Page 12 The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 Battle of the badges Snowboarding challenge Kem County policemen and firemen Both male and female students found EYES OF THE RIP box it out at annual Guns and Hoses. learning snowboarding to be difficult. Features, Page 9 Battle of the sexes, Page 5 THE RENEGADE RIP

Vol. 80 • No. 10 March 4, 2009 Winter State budget Chevron donates to MESA By GREGORY D. COOK ment and Public Affairs division, was on hand to [email protected] present the donation. He recognizes the impor­ Rip photographer tance of the MESA program and the worlc they do. days finally passed "'People think of the oil patch as kind of old-fash­ During a special luncheon in the Rene­ ioned and low-tech." Christy said. 'They don't re­ gade Room on Feb. 18, representatives from alize that \\'e are tremendous users of technology." • The California state "The CSU and UC systems will Chevron presented the Math Engineering Christy pointed out that Chevron does a lot of budget, which was long be reducing freshman admits. Be­ Science Achievement program a donation engineering and science work. "It's geologists cause of the economy, community of $20,000 to help sponsor the MESA Week that find the new oil."" he said. "And eogineers de­ warm up overdue, was passed members have been laid off and will O project. velop the technologies that get that oil out of the about two weeks ago. be coming back for job skills." MESA is a program that, according to its ground." Money from outside businesses mission statement.·· ... enables educational­ According to Christy. the MESA program at However, Bakersfield that fund programs on campus, such ly disadvantaged students to prepare for and Baken,field College is a great program. "It gets College students can as the progran1. v,:ilJ contin­ graduate from a four-year L'ollege or uni\TT­ engineering and \Cience students off on the right expect fewer classes and ue to be granted. sity v,ith a math-based degree in areas such GREGORY D. COOK /THE RIP trac!,,.."' he _:.,aid ... I ¥.'as very impressed by the way 1 ··No"'' u·e get dov,,:n to the \\. ork as engineering. the sciences. computer sci­ Representatives from Chevron present studenb get a \"tTy personal and pragmatic touch. longer waitlists. to provide service.., to our students:· ence. and 1nathen1atics." a donation of $20,000 to the Math MESA. g.i\·c-.. thL'rn !he tools they need to not only Chamberlain said. \1ES.t\. \\leek O is an important part of get a good eduL·arion but to get internships and By SEGGAN MOORE In thl:' early morning hours on Feb. that process. Incoming student:-.. intere\ted Engineering Science Achievement j()h<., J;itcr ·· [email protected] I 9. California\ Ja,\·makers pas-.ed in engineering and science 1najors. are in­ program Feb. 18. Th()-..L~ It)()].., i11L'ludc free tutoring. workshops in Rip staff writer the budget. The 18-month. $143 bil­ vited to attend the \a.'Orkshop held before the rC\Uml' \\ riling and obtaining financial aid and a sho"'°·ing: them "·here things are at on can1pus," lion spending plan raises taxes and start of the fall semester. stud: center 1hat otlcf\ Internet access and free The wait for the California budget Clonlalcz said. ··The idea behind \1ESA. Week O is GREGORY D. COOK I THE RIP cuts spending to help the S42 hillion "We take them through the degree pro­ printing. to be passed is finally over. to get the ..;tudent\ prepared and ready to go ~:hen Palm trees stand silhouetted against a sunset as seen from the on Feb. 20. deficit. ces~ ... ,aid Consuelo Gonzalez. director of \1ESA. al..,o ..,pon..,of\ field trips for students to Bakersfield College president school stan.-.:· Constitutionally. lau1makers are the Bakersfield College MESA program. Roger Chri..,ty. fro1n Chevron\, Policy. Govern- Greg Chamberlain says that this is a supposed to pass a budget by June ··we alw "'Ork on student devclopn1ent. See MESA. Page 3 good budget for BC, and the school 15 and have it ro the governor to be hasn't been cut as much as expect­ signed by July I. In the last 30 years, ed. this has happened a dozen times. "lbe state recognized our role at The last time a budget was pa,;,;sed community colleges as a part of the by June 15 was in 1986. solution to the economic problem," Feb. 19 also marked the Senate's 1iCos' Chamberlain said. longest session to achieve the re­ For the 2008-2009 school year, quired two-thirds vote to pass the there is no anticipatioo to cut any budget. 1be session took 45 and full-time employees. Some things a half hours to decide on the vote c BC students can expect are fewer of Republican Abel Maldonado of summer courses, all classes fill­ Santa Maria. An agreement v.•as met ing up sooner, and more waidists. with Democratic lawmakers and Chamberlain suggests to make sure Maldonado. who asked for election you have gone through the whole changes~ government reform and re­ process ·of lliltiilgtlleliilriussion 1e,1- moVal of increasing the gas tax. as tllld seeing a counselor so you have well as freezing legislative salaries the opportunity to register early be­ in deficit budget years. ALEJANDRO MONTANO/THE RIP fore open enrollment begins. Although the budget was official­ In celebration of our 44th president, Taco Fresco, located on Allhough there will be fewer ly passed. there will be a May revise courses, Chamberlain said that BC the corner of California and Chester Avenue, is currently that will be the final budget for the will not have fewer students. promoting 44 cent tacos while supplies last. 18-month plan.

PATii J. LOOMIS I THE RIP PATii J. LOOMIS /THE RIP Scenery shot outside the horticulture department in the afternoon on March 1. New budget African­ A Bakers­ The field resi­ Bakersfield dent Fire affects students holds Department • The University of sions, pick out your majors and get American a sign and BC California and the California all your ducks in a row, the more suc- on the Department cessful you are going to be," she said. corner of Public State University systems "Almost every student I have seen can are cutting their budgets be a successful transfer student, you Appreciation of Ming Safety back. 1bis could affect any just have to be organized and have a Avenue respond to possible transfer students writteo educational plan. Transfer is and an accident Left: Among the many clubs that marched in interested in transferring. a possibility for all BC students." Wible on Haley Now that the Cal States have made the parade, President Obama impersonator Road. Street on earlier deadlines, Granger-Dickson made a visit to the downtown Black History GREGORY D Feb. 18. The By LEIA MINCH suggests gening ahead and filling out COOK/ THE [email protected] Parade on Feb. 28. Ahore: The percussion line accident Feature editor the priority application that can be R1P filled out October-November. in the parade makes its way down the street. occurred It's old news: 1be California state "It's tough to figure out, I know. ALEJANDRO MONTANO I THE RIP when a car See page 8 for story. budget is lacking. Look at what you enjoy doing. Come driven by Every newspaper has articles that in to the Career Cenler and make BC student Sl8le bow bad our ccooomy is. Bud- sure you're getting the right cla.sses Jennifer gds ew,rywhere a,e being cut. and dme." Lopez, people a,e being laid off. Students may be forced to get 19, hit a So, bow will the lack of funding more 01ganized or miss out on need­ be affecting transfer students to Uni- ed classes because, acconlmg to BC Gas prices begin to increase once again car pulling versities of California or California president Greg Chamberlain, there is away from State Universities? a cut for some summer and fall '09 By MANUEL MORFIN , where she lives, the curb. -Aeoolrling to BC's transfer servic- classes. mr,[email protected] takes her about 15 to 30 minutes using the GREGORYD. es counselor, Sue Granger-Dickson, "We have to look carefully at all Rip staff writer COOK I THE RIP bus depending on what line she uses. lhe UC sySllm is rnosidering cut- the courses we are offering and will Dinh plans to get her drivers license soon, An un­ The tiug· lhe nprorning lieslnnan class be forced to give a reduced number In Man:h of last year, gasoline prices be­ but she will still use the bus because she known American by6'ili. ofcourses available," he said. "Right gan rising at a fast pace and in June reached finds it more convenient for her pocket. "They wging srudents to at- now we ttying to be as careful reason flag is ae are an average of $4.53 a gallon for regular gas­ Some students have no choice but to spend for hung from .· •.. -1dli:il"Jilc!il~ colleges as p

Page 10 The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 March 4, 2009 The Renegade Rip I Page3 SPORTS NEWS Renegade Baseball team wins 5 straight tennis start Delano Campus professor dies of brain cancer By AMBER TROUPE Robert "Mickols had been a teacher for more than 40 Along with Christopher. other co-v.·orkers were open McCrow's assistant was Raquel Lopez who had been By VINCENT PEREZ small mistakes in ball games. One of these Arneson closed out the game for BC. two strikeouts and no hits. BC's Ramirez went [email protected] years before he was diagnosed with brain cancer. Twenty and willing to talk about Mickols' reputation and status at Mickels' friend since 200 I. Lopez has many wartn mem­ 1· days we 're going to look up and we 're going "We performed very well. Glendale's been 3-for-5 and teammate left fielder Joey Walker conference Rip staff writer years of Robert Mickols' life was spent at the Delano Delano Campus. Rich McCrow, Delano Campus direc­ ories of Mickels. Sports editor to have what we think \\'e 're going to have," playing very well up to this point and to go in went 3-for-4 against L.A. Mission pitchers Campus and 20 years at Wasco Elementary before he tor, was a friend and colleague of Robert Mickols. Mc­ "He was very friendly and popular, and stodents cared said Painton. there and really work to get a 5-4 win was a John Boersma, Donny Williams and Nick Cer­ Delano Campus is still in a stage of mourning for a was unable to teach."He didn't think something like this Crow remembers him as always smiling, and his words a lot about him at the Delano Campus," Lopez said. Bakersfield College baseball (7-7-1) hit the Painton elaborated on the team's winning good win for us." Painton said. ritos. match ups faculty member. Robert Mickels. who had been teaching would happen to him. When he was first diagnosed, he were always kind. Lopez was one of the many people to be touched right road and ended up earning a six-game winning streak after its first game against L.A. Pierce. The Renegades defeated L.A. Mission in The Renegades had a total of 12 hits against By JIMMY D. LAURENT history at the campus since it opened. didn ·t understand it, and the main thing for him was to .. He was an outstanding guy y..·ho worked hard and away by his dedication. She talked a little about how streak against L.A.. Pierce. Glendale and L.A. "It's been a good thing. Outside of baseball both games at Sylmar 12-11 and 7-5. L.A. Mission. [email protected] Faculty reminisced about the times they shared individ­ get back to work as soon as possible after surgery and loved teaching, history and students," McCrow said. he first began feeling ill before being diagnosed with ~1issi.on in \Ves;;tern State Conference play. people throughout of the state, nobody really BC, pitcher Gonzales threw five innings Feb. Painton said that the amount of games that Rip staff writer- ually v.·ith Micko1s. including Micko1s" O\\'n son Christo­ treatn1ent." Christopher said, McCrow recalls v.·hen Micko]s called and told him he cancer."To hear that he y..·asn't coming back y..·as hard and BC pitcher Jeren1y Gonzales threv,: a three­ understood how tough our schedule \vas in 21 for the 12-11 \\'in. Gonzales allowed eight BC will play on the road is actually good for pher Mickols, ,i...-ho follov.'ed in his father\ footsteps hy Chri~topher "·as only able to spend one semester teach­ was ill and would not be able to teach anymore and had to kind of sad," Lopez said. hit complete game \.vith one earned run and six the preseason when we started 1-7." he said. runs on six hits. BC"s Greg Sanders and Jarret the team because they're not used to Sam Lynn Bakersfield College's tennis becoming a history teacher at Delano.'"\'1:y father \\·as one ing: \,·ith hi".. father. and he v.:ent on to say hov.: a lot of take time off for treatment. He remembers I\1ickols \vant­ Christopher Mickols. McCrow and Lopez all agreed <-trikeouh again.;t L.A. Pierce on Feb. 28 to 1 ··There \Vas a monkey on our back at that point, ~1artin closed the game al.It ,.vith a combined 3 Ball Park. teams had mixed results Feb. 24 of the main reasons I v.·ent into teaching: because he de­ students \vould sign up for his class thinking they v. ere ing to come back and start teaching again at the middle that he was a dedicated teacher and had a unique passion and there was pressure at that point. but as 2/3 innings· \vork. and Sanders only allov,,,ed 1 '"J"d rather play on the road ~ here at least against Santa Barbara City Col­ fined himself by his \\'Ork \~·ith his student~:· he ~aid. taking his father's class. school before he passed. for teaching. .. [Jercrr1: Gonzale-:] \\as in command from \l.:e've started to play lconference] v.'c·re start­ tv.·o runs. BC's .A.n Charles \vent 3-for-4. and we 're accustomed to playing in the ballparks lege. 'The women posted a 7-2 :-.tart to finish."' said BC head coach Tim Pain­ ing to see some of the mistakes be eliminated. Joe Ramirez \vent 2-for-4. The Renegades on the road:' he said. "Obviously. the cost victory while the men lost 7-2. lon ... He reall: :,.,e1 the tone for the entire day. and guys are starting to s•Ning the bat a little bit eighth inning \.