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The Paducah Evening Sun, October 13, 1906

The Paducah Evening Sun

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VIADUCT IDEA. STAND.OVID's If %ND. TRACKS BLOCKKAliED. FANNIE DOWLING BOATS COLLIDE Cincinnati, Chi. 13.-1 fight Taken Up in Earnest By West Side for control of CURREY DISLIKED 'PLEASANT denatured alco- .1nd Paessenger. Are Traits. MEMORY Oltiaran. hol, ehich may he neetufactur- (erred lit'.-'-. HAS DISAPPEARED ON HUDSON RIVER ed for fuel purposes after the The metter of petitioning the city THE CONFINEMENT OF thet of the year, has become so Passengers HORSE SHOW to build a viaduct at the Tennessee en route to Chicago acute that A distilling company, from Nashville and the south over the street crossing of the Illinois Central with a capitalisation of A million Illinois Central had to come via Was Last Heard Of When She has aroused a great deal ot interest One Dead and Pa- One Missing is being promoted by independ- So He Drew Himself hi not A nd ducah last night, suffering a delay of ;o4)41 Words For only among the residents of the ent Exhibition Came to Paducah. With Many Injured. pima ma, several hours. The fast flyer from woe end hut in railroad circles, and No Percolated Throught Bar's. located near ICinilemiti and Nashville to Ileard Everywhere. there is talk of asking the road to Chicago got no further have a daily mashing capacity than assist in the improvement. Princeton, being stopped-by a of 5,000 bushels. The Sisn•hted blockade of the That Was Ten Months Ago and She Going tinder the tracks Is an im- Saratoga and ldirondack come To- tracks between Oil eempany iS saki to he behind In Him Barisfeet He Is Running Was Accompanying Body of possibility gether and Former Princeton and Henderson. The Pa- Scott Isbell Liked it and Says so on account of high water sink,. in Few Away From Fine of Twenty. the propel. ducah wrecker was sent While Nat.htille Aunt to This City. In the spring. The hollows all fill out and pas- Doom Not Five Dollars. sengers were wIthin a few feet of the top of the transferred to Paducah I' pare. to take the Chicago grade. The saving In time to vehi- train out of here This they' were cles, pedestrians and to HAMMER HURLED unable to do until RELATIVES INQUIRE the railroad ADIRONDACK DOER NOT PAUSE. ESCAPE 9:30 o'clock this morning. They would amount to thousands of dol- SEEMS NIARVELOUS ATTENDANCE corne here on No. WAS EXCELLENT lars in a few years. 103 at 3:40 o'clock this A BY THE MACHINE morning. Where is Fannie Dowling? Tivoli, N. Y., Oct. 13.—One man Discarding his rubber boots to fa- if she is alive there is news for is dead, one missing and half Harry Johnston, treasurer for the SHOOTING a cilitate travel, Isaiah Currey, color- her at Osborne, has. dosen passengers are injured as the STANDARD Paducah Driving association at the Strikes Tom Wooldridge In ed, percolated through a small hole OIL If she is dead C. J. Gillette, of that result of a collision between the recent horse show, has completed between the bars in the city lockup his city, would like to get word. steamer Adirondac, of the Peeples Mouth—Loses Two Teeth. report to the assoelation on at- this morning at 10 o'clock and es- Fannie Dowling came to Paducah AFFRAY BETWEEN FISHERMEN Steamship company and the Saratoga, tendance. Notwithstanding weather. caped. The gait he struck on gaining LOsES ON EVERI POINT IN the ten months ago with the body of her ON OHIO RIVER. of the Trey Steamship company. on total attendance for the three the open air would make a Pacific CASE IN OHIO (VERT. . aunt, which was to be buried here. the Hudson river this morning. The nights was 3.850. All accounts have Remarkable Accident, That Might type locomotive go to the round She came from Kansas City, but ships came together two miles south not been checked but from indica- Hasp Proven Fatal te Machin- house in shame, and when last seen seemingly dropped out of the knowl- of Tivoli In a dense fog. The City of tions the horse show will just bleak One Is Killed in House of limitless ist of Illinois Central. Currey was still going. edge of her relatisee to the west after Troy stood close by at the time of Pro.ecution'a Careful Preparations even about. 1Vhich He Invaded—Slayer In that. the collision and drew up alongside Currey Is employed by local liv- Telling in Ilitsputes lher an interview concerning tt. Iihe% Himself Fp. Mayor Yeiser has been solicited to the Saratoga. The passengers were erymen to wash buggies. He got ,,,,,petenry. horse show James M. Lang said: inquire if any one by her name has hurried aboard and taken to Tivoli. KNOCKED DOWN 111. boisterous on the streeta and used "Probably the horse show as- been burled here. He turned the The chief engineer of the Saratoga rough language. He was fined this more' apprdciated by rue than by any communication over to the pollee de- Cairo, III., Oct. 13.—A shooting ar- was crushed to death when the col- morning in police court $25 and other exhibitor at the recent meet- Findlay. O., Oct. 13.—Triumphs partment, and Chief Collins institut- ray occurred about 2 o'clock yester- lapse came. The fireman is missing "trimmings" and locked up. Thu ing. Tom Wooldridge, a machinist ap- for the prosecution. followed ed a search for the woman. day afternoon at a houseboat lying a It is bettered he is drowned. The lock is a heavy padlock and imposai- each of the show, presented my horse prentice .n the Illinois Central shops, Other today In quick succession There is no such name as Fannie short distance above the Chicago mili boiler exploded and the Saratoga hie to break by ordinary means. Cur- in 'Miss Mettle Fowler on the eve Is disabled by • peculiar accident the case of the state Dowling among the burial permits. in the Ohio river In which three floated toward shore and sank with rev looked at it long and wistfully. against the Rebel Dare with a pair of handami which cost him tea teeth and in- Standard Oil company,. nor in tag city directory. fishermen were engaged. William only her smokestack above the wa- He remarked to women prisoners the states at- sterling sliver rosettes 'bearing I flicted an ugly gal on the lips. torneys winning every Thomas and Edward Roes on the one ter. According to the captain of the that it was h— to he locked up. No contention tittle in raised letters thereon in hots- Wooldrlige was working at a drill where the competency evidence HALTS RAILROAD TIMBER PLOT side, and John Lewis on the other. SareMga the Adirondack did not stop more attention was paid to the pris- of or of his handsome mother, named press. His hammer was lying on the waa the question. ---- Thomas and Lewis did the shooting after the collision but left the pas- oner until several negro women ran by me for MIAS Mettle, when 'I machine and is slipped into the ma- One of the most significant ,Scheme to Control Minnesota Ship- and Ross, armed with a gun, threat- sengers of the Saratoga to their fate. up into the hall and imparted the feat- brought her to Padneah some years chinery. The haingter was thrown ure& was inente Primed. ened- to shoot but did not. Thetiffair' Only the -presets'' of the Cite of Trny startling Worms-Sem that -Cnrrey -de theedtulaaltan by Fiederick. out with great force and the handle Cuthbert, occurred saved the eighty lives. man wit de bare T. of Lima. president of "This intensified my desere at the houseboht of Lee's, struck feet" had run off. to have the boy in the motel'. He was the Manhattan Oil company, that his Minneapolisi Oct. 12.—At a stum- where him family lived and Thomas The °Militia got out in Rebel Dare bear those rosettes to felled and when Milked up was mi- time to see company page sale held by this state auditor was killed in the was paying eh cents a victory anti he did so splendidly, house which. It Taft for Illentelle. • Currey turn down South Sixth street' be- nus two teeth and *is lip was spilt I barrel for oii in the today Attorney General S. T. seems he had invaded for the pur- North Lima ing awarded first In every rifle, and Young Chicago, Oct. 13.-- Secretary Taft Open. An examination showed that Cur- Mild-where the etandard has compe- twice expoaed an order made jointly by pose of killing Lewis. After the will ease to Chicago to speak for defeating the -only horse whin He grandson of C. W. Woold- rey had forced his body through a tition, and selling the Northern Pacific.. end the Minne- shooting Lewis came down, to the this oil to the turned down his mother. the Republican ticket. He will ap- ridge the hole about eight inchea wide and well-known pattern ma- a Trainer 011 company, another of sota and International railroads court house and aut....adored himself pear November 1 and the the "I was the only exhibitor, except speak in ker foot high. It appears hardly large alleged which would give them the control to Circuit Clerk Davis, as the sheriff Standard subsidiary con- Hume Ogilvie, who bred, reared, Ninth congressional district in be- enough for the passage of an ordina- of the and cerns. at a net, toes of five cents a trained and exhibited shipment of more than a Jailer Mules were both out, half of Congressman Boutelie. TRAILS ry my own hors- GIRL TO COAST:ELOPE. person's head. barrel. hundred million feet of state timber having gone on a hunt fur oewis es, and I captured five blue ribbons north of Benildr. on the youngsters In addition Illinois Youth Quillajlood Position to to 1 few weeks ago the two rail- Two Attachments. first on Anna I.Ce for the best saddle /Ire Chiefs Elect. Win BOTH NERD New York, roads wrote the state railroad and Intilas, Tex., Oct. 13. -The inter- BURNING SLACK Oct. no—Deputy bred mare and secured the cup and warehouse mom mission Sheriff Tiurnea has received two at- -blue ribbon riding that the com- bottom, en ro Chiefs' association Los Angela. Oet 1.—Raving re- MaggO, McClel- panies were techments against Leo S. Bernhelm. lan. net eotninOn carriers of elected °Mears as tot:cork, and ad- signed a good position In Illinois to logs. The coffitnieldon In reply In- AND =A. KILL FELL ON HER wholesale whisky dealer of Louis- journed today: follow his sweetheart to the Pacific QlrENcNED BY FLOODS FROM "I appreciate the opportunity giv- formed the railroads issuing mow RIDE RV THE ItoAD. ville. Ky one for $22,500, in favor the President, George M. Kellogg, of coast, Cyrutt E. Woods and Miss Jes- SWITCH ENGINlint. en me to exhibit ine stack and am of Douglass McKee, and the other order that they were common car- Sioux City, Iowa; first sire president. sie Morse. elopers, are at the Wis- genuinely grateful for the ninny win- riers for $12.417, in favor of James Shir- for all kinds of freight, and not M. E. Higgins, of Albany. N. Y.: taria Hotel, Monrovia, and some nings especlally Anse made to Reb- only that. but ley, in stilts to recover stocks of the they could not limit second vice president, Fillmore Ty- It Was Thirty fliv Hamra Before She one has hung a placard, "Just mar- el Dare." their carriage of toga to Sparks Ignited Pile and 'Whole Citron: Consolidated Mines company mills on son, of Louisville Ky.; secretary, Recovered SuMeieetly to ried" under their window. Both A Comparison, their of Locomotives Played of 12 Broadway, which were pledg- lines. As a result the state James McFall, of Roanoke, Va.. Speak. young people were rallied in Water- toit only by comparison that we timber board. W it(er on Embers. ed with Mr. Bernheim as collateral which has charge of treasurer, D C Larkin. of Dityton, 0 man, Ill.. hut last April Miss Morse learn to appreciates. things as we this stumpage sale, for loans; and which it is asserted withdrew 6,- Washington D. C., was selected as came here for her health, And the should," said Mr Fendol Rumen to- 000,000 feet which Mr. Bernheim retype.: to return, al- was to be placed the next meeting place winning from faithful Woods followed her. day, prefacing some comments on the on sale today. Boston Mrs. T. L. Hill. of Sixth and ('.la' though the amount of the loans with by four votes. By excellent work on the part of horse show, which Nashville has been streets, has received a letter from interes; has been tenderest to him. SENATOR WI'REAR1 several switch engine crews a serious holding this week. her son, Dr. T. McK. Hill. the well SPECIAL TRAINS. fire at the coal chute in the Illinois was at the Nashville horse show known dentist, detailing the runaway Si Will Br Introduced fly Judge William, Central south yards was averted yes- this week, which is being held In WIFE'S POODLE In which he and his wife were throwu. Seven on N., C. & St. L. leclude a M. Reed Monday Night. terday afternoon. A spark from an MAD DOG cnnnectIon with the Tennis... Out a few days ago at Datto. Ark. .. Huudred Oare. engine ignited the slack at the north and which one would thinkstatefair, Mrs. Hill was rendered unconscious Senator McCreary This is "Special day" on the Nash- will speak at end of the chute. The fire had would attract the hest of entries, but RAT AT and at the time the letter was written TABLE WITH THE RUS- The Kentucky thearer Monday night. gained some headway I did not see a ring with the ville. Chattanooga and St. Louis road little before BIT DAN WILLIS' ON THE LEG excep- SIAN AMBASSADOR. her recovery was problematic, al- His friends are _tot II q and altogether there are seven spe- preparing for a big engines were summoned. With the tion of the double harness event, that though her husband believed she VESTERDAV NIORNING. soon reception offset the Gov- cial trains moving about with some- effect of fire fighting apparatus installed sev- could In any measure compare with would be out of danger. ernorBeckham'smeeting what over 100 cars. a few eral weeks ago on each switch engine the rings at Paducah's show last The Barnum & They were riding in a two-seated weeks ago. Judge William M. Reed. In the yarde the crews poured hun- week. The Ileht harness events, and Bailey shows are being moved in But He Could Not Breathe Air of the rig and while the driver was water- of the circuit court, will He .1tternmeil to Protect four sections, 84 ears, from Jackson. Same Room with American introduee dreds of gallons of water onto the His Own the saddle and other events were not ing his horses at a branch they began the senator and the Confederate Dog When in Tenn., to Nashville; the Parker Bine Jackets. yet- burning coal and extinguished the He Was Attacked the same crass at all." to run. The driver jumped out and Aram' will he invited to Amusement company's two epecial occupy the fire before the timbers had become —Beth Dogs Ran. President Robert B. Phillips, of fell, frightening the team. Dr. and stage. of 24 cars, well ignited. The damage is light. the horse show association, recelvel are being moved from Mrs. 11111, although bating no means a Danville paper toda- which con Nashville to Jackson, and out of guiding San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 13.—Ac- of the horses, stayed in the MANIACAL tamed Nashville en route to New Orleans DEED. an interview with Mr. Scott Is- cording rig until It was seen the horses would FELL FROM WAGON. Although the mad dog that ter- to passengers arriving here bell, who officiated as one of the is a special train of six cars bearing turn onto a road full stumps. rorized the south side two nigats on the Doric, the American colony of Father Mays Wife and Sii Children judges at the delegates to the annual conclave of John Greer Sustained Serious show last week, iu In They both jumped and Mrs. Hill Injury ago has not yet been captured so far Japan is up in arms against the With As. which he gives the show a good send- Knights of Pythias. alighted on her feet, but the momen- to His Head. as learned, stories of encounters representatives of the Russian gov- Newport, Tenn., Oct. 13.--Chal- off, and letters received with It continue from visit- I ernment over tum threw her on her right side and burn Montooth, a- to come in, and Ik.• .' the action of the Rus- prominent farmer, ing horsemen praise the show she laid unconscious. _ John Grear, 65 years old, grocer at Dan Willis, of 1033 North highly. sian ambassador. It was 36 today murdered his wife and four Twelfth hours before 225 Ashbrook avenue in Mechanics- street, the pdpuiar agent for the BLOODY RECORD she was able to speak. children and fatally injure:a- two Sin- He was -*tains- with his wife at burg, fell from his wagon this morn- Dr. Hill sustained a sprained hip and other ger Sewing machine, had an experi- the Nikko hotel, which Is a famous children. He then committed severe cuts. ing stills grocery and sustained seri- ence with the rebid animal that still- SCREAMS Japanese resort near Tokio, wIaicIde by cutting his throat. It is when ous injuries. He tried to alight from gives him china. believed he became suddenly insane. -- OF ASSASSINATIONS IN RUSSIA three American sailors entered, and his wagon but hi st foot caught In the PAVING COMPANY Na used an tut for his deadlywork. He was going out the Blandville LAID BARE. he Immediately demanded of the wheel. He pitched forward on his road yesterday morning, when he OF VICTIMS HEARD • manager of the place that the sail- head. His scalp was lacerated and ABOVE ROAR Moving Its Mississippi encountered the mad dog. It sprang OF SCALDING ors be ejected or he would leave. Plant to the head badly bruised. He was at his dog and he interfered. Then His wish was compiled with. City. picked up and carried into the gro- Official Report for Fifteen Months the mad dog jumped at Mr. Willis' The REGISTRATION DAY cery. Dr .1. S. Troutman dressed Disclose* of the Russian ambassador was sur- the throat Activity After completing 30,000 yards of Tl'EsDAY, and he knocked It away. rounded by American women, who OCTOBER IS, wounds. Tons of -stollen Iletal Scattered Like Terrorist*. bitulithic street at a cost of about whereupon It stuck its fangs in the with great spirit berated him in MIX TO NINE O'CLOCK. Igoe Over Steel Ilium in $75,060, the Southern Bitulithic calf of his leg and returner to the good strong Yankee language and WOMAN na, WEDS SEVENTH TIME Chicago. company is preparing to remove its • attack on his dog. several of the women refused to re- The special supplemental reit- mixing plant and other property While Mr. Willis was searching St. Petersburg, Oct, 13 —The Rus- main. The Japanese are said to have latratem day eel be Tuesday, Mrs. Polly A. Weed, of Indiana, Says south, and already four car loads of fora, missile his own dog ran for sian list of assassinations for fifteen joined in the demonstration. October 10, from 6 a. m. to 9 Marriage Is No Failure. machinery have Chicago, months been shipped to Hat- ho and the other disappeared Oct. 13.—A terrific ex- ending in May, just made The Russian ambassador, p. m. All thete who have not a whose tiesburg. Miss., where the firm has down the road. plosion in which fully 20 men are public in the aerial reports, is ex- registration. Issued October Evansville, Ind., Oct. 13 —Mrs re- name is Bashitoff. with his wife,who $100,000 worth of IL, ported ceedingly heavy, bespeaking contract work to Polly A. Weed, injured occurred today at the activity Is of a Philadelphia certificate must register next aged 65, living at family, was din- perform. The company lost money plant of the Illinois Steel eompany • sof the terrorists and cruelty of the Tuesday if they wined too. Newburg, Ind, today procured a li- Tommy Shannon Dead. ing at the hotel and occupying a on Broadway at In reactionaries', as It had to take the cense Lexington. Ky., Oct. 13.—"Tom- mouth Chicago. Tons of molten who attempted to re- separate the municipal election. Beside.' to marry her seventh husband chair was the wife's pet street up after a year's use and re- metal were scattered In all dime. venge the murders of various autbot the. issue of endorsing the con- Wiliam Baker, aged 48. of this city. tny" Shannon, aged 33 years, a noted poodle dog. The animal was given place it. lions. The tiuuge Mee. The list includes the names of duct of the Republican general She was divorced from four of her bookmaker and turfman, died end- converter sag every attention and a maid was kept wrecked. Screams of agony 34 governors, 28 pollee perfects, net council and school hoard, there husbands and two of them have died. denly at his farm. Hollywood, near filled the at hand to feed the animal with a Strike as Protest. converting room. Scalding Pollee captains, 390 policemen, et is a police Judge to elect, the is- She has considerable money. She this city, today. Shannon had been steam spoon. !Adz. Poland, Oct. 11.— Serious burned the victims. Two of army °Were, 178 civil officers. 31 sue in whieh race will be tight- says she does not believe marriage la ill of lung trouble for several years. the in- trouble is expected here at the jured probably will die. clergymen and 409 other persons. re- ly drawn. Also the park bond • failure or she would not agree to sult Of the course adopted by Social- bane of $100,000 and the city take the seventh husband. ists In declaring a general strike as cigar Cameo' Three Deed in Tunnel. water contract are to be voted Conflagration. a protest against the dolt:Amid Mayor's Birthday. New York, Get. 13.—Three men are on. All voters are nryted to reg- Bristow, lows. Oct. 13.—A cigar It Is the daily average elms. courtmartial a)-stem, Fair and earrnee tonight, hi'- Inaugurated ister and comae. theta prefer- Mayor D. A. Yeiser is celebrating at left in the opera believed to be dead as tbe result of lation of a newspaper that house started the for dealing with alleged Revolution- the thirtieth anniversary of his coining uneetled Sunday anti ad explosion today in Penneyl- ence and opinions. They should forty- fire which deetroyed the business. the shrewd advertiser investigate.'— aries. Business voider by Si lay. The highest Is at a standstill. register early as the political or. first birthday today in his usual man- j section early today, yanla, tunnel under Long Island 'R10 Water" days don't count, Factories are closed. Twenty-one genizationa ner—busy in his office at the city temperature reached yesterday city, which set fire to timbers in the will have their The gun's daily average last Terrorists was 39 were executed In Poland hands MI looking after the ball. Mayor Yelser Is the and the lowest today tunnel. Fifteen men were overcome month was MEM. dil- youngest I Engineer C. F. Rafierry.tind Fire- In the last two days. Socialist lead- atory °nee Man around the city hall in spirits. was eft but were dolled. The dead are man T. J.Cundiff of the Illinois ()an- er/ immediately demanded a general' sad- enjoyed hearing visitor pleat suppoiidd to litre Wen cremated. tral, are laying off On amount of rho strike as a protest. ojffilDig.lelsKet•gsls7.gtttgiffio'otldt.. his age. •Wel•MI'../..k".•••••••••••••Ww/••••••••••••••••••••••N/14, illness nf -their *Pete

