o^ 17 at Wt'vtflrU, V J. I'uMl.-t.i'ii \\i:s!Kii:i.i). M:W JKUSKY UTOUO. THIR.SDAY. DKCKMBKK 15, Kv.oy Tliuiml.! 48 Pages—10 Cent* Santa Clans To Visit ^ "s mini's Trw l.ol wn Charter Proposal >. at:.-imiiai lu help iiisloniiis :i.ei. mil trees ,u the Y ."• Mi n -. " iilisliu.f- tuv sale, corner ol 1 nil and ( Sis S.iiHa is CN|K', ui sses Initial Hurdle ',> have Ititui.i.ns Inr children of Im For School Board .-•inpi'i'i's s.,i,t .inn i:;;ui'.i. vm . J..HI 'We ic dclkhScd to have Sllch HI X] Picks Trio; ii'.iisU'.ou- lelniiU'er. l-lihi't said Petitioning ,.r. \ i i. .ponso . r GUI' Mayor UoU'i't JI. Mulrcany Yllle lji utKinnnou. VOtc -nee will, ».•!•.. »I.,MI, Mat, .,„,,„.., ,„ „„ ,„,„; „ ,,,_„,:,. J : I'el) l-tlh next year. he final reading of j cou.ily elected offici ,ls to ,l,,,;,,- by |;,,.;i.,'i;r.,dv''.,u Th,' on-• t authorize the fll-! feHislatiun and problems ol special j Charles ruih..h;\. nidus •"" j Weslflrlil I'ulilU- Ncliouls will i signed at the conumltcc meeluiu al II.-IM. ID lie taken Fire Chief Warns Iry .in,l ;, la.-;,- Mil; I,,- |j,,- , 11. Santa's \i-tl uiiiiks the 17th an-• close lor Ihe Christmas holidays 'the VMCA Monday niuhl. Lirtcr can become law. lei 1.1 used ui seleeliau .1 vi ninei An r.ual children's Clirtslinas parly I M Ilie CIOM' nf (he regular school j The selcilion followed several idalurc iX'ls fuvor- : awaul «ill he |n cseuli il In the w in -I'on-oieit by ihe l:\ch.ui^e Chili nl j ita.v ii.'M Thursday mill will I>|M-II Residents Using iiiiilllhs nf larelnl screeninii ul llnllli- |n.rili(i:i i" January or j • tier .i! Ihe -I.iiiiK.ry rne,-::,-< nf ih,- Uesltn-hl j Tuesday, .Ian. 'i nl Ihc usiiiil icn llif measure will be ni'cs by Ihe .HV serecniiu,' cDinmlt- Jawivs. ((urine! - up \wil .d-u AltiT LT ^ Ihe c\|>e,leil bulile ! CMAHI.i:s MIANKCNIIAl II Jit. (a:oi((iK o. IM.KNTY tmiii's voters in a lee, lie.uled hy William I'. Ch.yes, ; Artificial Trees ceiw r,-intuit mu. ; uf children. Santnla will rule in a lireIn' rn'Sl November. chairni.ui Names of llimiinees hint I' iaduni^ will Like I cuv.ine. ui'lmtcd bhy Ihthe ymuiKsliTyium^strrs ro iiullincd l>y Sam- Kire Chief Martin llurke has ra been suhllilUed hy ho'h .ICC niein- IK-IUICII l>ce. :M .in,! 'SA. Then I,ml. to ;k speei.ll Clni>linas s)l(H\ Ill; her.s mid residenls of Wt'.vlfiehl wish- !•)• Jr., chairniaii of the lioncd Weslfield resideins that n i1 " : i w inners vi ill be Thins,!,i)', 'l the Hi.illo Theater. :'.M K. Hroad Sludenls At WHS Will Present Ink's Committee, in aall nf the artificial Christmas tie. ini; to do MI. | Dec. i'.i by u jiani'l i>\ dms iu he | Si- for the audience attend- on sale are firt'-safe. The chief puin Mr. l'lankeuliach. whn will \x ting Tuesday nitfht and out that while trees made uf poly •I'kiiiK ii .srciiiiil Ihrec year lerni, is die hearing was held. vinylchioride are virtually „ „„-„ am-; K,^,;,,?;^-^ ^L,^ ^-"^'.'n,,;^ l;:; ' H'^-^U'^ ^V^^, .^b:;. 7^E Traditional Christmas Program it life-Iniiu resident of Westfield. re- Mr. Kinncy's sninniary mahle, olhers arc made of si siding id 'lir> e plastics, which will burn. Two [lerfnrinaitcc.s of Ibe Iradi-. Walhice, and the production of lite mid tltc solo with which the |>n>i Cia.hiiile ul the West Held scliool sys- ilulrcany stressing that i/cs will lie awarded In all cliil- "Kire safely can he a si lional Clirislinas prncraiu piesenled ' lableaux will IH- supervised l>y Mrs.eon.dudes, "I'eai-e I Leave With 1,'in, was graduated I nun Drown fire, safely can he a significant . | - . idrt'H al Ihe end ol Ihe show, Inp•; • hearings will be fur Ihe public by (lie art. dranialii> Marianne II Murray and Mrs. Uclly Von." I'niversily with a I5A di'uriv in eco- advantagu of the artificial tree." I \ 1 I'lc |,()(l(r(» S(»Jl|c ; (HSI by the award of Iwu bicycles. •haitfr proposal prior to 1 IjUII L amt nurir (l,|i;n lini-nl.'. of the bii;li II Si'lmivk. The tableaux will include '"Ilie nomics and is associated wilh the 1 the chief .said. "It is unfoilu.iale that I' "*" f ^«-tll» I one lor a Ixiy. and »\\v fur a pv\. o Iht U'Kislaturu which M-IKKII. will Ix- (iivrn In!' Ihe Miilh 'Hie innMeal ininiliers will imliiili- Annel. I'lu' Shepherds. lite firm of Teai'siill & Kiaukenhach in a consumer who purchases a tr''''j/\,r parents ol lour children, with Ihe ;t luh. :il Committee of tintree- . We feel that our resident-, j by the i boir. the program will enn "(JIKI'S SIMI Is Horn, Ihe Thru' Jane Kehcr. IL>iu;l is Alan llaee sel I ai;e children attending 's, read a letter in By Dr. Malcolm (laN'iiu. I'iiula Spilner, William Unse- should he aware of this siluatiun " . t of musical c.impositions dravxr Kums." 'T'IIIII. Kill)), I''itiu," "CIPV- Lincoln School. Jaytrs expressed the !' vin^le. Keniielh Itenili'ison, l-!ric A bulletin rccc-nth ieieive,| (r,i:ni ]), r.riice I. Malcolm uf i:il S.ind. Srlimkl P ll'I'lllUI ij hum si'vi-ral eetiluries, pel formed i-nliy Carol," "(> Wonder of This Mr. Kraiikcnhaeli has served us lltfy found lite promised u Schlesinuer, Helsy Coe, Jean Walk the National Kirc i'mteclion Ass.icia- j fed AM,, was in-lalf-d a- Wm>lup . »«'"* '-" ll\*U > by the elinral t'loup and soloists, to Christinas Ninhl," "While Stars Kcerelaty and president of the Wesl- bo a "wi'll conceived, Their Vintl Keep" "Ho.sauna lo Ihc IT. Constaiiee Mm shall, Leslie (iruss, lion irpcirLs Ihal some iiiai In! .MI-II-I- of AH;i.-. l.uil:-..- N,,„,.,,,.,) i ,.-s u, M()i,,u y ^ in tin- Ma- itiaslej'pieees of ml displayeit in seci.tiuy and vice president of the icil Registrations cessiiinal, "(> Come Kmmiinurl," lln? roller. Orwanisls will he Anne CucU- ,cil \m- As. t-rforls and collci,ni lllilt fi;in,nl.ll>u. tri.,.s iiri. hl.. MinK. -i-,,,,,,,,nip,l •-.-». many inuseunhs of Ihe world. The Weslfirld llooslers Assoeialion, aa- support reeessiimal "Dona Nohls l'aeem,1* lei' and Deborah Holder. ing marketed. Accordilii; to Ihe re- Dr. Malcolm's nlher Ma-nnic :if- |\lk(||ljriln eliuir will I),- direrled hy Kditar I.. sislnnl lieasurec and ineinher (it I'm rcany read letters from lll 1 11 port, certain trees, "culled 'llon« j fib.itions are- a inrailicr of the Sent- I -'J -' ^"* Hoard of Diieclui'M of Hie Ue••»•'"'-in Soei,ty,,[ DeniKiiy l..i l!l"s' ''" s" '"' «'";" "ll"' ;""1 '"rl>' • School children who presenl pro were constructed hy student.s. Hoys' Treble Choir, Hoys' Chorus, VMCA Ilevcl.i|Uiienl Tund and Lillly by him m the intro- the tree or Ihe carlo... will, l,,e . ( luldren. ' day.- ,,r...r In the date ol ll.ese 1 ;,;,.-„„« ,,f M,11Ks and .tunes lli.-v Last nii(ht Jefferson School chil- liirls' ('horu.s. amt Se\-eulh (irade l.eaj'.ui'. e ordinance three weeks eled inn date imhealed ab safety in mind. j lie is a funner chutnn.'in nf Ihe yulelid dren re dialled Dickens' "Christinas Choi us will holiday music, bulb Also seeking a second Ihice year Thinsday. Jan. .">. l!HiV. is Ihe la^l I I Westlleld Molllltainside Ited Cros-;. ;. ,„,.,,,„ ,.t| ,0 ,Millk Caiol." Thresi'iil<''l!«y i'lll-swiii'lli. Hean l.audew, Krir She lias US and MA decrees iu edll- Jring and vote on the caiioii from Nrw Vnrk University, Fni* AH Act^iflnfc j-V'tiah/ed lln-pial in Mninilaiiisnlr i haw hieu a icsidenl of this Mate ] \>,~U!,n\ appewed and' inamcally Mrs. . KleanoKlcanur Kimes. assisleassisted bhyv \»» l^'uven, Linda Anderson, Kulhi b postponed 30 days. 1 UI /111 /TnUlIclIIlS | Dr. Malcolm is married to Iheisiv ninnllt-. and el tin- county in ' <-,-, -;,| ,-tj animated Christmas cards Miss Ko.semary Jaci|iies and John Iliibal, Anne Myers. William I'eck. b.n inu doiii- j'.raduale work lu educii- l MIL- reprcsuita- m O 1 1 n | ; former I'Yancc.s Snydei of Wctficl-i ' which he claimed In- vote III days. ; ,m ,,.„,,, wl|(l ,|](, j,,.^, !|f sjX||, Josa. Mrs. Doris I'cterson direcled and Lauren lieiler. Musical directors lion m Ihe University uf Vermont club present that conn- 1 are Miss Carol '['inchcr and I'anl and Columbia University. She is u 1 0 SCllOOl IfOiird jaiul Huy have foitc iliibii-n. l.aiirn : nexl IH-,',.I.' Ihe eii-i bun. shall be en ' ,.n,,|(, s|U(lenls, Hie .schiKil i-htiir. Ihe sixth' cast who portrayed voling on the charter it- j l.V Hniinif. 12. Unite, «. and Kntc,:i ; li!'.i'il In M,!e lor all offl.-is lh.,1 are ; .„„, .,„ ,„.,, ,.„„„,„( -,| e.iollp. Leslie Dickens' -characters. ITo^rnin cov- Ncuer. loi'iiier inemher of the Moan! of Kdu- ')' on Ihc ordinance to ! ' Tile other nlficei'v installed weie. now or lieieallcr may lie eleilive by ; |.;u,.h mminaled the theme Miss caliiui and I'TA Itoaid in ]lii;h!aml a ers were designed by .•.Indents. Kdison .Iiiuinr llij:h School will pre- rtcron ils way through The law I'nrk, III., where, slie resided previ- ;nv provides lhal all pci'Min- ^^( ( Mclk.,,in, 7!!- ,-].irk Si.ilhe' and upon all .pu-slions j ||,,M.lll;l,y ,|-,( .,,,„.., ihreetell Ibe Tuni.-upies School selected "The sent two pcrlormnnccs ol ils Holiday '•*'?• In addition they who wi.s! ously. ..sli to hie lloumia nw IK-t,- M.,-lH,,. tta|.,|1,,, K,.,,,,,.,!, |' D,,!/. :i;t win. h n.ay he sahmilted to a vote ' ,,,„„. Mr, |-;|entioi- Kimes was the Clirislinas 'lice Tune Line" as tin; I M'lsic l''«'.sliv;il, touiitht and toinoi- N that additional licar- lions as candidates for election lo ; Darby Li . .Mniintain-uie. junior war- of Ihi" people, • aemiiipaiust. iind John ijistniet- mw ni)ihl al A variety ol sr- Mr. and Mrs, Phelps, who livu at 0 Hoards of Kducalion must file :he:n : theme of their presentation, also last charter are planned idem ' Con:,- I. ,\|i-ii;v l'..\L. leclions '-vill he offered by the Choir, •11.". Klmhall Turn, are the parents hy 4 p.m. Thursday. Jan. a. IW7. nii'ht. K.u'h p,rade created with p.111- Seventh (iradc I horns, (lirls' Cliinu.s. of two .suns, one a recent firnduntc and (Jrciieslra. 'IVu .selei-tions will ol Hie University of Michiitun Law eniithini' Ilie talents ol the Choir (Coiifiinx .1 on pai;e 2) and Orchestra. Tomorrow ni^hl id II p.m. firaut • 'School lonilh and tilth t• Don-;.'.- IL SA'iip-iin. I".' Tl.i. may !»• done liy mail. ; i .-J b.iek,:roiuid was providi-.J by the 1 5 n"t given io the nuw! met't Ihe rciinueiin'nls a- pie-enh- Itulli Vincent. .Mis. Harriet Nicliol, | I Jeanor Kini'-s .'Old act nm|,ani,-d by Tj "I" I'ii'll**! Wi:;o-.. (iroveld. i- nta-lei id ihi- >,•. relary nf lb- I'.u.u d nf T.d- ,.,,„„. ,„„),.,. ,,„. ducclion ul '.Mrs. led in Ibe New Jersey School Law and Joseph I law. kins wi;raiii. seleelion nf carnK lei i nuipleiii.-ii! •••fli--r recent death of I 1. Candidate nuiM he a n:i/en :-u , ,;.,,„,„„! ,,.„„„• ,-i,.«-;,n|. ! VM, -:,,!, i.-.-^n,-ii:on ,i.u-t I..- .! Kb anor Kimes. Miss lioseinary w M S| Ihe Ihe Several iu-.liiiiiiciit.ili,I-.. | Itnboil J. Lincoln, pie-idcnl of the I Nuiioiiis St. Job,, ; resident of Ihe territory .,n\,ui.d ^ ,,,.,,,.,.„., ,,... ,-,,,-L,-,.. j, v,,i,.- !,.,.-,I ,,,:,nicip.,i eleik iioiinci-d today the eh'.lmn ol David "'•"il'.'lhy In Hie late j -- fandidale -hall h:ti e !*-i-n a ••> - I'fl'i Md"!i • Aw . Seiitch I'laiiiv 'iiindl.-llo-.v. Kan-ii Collier, and John j II. .'hue. '.'il iMiollnood Ter.. ami "r * fai'.aly. • iilent of tin- school disSric! for a! ,-|.:i|.;.,i:i: l!n liaid I. Cr'i-.ui. T-ll Si (Colllllllle-I Oil p.i;-,e :» |,|;|y |-' |{.|(ll|lll. V.'iil C.|v||i-||l.l|| l)f., •''•'i'l'il -,1,'h re'^rt't tlie'least | years immediately pieced w, d, ,„ ,, ,e s.r ,.],„«• Mad l Wll!^SeniorsLitcu AsUulslaiKiinir AM-. 1 ii.ti-~lt.-il. Ila.-i.ld I! • ito iln- V I'.iNird nt Im-i-.-tiiis. Mr. '•'• Jlr- !•'. iiaymund in^ bis hecoininc a member of th< ,M(rt'i!au. Ne-v Vork City. 1,1 :'.iii: ' : 1 C . 'I' /' 1 • jCI.'ite «||| cuMiplete III'- Ici'lll of . ' nietnhi.,- Of ;ln.'iioar Hoarad ooif i-.ducaiioaKclucaiion.. ,, |( lY1|W,,,I (i,ui,a. -•:.:: S. .in ,;.:';;, li;il,. , ,y ,,,„„,, ,,.„. \ In High School English In Country ,-l,(lll|>s(,ll II) l.railllillc John A Ack.rman iimlMr. «»:>»--i.".i and ap- ; 3. He shell be able "» read and ,M;i|,]v \w, .ylrr ,(„•„•,•„ i: J|a,: Ko:: S '!"'• •ipi'iiintnu-nl nf! write. u]., ,, M -.-,,; w- i,:i,|i(-v \'.e tn ll.i.'iid .if i:dui iiti.iii 'iUHlMiV l-rHerickn: Lilcluiiaiinofj'-' "... " apply,,,, fur schohil'slups *'"»" "^' '-'"'"' ' ^^^ "" """ """ "•'"' "' ™ I' < :eni<.n:s (if 5 ; -1- He shall no: he (hrcclly or tn- ~:, . ' ,),, ,- .; ,, d.-r I'M. |rr n l v r n :•:()•> i:nibree ties., and Paula Lois ' "''''^'''' luiancial aid ,..lN „,„,.,„ Wi!hi,m II ;;.iiup-..,n ol , "\,,- ,-|'.,. ,. ,v.-e,.'i- •.!>,• oresi h;1 l11 ! ,"' '!'•• balance of j directlIJI y inter.-.-'.,-.! ia any "" •"' ,',|| |.;.,,,,.; i,i, <•. i, ' i.c• • ii;n;mce 01 i ' e^ , i\ Ini. I , .-•.. ,J i., .in...... S((1 tn S,.,!,,,,'. .I:,,,,;!,,,,- of Mr. and Mrs.! •"'<• ^""- ••'•"'Is lo all w,nnc,s ,,,, ,,,,„.,vw,| A,,,. ., „„,,,„,. ,„ : ,,,^' „ , I, „/;",„,,„',,Z 1 1 r ' ' 'Mm',-.- IV'C. 31. I!1li7. 1 with or claim .i^.iiii.-! Ihc board. Tin- ni.-lalliiiL' uflu1' r Center Observes '• It W. Spilni-r ol 417 S. Kiiehd ,\ve.. , •"»' '•• ""••"I' ••'"'11" «f i'eco;:,.ili..,, ; „„. w,..,,,..,,, I',,,,,,, i,..,,,,,,,,,-,,. ,, , ,. , ',;,,,. ,,;',,. ( conlruclxi .">. He must b,- 21 years of aue to ; ^ j)( :|E,'] ,,M '.„„( M,,, f";i'ri-nt individuals and j qualify for office n.-irshal. l-i'-d.-rak \V. Taiio!!. I'.M.. jh.iM- til".! as oiilstaridi,,,.. Miiden.s l;h 'h,,an,iie,,l, wi.h c-, til,cat.-. ,„,. ,-Lr... ,,.„„„,, .„ Sril |;,,, ,,y; j • ',;„.,;, i,,,,,,,,;,',/..,,,,,. t,~''l''nn' in snow removal i ——. Holidays With of nicnl. ilioih i.l Wislli.'ld. '.if hi^h school KnMlish in the cinin- the SI.lie I'ohi A ho iio!n::y. C.imli! id::,-. M.i.-,, . when: he Mrs. Lorna M.'ic|).ui;:,i| and Kevin '• I>r Malcolm and hi- hi -other Allen " jp • • « • irv. diplomas loiuoiio-.v allcni'ion at e.\- i.r.r. .d his I'.S de:-r,-e i;i Methani- "• •"••"'w '- " . ..p.... For (»irl?*i Kl ; l( II;IVI hr( lj i|C Ma!,..!iu «en' iiv'.-JI-d by th.-,.-- f CSt I VI tlCS The N'.' Council nl Tparhcr.- | ' " ' ' '" "'f-ir in- 'ici .--. 111 Ihi- Sjiriit;: Lake Coiutnuii- ; I-inj'.Mieeiin1.'. While ailendin^ t ;" liui'id'o/w-s' whniiBovs Saturduv : fi.'her. Talbot M. Maliolm, l'ii-tj j of lai^hsh Hy llnus'.- '•O'Jilv r iic a VM na- !slruclors ill Wollicld lli".l School. ; MIT, b" |i.iiti"i|..iteil in the Tcelniol- - • • ' -flic Wcsificld YMCA will jointly Maskr of Alias T'ne Maff of tlio \Ve-!fi•»" .' - (.'.;>' ' int-ti.iii A'I'-II' inlion. a college ''poimod -i« -, L i ••' I sponsor a 'i' nisht for Kirls and hoys < .'••''iiiuuily C<-nU-r annouri< <•.! the foll.nv- ti'uiii] rtuiner-up in ils annual icl.ileil of the Y.\[C.\. irm iinmrams in oh-ervancc of llu- A. hi'veinciit Awards cornpelili'iii, &('!--"i'/c'D,, , ";h« '^'^ '•> ••••••'i '•• s:""ri|:'>'- •'•'*' Mr Chile i. 111.ii lie. I In !!ie mrmer u D h.'hday.-: : Last spring ii eoiiifiiille.- of Kn;;. « ;;. ^P-"tincnt | f(feature.n,l]ri,(d| al|rallrael.K.Iilii n uii, k, .,„. i,;,m|. Mar;!aii'l Corciii-.-.n ol \euloii. M;i-s. ; Til" .Junior Woman's cltil. of W<--!- h-h le.-.i her.r.- frfrmioi Ithbe huhh .-.CIK.O.ln,n|I j : I "The Troupe." which wiil play from !\? 1' and Mr. < T.r 1 •* h;;ve r.\o ..»• and l«> •and r.-fre.-hmen'.-. Simla Clan", \I.I!! , i!I.'OJI (>f Ifi.-jt number, over ];<> e!i:u!':ti.i:i !'•!' '!.,- MIT Alumni Kuml, •^i\. Hi*- ciuldK-.'i t'dts doniited by ft.'i.iiis's '.'..-ic cli'..(n. Tip y ri-pre- ! i'.nd i. a member of ll.ily Trinity of :W iccre'at^ile :°I!<; wi" lv :'r ^ '^ Ih.' l-'n:'tni::lil!y Club of sic Con^re- ' s.-nt CT .'-. IIOO- , limn ";» .stale"-, tin- ! ; ('Lurch :_'';''-' -'•'.i-oii and in : ::al'im::! I liiirch. Ijisiii.-l ui ('ohiuiliia a:: on I i.e. .P.. S'liiire. c\eciitivi- -.•cret.-iry of ; d. at of the V s Men's club, ,1 mom. Cliureh \,v, s Sec. .V-1. •"• I'll hum 7 io !' .':(> ',* ui.. liie Yi>'.irb lr>.' N'aii.iii.jl Council of 'f.-.ii hers of •] ; hi r of the CCII||-.I| Allai.ttc A'ea held ;,t 2 ; Collc^ Sec. :l-:i Coiinci! |i;i- j.'.t|.::i 'I .i u •< n piiriy l'.n;::i-li, slii'.-.i tii.- cnuncil f-c- j ; Cotincd ol YM'.'A's. anil chairman o( JJ^'imcil chambers. \ Kdiloi iai Sec. -1-2 fur iin-:iibi-i.- Li '•" I" yei.c.-. of iu.'e i>;nm"iid . !h<--<- .-Indent., for cotle^e \ ; Ihe plamiiny coiiin.iliee dnecliitf: Iht .. ' ; i"ocii . . Sec. -l—:i Tin' teen- <.f ti," Center '.'ill -«r- •• imliii.-l.ij.s in ]!»]7 'Ihe naims of i coillieil IU-.-'-II;:; in I'l'i;. Ho i.s u v.(> Garden Now- Sec. r>-3 up :hv i/leriy a;i.I ,11 p'-o;i!e nf she :!.. -.- siu.i'-:r, are '-.-m in .-veiy cl- ! I j HH-IIIIHT of tin' Ollicial Hoard of the Oljiluarics . f 1 siiir .. ! <'jiiiuiiitnty \^itb Ci,ris'iiiiis Ciirols ; h-; .e im.l uui .er-ity iidnii-sioii-. of- j Kir.: Method!.-.! t hun-li. b,;.,.. . . "'••' Hoard of Social ••.••.••.'. Sec. 2--I-3 ' I'rjday, f).-c. J.'l i.I 7 p m . '"i'ler 'he ' fi... r in I!•,..• ciniiilry. In provio'.. , Mr. itiK'hhu 1.-. uiaiTied (o the for- '•Hi,."1:'1'' '''•' id.-tl t,, i,,. j Sec. 3-1. :i dii.ctioii of Mi.-- .I".'.,') \Vn;:lit. I'.e- . >e.ii.-. li'i per i-.-iil of lh-- ie.vai d-. -.sin- J :l mer Cu-ym-tli Jones of WcMliuld. Tlie "iy hum- i Spoils Sec- l'^- -•'• '">• "' fre-liu.en!-: v.ill b" .-irvid by MM. ,!'IS ent.-nd liie cdleil. of th.-if I I'.II Jl.l : M- .,,. V .- 'hhn'.s liaw' three cliitdren, Kath- regular I Theaters ...... H..-C. fi—1 UL-IOR-J lioykia and Mu. Otto Smith. ] chvicu. Ai-iJioximatoly DO jn.r cut ] OAV1U It. CLAKE JAY t. HOCIILIN I Woman's l'ai Sec. 3-!> ryii, Uclli Aimo aud lL Fage 2 JTIE WESTFIELD f\\ J.) LEADER. THtTtSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 19« ,


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HATHAWAY LOCHLANA SPORT SHIRTS This sinfully luxurious blend of cotlon and wool Is imported from a remote European mill ... is light yet warm, nevor fades, shrinks or mats . ... you can send it to the laundry. Solid colors and SWEATERS - Pullovers and ce.rd.goM n^ tartans. servative and more rustic fabrics.. • all sizes ... by the best known n.Onufad»

NECKWEAR by Mr. John, Christian Dior and many other famous names. All styles and fabrics. MICmM makes wlntor a happy

OUTERWEAR One of the coun- try's oldest and LEATHER GIFTS - finest manufactur- Travel kits, wallets, ers of outerwear. belts, billfolds, etc. HATHAWAY You'll like the mas- culine styles and You'll find more Hathaway styles rugged smartness and colors than you've seen in a of these coots and long time, plus the Hathaway jackets. features and craftsmanship that have mado them nationally fa- mous. Our groupings of Manhattan Shirts include tho Golden Needle collection, "Dura-Wite" and "Dura-Brite" of 65% Kodel and 35% cotton, and .. and others, too! other Manhattans, in all collar styles. Attache cases, and luggage Check our Gift Bars on Main Floor. for unusual gift ideas. THE WKSTF1£LD (N. J.) LEA1>EK, THl'KSWAV. DECEMBER IS, ISM P«ge 3 Christmas iinmi:y or the area. The applicant agency's annual movtirui Dec. 7 and business administration, and is em- por's Market Boro Zone Board : Sims ployed by Western Khx.'t.ric Cu. in tamii»! i-ufiip!y with the requirement cuiitinut.^ ;^ ehairman. 3 Incumbents (Continued from page 1> i ui a H)o lovit fryt»iaf;i'. but the board priKX*dural di*veloj)inwit work. Mr. Mulxeatiy will serve a five- By Marim* Corp; from page P Branch :olbroo!. have been in charge of ;ht Gives Air Con OK ru'n-ti (hj! ;.:nct application of tin.' , , Mr and Mrs. Pltmiy of 326 Scotch "oduction. tirduiaiice would create undue liard- year term as trustee. He is a part- Class Honor Man ; si-iiuui. i iif fr a jutnor at ''"'riams Avo. are presently host fam- ner iu tin' law firm of D* Forest. I isiinis i OIU-KI-. ! Fi id Sen-ice The Pirates' Christmas" is tin- Mountain-idc—Tile lk>;.!I.>L»Il Ul A;!" *" i»11 fi-.r ut i!4i-. H:. ; lued the applieation of J. V. Carn- I field mi the senior 1«KIS M-IWOI PI A ' MI'IHI»S;I. ArgeiiLina. Their three hich will take place Monday u< i\ t^lass at the Mannc Corps .ietn»ols. ponni' of 491 Summit Kd to eivet member of the Ad- Hoard for thro years and was Pui.'M • rhildri-n arc Karbara at Muskin* m. This original play, wntirn i'\ Quant ieo. Va . M.irion II Suns 111. i'ft'. Kit a U-foot hi>;li fence in his from yard. visory Board of Public Welfare, a i Kdiieulion v'luwrnuin of llic l'T I'miii- If.wn I ull<'t!orc and :11s the unseemly activities of I.- Tnc .:|vo\tii iiK-ludi'd \.uiuns ,^:ip honor niim. o-Connor annical Captain Blackboard and i;:v ia'.iulis. iticuaiirii; llu1 cs;ublj>h!iuMi'. ; liirco iVot hi^h. sity School of Social Work advisory jrii.h, slw has nisi. h,'.'ii iu-iiii> in Mr j.|,.,,(v js a ,lu.mber of the and of interaational pirates, am! of o It'.ifH'r /"IK- bi'twct'ii llio ro>!tic[- council, the National Citizens Com- He was piTM'ntrti the I-'hil Vi-ckel 'Ni-Mconu-rs. U'IIKIU- ul WoiniMi V»it ciilk-Ke Men's <'lul>. |«is t«cn ac- award, niven lo Ihe candid.ito of I'lamf.eld ie attempts made by the spini..; .•> e(l i .I'liinctcial zone ;ind tht- ri-.^idcr- mitlee on Careers in Social Work, ers iind is sii|H-riiiioncii-iil (,I Ihe jim-hive in st'Vci'ul pluises of the United d Mayor Mulnuiny A«raiu and u trustee of (he Hartford Foun- each offio'r cmutklaio clas> al- ior liiKh department of the l'ri*l>ytc- j Fund as «-rll as Jlt.iy Scouts. Little The com- jove. Mercy, and Giving to reform !i:i! ,-;i;u ;ind UK- in>t.iiia:iun u! J hem. The Choir, directi-d by Mr.- io.Aiiiii; ami liiiSuudini; i';.i:!unn. dation. laitun^ the highest slandmi; in U'ad- riiin (hiirch. UM^III', Coldtnal Chorus i>f Westfiold, ^ Di vision meat llrail> ('oniniunilv idith Andrus. will siny sunj crship. academics ;uui physical fit- Mr l'li'iily w;.s <-l['iit .i!HM3 roups of Christmas and liar.ukk,-.;. Scrvict' Sork'ty ness. He is now assigned \o lite ,> fill a one year imexpiriti l.>»••<.• «-" ap;i!it .i'i'iii \\ii.,id uu! ih.uui- !ln- Hoard of Kducution iniLst be filed ,11 sixlll graders ha\-u a part in ilw Nurnaie was nvlecUKl to the bourd not enslaved by them, Seriousnest missioned officers. j lie luis luH'ii a ix'.sidcut of WVslfit-!d ".„,;, Tuesday evening!' nf tlu- ni;^!ii>iHiiii-Hi and 'oduction. uf Inislees of the t'oninuinily Serv- is only a sign of imperfect mastery. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ! for 155 yeaytvirs,. iss a ggraduate of Km with tin' secretory of tlio bourd prior •;„ TIK- official open- \uinM iu*l l>c a ditrni^Mii io lno cnlr.- 10 sm y^tcidav. ice Sucii'ty of New York al the — Yulang Marion D Sims Jr. of WesUieWI Universily with a decree to 4 p tn . Jan. 6. Also on Monday at 8 p.m.. Lincoln , ,,. iures o( the new r a chool children will participate in kv carpel«i sales area. leir Christmas program, "lla|.pv , In- so covered. nm 0 Lolidays." First grades will piesiit John J-O'Connor, pres- ortions of "The Nutcraiker S11M0": company. •cond grades will cri'ulc a tradition- ,|r.t O'Connor says, is Christinas scene; third graders lC" unloading apparatus ill present their version of "The OPENED LAST THURS. i-out counter which .ittlest Angel"; fourth grades will fiVMiiry (or customers 11 tales of the "Kt-asl of l.ighis"-. it carls. The Three Kings." a tableau, will (field storo, which has •e offered by the fifth grades: ai.e! has bi'cn coni- xth grades will narrate "A Christ- DECEMBER 8th at 10 A.M. .^ in modern colo- ins Wish" and a scene from a carol. by Brand-Worth Associ- The Lincoln School Choir will si:m (SEE CONTEST WINNERS BELOW) liiforaia. Non-glare dif- nder the leadership of Miss Rose- FASHIONS FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART jg has been installed. vary Jacques. Minnors have arranged Your response to our opening was nothing short of phe- Dec. 20 at 7:45 pin. McKinley ,\« u,id Airlines to fly in CENTRAL AVE. OPPOSITE QUIMBY ST. rubles daily from chool's program. "Holidays Around nomenal . . . we set our goal very high . . . our new store had he World," will explain the back- round of today's Chrislinas and to be the most beautiful in town . . . we sincerely believe we crs of the '"'«' market _... of Scotch Plains anukkah observances. WESTFIELD attained our objective . . . it's truly elegant! . . . and to our Popolillo of 1'Iainfield. Washington School's presentation Dcurson is meal man- : also scheduled for Dee. 20, at 8 countless friends and customers may we say — "We think you're ,1 Uvcccbia is prtxlucc .m. Their play, "Happy Christmas Thomas O'Connor is in o All," will tell the story behind Dr. elegant, tool" relations. tement C. Moore's writing of "The ight Before Christmas." Tlie Choir, Annette and Herbert Fritx nder the direction of Mrs. Kiizabelh tfaluszak, will sing appropriate so- rts Contest actions. Mrs. Elizabeth Mothering- on, Jean dePlanque. Mrs. Gladys wning Won ordan, and Mrs. Eleanor Cocuzza re in charge of the program. Finally, Dec. 21 at 7:15 p.m. and Hess 45 p.m. Wcslfield High School ludents will present their annual Hess Jr. of 407 Grove "hristmas program of tableaux and the grand prize winner nusic. •I conducted by Herberts inj; when the ladies would formally o|>en ocahon on Central Avc. Yule Tree Sale uliu missed Hie exact iy 21 minutes, won the si prize when the senled In Full Swing opened by two National field tellers, Miss Chris- For the past Iwo weeks the West- eld Y's Men's Clul) has Ix'cn hold- las and Miss Patricia ng its annual Christmas tree sale place was William Sei- t Orchard and Sts. lardint St. who was one Jay Hoehlin announced today that OPENING SPECIALS lie way. He won $50 in xcellent progress has bcon made Phyllis K. Ruch of 1000 oward raisine the fluids which the Crnnford, was third :ujb> will use in its program of sup- CLASSIC CARDIGAN SWEATERS tssh for her guess which OTt.^ox Wcstfield welfare projects nd YMCA boys' work. VEE NECK SWEATERS "EG JB.OO liours. In fourth place (felndd of 18 Orchard Christmas tree sales nre synono- nous with Y's Men's Clubs Ihroutih- She missed by 24 hours iut the western lnMi\isphero. Tlie Y's HO cash. mon have found that one of the most PASTEL MATCH-MATES $7.50 ffectivc ways to implement their projects is to give their time toward SKIRTS & SWEATERS $6.50 ialized Tots rovidinR a product which equals lie full value of Ihc money t>o«p!e iay, thereby avoiding iho need to td By Elks %ppeal on a strictly charitable basis. JANTZEN SKIRTS & SWEATERS . The club's success however, depends le Party n community support of the sale, FIRST QUALITY NYLONS . . . 2 prs. 50c ilr. Rochlin snid. Ik-Marionettes brought A wide; variety of trees arc offered adults and screams of ncludinfi traditional balsams, Doug- youngsters at the Moun as firs, and Scotch 1'incs. All trees Is Lodge 1585 annual re pre-priced with clearly marked party Monday night at ags allowing for easy comparison. ' Specialized Hospital, Frees are on sale daily from 9 a.m. aged 4 to 17 cheered 0 9 p.m., and Sundays from 9 a.m. •g« and Co., an old-time .0 6 p.m. *ar who revived vaude- an hour with his formers. Santa appeared on the 5 and had sonic dialogue TRANSFERRED? ksreal Santa, Carl Bail- 's Santa then distributed atienls. Homerica, Inc. will help s Auxiliary helped hand you find your next home; >• which they had wrap- ped refreshments. All anywhere in the United \ inslmns carols. ^ annually sponsors the States without charge. j ™rd Pullin is chairman OBJECTIVES: To help you find j '<«1 Kiddies Committee your next home with a mini- j 2nd, Wm. Seiboth "10 affair. mom of effort, time and ex- | GRAND PRIZE WINNER 723 Harding St., Wfld. pense. If you plan to move to j MRS. R. A. HESS, JR. ^•- 0 God. thru I may be an unfamiliar city, or just to j 3rd, Phyllis K. Ruch fUiin.-Socrates relocate near your preseni ; home, HOMERICA, INC. will \ 407 GROVE ST. 1000 Raritan Rd., Cranf. help you find the right house, ' WESTFIELD In the right neighborhood, at; 4th, Helen Hoindel the new areal $100. CASH PRIZE 18 Orchard Terr., Clark SCOPE: Operotion throughout the United States enables' Homerica to furnish you with detailed information on j houses which fit your require- : ments even before your first i visit to the new areal j REMEMBER: Homerka works only for YOU 1 All of their . PLEASE NOTE efforts — research, reports and ; advice — are exclusively on , behalf of fhe prospective IN OUR OLD STORE ON BROAD ST. AT ELM, WE ARE LIQUIDATING OUR BROKEN buyer. They have no connec-! tion with Ihe seller. It is their responsibility to guard YOUR SIZE ASSORTMENTS, ODDS AND ENDS, EARLY FALL ARRIVALS, BUYER'S MISTAKES, interests. DISCONTINUED DEPARTMENTS, etc., etc. br further details coll the Xomerica representativo in the rVestfield, Mountai isMi, Scotch YOU'LL FIND WONDERFUL VALUES •lain?, Fanwood area, they will be happy to send you IF YOU SHOP AND BROWSE HERE L*% »» retommend 1 I free brochure. ffr.. the world * most These Items Are Sold On A Final Sale Basis Only P« name in silvw ears. Pearsall & Frankenbach, Inc. \*uiers Realtor* ?» North Ave. W. OPEN DAILY UNTIL CHRISTMAS 9 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M. 115 Elm Street Westfield, N. 1. AD 2-4700 Page 4 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 196« ales, staff members and their wives of his goal was ninth best among all Holiday Dance Set sic from 8 to 1! p.m. Refreshments Rich Agency Due or husbands wiil be the guests. Su- field men. Flynn was over ius quota may be purchased at the snack bar. perintendent of agencies Kirlland J. of life insurance submitted in the At Presbyterian Church Mrs. II. A. Weidman, adult advis Kove. CLU, of the home office and first week. er, staled ping pong and table games For Honor Today Mrs. Keve will be Uie host and hos- AH high school and college stu- will be available and school clothes tess. Tests conducted by the New Jer-dents are invited to a holiday dance are suitable. Cocliairirien of tin which will be held Dec. 27 in The SPECIAL PURCHASE The New York City life insurance The agency submitted 272 per cent sey Optometric Association's Motor, planning committee are Fete Sniitl: ists' Vision Committee on a group of Drain at the Presbyterian Church and Kandi Wade. agency of Lee W. Bicli, Chartered of its quota of new life insurance in in Westfield. Life Underwriter of 521 Colonial the five week competition, leading 2,500 drivers in 15 counties of Jowa Ave., will have a buffel dinner on the eight agencies on its learn and show that distance judgment seems The Embers will provide the mu- LEADER WANT ADS PAY the company today. to increase somewhat up to the age placing tenth among all the firm's of 35, then decreases; distance judg- The National Life Insurance Co. of Maine-lo-Hawaii offices. Us $3.t>38,- ment is a nearned skill, dependent Vermont will host the event at the 000 of life insurance applications was upon each person's experience. St. Moritz Hotel. Central Park South, j second in the group and seventh in Our favorite manufacturer of girls' robes New York City, on the Rich ag-oncy's the company. first-in-perconlagc place in its group jn addition, a Rich agency asso- TO BUY OR SELL, USE has taken his best prints and made them in the firm's recent fifth annual au- j c.iaie, John F. Flynn, (Hempslead). tumn sales campaign. was among the agency percentage- into a classic quilted button front robe. About 25 of the agency's associ- of-quota winners. His 3.069 per cent LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS Sizes 4 to 6X, 8-14 A. TRIBUTE! TO E3EJBK3ANGEJ Values to $10.00 NOW *5-99

ALMOST—John Hagy, Westfield fireman, almost went into the record 233 E. Broad St. books with a 10-polnt, 210-pound whitetall deer he bagged in Dor- AD 3.1111 chester County, Md., Nov. 28. He dewned the buck with one shot and the antler rack added up to 152 points. Eight more points and he would Op«n Monday thru Friday Nites 'Til 9 until Chri.tmai hove gotten into the record books.

