Chapter 2

Literature Review and Theoretical Framework

This chapter consists of Literature Review and Theoretical Framework.

Literature Review is an analysis of previous products or studies in order to find the

gap and fill it by this project or study. Theoretical Framework explains theories that

are used to conduct the research.

2.1Literature review

The research about song lyric has been conducted in semantics perspective. It

is very important to review the previous studies in order to find the gap for a

possibility of further research, so that the present writer could conduct the research

which has not been done before, in relation to my topic. Therefore, the present writer

will analyze the style of language written by two group bands in Bandung. This

chapter reviews the previous research in order to obtain the gap of the research of the

project. There are several sources which can be used as references for my final


Logan, Kositsky and Moreno wrote Semantic Analysis of song lyrics (2004).

They explore the use of song lyrics for automatic indexing of music. They evaluated

the technique on a publicly available dataset of 399 popular artists, and they


compared them to an acoustic similarity technique. They focused on the technique of

writing a lyric. The point plus of the research is, they have a lot of samples of


Second, the present writer reviewed the study which is almost similar from

the previous one. Putri (2008)in her thesistitled “A Discourse Analysis Of Song Lyrics

In The Greatest Hits Album By Westlife (Pragmatic Approach)”, she examines the

song lyrics of one boys band named Westlife tofind the configured elements of

discourse, which are: cohesion, intentionality, and situationality. She identifies the

elements configuration of discourse and describes the composer intention of the song

lyrics in The Greatest Hits Album by Westlife.

The third is Kustiani (2009) on her diploma final project report titled An

analysis of slang in English song lyrics (a case study in 20 English songs) who states

that there are many slang words found in every song even only one slang word. She

focuses on the slang words which are written in 20 songs in several genres of music.

Her study is a good sample for the research but the present writer will not analyze the

slang words.

Fourth, is another study about song lyric. This one which is conducted by

Subekti (2007) is broader than the previous one. The study titled “Analisis Kumpulan

LirikLaguKaryaEbiet G. Ade” examines the masterpieces of Ebiet G. Ade, one of

Indonesian music legends. He focuses on three things: the conspicuousness of the

lyrics, semiotic meanings, and the theme of the lyrics written by Ebiet. By reading


this analysis, the reader or other researcher will know those three things which are

investigated by him. He analyses Indonesian lyrics.

Another study which is related to my topic is a research which is conducted

by Adriani (2009) in her online article. In the article titled “Gaya

BahasadalamLirikLagu -laguUngu :(KajianStilistika)”, she choosesto find the style of

language of the lyrics which are written by Ungu. She analyzed the figures of speech

used by the group band. The present writer found some gap from this research, and

one of the gaps is the sample of the bands. The present writer will use two group

bands and 10 song lyrics as data.Her analysis would be a model of the research.

The last is a research which is conducted by Tsauri (2007) titled Semantic

Analysis on the Lyrics of Muse's Song.This study uses descriptive qualitative method.

He analyzed and interpreted the research object of Muse's song. The result of this

study shows that there are one meaning used in Muse’s songs. There are lexical

meanings, which are denotative, connotative, antonym, synonymy, hyponymy,

homophony and ambiguity.

The final project will be an analysis of English song lyricswritten by

independent local group bands, especially Indonesian songwriters who wrote their

lyrics in English. The figurative expression of the lyric will be the focus. The present

writer will not analyze the grammar for the reason that the work of art in writing lyric

is a free form of creativity.


2.2Theoretical framework

My subject is a textual analysis about song lyricswritten by The S.I.G.I.T. and

Gugun Shelter. The purpose of the research is to analyze the kind of

writingused by the songwriter. The audience of the research is people who are

studying about language and communication or people who loves music and indie

movements. In this research, the present writer applied several theories in supporting

the research.

2.2.1 Song and lyrics

Today, music is one of important thing in human life. Almost everyone in the

world always listens to the music. A song is a piece of music that makes it perfect as

an art. The term song has various definitions; it depends on the people’s points of

view in giving definition. One may give a definition that a song consists of lyrics with

music and rhythm. Others may give a definition that a song is a source of lyrical

poetry. Song has been defined by The Oxford dictionary (1995, p.395) as “A song is

the noun form which means a poem set to music, intended to be sung”. From the

statement above, a song comprises lyrics or poems set to the arrangement of music.

