
J. theor. Biol. (2001) 213, 183}195 doi:10.1006/jtbi.2001.2415, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Can Diving-induced Tissue Nitrogen Supersaturation Increase the Chance of Acoustically Driven Bubble Growth in Marine Mammals?


*SSC-SD, National Research Council Associate, Navy Marine Mammal Program, Code 3501, San Diego, CA, 92152-6506, ;.S.A. ?Department of Anesthesiology, Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA, 92134, ;.S.A. and ADepartment of Pathology, Center for

(Received on 5 April 2001, Accepted in Revised form on 30 July 2001)

The potential for acoustically mediated causes of stranding in cetaceans (whales and dolphins) is of increasing concern given recent stranding events associated with anthropogenic acoustic activity. We examine a potentially debilitating non-auditory mechanism called recti"ed di!u- sion. Recti"ed di!usion causes gas bubble growth, which in an insoni"ed animal may produce emboli, tissue separation and high, localized in nervous tissue. Using the results of a dolphin dive study and a model of recti"ed di!usion for low-frequency exposure, we demonstrate that the diving behavior of cetaceans prior to an intense acoustic exposure may increase the chance of recti"ed di!usion. Speci"cally, deep diving and slow ascent/descent speed contributes to increased gas-tissue saturation, a condition that ampli"es the likelihood of recti"ed di!usion. The depth of lung collapse limits nitrogen uptake per dive and the surface interval duration in#uences the amount of nitrogen washout from tissues between dives. Model results suggest that low-frequency recti"ed di!usion models need to be advanced, that the diving behavior of marine mammals of concern needs to be investigated to identify at-risk animals, and that more intensive studies of gas dynamics within diving marine mammals should be undertaken. ( 2001 Academic Press

Introduction et al., 1996) have been reported. These observations Awareness of e!ects that anthropogenic sound have been taken as evidence that, at extreme expo- ' l may have on marine mammals, particularly sure levels ( 200 dB re : 1 Pa), low-frequency sig- ( cetaceans, has increased over the last decade. nals ( 5 kHz) like those emitted by some naval Concern reached even higher levels in March of systems (Watts, 1999) may detrimentally 2000 when at least 17 whales representing several a!ect cetacean behavior or physiology. species stranded in the Bahamas coincident with Research that relates high-intensity, low- naval exercises (OPR, 2000a). Previous mass frequency sound to impacts on cetaceans has strandings and entrapments concurrent with naval focused principally on potential auditory e!ects exercises (Frantzis, 1998; Simmonds & Lopez- and behavioral disruptions. Auditory e!ects Jurado, 1991) and acoustic industrial activity (Todd include temporary or permanent reductions in hearing sensitivity termed threshold shifts -Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. (Schlundt et al., 2000). Disruptions of behavior E-mail: [email protected] include induced deviation from normal activity,

0022}5193/01/220183#13 $35.00/0 ( 2001 Academic Press 184 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸. startle and avoidance (Richardson et al., 1995). within the bubble decreases, gas di!uses into the Although never demonstrated in cetaceans, there bubble, and e!ectively increases the bubble vol- is ample evidence for humans and laboratory ume. As the bubble contracts, the reverse process animals that extremely loud sound or prolonged occurs and gas leaves the bubble. Since di!usion continuous exposure to moderately loud sound is proportional to the bubble surface area, more may produce damage to the auditory system and gas enters the bubble than exits over an acoustic cause deafness (Saunders et al., 1991). Non-audi- cycle. This process is augmented by an increase tory e!ects resulting from exposure to high-inten- in gas concentration around the bubble during sity sound have received much less attention radial expansion, a process known as the &&shell'' (Ridgway, 1997) though adverse neurologic e!ect (Hsieh & Plesset, 1961). Thus, growth oc- symptoms have been reported in human divers curs over each acoustic cycle and continues with continuously exposed to water-borne sound at the duration of the sound exposure. sound pressure levels (SPL) of 160 dB re: 1 lPa at Crum & Mao (1996) modeled recti"ed di!u- a duration of approximately 12 min (Steevens sion in mammals based upon the assumption et al., 1999). It has been hypothesized that non- that stabilized nuclei (i.e. microscopic bubbles), auditory e!ects resulting from sound exposure ranging in size from 1 to 50 lm, existed in vivo. may occur through stimulation of the central A number of stabilization models have been de- nervous system (CNS) via a cochlear path (Land- veloped (e.g. crevice and organic skin model) and stroK m et al., 1983), vibration of CNS tissue the reader is referred to Crum & Mao (1996) for (McIntosh et al., 1989), or through vestibular a listing of publications pertaining to this subject. stimulation (Parker et al., 1978). Another mecha- Crum and Mao predicted the growth of insoni- nism has only recently been considered. Sound "ed nuclei by application of the Rayleigh}Plesset exposure can stimulate bubble growth within equation with speci"c treatments to the equation biological tissues, particularly if tissues are super- according to the intensity of the sound being saturated with dissolved gas (Crum & Mao, modeled [see Crum & Mao (1996) for references]. 