e !ME ,PADUCAll PHEN/NCI SUN sitTl WM*, IS-1011ER 13. .71

..Sulliven, c. 0 0 t Altrogje g„ Che Kentucky HONORS ARE EVEN • te 44sea a (' A GREAT ADDRESS MeFarland. .. 1 0 0 0 to 0 — — — — BoTH PHONES 31$. IN CHAMPIONSHIP Tootle . 2k 0 1 27 21 1 BY FATHER NAGLE Get' Well Tuesday Night, Oct, 16 Nationals 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-- 1 Acquainted Americans e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ti 1.:•111:11a rt laughs with you. Nationals Defeat Americans Batteries—Brown and Kline 1ct Teeming With Patriotism And With The Mutual Life Laughs for Sale rock and Sullivan. One to Nothing. 1$ It has been in Devotion. existence sixty-three years. Public confidence and patronage have At the KENTUCKY guide it and kept it the largest and staunchest Lite Insurance company in the world. Left on hases--Amerleans. 3• Na- It is owned by its policyholders. When Messrs. Nixon Zimmerman It protects thousands, but there are who tionals. 5 Two base hit—Hoffman. should have the same protection. !twos others kind How about you7 People who are so thoughtful and will present Fourth Gaiture of Series 15etweett (1d- Knight. as to wish to elod ide as they can to Sacrifice hits—Tinker, 3; Donohue, or Columbus scored ItIg are -day for what will happen some other day, when they taken front those tiles love and support, 4um, Piquant Winners Is Steinfeldt, 2. Stolen bases—Acheek- Triumph With Entertainment should get acquainted with SIMPLE SIMON SIMPLE over. ard. Double plays- -Kling and Ev- on Landing Day. boa by CM:. K Iner aid OM F. West ers; Altrock, Donohue and Sullivan Caffinilliat al Ikaatea IMMO huh* Struck out—By Altrock, 2; by Brown The Mutual new up-to-date musical 5. Passed bell—Kling. Bases Life Their brand on THE SCORE AND THE fi %MR. LtIttal CROWD W ts PREAENT cartoon extravaganza, with its wealth balls--Off Altrock, 1; off Brown, 3. of oostuntes and scenery. Time--1:36. Umpires — *O'Laugh- The Wizard of Oz and be lin and Johnstone. Insurance Company Chicago. III., Oct. I3.--The world's . It made American blood pulse hot Let them read its history; in Toyland Out Done. championship analyze its statements; examine Its investments: hasebal: series la again Notes of the Game, to listen to the speech of the Hey. find a reason for its strength and consult its agents. They will stability and a reason for their confidence and patronage. 60 4 slanojng I abortre orie 60 eVen, the local National league team 1) The new management of the Mutual One of the remerkable things in Fatirer Nagie at the Columbus Land- Life has been in control for Mee months. Its six months will be mailed to anyone report for the first 2 Ballets 2 defeating the Americans by a score connection with the four games so far ing Jay exercises the Ken- on request, or may be had or its agents. It tells held In plished in conformity with the sham has been accom- new Insurance Law:: shows the vast 21i of t to nothing. Each aide has now played la that neither team has won tucky theater last night. Father Na- usual advantages yet to reductions, and indicates the un- 21) Musieal flits reach its policyholders. Its plain figures. won two games. Alarock. for the a any fair-minded person given in a plain way, will convince game on its own grounds gle is an able orator, a trained elo- that The Mutual Life to-day justifies the 2 Quartets 2 McCabe. of the Methodist good opinion of bishop Chas. C. Americana, and Brown for the Nation- • The White Sox have about used up cutionist and a platform entertain- Episcopal Church, who recently said:- world's greatest "After long and careful consideration, Utile Ituth, the als. pitchers who-opposed each nthee all their best twirlers I am thoroughly satisfied that the present administrations while Chance er of unusual grace and presence, to both companies the New York Life of youngest premier tiansense. and the Mutual Lifer are now effecting great economies and In the opening game which was won has still a couple of good ones in re- listen to wrote(' atone pleasure. reforms, and Mat these institutions, and is a purged as by fire, are now in a position to Jflord the by Altror•k's team again contested for tection of life insurance in better pro- YET serve. On the dope the Cubs ought tie!s act totted by the purest sense of form, and on better terms, than any knots ii in the THE 13E.ST ONE It justifies also the good opinion past." supremacy. Brown was at hid best. to break up the of Mr. fames C. Colgate and his associates, who, Priere, 2Sr, tne, $1, $1.30 see-saw and win to- patriotism and teligious devotion. policies to the amount of having 15.000,000 in the Mutual Life, recently "resolved He showed nerve, speed, control and day, making it two in duccession. and it's address punctuated with present executive officers that the Seats on sale aleoday 9 a. m. was and trustees are, in the opinion of the Policyholders' intelligence in serving to batsmen tective Association of the Pro- So far the Cubs have outhit and applause. Mutual Life, faithful to Its interests, end that administration of Its affairs their the kind of curves they like the least outfletded the Sox In the four genies. Ills has been and is efficient, economical and bene- lecture was divided into two ficial to the policyholders." He gave only two pr, -see and allowed In addition they lead in sacrificing parts grid a most excellent musical q Ii vou MATINEE AND NIGHT. would like to know for yourself the latest phases of ealy two him. Ile held the Ameri- Insurance. Lite and base runnine. program was rendered during the or wish information concerning any form of policy, consult our In the series of five games played evening. Among the singers were a nearest agent on write direct to 11.11i t!•,1„' 1: 11 Shirr it ne S AT UR DA Y, October 20 h nleianng: in 19.05 between the Cubs and Sox, quartette composed of Walter Clark, The Mutual Life to teeter. J. •• liowever. prompt- the former won four lomaratice Company. . games to the Harry Collins, Will Green and Ed New ly ended the trial L by flying out to Vork, N. V. Sox's one. Scott. Their two numbers both elle- Schulte. ted eneores. Miss Mantle Dryfuss. JANL The Nationals looked ilangerotts as Miss Anne Bradshaw and Mr. Evert early as the second ha ting. when Thompson. who sang solos, were THREE NEW • ••••• theInfeldt hit to center •ind reached COUNT eompelled to respond to a demand third on TIniter's'imeriffes, and Evers' for encores. Miss Isabel Mohan pre- KENNARK out. Kling. a:ways a formidable bate aided at the piano In her usual per- man. was up and Altrock delilerately Al. tINST W. II. SMITH, FORME,: !., t fashion. In Clyde Fiteh•S Nlasterpieee attempted to pass him with the hope HANK PRESIDENT, On the stage with the speaker that Brown, the neat batter, would were J. T. Donovan, whose gue•.' ao out easily after DON'T the fashion of BE FOOLED Father Nagle was, and a number e• most pitchers. Kling, bowever, reach- 1115(th•N Tut) .1eiNitint•• of $30,000 the Knights of Columbus. The Toast ed for one of the wide ones and lifted ass41 112,.111110 Kates, the 1-stter J. J. Dorian. the popular city treA- a mighty fly into right field. Hahn. the Toot sittpr, iniroduced the speaker .• however, raced back and saved the happy fashion and suggested th-• dc at least temporarily by making a Town Landing day should be recognized a • of the magnificent catch while bending back a legal holiday, He predicted that over the wire cable used to hold hack A new indictment containing three The Original 31 71iiejon will in the near future. the crowd. additioual counts was returned by as isrescht•-• In closing Father Nagle paid • 1).% Allen The Americans made their dila- real the federal grand jury yesterday af- Beer is being served tribute to the Knights of Columbe and 4:refl. cast, Including hal for the game when Rohe reached ternoon againat p. Smith, that apparently. met with the hearty rite on Steinfeldt's had throw and former president of the Western Na- Carl Anthony, Lila Vane, accord of the iaudience. The house th'rei en a ireerlfice and an out. tional bank who is ander indictment was filled and the Knights of co:iam- without the label. If and others 13-own, hosteler, showed his nerve by for embezzlement and falsifying en- 11 bus scored a great success with tbel• striking out Davis, who was again tries In connection with the closing Prices: Matinee—'O, 75 and $1. entertainment. hack in the game at short in place of of the bank last year. The new in- Children, 25e. Sight-25, 35. 50, you want the genuine Tannehill. datment, it is believed by the federal Street Car Franchise for gale, 75, $1.00 and $1.i0. The Nationals earned the run aathnrities, will strengthen material- On Friday. the 26th of Octob• Siesta on side Friday 9 a, ni. which won the game. Chance rant ly the ease of the government against 19116, about the hour of 10 it BELVEDERE, a fly to short the right field, reached sec- a. m at the door of the City ii mid and third on sacrifices Stein' One of the new couhts (barges that wili offer for sale it street car free- fel& and Tinker. Evers placed a Mr. Smith rallied to be discounted a r-Moe, for a terin of 20 years, accord master a:ngle over brew, third base and note of look Chance le. P. Ties( for for $2,500, and ling to ordinance recently passed Wednesday Night, Octi 17 S. ored. converted proceeds the to the joint the city council. In the Ninth McFarland batted for use and heneflt of himself and Toot The ordinance Is on file In the An Altrock and went out N Shout the label. The Distinguished t °median Steinfeldt to any indorsement or security It's on ditore office arra can be seen by tbe Chance. Hahn flew out to Tinker. and without the knowledge and con- desiring to purehase. This wale Then Jones raised the fluttering hopes nent of the directors of the bank. Ac- made subject to the approval of the of the Sox cohorts by waiting for four cording to the government's every conten- bottle. .° .* General COline11. had (Meg and going tion, much Mr. Tim Murphy to second when action eonstItutc•s a fraud- The city reserree the rIght to re- • le ball got past Kling ulent misapplication and hit the of the bankia peat ens and all hide. •Riespectfully. umpire. Under the rules Jones money. was D. A. YEloPaR, entitled to a base. A good hit would Another count Presenting his Greatest charges that Ma. Mayor of the city of Paducah, Ky. have tied the game at this point and Smith converted $30,000 of indebted- Comedy Succeso, with Isbell at the bat the hopes or ness to the bank and miraeldied it Notice to Dealers las Stock Feed. the Anterivans were high. The b:g by procuring an authority from the Bids 'will be recelied at the may- epaond baseman swung viciously at a board of directors by falae repreeen:- or's office in the city hell. until waist-high ball and connected square- ation to accept a worthless assign- Thursday, October 113. at 2 o'clock ly It went like a cannon shot right ment for that amount and to charge 1titronIz p. mi, for stock feed of hest quality The Paducah Brewery at Brown's fact. atf Company "Old Brown had hardy a like amount of notes due the for the next three months, for all rime to get hiethancia on the ball and bsekatat the eIty departments. of force the b;•••/ laid him fiat on The other count charges a willful The city reserves the right to re- 1 ix back. misapplication of $5,000 of the $30,- ject any and all bids. For a moment it looked as if 1r 1,00 by crediting the same to the ac- Respectfully, had been dazed by the count of Innocence fall, bet he a solvent debtor to the D. A. YEISER, Mayor. recovered and threw the runner out bank. Guy Nance. Lee Nance, Jr. at find ending the game, Under the provisions of the federal re Drive Out Malaila DR. N. Nance. Embalmer HOYER I I Ausbuilane• irmy nien.asuliniur•d Brown bad pitched a masterly law the bringing of and Build Up Use I Only. game a new indict- grates* Room 209 frairsij. tholes'. Splendid Cast, and the 'usual crowd of enthusiasts ment without giving a prelimlear) rake the Old Standard GROVE'Siii swarmed Wks Pam 331-41. 11111111ate RIM 404 GUY NANCE Including on to the field and fought hearing to the accused gives him the TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. To & SON for a chance to pat him on the back. privilege of continuance until the know what you are taking. The for. , re Undertakers and Embalmers Ile had fairly to fight to get out of succeeding term of court. Smith Is Is plainly printed on every bot- Now Phuna 334. Old Phune it.(49 the grounds. under $5,000 boncle to appear at the tle, showing it is simply quinine and iBRA L. & Opon Day and Night. Miss Dorothy Sherrod Hoffman, Ha cie who had made a magnifi- time of the calling of his cares, which, !ton In a tasteless form. The quinine CAMPBELL BLOCK cent running catch in right center of it is said, will be at the March term drives out the malaria and the Iron Price. 2:54., azf, 30c, k, Ill, Office, 36e, Residence, yr/ 71 55.50 Hahn's low fly, Evers. who had turn- of the court. Sallalt_ILla _the saatettl. Sold by all 0•101051•1: I ‘NSURANCE SVIII ,all• 1.11....dhly, if a. TU. ed apparent hits into putouts, and sealers for 27 rears. Pries 50 oents. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SUN-TEN CENTS A WEEK Captatn Chanel, alert rattle in for their ON BLIND BAGGAGE. _ share of approbation. Henry IlammeClu The attendance reflected the - am- Was Way Peter Iteckenbaeh Trnveled Proved weather, the official count Part Way. tom/ ts Third sad Isshoty. showing 1S 395 paid admissions. This errs the last game in which the play- Mr. Peter Beckenbach, a delegate Book BInding, Bank Work, Legs to the Grand Don't Hesitate ers share gate money. The total re- Lodge I. 0. 0. F. at and Liberre Wnrit • nneelaite ceipts for the four games Harrodsburg. from Paducah, knows were $61,- If you suffer from any kind of female troubles, don't hesitate 855, of which $33,441.70 goes to the what It la to be a hobo. lie did not Health to take Wine INNIS\ players. Of this sum 75 percent will wilingly subject himself to the ordeal of Cardui. It is a medicine which, for over half a century, has proved of of a go to the team winning the series and ride on -the blind baggage and as remarkable efficacy in just such diseases. the remainder to the loser. a result has a severe burr on his left "For the last nine years", writes Sam'I. L. Davidson, the well known arm and a wild ride front Princeton, real estate operator of 1655 Eliot St., Denver, Colo., "my wife suffered D. H. Ky., to Dawson The Score. Thringe on No. 102. from female troubles, and if it had not been for the fastest train Advice Nationals ab r h po a e on the Louisville Hoffman, cf 4 •1 etrio division of the Illinois Central. Beckenbach left Baldwin & Co. Shocker& If 3 0 0 1 n the train at Princeton Sch Re, rf. 4 001An to secure a cup of coffee. and when heaving Mantfacturers of Chance, lb. 4 1 2 11 1 A the restaurant saw the train pulling out. Woman's Steinfeld, 3h, 3 0 1 I I 1 The vestibules For were closed and Tinker, me, 3 0 n 2 3 0 he was forced to wdr PIANOS and ORGANS swing onto the blind Eters. 2b. 3 0 1 2 4 0 baggage Relief Kling, c 3 0 0 7 2 0 To the Sel on Imtallments at d Brown. ro 3 at 1 1 4 0 Public, CARD 1 Owing to the illness take old Instruments In - of Major she would be suffering yet. I broke up my business East to bring her here, but it did not im- Bloom, he will offer Totals for sale all his Women exchange. 30 1 7 27 15 prove her general health. OUT physician could not help her, and all his skill came to naught. 1 household furnitnre, carpets, bed. She asked him if there was no known cure for female trouble. He said there was a patent dings, Me., at 534 Jefferson itreet, DISTRIBUTING OFFICE Americans nh medicine, but would not tell her its name. So-she asked her druggist, and he recommended r h pe a by public auction, WRI'TE US FREELY on Monday, Oc- Wine of Cardut. After trying it. my wife aays that Cardui, with plenty of fresh air, veil do BROADWAY Hahn, rf. . . 4 0 1 1 0 0 tober 5 1 8 la at 10 a. m. Terms cash. and frankly, In strictest confidence, telling all you; more than all the doctors combined, and we recom- Jones ef. 3 0 A 0 0 0 troubles, and stating your age. We will send you mend it to all female sufferers, where no surgical opera- Isbell. 2b 4 0 A 1 3 0 FREE ADVICE, in plain sealed envelope, Mrs. AnatIn'a Famous Pancakes. and a val- tion is necessary." Tfy it for periodical pains. Robe, 3h. uable book on "Home Treatment for Women." . 3 0 0 1 4 0 Really delicious. Address: Ladies' Advisory Department, The W. L Donohue, lb, , 0 0 13 3 0 MILLER 8E, BRO, Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term, Phone Donghert • If 3 a.) 1 2 At Every Drug Store In $1.00 Bottles 1041-a fai 0 ti .rai- man who Gres for fun dies a G55 41 1 2 1 tool r

itstlea ' eiesseaseseassacesemeseseek eatelfeseeesseeeligfeensette eg•avegesseesesea'. eteseensentepaaeseseerse --.0s- maests -4;.,s,--..4.1amossewe.essatbsoaeak.,*0#