Djohan (2005) explains that music is a complex and universal social behavior

that contained an expression of the human mind and ideas of the brain that contain a

significant signal message. It indicates that music can represent something or a

particular group. Music is not only considered as a medium of entertainment and


recreation, butmusic also has its own role in education in the process of

communication, voice messages, or criticism of a case with a style that is owned by

the musician.

Gaye (2007) in his article says that a song is an art-form and a form of

communication made up of melody, harmony, rhythm, lyric, and form — the form of

which includes a title, chorus, verse, and potentially a prechorus and/or bridge.The

present writerhas analyzed an article written by Albrecht (2004). He states that there

are three important elements of song:

a. Melody

b. Chords

c. Lyric

Lyric poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode that expresses the

thoughts and feelings of the poet( The term lyric is

now commonly referred to as the words to a song.A lyric is a part of song which

makes a song beautiful. The lyricaddresses the reader directly, portraying his or her

own feeling, state of mind, and perceptions.Ragland (2003) in an interview on online

article says thatthe relationship between the lyric and the music has to be solid. It

means that a proper lyric and music are needed to make a good song.

Lewis (1961) said that lyrics as the lyre; meant to be sung that directly

expresses thought and sentiments and it can be cry straight from the heart.

Furthermore, Lewis adds that a lyric is not only for a song but also for the verbal


arrangement for musical industry. Lyric means verbal arrangement that has some

words which have interesting meanings. Moreover, lyric is used to express an

emotional feeling that can be a positive or negative message for everyone who listens


A song lyric as a verse has a definition as follows: it is the utterance of a

passion for the truth, beauty and power, embodying and illustrating its conceptions by

imagination and fancy, and modulating its language on the principle of variety in

uniformity (Chandler, 2005).

Brett Page (2004) in his online article says that a lyric is verse designed to be

sung to the accompaniment of music. His statement can clearly show us that lyric is

one of the elements of music. In this research, lyric as the one of music elements is

the subject.

2.2.2 Semantics

The research is about analysis of English song lyrics written by Indonesian

song writers. Semantics is a study of meaning in language used as a theory to conduct

the research. Semantics is a study of meaning communicated through language. It is a

fact that meaning is a part of language. Furthermore,Filip (2008) states that

“semantics is the study of meaning expressed by elements of any language,

characterizable as a symbolic system”.


According to Saeed (1997), semantics is the study of the meanings of words

and sentences. It means that semantics theory can be used as a guide to analyze song

lyrics which includes words and sentences.

There are two approaches to the study of meaning in language, those are: the

contextual approach and the mentalistic approach (Leech, 1981; Palmer 1892, as cited

in Adisutrisno, 2008, p.7). He states that the contextual approach to meaning views

meaning in language in terms of context, situation, or use. While the mentalistic

approach to meaning in language views meaning as concepts, ideas, images, and

associations which are stored in the long-term memory of the human brain; meaning

is inside brain. The present writer uses the mentalistic approach as a guide to conduct

the research because the project analyzed the meaning as concepts, ideas, images, and

associations in sentences.

2.2.3 Theme

Some experts put forward their definition of theme. A theme is the main idea

of literary work. It is the core of work itself and the center of the story. A theme is a

main idea, moral, or message of an essay, paragraph, movie, television program,

book, or song lyric. The message may be about life, society, or human nature.

Themes often explore timeless and universal ideas and almost always implied rather

than stated explicitly. Along with plot, character, setting, and style, theme is

considered one of the fundamental components of fiction (Hawthorne, 1985).

Similarly, the definition of theme always relates to the direct or implied message:


Theme is a central message, concern, or insight into life expressed through a literary work. Theme can be expressed by one or two sentence statements abut human beings or about life. It can be stated directly or implied. Interpretation uncovers the theme. (Sugiharti, 2011, p.67)

Besides, Sugiharti also states that a theme usually talk about social life. In

American literature, several themes are reflects to the condition of American society

such as life/death, poverty, diseases, love/hate, minority/majority,

peacefulness/disorder, etcetera.

