5NELSON MANDELA NATIONAL RECEPTION COMMITIEE (USA) c/o Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland Ave., NE Suite 112, Washington, DC 20002 Telephone: (202) 546-7961 Fax: (202) 546-1545 Dear Anti- Activist,

The National Reception Committee (USA) has been formed. The Committee, which has offices in both New York and Washington, D.C. was established at the request of the International Reception Committee based in London. Our mandate is to: *promote and co-ordinate activities to celebrate Nelson Mandela's release, and *provide a framework for coordination with the National Reception Committee that has been formed within .

We invite you to join us! We enclose a list of suggested activities, med ia tips, talk ing points and an Action Alert on sanctions.

The Committee consists of local anti-apartheid activists, and we know the incredible amount of work you may already be involved in. However, events in South Afr ica are moving quickly. The release of Nelson Mandela and other prominent political prisoners, the unbanning of the ANC, and the partial repeal of some apartheid security legislation was unforeseen by many. Events have proceeded at such an accelerated pace that some say the U. S. movement's ability to respond has been eclipsed. This has left an opening for those who have always opposed sanctions to call for their repeal or modification, Britain's is a prime example.

As activists in the U.S, we play a pivotal role in the struggle to end apartheid. And sanctions are one of our key weapons. While the U.S. has not yet made any overt moves to lift the current sanctions, it is clear that once the State of Emergency is lifted Bush and the Congress may try to lift the bill we fought so hard to enact.

Your support is crucial to sending the message to Bush that we will not tolerate the repeal of sanctions leg islation until a nonracial and democratic government exists in South Africa. AS in solidarity, _ YYY\O~~~ Imani Countess Co-Chair, National Reception Committee Washington, D.C. International Patrons: Rt. Hon. Dennis Healey Madame Danlelle Mltterand Rev. Jesse Jackson Archbishop Desmond Tu'.u Former U.S. President Former Chancellor of Exchequer Danlelle Mitterand Foundation, France Founder and President Archbishop of Great Britain National Rainbow Coalition Sir Shrldath Ramphal His Excel. Mlquel d'Escoto Mrs. Palme secretary General Commonwealth Mr. Cyrll Ramaphosa Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Rt. Hon. Malcom Fra..r UNICEF Sweden secretary General of NUM (SA) Former Prime Minister of Mwallmu Jullua Nyrere Mr. Walter Siauiu Chairman, NRC (SA) Australia and New Zealand Willie Brandt Former President of Former Secretary General, ANC Former President, FRG

"~21 j NELSON MANDELA NATIONAL RECEPTION COMMITIEE (USA) c/o Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland Ave., NE Suite 112, Washington, DC 20002 Telephone: (202) 546-7961 Fax: (202) 546-1545


*Organize celebrations outside the S~uth African Embassy/Consular office to mark the release of Mandela and to call for continued pressure on the regime.

*Organize concerts and other cultural and educational events to celebrate the changes in South Africa, and help people understand the need for sanctions.

*Produce T-shirts, badges, posters, etc. Sample T-shirts are available from the Washington, D.C. office.

*Have your city council pass a resolution welcoming the release of Mandela and calling for continued pressure on the reg ime until apartheid is dismantled.

*Ask your local authorities to fly the ANC flag on March 21, the anniversary of the Massacre.

*Encourage celebrations, parties or other appropriate activity on roads named after Nelson Mandela.

*Encourage celebrations, and parties in student named after Mandela.

*Urge those cities that have given Nelson Mandela freedom of the city to issue a formal invitation to him to receive it in person, publicise such action.

Call or write the Washington office with information on your activities. A comprehensive report on activities held in Mandela's honor will be developed and forwarded to London.

International Patrons: Jimmy Carter Rt. Hon. Dennla Healey Madame Danlelle Mltterand Rev. Je..e Jackson Archbishop Deamond Tu~u Former U.S. President Former Chancellor of Exchequer Danlelle Mltterand Foundation, France Founder and President Archbishop of Cape Town Great Britain Sir Shrtdath Ramphal National Rainbow Coalition Hla Excel. Mlquel d'Escoto Mrs. Palme Secretary General Commonwealth Mr. Cyril Ramaphoaa Foreign Minister of Nicaragua Rt. Hon. Malcom Fra..r UNICEF Sweden Secretary General of NUM (SA) Mwallmu Jullua Nyrere Former Prime Minister of Chairman, NRC (SA) Mr. Walter Slaulu Willie Brandt Former President of Tanzania Australia and New Zealand Former Secretary General, ANC Former President, FRG



The Nelson Mandela National Reception Committee - USA has issued a call to the interfaith community to set aside the weekend of March 16-18 as national days of reconciliation and rededication to the struggle for freedom and justice in South Africa. The weekend of March 16-18 has been chosen because it precedes the anniversary of the (March 21, 1960) which focused the attention of the community of nations on the pain and schism in South African society.