Gustave Warnekea. of Clarksville: leght, refreallnients wove *erred. 1 De. I. B. Howell espeet to cones into Miss Bruce. of Webb City, Mo. town next week and "The a' osiorioal leveuties. Patch," the center of so muse es Wormed Alteresocum Tea. Moe May belle ifeeer entertained a, ure The Commonwealth' eZe during the summer. Will he clos Week friends inforettelly In Society. Mrs. Charles few at her home! K. Wheeler enter- /tar the whiter street on tained must pieaaantly on Thursdasi on Sioltroe Wednesday even- Mrs. Anne Berremau sad Mrs. Gus- afternoon from 4 to 3 o'clock at her ing in honor of her guest. Miss Flor- tav Warneken, of Clarksville, Tenn. home on Kentucky avenue the young ence Rock, of Clevealand, 0. Live will be Use guests during the coming played. girls who aseisted her during the Hundred was week of Mrs. Edniewil P. Noble, at 61 PAID Norse Show event's. It was an in- HIS her home on West ESTATE "FAREWELLS-TG-SUNIMEK." Henry Rude, Mrs. Thomas Hall and Broadway. formal affair and those present were: About People. Mr. Richard Scott, Miss Martha Davis Miss Anne Sherrill Baird has re Misses 'Nellie Hatfield, Marjorie Lov- marriage of interest (The name given by the muuntaineers i and Mr. Edward Bringhurst, Miss A in Padu- turned from kl delightful visit tn lag, Lilting liebeioa. Lucia Powell, cah solemnized al Bolivar. Teau.. of North Carolina to the 'Add Susie Thontpson and Mr. Mortou pa' Oklahoma City aid is with her - Ilizabeth Kirklaud, Mildred Orate+ Weetuesdae evenag was that ter. Mrs. aster.s Hand. Miss Elizabeth Sinuott and Dr. of Mr. Luke Russell. on West .1, : Azilee Reeves, Mary B. Jennings, Thomas Robert Shilth and Mies lemon street, $700 Bright (bushes of crimson are gleam- I. B. Howell. Irene for the winter. Lucile Hartle Mary Gregory, Texas; Lewis Bond at St. James Episcopal Miss ing below; The cotillion was daticesi In the big J111C* Smith. of North Fourth Mr. WItliant si ie. three riiiicies with tee libel Sights, Mary Cave, Aimee church Bishop Thomas F. Gallor Street, return COMMONWEALTH, The Wes overhead are with splendor dining hall and was led by and will home next week and the following letter is another Illestratioa Mr. Juba of the way Dreefues. Lucile Well, &Melee Smith, Rev. Nevi!' Joyner, the rector, official from Clarkeville, Tenn., where she in which this company does business., lehe COMMON- aglow: Brooks. It was an attractive sesame WEALTH Julia Dabeey, Mary Wheeler, lag. The I. the only (immense- issuing industrial Policies that are While the crammer; of autumn Ellen bride entered on the arm has been visiting her sister Mrs. is in enhanced be' beauty and beautiful payable IMMEDIATELY AND IN let31.1.. no matter when death occurs Boswell. Elizabeth Boswell, Sarah of Jerome Hill. The attendants John K. Smith, the air, gowns. Delightful refreshments were were Jr. Other companies pay only a part if insured dies within a year from Corbett. Mies 9allie Hill, maid of honor: Miss time polley And "farewells-to-stiwthei" are every served during the evening. Present Mrs. Claribel Rieke and Miss Carrie is Issued. Investigate the COMMONWEALTH—est poli- cies cost no where. —AB—. Robertson Morrow, illeumbis, Matrote Rieke. leave Sunday for more and eou can be sure of a "square- deal" to you and were: Messrs. amid Mesdames Jas. C. Chicago. your heirs. Meitner 'slushed Club. of honor; Gilmer Smith of They See what Mrs. Lanabert saYal: t7tt er bac k, John Memphis, will visit the Misses Macdonuld W. Scott, J. S. The Matinee Louisville, Ky., Oct. 2, tecti. Musical elub held a beet Matt. After the ceremony there In Dubuque, Iowa. before returning hi purple and lilac, in yellow and Hleecker. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Voris, CONINIONWEALTII LIFE jeNSIVRANCE CO.. meeting on Wednesday after was a reception at the Hill home. Mune. • white Dr. and Mrs. Vernon letythe. Mrs. Louisville, KY. soon with Mrs. Hubbard S. Wells at The bride and groom left Sri's. Will Oentletnen—Pleaw accept my sincere They wave us adieu AS We pass out Of George A. Flournoy; later for a Hughes, of West Jeffer- thanks for II Miss Xavta the Etupire ulth which you Flats. Arrangements for western trip. They will nos street, has retursed have settled the claim tinder policies 1'e Haynie, of Gallatia, Tenn.; Miss reside is from Kenetke 17903. the year were perfected and under which nie husband, William Lambert, ass .ueuisd. dear menturiee, the fol- Chicago Guests were present from Ills where she had been for some Ail, waking suftly Maisel Norman, of Mayfield; Mimes amounting to Seven Hundred Dollars ( reusea a - lowing officere elected: President, Memphis. Nashville. Chicago. months for her they tell-- - ieuth Well May Owen, Reda Cole- St. health I would recommend that all who desirous of rarreing Indus- Mrs. H. S. Wells: vice-president, Miss Louis and Pittsburg. Mrs. trial Insurance take Thelr farewells to summer fare- man. erades Cohn:Gun, 1.attra k'oeirr and Mrs. Berta, it with the COZIONWEALT11. Elisabeth aline Bagb>: First---Becuttse treasurer, Mrs. James Rev. and Mrs. J. G Clurles of Lex- Campbell will leave Monday it ES a Meese Company. well! farewell! 131nuott. Hattie Terrell Mildred Ter- night for Secondesetecause Weide; recording secretary. Miss Vir- its nolidie. are in Full 1 editor iteneeit. rell, Frances ington, Tenn.. leave announced the en- a week's stay in Chicago. . Third—Bee:aerie, "(erred, May Davit ginia being a HOME COMP %NY. they art' in a OUni- Newell; corresponding secre- gagement and approaching ensrriage The raise loves the soft summer sun- Frances Wallace, Mare Scott. Lettie lien to settle their elainie, so match mileher I ban other companies, as tar). Mrs. D. M. Flournoy; librarian. of their daughter Miss Viola the claim I had with them was settled shine and air. Powell, Katherine Powell, Melee Nell Professor Had Last Laugh. lue.fol,. th.• proofs of death had Mrs. George B. Hart. Clarke. to Mr. Frank Bennett, been taken by the °the,. compan) In whirh he was insured. But these patiently watt till autumn Cobb. Nell Holland, Martha Davis, of President Hadley. of Yale, was Mrs. George B. Hart, Mrs. James Washington, D. C. The Vere truly yours. is here. Retta Hatfield, Elizabeth Sebree, marrage will talking about his student days. "I a Signed a Weide. Mrs., David Flournoy, 1..1CH A LA M BERT Beneficiary. Miss take place November 6. Mr. Clarke remember a stately a oll.tAl Then scatter their loveliness wherer Anna May Yeiser. Margarette Parks, and venerable Write card aitcl zan at grill is ill O.' Skid to call and e•plaits Newell end Miss Courtie Puryear was formerly pastor fully the many evrhassi%e they dwell, Monima Hopkins, Susie Thompson; of the Broadway professor," he said,, upon whom relator,- of 1•01111(1.1 WEALTH Insuranee, wore made a ounulttte to arrange lou ala, tun obligate )our..ell in any nay As their farewell to smuttier. Fare- Messrs. Methodist church In this cite and he some sophomore once tried to play by talking it owe. Charles Ilastluge. of Cairo; the a program for the year. The first and his fawn) are plessantle well! farewell! Rankin Kirkland, !tarry Spillain, remem- trick. A open meeting will be Wedateetday bered here George DuBois. by many. "The- professor, one mortting, be- ORDINARY DEPARTMENT Walter Iverson, afternoon at the Eagle club rooms on Mr. Stuart B. Hanna., formerly ing unable The message they give as us George to attend to his they sod Hancock, George Crouse. Joe Broad way. good-bye secretary of the Paducah V. MC. A class on account of a cold, wrote on PERKINS t.Exall, John Brooks. Herbert Waller- The 6 TRIMBLE club is arranging for a recital has accepted the positioa a Is one they have learned looking up stein, Will Rudy, Frank Boone, of religious blackboard: by Mrs. &Musky, of Louisville, the work General Agents to the sky: Grover director in the Y. M. C. A. at "'Dr Dash, through indisposition. Paducah District. Jackson, W. I. Sturtevant, early part' ofNovember. Seattle, Wash., the soutortation unable to Alt! the heart of the hopeful fears Fred Wade. David Koger, Herbert in attend to his classes to Paducah Depository. Citizens',Savings Bank, not to tell Hawkias, whtelt.he first started in the work. day.' Arthur Martin. Wallace Missionary Tea. Mr. Hanna has been In New York "Tbe students erased one 1 Its farewells to summer. Farewell! Well, Douglas Bagby. Evert Thomp- The letter in 1i:omen's Auxiliary of Grace state farewell! son. Edward Bringhurst. since leaving here, but the west this notice. making it read: • I Frank series stif Missionary Teas for the is his home and called '"Dr. —Mrs S. 011. Dickson, in the P11- Davis. Charles Cox. Morton him back Dash, through indisposition. Hand. winter, on Friday -afternoon at the grim for Mina Marjorie Scott and Mire Lucie is unable to attend his classes October. Edwin J. Paxton, Dr. I. B. Howell parish house. to- Mrs. Robert A. Hicks Bruen will leave day.' Commonwealth and Dr. Charles Lightfoot. Thursday for Alton. was the October hostess. A talk on Ansmosseememets. III., where they will visit for a week. "But It happened a few minutes the "Place and -Work of the Anxiti- Miss Bruen will later that the 308 W. The Delphic club will hold its regu- Popular Viettor then return to her professor returned for Complimented. • are." was made by Me pdesldent Mrs' lar meeting on Tuesdae morning at hone! in Welih. City, Mu.. anti MINS a box he had forgotten. Amid a roar Chestnut, A it:teethe compliment to a popu- Ethridge Palmer. The future meet- Scott will go to Fort of laughter he the Carnegie itbrary. "Toledo--the lar visitor Worth. Texas, detected the change was the delightful dance ings w!:1 be devoted to biographical Life Louisville, Ky. for Ills. a visit. in Co. Crown of Spain" Is the general sub- Miss Bruen has made a his notice and, approaching the on Monday evening at the Red Men's sketches. ject for the morning. charming social impression here AS blackboard, calmly erased one let- • J. D. lea% I:11e, ./1 tl.tft (IlaillERTI, First 1 ice' hall, given lay Mr. George Holliday in The officers for the year are: Mrs. the guest of Miss Scott. ter In his turn. Pees: DARWIN W. JOIt seise, sec. and Trews: DR, J. V1'. honor of Miss Julia Dickerson, of St. lelealcal Director; Elbridge Palmer. president: Mrs. "Now GREGOR% A %IMF:Nine (eine. Counmel; J. M. The Five Hundred club will meet Invitations have ben received here the notice reads: Louis, who is visiting Miss Eudora Muticoe Burnett, vice QUINN. Manager of Agessties. Wednesday afternoon president: Miss "'Dr. Dash. through indisposi- with Mrs. Rob- Parley. of Farley Place.. A full or- to the wedding of Miss Weenie Rosa Emily Morrow Acretary; Miss Ella. tion, ert Becker Phillips at her country Morton, of Autntrn, Ky.. amid Mr. as losable to attend to his asses chestra of seven piece++ played during abeth Nash, borne. Woodlawn. treasurer. today.' "—Columbus Dispatch. the evening and light refreshments Bert F. Wallace. of Camitiell. Mo.. on October 25. Miss Morton has vis- Claim Notkes Gaon under no- hand as C.ciik of • were served. The dance was pro- Charmlug Fite Hundred Party. The Slat:nee Musical club ortlf ited relatives in the city Hales. chew,. McCracken Circuit Coon. CA. Is- said court, this, the 11th day of Oc- longed until 2 o'clock and those pres- Mrs. Hubbard S. Wells entertals meet on Wednesday afternoon in the Wallace formerly bell. plaintiff, ve. petit.on mu equity.' tober, 1906 ent were: ed very delightfulls practiced law in' A member of the Chinese on Friday after- legation F. 0. administrator parlors of the Eagle club house. The Princeton. Ky.. and is knowu here. Rudolph. of Ad- i J. A. MILLER. Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rogers, Miss noon at her apartments In the Em- clad in splendld•pakelette silks, stood Program is a miscellaneous one and die Howell, deceased. etc.. defendasts. Be fL B. Hay. D C 4. Diekerson, of St. Louis; Miss Flor- pire Flats, complimentary to Mrs. T. Miss Kathleen Whitefield will leave before the Casino atNewport. Mrs. George B. Hart in the leader Ordered that this action he refel J. W. Egester. Attorney. ence Rock. of Cleveland. Oi: Misses A. Martiu of nest week for Clarksville and Nana "Pins," he said. "cause untidy St. Paul, Mime, the red to Cecil Reed, master eusen 'Eudora vele, Farley. Roselle Farley, May guest of Mrs. C. C. Warren. There Tenn., to Visit her sister. Mee habits. We have no Pins in Mac The next meeting of the Magazine stoner of McCracken amine sottrt to A %owls man asked a country belle I3eyer. Ortance Thurman, Mary were the tables of Five Hundred. William P. Howe who shortly will Thy right way to fasten things is club sill be on Thursday, the' 23th. take proof of assets and esbiet•es of squire what the letters "R. S. V. Deagan, Ruby Dunlap. Cora Dunlap. The head prize was won by Mrs. May go to California to make her home. with buttons and button holes or with Mrs. George A. Flournoy at the estate of Addle Howe.. &teethed. P " meant at the foot of the invita- Clara Nichols, Annie Halpin, May Blossom Rieke and the consolation Mrs. Howe Ise Miss Inez Whitefield, with loops and frogs To fasten "tolomal Lodge." and all persona having claims against tion. Sauerberg, Mande Foster, Mary Boyle prize went to Mrs. Richard Terrell. was very popular in Paducah. things with pins is to make use of an said estate are required to memo!y The squire, with a little chufficie Fannie Lanham. Gertrude Fisher. Mess Constance Carey Flournoy, of untidy makeshift. To employ an- An elaborste course-mat:been was pins verify and file the staine, before The Sam; Souct club will be en- Mason, sail suered. "They meate "Rush in. Katie Haag, Gertrude Haag, Myrtle attractively served after the game. Tenn., is the guest of Mrs. I. to become lase and slovenly, tertained commissioner. on tar before this 3th Stake hands Victual on Tuesday afternoon by Hawkins, Bertie Hawkins, Carrie Flournoy and -We have no up and Put." Minnie family on 'pins in Caine. Cer- day December. Mrs. Thomas Hall of North Fourth of lime sr they wit, —Woman's Home Companion. Sanders, Iola Konetzlsa Lena Pur- Saes tiouci Club. North Seventh street. Miss Flour- tain foreign manufacturers shipped street. be forever barred from asecri.leg any "Didn't I overhear Mr. Goodies' ir chase; Messrs. Charles Rottgering. The Sans Some club enter- noy is the daughter of Mr. Wattle millions of them to us in the past, was claim against the assets in the hands remark to you that I Ernest Flournoy, a but we them was a pretty Rudolph. Charles Bell. Boyce taiued on Friday afternoon at the former Padttcahan. sent back. We had no of The ductal (Weeder. -F. 0 Rudolph. adminatrat se. of Seeing lady!" asked Miss Pechis. Berryman, George Brown. Kirk, Mrs. Kate Milani and Miss Mary use for them. We were too neat " -- home of Mrs. John W. Scott on Mad- said palate unadministered; and ell "Yes." replied Society has relaxed somewhat this Starr Miss Chellus. "and Frank Short. 'Lots Plumiee. James ison street. it was the first meeting will leave the latter part of the Providecee Journal week and has been Persons are hereby- enjoined tel ic- you really are pretty young. you resting from the 11IeleY. Joe Fisher. Marshall Cooper month for San Antonio. Texas, to of the club for the season and was a strained from collecting their claims know, strenuous gayety of the Horse Show spend but sonel outgrow that, of Clifford Ferguson Germain Welker- pleasant ocesaloa. The the winti r Mr. and Mrs. Starr Mrs Austin's Famous events. game prise Pancakes. against said estate except th-, y,g4i course "—Philadelphia Press. There have been a few pretty son. Robert Milani will make their Hayden, Russell Long, was won by Mrs. Alien Asheraft. A home In Mem- Ready delicious. this suit. Ordered that this conies lei entertainments, however, in honor of Artie Mills, Fred Moore, Flanigan. delightful phis during the winter. visitors conrse-luncheon followed published in the Padticah Daily Sur 'sire. Austlna Famous Pancakes. in the tete-, and a number of Frank Theobald, Mr. and Mrs. Cook Howard Shelton. the game. Beside the club members liniebeads salt Sharp men do not cult much ice as required by law. Really Informal affairs The coming week delicious. Lonnie Vale, Charles McGregor. Ed Miss Lucie Bruen of has little Missouri. was on the calendar as yet. Farley, Prrker Bray, Owen Bell, Cur. an out-of-town guest. • beyond the club happenings. Tim tis Seamon. Roseland. Mrs. Alien Aid:craft was mad. Murphy at The Kentucky will bring president of the Sans eouci club fii out society in the boxes, and there Peetty Birthday Party. the ensuing year. The club numbers doubtless will be affairs announeed Miss Jolla Dabney entertained a later. slit ecu. number of her girl friends very de- --E— lightfully on Tuesday afternoon at Crescendo Club. Complimentary to Miss her Breen. home on North Fifth street in The Crescendo club met on Thurs- ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Eli G. Boone is entertaining honor of her 15th birthday. day afternoon at the studio of Miss at euchre this afternoon at her home The double parlors were prettily Virginia Newell. In opening "Musi- • on South Sixth street, In honor decorated for Of the occasion in a cal Expressions Taken from the It- ITH pleasure I announce to my friends and the public Miss Lucie Bruen, the guest of Mine stbetue of green in general that I have and white and a alian laiguage" was discussed by W Marjorie Scott. Only the younger se- quotation guessing purchased the drug business contest was one Miss Newell. Three-eleort sketches of of Smith & Nagel, Fourth and Broadway, and a iety girls are invited. It isess.pretty of the features of pleasure. Italian musicians eminent In expres- will maintain a pharmacy of the highest affair with nine tables of guests. guest was presented order. Your prescription business is espe- with a dainty sion were given. Muskat n u an ne re hand-painted green and cially solicited and wish white score were rendered by three of the elute we to assure you -that only drugs of tested strength and purity At Five Hundred. card and pencils to which was at- There will be an open meeting of will he used and that only Registered. Mrs. Maurice tached an Ragtime Pharmacists will compound prescriptions. A B. Nash entertained - waiwat-pettitted the club on Thursday, the 25th. and very informally at Five Hundred on green 110- --Tied with a white ribbee, specialty Miss Newell will give a talk on one will be made of perfumes and high-class toilet articles. Wednesday containing a popular afternoon at her apart- quotation. Mies of the Italian operas. At our Cigar Stand we shall keep ments in the Sans Solid Flats. h Kirkland won the prise, a in stock at all times a large assortment of the was in compliment oMTh Nish's pretty etick pin, for correctly guess- Delphic club. best cigars obtainable. We shall iy in such-quantities and keep them in such a way sister and guest. Mrs. J. W. William- ing the greatest number. A delight- The Delphic club held an interest- ful two that they will always be fresh wild fragrant. 'on. of St. Louis. ft was a pleasant -course luncheon in the green ing meeting on Tuesday morning at affair limited to a few friends. and white effect was served during the assembly room in the Carnegie the afternoon. library. "The Celtiberians and Ro- Mime Scott's Deere tor Mims itrueu. The guests were: Misses Mary man Spain" was ably discuseed by A pretty event of the week was the Wheeler, Elisabeth Boswell, Ellen Mrs. George C. Wallace and "Simla WILL J. GILBERT dance given by Miss Marjorie Scott Boswell, Elizabeth Kirkland, Lucile Under the Goths" by Miss Kathleen on Smith 6 Nagel's Old Stand. Fourth and Tuesday evening at the Hotel Well, Aimee Dreyfuss, Ethel Sights, WhItelteld. Mrs. Louis M. Rieke gave Broadway Craig. In honor of her charming Marguertte Schwab. Mary B. Jen- a delightful reading of the "Vision • guest. Miss iLticie Breen, of Webb nings, Mildred Soule, Lucy-ette Soule. of Den Roderick." ('lt. Mo. The three spacious parlor. Mary Cave, Snide, Smith. Elizabeth --Oh-- were effectively decorated with Atkins, Martha Cope. , Enjoyable Affairs. mews ferns and cut flowers. Here --0— The members of Magnolia Grove, *the guests were received by: Mr. and Magazine Club. Woodunen Circle, were pleasantly Mot. Frank L. Scott, Mas Scott arid Mrs. Berta' F. Campbell was hos entertained on Tuesday evening at Mr.Edwin Plextoo.Mise Bruen and teas to the Magazine club on There the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward calories Cox. Miss Frances Waleace day afternoon at her home on Broad Deloach on Jackson street. A Dutch and Mr. Frank Davis, Mr. and Mrs. ways. It Was a 1110at pleasant occa- lunch was served. TWON.Es •' sion with the full membership present L'VE /3 0 rPt Z0.1 and several ari7NN 37451ff s" out-of-love-1i visitors: le The Senior Epworth League of the SELL response to roll-call current events Broadway Methodist church held a -DPN tfEi were given. Herper's magazine Will social evening in the league parlors T14F d?Ce represented by Mrs. Robert Becker on Monday evening. Chafing dish re- COAL CO. Philips. Mill. Victor Voris gate a freehmente were served and a Metier,- BE-ST resume of the Literary Digest. Miss program woe enjoyed. Frances Gould discussed the Outlook Mrs. Armour Gardner told of Hub Strprine Party. bird's Journeys mad Mrs (leorge There was an enjoyable. party to Remember these facts arc not misleading. You can buy Kentucky or Pittsburg Coal from us, Illeur110Y reported froze the Atlantic Miss .113essie Theobald given on - Mon- guaranteed, too. Monthly. A delightful course-tun- day evening at the home of Mr. and and We give just as big bushels, just as good coal and as much coal as your s, sortbd atter the reports. Mrs. L. B. Britton, of the south OWL money .will buy anywhere. Phis shifter*. present were: Mrs. There were eighteen eopples present 1, r 11,=.17aYri nf olorinf• Tvir,