1996). In vivo bubble growth in excess of a certain Models used frequencies from 300 to 500 Hz, size (&tens of microns) can result in embolism, SPLs from 150 to 220 dB (re: 1 lPa), and dis- tissue separation, and high pressure in localized solved gas saturations from 100 to 200%. regions of nervous tissue. Joint pain, disorienta- Model results for nuclei with a semi-imperme- tion, visual and auditory dysfunction, and other able organic skin predicted that SPLs of 180 dB CNS de"cits may result, symptoms that are could induce bubble growth in both associated with sickness and are saturated and slightly supersaturated, though presumably caused by similar mechanisms (Moon growth was modest and occurred at continuous et al., 1995). sound exposures on the order of minutes. In contrast, SPLs of 220 dB were predicted to cause a 30-fold increase in bubble size (from 1 to RECTIFIED AND LOW-FREQUENCY SOUND &30 lm) in as little as 10 s of continuous expo- In vivo bubble growth caused by ultrasonic sure. Supersaturated body #uids were predicted exposure has been documented (ter Haar et al., to contribute to bubble growth after acoustic 1982) and its occurrence supported both theoret- activation of nuclei such that growth would con- ically (Crum et al., 1987) and experimentally tinue after sound exposure ceased. Under such (Daniels et al., 1987). This process, known as conditions bubble growth would be restricted by recti"ed di!usion, was hypothesized to be ca- tissue boundaries and could potentially exert pable of causing bubble growth in human divers enough pressure to cause cell and tissue trauma. and marine mammals exposed to high-intensity, Crum and Mao concluded that human divers or low-frequency sound (Crum & Mao, 1996). Recti- marine mammals exposed to SPLs greater than "ed di!usion occurs as a bubble oscillates around 210 dB were potentially susceptible to bubble its equilibrium radius in response to an acoustic growth and that those with gas supersaturated pressure #uctuation to which it is exposed. As the body #uids would be susceptible at much lower bubble radius expands, the concentration of gas SPLs. ACOUSTICALLY DRIVEN BUBBLE GROWTH 185

NITROGEN SATURATION IN MARINE MAMMALS across a membrane but is integrated with respect Given that (1) models predict bubble growth to to the driving pressure of the gas. This modi"ca- be a potential hazard to diving mammals tion was made to account for the rapid ascent exposed to SPLs equivalent to those currently and descent rates of the dolphin as opposed to produced in the ocean by anthropogenic sources, the slow ascending/descending rates of human (2) that non-auditory neurological disturbances divers for which the Workman schedules were have been identi"ed in human divers exposed to derived. By assuming that rates of ascent and SPLs as low as 160 dB, and (3) that the cause of descent were constant, an assumption reasonably strandings and entrapments coincident with na- consistent with observed dolphin dive time, the val exercises and industrial activity have yet to be equation then became determined, further investigation into the poten- P "H #R(t!k\)#e\IR(P !H #Rk\), tial for bubble growth in marine mammals is ,    warranted. Predictions of bubble growth in mar- where P is the "nal gas tension in the muscle, ine mammals are largely dependent upon know- , ing the tissue gas concentration of animals at the P is the initial gas tension, t is time, H is the " time of exposure. Nitrogen is of primary concern initial pressure of alveolar nitrogen where H ; ! because it constitutes almost 79% of the atmo- 0.78 (initial hydrostatic pressure 46 mm Hg), spheric air taken in with each breath and it is R is the rate of change of the driving gas pressure, " ; inert, i.e., it cannot be metabolized and easily R 0.78 descent rate (negative for ascent rate) " accumulates in tissue. Blood nitrogen tensions and k (ln 2)/h, where h is the nitrogen half-time have been obtained for various pinnipeds (phocid for muscle. Reduction of the initial hydrostatic and otariid seals) under forced and free dive con- pressure in the calculation of H accounts for the ditions (Falke et al., 1985; Kooyman et al., 1972) vapor pressure of water in alveolar air. Initial and muscle nitrogen tensions and nitrogen hydrostatic pressure was assumed to be the pre- & washout were measured with a mass spectro- ssure exerted upon the lungs at 1 m depth. meter in dolphins trained to perform a series of Figure 1(a) demonstrates the change in muscle dives (Ridgway & Howard, 1979). Ridgway and nitrogen tension that occurs during a series of Howard found that two dolphins performing