. 1:01. for it. F r the betied u thew. a lc' a 1.ii reisseit ,St ram of Fire isisV ile 111141 If k E 1111 111[1 g 111 7 F111111111M. iv l'a•no Y. M. t . A. Cutts were cast against it and only 3Ohl TONY SZSilliliZ:-N1 A:14 toll Is i • et '.44. " A *paced nieetlug Of the our esderprideg druggi.t. ii . Garner No iitiMer o in.p. ct the returns We publish below the vote by pr• isti•t• : It called lor to-ifight. ratitloin. Gee Con'lllllll "rending makes TI-13E VOTE. Brilliant Coterie ofComedians ; [terse:0961 • I. 'r I Macon says that mercial fei So does liquor. PREFERRED LOCALS. id Increase a lull Itikl," 1. I (111 1141 44 51.4114114. rreciEN THAN MR REVOKE. -5 S.- wing In fa Nee t r1.41 N. 0. molasses just re- ... 11 itII -: 9 Underwear, Nec Selo/pa twere• u.. I. the ray Illeatia. ; io For Paints, Is, Var. tu apl• If you want a suit of Clothes, r fanners, I lietitierson .t Soh. PREelNeTs. 2 Prier. 73 a,a1 hest. secured Roo1 folan,1 lu tie city austlay. eel yeti at Is:. W. - Drugs, sane* at J ILL:anima/9 A llu'a. LIU Its use ail I it 4 1 1 nisnes, Pure Hats, Gloves, from it O. Lacier •• tl.attag bisecia 11 listit• Mr. tiro. 8utheriord, of Trenton, I wear, Shirts, arising O. : i Books, Toilet lojurloue Monday morning. • School it rho Wad at that plata, __I_ __ i___ :__. i ___ lui orier to AT i 1 Combs,Brush- don't fail to call at once, for we are 1Lev N. r•vi.t.n. t aireenr, was te %booty residence for seethe, Ni.. I. --re --Tiiii 131 711 -l 7- sat ins i Articles. or anything in our line, it befo Tao good farina and city 1104 ! III 1/11 MI Ma 514 1 MI aft Me re- sod get 11404ada Ilhasklamolls. No. I fine Toilet Ex- Books goods away. We are making great iliectiosed isiti rent. Apply to IV. W. te• es:. 1 airs WM, No. I. sagle isi at A 76 ' II ' id ss es, and almost giving these Mimes Kate ft.,. 'ridge sad Late reedietas Valrvieer,101.4 I all II 30 II 41 i 111 is ARM- Owe, I will ii I:let:olive Commit- No 1 eel1>3tea n , se 41 1 1 tracts go to J. R. ductions ill a Ste la Lasso ale The 1.afasettia, vs I te I es , SG mower them Founts to- Lafa)ette. No 1 1 19 111 tenth' Mrs Strome., of elkeppardevine. is lion/Mt We meets at the V. M. C 4. ...chum House. No 1 . 167 1111 *SI 137 1 IM : 911 , lig ; Sa STEAD. I. Do Union NS Da MI 170 till l'a 174 • MI Our Custorn.-Mado fertilizer 111ro. Jobs Logwiss. Tatou school gotta% No 1. Books A night. I 11111 1111 RN IRS 45 4 III Au (keen y /0- some fertilizer. MIS J- Clanly;ltourelleif& was fa Bell, velorial, a as placed lo jail Longview.. ew Flor1daOragss the CUiTom PEPARTMENTs a is a t Tube . 130 $4 Ile 153 1711 9 MI 96 • refutsvnt to grow seepplag yesterday. Mt. Verson SI 73 ai tot tar ' ti II 37 : trades. woe Monday for steelieg a watch aud carry- Hamby at John B. Galbreath the leadingENWYORK AND PHILADELPHIA gristly Ise. V. ft. Retell& left this mu?. tag on as of to .1 iln ;634 . '?Si 19313 IIi 114no "113 oreereary extensive trip throes% the South ing a pistol. Pratt Doll "lou slIs Co's. Books composted of v a: Is 119 Vi 117 17 III Ill Har- Scale* Mill tinEnuna Mertz, repeaseatiaa the Sunny Mr. Chas. 'Attie mil Mho tiara tiarrettehurg M 144 111 ' OS 137 17 91 f3 - ter. Conned' eity Ronda) Die, lost ).tainbrelge 131111 , 1.1 M. 107 4 71 lie , a nice tertiposed of South. of Atlanta. errata the rison were married at rag es 110 : ft Ii. 153 36: int; ,,4, When you want JAMES RYE & CO., tasks the termer sin Rim Jess* Ledford. of Boarisg Springs, .• noisy bight. Itarkt-r• es ft 110 a im concocted in Pub- Sit 54. beverage 'I he Colleges and fort ss Leu• Hopes& at lietlbel rsotale Re SI IN 11 It's I 33 Kv. ter In the noting cloaks 14111 NO 51 167 /4 n% 73 Hopkinsville, The grand WO of sample II slauttn. as if i the most artistic man- No. 3 Main St. 4-table matter , I oiler ' nS In 1 141 264 4e7 17 14 27 1 lic Schools, both in the emporium of croftoe I der, the soil h Me- continues at the mammoth . 