• eee 4,4141


had. He is not tearing down. He Is ...... VAR Paburab sun. building up American enterprises, but he is making sure the foundation ORDER EXPECTED AFTERNOON AND WEEKLY --- Children have is all right this time. The American' BY TflE SUN PUBLISH1NOCO. people want the least possible gov- A Boston schoolboy was bin, IN iltOOMPORAIT(D ernment coast:mint with justice and REHKOPF CASE V M. Irteasw. Predate& weak and sickly. Bairn Paxson. Oaseral the ototectiost of individual !Lets tender J. stomachs Manager. There was a time when the Democ- ISUSSCRIRTION RATES: Most Physics aro Dangerous racy stood for the extreme of this His sons were soft gnawed bt the pootodtce ii eseueshe Ky., as and flabby. Wortley .1. C. Flournoy Has A child's stomach is very tender and cannot second data matter.) idea: but what with the government He didn't have a strong muscle in his digest food as well as an idult's, and neither can THE DAILY /MN ownership of railroads and the- Received Copy it stand the explosive rgsrivcs which adults By carrier. par wee*... I .10 entire body. Hearst propaganda its leaders seeni are often persuaded mall, per otos*. is seossee...__ • to take for constipation and • Wall, per year, to &domes..... Lge to have gone astray after strange Is- other stomach disorders. Many parents give THIE WEEKLY SUN sues, and it devolves upon a Repub The physician who had attended ib-rt-ree in Bankruptcy Will their children such physics as salu, or the ordi- Pee pier, by wall. WA Late paid .0 titan president to embody his at Meeting nary pills and tablets, that are pleasant to take Address. THE SUN. Paducah, Ky. in the family for thirty years prescribed of ('reditors; After titude the essence of all that one- Reference. because of their taste. A child that is dosed Omens its South Third. Timmons 3111 Scotra Emulsion. time made Democracy a vital force with such physics soon forms a habit which if Payee a Yaw askew gad New York reg• continued means a permanent loss of health. reatatativea There may be a motive deeper NOW; A physic will be constantly required to move alUSINESS AT COURT TVS SUN ama be found at the tollowtaa than the simple hope of lessening HOUSE the bowels. Children do not object to taking ossoes; It D. clement+ It OM the loneliness of her piospective To feel that boy's arm you Vas Colin Brow widower, in the idea of the Coiorade Dr.CAldwellk Sgrupltpsin Palaver Howse. would think he was apprenticed to a as much as they do even woman, who talks daily into a pho- Atterne) J. C. Flouruoy, one of the most palatable John candy preparations, and the nograph in order that her sorrow- blacksmith. the attorneys In the bankruptcy pro- effect upon them is a thousand times more beneficial. Dr. Cald- ing husband may be solaced by the ceedings against E. Rehkopf Sad- well's Syrup Pepsin is a cure for all stomach sound of her posthumous voice She- ALL DRUGGISTS; 60o. AND 111.00. ilery company, has received a copy disorders. It is the very best cure for children and may take souse thought to the ef of the order of reference of the adults. It does not create a habit. It does cure. feet of this canned conversation on aft to Referee E. W. 13agby, but 0.4140.41:044440004:04)41440404 In all cases ofindigestion, dyspepsia, chronic SATt !tie% V. 04.11111E11, IS. a possible successor in her h'usband's Judge Bagb) has not received the of- or acute constipation, biliousness, and all other disorders arising from stomach affections. As an Infallible, ready-to ficial reference yet. It is presumed it CIRCULATION STATEMENT. CHURCH CRISIS trouble of any kind it is a quick and positive cure. All druggists sell Dr. Cald- use, efficacious "haat." we could NEAR IN SPAIN will reach here tonight. The next well's Syrup Pepsin for 5oc and S t.00 a bottle. recommend to the dubious feminine WRONG DEAL -tep after the order reaches here is September, 1906. (lash Expected When ('octet Rees- Your mentos back if it don't borsatit rota. fu.nd no more pitiless instrument for the bankrupt to file a schedule of 1...... 3881 17 3975 seeable* on Oct. no. Pepsin than a vow from the grave emitted meets and liabilities. Neat will come Syrup Co. Monticello, Ill. .3885 18 3948 -- through a tin funnel in a drawing an order for the first meeting .3878 19 3942 IT IS CIAlelED INGRAM ST.tCKED Madrid. Oct. 13.-Upon the reas- of too M. creditors which necessarily must 5 3880 20 3931 DEAL FOR GROCERIES. sembling of the cortes October 20, come not sooner than ten day* - 6 .3902 31 3959 the vatican and the liberal govern- at In California hereafter dairy mer or the case Is referred. ' 7 .39/7 32 3949 ment of Marshal Lopez Dominguez will be known by their smooth ,ha- a .3913 24 3938 sill cross swords over the church !s- yen faces, as the State Dairy sasocl- %rt voted b) Policeman .%fter Right Cotusty Trochees. 10 .2921 25 2929 lue. While the actual question of ation declared the milk Man's wit's- Deal Had Been Garnisheed- The first payment of county echool 11 .391110 26 3935 separstion of church and state kere to be the abiding place of Case Set. teachers is, being made today by or- 12 .3911 37 4019 in Spain, the stronghold of Catboll- germs. Here in Kentucky we have der, the money failing to arrive. The New Fall Suits 14 .3950 28 4045 chtm. Is not to be immediately raised not reached that ineffable state of About 92.00.0 was expected with 14 .3892 29 4003 as In France, 080. democratic pro- aestheticism, but we confess to a which to make the first of the four We 15 .3965 Magistrate Charles Emery has set gram of the liberals is distinctly an- Are Showing an infinite Variety well defined aversion to getting the Payments. Only about two-thirds of Total 98,478 or hearing Monday afternoon the ti-clerical and If it progresses suc- cow's tall In the milk bucket. the teachers called today. of the New 1906 Fall Models at Popu- -am of Rudy Ingram. colored, char- cessfully is sure ultimately to lead Average for September. 1906...3934 ged with obtaining groceries fraud- to an open fight for the severance of lar-Prices, Which Rangein Price From It sounds almost uncanny to those Deeds Filed. Average for September, 1905 3656 siently. the ties which bind the vaticsat and who know its record, to hear the Ingram went to John Ward's gro- the Bourbon dynasty. George Thompson to J. A. Gossett, Fourth street organ prattling the $12.00 to $40.00 Increase 283 mry. Caldwell and Eleventh streets, i.roperty on West Kentucky avenue, praises of a Democratic machine: Persoualls appeared before me, tad bought groceries, it is charged, 1525. but the noise must be mighty com- SHOT IN THE DtRK. In the above pries range we have every representa- this October 1, 1906, E J. Paxton. Bader the name of Will Deal, who Emma and It. I,, Weisner to E. forting in some quarters. We hardly general ma neri.r. of The Sun, who at- corked for the Illinois Central. He Rudolph, property in the count) eel. tive New Fall Novelty of any style importamw. The believe the public, will reinstate the Rh True and Burglar Died in the Arms that the above statement of the aid that he had been trading at Elizabeth McConnell to Lizzie Ed- workmanship and materials are the best possible to gang it turned out two years ago 'culat,on of The dun for the month John Dipele's. The ,,,ocery man lei- ington, power of attorney. ineorporate into these priced garments, and the de- even if the Mika' organ has turned 'I September, 1906, os true to the' phoned to Dipple and found that Mary K. DerrIngien to Lula J Yar- tails "regular." Chicago. Oct. The discov- of' Fashion have been carefully and cleverly beat of his knowledge and belief. Deal was good. The Illinois Central av brough, property In tile county for a ery in an a:ley t of a well- brought out in every one. PoiTER PURYEAR, Notary Public. officials also said he was "good" for Pievious consideration. dressed man started the plalice 012 My commission expires January It requires strong measures te he bill. Sixteen dollars worth of gro- J. W. Elrod to S. B. Duqca.n, prop- the investigation of a possible mur- ,trty New Fall Coats 22, 1908. keep the memory of the vice presi- cries were sold the negro,bue the ne on the Clinton road, 1200. der mystery. It developed later the dent of the United. States green ero refused to pay. A garnishee fol- - General Utility Coats, Dress Coats and Raincoats. First Mr. Fairbanks lost control o' man was killed by J. 3e. Smith. Daily Tlaseght lowed In the name of William Deal Marriage li.,kensees. Every good style is represented in the 4:1, 48, and his automobile and ran down a farm Smith was awakened during the 11 you cannot do a great thing, do .nd Deal came down to prove his Will Davis. 21, and May Hoetetti 12-inch Fancy Plaid rnd Broadcloth Coats; both with Or. , Now his only elopes. At the night by the noLse of a burglar the best you can." son dentity He was not the Deal who 21, of Paducah. , fitted and loose breaking into hie home He seised a back. rate he Is letting things get swat aoretbt the groceries. George Harper, Manball count. from him, his (rends are apprehen pistol and -tired two shots.-' The man ItErt BLICAN CITY TICKET. Ingram was arrested by Patrolmen 20. to Annelle Clark, Marshall COL111- ran out, procsaded a abort distance Comforts and Blankets sive the presidential nomlnation inst Hittley who caught him last night ty, 20. slip by and dropped dead. Extra large CO/II flortii, covered with City Judge--Enimett W. HAM'''. near the railroad, well(' he was pre- Quince Clark, city, lb, to De'la $1.00 Full size Uusiefoits. covered with silkoline Aldermen. airing to leave the city. Dosing, county,. 1. 1.50 GIVEN AN AUTosloltILE. James .11,4 /PIP/Wool Gre r Mantels,~calm Ptak tier.. ------4.54) 0. B. Starks, E. E. Bell. John Far- It may be bad police to swat) Metcelf, county, 23, t Ethel 11-4 All Wool Black and Red Plaid Blankets, value ley, W. T. Miller bootee in the middle of the stream. HOTEL ARRIVAL& Staley, county, 15 People Along His iftemite Facilitate' $6.01, for 5.00 Conacilosen. hut Manuel S. Silveria, the Havana Palmer-E. S. Hammond. Chica- • the Deliver/ of nide Letter*. First Ward-John W. Bebout. defaulter, found It to his advantage ne M. A. Stratton. C:arksville, Tenn, MAA BE EXTRADITED New York, Our Assortment of Rugs is Unrivaled Second Ward-J. II. Oebischlaeger. to exchange boats in the middle of 4. D. Pettus, Clarksyllle. Tenn.: J. Oct. 13 --Persons 'M- -- - OIR on rural Third Ward-H. S. Wells. (ho ocean tl Foeler. Indianapolis: A. L. Rod- delivery route No. 1. of Beliesed Request for tannuel Sala. Rags for the parlor, den, library, reception hall, Paterson, N. J.. have Fourth Ward- H. W. Kat terjohn. :ere St. Louis: Frank Salinger. New given the car- rtat N ill Be Honored. dining and bed room-in fact we have Rugs for what- rier. Peter long term; F. S. JOhaaton, short York: J. 11. Catalan, Martin Tenn.; E. lodecker, an automo- ever purpose bile in which there is a practical use. The tuakes are term. C. A. Bradley. Pleasant View. Tenn.: to make his deliveries- Washington, Oct. -Althoug. Lydeckerat route runs the best-they are known the_world over, and our as- Fifth Ward-Samuel st. Hill. DEATHS OF A DAY f. R. Rose. Si. Louis: F. C. Pope, through the the Cuban repute:10 has extradite'', Preakness mountains sortment of colorings and patterns is the most Sixth Ward -R:Barnett. Cleveland. O.; J. W. Parrish, Louis- and covers 27 treaties with only rite countries. in- diversi- miles He made School Treaters. ville; .1- Ringolsky. Evansville. Ind.: the journey yester- cluding the United States, it Is the fied and attractive in town. Aside from this our low day in three hours First NVard-- J. J. Gentry. W. R. Writhe Brooklyn; H. J. and three-quarters ()pluton of officials here that Manuel popular prices are within the reach of anyone's purse. while with a horse and wagon Second Ward---J. K. Bandurant. tlatthew E. Ham. itewart.. Memphis: F. W. Drake, It SlIveria. of Havana. who it is thought takes him eight hours to cover Third tVard-H. C. Hoover. Matthee E. Ham. 43 years old, one Louisville; P. W. AnIburg. Cincin- the absconded with 81.000,000 belong- ground. Fourth Ward-Dr, C. G. Warner. of the" best known traveling sales- nati: R. O. C,anns, Humboldt, Tenn. ing to the flue of Ceballos• compa- Ultra Fashionable Millinery at Popular Fifth Ward- -Enos men in Kentucky. Belvedere--c. E. Ellie Columbus, ny, of New York, can be appre- h Yarbro and west died this morn YOU 'SONY HIVE TO Wei: Prices. Lamle .ISsortnaent. John Murray. ing at 2 o'clock of apoplexy at his Ga.; J. Blum, Nashville; D. Sayer, Eoery dose makes you feel better. Las-Poo hended and taken hack, It Is thought Iteet Sixth Ward-Cap' home, 313 Nprth Sixth Harrodsburg; E. C. Hulvershorn, vole wbote Welder fight. Sold as the a request from Cuba will be honor- Ed Farley. street. Early auswey-heek Cincinnati: R. A. Sterling, Wax evorywItert Price to /SI - --- the evening before he suffered a Spring- ed by any country. field, O.: N. P. Conker, AllOrT BUILDING UP. partial stroke and never rallied, pass St. Louis: If How the Blood Flow AI emit& A 1,ti!ld:ng. lug away without recovering con- G. MacPherson, New York; W W. however ornate and Few people appreciate th Notice to Ceatesetors. L. B. Ogilvie 6 Ayers, Se Louis; J. M. Lidgewood, ecessl- Co. •rchltectural:y perfect to the eye, is sciousness. Matthew E. Ham was ty of Bide will be received by the board New York. keeping the blood i ev y way Agents for Butterick Patterns. not a good born at Paradise, Muhlenburg coun- of public investment If it Is laid on In good condiUon if they w Id have works, until Wednesday. ty, December a foundation inherently weak, and Ill. 1862, and on June good health. October 24th, 1906, for the eor the first thing to 8, 1587. he married Mies liana Ewell, Run on the Bank. agruttion be done with it for There are two factors In disease. of the following ;greets, b , the sake of this city, who with their two chil- Toronto. Oct. 13.-- A run was of safety is to strengthen which, by an endless variety of chan- grading and graveling of same as per the foundation, dren,' Mats Caroline Ham, music started today on the Ontario bank. even If some of the ges and combinations define every plans and specifications on file in the teacher in the public schools. Note holders and depositors superstructure must temporarily be and are said departure -from normal conditions. city engineer's oMee.under ordinances I Miss Ewell Ham, survive him. He to be amply secured, while share- torn away. In all his speeches defin- Them are the BLOOD and the providing for these improvements Is also survived by one brother, holders will lose a considerable ing the policy, which has guided the NERVES They sustain life, and Clay street from Seventeenth to PENNYROYAL PILLS amount or and conduct of his administration Presi- Luther Ham. of Mublenburs county. on account of the bank's END it. Nineteenth street. banish "pain of menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVWEI11° ea stria dent Roosevelt After his marriage Mr. Ham en- condition. Twenty-eeeond te has clearly shown The blood must maintain a steady, street from Trim- womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. Nc tered business for himself as mer- know, n remedy for women that he is not engaged In "tearing a swift and equal flow or bad conM- ble to Mildred street. equals them. Cannot dot:awns-lig. chant becomes a pleasure. 41.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. down,- as John D. Rockefeller ar- in Christian comity! Later tie Englneast Alex McClure, of the MI quettees fol'ow. Every Twenty-third street from Trimble So 4 - organ and tis- by druggists. DE laterrti VIEMICAL CO.. C.ieveir•d. gued, went on the road as traveling sales- that commercial supremacy, /Ws Central, has returned to work, sue must get its right share of blood, to Mildred street. 41411.0 OW itiArlalf• LA/7 41110 MI. C. KOLE. PADrITIAIL ST man, malting his headquarters and those Institutions which the for six his wife hat-Int recovered after a no more, no less. Stop it and the sys- The board reserves the right ,to re- brains of years in Binningliani Ala. Five brief ject any and the country have spent so illness. tem is soon poisoned with accumu- all bids If an article is imitated, the original recommended for piles. Sold by years ago he took up his Many years In "building up." It Is residence In heed body storage, and lack of prop- BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS... is always best_ Think it over, and Lang Bros. Paducah. and since 10 De:•Detuate these "Individual er- has been se:line •Mi••••••%.... er nourishment sets up, headaches, By Dr. J. Q. Taylor Secretary. when you go to buy that box of 'salve terprlses" coffee and kindred staples to the tired, worn L. A. Washington, City Engineer that the president is tak- out sensations, no life, to keep around the house, get De- Mrs. Clem Bletch returned home ing trade. of aestern Kentueky, west- 1"....4.-..Try the New Store's no energy October 13th, 1906. so mteh supervising interest in ae,-: other kindred ail- WIWI, Witch Hazel Salve. It is the yesterday: after visiting Mr. and Mrs Tennessee and tecitithern Illinois. them and the Standard 011 magnate Underwear. ments follow. original and the name is stamped on J. J. Bleich. He and his fellows, must have lost much Was a man of large propor- Right the blood flew, and they all A girl In love is almost as misers- every box. Good for eczema, tetter, liens. weighing nearly 300 pounds, of that farsightedness by which they leave. bit as one who lava. boils. eta% and bruises and especially Sebes-Hire for The "sun. and of great were enabled to construct sods gi- stature, his striking This is the Oetteopathic theory. It appearance Another* gantic enterprises, not to grasp the end genial disposition merely goes back to the beginning won him hosts of friends his real significance of hi...conduct. It In ter- Of disease. It finds most disease if ritory, and his Is because these narrow minded familiar figure will he Cold Wave associated with an abnormal blood missed by the retail ereatnisse have gone on and on, rush- dealers of all the flaw. toens *Mein 100 Eyes Examined testily tiirn ng every penny to ac- miles of Paducah. Especially during the fall and win- Free He returned from a Coming count of the rights of rtip two days ter months is it necessary to keep the ago, apparently in his usual health. blood flow If you wear glasses or their patron., and the public, that Anether cold-snap 1s due at right. Exercise of the have trouble with your eyes, come The funeral will each mountebanks as Hearst can take place at the any time now, so it behooves right sort Is a good stimulant for in and have your eyes examined. You residence tomorrow are under no obli- flourish. Some time the menace of afternoon at you to snap sip some of the ex- circulation, but the dry hot air treat- 3:30 o'clock. gations to buy glasses because you dif. We paternalism might become serious The Rev. W. K. Cave cellent Underwear Bargains at ment, followed by the Osteopathic want every and the Rev. T. J. were It not for the common sense Newell will offici- the New Store tonight. treatments, which I am giving with one who is interested in eyes to visit our up-to-date opti- ate. The burial will be In such marked good results, intervention Of Roosevelt. He has ta- Oak Grove Here is an exceptional line -- Is the best cal parlors and see our up-to-date methods cemetery. treatment yet discovered. of eye ex- ken In hand the duty or ascertaining something for every man. Why? Simply because aminations. Our opinion on your eyes or erbere the state's authority In the Medium and heavy weights at they go to eye glass trou- the basis. matter of controlling commerce Amy Richards, Total Lome $1 to $12. bles is yours FREE. We have new eye-glass mountings, Sandusky, Come to see In. at any time and T leaves off and that of the national 0., Oct. 13.- The See the Royal Silk 'Plush Un- the kind that stay on and look can easily satisfy you that I can soon well, and are glad to have government begins, slid he intends schooner, Atby Richards which went derwear, the ribbed balbriggang, build up the run-down system, while you call and sec them. to fill In the gaps through which so ashore during the storm recently, in all color& imported and you are attending to your long private enterprise has attained and was credited a total loss, is be- American make usual du- ing stripped, preparatory ties. I shall, too, be plealia to refer its rank growth. With the superfi- to aban- We are sole agents fin Dr. donment. you to people you know well who are cial evils of the great Inclurtries re- There was no insurance on Delmel's Linen Mesh Under- enthusiastic in thole Praise's of moved and kept away, the talk ot the boat. The cargo was covered by wear. the Steinfeld Optical treatments. Company radical socialism, communism, pater- Insurance. My office honrsiare from 8 to 12 Optical Headquarters of I->aducah. nalism and anarchy will die for lack a. m and 2 to 4 P. as. Of materiel. Roosevelt is the beat Mr. Cecil Reed has returned from WTI 609 Broadway. 415.041, lb IRO at OttCo. V' Dr. G. B. rIt0A011, 81-6 imisainst Open Saturday Nighta. friend individual enterprise ever a bushiest, trip to Louisville Ononwom 1111111141•111.11141111 a Phone 1417. TURDAY, OCTOBER 13. THE PADITC.A.I1 EVENINti SUN P.IdE FIVE.

