Fara Wind Energy Project Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Fara Wind Energy Project Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report OSE/3543 Chapter 2 October 2013 Project Developer: S & JD Robertson Project Design: Richard Gauld IEng MInstMC BSc(Hons) Dip. GeoSci Dip. DesInn Orkney Sustainable Energy Ltd 6 North End Road Stromness Orkney KW16 3AG Telephone 01856 850054 Facsimile 01856 851239 Email
[email protected] Fara Report OSE/3543 Chapter 2 October 2013 Summary: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment A large 20MW scale wind energy project is proposed for the island of Fara, a low lying island located between south Hoy and Flotta in Scapa Flow; the nearest community is Lyness. The landscape and visual impact of this development is explored, considering the degree of change brought about by the proposed windfarm. Turbine Selection A windfarm has been designed around the Enercon E82 wind turbine, with a 78m tower and an 82m diameter rotor. Seven turbines are proposed for the site, each with a maximum tip height of 119m. This report demonstrates the visual impact of the turbines and explores the relationship with the Orkney landscapes and surrounding views; it is recognised that this is a large development. It is felt that the machines appear appropriate for the proposed location without significant adverse impacts. Impact on Landscape Elements The proposed turbines are to be located on an uninhabited island on an area of land that has been selected to avoid ecological impacts. Fara is defined as a ‘Whaleback Island’ by SNH however within the island itself there are different area, encompassing heather, moorland and grasslands.