111 71 71 Ma I 29 n 41; ad Phenix AB Mr Virgil damn* awl wits sad Mr. Tip Belle% - ---- . -- -- ner give the the becoint s rills oho, were in the city Frankel & Sono. city and throughout Mae sad family, et Petah M. TnTaas.. 1 1944 _ 31470;I UPS 1 Sten 49710 Sat 10,15 . 1743 3 ; 3_ Hotel Saloon a call. becomes her yemeelsy Reserved Peat tickets for "Shipped by county, will find at he" oe 1 iaisio accepted • position COO Mr. J. D. Ref/beeves has 1.ight of the Moon" are now 'wiling _ Mr. Willis Perry jobnof ,the Baptist! Dr. Jibe C. Wkityork. who nut A Co .of Noah/ilk% as tral. the - New Raisens, Figs, HOPPER'S by far the wrest with R. Dorwan Co's. - - Iloiler ingsaleemas at J. B. Galbreath Jr churls Sunday night. Citron, Dates and all fertilisers slot 1.w.t sosol..y afier000ll, lemma five largest and most com- O. E. Layse, f the arm of Laynt• A Itro '1'he "Itelueenartits" to subscribe for Attention Is called to Ow dissolution If Ow (limn o't heir. Dr. John C. Whitioek, tory ears kinds of Fruit cake manure, Tiorriew, was is theca> Moadae. Mr La)ne the Nuw ERA are intutertme del stub- notice of Wood et. Herndon it) another plete stock of Books in piety w as a reattlent of Hopltmaville for too years, pasta Miele.' With para'yols anti a com- stock at John B. Gal- this, minerals t 'gannet. Read the ii.t rid alter.. mid column. need sad so more arvounpInhard businee• man was , sit the city, and we are nelsiorPlaningM your soil placent) allnients, pa•sed away prate MORI in to are RP. breath & Co's. that it • la our eit) duriag that llme. Skip otit and secure your seats to ali- fully at his I in Nees eel lIe was to our poie - Rua' oc- daily adding thiat it dove sh Fon store house nes.* the fuuniest of all coutmetilee at the net.. tuition certienttes of the Ev- III 141.4 )ear, and one of the (thirst Maicooszales. to ti 'copied by L. H. McKee & Co., on Main -morrow night. stock of School and Mis- for sale at I Opera House to physicalist' et this comity. addition wait. have bee mo,en Commeechti College, Ninth and Tenth. Ap- street, between some to SILOS cellaneous Books, Sta- have brought Is makleg Isis profewsional labors he Was fur TIB this office. Mr. Geo. W. 1.0not ply to Mrs. Belle Alexander. it) to a high .4•••• - nice improvement* In the jail yard. The many years actively and extensively en- tionery and School Sup- BARBED WIRE, by siring lent Night's breat Laub. CLOAKS in endless variety of will take pleasure in To-Morrow CLOAR• old plank fence has been set back 'war gaged in fanning end other business op- Excelsior Wagons an ovaltaiona in Plush', Astrach- plies, and will be furn- Short Wraps, Visite, ate place leo been put a eradiate". Ile was a pioneer lei turnpike catering to the wants II Ili ills. Farming Implements In groaes (Top; the jail and in 5'41111 The large redlences that are every- an and Brocade, Jackets of Astreschan. large (pant kir*. piece of neat wnvett wire fence. constructkne a promoter of valuable of a thirsty public from ished at most reasona- Are warranted to revel in Workman boohoos to -is. LI10 famous come- and Jerseys at Frankel's. and Con Mice where attracted Boucle Cloth ttclhllitg tetterpritte• on Little River, mid the first of ship and Materiel. Durability lies•ily with , All the toloons citified ski 12 teclocia now until ble prices. Give us a ees of Draft. Otis dy "skipped by the !Aglaia the Moon," The cold wave flag has been eying for night. t.xe,tit w "iig. en earnest and hidustriotie *emptier of atruction and Lightn will product.; Saturday January. wagons are all made at . every show coeclueively that the generality of several days under a clear sky. The every movement which promietti to ad- call. Mord farmer t'sootrivyw„r e,et wehoose.