411 %. NAN% %V •••••• s 5,\\%S. Nees e AUMSF SONIIII SERVICES I People anel TIPS. Pi414118411.4$ 111101Lia D

:Met hodiet. NOW IS THE accepted Uwe for Parties sending in accounts of so- BROADWAY-The Rev T. J. you to look about your fire and torna- DID U KNOW? DAILY ARRIVALS cial etertainneents will please sign Newell, pastor. Morning subject, do insurance, as fall and winter are them, 1.145 The Sun eill not publish "Our Inheritance of the teat," song Joming. Remember the old and re- That the heat units in a HEATING eximmunketione sent In that are not service in the evening. liable Friedman Insurance Agency. Are becoming common occurrences migsard. Isollowlug is the program of the Office No, 128 Soute Third street. Of- STOVE is what counts in heating eeening: fice telephone No. 940. Residence Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Turner, of May- cold air? A stove may put forth its at our store. Every day we show an Organ voluntary-Mrs. S II Win- Phone No. 1581. We represent some field, are 4s:eating Mr. and Mrs. R. best efforts to serve, but racking in steed, organist. of the oldest and best iusurance coda. entire new line and assortment of all Green, 321 South Seventh street. Hymn No. I. Panies, which are Paying their teasel heat units, can only heat a little classes in Ready-to-Wear Garments. Dr. J. 'T. Reddlck and Dr. II, M. Pray Cr. promptly. We protect your interests, Owens- space around it. Childress have returned from Doxology. and you better be safe than aerie. bore, Ky., where they attended a Scripture lesson Give us a call. state medical society meeting. Gloria Patri. FOR RENT-One- sine of store Dr. C. E. Purcell went- to Louis- Scripture lesson 428 Broadway. Phones 1513. ville this morning on business. Offertory--Violin solo -C'avalleria COW Mtge Mary Bringhurst, of Wash- Alr SALS--Apply B. Van- Rusticana-Mrs. Will Clark. develde, 1207 South Seventh street. ington, D. C., will arrive today to Vocal solo-"0 Dry Those Tears" Finis:lye Ready-to- tkirldrj halvahs Ready-e- HART'S HEATERS! FOR GALE- Thirteen-room house, Wear Stare. Wear Store. visit Mrs. II, H. Scott, Miss Bring- --Mr. Robert Scott, hurst lately has been in Louisville as modern conveniences. Old phone 464. ADO° Hymn No. 473. 317 Broadway 317 Broadway special agent tot the government in CLEANING and -preseug neatly Duet--"Come Unto Me"--Miss with heat units everywhere. securing divorce statistics. Emma Knauss, Mr. J. U. Robinson. done. James Duffey. old phone 718-r. Are made Miss Ruble Corbett hat% returned Vocal solo-Mr, Richard Scutt. ---leOit-SALE-Nice -harness horse' The larger stoves have very power- are organizing commercial clues. from a week's visit In Louisville, Him No. 575. at 1720 Madison street. ful circulation features also, making -Five hundred score cards for Miss Lillie May Winstead and Miss N'ocal solo--"Redemption"--Miss FOR ItENT-Furnishen or unfurn- LOColi LINED. sale at The Sun office-twenty-five Corinne Winstead are expected home Emma Knausa, shed rooms, 419 South Third street. it easy for HART'S STOVES to do next week from Atlanta, Ga., where emits each. TRIMBLE STREET-The Rev FOR RENT-One furnished room. the work, which is the reason they they have been the guests of Miss -For Dr. Peudley ring 416. \V. W. Armstrong, pastor. Morning Apply 419 South Fourth. Willie Blanche Asher, use so LITTLE FUEL and LAST --The Nos. 1 and 3 lire companies formerly of subject, "Home Missions." Mission- will FOR RENT---Fliti-room cottage, -Mr. George Robertson, Jr., were called to the residence of Mr. Paducah. ary so LONG. service in the evening 624 Husbands, old phone 2070. leave Sunday or Monday for Arkan- Miss Mildred Soule is ill R. F. Farmer, 283 -North Seventh from a THIRD STREET--The Rev, Pe- bits on his annual bear hunt and will bone felon at her home on FOR 8A1.16- -Folding bed and oth- street, at 7 o'clock this mooring. The North ter Fields, pastor. Regular nee-nine carry this trip a pack of 75 hounds. Fifth er furniture. All new and cheap, 521 family was preparing to move, and street. and evening services. He will be iticsompaules by Capt. Mrs. L. Robinson and family went Husband.. Old phone 2070. had packed most of the goods. Some MECHANICSBURG-The Re's. J. Frank Lyon, of Greenville, Miss., on to Murray this morning to lying near the grate caught visit. B. Perryman, pastor. Morning ser- FOR RENT-Seven room house. Prices Low the steamer Speed owned by Capt. Attorney D. H. Hughes went to fire from a spark and the blaze was vice 10:30 a. al. Evening service dinner 6th and Husbands street. Call Lyon and which is here for repairs. Benton this morning to attend the briskly burning when the firemen ar- 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 9:15 a. in. old phone 2208. -Just received a shipment of close of Marshall circuit court which rived. Little damage was done. Junior Epworth League 2 p. tn. Se- FOR RENT--Five room cottage, Stacy-Adams, Stetson, Edwin Clapp was deferred from last Saturday on -Our customers are our best ad- nior Epworth League 6:30 p. m. with bath 1036 Madison street. Ap- and Douglass . account of Regular price vertisers. Ask your neighbor. Brad- several minor matters not ply Dr. P. H. Stewart. $6.00: our price $3.75 and $4.00 at ley BrOss. Phone being ready for settlement. _ - -- 339. Episcopal. - FOR SALE-New 6 room house, Ike Cohen's Pawn Shop, 106 S. See- -Don't forget Major Bloom's auc- Miss Grace Williamson, of Krebs GRACE - The Rev. David C. nice, home; a good investment. Call ond St. Con sale of household goods at resi- Station. Is in the city today visitiug. Wright, rector. Holy Communion at oace 1621 C'es street. 0E0. 0. HART & SONS .CO. --Sheriff John Ogevie Monday dence, 534 street, at 10 Engineer Mike Keiley. of Madison Jefferson 7:30 a. in. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. will take Bigger Hale, Denies Row- o'clock Monday morning. street, has reported for duty again A SC HOLAR-Sla In Pafiucan Morning prayer and sermon 10:4S Central Busioess College for sate at neelefieWl1631029006362‘1416KeleseinieetelleelKeiSelell 4 lett and Bartley Turley, colored b0:!s, after a several days' Illness. -We have the excluelve agency Is a. m.: subject: "Reverence. an In- a discount. Address 8., care duo. - - to the reform school at loxiseston. for the Globe-Wernicke filing cabi- Judge William Reed has returned stinct." Evening prayer and sermon, $4 a month. Draughon Hale was convicted of a stolen nets and supplies. Call on us when from a visit in itopkinsviee. K. P'OE HAMBVRGERS and Hot Ta- 7:30 p. in. Evening service contin- Business College, 314 1-2 Broadway, wheel and the latter two for snatch- you need anything in the Inc. R. D. Engineer E. II. Kelley, of Broad- males go to "Shorty's'. Ill '4 South ues through October. Service at 4:30 Phone 1:55. Call, phone or write for ECLIPSE ing purses frofu wehe women. Clement & Cu. way. Is Ill and unable to tak• out his Third or 17 North Fourth p. m. begins in November. Rector's catalogut it will convince you mat --Fire sale of. wall paper. Kelly -Old Reliable Carterville, run, ou the Cairo extension .HICKORY WOOD--Phonas, Old Bible class Monday, 4:30 p. rue sub- eraughone is the best. SKATING RINK & Umbeugh. All papers at half washed nut, and egg coal 443, New 598. Delivered promptly. Is the ject, "First PrEe piiobostbsertimo nC.orinthians." price, 321 Kentucky avenue. Phone New WANTED, eau. le S. ARMY - cheapest. Bradley Bros. Phone 339. Microbe. E. E. Bell & Sons. Skating afternoon and night. They hese discovered Able-bodied uninarried men between -One load of our coal will make a new mi- FOR RICST- Toreti unturnished Sixth and Broadway. Eagle's --Robert L. Bees vs. president of crobe in New York ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United you an advertiser for us. Bradley and it is quite pop rooms for housekeeping. Apply, at hall. the Find SIXTH AND KEN"rleCKY - The States, of good character and tem- NatIonee bank, has returned Bros. Phone 339. .ular among actors and the society 1.7.07 Monroe Rev. Alexander Lindsey, of Flem- street. perate habits, who can speak, reed from St. toils after consulting the -Don't forget Major Bloom's auc- women. Iris called the chromophage Ingsburg, will preach and MRS. DENMAN has charge of the architect wit* will furnish plants for its special function being to turn the and write English. For informatioli J. E. BIVENS, Mgr. tion sale of household goods at resi- millinery department at R. S. Bar- the oven lug. apply to Recruiting Office. New Alit- ten-story'-office building the bank dence. t34 Jefferson street, at 10 hair gray at a comparatively early Admission 10c FIRST- The Rev. W. E. Cave. aettei general store. 240 Short street. mond House, Paducah, Ky. will erect ner sear at Third street o'clock Monday morning ago The handsomest actor who has pastor. Reguiar service* will be bell --iekNTED- -Position by experienc- Itel;FT- A nee. store room and Broader -Mr. J. M. Bruce. of Dixon, Ky., those hairs on his temple that FOR tomorrow by the Ras. Mr. finedetor, ed stenographer. Address Miss Scott, -We guarantee to please you has the *vines admire so is full of the cheap, with all necessary fixtures. accepted the position of night Wed friends family of Alabama. Sunday school at the Dawson Springs. Ky. Store room !lieu feet. A True and of the with Old 1' ler, Ky., Lump Coal. baggage agent for the Illinois cliromophigee. Baldheaded men genernl Cen- usual hour. -DeWitt's Little Early Rivers. Beet Phone 339, radiey Oros. are immueii from the microbes. Ile - WANTED-A rood boy for house store is %et)- much in demauJ here, tral to succeed 31r. Ft. B. Misenheluser for results and best to take. De- -The c ity of Um wee attacell the hair and a man with work. Apply to E. J. Paxton. at The tbdiatleas of $:5 a day ton be done county poor ,reelgeed. Miseekeinters goes' to 'Mem- pendable little pills. They do use out German. Sun le Call or house Is 1 inmates, but the coin- phis to work under Teniumaster 0. hair *el not worry about the office. at tue start right man. EVANGELle.11.- The Rev gripe or sieLan Sold by Lang. Bios. inittee will Etruisheit now to accom-, W. Brown. chrontophage For years it Was FOR RENT - Mudere five-room write 11. Ce O'Hara. Crilara,, Cald- thought Bourquin, pastor. Mdrning ser- - -- odate only 4-11 inmates. The Institu- - J. V. Voris, dentist, 200 Opt a process of the blood cottage, all convenience.. Apply well county, Ky. killed vice* in the German language. Ev- No will is stroag until it Is ntie t:on is nearie ready for occriPane)• ternity building. the lieloring matter of the hair Mrs. J. M. Buckner, Eighth and Jef- e% AN, F.D---Trust esorthy man 10 submit. -When yeett order a rig cells, but scalpologists in New Work ening services In leuglish Evening manage breech office and dintribut- to from us -- Constable A. C. Shelton levied ferson. _.; you combat that theory. They say It Is subject: "Autumn." lug depot -for large niaterfacticer. are talkeig to one of the Pro- on a log wagon and two horses at -FOR terms 3 tie; the Chromophage. The microbe does LUTHERAN- The Rev. A. C. Salary to start welt $1,:ete for the prietors Or lipable cietks (not a the King mil this afternoon in fa- mouses in North•iew additien use Lien, pastor. No morning service. arst year. payabie monthly. arid ex- driver or holder) who writes, files vor sot like heat, aid for that reason of R. L. Rhrmwell against, J. L. 13th street oar line. W. D. Greet Ira commissions and expenses. Ap- and fills thee the woman who uses the curling tongs Evening subject: "The Power of the TODAYS MARKETS order at appointed Curry, on an execution from Mar- c27 Broadway plicents inept have good referrates time. Is lees l'kely to have gray hair than Gospel." Palmer Transfer company. shall minty for a debt of $93.93 leUR RENT -Six•room cottage, and tee, I emit. capitsi ,-,cured. the on. who putt her hair up in pa- -Ellis. the 4-year-old daughter of and costs. ghte modern commis !weenie este, eery. Address pers. Baptint. and Madison, James Dunaway, at 418 South Ninth -City subeertbers to the Daley ionces, No-' ember ttfaaurer. P. 0. Box 711, Chicago, F 1 R8T---The Rev. Calvin Thomp- pusses:ion 5th. street. as, burned yesterday while Sun who wish the delivery of their IR. ' Wheat- Owe (sloes son, Phone ion:, watching a bonfire she and her broth- . Powers for Seask-kness. pastor. Morning and evening The prices below wie be mine till D. 71% '4 7., papers stopped most notify our col- WANTED-Geatietnan and wife er James had built. Her clothing It is not generally known that Pop- services. Evening subject: "Gamb- December 21, 1905: Slay . 79 79% lectors or make their requests di- to board in private family. Nice caught fire -Her mother's hands corn is one of the beet remedies for ling." GOLD SIIELI. CROWN, 22k...$3.e0 Vora- rect to The Sun office. No attention room one and one-half square from were severely burned in nausea caused by sea-sickness or car- SECOND- The Rev. Mr. Graham GOLD FILIANGS 1.00 12 13% extinguish- will be paid to such orders when car line. Address A., care Sun. ing sickness). In one case known to the will fill the pulpit at both services .50 M -Fee, 43% the blaze, given to our carriers. Sun Pub. Co SILVER FILLINGS writer a lady starting on an overland NORTH TWELFTH- Regular ser- - FOR -RCN-I-One five-room cot- .75 -The Sun ortice re prepared to -The Democratic County com- PLATE FILLINGS Oohs- furnish Journey of seemsl days. duration vices at 3 p. in. tage on Mayfield_ road one mile from Dee. . 31 333k the very latest things In en- mittee is meeting this afternoon at Bridge work and all grades of graved was, before many hours had passed Illinois Central shops. For in- Pork- or printed calling cards and the court house to name election of- plate work guaranteed. Painless ex- attacked by the usual symptoms. She formation call 779-3. Jan. . 13.75 13.77 invitations of any sort, and is tuak- ficers for the coming November elec- traction of teeth. decided to try the new remedy what- TENTH STREET-- Stinday school - OR SALE-Seven heed of fine ing special prices now. tion DR. KING BROOKS, Dentist, Sixth Cotton-- ever it might be, that she had been as- and communion at usual hours. beef cattle, four fine mares and farm 10.86 11.02 -Dr. C. A. Elliott, of Woodville, -C. 1. Brunson & Co. hare mov- and Broadway. formerly of sured she would find in a good-sized FIRST-Sunday school and com- lailesineuts. Address Box 9, R. is Jan. . 11.e5 11.041 this city, broke his wrist ed their flower store to 629 Broad- tin box that bad been given her at munion at usual hours. D, No. 5, Paducah, Ky. Mar 11.22 11.21 yesterday in a fall. He was attacked way. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. EXCUR- by vertigo. her departure. Although rather in- MECHANICSBURG-The Rev. T. A MODERN HOME for sale. Siz Stocks- -Dr. Gilbert, Osteopath, 400 1-2 SION BULLETIN. credulous, the traveler tried the Pop- M. Varble, pastor. Services morning hardwood I. C. . 1.71% 1.71% -Do not be deceived. Bradley Broadway. Phone rooms, bath, furnace Lexington. Ky.-Fall Races. Dates 196. corn found the box and, to her 2:30 Bros. are sole agents for Carterville, she in and evening. Sunday school at floors, up-to-date In every particu- of sale October 2 to 13, 1906 inclu- L. & N. 1.47% 1.47 Isratidealtion, the nausea graduailly washed coal. Phone 339. p. m. lar. Apply on premises at 416 North sive, limit October 11, 1905. Round U. P. 1.89 1.87% Turkish Bath Party. disappeared. She ate freely of the -The secretary of the Commercial -- Fifth street. trip rate $9.35. Rdg. 1.53 1.51% Columbus, 0., Oct. 13.-One of corn every day whenever there was club has received requests from Mr. (liurch Note*. J. E. MORGAN, blactramIth, 401 Louisville, Ky.-Grand Lodge F. & St. P. 1.77% 1.76% the most novel entertainments of a slightest indication of nausea, John Lackman, of Brookport the The Women's Home Mission s0- S. Third. Old phone 457. Superior A. M. Grand Chapter R. A. M. Dates Mo, P. 97% 17% bridal party e'er announced in this end, thanks to the simple Mr. Roy H. Moorman, of Hardins- precautiore clety Of the Trimble Street Metho- work guaranteed. Exclusive agent of sale October 15th and 16th, 1906, Penna. 1.4e% 1.44% section of the state Was made public the joerney was accomplished with burg, Ky., and Mayor E. A. Hughes, dist church will meet Monday after- for Sore stone -gide wire tires, the limit Octets's, 20th. 1906. Round Cop. 1.15% 1.14% today. Those of the guests who will an unwonted degree of comfort.- of Murary. Ky., for copies of the by- noon at 3 o'clock_ with Mrs. Al E. best rubber tires made. trip rate $6115. Smee 1.69 eft 1 .69% make up the wedding party are all Harper's Ragas. 76% 78'4 laws anreonstitution of the Paducah Young,TY .41 Clay street. CONTRACT-OA W-EIKEL-Mason Nashville, yean.-State fair. Dates Lead. Invited to what is called a bathing - Commercial club. These three cities The Woman's Home Mission sod- specialty. of sale October 6th and tith to 13th T. C. . 1.59 1.59 party at a Turkish bath house char- ry and concrete work a His Golden Opportunity. ety of the Broadway Methodist Pe838-1,0 Ju.ini, 1006- limit October 15th, C.F.I. 56% 65 re tered for the evening of October 17. Office 126 South Fourti. A Baltimore man tells of an address church will observe October 16-19 phone 1237. Prompt at- 1904. Round trip rate $4,75. U.S. P. 1.e7;. The guests will assemble at 8 o'clock Residence made to some school children in that as a Week of Prayer and Self-denial, tention all estimates. Asheville. N. C.-Missionary con- U. S. 49% 49 and three hours will for to be taken city by a member of the board of with the foiloweies program for each ference Protestant Episcopal church. the enjoyment of the bath. This will RETIRED MERCHANT, middle- As to the trustees: afternoon's service. Dates of sale October 22nd and 22d, Local Markets. be followed by a Dutch lunch aged, lonely, kind and liberal, very at the "My young friends," said the Monday - Topic "Immigration." 1906, lime Nov. 5th, 1906. Dressed Chickens-20c to 40c. Columbus club. wealthy, wishes to correspond with speaker, "let me urge upon you tele Mrs. J. K. Greer, leader. Birmingham, Ala.-Home Coming Eggs-20c doz. Olive lade; object matrimony. Box 425, necessity of not only reading good Topic "Work of the Week. Dates of sale October 11th Butter-25c M. Tuesday- St. Joseph, Michigan. Lucky Bakiwin's Track. books, but of owning theta, so that Woman's Home Mission Society for and 15th, 1906: return limit October Sweet Potatoese-eer bu 50c --IFOR REPAIRING of clocks, Oil Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 13.-The you may have access to them at all Foreigners." Mrs. E. R. Cunning- 21st, 19.06. By depositing ticket and Sweet Potatoes--Per bu. 60c. graphophones, umbrellas, sewing Country Hams-14c M. Baldwin Racing association, with a times. When I was a young man, I ham, leader. paying fee of el cents an exteneon machines. cleaning and pressing. sece Saimage-1-04i Its, capitalesetion. of $400:440, of *beak- used freclueSullY to work alt night to Wed bee-da yee-Tosne "Roth Har- to Ncrr. elettettray be obtained. Green Which we ond-hand store and repair shop. Ap- Sausage-10c M. $34)0,000 has been subscribed, has earn money to buy book. and then grove Seminary," Mrs. Charles John- Round trip rate $9.35. filed articles before daylight to read them." ply Star & Bell, Ninth and Trimble. Country Lard-1!c lb. of incorporation, and get up sons leader. Mernphie, . - international Magazine. Lettuce-5c bunch Sell proposes to establish. by September -Success Thursday-Topic "Our Young LOST-Fox Terrier dog. About 10 convention Brotherhood of St. An- 1, 1907, a large 15th Tomatoes--10c gallon. and modern race People and Children." Mrs. F. M. months old, marked with brown spot drew. Dates of sale October course and racing club 1906; return Peaches-40e basket. T Ii e manufacturers oak at Arcadia. 12 Loft. MeGlathery, leader. around each eye. 16th, 17th and 18th, miles from Los depos- Beans -lee gallon. V1000 to any one 'finding a Angeles, The offi- Open face 14 size, gold ailed Friday-Topic "The Call of the Reward if returned to 308 North limit October 31st, 1906. By cers of the corporation are: President iting ticket and paying fee of 50 Roasting Ears-15c dozen. 130 of impurity therein. It watch, Hamilton movement. City." Moe J. Ft. Lane, leader. Milt% Ste Flat lea 3. E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin; vice presi- cents an extension to November 30th, Cantaloupes-20 to 10e dos. on"of the three kinds of Letter "L" engraved on small Mr. Owen Tully will play the or- FOR RgelT-7- room dwelling, is dent, R. J. Woolcott; secretary-treas- 1906, may be obtained. Round trip Betterbeane--lec. quart. shield on back and Frank L. Lyon, gan for the services at Grace Episco with all modern conveniences, No. that stood the test of urer, E. S. Albright; general mana- rate $5.25. Cciery--6% dozen. Greenville. Miss,, engraved on In- pal church tomorrow. 622 Jefferson street. between Sixth the New York Pure Food ger, W. C. Reveling. New Orleans, La.-leennial Grapes-eJe basket. side case. There will be an important called and Seventh streets, $35.00 per bland ing Supreme Lodge K. of P. Dates Parsnips-$1.00 bu. Commission. It is pure, A liberal reward will be paid on meeting of the Ramsey society on month. Apply to Wm. Hughes, Padu- Knew Where to Go. Of sale October 12th to 13th, 1906. and ieasonable in price. Sold delivery to Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at cah Ranking company. Mt., Vernon, O., Oct. 18.- While inclusive, limit October 30th, 1906. PADUCAH GRAIN MA.RK ICT. in bulk. PADUCAH MARINE WAYS. the Broadway Methodist church. Wbetat-68c Van Buren Harding and his family STRAYED OR STOLEN, From the By depositing ticket and paying fee field, about August 25, can be had Corn--60c bu. were sitting about the fire at Cam- --The Grace Church Guild will Bank Statement, Siegleton of 50 cents, an extension bay horse mule between 13 Round Hay-From jobbers to retail deal- bier last night, robbers entered the serve a lunch at Rhodes-Burford & Reserve, Inc. .. . $ 3,501,275 1906. one to November 30th, 1906. 14 hands high, 1 year old past. ers--Striet grades. Choice Tim, R. W.WALKER CO. second story room and stole $500 in company Monday. They will also Less U. 8., Inc. 3,538.750 and trip rate $12.0M. Tim.. $16.80 Iseorporated reward will be pied for any in- te $17; No. 1 No. 2 Tim , money hidden In an old stove. The have cakes for sale. Loans, Inc 13,326,600 $5 For further particulars apply $16. Fancy eorthern clover $17. DRUGGISTS thieves had no trouble in finding It Specie, inic 10,427,200 formation. J. K. Wyatt, R. F. D. J. T. DONOVAN; Agent, Padueab. [No. 5, box It Telephone A72 ring 2. From country wagons at public qual- f sue Image U.S Mal ifi and escaped. Switzerland has already 296 sta- Legals, Dec 1,966,600 ,KY. Union De- ity Medium to vett poor, $8 to $17 Hight Sell at Side Door. tions for Obtaining electric power Dep. Inc. 19,427,309 NUM( ilfttFOLF-- Sholtirespia. R. M. PRATHER, T. A., net ten for vahmit Mixtures. Subscribe for The this. IMIN asd orwas: iqlet4161. 406,600 Shorthand, Typewriting etc.. only pot. . . •-••••••