\'3'> very important as BC scored factor at Sam Lynn, plus it"s their ballpark. Shabrena Dickerson. BC's Gonzale-" v. cnt out and <.,hut them dov. n in the better so I think the pressure has been removed tv.'o runs that helped ,i.·in the game. BC com­ they 're trying to get ready for minor league No. 1 player, returned to her MESA: Chevron gives ninth inning cmd \\·e got a 3-2 \Vin:· as v.·e ·ve started to win." Movie theater brings mall's patrons mitted five errors in the game. and L.A. Mis­ season. They don't \1...-ant a tremendous amount winning ways by defeating San­ Bestselling author BC shortstop/<.,econd ha:,.,en1an Joe Ran1irez In the Feb. 26 game at Glendale College, BC sion comn1itted one. of games played there tearing up their field for ta Barbara's Meghan Schaefer $20,000 to BC program \\·cnt 4-for----t in thc gan1c anJ Renegade tean1- V.'On 8-7. as Jarret Martin threw seven innings BC \\'On 7-5 at the top of the ninth inning at a minor-league team that's going to arrive inter 6-1, 6-2. Dickerson expressed BY MATT HUMBLE n1ate Greg Fl)\\ ]er hit the garne-v.·inning visits Bakersfield library and had a no-hiner into the sixth inning as he L.A. Mission on Feb. 19. \Vith four runs. Ren­ league, so there's a lot of factors. We are going how important it was for her to n1hun1hle@hakersfieldcollcge .edu groundhall RBI in the eighth inning. A.J. Day struck out 14 of Glendale's hitters. BC's Ryan Continued from Page 1 egade pitcher Reyna pitched 7 2/3 innings with to play two or three dates from the middle of bounce back from last week's BY MATT HUMBLE Rip staff writer led (lff the inning. \\ ith the <.,core 2-2. v.·ith a Huston earned the win as he threv.' the last in­ nine strikeouts. Reyna allov.'ed five runs on six universities and career conferences that help 1hen1 bt:­ March to first of April. We're just as comfort­ loss and get a win for her team. [email protected] :-.inglc to start the Renegade:,,· rally. nings to win the game for the Renegades. hits. but four runs v.·erc unearned due to errors come better prepared to obtain internship\. ··.A.~ a con1- No\l.: that Mervyns has closed its doors and Harris able traveling on the road. We're 1nore fan1il­ "We wanted to pull out all Rip staff writer Painton i_-, pk·a:--l.'.'d and i:,., optimi:-.tic about the The Renegades won the first grune at Glen­ munity college s!udent, there\ not a good chan<.:e you long as the nlo\'ie theater is here, the mall wilJ losing that day to Cuesta fairly discovered. stopped going to sclitx)I and done s,un1t:1hin~ l'l'-c Thi:-­ to survive. have our clicntc\c. but it'~ been a total somewhat ,ur\•ive," said maU patron Victor Salas. ••ttope• early due to surrendering five Coulter answered all of the questions with a smile ··we The Bob Elias Kem County is a hard proces,. and they n1ake it s,n1oother fnr till' '-lu­ defeat. The mall i, \ i1iually dead:· said Ben and Jen;. "s out of six singles matches to the and said she appreciates her fans. 'Tm writing my f ully. the economy v.:ill bounce back so we can have a season Sports Hall of Fame held its 43rd dents:· employee Kri:,.,t: Barricnto:--. "We get our bu:,.,incs" great mall again:· rivals. Sarena Dickerson was 64th lxx1k, which is amazing to me;' said Coulter. annual awards banquet on Feb. 19 Juan Saucedo, v.·ho is fini:-.hing up hi" la.'-1 -,cn1c.'-tt:r llt the only BC player to post a vic­ Coulter wrote her first book when she was 8 years at the Marriott Hotel on Truxton study at Bakersfield College before transferring to ('al tory, defeating Erin Md,urty of old, and ever since then she has been obsessed with By VINCENT PEREZ Avenue. The four inductees this Poly San Luis Obispo as a mechanical engineering major. ,·inpcrc:(a hold't\jicld1 · Cuesta College 6-3, 4-6, 6-2. writing. Her new book. called "Knoclt Out,~ comes year were track and field athlete attributes much of his success achieving his educational Sports editor 'Tm very proud of all of our out in June and is part of her FBI series of boots, GAS: Rise in gas costs affect most Bakersfield citizens Jesse Bradford. official Clint Os­ goals to the MESA program."MESA has been that meta­ women. they played very well, Tm so excited to write. It's a journey in which I thin1er. the late professional box­ phorical mentor for me. saying. ·)'ou can achit:vc your Continued from Page 1 location v.-·as cheaper than most plac­ Flying J at the Merced exit is the Baker,field College n1en"s golf but Cuesta was just a little bit love." said Coulter. er Mike Quarry and pole-vaulter potential."" Saucedo said. "That":-. \\'hat's been keeping way 99 on her way to BC. Fuentes is es. '·] wilI definitely make this stop cheapest option to pump gas for stu­ team finished fifth overall at .i\lli'lal better at each position," said Coulter also spoke about her life and her ac• Doug Wicks. Mayor , me going so far."' the owner of Fuentes Motors. a small my usual gas station:' he said."When dents commuting from Wasco, Dela­ Ranch on Feh. 1 in a \\.-'e"1cm State BC women's coach Gene Lun­ complishments up to now. She also gave aspiriJlg Congressman Kevin McCarthy Students majoring in science or engineering~related car dealership in McFarland. He gas prices go up, we have to raise the no and Earlimart. Conference toun1an1ent hosted by dquisL writers a piece of advice: "You have to begin with a and Su]Jl'rvisor Mike Maggard subjects can obtain more information on lhe MES.e\ pro­ travels tv.·ice a v.·eek to prices on our cars. and the custom­ More information on gas prices in Santa Barbara. BC's Mau Billing­ BC swept Cuesta, winning nieans to go on." ,w~·ane~ at the event. ; gram by visiting the Bakersfield College MES:\ v.'ebsite where he buys cars at auto auctions. ers are the ones who are affected the Bakersfield is available at· ton tied for f0urth v.-·irh a par 7F'and all 3 ,louble,; matches .to bring - -et hnp://wv.·w 2. bak~rsficldcollege .edu/!nc~'. cerell1onieS began with Fuentes noticed that the gas at this n1ost." Fuentes said. teamn1ate Chri" ~vlcCracken tied for :.-_The· the final score to 5-4. Sbabrena .in~nvocation by Pastor Michael sixth v.ith a 73. Santa Barbara City and Sarena Dickerson ne:.ufy. Osthimer. son of inductee Clint C'nllege \ Andrev.· Perez fini-.hed first skunked Devin Merigold and Osthimer. After the room said \\'ith a 2-under-par 70. Whl!ney Whllilig of ~sill by ,. "'amen:· welcomes and introduc­ BC head coach J...,.arry ('onk said winning the match 8-L Coach Ready to become a tions were done by "the voice I about the season so far that the team Lundquist switched things up of the Bob Elias Sports Hall of l face'-. a \try competitive conference. and had Katie O'Leary playing I Fame." Greg Kerr of KBAK TV ,· Hov.;e\er. ('{lok. ,aid that the l'On1pe­ alongside Emily Carnal. 1be ti\'cnc,s i-. ah.(_1 a gond thing. 29. changed paid off as duo beat "We (Kem County) have a very Cuesta's Hannah Crampton and ('ook said. ·· t f \\-C do v.·hat \Ve do in Registered Nurse? praL·tice. \\·e ·IJ i111pn)\ e:· strong history when it comes to Bree Rowan 8-5. BC's Jessica athletics and a very strong history BC golfer ~ick. Vallejo fini~hed Burrow accompanied by Coo­ of achievement," Congressman fifth at Mar:,;hallia Ranch Chan1pion­ per Niswonger won the thud ship Golf Course on V:.mdenberg Air McCarthy, first cousin to inductee and final doubles match 8-6 by Doug Wicks, told the crowd. beating Laura Haines and Han­ Take the next step toward an exciting career! Force Base. :\-1arch 1 for sc·s fourth ALEJANDRO MONTANO I THE RIP WSC toumamenl. BC finished fourth Jesse Bradford, who coached nah Spencer of Cuesta. Inductee Jesse Bradford {right) and Wendell James have a friendly greeting before the \\·1rh a JX4. ,ind Santa Rarhara fin­ track at Bakersfield College for Lundquist was extremely i-,bcd lir:--1 \1,·ith a _174. 25 years. thanked colleagues, award ceremony at the 43rd Annual Bob Elias Hall of Fame Awards Banquet on Feb. 19. impressed with the way that BC's !v1c(~racken tied for ninth friends, family and coaches. bis team played in the doubles San Joaquin Valley College has developed an exciting new v,:ith a 7J. and Renegade teammate Bradford set the national high it alone. You really need to be sur­ matches. Blake BnJ\i.•n shot a 77. Santa Barba­ school 180-yard low hurdle re­ rounded by people who encourage Dickersoo explained how im­ program to help you prepare to become a Registered Nurse. ra ('ity College ·s Andrev.- Perez shot cord in 1957. Bradford was short and guide you ... and that is exactly portant it was to remain com­ the low ~core of the toun1amenl with in his acceptance speech, keeping what I had.'" petitive against Cuesta. a 3-under-par 69. to the "five Bs of public speaking Bobby Quarry, younger brother of "We can get them the next Earn your A.S. Degree in just four 20-week terms! BC sophon1ore Kirk Harper ~a" - be brief, brother, be brief." the late Mike Quarry. accepted the time. We just have to win one di-.qualified for an incorrect card. .A.flcr each speech from the induction on behalf of his hrother. more singles match." '1t kind of BC finished _..,j:-, in their third inductees. the audience gave a who had died of pugilistic dementia gave us hope" said DickersoIL \\"SC roun1:1n1en1 :it The" p:ir-72 S:inta standing ovation. The inductees in 2006. The younger Quarry remi­ Cue.;ta, 2008 conference :\Iaria C uuntr: Club Feb. 2J. BC\ \\·ere also a\varded a special rec· nisced about his deceased brother. champions. v.1as undefeated last Harper tied for ninth and Cirrus fin­ ognition on behalf of the U.S. his voice quivering a~ he said: "He year, finished fourth in the state, Program Benefits: i:--hed firq \\'ith a .'65 tean1 overall. Congress. had to v.·ork hard for everything ... he while BC finished sixth. Santa Barbara had the lo\v team score "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't never got anything easy."' "l"m n::ally hopeful Iha! when· of the day, with a 358. Yentora's Rus­ for my fellow officials, cowork­ A video of each of the inductee's we play them here ill ~ • Guaranteed class schedule sell Boring shot the low score of the ers, friends, family and even my accomplishments and lives were field we'll have a 11>11<:b~· day, a 2-under-par 67. critics," Clint Osthimer said prior played before they made they spoke result" said Lundqoist. • All nursing courses completed in four 20-week terms The BC men ·s schedule takes them to accepting his induction. to the crowd. "I was happy to see that The BCtllffl and women will to Paso Robles for the North-South 'Tve been very fortunate and my cohorts were so nice to me," Os­ face Allan Hancock Matdt 5. • Graduates earn their A.S. Degree and are eligible to take cup March I0-11. and Collge of the very lucky," Wicks said. "In an thimer said. "Thanks gentlemen, you ALEJANDRO MONTANO/ THE RIP The men are at home and the individual sport ... you don't do could have told them the true story." women travel to Santa Maria. Canyons lnYitational ~1arch 16. Kandyce Pearson and son Bradley attend the 43rd banquet. the NCLEX-RN exam for licensure Softball team struggles by losing four games in a row SJVC's RN Program is approved by the By STACEY STAAB perfonnance from Sawyer coming off pared next time,~ Taylor said. Chabolla pitched two innings and sstaab@bakersfieldco/lege.eclu the bench to pitch and get the win.'' BC On Feb. 26, the Renegades Jost again gave up eight hits and five runs. California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) Rip staff writer head coach Sandi Taylor said. Taylor 2-1 against Ventura \\'ith having only Sawyer came into the game, pitched added, .. The bats came alive and the one run in the sixth off of three hits. five innings. got one strikeout and gave and is WASC accredited. defense played tough:· Joni Lagerstrom (0-l) pitched five up eleven hits and eight runs. The Bakersfield College softball Brittney 11onison had three hits in innings. had three strikeouts and gave Lagerstrom had tv.·o hits, Melissa team has been on a ~treak of losing fi\·e at-bats \\·ith t\\·o runs and four up four hits and t\VO runs. Cope had one hit and tv.·o RBis. Clem­ three, v.·inning three. lo,ing three. v.·in­ RBis. Sav.'yer came in to the game and entina Castro had one hit and one RBI; ning three; the Renegades lo-.t the Jaq On Feb. c4. the Renegades Jost l 0- pitched tv.·o innings v.·ith one strike­ with Courtney Hockett, Amanda Rob­ four games after \Vinning one game 6 against Moorpark v.:ith having one out. erts. Jessica ".'J"ev.1on-Smith. Rosales. before thal. run in the fourth. tv.'o runs in the fifth After being dov.'n by tv.·o in the fifth, Dumatrait and Morrison all getting Call today to speak Visalia Campus The Renegade'> are 6- l O overall and and three runs in the seventh off of six BC rallied in the sixth v.ith five hits. a one hit each. 2-3 in the \Vestem State Conference. hit:,.,. stolen base and only one run. In the gaine against Mt. San Antonio On Feb. 19. the Renegades ,von 15-6 Hanna Grisham (2-3) pitched five Morrison had one hit and one RBI College. BC had two hits and no runs. to an admissions advisor! 8400 W. Mineral King against Allan Hancock \Vith four runs and a half innings v.'ith tw·o strikeouts. in three at-bats. Sawyer pitched the whole game in the third. fi\'C run:-- in the fifth and and ga, c up r,\'e hits and :,.,ix runs. '"l was impressed \\·ith thl' gamt: be­ v.·ith one strikeout and gave up ten hits six. run::. in the \eventh off of 13 hits. Sav,.:yer pitched one and a half in­ cause they haven't quit:· Taylor ~aid. and five runs. Liz Chabolla (2-2) pitched three and nings v.·ith tv.·o strikeouts. and gaYe up "Strategically we had them all in the "We played n1uch harder and made a half inning~ \Yith four strikeouts. and three hit-; and four runs. tight places. but \\'e just didn ·1 come some nice adjustments:· Taylor said. gave up six hits and six runs. up y..·ith the big hits:· San Joaquin Valley College· 866.314.4695 Aly Ro,;ale" had three hits in four at­ "Mt. S.-\C just put some key hits to­ Myranda Sa,.vyer (2-2) v-;a:-. the v. in­ bats 1•.-ith t,,o runs; and tv.·o RBis and On Feb. 28. the Renegades played gether. Sav.·yer really threw a pretty ning pitcher going three and a half in­ Jan1ie Dun1atrait had t\\O hit:,., in four the BC Clas:,.,ic and lo:--t hoth gan1e:,., good game and continues to make im­ ./ nings v,:ith four "trikeout<, and ga\'e up at-hah \\ith three RBI,. 13-3 and )-0. provements. San Joaquin \/a:.ey' co;:ege :s =J GREGORY D. COOK I THE RIP a.c;c::-eo:t~ :r1e i'1cc' editng Commission for Community and Junior Co eges of t~e \'/es:e'n .Association of Scnoo s and Co leges 1O Commercial Blvd.,