„ C.ikr.v.iNueste our warranted te give entire aati•fac- -Is mankind had much rather laugh thao down for two nights Peter l'siuitelh, getting on the ilea. mercury has been vance the public good. Kentucky never best Metal We have our usual not'. No tnasible or 'Witty lei Fine Cardiac*, Buggies, Jagger's, sit at the present time want in lati aicd K. 1' For the thorough- the and Say it cry. l'eople 10 22 degrees and ice hitt been formed fuel• citizen more forgetful of aell in all them repaired. All meted*, PlortOne and Spring Wagollet by car stimulant; them to run till January let. and Galvaniz- of Drugs, Medi- We intend Each a to be auesd,ani ud a n eveniag pleasantly water. permit I • Roofing stock ly hie) treted before usIng. load, at most reasonable prices. way to ruin t vessels of relieved isderteniree ith hi.fellow men III0 the Cele- in wittleesittg an enjoyable play '71:1hteslu..10411tIlogioat etwheip)hatrzlaiiina.teee Cornice call on te maintain tiw reputation of Job warranted to give satisfaction. intimated, he passed Reeveo, of Elkum, and John- flieue extend abilities, 'ratty tact. e.xtelt- ed Iron cines, Oils, Paints,Dyes, Large stock John I). brated Excelsior Wagons. hut. where 1 Is an evening well epenc . To-morrow have been stral- rum- & Randle. • son T. Savage, of this city, - - - -riTe-eurtture populat manners Caldwell Window Glass, Wall on liaml-ofidl-thes. towd it is not night our [hie tre-goere will gather in elate- appointed store-keepers in the Second 'the Winfree-Atelerron contested bitted with asi ordinary amount of edi- --- initseral earn force to whore. that moot laughable of The,eg,%%wad have asolimi him omit. Papers and Window Kentucky internal revenue district by tion came is still in progress. Parties desiring nice- life. Seven by the Light of the Bin she rieinrot ot. its sulfate comedies, "Seipead of the Treasury. tortilla are now reading the evident-, Curtin Goods, aoile the Secretary fitting Suits made to Shades, sweetly hu:k1 Moon," of whkal the Chicago Tribune whole to the returning board eon- ass wholly Ile loved Hundreds of persons who have used as a linking. his fel- do well to phosphate. ' $57a: Rogers, order would Etc., Etc LUMBER! LUMBER! attest its value, as• 441.4 of Emoted' I'. F. N. G• haw men, with t ostentation or parade. in large qua hiegjitee. oe lase Agee,aa dt_ Ayer's Hair Vigor call on N. Tobin & Co., -11 Like - awnitetereref.--feremilt- Beesibilt -HovrasAratOteltisita fenerha-preeeeritror• • Use feu dice can be accepted ad ellitlell;.r of the' ana tonic;for prevetit',ng and They fill not tinish limier twodays. hie iteighbore as f r hi. own. 11.0 was marchant Tailors, cor The Wont humorous merit of • perfornasetee curiag-haidaese. •leauditte the ,ecale. Hopper & Son. )ears will ohe of the be* (or a 'largo store tu ▪ 'Shipped by the Light of !be Moon' mar restoring the youthful color to faded Mendey mooting about e /,',-bock, a forumate mortals 'eth and Main St. Rewrote- Hated Rall and- otit of its no • and hand. well be reckoned one of the teeniest of reshieuee belong'n ig to M rs. R. Kelly. ot, a Icier gsihlanstr thu. tommentiment - Rough Lusetwr on and product. 1 plays. Perhaps the beet (Tandem upon and gray hair. commuted by "Thou Shalt sto( Cuter," verified tube Call on us for 01'S- of courwe the the performance was that given in the Ada Gray with a select company gave S4nall Virginia street, was S the it #1.200. fleet:hes Ile lot only di.1 not toed illititit following eonver-iation, overheard as a strong presentation of "A Ring of fire. The homes was 'toured for TERS in bulk, cans , AVM. The stimu the audience was leaving the theatre: by Me. aii) riing which was Ida heights/1'e,, Iron" at the Opera House Saturday The residence was occupied or served to order in We keep a tine dock t.f Bogey liar- ought tereve. 'It's the most eteetre thing I ever saw there but it an* Isle .1' light to reasonalde elt • ••-• Gray is an emotional ac. Core z Leaven and frostily. Tie. to-as of all kind. at bra in my life."It's too ridiculous tor any- night. Mies 1,4,„„.„,4„„4. every style at John B. Confectioury&L2dies'Ilealatrait Celebrated Erin Lime, many other goodsdi ,crrase Heighten's We have R great flitittli. The supeup-- roof of the building was ill lister* tie- thing? How I till laugh! Didn't your I tress of culture anti emperor' to mention. 