51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2020) 2663.pdf THE MARS 2020 ROVER ENGINEERING CAMERAS. J. N. Maki1, C. M. McKinney1, R. G. Willson1, R. G. Sellar1, D. S. Copley-Woods1, M. Valvo1, T. Goodsall1, J. McGuire1, K. Singh1, T. E. Litwin1, R. G. Deen1, A. Cul- ver1, N. Ruoff1, D. Petrizzo1, 1Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109,
[email protected]). Introduction: The Mars 2020 Rover is equipped pairs (the Cachecam, a monoscopic camera, is an ex- with a neXt-generation engineering camera imaging ception). The Mars 2020 engineering cameras are system that represents a significant upgrade over the packaged into a single, compact camera head (see fig- previous Navcam/Hazcam cameras flown on MER and ure 1). MSL [1,2]. The Mars 2020 engineering cameras ac- quire color images with wider fields of view and high- er angular/spatial resolution than previous rover engi- neering cameras. Additionally, the Mars 2020 rover will carry a new camera type dedicated to sample op- erations: the Cachecam. History: The previous generation of Navcams and Hazcams, known collectively as the engineering cam- eras, were designed in the early 2000s as part of the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) program. A total of Figure 1. Flight Navcam (left), Flight Hazcam (middle), 36 individual MER-style cameras have flown to Mars and flight Cachecam (right). The Cachecam optical assem- on five separate NASA spacecraft (3 rovers and 2 bly includes an illuminator and fold mirror. landers) [1-6]. The MER/MSL cameras were built in two separate production runs: the original MER run Each of the Mars 2020 engineering cameras utilize a (2003) and a second, build-to-print run for the Mars 20 megapixel OnSemi (CMOSIS) CMOS sensor Science Laboratory (MSL) mission in 2008.