
arXiv:1002.0504v1 [astro-ph.GA] 2 Feb 2010 qaedgeso h anSS edo iw mostly view, of field SDSS main the of degrees square s aaRlae7(R)i w at:i) parts: two in (DR7) 7 Release Data est of maps (1998). the al. using et Schlegel magnitudes found. the all was SEGUE, it extinction-corrected dis- after which 3, of heliocentric Segue data a has it the at It name in lies We survey and imaging kpc. . pc 16 of 3 of of tance radius the half-light in a stars of cluster ipre ntesy ti tlatsvrldgesacross degrees several more least and by at at closer is year much lies it this is and sky: earlier I the announced Pisces on was dispersed (2009). al. in Pisces et Watkins sub-structure first, halo the stellar - Galactic second the p n measuring and kpc a ie.W aetedafglx nteconstella- the of in physi- distance galaxy heliocentric their the dwarf at do the lying so Pisces, name of hence, We tion by and, differ sizes. magnitude, distances cal on of heliocentric arc-minutes order their of an However, couple constel- a adjacent sky. only in the extend lie each They and of survey. lations portion SEGUE Galactic Southern SDSS the the in satellites Way Milky 2009; (SDSS). Survey ex- Sky al. Digital et their Sloan campaign Belokurov imaging the prop- multi-band by only like massive could a intermediate Defined with systems 2007; detected these be brightness, with surface al. low 2009). et objects tremely (Walsh al. et as al. al. Niederste-Ostholt et et Zucker well (Koposov erties 2007; as 2005; clusters al. star et and al. 2007), Irwin 2008) et 2007a; al. (Willman et 2006, Belokurov al. et Belokurov 2006a,b; galaxies dwarf .Belokurov V. rde aige od abig B 0HA, CB3 Cambridge Road, Madingley UK; bridge, ro,M 80,USA 48109, MI Arbor, USA 85721, h DSiaigdt r vial hog h lat- the through available are data imaging SDSS The have we Letter this in presented analysis the In rpittpstuigL using typeset Preprint to submitted nthis In include Way Milky the of satellites Ultra-faint 1 3 2 nttt fAtooy nvriyo Cam- of University Astronomy, of Institute eateto srnm,Uiest fMcia,Ann Michigan, of University Astronomy, AZ Tucson, of Arizona, Department of University Observatory, Steward vasily,walker,[email protected] h - aaltlsoea itPa ainlOsraoyt der to Observatory of dee National radius use headings: half-light Peak We Subject a Kitt kpc. has 16 at II of telescope Pisces distance Mayall the 4-m at lies the cluster star ultra-faint an n eau dnie ndt rmteSonDgtlSySre.Pisc Survey. Sky Digital Sloan of the distance from the data at lies in galaxy identified Pegasus and Letter erpr h icvr ftonwMlyWystlie nteneighbor the in satellites Way Milky new two of discovery the report We I IH ML IH W E LR-AN AELTSO H M THE OF SATELLITES ULTRA-FAINT NEW TWO FISH: SMALL FISH, BIG ∼ 2. 0kc u eoddsoeyi feeble a is discovery second Our kpc. 80 eanuc h icvr ftofurther two of discovery the announce we , srpyia ora Letters Journal Astrophysical 1 .G Walker G. M. , AAADDISCOVERY AND DATA 1. INTRODUCTION ∼ A T E 2 cars,Pse I hsis This II. Pisces across, pc 120 tl mltajv 11/10/09 v. emulateapj style X aais wr aais niiul(ics eau)—LclGro Local — Pegasus) (Pisces, individual galaxies: — dwarf galaxies: 1 .W Evans W. N. , Olszewski ∼ umte to submitted 8 p,sm 15 some kpc, 180 ∼ 0p,wieSge3i wnytmssalra ny3pc. only at smaller times twenty is 3 Segue while pc, 60 2 .Watkins L. , 1 ∼ .Gilmore G. , ∼ 8000 ABSTRACT srpyia ora Letters Journal Astrophysical 180 ◦ wyfo h eetydtce icsI eu 3, Segue I. Pisces detected recently the from away 1 .Wyrzykowski L. , a ipe:teojc ol culyb eno the on seen be 3 actually Segue could for object case images. the SDSS Blue The of simpler: follow-up, presence stars. was the for (BHB) for selected Branch evidence was Horizontal tentative showed II similar it Pisces at as detected level. 2009). were al. significance objects et candidate (Belokurov the more satellite result, Several 2 Segue first spec- the the and of presented imaging discovery already deep have we with We up which troscopy. follow candidates, to imme- continuing promising data are SEGUE several the yielded to algo- 2006) diately al. detection et field. over-density (Belokurov density byrithm our stellar over-densities applying the stellar to Nonetheless, for noise non-Poissonian search adding the complicate tion extinction. a mut fds,SGEcnit ftn flong, of tens of consists the mini- SEGUE and through dust, SDSS 2 observed coverage of the is amounts of sky and mal most coverage the while contiguous of reddening: has Galactic continuity datasets of the imaging amount two The in 2009). prop- differ al. astrometric et and (Abazajian photometric erties measure to pipelines z rd(an ta.20) hs mgn aaaepro- are data namely cov- imaging bands, sky photometric These Galactic five latitudes, in Southern 2009). duced al. Galactic the et low of (Yanny ered at portions imaging large with SEGUE of degrees rudteNrhGlci a n ii) and Cap Galactic North the around 1 . .J Irwin J. M. , 5 ohdsotniyi oeaeadvral extinc- variable and coverage in discontinuity Both n r uoaial rcse hog h same the through processed automatically are and ◦ wd tie ffce yvrosaonso Galactic of amounts various by affected stripes -wide * etdfrteGlci oerudreddening. foreground Galactic the for rected A(20)2 8:31 : 58 : 22 (J2000) RA e J00 0 7:09 : 57 : +05 (J2000) Dec Galactic Galactic θ e r M (m antdsaeacrt to accurate are Magnitudes h aaee icsI eu 3 Segue II Pisces Parameter tot − Pumr 1 (Plummer) M) , V rpriso icsI n eu 3 Segue and II Pisces of Properties 0 ℓ b olwu mgn bandwith obtained imaging follow-up p 1 .Just D. , v hi tutrlparameters. structural their ive 1 sI,a lr-an dwarf ultra-faint an II, es n oseltoso Pisces of ing 77 0 AL 1 TABLE − . ′ 2 . 79 − ◦ 4 1 21 47 .Koposov S. , 5 . ± ± ± m 21 . m . . 11 0 12 0 16 3 0 ◦ . . ′ ◦ 0 1 0 1 ◦ ± ± ± ∼ 1:2 31 : 21 : 21 6 1 7:02 : 07 : +19 4 LYWAY ILKY up 0 m . n r cor- are and 5 1 215 .Mateo M. , − . ′ . 65 − 69 3 21 ∼ ◦ u 1 ± m . ± ± . m . . , 4 27 00square 3000 1 0 ◦ 2 g 20 0 . ◦ . 2 ′ , ± 1 ◦ ± r 4 , 4 i 3 and , E. , 2