Aminudin (as cited in Ari, 2008) states that “a theme is the main idea of a

story and the core of the writer’s thoughts presented in his or her story”. Moreover,

Estern (as cited in Ary, 1987) states that although a theme is the main idea of a story,

but the theme does not have to talk about morality or teaching of morality. In relation

to Estern’s definition, Rusyana (1978) believes that a theme is also the message or the

moral values of the story. A story must have a purpose and should make the readers


From the definition above, the present writer assumes that theme is the

purpose or main idea and issue of a song presented by the song writer in his or her

works. Thus, in this research, the theme of The S.I.G.I.T’s and Gugun Blues Shelter’s

songs will be analyzed.

2.2.4 Figure of speech

Song generally conveys message and meaning. The composer needs time to

think, to choose the words, to read, what she or he writes, to rethink, revise and


arrange the messages and meanings in a song. Then he or she considers its effect on

the listener. Songs have special characteristic in their lyric. Each lyric is created to

have nuance. Besides, most of English songs have imaginative quality by using

simile. One of the examples of simile is in the lyric of Bob Marley Sun is Shining. In

lyric above the writer has a power to perform his admiration about the beautiful


The sentences of certain of a song are also shortened and unfinished.

Sometimes, the sentences are not grammatical either. However, the composer also

arranges a group of words correctly and chooses them in order to complete the idea of

the songs. As usual, he or she has provenience to choose words to get the beautiful


Another theoreticalconcept that is specificallyusedin conductingthis

researchissummarized inthe style oflanguage, especially in figures of speech. Moving

on to the theory of figure of speech, Bullinger (1898) says that afigure of speech

relates to the form in which the words are used. It consists in the fact that a word or

words are used out of their ordinary sense, or place, or manner, for the purpose of

attracting our attention to what is thus said.

Hawkes (as cited in Chandler, 1972, p.1) states that “figurative language is

language which does not mean what it says – in contrast to literal language which is

at least intended to be, or taken as, purely denotative”. Furthermore, Wren and Martin

(1981, p.488) state “figures of speech are a departure from the ordinary form of


expression or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect”. The

present writer used figurative language to help in emphasizing certain things and to

help bring a better understanding to a subject being described. By the use of

figurative language, stories and songs become more vivacious and interesting.

Nordquist (2005) in his article also says thata figure of speech is a rhetorical

device that achieves a special effect by using words in distinctive ways. He states that

there are 20 figures of speech which are commonly used.

a. Alliteration

The repetition of an initial consonant sound.Example: "You'll never put a

better bit of butter on your knife."

b. Anaphora

The repetition of the same word or phrase at the beginning of successive

clauses or verses. Example: "Sir Walter Raleigh. Good food. Good cheer.

Good times."

c. Antithesis

The juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases. Example: "You're

easy on the eyes, hard on the heart."

d. Apostrophe

Breaking off discourse to address some absent person or thing, some abstract

quality, an inanimate object, or a nonexistent character. Example: "Bright

star, would I were steadfast as thou art"


e. Assonance

Identity or similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words.

f. Chiasmus

A verbal pattern in which the second half of an expression is balanced against

the first but with the parts reversed. Example: "Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

g. Euphemism

The substitution of an inoffensive term for one considered offensively


h. Hyperbole

An extravagant statement; the use of exaggerated terms for the purpose of

emphasis or heightened effect.

i. Irony

The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning. A statement

or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or

presentation of the idea.

j. Litotes

A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is

expressed by negating its opposite.

k. Metaphor

An implied comparison between two unlike things that actually have

something important in common.


l. Metonymy

A figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with

which it is closely associated; also, the rhetorical strategy of describing

something indirectly by referring to things around it.

m. Onomatopoeia

The use of words that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions

they refer to.

n. Oxymoron

A figure of speech in which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side

by side. Examples: act naturally, random order, original copy, conspicuous

absence, found missing, alone together, criminal justice, old news, peace

force, even odds, awful good, student teacher, deafening silence, definite

possibility, definite maybe, etcetera.

o. Paradox

A statement that appears to contradict itself.

p. Personification

A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstraction is endowed

with human qualities or abilities.

q. Pun

A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and

sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words.


r. Simile

A stated comparison (usually formed with "like" or "as") between two

fundamentally dissimilar things that have certain qualities in common.

s. Synecdoche

A figure of speech in which a part is used to represent the whole (for example,

ABCs for alphabet) or the whole for a part ("England won the World Cup in


t. Understatement

A figure of speech in which a writer or a speaker deliberately makes a

situation seem less important or serious than it is.