one hit and no runs. ··The dcfcn.,c needs to he v.·orked on In the game against Cypre-;s. the BC travel to Cuesta \1arch 3 and are : ., 'i---, Pitcher Myranda Sawyer delivers a pitch against Cypress ;'--t '. I.. 1 1 .. It \1\-as very exciting 10 ha\'e a ~trnng and the team net:ds to come more pre- Renegades had ten hits and three runs . at ho,ne against Cerritos March 7. Suite 204. ~Jovato -D23 .; a" 'Sttutona accrediting body recognized by the Counci for Hig!le, Educaton Accreditation and 1ne U.S Department of Education. College, Feb. 28 at the BC Classic at Dave Frye field. - ! Page4 The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 March 4, 2009 The Renegade Rip I Page9 CAMPUS FEATURES Disney Yellowstone recruits at BC Firefighters, peace officers box for charity By KELLY ARDIS brand-new situation and meeting other people with simi­ [email protected] lar interests." By JIMMY D. LAURENT Opinion editor Although Tobias spoke highly of Yellowstone and its [email protected] environment, she admitted it might not be for everyone. brings Rip staff writer A Yellowstone National Parl< recruiter was at Bakers­ "We're looking for folks who understand that the job field College on Feb. 25 in the Campus Center providing is what got them there and do a good job at work," she On Feb. 28, Bakersfield's finest information about the park's summer job opportunities. said. "Ifyou're into shopping, then Yellowstone is not the were on display at the Dome Arena. Marti Tobias, a recruiter for Xanterra Parks and Resorts, place for you." 1be Peace Officers and Firefighters BC job which includes Yellowstone, had handouts and was avail­ In addition to working hard, employees can look for­ of Kern County put on their third able to answer any questions students might have. ward to playing hard as well. Tobias said the area is great boxing event of the year. All of the Located in Wyoming, Tobias said the area is a high­ for backpacking, fishing, and photographing, and that event's proceeds contribute to local elevation climate where it can snow on any given day. there is even a \vildemess Frisbee golf course. She also charities. She said the air is very clean because of the elevation, offers said there is a recreation group which holds intennural Not to be confused with "Battle of and that the temperature varies day to day. Afternoon sports games as well as evening talks about wildlife and the Badges," this event was named thundershowers are frequent but clear up quickly. Tobias trips around and outside of the park. Being in Yellow­ "Guns and Hoses." Contrary to pop­ described the environment as "really pretty cool" and • Disney internships offered stone, geyser gazing is another ,vay to spend free time. ular belief, this event is not a "'cops ''pristine." at BC in the Fireside Room Tobias said the experience is so great that many em­ vs. firefighters" battle. In some cases Yellowstone National Park offers jobs in housekeeping, ployees return, and that she even started at this level of there were boxers that squared off with an apartment and short security, front desk and kitchen cooking and management, work and ended up working there full-time. against fellow officers. commute. among others. Room and board and food is automatically "In particular spots, we get a 50 percent return rate. The boxing ring was surrounded taken from employees' paychecks, which is something Positions in general, we get about 20-25 percent return by chairs, which were mostly occu­ By AMBER TROUPE that Tobias said makes saving money easier. Employees rate," she said. "The more people you can have come pied by the families of the fighters. [email protected] live in dormitories with one to two roommates and usu­ back the better.·· Outside of that there were stadium Rip staff writer ally wori< eight hours a day and five-~. The second The fifth bout ended with Nick for hi, girlfriend, Katina Frugugliet­ Judges for the event v.·ere John luggage tags if participants ansy,·ered JULIE JOHNSON I THE RIP [email protected] acknoy,..·ledged as "'elective" courses mishap, Fairbanks was dropped from kickboxing bout ended Esparza defeating Hilbeno Flores ti. to Y>-"atch from the stands."It's hor­ Roberts. Larry Gunierrez. the questions correctly. Copy editor by BC and not as science courses, his classes for nonpayment. with Abraham Talaz be­ by referee stoppage. Efrain Alvarez rible:· said Fruguglietti. "It doesn't Katie Mock. a Disney recruiter, comes to BC's Fireside Room Andrew Rhoades, Con­ Throughout the seminar. more stu­ Fairhanks said. ..\ccording to Sue Vaughn. director • ONLINE: See ing forced to thro\\., in the defeated Anthony Flore;_ in the :-.ixth help at all that he's never lost." while traveling across California to offer internships Feb. 25. nie Gipson, Andrian Nor­ the iighters by dents came in, filling the room almost Bakersfield College does not ac­ He says that he has noted that BC of admission\'. and records, the col­ towel after the second fight. She explained hov,, it is difficult man and Ruben Gonzalez, clicking the link to capacity.There was a table with a knowledge the education veterans will accept up to 12 units of military leges that BC can give credit for must round due to a left leg Both of these matches were filled for her and his mother to watch as he ence is unmatched by any other in­ The next topic Mock covered was all of whom are local with this story at projector and a laptop that displayed ternships offered." have received in the military, accord· credits as specified in the 2008-2009 be accredited by the Western Associ· injury sustained during with displays of body shots and hay­ fights in the ring:·1 am very proud of learning, which included the different contributors to the Kem a video of different people who have ing to disgruntled BC student Ralph catalogue. ation of Schools and Colleges as well the fight against Maurio makers. At this point of the night him but terrified at the same time." Mock played another 5-rninute cowses offered at Disneyland. Some County Sheriff's Activity joined the Disney team and climbed Fairbanks. Fairtlanks said that the catalogue as being recognized by the American Mejia. boxing fans had seen just about every When asked if it affects him and visual related to her speech about of the courses she mentioned were League. Fights were scheduled for the ladder of success in the Disney A current BC student, Fairbanks, does not say that BC will acknowl­ Council on Education. The colleges The third fight of the evening, facet of the game, but were in store his concentration, Esposito said, "It's the benefits of the Disney College professional development, leader­ three three-minute rounds each. chain. a business management major, due edge the military credit as only elec­ and schools must also be present on and first boxing match, was a ladies for two great final matches. a different kind of pressure. I just Program, which consisted of living. ship speaker series and organization 1be crowd seemed to fire up as After the first five minutes of the learning and earning. leadership. to graduate from BC this spring and tive credit. Fairbanks said that he official lists acknowledged as region­ match between Silvia Cordero and The crowd was most excited dur­ have to believe that the technique soon as the first fighter, Jason Drake. In between rounds and fights there an after party in the building next to video, Mock informed students of On the topic of living, Mock point­ The last topic covered was earn­ bound for CSUB, says that his mili­ tried to talk to a representative of the ally accredited schools and colleges. Teresa Bianco. Cordero won in a ing the seventh fight. Jessey Esposito will keep me safe."" entered the ring. After being intro­ were round card girls, music playing, the Dome. some of the many brand names with­ ed out that students are provided with ing as an intern. Disney interns are tary education credits did not transfer American Council on Education, and Some schools tend to be less aca­ split decision. won by unanimous decision over In the main event both Andrew duced by ring announcer, Barry girls throwing out !-shirts and other The correctional officers. firefight­ in the Disney Family; ABC, ESPN, furnished apartments near the park, paid $9.05 per hour but can earn up to BC the way they should have. the representative was not very help­ demic and more vocational than oth­ After the fight, both ladies hugged Jessie Alvarez. Trujillo and Marlen Juarez· landed Bolton, Drake was accompanied by prizes and lots of crowd involvement. ers and BPD will be playing in a char­ Soapnet, and Pixar Films, to name a and transportation to and from wmic. to $11.50 per hour based on their po­ Fairbanks took several science ful. ers, and so credit given for courses at in the middle of the ring. displaying Esposito was quick to thank his vicious punches. The fight ended in his trainers down toward the ring to Each round was started by the tradi­ ity football game against the Chicago few. "Cast members only have to pay for sition. classes including anatomy and phys­ Fairbanks is also upset by an inci­ these schools is not a certainty. a symbol of sportsmanship. All of the trainers and comer men after the a draw. Li.. Cool J's "Mama Said Knock You tional ring of the bell. There \\las also la\\' enforcenlent team on May 3. 'The Disney College Program is a their rent, personal linen, towels and Mock showed one last video about iology with a lab during his April dent that occurred during the spring '""The military is more vocational place for students to get great expe­ transportation," Mock said. "TI!e people who started as parl< guides 1990-Nov. 25, 1997 service as a semester of 2007 when his Veterans' than academic," said Vaughn. rience and skills that would be good park is only about 2 miles away, and and food servers and became media hospital corpsman in the Navy and 1905 form was misplaced or lost, he Vaughn said BC gives health and for any major," Mock said. "And the if you use public transportation, it's a relations managers and animation Marines. claims. physical education credits for basic you get from the experi- fifteen-minute drive." supervisors. The science courses that he took 1bis form, says Fairbanks, pays military training_ Casey Mears visits Randolph's

• Bakersfield born Hall declared Feb. 18 Casey Mears Mears was busy with everything NASCAR celebrity signs Day in Bakersfield and acknowl­ at the event, and he will be in de­ NAT ION AL UN IVERS IT Y ® autographs and meets fans at edged the 30-year-old driver for his mand throughout the year with many ' lifelong dedication to racing, the per­ events. local sports bar. sistence and determination it takes to Mears' manager, Mike DiCio, said, succeed on a national level, his com­ "Mears will be very busy with over By STACEY STAAB mitment to advancing Jack Daniel's I 00 meet and greet events which pro­ [email protected] statement "Pace Yourself - Drink Re­ mote the racing team." Rip staff writer sponsibly" and for the loyalty he has When Mears spoke to everyone demonstrated to Bakersfield. in the crowd, he said he was very On Feb. 18, NASCAR driver When Hall was younger, he raced thrilled with the turnout and was glad hat's Next Casey Mears of the Jack Daniel's car with Mears' dad Roger Mears. "I am to be back in Bakersfield. number 7 was in Bakersfield at Ran­ very much a NASCAR fan," Hall ··1 am newly engaged and have a dolph's Lounge for a meet and greet said. 4-month-old baby girl that I love to with family and friends. "Any time that there is a special spend time with," Mears said. Also on hand was Mayor Harvey event in the community, I am always When asked about his birthday. Hall to present Mears with the key to asked to be a part of the event. Ran­ which is coming up in March, he For YI u? the city. dy, the owner of the lounge, asked said, "I don't know what I will be do­ At National University, we know how Mears was born in Bakersfield me to be here, and I was happy to ing for my birthday, but I will prob­ and graduated from Stockdale High respond." ably he with my fiancee and my baby hard you've worked to get this far, and we want School. and he was in town to sign Mears visited and talked to fam­ girl." autographs and greet fans. ily and friends while holding on to Many of the people at the event to help you get even further. As a community Jack Daniel's Master Taster, Jeff a drink, and when someone he had said they had a great time with the Norman, was also on hand to present not seen in a long time approached live music, drinks of Jack Daniel"s DAVID KARNOWSKI I THE RIP the lounge with a hand-selected bar­ him, he put his drink down and gave and pictures and autographs from Bakersfield native and NASCAR driver Casey Mears gives an autograph to Claudia Haeer of college transfer student you'll be able to take rel of Single Blend. a handshake or a hug to that person. Mears. Frazier Park. The Jack Daniels sponsored event took place at Randolph's Lounge on Feb. 18. advantage of these great benefits ...