On this weekend we ask that congregations nationwide offer prayers for the South African people and provide information to their members concerning the need for continued vigilance against the unjust system of apartheid. Take a moment of silence, offer prayer in memory of the unjust imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, , and thousands of other South Africans; in memory of Sharpeville; in memory of Steven Biko and the countless others who have suffered and even given their lives in the struggle for a more equitable South Africa, and in rededication to a new and just South Africa. o PROVIDE INFORMATION ON AN ONGOING BASIS TO YOUR MEMBERS CONCERNING THE SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA o ORGANIZE EDUCATIONAL EVENTS FOR YOUR MEMBERS AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY THROUGHOUT THE UPCOMING MONTHS o ESTABLISH A LOCAL SOUTH AFRICA TASK FORCE WITH OTHER CONGREGATIONS OF YOUR FAITH, TO WORK TOGETHER ON EDUCATION AND ACTION IN SUPPORT OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE o ESTABLISH AN INTERFAITH NETWORK FOR COMMUNICATING ABOUT SOUTH AFRICA ACTIVITIES WITH OTHER CONGREGATIONS LOCALLY, THAT COULD BE MOBILIZED TO SET UP AN ECUMENICAL SERVICE IF NELSON MANDELA VISITS THE UNITED STATES ~ NELSON MANDELA NATIONAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE (USA) c/o Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland Ave., NE Suite 112, Washington, DC 20002 Telephone: (202) 546-7961 Fax: (202) 546-1545


REMIND YOURSELF: MOST EDITORS WILL WELCOME YOUR VISITl Reporters and editors know that their success depends on their sources. They are usually eager to identify dependable, trust worthy contacts in their community on important issues such as southern Africa.

Editorial are being approached by scores of PR folks from a variety of business and corporate interests. Editorial writers often welcome the opportunity to deal with folks from groups that are not out promoting their own self- interests. HOW TO SET UP AND HOLD AN EDITORIAL MEETING:

1. OBSERVE THE KINDS OF EDITORIALS WRITTEN IN YOUR PAPER. Are they always local issues, or do they address national or international issues?

2. THINK THRU HOW TO PITCH YOUR ISSUE. WHAT IS YOUR ANGLE? Is it urgent (Pending legislation)? Is it timely? (An issues which has been in the news a lot)? Is it local?

3. THINK THRU HOW TO PRESENT YOUR ISSUE. Who else should you invited to go with you? What is your opening line? What will you communicate in the first minute? What is your request?

4. CALL THE PAPER. Call the editorial page editor, find out how their editorial board is set up and how editorial decisions are made. Speak to that person, explain the issue and request a meeting. It appropriate, ask if a news reporter who covers that type of issue can sit in on the meeting.


6. THE ACTUAL MEETING. Bring background information to leave with the editors. Take about five minutes to state your case and expect questions from the editorial board. Don't be surprised when editors play the role of devils's advocate. During the meeting it is not your role to: argue, have all the answers, beg for an editorial. It is your role to: state your case in a persuasive way, provide information, answer questions and be courteous.

International Patrons: Jimmy carter Rt. Hon. Dennis Healey Madame Danlelle Mltterand Rev. J_Jackson Archbishop D_mond Tu".u Former U.S. President Former Chancellor of Exchequer Danlelle Mitterand foundation, France Founder and President Archbishop of Cape Town Great Britain National Rainbow Coalition Sir Shrldath Ramphal His EXcel. Mlquel d'Escoto Mrs. Palme Secretary General Commonwealth Mr. Cyril Rarnaphoaa foreIgn Minister of Nicaragua Rt. Hon. Malcom Fraser UNICEF Sweden Secretary General of NUM (SA) Former Prime Minister of Mwallmu Julius Myre,. Mr. Walter 51sulu WIllie Brandt Chairman, NRC (SA) Australia and New Zealand Former President of Tanzania Former Secretary General, ANC Former President, FRG