se- 9 dives to 100 m with a dive time of 1.5 min quential dives to 100 m depths had intramuscular and surface intervals (SIs) of 1 min (Ridgway & nitrogen tensions of 1300 and 1600 mm Hg at the Howard, 1979). Average rate of ascent/descent \ conclusion of diving, tensions 224% and 276% of was thus 2.2 m s . Nitrogen half-time used in the respective initial tension (580 mm Hg). By the calculations was 5.9 min, the average of the assuming that nitrogen washin and washout were half-times observed by Ridgway and Howard, symmetric, Ridgway and Howard were able to and the initial muscle nitrogen tension was modify equations used in decompression sched- 584 mm Hg. A depth of 70 m was implemented as ules (Workman, 1965) to predict intramuscular the depth at which with alveolar nitrogen tensions after a known repetitive dive gas ceased to occur due to lung collapse. Ridg- schedule. In this paper, we use the same model to way and Howard calculated this depth as the one predict the intramuscular nitrogen tension of providing the best "t between model predictions several representative cetacean species. We then and the observed nitrogen tension data of the compare the calculated nitrogen tensions to the diving dolphins used in their study. Note that by results of the Crum and Mao model in order to the end of the "rst dive nitrogen tension is 140% estimate the potential for acoustically driven of the pre-dive value and the muscle is super- bubble growth in these species, under these saturated [Fig. 1(b)]. The degree of supersatura- conditions. tion increases logarithmically with repetitive diving and dissolved gas concentrations are at 267% normal saturation by the end of the ninth dive. Materials and Methods Intramuscular nitrogen tension was calculated The equation used by Ridgway & Howard for two other cetacean species, the northern bottle- (1979) is based upon Fick's law for di!usion nose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus), a beaked 186 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸.

FIG. 2. (a) Predicted dive pro"le for the northern bottle- FIG. 1. (a) Dive pro"le and change in muscle nitrogen nose whale and calculated changes in muscle nitrogen ten- tensions for a dolphin completing nine sequential dives to sion associated with the dive pattern; (b) change in muscle a depth of 100 m; (b) change in muscle nitrogen saturation nitrogen saturation corresponding to the dive pro"le given corresponding to the dive pro"le given in (a). (**) depth; in (a). (**) depth; ( )N tension. ( )N tension.

observed for a beaked whale (Hooker & Baird, whale, and the blue whale (Balaenoptera mus- 1999). The dive series consists of two dives to culus), a baleen whale. In each of these predic- a depth of 100 m followed by a dive to 1060 m. tions it was assumed that the starting One-minute SIs were used between each of the intramuscular nitrogen tension and nitrogen 100 m dives and the SI was extended to 3 min half-time were the same as that observed in the following the 1060 m dive. Considering all three dolphin (Ridgway & Howard, 1979) and that dives, average dive duration was 13.4 min and the alveolar collapse also occurred at 70 m. These average rate of ascent/descent was 1 m s\. assumptions are certainly incorrect to some de- Diving information on blue whales was ob- gree but are necessary since this information is tained from a satellite-tagged individual o! the unknown for all cetaceans except the dolphin. coast of California (Lagerquist et al., 2000). This For the bottlenose whale, rate of ascent and de- whale (DEP-1) spent &78% of its time diving in scent were determined as the average of ascent water (16 m deep and &1% of its time at and descent rates of a TDR-tagged individual depths *98 m. In general, other monitored blue (individual 2) monitored by Hooker & Baird whales displayed similar dive characteristics (1999). Since Hooker and Baird categorized dives (Lagerquist et al., 2000). For the model, rate of into two groups (short and shallow/long and ascent/descent for the blue whale was determined deep), two sets of ascent/descent rates were used, as the mean duration of dives '1 min (mean" one for each dive type. Ascent/descent rates for 6.9 min) divided by the mean depth of dives short and shallow dives were 0.6 m s\ while '16 m (mean"105 m); mean rate of ascent/de- those for long and deep dives were 1.2 m s\. scent was 0.5 m s\. Figure 3(a) displays a series Short and shallow dives had a mean maximum of dives generally consistent with the observed depth of 108 m, while long and deep dives had dive behavior of the blue whale: a series of 10 a mean maximum depth of 1060 m. Figure 2(a) shallow dives to a depth of 10 m with alternating shows a series of three dives similar to the type SIs of 0.1 and 0.5 min, a single deep dive to 100 m ACOUSTICALLY DRIVEN BUBBLE GROWTH 187

FIG. 4. Relationship between ascent/descent speed and muscle nitrogen tension upon surfacing from a dive to 100 m. All variables except ascent/descent speed were equal to those used in the initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1).