Lowly plna created of golden ton»d or platinum toned Trlfanlum. 93.O0 to S5.0O

Choose your gift this year from the Christmas world of Marcus.. .a treasure trove of diamonds, watches and jewelry...with every purchase goes the famous Marcus extras... free gift wrapping, free delivery and never an extra charge for credit.

206 t. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3-052» WESTFIEID • N. J.




With a FREE GIFT for each child


w to succeed at seeming extravagant There's Still Time To Start Your Christmas Club . .. lay Evans slippers at his feet. The look pf Evans says, "Expensive." The price lag says, "Nvt so!" One exposure to their fcd-like-a-million comfort and you'll never convince him you weren't extravagant. "Make Randal's A Family Affair" WESTFIELD FEDERAL 82 FIM ST. TOirfBRRl^aB V WESTFIELD SCOTCH>LAINS OFFICE : WESTFIELD-toFFICE, FOUNDED 1888 TerrVporary Quarters 361 Park Av Open Monday Even!ng« Broad at Prospect By the Plaza •• ADams' 2-4500 TTflE WESTrTEM) (S. J.) LEADER, THTRSDAY, DECfcMBEB 15, U NOTICES • LEGAL NOTICES • LEGAL NOTICES •'64^4,74* 0 Iii Clothing

«Iit»r*iiiri;it«-• '-••'.• ti-.Mili.-W (*4(i<»A'l>> i^.i.lial li,.;.,-..,...... ,,..;V",.;:'."; ! ',' -"'I i I...'- s..:.,

r ''^..'M.-'i ••! P-'<"'- fuiiin l" Ihe '>'•-"! I" -..1 :.,« .,.,, M,.-,: u,Ke ,.if,., ; ,„ .":• ••";''::\"-• : liik.l wiluu ul $70 wi'ii- lOiMH'.vri GIFTS Sortie

OOf Ulf fiSHUitM i r I«I..Iht,.!?>, I | '.,,.'.,, ' . '-• :•:•• • K. .*".":- ,,'i,..'i. ii»'- tirinaliwiiii i n.M,•.- c,( ^;i:i( TwH ., ',/, .•hull h*-L i-.\< «-t'.l in i!i(- ,i-i:t* t- ,i. ._' . !-Now Kiijjiiind Ur.. S.iunJ.iy inoin-j iiimi(>! K- a in i' ti is t II U I" 1 NI iI'Sifj.w: s:,::;",".;:,;• •..'••\;;,,P ! 1'I(;: .: .. . . PROPOSAL J «; SPORTSMAN 1 ll<1 |l> em nt ii in., not i-.\.. ,.i;,,t i.i\ i 1,1 i "M'ni ? "' -'»"'Hi"' >. .iii-,i Hioilwiis ini'ludoii a nmik i.nkt 1 1 sr.rBiT,,, ^ rK .?r.T ,r' ;•'••"''-' 'Y'^? ::^ .'••-.•• '^"-

*«<•••: N.:'.-,-;., : 1 l v sl purcuaui K. ami «iihiu ih. innus i-r!,',',, ,7V \\ ', >"; i-f I'B-I:;,,., a,'.i ! anotlivr mink stolo. SillKi. ;HT.M.I U"«,"'v1-^",'..-^*' .^"';!. i'.V ",,-..fVlJ ™"'^;*l"'- " '•••»•" •'•• -'- v?' ,:.:;vv|laml'™«i. ?«» si!k s>m. SIM. i-ii '"TriV't'!. br!.r"'!li. L"',!i"" ="••' -:';! ' l-'jl" 'a'i'.'.i V,''•]' "l"" ' "" ' " ;'''L '"'" 'H'" d'x'ss- *iKI- l'lllt « "ii!- *lw: l'«sl- FOR THE GOLFER : L!l llll lv l 11 llw il:l1 su'u.'t*k.iT "f HIIUI ' ' imY>'n,'v'.'m',',X |"" " ''"' >> '' .•/. .,'•'•" i' "i'..r"':i'. T.V i ' '"' - * - •' I'orOllfu) MacGregor MacGregor Golf Bag* Championship Clubs 19th Hole Electric Putting Cups 111.ll.- Irsil.-cl In !iii;,i.r.- -u, I, „,,,. , .;".' '"Vi " "1 I "Illllll »\|| . , Shag Bags • Bag Boy Golf Carts rlllu-r icmiioi-iii-iiy .,,• ," ,,„'•,,.,.',., ,,J'.', ;>""" "•> ; 'n ,,i-.»!licr in;,;!,., S.iHil c!;iy nun n 9 Matching Irons J i;1;,,:0!''."i"i'"" ••! ->> ^'••••" AM- Bag Boy Clubster Golf Carts »*:;.7f~; U-K»I -M..-I.;.-S ...• 'i.. '.'i,,,.',, ,. ",;••.' "I'rA:1. .•"••m *ron» • tvimi-u.,1 s:-rti:. in ,-:isli ;in.l :i «ns! 4 Matching Wood* 1 1 : X :i;i! i:ii; f !l Ball Retrievers ii'irii.'^'prnvi"!:::," ,-;; :'..rl' i.!: rr;'-''•»'^«"VIVI' !Vn.v « ' - - *•- '^<-" fn..,, i,,-. Expanded Vinyl Bag luvr 4 0:1-.". ."v i.l tin- J;, vis.-.l Sii,i;,i'.'^ ! IMI l'\Tl \ <" ' '''' • '"'"'"' sl'Uli-llllii' lltlfill;: tin- |i)v\mil.- l r > 1 : T ! ' sK(-rri')N''"\- r. |'V i^ ii.r.i.v ,,. . , : KMlln «.' v N ll m:i. »i i-|, n,:,,, "'» <^'VV 'I'luTi' «;is lln Mill ol :i Valu* $360.50 nilm-.l uuil il.i in,..I [|,;,i ,!•; i,..,',.. • : , , ". ''."'I ",'' '••''••'•' •'•••:- H.. r.ii,. ... I.I •til ! L t\\' C!l<. IV 1 ,,f u».'fii!i.i-s.~ r..r ii.,- i,i,t-|...s, ]...' ,.''""•• •""' "•' ''•' ;l" ll!''- t Doz. MacGregor 100 Compression ;l Ilio liiianrinii ,,! ul.i.-h .^ , ,,i ,,..i.. ., , ;; '• ",•" ''•'• -.. .; Now only $305.95 1:i) n..«.,j"?..,.' ,.y p,,..T«l un' to I.L lwiii',1 i« .1 |.,.|-i...t ,.( ,,,. ;.,". .. ,'''"' ••."•','." " -••"•:••! !> Championship Golf Balls and (iii) yi'iu-s n-iHii iii,. ii.ii, ,.i v.,,.( ,;.,,','v .. ,' <••••"•<* •''•>'• J- ••••:• • • LEGAL NOTICES • l»»ni»». , ^•,,,,',1 , ,' '" '•••'•''• ••: ;i SKITKIS vn. it i» i,.•,•,.!., !••,i,...:,.:.- ; • I-,.. .. ,:•..,''•••"•'•• ' '••'"••• •:•' •" .,,M..||..l .-t 11,. 1,1,1. A 11,1 (II ,1, |-\ Personal Brand Marker a n.l "I- • ,..1 .-..III! . •-, .1 ,-; li:],.ni I- ' •• ! ,H ••>•• .il,.'» ,• |.l:l '1 ••!- I., :,.!•. lilfinelitHl ik-l.t »•:, .,.•7,'.'. I ; •'" " GOLF GLOVES - BAG COVERS - HEAD COVERS - K i .. U 'I I :,,. II" 1-1.1 « III I.,- by MHM law lia N I.,-I II .lui\ 'i , ,,i. '.i, R»8. $23.50 t • 1-I..I u Hi.. -. ,„ 1111,1 in tin- ,.!1 i, ,• ,,l ll,,. T. ,1., ,. ,., , LARGE PUTTER SELECTION - Come in and [ ,ll«t 1 | [ l:»-l- I-III,;!.-.< M ,11 I... I'llTk ff !3lf T"\\ tl i.f \\ tsttl, M ,j,,| i ,- \[ ; >! l ' ' •.•.!. i..| •I ini.l Kill I-, try them out on our purling green. I I. . >.',! Only $16.95 I !>• LARGE WEDGE SELECTION . t "I ;M! I-I.IS H: II. -I 1 . • III. i< ! I ] r i , ^ j i >-. ,l 1 1 1 1. : .in. i) I...i Ih, lull .,, ; 11,. . i,in i ii FOR THE BOWLER I--'1. ';• •>•• II.i SHU,- Uf i sr vri: < 'i' Nc \\- .) !•: usi-:v MEISTER- ]«|-*'Al;T\M-'\T cf Till: All Brunswick Bowling Bags 30% Off !t|\"isin\ i >r rnn'ii-vsK The House of Fine Sweaters from Austria \ N i • n:< TI }:\ \ Bowling Balls — Brunswick — Ebonite i-fi \t;i,fs i1. sri-i-iVAN. Bowling Towels — Gloves — Accessories — Ball Cleaner — Bowling Shoes Be Sure FOR THE SNOWBIRDS Ice Skates — Figure, Hockey Snurfer Headquarters Hockey Sticks — Helmets — Pucks Gloves, Mittens, Sweaters, Hats Hockey Gloves — Guards Duofold Underwear Skis — Sets as low as $8.75 Thermal Socks — Caps — Ask Wool Socks Toboggans — Sleds

Jack Porker MEISTER for her.. about this Question: FOR THE FOR THE This is Checkers — a diamond pattern sweater that's 1 just got the renewal of my in a clats all its awn. It's a fine worsted in a tight ! auto miurcjncc, cind tvi'n tlioucjh POOL SHARK BASKETBALL PLAYER long lasting knit . . . exquisitely made and waiting I've nover hcicl an occktfMU, my to be shown off apres ski or during winter fun. j premium is rvi'n hiqhcr tfian Billiard Balls — Cues Large Selection of Basketballs Checkers is a sweater fit for a queen. -.las) year. I ll^oucjlii tlir newnsl rating plan was supposed to 2 piece Brunswick Pool Cues Pennsylvania Balls, $4.25 Ask for the MEISTER sweater — an exclusive with |bcn(.'tit drivf'ir. with rjOfK^ rnc- Back Boards — Goals — Nets Mac Hugh's. |O!

Looking for that practical tfift? Give him a pair of quality slippers for FOR THE HUNTER and SHARPSHOOTER those hours of relaxation ... a gift >«i he'll long remember and appreciate All Hunting Jackets and Boots Reduced Large Discounts on All Makes of Air Rifles CHAIR COMFORT! Rifles — Shotguns — Scopes — Bows REAL 20% Discount On Ammunition and Arrows largA Selection of Sleeping Bagi — Hand Warmers — Hot Seats — Spaco Blankets — "Buck" Knives

TERRY Sty I* 600 Antique (idd GoM anil lilac* FOR THE SWIMMER Gold and Oliva .r* Racing Trunks — Swim Goggles — Fins — Wet Suits — Snorkels — Masks

Water Skis — Life Jackets — Belts Unl Stop Watch with Heat Timer, Reg. $65.50 y YIPPEES Slylo 3M2739 FOR THE INDOOR ENTHUSIAST Table Tennis Tables, Paddles and Sets Nock Hockey Kikit Black-jack Carrom Skittles Exercisers Weight Lifting Sets Shuffleboard Boxing Gloves Punching Bags Mall or Phons Ord«r» Filled Pro«np«» Colonial Sports Center 207 E. Broad St. AD 3-1171 ON THE CIRCLE Open Monday and Wednesday Evening;- 520 SOUTH AVE. W. FREE PARKING IN THE REAR 233-8420 Open Evenings 'Til Christmas Except Saturday W.DE SELECTON OF COLORS AND STYLES Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (!«. J.) LEADER, THTJRSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1»»,


NANCY F. REYNOLDS EDWIN O. EDWARDS BARRETT & CRAIN RANDOLPH- C. B. SMITH, JR. ATWOOD REALTY H£ALTOR Realtors DANKER & DANKER, ASSOCIATES PEARSAIL WIEGMAN CO. Realtor TWO EI.M 8TKERT 112 Elm St. "TWO COI^)MAL OFFICES" Inc. REALTORS & ftraltura o in M GRACIOUS LIVING AIR CONDITIONED) lint-i.lK :>iiil ni;t > Homerica, Inc. . cozy breukfant nook, an well (In r«<- b«-«l rooniH. ] 'rt-- IN When a family movcH to a I -i - 3 YEARS OLD - IH u kflehen. (llnltiK room, wur Culonifil In Kiin- 1( olorful flfi'oraior-Htyh'd In- i e r e fc n e d P'Teh. JI ml llvInK wooil, walk Klutiun. GRANT SCHOOL DISTRICT SPACIOUS LOT Realtor* -r ntiikt-.s ttit.s Sba ir.lK w l l.jiiiif-d by Mrs, ouni. The Mr.iiifl flour lian tf r urea — \fH KeiK-rnliy c hotihL' H (ft tif:lilful hit) ll'l I ll-ill lHJ WITC HilVl'lJ hree l,eilrc,"m« (une in 11 l.y 29 FOOT LIVING ROOM IN SCOTCH PLAINS Offering Forty-Four 2U' x 14' iiiiiic Jlotl t.uniiy yt-ara by her ' ' yard biu-kH up [o period of aonu- uxi'ltomrnt. Thin with «trful tlrt-pli WITH FIREPLACE $42,900 Years of Experience i* was un Aant. a plHyKroun.l. Ihe children is not a "ntHrtcr" IIOUK. K p ;U 1 Jii (1. will have plenty Kp > x Zli'y turn-ar 4 BEDROOMS tul ..Id fu t he uint lay. ect. St«.(,|, 1'j the lurKet of men i r:n.,i|j . IKMllhH lllu-Hd. Til U»Udl liUlll- KiiEntit it l.tu-kiliop of u mtip ) r c Ii . i>o\v IK ON SECOND FLOOR r Dii< on li t IliMir p] us r lln- v\ orl'l. the run)* havi- leu MI first tdiouin uml i*i'ii iirrn nndl m (hat r*.-il uii1M>IIH 1.-H«I to tin* oriK- LARGE DINING ROOM GRACIOUS OLDER bnlhH on Kccontl tlo'u. We i;it in^ ciniii i ry. As usual, u it - living. Take about 2 urrr-n ,.; ,vill In- Kind t" *itvt- you alt t I,i-H]yn AHII UUH pUi'i"! m*v- BREAKFAST ROOM QUIET STREET $i!t;.r.00 School. mountain «lopt' (t>\-orh - BUSINESS ZONE - JIIUM- viilue (It'tuilu on tit in -iil wjiu-r cnl«»r» or liuiiif.i fur i»-i Ktrt-«-t. t.uii,,. FIVE BEDROOM hm at $44,600. tit In MM- LuckKi-ouiiG. l SCREENED PORCH 1 ,i liuthn. the valley) add \<, th, SMALL HOUSE & GARAGE $27,900 family 2-CAR GARAGE (K- j-at*-tl 35x200 FT. COLONIAL Ilic are t bedroom, 2Vj buth f',,i, itli MI ami tmal ^y CHARM PLUS AT i.i.ial SOUTH AVENUE hi )!>tii tri-i-s, i- h<>i>f you'll n a ricH(i-f>iul stri'Ct lit Kan- tlu-n sit ba*k nnd "whi(h..\ $34,000 (hi nk f UK- "ulti- $34,000. WESTFIELD vood, thin ncvcii year ol*l siillt •%cl 1H in fxi-<*l lent romlM Ion. $27,0 nitch rial shop" from the Inside. You'll $23,500 Ut? kitchen htiH cutliiK Hpucc od. Beautiful V«T>' WOKP lo Omnt hrhiml nrpl»K "EARLY AMERICAN" fireplaces, porch and C I r ti <»t >i e w h l«*h IN WESTFIELD FOUR BEDROOMS linn iM-i-n no tart-full* innln- t.unur lUGfi; «ir r<>iiiuT in liullt 1S59. SEVEN YEARS OLD like the arai. ]fr>us& IH ui.i.m | 1 bfcirooru. Immediate occu- LOCATION Iiilti4>(l find (lj(tuK''"'« l>' Uli- ENTRANCE FOYER dulril. JJU inII ijulckl} t U $34,000 1-leJit yearn old nn Valli.y H-.n-i 3 BEDROOMS oM b.t, RECREATION ROOM MocliitlouM dHllnfjr back to 4 BEDROOMS-J TMs riottlruble home In the all Hr| M.,]N, llH-llldlllK LAUNDRY & POWDER ROOM 2 BUILT-IN the llrvu)utl»iiiir>' War, (irunt Krliuol art'.L In wel]- Parochial. 3 lurKt- bi-d- ft, you'll never want t«j lnlV( i V/i BATHS muIii(tiln«Ml itml would lit- a rcjomH, \ /t biitliu. <\*MH\ it. Ivlstod at JiiB.UOO. AIR CONDITIONERS Much «»f tlie rnrly Ainrrlvan lovely liume for a lan?e family. lot, tret'B. Jjrow he ut. 3 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED $23,900 ••tinmi — |.II)MII>III mid TJM- klli-htMi IIUH loado of Hlor- BEDROOMS ' '•«••• n.!.i ,,:„ LARGE MODERN Hiiaco. 'i'li ere ia even a 'r'.'.i"!'.:' '"•' NEW LISTING all be il room on the third jr. J»1UH it «lor**Ke tzlonet. und 5 Iiodroonid, 2 % bntliH. FULL BASEMENT TO BUT, »RLL, (IKNI OB CUSTOM duy. The luff reMtliifr: plnu a lurjje cvdur lined closet too. Dead-end Scotch l'l;ijUM INVEST. CALL ulrcet, Oradu levi-1 ATTACHED GARAGE In Fan wood on a qufct ntreet In elude* three— fumtly room. Kcrt'eiU'd IN PRETTY FANWOOD HOME-IN-LEVELS ii ho run with entrance foyer HII«1 porch. family room with Inuntlry tuid S IJII4IIH (mnwter |« mi'> on PRICED AT $27,900. ATWOOD REALTY PERFECT % *>uth (it Brade level. IJFVEHK- Sntl • * • l'"uurlh bedroom $36,900 tllnliiK room, kiu-hen with <-ul- ADams 3-2222 WYCHWOOO FOR THE in Hpitce and 3 nit-o 1KM]rooms ttn llrA . . . IMne panelled SCOTCH PLAINS SPLIT with compartmented i>uth. 220 $32,300 Henry Went built. winding Scotch PIHIIIH M5:M0 GROWING FAMILY I Ijncntril Just acroBH the ill p 1 e v t r i v. u »' I wall-to-wall rnnilly room, snucluua i'-ZT) $40,900 Jjtreel. Hall, flrrplitcr Mary Palmer 2.13-0744 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS \V<-stlioM ffne hi the chntcu rpfttiiiK- AIHO well CHtubllHlictl llvliifr room with old Jlre- hi living room. 3 bud- WlmlliiK Urnok area of M: ed eelllnir, ponder room on ruutlon room »ni)\vtl<>r room, full l>a«o- fluun, huDd hewn lienina Vh BATHS nifiit, two car KBI'ILK**- Well AD 3-5555 Center hall ranch, WILLIAM A. 04 NEED QUICK POSSESSION? worth H cull to hoar more. Krnnkllii Kthool. y beil- RAISED HEARTH FIREPLACE BveaS {excellent nt'hool and reaU rooniH, 2 butlis, lKt SCREENED PORCH 3 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS Wlnlrrrd II. KMTT«rd> AD7 floor family room. Jx»t 4M loilk »t(. Wiat Betty L. WUgman 6Hi!87 FAMILY ROOM Hutti M. Garni AII3-8M3 d.nllol loention . . . of- 2-CAR GARAGE ADAMS 1-m lorl. M. H«ttkleaa» AD Z-SM3 Eves. Res. AD 3-3354 EXCELLENT LAWN I HIRED IT WELL MAINTAINED Alice D. Lee2'UStlDO fcred tudny — |t2]),l)00. A»>le P rfotit condition. 4 WANT ADS ChnrWn W. HakHir.JBI $29,900 COLONIAL CAPE "WESTFIELD COLONIAL" Murr Ann 'l*l(u» 8S»-4B3f> bt'drootiiH, 2 baths, $40,9001 Jrannrlff t>dnr«i«» IB] fumlly room, 2-car. ltolx-rt KrkaaWI ...JD1 $34,000. U'llllmn A. t'luk ..-1DI FRANKLIN SCHOOL Comfortable Older Home LEE K. WARING $39,500 Five Bedrooms — 1V4 Baths OtherH, up to $1*15,000. Go lection ut runtalu. H1CALTOR 29' Living Rm/Flreplace Gracious Dining Room PRESTIGE RANCH Junt lUterit lour huK« twin DANKER & DANKER, lietlruomn, two l»aell*nt rfiu- Two Car Garage C. B. SMITH, JR. THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC IN MOUNTAINSIDE Inic ruimt , . . Cherry pan-* WHITE CAPE COD Nice Plot With Trees REALTORS WSUBB 6 ROOMS — PLUS - rllril den , . . Modern klt- 149 ELMER STREET rlirn . . . 'J'tvo -fiir Karaffc We have Just li»te putio llnish<' ON JuHwed i.oivh with ILUKC.HMI rIuile^ four tifH1IIM kftfhen with SPLIT LEVEL FINE WESTFIELD hrenkrnMt iircm HPHOIOIIH $42,900 II vinic rnom lvlth nttilvi* KAN WOO n — On n quiet slnd. ^t-vi-n n LOCATION I ITiiriiKi', (July a. (v\v years ohl with cxcol STONEHENGE UeltlNt»ni* llreplticct flnnkltiK Hed purcliastr. 527,!HIO. 1 lHM)kMlii'lv<*N nn""'• '" "' ',...•, if. NEAR STORES & STATION formal dining room, all olectrlc r 1 room; tlluil iinwiicr room; HANDSOME SPLIT LEVEL pniitnn, throe t.aMm, two-ear ^;i: a^.v l" ;'"- , : av: t u IN WESTFIELD two cur paramo. Trantf- kitchen with good catlngr area, work anil decoration. It la IH-IHB •""' • f cried owners. \K\\\ permit iitiiifllGd den, magnlllcont porch. $27,900 J3U.OO0. 2-CAR GARAGE a^tumipUon of iheir desir- t\oai for ihoso who lnvo ti> "A FRIENDLY HOME" Tucked nway on a quiet nlri-i-t In Kanwtiinl. this lovely raiiclcrn $32,900 alilc moriptiKP. \Vi> would pardon. J51.60O homt? I n H dollphllphtt for nny I'amilyy. <:i-n.roun fnyrry . tamllly room lie jdi-itKcil to t<-ll morr, or $25,900. Homes, laumlrumlyy and IHVIV ntt Krailtl ' level. Hit- llvlnir loom. illjilnilljilnV room VICTORIAN .,„,, to nhow you. lty tlif way, unit inorlfirn kltvhru upstalrt*l . TII hl ins iuid i>art- Wi:STF]l-:i.l> Imnilri-.I year .,1.1 h"li»- »>'>| '"") ,;..:, •*>• owner can give J mined i.iltt On A Friendly Street niented bath on ^ml levi-l. Iti-autlfnl lot. "Wall-lo-\v:ill i ti r anil bookuhelvc-B incluiUd. Dvtl«-r mil ijtiickly on tlii« ne' lilt four lieilrninim nol MIIISIM.I ••" ""• "" '' J,.,ry >:>:< t Not Far From ..II,, Ihe see,.n.I,, panelled Illft ll"<>r ilfii. '••"" PRETTY HALF ACRE kltl 53!lMto Franklin & Roosevelt kltelien. 53!l.Mto. well maintained Cape Cod WYCHWOOD COLONIAL (Schools) "ONE-OF-A-KIND" Colonial Bltuatcd on a half ncro TWO FIREPLACES RENTAL reed lot overlooking' Slmeka- Four Bedrooms — IVi Baths Rooms, ONE FLOOR LIVING I maxon Oolt Couree In Scotch enter oiilal I"' $45,900 and l.iUll Hie MODERN lalns. Center entrance hall, Dorm + 5th Bedroom So ortei <-nii> with i lil^c bedrooms. :''.b ballisi .•lied MOUNTAINSIDE FOUR BEDROOM family fttntly kitchen (17x11) with An Ideal Home ICxeellci it eunilltloM. Sniiml value In top Westllelil area. 7 ROOMS - 2 BATHS iroakfiist nroa. Boautiful clnn« IN iritt screened porch. The mnater For A Young Family 2 FIREPLACES 1 tied room IH oil tho 1st llnor, Apartments. THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC with two more twin oizv. b*• il - ANOTHER NEW USTING SWIMMING POOL STONEHENCE oom:i on the and. llcallMtlcully 3 BEDROOMS & DEN $37,000 triced at $2y,900. "HOMES FOR RENT" $21,500 LOUISE n. JOHNSON $50,500 $175 - $400 •t! up Hie ]•-11A mnrlcniie ni>il ni,,ve In. A (Ine npiiorlnnll.v for Aua o3M yer wllli upprnxitmilely ?4.iloo eusll «"hn inn .[iiallfy for - » AN MMUIII. ivc linvc n K<> mthly payments cif ?i;..V In l-';inu-.u,.l. Newly .leeorale.l '|.'lre- Rllsnbeth A. Kir"" — Anil ihlN hinlle IN Mitch n Anything Mi'lri-llon of iirlvn«(-)y u«in plaie In the IIVUIK r.,1.111, enr.y wuml punelleil TV rnnitl ami aun- irrneliiun line with flrHnllr lr L Ntl LEE K. WARING, REALTOR hooii'N In \VIl«IUi' ' lltipeill to the elMtoMV Ittnlie- rlnlty. .1ION( tiro iiiifuniln NEAT Jieeker. II la Jtmt m'vrii Haltlple lAntinm Member ,-.t. a l>vt nn> fiiroUht yen,., ol.l unit till- orlKliinl <*rlfi-M rimur from 917.1 AS A PIN I mvn- l U ITK linve InvlMlinl imieK IK K. Ilrond nt. iut H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc. 3 BEDROOMS - Vh BATHS l.i 4'iiri* «n. iiinlnteiiittiee. Fiiur AD 2-7402 vn . . . other \utn- II13ALTORS 20 FT. RECREATION ROOM lllrni- lir-iIriMiniN, Inn IIIIIIIM t -*"ll Al> 1' and nml livi> liiilr-linlhK, Inrire Kvrnlnv rhonrm or :i-IKiKt .v we'll do our TVTCSTi'im.n p*A N WOOD - ON A QUIET STREET - tft»t to help. ELSIE BETZ, INC., Hurry Ilrowii, Jr. . ..AD2-H551 23.1 Airrth A\f, at Ktmer, Wemtfleld 2SS Mouth. Ave.. Pnnunod lirtek-ivnil tniintrlleil llrr- »,.»<. of «h«« «•' IN SCOTCH PLAINS kVnltrr Krkhnrt AI> 2-1D.VI AD 3-0065 FA 2-7700 Dnnn Snyder All z-on.ift $24,000 eellrnt romitil illnl r, Usrton Qlaclioa AI> 2-10ir •& AMPLE! PAHKING AT DOTH OFFICES I n h II 1 if II M »erer il-nnil- — E»*i. Only — I.I«C porrh t^1.t.l(t>, Everything Krtty Hampton RSJ>-f>r.Sfl it-m* up-to-llir-iiilnutr klt- J*>nn MoCnlre KM.-T1V.4 IIPII tvlth diivlntr tirrn. MI»II- & CRAIN Jndr Smith All n-1171} lotiN imnrllril fnmllj niniiu nnth Tnj-lor AH S-7K0S -ttcr Ihiui n 1 «Itli iKtrnt't In- M. A. MERCNER TWO GOOD CHOICES WE HAVE RENTALS li lie pmhlix-k ftnt«>. >lttny \f riiN. no eft II fur imtrr 1'- - HOMES - U — I.NSUHANCB! U You AD 2-1800 1 11 - OFFICE SPACE - i-I'ulh.:' n.uni. NU-i-ly hm-i- '** " HOi:.\TAi.\sii>ii vin.Miv TEU US WHAT OLLY HOLLY, '00 KAN WOO!'. <>n ii "ni< ^'Vu'iV "i;"iJ ' M. I). »lni«.' Jr!! . .'. . .'. Al> 2-0.-.H room, rei-renili»n rui>m f-1 • * ^ YOU NEED! II. I.. Srhwlrrlnit, S1U I'A S-1I1T1 r .y GOLLY I lirnrico !•". lllehlirila.HH 1I-17U0 Two lovely rentnlw "" ^'""^''i-.i.i" ll>* l PEARSALL A. H-Hliai Might nt ?llil>. u II unocl time I" rf'Joli-i' I" llryrten >iunll Al> .!-r,--0 & i- erou'liiK iiumliir.i ut fiii'ii.lH FOUR BEDROOMS ASSOCIATES J Vi'il Ull^ >'('lir Ht-Ml WlMjlPM tO s Ni;\v rnoviiiRxci! IIOAH FRANKENBACH 1.1.. tor Imiiiiy Imlliliiys. AD 3-1800 JCew brlek nnd framn t -.•story rni,ONI AI« hnme located on llio W>2 Rn.l lln.nil Mlrcrt lue. top of Hi" mountain, WfNtltetii. N. J. KVl'.M.NCiS Want,*. Klprht rn'.m 232-6300 115 ELM STREET M. A. MERCNER L-cnifi rutrunee hall, lure liur I). Mulfiiril AI»i-7K:ir. IjirKi! Ultrlien with eatinu siiiii'i", lies I fl'i'T p:inell>-i] family room Kri-nlno. iil.-unf rn|| AD 2-4700 lll-.M.TOU — INSl'BAVri! llrrlirrl Vnller Al> :l-iSSI Mrmhrr SluHlplF l.latlnir II. A. .lloorr. .Ir \lia-TII77 nml rxlra nlcfl wmnl<'il int. this one today. ELSIEBETZ, Inc Nancy F.Reynolds 232-0485 1^ I»uillrr C'liiirt. Wcaineld llrrl.iri J. Irl.m AI>:|-IIIO Helen Schmidt 232-8098 n1nBK imlyr 2n2-»t40 It. II. Ilnrretl. Jr., t'IMI PRICE $46,500. Mr« Alnn llrucr Co lfn 202 Olga Graf 232-7136 All .1-7:123 Telephone ADoms 3-1^ Marlr Stas-IIIMI Mr.. AKhllil W. Mlvhil-on v lrxi-7112 A II 2-77.1H ALAN JOHNSTON, Realtor i find Snnd«r>> p.rn»e cull n Alice I.rluml >fm. .Innrt Ullrhf<> , AII ;i-17.'VI> NO. CIlKSTVt'T ST.— F.xtc- ldtl.l _ ii. tlvo renter hull Colonial. :i Elsie Betz Hol'k I'tah, _ >l». 1-nl.ollr II. llrrat A I) a-IIOTO k Itah, _ M,,unl.,l,,»l, II. Urlmnr Itlli-lilr . . A II .'I-.I7KO ilrntiiDH 1111(1 il-IK» or, lit>drnc»in on 3rd Ilm»r. " '•> rioKrl Tlo«« •- "*' ..-T ;t«r-CllT IIMucnlloQ 8«r*lc Bnrioi F. I>cBr«all. . All S-07K8 (lit), l1r<'p1juT! In 1 1\IIIK tix-in * * •* * Mar-Inn Klnnlni ' .'..*' 3034 ItOBTB 22( aiOII.NTAl>'SIHIC 232-5664 .I ili>n mi lwt lloor. 'l-nir n.i- Nnfl«ntrl»l* llrtn«-ntlon Service <*nrjl liP^wla *!... j:«;. J38.DOO. l\y OWIHT, ^as- llrucbyrra oil Xleuurat (W*«tbonod lame — opposite Uitrence AT« Juj Uttldy sg«. 10-27-tr .-THE WESTFIEl.D iS.3.1 LEADER. TIURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, J9« Page > -SALE* 1 ESTATE REAL ESTATE-RENT • # FOR SALE vrv. Mr*. M.iry Bulfca. Mrs Barbara • • FOR SALS • • HELP WANTED - • • I'.a/./ci. M;s Oith'.-ruK' Sfitwko. Mrti. Tf."-T,l ,7: :..,..i-:" .. = ' •*-t'l-KVlMtI>H ... OBITUARIES 1 j .i.j;t;i (I 'Dmim-li. Mi-s Ili-U'ii Dijtiowin i.'r'T ;:" ALTENBURG - ELIZABETH, N. J. • FEMALE 1 i-y US. H CM.AY '•A.', of 1-i.r.njim und Si.--U>r llolca ..-.. ):.:.lloi.s All L : in:» i in i w. l>l-tl Illl ,! ill.,.'. SS.i. statiuiiod al Alion- Oil. PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE Mr*. I'rank I-'uuIkner C. Harry Kalcjui-I .': ui.••.>•'(••! ri't" I'AIiry M,n HAMMOND ORGAN AGENCY Mrs M.!> l''..-...;.r..-r. •>:' u uli.w i,l (' II.ill's K;iU)ii;.s|. 7". i>f il.'! Sli;ii'k I!,. «;.> !).'? l'!(i:ht.-r of Mrs. Mar- APARTMENTS-RENT • Huge Selection IHf l.lii- i'Y..nii l-'.|..!:hi:i-:. .iu-.l v.-k'l -; .llnavoil Dr. lill-vf 111 lilt' Kllk'M1 , 'V,-, 1. ...rt-i liiiki (>' ,:ii.l I'ilfrii-k H. Don- Large Reductions tl;iv .»'. ".In- iinr-ii- i.i l-.i-r ikmthhi Manor JviiismK lli»nf m M.i'a«:m. Ol'B, tilt- l.:ilh, |ni..i7, ,'• .V 11 luMit -— 1\ II Jlllt- — N(t Inner i ;\ii iitiiii ul f'..-M-l;tiKl. Ohio, and ruTH<\ I'losi- to tr;i.i>i'.Tl..,,.., . '•• 9DIERCK, JR. 1 - II-,-k --- 111! >»..t 1" ; ;t lin- -iaiislf:i!i»'i- ol 'Iti children. 32-SSG3 afti-r C KM. or L;:L-f. : -1 , , ,, :. . 'I'lu- «.is fruiii Ii 'M Awniic "V" Momliiy. A So •r.t 1 u ation. Call Ali :i- l:.;ii M.i-.s- i.lli-ivil at St. An- M.. or CA S-f,.tSH. "l'l-'.:-'t M-s. IKI.-n UmU-rt 140 M i Si (ii-riruiii-'s (."rnn'tory, Wood- COTOH PLAINS LOOKING fOR LIGHTING M:HII I:S l 'l\im> I! . !«•> M-.-.i.H.-lr.l>lr.Mi :.. : l.'in Av.v r. 2«. lenl—3 i.f 4 S]m.:t FIXTURES? " A \ I . X ri : f sovt-n ^i'<-:it ^liimliliililif :i-s|'|| |||; 1 j SiTiiivs will IK- In-lit J. paritiu-nt,, pi \ \ SCHOOl t.MTtlt, t-!.i,..l I1I--4 I 'I'll I 1 \. in'! ,.r< p Seminar Listed i t lly hn-atnl WILLIAMS LAMPS S I 1 Uli:. s,i|..|l I'll- IN A 765 Central Ave, near Grove St i r. :illt I r. 1' M . .• i \ Hi '"•'•"'"s I at Ins homo :'!i Avt- . K.iytH Weslfield 232-2158 luu-riiu-iil uill In- ill Kvi-r^iwn i |)ri. «, al"UT JI jcliorl •Um-.-.s On Cl KHTFfKM) — •ivmt-lt-ry. Hiiskiiw*- |, „,„.„ ,„ ]U>imu, ,„. ait,.n,i,.d SI i f town (..v.-i- si| . i j t uri:i>)n-'i .\. \\ 1 > llt-nry's Siliool in Hiiyomu. ;uul SI. j li. ii. H;nrv:i .'r., or.s llut .n ; CONDITION M :.|iifli-,l I)V Hit- liiiivnsily Kxli-nsiou i-.'irly (his j 1%IO.^I:IM! :il Knl^i-i's I r.ui-VMly Jau. ,Vi RIGHT IN FILE CLERK Hiilnvnv Hospital iilti-r a lout: enmloyvtl at a ri'iiu' lit llu- .Slu>il Hills. .Mull. ^40OO in I'iwisiintvillf, NY. TIRED OF COMMUTING? for lii-Uik'luMH Slt't't The lupit- will bo u Srininar on intiM'tl lo It- Woslficlil area i» Ho was t> piist (.rand Ktiinht nl fur Busi- 1 ! WVslficld Council No. 1711. ness und Indiislry. l.alt-sl infomin- I!H8 In \\U\. Slit- «:is- ;i im-inlit-r ol >l Columbus; founder : lioii on him In minimize llif rfforts WOSCAPED M AN ACRE MODERN B^- 2V4 BATHS p WMHY ROOM un FIREPLACE J WINDOWED rk. Mild a brotliiT. i'l.vart- M. Ihil tfNG ROOM ;s iiiiin III' VVI18 u meililKT also ol 'I'liis iiiiiiiiiini't'iiu-nt Is an Inviui- :i. Ij. i,;; ^ i, p.,; Apply to: •II of .liii-ksuiivilli', l-'la. Ih. j. i-. -1. - —— i.. It., I ,i, Hi.- Duly N.-inif St)i-it>ty of SI. All-lii>n for iiny ;iml nil tiusliii'ssini'ii SttEENED PORCH ! Hwy rhui r, "li. m., t , uK ... ,. SOLID WILD CHERRY FURNITURE ,. , LIBERTY MUTUAL A lurnioi'ial s,-r\ iff w ;vs held ; &Y BRICK PATIOS UII (luiun-'iv ,\l> J 1.1;. ], ilri'w's It.l'. I'liiiicli ill Itiiyuniu-. ;inU t-xt-t'Liliv i-s of rurporulions liv- inciinAiirr r-nmo A. kl V i " •''"• ."'•••lei-diiy ni Mil- l-'icsl Hnplist fOTCH PLAINS lie is sin\i\i-tl liy his wife, the iiijc in* wiH'^inK in Wt-stfield to «t- WILLIAMS UMPS ; ;•> 1 HKHIILV iltrtil<.r aiul laili... tw.. l.l. JIII s....n. II.... is,,., M.. t:i..t •»'•»•••>•• jcminhntitMis may In- nniiJo lo llu-llnyoiinu Dt'pnty Kire f'hief Dnnit-1 Civil rX'fciist- Dflliv will provide Wejtfield 232-2158 rom t-*Mi t»?r uf town. I':!:,-:':: hi. >v N. .1 ill ail Assiuialion in cure of 1-'., KiuncU X. and Mlchut'l. nil offurther information weekduys lie- i. M,.i r.uUInu I,, K. .i • |. Or Call Mist Lennon ti.i- |io.vliii;i.sli-r. l''unt'l'ol I IIMSIIF.II riiuln In i.\.!n Iwt'i'ii !l 1).in. uml I p.m. Oi-uclline 678-2100 Huyutine; John J. of Midilk-lown and elghborl.uiMl. l'riviilc b.ilh, K;U wt-iv iinilt-r the dlrw- (or it'scrvulioiis b Dec, 23. oun|f getitl^i.nui. lltf.i i n. . y Flritl riit.l.'t- I'or fitii>t-<.N>!l Willium uf North Bcrgon; six N THE PARK .. • i • - T, . .. I'M in.n iii Cray's, 024. mi: |H DEEP LOT ur \ i in i i. . in... -.- i ny CAPE COD WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA i I '.. :, ! . i! li" • OFFICES FOR RENT • ..:•»•.. I' ,| nMPLACE CHItDCRAFT Mrs. li:ll\|s|l>\ |;i A. WEITFIEll)-1600 «g. ft. fri>uii,l For |.ri..-« I.IMI i«.rl.iB, rnl). MiMiiiluhislilf — Mrs. FiIt-da H. CEMETERY MARKERS aw PORCH s-. ' ,. .1 • , - !.,:. , :.l:l,l, floor, private pniklnn itri.-a--.ill. i i-.l l-i. 7-:i:uin ! Aurliim-liiss. il"», n( :ui HaylKM'ry Lain-, KING ROOM to «uil for otYlct-H. dl^pluy urriis, i-lf I • :• l it to Mr hrn «Mv *&»* It« jm a ll.i:i\.- Of Kll/.ilir!ll. llii' -.,. l:r' \* . HELP WANTED - • budget Outlity, CufUm»n$hl(i «nd ent. 23:1-401.0. T-;l-tr I II Mil II .ii Hie Itiii-lnviuxl I'oiivnli-sii-iil pttmineiK Buuty »r» found In •very IEDROOMS ! li-.: '. . . .1.1 ,(. MALE IIIIIIII-. IMIIMI-.I. iillt-r a hrii-f illm-ss. •tartar mi monumwt w» MIL Tiny | TO SCHOOl WBSTKIIOI.U- HtlelU. ;..<>. i.ti-iii'.. I', II,. |. , i. lVUrt y r.ui\ i-iiUnit. l-to-ilf'. Al' -1-IM.s >\ t'lii.l'u I.IIII l.l.i. i. i. in. u. Aiichiiuliis.s. Ifler C 1>.M. 11-1,. II l\ 111 •l-i. Wu-s- ( ••! : i •••-,.• :i.. i. .i •• i. i >1;lin'"l,'WI»'' «ill'i :I,I \1IN, AlK-hillrltiss r:mli' hi-ri' from • 1 ... . !•• ... |. I, i i:li I , - t ;i, < . I ' It -I • I .. .|'i..t! II.-.I > ...IL ' n, .\l!< r.,r i-t-in.' Ituililii-.K •'M Till} I'M I,..-I.mi.i. .'••.. I'-'. " • !l:ih- hnnii> vsilli hrr il.iniihli'r, Mrs .lu L. L. MANNING & SON 1U-U"1|. l'ht,i., l'i;i|,l NKUN SCHOOl • :•:• if 2HH y.illiii .- I. . t .n .ii! VMII . N. .1 :ui ••,•:.;..'. M'|I|I Znlial (it Ilii- llayherry l.anc MONUMENTS - MARKERS IMfORTABLE -•'•;-•;•. | LAMP RESTYUNG Hal. (Hill I' l-l, S-UTtX 1 «4Kt %V, l^ruat Itt^ I'lMfnttrld. N. J. IMR HOME '-'• '• i V...H ..1.1 l,i,,,,< i. i,|, ,.„ ,,.! I,.| REAL ESTATE Slu- was- a nu-niln-r of llu Ctiiu- MoBumcnta rUNCE HALL itiiinit> I'ri'sliylrriaii Chiiii-li mid a Mullilrra "I OnnlKr HrmarlnU fur (ltfr HMI VrHri UOE LIVING GARAGES WANTED • SALES liiriniT nit-inht-r of Third lYesliyte- DINING ROOMS II.III <'huriLh, Mll/alielli. onntain.^ltie ! WILLIAMS LAMPS j To You, Wliom II Concerns IHIIED KITCHEN 1 INSTRUCTION • S,T\:(i-s UITI- lu-lil .o(.rl lu>n. *..!. hy i;i.i\'s l''tini>i'.il IIIIIIII-. Wi-.sllieltl. $25,900. • AUTOS FOR SALE • 1 • " • Ciw-Ml'-nl l-.ti.iilnr < nil or Writ* for ..I... I I,. Kt.r.i 'i II Competence Creates Confidence IIHI4 III l< K Wll.l,:,,, L'.,|,ii,i- s|,..|l .21 Ni,. ICui-llil AtH|.|il A|i J-3113 | 1—1,, I.ti I,.l 11 AROUND THE ••.. I.. ? 1.1 hounrr Si . tliril Siinil.ty in Miihli-n- [jiiufr Mliirlnv, ill ih.,,is;iii'i mil.-. ', In*1rui1ion on All inttmrnenU ! ,',• 1.1?.:! I.., I.- t ... h. . CORNER '.MM, 2 *!iuw 11r, s« :n,.1 v-.ii.ih-, f.'-.i... M. ,11, lux I.- I'l.--, '• : :.• All I*-**" !.• IHIVKU. ' l.iri' llii'~i>ilal, I'liiinfieUI. ahout nlno -fill WMIi'il to M,t<|,.-. I. >:::,ti \<> '.' OMS - I ^ BATHS unit (.:!!> (., s 1- Jl. »7lt hi«ir«• nM'.-i hi-r car t-ollidril wiih a DEN II -:• •: 71 LIGHT BULBS ii.tniM:r I'.II- ilriM-n hy William Williams, 32, BREPIACE -, ,i ot mi i'.in,,I SI . Siinlh liniiii.l llnmk liit.-. v.-r.v >:.•...! . ,.j,,l-,i l': Tf ! A n.iiivi- nl ll.ily. Mrs. DiDarin I0DERN KITCHEN iu.:i..• Im-il in J'lainfii-ld (or .si'veral yi-nr.H I QUIET CIRCLE 0-11(143. WILLIAMS LAMPS III:N MCVi l>t-ltii-f moving ID Wt-.stfii-lil Ilirti' $33,000. YO1.VO, lillil, l^US, l-'lu M. Il .1 h. ' !.• '•• •. . . . I i.lli.-l t n.-'t l.-.'ll* iiiniilh.s aw. Sin- WHS a knillliiK nm- fdan. ]!!>:li<-M ..((. I t'.U. -. -:'•:••• I 765 Central Ave, near Grove St. I ] ,. ,, • •. :l > I,|.,|,,. I.i! Ill I .imi. ill. Mil. U33 for api'i'liilMu-ii l ; Weslfield 232-2158: !• I"- |-l |..r mi :.|.|" I,,lli,i 1.1. cliine ti|ii-nilor fur Fleik KhlUlllfj _. i %-• IIIO4 VOI.K»«A«il-'.\ In l'.- Wear Cn.. I'liiinlieltl. ART. LAVENHAR, Sinviwir.s iiirlniln Iii -i" hnshand. REALTOR Ailullo HiD.iiin; a il.uinhlrr. l.ur.-n- /iiia, .-it lionir; hrr part-nts, Mr. anil 523 Somerset St. Mrs. I'iilrii DiSpirilii or Weslfielil, IAIN HUNTING ? North Plainfic-ld ami Ilirei- lirullii-rs. l-'retltlie DiSpirito Ptainfii-ld 5-81O0 113 LOTS nir.r* in UK. ;:•< GUITAR ul Kli/alM-lli, Cainiinc DiSpirito ami :i LOCATIONS 1 'i i;i ir I'.V:IJII,]II' l)i..S|)it iin. !)t)ih in Haly. "ill" tiny! ,rin\\ IIKI i • Ms i Mini Ml :i» : l-'iiili-ral M'rvii-i'K were Ili-lil SHINGTON SCHOOL i!.,v ;i! .'I.HO a in. from the Donit-y BEDROOMS FUNERAL DIRECTORS lloiiii-. fi.llnwi'tl by a lli£h }1B,25O. \ ttl.KSM .\(il-:\ l!>..*,. i Ma-.s n( Ki''|uir!M in I Inly Trinily WE5TFIELD CRANFORD A-l mil,HU.HI. Ilkll. U \\ . ; • BUSINESS •: COIN SCHOOl ( hitivh a! !i a.m. Inleniii'iil was in William A. DoyU 12 SPRINGFIELD AVE. I OPPORTUNITIES j SI. (ierlrnile'.s t'emelory. Wood- BEDROOMS :. r M M...... «.-r Phone BR 6-0092