11111 10 took as deep delight in tiw coestruet- Galbreath & Co's. are too ▪ 'You.' it ail about, any way?' fore the family _die...overt-a the tire. All He ard .•:• 1'. mita A rebue, In need of ti.iisg ea, as mediocre. Cement. liar, FireHA &t";,B, ., We-hape see yew -when hut,, 4061 kne-w ; tin corning agaiw.* ft is-- vw`" - houseitierF t'frecte ion of a good highway fon the avconmso. -- lor the their furniture and Mantels. all Aire, WM kill& anything In our lbw. erste, abroad loud laugh of two and a half Forty-five books, a handsome history host it „,.. .,,, i„ „,,,,.,‘ aus ppaa of Louisville, : : Kentucky Grates and were w p Le ie . dation men a hoed he had never even figures Must respectfully,y, nine bushels duration. -Define, anallyre entr- and • Waterbury at rock bottom of the United States of parlor teddies at. In the parchese of a nom ram. ,,r 401 ees's laugh, who can?" taiwous combustion an watch are in our list of elndticementa" herd of due cater. Ile was the pool e Best Coal Oysters In all style*. Kleia's famous cream .Ow Oast • CaUtletI the tire. comes to this and our big Premium list %%ill soon be served the most elegant an.1 taabinsabl cStr. Miro. Eno/meals Toba_.-ess. is Many lioni for a year new. Baptist vintreh at Ir.', view, "1*".*Pis'"' "e ass ashi-u-I For the least money salons is Ike city. added. Try the New Las The the t tire 4,1 a pour negro as 14/r are only stl spot where .11t er IMO+ thata I sold by A.Porter Smith. Mr. Henry P Williams, of Guthrie, and tell your friends &boot it. ereteed on the termer. lie bolts-era tior little. I „,,, t. „. snore *bum wean's,- , r, .vo 4_4i a a atelitmor. born, is stunt completed. The furnish just writes to the Clarksville Chronicle as Mr and Mrs A.G. Bush were visited, was if tut n hone I tr s t I. i I tue llllldal standee-a have been put in surely as the follows; at their residence on Virginia Street, gaol o. his ow ti r. ets. WM111 ever is a gem of arebitectuel Fred and Joe can still 1... was end the building NO_ happy @uprise par- C.A.1.11..1 From a paper of Tobacco seed marked Monday night, by a hie political he Hew+ a "- i I •ii 111s the reason lc beauty. the dedicatory cert. 'es will • be found at the Phcenix OEBTOto "Carbone," -pee:re of U is ot. I suc- ty. The young folks spent the rerun% pointed views in regent to imeastiree amnupounle next Sunday week, Soren' manure are j ceeded in getting some four hundred most delightfully in the company of take place. anti prim kph..., he lieVcr suffered an'. Saloon and cordially I) , complete vot and hod- her 11th. Rev. C. II. Stricklatel, ER man and boy wearing a planta, whit+ were "set out" in a rich their kind and courteous hod pai theist eNcitrittelit le coed the a smith invite their friends and. ip Every Dora it till of Nashville, one of the moot ehriptent piece of new ground, thoroughly pre- CMS. attachmen 1101 in general to • T DE will report at once to whether it g, • lit the South, will preach the °I' 'I s l'i."'°"11 ts.Thr" the public Summer Suit pared. At the proper time I topped dedicatoryminister* 104 now p Ho. all tinier ol Ittrbtartme a Mu Many lost pillar from Tobacco Leaf: Work is progressing give them a call PETROLINE ha* one hundred Who, varying from twelve sermon. Headquarters at Plants railroad. large- soil satisfactorily 011 the new known whether iellerson Davits 111"r hi 3 '!I he rem'Itted the "the LIAL q in water to eighteen kuces to the plant; another tiyely hearted, open-handed, tritud, About a mile has beets graded in all. steadied (4/ 444 Ilt011oils III ht will be preeent or not. -We Have- utot ge hundred had only the bud pinched out are at work in tive dif- counsellor and helper. IS did The contractors etnioopliere. and two hundred more allowed to steed. of .ri.r last tears of his life at-re clouded ferent places between the maitilit.e Serpa.. WRIGHTS' elcoliol A1041 Ii a Bad