USW HONOR ROLL FOR -oom- -"-""1111111110W RI ricR X1W3 BANK CLEARINGS THE HIGH SCHOOL ON THE INCREASE Riser stages. BUY Cairo ... YOUR COAL NOW 23.9 1.0 fall Will Be Published Every Chattanooga Four 7.6 1.0 fall Advance 01 er One Year Ago Weeks By Faculty. Cluelanati 18.5 0.0 st'd Coal will advance Nov. 1. Cars are in great de- lavansvale lm $83.159. 9.8 0.5 rise mand, and mines Florence 7.9 0.1) fall find it impossible to get enough Johnsonville 17.9 2.6 fall empty cars to fill orders. The excessive demand 114trollinent lies Imerelowd la k•teat Laufer:lie 3.7 0.1 fall Paducah Husint4.0 'Men interested in for That Several Itaildiugs try coal at this time is causing a shortage both in Mt. Carmel 3.0 0.1 fall Statement That Cut-Off Is Crowded. coal and cars Nashville l3ii 3.4 fall %buntlines'. and the sooner you get your order Pittsburg 6.3 0.1 rise placed for pour winter coal the quicker it can be Davis island Dam 6.3 0.2 rise At this season of the delivered. St. Louis year CADET CLASS MORE l'OPUL.M 8.3 0.3 fall HOUSKS• Alit: READ11.1 Mt. Vernoa 4.5 0.4 rise RENTED. use a Delays will be expensive to you, so order now. Paducah 17.4 1.3 fall Luzerne Coal is the best produced in Kentucky. A uew [eaters. tending to promote The river is falling and probably Clearings at the banks $7:01,6911 We arc exclusive agents. Interest in school stork has been in- will continue to do so till the next Saline eek ISM year tli5.3.140 augurated by the faculty in the Pa- rains. The stage today is 17.6, a int-reeve . . ft3, 1 50 ducah High school. This is the pub- fall of 1.3 in the last 24 hours. GAS HEATER lication of names-of pupils who win Jtoe St. John. recently appointed .t ii' autitorative anuouneetnent . "special mention" for their work. eaerauseet isspector, is gaining a railroad circles is Interesting, but the For every four weees of school the reputation up and down the rivers statement of the general manager of faculty will prepare a list of the In his territory for his ability. All the 111!nois Central as announced In name, for publication and the pu- the engineers 'know • they have to toe The Suu this woek that the cut-off Barry pils hello received honorary Henneborger mention the mark & when our Joe •gets to from Gilbertaville to Mayfield would for the first four weeks of the pres- work. sot be built, is especially interesting BOTH PHONES eta term follow:. The up trips to the 70 Tennessee riv- to the business men of the city. It Honorary mention for deportment er, of the COMFORT Kentucky and Clyde have would be a blow to Paducah even if and interest in work: Marjorie Mam- from 10 to 211 thousand bricks as an other big trunk lines should build mon, Mildred Piper, itilen Rutterka, item in the freight business. Bricks Into the city. Incidentally, the de- As an auxiliary to your Kate. Steinhauer. Essie Smith, Ella are the hardest freight to handle, a cision shows the present and increas- Marion`Wililaii boat coke furnace sin. Mary carries. "They eat the roosters' tag importance of Paducah. you will find Wheeler, a. J. Barham. Bertram hands la boadttag and take up much The week otherwise has not been it invaluable. Brown, Cheater Kerth, An'abel Ac- time in stacking With it you them straight. The marked by any significaut develop- ker. Mary Bondurant. Bell N'ciluis. Kentucky will leave at 6 o'clock this ment in business circles. The bank can make your dining WEDDING AND INVITATION /emir Acker. Eleanor Catiell. Martha manse for the 'rennessee river. clearings are keeping up well and tbe Cope, Kathleen Garrow, Jessie (lour- The Henry Harley room, arrived last distributiou of goods in all lines out sitting room or bed lenx. Pauline Hank. India Lang, Bes' night at 2 o'clock of and left at 5 this city has not decreased in STATIONERY ste Lane, George Katterjohn, Chy o'clock tills morning room comfortable at any on the return volume. Demand for money at the Leigh, George Rawleigb, Ray trip to Evauaville. Rag- The Pitducah-Ev- banks is firm and the rate someahat It is sate to ray no other essential land, hour when your coke fire associated Felix M. .fhlin. ansville schedules have been turned above normal. Building operations with social customs is judged by a more exact. Honorary niention for interest in luside out. are active all over the city. is insufficient. lug standard of perfection work: The Buttorff sin than are the engraved arrive from It is evident that many of the Nell Piper, &Mee Smith, Margu- Nashville Sunday cheaper torms of Wedding Invitations and announce- night and wait grade of houses are vacant rite Schwab. 'Grace Belittle. Clore over till Monday cuer ments. noon before leaving the city. but the better classes AT rial Will Convince Smith You Lucyette Sonic, Clara Belle for Clarksville. are tilling up. Authoritative information Thompson. as to correct usage, Helen Thomplion, Luc]le The Saitlilo will arrive out of the and absolutely faultless workmanship, give Well. Elizabeth Weemerilarry Burn- Tennessee ricer tonight Itrodeirrera Mail us this coupon and our to or Sunday Weekly Report. the productions ham. Gus Elliott, Will morning of our Stationery and Eugrav- Rock, on the return trip to St. New York, Oct. 13.--The cold solicitor will call. Scholarship lag Section the recognized stamp Louis. weather has greatly stimulated the of unqualified Mary Cave, approval. Anna Eades, Kather- The magnificent United States many lines of retail trade hitherto ine Eccles. Attie D. Foster, Marjorie snagboat Woodruff inclined passed up from to lag, notable in this re- Our work is absolutely the peer of any of the Flegle, Virginia Gilbert, Eleanor Cairo yesterday at aoon for spect being the heavy Louis. weight cloth- famous house of the country, while our Hock, Virginia HoLand, Vera John- vine. ing. prices and rubber footwear and are considerably ston. I.Wle Mae Maret, Ruth Joe Singer, Induced lower. Mc- a native born Ger- some reorder busineas with Address Chesney. Will- Rork, Frank man. 13 acting the Spend your money Young. as night wharfmaster jobbers. who are still busy on at home. Honorary mention while John for deportment: Street is sick. Joe has regular trade. That the early advent Elite Coleman. worked of on the great Hamburg-Amer- snow and frost has done some The Sun, Both Over/owed ican ocean damage Phones 358 Seisools. greyhounds and when is evident in the report of The enrolinvent In asked. Ironically, Injury the schools is :r they were as to fruit orchards. vines and THE PADUCAH LIGHT AND POWER COI larger than ever before big as the tobacco and three steamer Clyde. be re- plants in the west, and ru- schools are overflowed, necessitating plied with mors mingled disgust and PilY of Doti damage to cotton In the purchase of more for the the seats. This speaker's Ignorance, "You mall.. Railways seem to keep morning another 100 could put finding seats were or- the Clyde In the coal bunk- increased difficulty In hand- dered Th4. Washington Achim: ers of one ling tie at the of their boats, and never traMc offering and fears of close of the first four know it was future weeks had there." groat congestion are ex- total of 925. the McKinley, The Dirk Fowler pressed. 217 got away- mo- The price situation as a TO LET and Franklin. 370. notonously They are crowd- on time this morning for whole is one of great strength. Oc- If It's a Wilson Wood Heater ed. Cairo. tober 1 prices being at a record lev- your fire is still burning in the morning. Football Game. official Forecast N. el. For the week Several superior offices', the features In You don't have to get out of bed into on second and Metropolis and Cairo both have The Ohio at Evansville speculative a and Mt. circles have been slow- cold room, have the trouble of lighting third floors of our building, games today Next Saturday N'ernon will continue nese of provided with the ini- rising slowly dealings in grain at snot:. new fire. run the risk of getting sick. tial game of the season during the next net heat, for the 10- 24 to 36 hours. At changes in price and sharp fluc- water, light, electric elevator and modern vas id:: be played Paducah tuations here against Me- and Cairo w.11 fall during of cotton, due mainly to The WILSON WOOD HEATER sanitary tropolis. The loos are the next several contradictory arrangements. out selling day• The fall at &deices as to the frost is A1R-TIGHT, tickets and want to Cairo during damage. will hold fire for 36 hours, is so readily make it 'a 5- the next 12 hours will The strength of the metal Prices lowest in city for responsive to its dampers that an even similar offices- asocial success. amount to a little over a foot. market deserves mention. temperature can Copper be maintained through all the varying changes double offices especially Cadet Clara • Go. The Tennessee from Florence to has reached the highest of climate. adapted for dentists. price in sx- This assures you comfort and good health. 1 The Cadet clam has been organix the mouth will continue falling rap- ten yearn and iron The Wilson and steel show is the only heater with the patent Hot ed with six membera of the graduat- idly Increased strength. Blast Down-DrAft, Al! available con.otming 100 per cent of the fuel, no American ing class and several others. The Mississippi front supplies waste, so saves -German Nation* are below St. are eagerly taken despite one-half your fuel bill. The Wilson Bank ibinkieg of going in. The work Louis to Cairo, the burns anythinz- is in will continue fall- unprecedented production. In corn cobs, shavings, chips, bark, pedOgogy and ing. roots and cord tv,outi. 227 Broadway special branches of other lines of industry., activity is Comfort. health, economy. French. (ilerniau and the history. rule, and labor scarcity is the Elevator Talked cause `void Exclusively by Of. of complaint from all quar- There is talk of asking for an ele- IN GUTTER ters. vator la the High school next year Jobbing Hank trade, though of a be- Bros. There are four stories tween to the build- seasons character. is very ing and an elevator would be large Homes on Easy Terms ot rood, for the season. Especial activ- great convenienve. yolos itioiroti ni•Tro One could easily ity Is noted here in the wholesale I have quite a number of • WAS LYING Lts1 elegant little cottage homes, of be Installed running through the ‘It.fiT. c:rcies in cotton fabrics, which tend three, four and five rooms, well located, which oMee of Princ,pal Payne on the npward on the I am going to Set stronger raw mkterlai offer for sale ond floor -and straight through prices. at from 4600 to POO each, on monthly The spring trade ts receiving Pay- tloak room, on the other increased ments of from $15 to $20 per month, io:ss One Dollar and toms Were tii•eseed attention and good orders than a fair 'ASH NOCE. Against Him for It-Coraitse are a:ready noted. 111.000 Reward. Crew SLOWS. Heretofore I have required ten per cent, W'rlte to J. NI Quinn. Manager, of the price in 44.73 Ns/shrine and Return $4.75. advance on such sales. but Comnioewealth Life Insurance com- will now sell with one regular Teeneenee State Fair. monthly Puny. No. 305 West Chestnut St.. payment, in advance. A rare opportunity Account of the above occasion to get a Louisville, Ky., Robert Butts "the the home with for information merdered N., C. and ordinary rent. man," St. L. will seil tickets about Agency Contracts and the new wax fined $1 and costs in Po- H6ineseekers, call and [rota Paderah to NaRbville and re- see rue, or call me by old phone Policy of the Commonwealth. lice court thin morning for the Build stunt turn on October 6 231.- Will be glad to show he pulled and October K to you. up an income for later years off last night by arousing by 13 inclusive, for $4.75. good return- connectipg_yourself a neighborhood and causing J. M. with this splen- wild re- ing-October 13 WOR.TEN, Fraternity Building did Institution. Experience ports of a murder throughout the in Life fS: I. MULLANEY. City Ticket dir Insurance city. Butt's still form *as not necessary. If you are discover- Agent, 480 Broadway. ed in the Phone 212. a hustler, honest and sober, you gutter at Seventh and Clay will E. S. BUFL•iHAM, Ticket Agent, Nor- lose nothing by streets, by a negro boy who investigation and it was ton Street Depot Photos trudging home 25. might be is turning piing -in your from his work in a barber shop last busincs, history. which would finally ntght between S and YOUR FIRST put 10 o'clock. The negro THOUGHT you on -easy at reel." did not stop Ube to investigate nut run until he reach- LENOX HOTEL Many ed the nearest telephone When dwelling on the Plumbing a tnati of humane impulses, and sum- or Heatring question ir _who. wroth' moned policemen. Bntte Who's ltwrSE-akflc was deed the best to see' Ask your neighbor. Oftener drunk and than not is guilty of cruelty where his oleo it was hours before he BUFFALO he will refer you to could give stomach Is concerned. OverdrIveM, his nettle. Lemon L. NI. Stephon overworked, when what It needs id was fined $30 and Modern Highest Grade costs ta something that will digest the food one case and dismissed In two === E. D. HANNAN others for daten and help the stomach to recti• selling cocaine. OUR OWN ELECTRIC Plumbing, Heating, perste. Something Other cases: Henry Lotion CARRIAGES Gas Fitting like Kodol for Petter, shoot- ing EXCLUSIVELY 131 south IPourth brepopula that Is Doi* by Lang nem Inside the city limits, $3 and FOR PATRONS 325 Kentucky Ave. costi; 'Will Every few 13..)th Phones -meneremiesseeaser D. R. Smalley. breach of or- keep our skin iu minutes between Hotel, Depots, 101 dinance, $5 and costs: Arthur Donn perfect eoudi l'ures Wharves a:lci through Business District. disorderly conduct, $3 and costs. KILL ma COU-1314 ------Florence Great. colored, mis CURE *we LUNGS disorderly Chaps, EUROPEAN PLAN conduct $10 and costs. nen Michael. per ley sod sp. "emenelagegsmiess omm disposing of property without author- Rough Skin ingemma Th=v9i r ity. continued. King's and kindred dis- GEORGE DIICHSCHERER FIREPROOF THMOuGetotiT Preprlethr New Discovery A cold In much more easily cored eases. • CITY TRANSFER CO when the bowels are open. CONIUMPTION Price Kennedy's Laxative Honey Abide sod sold Now Iodated at FOR soon and We 511.00 Ad 'Par opens the only at 1.54 Fres Teat bone?* tad drives the cold out of the .,)stem Oddest and Mediae* in young or old. Sold by Ciiaube es Ceti &WI Lang hem. !JOU `LIP Stable. TTILSOAT and LUNG TIMM Subscribe for THE SUN and get We are ready for all Lia, or MONEY REVS PIER SONS the news kinds of hauling. 41111111.111111dimmedelleshomi tabsorlho /or The Sae Or-AUG I OHL 'wtile it is newv, 6.••• TELE1101'ff Nen WIMMEN/2311/M 011111111.41MNIM OM* YOUNG PREACHER I THEATRICAL NOTES MOST IMPORTANT From the year I TRIES TO ELOPE INSTITUTE WORK 1520 to the Speculators With Edged Tools (Continued From Page Eight./ and nedy's new triumph Is shared by year 1906 By HENRY SETON MERRIMAN MAIO With Buxom Maiden 31et At Charles Dalton, Frank Losee, Ed- Commissioner ‘'reeland Asks Bargain .11••••Lu ward Dandelion has been iuthor of " The hewer."'Roitin's Corner." "front Country Revival, Mack, Lillian 15.111S0h, Lola,* One Generation to Another," Ets. Mal and Gertrude Wolfe Cooperation of Farmers. used continuously as a specific for diseases of Hunters Copyright, 1894. Or Eleanor Robins. HARPER & SROTHIERS The Heart, The Liver, Mother Notifice Pollee Who Inter- Eleanor Robson Ilig Three Pianos, inaugurated ‘It'ettlig., I,, ite Mehl in Poducali The Kidneys, The Stomach cept ceuple at Station In her 30 weeks' season at the and i,•%Ingttni L 1191111110111•1•1111111Mn Liberty (fir Iltenetli tat The Blood, The Bowels, Three Victor Talk- Henderson. theater, New York, with Israel Wit..14. orate. Zoog- ing Machines. will's new play, "Nur..te Marjorie," and troubles caused ••• on October 3, Miss Robson will pre- through the derange- 20 different Musical Three moths to get Mere," he an- "Wily nofl" sent ten new plays among which ment of these organs Instruments, cases. amered at length, ''une mouth ti pick HEADED FOR INDIANA SHORE PINE SPF.AKERS TO RE sENT. "I do not know - beim use you may be "The Lady of Dreams," the leaf. Mid then you eau bring the such as: mustn't." "Agatha," Must Close Out at Once crop coast "ruleavenedtread," find down to the owl home. And in her heart she wanted him to Rhertmastism. Dy•pepsis. while Meredith and `.5 "The Girl Who Has Everything," Biggest Bargairs I atay on at the say it again. Bliiousruese, Conrail pa tio rt. Ever plateau." Henderson, Ky., Oct. 13.— The "Susan in Search of a Husband." A Commissioner of Agriculture Vr.‘.- -I am uot ashamed of it," he said, Kidney Di Impure Offered in Paducah el eould he home again in eight Rey. John Williams, a Baptist min- new one act play by Alfred Sutra land is sending the coin- "and I do not see wily I should not say following Blood, Sick Hesclach• mouths?" you-or to else, so far as ister of this city, and Miss Maude and a new one act play by munications: it to any one Miss and Liver Trouble. Call Quick "Certainly. We thought that you that goes." Tapp, a pretty sixteen-year-old Web- Clotilde Graves, "This Is to be the busiest year in might work the sale of the stuff We need our room f-m In "No, never!" she cried, really fright- ster' county girl, were foiled here the farmers' institute work ever Dr.Edward's Tablets London, and in a couple of years or so, Wall Paper and Picture *mei. "To me it does not matter so yesterday in their attempt to elope known In when Mies ItammeliPe Puck. the state. In addition to Frames. the thing, is in swing, Meredith much. But to no one else- no. never! to and Pills contain Dan- Evannyihe or some other north' It was not reverential the holding of an Institute in every wilreome home. We can safely leave Aunt Marian must not know it-nor Sir awe of delion in a concen- era ,point, where they intended to county in the state the cultivation In native hands when John." Thake.peare, nor blithesome esteem and the annual olive we have established ourselves find l their Gretna Green. The young state institute, we are arranging to trated form combined up "1 entitle( see that it is auy business yf a comedy of his, nor yet interest Sanderson & Co. there and ourselves preicher. who Is about 25 years of hold two other harmless made respected of Sir John's. Of ettnne. Leidy Cau- In a new thater bearing the name big special institutes. The with mitong the tribes." age, was conducting a revival meet- first MINI 1513. 421I Briskly tourne would have liked you to marry of the Astors, that moved most of of these will be held at Paducah, vegetable ingredients. "I suppose." Guy said after a pause. ing at Poole, Webster county, a title; but if you cared for we also when :ho -r. who went on the Ky., Oetober 18. 19 and 20, under 'that there Is the question of money?" opening A medicine that has ...1111MINEW would be ready to listen to reason." he met the buxom maiden, and they nigh- to see the the ausipicee of this department and "yes; Meredith tool I have talked reproduction of "A stood the test of four . _ In Willett judgment of the good lady soon fell desperately In love with the Paducah Commercial . that over The plan we flied upon Mid-ummer Night's Dream." Annie club. This he was no doubt right, eepeetally If each hundred years is worth IIVANSVILLX, PADUCAH • wax that you and he other. Within a few days the Russell wonld will he known 1111 the Western Keu- AND each put a thou- reason spoke with the voice of £3,000 be the Puck. That was sand question was "popped," and it did tucky: Institute. As one of these trying especially when CAIRO LINE. pounds into it; I put five hundred. per annum. he object of curiosity, expectation For the firm two years we share the not seem too sudden for the girl. ond the special institutes has rever been held you can try it for "Do you care for me?" he asked, special interest. (Incorporated.) profits equally After that we must On Wedneaday night Miss Tapp in western Kentucky, I respectfully cantos a tittle dotter. Well, Miss Russell tricked and nothing. Evansville and Paducah come to sane froth aroullsilsgMlit left home after telling her mother urge that Packets. There was a whole world of gratified fooled the audience neatly as to every Farmers' club In the you or Meredith wish tor glee'llp her vanity sod imgratttled etirioeity tar thet she was going to spend the state mend a large delegation to Pa- Get a trial package of settee part lu the effete. 