! \V IHIKIM.M t\s slIIMIIi: HIM-' 318 E. BROAD ST. DEN II,. I.I f. H. Gray, Jr. <-lll-:\ltoi.i':'r. i :•:... i ••. ••••<• >•>•< M miiiicrr $17,500. K..I1. A M Ill II.mi. I I--I ,!!• ; I, j.i. ,-• ii I: rut i:t. i,< , n i i • Phone AD 3-0143 -. .... ,,. li. 1 ,,..llt town lilpM. fMi. ::i;--:. I v.i. •••••• .-I... i 11 • • i . - .. n.l :. <••< »••••• • EMPLOY. WANTED • i I-" II A. . . .l .. • .-.' ,. . .i- \ •:• .. t POSSESSION .... I ,,:„! ...].,i,.I , iili.i.' 17 ll""i pl.ii Frod H. Gray, Jr. David B. Crabiol : - .-" : I .,..1.1. 1 '.,!' •--" pli'ii^ ".. .s . . It •' '.i 11 .:-.-• I 1 • I ' MANIirMAN svlll <:lf»n ottlri, c«l- .1. I. r ,nl," mi.ll.-ii. ;m-l "••" 1,'H- • C. Robert Broadwell Clydo A. Honcywoll I ' A liim. K;I MIMI-M. wtilcut .Mwtifi. tlRrd«n l,-:il, 1I..1. !•• l--|:.l.l.lill •I'llMl- wi.rk iui'1 K^n.-riil hnupri'lpHnlnK, nil | II..H..S. In.- lAi.i.-M'.,> :li..-v I" William A, Doylo John S. Hciuroy •RS DKStlTII I- ;;! vour J.ibn l.'Bll Arthur, AD S-J63«. I 111. »l 1 ..-!-• T. I'" I'---. ' 6-U-t lt.n-11. AH :t-••!*•. .-,:,,- I-..1I. >..-, 1'.. Z,l- C. Frederick Poppy Louis C. Kircily, Jr. SI'MIMAll. I'." 11; I.IMIIT li.unlnK. <"'-lliim, allli-si, yiir^« fill i'i,!ulill..n. It.vll. U \V. It.' I .I.UI..-.1, laivim nilti-.l. .liink hnulrit -. i.nly li.. I SERVICES U NEED nwjiy. Lv.-ih.-ii.l K'trHK** .I't'.rw In- HONIAL JEWEL an ni: I'-I;.:I.; »liill...| ami MTVli'iol. 767-40111. M. 1 Vi-rl;,it,-. 7-21i-lf HREPIACE I", .::!:. PETS FOR SALfc v.DI l.:il.y xli illiyj *KFAST ROOM *BLDG. CONTRACTING • MISCELLANEOUS ,,|.«. ..,• ir |.a '« BEDROOMS I I-;,I !;ii, f|| :|H^ IT WOI..I) yi'll Hlii- t" I-US" :• M""l-" ' 1 I - 17-F,! ill TREED LOT I'l.dlllc fr.,111 KI.III. 5 '," <•'" ""-' I -MODERNIZING DIGOS CATERING SERVICE \V.: ;iio III,: l.ri-- .|.-r;; "f tin''' r •''- j 1:1. 1 l-l'l \ S Atlfii'llDK !./ir«. -..ivlnc r>:>nl<-n rtmt. * TO STATION Mlliir. (1I||- ci-ati'-im "f .- ha ni |. I., n M nl i ' i" • ; I ;i • I • • • . •• • , I..: !l ROOFING S SIDING .lii.MiiM. I' nj'.y j-.ur (.'II-SIM whlU FANWOOD l-i.i..lli'S si nil «••• li.ivr- :. r.-|"-i, • >--iii .!.••!.• I ii \ - • •\ <• m-IVf yi.ur |>'. I'li'.n*- 232 i^ for t|U»llt>' whii-li >••" CONTRACTOR •^r.12 uml Z.IS-^B.TO uri.r 7:ni> I'M. 1 . |'l..Ill- . -I .-li $52,900. ivltli any vf-i.-rliiMriJiii li ."Hue Hl'llnK. Uult'-m. T.enclsra. 12-lH-tl 1 - \ rititl I:M 1:0 I,,HIT for 1 .-'.•I I'.II .,r I 'li. I isli" I'l. our !•<• 1 - l-l - « •' '• I ' ' ' 1J-- I • .,. r icVtiBlrw. c..v«-re<1 \>r !•- from (inn. Mia. l".ui;I.i> A.!.,"-. • r. 1 1. iivi.iiai.ii- mi i; "WoOlibANH," S i, u -. h i'l.i :iis, i\ni MMMis, in « *it)i%«iiirirt i' '•' * i<. I,.-. .1 t...»! li'.n:. - TI.A i'..,:i..l. t<- l,,,'l,f."in" r. iiw-1- I'• l'| fr 'I.f I. ! H » DISHWASHER U:I,I. i -i- .- |..S.II.-» iii»t-.ii".i. i'',ii: ' '• •••' Establlahod lRfiR I.I II Ml. II ' „,„,., ..,.-•• Hi.-.•ll.-ut r.-f •'•• <« BEDROOMS ,,,! I;" I':.,. • \ „.,.,. I--.»i,k ^l^';, ,/i;

..,.,...,. ,...,!,• « 1 1 KENED PORCH is! 1 r.-.l v • '..II :•: :•!'•:•• One of New Jertey't lls0N SCHOOL 1 ; - REMODELING & REPAIRS - . •'« •>-« '••'^'- ;;_'• — • . ' « WANTED « : f;»,n«r« • Itamrr. • I'.nVl " ' f $28,500 IIMM.IIN loi.i.r.t ion WIKIIIOK TO inrr flneit cemetcrim— I All Tn»< Mi....nrr V tvi-nini; IIIKI.I.M. nmiT.«. .f all In III i All W.irk l.»sii,f.l .mrt (il II-TOI.SI. IIMVKI Non-profit and n.ii.l ],ii|.|. i rh.inr All :i-l'.--l:i .Iny t,r , • TREE SURGEONS \Mt V.VIHIII*. ri-.D. l ll j M. f.llttll.AMO i:viAr.r.^' i.II r:.\sfii>. c:rs;fl AI*. N on-tteelarian I MS ^<>rth At'. |-ll,Ms|;M. WII.I.IAHK, V\ 2-IUrtH. SCriMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. •-IH-II AiitntA 111.1* i-i I*I-II:S. CuniplM.- Sln.lrrrt Trip «rr»lr» m..l.-. I:, l.i-iin. -,i • tnt«. rrrtlllr.! 'Vrrt l'.>v«.rt I lll.l.rl 'Kill v l»l|,n t'. I.UT ol.l t-iilna G. A-MOVING AND rA 3-utus) .M.I I,...,li' KA 2-74SS. 10-l-lf i A«ii i i.ii »ir\'» 1'i.rn-nivi, rm , JR. GENERAL TRUCKING Mr 1.1.111.. I,III,IK. ni,Ii.iii"". i-urliin • nin(;noiir THCK HKHVHI: '.n.iMir". l.riip-.wurf. KI;.H«, e-h la jt. C«E YEAR DEKEUJIBD PAYMEHT • ANTIQUES Kcvr Jorti«y C«rllf1«'l Tr«»« J-:x;.>*r W',irt>, lit MJi'llnoB AY*, ri. u 24Mi Tin: vvrtf f'nrri[i)i'U lumirftBi'* (''•vcruun JC-tl PLAN, INTEREST-FHKE, AVAIL- V Ml AN' VU «r"mtir-'V-ViH • ••I lfiin»•« („..,!.• l.^f'.r.. l!.;o A ABLE FOR I'KK-NKED BUYEItS. i*y ''.Mr''.' "wilh-.n. .1 "'•!• 1: J'.l; l.';n. ; : :' • !•! •Al NOIIIII AVE. *I< S-<1 .it ht-v ,-si.l, in • . 1-1 w. - 3-17-tI- A %! 3-6639 A V •., s i-h I'l II'-" I III V i'l t >• ; M. C|,,,. ,1 v. • .In. . IDEAL WAY MOVERS SLIPCOVERS a FUITON 8-3914 BUSINESS SERVICES • ,,„ 1**t thr "7 W.-t ollry*" Mi.Tr lo REUPHOLSTERY I; -! I 11.I., :'.-!,,-I VIM.-, .' .1 II.-. V\.-.l li. I.I ! i -in-r.-i ! Supt'a Office Executive 0(flc« I\TI-HI-:VI IM; •»,!•..n,,>,H ,,- i,,,),.! 1100 E. Hroad i)t. 125 Klin Street i I. I. I" ,l!i|,i.iy I,. r..,rr'lt P.- l*rn ,,n\.i- AD. 2-0781 AD. S-0130 •Mi:.l.,v. •. •••-:••-«- .-.,11 "r ..illt Mr,, II./. I '.'.i.r.l. T!'.U, S:,uii,|i.r- Aw W.-,(!!i-M. All •.•-»',!.• >-24-«i.iv Gates Close at 0:00 p.m.

AD ® LOST AND FOUND ; 3-3554 PERSONALS ! • RADIO, TV REPAIRS I ACE^CORATO^ I-""'!' 1" - ... i i s.i.'l ,,"f , -ill.' j 372-6814 • i !:-• llnndn-rltlni; an^l- i I IU>OFI.N'(*i flllnir, »nitl't-i. l/.^-rfc. I iis-i' i :,., ynl» rFii.llnKn. F<'T furtli»r Infi.rnw- , ''./"' ,, ».|.llt!'.ri^. <";.!1 I'I' *".-7'.'-'i <

flan call 212-0313. 107 E. Un-a.l !- .. I »•.;,-•,:; ir'j'j':. 1-JT titiri.utt-8. b-11 -t( I •WeatBtld. N. J. »-3-n —- Page S THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 gained her speech. fence Communications Center in co Boro Rotary Club Also speaking were Linda's phys- Green To Handle ordination with County Civil Defense. Tuition Aid Plan At UJC Helping Many Students ical therapist and members of the Serving on Lh« staff with Mr. Green, Bo Gives $500 To nursing staff, who described rehabil- are Henry Sampson, William Brown, Most students at Union Junior Col-1 assistance in the early and critical were enrolled in the following cur ro itating procedures. CD/DC Post Harry Parkinson, Kenneth Cornell lege holding tuition aid grants from undergraduate years enables them neulums: liberal arts. 203- engine and Martin J. Green Jr. The all girl "Kiltie Bagpipe Band" the Union County Board of Free- to plan accordingly." ing, 31; science, 27, and busint« Hospital from Govenor Livingston -High Martin J. Green Sr. has been ap- holders 'Mould find it extremely dif- The Tuition Aid Plan provides an- administration, 7a. The largest. Pllm School, Berkeley Heights, inarched pointed communications officer for ficult lo launch or continue their nual grants of S4H0 to all Union ber, 52, were from Cranford To" [ West field Civil Defense, il was an- Mounlaliihid''—George H. Buchan, through the hospital playing for the New Year's Eve college careers without (his finan- County residents who win admission tals for other communities WPr president of the Mountainside Rotary children and later performed before nounced by H. K. Barretl Jr., direc- cial assistance." Dr. Kenneth C. to Union Junior College as Jfulltime Westfield, 39; Union, 38. Klizuuitl Club. Monday presented $500 to the 50 luncheon quests. Arrangements tor. Mr. Green will lake the place MacKay, president of Union Junior students in the day session. Dr. 34; Linden, 27; Railway, 23;Hohdl Children's Specialized Hospital. for (he band, for which Mi>s Alice of A. W. Jackson who has served Ball Slated In College, .said in a report to the free- MacKay said grams went lo 337 stu- 18 and Scotch Plains, 15. ' Strohtneyer of Mountainside is pipe Hie town in tins capacity for many holders and the college's board of dents during the spring semester of The check, the largest in the club's years while Mr. Jackson is on a trustees. The 476 recipients of tuition aid major, were made by the Mountain- Lourdes' Hall J9tif> and to 476 studeuLs during the grants during me current fall sei history of annual wiving to the hos- side Koluriiins. leave of absence. "Our studies indicate that a stu- pital, was accepted by Dr. Milton current fall semester of 1966, ter are enrolled in the following cur' Mr. Green has been a resident of Mountainside—The Holy Name So- dent cun seriously impair his aca- Staub, hospital director, at a Umch- Hobert (.'. Harrison, band instruct- jdemic performance if he has to work "It is significant and most grati- riculums; liberal arts, 306; engineer or, and mcniljer of tile general traf- Westfield for 4G years. He is a li- ciety of Our Lady of Lourdes Church ing. 46: science, 31. and business con and ITu islmas program in the censed RACES (Kadio Amateur too many hours to pay for his col- fying that all 21 Union County mu- hospital. fic staff of the New Jersey Bell Tele- Communication Emergency Serv- will hold its annual New Year's Eve lege education." Dr. MacKay said. nicipalities are represented among administration, 93. They are from Highlighting the program, direct- phone Co., was on hand to assist the ice! operator and a member of the | Ball in the parish auditorium on "In view of the fact that many of the recipients of the tuition aid the lollowing communities- ("ran ed by Dr. Margaret Syinonds. was band. Walchuiig Valley Kadio Club. He Central Ave. these students plan lo continue their grants," Dr. MacKay said. "Both ford74; Westfield, 62; Eiizab,!!,' lias been employed by Singer Co. at caiiHT objectives into graduate and years that the Tuition Aid Plan has 46; Linden, 36; Union. 35; Clark 31'! "Tlie Linda Clark Story." in which Paul Mueller, the chairman, an- been in operation representatives Linda spoke. Linda, now a hospital Dead bulbs e;'.n result in dead Kindcrni! as chief of plant produc- nounced this week that the music professional schools, this financial Plainfield, 24. and Kahway, 24. ' ' tion for 2G years. from all the municipalities of Union patient, was injured Oct. 30, !!)(« drivers, the Al.A wains. Make sine, will be furnished by the Mark V County have enjoyed its benefits." in a sn'inf! accident in Echo Laki: your autn lighting system is work- The duties of the communications band and dancing will be from i):!i0 etie. baked Virginia ham. wild rice What I began by reading, Park, which left her paralyzed and ing property. Keplaec any bad bulbs: officer entail the conducting of reg- to 2 a.m. and supreme sauce, raisin sauce, During the spring semester, the finish by acting. — Henry unable to .speak. She has since re- 337 recipients of Tuition Aid Grants Thoreau ' amount tf UK 3HI keep all lamp lenses dean. ular weekly drills from the Civil De- Mr. Mueller also announced that prime roast l>cef au jus, au grutin session is vaJu™»* the affair is open to the public. A potatoes, garden vegetables, dinner hot buffet catered by Raymonds of roK's. iced cakes, coffee, etc. In Westfietd, a champagne toast, addition setups may be secured if i makers and New Year's hats are in- desired. cluded with the purchase of a ticket. Tickets fur the ball may be se- The buffet includes herring tid-bils cured by calling Mr. Mueller. Table in cream, sluffed breast of capon- Christmas At MacHugh's reservations may also be secured. Christmas At MacHugh Introducing. Introducing. . . Tamino MEAT SPECIALS FRESH BRISKET POT ROAST 99c Ib.


GRADE "A" BACON Ib. pkg.79e


FRESH PRODUCE To the Sophisticated Gentleman — Large Juice Oranges 49c doz. A new subtle fragrance blended exclusively an invitation for a new expression. for the young and spirited.

STOP IN AND SEE US. To»tefully Packaged Eau do Cologne CHECK OUR "IN THE STORE" SPECIALS or Eau de Cologne or Shave Lotion Shave Lotion $4.50

Open each evening until 9 P.M. Open each evening except Except Saturdays Saturday until 9 P.M. QUALITY u DR 6-5SO5 763 MOUNTAIN AVENUE 264 E. Broad St., Westfield SPRINGFIELD 264 E. Broad St., Westfield AD 2-2900 AD 2-2900

MEISTER—The House of Fine Sweaters from Austria Mac Hugh's Pride and Joy .. MEISTER for him ...


Yes, GANT is our pride and joy . . • we carried this line ever since they started because we detected in their imaginative approach, quality and excellent styling the makings of a leader in their field. Our judgement proved sound because today is far and away the first name in style shirtings. Mae Hugh's is proud to represent GANT with a most com- prehensive selection of their shirts for the Holidays. This manly raglan sleeve crew cardigan features a power ribbed stitch weave that promises warmth and Give well this Christmas . . • Cive strength — prime requisites for winter action-wear. GANT. Created by MEISTER, the Austrian house of fine sport sweaters ... for the winter sport enthusiast or style conscious gentlemen. from Ask for MEISTER exclusive with Mac Hugh's. In numerous styles and colors. Cranberry or Royal Btue also other styles and colors

Open each evening except Saturdays Open each evening except Saturdays until 9 P.M. until 9 P.M.

264 E. Broad St., Westfield 264 E. Broad St., Westfield AD 2-2900 AD 2-2900 •^ -m A f *->. -m II i i... i i THFE WESTFIELWESTFJELD (N.. J.) LEADERLtjutn.. THVRSDAYTHinsu/ir,. DECEMBEutitMBt.KR 35is, 196ia«s6 Seeaec.. 2s,, Pagrage I \cial And^Club News of the Week in the Westfield Area Jane C. Yeager Woman's Club Has Returns For Wedding iThomOS Pearsall Is Married In Miss Murt't'Iyn l'*'n/.ab(k!li HorWM-* * Annual Yule Tea, of Gt»nii;inlt»wn. Tt hn , funiH'ily oi • j Winston-Salem Wt*st field. ri'Jurnvd hrrv TIT I lie i Open House w« to atUM.d U,o W.-.WU.K Sat ! Th(, ^wnu-.H „! Miss S:.ndi 1. Tlie wedding of Miss Jane Carolyn • urdayo! hr,• f,•„•„,) Miss ( a,j.l I KK ; So,un ,o T|mlnaJ. „ ,.,..„.,.,,( s(in - i Yeager. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In ihc li.vtn ill ;\ c selling i>l "All Uij Ka.-^inm-d I'linssiius" ami ilio j ! William Seherman Yeagvr of Win- ; llorlvrt «. llorlcis .Ir. and us Miff : ,, , ,^ .• i ., , i soit itcirp nriisic of Mis;- l.ilibv Kron »; ston-Salem, N.C., formerly of West- , sail oi tfr .Sunnywood Ui.. tuus tii'en li» r>: Kiinvn. nu-nilu'i's and uuest.s of * | field, to William Pendlcton Sand- ' .iiiliounred liy lu-r paivntx. Mr. ami tin' \V,>!i,,iii> ("tub of Wcstfield yaMv jrige Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Saiid- . r , . .• Mrs. Kiiink 1>. SuUui of 1'inllaiui <-lvd h.r ihctr rhristllliis U'a ami | ridge of Winston-Salem. touk plaiv • n pivsenkitno for ilit- AXMHMMIII • '•Jui! !IUUM' Monday in the clutihouse . Morohiindisiny (."orii.. Nvw \'ork j f j there Saturday afternoon. A recuj..- Krtxu UY! at the I;-;* uith Mrs An ^•jjy ; Miss Suluri .•ittended lion at the Forsyth Country Chib : Mr. Hells attended Prim-i-tim I'ni-! st;ltl" '""I'1'^ Sin- is working tn tlu>i!> Stark, t lub pn'Mdrnt. Woman's s followed the ceremony in (he Kux '. lab. u;*v shi' ^urst of honor MINN ', vprsity and irt-ched <\ burhi'lurs *k' ! '•"• AtiKflrs. ( id Presbyterian Church performed !>v 1 :••! nUinn- I! Hrnun. piesidenl "I llii- . Brw in dwtrical riiKinccrini: from ] Mr 1'oui s:1 jind Nulio;-. The bride, whose twin sisters the ^oituns rlul's. by \l» Ymw mnisVMAS sm)VVlN«\ATWOO0 REAUV, AD 3-222J. tendants, was given in inarriiii;e by K Ouy. Ilt'i'lH'i-1 I Krki-rl. Saniln 1 und Tim Hot a l'i, Iwnorury rn^inwr- her father. She wore an ivory pcuu .1 U'iiiM'. Cuy 1. Uiiimi. \V Waliaii- THKOI (.11 AI>S Don'* let tight mon«y »top de soic gown with a bodice of Alon- Knir. Wilii.uu ll Shrllnii. C II con lace and pearl leading und j Slilll'vr. ll.vrnlil r TIIUIIII'V ami !•">) cathedral train. Her mantilki was of waril /.u ki'H KATlll.KHN SASSO matching lace and her cascade IKIU- Also. Mis It \\ Krllo-L:. .-Iviir- • rji.iT \A/ J quet was made up of an orchid sur- . ni.iii n! iIn- K(,riini:!itly I'riMip. Mrs Mf, DetTS IO WeG rounded by roses, carnations ami |l>.i\id !•' Illul. liili'i'iiii'iliatfs lit!!! I \! variegated holly. in.ui. Mt> Ki.i.,-1-1 s:nitii. i"""1 l^ntUppn ^n<:«;n i R. IIAW-EY JR Bridesmaids were Miss Judith A. riiiti |.,v.s,,irm. and Mi>s Lynn ivt.-r ; rvajnieen oabbo j Elizabeth Dick) j Bernath, Mrs. Leonard 1.. KUU'-i. MILS. WM. r. at s»-n. pit'Mitint oi ilu1 Nut> .IiniMiN ! (June (urnlyu Yea^er) Miss Forrest W. Vogler and Mi> I'uiini; fix- alli-riiiiun " Tin Mr and Mis.'s W. S;«ssi> of Dick Bride Louis K. Watts Jr. They were at- 'Tttrhr" i'iHi-1 l.niuii 'lia.s i> .i sin - irrf) l.iiuolu Hit tuiiiiiiiiirc tlw en- ired in emerald crepe gowns amiPlains Couple Marks : i!:•_; crimp Innii Wi-silu-M c.-.^i-nu'iil of their dauxhU'r. Kalh- white fur muffs adorned «uii ivd 40th Anniversary S-.hih>! 11.TII. In Hayinond l.ivini;st»n H«'Us •u M^^istreeis'M'BlM^ jlay Of poinsettias, ribbon and holly. Scotch Plains •- Mr ami Mi- I'll-SUIIHK :it Hi-.- tfii tallies w'ie|.lr. sun <••! Mr anil Mrs. ISi'lts of Mr. Sandridge was best nwtn U» Xirholas of 2J«i KKIU'WCM A\e . n'.r paM iM.suli'iits MeNdaniif <.\ii>. j 7:>1 I'aiiarn'.- Aviv The rniipk' plans his son. Groomsmen were William \ bratiMi ilu-ir -Hilli wi'ddm.^ asinivir inrdnii DuniMii .1 HUN- II Kri'i'inaii. [ ;> May wedilmt; ' dley !a n M lk K. Uonin, Charles M, Davis. Slt-plu-n •=ary ret-raity They \wiv hntiun-d !>> ''" " " " - ^1 viliKi" nd Uirenl.-.; pri's|«-clivc liriid- hi-r li- j Elizabeth Dick, daug!)- L. Ncal, Donald W. Memory auid , lli.'ir cliiklivn at liniier p-iru lit'"•""• '""" Alr's '••lKl'" "anmd l 51IsMiiiim-- e Westfii-ldHiKh id Mrs. George B. Dick J. K. Norfltft, Ur. C Uiincan falir I Arbor Inn. 1'isralau 91111111. liiisiirs. Mrs S:mtti, Mrs ! si-lnio! ".he uttemli'd Otiiu Wcsleyny n may AVL'., became the and Edward K. Crawford. j Tlu-ir clnldren ; M.,ha,l (,f!"""^"i.lMrs Kello^ . I'uiMM-.sily whore .she was a memlw is/ o( Charles Russell Mrs. Sandricige, an amnina 'if jNorl1' •''"'"'"'•Id. .1 |>h of Smith I f Drita (iMinma surority IHKI Is nn 1 lal fi W Mls M f Mi »n of Mr. and Mrs. Had- Westfield High School, attended 1 ' " '' - ' ry S|>.iKni)l.i of' nl Wati-hnnit anil Fred n( I'lainfi' WasliiiiRlon uville. Jack Wrylzen as- Cedar Crest College and was sradn- iSl'«'<"l' I'lams, Mrs. .M II Maians Th.-y also haxe in ^raiiiit-liiklren. Sai-so ls merehuiulise Rjv. Waller Jensen ul ated from the University of Nurtli I j at the Hydi'wood Park Carolina at Cha|>cl Hill where slit' ' ; -if mh. North Plainfield, was a member of Alpha Delta 1'i and ! ijUon followed in theValkyries, women's honorary society, j Whip Hall. She is also a member of the Wm- j MTriage by her father, ston-Saloin Junior league and is em- gre a gown with a lace ployed as assistant branch mami^r This Christmas.. • jleevcs. a sateen skirt of Wachovia Bank and Trust Co »ith lace and a matching Her husband was graduated from ttoulder-k-ngth veil fell Episcopal High School, Alexandria, Say it with ra of pearls. She carriedVa.; the University of North Caro- bouquet of sweetheart lina, Chapel Ilill, and the University ated holly and small car- of Virginia Law School. He is willi A Jeweler's buying trip takes him Into strange Wallace was matron of the law firm of Womble, Carlyl'.' Furs by Gamburg places, Bnd finding the renownod Jade cutters of green velvet gown was The newlyweds will reside in Win- 8 muff and pillbox, of ston-Salein after a trip to Acapulci), Hong Kong was Just ono example. Well worth It, Similarly costumed were Mexico. Nothing Will Thrill Her More! though, for Stanley Marcus selected superb stones aids Miss Candy Hadlcy, of varying sizes. They have beon set in exquisite groom; Miss Nancy D'- Miss Meierdierck Feted countings of unusual design, They aro just port of Herbert Uorkis and At Pre-Nuptial Parties our international gem colloctlon, unmatched hi d Torruns. A Gift in Good Taste Miss Dinnc II. Meierdierck, daugh- quality anywhere in America. McBrid" of Berkeley Do come in and see U. best man. Ushers were ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Meier- that will last for years iadt-v-xhntWi 'art Kcarns ot Martins- dierck of lfKH) KLsing Way, has Ix't'n •pwfcwgwwtrasfc ivid Randolph and Wayne honored at several prv-nuptial par- ingdisaiood A Bill of Madison, and Rob- ties. She will be nuirried Salurday "IF YOU DON'T KNOW FUR, KNOW YOUR FURRIER" to Kenneth E. Mull of Meridian, Pierced or regular bride's brother. earrings a_40 te of Westfield .High Conn. For Finest Quality and Best Value Iride alti'isdcd Nortlicast- Hostesses at showers were Mrs. afoeuA BiHe Institute and Burton 13. Knapp and her daughter. Buy with Confidence JEWELERS W from the Union Martha of Allendale, formerly ol VVosUicld; also, Mrs. Geoffrey Meyer il Institute ns a practical 904 E. BROAD ST. ADAMS 3 0529 ond Mrs. Marshall Frost, and Mrs. is now with the "Word of at CHARGE OR BUDGET PLAN Jolin Daubenspeck and Mrs. William WESIFIEIO • N. J sfiip." FREE GIFT WRAPPING Lonsdale. The bride-to-hc w.ns guest ALSO RUTHERFORD AND DELIVERY «y, who is nlso with the also at a dinner given hy Mr. and KIDGEWOOD • HACKENSACK Mrs. James Moss of Summit. Life Fellowship,p, " is a MORRISTOWN The rehearsal dinner will he Kiven BaskinB g Itidge High Samou^ by Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Mull, par- Drew Universityy, ents of the groom, at the Slup- hhoneymoon, the cou- "WESTFIEID'S FUR SHOP OF DISTINCTION" ''vc for South America House Inn. Mrs. Jolm Su'ink and her •ill \\ cicing missionary daiigliler, Nancy, will entertain at a 249 East Broad St. AD 2-3423 "Word of Life Fellowship" bridesmaids luncheon Saturday in (Opp. Riallo Theatre) Open Evenings Until Chrlitmat lonths their home. From aires Yule Show Piano Students Recite •f the Gardenaires Club A piano recital for students of For Christmas .. . We in a Christmas show- Dorothy Schneider was hold Sunday 1 JEANNETTE'S Monday at I p.m. in theat 521 Fairmont Ave. Participating Give the Luggage with a Guarantee «• Frank T. Keogh. 720 were Laurie and Steve Scliramm, Todd Herrmann, Canny Cook, Jan ;«• Mrs. Henry S. Fuller- Olsen, Peggy Ellsworth. Neil Laurie '• be in charge of refresh- and Glenn Reiter, Anne Bouchal, 's Beocmhi-r board meet- Ann Cathey Maztir, Wendy Sandi.s "f home of Mrs. William Betsy Coe, Joanne and Karen Peter- S» Harding St son.

We specialize in helping you choose just the right gift from our wide selec- tion. . . . Come On In!

Does your house look as well as you wish Our shelves are brimming with exciting gifts for the it did for the holidays? individual or for the home. Gifts that will give lasting pleasure throughout the year.