>> Guaranteed admission Fifth annual Sheriff's Activities League >> No enrollment fee fishing derby offers fun for a good cause

>> Flexible scheduling By DARA GHOLSTON based on their age brackeL There's parallels that of the PAL (Police Ac­ [email protected] the children's divisions as well as the tivities League) organization. Rip staff writer teen divisions, the child with an adult April Brannan, also a SAL pro­ >> Unique one-course-per-month format division and the adult division. gram director and Deputy Brannan's Anyone driving on Stockdale Everyone gets a colored wristband wife, explains what the event wa:s re­ Highway and Buena Vista on Feb. 28 that places them at a certain place ally about. "We come out the night >> Scholarship programs undoubtedly caught a glimpse of the around the lake where they have IO before and kind of baby-sit the lake annual Sheriff's Activities League minutes to catch fish and then they and we camped out with all of our fishing derby. The event took place move to another spot. The person kids: the ones from the program and between 7 a.m. and noon at River­ with the heaviest fish in each com­ our very O\\'n. We are really hands­ walk Parl< in Northwest Bakersfield. peting division ,.vins a trophy. In ad­ on with the kids. They learn how to The SAL has been puning on the dition to this. people bought raffle fish and camp. but they also have a fishing event for five years no\\'. but tickets to \•.:in children's bicycles. lot of fun."' this year is their fourth year at the among other thing:-.. Although Deputy Martin Barron. Riverwalk lake. According to Brannan. the event is who is the program director for the "We started this in 2004 at Mir­ not just about rabing n1oney for the Wasco SAL branch, was participat­ ror Lake in Hart Park, but it was SAL program. it is also about giving ing for the first time this year. he hard because the lake was so small. kids a full learning experience. knew it was a great event that his so the next year we moved out to SAL is a non-profit organization SAL kids would love. Riverwalk, and we've been out here BAKERSFIELD CAMPUS: that reaches out to mainly -inner-city ''The event is importanl because DAVJD KARNOWSKJ I THE RIP ever since:· explains SAL program kids between 8 and 18 that have dif­ i1 :.11l0\\1S the kids to intermingle 4560 California Avenue director and deputy Derek Brannan. ficulty behavior-wise in school. SAL \\ ith other SAL kids," Barron said. Above: Four-year-old Lily who started the derby. "I ""'as sining has branches in Lamont, Kem Valley. ··1t gives them goals. it gives me Merces waits for a bite. 661.864.2360 The l~niz:ersitv of' Tt1lues around one day and I thought that Wasco and . They do a chance to spend more time \Vith - ~ Lake Isabella is this huge thing that various activitie~ w·ith the kids and them and 1nost importantly eveI:,'one we can do something \\·ith so I ca1ne encourage them positively. has fun:· Left: Ten-year-old Taylor up v.rith the idea of a fishing contest ··our goal is to provide activities This year local radio station. KL·zz Nelsen baits her hook at the to raise money for the program."" and sports through cops mentoring came out and supported the event as fishing derby held at The 1 Anyone can sign up to compete kids:· says Brannan. The program \\ ell as the county fire department. Riverwalk, Feb. 28 Pages The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 March 4, 2009 The Renegade Rip I Pages FEATURES BATTLE Featuring: Snow surfing Editor's note: Battle of the SeXes pits both genders against each other. A O Crowd Women's History challenge will be made testing them physically, emotionally, and mentally. Month celebrated

comes By BRITANl ALLISON fluential in their O\.Vll particular field. [email protected] The committee is excited about be­ Rip staff writer ing able to offer these richly diverse presentations. ·'Many people didn '1 March is the month of celebration. even know that March was Women's for March is Women "s History Month. History Month. Taniya Simpkins. Here at Bakersfield College the mem­ an English major and student at BC. bers of the Women "s History Month said, "I never knev.-· that there \\·as

and More committee are dedicated to anything special being celebrated in . informing the students and the com­ March. I think that March is a great "'·- munity about women and their expe­ month to celebrate \vomcn·s history parade PATTI J. LOOMIS I THE RIP .¥a riences. because it has 31 day5 in it:· The Wayside Elementary School cheerleaders head the parade as they march down 21 and L Ann Wiederrecht. a member of the Wiederrecht and the \Von1en 's His­ • Black History Parade streets on the morning of Feb 28 in Bakersfield. Black History Month is celebrated in February. committee and a professor at BC, tory ~1onth and More \\'Ould like to draws crowds to 21st and R feels that the importance of Wom­ thank the Bakersfield College ..\lum­ cles around other club n1embers and the Cnitcd States ,..\ir Force. en's History Month is that it offers ni Association. Bakersfield College Streets on Feb 28. even some of the horses. Gloria Patterson. Black ,\merican the students an opportunity to learn Delano Campu.s Foundation. the ·'There \Vere a lot of entrie~. but History Parade org.anizcr. said thi.., about women of the past and present friends of \.Vomen 's History !\-1onth By AMBER TROUPE my favorite \\a\ the Ruff Ryder~ even is her founh year a, the parade·s or­ and their contributions to America. and More and the Norman Le\ an [email protected] though the rea ... on I came v,:a:-. to sec ganizer. It ha.., been running for 15 Wiederrecht explained that the fo. Center for the Humanitie~. Rip staff writer my church Rising Star perform:· ... aid : ear<., and ha.., 50 entrie.., thi:-, year. 15 cus of the Women's History Month For those \vho mayhe intere'-!ed Byron Gardner. 111ore than !a..,t. this year is to enhance the students in learning more about v.:ornen and Motorcycle clubs, high schools, car 22. ··There ,\·ere a learning experience. With every their significance in An1eric.:m hi\­ shov.' clubs and even a church v.:ere a The Bakers- ""There were a lot of lot of people. and event that is planned for March Wie­ tory there are many events that \\·ill fev.· of the enttie'> in thi-, year\ Bla1._'k fit'IJ Police De­ people. and it was great 11 \\as great lo ha\'t,' derrecht felt that the students will be infom1. enlightt>n anJ L'n~a~e 1h at­ Staff writer Stacey Staab (left), and online editor Andrew Ansolabehere (right) face off against one another in a snowboarding challenge at History Parade beginning on 21 ...,t panmt'nt v. a;>, on to haw our new clubs"" our nev. clubs and "exposed to women who are very in- tendees. and R Streets. There \\TH." crO\\ J, up 1he ... cene to en­ group.... hut 1101 the Alta Sierra ski resort, Feb. 27. The two competed in various aspects of the sport including board control and distance before a fall. and dov.·n 21st Street v.ith video n> ,urc e\ lT: thin~ - c;toria Patter.,011. l'\cludin~ all the March 5 "The Power of Wcimen 1n:he Curar,dercis "::, _-:/ ~- · :,·, ~~,: S·s '· ,,-:Jp 2·1st Century 6:30 p.m at the Delano Roor,, G..1es1 SDt"'O"-i-'' ,:\. FL,:: ~· .·~~- carders and camera phone-, trying to v. a., prlll'eed­ u,u:d club, ;_ind t)f­ r~uradc organi:tT Campus. Guest Speaker.Doiores Huerta. sor, Un:ve'S!t 07 C6' 1'0·1: c. ir ..-1:!c' take pictures of the multiple entrie.., ing :1, planned );an11a1ton,. Pat· 1 ·-----·------Pres1dert of the Dolores Huertc:: FoL,nda­ a.., \\ ell a, H~-111 ter,l)Jl ,aid di..,playing logo"' and pla: ing mu...,j1._· t1on and co-fol,nder of the Un,ted FarT­ March 24 from the speakers of their \·chick,. .A.n1hulance. 10 en.-..urc !he ..,afL't: ot The Hl~lL·k ( ·11:1n1her pf ('on1111e-rcc V./orkers ArT·er;ca" :T Conquering snowboarding a challenge for novice 7 15 c a-:: SC :)t Sf A.. fev.1 of the car club.., riding in the hoth pariicipanh and , iev. er,. had an enlr) in the parade a-.. did !ht: March 9 "The Bakersfield De mDnde. Gue'>~ speaker 8°,d;e~ C •y ste ,,pr, P•:1· parade's line up v.1ere Hoodlum\, Ba­ The !\.fanin Luther Children\ :-: ..\:\CP. The , ..\:\CP ,, a, abo a 1870-1920" 6 30 p rn at the Bakerst1eld fessor, Sou:r·east Corv'1w ;, ( :/ Hk r By ANDREW J. ANSOLABEHERE duc-..11·1 ,cen1 !(1(1 prn1111:-,i11~ The BL!ck Kl.")''°'· I \i.a, getting into er stopped falling. 1 would get a bit nitely left sorne hole, in that 111oun­ ("he, \1ix. and son1e tea kept n1e tl:­ kersfield Car Club. Latino \Vorld C:1r Darll'er-. and God·, Children High ,pnn,or n!' the eYcnt.·rhc parad-:- on!: College Fireside Room Guest Speaker Re· l..;ncoln. Neor as.:a c1<111su/,1h(i., ho/.:er\Jit'fti( oll<'g1 .ciiu And ,ti the third Rattk· uf the\.,·,­ it. Sta:-ing !1iv. and tr;,ing not to fall fanher and a bit fa!-oter. at one point tain. Going do\\·n \\'ithnut my ghne, in1,: tht: re,1 of the night. Club. B)on Limits Bakersfield and Sl·hool \\'ere performer\ in the parade t1,1ed an h,iur before the participants becca Ort1la, M A, RPA, Assistant Director Online editor es began up in Shirley \le;ido\',-.. ,in o, er. I \\'Cllt a-. fa:-,t a!\ the hill let n1e. going from the fir~t lift almost to the ~'asn "t the greatest idea but my hand:-, :\\ 10 a.n,. rolled around. I flopped Center for Archaeolog1eal Researcn Cal April 2 Sci!I ot 1.1,e tar:r,· 6 ,JC Buffalo South California Soldiers. to dance for the crov. d. '.\'e\1,· cntrie.., fini-.hl·d their routine, and disband- a late Fehruar: morning. Alta Sil·rr;1 eating it and laughing all the 1,1,1hile. tum at the bonorrf of the beginner thaw·ed eventually after trying for out of hed. feeling: tho,e fall'.. on ice Sta1e Bakersfield pm l\.1odt>ratea b·y Ro'>a Garzd Pro'e\SO' The 1notorcycli:,,ts \\'ere re\'vin~ !(1 the fc\ti,itie, V.'t're the C:t!ifon1ia ed t() :1ttcnd the Heriti~e recruiting Four day,. I had only con1e 11110 v.'a, n1elting :n,·ay S(l here \~a:-, po~­ .-\fter l fell ...iraight on n1y tail bone hill. Needless to say. I was running about t""·o minutes after the run to get in n1y joint... in my anns. \1: ltg, ALEJANDRO MONTANO I THE RIP March 19 ··comadres, Cowgirls and Bakersf1e1c1 Co!!ege engine:. and popping v,.'hcclic, 111 cir· ·\frican A.1ncrican Fircfig:hILTS and n1ec1ing put on b:- the , ..\A('P. contact v. ilh .,no~· four day!'. in 111: sibl: the final chance to get out on on ,on1e i<.T. I \\·as almost comforted on adrenaline at that point. my keys out of my pants v.·ith hand, \\:ere sorl' but 1ny am1"i and shoulders Thomas Mieh waves. life that I ren1ember. Having been the slopes. tP k.nov.: that it \\'Ouldn't get too much However, since I had busted out a that couldn't grip or ..;lop shaking. v.·erc a con,tant annoyance through­ born in Bakersfield. I believe you v,;j]I Being in 40-degree v.:eatht:"r. m: \\ orse than \\,hat I had just felt. I 80 degree early. we decided to have \Vhat I didn't think about is that it out the day. agree snov.· is son1ething I wouldn ·1 · 80:-, thro\\·back Jacket v. asn ·1 ne ..·c,­ \1y proudest moment ~·as on one a formal challenge for distance down had been years, ye~ years, \ince I had For ~ome reason. I \\'as blessed forget. Snowboarding wasn ·1 sary. I looked plenty ridiculou:-- \,·ith­ of my first few passes around the the slope. And of course. my luck really worked out. If I do this again. ""ith taking the brunt of the pain after Mike Maggard 'crusades' for Oildale I NAACP celebrates \ome extreme sport to me: it \Va~ a out it, falling about every 20 feet. ,lope. I found a small bump in the sucker-punched me again, having me there will have to be a fe\v trips to the the hour and 20 minute drive home. \\·hole ne\.\-' experience. Balance isn't Eventually, I figured out the hasic, ,nnv.'. (~omhining that with a small falling within the first IO feet. Great. gym before I strap on a board. r\ot being athletic, this \Vas an ex­ a trait I have ever been able to mas­ and v.·as making my ,\·ay do"'·n the ju,np. I son1ehov..· pulled off a 180- No chance at the hat trick now. !"II We all drove home and after drop­ perienct' that I hadn't seen on my ra­ ter. Skateboarding al\\'ays ended up heginncr slope. dcgree tun1. never live this one down. ping off a friend. 1 couldn't lift rny dar but it wa, a party all the way. with plan to revive, improve, maintain 100 years Feb. 28 v.·ith me on my ass by the time tht~ Tu111ing definitely \~a., a prohlen1. For the next 30 feet 1 was pretty The intermediate slope was wait­ leg into the car. I had to drag my poor Maybe l"ve misjudged Shawn board \\1as moving. Pathetic. I knO\\'. I found that out after nearly flyin~ proud. Then I lost 1ny goggles and ing to be conquered. Well, at least I aching legs into the cab. Being the White all along. Shred the gnar. you When a couple of tiny \\·heels arc a into a small groove of tree,. :\s I in: beanie as I tumbled down the could make my mark on it. Although one in better shape the next morning crazy little leprechaun. I'll see you By ANDREW J. ANSOLABEHERE basically quit maintaining the road\. By DARA GHOLSTON NAACP Bakersfield branch says problen1. a \lick board flying on ice rode the slope a fe\\· times. blasting hill. With each pass. although I nev- I built up speed a few times, I deli- felt unlikely. A few handfuls of the around the fire. t1J1nsolah@, and they're din roads:' dgho/sto@bakersfieldcollege. that, "our local NAACP divi,ion Online editor Maggard has formed a $3.8 million edu is gro\ving Both of the curb and gutter project fro1n South Rip staff writer Dinner and even birthday cakt' challengers, Oildale. after celebrating 100 years. Oildale up to Norri:,, Road. :\1aggard The NAACP (National Asso­ wa,;; served tO\\'ard the middle of Andrew is soon to change. Plans made from said. "The supervi:-.ors recognize that ciation for the Advancement of the night and the entertainment Ansolabehere the opinions gathered at the Oildale so much has been overlooked that Colored People) celebrated 100 throughout the night was provid­ (right) and Visioning Workshop in November v,.:e must take the opportunity to in­ years of existence on Feb. 28th at ed by musicians Darren Gholston Stacey Staab 2008 were revealed on the evening vest in and repair and refurbish tho~e the Doubletree Hotel The event and Donald Factory. Several (below), of Feb 27 at Beardsley School. roads." brought out contributors of the honorees, including reverends demonstrate Mike Maggard. the Kern County \\ibere a \VOr~ning econon1y ma; community. and ministers. \\'ere av,.:arded in the proper Tbird District Supervisor. presented cause budget cut:,,. ~1aggard said there Among those to attend the ban­ respectable categories -;ul·h a~ way to fall his JO-year plan for renovating Oil­ is little need to v.:orry ahout not ha,·e quet were Mayor Harvey Hall. medicine, e.ducation. ministry. while snow­ dale. "All the ideas are an outgrowth nev.