1 prodigal ippearance and nicely as to her per- her in the presetior of this strong man night with a neighbor. On yesterday ducah on the above dates. you could not riff% roaming op at formance. She did not attempt to The title the Tablets free of cost at her elbow. It was tme of the ow morning she went to the school- "Western Kentucky Inatitute" does the end of th yenr with a bandy preme triumphs of her life, because be make her Puck look like a babyish at-the drug store named squad of Mel to bring down the crop house as if there was nothing brew- not signify that it is for the people was different from the rem. He woe boy, scant of both care and clothes, below. (Daily Except Sunday.) under ing. The dashing young minister of that section alone, but meager' for her What his grist tiger had boss Stu, like a youthful court jester, am- the farmers Steomers Joe Fowler and John S. "No," reemessied Omani after a axe drove from Poole to the school In every couuty in the state for hiss. The danger that he sight yie of raiment and somewhat Satan- are ex- v„,,, :so Hopkins, leave Paducah for Ent's/. tnent'e redleettOu. "1 &Odd be able to home, and there met his pected to maw WE nearer bad iler her a sense at would-be le in hie rogueries. participate. VilLED4,Antes Cite and way landings at 11 a. in. do dint." keen pleasure. Vibe wee thoroughly bride. They drove rapidly to the The second special Special excursion This Puck is wired for both light institute all +is "re rate now in ef- -I reckon," continued the *Aber. "that skier's( betnett, and the nearest ap- fect from 4 nearest railroad station and took tad he held at Lexington. Ky., October Paducah to Evansville and the journey down could be aceomplisb- prowl' that amen can experleae• to the power. He makes his entrance a train that would pass through this 23, !I and .13. under the auspices of return, $4.00. Elegant musk on the ed In two months, and each time you toy that wise hers is the joy of battle. from aloft, alights on the branch of • Dandebon Tablets c:ty. Patrolman Robert Bailey In- this department, the Kentecky Strec boat_ Table unsurpassed. do the trip you will reduce your time." •••1 eansolf-asswer tbaS-net new." a tree, flies across the scene to a ijr\ ;,'IgiYa`se'rviirs;rilTilii tercepted the young people here at Grange and the Fayette County Farm- sysipiiiiA tialfhtars. And the belt xintobing glance moss hank, which the tips of his Mee STEAMER DICK FOWLER "Of course," Durum. west is.' whit aboolior was low ded, noon ers' club. OP. .5,ME•.(4, LIAM il•U. •Ae• 'tardy dent, and settles down on the 5.•coo• 4.r • Leaves Paducah for Cairo and way the details whkh be koow were musk eareeMileig ask ho-was in (loth of thei;saetitutes -::round as though exempt from the will be ad- landings at 8 a m. sharp, daily ex- In Oseard's ears-"of course we shall isslest, and shore all. Doetore Raise Price. dressed by prominent. lioth Tablets and Pills are sold law of gravitation. Inelltute les!l7 cept Sunday. Spetial errusion rates he a clumsy party going up. We shall gentlainsa. Mo "tend his gramma a tirers, The Kentucky State Medical sod- who will no; only present the by all Druggists. price 25 cents. now In effect from Paducah to have balmy leads 44 peevish**. ego yard-away feels -bar, Caine ply yesterday wept on record its op- scientific side of farming, but the and return, with or without meals mualtion and 114•44101 for cultivating the -Then when." he alined. -when will Tabloid Tragedy, Stomesch Trouble Cured. posed to any reduction In the stand- practical side as sell. The succe:m Won and room. Good music and table un- land lip there." you answer me? Mrs. Hugo SCKLNCei: CHEXICAL Co., de Bathe, daughter-1n- of Institute work in surpassed. "Yes." replied tiny °mord abeently. She Wood with her back turned to- ard of insurance medical examiners Kentucky de- Dear S suffered from stomach aw of 81r Henry de Bathe of Dem- troubles y two For In his ears there rang already and fixed tite minimum fee at $5 for pend.; noon the eo-operetion of the kir near years, and touncig.o further information apoly to the ward bine looking out over the smooth relief from the c, and, better known as Mrs. 1.11. farmers. I any cl.ffeTent patent med. 3, A. Fowler, General Pass. Agent, or steady plash of the paddies the weird wafers of the ritert. Where one or each examination. The big insurance therefore, nespettfat:b !ciao& wh‘ch last '.angtry, "the Jersey Lily," arrived I had tr.ed. I was at Given Fowler, City Pairs. Agent. at If — '• nieTanc -bolY siiiitrefitrutt -goistinati Ike imusiFtilealt cottopanies were scored for an effort request that the president of every relieved my trouble. When tatting with 'tom Fow le r-Ci untbaugh & Co's - music of the wind amid the forest et were snag*,sag dis•the dile before Europe this morning for her Farmers' dub &Land. Dandelion Tablets were reecin- Wick to procure cheep men for Shit; pur- call a meeting at the Both . ' trees. moraliad treses ilinursed •ngagement of eighteen weeks rnanded ta iser. After taking one boa I felt phones No. 23, the She pose in earliest date practical and select del- Durnovo rose briskly. entirely irltliwer 41111140 on Ile low vatideville in America. When asked, rsl..tved, and after LeUeg two boxes I was • egates( who will agree to attend these orttrely well. I c,- a.1rr Dandelion Tabletr "Them" ,he said. "rob will join eat Some wall. Ileseath does a bre gaits 'What's the title oi your BE, LOUIS AND TENNEASKIN sketch?" mammoth meetings." tat best ateeha.n.., cot tarth for the stomacb. I may telegraph out to Meredith that whirled and screamed. orw a sisal it Tax Reform. HIV KR PACK MY OOMPANII. Mrs. Langtry exelaInqd . asd would It.f.;ALy recucanftr.d • gas to any you will join us?" little dab: Out of lbe birds had a Tax reform was the dominant "For heavsa's se.14, pitease don't vat trohbied Yv,th that unfortunate disease. "Yes," replied Oseard simply. "You singular cry. as If it ware laughing to note in the Kentucky state develop- J.t11, CUR STAFFORD M. BYRON. • -vet refer to my playlet as a sketch! FOR TENNESSEE RIVER. may do that." itsekr. ment convention at Winchester ”,s- Carson, Pieee Scott ih.Co., Chicago, 111. -There is no time to be lost." Dor- "You MIA 1110t Velle." Minifent That botteds ttio, v• slilaInoes for tert110. and It nee the sense of the "Harklag" 511!!!!!g the s'7041-"OW-". novo nent on. "Every moineut wasted at Intlelb, "that Tent were iWlyng I never , sand It I CUT OUT THIS COUPON Enswered convention that efforts for reform i he .... , , fluointes, adds " the risk Wenn loshiss-super- ant min Yeellellitilentlet at Scat - and al In) endeavor 'A tabloid trage- Please giVe ths bearer seded I sail for Leanne lea fortnPtht. therefore yeill oltimot expect me to made again before the next vows) .1y.' The *alai at.41%. la b:o1.1 trage- kren - Will you come with me? knew all ab ewe." sassemly. The committees are expect- prlsone'Vi In the clty locicuP ly Is 'Tweet the Nielffell and the see trial package Dr. "Yee" • "You should know at onee.- he ed to tnake reports today touching see the oecesseertif better sanitation Edward's Dan- Light,' a line front orowning. delion Tablets. 1. A. dr D. Co. When Durum° had gone ethy gat argued gravely. "If it were going to on this subject and several &adroit.- and the following Is a bulletin posted "Tabloid pia), !ail STE/J1E1 CLYDE . down and wrote to Leidy cantottrue ac- he 'no.' It you do not say 'no' now. are the rage in in the negro quarters In the es will be delivered, one by Lawson city lock- Leave Paducah tor Tennomee Rhos tepting her insttatlou to spend a few can only shat it may be 'yes' Europe, especially in, Parts. I think I Wok Pordy, of New York. up: W. B. M'PHERSON days at (Inallentoo Place on the molest. hey will be more and more Every Wednesday at 4 p. to. some day. And"-be came claire; he import- Rules of the He expiate& Hist his 'Mit would he as Jail nab. A. W. WRIGHT Mese., teak the hand that bung at her silk, tat in 'interim after Amerleamt see "To the the nature of a farewell, as he was men that harks and spits DRUGGIST EUGENE ROBINSON eawreedestly near --and 1 disn't went white Whie and Red. ome of the best European lab- Clerk about to here for Africa for a little big on this floor shall pay it fine or be yes' to say 'no' now. Dotal nay war "A misaPPrehPnllon about the •old..- This company Is not responsible game hunting. . shipped. "Men in cell I will welt as long au, you Ake for strength of red and white wines ex- No. I are no' Paducah, • • • Kentucky. for invoice charges unless. collected • • • • • • • allowed In cell No 'yes.' Millicent. 1 wallah rather ge on ists," said a Oanfo'rnian.' Because 2. Don't forget by the clerk of the boat. Mhis N11111cont Chyme was walking se waiting nod thinking that it is WAILS Not l'p On (lassie .art. All new towers are treated red wipe has a darker, richer look, as the the sea wall at the end of the garden to be -yea.' *von if it in lie after all." A story Is going the rounds of the rule. of the dub." people think It Ls more Intoxicating with Guy Otteard. One of the neces- She mid issiltdog, but she left her item of a Chicago millionaire who sary acquirements of a modern educa- band Is his. The opposite really is the case. • LARK'S ordered a replica of the Venus of PADUCAH BANKER NEW STATE HOTEL tional outfit is the power of looking -May I go on thinking that it will "Red wines are made by ferment- Mita to be delivered at his home. D. A. Batley, perfectly at borne in a score of Mier- he log loth I some back?" ing grape juice, skins and seeds to Pesi eut costsmes during the year, Wad, When the ease arrived and was open- Honored by President of Kenturity MErROPOLLS. "I cosset prevent your thinking, can gather White wines are made bY KIDNEY' needleee to guy. Mtas Chyme was 'd the mIllienaire discovered there = per- she whispered. with • tender look fermenting Amociatkm. grape juice alone. vere fectly finished in Bile art. The Manner in her eyes. no arms, and threatened to Mr. James C. Utterback, cashier Newest and hest uoteI In the city In which she wore her senor hat, her ''In the skitis and seeds there is a "May I write to your' nring action against the railroad corn- of the City National bank, has Rates Sr.00 Two large blue awl neat lot of tannin, and red wine contains been ROBES sample serge her brown shoes Site shook her bead. any for damages. The company appointed by President John 0. rooms. Bata csnveyed to the onlooker. and.eapeciell- "Well -I-- then," he much tenpin, while white wine con- rooms. Electric -I Now and sent an official to inquire into the Wynn, of Guaranteed Cure ly the mate of that species (we &ingest tains the Kentucky Banker* are 'lints pleaded. "Not often. Just to remind none. This tannin an astrin- matter, The only centrally located itt conscience call found that the arms were sociatton, as a delegate front for them oterersersh the you of my existence." gent, closes the pores of the stomach the all Kidney and hotel in the city. Impression missing--and paid New York Been- Kentucky that she was a yachts- She gave a little laugh, which be prevents association to the Ameri- and the alcohol in the red ins Post. Bladder Diseases. Cessarcial remain woman born and bred. Her delicate liked exceedingly arid remembered can Bankers' amsociat ion which iatidteil• compleeion win, from entering the blood freely was enhanced by the faint- afterward. meets In St. Louis and going, as thel saying is, to the October IC to 19. SMALL AS A PILL est suspielou of sunburn aud a few ex- "If you like," she answered. "'feelingly head. ME ABB EASIER TO TAKE herennInit treekten. There At this moment Lady Cantouroe's roo Meg for levolilerst His Bewail.% Two doses give relief, and one box DRAUGHON was a freedom in her utortenents which voice was beard in the distance call- "White wino--champagne, for in- rtlatleseinsj et=otl Butcher Ludwig was will cure any ordinary had not been observed in London II-Few- ing them. stance—has no tannin, and hence ot a ,.• eseelerosoe continually cam of Kid- Po.•••P rosters. awl ft.. lug rooms. Thus was Diem-like WWI In warts being robbed of meat Icy a large Rey or bladder trouble. Remover dil "Therer" exclaimed Millicent. "We its intoxicating properties are much Innen' Ds salt or eoloosoes. black auatte444, perfect keeping with the dainty sailor °ace. no -no one, plessioi near loreshielk tom eat belonging to a next door Gravel, cures Diabetes. Seminal (Incorporated.) Most go at And one more keenly to be feared then those o. e. or sago reale outfit; moreover, nine men out, of ten • sewer. neighbor. Finally mind-moot know of this." tannin S. yawl*, 'MOPS* ••• his temper got the Emissions, Weak and Lall30 Back, PANC11,112-311 hasiew, id IfAIRKLE would fall to attribute the difference to of the -filled red wIne."—Phil- 5, 00 s • •,1••• it 76 "No one shall know of it." be an- best of him, and he poisoned the cat Rheumatism, and all Irregularities of 27 Colleges in 18 !Mateo. POSITIONS le sundry cunning strings within the aderPhla fitilletia. eared or nionerektSPIIIIMPtli (Lee, swered. The cat's 5'f 1. • 9I doel skirt. owner, the next morning, the Kidneys and Bladder in both MAIL, Coto e will tourisce yam t hal found his large black illoseirboo.• T 11101T. Call n...4.4 tor -It is sad." Millicent was-gayhtg. "to" cat lying dead men and women. Sold at 60 cent. CHAPTER TM Frame's 111g Wheat ('t'op. before think thTit we shall have no more his door. He knew at once per box in the no cutILIto Pay limit who for their sine have The organ of the French Corn Ex- ANTAL-MIDY NOTIC'E. cheaters of setting. The wind 1ms quite Standard remedy for G1e•t, Who had done the killing, and with a by McPherson's Drug store, Fourta been to Losing() will scarcely change places the wheat crop of that dropped, that horrid tide Is running. treilereltere and Running* low, bitter oath he took flterlead ref and Broadway, vole agent for Pada care s - to have its beauties re- Kid anti this is your last day." country a t 350.630,(100 bushels. up by the tall and (aid of new subscriber!' added by the called to memory. And to such sad Bleolder went indoors gab, or sent by sill upon receipt of She ended with a little laugh, know- T which is about 13.0140,000 bushels in KM* Tows's" Telephone Mt have not visited the spot one can Butcher Ludwig had happened to ad- price by Lark Medicine Co., Louis- Ova- lug full well that there was little sena excess of last year's harvest and 24,- vertise for the week a mark-down pony Today:- meut in the big man by her side. may earnestly recommend a careful 'Nibs, Ky. Oen above the past ten-year average. sale on 9::1-2Smith. "Really'," she went on, avoidance sausage. That night his Mop C. W., Mazola's Mill. "1 think This does mit Include the wheat har- should be able to manage a boat In Suffiee it to say, therefore, that there was thronged with sausage buyers 2515—Notheet. J T., 2.11 South vest of French Algeria, time, don't you think so? Please en- Is such a place, anii the curious may which Snddenly, when the crowd was thle- Fourth. amounts raurege me I am sure I have tried to find It marked In larger type than it to 31,410e,e0n bushels, or eAt. the outraged neighbor elbowed 969-a—Nitholr,on & Deboe, Ninth deserves oft the map of Africa, on the nearly double that of last year. and leant." Ids way through the people and threw 11° El.ERFIA'tt and Boyd. do not know have west coast of that country and within which enters IENS -.‘I "1 if you learned- France free of duty. ttpon the chopping block the dead 935--Nanc T. M., 1035 North cineb," he answered; "but I bare." an inch or an of ftte equator. Accordingly, France will not have to body of the hags dead black eat Twelfth. "What have you learned?" she asked "This is not cheery," Jack Meredith import apy wheat from outside of its "There you are, Mr. Ltolvrig"'- he -51—WIlirItts; amts. n- a-lew VOW, half fitieltiatertr by the observed to Ms servant at they /tread 2A --X----3`..--T61,1i own territory, and demand upon the said, "That :anger into which she knew that she themselves deposited on the beach makes thirty-five, I'll within a stoner' throw of great surplus produced this year In was renting. the French bring the fifteen others when you are Like other commodities telephone factory. the United States will so far be re- not "That I love yon," he :Hoovered. so busy." service should be paid for according "No, sir, not cheery, sir," replied duced This will not lye helpful to itandipit squarely In frost of her null to its worth and value. innouncing the feet with a deliberate Joseph. He wais very busy attending the profitable marketing of the ex- Sops. Lk+ Is a Fen. We have in the city over 3,000 ,Somesty which was rather startilne. to the landing of their personal effectc cessive American production.— C. M. I.1eb, the popular superin- subscribers or lire times as was not sure of it before. so and had only time to he respectful. It Springfield many as 'Republican. tendent of the city schools, Is an ;taped away front you for three weeks; was Joseph's way to do only one thing ikWELRY the Independent company; outside athlete but now I know for certain." at a time, on the principle no doubt and a baseball fan, lie takes !INTER the city and within the county we that enough for the moment Is the evil A Keine Story. great interest In the "Oh, yeti mustn't say that!" 'but will charm eon delight the fight being If you want to keep well, have 63 times as many subscribers as thereof. Iffla manner Implied that Here lit a good Kaffir story which made at Chicago between the Sue the Sae roue hastily and' turned away hedge of floe gems. Hinge, Brooch- see that the stomach Independent company. Yet we whelk isle colored gentlemen bad got has the merit is al- from hen, There was in her Isn't a of being true. A Chris- es, Ornamental Combs. Mahe,. and Cubs and Is an admirer of the alli place a telephone in your the baggage safely estaiwyed out of the ways in good condition reel- itudden feeling of rerret. It was the tian Zulu-Kaffir was heard recounting Cubs. Sept. Lieb formerly The boats on to the beach it would be time etracelets, etc. played eeriest at the same rate the ladepend- feellig that the keettpti sportsman to another Kaffir. Herd Bitters will keep it so and enough to think about Loengo. with all the full- base on his college team and tot company, Is Opposed to charge, sometimes bag when some majestic It had been arranged by letter that ness and picturesqueness their lan- WATCHES several national league stars Worn- thus fortify the system and provide in addition, monarch of the forest falls before his long dist- Jack Meredith should put tip, as his guage so well slows, a vielon of former classmates and teammates of against ance met-ellen rifle-n midden passing desire attacks of Heart. farilities which will enable you host eapreseed it, at the small bums heaven which be had had te a dream, the superintendent. that it might be undone. - for Ladles lino t lerna.n. In gold. burn, Pelchina Vomiting, to reach fifty million people from low oectipied by Mastic* Gordon and and he described "Why not?" he asked. fie was des- in detail what sliver or gunmetal. Cigarette Cases, rour home . his sister Gordon was the local bead heaves Camps. Dyspepsia, Indi- perately in eernest. and that which was like. "And raw you any Match Boxes, Cigar ('utters, etc. All The 'texas Wonder Call 300 for further of a large tradhag association some gestion, Costiveness, Head- information made him a good eportsmen-an on- Sitars there?" Inquired his listener. sort' piece* of silver Cures all IshIney. bladder lad rheu BAST what after the style of the old East of dainty for an .TENNESSEE. TICLAPRONE matched bit` game hunter, calm and ,.,. T The teller of the story pondered a matte troubles; sold by Clobl- ache, feniale Ills or Mala- Al* evinutimy and his duties partook "body's" deeming table. J. H rIOMPANT self rooftree' in any strait-gave while, hinfl more— ---. governor and then: "No," said he. "fOr sehiseger, 601 Broadway, Dr. E, W. (ia. Try a bottle at once. _ a etrange'dNitieration now, which Mil. joutine44,tiof the glary at a this I did not lank into the klteben."-- Hall, °fare 2926 Olive street, St. druggists. of _the _trader. . WARREN & All Those who sin are not inotioue to Ircctit Chytte could not' understand. I.roodon Standard, - fro be Onsilbnied.1 UMW, MO. • 'errs" -- - • roiliest Use wages. PAGE EIGHT. TIthrADUCAH EVENDIG SUN