For Business Associates — Your Own Home May We Suggest Barricini Candies. Interior Designer


L. I lux sol the dial* and your luggage is locked so only you can No more lost luggage keysl Just o the^a J ^ ^^ Qf ^^ ^MQ Jeannette's Gift h blue lopaz90ldor fO9 9ray If not, better give me a call °n ^ ^%\^™£™l™ DLST - 227 E. Broad Street after the first of the year. Rear Entrance to Municipal Parking Loi , i,- >,.ur Sky«-»' '•'••"• r'i"'- ''•"•- '" '""' AD 2-1072 OR jane smith OPEN EVENINGS 'Til 9 UNTIL CHRISTMAS REGULAR CHARGE •^\ - AD 2-4800

PREESOMER-PARK.NO AT 132 Open Evenings Til 9 (except Saturdays) Until Chr.stmas Page 2 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THUESDAT, DECEMBER 15, IMC- Juniors To Carol For Shut-Ins Rescue Squad Member College Club Play Is Cast Plains Youth To Work Frances S. Foulke Plays Santa In Peace Corps Members of the Junior Woman's Cook. Mary Lou Limin vvil! appear cent transfers IK-Id a "!rim the A member of the Westfield Res- Casting has been completed for Scotch Plains—Peter V. Vollweiler. Engaged To Wed I, Club of Weslfield and their children tree" party at the Harry I>. Koliler the College Woman's Club's produc- jas the scientist's Radcliffe-lwund 24, Jeft the United States Tuesday will go caroling Wednesday after- cue Squad played Santa fur the daughter, Bill Rood as her mooning [Day Care Center in Winfield Park. Christmas meeting Tuesday of tlie tion of "The Absence of a Cello." for Gujarat. India where for two noon to shut-ins referred by the nis- j Mrs. Michael Kenny was in charge according to an announcement by suitor who primes the scientist with years he will work with the Peace Mountainside—Mr, and Mr. , ', tric! Nurses Assoeialion. Tlw group i of t his project. Westfi&ld Rescue Squad Auxiliary advice on how to assume a corpor- seph W. Foulke of 34D c^lfc R J i : in the Squad building. Gifts for j Mrs. Joseph Shembre, chairman of Corps' agriculture extension service. wit] assemble at tht clubhouse a! I Tomorrow tiie group will hold its ' the play committee. ate look, and Trudie Nichols us the A graduate of Scotch Plains High M. have announced thTen^mM ! 3:30 and after an hour of singing "Christmas Happiness" for an eld- wacky, nosey, helpful neighbor. ! second project, a Christmas party erly Westfield resident were brought Stanley Johnson will be seen as School, he is the son of Mr. and will go to the home of Mrs. Jacquie j for 80 nursery-age children at the Mrs. Werner F. Vollweiler of 1420 Ward Tiwbndge Kelsey su"n J i by members. Andrew Pilgrim, the cello-playing Norman Schneider is directing this Mrs. Betti Ward Kelsev ,r M I Beckett, 423 Boulevard, for cookies West field Community Center. Mrs. Cooper Rd. ur scientist who is a doubtful prospect farcical spoof of the conformity re- Hill and Whitney KI\1 , " ? '^ and punch. Kenneth R. Remlne and Mrs. John Hostesses were Mrs. Walter La- for 'big' business. Wanda Crawford quired today for the Organization A graduate from Michigan Stab Mrs. Leo H Burke, music depart- R. Hoblitzell are in charge. Pierre, Mrs. John Hawlcy and Mrs. will portray Celia, his wife, with the Man, and Barry Mansfield is design- ^eAhAHgllfWeddinsi^ ' ment chairman, is in charge of the Viola Dunham. shameful record of having written ing the setting from which the tell- College where he received a B The bride-elect was graduated caroling. Holiday Tea Scheduled important scholarly books instead of tale cello must hastily be whisked. degree in foreign relations, his farm from Governor Livingston Regional ng experience comes from workin, The club voted at Tuesday night's 'At St. Luke's Church heading up Boy Sccut drives. The play will be presented Feb. School. She is a senior « Ml business meeting to donate $50 Gloria Johnson' has the role of 24 and 25 at the Westfield High with his father who operated Holyoke College. worth of educational records and representatives from other churches dairy farm until 1961. He was lead A holiday tea will be given by St. the scientist's widowed sister who School. Mr Kelsey ; o atteriucu Cover earphones to St. Joseph's School for Lukes AMK Zion Church from 4-6 n the area will be among the guests. gets caught up in a romantic situa- er of the local 4-H Club and Yout E 3 the Blind in Jersey City. p.m. Sunday at the church. Mrs. Proceeds from the tea will go to tion with the corporate inquisitor, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Synagogue group at Temple Beth no?r LivingstoH n° man Trinitd ways graduateo11^ d Yesterday 20 provisionais and re- John Epps, chairman, has said that who will be portrayed by Richard i THROUGH LEADER ADS El, Plainfield. he Ybung Peoples Day in January. 5. He is now studying at (lie Uni versify of Pennsylvania School of «f hospitality"** LSt W "esoames c , iv fiat a Newcomers Events

Thursday at 12:4S the house and wcnd&pii garden committee will meet at the I Of James YWCA. Mre. William J. Degnen Sr. of the Westfield Garden Club will make a Christmas wreath and a lable arrangement. Hostesses will be Mrs. J. R. Fowler, Mrs. Joseph M". Luke Keillj, Lega, Mrs. Graydon Curtis, Mrs. ""•• has been aiBllt William Daly. ems. Mr. and « Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barnpll of uliernat 0| J22 if, 832 Embree Cres. and Mr. and Mre. i Miss Gutwrnal i. I Scotch Plains.FaM Spence Merrick of 722 Coleman PI. 1 and Is attending & will be hosts to the couples bridge Scliool of Nursing ebtivaff -;roup tomorrow evening at 8:30. fiance is a gradual Saturday from 8-12 p.m. the High School. Weir, :ouples get-together group will hold wive a BS in msth, i Holiday Smorgasbord at the home Peter's College. j >f Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jardlne. m 145 Topping Hill IW. at 8.15. Assisting 1 The social committee will meet Louis Fitzgerald a Monday morning at 10 in the home O'Neil. >f Mrs. Ned Tolmack of G48 Fair- Due to the Chrisii lont Ave. following activities Mrs. Nova Stucker of 62.1 Hill- celled, afternoon n,, :rcst Ave. will be hostess to Ihe , crnoon bridge ond c sxecutive board Wednesday evening; bridge.

HI Fl 6-Q 134 STEREO 6 Q-13S English and American Traditional favorit SUNG BY JULIE ANDREWS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Star of "Mary Poppins," "Sound of Music" "H ARRANGED & CONDUCTED BY ANDRE PREVIN Horton's NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS 343 SOUTH AVE. E. ' Open Evenings Until 9, Sot. Until i

GIVE YOUR HAIK a GIFT... ALWAYS WELCOME - moke if 0 WELLA TREATMENT A Jane Smith Gift Certificate for that Seasonal Hflif and Dry Flaky Scalp For That Special Person

Open Evenings Till 9 (Except Saturdays) Until /ane smith Free CUSTOMER PARKING Christmas 132 Elmer St. 129-139 Central Ave. AD 2-4800 100 ElMER STREET, WESTFIELD, U.BO y puuils of lXirothy Slifi-r. Is Married To UK ."it tht- Hro*»kMdo Nursing Homo in Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins of ,,„. M '"1, Y'* ' Broom-- M.- Mrs. .lohn Kii/.serald and Mis ; t;TU Summit Ave Tlic sludi'iits p»-r \V',-- '"•%, 7 a B1;Ulul!' M'--> llK' '""U'11' C'-"'1Sl.'"f >T\ ,"' : John V M;,v were wolcomod »* now ; t "ranford. wul be taken tu the home I'urmed piano solos or dui -'• H>A. »• . lake ; r .^ UK. Oinstmas were followed by muMejil games and 1 ! 1 11 li;ifs i Pro\Kim,t! liimers lor the liieinoriiil wedding anniversary recently at a '« .Jit' bi'idf > M-U" " Mis- UVn-k I' - '*' evening ;ii « o OIIK'K in . , . .' , ,. . r ... , reireshinents f ( 1 b uf W i table ami ehildren's rt»>m in ilu- jmrry in the VFW Hall. Dum-llen. The marriage of Miss Carol Hun- Ma.v.ii \r.,,.iKM ;. vr M ;, K. ,. '•'"<•' '«'»»' "* U<> ^-('h »'•»>•«*. 70 '""'""K " < "' " *» » ^ S : ; !l ld : !h ! l 4 Ulh ! Westiield Mi'nwi::i) Liluary ihinn.c '-" .M .> . «:„ jV,,,;.,.- ua-JZO, -' '^ ""I I«- *l™- « atil To>vnse.»U ; " " " ««» « * T!ie> were married in the Mettlod- tress Mason lo William Kwn Ulau- ; W1 s par!} i'iuiirn-ia!i. i ? .lulm l.anti of H:\skinK KicUl<". j UiTeinber ^ill \H' Mrs. M.ileuiin Sub-Juniors Twin Twirl i.s! itiunh of WfstfieW. Mrs. Tomp- vclt Jr., son of Mr. Blauvelt of 527 inK to Mrs. i »:iiu" a tkmvv •"™:W»B I™*™" 1 Those acoi Kol)in.son, Mis. Al'llmr li KivdeneK To Have Peanuts Theme iknis is Ihe former iiertha Kuitz of Shackamaxon Dr. and the iau- Mrs. i ll i ' a"lslnsln!J!"''JS lJ »l>ll l'oui-vi l!l . AA 1 Scotch I'-,,- ;, ' ,'. ' W,nMro« \Vil.-oii. gr.ind re^nl. will I'^ " - ' ' "'' '""'""f ! son. Mrs. lKiii.ild M Daj yiul Mi>. The Sub-.luinor Woman's I'lub of WtHMlliridt!)'. | Blauvelt. took place Saturday morn- 1 1 er \|U. h I U , vr "/'" "' «-«.--<--1H«.- «r.k-U.s of inla..! w,.ar i 1>" a«Tt-tl,U-d flower show j..d«c ,IK- Ucstfield will jircsent its 'I'hey have three daughters. Mrs. ing in St. Catherine of Sienna Ul1 WrsU:t; i ;1 l UI v lils "'• ' '" ' I,•!• l;.veltv> to t.e a.-sen.hh.i for tl.o • >-' ""••"'-•'- "' '^ '» "'-- " dance. l\w Twin Twirl, next Tluirs licrtha Hi'Rt! of liricktown. Mrs. Nor- Chinch, Cetiar Grove The Kiv Mr:- HUiuvcli uiis ur.Klu.iUd i..•„„, MaJoinui l'liui Tl.c.-e will IK- sent ; linrdrn Clnh of .Vimer.sct CouMy. To Receive Degreo j day. l>ec 2i at the Kdison .lunnir nuin Hul^er of Kaskinx Hidgc und Fsancis Rodgorski performed the l'as;;iic \:ili>'} I).!;!! Si'hiKil ;,i;.| i« Si.-tns ill New Mexico for distri I Mrs SlanU-y C". Anderson, hostes.- IliKh School. The jmity. from 8 p in- Mrs. lloraoe HoHoway ot liun&Uen, eleven o'clock ceremony and a vo-Niooiv 1'iiilt-y,- of An 1>UIIUII lo iK-vdy molhirs. j chairnuin. «as asMsU*d l^y Mrs. Carol l.ytui .lordan of VI Y:\ir Hill iitnl lu ^randehitdrei). | Clinton II 1-ontsh.ire. Mrs. WilliuJi) I Hd. is a i-aiulidale fur a baelu-lor to nudm^ht "ill leature the "l)ouj;h- ception was held at Graulich's. Or- Her liiNhaiut. ;m ;L | hoys " from PUuuficld. v ; ;lh 1 ot l%l1 ^ of arls decree ill Miami rtmersily, ange. Benedicts i're1.;ira;(.ry"s.'-'h(Kil."Ne»- ilc is employed by Allied Clienncal i < ' ;"»- M'"-- "W ^- ' "» comie strip "•peanuts." Tickets alld Mls !UM IK 1 1 W ! OxfiHxI. Ohio, (iriutiuitton t'\eiei>es The theme of the dunce will ren- ;"-k. and VilUncv;, fniversHy. at- C, . Si l.ou.s. where I IK- couple- will j ' ' ' »u»W"'a"- ter around Hie characlcr.s of thel)e purehasi'd friim club members. The bride, daughter of Dr. and tended Boston i.'cilletn- l.;iw School, n-.-ute after :i wedding trip. I daily wrapped cifls for twtu'iits i will IH- held Sonday.

|i Ann Wood |ies Engaged

JMB Kenneth K. Wood of "us, formerly of West- act (he engagement of „ Juditli Ann to John „.' 5«n of Mr. and Mrs. d Livingston, a J9U2 graduate of School, received her an Mount Holyoke Col- now attending George University Law School, DC She is the grand- Mrs Edward J. Pad- iht late Mr. Padmorc. Wcstiicld. was graduated in 1903 .jvcrsily of Pennsylvania ,as a nioinber of Sphinx, OF CHRISTMAS FOR orary swift y, and presi- i Betii I'i. national engi- LITTLE SISTERS «society. He is a third at the University of Come See, Come Select From Our Holiday Wonderland . Medical School. He is Left to Right.' of Mr. and Mrs. Johr 517 Carlelon Hd. Rayon acetate, contrast band. Rod or Green 7-14 aiding is planned. Velvet swinger, lace trim. Red 7-14 $11. Candy stripe tricot long o°wn 8-14, 4-6X $6. ms Mailed For Also availubiet Matching robs and P. i. ;e Parties Belled homespun swing skirt. Limo or Pink 7-14 $8. it Counlry Club has is- Coordinating Orion poor boy $o. jins for ils liicli school- Bonded Orion knit skimmer dress. Whl. Org or Wht/Grn 7-T4 $14. •islmas Ball which will Bonded double knit cotton slacks. Blue, Pink, Navy, Orange, or lime. :. 28 from 9 p.m. until The Fugitives will play. 7-14 $4, 4-6X $3. are necessary. Coordinating fclripod cotton poor boy. 7-14 $3, 4-6X $2.50. of the committee ore Katliy Ketcham, Betsy Rick Maxwell, John Mo Casey Morton, s ball for junior high Icats will be Dec. 27. members ;ire Uiane Ben- 121 Qulmby St., Weitfleld . . AD 2-1131 Open Monday THRU Friday till 9 Farley, Debbie Hewit, Parking in reor ... walkway to Qulmby St. iltrhouse. Boh Garrctt, ind Jim Vorn. Op«n this. Saturday, December 17, Till 9 P.M.


were horn Doc. 4 at wpital to Dr. and Mrs. oi of 417 SI. Marks Ave. a] twins, each weighing sis pounds, have been id James and Matthew ike infants have two sis- i.'. and Sandra 5. * * * Mrs. Frank Uabttck of bun Dr. annuunce the daughter. Carol Ellen, Overlook Hospital. The ire parents also of a son, s. • * • Mrs. James B. Scudder i. formerly of West- ne parents of their first I Elizabeth. Dec. 9 at Memorial Hospital. They tnree boys. The baby's reformer Mary Elizabeth "•Whter of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper of MO Hill-

•. * * is the name Mr. and "f Ackmnan of Matawan " Uwir third child and sec- '•o armed Dec. 2 at Saint •Medical Center, Living- Ackennan lived in Wcst-

;TOM has Iwen •h of ;i third son to Mr, Howard (.'. Petcrson 0| r " » st. J;lln,s IIoward ^ov ='i at Hahway Hospr

««• Klaus Mueller oi ' •»• lioeame the parents J1.*"" ami second child w Sriiosiiiiai- »e •st chiiV r,.nnccs Irene « Overlook Hospital t. . "; ^"» (•'• Hallada . '• -watcrnal srandmoth thai """< Jcnning of the

[fi• Jolin'l). IVvto )T'D ;'"»"iince the birtl t. ;»»s Hospital of theii

»ts m ,i/U-v • Mountainside, •^"'^r third 5on. John ;p°T 'I;1 ^c B at Over- '•{•'• Th«y have also a

,r A^ ^nllmny Mallozzi,

>: 'C"]2™t- who arrivt't:;1»ie parents ^!hy [f HosPi'al or a ' "e is their third Page 4 THE WESTKIELD «N. J.) LEADER, THVRSDAT, DECEMBER 15, JSGfi •• will hold its Christmas dinner Sun Plains Woman Named i 20—Intermediates, clubhouse. 8:15 21-Annual Christmas program T Grausso-DeBlanco Wedding Held Antiques, Crafts day at Wieland's S'e<.k House in p.m. am Mountainside, with dancing to Hay By Bennett College 20—Master point duplicate bridge, we***, Hi^ 5^? 5 8 « i Scotch Plains— Miss Mary Jane Jiartons music. Those interested in Jefferson School, It p.m. Plains was matron of honor. She Scotch Plains — Mrs. Henry P. PeBlanco, daughter of Mr. and Mis. is a sister-in-ljw of the groom. Shop Opened By attending as guests may contact the Praak DeBlunco of 158 Tcrrill Kd., V for further information. Foster of G Pheasant La. has been Salvaloro Grausso of Scotch Plains elected to a four-year term as a gen- W^B married Saturday to Richard was his brother's best num. Ushers Doctor's Widow The next regular monthly meet- John Grausso, son or Mr. and Mrs ing will be at the Y Tuesday, Jan. eral trustee of Bennett College, Mill- were Carmen Grausso of Scotch Scutch Plains— Mrs. William J. brook. NY. Michael Grausso of 2081 Prospect I-Mains. another brulher of tlie groom, 24 at 8:15 p.m. Individuals who are Ave. McGinn of 1913 Wustfield Avc. hasdivorced, widowed or legally sepa- She served a two-year term as and Paul DeBlanco of Scotch Plains, opened an antiques shop in her homo alutrmae trustee and a prior term as The Rev. John 3. Luster officiated brother of the bride. rated are welcomed to attend. at the 3 p.m. ceremony in St. Bur- by convening the office of her hus- general trustee some years ago and thboSomew the Apostle Church. A The couple was grauualcd from band who diod in March. is currently chairman of the com- reception was held in Mrs. D's Res- Scotch fiains-i'amvo

15—Twig IX, home of Mr9, L. E;. . , , B*4tyU Cat coopleti with Holl(U» Wn« u Humphrey, 2B Hawthorne Dr. .,•','•• Refresh, Rvslyle, Reset, " ' •'••••• Rebeaulify your wig itt our ulm. 16—Master point duplicate bridge, Air Conditioning . ' • ' 756-3100 376-3100 Woman's Club. flwMy Stloji, TVpper'l TfcW FJoor, Plain]iM and Short UUU Hall J7—CAR junior group theatre party. in December? • Wt /Mm KMVUOM UcHt mmtmu fm uraxttr Mb. CLAIKOL9 for /ahkutabl,

So Exciting . . . We had it this past Saturday along So Sparkling . . . Our fcintillatlng after five with TIMEX WATCHES, JADE EAST, ENG- costume . . , outlined with chalk white beads, In lovely LISH LEATHER, CHANEL No. 5, and IMPREVU holiday colon. FLASH CUBES and SWINGERS. Remember her with a GIFT CERTIFICATE Thafs why people shop with us. I from The Stones. Let her make her own I selection from our exciting collection of 'Dresses, Knitwear, and Evening Gowns. BOND PHARMACY 200 E. BROAD ST. 44 ELM ST. fc WESTFIELD r'. ..WJSTFIELD Open every evening 'til 9:00; Saturday 'til 6:00 AD 2-5600 until Christmas Handl-Charge Personal Charges


White or black peau de soie adds excitement to your most sophisticated holiday look. In the silhouette you want most, and in your fpvorite heel height, Lo., Med. or Hi. 1200 Custom dyeing free on white peau de soie

Tri furl's tlic master ©Jtr Jftrir of that look. Naturally —they created Koldcn-loncd COUNTRY BOUTIQUE Trifnnium, iTiiln't they? Just pick yunr pin in one of these delightful new- shapes run! forms. They're also available in platinum-toned A nice place to shop for Chrisfmas- Trifanium, S3 and Si. Not expensive -— rsi: urn riivmvnsvr nit m.vm.i; I-AVSIKNT I'LA Just exciting 'MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR" Ladies clothing ELM & QUIMBY STS. OTHEk STORES ADAMS 2-3680 WESTFlElD IN CRANFORD & AD 2-6718 PLAINFIELD 70 ELM ST. • WESTFIELD OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 TOE WKSTFIELD (V, J.I LEADER, THURSDAY, DECKMBER 15, M»M Tells

3m For Tea

• h» music depart an's Club of w -5i ..^innai Christmas , the of Mrs Rd. 631 , ...ow ?nd mem nogroup will pre

•i,e t»o-piano group Wiliiam Overbay untor* ,ack Melvin Miller , B(ly Sieurikt, Hen mnhe the and Mis^ • the pro holiday teene he S£rv>*-'u **•*"" »• — j- , Justus . Bower, hos irman, «••» be assist* * of the department. Button Newcomers arrrnled tonf 1ar$o looH tvllh thrt>e-quart*r ileevtl, Caroling trrlt arnm ,( Mountainside may ex WMt« or told. Ml, ,r voices raised in son* ., homes Sunday evenim tfrs of the Mountainsid* Club and tlicir husbands detailing point* up tkt asselri |E Tie «r"uP *'» fine tine* o/ a d*m\-ftt j o'clock iit the home p ; inrin's. t»0 Slierwoot! ihijt fci omnp or "•ill reiurn there later foi

jisvrere announced at thf i nreetin« last week a< < Mrs Albert Rodee, SS_ Dr*uu, Ttppti'i Mrs Frank Flllippone s,es5. A 'I-as Vegas February was aiso dl*

.ph Iluber announced oc ihe month. Mrs. William rird lhat more ptrtici- teded lor the ladies eve

e Wagon Lunch iw Noon jmbcr limc-licoii of th elconie Wagon Club will sorrow ol 1 o'clock at Tree Inn. Fanwood. hristma* frosting by Von Hattlte ,n ReiUy is having a larly l)yc. 27 for the col' whipped U)> in frothy nylan Iriral mid siimvttn. Left to Right: Garlands o/ liter on a slip oj ,\umr,s,lm ilnll h»>k in a w board uu'eting in the douhlf layered uttitz shift ^tnen uilh dot I'nitiniuli'rt'd iiltttion Irs. Sam Mitchell, 745 insert of 'Dresden hire, f'liam frrru nr blue mist/rcm. They art': Wednesday /'. S. M. I. 8.00 Steve Kiikose: couples ;. GvnrL'i' Oriyg; kaffe Lingerie, Tenner'* St Jack Hiilsley; knittinp Mrs. Jiimvs H. Mac- ifa, Mrs. Richard Matur itin iialagna.

i Club Award ) Lynn Tipson ipsan of 807 Winyah Ave. led Ihe "Man of the •i Tuesday evening by a Club of Plainfleld. ( Ih? award, Frederick WO E. Broad St., club aid Hint Mr. Tipson had lablo enntributions to the iiwi tothe t-lub. Mr. Tip- family, who have been ere all their lives, ore -aston, Pa., In June. rd was given at the Trian;le Club's show W at West Held HiCh Eocd crowd was present' !••? first snow of the §ea- osebuds •"a^'e hazardous ~!rivine' for the young junior

bonded jerspy matchntatrs in roschr prints of pink tn hln by Hotlern Jtininrs. Left: Softly fitted double breasted jiirkrt, 14,98 Worn with velvet belted hipster pants, J2.98 Ki^ht: The mini-skirt with velvet bell, #.98 "owledgoablt 0/« prefer to Topped by a lacy paneled orlnn slipon in white, pink, blue nr irk overtime to yellow. 7.98 All 3u Qreatervalue. in sizes Port our own dia- s ;° Set finer Young Junion, f'o at lower Tepptr'' Third Floor hand. m e Plainfitlil and uown mount- oneryouafarg- Short Hill' ct| ourdimtics for the very youny mls$ .. * on.|fyouwant mo d " ring for in (t,ity shades of orange mid gold. Left to Higllt: SoUlacht ;r 52,000, co^e f braid trims the. orange jumper in wool.'nylon. IH.U8 • s. Knowledge- Worn ivilh a ribbed 'lurllenerh poor boy.' •l.lttt ... Trim slacks: eoPle havo for in orange with mntchitift leather belt. 11,08 Topped degenerations. by a Uriped vrloii tlipon. .1.9/1 ...The eipht K<,re shirt ivith matching bell, 7.iHl Horn with a lace trimmed while ribbed poor boy. 5.Ml All in »iic» 7-11. Clrildrtn'i World, Tcppcr'i Srconil flaor, I'tain/i,!,! nml Shall Ililli Mall

Monday thru Saturday until 9 p.m. now through December 23rd Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1966' Another fast corner in the sports For tile tennis man. besides tlic chairman, will be assisted by Mrs. j Sportsman's Yule; popularity race is boating, where always-nueded bails and rackets, Koberl Albisser and Mrs. A. Kas- i the gifts range from oarlocks and there arc many choices among rack- sey. hand compasses to ship-to-shore ra- et presses, sneakers, shorts, wind- A Ripe Area dios tuid powerful binoculars. Gal- breaker— and for a unkjue gift, j ley equipment uud maintenance tools membership in the local tennis club, For Gifting art' good choices, too. if he is not already a member, or Thai perennial spurts favorite, !a renewal. Find the man's span interest — fishing, makes giving a gift a breeze, j Golfers seem to enjoy unusual and what man doesn't play, or play with many different kinds of gear E«fts. as is attested to by the variety spectator, at one or more sports" available. Tackle boxes, flies and ; offered. Examples include handy Therein lies a ripe area fur Kitting. ,urcs. rubber boots and pants, hooks I mechanical scorekeepers and home 51 ELM ST. 232 and hues are always welcomed by putting outfits that audible let the 5551 Once a particular sport.s area i.s know where he was Hr*. 9:30 to 5:30, pinpointed, cvtn the most casual the angler as of course are new rods PUUc wrong, Monday to 9^1 examination shows an almost unend- and reels Go carts to carry the golfer com fortable from one tee to the next ing choice of gifts in equipment, ac- Guns and ammo come lo mind im- cessories and apparel. are popular. mediately as gifts for hunters, but Billiard players are increasing in Take, for instance, (lie evergrow- ] how about tents and camping stoves. number yearly, and so are the gift- {Q«* ing world of bowling. Shoes, im- I game bags or tiny electric hand- ing potentials, with many ne-v model proved balls, personalized shirts. i warmers, new styles in hats and billiard tables designed for home ball carriers and tote bags for equip- I hunting jackets, or a portable radio ment only begin the list of possibil- I or TV sot for resting time by the ities for Christinas giving. | campfire? Temple Duplicate Game SEMINAR—Ail electronics seminar for electronics teachers In north- em New Jersey took place at Westfield High School Dec. 5. The speak- Epstein's Winners of the duplicate bridge Wednesday afternoon at Temple er, Professor Howard 11. Gerrisli, in (he Industrial arts department of Emanu-EI were: San Jose State College, San Jose, Cal., had as bis topic, "The Impor- North-South — First. Jean Green tance of Electronics in General Education." He Is picture above, and Shirley Blake; second. Paula left, with William Hansel, Westfield High School electronics teacher. the "baby-it's-warm-inside' Dropkin and Esther Intrilligator. Professor Gerrish's long experience In industrial arts education extends slipper by Oomphies* East-West — First, Joy Krauss to tours of duty at Chico (California) State College, the University of and Harriet Chenitz; second. Elsie Michigan, and the Algonac (Michigan) public schools. Gross and Mrs. Isaacman. The next game will be at 12:30, New Members Program sented by members of the recrea- Wednesday afternoon, when a baby tional activities and garden depart- Warm, pretty shearling wrapped , - ' sitter will be available. A master Tuesday Noon ment. around a velveteen platform fi '>] '< > / < ' point game is planned in January. • Mrs. William Rettig will demon- X Anyone wanting more information The new members department of with full foam insole. It makes '%, K ' , f * ' can call Harriet Chenilz, 7 Wyeh- the Woman's Club of Westfield will strate her art in making a Christmas you feel so "toasty"—you may V t*>>•* ^ •*.'•* | ^ view Dr. meet Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. in the flower arrangement which will be never want to slip it off! V ,«'*"• v '' club house. Following (he sandwich won by a member present. Mrs. I.EADFB WANT.ADS PAY! luncheon, the program will be pre-Charles Lichtenaeur, hospitality LONGINES THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH

letter perfect! IN TiME FOR ChmsTMAS HEN HOUSE'S hand-stained leather The beautiful gesture of the finest watch you can buy...a world-honored longlnet. One bag by Villager with her very own of these solid 1-4K gold bracelet watches will gold initials. Front flap snaps for surely be the gift she'll never forget. From the contemporary loveliness of their cases easy opening and closing. to their world-honored Longines precision movements to their {eweler-craf ted solid 14K Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE 2 or 3 Large Six* gold bracelets.. .they are masterpieces of is required we &

UfttoMlM Complete line of Orthopedic Shoes included Initials incl. •olid KKgold, $130. DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATElY FILLED •olid UK gold. $17S. Sorry, no mail or phone orders. 4 Day Delivery. mild 14K gold, faceted cryilal. $160.

Open Every Nife Daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m. ADLERS >liindliy Ihru 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 Saturdays 'til 5:30 MANUFACTUIINO DIAMOND JCWElBtt 108 Qutmby St. Handl-Chorge • Uni-Card • Personal V* MOtw AVK_w«ti • wnmma ...... ,OpefivfwB^94|!l-.{i;il-Chrittmac .-. „ .«- MANCHISED JfWEl%4 FOR 1ONG1NES * WITTNAUEK WATCHES


BERKSHIRE — With Kantrun top and toe. • GARLAND SWEATERS pr. 3 prs. with Dyed-to-Match Skirts and Slacks. • Seamless — Plain and Mesh . . .1.35 3.90 • Walking Sheer — Seamed • BLOUSES and Seamless .35 3.90 Dressy and Tailored Styles by Ship 'n' Shore, Alice Stuart, Cantrece or Agilon Stretch. .65 4.70 etc. Seamless Demi-toe .35 3.90 • WARM SLEEPWEAR HANES — Fashion colors and perfect fit. Flannel, challis and brushed nylon Gowns and Pajamas • Seamless Sheers 1.50 4.30 by Barbizon, Schrank and Sleepeze. • Seamless Business Sheers 1.35 3.90 • Cantrece 1.65 4.70 • SLIPS, PETTICOATS AND PANTS • Silver Sheers 2.50 Matched sets by Van Raalte, Barbizon, Rogers, etc. A Perfect Christmas Gil • Seamless Demi-toe 1.65 4.70 Wallets - Key Cases - French Clutch FRUIT-OF-THE-LOOM - • ROBES Finest hose at popular prices. Arnel Fleeces, Nylon and Cotton Quilts. and other accessories to match. • Seamless — Plain and Mesh. . . . 99c 2.90 By Rolfs, Buxton and Baronet • Walking Sheer 99c 2.90 • Seamless Stretch 99c 2.90 • 70 Denier Service Weight 1.39 VAN RAALTE - "Flex-top" - the non-bind top. • Panty Hose 1.98 pr. 3 prs. • Seamless — Sheer and Business Sheers 1.50 4.30 • Full Fashioned Business Sheer. .1.65 4.70 • Fishnet 1.65 • Crochet Casuals 2.00 • LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEAS • I

TOPAZ — Agilon Panty Hose 2.98 • Handbags — Leathers and Vynels 2.98 up 5

CASUALS — Over-the-Knee 1.00 • Dressy Clutches — Fabrics, Silver, Gold « COTTON LISLE 1.39 and Beaded 2.98 up jj

SILK — Sheer or Business 1.69 • Handkerchiefs — Linen and Swiss « Embroidered 59c & 1.00 f ADLER • Knee-Hi Socks 1.50 up • Scarfs — Wools, orlons, and silk sheers 1.00 up | • Over-the-Knee Socks 2.00 • Textured Tights 4.00


Russo lold Dr. Murgwllo. IM*: Runnells Revamp dn wsor superintiHicleot of the hos- Week Heeded For piuil. and Vuton trinity oilieials thai Uit> new arrangements will bt" i» Address Change Setup To Cater tori*1 piMidmrf approval of H mailer Onr rrrt'i nonet. Iv resjuestc* Liiiin for rehabilitation of Ihe hospi- j u! readers of Uw "Lead«r" wlw To Elderly 111 . lal. i lire changing tbeir utdrcmes. For a truly professional for these Addrew IkU are made up otte The Inum Co; y Hoard of f e> vi-u- lii>l ad\unct^tl si'vetal veck in advance, aad «*htlv U ia and personalized holders Thurs-do i!t;h! rt-«.oiuu months ago l*y \\esi!iold Kr<-i?holder passible at the last minute to ed preuaraiiiJii tun lur.ldiui Arthur C Ki-t-ed. tend an extra paper lo a new INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE •i- hfliii-J of i Tin* hospilal will continue to con- irta without the wect"» ooiice. ^uii^i'fs lo lioki is AN EXCITING AND UNUSUAL a! HKHIIIII; duct a daily clinic for (lie detection Iw-'wren mm and The "Leader" vil, »e happy to ^i! to JIT;. ^t' lot' l!u' iidims ul lulx'iculusis But utl (jalu-nLs will forward paper, without extra SKIM Of such [Klilelllj, Us SO he sciil lu iilen (iardner. charge anywhere ia ihe Vultat tii Kosu Mali and :he 'I'hc hospital non houses about 1*0 Giatei (or tb»K labscribera who ' Gift Bautiqu* K Building. eldely ihronically ill palicnts. Hos- are planning to be awaj loj tem- The act ion casui- in thi wake of l>iial aiithtirities sny the hospital has porary iippi'UV ill Of Mllil uUS,t , oof tilhie' buildliu;k - mum fur as many as 4UU palionls. ffOIll SUilt' lllstllutnm> Aiiriu VISIT ._ . j fiKure officials say will IK' met More men tnaii womni died of authui'ilies. Stole oflinals also iip- i bier afti'r approval of the master cancer last year. This has bceo true inc. i proved use of part of these litiiid- plan und with furtlior implemeiila- fS since 1SM9, according to the Ameri- VTAS—M ' Laurence P. McCormack (left) and Mrs. Thi'o- ; ings as ri'skli-nccs for IHIIM'.- and : lion of Medicare. roger- michael associates oan Cancer Society. The ratio thlf ^a^l tf Westfleld Ch«pter, DAR, ore shown parking Christ- ; phv.-iiuius. I TI,,. hospital. fotind<>d as the Bon- ^^ chapter's 18 year old scholarship boy ul Crossiion- yenr is expected to be about SS mea 1636 Ea«t Second St., Scotch Plains, 322-8910 c aBd a carton c | Ulii'n plans are put into effi-et. ' nic Burn Saintiirium. w;is named to 45 women. Sec your doctor annu- K- " °' ^ '"'hinf to be distrib- DAILY 10 70 5.30, WEDS. 10 to 9 P.M. DURING CHRISTMAS the 1001 oli at ; tin- hospital will adniinisler entirely ' after Dr. Jolin K KUIIIIPIIS ill the ally for a health checkup to help «' M* «•" * "» thrift store u> raisi- ! tot he elderly ill. Lnlil now it hail mid ."ills. Dr. Hunnclls was nssoi'i- s nse MrB 1 reduce tlie cancer death rate. TL Kb°o'' PKP« *- ' Gerlach Is chairman of the ! housed ttiliereular palienls »lio IIHVI' :ued with tin hospital for 4« years, r | l committee, and Mrs. McCormack is cwhairiiian of (C M i now all bi'i'n tiansfernsi lo (tk-n "Dr. Nargu'ilo is the institution'* sec- I tlardner Saniuiruim ond director. I Coimly Welfare Director Viiior W. American Family. (leorjie and Mar- jl.iotta ri'fKirled st) persons are wait- i Symphony tha Washington of ^Mount Vermin, ; inw for admission lo (lie hospital. He In Area Virginia." Mrs. Hu^o Loesch will ; said an additional :!71 persons, now read the Chiislinas stoiy. ; inaititaiiitrd outside the n>uiil\ . could bring the Helsinki Sym- he shifiwt to ltunneUs llospn jeftrs (he Vienna Acad- Tea will Ix- served liefor<' Ihe pro- For th»> first lime iu S4 gram by Mrs. Irving Donaldson. Her years. 0 and Metropolitan Opera Hunnclls Hospital had no till] jajdor Uppman to Plain- assistants will be Mrs. Thomas H. • patients on its rolls Thursday. 1 1 next year's concert Ber- Eaton, Mrs. Edwin Lhtman and Mrs. The ni'U use of the hospital was C. D. Pulis. b announced by the i apprmed l>y Sl.-ile Itistitulions and Concert Asso- i Agencies Coinniissiuner l.h).\d W. i McCorkle. Welcome Wagon Notes member Helsinki Sym- t Tin* ap])io\al was announced j, a cello soloist, and the January Activities j Thursday by Thomas M. HUSRD. ad- total group will both per- iiif! chief of the stale's Huieali of | c sometime during the January activities for the West- Community Institutions, after a | 1968, according to Georges field Welcome Wagon Club will in- ! lour of the liospilal. I man of tlic aitistj' selec- clude a trip Jan. 28 to Madison littte. Square Gjirden for the New York- Isinki Symphony will be Boston basketball game. ; first United States tour, who is to perform hen- Other activities thut month are: Wednesday bridge. Jan. 11 at 12:.10 46* 1fea*) is being askod to return I the great response gun- p.m. in Ihi' home of Mrs. Sieve tiis last concert here. Rakosi, 77 Barchesler Way; kaffee klatch, Jan. 13 at 10 am. with Mrs. Verna H. llaiiniann, 2.'i2 Twin l);iks nents To Join Ter.; couples bi'idiie. Jan. 14 liosl- Children confuse new •istmas Party od by Mrs. Frank .J. Moniet and Mrs. Howard Kncy; crafts. Jan. 3 holiday Jumping-Jacks :qucs and literature and with Mrs. Hoy C. Wellerhall of !I44 Hrlmcnts of the Woman's Wyandotti' Tr. as hostess and .Ian. >s!fipld will have a joint 6 with Mrs. Hunter Wilson of !«.' with their regular smnrrow at 1:30 p.m. In Woodmen- fis hostess; knilliiii; and •use. sewing, fourth Thursday of the Christmas presents. H. Stuliler, in colonial month. nd with music of the pe- prcst'iit, "Christmas With Maybe that's our fault. ijtons." an original adap- TO BUY OR SELL, USE itlio hook hy Olive Bailey, LEADF.R CLASSIFIED ADS Vuliiidt's of One First

It happens all Ihe limr. Kiprclall) to girl*. You j>tI her ntw Jumpln| ENDS SATURDAY Jacks to tht'll look hfr prdlksl lor holiday purlin and vltllt. But at soon i\ she puK Ihtm on, she tlirls thinking of them at Chrl

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Whatever Amount of TIME, SKILL and PATIENCE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:0O is required wo give It gladly and courteously Save 36$ to $5.00 H 6-01QQ - OTHER TOWNS WX-2100 (No Toll) Complete line of Orthopedic Shoes DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLEO Please Shop West fie Id