· curbs in Oildale. "It Is possible Senator Dean Florez. and Con­ county, community service and boarding at of the ideas that were expressed here granted that it v.1ill not survive the gressman Mike Rubio. whom all entrepreneurship. The Mistress of Alta Sierra ski in November."' said Maggard. ""To­ 09-10 budget cycle \1.'e're gonna go gave approximately two-minute Ceremonies. Bernita Jenkins. had night probably 25 percent. maybe 30 through but I think that it is very like­ speeches expressing their support this to say to all of the honorees: resort, Feb. 27 percent of the people here \\'eren 't ly that it \\/ill last. Not only because it for the NAACP. 'Teach the young people how to here in November. They found them­ is important in our infrastructure but "It is certainly an honor and a work." Photos by selves trying to catch up. and they because V.'ith the v.-ay the economy privilege to be here tonight," May­ During the celebration. Horace Gregory D had new ideas they \\'anted to make has turned v.·e can get done nov.· for or Hall said in the beginning of his Mitchell. President of Cal State Cook !The sure they got on the table. about 40 cent\ on the dollar v.'hat it speech. He talked about how great University of Bakersfield. made Rip "'No ideas are solidified yet. It's the NAACP has been for the com­ cost us to do just t\VO years ago. ~·e GREGORY D. COOK /THE RIP an announcement of his ov.·n. As an open palette we can do whatever get a 1nuch bigger bang for the buck munity and how he enjoys being a of this year in June. during the Third District Supervisor Mike Maggard presents his plan for we want." A major project and one \\:Jth tax payer money:· member. He concluded by saying, commencement ceremony. CSL~B Oildale at Beardsley School Feb. 27. that is priority for Maggard a~ well as Attendees also called for a com­ "'The NAACP will continue to do "will be giving out a ne\.\-' doctor­ Oildale citizens is putting curbs and munity clean up. Maggard happily wonderful things with outstand­ ate award in honor of the late Dr. Snow mishaps, then victory gutters into unmaintained roads. replied that a cleam up had alread, n1an beings and human beings are al­ others applaud Maggard's efforts to ing people working together to and Rev. Tyree Tolliver:· v.·ho v,;a::, "We need side\\'alks. It's America been scheduled for mid \t1a.n:h. \1ag­ \\.·a: ~ a little nen ou1,, and even afraid re\·italiLc the land north of the river. overcome our city's challenges." active in the NAACP for decade.;. By STACEY STAAB IOI."" said Scott Proctor. originally gard v.·as very happy the the com­ somc"tin1t:-, of change:· said l\..lag­ "Vv'e got a guy here v.·ho is on a cru­ The event was not only a cele­ The night ended ,,..·ith a \'ideo '\Staab((!; from Los Angeles County. v.·ho pur­ n1unity ""a:. seeing their needs rnet. gard. '>ade for our area," said Tom Clark, bration, but it was also a fund.raiser. presentation on the history of the Rip staff writer chased a four plex as an in,·e,;tn1ent "Serendipity ~ou knO\\.:· ~aid .\e I the day I v.1ent down the slope again per \\'ctk for ten \\"t't'ks Universitv of La Verne ;;- 1 about coming to terms with mortal­ neuvering of the board. \\ as scared, yet I v.·as maqering the and did not fall off the lift. • ( )nc-ro-ont acadt:m1c KERN COUNTY CAMPUS options at: ity. "Everyman" was written in the I \\·as not sure of \\"hat to v.-·ear '"falling leaf' v.·hich is the n10,en1ent 1 \,·ent dov.·n the slopes a \\'hole a ...hi;:ing late 1400s, and it's about one man 121 rt :24th ~tree1, ;o:;unc t)-.") 111 \.\-'hile ~nov,.:boarding. so I had a pair of the board back and fonh fro1n side bunl·h of times and used muscles that discovering his fate and receiving the STUDENT DISCOUNT • (:.h-1;;:--cs start :,,;.t)( in of thermah on. thin cotton pants, t\\'O to side. I hardly ever used. and so I imag­ news from Death. Before achieving: DVD ... $90 shirts. a jacket. a beanie. mittens, and I think sno\\·boarding i:s. "o 1nuch ined that I \,·ould feel pain the next >,peak wirh :1 I ,;1 \ 'i:rnc repn·,;t.•nrative at the state of grace, Everyman must go t~·o pairs of socks. Ho\\1ever. I got fun, and so e,·ery time I \\'OUld go day and I did. 1 had pain in my legs. TANDEM ... $160 B.:kcr~fi.LlJ C, ,llr;· -If'an;,;fcr Ccnte(. through various trials and sacrifices. or enui.1: kcrcia uh:l'du soaked anyv..a:' because I did fall on down the slope. I \\'Ould shout. ··\Va­ knees and arms \.\-'ith bruises on my This play spotlights a man "s struggle ACCELERATED FREEFALL ... $260 .) 'J. 1-.2_;_ ;(1:4'1. 1:\22.28. my bun a fe\\' times. hoo!" legs. sol feel I took a beating. to come to terms with mortality. )11 .1.n1 1,, 1 pin !" :-1pp,,u111ncn1 qr walk-10 I v.·a~ thrilled and nef\·ou.;, at the I \\Tilt dO\\·n the .;;lope ..;, a fe\, n1orc I felt the -;nov. boarding challenge Each character in the play repre­ (661) 765-JUMP '!),'{,' ·: same time about taking on the chal­ times. and I met up \\ ith rn: chal­ \\'a', a succe;;,:-,, and l \\'OUld definitely sented God. Death and Angeb. Tht' lenge of sno,vboarding. but I figured lenger at the sn1all lift to <.,ee \'- hich do it again and eYen take my family. Page6 The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 March 4, 2009 The Renegade Rip I Page7 OPINION REVIEWS STAFF EDITORI.llL Apple delivers again Quit using handicap College students are adults, not kids Ped By J. W. BURCH, IV be made. By KELLY ARDIS ent in high school, where a video, enhancing [email protected] As for the iLife personal suite. kardis@baker.' or replacing, can perk up inattentive students. News editor iPhoto saw some of the biggest faci Iities, America Opinion editor But we 're in college. We can be expected to changes. The new iPhoto now makes pay full attention without a video. Egg On Jan. 6. Apple announced the organizing pictures easier by using I was pretty sure I had graduated from high America is lazy. Since most of us are here on our own release of iLife and iWork '09 for face detection and face recognition While most of the country would not admit this, care­ school almost two years ago. but I think I '"/o-, N€°'-"1> 'f'o ?o.,­ accord, unlike in high school, it can be as­ the Macintosh computers, the new­ software to find and label faces of lessness is demonstrated on a daily basis. What happens might have been dreaming. I thought I was "fovr NAME: o\'J sumed that we more or less want to be here est upgrades those in pictures. The application currently going to college, but I must have when a student uses the automatic door to get into a build­ '10..,, .-., .... i"~«. .. and that, since we are paying to attend, we to the personal can also organize photos by place or been wrong about that, too. Either I am in­ ing"? He/she becomes like the majority of lazy America. can be trusted to work hard and study on our soft PROGRAM and productiv­ event. deed back in high school or some of Bakers­ Baker_,;,field College students and all of America use own. But again. some teachers seem to have ity application The only thing that I disliked about field College ·s professors seem to think that REVIEW these (h~ndicap) butlons to their advantage when they are forgotten this by a..5signing mindless home­ suites. Each of iPhoto is that the face recognition they are teaching high school. From shov.,ing for people \.vho cannot open the door. People should not work and enforcing notebook checks. the suites in­ softv.,are is not perfect, although it take advantage of some of these special features offered videos instead of teaching the infonnation As much as I hate homework, I'm not cludes various is close. I have tv.1in 2-year-old boys. themselves to requiring notebook checks and on campu~. saying teachers should do away with it a!L for the add-ons that and the face recognition softv.·are assigning busy\\'Ork homev.·ork. I v.·ould as­ ****{:{ \Ve could understand if someone has too much to carry Busywork in high school is to be expected. It improve the applications and still cannot distinguish between them and need,;;, assistance. But ,vhen someone is listening to sume that a fe\\' of our professors are n1isin­ . gives easy points to students who might not f?;. i keeps them easy to use. Having the most times. Then again, my wife formed about v.·here they are teaching. their iPod and casually presses the button, then that's just do well on tests. These easy points can play a 2008 edition of the suites. I had to get and [ have trouble telling them apart Being in college, I expect a semi-decent ed­ \\Tong. "You 're ":alking along, then you press the button, big factor in whether or not a student passes the upgrades. sometimes. ucation. and I expect teachers to put forth an the door opens for you. and you keep \Valking. Opening a class or graduates. Notebook checks show foot I was excited to try the new iWork. Overall. the new iLife and iWork effort in their teaching. I am fully a~are that the d(Jor \.vith your right hand \vill not take up most of your that a student is paying attention and taking Namely, I \\'anted to see how the are a definite must for anyone \\·ho this is a community college and not Han,ard. time or energy. Ho\v can you justify this non-threatening notes, and that makes sense in high school. word-processing application, Pages. O\\'ns a Macintosh computer. It but we should still be getting well thought­ By BRITANI ALLISON is:-.ue·! Just because no handicapped civilian is in sight? In college, we 're supposed to be more had been upgraded. The best aspect would take too much space to talk of out lesson plans from every profcs\or. Spe­ [email protected] If you believe you could justify this situation. then you mature. If we are not already. \\.:e are becom­ of the new incarnation of Page~ is the each application individually as iLife cifically. what irritates me is being ~ho.....,.·n a Rip staff writer fail in life. You are using equipment that is not for your ing adults and learning to take responsibil~ P r o f f' o n a I Full Screen view, which allov.·s the consists of five applications, and the 30-minute IO\\'-quality video from the I 9XOs a""istancl'.". ity for our own grades. Note taking should writer to focus on what they are writ­ iWork is made up of three. to tell me what the teacher could have said Newfound study finds eggs can This i" not the only feature that has caught our attention. be optional, not a requirement. It is up to the ing and not get as easily distracted. Anyone interested in more infor­ in 30 <..econd:-,. I appreciate the potential nap­ give you smooth and soft feet! I Lu1dicappcd par!,,_ing spnts and cle\"ators are there for as­ student to take notes. and v.·hen he or ~he Also ne\\· to the appli.:ation i..; mation can go to the apple v.·ebsite to ti1ne a video can bring. but, in the end. 1'111 \\r'ell, not quite. The "i'-lance hut not for the able. doesn ·1. unles, he or she is some ~·ild excep­ Outline mode. \\·hich allov.·s user~ read about the nev, features or ~·atch paying to ican1 and to [)I;' taught. rn1 1101 ht'rc If you haven ·1 heard there is this Parkin~ in a handicar spot i" very disrespectful for tion. the proof wi\! he in the test-.. The .. F .. in t 'hi111ate to set the architecture and structure the keynote from Mac\\lorld 2009 in to \\·atch \']deo-.. Ho\\.e\·er. I \\ ill rhanl,._ thl' nev.1 invention th(1s..1.' \\ h(1 actu,tll:,. rk·cd that -;pot. There \.\"as this one tirne the cla-;\ and the ~J...,te ofn1oncy \\ill he the of their docu,ncnt a..; \\:ell as rear­ San Franci\co in ~·hich all hase'> are teacher\\ ho nH1',f ri:ccntly -.,!11.1\\eJ onl' (lf lli! called the Ped \\ h1.·n a n1cc-lookine Hu1nn1er took up a handicapped spot student\ u.....,.·n fault. range the forn1at of their outline a.... CO\'ered and demonstrations are per­ PRODUCT Egg. :11 BC. There \\a" ~10 license plate and no ~'indoy,· per~ cla..\se'> a video because I v.a:-, ahle to fini-.,h I know many people see ,:ommunity col­ F<>Ot needed should any changes need to Nov.'. just to formed. 111i1. y1.'t they tnok the -;pot. For those of you ....,.ho have some home\\·ork from another cla,..., t\',(l da:-.., lege a-" high :-ichool part t\\o. ~1aybe thi" REVIEW :1n ·°L'\t·u,~· .. for u"ing th1..·,c "Pots. you may al..;o tell your before it ~·as due...... ,..·ouldn 't he the case if ..;o ,nany teacher" clear the air, File pn1fc,..,(1r:,. (lllr d1 lf! ate:- (1ur homi:v,:ork. That\, the kind of I a1n all for \·ideos being \hO\\ n in l· la,.., to ALLY ARMSTRONG I SPECIAL TO THE RIP \\\>uldn "t treat us like high school students. ifs not really bull \\t' sec. add ',(1me spice to the c!a..., .... hut the:- sill 1uld he ~1any of us arc fresh out of high school and anegg :\t BC' \\ ._. dnn ·1 hJ\'L' tnany elc\·a1ors. but they are still used as clas:-i enhancer..; and not rcplacL·111ents. hraln function can real!~ help studenh to hener understand the material. plan to transfer to a four-year university. and ***0 It's a device Chun-Li no legend o\cru-.,ed. Lihranan\ u..,c thi.., technology for assi:,,tanci:. A video that hring:-, a \:onfu...,ing Shakespeare But teach-:rs relying on a video to du their joh for them i:-i ju~t going to the shock fron1 the transition v.·ill be enor­ that gets rid of the rough skin and cal­ luses located on the foot. and it just \\hich j.., line. But \,./hcn ~ou and your fellow clan mem­ play to life or one that illustrat..'" a co1nplicated make \\·hat i') probably already a boring class e\'en tnore boring. It\ differ- mous if these teachers continue to coddle us. By NICHOLAS SPARLING universe. Chun-Li. Bison. \lega and happens to be shaped like an egg. ht·r.., huddle ur ;ind \\ ant to take the elc\'ator. you are not n.\parlin(µ hakersfield(·o/! Balrog: and none of the 1...-haracters The unique shape of the Ped Egg is thin& thi.., equipn1cnt out of nece...,:-,ity. Rip staff writer were clad in their outfit~ from lhe said to be helpful to its users because Peoplt: \.I. hn nct:d ,on1e ass;i:-,tance arc acceptable. We video game. With the realistic world it fits in the palm of the hand. The are not sayinf these features are for handicapped people In a brazen attempt to resurrect setting sprinkled \\'ith fighting moves Ped Egg is also said to give the user a only. \Ve are ... aying 1hose of you ....,.