JOHN T. Now WOW he the wonderful per: of the a Ith Tioublen of mied, boil, the L. & N. awl the point of conneeriee 0:t at perlectiot statement. I am au old tobacco grower, A. & T. and relate beset hint. Ile cireitinuted to Fertilizer with the ted line of the 1., W. M. Donaidaon,of this was ar- have them exchanged for a and expected something unusual, but l at niggle heroically tee dill Komi .1. erR13‘sev And any more 1,1, who has In Hendereors, last Friday, on a in nothing apprise:Wog the groo :It of this An excellent colored woman, rested gen. roue and loving. until p trait Everything new nice. new Fall Suit and Overcoat. Mitts to you C. le Nolan charg- soli te which was truly enormous. been a faithful„worker for many years, warrant sworn out by Neckwear. The ter in tobacco, a few years doer all its territer 11111.1 Gents' ammonia. a friend last Sundey. "what the leg him with obtaitilug money under Let me try to give an idea of its appr- asked l imos§ hint and minion-idled him that his nobbiest line of Stiff _ some form eaturday afternoon MOUSED iter brie,ctl an- Welles. anee. A man over six feet high, with provision vote nteifs ." False !career was virtually reeled. 'Fite eyen- the grow. He; was enforced a Poloce Felix Biggeretaff arrived and Soft Hats in hie gems extended above his head could swered that if prohibition Chief of , pansy for him was aide-spread. III,. placed his fe good many women and children %odd in the city with the warmed.. The facts city can be found at of vegetabk barely touch with his fingers the top- !occasional re-eppearance at long Inter- hi to eat then they of tise came are briefly as follow": On the Main the *oil. tuost leaves. 'lice density of the growth have more provision,' vals op tu the weds, was alive)* wel- WRIGHT'S, PLASTER plant I duce 21st, Ida Donaltipott deposit- was inch, that a grown man would be ever bad before. September co.mel by a a We circle et friends. Street Clothier. Ctires Backache. Li nq Trodt.s other elemt ed $20 in the Planter's Bank. Ott the It. On w hidden in a few stilts after getting into Tobacco Leaf: At • meeting of the But tlw great warm heart of the noble 1%Tc). wrivivc.). 27th he checked out #10 and on Oct. and Kidney Diseases, C_ALI.A3Li beet to nee the standing tobacco. Clarkaville Tobaeco Board of Trade held gentleman le still in death ford/cr. 116 Fresh Northern CEL- he cheeked out the balance. Ott the It is a I have preserved three of the tallest Wednesday, the Miaowing effacers were it. use ill lung be mentioned alth es- ERY constantly on ithedmatistn. Eta. that farm u night of Oct 2nd, he event to Mr. Nolan stalk' eltU-the-contiwtogtweasureniefltA: elected for the ensuing year: Tito,'. teem au I idves and that of a Irv. phy.1- hand at John B. Gal- A trial will convinot--the arm- wateteral-4:-4--,• on light two cheeks, one . tel One inda, nine feet ten 'itches, mad asked him 10 cAsh 1hry are eosin Tutry are medicated •111I1 C1 young men and boys It1101111 will' feet Herndon, president, L. '1'. Gold, l•t t'i 111 1111-1 Ill al "I canteen. I ; Old men, other for $15, telling Win breath & Co's. CUT and the ...sive pr4ncir4e .4 petrief--n. I • Kandy spot How Is that for for $25 and the Ms.'s powerful in theirakti.n nine feet eix inchee. " vice-Cresiddit ; E. M. Flak, 2tel vier- tat a straw hat or light color- id .ial• he heti the money in the bank'. Nolan A deptstatiton ef Kelton.' keepers wen' Do not be tn.loord Intake others.. hot he su wearing III, high president; M. H. Clark, secretary; R. gel the genuine "Pe.e %Ouch *P.,a en stid Ireque money. Whets be I err us 411, came up wills the to '114112 %Higley IA/ Iumtaees. weal I - timed in an envetote. withh the sianhuse •4 ed Summer hat, please come at once c la) ey por E. McCullode treasurer. Creat Reduction W.1". CO., -..dth. • An Expliteatkni. preeented the checks ite was informed I Attorney Gasmen about peruse[tug provrietors."111C of total 1,1, tans:nage,: Alen Peal on hunt and have them exchanged for new true An article recently appeared in Rever- that hi histet had 'to money in the them to ruin nil .1411. 