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n,BroadSt. J —Cor. South 8. Leland-Cor. W. 7th & Clinton ., Open Evenings Til Christmas 1094 Arlington Ave.—306 Somerset 2) Page 8 THE WESTFIELD 1KNKR intramurals. now lim.shed, aliracied suit, their team name will be en- most nobody re/used to buy at least ; football intramural program. He ex- Kraved on the sports plaque. captained by Sue Heesch and Mel decided by the finai match Asvn In the girl.s' physical education de- IWi girls. Matuszak. one bond" Sharon explained that i plained that this was a trial year gers John Blauvelt, Tim Gordeuk partment, full volleyball and horkey Tin. junior hockey team. The Of- Volleyball inlramwals found a tie The Double Taps were the victors she would ifo out -A IMISI every other j and although many boys parlici- of the game and of the entire tourna- duy. and sei 11 Koul of 25 Lxinds sold j paled, its late start, conflict wiih Mark Braxton. Kevin Shannon ment with a Ju-u record. With a 8-1-3 tor each time she went out. jolliers once. Senior letter winners Mike Jtarnage triumphed IB-15 ' record the Nets were second. The AFS banner will yo to lop "tied as referees. Overviewing the finished inira- homeroom 129. which sold 930 bonds, loH'cr activities, and poor weather By DEBBY BERSE AN OLD SAYING murafs. Miss Victoria Melosi. girls' for the remainder of the year. Home.- I conditions hindered its achieving full In order to further their study- of physical education department huad, roam 151 was second with 6»5 bonds i potential. cells. Westfield High sophomore: H n! ! feels that participation was excel- sojjj I Jack Hu-nrickson sparked his team, ology classes have been conducting ' ° If You Don't Do With Your Head You'll Have To Do lent. The girls who signed up to par- ' consisting of Ken Millerando, Gary experiments to show the niovemi-ni f ticipate came out and stayed with By CHRISTOPHER KOBRAK of substances through cell ni», :S a sulllllon u» I'almer, Rick Maxwell, Tom Bige- er With Your Feet. tlie inlraimirals. For the first time in Westfield His!) low, Tom Mantz. Chris Kobraic, branes. j Basketball intramurals, under Miss School history, bovs were offered Hutch Taylor, Jack Howard, and ex three fall intramural sports. One One of the basic facts learned i*. | m T^ » WHY SPEND TIME AND ENERGY WHEN YOU CAN Evelyn Unkelbach's supervision, he- Pete Jensen, to an undefeated season v M recently, with a larger turnout hundred and seventeen students par- fore these experiments were uer!;~ ' sa' and the championship. forrreed was that cells have a seii-c FIND WHAT YOU WANT AT this year than last. ticipated in the basketball, football, Recently, under the supervision of Miss Susan Hoffman reports that and wrestling programs. Joseph Kursar, the wrestlers con- tivity permeable membrane Tiiii there are 70 girls involved in begin- Led by captain Mark Reddy, Hie cluded their intramural program means that the outer layer of the et-n ners' modern dance and 21 in ad-team of Al V'egian, Vic Barbiero, with a tournament between Stephens' can regulate what enters and «-|lat vanced. Stu Goldblatt and Brad Rouillard Green Avengers, led by senior John leaves the cell. Substances wj-, THE CORSET SHOP While the beginners are learning swept the basketball intramurals. Stephens, and Pepper's Marauders, the basic skills and techniques that The tournament consisted of 10 led by junior letter winner Don We have a Garment for every figure and every need will "supplement their class work, i teams with each team playing the Pepper. the advanced group is working on j The Brassiere, Cinlle or All-in-One Foundation are designed compositions for the program they hope to present at the GSC dessert. lo Mold — Uplift —Slim and Smooth your figure, so your outer Eighty girls have come out for French Gymnastics. After Miss Holf- Past Time garments will not Sag nor Bag. man leaches the necessary skills, the girls will tryout for membership in ( You are able to choose from our HUGE assortment of this group. the styles and makes you want. By JEFF KAIIN The junior class of Westfieid High School has successfully completed BALI COSSARD SMOOTHIE its annual AFS Bond Drive with a GODDESS SURPRISE record breaking total of over $4,000. BIEN JOLIE Commenting on the drive, Mrs. CAMP HOLLYWOOD TREO Kathleen Stephens, junior class ad- CHARACTER NEMO TRU FIT visor, said, "Tiie juniors are to be CORDE DE PAREE LILY OF FRANCE TRU BALANCE congratulated on the success of their LADY MARLENE VENUS bond drive. They have realized the CROWN importance of world fellowship and CUSTOM MAID LILYETTE VANITY have accepted the bond drive as a DO ALL MAIDENFORM WARNER challenge lo do somethln;; concr^Le." EXQUISITE OLGA YOUTHUNE Miss Louise ineurer, assistant FLEXEES PROMISE YOUTHCRAFT principal and a member of the town FORMFIT SARONG AND MANY OTHERS AFS committee, said that WHS may Announcement receive one to three AFS students next year and that it costs $750 to FRANK LAURINO Colonial clocks anil clock linnets, painstakingly anil bring one student to Westfield. Miss formerly of Salon de Paris Regardless of price, every garment purchased is fitted to you Theurer added that the town com- handsomely reproduced to bt> the focal points of is now associated at No Extra Charge. You shop with confidence. mittee, in conjunction with a group your home settings. An enduring Christmas gift to of WHS students, would decide later delight the eye und ear. Clorlt hands shown, St; with in the year as to what would be done clocks from 19.95 to 09.50. Gift certificates. Our Guarantee to Westfield Shoppers: "If Any Garment in Our with any excess money from the drive. The Village Coiffures Stock Can Be Purchased for Lets Elsewhere — We Will Refund Man. nnd Sut. 10:30-6 Top salesmen for the drive were Tues. thru fri. 10:30-9 Hitir Stylists the Difference." Sharon Carmody and Maryetlc Brown with sales of 392 and 254 catalog free ij you 475 Watchung Ave. bonds respectively. Sharon credited visit, or her success to two factors. "First," Watchung, N. J. she said, "I wont to all Hie apart- send 15c to: GIVE HER A GIFT CERTIFICATE, SO SHE CAN ment houses, which saved a lot of 272 Highway 22, Green Itrook, New Jersey 757-5404 time, and second, I found that if I CHOOSE THE STYLE AND MAKE SHE LIKES THE CORSET SHOP 148 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD, N. J. 233-2615

in this quiet DON'T QUAUT* and place... SERVICE MISS "HOW THE TROUSERS a book may SLACKS be read that GRINCH can give you SPORT SHIRTS fresh 'purpose Beautifully in life STOLE Cleaned and Pressed You may have passed by this quiet place many times—but have never entered it.Yct here in this peaceful room, ready CHRISTMAS' foryou to read, is a book that ' has brought new meaning into the lives of many, has FLAT WORK SERVICE given them hope and a sense MEN'S BUSINESS of spiritual direction. It can SHEETS— 25c ea. do this for you. SHIRTS — 25?! ea. The place is tho Christian SINGLE SHIRT 28c PILLOW CASES - 15c ea. Science Reading Room; the SHIRTS ON HANGER 30c ea. Overnlte Service Available book, Science and Health •THIS SUNDAY, DECEMBER (.Mure 'I'hun One) Except Fri. for Sat. with Key to the Scriptures Beautifully Laundered and Finished by Mary Baker Eddy. Stop at a Christian Science 7:00 to 7:30 P.M. Reading Room soon; readth o ...ON Bible and Science nnd Health CBS-TV Channel 2 FEATURES GARMENTS in the quiet, undisturbed at- mosphere provided foryou. BROUGHT TO YOU BY BKOUGHT Borrow this book, free of IN B'EFORE charge. Or buy it. for yourself. THE FOUNDATION FOR COMMERCIAl BANKS U NOON Library Edition 8-V. Paper- back Edition Sl.Vta. SA1URDAY S C R V IC.E.Z Christian Science on DRY CUANIN6 '& SHIC 1 ( A U NDI RlING READING ROOM I NO EXTRA CHARGE 118 QU1MBY STREET NATIONAL BANK WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE Hours: 10 to 4:30 WESTFIELD -DRIVE-IN Alio Monday, 7 t* 9 -STORE? 100 NORTH AVL GAR WOOD 'A Comi>nt)fity information concerning freo HOURS ; public lectures, church services £ fjt-'.'O N ROUTE-^8' nnd Sunday school Is als6 avail- • .' :•: .:•'•••;.• •--:•••'• t -,' :•.. able. M«mUr o( Fedcr.1 Rci!. irained admirably by B ; lVarl Nrrklaces Will ' lace is ever popular. Hidden or 'cului'iii! toui-h. buih Ui tin- eye and jGolden Wedding j jc«,-U>d cla.s|)s add n«w versatility. enith In Christmas Concert •:is? (live her the glowinj; white -when llu? role oi of strain in product ion. an cxceih-n; i lured pearls. Pins, rings, earrings Mr alitt Mrs. Antunio C.iudilta of nia^ic of i>earl>. jre Own a pro- control of dynamics. wiUi -special m- • i and pendants lonncd of small elu»- 00 WO! !w' '\i-ni!i^ M LIS Jo.ill , i KW Collage PI. cclcliiaicd iheir suili 's viewed in its lention to a really huj.ln.-d soft ion,. IH- Mn • The classic iM-auty uf a iwiirl nock- ' lers of poitrls offer still uther ideaA. Loept as uf Woicvsicr. Sits. -^ jwetldint; iiniuversiu-y Salurtlay at a perfectly trained precision, both oi 'certainly- to analyze i-hiii-:i:ir.£ l>eaut;!tllly j i i dinner party ^i\t'n l>> lluir children *',,, a mood IO inscribe rhythm and voiei- iMilrancc. i\;m ;; : at Mouiilainsidc Inn It lulltnvcd a intonation, and last, but far lrn::i lent would be a dese- miili-'.ci) .~i»a«.—iyttijj tv- 'v I blessing L»y Ihe Hov. lOuiit-no McCoy ^^week d* Christmas least, a clarity of lu"'i!.i f ffestfield Men s Glee MISS Mnyn.i. u ;' \ Io this i-tuiiilry as children imd were ol beau:y and the listcni'iy: r ,en" avi,;;,, r air captivating soprano M i:-d. -d ii<-!'u'..l uf study married in Hniuklyn. I'liey have , Marie Moyna. The eve- enee "a joy forever.' Si:,., !!.si>. five children. Yalenline of Kdison. v\ L'of pure joy and salis- M s All this is not olk-n reached v.. '"" * in filli l»n-.; history .1: Mrs Joseph Suiiij- o( Wi-sttield. Mr*. kiad oi d«'i*ndable and Itihn Dudiish of Fanwootl. Mrs I'.i- choral singing, urn it sib ,n hi. I ' i) ,v'., l:HT.-.l.iiv ft 11m Movart to ^nmunicsiion Uiat one tncia Aniicueci of rlurwoott and I{oh- week's concert, niuc-h t th,. credit: hv il.;-.!.,,!,,!. S;..- UM'ii leM.s 111 rill be r»'|K-a*>ed again u ert of (;ar\vood. 'rhere iirr ton n'anti o( some half a hundred people in „.,'•,,.. ••ur-'iiaj-vs MIIII i-,|.,i;i!ly fine I -;lici l.lii.iiv cliildten ami one fiival Kianditaniih- eluding the club itself, its inu.-iciunlv ter. on has a long and Xl ! conductor and its faithful :1.ul .':,>-' "-'- >; ^--" Mnyiu is Mr. (JiutliUii. a earnenter. worked jjtoy and traditionally quent accompanist. Sylvajuis wide i:uu:;- smiiiitti and mi! A IK1STMAS CKNTKHIMIM f, is h

  • K prepared fur (hi- hulldny llill- for Magnus Cbenucal Corp in (Inr musical pleasure in gen- kins. -r'.l Irinii u.p tii Iniiiorn. UI'II 1 tier Tuesday ttf the <"luli uf I.Utlr (.itrdens li>. U-ft Io right. Mrs. (u'rard wood f,ir ten years and for different j m to our ronununity. ; I-.IM uf breath i-ontiol. vn ie The program was wi T, Mrs:. Frinu- contraeloi's i:i the state. he leadership of Edgar Well pill ti»..:c!h- IH-SS 111 iti,. Imver !i>!lc.- ;i!ld brilliance Is Tiitnir. Mrs. Altin Mt-lnlyrr und Mrs. Hit hard er. with due attention to \ ;n-i-'i\. ',,: ViN irhcrs. no* in his second year llt-.- «i;rli I ,.. ;lir,Hl How with use of the old masters such ; >;'O..T 1 t r the group is noticeably ; !hr l!!t;il,'>suin tli.i' Boro Woman's Club Sets Bach, and contemlHjrary arraipjc-' m, Mw zenith in its artistic iit'ii-i li\c u^i^ Hie iirtis'u rricnts of traditional ea!'ols. wiih 111.: uni'-rpr, Gardeners Prepare iMidshipman is Chosen ut the «l,,i|,. sonc. Will Parties In New Year loo much unfamiliar material thrown i nu unit FoF r AAcademd a deepening sense of ailenlLou in u>c.i! i!is|.|;;/ 1 in for popular consumption the! . x Program Mmintiiliiside - - Tilt MuiinUiiusidt- jucs and many of the Holiday Dinner i P whole choice astutely made. ,. A* uv n|"'l! !l" Iul'' "( """ W. Scliniuil, M 1 I'l'iluiiil.-iiii .it the i ami Mrs. Charlie Wa'.krr of If>or» llou Ijood. are now percept- The iwiys tiohlf choir ' iit 1 asliiiu::iiii Silmnl are from Huosrvi'lt J n ill, in;- iif l..i|i;iy ;.iuiltors .1 !UI[K1.I> (iiruier at the tmlMt- (it slupiiu-n of tin- I'. S. \a\al Acadi-my l'" • I'-b/alu-th. Tn-krls can IH- ob Mrs Alan Melntyre. mi Knurl li «-|w will partjei])iiti- in tin- Acad lained (rum the cliaiiinan. Mr: \\ e . on Vui'sday cv rniii);. N ll rmy's "Oiicralitm Infuiiiiatiun' pro '•'''"» "l'P "' =«" I'ui'lridKi" Hun Mrs Hieliard \'oiirlic(\s. huspilal DM World's Most Precious Cigar Leaf tlu IINIVI* 'l'lu> ^ri>er:iunn iniurnial UMI ]M1riml> hn km .luliil lenelit party to which inenilh'rs and |;"MissUJC" Title • i.-kcii Jubilee. Shrimp An lir.Hm. ! „,,,„,,..,.,.,,.,, M K|,,,,,,,, , ,.|,,<• ild Hue and lieily Parl.ul Her i ^.,,1,,^, .,,,,„..„..„„.„ „, ,.j . tad* all Long leaf — Imported — Havana Tobacco 1 inil[ C.K" M fiiMin .i.iKiey. K Heri;, I. 1-ViiK, A lit 1. | lh(. Aea,l,M.iy. ils acad.Miiie pro«nim. Mrs. Charles Mackay and Mrs. Ar- ;": j .1 Llllior Collide •rlli-y an- Kiisi-.M !i. KassniKer. S. luir. (,. MiCart j Muthe. A«-;«l»-niy"sAcademy s. expandsexp ) eiirnoiluni : ni-y. A. Melnlyic. II Moss. C t and nomination and admissions pro r Winter. #1 ruirw rnonwA "!|JU'MV IJ| |:|fl s<»'Ui ^>'- ->'';m it's easy to spot a VW. It'* lh» one that keep* *i THICK LORONA i;.;Sc.ilM (if ,,.,- ,,, s.lllv , It. Seasliv.iiii. W Seimett. F. 'I'ahi AS ADO RES :i .). Tuwnseml anil .1 Walswi-i-r. moving through Iho snow. 25 for $15.95 Wi-inrich ui mil Maye SI . .loan T. Master Point Duplicate for $17.95 I lie spiMkiim ;thilny, p;ntiri|r;H inn in A VW will go up Icy hills when other can won't II kecfe ol lij-l l.onuucw Dr.. M111111 Game Is Slated CHURCHILLS L:!laiusidr an ;unt j^ri»i1i' m(T;i!;e. Those fi ! SCMlell 1'I.IIIIS. A Master I'uinl dupliciile liriduc 25 for $19.95 j men .'•ok'itcii ;nv rrt'Dtiiuu'rutrd by roar wheels much beilor (faction. fi. "Miss V.h" «i!l I).- M Icileil in ; 1 iuiw will lie plnyed Tuesday ill B 5 for $10.95 1 Iln'ir supervising N^t\ ;il or Miiiini And beeauso t!io VW engino Is cooled with U \-iile of all day scssimi sludi'iils. am "Cinderella" i in in Jefferson School, Proceeds CLARO - E.M.S. ; Corps officers. 13 will lie crowiu'd at thr annual ('bus! 'lenefil lhi> SI'IKHII'S 1TA iiclivilies. air, not water, there's no need for anti-freor*. . 1 . c. 1 , ... -.. . , _. :•: ' mas d.uuv for all the students al tin Dec. 28 Winners of the lasl name were: No chanco of the block cracking. (No boiling ry a Complete Stcck of AM Cigars al Low Discount s; i ini.tu-h-r. Mii;hurn. I Trees Of Christmas Noilh Soulh — l-'irsl, Itnltcrl UIIW-V A ..„,„!:„. pn.huHo,, .„ the ,.„„„ ^^ ovor in summon) No draining. No flushing. No Mail and Phone Orderi Accepted]. Dunh II Agency. Ml^s Sei.'l. daudller ijf Ml. ;im; Hahno Wjndows nut IV C. Itamicy; .second. Mr. nod ,tf chiidirir.s l;iii'> l;ilc. "t'liidn t 1 Mrs. M. I1tnlierj;er; Ibirtl, t!ord(»n rust. You can park a VW outdoors In sub-zero Club. We mail anywhere. i; : Mrs. Civile I-:. Stvtl, .mil Miss Uein 1 ;i." will In picsi'iitrtl by Ilir "Once I -j^ , '"jvri iif (In islniii.s" nl U.-irker and Doimlns Sampson: weather and it's ready to roll as soon as you p,-n A Tin... IMiy.-rs." Wednesday, j „.,„,' s (-,>nl|,,,nv, Kmh Av(. _ ,,.,„. I'niirlh. Mrs. Francis Meeks a.,d Mis. turn the key. STFIELD TOBACCO SHOP li^:"^-^^."'!™:^ 1 ll l 11 ' ••"' ••" "' "»" • " ""' »'"''!.„•.„. a,;,in I.',„ unveil,,! in .-oMtin Irriih-e Ctinslahle. -' 1 lli:li Si liim! w lull* Mis> l.ivi"-y Sehiuil. J wo p- l ItirmalH-.'s \MII I tit-il tr.-itlilitnl 'rile trees first ;ip|ie:i;- KnM-WesI — First. Mr. nml Mrs. If thoro isn't any ico and snow around when (I ;tt I p in. .Hid (Ms. ,i tnniinunUy M-j^iii* l.iM-sy. is a Ki'adn.'iU' »f Holy Trimly irior tn the openmi'. Hit- slorc here h'.'uld Krupnick: Iliird, Mr. nml 232-2627 lijili Schmil All tin- Kills, are lib Uotiji of UK' 'inali-r \\V>tlif (l SIT extraordinary abilities. Just como In and take a ( Hint time l!iey have hecoiiif ; Mrs. T A. Mel'artiiy. fourth, John Mia ii .:CT«':1 icral ails majors. inn, \;it'(ji;il i (lit mil uf .lew t >h , wch-unio part ol Christina:; lor West lallin.ul and lluss Kallslt'oin. VW for a run. Through somo sand or mud. >V(;iiii'iu (In ( rl: (I (li ;iMUili/;iho!is * ' | lield rcsid.'lils. •liildfi'ii's rl:i\SH s MMCC it -i incr\ This year the trees, daz/lc with What sweet delii;ni , wi||| ,,.|ilv wr. ,.,, ,,ms ,„,,„„. „„.„. school recess, will IK' Uiiuctl •-• ' 1124-1134 South Avonu* Plainfictd IX) YOUH CllUIHTMAS KIIOPI'IN'O (V-74OQ {would you believe a medium size hill) liunity faiihlies LI:AI»I;U ADS "Clllfl.'relia" will base a ni'«- ook. T'h1.. l']a\'"rs' \ ersinn will ro fo bring you watches for a lifetime main (a'tlilul Io the original story ivnitcn by (he French author. Chas IVrrault. and many of Ihe yoiinu of proud possession " ;>liiyH(ior* will be happy Io find the piin.i' K'lve three halls, not one. for his subjects. Mrs. l-'rank Klby of 11)1(1 Tic l'l. Put Buster Browns 's the direclor. Act!\!- in children':- Ihealcr work and sunmier .slock for nany years, sb-- is ;i ^i;iduate served as technical | /• *•••> diroctdf of the ( hildren's Kdnca- Perfect gilt (or any daughter, grandaughtor, son O tiona] Thealt'i" at Julius Hopkins I'ni- vcrsity. or grandson ... good looking, long wearing Cast members include Irom West shoos from Buster Brown. Let us show you all the OMEGA \- 'le!d M1 ^(l.iiui s Saul I,eii:htoll. ; favorites with Buster and Tigo Insido the shoe. Hunter Wilson, David (ban. l'.urlon j l-'emsiiiiih. Sy Salt/man, Henry /.tin- merman and llaioid Handcll. from Give a gift certificate and wo'll fit tho MniinlantMde, Me^daini-s St:in!ey children perfectly. Cl'llzeik-r, .loel .Slol/, Abe Sucknn. | I.awi ini-i- Kia^niill. William liliiuili and Joseph Indick, Also. Mis. liar To be more i>ld Ailifnn.di uf Spiiiii:lii-ld. Mrs i Aclicriiian and Mrs I.eon- | Precise (like our ar! J Bienne, overlooking the ! ,-iic: Mrs. Mn-hacl Slawtsky :>n and ; •••and meeting the Omega staff of j scf-ni ry are i-.:ncd by the IMay- j Ereat craftsmen, I now understand j rs A('coiii|.ani-.t will In- Mrs War- ! Jar better why Omega watches are tho j ren I'rcbluda | world's best. See for yourself. Stop In S|Hcciai ejouji rales for oiiMMi/a- ; •M view my handpicked Omega Collection. sifMK arc available. Tickd • may be ! Free Wrapping, free delivery and no extra chargo for credit. purchased in Wcslfieid Iroin Mrs. : . Hrrillj.ii'Ui. I W.-slbio.ik lid : Mrs. | Irviiu: Kunl/. l«;7 Willo-.v drove ltd . ' ! and Mr^. llurlon I-VuiMiiith. (i I'uie j i :'I and in Moiintamsitle, from Mr--, ' j Muriay Mandcr,. n.iii Sa* Mill It-.l.. ! j Mrs. Zy::iminilt (io!t;>ih. H>V1 I.'-di;c- ! J v%ood Hd . and Mrs. MCIMH Liber- ! -nan. :i::-l lulling Hock Ild. '•

    Panhellenic News

    Alpha Chi Omega

    Alpha Chi alumni mt'i-lini; Ihc sec- ond Tuesday of every inonlh a! n p.m. Those interested in aitemlini:, may conUict Mrs. Alden C., 207(1 llilllop ltd.. Siolch Plains. 4diamof.ds.I rcld me. rlcren- I*. (,','. ";• ""loTOlicili, tellm Matchlnic MI» f"" 'S iniuSr' im-d end:. Sjppntin r lasted crystal. Ji«. Beta Sigma Phi The iinnun) < •lirKhnj.s p;n!y id ... A Shop Devoted Exclusively to the Alph-i Chi (.'liupti'r ijf Utta Sit;- ma Phi of Wcstlicld will be lii.-ld tho Filling of Children's Shoos . . . Starting Dec. 16th Tiii/sdiiy in the IIUIIK- of Miss Cathy ALSO RUTHERFORD Dunn of Kcnilwortli. Miss M;iry 17 ELM ST. 233-7172 WESTFIELD open evenings 'til 9 ADAMS 3-0529 RIDGEWOOD • HACKENSACK linker spoke Ihis v.i-ck on "Tin' Art I N. J, I MORRI5TOWN of Dr«'«s" ;il a ir.t-c'.ini; al Mi.-.s Ol:;a | JEWELERS Kabku's in Scoti.Ii l-'lains. { Page 2 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS, jnSfi * Ali cubs participated in a panto- i ]\ew L'JC Fraternity | When preparing cooked food for Boy Scout News inhiH' skit for the Thanksgiving sea- What To Seek i your freezer, however, there are a [Station Radio-TV Christmas Trees & Fire i^*., son called "A Frontier Thanksgiv- I few suggestions that will help you j Is Alpha Sigma Mu Last year the average cosi nf PACK 79 ing." | to have a quality product. Christmas tree fire was ,norc «h " Tll Tamaqucs Cub Pack 79 continued Mr. C'-'leman, assistant Culjinusler. Choosing New ! A new fraternity comprised of for-| Koods should Ix' prepared as if In New Location JUOO worth of damage to Z\*£ its fall dramatic series with Mis. presented fill of the- cubs ;iud their I mcr .servicemen. Alpha Sigma Mu. ! to serve immediately, but cook time Puck's Den 5 giving impressions of ' has been organized by students at j should be shortened slightly to at Station Kadio & Television Inc., siMers and brothers with Tlianks- Table Linens ; sales and service for major and mi- This figure is bast* on I.FPA Fir, future life ill u rendition ul •Spue- j;i\iin! candy gills. These <|iiickly t'nion Junior College. I low additional cooking if Ihe food Ship" while Mrs. LUUL-'S t'ubs ol By CAROLYN I\ YUKNIS j The new chapter will have Ihe Al- j is to be reheated. If it is not to be nor household appliances. Monday Record Department estimates tl a* disappeared bill Paul Sinnii'ki, Cub- Senior County Home Economist opened a new showroom at 127-A here were almost Chrisln . X>ea 7 reached hack intu history ti.a-ster. stressed Ihe \ aJui1 uf k'.v- I pha Sigma Mu fraternity at Newark I reheated, as with mosl desserts, M50 with "Prospectors Looking for Gold." If in\v tables aie on your cifl sliop- I College of Engineering as a"brolh cook it for the complete time. Central Ave. tiee fires ,n homes during the i«5 ! iiig as well as receiving. Mr. Polyk pinji list or if you me looking for Both dens struck puydirl will) their j U;7S i|,a,,ki.d fur .•.rranjjcme-nls >,<. [ err" unit. Cool foods promptTy and package The service department will be new linens for your own holiday in amounts that will be eaten ai expanded and will remain at the plays which were loudly apprcciaiuri j nlJci(, ,0 „,., n,t, (,if(s fo). (lu. boy;b. table, be prepared lo find many new ! Alpha Sigma Mu is the fourth fra- by all future prospectors and space- „,.,„• , , i lernily for day session students on the one meal. To cool quickly, set store's former address, 333 South iU'ins in this lino the uncovered pan in which the food Avc. W., where it has been located n)en Tilt follciwinfj a\v;irds were mud?: Today's table coverings offer end- the Union Junior College campus Wolf—Robert Mel^oud, Richard Pup- was cooked in ice water. This will for 21 years. Opening ceremonies were led by sin and Philip Lilue; Hear—Hobert less decorative variety and many The others are: Pi Kappa Psi, the Den 2, Mrs. Larnes, den mother. oldest fraternal group on the UJC stop the cooking action: retard and Acquisition of the new property Colcman. materials, as well as patterns, arc prevent the growth of bacteria, and FIREPLACEwJ The following new boys were in- quite a change from the traditional campus. Gamma Iota Alpha, and will double the size of the corpora- ducted into the cubs as Bobcats- Alpha Pi Omega, national service reduce the possibility of a leftover tion's combined quarters, said Abner Seasoned Hardwmui while tablecloth. taste. Roger Albisser, James Cofer, Mich- Supper Club Parly Certainly prettiness isn't the only fraternity. W. Jackson of 4 Thomas Ct. John ael Innes and Joe Porkowski. All feature of table coverings, perform- Spices are affected by freezing. A. Zande of Plainfield is the corpor- cubs and parents greeted the new The Saturday Night Supper Club Pepper, cloves, synthetic vanilla, ation's vice president. of First Methodist Church will hold ance and upkeep are also prime boys with a loud cheer. considerations. Freezing Hints celery seasonings, and curry become its Christinas parly Saturday in (he stronger. Monosodium glutamate HASKELL BRo Billy Hardin and Cully Willis re- Social Hall. Santa will be present In looking at new table covers you ceived recruiters neckerchief slides Social Hal t wl p will improve the flavor of some foods Store your food in moisture-vapor for their efforts in recruiting two with bell son to pass out the "while will find both cotton and linen cloths For Cooked Foods if it is added to the food as you resistant freezer materials. When elephants." There will be carols. in a wide variety of screened prints would in regular cooking. new boys into the pack. and woven plaids, plan and novelty food is not stored in these protec- TREE EXPERT fun and holiday food. All couples By ANNE L. S11EELEN Attendance awards were presented weaves, pastel and bright solids. A' few foods do not freeze satis- tive wrappings, the result is a dry- in the church ere invited. Phone County Home Economist factory. Fried foods, except for ng out of the surface of the food to Den 5 le. . . . From Lancaster Ltd. Look for special stain-resistance COMPLETE GIFT WRAP SHOP finishes that offer good protection — Your Christmas Gift Shop! BAR SUPPLIES gainst spills being absorbed. • Check the const ruction of any LEATHER AND BRASS ACCESSORIES cloth. Is the material firmly woven and are the hems securely stitched. For lace cloths note if the threads are tightly stitched and the edyes ' closely sewed. From Our Party Bazaar .. . From Our , From Our The Largest Candle Light Shop . .. Wrap Shop... Selection of Christmas Our Selection From This Shop Put That "Christmas Glow" 95 and Everyday Is As Complete As Your When You Give a *14' watch In Your Home From Our Needs Demand. Scads and; Paperware To Suit Unique Selection Of Christ- Scads of Papers and Ribboni| of Color and Design — front; You are Lucky if You give the Any Occasion. mas Candles — Seeing Is Demure Simplicity to RIGHT TIME.., Believing! Sophistication. From Our with this one MARTIN JEWELERS IVa Not Gifts . . . Writing Paper.. . Too Late. .. Greeting Card Si A Most Complete For An Unbelievable ColU Wide Array of Unusual Selection of Eaton Personalized and Selection of Chm GIVES YOU Gifts from "Around the and Crane Writing Papers Gifts and Cards to Suit Every TQSI World"-Especially .Early THE Packaged Especially Stationery • By Exclusive Manvfw1 American Wooden Ware For Christmas RIGHT TIME For Gift Giving Any Box of Stock Cardi Co Giving Personalized - 24-Ho«'* & s THE DAY From Our Adult Game Shop . . . From Our Bar Shop . • • The Largest Collection of Unusual Every Need to Make a Merry! Adult Games in New Jersey! from the Party Opener to the Party Sfopf> •frCribbage(10 styles) •ft Clapper A Collection of Bar Gadgets end Sgpp«« On the face of it, this watch looks like any "& Chess — Domestic and ft-Round Puzzles other. But look again. There's a little window Imported (40 styles) That Is Overwhelming! "ft Go where the "3" used to be. It's the calendar -fa Poker Supplies part of the watch. When it's the 16th of the •fo Puzzles •ft All Plastic, Plastic Coated month, it reads 16. There isn't a calendar watch ^T Flip Hockey and Magnetic Playing Cards From Qur Leather Shop. made that can do better. You'd expect a watch like •ft Roulette •ftYahrze Open Stock Leathers and Desk this to bo expensive. It's not. The Caravelle division of •ft Space Maze Bulova made this finely machined, jeweled-lever move- "ftAnd Hundreds and Hundreds Accessories of All Kinds - Colors and "ft Shoot the Moon of Additional Ideas for ment watch to sell for $14.95. Does anyone else sell a cal- Buy a Piece - Buy endar watch as fine as this for $14.95? That'll be the day. •ft Skittles Home Amusement Here's Just A Sampling of Many Gift Suggestions Throughout Our Shop — Too Numerous to i Caravelle division of BULOVA USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET OR CHARGE PAYMENT PLAN — Your Christmas Gift Shop! All Gifts PERSONAL JEWRER" Gift Wrapped Open For Evening' Christmas Giving at) caster, e±4. WESTFIELD f I OTHER STORES : ENGRAVERS STATIONERS ELM & QUIMBY STS. I 8 IN CRANFORD & udiliai!ii;w]lu)llilliiiillllll!;i|?l .-»-.•.. » T M>-»V — w i >••••— . -—-— ^^


    | By Flare Of CRANFORD HALL NURSING HOME Mrs Carohn Mnutt, 44. nf lffil lew Aye siiifered tiunu A Horn* of Distinctly* Car* 4.0'. They arc awarded several pnv- (he face ;il S -."• p ni Saml.iy win II ^"i'^'Vr'lu.vl of 421 ileges. such as preference in finals- an oven barkfircd a.- she was I t A Your Inspection Invited Honraro - ^.^ Tlieta j cial aid. special cuiiiiM'iiini: and sim- nit: it cial interdepartmental Mrs. Men ill treated at M jnunial General Hospital, fiiui: 600 Lincoln Park East, Cranford, N. J. Suzy Smith is a member of tlu- • I-'ire Department oitit.-i.ils saaf that BR 6-71OO 66-voice Hanover iln VOl'K I'HKI.STMAS SIIOI'lMNii Carol Knapp, daughter of Mr. and THKOl'UH I.KAOKIt ADS Mrs. Burton U. Knapp of Alkiidale. formerly of Wes'.Jiold. has been init- iated inlo Tau Pi I'hi. national busi- I'niversity, ness and economics honorary at Ma- nan in ''1C " a (h rietta Cullege where she is u senior. A graduate j !i«". A member of the Economics Club, -n.i"h Sch«ul. her other j president of Alpha Xi Delta soror- ^Cts include Mock Con- \ity and a dean's list student, she is a graduate of Westfield High Seliooi. * * * David M. Palmer ol ;;:7 Shadow- lawn Dr. is a member of Hie l.chigi; j p< candidates for the University Mustard and Cheese Dra- J'/.n lux lit BtlltsA^ AublH ";! Board of the Carlisle. lll> Ulul dmL m matics Club which presented Shake- TOYS FOB Till: CHII.DKKN. \ <;AII.VI)r( OH ATKI> TKi:i:-;md fim fur all. Tills family holiday W l' ' ' ' speare's tragedy. 'Julius Caesar' scene, reeurdi-rt UIK.UI IKSll. ie|irei.eill> inaii.v (.1 Ihe Christmas traditions must helmed tttd».V. II is 'L chosen during the sec- last week. inuri- than • an iild-fasliii.iied ChriMinas." lor sueh euslums as exchanging gills aiul bringing'green- , n) ssmiy l«r outstanding * * * ery iiidwirs dui'jii! the wmirr linlidavs uricinated in aiieieiil linus. "Mudern" Clirlslitius rrlrbrti- »ork or demonstrated Steve filceke is a memlier of the tiini!, combine Ir.ulitu.ns ,,\ m:my n.iiiims and eras, says llw Kneyelnpedia Atiiriiranu. L in appt-llsui- advocacy, recently formed "Swingslers." a 17- L Junior and Middler moot piece dance band composed of Hei- HIISI Selmaiv. a iminir al Trer.Sun i grains under I lie supervi- : delberg College students. Jts first Stale ColU-ce. rec. n:;\ aj-peareil .-^ Singer I'uinliiigr* Kxhihit bt faculty- Hciiiukkah Parly formal assignment was playing for Madame I•<.n- in ;, piv.-i-n!.,Hon el • : Now At Aillcr'h Ilrrr * * * the college's annual Christmas Ihe .luie- HoMiiiiiic |ij;,j, |llu|ol lis Hunt, son nf the Rev. dance. Knock" A spi'fdi .n!> major, she Held At Temple A colleetieH! vl paintings l>y Kstlier 512 Law 4 * * Ciark W- Hunt of ' is tlu- dauyht-.-r North Ave. j,tfsiiy. Di'l;w;ire. O., as a freshman member or the Judicial ul will he availaliU' tlirulliih this Board at Wilson College. Chambers - • •> ! i rncciii cii!t-il.-d Uie It .uhtK'tliil eau rscholar, liiiversily schol- iiinlh al gallery pines In adili burg. Pa. A fre.sliman, she is the Nancy Vojjler. a fi-esl»iian al V.n- ' i!i-li.:!i!Mi : rereiiiony tur children nt a group of upperclassmen dieiilt JiinuM- Ci.lleKe. |le\eri.v. n 20 |xr eent i>( I lie monies ae- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Temple I'.nwnui Ml. e maintained « 3.5 scholas- Mass . is serving an internship m Ihe | the I'liildreir.s Mpeeiali/eil Hospi- Blood of Scotch Plains. p p over 10,000 aseragt i out of a possible Pri'sbylei inn Weekday Nursery The 1 laiiukK.ih party, sponsored tal. School. She is the daughter uf Mr. !by Ihe \\estlie!il MoiintaiiiMile it'nai Mrs. SitiKer »( Springfield .studied different LONG PLAYING and Mrs. Lotus Vngler o) I.M i li'rilh ami the Men's Club of Teui al Ihe Art Student's Iieiicut' in New RECORDS coin Kd. ! pie rjtinnu i:i. im Ituleit .solids by the N ink. and has devefoi«-d her own * * * ' rehuniu> seli'ml t. iasses style (if nlislrarliun which lias won Virginia K. Scott, daii^liu-r iif Mr. ! The follow nn; \ niincstet s partici her a nunilH'r nf exhihlion awards. ALL AT DISCOUNT PRICES! and Mrs. William J. Suit! of u:m\pati'd: PianiM. lvhnor Daitcli. vin- She is iiirrently .showing n( the Munlauk Dr., is a niemlxT of the •limits. .Innaihan Haiti h and Michael \ational DI'SIKH <'entel" in New ^'tirk • CHILDREN'S RECORDS Kast Carolina College Chorale. j ankowi!/. nia;:iei.iiis. Hotiert and • HI-FI AND STEREO RECORDS Kenneth Shapuo, all of (In1 ^radc Knllery show in March. Thomas Turlx-ville. son of Mr and :sihimis. ]iiaoi-.l. Sli-vcn Cl>".*-lal: ^ui » GUITARS • DIAMOND NEEDLES Mrs. William .1. Tiirbeulle ol TMX l.irisl lo;k sinter. l>aiid iterj;. "suit IX) YOl'K CllltlSTMAS SIIOI'l'lNd ford Turn, sinus first wdli the a lon^s" and ie portrayals, Tlllt()l'(.ll I,KAI>KU ADM • CHRISTMAS SHEET MUSIC AND RECORDS Peddie School Concert Choir. Tin- ! .liiau Sli.'ipn ci. CL,nily Sleher. \'lr^uiia GIFT CERTIFICATES - choir will lie featured a.-, a part nf ;Ka\"kufl. .loaiine (!i eenhei'i: atitl Sn- the American Airlines program "Mil [ '

    Fashioned llemington furs to give this Christmas Our floral artists have been busy for weeks designing floral gifts that are out of the DRESS UP YOUR HOME ordinary. Do come see them. FOR THE HOLIDAYS! _ CARPETS CLEANED PROFESSIONALLY IN OUR OWN MODERN PLANT :: 9x12 RUGS NOW $10.75 Arrangements •Oriental & Hooked Rugs slightly higher. Reg. T1.88 WE GUARANTEE CHRISTMAS DELIVERY for all rugs piiked up not later than Dec. 19|h • Cut Flowers FREE PICKUP FREE DELIVERY • Gardens WALL TO WALL NOW 10c; We use Bigelow's famous "Karpct-Karo" Method • Plants Approved by Good Housekeeping CALL NOW! Etizaberh Area Weslfield Area Middlesex County Essex County Somerset County (Toll Froe) 351-1100 233-8700 634-6770


    No.JB SPRING STREET, • COLORFUL. DECORATIVE PRESSED GLASS FLEMINGTON, N. J. • COLONIAL LAMPS * MANY SMALL GIFTS Inc. .' Specialists ill Fine I'urs : ^ 132 E. BROAD ST. ty*n Daily to g ph Saturday and Sunday to'6 P.M. WESTFIELD, N. J. 321 South Ave., Opp. R.R. Station Tel. AD 2-2575 233-1844 SHOP THE SOUTH SIDE FOR PARKING CONVENIENCE Page 4 THE WESTFIELD IN. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15,

    Luggage leathers include smooth, Pvt. Aldiager Finishes weeks of advanced artillery istB^^^*" IVew Luggage Holds ^rjined, brushed and embossed tex- Gift Of Jewelry mg Dc-c. 8 at the Army Artillery a rf ' f• *W°UaB «*«, C*if (worthy Ideas turi-s. Advanced Training Missile School, Ft. Sill. Ok la ™ ^"""WUM Iii Field Artillery This Christmas, send him packing Sia.- and type of travel bag might Can Put Gleam —with new luggage. be a full two or three suiters, week- Pvt. Douglas A. Aldinger, 24, son included malnt, Hls Still Time For Whether spous*;, sweetheart, sire ender, "carry-on" ease, club bag, of Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Aldingtr, . ,. * cu maintenancna e duffle rail, even an attache case. In Man's Eye bomersa ; or son, he won't niiiid the leave- 2115 Algonquin Dr., completed eight and fmng of artillery guns. hu J£ taking so much when he can lake To put a gleam of gladness in a ers and heavy machine guns. ln I with him luggage crafted of hand- DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING man's eyes that will outshine the some, hard-wearing leather! THROUGH LEASER ADS lights on his Christmas tree, give him the< very things he will treas ure—gifts of jewelry. To give him the feeling of owning something which is uniquely his. a Every Thursday Night Is manogrammed present is sure to do the trick, suggests the Jewelry In- dustry Council. Family Night No man can resist the prestige of attractive belt buckles, tie bars, cufflinkB, rings and such leather accessories as wallets and cigarette Of JARVIS DINING ROOM cases, especially when they're dis- tinctively monogrammed or initial- from 5 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. ed. thv spot Handsome rings are fast becom- ing popular as symbols of success Home Cooked Foods lor thv bujijvst and goals achieved. Flatter his mas- culine ego with an emblem ring bearing the insignia of school, fra- 1 LHAMtAX* K ternity or lodge. Complete Dinner A huge selection of modern signet rings allows the choice of one spe- ol' vlvtjant. cially suited to him. Roast Sirloin of Beef He may disclaim sentimentality, dvsignvr fashions but a birthstone ring, with all the Home Made Meat Loaf connotations of his birth month gem, $1.75 ALL SPECIAL GROUPS! is a gift a man will wear with pride. Roast Fresh Ham • Wreaths • Holly Although he may have a watch, he may not have one each for dress, Fillet of Sole • Assorted Gre»n* sport and business. He'd never ask for another, nor buy one himself, but his joy would he obvious over Breaded Veal Cutlet • Centerpieces such a Christmas present. were 75. to 495 An attractive variety of watch • Door Pieces • Roping bands for all occasions can also be CHILDREN'S DINNERS . , . $1.25 found at the jewelry store. Beautiful Plants suits Other ways to please a man this Christmas are with gifts such as were 7S to 495. deslf sets, money clips, key chains, Choice Cut Flower* silver-backed brushes and bar ac- Superb Arrangements cessories. Cigarette boxes, cases, TRY OUR SPECIAL LUNCHEON, SQUP TO DISSERT.,. 95e holders and lighters are also sure to circa satisfy. were ?!> to 395 When the mail was raced across Gift Hems in Brass, Pottery, country by horseback there were Why Cook At Home? Dine With Us! Copper, Iron, Glass, Chirt.a 190 pony express stations. LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS 54 ELM ST., WESTPIELD OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS BRING RESULTS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 9 A.*yV TO 1 P.M. CIO5ED CHRISTMAS DAY

    SI'ORTiWEAR ! MANDBAGS ! JEWELRY ! ROBES! GOWNS! BOUTIQUE! I-Kit ALTERATIONS Except Budget Merchundite 167 ELM ST. TEL. AD 2-2400 charge it, of course SALE MERCHANDISE — ALL SALES FlflAL MILLBURN MiHburn Ave at Essex St. LET THE LEADER PRINT IT Open fcvtt Mon 8> Thurs. to 9

    is reflected in our Floivers

    For Ypur Homq Wreaths FASHIONED-TO-FIT" or Gifts Roping GIRDLES AND BRAS Poinsettias Decorative English Holly Accessories Arrangements Fashioned-to-Fit is a new, exclu- Figurines sive concept of fitting girdles and Baskets bras to your individual measure- Cut Greens ments. From $6.00 up. Cut Flowers

    Come in and be fitted to the most and others Mistletoe comfortable, most flattering gar' ment available — an.d, walk out with your new holiday figure!

