EdgEdgEdgararar RiceRiceRice BurBurBurrrroughsoughsoughs’’’ MarMarMars:s:s: ShadoShadoShadowwwsss ofofof aaa DyingDyingDying WWWorororldldld AnAnAn OGLOGLOGL GuideGuideGuide tototo Monsters,Monsters,Monsters, Races,Races,Races, andandand BeastsBeastsBeasts ByBy JimJim ClunieClunie andand thethe SkirmisherSkirmisher GameGame DevelopmentDevelopment GroupGroup EdgEdgEdgar Rice Burrrroughsoughsoughs’ MarMar’ s:s:s: ShadoShadoShadowwws ofof aas Dying WWDying orororldldld By Jim Clunie and the Skirmisher Game Development Group EdgEdgEdgar Rice Burrrroughsoughsoughs’ MarMar’ s:s:s: ShadoShadoShadowwwss ofof aa DyingDying WWorororldldld Skirmisher Publishing LLC, P.O. Box 150006, Alexandria, VA 22315-0006 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.skirmisher.com Author:Author:Author: Jim Clunie and the Skirmisher Game Skirmisher Game Development Group Playtesters: Development Group Brendan Cass, Oliver Cass, Jim Clunie, Noah Hughes, Robert McLaughlin, Roberto “Ho” de Moraes, Publishers: Michael J. Varhola, Robert McLaughlin, and Cassandra Rogers, Michael H. Varhola, and Geoff Weber Michael J. Varhola ArArArtists:tists:tists: Brendan Cass, Dragan Ciric, Sharon Daugherty, Other Playtesters: Ajay Meeraiya, Alistair Rigg, Rob Hill, William Hazzard II, and Geoff Weber and Vaughan Greagg EditorEditorEditor-in-Chief/Layout and Design: Michael J. Varhola Thanks TTThanks o:o:o: Bob Cahill and Starwind Design This book is published under Open Game License version products and product line names; any and all artwork, de- 1.0a and the d20 System Trademark License by permission signs, depictions, illustrations, maps, likenesses, symbols, and of Wizards of the Coast Inc. (WotC). The “d20 System” and graphic designs presented in the context of this book; and the “d20 System” logo are Trademarks owned by WotC and any and all dialogue, incidents, plots, stories, storylines, the- are used according to the terms of the d20 System License matic elements, and concepts contained herein.