1st. Is the event ea. h plaster. Sold by fitstcla•m erugz:-. vial fertiliz Leo,e. wile We understand that a few prohibi- sl exchanges tinder the startling heal- bank. Dottaldemi then well' to Louis-' Mr.(iareett does not commas-it, it is re- Fall shaped Hats ard Caps dimly In Carpets! van be use, tionists are Itnitlitse the New Ens ree- "Was it the Devil?" Without post (dike rob- hug, ville as a a hues, in the ported nett there will be a getters![nose - ily, graven ponsible for tow Utter of Use Anti-Prohi-'reading a word of the article referred to, bery came telling Nolan to hold Op the lug out, sonic going to c - the :.(..11.5.111 is nearing EDACURIV the preeetil bitionist in the recent Wet and Dry we venture to shower. It was. Tawdry- checks mid he would pay him as euoli 1111 some to I) NP111.11 fro, Ca I:/, Clay seal the ond, we propose putting COltN PL.‘STEItS campaign. We deeire to say that the: ill, all about in dans. Ile is a ubleite he received hie attendance fee. This &c. the stilton such prices Oil our stock as hard and arts c• its a swede Saw ERA lover shirk.; from taking a step-and-fetch-ht, every where, Dotaritleon instead _ - - - •-.awe • - Am the best known remedy for toes, _Nolan agreed to do. and never fail to role. Price ascents. light soils. Healer's laeligibliity-A !heavy Rua. will empty our shelves in a positlon on any public (oration, a hen 1"git-thar-Eli" kind of a fellow, and iii. of coming beck to title city went to Hen- 7 "leaehy" it see. proper, anti its views are more likely that it was the devil titan demon where he was arrested as above liens Failure. hurry. ThePelegWhiteProprielari natural sti 11A, ea.-resmo, I' met forth In the editorial toiumns and anybody else. eteted. He is now In jail awaiting his to retain Nov. 5 113 W.Broadway, N. Y.. Ortinsg all the respousibility connected there- He had which is set for this morning. • BON LING GUINN, Ky., -The 149.113';•.r.,. CT I Ile was a celored !ewer trial • of to-lay ie aseign- Goods ()r FIRST CLASS 1T1N7-0_Te lewhy, so' The Anti- ' bugler Mellentittli Dress with is publicly sestinied. ' heare a great deal said about Prohibi- Donaldson says that wiwn he gave the went ol Jame. Lucite & pro . the rue... As 11AlitIll It. 1; INNER. District Agent for tip like it Proldbitionlets was handed into this of-! lion, but was not sure *bat it meant. cheeks to Nolan he warn So drustit he did airily knit% it lisiplemesit dewier/ of this in endless variety and at li-plitos 7.. To those who still wear their sill itself was m o.,11 ii fice as a piece of job work. We printed "Dey tells me" saki he, "dat it's gwine not know what he was doing and Ill.1 114:11, -effv, whiai susiwsisitie of lissolowes prices that will astoni,h any k tom ei tide lllllrni tor The 11111- oilier Cr it as we print bill heed!, hand hUh &c., will take know what he had done instil informed inede Summer Underwear and Summer , to raise de taxes, and dat dey eignment was made to W. le. Hughes. ono. The largest and cheap- the lend : for a atipularett ceice. We _are in no up de colored (ones' hogs anti cows and by friend., lie a ent to Henderson to BLUM, Ties, come in a rush and secure a But rim It is believed the liabilities Sill reach est line of I•AltlEs. 111111 CHIL- WM. F. way responelele eir its utterances or sell dem for taxes. If dat don't bringde secure a job and intrude I to return the 11140,000, and that the *toe'. %shrill all 044111 peroird in, Oil It ES' s (‘. I.