    You will be expertly fitted in our stylish shop — open daily 10:30 to SEE OUR LOVELY MIKELSON POINSETTIAS 5:30, Monday nite until 9:00.

    PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR GRAVE BLANKETS McEWEN FLOWERS Established 1921 THE SPENCER CORSET SHOP We Deliver Around the Corner or Around »he World by F.T.D.


    Martin Jewelers extensive for* lifetime of ' BULOVA CARAVELIT proud possession COLLECTION the look and performance OMEGA of expensive watches— sayi"Meny Christmas" that carols of love in these shining diamond ensembles in a very special way! the bride will turely cherish. Martin Jewelsrs has started thousands of brides down the aisle with a choice selection of bridal ensembles of the highest quality. You cqn rely en Martin Jewelers' 22 year reputation for high business integrity and dependability for a diamond purchase she'll 4 .LiHDAit ware*) keep as a treasured posses- WITH •T*iNlK|a STVlu cilia. sion of lasting value.

    -and a great name to V u IV IETClimK"«" l« PEIlIt "DM" HA B yo *r incorrectly (land uumsuofiir Tho lot* of tomorrow. Precious jewelry Ibtnewi&t In design. 2t 17 lewili. Salf-windlng. elegance. 23 lewelt. •140 a check or made an uppolnlmonl kweli. snockreililant. Waterproof*. LumliKHii. 2 dlamondi. Yellow back them up—Bulova! on tho wrong date btctus* no riilow or white. White. or white. r HI.M tM.M J6J.00 calendar WM handy? The new Whit'i Buiovi doing guaranteeing • Carav«ll« wttchT Olhtr 0mti9 Calendar Scamailer li a dream Simple. Caravslta It « division ot Bulova. When Bulovi Stamanirf come true for buiy people. Dale When you give Bulova this Christmas - you glvo puts its name on a guarantee, It puts Its reputation an from fS9.fO Chung" automatically every mid» prtde. You will be proud of tha quality, depend- thai lint. 6o Bulova can't allord to glve> you lass thtn fid. T»x Inel night (and people (ell us they look ability, styling and prestige In Bulova watchcratt. lewel-laver movement, unbreakable mainspring, a shock- (or the date more often (h»ri the Come In now - while our Bulova selection Is reslstsnt, intl-msgrutlc mechsnlim. Styles from f104f liipe). Water and shock rciltltdt. to M9 J9. complete. Let our Watch Experts show you the 17-Jawel, luper-praclac Omeya excellence that maKes Bulova so special at movement. Truly, the moderq Christmas. (, NVN MMM t. eumirtiLi watch for uxfay'e tempo. »14.H

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    When you know what makes« wttch tick, you'll buya Bulovs. iiihorl^d Omfia 4$tne> • •. Of Mai Walch of ihi Olympic Otmii, Komi • otitn me, crown ml cental irt Intact


    Six ttylsj, tingle or doubt* base, In hand-rubbtd walnut, GIFTS FOR HER onyx, Jet crystal, bronts or Color-Crest. FOR HIM • FOR EVERYONE 12 Karat Gold filled or Sterling Silver Writing This year make Martin Jewelers your one-stop shopping center for gifts you'll give that someone extra special. Here's a partial listing of the many great quality items waiting your selection. 2-PIECE RELISH SET 14K yellow gold tie tacs with cultured pearlt $ 2.95 a, gift Which l« >ur« to b* app>acl»l«d. Sterling 14K yellow gold Florentined pierced "starter" earrings 2.95 Lemon Fork; In Darnaik Rote" pattern regularly t«|lt lor*7.oo

    WESTFIELD OTHER STORES ELM & QUIMBY STS. IN CRANFORD & 232-6718 Page C THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, I966«_ -;- Highlights In Women's Fashions m *m Menus -:- Other Event

    For most fabrics sponye the stai Advice On— replaced willi liyhler weight slrips. ; |J(J ,,Jau J"'are with acetone, bul test the acetone c. Rubber or lalc-x foam used full a bit of scam allowance first to padding is the most costly. Polyure- lermine if the acetone will damag Choosing Upholstered Furniture thanc foam is newer and lit'hf.ej the fabric. weight than rubber and is lower in Care and Use of Chestnuts Plastic glue must be treated tx By CAKOLYN K. VliKMS i When you have narrowed your cost. Another cushion filler is the , , . , fore it has hardened. Wash such Senior County Home Economist I choice*, then it becomes importjn combination of a fluffy polyester I Chestnuts, first planted to provide , One method that has pioved to stain with detergent and water, Buying a sofa or chair today is ; l'> seek the help of your husband or filx-rfiil wrapped around a foam I food for squirrels, now are eaten and |! eliminatto somee extentheset preparatioincludes: nPric problck eaci h tlie glue has hiurjened. some sueces: vastly different from what it was! family member lo consultation ;o | cushion core. Today these fillers are! enjoyed by many humans. chestnut will) a fork: place in a shal- may be achieved by using a 10 pe 15 or 20 years ago ; decide on comfort. What will be used more extensively than down.] Several recipes few.ured during the cent hot vinegar .solution. lair, kapok or colton. low pan: roast in a 450 degree oven THERE'S TIME With new means of constructing • comfortable to him may not be con. holiday season include chestnuts fur for 20 minutes: remove from ovun Ballpoint pen ink is difficult to re .trtul ile for yuu, and the bes 1 dcci The fabric on an upholstered piece their uniiiue texture and flavor, furniture, new types of padding anJ a I also has a new look. Vinyl and nylon ! , clicstnuts after they and cool. move. But if the fabric is washable newer fabrics, a whole industry lu.s ion 1 icre. perhaps. is to Kl't 1 Care giVL n t0 Using this technique, the chestnuts hand scrub the spot with hot walei LEFT TO ORDER his" and ' hers." | are about the best in child resistant j:irc ga[herud js on,j tlue to their (ju^l- and lifjuid detergent. After rinsins changed. i qualities. But as any experienced | handling. When cliesi- are easy to open with the inner skin Whether it is a new Una'.' or .MI! Chairs have three comfort |x>:n!s — ily and ease of coming off with the hull. sponge the spot with alcohol. Fo i shopper knows, even these fabrics | ,.JU arf_, 1(,f| at roon, temperature established homrmaker. the task ol • h-g*. iliialis and hack. The scat For variety and a flavor treat, try non-washable materials, use a greas come in different grades and ., L-eco:ne hardened and dried;,. f ,„„...:„„ m.-^nul Soun recine- solvent. selecting furniture represents a su! ; hei-jM should be about the lm^'lli <>'..weights. Better vinyl piastics Ime ! / . ,, , . , | "'<•• f°"°«"n« (l^lnut ^"P tLC'P<-- stantial expenditure of money wit i your icKs to your knees. The depth > ol OllC( dricd ()ut t L v rami0 b CHESTNUT SOUP Mimeogrpph ink will respond ||K. chair or sofa should be ^.i | ^ovMorknilled back for strcnsil, .s(,fu,!c.d. 11u. reasl)n why (,,eS|,HH ' Prepare: 1 lb. chestnuts. Mash ai.d washable garments to rubbing th' a normal concern as to whether yt dry out so quickly is because th.y are making the right choice. Ihe lcnc.Ui nf your Ihii'hs. The back I Kor nyion fabrics it is important beat them until smooth in 2 cups spot with liquid detergent, rinsin height should cradle your shoulders have a high-water, iow-oll content. milk. Melt U cup butter. Add and well, and applying grease solvent Tlie first step is lo realize that it lo ask for 100 per cent nylon "fac-j." They contain more moisture thuu Cheek if your elbows rest comfort This means the strong fibers arc on : y ,iher nut simmer until soft and golden one For non-washable garments, will take time for you to shop an ( grease solvent several times. different stores. The wide variety ui ably un (tie chair arms. the surface to resist wear and ahi a-' minced onion. Sprinkle wish I table- For comfort and economy, foam is sion. To hold chestnuts.for future use. spoon flor, ] teaspoon salt, '-« tec Pencil marks can often be re styles, construction and fabrics avail- they can be frozen. Simply place the spoon nutmeg and pepper, i* cup able tends to overwhelm many aver- replacing springs inside cushion:.. Check labels for fabric content and moved with a soft eraser. For heav Heavy base springs are also being fu'.sh chestnuts in a moisture vapor chopped celery leaves. Stir and slow- ier marks, use the licjuid detergent age shopper. any special soil resistant treatment resistant container and freeze. ly add the chestnut a.nd milk mix- that may have been added to tin; rinse and apply a few drops of ain fabric. If furniture is lo be covered Frequently honiemakers report ture. Simmer for about 10 minutes, monia. with your choice of material, it is problems in preparing clieftnuts in Pour in 1 cup cream. Heat but do . Photocopy fluid can eat holes ir possible lo have the fabric treated the home, mainly that they are hard not boil and serve immediately gar- clothes so sponge any stains immc for soil resistance. However, re to open and difficult to peel also I nished with parsley and crouions. diately with cool water. Can't search has proven that materia Lipstick and rouge can be re treated for soil resistance by the Baked Apples — moved by softening the stain will- leave manufacturer is longer lasting thai petroleum jelly or cold cream. Apply material that is specially treated. liquid detergent to washable fabric Gel the information on the type and rinse. For non-washable fabrics home? and care of wooden finish on a chair use grease solvent to remove stain. or sofa. Many modern wooden finish- Luscious Fall Dessert Shop by es resist damage t nd require no care By ANNE L. SIIEEr.EN up marshmallows; one tablespoon at all. County Home Kconoiiiist prepared mincemeat; your favorite Buy from a reliable dealer whose jelly or marmalade; raisins and phone. Baked apples garnished with whip- chopped nuts; or coconut mixed with reputation is based on your satisfac- ped cream make a luscious fall des- brown sugar. i t NEW JERSEY BELL tion. serl. Many times your /amily will wel- Baked Apples LEADER WANT ADS PAT come tliu change of flavor such a 6 medium red cooking apples dessert will bring after the rich Vt cup granulated sugar PLAY foods served during the Thanksgiv- 1 cup water ing holiday. 2 tablespoon sugar AWAY Nearby Deliveries and Wire Servk For your baked • apples, choose a Start heating oven to 350 degrees FROM variety of apple that is suitable for Fahreinheil. Wash and core apples. to all the world cooking. Such varieties would in- Starting at stem end, pare apples TRAFFIC clude the Corlland, Rome Beauty, one-third of way down. Arrange in Stayman or Stayman Wincsap, anil shallow bmaking pan, with pared possibly the Mclntosh. sides up. Boil »i cup sugar with 1 When paring the app!es, start at cup water 10 minutes. Pour over the stem end and cut away the skin app!es. 'For color, cook a few par- one-third of (he way down. This ings will) syrup; remove before us- method prevent.1; the remaining skin ing.) from breaking during cooking. When apples are tender, remove Served hot or cold, there are sev- from oven; sprinkle each with 1 tea- eral ways that ;i basic baked apple spoon sugar. Broil under low heal, recipe can he varied. Before adding basting often, until brown. the suger and broiling, as the diroc- Serve cold or warm, as it or with lions below specify, add one of the sour cream, whipped cream or des- following: pitted cooked prune; cut- sert topping, or ice cream.

    in n well ventilated area and avoid Work In Office inhaling the fumes. Westfield Flower To remove carbon paper stains, work liquid detergent into the area JOHN C. STEUERNA0E1 Makes Its Own and rinse well. If stain remains, jip- p!y a few drops of ammonia and re- 250 Springfield Ave;" Near Broad M3 peat detergent process. Set Of Stains Glroux Grenadine Syrup adds, verve Correction fluid can be impossible to fine foods- and drinks. At food and package stpres. For free recipe Dy CAROLYN F. YL'KNUS t» remove if not treated prompLIy. book write Glroux, Brooklyn 7, N.Y. Senior County Home Economist If you work in an office, you arc pt to get some clothing stains that are not too common, and in some in- tances, not too easy to remove. Along with Hie usual carbon paper, correction fliud and various kinds of ink, office work slnins can be hard n working clothes. Any stain should be treated >romptly, a.nd if not while on the job, is soon as possible. The longer a pot remains, the less chance there 5 of removing it. If possible, keep a small stain re- moval kit in your desk which might ontain small labeled bottles of or will be soon, but don't worry, iquid detergent, grease solvent, rub- ling alcohol, and acetone, along with on absorbent cloth or sponge. we're here to help all When stains occur, work from I'M tside of the spot toward the center o prevent the stain from spreading. Apply stain remover to the wrong idc of the garment so that the stain .vashes out of the fabric rather than hrough it. When using a grease solvent, work Big savings on this GENERAL ELECTRIC Built-in DISHWASHER will more than cover normal installation! We always have a large stock Washes, rinses, dries up to 15 table settingst in one load! Feather-touch, Swing-down door eliminates stooping, of gifts for Him, for Her, and makes loading easy in big, roll-out trays! No hand-rinsing or scraping needed! Just load in the dishes, sil- For a limited time only verware, pots & pans—and General all the Children. Electric top and bottom power-clean- YOURS FREE! ing action takes over) No messy ll-Pc'Tellon-Coited" screen or filters to clean! Exclusive Cookwire S«t—with Flushaway Drain liquefies soft food •ny General Electric REMEMBER - YOU CAN ALWAYS PHONE YOUR ORDER particles and pumps them away! 168 Dishwasher. Cleaning inside the washer is a no DOWN FAmaii nsi TEUSI OHtr valid to D«. 31. IN - WE DELIVER FREE! breeze—easiest of any make! And 1966, If dishwisher I* connected to Publle it's the ONLY dishwasher that's heav- Service EUctiic Lines. ily insulated at top and both sides— holds the heat IN—protects adjoin- General Electric Dishwashers carry a one-year repair ing cabinets! warranty against manufacturing defects on the OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 10 entire dishwasher. fr»S>!o SelHnM •Minimum Retail Prie* NLMA Standards

    Vou M.ty flnliT llir Jl'MlH Sli.iwn Through Us. Yuur Frunuhlscd (J-E I>.::il.>r. Kw Our CurtH-iil I-MM>t;iy, TrlctM und Tt-'i-niH. Mil) Westfield's Only G-E Dealer J* FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES f STYLISH STAK Kaqucl A 143 E. Broad Si Welch models a yellow silk 54 ELM STREET f\ Westfield pants suit with purple tur- tle neck sweater created WESTFIELD *# AD 3-2121 by a Roman designer for Open Monday and Friday Til 9 — Daily To 6 licr role to a new film. Problems and frustrations ,„ i THE WFSTFIFin (X. J.l LEADER. THIR5DAY, DECEMBER 15, 19W Page 7 common. Conflict arLscs when unr standing methods of satisfaction arc cuinr.,rv Melt baUi-rscoirli fl;i\ored morsels ' ) n.-i'scdloli ir.iviure Form into No great man ever complains pi to jur social standards, custom-* ••"! "J "••• *v UiKi lo biirv ,- Plan Snacks For | supply • i over ll«l ' not nj; i »aliT. Kc- ) " •h !iitll.< ami roll in gi-muilati want of opportunity.—Ralph Waldo Plac-e on pr<»:ised cookie sheet Kmerson conscience, morals and/or laws ^ ;••'•-«»• •<•>*- or v.xi,.r,,Iin,; s;;. J move pan from v .Her. Cream U> Innl .Hid friiii juii't milk.. id luike tn 330 own for 10 i By running away, fighting or u)m. Good Habits , getlier sutiiir. huttc •ad coru iyi up. j J] promising, we usually try to fulfri liiii! this buj-j -:K <"'"e» • DO VOl'R CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ; tri'uni ;iiv .HI.-! ii ion s>u>;>!fsliiiiis. ; beat in ej;i; Stir melfrd Ijul'ei- our needs. These methods hav* ft • ••' By Anne L. ShiH'U'U Vii'ld. AIKIU! S dojen CHKlklcs. | THROUGH l.EAOKR ADS needs o •^•iitT tilJIl 1e- I Avoid siiil dnnks. potaio chips. iscoleli. Sii! toiiei buen referred to as personaliiv ( uunty Home tA*oiioii)ifc( r flour, liakini! i \0|V: Ty ki-ep cri.-i). stoic in j in our iprt't/A'is iiiid OSIHT ioods u-hii°li sup- tricks. We all use some of the u-ick's hul'Ujtw. titKKi M'.vtiK luliiis bi'ijin ill homo. ; Sixla and snlt; idiiiilly stir into I Hglitiy ooverod a very valuable and ransii-uv-- ; tluou^lioul h!o. ' *^m .ill I.HP ««••!? e t;vv trick !o karn Through it %ve Tin.- ^ iiiuiln-r ]tu*ns the food *J£ our prublems of lo justify our behavior. Making « i j K;ISI- ol stl'vinj is :ilso Important substitute ;ill il'ljllKibli' you! iur OIK Mv;ilt >Uc «ill offvr hor children, % more Hfei-tively. cuses for our actions is one method ! Snaik liiiii' is Ihf turn' u'lu-n wry tvyond reach. I! ln-Ips t.s ;u dirt-.-i Ki'i-jJina in mind null iiional \aiitf, could 1! of rationalizing. For example io vase of serving;, budget JiiiuLauuns^ I often you arc involved in other ae- 'bade «** "- make the purchase of a iniw dnss uiif fjicrjifs into c oiistrucli\ v' liM'.u's. Dotvnduiy on Ihf a^o of the ""L tote, achievement d more acceptable in our own . " ', rn'ls One o.\an.fli' uf tliis is wluii :li.- i eliildivn, plan a fiKKi nl^ iuio iiu-niun^fii], s;Mi^fying Projection is another personality j Iliey liavo fiuislied. taucht Ki [)iay uasx'ball. Anoilivr vs- i | Plaimini! what snaeks to servo is trick. We blame others for our own ample of sublimation is eiicouraying . }";> lH^>niii\ij uware of oiu*h o(h- to which we are shortcomings. An example of this is ii \ fuiidainonUil iHvds and their in- tlhe best way lo sl:iy witliin your a doling parctil to imrticipatv i'i jbud^i't. When a snack is nut planned. d the cake left in the oven too Ion- ccmmuntiy oruoiiizHtion work. Tins! uiiNity. «e can. thus, bettor VHKJOI*- stand uursfht's nnd our fantilU'^. i many times a food that was pur- This is Mio first sli'p in helping outh !cha«'d for another purpose is used. liimily mombcr to satisfy his basic When this does happen. orKaniwd ilwds in a construi'tivo manlier. We ineiui plans will suffer, lnfurmintf must ri'momlxT tlwi each family Ilio child which are tlic snack foods IIH^ITIIHT must I*1 rofo^ni/.od us an is important for these plans to work. individual u*ho reacts difforcnily io | Appetite appeal is also of great frustration. importance in order lo satisfy the child's desire. Many limes finder MARC ALLEN COIFFEURS now 'til Christmas foods for liutkT.scotch Hahne 9k Company in Westf ield Hightstown Snaps, that follows: 615 Central Ave. IHTTKIiSCOrcIl SNAI'S Country Club 1 cup les[UHins liylit corn syrup store hours other days tinueut, Mark HMburn and If cups sifli'ii all-purpose flour Joe Mucha week of D*c. 15. 9:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1! leasptions hakin^ soila f U lenspoun salt

    ADLER'S FOR STERLING VALUES Choose From New Jersey's Largest Selection



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    A unique opportunity to own thlt fine, quality Sterling at Important savings. Up to $90. on a tervlce for twelve. Choosa from eighteen lovely patUrrw.

    **«rvte»-tor4" Includes: 8 4-pc Fttce Setting*, 8 extra tut, a butter knife, sugar aooon, 2 tabiatpoons. Plus , mahogany chert.'. *

    SEPARATE SPEAKERS .^ - jKaajnlfictnt stereo lound ttproduu.*'1 «• «P"ke(s ert portable —you Exclusive 1 DUAL. fmim mutie with you. gitiiifi ^,_ _^ CAPSTAN DRIVE! 2DYNAMIC AMPEX MICROPHONES Dual Capstan Drive provides perfect 1>pt ^PH ttoophone for professional quality recording. tension for full fidelity—no wear pro- ducing pads. Plus... all these exciting features that spell MORE VALUE for your money/

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    Ibrti tridnr III 9 P.M. STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. r.lajr Mil .1-30 IMf. 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. 232-0483

    °P*n MOnday ,hfu So|orday and even;ngs except Saturday 'til Christmas Page 8 T11E WESTFIEI.D (N. J.) LEADER, THrRSDAV, DECEMBER 15, IBC6 degrees warmer than normal. The Christmas dec-or*tlions. table center- average maximum temperature was i HT Mother's Guild pieces. Chri.slmu.s aprons, candles, Grant School Lists | Ackerman Sworn To Judgeship 57.5 degrees and the average mini- j door decorations, eeri'inki; and 1 mum temperature was 3(i.a degrees. ! i home niadt; bitked goods wort on John A. Ackerman of 136 Lincoln of the Newark law firm of Toner, Is Entertained Ualr. A jjurlicin of the proii'eds will 'Christmas Carol' lid. was sworn in as a Superior Cruwley, tt'oelper and Vandurbilt. The warmest day of the month i bfrn^fi! a f;irl Scout troop Innn SI. Court Judge Friday in the Soiner- During World War II, Judge Ack- was Nov. 2 when the daily average By 'Overtones' j Joseph's Home for the Blind in Jcr- Fete Tomorrow ville chambers of New Jersey Su- vnuan served four years in the Navy temperature was 61 degrees. jsuy lily. preme Court Justice Frederick W. and was discharged with Ihe rank During Ihe month. 529 degree days 1 of lieutenant commander'. He holds The members of the Holy Trinity j "A Christmas Carol" is Ihe therm Hall. were recorded to bring Ihe total for \™<\L dislnbi.ted K.fls to lire sucMs of Ihe Grant -School Christmas pro the rank of lieutenant commander, the heating season which began Mothers Guild were entertained at \ j Justice Hall administered the oath retired, in the Naval Reserve. the annual Christmas meeting last :! oMionor-;,iUlrf teachers. gram to be presented tomorrow eve- | to the 51 year old Ackerman. who Sept. 1 to !Mi9. A year ago. 617 de- night by "The Overtuncs." This ! iiin.U at 7:45 p.m. in the .school audi- | was nominated for a judgeship Sept. grees were recorded to bring the to- group of Westtield men holds mem- ; J- og torium. The cast of Dickcn.s' fa- ! 12 by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. The tal for the heating season to 1,023. bcrship in the SFKliSQSA. Inc. or i mous classic is made up of fourth f new jurist's youngest child. John November Warmer, Precipitation totaled 3.36 inches, the Society for the I'reservation and 3, Injured ^rade students under' the direclion Hichard. 13. held the Bible for his which is .50 inches below normal. Encouragement of Barbershop Quar- ut Mrs. Anne I'ebblcy. Mrs. Mary A heavy patch of lug early Friday father as his wife, Barbara, looked Drier Than Norm This brings the total for 1966 to 39.22 tet Singing in America. Goodfellow Diid Miss Nancy Olsen. on. Three other children—all in col- inches. The greatest rainfall on rec- nit'lil caused a ear driven by Helen Fifth grade students under the direc- The member's of "The Overtones" I iege—were unable to attend the brief Harold Duflocci, meteorologist at ord for November at the UJC Me- Thomas of 303 Woods Knd l(d. to run tion of Mrs. Kleanor Kirnes and ac- ceremony. teorological Station was 7.12 inches include Ed Kelly, lead. Km Jen•'n-- into a parked car owned hy <'""-1 companiesd by Miss Koseniary Jac- the Union Junior College Meteorolog- Judge Ackerman. wlio will be as- ical Station said in his monthly re- in 19U3, and the least precipitation kins, tenor": liob Adams, bass, a "d I stance A. Cole of 52 Sandra Cir. The I(]U e wj|| fur'nish the choral accom- 1 was 1.68 inches in 1965. Measure- Ed Boate, baritone. Tlieir program j accident occurred in Lawrence Ave. panimenl. Tliird grade students will signed to the Law Division of Su- port to the U. S. Weather Bureau perior Court in New Brunswick, was that November was wanner and ; able amounts of rainfall were re- consisted of barbershop j near- Wyandolle Ter. pro\ido programs for the evening. corded on 10 days. songs plus Christmas carols. | J()J.a. T1,,,maK, 1;i a p;1Ssi>ji^ci-. John Joza is in charge of the in- born in Soinurville and was grad- drier than normal. Also featureii ut the meeting was I suffered minor injuries and was strumental part of the program. Sots uated from Hound Brook High School. Tlie temperature in November Dense fog was recorded on Nov. a Christmas Uoutniue under the ; treated by a local doctor. are Ix'ing designed by tire classes Colgate University and Harvard Law ranged from a maximum of 71 de- I There were 12 clear days, three chairmanship of Mrs. Eugene St. of Mrs. Karen Collier and John Hol- School. He became a member of grees on Nov. 1 to a minimum of 20 partly cloudy days and 15 cloudy foronk. the New Jersey bar in l'J'M and. un- degrees on Nov. 23. The average days. The prevailing wind direc- John and Mrs. William ilingston. DO YOrit C'llKISTMAS SIIOI'I'IKU til his appointment, was a member Myriad band made items such as I THROUGH LEADER A1JS Grant School was recently the re- temperature of 47.4 degrees was 2.2 [ tion was southwest. cipient of a Polaroid camera, an artificial Christmas tree and ten pic- ture frames given hy the IJTO. Girl ScunSIs of Troops 711 and 4B'i pre- The fed b heavenly, fhe seirted advent calendars they had look a delight, when th« shoe designed to the kindergarten atrd h a (potty casual from first grade classes. This Sunday marks the. launching HaUralizet. The flexibla of the Granl School iiirlliday Book ribbed sole and oiastiefeed Club when Molly Peek and Sara Xcoot mean fit and Driver invite Ihe girls of the fifth Comfort, while Corfam* grade classes to share in Ihcir birth- day celebration by bringing dona- means easy car«, long weac lions for Ihe school library. .00 Brazil Nuts Can Comfortable Lead To Tasty Hii& GiftTkb fCeqw On, Grnrn and good looking ... fhaPs the Holiday Candies By ANNK !-. SIIEEM3N RCA VICTOR Naturalizes " County Home Economist Walk" Brazil mils, delicately distinctive of flavor and creamy of texture, have a special place when used in holiday candies. Shelling the Brazil nut is much easier than you might think if you know a few secrets. . The armor SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ALBUM around Ihe nut is very susceptible to both extreme heat and extreme cold. Two methods for .shelling these nuls are equally acceptable. One technique is to place Ihe in- sholl nuts into your freezer for a few hours or overnight. After being in Ihe freezer, liny will bo so easy to crack, that even children can master the task raltier quickly. The second method is In cover the unshelled nuts with cold water. Bring the water lo a boil and sim- mer about five minutes. Drain; cover with cold water for a minute; then drain again and crack. In this Is/ew Tfsta SOLID STATE STEREO process, the boiling water softens Ihe sheils. With FM-AM andFM Stereo Radio For holiday confections Hint arc simple to prepare and thai will look come in! ask for the special This mastercrafted RCA Victor stereo delivers realism and tasle like professional delica- that rivals the concert hall. Elgltt-speaker sound sys- cies, try the three recipes featured RCA VICTOR Christmas album tem. Powerfu) 120-watt pe.ak power amplifier. Mark below: i I Etudlomatlc changer with Studio-Strobe speed con* Brazil N'ul Hark trol. Push-button FM-AM arid FM stereo tunen 1 12-ouncc pkg. semi-sweet cho- "Music To Trim Your Tree By" colate morsels (Z cups) 2 tablespoons shortening Beautiful Christmas muslo, 1 cup chopped Brazil nuts l~t cup raisins featuring your favorite Melt semi-svveel chocolate morsels and shortening over hot (not boil- RCA Victor recording stars*, Glasser's Shoes ing) water. Spread Brazil nut mix- 4-SPEED 109 QUIMBY ST., WESTFIELD AD 2-9200 ture on baking sheet lined with wax- ed paper. Chill until firm. Break IPHONO! into individual servings. Yield: Ap- RCA VICTOR STEREO proximnlcly one pound. Brazil Nut Cnrnmrl Quickies FM/AM POCHETTE PORTABLE 1 cup chopped Brazil nuts tape recorder 1 pound caramels Tti* GREMLIN Spread chopped Brazil nuts on VHPUSurlot CHECK FIELDCLUB'S aluminum foil. Melt caramels over boiling water. Drop melted caramels RCA Victor's lowast-priced automatic by table-spoonfuls onto chopped nuts. "Vlctrola"® phonograph. Precision Stu- CHRISTMAS LIST Cool until firm. Yield: Approxi- diomatic 4-spced changer. Solid State mately I'.i pounds. design. Compact lighweight case wipes Itrn/il Nut FmK'e clean with a damp cloth. -':< cup evaporated milk We are jam packed 1 cup sugar 1 0-ounce package U cup > semi- with the most sweet chocolate morsels ': cup chopped Brazil nuts exciting collection Combine evaporated milk and Model VHCS4 of gifts for the sugar in saucepan. Uring to a full boil, stirring constantly. Boil three Feature-packed V reel-to-reel stereo re- discriminating minutes over moderate heat, stirring ke s f constantly. Remove- from heat and corder with l-AO G- oval 5?" ' ', °"* man. Whether slir in semi-sweet chocolate morsels track recording and playback at 7* * you choose a until smooth. Stir in Brazil nuls. 1 Ji ips. Inc'ucies Sound-plus.Sourril.fA Turn into greased tl-inch scjunre pan; switch, tape usaco counter, fast stunning suit, or cool. Yield: one pound. and stereo balance. ThoCHORINE Serin AH-148 sport jacket, RCA VICTOR FM/AM • 19Mubo lovcralldii a tie or slacks, Works Like A Pockette Transistor Radio a dress shirt, 19"* PORTABLE TV • Complete with earphone, battery, carrying case This sprightly Sporlabout brings you unsurpassed a sport shirt or a • Lowest-priced RCA Victor FM-AM portable Charm all-channel reception. Powerlui 20,000-volt chas- so-warm sweater, • Nine transistors pull In stations strong and clear sis (design average). One-set THE MOST TRUSTED NAME • Fits handily In pocket or purse VHF line tuning, stay-set vol- IN ELECTRONICS a cold weather • High efiiclency speaker ume control. coat, a regal raincoat, you can be sure of our usual substantial savings, service and satisfaction.