FIG. 3. (a) Predicted dive pro"le for the blue whale and and the amount of nitrogen upon surfacing com- calculated changes in muscle nitrogen tension associated pared to the depth of lung collapse. For the latter, with the dive pattern; (b) change in muscle nitrogen satura- tion corresponding to the dive pro"le given in (a). (**) the SI was varied between 0.1 and 10.0 min and depth; ( )N tension. the amount of nitrogen washout over the interval plotted as a function of interval duration. In each of these exercises, all parameters except the one followed by an SI of 1.0 min, and a repeat series explicitly varied were equal to those used in the of 10 m dives. The average SI for the dive pattern initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1). was 0.35 min and the average dive duration was 0.9 min. Variations of the dolphin nitrogen uptake Results model are presented in order to illustrate the Changes in intramuscular nitrogen and nitro- in#uence that each variable has on nitrogen dy- gen saturation that accompany the beaked whale namics. The reader is referred to Fig. 1(a) and (b) dive pro"le are presented in Fig. 2(a) and (b), to contrast results of the parameter variation respectively. Hydrostatic pressure increases with the initial dolphin model. Rates of ascent/ during dive descent and increases the degree descent were varied from 0.1 to 6.0 m s\ in order to which muscle tissue can dissolve nitrogen. to determine the relationship between ascent/de- A slower rate of nitrogen uptake relative to in- scent rate and nitrogen uptake. Muscle nitrogen creasing nitrogen , in combination with tension and nitrogen saturation for a dolphin the elimination of nitrogen uptake below 70 m ascending/descending at 4.4 and 1.1 m s\ were (lung collapse), reduces relative tissue saturation modeled as a demonstration [Fig. 5(a) and (b)]. during descent. The e!ect of lung collapse is These rates of ascent/descent are, respectively, clearly demonstrated in the nitrogen uptake pro- twice and one-half the rate used in the initial "le of the beaked whale [Fig. 2(a)] as a horizontal bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1). Similar exer- line at &2, 8 and, most apparently, at 13 min cises are presented to demonstrate the relation- into the dive sequence. At dives below the depth ship between the depth at which lung collapse of lung collapse, the absolute amount of nitrogen occurs and nitrogen uptake and between SI dura- in muscle tissue remains constant but the relative tion and nitrogen clearance from muscle tissue. tissue saturation declines. During ascent, the For the former, the depth of lung collapse was equilibrium level of saturation declines with de- varied between 10 and 90 m over a single dive creasing hydrostatic pressure, but the loss of 188 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸.

nitrogen from muscle tissue remains dispropor- tionately slow. Supersaturation results as evid- enced by the spike in saturation percent during surfacing. Rapid washout during the SI occurs as muscle nitrogen tension declines towards surface equilibrium levels. During the deepest portions of diving, when pressure and gas solubility are the greatest, nitro- gen tissue saturation is &20% (100 m dives) and &3% (1060 m dive) of the equilibrium tension. However, muscle tissue is saturated within 10 m of the surface upon ascent from the "rst dive and is supersaturated at the surface [213% satura- tion, Fig. 2(b)]. Accumulation of nitrogen con- tinues on subsequent dives, and during ascent from the second dive, saturation is approached 20 m below the surface (98%) and supersatura- tion is apparent both at 10 m (148%) and at the surface (287%). Following the deep dive to 1060 m, intramuscular nitrogen tension at the surface is '300% the saturation level. Decline in tissue saturation at the surface is rapid; saturation declines from '300% to &240% FIG. 5. Demonstration of the rate of nitrogen uptake for within the "rst 3 min of surfacing from the "nal a series of bottlenose dolphin dives when the rate of as- dive. cent/descent is (a) increased to 4.4 m s\ and (b) decreased to Changes in intramuscular nitrogen and nitro- 1.1 m s\. All variables except ascent/descent speed were gen saturation that accompany the blue whale equal to those used in the initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1). (**) diving; ( )N tension. dive pro"le are presented in Fig. 3(a) and (b),  respectively. In contrast to the beaked whale, the blue whale does not exceed the assumed depth of lung collapse on any but one of the dives. Al- ascent/descent. At an ascent/descent rate of though nitrogen tissue saturation #uctuates with 4.4 m s\, nitrogen tension at the conclusion he periodicity of the "rst 10 dives [Fig. 3(b)], of the dive bout is approximately double the alveolar gas exchange is permitted throughout pre-dive nitrogen tension [Fig. 5(a)]. Although the dive series and nitrogen tension gradually muscle tissue is still supersaturated (201% satu- increases [Fig. 3(a)]. Prior to the 100 m dive, ration), the saturation level is considerably less supersaturation reaches a level of &120%. Dur- than that achieved when rates are 2.2 m s\ ing the 100 m dive a rapid increase in nitrogen (267% saturation, Fig. 1b) and 1.1 m s\ [340% tension occurs up to the assumed point of lung saturation, Fig. 5(b)]. Slower rates of ascent/ collapse, at &12 min into the dive, and resumes descent increase the residency time between the at &14 min into the dive. Upon surfacing, surface and the depth of lung collapse. Thus, muscle nitrogen saturation is double than exist- depending on the degree of nitrogen saturation at ing prior to the dive. Gas saturation declines the beginning of the dive, exposure to hydrostatic quickly as shallow diving is resumed because of capable of driving tissue uptake may be a reduction in pressure near the surface. prolonged. The rate of ascent/descent is inversely related Lung collapse at depths greater than 70 m to nitrogen uptake, as demonstrated in Fig. 4. increases the range of hydrostatic pressure pro- For a single dive with an initial muscle nitrogen moting nitrogen uptake. The relationship is near tension of 584 mm Hg, nitrogen uptake logarith- linear; a 10 m increase in the depth of lung col- mically increases with decreasing rates of lapse increases the equilibrium level of saturation ACOUSTICALLY DRIVEN BUBBLE GROWTH 189

FIG. 7 Relationship between the depth of lung collapse and muscle nitrogen tension upon surfacing from a dive to 100 m. All variables except the depth of lung collapse were equal to those used in the initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1).