"'~2' HOW TO CONTACT THE MEDIA 'With.a t~lephone call. to verify receipt. Recognize that the publicallon has the rtght to edit your letter. althou~ thev may check with you before making changes (so be-sure to include "The press has become the greatest power within you~ address and phone ~umber). Most papers will require 'IOU Western countries, more powerful than the to Sign your name. Identify yourself as a Bread for the World legislature, the executive and the jUdiciary.• member, or as writing in behalf of the local BFW group. You ma',­ - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn also wish to have other BF\\' members or members of your . community sign the letter. You probably don't need to be convinced that media cOl..erage of hunger issues is important. However, consider for a moment the Finally, always mention Bread for the World somewhere in th~ many reasons why one editorial or letter to the editor has such letter (or identify yourself as a BFW member in vour an important role to play in the fight to end hunger: signature). This insures that our clipping service will send us a copy, which we will then'use during Hill \-isits. Media coverage often sets tbe agenda as to which issues Likewise. mention your members of Congress by name. so that th( will eventually be considered top priorities in Congress. Congressional clipping sen-ices will locate the letter and that it will be read in their offices. Media inOuenc:es votes in Congress. Most members of Congress have clipping services which monitor what the media in their state or district are saying about their How To Place An OpiniOD Editorial policy positions. Bread for the World members and staff personally deliver these clippings during Hill visits as In 1971, the New York Times added a new feature to its well. editorial page. Not only did it print its own editorial opinions on issues, it encouraged readers to express their Media coverage educates members of your community on opinions at length on the editorial page as well. Today, specific hunger issues. opinion editorials or "op-eds" can be found in most papers.

Media encourages involvment by others in letter-\Hiting An op-ed differs from a letter to the editor only in that the campaigns and in the work of Bread for the World. has more space to develop and support her or his opinion. The guidelines for placing an op-ed are similar to It may surprise you that local co\'erage of hunger issues is those for placing letters to the editor. Call the editorial actually more effective in accomplishing many of these results pa~e editor of your pa{'tr and ask about their op-ed guidelines. than national coverage on programs like Good Morning America or Bnefly explain the subject of your op-ed. When you write your nle CBS E\'ening News (although this coverage is also very op-ed, be sure to mention Bread for the World and your membel"> important). The local media simply has more credibility in of Congress by name so that they will receive a copy of your influencing the behavior of your community's residents and article from their clipping services. elected officials. When your op-ed is published, you can increase its impact by Whicb brings us to the "sample opinion packets." having local BFW members include a copy with letters they send to Congress. Remember that these are only "sample" packets, and will not meet everyone's needs. We have localized and simplified the content as much as possible, because it is often easier to add How To Do A 1V or Radio Editorial substance to a simplified issue than it is to simplify a complex issue. Ifyou would like more details on each issue, Many TV and radio stations encourage listeners to express please consult the appropriate BFW background paper. editorial opinions over the air in special "Speak Out" segments. Until recently, the Federal Communications [ these samples inspire your own ideas for unique ways of Commission also required stations to provide free time for the expressing these lSSues. Whatever you do, do not submit your presentation of opposing points of \iew. While stations are no letter or op-cd as it is presented bere: ALWAYS RETYPE! longer required to pro\-ide this equal time, many stations still follow the spirit of the Fairness Doctrine.

How To Place A Letter to the Editor . To get on the air. simply contact the front desk of the station and inquire whether or not the station allows community member In a 1984 survey, more than half of newspaper editors ranked to express their editorial opinions on the air. They will letters to the editor as the best-read item on the editorial likely refer you to the News Director or General Manager. page. The same study indicated that, on the average. large newspapers will use a third ofthe letters to the editor they If they do use editorials, briefly explain your topic and why receive, while small newspapers will use over 80 percent of it is an important issue for your community. You will then be' let~ers they receive. asked to submit a typed script - usually 60 seconds in length ­ of what you plan to say. Letters to the editor can raise new points about a newsworthy issue, direct attention to a problem, respond to an editorial A couple of quick tips when you appear on TV. You do Dot need or a news feature, commend or criticize the lack of the parer's to memorize the editorial, but read it over enough times to be coverage ofan issue, or Correct misinformation. thoroughly familiar with it. Dress neatly, but avoid bright plaids, stripes, or solid whites. Ifyou wear glasses, the Ifyou are responding to a particular article or editorial. do studio can arrange lighting to eliminate glare. Your fust TV it promptly. Your letter to the editor should be sent to the appearance, like your fust letter to Congress, will probably attention of the editorial page editor. You might follow up be much easier than you expected!