    Open every night It's almost like magic lill Christmas the way o Classified Ad In NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATION ON to 9. the Leador produces results fast, whenever you want 10 FIELDCLUB sell, buy, rent or hire. Coif CENTRAL AVE. OPPOSITE QUIMBY ST. is tinyl 307 SOUTH AVE.,WESTFIELD • AD 30248 232-6064 "The Men's Storo All Of New Jersey Is Talking About" WESTFIELD LEADER TIIF WESTF1F.I.D «V J.) LEADER. THVKSDAY. DFTEMBER 15. 1968 See. 4, Page 1 is;«w:i. would find a »;irm u.livmi- \ DO VOl'K < ;IKISTMAS SHOPPING | Sterling Gift D \\||.>.!: I! TllltUl tiH LEADER ADS " LEAGUE Expansion I.KADER WANT A»S PAY LINES'' For Hostess By lie Board l 1: r The municipal court |io.-i..d ' " "' - .1 Uogue oof WomeWomenn VoterVoter*. \ •*<• f.nv , .- u ..i.;...... !,„••., B»* " .j. ,,, :|u- Board has been held since July 1 O P . '•i.?-Ti-"-."s'y,t •V--'.!'1",' "'!::: This >v,.- u.v ,1,, (us: inn.-. tU'hh, U1> »n i!v ^,:t !>., l.i, om-'..l CHRISTMAS c >^310tY NllCU'Pwtlfint: i''; ^'.','-". .!.'S "", S?.v' ''"' lu';'"IJ .lriiBiii- oi tt.i-iu-n VuVr> ni I'nm-. i ilio follow IIU i-au-^o; is's. TREES Selected — Frkth Cut

    Six recommendations li- Ollt-of-I)fMW'V i S""p;Mn:~ SyllKl:- "in <•'»><..•'<• ! loin j Westli.-ld Hut , \ en >v:ir I hv' '„,.,,„. n-ivei ning Board were referred to cum: Dues slit1 oMrn fill -'\'. in ai UM" tec and to the appropriate n;'i"ii Hv (AUfii w i- v > ...... ->in .Mij., i »i\ ( ,iiui IlKil! I >.i .lUikxi Hook (nr V'W .1, i ^.-\ .-iti/i'tis DOUGLAS FIR! Ky <-AK0I.YN K. H'KM's . „, ..,- . I A siilid >i!\ci lutnbrii HI' M.;1 | In -! :i|i|u\iraiiri' in IMI department heud >->"".- ('..utilv tlunic Fraiimnisi \Jw.Ur~', l J IrllttMl ll •! k iM Mf.:.ll One i t-1::ni:-«.-tl Mim,'«hal in : 1 SCOTCH PINE! made | of-way bo Kd. lo widen (hat roadway';, T i 1!IH lt t :i 1 1 1 i alfcrnuto m«.i«ltprs of-way lo •»;• •- - To appreciate the quality M kl1 ll(l l 1 OtlHT riittils-ofway »r (!,• -. ; „ I , i , ', .!'", • '-'••'>'•!-'• V,Mlt!m,l1.™;.,,r.l.lKir,r...thl. s.niu' sh..]v ami c wo-A-on-;. i^"»' ^ ^ '-'- ^ " ' -"" > ""•"•'• .vccnl state dl l it 1 l!ll> 1M lh; slll;1 ll1 M h :i of these sheared are reoorrunendod ul v M,,J; ' ' ' ' '-;«! i.'M'vr Imo ami sliap.. .„„.•!, «,:hi|.;w Mn.,.,1 j '»'• " " " " ' " » " >"" In •„;•;,„,',-.. , '""he • --«-;'.-'"-.-ea.-oif> J"V u,. l,(,d,,k !,..,! Hut t «l,«l.y s!i.,uls!..,uldj anv.manv.noe buy ., ""d't «• mt U. Ku,; a I.Mrhrr 'I hr .a.. for storm dr;mi tor clii.Mr.ilii CHRISTMAS TREES ^'-' «.th i, I...,,,!.-. lro ,,;.,l,> along Terrill Hd. from Fro Ilir IHH.SI', 11 i» u,.;| 1,1 i i™-kl -,-e .•: (.Xl,,1MJ. v „ .(,(yi], • illu,h,., .„„, M/(.s ,\O i.n tia.ut to. n'riirinT.s. but it you must see them — Visit our Nursery .Pbn (h.i: ,!i ,,,-,, , . :«|,t,1M1,,.,am Second St.. for sanitary S w vrf ii:i ; nuiiv run.I'liu'nl In lia\(' ymii OIMI i i in an area a. Park Ave. id koiv »f (IL-MI;,! ar«l: j;iv|ii,iriit-',i. w u ' ! hotiH' J.iitl it t:iki s ii|. f;«- U.s,s We also have available live, potted Douglai fir, ^ planning and zoning . Blu.; Spiuci-, Norway, ond WKit« Spruce, 2'j to 6 ft. 'I' bi.'h ii'.^iui- ami mm '--">••" I,now ID luiHiinn as ' a cili/.i-ii. If you liavo a fri.'iiit in 1 In- li\i!::ic in hc-icjlil - giown in our own nLfrserios. .U.S may I,,. ,',M ,|... Wlimn is shi. la>l day to tih(:un I'ii.iil I'M'IVOMC siumlil h.u.-1 y.m can :lr^. rniu.|.ntf.r,. I)),.ar . :,n in K,|. for her .11. al'M'UU-i- II.IIK'I lii'linv .my ,.!,,•- jlniv your IIM.IU h,T. (Ml.,..w^,.. i'.nt,) u;> I,, „„,. (,,(.,,] ,„„,,, lii'li In wlir.i Ei. make |i.iynu-lils l;li j >'<»" l"ln fin<1 lluln •'' varuills t.o"U Henry KITSZ and Sons, Inc. 'li'v.v an- tyix's »1 !IL.-)HI!-« ; 1 \o:ir t s;-m;:t.-il 1,-il.ral iiuniin- la\ > "' slatiiini'iy stores, or a t.-ujMo i'iH!l|'l!li-lit availalil,. S..nlr ;,rc ,•!,• Nurserymen and Landscape Contractor* .,..,, I,, ,,,li,,, 1 Mnlhri.s Da) h. Hit- ilay w h: ii i Mii-intvr may !.,- av:-iial'h> at yi.'.ir :.lld > Westfield Ave., cor. Westfield Rd., Scotch Plains Mll il1 timely litu Public;,! ion iif the New Jersey ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS • ilosirril v v| ci.i 1 . • I, „ « .I ,,.. "' ' one.-. 011 iv.iliteii teMlircs or 1 '" iiililaion lo llns 1 f S§ ;I.III ^.vat . brightly bi'ie«e!eil ifiniiulors. Hie Uvuiiu l»nok fiinu*.|i-s ! t'lii/.rn'.s i-\u1s and llatc IU>ok is o w 1 322-7572 $5.00 to $3,000 •Vti'.i uith :i tli'M-rip! um ol ymir t'nn '•{ ,i (he \v:i>s tin liM^ue riuoura^es : An iiiiiduiir In;! (.us; |>roji-ii i< : liccs.'-itMuil am) .st;v!r li-;:i>';iU\'.-

  • :;uti\'f and iiifoinn-d I'lli/ou ptirliri- Open Evety Day Until Christmas landscapes, Still Lifei, Figures, ;hu;> It you l)imk yon ;iii\t[ii> Unuu -p;i1ictn in ^oxt'rniurnl. Modern, Traditional, etc. jt1:i'M\ i.-*ki> aiHUlier UntU Xau m.iy ! __ ..;_ i 1 HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM tlli'IHT tillllcl.s SlH'h UtllMs I'JII Warm i> a iitiU'lival jln- wioii^ lhrr<«- li;nt liens eliano' * «ne many purpuM-s ihronithout :li,-,t!ift wilh f;iU.i,m appeal, t,,,,. in ,-..1 | TlM, ,,„.,„ hMs „.„)„„.„ .„„, ,,.,.., ART ,- " :>.rtulne« Myl..- |H..,|,-,| , -ials. up to .tale a> ..( STOP AT THIS NiY.VY Of GOOD FOOD GALLERY I Oilier su«Ke>li(ins fur safer and1 tin- rl.-.-timi of Ninviiih..|- tt. VMM. It more effective liuhluir. iiuhiile iisini; It 11> you ho^ to addn a Irllcr lo 205 BROAD STREET, ELIZABETH "illy that equipment market for \ them if you IIMW ;I t-oi you want For Appetite-Teasing OpHi Pall)' l<> * •*••*.— Mon. & Til urn. 'Ill 9 I».M. "onuliiiir us,'" uiilsUle (it llu l.aboiaioiie.s for crealer safety to write .IIHHII It tells you luiw lit i'ark Around Corner In Municipal Lot I'lii'ik ail nl<» not li'.i.c «'itiply ami IIS«H1 Ka-1- I'uity oIlKials aie and where to find frayed cords niusl In' usi-d, ta;i.- j 1.*''^ mi all MH-KCIS to kcr|» watrr ihem ll aMvllun'.; \v\i uanl lo know Taste Pleasing { jfi'iiyeil win's separately. !f.orn seepiix: in As all e\lra prcciu 111 lejNirds lo Koveinmenl has been j In liuyiii); new lights, buy only I lien, linns: the sockets downwiiJ'il on U tl iml. lln-re is ;t li^t o) league il Iliosi- apprinivl by Hi,. t'nnVrwriUTs ! nulilimr lives. lm-t\ so ih;tt you t.iil un them I j Keep conilerlions .Hum' «"l Ml' •iliii' I tli'oiuid aiul make wati'r tinhl t.\ Treats From The Grill And The Griddle | winiiirij; wilb cU'iln.1 ta|i<- or rovtr i.iK wilh jila.stu. • BURGERS & FRANKS • WAFFLES & PANCAKES From General Electric-World Leader in Portable TV! A\oitl pirsMiiv nr [fiction on • CHICKEN 'N BASKET • SANDWICHES stniics ol bKlits I bin;: Mu-.n »nh • ICE CREAM FOUNTAIN DISHES I'M- iiiMil,ili-il staples In llolit h::til slriin;s in plaiv. Xcxcr use nails, lacks or hr.-uls Deliclout lunchsont and Dinnort Served Datiy lror .sunn, outdoor ll^lili.i^ |.kills ll may IK1 necessary (o use extension :'orils Use only tlie hea\y iluty oul At Junction of Springfield & Morris Aves. door lyih* si. a.rranm'tl Iliat ttiry ale out of si^l.t iiliil do not eidhs a tiaf !tti»Htln> thru l*rl«lit> 'III It I*.H. Springfield • 376-2000 BIG BUY fie path. IHntiir- 'III ."rim IMI. BIG 16" the compeiition is

    General Electric Quality! Barracuda. Dependable! Lightweight!

    ^•fers comfortable family-size viewing—perfect for bedroom, den, play- room. l9i/2 lbs. light! Tandem tuners, with self-cleaning silver contactsi New, narrow-neck "Micro-Gun" Sealed Beam picture tube eliminates dirt- catching faceplate—wipes clean in a jiffy! Solid State rectifier and new Compactron tubes reduce damaging heat—givrj you a better picture . . . longer! Ifs one of the best values we've ever offered in General Electric Portable TV! IE YEAR FREE SERVICE-PARTS & LABOR (Carry-in) WARRANTY Just out and iustobout everything you'vo always wanted out anything of their kind. Soo now. Dnrracuda Is tho PLUS LIFETIME GUARANTEE on ETCHED CIRCUIT BOARD* Jn 3 sportr, c.-jr .. . throe wild no// Barrocudas. Tho "it" compolition. And v/o'vo got tho wln-you-ovar deal to - •• • ...| <;-|, 1 >• ..!••<•. >• •• OUT ARD cars ihot look as good a5 they go. Tho all-out cars that prove it. Barracuda Hardtop. Amor- |pnm tO/HltX* come on like European GTs, but aro priced to beat ica'a lowost priced aport3 car: ITU Ml Z*WU » •Msnulacluror'o susaesltd ic'.:.l pneo hr s'.a.Tj.ird liz-cylin-lrr Darracu^a Hardlop. Do-,lin,nltan chaiQOJ, s'.ntii ond local tfl*83, II any, MS Opllonalj WESTFIELD'S ONLY equipment (including wnllcnull tiros, vinyl root, whcol covctrs, and bumpor guards) crxira. G-E DEALER FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES 143 E. BROAD ST. AUTHORED DEALERS CHRYSLER WESTFIELD AD 3-2121 See your Plymouth Dealer. W He's all heart. Open Monday and Friday Til 9 - DailyTo 6 ;-'..'t tut* ef iff AUGUSTINE MOTORS Inc. 6ERSE BROS. , '( lit:' fo' i"* 576 North Ave. E., Westfield 443 North Ave. V/., Wesrfielcf Page 2 THE WESTFIELD <\. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1905 By Al Smith Ihi-y will illustrate I'v.v gi'iiuine co.'i- one- witiiouf argunieni. l)ui i r Most of us of the American rinting and Fubliablns Company. A» Indepmde»t haps you will let the authorities know ••Id Leader P TAKE IT FROM ME, DAD, He;l (ross as a large impersonal so that others don't have to leave oSfiofaii PPapea r for U» Tow. . oof We.tflelWe.tfl d and Borough of YOU CAN'T HAVE A body. However, like any o'.lier na- their Christmas money at city hal! **°8ut>»cr*Dtlo»; 14.00 per year ta advance. »E.0O out of county. tional organization, it exists only DOROTHY TAKABOCIHA' EstabJiHiiPd 1890 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND through the efforts of good men and Office: 60 Elm Si net, WoBtfleld, N. J. Tel AD 2-4407 — AV 2-4408 yEAR/ women. VVeslfield can indeed be Box 769, Hillcrest Rd., Member proud of the warm and wonderful uallly Weeklies of New Jtrser R D. 1, Maitinsvilk. N J SeW Jersey PrenH ABHocIation people who comprise the American December C, I960 National Edl'.orlal Aunoilatioa lied Cross in our town. The Mayor and Council of Westfield We of Ihe Catholic Daughters look Yule forward to the privilege of working Municipal Building, wilh the Westfield Chapter in tlie Broad St., HATIOHAt Weslfield, N.J. Allure. f A3 CECILIA SMULLEN Gentlemen: (Mrs. F. J. Pobll«h»r 219 Hairisun Ave. My neighbors told me WestfMd WAI/THH J. . Hdltor was a lovely place to shop, so today BOBKHT 8. BVEHHTT 1 came down to see for myself. 1 More of Same liked the shops, bought some very pretty tilings, found the salespeople Editor, Leader- pleasant and the policemen at the So many favorable comments have crossings most helpful, f was enjoy- THURSDAY, DECEMBKR 15, 1966 been heard about the lovely deco- ing myself immensely until I r- • rations in town, that we felt the per- turned to my ear and found I had sons responsible would like to know. violated a law—I had bucked inlo We os a club j^roup take this op- my stall in a municipal parking The Hungry Days portunity to thank you for the taste- area! This is the season we watch the? calendar—just so many fully done decorations and look for- I gathered from my conversation days left for shopping, for mailing Christmas cards, for LETTERS TO THE ward to seeing more of the same in with the Violalions Clerk that I was Editor's Corner future years. arranging holiday parlies with our families and friends. EDITOR J not the first visitor to Westfield i» THE JUNIOR WOMAN'S be miffed at the fS.OO fine. I had in To half the people on earth, dates mean nothing. To- CLUB OF WESTFIELD REFLECTIONS ON THE ELKCTJONS All letters to the editor muni return to the parking lot before I More morrow will be like today and yesterday—days of hunger bear a signature and e street would believe there is a sign, which and suffering. World leaders warn that the gap between address, both of which will be Worth l/ooking Into does say "Head In Parking": but which, incidentally, does not say food supplies and people in the underdeveloped countries Politics, dealing as il dons with human emotions, prejudices, person- authenticated prior to publica- Next Pi Editor. Leader: "only." may lead to mass starvation. The United Nations Food and alities ;ind ivilh political power as Ilic winner's prize is one of the most tion. I am enclos'ig a copy of a letter unpredictable and fascinating of man's pursuits. There can he no exact BREVITY IS ESSEMTIAL. I've been trying ever since lo de- Agriculture Organization says: "The world food situation is I have wrilten to the mayor and ui-sessment

    EASY SHOPPING SUGGESTIONS FROM IMARTIN JEWELERS | ready for instant mailing... -1 Only in thi ounCes f Happiness General Electric NO-FROST'16" JEWEL ONLY IN GE's BIG, NEW NOFROST "16".... topof-tho-lino luxury features you won't find in any othor niako, and GIANT, NO-FROST TOP FREEZER at a surpriso low price for its niant ca- stores up to 147 lbs! pacltyl We've listed only a few of tho FASTEST ICE-FREEZING EVERI Ico Cubes (reczo up to twlca as features above. Ico trays are easily re- fast »5 In 10 leading comparable moved! Separate temperaturo controls refrigerators tostedl •for freezer and refrigerator sections! tXTRABIQ 15.6 CU. FT. CAPACITY! SHOPPING'S GREAT in Space galore for a family of 6 or morel Jewel Greetings are charming, No coils in back; fits flush to walll Wida NO FROST, TOP TO BOTTOM! No frost color choico including new Avocado! In tha refrlgeratorl No fro»t In tho freezer! v quality gifts, exquisitely See it today . . . ottr liuy of tho Year! ... AND ALL IN A MERE 30y2.|NCH WIDTHI packaged -with embossed WESTFIELD greeting cards - ready for Only 28" Wida mailing. For msn, women, boys Sixty Eiphl Fine Quality Shop* Offering You and girls on any liappy occasion! See them today ... BIG 2-Qoor from $2.50... all you do is add the st-inr:! You NEVEREFRIGERATOR-FREEZER DEFROST the refrigerator section! R FullWldlh ZoroDcgro. freezer holdl up to 9t lt«. of ••• TjlWSSjS frozen food • 2 Mlnl-Cubo lui Trsyx • FullWldtti V«so- In* LOW PR1CEI tnblo ntn holdt 9/10 boshol • Dutiar Comp*rtm*nt • O««o » turn- a\xnU for V, gallon milk cortoni & US bottln • S ) Cabinet iihtlvns • M«Kn«tlo S«f«ty Door« • Protttcttv* ECONOMICAL ;tops • cot>p«rian«. whfta and ottHr dacorilDr cokm IN FAMOUS BRAND NAME ITV-17WS * lio new AvouKla Urem* 199T 11.8 M. It—tM Stoni* NO PACKING FOR EVERYONE NO DOWN PAYMENT I EASY TERMS I •"-'"»•" "-•"'"'" *»o NO WRAPPING ON YOUR LIST! GIFTS You Muy OiJ-..' ll.e Hodoli Sliown llwovoh tl>. Your Fiancltl»J K£ Deoldr. S«» Our Curr.,,1 Diiploy, Prlt^i ond T*rm>. WESTFIELD'S ONLY SPECIAL WRAPPING. i:v,.r> ,„„,„„., xath mr<- ln >%r, ,1 In III.- "I'l'K <>' ""• '• > •••'•••"»• G-E DEALER AMPLE PARKING. , ,,,,rfclllJI .„„,, „.,„..., ««..,..»-j^ FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES ,,r,l , »»r Cu...rllr >b. Imlnu "If-. t/iflK 143 E. BROAD ST. 5HOP AT STORES W/fittt I WESTFIELD AD 3-2121 OTHER STORES DISPLAYING WESTFIELD IN CRANFORD & Open Monday and Friday Til 9 — Daily To 6 ELM & QUIMBY STS. PLAINF1ELD THIS EMBLEM AD 2-6718 Page 4 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THl'RSDAV, DECEMBER 15. ]96C

    An original play portrayed ow trad rubber from the goldenrodI and j JTx,ra Dividend Declared IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA American family through severs a reconstruction ol the "Blai* ' Yule Customs It's customary among t|le NEWS OF WESTFIELD'S generations at Thanksgiving time, Marian," the first movie studio, Al By Suburban Tru>l to break off a cherry \rl\° selling forth reasons each bad fo:so. they visited Kdi.son's library inid Reveal Many al the beginning of Advent being thankful. examined tiie cot on which I£dis;>n The Board o! Directors of the branch is placed in a pot or PUBLIC SCHOOLS took his "cal naps."1 and viewed the Suburban Trust Co. has declared an inthe kitchen and keptK JEFFERSON film. "The Great Train Robbery." extra dividend of $2.GO per share Variations New Jersey history came alive foi Dr. Robert E. Chasnoff of Newark payable Jan. 5, 1%7 to stockholders At Christmas time, ifs hop November was a busy month for Thomas Mullen, audiovisual coor- fifth graders as they visited :ln Slate College accompanied the class. of record Dec. 20. ]9GG. This is in Cherished memories, heartfelt twig w.U hiMtirto bloom a,£ students in the Wcstfield Pub!i< dinator for the Wcstfield Publii Slate House and Old Barracks al Parents and other Washington addilion to the regular quarterly joys, children's laughter — every- a festive decoration. Schools. Special days were commein Schools, was a guest in Miss Harrie Trenton. A guide traced the history School classes were inviied"lo°ihe | dividend declared at 30 cents par where, these mean Christmas. orated with appropriate activities Lester's third grade class during of the State House and explained the first graders' presentation of the IN SCANDINAVIA * and assembly programs: a numb«;r their study of the American Indian .structure of the SUite government ITS of record Dec. 20. Suburban The spirit of Christmas knows no The Jultomten is a friendly gno "Story of the First Thanksgiving." boundaries. It lives in the hearts of field trips enhanced the class- Using films, filmslrips, and an over- The group had a tour of the Gen Appropriately, this coincided with a Trust has banking offices in Craii- who not only brmgs gift, t" ££ room curriculum. Here are some o! head projector for resource mate oral Assembly chambers, the Si>.n furd, Oarwood. Wcstfield, Scotch of men in many lands. Though its dinavmn children but guards the classroom discussion of the Pilgrims.! message of joy is always the same, the activities which took place: rials, Mr. Mullen assisted the young ate, and Governor Hughes' office. At The story unfolded in shadow oic-j Plains and Plainfield. household and farm as wcll ^ EDISON sters in finding the answers to ques the Old Barracks they saw weapons lures made by the boys and girls m [ the legends and lore of the season keep him happy, the children give Edison Junior High School's tions about the Eastern Woodland In- costumes, furnishings, and artifacts both first grade classes and des- are as varied as the peoples who the cattle extra fodder and llavp Thanksgiving program included mu- dians. Plains Indians, Northwest In- dating from the Colonial and Revo cribed by four narrators. Gift Suggestions celebrate the Holy Birth. sheaves pf grain for the birds on "Customs of each country may be sic by the orchestra and choir and a dians, and Southwest Indians. lutionury periods of American hit> An assembly centering about books Christmas Eve. lory. The return trip took them past For Slot Car Buffs similar, yet marked by their own play entitled. "What. No Venison." Miss Marylou Pine's morning kin- was presented by Mrs. Helen Greg- IN TURKEY * * * Monica Reiss introduced the prodergarten class recently planted the governor's home and Princeton ory's fourth grade class. Susan Haley If your child is a slot car racing Individual character. gram; the cast, directed by Mrscrocus bulbs in front of their school University. The students were ac- described the yearly Caldecott award enthusiast there are many little * * * A unique holiday tradition In Tur- Susan Fastcau and Miss Pamela building. Now they can observe the companied by their teachers. Miss given for the finest children's pic- "extras" you can put under his trees IN CALIFORNIA key requires the head of the church Slowey, consisted of Marie Vona growing process of (lie bulbs, and Joan Schaad, Mrs. Gale Crabtree this Christmas. Proix>rtioned-lo-size to throw a wooden cross into tl* ture book published the preceding Communities as well as countries Boipqfus. On Christmas Day three Patty Kane, Robert Resnik, Steven with their blooming the children will and Miss Marilyn Anderson: Mis. year and the Ncwberry award, which tool kits and lubricating oils as well Edith Morrison, assistant principal, have their own special way of cele- boy«ilive after it. Tapscott, Pam Domain, Laurie Mai see that they have helped to add is given annually to the book con- us racing car carrying cases are but brating Christmas. colm, Richard Wade, and Paul Hen beauty lo the school area. and Mesdames W. Cherr, B. Genzer. sidered to be the finest in children's a few suggestions. A hand control M. Mass, and J. Langholtz. In Joshua Tree Cal., this small ry; student assistants were Crista Both Miss Pine's and Mrs. Dorothy literature. These awards are deter- unit or gift certificate to the local community transforms itself into a Cox, Paul Kotterpahn and Robert Minion's kindergarten classes made Mrs. Grace Henze's third grade mined by a group of nationally se- speedway are also appreciated replica of Bethlehem. The »tory at Charles. Miss E. Jean Nelson con cranberry relish for Thanksgiving has been discussing (he history of lected children's librarians. Each of items. ducted the orchestra; James Beil the first Christmas Is re-enacted, Taking turns, they ground cranber- Westfield. Since Westfield's heritage the other children in the class pre- with the main street serving as a directed the choir. ries and oranges, then mixed sugar had its beginning in Indian lore and sented a short report on a favorite Organized Giving giant stage. An assembly program Nov. 11 with the fruits. Each child took a legend, the Indians who once camped bocik. Yvonne Mayer, Marc Rotger, portion horhte for sampling. Also, around Westfield were compared and Jeffrey Boylan showed the birth- * * • had a dual theme. Albert Bobal, Valet stands make unusual gifting IN NEWFOUNDLAND Edison principal, presented a tribute there was a supply for the teachers' with present day Indians through day books they had presented to the room. stories, pictures, and firsthand in- for a man. and make a practical Citizens of Newfoundland show to Veterans' Day, and Deputy Fire Washington School library this year gift that will organize bis prepara- formation Mrs. Ilenzc learned when in honor of their birthdays. Each their Christian ethics with the Chief Jack Dries discussed fire pre- FRANKLIN tions for dressing. Available in vention and showed an illustrative she spent two weeks on a Navaho book had a bookplate inscribed with Christmas custom known as "Pish- Mrs. Janet Turner's morning and Indian reservation near Gallup, N.M. the name and birthdale of the donor. frames of wood or metal, these ing for the Church." On this day film. David Gowdy introduced the afternoon kindergarten classes made stands neatly hold the clothes he program. Designs on Indian rugs given Mrs. Also, they described how lo go about huge quantities of fish are caught a trip to Trycnb Pet Shop in West- Jlerize by a Navaho teacher were ex- will wear for the day, plus small and brought by the parishioners of Edison's cafeteria reports a record field to buy pets. The morning class, amined and studied by the students. giving a birthday book to the li-ilems he carries with him. a village to the church, where they number of turkey dinners were accompanied by Mesdames Henry Also, the class created Indian heads brary. are sold. Proceeds of the sale go served this Thanksgiving season to Clark, Daniel Lundy, and John Cur- from construction paper during an Following their sludy of the earth, toward buying firewood for the cu- students and teachers—825. The tis, bought a turtle; the aflcrnoon art lesson. Its properties, industries, minerals, rate. menu consisted of turkey, stuffing, class, accompanied by Mesdames and structure, fourth grade students girls listened with earphones to the glblet gracy, string beans, mashed Francis Anderson and David Rhum, of Miss Elizabeth Montross shared speakers and instantaeous transla- McKINLEY tions into the five official languages potatoes, cranberry sauce, roll andbought a goldfish. McKinley third graders are also heir information by presenting a butter, pumpkin pie, and milk. play entitled "Thank You, Mro.f the United Nations. Besides visii- After reading the play "Melisande studying about Indians. To climax ing the various chambers of the this, they shared their findings with ISarlh" fur other Washington class- Trooper Richard Unger of the N.J. and the Magic Wish" in class, Miss es. Each class member contributed United Nations, the children saw State Troopers spoke to Edison stu- Sandra Smith's fourth graders de- the lower grades by presenting an many beautiful gifts given by some assembly program consisting of In- a bit of in/ormation when called upon dents Nov. 18, describing the rigid cided they would like to share their by a Master of Ceremonies. of the 121 members. The group also qualifications and strenuous training njoyment of it with other Franklin dian dances, poems, and songs. One visited the Haydcn Planetarium program for troopers. Also, he traced classes. After tryouts, a cast was class constructed a television screen where they heard a lecture entitled the history of the State Trooper or- chosen, parts were learned, and the on which they showed various phases WILSON "The Night the Stars Fell," which ganization and explained the need dramatization was presented at a of Indian life. A gathering of Indians and Pil-was particularly interesting because rims feasted together an apple- for this type of law enforcement chool assembly. The audience also Mrs. Florence High, third grade it was the night before the Leonid gency. This was followed by a ques- sauce and popcorn in a Wilson School Meteor Shower. A full explanation of enjoyed the play which told the story teacher, attended a Union County kindergarten classroom not too long tion and answer period. Edmund of a princess whose magic wish had Aerospace Workshop conducted in the causes and simulated meteor MacCloskey, a student, was In ago. The Pilgrims, Mrs. Susan Mc- shower was shown in the Sky Thea- near-tragic results. However, the our sessions at Terrlll Junior High Cartney's kindergarten, were the charge of the program; Richard Ade- story had the usual happy ending. School in Scotch Plains. Outstanding ter. The children were accompanied laar assisted in the salute to the hosts and prepared the applesauce. by Mesdames John Sosnowski, Les- men, Including Dr. Franklyn T. The Indians, Mrs. Alice Grant's kin- flag; and Donna Cleveland was the GRANT Branley and two associates of the lie Naulty, Peter Sterling, Thomas piano accompanist for singing. A trip to thu- NBC Studios in New dergarten class, popped the corn Richcy, Joseph Kinningham, and layden Planetarium, and Robert 'or the occasion. Both classes made York City gave fifth graders in John Bush and associates from the God- Robert List. COLUMBUS Molbrook's and Mra. Karen Collier's appropriate headgear and other dard Space Center, NASA, lectured equipment for the feast, at which In conjunction with classroom classes an opportunity to observe on space, dynamics of flight, geo- Durling Farms in Whitehouso, was itudy, sixth grade classes of Mrs, hey danced and sang songs. This the destination of Wilson School sec- 'Irsthand how a major communica- politics, orientation lo the universe, activity proved to he a fine culmina- Elizabeth McKncrncy and Miss Phyl- tions organization operates. They astronauts, and neranautlcs. The cli- ond grade classes last month. This IH Goldberg visited the United Na- ion of November's discussion on trip added Information to their sludy made the trip by bus. max of the workshop was a flight Thanksgiving, Indians, Pilgrims, and tions building in New York City. A Mr. Holbrook's entire class partici- of the modern dairy and farm. They roni Newark to Atlantic City where ood. Also, i! helped to recreate the learned the processes needed to sup- stop at Central Park Zoo added to pated in a Thanksgiving program participants in tho workshop inspect- itmosphere of the first Thanksgiving. the enjoyment of the trip. which they performed for the school. ply milk to our homes. They ob- d the Federal Aviation Agency's served trucks pumping milk into the National Aviation Facilities Experi- Third graders In Miss Moree Coop- dairy machines which pasteurize and mental Center. er's class observed Thanksgiving by homogenize milk, watched the milk ireating a mural to depict the Pil- being boltled and capped. Also, they WASHINGTON grims at the first Thanksgiving. learned how milk and other liquids In conjunction with their study of Vieki Nelson, Joan Merry, and Diana are refrigerated, how orange juice electricity, Mrs. Eleanore Cocuzza's Hen'mann wore Pilgrim costumes is put into cartons and scaled, how Painting and Decorating fifth grade class visited the Edison fasnlo'i'ied by their mothers. Also, the their ice is mode. They learned the Laboratory in West Orange. The children wrote original stories tell- layout of the total farm and the group was guided through the Labor- ing what it might have been like to modern dairy barn, and saw many Walter Sobanski atory by Edmund Cary, who was in be a Pilgrim or Indian youngster at of the farm animals. Accompanying the employ of Edison during the last that particular period of hislory. the classes were Mesdames Paul 16 years of Edison's life. Among the Augustine, John Wallace, William many Interesting things they saw Following their classroom study of the United Nations, sixth graders Harvey, Arthur Schmidt, Thomas were the old lab coat worn by Edi- Catalon, and Neil Coreenslein. The 232-5963 son, his desk, the clock which slop- visited the United Nations in New York City for a firsthand look at the Dairy Council of Northern New Jer- ped the night he died, his last ex- sey sent a modern model dairy barn periment In which he tried lo ex-headquarters and operation of the various organs and agencies of this for all second graders In Wilson School to use and operate in their world body. The General Assembly classrooms. was in .session and the boys and A Perfect Gift Idea! Gift Cards for With a Tandberg solid state TOWNE CAR WASHES Tape Recorder

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    HOW IT WORKS . . . HOW DO I JOINT Your mombeMhip In the TOWNS CAR WASH ClUB Stop by th« office at Tilt W. South Ave. or call Ab 3. The home l>7 Wi'lcii Wiiy [inn entitles you to as many car wotriet a* you d«ilr* in 405O and aik for Many or Charlie Mannlno. recently IMTII KIII.) lo Mr. mill Mr*. Itom-i >l. Mctxili of l.liu i !«••,», III. a given 13 month period. llriii\v I.. Srhnlrrliiu m^otiiuoil I III* HIHC n»r Hit- ollUf of Unm'tt A ("ruin. Inc., Kr:il(iirM, It DOESN'T CO5T - IT PAYS YOU'll BENEFIT IN MANY WAYS That's right, it payt to belong. The Increated life and * A Wath and Wax Treatment every time. higher resale value of your car will more than repay alMran51stOr The magnificent sounds of life are re-created in this '"njberg your membership fee of $75 per year plus tales tax. * Your cor will alwoyi have that NEW LOOK. FAMILY PLAN: $15 discount for your wifo's car (2 contained, portable sound system. Lightweight and compact, the tars 5135.00). * Free Spray Waxing with every purchase. WELCOME Model 12 tape recorder offers unique construction, superlativei p .(s and a versatility of operation unequalled by any other mstrumen VISITOR...! class. Price includes attractive carrying case. 10 CAR WASHES 15 CAR WASHES Olock-1 113 ajicnUr-rs opllonnl rqulpmcnt If you've newly arrived, boding for tha nowest shows, the best places $20 $29 to

    -M.l. 1M.ANH (;<>(>!> l'IMl 1 Y I'M 11 KIIOM DATH 111-' 1*1 ItCII ASM Use this coupon to let us know you're hers Win!.',- S,'li,-.lnl,-| STUART'S AUDIO, NAME M-'illlK-r N.-IV JfTSi-y j\llt<.mfll le C:lr \V:iull<>iiiil I'Vi. IUHI Sin. NIIMI in ni:m ADDRESS Mini, inn! ltolliln>*M NHHt til 1:0(1 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. A CITY • Please have the Welcome Wagon Hostess call on mi 232-0483 TOWNE CAR WASH • I ticuid like to subscribe to the LEADER Open evenings except Saturday 'til Christmas 1 II • I already subscribe 1216 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD AD 3-4050 § Fill out coupon and mall to Circulation Depl, (.Next to CD Inn Cfiuutjr xtnnil I>i>pnr(ti .cut Ynrd) S E WESTFTTXD <\\ J.) FEAnER, THfRSDAY. T)f.CEMBF.'i 15. X9K Pagge 5 THIS CHRISTMAS


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    our Friendly Package BERENSON'S ; Store Where ^ice and Quality Meet M.89 LIQUORS FZFTB FOUNTAIN AVE. & RT. 22 317 SOUTH AVE. W. At-the-Circle 233-2428 j MOUNTAINSIDE Soft Whiskey isn't hard to give and it isn't hard to take. Opp. Railroad Station l3-'133 • 233-1136 ^


    1120 South Ave. W., Westfield • 232-5341 Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.> LEADER, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1966 • know.s [his is the £ift she'lj always A Smart Santa I Christmas Trees: I treasure. thinks ! II Mrs. Sailla youn^, a f liitjljil "!i!:i fur'' (XKJ: I or other Gives Furs; Use lulfi'l her The Legend Of A Certificate • (li • Their Origin The lights of the Chrislmas tree, Smart Santas know. The way All Children Like most beautiful when reflected in the get a mistletoe kiss ;il rhrislma.-. eyes of a child, wi.l bring jK-ace and to {Jive that special girl fur! • HEATING New Games joy to millions of homes again tlii; JAY'S CYCLE CENTER Whether her e.\lra-sj>ccial fur £ season, us they have for centuries Of Westfield CONTRACTORS is going to fulfill a loujj-tcrin die: ! Children and Christmas so loge'ili- But how did it begin'.' Why do we or add furfashion excitement to !i NORRIS Authorlv..J Ki'HWINN ! er. And Ihe choice of uif!s for chil- connect tries and lights with the i-uU-r already-begun fur wardrobe. H"'"-s i dr..n"7s|.'wia;Tyif"smm-are SOIIIOUTI birth of the Babe whom Christians a vast ranijc- of fur gnu for every . .,,. . . , . <,„, HOLLKAST wi(1) ]duh p tK jp;i i(m jn nind consider the Messiah? STATION RADIO TV CHEVROLET, INC. - HH,ullt - Hental Santa's choice Ho a Icing way in dou'imininj: the There are several stories iiboul the 111 Budgets, apt to be li "< Christ-| r.,mifv fun and t,X(,temenl or this, origin of the Chrislrnas tree. People AND APPLIANCES mas time, needn't be " 1>''ol'"m:! year's activities beneath the Christ- in Scandinavia once worshipped since most stores have easy-term mas tree. lives, and. explains World liook En- credit plans. Usually, payments start (James are one cale^ory of giliinj; cyclopedia, they made evergreen after the holidays. that never fails lo please both the trees part of Christian festivals when Exactly fur to give may he • kids and the grown-ups. Older sisler they became Christians. AIR-CONDITIONING nore of a dilemma. THE TOWN BOOK STORE Authlirized Balpv anil s,-, ,-i mid brolln'1'. as well as Mom and One legend tells huw the first ADoms 3-0220 YORK — CHItvsiJli 11 If the lucky lady's dream of ;i lux-1 Christmas tree was shown in a mir- BOOKS FOB ALL Free Eatlma.tcu Dad. can get a lot of enjoyment from llt-u. W«tlrM lior help, come right out and ask, "What j |j , . . .]ijldrcn tend to demand frid found a group of heathens at an IK-.iiliIuurli'i'K tnr ROTCHFORD PONTIAC L c ausl ( VVhil'llHK.I -- Kit,]..-I. Alii — HO Cantroi « fur do you want for Chrislmas?" that are really challenging.oak tree, about to sacrifice a child INC. (Rear eatraace from Tows A sanK!i ll;iimlu,ii A.ithorlr.rt POVTIAf-T Parklaa Lot) Clements Bros. That's belter than investing in a even to adults. to the god Thar. Sales & Service Winfrid stopj>ed the sacrifice ;ind lluovi'r Vuvumu I'ltaiirra Good Will Used Cars fine fur that stili may not lx- just, Th(1 j,,.umm,.jr s,,( fit.|s sopbistical- Ill'A Uulur TV, Kudius, Klc. cut down the "blood oak." As the oak Inc. what she wants. And since she helps it .d Vl.,.y quickly and begins early lo 4»3 IVurlh A ve. Santa plan his budget, her choice of j ,, j y g , i,y puzzles, for in- fell, according to the legend, a young Wealllrlil • BOWLING Heating Equipment l 1 oy 00 ri p fir tree appeared. Winfrid said the a glamour gift will keep the practi-j stante „,. ||j<,tory aI1(j arithmetic SNGWDEN APPLIANCES Installed fir was the tree uf life, representing PAINT & BODY SHOP cal realities in mind. gamesg, , ppoints out the Whitman Ptiu- Joules &. Hurvice 74 North Avc, Gtrwool If she just loves surprises, the best Christ. • YVHshoru & Dryers FUEL OIL and lishing Company, headquarters for a The Germans probably were the • ! il.-iliw UMUJIS & LJlapuaala iMiamo thing to do is lo give a gift certifi- busy "Santa's workshop," producing • Vacuum Cleaners first to decorate Christmas trees. • 1 {<• (rly ei-alorH & l-'roozera BURNER SERVICE cate to a furrier or fur department juvenile books, games and activity (jcnuiiiu factory l*urt» CLARK LANES and let her make her choice after They used stars, angels, toys, gilded sets. nuts, and candies wrapped in bright UNION COUNTY Call 232-2200 Christmas. Aside from the children's games 4S1 Surih Avf. W. W<*ntflt» paper, and later added tinsel and VOLKSWAGEN, 450 North Ave. E. Westfield Extra care in arranging for herthut invite family participation, there lighted candles. Scandinavians at one fur gift is advisable this Christines. are those designed primarily for lime trimmed their trees with little VAN'S Inc. BOWLING For instance, there's that very adults. Here, the children are likely flags. Now they also use cookies, Authorised Sno.k liar • Cocktail Lounge McDowells 6t>ecia! gift of fur. It could be herlo put in their claim for a share in APPLIANCE CO. 00 UruiiHwIck AUtuiuutlc apples, and gilded nuts. VOLKSWAGEN CENTER PinHettprB OIL HELAT.Inc. very first fur coat, or the latest the competition. In the United Slates and Canada, SIIIIVICU — IISBTALLATIOIV Sales — Servlc* — Part* • Free Sitting Hirvlcc J-'or Howling shaped fur jacket in one of the new- SA1.US Mothers HEATING EQUIPMENT DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING homemade paper ornaments, candy «w And TJ>ed Car* — Trucks • Vret! Uaytlme Hou-llng Intitructlon er pale shades, to add to her fur canes, and strings of cranberries and by QUU.11I1 • Altlc e Cellar* 9 INSURANCE All Trpre Maaunry Work many churches hold candlelight serv- aoi south Ave. w. w«il«u 411 Wnrb laanrriT l«ni) fJDarstitrf^ ices on Christinas Eve. People in DAVIDSON & MARTIN UKUIETERCDnut' Ireland. World Book says. leave a GIUOI.AMO IN3URORS PIANOS IMfl Wortki t candle burning in the window. In SMITTY'S Kpnta REBUBI the Netherlands, on the eve of Epiph- Nnl.« A Nrrvlvc On All tlvoH fur BEPAItg) A|>|lllll11l'IH f] WESTFIELD • Auto PlHn any, young men carry the Christmas Union Counlr'x I .urt!«'»t • Cilen? Fnlln star — actually a lantern containing HI'A wiiini.rncii. '***. FORD I mi. Co. 233-109J, lighted candles— as they stroll All A|)!>!l ••• Dealer • DELICATESSENS • 71anover i Wanlii'i'd „ Ford OWIAIV for ItiH. Co. through the streets singing hymns • UlBllWUBllfld Over SS Year* • Ins. Co. of ROBERT TREAT North Am. • PLUMBERS and carols. • AlrComlltliMicrB Authorized Ine. Co. No matter what the origin, the tree • Maryland Casualty Inn. Co. wit sici.u ixj-nTTfi • itfrtf FORD DELICATESSEN ablaze with lights is something we Sales Servle* • Ohio Casualty Inn. Co. (Jl'AU.STEZ remember from our earliest child- Dial 322-7268 "Where Quality Reigns and • West American Ine. Co. Service Pours" hood . . . and something the very 437 Park Ave. Scotch Plains THUNDBRBIBD Call 232-7550 D, J. HARTN! '~ FALCON youngest children will begin to loarn • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS HOME BAKING 354 K. llramd St. Wratltrl PLUMBING I WA this Christmas. AD 2-3673 link, former I'-ot-fHt Avr, WM. H. ESTWICK, JR. «oltl 319 North Ave. E. Wo.rflold SANDWICHES FOR PARTIES for Mr. nnrt .Urn. Uanlf 1,. Milrlln (hroiiich )h i.ffl.e <>r U'llllin INSORAriCiE ""-' * (lurk, Mriilliir. A. AD 2-0925 Borough Drainage LINDEMAN BUICK CO. » Casualty • Surety Elfctii.- f,«« Cla INC 113 Quimby St. Westfield • Firs m Life •6 Elm, wniflMd call m-isi Cat 4 0J His Plans Approved Hot \Vj! r UICK Authorlui) ir No A>«". z:a-wrj T By Council BUICK and OPEL PEARSALL & Dial 23!-ffl Sales and Servlc* DRIVEWAYS 1254 Rl. No. 22 «« Mountainside—The Borough Coun- Parts — Ropalrs FRANKENBACH, INC. cil, nt a special meeting last week, DRIVEWAYS, PARKING approved the plans and specifica- • STOHM WINDOWS QUALITY USED CARS • nooi-"iN<; • SHOES ____ tions for the Darby Lane-Summit Rd. • ALUMINUM StniNU AD 2-84B4 AREAS PAVED area storm drainage program which • A wnhtKH ORTHOPET* • JAMHIKIKK WM. A. PARKHURST ALL FOI1MS Complete Bear Wheel and Frame Straightening were prepared by the consulting "W'v Si-rvl<'i> Whnt IVe Si'll" OF SHOE PKSCIira engineering firm of Elson T. Killam I'-UF.IO BHT1MATKS WCSTFIELD DODGE, INC. I-.O. UOX 8.14, • WHEEL ALIGNMENT • WHEEL BALANCING INSURANCE FtlWfl Associates of Millburn. Dial 686-9661 Authorized GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING At its regular meeting in Novem- 2064 Morris Ave. Union noniiii COHOMCT MLAKR BBBVIOB — OAHBCKETOB * IGNITION ber, the council introduced an ordi- I1A1IT DOIlGli) THICKS 232 4700 nance authorizing the project at an • AUTO DEALERS Salca — Horvlce estimated cost of $200,000. However, Parts • DRUG STORES UK Vtw WHALEN'S GARAGE ti at that time, the report from Killam AUTO LITE had just been received and had not 425 North Ave. 13. LAMPS & REPAIRS Authorized "Bear" Station AUGUSTINE MOTORS TIFFANY DRUGS HSERVICE, been studied. A public hearing on INC. TRAVEL A«" the ordinance will be held Dee. 20. CHnTSLER — P7/TMOUTH Open 7 Dayn a Week 600 NORTH AVE., E. TEL AD 3-0393 IMPERIAL. — VALIANT WILLIAMS LAMPS ATLAS Call Far and Delivery and bids for the project will be ••JE12P" AUTO BODY REPAIRS From B a.m. to 10 p.m. a Wiring and Rpnlyllngr TRAVEL received. Sales and Servlc* Sundays and Holidays Incl. • 1001 Lamp Shades In ptock » We recover *»llk elintien OPEN PAILt I *»' The Darby Lane project is the first AI> S-10D8 Free Plck-Up and Delivery Balurilaif if" 1T8 North A»e. B. W«.»««ld • AIBO duplicate an; other nha/le phase of the borough-wide storm 1! All »-Sl'DO • l.nrye dlaolKy or IlKlilitifi lixturoi Coll AD 3-« drainage program which has been and all lypeB of ehaml«ll«r liulln planned for about five years. Bor- tin Noutb Ave. W. Wrntflrlil ,19 South Av»-W^. ough officials are planning expendi- BERSE BROTHERS CU5TOMER ENTRANCE AND PARKING IN REAR ROBBINS& ALLISON INC. tures of $175,000 each in 1MB. l'JGf SnlCB — PLYMOUTH — S*-rvk-o DARBY'S DRUG STORE • TREE EXPERTS' and 1870 to complete the program. BODYART \uthorlze* — li' ''- Xovemhi-r. Thus Devlin was appoint Call 232-1S1O 1IPI- I,itmi> 'urts & l.liis.M in KBt. 1904 '14 Hour TOVVI.IK Ml only until the end of this year. MS Terrlll nil. IMalnfl'ld Authorized I-'oiwlev lt.|inli« — IMinlliiK CADILLAC Trurlc I'iilnllri^' :tn«l Itniuitia Call 757-2584 Sales and Service Forol^n C:ir Si-rvU-p • FUEL OIL Parts — Paint and Body 9hop Call 232-8887 PLoinfield 6-2241 » LAUNDRIES 119 E. Fifth St. Plainfield 320 Windsor Ave. Westfield REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. "Dependable. Friendly Sorvlc* "SAMOSETTAUNDRY ylnoe 192G" ' • AUTO PARTS MTltr. SERVICE, INC. SOUTH AVE. Cuat HEATIN UAUNt BT - CRT CLEANING Drlve-ln Service RAMBLER, INC. • BARBERS BRidge 6-0900 C,,Hh a.d Carry „,,„.,„ 'I North \ve, 12. Crnnfortf Authorized MAYFAIR RAMBLER BARBER SHOP LEHIGH Oil CO., INC. LUMBER Sales and Service Family Ili\r»x>r Shop Dlvlulon of Joy Oil Co. Air C'inOlrlonMl FUEI, OIL Parts — Repairs and e Womfn'n X C'hll.lrrn*N llnlrrnttlnic BDHNEIi SEnVICD USED CARS e SlnDlcarliiK I"T Mrn anil W'l.inrn PL, 4-(M8S Af> 2-11)^9 AD 2-2456 112 flnlmriy St. TVrMillrl.l 420 South Ave. W. V/estfield 54 Elm Street Advertise • FURNITURE REPAIRS IS PARKING A PROBLEM? REII.LY DON MAXWELL CALL OldsmobibCo. STORAPE Anthorl In This FURNITURE REPAIRS Oldsmobile MOVING & PACKING ADams 3-0662 — 3 — 4 SaleB & Sorvlc» UPHOLSTERY FINISHING AD 3-M»« BOO North AVF. K. All 2-T0S1 Space AD 2-0226 Z41 Wortli AT*. W. L Wxllild, N«TT Jtr.tT »TKF HKSTFIEI.D (\. }.) !.E/U>ER. THIRSDAV. DFrFMBER 15, 1S66 Page?

