local ! Regional 356 Clubs Visit your web site at www.356Registry.org These groupsoffer activities, information and fel lowship for 356 enthusiasts from a particular geo MIDWEST To subscribe to the Registry's electronic mail list, send an email to: graphical area. Each group operates Independently Group 356 SI. Lou is Region
[email protected] with the single word subscribe as the message, andis notsponsored bythe 356Registry. Ted Melsheimer, Sr., 10517 E. Watson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63127 314-966-2131 or go to the Registry's website at www.356registry.org WEST Midwest 356 Klub midwest356 org The new password for members-only pages and ads is: Weber Th eold password: Rudge Porsche 356 Club Porsche356c1 ub org Gordon Smith, 112 Chestnut Hills Circle Gary Dunavan, 4865 Via del Corral Burr Ridge, IL 60527 630-734-3093 Yorba linda, CA. 92887
[email protected] tcers agazme Itona a gdunavan@prod igy.net 714 -777 -8052 Wisconsin Porsche 356 Club Chuck House, President 356 CAR Club ~ Tom Spiegel
[email protected] Gordon Maltby, Editor (Chuck House @356 registry.org) Jim Reeder, Jr., President 10110 W. Bunny Ct. 11073 Begonia Ave. PO Box 726, 4551 Eggers Dr. Hales Corners, WI 53130 414-425-5584 Mary Sk amser, Office Manager Fou ntain Valley, CA 92708 Freemont, CA 94536, 510-793-4030 (Gordo nMalt by @356 reg istry.org) Fahr North 714-418-077 9 (hrn), 949-567-4 52 1 (wk ) Central Coast www.cc356c.com P.O. Box 287 Phil Saari, 3374 Owasso St. 949-567 -4510 wk fax Dick Douglass, 9469 Santa Lucia Rd., Shoreview, MN 55126 Stillwater, MN 55082-0287 Atascadero, CA 93442 805-452-6979 651-484-0303,
[email protected] Vic Skirmants, Vice President 651-439-0204, fax 65 1-439-7620 356 Group Northwest 356groupnw.org 356 Motor Cities Gruppe 356mcg com (VicSkirrnants @356registry.org) Bruce Rockwell, 4705 131st St.