A BIG SALE WITH GREAT SPECIAL VALUES•umNEW SEASONABLE AND WANTED 6JODS•,,DECIDED SAVINGS FROM USUAL PRICES There's something here for everyone. You owe it to your family to find the big store that's off of Broadway, with prices way expenses. A remarkable sale of new tailor-made not possible in stores with Broad- Suits, Skirts, Coats, Waists, Silk Petticoats, Dress Goods, New and Boys' Silks, Underwear, , Men's New Fall Suits, distinctive styles in I.a France and other highest quality shoes.

_ A WONDERFUL SALE OF AUTUMN than ever before- If You roine el- Bang us your Drees Good wants and ularly to you for one year for only No house like e1ILLINEttle peeling charming. dainty. PrIetietri this for Walking waist. ^They're $3.25 to $3.25 lo- receive. tho many advantages of 50 Every cents. Skirts. About two hundred more stead new fashion is reflected here, hats at tower pricee than you Can dealing here. of $4 25 to $6.00, like other LADIES' FURNISHINGS. Net received The biggest, bee' most complete bny them elsewhere you wil: not be for this sale. stores. THE. NEWEST PASITIONS PAT. A great sale of Cloaks, Suits, Exquisite tuilliuery showing and ver,;atility of new beau- dieappoluted. IN No house like this for Women's SHOW. TERNS. Skirts and %Veleta at prices below Coats. About at fair prices. tiful and fetching styles at popular eight hundred now in If we had space we'd like to Sell A GREATF SILK A NEW Immo stores with prices The Standard Fashion panl's Broadway expenses, stock to select from at from $3.50 Charming hats; are among the artistic tri- GOODS. you about our Great October Shoe new intwoved Come and see Paducah's greatest each to umphs that distinguishes and popu- high-class patterns $36.00. Sale and Why You Should Buy Shoes great volues. Prices This collection of Dress Goods 14 garment department—greatest !adzes this millinery business. have all been reduced to 5c, Vie and in No house like this for Children's Here This' remarkably dlyeralfled as regards the . that are uot possi- 15e each and are here for number of garments it carries. Coats. About five hundred store has long since demonstrated kind,. weavese4designs colors the beneflt now In . CLOTHING. arid and „kelp greatest in the diversity of stock ble in Broadway 'that it can sell beautiful 'hats of our customers. styles It holding up their heads for your We'd like you to know more at prime For this great sale we se- . slums, a stores lower priees greatest in making low prices inspection at price savings that are with Broad-. titan is possible in mores cured several hundred pieces of the THE DESIGNER, our Blit Ciothing Department and ., for the newest creations, for the tat- almost marvelous, st:ay expenses. with Broadway expenses, doing still nuee popular the whys you can buy clothing her. and fashionable fabrics. We take your subscription for the est styles bigger and better and for the superinr tailor- Plaid Silk Waists and plain Taff- at lower things (hie fle..1,4101 W. ll... irked them at a sa‘ing. prices than in Designer and will have It mailed reg. tte and perfect fit of its garments. etas at about a dollar saving on each stores with Broadway eeie: Harbour's Department Store North Third Street HALF SQUARE FROM BROADWAY

NEXT WEEK AT THE KENTUCliel Tuceelay Night "Simple 'einem Simple sight ... Tim Menthe. In "Old Isineeeeee Yeetuetiny %Leiner nod Night Jeue• he,imirk. in "Th.• Ttiast the TUN n."

eeimple 41 non Simple."

CO: Ti.. cart 1. hi- COM ti•II that met eith tuerh heart, In Non York. Philedelphia and pit: burg last season and its tour of t one Might unit, Oki% seison has be. ereatirx a great dell more than n interest for it ie seldom that stroag_comptem Is Meat on tole scenic etiiiipuient is elaborate, company sty annettally large one a: 4 the engagement is erre.'el te tietehlre event.

Al The kennel Wedneethey. There Is ocety elleetion that t: !rival of -0141 innueene." by T, Murithy will he the most setisfacte undertaking made by him in time. for among the many preeentetions of his repertaire In p seasens it I. tie ie. suieetioled we: any oi them ces met nih ti, dearer of epproval that has bee a a corded this hetet:fel play. Title from tee same French source ti. furnished that gr.: at success, Pair of Spesescles." "Oil Innocent., tells a otrong .tory of human nate n4t1 n'rerrc en.ra :(1^nals;:, am I viol. it runther of the me- eon' et tied cernede conditions. many tbrineetArs are true to life a, each Is so charmingly quaint at convincing as to stand prominent forth through its own natura'ni - No character portrayed by Tint PhY quite (totaled for truthful se: felicity that of Jason Green, and The Simpleville Cadets in "Simple the hunch of this excellent player Simon Simple" at 7he Kentucky rueiday received in every sense Its just due Night, Oct. 16 Mr. Mtirphy'n revival of "Old Inno- Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Seats tenet.- bids fair to establish him as on sale Monday 9 a. m. the leading exponent on the Ameri- can stage of characters of the quaint both and dignified order. The revival of as a comedienne and as an ento- can be little doubt that it will com- tional "Old Innocence" has been made with a('treaa, mand a large volume of prosperio been best excellent players. Among them are the that she has ever en- In the metropolis and elsewhere joyed In the cities where Dorothy ',berme Louie* Whitfield, she has ap- The este includes such players a, SOME GOOD THINGS IN peared. which /ire Aubrey Powell and 0. GriMn. proves rather conclu- Emmett Corrigan, Wiliam Varnuin. sive that Mitts Kennark's faith l thi- Boyd Putnam. Harrison Asset play was founded on a solid basis. Jane Kennark. Adelaide Kelm, Julie Herne . Jane Kennark will be seen at The unusually large number of others LATE Prince of India. BOOKS and NEW MUSIC Kentucky-Saturday matinee and night held In widespread favor— for the It is not overstating the case to list of speaking characters embraces sax ...SOLD BY _IleaLessever beforie In the history no lase than -thirty-nlne personages of the American stage has there been - About presented so costly a dramatic.- spe, Your Winter supply of tacle as "The Prince of India."whice 0, E. Wilson, at Harbour's Department Store was brought forward on Monde, night at the Broadway Theatre tin der the managerial guidance ef Copyright Npvialm. Newerat Mussic. Klaw and Erlanger. When the cur- tain rolled up disclosing the first pi, - Call of the Blood- Lois- Bieheme. tnre of the acting version of Genera $1 20 Latest Intermezzo., 30c Wallace's story the Investment of House of Defenfle- &neon Take Me On the Rollers- managers tbe of this gigantic tinder- 2r C king-bind react-el a Wolf rn a t el N Tides of Ratueget- Sole agents for the Attention- old reliable Cartersville, $100,000, which assuredly will no' !Vieth. $1,20* A tine march_ ...... 25c washed nut and egg coal. be considered a niggardly plunge Doc Gordon- even by those who are quite con- W 50cWilkins You're the CoatIngest Man That Telephone 339 vinced that the ruling forces In the The Fighting I Ever Knew- ChaaCt line amneernent world of this day are in Chambers $1,20 coon .... 25c deadly opposition to the idea of ale- If you hear a We always have the latest new song or a quate:- presenting plays of large books published and many titles fine instrumental piece, we al- calibre and worthy character. In A that can he secured only at our ways have them in stock. We pictorial "tense, "The Prince of In- Jam. kennIttk. More. get every iii "The Toast of dia" la undeniably magnificent, and new piece published. the Teen." at The Kentucky Satur- in the Interpretation of OF numerous day matinee and _rit night, roles the widely known actors ant actresses engaged are as well cho- Mr. Tim Murphy. In hie great.-et Proud", appearing theater. tmsses, is the current as Betty Singleton in Clyde sen as poesilde. The play Itself. in I c. ly success,. "old Innociencee' at , attraetion at the Academy Pitch's play, "The Toast of the which are 'combined the principal ep- The Kentucky Wedneedee night. of Music, where It re Mizpalt. - i ceived a stirring Town." Miss Kcnnark his siehieved isodes of the troluntinone novel, is welcome on Mon I . I The religious drama cal.ed one of the greatest successes of her always impressive and at times Mit-; day evening. The theme of this In- i In- I There are live acts and ten *retitle in pah," career In the play. tensely fuming. by Ella Whee,er ahd 'tensely Interesting drama la drawn Betty Singleton it was received on ,"The Pilate of India." I liouse wiring, electric and the an- , Luscouthe. Searelle, In whicii miss from planttnstalled. Is a role that has given Miss IC..- Monday evening with piausliUt that the Old Testament and embod- I pernumerary forces are sufficiently' Elizabeth it esteems, great opportunities frequently arose Kennedy is the star, sup-! lea the story of Esther. Miss Ken- Complete machine shop. to the point of I attatarzas ,to fairly throng the UP- I ported by an acting company of sin- for the display of her -ffne abilities. spontaneous acclamation, I 133.134 N.Fourth St. and there commonly foMinodlous stage of Phones the gularly lad at- (Continued on Page Seven.) 77