FINAL REPORT PHASE 1 HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT: SCOPING AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF PIETERMARITZBURG AIRPORT, MSUNDUZI MUNICIPALITY, KWAZULU-NATAL Prepared for Institute of Natural Resources 67 St Patricks Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201 Box 100396, Scottsville, 3209 Telephone David Cox 033 3460 796; 082 333 8341 Fax 033 3460 895
[email protected] Prepared by eThembeni Cultural Heritage Len van Schalkwyk Box 20057 Ashburton 3213 Pietermaritzburg Telephone 033 326 1815 / 082 655 9077 Facsimile 086 672 8557
[email protected] 03 January 2017 PHASE 1 HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF EXPANSION OF PIETERMARITZBURG AIRPORT, KWAZULU-NATAL MANAGEMENT SUMMARY eThembeni Cultural Heritage was appointed by the Institute of Natural Resources to undertake a Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment of the proposed expansion of Pietermaritzburg Airport, as required by the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 as amended (NEMA), in compliance with Section 38 of the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 (NHRA). Description and significance assessment of heritage resources Pietermaritzburg Aeroclub Clubhouse The building is older than sixty years and located next to the modern airport terminal buildings. Its continued use for the same purpose over a period of more than sixty years, including its expansions, contribute to give it medium to high heritage significance at community-specific and local levels for its historic, social and cultural values. Its associational value could extend further if it proves that the nearby Italian POW church and the clubhouse were both constructed from Hlatshana shale, and that the construction of the former gave rise to the use of a locally novel material to build the latter.