FIG. 6. Demonstration of the rate of nitrogen uptake for a series of bottlenose dolphin dives when the depth of lung collapse is (a) increased to 90 m and (b) decreased to 50 m. All variables except the depth of lung collapse were equal to those used in the initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1). (**) depth; ( )N tension. by &585 mm Hg. For example, using the dol- FIG. 8. Demonstration of the rate of nitrogen uptake for a series of bottlenose dolphin dives when the SI is extended phin diving pattern presented in Fig. 1 but to 3 min. All variables except the SI duration were equal to extending lung collapse to a depth of 90 m, the those used in the initial bottlenose dolphin model (Fig. 1). rate of nitrogen uptake on any dive increases (**) depth; ( )N tension. [Fig. 6(a)]. By the end of the dive series, muscle nitrogen saturation at the surface is 2043 mm Hg, or &350% of surface equilibrium levels. Con- second-order exponential function of the depth of versely, if lung collapse occurs at a shallower lung collapse. depth, the potential driving pressure is reduced Extending the duration of the SI after a dive and the rate of nitrogen accumulation is slowed. increases the amount of nitrogen cleared from the Reducing the depth of lung collapse to 50 m in muscle prior to a subsequent dive. This is demon- the dolphin model reduces muscle nitrogen ten- strated in Fig. 8 where the SI of the initial dolphin sion at the end of the dive series to &1136 mm model is extended to 3 min. Nitrogen tension at Hg [Fig. 6(b)], or 195% of the surface equilib- the end of the dive series is 1198 mm Hg, or 205% rium saturation level. The relationship between of the surface equilibrium level. By way of com- the depth of lung collapse and nitrogen uptake at parison, the initial dolphin model, in which the SI the end of a single dive (dolphin model) is demon- was 1 min, produced a nitrogen tension of strated in Fig. 7. For the type of &&bounce'' dive 1559 mm Hg. Although nitrogen clearance in- from which these calculations are drawn, nitro- creases as a logarithmic function of SI duration, gen saturation upon surfacing increases as a clearance is obviously asymptotic (Fig. 9). Muscle 190 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸.

capable of reducing the of nuclei (Hemmingsen, 1978) and models incorporating such concepts match mammalian pressure- reduction data rather well (Weathersby et al., 1982). Crum & Mao (1996) demonstrated that at nor- mal #uid saturations bubble growth could be initiated by SPLs as low as 180 dB but that signi"cant growth and rapid growth rate were not demonstrated until exposure levels *200 dB. At exposures (200 dB a signi"cant amount of continuous exposure time (100s of seconds) was necessary to achieve modest growth. At expo- sures *200 dB the continuous exposure time FIG. 9 Relationship between SI duration and the di!er- necessary to cause a signi"cant increase in bubble ence in muscle nitrogen tension upon surfacing from a single dive and just prior to a subsequent dive. For the single dive, size declined dramatically with increasing SPL. all variables were equal to those used in the initial bottlenose Bubble size approximately doubled at an SPL dolphin model (Fig. 1). of 210 dB and a continuous exposure time of &100 s and quintupled at an SPL of 220 dB and continuous exposure time (30 s. Moderate nitrogen tensions will not fall below the surface supersaturation under the same conditions re- equilibrium tension. The rate of clearance during sulted in considerable bubble growth at lower an SI is thus heavily dependent upon the di!er- SPLs and shorter exposure times. For example, ence between muscle nitrogen tension at surfac- a1lm bubble (nucleus) existing in a #uid with ing and the surface equilibrium tension. a dissolved gas concentration of 125% and ex- posed to a continuous 500 Hz driving frequency was predicted to increase its diameter 20-fold in Discussion &20 s with exposure levels ranging from 150 to The proposition that bubble nuclei exist in 190 dB. Herein lies the greatest potential danger biological tissues is generally accepted (Vann for diving marine mammals*at levels of super- & Clark, 1975). Although it has been argued that saturation, bubble growth was predicted to be diving marine mammals may crush bubble nuclei driven by static di!usion and could continue in through repetitive diving, the issue remains un- the absence of an acoustic "eld. Thus, activation resolved (Mackay et al., 1982). The mechanism of of nuclei by an acoustic signal could have severe nuclei generation also remains unresolved, consequences for a marine mammal with gas- though tribonucleation (Hayward, 1967) and ho- supersaturated tissue as bubbles will continue to mogeneous nucleation under gas supersaturation grow until restricted by tissue boundaries. Such (Weathersby et al., 1982) have been o!ered as bubbles can exhibit high local pressures resulting candidate mechanisms. Furthermore, previous in vascular blockage and tissue damage that may commentary has indicated the potential for ultimately lead to symptoms of decompression