There are several figurative expressions or figures of speech that will be

discussed by the present writer. Dr. Darla Shaw (2005) in her journal article said that

“lyric writing requires that the lyricist be as colorful and expressive as possible.In

many cases this means using figurative language” (p.12).Given below are some of the

types of figurative language that will help to buildlyric writing skills.

a. The Pun:

The pun is a play on words. Many good newspaper headlines are puns

because they attract the reader’s attention and make the reader think. In a pun the

writer contrasts a similarity of sound with a dissimilarity of meaning. Puns often

come with the use of homonyms, words with the same sound and spelling, but

different meanings. Example: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.


b. The Simile:

This figure of speech equates dissimilar things explicitly using like, as, or

than. It is a figure of comparison that helps the listener to visualize what is being said

while also visualizing the comparison to another item. Example: As good as gold

c. The Metaphor:

This figure of speech is similar to the simile except the words like, as, or than

are not used. These words are inferred and don’t really hinder the metaphor. Good

lyrics often include at least one effective metaphor or simile.Example: The snow was

a blanket over the earth.

d. Understatement/Overstatement:

To make a point come alive the writer can always use understatement or

overstatement. These figures of speech will help attract the listener’s attention and

engage the thinking process.Example: an Army officer has just lost his leg. Asked

how he feels, he looks down at his bloody stump and says, "Stings a bit."

e. Sarcasm:

This figure of speech must be carefully used in lyric writing. This format

brings a strong tone to a lyric and can sometimes be misread. It is usually used to put

down or make fun of a particular situation, person, or event. Satire is a form of

sarcasm.Example: If you be the son of God, descend from the cross.


f. Irony:

The irony is the twist in the event. There is a lack of congruity when the twist

or irony is part of the lyrics.The ironic format can make lyrics memorable. However,

if not used properly, the irony or twist can be confusing.Example: You stay up all

night studying for a test. When you go to class, you discover the test is not until the

next day.

g. Personification:

This figure of speech can be extremely beneficial to a lyricist.It gives human

qualities to inanimate objects or abstractions.It makes the song come alive with all

sort of visual images that would otherwise not be possible.If properly utilized,

personification can keep the words revolving in the listeners mind. Example: The

church sings out of mighty chords

h. Oxymoron:

This figure of speech is a form of irony.It takes two items or situations that are

totally out of sync with each other and puts them effectively together in a meaningful

phrase.Many of these effective phrases become quoted later on. Examples: "It was the

best of times, It was the worst of times." Charles Dickens:A Tale of Two Cities

i. Onomatopoeia:

Means choosing a word that sounds like its meaning. Example: buzz, fizz,

boom, hush, click, etcetera.


j. Hyperbole:

This figure of speech utilizes an exaggerated or extravagant statement that

may not be entirely accurate. Examples: He is as big as a house! That's the worst idea

in the world. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!

2.2.5 Short biography of The S.I.G.I.T and Gugun Blues Shelter

a. The S.I.G.I.T

The S.I.G.I.T was formed in Bandung in the early 2002. Their story began

when they were junior high friendship. After so many processes, The S.I.G.I.T is now

considered as one of the top bands in Indonesian younger rock generation. In the

beginning, The S.I.G.I.T whose members are RektiviantoYoewono (Lead vocals,

guitar), FarriIcksanWibisana (Guitar), AdityaBagjaMulyana (Bass, vocals) and Donar

Armando Ekana / Acil (Drum), are persons who like music and they have the similar

things on their minds: their favorite bands, musical technique like guitar and its

pedals, and biographical stories.

Before using the name The S.I.G.I.T. they used to cover their favorites of Led

Zeppelin, The Clash, and The Stooges. The S.I.G.I.T. stands for The Super Insurgent

Group of Intemperance Talent which was Rekti’s idea inspired by some international

bands who use acronyms with various meaning.