-ho take advantage of Don't take risks parking like an idiot the all but forgotten ""Street Fighter" based in fantasy. the movie failed to pedicure that could, at one time. only these prh ileges for the aid-dependent should be a.;;hamed franchise, they went out on a limb pick a side and stick to it with any be given at salons. of your:-,L"h es. By LEIA MINCH the fittest theory. The passive will never to make a new sense of consistency. gine and attempt to race to that perfect over it. They are too lazy to back out and In the commercials they claim that [email protected] survive. They \\.:ill be the ones \A:ho get to fresh movie, The cast consisted of mostly C-list spot. However some jerk driving a Nis­ re-park their vehicle, and this causes the the Ped Egg is able to leave the skin MOVIE Feature editor park way in the back and have to walk 15 'The Legend actors, most of whom I have never san gets there a few seconds before me person who parks next to them to park callus free. The commercials also LETTER TO THE EDITOR minutes just to get to class. and steals that precious spot I have been of Chun-Li."' heard of. The most note-worthy ac­ far to the side as v.·ell. It becomes so bad claim that it will remove the rough REVIEW Like most college students, I value The aggressive, though, have no rules. eying. New film, new tor was Michael Clarke Duncan \\i·ho down the line that eventually that there skin. sleep more than just about anything. Ev­ They fly through the parking lot. risking ~ actors, new was ca..,;t in the role of Balrog. His Through this parking experience I have are spaces being taken up that could have The commercials show women ery second of sleep counts. So when my either an accident or hitting a pedestrian. determined that here at BC w·e have three plot, new angle character also was considerably the Custodian responds been three or four more parking places. and men with cracked and dry heels. alann begins \\i·ailing for me to get up. I With one goal in mind, they are ruthless. different types of dimwitted parkers. Finally, the third type of brainless and a brand new \.vay to disappoint most entertaining. with his deep car­ Each man and woman obtains a Ped PATii J. LOOMIS I THE RIP sluggishly roll out of bed aad get ready As Darnrin 's theory. \\_'ho and insult the fan base. toon villain laugh and one liners that ~!ates, those "The first type are the people .who feel parker is the one who parks on the speed Egg and uses it. Editor: and ]eave for school. Because I am not a do not adapt. perish. So \\'e_passive driv­ The Ped Egg is a mess-free pedicure product designed to remove calluses and dead skin from Prior to seeing the movie. I won­ were so ridiculous I coukln 't help but their car is far too expensive or too large bumps, henceforth, not allowing traffic to After the first use. their feet are This is a response to criticism of the campus restrooms. morning person my first class hegins at ers must become one 6f'lli.e ·aggressive. the feet to give them a smooth look and feel. They can be purchased by phone, online and in dered if it would be based on the fan­ crack up every time he talked. to only park in one parking spot. so they pass through that area. beautiful and healthy. [ am a custodian at BC. and the first thing I do when I get 9:35 a.m. Anyone \\·ho drives kno~'s that We become animals and just as a pack stores. tastic world of the video game or if Vega played a pathetic part in the intentionally take two spaces. Of course. In my seven months at BC, I have dis­ The women now can wear their here is clean the restrooms. being at school that '"late"' means getting of vultures cirCles a dead carcass. we the people who drive these vehicles are covered that if J"m going to sleep in. then it would try and follow suit with the film. He only has one short fight with strappy heels without being cau­ However, on my ride home, I be­ 28 minutes. same manner that I rubbed my foot. I have hundreds of students using the restrooms daily. a crappy parking spot. S\\'ann and hover around the parking lots far better than the average Joe and must I must sacrifice getting a prime parking recent fad of comic book movies by Chun-Li and is easily defeated. Even tious about their cracked heels. The gan looking over the package. and I Then in the package, the company and I'm ashamed to say this. but I M.Y problems in the men·s restrooms are that students I understand this though. and while l looking for our prey to feast on, willing take these spaces right up front instead of spot. I have accepted this and now walk taking place in a realistic world. in the video game you can't beat men can now roam around without · couldn't help but notice that the front put two emory board pads, and I owe my linle sister $5. won ·1 flush the toilet so you have the smell of urine and am not the most patient of people. I can to injure anyone else who attempts to being courteous and parking in the back a bit faster to my class. I have realized 1be film follows the life of Chun­ Vega the first time you fight him. their shoes and socks. These men of the Ped Egg looks like a grater. couldn't have a half done pedicure, I'm disappointed that I didn't win feces in there. say that trying to find a decent parking claim our target as their ov.n. \\'here they could take tv.·o spaces and that it saves me time and anger and I get Li as she narrates. She is given a ge­ There is a scene with Bison where and women show off their feet with Despite my skepticism about rub­ so I rubbed my feet with what ap­ that $5 from my sister, but rm not If you are germ-conscious. grab a paper towel and flush spot brings out all my inner demons. I get Driving: around the parking lot. I begin no one would care. These parkers tease a decent amount of exercise. neric Kung Fu movie story line from he is beating his V.'Oman, Cantana, pride. bing my foot with a cheese grater. I peared to be a piece of chalkboard. disappointed to admit that maybe the dam 1oilet. As far a:-. the graffiti, I suggest we post a so frustrated with the way idiots at our to feel myself getting angrier, and as [ the rest of us because they leave a small l still get frustrated, however. when I her life as a child to her training to the for losing a fight with Chun-Li. Bi­ Also in the commercial, they show still decided to go through with the I'm really not quite sure what the I was wrong about the Ped Egg. I re\\.'ard to v,.-hoe\"er reports anyone doing it. We stopped school decide to park their vehicles that glance at the clock I will be arriving later amount of space where it looks like we walk by cars and see them parked fool­ face-off against Bison. Also the mov­ son has her tied up and is just letting a lady rubbing the Ped Egg along a task. emory boards are supposed to do to thought that maybe the Ped Egg the homh threats by posting a re\\·ard. Why can't it work I frequently en\'ision driving a n1ilitary and later to my class. Knuckles white, I could fit, but once we try to park. we find ishly. So. I ask that all students take the ie follo\\i·s the story of Charlie Nash, loose on her as he talks about her balloon. So when I finally got home, I my feet, so I'm not certain if it did its wasn't what it was cracked up to be. for taggers·: Humvee and ramming into the nit\\'its grip the steering wheel tighter. My heart that even our small economy cars won't time to realize that they are not the only a Keanu Reeves wannabe, and his casually in the past tense. his white The point of this is to show that the opened the package, put the egg to­ job or not. but it is a great alternative to going to I have this to say for the women·s restrooms: Toilet pa­ who park. well, like nitwits. pounds ~·ith excitement because I have make it in the space they left. ones who park. If you get here early, or hot female sidekick Detective Maya shirt is splattered with blood. Note­ Ped Egg is strong enough to get rid gether and read the directions care­ After about a total of 35 minutes, the salon and getting a pedicure. Even per. hand to\,.:els. tampons, toilet-seat covers - you name Parking here at Bakersfield College is found just what I have been looking for. The second type of parker is the person even late, as tempting as it may be, don't Sunee. They take on crime in the city worthy scenes like this appeared out of the dry skin but also safe enough fully. I then took off my sock and my pedicure was finished, but I still though I may never use my Ped Egg it, the fc""male students throw it. Every morning, I go into a classic example of Danvin·s survival of Eyes narrowed and focused, I rev the en- who parks directly on the line or a little park like an asshole. run by Bison. The plot of the movie of place in this movie. to not pop the balloon. rubbed the egg up and down my foot. the restroom. and it looks like they turned loose a bunch of had to complete one more stage in to remove the dry skin from my feet, advances a bad joke. The fact that To add a degree of irony to the After watching the commercials, I Now after about two minutes, I felt v. ildcats in there v.·ith all of the tom paper everywhere. my Ped-Egg challenge. I will not look at it as money wasted. they could have chosen any character film, Chun-Li is cared for and taught became curious about this Ped Egg. my foot. and it felt the same. So, I .A.., a n1an. it's harder to clean the women·s restrooms I decided to blow up a balloon and I might use it as a cheese grater after from the "Street Fighter'" universe. fighting skills by Gen, played by ac­ So when the idea about doing a story because there is alv.·ays someone in there, and when you proceeded to grate the bottom of my rub it with my Ped Egg . sterilizing it, of course. and they chose Chun-Li showed bad tor Robin Shou who was Liu Kang in Worrying about DTV converters is a waste for the Renegade Rip about the Ped foot for five more minutes, still no To make things more interesting, I The Ped Egg is a great product for Jo get the chance. you always have at least two or three judgment. For al[ the characters that the ''Mortal Kombat" movies. Egg was presented, I couldn't let the difference, so I continued for another girls either hurrying you up or giving you dirty looks so decided to make a bet with my sis­ those who hate spending a lot of their they left out. they could have picked This movie wa"> a colossal disap­ opportunity pass me by. seven minutes and finally my foot felt you r1..·ally don't have that much time to clean very well. By KAMYELLE POWELL The commercials centered on this even it. Well, some people can "t afford it. like about this problem yet. since the deadline ter. money on feet. It's cost efficient, and a much more interesting: storyline. pointment filled with honific dia­ After buying my handy-dandy Ped exceptionally soft. So then I couldn't You knov.·. there's only one custodian to a building and kstripli@' stated that after Feb. 17, you will no lon­ myself. The only big difference between has been pushed back lo June 12. Even If the balloon popped, she had to it does just what it claimed to do. After seeing the movie, I still can't logue and plot holes the size of the Egg for only $!0.17 at Walgreens. just do one of my feet and not the hundreds of students using restrooms. You students can Rip staff writer ger be able to use your rabbit ears. Well, the old rabbit ears and digital is that it's a Barack Obama said that it was the v.Tong give me $5. If the balloon didn't pop. The egg has definitely come a be sure \\i·hat they were shooting for. Grand Canyon. Go rent the original I went home in1mediately so that I make a difference. I am not asking you to pick up a toilet it is ~'ell over that date. and people can clearer picture and easier to see. but this ti1ne for the conversion. and it needed to other. so I egged the other foot. This I had to give her $5. So I rubbed the long way from just being used in the The movie only featured four "Street Fighter." Cornpared to this could try it out. stage of my at-home pedicure took brush mid scrub a\\ay. That"s my job. The race to get your DT\l converter still use the old faithful because the dead­ rush seems to be coming at a bad time. be extended because people couldn "t af­ balloon for about I 5 seconds in the kitchen. characters from the ··street Fighter'" one, it is practically Oscar worthy. \\'har 1·n1 a-;king is if you are someone who does not box has been a futile one. so far. for the line ha~ been pushed back. The economy is at an all-time lov.·. and ford the boxes or new TVs. tlu:.h the toilet plea:-.e. flush the toilet because ~,e all use ~irnple fact that the con\'cr...,ion has heen M) personal belief is that. obviously. the last thing on people ·s minds is wheth­ There really isn ·1 any point in ha\·ing: it. too. And if you c;ee people thrO\\' paper on the floor, put on stand by for a fr~\\. n1ore n1cinth:-, if you cruu1ot afford cable to begin with. er or not thev can v.