From a Divisional Level. Fus Mn;El Action
- 248 - 620. ~le relative inactivity of Brigadier Allard's other units can well bo understood if the situation is viewed from a divisional level. Fus M.n;el action at MUndorloh (4194) was merely an exploitation of tho left pivot on which 4 Brigade was swinging to tho north-west. The t nsk of the rsnaindor of the Brigade was to hold and attenpt to shako loose the opposition by continuous patrolling. This progr~ane was carried out quite successfully and by tho End of the day tho Gernans facing Cancrons of C. and S. Sask R. hnd bocome keenly nware of the threat of being out-flanked froI:! tho north-east first by, :the, FUA MiR.; ll:Rl in a widor sonse by 4 Cdn Inf Bda. (W .Ds., S. Leak R., l,)a.rlOrons of C., 29 Apr 45) 621. 4 Cdn Inf Bde's attack was narked by total suocess despite tl~ Dost deplorable woathor, ,mioh especially hampered the movement of the tanks. Shortly after first light n.H.L.I. which had carlier been pinched out of the front line, took over R. Regt C's. positions around Kirchkimmen. This left the Royals free to assemble in the area presently occupied by Essex Scot on the left and it was from here that Lt-Col Lendrum launched his attack to tho north-west. (W.Ds., H.C),. 4 Cdn Inf Bde and units, 28, 29 Apr 45). Tho hoavy rain and nuddy roads did not encourage the "goingll , but R. Regt C. made good progress against very light resistance and by 1030 hours reported that it was in full posses sion of tho four farms" north of Hasterort (4496).
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