Stellar density CMD inside 1.2' CMD outside 7' Hess difference 10 14 14 14

16 16 16 5

18 18 18 0 [arcmin] 0 r [mag] 20 r [mag] 20 r [mag] 20 δ−δ -5 22 22 22 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] Stellar density CMD inside 1.2' CMD outside 7' Hess difference 10 14 14 14

16 16 16 5

18 18 18 0 [arcmin] 0 r [mag] 20 r [mag] 20 r [mag] 20 δ−δ -5 22 22 22 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] g-r [mag]

Fig. 1.— The SDSS view of Pisces II (upper row) and (lower row): Left: Density of stars in the SDSS catalogue centered on the object. The stars in the 10′ × 10′ area are binned into 15 × 15 bins and smoothed with a Gaussian with FWHM of 1.5 pixel. Middle Left: CMD of all stars in a circle of radius 1.′2 (marked on the left panel), dominated by the satellite’s members. Middle Right: Comparison CMD of stars within the annulus 7′ to 7.′1 showing the foreground. Right: Difference in Hess Diagrams. Pisces II populations (top right) can be hinted at by the red giant branch and blue horizontal branch. Segue 3 (bottom right) shows an obvious main sequence. Ridge-lines of M92 (red, [Fe/H]∼-2.3) and M13 (blue, [Fe/H]∼-1.55) are over-plotted. For Segue 3, we also show a mask built using M92 ridge-line to select possible red giant stars for luminosity calculation (lower middle left panel).