acoustic pressure "elds to cause cavitation in sickness. mammalian body #uids (Mackay et al., 1982). Intramuscular nitrogen tension calculated for Assuming the nuclei exist in marine mammals, the dolphin, beaked whale, and blue whale all Crum & Mao (1996) investigated the potential exceed the level of supersaturation (200%) for for recti"ed di!usion under a number of condi- which recti"ed di!usion was modeled by Crum tions. This discussion will be limited to their & Mao (1996). In the case of the beaked whale, investigations in which a semi-impermeable gas concentrations could exceed 300% by the covering of the nuclei was assumed. The presence conclusion of a dive sequence. Once activated by of such coverings seems reasonable as biological an acoustic signal, supersaturation to this degree #uids contain a number of surface active elements would drive rapid bubble growth via static ACOUSTICALLY DRIVEN BUBBLE GROWTH 191 di!usion. Crum and Mao were not aware of the whale (Watkins et al., 1993). High intramuscular earlier study of Ridgway & Howard (1979) and nitrogen tensions would be expected upon sur- did not make calculations using available facing, but sperm whales regularly undertake cetacean data. As a result, their models did not prolonged SIs ('8 min) such that much of the include gas saturations approaching 300% and nitrogen would be cleared before a subsequent relatively little is reported for concentrations dive (Watkins et al., 1993). Thus, accumulation '127%. It would be bene"cial to extend the of nitrogen would not be compounded from dive Crum and Mao model to predict the potential for to dive to the same extent as it would in species the acoustic activation of nuclei and the e!ect demonstrating shorter SIs. of time-dependent acoustic exposure on bubble Most other odontocete species should be at growth when gas concentrations are at levels a lesser potential risk than the beaked and sperm predicted for diving cetaceans. This is parti- whales. Research on free-ranging dolphins (Davis cularly important since an intuitive extrapolation et al., 1996), porpoises (Otani et al., 1998), and of their model predictions suggests signi"cant belugas (Martin & Smith, 1992) indicates that, tissue damage within cetaceans is possible if although they may dive beyond the assumed nuclei are activated while surfacing from a dive or 70 m depth at which lung collapse occurs, these dive bout. animals spend much of their time at depths less Species-speci"c dive behavior has a profound than 30 m. Furthermore, ascent and descent rates e!ect upon tissue-gas concentration and should of these animals are generally much faster than in#uence the susceptibility of species to the po- that reported for beaked and sperm whales (Mar- tential e!ects of acoustic exposure. The depth of tin & Smith, 1992; Otani et al., 1998; Ridgway dives, up to the depth at which lung collapse & Howard, 1979). Thus, the animal would on occurs, and ascent and descent rates are the average experience a smaller absolute driving primary factors determining susceptibility of a pressure for gas uptake (i.e. shallower depth) and species on a given dive. The surface interval is spend less time at a depth at which gas uptake important when multiple dives are considered as would occur (i.e. faster diving). Relative to time at the surface is directly related to gas clear- the beaked whale, tissues would have a lesser ance and the initial gas tension on subsequent degree of gas supersaturation and the potential dives. For instance, the rate of ascent/descent for for bubble growth resulting from acoustic expo- the northern bottlenose whale is approximately sure would be lower. three to four times slower than that of the bottle- Blue whales (a baleen whale) spend most of nose dolphin allowing a greater amount of gas their time within 70 m of the surface with deeper exchange with alveolar gas to occur for a given diving events occurring infrequently (Lagerquist distance of travel. Depth of diving for the bottle- et al., 2000). Similar diving patterns are generally nose whale also exceeds the depth at which lung accepted for baleen whales as a group (Gaskin, collapse is presumed to occur on a consistent 1982). As with most other toothed whales, baleen basis. Thus, the dive pattern of the northern whales that spend more time close to the surface bottlenose whale is such that muscle nitrogen will accumulate less nitrogen in muscle tissue tension is assumed to be high at the end of any than those diving near the depth at which lung typical dive, and extremely high while surfacing collapse occurs. However, rates of ascent/descent from a bout of dives that does not contain an recorded in diving baleen whales can vary extended SI. This cetacean could be a high-risk dramatically across species [e.g. mean rate of candidate for acoustically mediated bubble 0.5 m s\ for blue whale reported by Lagerquist formation/growth, as could other beaked whales et al. (2000) vs. a mean rate of 2.7 m s\ for the "n engaging similar dive behaviors. The sperm whale as reported by Panigada et al. (1999)] whale (Physeter catodon) also falls