(fyou have uy questioDs, tall Kraia lOaudt or Juana Rodrigeuz at the anY DatioaaJ omc:e • (20%) %69-0%00 RELEASE OF NELSON MANDELA


The release of Nelson Mandela is a triumph for millions of anti apartheid activists inside South Africa and around the world. Mandela is out of prison, but for the majority of South Africans it is a bittersweet victory. Mandela's only crime was to fight for a free, nonracial and democratic South Africa.


• The challenge for the international community is to support the democratic forces opposing apartheid. Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress require support as talks about talks begin with the aparthied regime. The integrity of President deKlerk is not the issue, but rather as Mandela said, the objective reality "that we are still suffering under the policies of the Nationalist government."

• Pressure for additional sanctions should not be reduced. Mandela's first public speech in 27 years called for the opponents of apartheid to "redouble" efforts. He urged the international community to continue sanctions, "We call on the international community to continue the campaign to isolate the apartheid regime. To lift sanctions now would run the risk of aborting the process towards the complete eradication of apartheid."


• The African National Congress is committed to democracy. The preconditions set by the ANC for negotiations are essential to the democratic process of organization and mobilization of ANC supporters. Mr. Mandela called for the lifting of the State of Emergency and the freeing of all political prisoners saying, "only such a normalized situation which allows for free political activity can allow us to consult our people in order to obtain a mandate. The people need to be consulted on who will negotiate and the content of such negotiations."

• The State of Emergency contributes to the outbreaks of violence in South Africa. Under the State of Emergency the police have virtually unlimited power. In the days since deKlerk opened Parliament, persons have been killed and peaceful demonstrations disrupted by police. Unlimited police power also inhibits the activity of the now legal political organizations. These restrictions on anti-aparthied groups limit their ability to direct anti-apartheid action in a disciplined, controlled and effective manner. The State of Emergency must be lifted for any normal political activity to occur.

• The conditions of the Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, the existing sanctions law, have not been met. President F.W. deKlerk has failed to release all political prisoners, failed to lift the State of Emergency, and failed to abolish any of the apartheid laws that are the pillars of apartheid. It is also clear that the ANC and the deKlerk government are still in a peiod of talks about talks. Conditions for genuine substantive negotiations presently, do not exist. APARTHEID CONTINUES

• The brutal apartheid laws that separate persons by race are unchanged. The Land Acts and the especially impoverish the black majority and deny their full participation in the South African economy. Race determines where persons may work, live, own property, establish businesses, travel and trade. .

• Mandela referred to armed struggle in the context of "apartheid destruction on our subcontinent", the shattered "fabric of family life" and the need for "defensive action against the violence of apartheid." He also said, "We express the hope that a climate conducive to a negotiated settlement would be created soon so that there may no longer be the need for armed struggle."


• The United States government should pressure the South African government to meet all preconditions for substantive negotiations. This is a hopeful and dangerous time for South Africa. The release of Mandela should be the first step in breaking down the walls of apartheid. Expectations and passions and fears are running high in South Africa. This moment must not be lost. In Mandela's words, "Our struggle has reached a decisive moment. We call on our people to seize this moment so that the process toward democracy is rapid and uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. We can no longer wait. Now is the time to intensify the struggle on all fronts."

• The South African Government has a pattern of using concessions to delay real change. The case of is instructive. While the Southwest African Peoples Organization was a legal political party in Namibia, it took a decade to implement the political settlement. An end to South Africa's occupation of Namibia was inevitable. However the delay extended the suffering of the Namibian people and many lost their lives. The United States government should accept nothing less than the end of apartheid.


• The African National Congress stands for the principle of a free, nonracial and democratic South Africa. As Mandela said,"Universal sufferage, on a common voters roll in a united democratic and nonracial South Africa is the only way to peace and racial harmony."

Prepared by Andrea Young United Church of Christ NELSON MANDELA NATIONAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE (USA)


Yes, 1/ my organization agree(s) with your proposal for a Nelson Mandela Reception Committee, please list our organization as a sponsor.

_____We are interested in forming a Local Committee.

____We can make a donation of $ to help publicize the the campaign. Check should be made payable to:

Mandela National Reception Committe and mail to: Nelson Mandela National Reception Committee (USA), c/o the Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20002

or make your check payable to the:

New York Anti-Aparthied Coordinating Committee and mail to: Nelson Mandela Reception Committee, District kCouncil 65, 13 Astor Place, New York, NY 10003.

___We can help to publicize the campaign thorugh our networks. We will duplicate these materials and send them out to our contacts.







Please return to: Nelson Mandela National Reception Committee (USA), c/o the Washington Office on Africa, 110 Maryland Ave., NE,