Fig. 1 shows the view of Pisces II and Segue 3 as seconds in both g and r filters. Each of MOSAIC’s eight seen by SDSS. The first of the four panels shows the detectors have 2048 × 4096 pixels with scale 0.258′′ per density of all objects classified as stars by the SDSS pixel (unbinned). For this run we enjoyed photomet- pipeline down to r = 23. In each case, there is a vis- ric conditions and typical seeing of . 1′′. We processed ible over-density at the center: Pisces II is detected with raw MOSAIC frames using the set of IRAF-based pro- significance (Koposov et al. 2008) of ∼ 5 and Segue 3 cedures that have been developed for the NOAO Deep with significance of ∼ 7. The next two panels are the Wide-Field Survey4 (Jannuzi et al. 2000). These proce- color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of the object and the dures include steps to correct for a pupil ghost that is Galactic foreground around it. It requires a lot of imag- caused by reflections off the atmospheric dispersion cor- ination to see the red giant branch or indeed the blue rector. Briefly, we used averaged dome flats to generate horizontal branch of Pisces II. However, the Hess differ- a template image of the pupil ghost, which we then re- ence in the right panel of Fig. 1 shows that there are moved from the master flat field image. After dividing over-densities of blue-ish and reddish stars that can be science frames by the master flat field, we then scaled interpreted as BHBs and RGBs at the heliocentric dis- and subtracted the pupil template image from science tance of ∼ 180 kpc. The lower panel of Fig. 1 presents frames one by one. Visual inspection confirms that these the SDSS data for Segue 3, which is clearly a simpler steps successfully removed the pupil ghost from our sci- case: the main sequence (MS) at ∼ 15 kpc is obvious. ence frames. Data stacking and the production of cata- It is, however, more difficult to identify the RGB popu- logues was performed using a general purpose pipeline for lation in Segue 3 as there is no obvious over-density in processing wide-field optical CCD data (Irwin & Lewis the Hess difference plot. In the absence of spectroscopic 2001). For each image frame, an object catalog was gen- data, we gauge the likely membership by placing a mask erated and used to update the world coordinate system that selects six potential members, at least one of which prior to stacking each set of 3 frames. A final set of ob- probably belong to the Galactic foreground. There is ject catalogs was generated from the stacked images and also a lone blue star in Segue 3, which looks slightly too objects were morphologically classified as stellar or non- faint to be classified as a BHB unambiguously. stellar (or noise-like). The detected objects in each pass- band were then merged by positional coincidence (within ′′ 3. FOLLOW-UP IMAGING AND STRUCTURAL 1 ) to form a combined g, r catalogue and photometri- PARAMETERS cally calibrated on the SDSS system using stars in com- mon. During the nights of 19-24 September 2009, we ob- tained follow-up photometry of Pisces II and Segue 3 using the MOSAIC camera at the 4-m Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Arizona. For both 4 Details of these reduction procedures are available at objects, we observed a single 36′ × 36′ field for 3 × 900 http://www.noao.edu/noao/noaodeep/ReductionOpt/frames.html Two New Satellites 3

Stellar density CMD inside 2.0' CMD outside 7' Hess difference 10 14 14 14

16 16 16 5 18 18 18

0 20 20 20 [arcmin] 0 r [mag] r [mag] r [mag]

δ−δ 22 22 22 -5 24 24 24 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] Stellar density CMD inside 2.0' CMD outside 7' Hess difference 10 14 14 14

16 16 16 5 18 18 18

0 20 20 20 [arcmin] 0 r [mag] r [mag] r [mag]