in this cat- making a generalized prediction about baleen egory. Sperm whales consistently dive to several whales di$cult. In order to make species-speci"c hundreds of meters, certainly beyond depths at estimates of bubble growth potential under which lung collapse occurs, and demonstrate div- acoustic exposure, studies are needed to deter- ing rates comparable to the northern bottlenose mine the species-speci"c dive behavior of baleen 192 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸. whales in oceanographic regions likely to be ex- made in either case. In 1996, 12 Cuvier's beaked posed to high intensity, low-frequency sounds. whales stranded along the coasts of the Kyparis- The gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus)is siakos Gulf (Frantzis, 1998), and in 2000, six known to feed on benthic prey at depths less than Cuvier's beaked whales and a dense beak whale 50 m (Oliver et al., 1984). This cetacean is likely (Mesoplodon densirostris) stranded and died in to spend more time at depths above which lung the Bahamas (OPR, 2000a). In these latter two collapse occurs than do deep diving cetaceans cases, respectively, military testing of low-fre- that rapidly exceed lung collapse depth while quency active sonar (Frantzis, 1998) and the use diving. Such diving behavior should promote of tactical sonar systems for military exercises considerable nitrogen uptake, potentially in (OPR, 2000a) were reported to have occurred excess of cetaceans making repetitive dives to around the time of the stranding event. With deeper depths. Obtaining saturation at depth (e.g. respect to the hypothesis presented here, the cor- at 50 m saturation &3483 mm Hg) is theoret- respondence of these events with the stranding of ically possible, but whales would have to spend beaked whales should be handled cautiously. The a considerable amount of time at depth. For potential for recti"ed di!usion to cause tissue example, maintaining the assumptions used in trauma, or possibly symptoms similar to decom- the initial dolphin model, a gray whale foraging pression sickness, is one of several hypotheses at 50 m depth would need to spend more than an explaining the potential relationship between an- hour at depth to approach complete saturation. thropogenic acoustic activity and cetacean This is necessary because the magnitude of the stranding events. It is currently unsupported by di!erence gradient between muscle and alveolar empirical evidence. However, observation of tis- gas declines with the progression of nitrogen up- sue damage in non-auditory organs of the beaked take. Still, any whale spending even several min- whales that stranded in the Bahamas (OPR, utes at depths above the depth of lung collapse, 2000b) argues for further investigation into non- but deep enough to experience a strong driving auditory mechanisms of sound-induced trauma. pressure for gas uptake, will have gas-super- Several assumptions based on studies of the saturated muscle upon surfacing. This reinforces bottlenose dolphin are made in applying the ni- the importance of species-speci"c dive behavior trogen tension model to other cetaceans. First, it in evaluating the potential risk of recti"ed di!u- is assumed that lung collapse occurs at a depth of sion to insoni"ed diving cetaceans. Understand- 70 m. Lung collapse in deep diving marine mam- ing how species-speci"c behaviors supporting mals is generally accepted and has been sup- individual and population survival (e.g. foraging ported by studies of arterial blood nitrogen and breeding) are re#ected in diving patterns, and tension under dive conditions (Falke et al., 1985; how these behaviors occur both spatially and tem- Ridgway & Howard, 1979), hyperbaric compres- porally, are signi"cant components of this risk sion of an odontocete carcass (Hui, 1975), assessment and should not be underestimated. through biophysical models (Brown & Butler, It is worth noting that the cetaceans predicted 2000) and photo identi"cation of the phenom- to be most susceptible to recti"ed di!usion, the enon (Ridgway et al., 1969). Dolphins are known beaked whales (Family Ziphiidae), are the prom- to dive with a lung full of air (Ridgway et al., inent species observed to have stranded coinci- 1969). If some species exhale part of their lung air dent with naval activity. Twelve Cuvier's beaked before diving, this would e!ect a shallower lung whales (Ziphius cavirostris) and a Gervais' beaked collapse. The depth at which lung collapse occurs whale (Mesoplodon europaeus) stranded in the will also be a!ected by the structural character- Canary Islands in 1985, and in 1988, three istics of the , the anatomy of Ziphius spp. and a northern bottlenose whale which varies signi"cantly from species to species stranded in the same region (Simmonds [for example, see Wislocki & Belanger (1960)]. & Lopez-Jurado, 1991). Naval maneuvers were The depth at which lung collapse occurs a!ects observed in the vicinity near the time of the nitrogen uptake during a dive and erroneous stranding events, although no con"rmation of assumptions about it can profoundly a!ect the