() A K S over new supply of our nice Fall and elito a* U1/1 circulation. We claim no credit and taxes de sheriff I. *wine to catch de col- money as soon as lie got it. Monday he ill 1.4111 lit) 3 per cent. the ,Is-liar. D Mr. Bowman Sreplien• end J B 1011111y M deserve no cet.otri. The Prohibitionist and Pell dem into slavery. $2e in "ash. but the i'ons- 'slut. brought to Ilopkinsville. Winter Furnishing Goods. ored people Paid Nolan Seely, ot this phase, will be the bravieer E. was chance piloted at another of- the ease by Now 'Mersa poor nigger to do?" monwealth will proceed with 'opera. Lucas lie cinnection with hie 1 I'll no t fice as a job, and we are no more roe- - great fernier'', fair, is known through- SHOE But ..,r We have arranged for some of the - - OUR LADIES'$2.50 Ilili:711111a11::7311 , lite Union at a public 'eddied, oil- r ponsible for the Anti-Prohibitionist The Dietrict lute. oat principal articles on our premium list , and worthy gentleman. Ile -1 .41 Is. than this oat.%) is for the letter publics.. terprising beats anything ever seen in Maautiriorer..f Stained an En:twirled which will be published shortly, anti in had out fermate-Id himself. end Isla per- 3. Ste lion. During the prohibition canvass the inn addition to this we make several very We have been unable to get sonal calamity le regretteol by all a.. this mark.-t. Ask for them. 01:zeta- the Saw ERA thought beat, tor suffi- of the did none in the past Iew year. for %Ver- idive liberal combination...offers under the official returns from the counties The bottom has dropped out 431'Ia1!\. C.4.7...)1.-1 cient reasons, to "easerne a stricele neu- ret' anti adj..initig comities than any oreil district, but the following is a correct I , head of "Inducement," in another col- matt he the State. on Clothing and Furnishing for chure!.....ineinoria'a. an.1 other eloireh win- would tit tral attitude. 'flee position we main- Liebe.' umn. We want every reader to exam- estimate: dows, in roll olewisn Mula*.er,1 nal It and we tained to the doe.. of the contest. Par- Laffsne 'Vise talk upon our street.., and time Goods. Blankets and Jeans Glam for hai.s. et••. To every man and boy in this Jolly hispered from mouth to mouth. Is lllllre int' t to ine our offers and tell his neighbor 733 ties on both ..ides voluntarily arise 1 hrta,iotlas that hr. V.'. Godfrey limiter, the Re- were never sold as low here and adjoining toyer stab about them. Remember that every sub- 4; 1019 _111W. Green St., near Second St., counties, come at U4 to buy •eace et our colorising in Itoo publican I:angel:armee-rapt it not di- • c mai club or otherwise, who !t. *Derek t. _ before. The E A PFeT ii ne which to poldieli the reasons for the scriber, in a nendersow 7n1 !gable to the ofilee far the restore that he Lou.sville, Ky. once and have your old Boots and Where dl pays what he may owe on subscription !Lopata. ofTOWELS, NAPKINS and stock. faith that was in them 'Unit we ref,i•- n g& is a chisel' of New Mexico and lira tie re Shoes exchanged for new -4'e, ge's a 1110 cirri hied this right of suffrage. Your ones. Vie rival ed and Instead itfrert,1 our columns free aid for ,one y ear In attest Table Linens to be found in Wrists'r /06 et/A seal ticket In our dray. lug. 'fake either the tioreipmeletst I. informed that the pro- for the full awl lair iliecteutieu of the will be made at once. the city. food and - TOO -033 -3.554 per investigation A glance at our Waxen( $1.50• year, or the Tel-Write 2,621 I If the Third District ehould yet send a your an prohibition issue. files 0011.0 matsray PATEN rS $2•50 a year.. and you'll make an I Detssocratic• Cougreassien. to Washing _de them to that the "fry men rot the big Little or no meet ion lielasatte hi-the inventions or foe ompio-es: wnieh you will never regret. i it went.' be eornething remarkable ,n,tained for new Thla of I end of our offer, as snore space was ta- investment d iapahestc or newspapers of the elec- Our Notion Department mento on oil ones. for rtoolir,•1 or other rem. , Let us hope that Deistoertwv will yet pounds. t rade- mark* and labels. l.aveata, As- and left ken up by the erohtbition correspon- Clarksville Chronicle: A man trav- tion of the members of the Hoare of wear the crown Ill this mutray. liniment..!Mello:rears, .1ppeala, Moils fur In- is complete. Remember we ems,. by the whisky men. The knout. So far as can be rawer- I - - AM.