δ−δ 22 22 22 -5 24 24 24 -10 10 5 0 -5 -10 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] g-r [mag] g-r [mag] g-r [mag]

Fig. 2.— The KPNO view of Pisces II (upper row) and Segue 3 (lower row). The panels are the same as in Figure 1, with the inner radius increased to 2′. The KPNO saturation limit is fainter than that of SDSS at r ∼ 18, but it reaches ∼ 2 magnitudes deeper. The CMD of Pisces II shows the most obvious improvement. In the KPNO data, strong RGB and clear BHB and blue straggler populations can now be seen. The dotted box in the middle left is used to pick out the likely BHB members. The dotted lines in the right panel outline the regions used to select the satellite members.

Pisces II Segue 3 Segue 3 with SDSS Segue 3 with KPNO 2 2 4 4

1 1 2 2

0 0 0 0 [arcmin] [arcmin] [arcmin] [arcmin] 0 0 0 0 δ−δ δ−δ δ−δ δ−δ -2 -2 -1 -1

-4 -4 -2 -2 4 2 0 -2 -4 4 2 0 -2 -4 2 1 0 -1 -2 2 1 0 -1 -2 (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] (α−α0)cosδ [arcmin] ′ × ′ Fig. 3.— Density contours (black) of candidate member stars Fig. 4.— Color images covering 4 4 region centered on Segue selected from the KPNO data centered on each satellite. Left: 3 made with SDSS (left) and KPNO (right) data. SDSS image is Pisces II is mapped out with RGB stars. Right: Segue 3 is mapped made with g,r and i band frames. KPNO image is made with g out with MS stars. Contour levels are 3, 5, 8, 10, 15 σ (also 20 and r band frames. and 30 σ for Segue 3) above the background. Red ellipses show Plummer isodensity contours corresponding to one and two half- radii. Blue dots mark the locations of the BHB candidate stars. the range of −2.3 <[Fe/H]< −1.55 (Harris 1996). Note, however, that the two brightest RGB stars are located right on top of the M13 ridgeline. To select all likely Pisces II – The KPNO photometry reaches at least members of Pisces II, we draw a wide mask shown in the 2 magnitudes fainter than the SDSS and plays a cru- right panel of Fig. 2; we also select the BHB candidate cial role in the identification and analysis of Pisces II, stars with a color-magnitude box shown in the middle left as can be seen from Fig. 2. The stellar over-density is panel. Using these selection cuts we can now measure the enhanced, with a significance of ∼ 8. The CMD is now structural parameters of Pisces II and its luminosity. The quite unambiguous, with both RGB and BHB clearly density contours of the RGB and MSTO stars are shown visible together with a pile-up of stars around the main in the left panel of Fig. 3. To measure the satellite’s half- sequence turn-off (MSTO). The very tight BHB can now light radius, ellipticity and position angle, we follow the be used to estimate the distance modulus of the system procedure outlined in Martin et al. (2008). From the lo- (m−M)0 = 21.3. Both CMD and the Hess difference cations of candidate MSTO and RGB stars we measure panels of Fig. 2 show over-plotted the ridge-lines of the a half-light radius of 1.′1 (or ∼ 60 pc at a distance of ∼ globular clusters M92 and M13 from Clem (2005). The 180 kpc) with noticeable ellipticity. The results of this RGB stars in Pisces II seem to be described equally well maximum likelihood fit are reported in Table 1. by both and, hence, are likely to possess in To estimate the total luminosity of Pisces II, we i) in- 4 tegrate the flux inside the mask shown in the right-most less than 0.5 mag and can be better constrained when the panel of Figure 2 within 3′ to get V= 16.6 mag; ii) sub- true RGB members are identified through spectroscopic tract an estimate of background contamination of 17.4 follow-up. mag; iii) add the contribution from the BHBs and possi- 4. ble blue stragglers (BS) of V = 19.4 to get MV = −4.2. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS To account for the missing flux in the fainter stars, we use Pisces II is close on the sky to Pisces I, discovered as an the luminosity function of the Ursa Minor dSph, which overdensity of RR Lyraes by Watkins et al. (2009) and we integrate within 3.7

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