acoustic activity by participating vessels was outcome of the nitrogen tension model. The ACOUSTICALLY DRIVEN BUBBLE GROWTH 193 second major assumption in the nitrogen tension (1996). Their original work addressed continuous model is that nitrogen half-times are the signals but indicated the possibility for bubble same across all species. Species variability in growth in a gas-supersaturated medium once muscle nitrogen half-time will be a!ected by the bubble nuclei were activated. Most sonar signals degree of muscle and the content (Watts, 1999) and many other anthropogenic sig- of the muscle, the latter a!ecting its nitrophilic nals are short in duration and intermittent and it nature. Within an animal, nitrogen half-time will would be appropriate to include signals of these also vary between tissue compartments resulting types into the Crum and Mao model in order to in di!erential rates of nitrogen accumulation and, predict their potential for activating nuclei. Fur- consequently, di!erent potentials for recti"ed thermore, in calculations where bubble nuclei di!usion. It is unlikely that anything immediate were considered to be covered with surface-active can be done to address lung collapse in non- elements of biological origin, the surface tension odontocete cetaceans, but tissue-speci"c rates of on the nuclei was considered to be zero. The nitrogen washin and washout are addressable surface tension experienced by bubble nuclei using trained cetaceans (Ridgway & Howard, within an organism more likely lies somewhere 1979). This information would improve nitrogen between zero and that of nuclei in water. This uptake models, allow them to be tissue-speci"c, factor should be of particular consideration given and provide an estimate of the variability in that biochemical adaptations in cetacean blood, nitrogen half-times across a number of species. for example a potent heparin, have been pro- Determination of whether bubbles spontan- posed to protect cetaceans from bubble growth and eously occur in deep diving marine mammals embolism (McCormick et al., 1973). Certainly the would provide support for the bubble growth by prospect for recti"ed di!usion exists, particularly recti"ed di!usion hypothesis, their occurrence given the expected degree of gas supersaturation proving either the pre-existence of nuclei prior to after some diving event, but the application of diving or nuclei generation during diving. The model predictions to real-world scenarios would occurrence of bubbles following a dive can be bene"t from reevaluation under more realistic determined through the application of diagnostic conditions. ultrasound. Ultrasound is clinically used on hu- The diving behavior of a cetacean at the time mans to diagnose the presence of gas bubbles of acoustic exposure may be the greatest indi- within the blood stream and other tissues and cator of the potential for recti"ed di!usion. Div- application to trained marine mammals follow- ing speed and depth of diving are the primary ing the performance of a deep diving routine is determinants of tissue nitrogen accumulation, wholly feasible. In addition, portable diagnostic with slower rates of ascent/descent and deeper ultrasound scanners could be used to detect bub- dives (within lung collapse depths) resulting in bles in stranded marine mammals. Realistically, greater amounts of gas supersaturation. Acoustic the ultrasound would need to be available for use activation or generation of nuclei prior to surfac- at the time of the stranding and the stranded ing, or at the surface, can theoretically result in cetacean would need to be su$ciently small rapid bubble growth driven by both the degree of for the ultrasound to penetrate to tissues and supersaturation and continued sound exposure. organs of interest. However, accomplishing this Bubble growth has the potential to cause tissue task on a stranded cetacean that is suspected damage and vascular blockage and may underlie of having been exposed to an intense acoustic cetacean stranding events associated with acous- event might provide the most conclusive tic exposure. It is currently unknown whether evidence as to whether recti"ed di!usion is a del- bubble formation and growth occurs in acousti- eterious phenomenon in acoustically exposed cally exposed cetaceans or if the size of formed cetaceans. bubbles is signi"cant enough to have detrimental Predictions of the potential for recti"ed di!u- consequences. However, the theoretical basis for sion to occur in marine mammals exposed to its likelihood, the observance of non-auditory water-borne sound would bene"t from an exten- e!ects in human divers exposed to high-intensity sion and reevaluation of the Crum & Mao model sound, and the stranding of cetacean species 194 D. S. HOUSER E¹ A¸. coincident with intense acoustic events, both LANDSTROG M, U., LUNDSTROG M,R.&BYSTROG M, M. (1983). industrial and military, prompts further invest- Exposure to infrasound*perception and changes in ¸ < igation into the subject. wakefulness. J. ow Frequency Noise ibration 2, 1}11. 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