The S.I.G.I.T's first album "Visible Idea of Perfection", which was released in

2007, received positive response from the media and music lovers in the country, and

it was nominated for some awards in the AMI Awards 2008, and The S.IG.I.T also

received The Best Album 2007. The next year, they also received

awards like Editor’s Choice 2008 from The Rolling Stone Magazine., Best Indie

Band 2007 from Hai Magazine, Band of the Year 2007 from Juice Magazine and last

but not least, The S.IG.I.T won as Band of The Year 2007 from Grey Magazine.

Apart from being released in Indonesia, this album was also released in

Australia where it gained positive feedback from the media and fans around

Australia, America and the UK. This album reached bestseller position in a few CD

stores like JB Hi Fi (Australia) and Aquarius (Indonesia).

The S.I.G.I.T started 2009 with a trip to America where they were invited to

perform in SXSW Music Festival in Austin, Texas. Besides, they released another

album titled “Hertz Dyslexia” in June.

b. Gugun Blues Shelter

Previously it was called the Bluesbug, and then its name changed into Gugun

Blues Shelter. Gugun is an Indonesian blues power trio that is a breath of fresh air in

the seemingly dying Asian blues scene these days. Gugun Blues Shelter is influenced

by , Stevie Ray Vaughn, Bettie Davies, and among others,


the band forced many music fans to take notice of its powerful, flawless genre-

crossing blend of blues that incorporate influences from rock, , and soul.

Gugun& Blues Sheltes which is led by Gugun as the guitarist/vocalist, has

released two albums under the Bluesbug moniker “Get The Bug” (2004) and “Turn it

On” (2007) that has gained praises from music critics and fans alike. ”Turn It On”

was voted as one of the best Indonesian albums in 2007 by Rolling Stone Indonesia

Magazine and Gugun was noted as one of the most promising local guitar player by

the same magazine. In the same year, Indonesia’s Trax Magazine also voted Gugun

as the best guitar player in South East Asia. Gugun Blues Shelter did not only become

the center of attention from local music lover onyl, but also received attention from

European fans who thanked them for years of playing for expatriate fans during its

pub-playing days. As result, Gugun Blues Shelter was participated in Belfast Big

River Blues and Jazz Festival 2008 and played several dates in a four-weeks UK tour

at cities like Burnley, Scarborough, and Crewe.

Having successful with their debut album “Get the Bug” (2004), and their

second album “Turn it On” (2006), Gugun (Guitar / Vocalist) and Bowie (Drums)

returned to Indonesia after a highly successful tour of the UK in 2009.They did not

joinJono (Bass) f or about two years, but then, they became re-united in ,


This band released their third album “Self titled” in March 2010. With the hit

single “When I See You Again” the 9 track album and won numerous awards


including ‘Favourite Blues Song’ in the Indonesian Cutting Edge Music Awards 2010

(ICEMA 2010), TRAX Magazines “Best Local Album 2010” and also featured in

“Rolling Stone Magazine” top 20 albums of 2010.

The group has made 3 highly successful tours of the UK and Northern Ireland

between 2007 and 2010 featuring at the “Belfast Jazz & Blues Festival”, The Annual

“Colne Blues Festival” and also the “Skegness Rock & Blues Festival”. In March

2010 the band was invited to play alongside Buddy Guy, Jools Holland and the

Buena Vista Social Club at the Timbre Rock & Roots Festival in Singapore.

Touring both Nationally and Internationally during 2010, this band was

invited to represent Indonesian modern music at the Indonesian Pavilion of the World

Expo in Shanghai China both in August and once again in October. Gugun Blues

Shelter was also invited by the Romanian pavilion that impressed with them to take

part in a special concert which was held at Romanian pavilion.

The success continued into the new year of 2011 as the band scored a record

deal with the prestigious independent “Guitar Driven” record label “Grooveyard

Records” from New York, USA. The Compilation album “Far East Blues

Experience” consists of hand-picked tracks from the previous 3 albums, re-mastered

and re-packaged under the Grooveyard Label. The album was released in early

January 2011 and it has already received rave reviews from the blues rock community

both in the USA and world- wide as the album is available to order via website.