- - friageno.ste, mot sit arising under Patent part of) dents than eling on the north bound pareenger letitializ Laws promptIy tn. Invention* that Is a list of this' Syrup if lead tie list for I.0 IV Saes been 111..J1ti TE10 by the Patent mice may in the to Saw Etta jt.I. till.,.' was alio over-run train on the L. tt N. railroad yesterday, , leaned the following aver -- still, In moil-soon, I. patented by is.. Being op- fat with orders for I ,,inpalgri badges. We stepped off this train shortly after it left , Board elected on 'endplay last: PRICES. Semite the V. .4. Patent • Mk*. Department, sod those b to Lemon (Dem , Manufactured only by the California being/engaged on Die Patent I 1101114e1.11 elodoesiV41- printed enough prohibition lottlies the depot in this city and fell. reeelving First Dist.-J. R. 1y. wrens. make wearrIon, and worm,. Pat- waste th forum in Christian (-minty, aline the a violent blow on the head which rest-1 Seeond Dist. FIg Syrun Co.. San Francisco. Cal.. is ents Thor,' prom' tly, aal with broader PI•1111141, fertilize than those who an remote front Washington.. for tibia was I)iat.-Speek ;Rep ) probably. Vature'it Owu 'true Laxative. This us • number of whisky badges printed demi hen lefletleml for the time. We Third INyRNTORS.4•54 model or .kelch of phao.. pleasant California liquid fruit remedy CO. yoer deviets. We make examinagion• and ad- Fourth Olat,-W. A. Roberta (Dee,) & Surely no one can the tene was a Jones Do quite large. bate since heard that sire sato patentability. frre of (Marge. All mw- not order you a Suit Made to 'wing te hold us reopmsible for this, and very violent one and likely to result fa- Sixth Diet.-11 Clay White ;Dem.)) may be had of Mr. II. B. Garner. ham- respnedence ..trirtty confidential. Peers. using t and no charge units., patent is 'secured.. Order until you see my line of Sam- yet this is as reasonable as to tally. Partite; who (saw hisn get off the Seventh I/Wt.-W..1. Chinn pk bottle, free and large honk.' at fifty Wo refer in 1110*altin1ton 1014191. get mor lee thee In , of A Cohen (Dens.)(I)emEighth eenta anti one dollar. It Is the most 0 i iii.M he). Ile,. r. D. rdair., ples. I will save you money. Re- place upon os the rroput.411 11ity train say he stepped off like a man walk' Diet.-J Dissolution Notice. German- Aitt, N totml Ranh, to °Mends Is Mr. tit t• treated a in his fist -Charles Kle'lseit (Detn.) pleasant. prompt, and effective remedy Srotire is hereby given that the firm of Wood the U. A. l'Aent .,flee. and to senator* sae the AnhlIrleiblloiIhst. leg In his sleep. lie had ticket Moth in I sad member farmer known to eleirow the syetent; to act on a Ifer don anannfacturers of broom., has nob. Otrprimentattem ungress. especially ft both side* %int faintest tour- pocket for Gothrie end w hen he came Tenth Diet day beets olowolvel los monist colossal I. P. our clients so every 4telte in the Cates Mid townie, I at the 1111 Cambia. tray, we p'. We'd the ronatti . Hatton@ to himself lie asked if this pile, wan Eleventh Diet --T. T. Reynolds(11.p ) the Liver, Kidney ant Bowels gently, Herndon will contInne hominess. anti as. Cana, NO. 214. south Main. and 1.1•1one author- vet tnoroughly ; t dispel Headaches, on the I of both abler tree u t charge, et141 re'- Prineeton. We have tiot been she. to probably. hued to collect ontatanrling elalm• A.SNOW & CO., where and Fevers; to lag ela sta *gannet 4. e Arta ail, preamt them. C. Iftlitly not eutitlei to any cetrere how - learn hie name or festitience. He was In this dial riot it is probvIde that T:olds, sure Constipation, R. P. W01111, illisig ills. 5 11 KI101110,C. opp. Oflire. Washington, C My Motto----"WrIght Wrongs No One. ewer you may view the questies. carried ow to Guthrie. litteliatuare Republican, elected. "foligestion and klasteeri Yee.11. IN% r. manor\

•s er...4militsk. -.74,1s,ret j. • _