·atch TV. Cable com­ this conversion either. Ifs mostly just please. tell them to pick it up and throw it in the trash. due to budget cuts. \vhy ~'ould you want to pay for the con­ panies are i~ the same crunch, and that's about comfort and not necessity. Classic Jackie Chan movie kicks the meals off its wheels Rcmcn1bcr. there is strength in numbers. If you want a There isn "t a comparison \\. hen ) ou verter so that you can get digital channels? why they wanted to push it back. I think it's ridiculous that this should clean restroom, then please help us keep it that way. and watch digital cable compared to an old Yeah, they gave out coupons to low-in­ Right now is not the right time to have even be a problem. We have bener things don "t put all of the blame on the custodian. If we all pull antenna method. Most people prefer digi­ come participants, but they didn't print to be handling this. We, as a country, need to worry about. Like maybe terrorism from their van. A wannabe detective one off of his motorcycle. I always for last because the last 30 minutes together, we could make a difference. tal for the clearer picture and more chan­ enough and are already out of them. to step back and actually prioritize what and poverty would be a nice start, but no. By GABINO VEGA ROSARIO (Hung) is hired to find a missing girl wonder how many times it took to of the movie will leave you breath­ Ruben Rosales nels, but now the cable companies are So what are the people who didn't re­ problems need to come first. instead we 're wonying about television [email protected] (Lola Forner) who belongs to this film this piece. I have always wanted less. Chan, Biao and Hung have to BC custodian trying to make money of this ploy. ceive coupons supposed to do? Pay for We actually shouldn't even be thinking sets and cable. Editor in chief royal family. Chan and Biao meet to dropkick somebody like that, but sneak in the bad guy's castle to save her at a mental hospital were Biao's the producers of "Wheels"' took it the girls. Eventually, Chan and Biao lmagine slowly looking up and get­ father and Fomer·s mother are fall­ up to the next level by drop- kicking get caught where they are both invit­ ting a jaw full of knee, BAM! This is ing in love. As the story progresses, 'GADE FEEDBACK Compiled by Julie Johnson I The Rip someone off of a motorcycle! ed to attend a fonnal dinner with the the '80s classic review featuring the Forner begins to wmk with both 1be story line might be a little con­ bad guy and the girls. Chan throws movie called cousins. Eventually, a gang tries to fusing at first, but once you watch it soup at the bad guy, and this causes Adam lackey, Amber Rocha, Wofsa Korin, Idell Tarver, Eric Silva, Sheena "Wheels on kidnap her, and that's where the story philosophy and biology: "The CLASSIC the second time then everything else the final fight to begin. It's truly engineering: electrical engineering: Downing. art: Meals" starring begins to get good. Where are the psychology: library because '"Library, engineering: "The "I would rather will make sense. When a gang tries to bani to describe how awesome this Jackie Chan 1be stunts and the comedy are best bathrooms "From a guy's all the other downstairs." "For women, bathrooms in hold it in than REVIEW kidnap Forner, Hung asks Chan and scene was. It was funny, unexpected. perspective, the ones look like the industrial the engineering use the BC and directed by priceless. There is me scene where Biao to help him find her and stop the intense, amazing. It was all of the on campus and best bathroom crap." tech bathroom building are restrooms." SammoHung. Chan jumps off a balcony and bounc­ gang. "The team stops the gang from above, basically. is in the music because hardly nice." 1n 1984, Chan es off an awning, then does a ftont the streets of Barcelona to a car chase Chan and Urquidez go fist to fist arts building." why? any women and Benny "the flip and lands on his feet. Chan notic­ COURTESY OF GOOGLE IMAGES on the road. with a fight scene that puts some use it." ***** Jet" Urquidez filmed one of the best es the owner of the awning and turns Eventually. the main bad guy (who of the most recent fight scenes to fight sequences ever captured on around to say "bola" Biao needs to At the beginning of the movie, both pretty fast. From a distance, two sends the gang to capture Forner) shame. The speed of the punches and film. Though these kinds of movies get down too. So, Chan signals him cousins are getting ready for a typical more motorcycle gang members are gets tired of his gang's failing, so kicks were so awesome that Urqui­ have choreographed scenes, it is still not to jwnp, but Biao misunderstood day at their job. When they arrive at driving toward Chan and Biao. This he sends his top dogs to get the job dez actually blows out some nearby one of the best fight scenes ever. what he meant. The owner removes their site, a motorcycle gang scares stunt was in slow motion. which cap­ done. Urquidez leads the kidnapping candles. This is definitely a classic THE RENEGADE RIP Write The Rip The story is about two (Chan and the awning, and Biao lands on his away the customers causing Chan tured my eye almost instantly. Biao group and eventually manages to must-see kung-fu movie. The nev.· Letters should not exceed 300 words, must be Yuen Biao) Chinese cousins living in butt with some sound effects mark­ and Biao to fight them. A crowd tackJes one member off of his motor­ kidnap Forner and her mother. Jackie Chan movies are great, but accompanied by a signature and the letter writer's Spain, running a fast-food restaurant ing his fall. gathers around the fight, which ends cycle, and Chan dropkicked the other The director really saved the best this one is one of the best. EDITORIAL BOARD STAFF identity must be verified with a photo ID. The Rip reserves the right to edit letters, however, writers will be given the opportunity to revise lengthy or Winner of the 2003, 2008 Editor in Chief . Gabino Vega Rosario Reporters: Britani Allison, Dara Gholston, unacceptable submissions. BC BR.llINS Compiled by Patti J. Loomis I The Rip JACC Pacesetter Award News Editor ...... J.W. Burch, IV Matt Humble, Jimmy D. Laurent, Seggan If an organization submits a letter as a group, it must be signed by only one person, either the leader of the Editor's note: BC Brains is Vanessa Lana DeAndre Tonette The Renegade Rip is produced by Bakersfield College Features Editor ...... Leia Minch Moore, Manuel Morfin, Kamyelle Powell, Kaitlin Forcucci, Ben Lejeune, organization or the letter writer. Pen names are not a feature that asks students Graves, biology McCormick. Wallace, James, child J00rnal1srr1 classes, printed by Bakersfield Envelope & Nicholas Sparling, Stacey Staab, Amber nursing: "Can theater and Opinion Editor . . . Kelly Ardis allowed and anonymous letters will not be published. a question to test their and math: business: "Like criminal development: function well at Printing Co. Inc., and circulated on Wednesdays during music: "Pre- Troupe knowledge of all things trivial. "Something perfection." justice: "Has "Sounds like something." the fall arid spr,rig semesters Photo Editor...... Taylor M. Gombos 1970s. before Multimedia: Liz Clarke How to reach us funky."" something the word that funk music The r,e·1\·soaper is published under the auspices of Sports Editor ...... Vincent Perez • Address: Bakersfield College. Photographers: Gregory D. Cook, Julie to do with 1s meaning became really the Kern Corir.iurnty College District Board of Trustees, Online Editor .... Andrew J. Ansolabehere 1801 Panorama Drive, Bakersf,eld. CA 93305 What does moving stuff." better than popular." b:.,t sole respons1bil1ty for 11:s content rests with student Johnson, David Karnowsk1, Patti J. Loomis, • Newsroom: Campus Center 1 something Copy editor...... Katherine J. White . -$ ed·:ors AleJandro Montano • Phone: (661) 395-4324 perfunctory else." The Rio is a member of the Journalism Association • Fax: (6611395-4027 of Ccr""":~;ur ~Y Colleges and the California Newspaper Adviser ...... Danny Edwards mean? • E-mail: [email protected] a;e) JO JSOH!~UI i:1/J.JI/ 41.IM {t,;JU!JnOJ auoo :JiJMSUe µauo,:, PL;8! sr,ers Assoc1at1on Photo Adviser ...... Carol Barnett •Website: vvvvv\ .I

Page2 The Renegade Rip I March 4, 2009 March 4, 2009 The Renegade Rip I Page 11 NEWS SPORTS

CALIN DAR M.llkCB Volunteers Men's, women's seasons come to an end 4 • Rip publishes • (SUB outreach repre­ plined ball. We had opportunities to senative booth@ 9 a. m. • BC loses two straight to • Despite their record, Dahl make blankets win several games in the second half end the season including an happy that her team fought •Those Vexing verbs & 82-78 loss to Chaffey College hard during their tough of conference," she said. 5 Verb Forms workshop the event and referred to herself "I was pleased that we did finally • Project Linus event in the playoffs. season. start competing. It was tough. I had 12:30inSS151 as the "lone crocheter in a field of "Make a Blanket Day" quilters.'" a group of kids that were committed • Mens tennis vs. Allen Han­ "I've been crocheting since I By TAYLOR M. GOMBOS By TAYLOR M. GOMBOS and finished the year out and didn't cock@ 2 makes and distributes was 7 or 8," Colbert said. "I ac­ [email protected] [email protected] complain. For that I am grateful."' • Adaptive Tennis @7 p. m.@ homemade blankets to tually failed home ec. because I Photo editor Photo editor Dahl mentioned that despite win­ Haggin Oaks Parle needy children. would not knit a pair of slippers. I ning only 7 games in 2 seasons she • "A Powerful Noise" @8 p. m. got back into it in college. It made For the Bakersfield College men's For the Bakersfield College wom­ still has the passion to coach. @ Bakersfield Stadium 14 By KELLY ARDIS for inexpensive gifts. I'd knit in basketball team. its hopes of return· en "s basketball team, the long season "The fire is there. I am out recruit­ ing to the Elite Eight came to a quick has finally come to an end. ing very hard for next season. I am • "This is How it Goes," begins [email protected] class, and I dropped a needle once end. The Renegades endured a season really excited about the prospects we @ 8 p.m. in BC Indoor Theater Opinion editor and got caught. I told my teacher I was making gloves and asked him The Renegades who were seeded ending 94-44 loss to the Citrus Col­ have lined up.'" said Dahl. Fresno Pacific Univer­ what color he wanted."'- ninth in the South were defeated by lege Owls on Feb. 21. "I am excited for next year and ex­ • Project Linus is a national non­ 6 sity booth @ 9 a.m. Colbert said her friends even­ No. 8 seeded Chaffey College 82-78 The closest the Renegades got cited to see what we can do." profit organization named after the • SGA Senate Meeting @ 10 tually had too many afghans be­ Feb. 27 in the first round of the play­ was being down 22-12. but the Owls Dahl said that she will change the "Peanuts" character who always offs. built a 35-18 halftime lead and never way her team does certain things • Essentials in Word Processing cause of her. When she continued carried around a security blanket. to make more and her friends had The Renegades started the game looked back. next season. workshop@ 10 in MS 165 On Feb. 21 the local chapter put their share of blankets. Project against Chaffey down by a score of Against Citrus, Taquedia Brown "I started off the season giving • Track Meet @ 2 on "Make a Blanket Day'" at the Linus was a solution. 20-1. had 16 points and nine rebounds, our team a green light on shooting • CIF State Wresting Champi­ East Hills Mall from 10 a.m. to 3 GREGORY D. COOK I THE RIP "It was a tough game. We didn't while Nicole Lopez added 10 points. whenever they wanted to. That was onships@ 6:30 p. m. @ Rabo­ "I'm a compulsive crocheter. If p.m. there was a Compulsive Crochet­ Buck's Landscape Materials and Pond Shop displays a waterfall from the back of a dump truck have a great start. They (Chaffey) had For Citrus. Terri Washington had a mistake. We were doing that for the bank Arena Project Linus provides home­ ers of California, I'd join."' Colbert at the Kern County Home and Garden Show, Feb. 21. a tremendous start. I give it to them," 26 points while Jazmine Matthews first time," she said. "We were trying • "V-Oay and Vagina Mono­ made blankets for children in said. "1 had to have someY.:here BC head coach Rich Hughes said. also added 26 points. it and thought it would ,vork. Earl}' louges"@ 8 p. m.@ Empty traumatic situations. The organi­ "We fought our way back. Our Also for Citrus, Shateah West had on, it did. 1 won't do that again. I v.'ill Space for the afghans to go." zation first started on Christmas Elizabeth Castillo. a 17-year­ guys didn "t quit. We had opportuni­ 13 points, while Bianca Nunez added stick to what I know:· • "The Goat" @ 8 p. m. @ The Eve in 1995 and has been present ties down the stretch. We had some 12 JX>ints. Dahl once again thanked the fans Spotlight Theater old Bakersfield High School in Kem County since 2006. student, attended the event for [ Home and garden show mistakes v.·hich cost us under a min­ ··1 thought this season was a lot of for sticking with the team throughout Kem County Chapter Coor­ the first time. She worked on ty­ ute to go. It was a combination of missed opportunities," coach Paula the season. Oildale Centennial dinator Michele Willis went on­ • so­ ing blankets so the fabric doesn't mistakes throughout the game that Dahl said. "Our families were amazing thi-. 7 oaVfundraiser@ 1 1 line and started a local chapter bunch up. When asked of her ex­ hurt our chances of v.·inning." "We started the year off with a year. The parents were extremely Trouts after Hurricane Katrina She said perience. she said she had none. Despite the loss. Hughes feels like lot of promise. We had changes in supportive. That makes all the differ­ • Bakersfield Symphony Or­ that after Katrina, she wanted to "When I called [to inquire about offers affordable goods the season overall ,vas successful. personnel that we didn't expect. ,<\.s ence." said Dahl. "There v.·as a genu­ chestra. "Bohemian Rhapsody'' do something locally for people the event], I thought I'd be intimi­ "We accomplished a lot. We fin­ a result, it impacted us, and it kind of ine care for their daughters. lllat\ 0 8 p. m. @ Rabobank Arena here. ished second in conference. which is held us back for a while." why their daughters v,.-ere great kids dated. but after I called and was By STACEY STAAB Registered Nurses Project Linus makes and dis­ were able to be creative in the kid's Marketing director of the Home not first. but it's a pretty good stand­ Dahl said that her team started to too because they have that strong • told about it. I thought I'd be OK," [email protected] 9 open house @ 5 in sci tributes blankets for children ages workshops. and Garden Show, Jamie Williams. ing for us. We made the playoffs play bener when they got into con­ family support." Castillo said. "What I hope to get Rip staff writer ence 58 building newborn to I 8. The blankets are Many companies held seminars said, "Bargains have never been bet­ again for the fourth straight year.'' ference play. The Renegade" finished the season out of this is knowing I did some­ and demonstrations for the people ter, so treat yourself to something distributed locally to places like thing good. Tragic things happen, said Hughes. "The second half of the season with a record of 4-24 overall and 1- •Women's tennis match Alliance Against Family Violence The 23rd annual Home and Garden who attended. special." . .. ··were our ultimate goals reached? we really started playing more disci- 11 in the Western State Conference. 0 2 Santa Monica and ifs good if there's literally a 10 vs. and Sexual Assault, Jamison Show kicked off this year on Feb. 20 David Monge. ov.rner of Kitchen "Dirt cheap is our company's mot­ No. But we did have a succe.'isful comfort blanket there for them." at the Kem County Fairgrounds with Center. Veteran Affairs Family Craft International, demonstrated to," said Buck Whitaker of Buck's season because of some good posi­ •CSUB outreach rePfl!­ Wmona Dowell has been with over 500 people attending, and most how to cook food without using wa­ Landscape Materials and Pond 11 senative booth @ 9 a.m. Assistance Program and several tive things that we did."' Project Linus for about a year and said they had hopes of buying some­ ter or oil, which allows "minimum Shop. hospitals. also worked on tying blankets. Hughes said that he is disappointed • New Student Orientation O From Girl Scouts to seniors thing for their home or garden. moisture cooking" to preserve fla­ Many said that even though the 2:30 She said she made a few blankets that the team wasn't able to get back in high school looking for com­ There were over 300 displays and vor and color. reduce shrinkage and economy is the way it is. they were in the 1970s. but started again to the state Elite EighL • SGA executive board melting munity service hours to veteran l 00 companies selling everything odor, retain the maximum amount of able to purchase the cookware, spa. 04:30 more recently. "It's disappointing that we couldn't blanketeers, the "Make a Blanket from cookware to imported wines to minerals and vitamins and saves time lawnmower, vacuum, garden sup­ "You just learn it by doing it. get back to where we were. We just lawnmowers. and money. The prices of the cook­ plies and a whole remodeled kitchen Women's tennis v. Day'" event had volunteers of vari­ didn't have enough to get over the • and you can make them any way For home, garden and outdoor ware ranged between $1.200 for the that they wanted for their home and/ 12 Glendale O 2 ous ages, experience and skill lev­ you want.'' Dowell said. "Some of hump at times this year against good els, hoping to reach Willis' goal of living there were displays like land­ basic set to $2,500 for the chef set. or garden. the ladies here are really talented. quali!Y teams. We had enough to beat 13 •SGA Senate Meeting 150 blankets made. With that goal scapes, kitchens. baths, spas and bar­ "llle waterless cookware is made Attendee Christine Nunes said -1 them but we had too many mistakes," O 10a.m. I just make simple ones." becues. in America and has seven layers, one purchased cabinets for my kitchen in mind. there were many projects The store Kohl's was also pres­ Hughes said. • Sllllim teams vs Santa Monica volunteers could work on. Attendees were able to get green­ layer of magnetic steel. three layers that is being remodeled and a spa ent at the event as part of Kohl's "Out of our ten losses. probably 02:30 "If they have their own project thumb tips and attend the Home De­ of stainless steel and three layers of that I have been wanting for a long seven of those were lost in the last Cares for Kids, with employees pot's do-it-yourself clinics. and kids alwninum alloy."' Monge said. time." • Mariachi festival@ 7:30 p. m. to work on, they can bring that," working on fleece blankets. two to three minutes of the game. O Fox Theater Willis said "If not, we have lots "We were here last year. We You're not going to win the state of projects to work on here like championship if you are making mis­ Electronic e-waste do it every year," said Kohl's • re­ fabric dyeing, quilt squares. knit­ 14 cycling O 8 a.m. 0 Eye employee Katrina Flores. "[Proj­ takes down the stretch." ting. crocheting, fleece blankets there are some st. and 9th ect Linus] gets a donation from Hughes feels that and tying blankets."" • Kern County teachers job Kohl's if five of our employees things that his team can build on for DAVID KARNOWSKII THE RIP Most attendees said their fa­ next sea,;;;on. fair @ 8:30 a. m. @ University show up." Bakesfield College sophomore guard Darrin Dorsey attempts a shot during a game against vorite part of Project Linus is the Square Sherrie Lenna, also a Kohl's "We 're excited about the guys Citrus College on Feb. 21. The Renegades were defeated by Citrus 66-65. • Bakersfield College Invita­ friendship and helping others. But employee, said she usually brings coming back. Hopefully we will build Willis found another perk. tional track meet O 9 a.m. her kids with her to the event but upon twenty-three wins and hopeful­ played us for forty minutes. We had Citrus coach Rick Croy gave credit college basketball because of how "My favorite part is getting to • 2nd annual Walk for Thought was unable to this time. ly get a better shot of getting back to our opportunities and we didn't get to the Renegades and said that his close each of their games are. meet people ... and getting to see O 9 a. m. @Yokuts "I like coming because kids can the Elite Eight," said Hughes. it done down the stretch,'' Hughes team expects a tough game every "These games are incredible. all the cute fabric!'" Willis said as • CSUB alumni hall of fame get involved too," Lenna said. Darrin Dorsey had 14 points while said. time with them. They 're like ESPN instant classic she showed off a recently donated gala O 6 p. m. 0 Seven Oaks "It gives them a sense of giv­ Jamar Harrison added 10 points but "We had the game won. We missed "We know when we are in 1he bus games every time," said Croy "Peanuts" fabric. County Club ing instead of 'Gimme, gimme!••• the Renegades still fell to Western some shots. We had a couple of op­ on the way up that the game is going "If you sold the video tapes people Cathy Colbert. a teacher at Flores added. State Conference rival Citrus College portunjties to dive on the floor and to come down to the final two min­ couldn't believe these games, the Arvin High School, has been with ~ B~II vs. LA Pierce Project Linus meets monthly. 66--05 Feb. 21. secure the ball, and we didn "t do it." utes," Croy said following the game. kind of passion that people are play­ 17 the local chapter of Project Linus For more infonnation, visit www. With the Renegades leading 65-64 Also against the Owls, Luis Go­ "I think tonight we were outplayed. ing with and the clutch plays that since its start.­ with 14.7 seconds left in the game, an mez added 13 points while Alex Ol­ You make a few plays at the end the are being made when it counts the Rip publishes She led the crocheting group at 18 • county. inbounds by the Renegades was cott poured in 8 points. thing can tum in the other direction, most." stolen by Kelly Johnson of Citrus, For Citrus. Steven Bennett had 12 and that's what happened tonight." The Renegades finished the season who then hit a lay-up, which proved points and one rebound while Ter­ Croy said that he felt like the Cit­ with a record of 23-10 and an 8-4 DAVID KARNOWSKI I THE RIP to be the winning points. ance Reaves added 11 points and rus College versus Bakersfield Col­ record in the Western State Confer­ Bakersfield College sophomore guard Nicole Lopez "They outplayed us. They out- four rebounds. lege rivalry is the best in community ence. maneuvers past a Citrus College player Feb. 21. Event teaches families caution •

gallon per person per day expecting young people directing traffic at the By MANUEL MORAN at least three days before you get mall during holidays or helping out Women win 11 of [email protected] help, but it would be better to be pre­ at parades,'" Davenpart said Rip staff writer pared for a longer period of time.'" During disasters volunteers are re­ Arends warned people that it is ally important, said Barbara Swan­ not a good idea to drink water from son, coordinator of Kem Medical 12 events at home The Community Awareness Fair swimming pools because the water Reserve Corps. was held at Patriots Parle located at may be contaminated. He also re­ "It is important to sign them up By VINCENT PEREZ and Dominguez competed in the the comer of Ming Avenue and New minded people how important it is in advance;• said Swanson, who ex­ Stine Road The event, held on Man:b [email protected] women's 100-yard individual med­ to have basic items handy such as a plained that many people try to vol­ Sports editor ley, and Dominguez won (1:10.34). I, was the result of six months of flashlight, shoes, a food disaster kit, unteer at the moment of a disaster, wmc from Joshua Cohen. 13, a Boy Dominguez also won the women's etc., in case of a catastrophe. but they lack the proper training and The Bakersfield College women's 50-yanl butterfly (28.95). Scout who was concemed about the "You must be prepared for the sometimes that situation becomes knowledge that people need in case swim team won I I out of 12 events Dominguez said about her pe,for­ worst possible scenario," said AI­ chaotic. in their first home dual against West- mance. "I felt good, but I felt weaker of a narmal disaster and helping wilh ends. Esther Schlanger, mother of four aime preveotioo. em State Conference competitors, on the 55, [I'm] trying to get used to , -V··:- Adam Krause from Sport O,aJet kids, attended the fair after she saw a College of the Canyons, on Feb. 28 iL We've been practicing really hard Cobm said that the knowledge ~-,::c_J"'··.:i,_ -~~Ld, __ ::iiI{E;. ;;,;~:,Afdtci~ .•J ""~wiii'.~_,,{~:·&fu¥11r/f~~,-~,~:_ exposed many i-thatmay be u,;e­ flier handed-by Cohen. She came at the William A. Wheeler Aquatic all week.'"Dominguez mentioned her available at the fair will help to pre­ ful to be prepared for a disaster. From to the fair to obtain more knowledge vent crime and eventually people will Center, 106-69. The BC men"s team preperation before a swim competi­ a water preserver to a solar charger and be prepared to protect her little lost to COC 136-95. ton. "I just relax and have fun. I don "t know what to do in case of a disaster. for electronics. Krause demonstrated ones. The fair targeted all the members of BC's Allison Duran won the worn- get myself worked up because if you the use of every item available for "I think the most important thing PHOTOS BY GREGORY D. COOK I THE RIP the family because ""families make en's 50-yard backstroke with a time get yourself stressed out you don't do surviving in a disaster. I learned today was to know that we of 28.42 ahead of three Canyons' as well .. .it's all mental.'" she said. BC's Adam Pritchard digs deep in the men's 400 IM. Below: Sara Brady swims toward victory in the 500 yard freestyle, Feb. 28. our community," said Cohen. "They taught us this when I was in need to have lots of water stored," Children attending the fair had the swimmers. Duran was also in the BC men's team struggled against the army."' said Brad Nonis referring said Schlanger. women "s 200-yard individual medley Canyons, but won four events: The yons'men (1:54.03). Pike was surprised how his teams opportunity to get an idea of how car­ to a whistle, which serves to commu­ Many other people were passing BC swimming coach Charlie Pike responded agility-wise. "It"s their diopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is and finished with a time of 2:15.55. men"s 400-yard individual medley. nicate using the Morse code. by the parl< and stopped at the evenL Duran also competed in the worn- the men "s 200-yard individual med­ was satisfied with the results. Pike first dual meet of the season, and conducted. Also, officers from Bakersfield "I live just around the corner.'' said said. "It went really well. Most of the en 's 200-yard relay with ------ley, the men's 100-yanl we 're off to a pretty good start. Some "We are trying to teach kids the Police Department and the Fire De­ Casey James, who took his three kids kids swam a lot of [their] best times of the kids swam faster than I ex­ basic concept of CPR," said Gabriela BC teammates Haley • ONLINE: See breaststroke and the men "s partment attended the event exposing to the different stands to have some Wren. Chelsi Dominguez the swm meet 200-yard freestyle relay. actually.'" pected 'cause we"ve been swirruning Tamayo, Health and Safety Director their mobile units. fun and learn about the subject. "I Pike added this about the men's really hard in practice; we 're doing of American Red Cross Kem Chap­ and Katerina Prasser, and as well as track BC"s Mace Rigdon won Brooke Davenpart from the Crime got a bunch of fliers that I'll read at BC won with a final time & field with the the 400-yard IM. (4:50.91) team wins against Canyons and the doubles everyday. I ter. Prevention Unit spoke about the home." stories and links at small group the team has this year: "I expected them to be a little more Members of the Red Cross Di­ of2:00.81. the. and Renegade teammate -! crime prevention program and neigh­ Cohen hopes that people who at­ BC"s Sara Brady was www. Dan Diaz won the 200 IM "[For our] guy's team, our numbers tired than they are right now, but they saster Relief Unit also were present borhood watch. "We are also teach­ tended the fair will get the message also a multiple event win- (2: 13.48) and the 100-yanl are down. but we had a few first place responded; they did well. " answering questions and explaining ing kids when it's appropriate to call and pass it on. finishes I was happy with. and, over­ Pike explained what the teams how to be prepared for possible natu­ ner. Brady won the women's 200- breastroke (l:07.88). BC"s Stephen 911." He plans to have a similar event yanl freestyle with a time of 2: 10.19 Roberson, Adam Prichard, Justin all. they swam well. are preparing for. Pike said, "We"re -·4·.·· ral disasters. Davenpart emphasized that the every year at different parks through "We're small, and it"s tough with hosting [Western State] conference Leonanl Arends explained the im­ and the 500-yard freestyle with a Steward and Noah Calugaru swam <~ti~~·:.~ Explorer program enrolls young vol­ the city working on his goal of mak­ time of 5:53.98. in the men's 200-yard freestyle relay the whole numbers situation, but I [meet] April 16th through the 18th, portance about water in case of a di­ unteers who are interested in joining ing Bakersfield a "'better and safer Renegade women Jenna Defede and finished (I :50.88) ahead of Can- can "t really complain."" Pike added so that's what we 're gearing up for." saster. "We recommend storing one law enforcement. "You can see these place to live." about the men's team size.