    Your Favorite America's Largest Selection We will be Robert Treat Brands of Fine Wines and Spirits happy to gift All Bottled Express!/ For Us Gift Basket to fit any Purse wrap every By Leading Distillers made up from your selection. bottle of your thefinesttt LOWEST prices Beautiful Decanters choice


    OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY, DEC. 24 JED KENTUCKY IMPORTED LONDON DRY GIN OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY, DEC. 31 SCOTCH WHISKY 90 proof BLENDED WHISKEY roof BOURBON Light and Mellow 40% Straight Whlikoy Full 60% Qraln N»ulrol Spirits uari 5.75 4/5 Quart 4.99 V4Oal. Qt. 4/5 Qt. Pt. For Your Eggnogs 6 Year* Old uart 4.69 Full Quart 5.99 8.49 4.39 3.59 2.39 2.89 ROBERT TREAT Half Gallon 9.25 IMPORTED RUM 86 Proof WHY WORRY ABOUT PARKING? Full Quart 4.89 Qt. 4/5 Ql. Pt. Full Quart 4.39 4/5 Quart 3.99 5.15 4.19 2.70 PHONE US —FREE DELIVERY —AD 2-1900 4/5 Quart 3.49 Pint 2.55 m!mfmw*stm*8€!^^



    2-0925 AD 2-1900 | Count on Robert Treat's delicious foods I WE HAVE A VERY LARGE AS- : ORDER NOW \ SORTMENT OF GIFT PACKAGES | ; AND BASKETS, FILLED WITH A •anapes, Party or Sandwich Wise hostesses make entertaining easy with MOST DELICIOUS VARIETY OF hays, Cold Cut Platters, or FOOD, DOMESTIC AS WELL AS our help IMPORTED. ialads for your Holiday Party READY-TO-EAT! FRUIT STOLLEN • CAKES Fresh Roasted HAMS or TURKEYS 6 DECORATED HOLIDAY Delicious, Done to Perfection COOKIES for dinners or parties URGE VARIETY OF DROSTE DELICIOUS FRUIT CAKE Order Now j CHEESE GIFT BOXES 3 Imported Holland MINCE and PUMPKIN PIES CHOCOLATES RANGING IN PRICE FROM


    Christmas Day fa GIFT BOXES Open All Day Make your reservations now for canapes, party AN ASSORTMENT OF Saturday, Dec. 24th or sandwich trays, cold cuf platters or salads for HORS D'OEUVRES, FRUIT CAKE and CANDY md Saturday, Dec. 31 your holiday party. NEW YEAR'S EVE ORDERS NOW BEING TAKEN Page 8 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, 196« < Jones said, benefits to entitled chil- schools, vocational schools, colleges dren terminated at age 18, unless th. and universities thai are supported child had been disabled prior to or operated by local, State, or the YOUR reaching that age. Under the newFederal Government, or are ac- law, any child receiving benefits due credited by a Slate or national ac- to the retirement, death, or disability crediting agency. Fully accredited ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS SOCIAL of a parent may now continue to re- trade, professional and business This is ceive such benefits so long as the schools also qualify as recognized POWER, HEAT AND LIGHT child is a full-time student in an ac- schools under the law. SECURITY credited school and is unmarried. It was particularly emphasized WIRING AND MAINTENANCE Jones explained that these benefit that a child whose benefits had been Kalph W. Jones, social security payments can be made for the sum-terminated at age 18 prior to the Ford Country RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL district manager in Elizabeth pointed mer vacation months so long as the change in the law, and who meets COMMERCIAL out today that ihe 196S amendments child was in full-time attendance be- these new requirements should get in to the social security law included a fore the vacation period began, and touch with the nearest social secur- provision that permits continuing so- resumes his schooling at the end of ity district office for possible re- Call 232-6914 cial security benefit payments to stu-the vacation period. sumption of benefit payments. Par- dents between ages 18 and 22. ents or guardians of children who W«*tfi«ld Accredited schools, Jones noted, Prior to this change in the law.include both public and private high are receiving social security bene- fits and who are approaching age 38 -where the Fords speak are also urged to contact the social security office several months in ad- vance of that event if Ihe child is expected to continue in school as a softer and your moJT full-time student after age 18. "This early action will insure uninterrupt- ed receipt of the child's benefits talks louder! / after 18," Jones said. fee <66s-and a '66 was quieter than one of tS"? These student benefits, in common with all social security payments, expensive cars. It's just one payoff from improvements at i!? * are not received automatically; for- feat make these dazzlers your biggest dollars worth ever. SJ™ mal applications must be filed to se- cure them. Any office of the Social Security Administration will be glad to furnish additional information w assistance on this, or any other so- cial security matter. The Elizabeth district office is located at 268 North Broad St. The office is open Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., and on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.



    It's a fact! 'Most all of the music you hear every day to use; it has automatic threading and automatic re- was originally recorded on Ampex tape equipment. versing. (You don't have to switch reels to play the And now, Stuart's can show you a full line to choose other tracksl) And, if you're a "nothing but the best" from for home use. Start with the lowe&t priced #860. believer, believe us: you'll be more than happy with Like all Ampex tape recorders, it features dual capstan the #2070. It offers sound quality on a par with pro- drive and solid die-cast construction. If makes stereo fessional equipment and power" enough to thrill a and mono recordings, plays them back in shimmering small auditorium. To round out the picture, there's high fidelity . . . and costs less than $300, complete also a full line of accessories... all in the professional with detachable slide-on speakers. For just a little tradition of Ampex. more, you can have the #1160, which is even easier

    In our modern audio salon, you will find Ampex among the quality lines we are proud to carry. < I Come browse — you are always welcome. STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. 232-0483

    Open evenings except Saturday 'til Christmas ...

    it pays to fi- nance your car at Suburban •$[y -:.Sff4:.4 - Trust Com- pany. Low, low Bank rate ... 36 months to repay. Fast, -?;f:.y.;yJ^Vrij: fast loan serv- ice. Come in!

    TRUST COMPANY %G\ve Electrically...the gift that keeps on giving in WESTFtELD at the southwest torner of Perplexed about what to give for Christmas? Give the gift that keeps on giving: an electric E. BROAD & ELM STREETS appliance. From electric clocks to refrigerator-freezers, when you give an electric appfianca other offices: Cronford - Garwood - Scotch Plains - Pit""i e you know you're giving something that will be cherished and give years of service and plea- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 3. Make your Christmas gift a joyful success... give a new electric appliance. INSUR $15,000 MAXIMUM c^fTnR SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY NOW PROVIDED FOR EACH DEPOSITOR THE WEST-FIELD (N.J) LEADER. THURSDAY. DECEMBER IS, 186* Section r joining tV'.aiK-se in 1961. Mr. ' i; Dec 6—Soul Brafcer, 266 Highwood Chosen Product Head Dr. Mountainside, for demolition of Permits Issued Here dwelling at 584 N. Chestnut St.

    ils i.-.>ue<] by (li'Oi' Dec. 2-Klunan Ffhn. V:i7 Willow ; K* prudu.1 .^t-rvisor. cm g iiW|H-ctor. urc , <;rove K<1. lor a one f.-umiy <\w.'V.- i Knowli-dge comes but wisdom iln- K at 124H IVospeii Si. estimated j ,'ori.—Alfred Tennyson '"', ,'. " """ "•-*•-- "< '"""SiT, resins. infant. »ho MTITO in the i'aeino bins CD-. ,-if,.. and four lk-c l--\Viliiam I). Moore. 101*3 j $4S.000. ccntly ai.pon.Ld product manager. ; thn.rsiry. lie Ls a member of the i Theater | (), raii(.n during World «m Oaks Ter. c A graduat(; { s u W S Haliway Ave.. for liouse cxipiision. | Doc. 2- Mrs Paul Than, 30 Moss IX) VOl'K CHRISTMAS SHOPPING War. estimated $8,000. Ave. for extension estimated at *500. THROUGH LEADEK ADS


    i'-••: £': ••' .";r <" ..V. " •. ' •. ;. ':' T 1 •'.-. '-'.-V-.- :• '•.''*•"•• -'. i.e'-k^ ."^— -"•' •


    WESTFIELD §, Page 2 THE WESTFIELD !;](es. $30: unregistered ve- Laurence G. Foster, Berkeley i ! awards and their fair market value Boro Traffic | l.K-k1. $15: no name and address on Heights, impruper lurn, found inno- iFanwood's Library j of other prizes must be included in (M.'ininerci.-il \ehicle. $15: no Nowcent. YOUR • gross income on tax returns. Jersey driver s license. $?">. and no Charles Koliler, Trenton, no inspec- ! Examples of such awards ere Court registration in possession, , and failed fj | *it the Fanwood Memorial Library. Cash prizes won by participants ury resort areas received by em- FINEST IMPORTED Epection, $15 and $3 contempt of register vehicle. $3(1. I The paintings show a. wide variety of in the games and contests s|>onsored plueycs. salesmen, dealers, corpora- court; no name am! address on com- Old Guard Sees interests with nuture subjects and • by gasoline companies and service Juhn M. Jijnes, Port Monmoull;, portraits predominating. tion officers and others are tax- mercial vehicle, $15 and $3 contempt usin,y cardboaid plate. $;i0, and S5 j staiioiLs must be reported as income able, too. These awards are usually CRYSTAL of Court. Mrs. Sheahan, a resident of Eliza- j on Federal tax returns. contempt ot court: failed to hj\'c'Magic Suitcase' beth, studied with New Jersey artists received in connection with sales Colt Safety Appliance Co.. Maple- j proper icfislralion in possession, flj j This reminder was issued today by contests and promotion programs. GLASSWARE & wood, delinquent insiwiioii. $15 and Herbert Wyllie, Maxu'ell Simpson, I Joseph M. Shotz, District Director iind S5 contempt of court. Miss Klana Licht of the Elizabeth- C'ai'l Burger, Herbert MacDonald. E. The fair market value of the trips, s.mi $5 contempt of court. Allan (;. O'Bryn. 2R3 Ravens U'oucf. town Consolidated Gas <.'o. present suinley" TurnbuYf "and" the"li'ur A7 ; of Internal Revenue for New Jersey. services, or merchandise received Irene Woods, Jeiv-.v City. ;illow iiisj imprupL-r turn, found innocent. a "Magic Suitcase" demonstration mando Sozio she has show|) jn man. j Winners of prizes, on which a tax is the amount to be included as tax- driver who was on tne revoked list before the Old Guard Thursday local and Slate exhibitions including of $40 or more will be due, must also able income. This applies even if Hobi-rt M. Tliurston. 1345 Birch amend their declarations of esti- DECO CHRISTMAS ORNAMB to operate a vehicle, $30. Hill lid., improper passing, found the VMCA. the Montelair Museum, Hunterdor: the recipient disposes of such items MW mated 1966 income tax to include These are Lavishly decorated _ ,, '.* «| Benjamin B. Farrior, Jersey City. innocent. She pointed out that everything s County Stiite Show, Monmouth Col- by gift, or otherwise. However, you have never seen. ne llke< of was wearing was made from natu> the additional income. Winners who where a taxpayer does not accept wi driving while on the reovked list, Bruce A. Guinter, 217 Byrd Avc. I&fcu Art Festival. Shrewsbury Guild $205. p/as and concluded by removing of Creative Art. Wostficld State- have not filed a declaration may an award, its value does not have to Wh«re: Electro-Lite lnduttr. Kculch Plains, iminoiwr turn, found find it necessary to do so before lni Withers JR. Mimms. Newark, using innocent. wig which "everybody thought wai Show and in Summit, Plainficld and be included in taxable income. 300 sou,h lathaEj - her natural hair Cranford. Jan. 1G, 1967, in order to avoid pen- Newark, N J John Loeffler gave the invocalio ally charges. Taxpayers desiring further infor- She has participated in a six-man mation about taxable awards should W9A.M-9P.M."- and Harry Clark, reception i show at International Galleries, New Prizes and awards are generally contact their local Internal Revenue man, welcomed back members vvh York, and has had one-man showings taxable. The full amount of cash Service office. have been ill or away. in Cranford, Scotch Plains and Fan- Hugo Gold won higii bowling hon wood. Mrs. Sheahan has received i ors, with a 212, last Wednesda awards at Hunterdon County State, when 17 members competed. Sixty Westfield Slate and local shows. She four played .shufflelmard and card, recently won the Dr. Bernard J. in the Congregational Church las Feldman Purchase Award in Wost- Tuesday. field for "Dry Bones." Henry Fortman, hospitality chair Mrs. Sheahan's paintings will be on exhibit through inid-January, ac- WILLIAMS LAMPS man, said members were invited I Millburn by the Old Guard for shuf- cording to Mrs. Paul W. fzant, chair- 'Four One-Slop fleboard and cards Doc. 19. Clarene man of the art committee. Lamp Headquarters" Kepler and Orin Earhao't are in The second in the series of Capsule iharge of arrangements. Reviews of New Books in the Fan- NAME BRANDS Conrad Meir led the group singintf, wood Memorial Library was given LIGHTING FIXTURES Preston Straus was soloist with the Monday by Mrs. Walter J. Paltz, di- Stiffel — Rembrandt chorus. rector. Tensor — Keystone — Williamsburg—Imported Bronze A special Christmas story hour has >een planned by Mrs. Arthur Seder- Site-Lite & others Swag Lights For Armchair Sport >erg. Children's Librarian, for Sal- Famous-make floor and table lamps xday at 10:30 a.m. . . . study and reading lamps . . . Wo can convert any fixture into a If a man prefers to watch his novelty lamps . . . one of the finest swag light. We will also install sports, there are plenty of gifting Library membership is now avail- fixtures that we sell. Large selec- ble to out-of-town college students. selections in the area. Many in solid Mr. anA Mm. J«»KI-|>1I J.rKUtv^er art* \>w la reMlilent-e at «-IT Tilth, K<-u i 1'JnliiM, Mh It'll wni< iHircliUMciI brass. o TV sets. The library will be closed Dec. 24, fixtures . . . swag chains in many rrom C'liurleM ltlllfiiltiNU. (lie lilillde Th 1M Male vt'tlN n ejcol In il by 6 and 31, and Jan. 2. WHlirr KoHlpr, lu«'., ItrfiHoi-K. Ask about our own make colors. of wall reading lamp. TIFFANY—TIFFANY OLD LAMPS We now have a TIFFANY "Do-ir-yoursetf" KIT RESTYUH THE DRIVER'S RESTORED . . . same method of assembling used In the old days. We can show you how to assemble &REPAI SEAT your own Tiffany lamp. Traffic signs riddled by hunters' wllets, punctured by rocks, dam- aged by accidents or defaced with Old oil lamps restored. Do you need a lamp, paint by vandals are not only an Victorian globes painted lampshade or fixture eyesore but threats of death or dis- to match your base. restyled or repaired? We nemberment. We will restyle your old refinlsh and respray... Such signs—made Illegible by wan- lamp to give it a new glassware replaced. on acts of destruction or transform- look. Lampshades recov- Large selection of chan- id to show excessive speed liiriits by delier bulbs . . . "do-it- houghtless pranksters — can mid ered or duplicated . . . your own or our mate- yourself" lamp and fix- lave caused serious accidents. ture parts. Now this may come to an abrupt rials. lalt because a Brigham City, Utah electrician has invented a sign that shoots back" at its assailant—with New General Electric ilm. • From odds and ends In his base- WILLIAMS LAMPS ment, Robert Craighead built n imall device that can take a picture 14-lb., Hi-Speed, 2-Heat if the vandal. Recently patented, 765 CENTRAL AVE. (Near Grove St.) WESTFIi Iraig's sign has a secret compart- Mnn.-Krl. 9 to 9 lent In which a motion camera Customer Parking in Rear Sat; 4111 8 AD 2 >sts behind a trap door. Impact from a bullet or other ob- Automatic DRYER :ct springs the trap door, triggers delicate mechanism, starts the imera whirring and photograplis IO vandal. with PERMANENT PRESS CARE When 10 seconds hai e elapsed, the omera stops, the tr«p door snaps liut and the mechanism gets ready Waltz i record the next offense. Sign-spoiling is a particularly seri- JS sport in the more remote areas through f the West where trigger-happy oi •ustrated hunters can take pot-shots washday ithout being seen. WTMANCW Working with Craighead to perfect GENERAL CUCTJIIC le photographic device, the Utah WASHER UIO lepartment of Highways plans to in- A»kTHE WESTF1ELD u!i lo the seu'riiy of canktTworm Around yount: trees in £olf cimr year } Wood chips, OSKV considered a chip muU'hes have ser^i'd as a liar- chemicals. These enable growers to l'iay u s.ife. s;iyt Dr. liu^fcit. ;ind ! waste nmlenat. are now being used REFLECTS THE WHOLE -settia To Kit ' so exlelisn fly in some areas that rter ii^auist careless mower opera ! 'J poinsettia produce well proiiortioiivd plants m witli large bracts. ! the demand exceeds UH> supply. lion. BiiSsH-d chips for liarlKi|ue drruliuiiis lli'l'> ul'.ll CIOVIUHO uf They have real value U> the hojue grills have apjH-ared on l.he market or DDT j:isl s the buds U'i;in Such developments, along ;i •' owner, and the professional plant Wood chips even ha\e IkH'll stiKjjc* t- WIDE WORLD tu hrcik constant breeding work, are produc- grower alike, mid to many others in ed as a substitute for snow oil Tlu>. wit! coat Ui I widely differing fields of work. a material for tmiching plants „( some timely advice chi;is ate excellent. A layer of Harrison, extension 4 to ti inches in depth will re- Suburban Trust lhe Ilulgcrs College cvaporation of soil moisture, tely proton plunt iwils and Environmental the extremes of heat in the tfs that New Jersey Official Agency ers are turning out a Stoplight, a bright red. brown CJ;L;S that ioiik like iimiKiUiu ci and cold ill the winter. Un- named Snowflakes and Snowcap ore ; hone\comb* nc;:r ihe end uf Iwt^s. like .cine other much materials, in* plan^ lllis ycar> aU white. Among other now ones is a on erolrhi's of hram-hlcis. in civuecs wIKMI chips arc heavy and not oas-ily Far'Expo 6f W» Mrva our "conititu«nts"-th« people of N*w „ f« every tasUr and need, bright pink. Christmas Trees si altered by wind. Yet they are Jermy, New York and Pennsylvania—by antid* ^y group !!»•« or more i uf bark. There n:-ay l>c 'MD :ioo cg^s Still at the lop of the popularity • in a mas>. porous and never pack or mat dow Suburban Trust <'o. has IHVII des paring their needs and scouring th» world for sinj!, pot. This produces so tightly that juks.sage of air un ignalco o7 lnforiuji u.Uie showy parts usually list, though, is a variety with large, 1 tha mcrchandlte to fill themi silk from Japan, From e\ery egt. come the unfold- Outdoors Add To water. uniHHiuut to root growth, lion Center mid I'as'sjwl Salci Slich a 18 1 h:ls brilliant red bracts named Barbara • mg of buds'nex! S i nig u,li ,„ „-,-., i sword* from Spain, crystal from Belgium, jad» Bowers"'- P " P prevented. And they an- fully oxjuu Agency" for the International i;x- Ecke Supreme. This is the result ol j J lotlle uoini « nl, a .„, \ carving* from Thailand. formal appearance. V0I UH)1IS | if not superior, to any other mule [K>silion to IH* held in Mofitrenl, a selecUon by a Bergen dimity i petite. Kulks sometime., caii them I Holiday Swne ^L growers remove the in .smothering weeds and grass; II' Cimada, next year from April 2JI to Somebody ha* to go out and find all this mo* flons: several "ears ago. • mcicurin,, -ms. inch «orms. l.u.p-! I,, cities, villaues Ups of their plants to make wol | tew |i|iinls that do push through i-ai •bandit*, tell our customers about it, hlro and l r> rural Oct. 27. Admission tickets, which ^lies with somewhat small- Whichever plant ynU buy, shield ii j ' ; areas it is fast lm j Iv easily pulled out. 1 train people to sell It, design operating systems ln lire railed "I>:«SS|MJIIS." are now on t The result is an informal from drafts of either hot or cold! outbreak fnrm.s - sometimes I ma.-, custom to i Not to Ik* confused with snwtim and computer programs to keep track of H, anal : ei unite- a luina sale at all Suburban offices, at prices ,, many prefer, air. Harrison advises. Keep it well they appear by ihe billions — n,.-y ovciKivcn tree in Hu- from lawn with or liimlMT s'hiivings. wo(Kl chilK a arrange H in our eight stores attractively and jfllcr »nd Metier l 1 a by-product of tree pruning and substantially lower than the gale supplied with water and give it nde- j -" defoliate a shade tree Milhin a mill!i colored electric li^liK (Vr price. Intelligently, And somebody ha* to b« willing ks arc also making use of quate light. week or so. The area around 1'hil.i- tainly it adds much to the Chrislnus result of tlie development of |«n 1 to learn a litilo bW about everything, t» •!*« Eon and experience turned rlelphidlhi a n ffevs years bm-k was hit scene and. if due c;ue is exercised, able wood-chipping imichnes. IVsig More than 70 nations "ill partici- Larch at Rutgers and other DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING liy the si'vi'ri'Nl ciiiikcrworm infes- it causes tile tree no harm. ed in ii'iluce pruiuni tree braiiclio pate in Hxj>o 67 which will lx> Magcd ft« j*5 jn growth rclardant THROUGH LEADER ADS tation (in record. Tlicre were sot nnisi lo ehi|»s for o-conoiny and conven on two islands nnd a IHT.IIISIIUI in There are some pr*-caui ions that . ence in hauling, Ibese nuKhines no oiitberaks elsewhere, ill Micliigaii. should be observed. Hcfiiiv placing tin; St. ljjiwn-mv Hiver just mimifes iiuiiana, iire;iS ot 1-IMI^ Island. It's I are widely \isi*d by city forestry an from downtown Moulreihl. Holders of in Ihe three, caiefully examine Hie | park departments, line dean Coltcg* Grads and tfifort usually three years before canker li>!bt eori|> for fiayed or \\(irn spu's ailinlsston "passixn'ts" will hnve worni-s tajKT off | erevi's uf public utility eompai.. . fn-e access to all pavilions and » ill after reaching a j in the insulation, cracked l>nlb Mick- and commercial niboiisls. Tlu-so nv for Information about CARIERI WITH IANI> l>e able to ride free on the Kxmi poak in their cycle. els and loose cimnetiitm.s where a the principal sources from whic KROIRt NIW JWS1Y, one of the most pro* In oilier areas the buildup to |»eak i short mi^lit occur and, imssibly. set l':xpi'css. a rapid transit .system lie- gresslve anti fastest growing department etaree 1 WOIRI chips may Iw oblnincd occorr may be in progress around Hoston 1 th•' e tretc afire. ing to the N'alional Arliorist Associr signed in carry ao.uuo IHMSOIKV an In the nation, visit or write Mis* Shirley H. Clalr hour over the fair's 1,000 acres. and other New Kiijiland sections. | [n attliiebing Hi,- lights to tin- tree lion, ('(immercial arlwrisLs. lisle or Mr, Thomas Swlnton, Executive Placement various spots in New York, in IViin- '.select sturdy hraiu'ht's capable of under "Trees" or "Tiw Service" i Three types of "pass|virts" lire Office, on the ninth floor of our Newark Store sylvania. the Mid South and Mid iH'iirijif* tile wcighl of the Muht cords Ilic S'ellow Pages of your lelephon iivaihihlc. The reduced prices arc at 131 Market St. Or call MA 4-2400, ext. 593. West. An outbreak may lul one town dii'ectory. usually can fill orders to available unlil Feb. 211. Kill I infor- Open House all through Chrlstma* holiday. miss the next. .Somclinies, however Don't JK-IUI (»r tuist the hrnllclle; from their iiaiunil position; the \a wood chips proniplly since tree prim imitiun ean be obtained nt Suhurbmi whole tou'iisbips arc hit simultane- ing is a year round of arhori Trust Co. ously. lionnl ArlmrlNl Association warns thai the branch wood of suinc ever- <.'iillunil v\*ork. gri'eii .s|H'cies is heitile and may break under strain. In fastening ilie Valuabli' for mulching recently cord mid lights avoid culling or olh- plaiiltd trees mid oiiuuueiilnl t-hn ei'Hise injuring the branch b;uk. wiiod chi|i.s arc useful, 4oo, in thi IMace the li^ht bulbs so they will uoi ible (!'''i'dcn. Spread oround to- be in conlacl with the foliage far nialo plants they not only servo even a small amount of heat i.s hkc- well as u mulch, but keep the ripon :yto cause liivwning of the needles. fruit free from soil discolnrutioi CiHid results hnve IXVII ohtaine< also in mulching potatoes, CIUTUI>. Ami Other 'Saudis' and cabl>;^c with wixxl chips. If Ihe. much i.s left In place throughout tlu Though Santa Clans i.s today'.1, itlnic HUIIII Air. and Hn, Klrhola* I'JtllnoN, formerly «f Scar or worked into the soil, a fer > I»I>M rfuldlnir fn their ne»v home ill 1:IT lljirrlimn Irp. most popular Christmas season gills Itli/er (lint Is high in niliogn-r |it wa» neftollillt'd by I*ti(i-tck 1>. Mlnoftue of Ihe »ITIi-r uf Jnm« ?ivcr. he still has plenty of help. hoiild IH> applied for the ilecoliipiisi In Northern IJirope, many chil- linn of wood chips is likely to rol Place Your Order dren await ihe arrival of St. Nich- nitrogen from lli<< .soil and lessei olas on the Kvc of DeecmlxT Mil. il.« fertility. As Soon As In Spain ami Latin America, the "Three Kings" traditionally bring In addition (n iniieliiug, many nth* Possible gifts on Kpiphnny E-\c, Jan. ath. •r uses have been found for wood chips. 'Ilicy have proved to be a USE I.KADKU WANT-ADS durable mid nllmctivc surfacing KOll BUST UKSUI.TS for informal gnrden patlw

    WE FEATURE FIAME-RETARDANT "SNO-BOND" FLOCK. THE VERY WHITEST I THE ONLY FLOCK why settle lor less? AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW we can give you prompt delivery THAT PERFECTLY CHRISTMAS on any picture size, and almost any DUPLICATES NEW FALLEN SNOW - furniture style you want, VERY REALISTIC in the Dependable One thatt No. It IN WHITENESS AND TEXTURE. RCA VICTOR- 2,000 Personally Selected by the COLOR TV "Don" ... freshly cut for us everybody wants! BALSAM FIR • SCOTCH PINE Get Ihe »i*e you want —4h« lurnilurt tlylo DOUGLAS FIR you wont—the price per week Uv*l you want—at low at 3 With Space Age Solid Copptt Circuits thtt won't com* I001W ALSO Artificial Trees, Oregon Holly

    and Greens, Wreaths and Roping. So nuny models, nobody can stock them alll Ailc to SM evr RCA VKTOR COIOR TV Everything You Need DKORATOR fURNtTURM QUIDt For Your Christmas Decorations 0 • GREENS BALSAM and • ROPING • CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR GARDENERS There oreonfy2 kinds of COLOR TVi' • DECORATED AND SCOTCH PINE Princess Pine 1. RCA VICTOR —4h» one thai •xfmluM*, \ UNDECORATED Laurel and Pine • GRAVE BLANKETS and PILLOWS < mad* dtpmdabki WREATHS TREES White Pine 2. All the others—from A to Zf CUSTOM MADE DOOR DECORATIONS OPEN 9 A.M. 'TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS RC* VICTOR «M ttw Brit to put Cote TV Mo IMIMWM; f production. ^*—- 4 RCA VICTOR was Uis first to pioneer Md develop Color TVC EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR RCA VICTOR was ths first—end for many year* the ONLY oaej to manufacture Color TV. ,f while other maker* w*tcriad *nd HOME DECORATIONS waited. Today, those year* of experience ore paying off for yoM OUR OWN LARGE PARKING AREA ... In superlative picture quality... In lifelike color-fidelity .,,• In rugged dependability.., and In sensible pclcetl What the OPEN others still must learn about building Color TV, RCA VICTOR AMPLE already knowsl , MON. & FRI. That Is the simple reason why, In the b!z-volume production EVENINGS PARKING roqulrnd by today's popular demand for Color TV, NO competitive maker has yet been able to approach RCA VICTOR'S UNTIL superior quality and performance. CHRISTMAS

    SATURDAY ICAVKTOfi Auster's m UNTIL 6 DELIVERIES \ frpubfeli SUNDAY 10 to 5 EVERYTHING FOR CHRISTMAS" 143 E. BROAD ST. •a* , UuTt jioo SOUTH AVE. JOHN K. MEEKER, Inc. d^ffigpy AD2.8717 & MARTINE AVES. 114 FANWOOD WESTFIELD -I Pagge 4 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 35, I'Mlin ACTIVITIES IN THE CHURCHES OF WESTFIELD AND Baptist Church Program To Include Redeemer Charts CHURCH SERVICES Sermon of the Week 'Nativity Of Christ In Fine Arts' Children's Yule -•25. Also, "Baloo Larnmy," arr. Kirk HOLY TK1NITY B. C. CHURCH church until the sermon hymn- 11 By tlii! Very R<-v. Cation Richard J. llardman "The Nativity of Christ in the Kine Ohservances Arts" will be the theme of the Yes "Christ Was Born on Christinas Kt. Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Wattenoo a.m., prayer and sermon; church Sunday Hector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church LLD, VF, PA, Pastor school, nursery and kindergarten per service at the First Eaptis Day." arr. Shaw; "Let Us tio To Tiie children's Christmas will be Church Sunday at S p.m. in the sane Bethlehem." arr. Kingwald: "The Assistants in the Edith Lee room; grades i observed at Redeemer Lutheran Rev. John L. Flanagan through 5 in the parish hall; grades I suppose that il is still possible to stand on a street corner und totuary. The four choirs of the church Saviour ol the World Is Born," Hoist: Church in two vesper services Sun 6 through 8 in church until sermon the Hal ('unto, the Descant, the "Harch of the Kings," arr. King- Rev. Eugene C. McCoy stare up into the air and within a few minutes have a crowd of p<>opk' day. Dec. 18 and Jan. 1. All grades Rev. Salvatore Tagliareut hymn. standing arouiri all staring up Into nothing. I haven'l seen it h«|>pon foi Chapel and the Chancel, will al wald; "Hasten Swiftly, Hasten Soft- of the Sundsiy school will participate participate in the program. ly." Kounlz: "The Coventry Carol." RECTORY: 815 First Street Monday through Saturday, pravoi a while bul I am sure that it continues to happen because we arc always in Hie services, present ing the story Phone: AD 2-9332 at 9 a.m. a very curious people. We want to know what is going on. We are con- There will be slides shown of fa- arr. Scott; "Thou Must Leave Thy of Christinas and Epiphany with the mous paintings of (he Nativity with Lowly Dwelling," Berlioz; "Jn the Sunday Masses: In church, 7, cerned about being informed. We are interested in current h;M>i>i'iim»s meaning of both to present-duy 9. 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon; 9 a.m., The radios have the news every five minutes or every ten minutes or the choirs accompanying each phase Bleak Midwinter," David H. Wil-Christians. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST of the developing Christmas story: liams. During the candlelight pro- children's Mass; in chapel, 9, 10:15 SCIENTIST eight limes an hour, whatever it Is, because we all want to know. We This Sunday at 3:30 p.m. the serv 11:15 and 12:15. have a kind of cuiiosly. Above all we like to have inside inlurmSition. The Prophecy and Annunciation, cessional, the choirs und rongrcga- ice theme will be "Christmas Joys.' »7 Midway Are. | Christ Is Born in Bethlehem, The ion will sing "Angels We Have Holyday Masses: In church, 6. Fanwood ( Bather Uiau being generally informed. «e like to have some kind of Carols will lie sung by four grades, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45 and 10:30 a.m.; information that somebody else doesn't know aboul. Sometimes we even loly Family, The Coming of the Heard On High." nursery through grade 1, including Sunday Services: il a.m. Shepherds, The Coming of the Magi, hi the evening at 7 p.m. Wednesday evening testimony name-drop, some of Us, for we liko bur friends to know that we are not Two trios will sing: Mrs. Harold "As Each Happy Christmas," Weekday Masses: In church, 6:30, without friends in high places but. In general, the whole tnattl-r ot being The Flight Into Egypt. Harnmar, Mrs. John C. Aipaugh and "Away In A Manger," "As With meeting, 8:15 p.m. The Bell Choir will play prior to 7:15 and 8 a.m., unless otherwise sn- informed: the matter of having Intellrtturhl curiosity; the rrKtter of find- Mrs. Harold Shill; Mrs. Allen Kittlc- ladness Men of Old." and "Jesus nounced. ing out wliat Is happening, what new developments are cording up: is !he service and during the services, 5on, Harold Hammar and Philip Loves Me, Jesus Love Me." The ECHO LAKE CHURCH ntroducing and accompanying some First Friday Masses: 6:30, 7:15 all very important to us. Smith. trained voices of the children's choir, and 8. OF CHRIST jf the anthems. The following se- ider the direction of Miss Darlene 600 Springfield Ave. It steins to rhe then thai it Is very strange that being a people of ections will be presented: "My Soul Soloists will be Mrs. Allen Kiltle- Krug, will sing, "As Lately We son. Mr. and Mrs. James Webber James Fowler. Minister Doth Magnify the Lord," Saint Watched," "Hark Ye Shepherds," OUR LADY OF LOURDES B. E. Lemmong, Minister euriositjf of this magnitude we are still under the Indictment of Si. John aens: "The Flute Carol," air. and Betsy Ann Hammar. Mrs. Kob- the Baptist in saying to the people of his day, "Thert» standelh one by Henry Davis; "Jn A Manger He R. C. CHURCH 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., worship- .'ooper; "How Kar Is It lo Bethle- crt R. Heckman will be accompan- s Lying" by M. L. Hohman. Miss S04 Cei.iral Ave., Mountainside 9:30 a.m., Sunday school; Wednes- among you whom we know not." To enlightened people wlio want Ib know Shaw: "The Holly and theist for the program: Ileginald Hou- Raymond Hess will be the accom- Rev. Gerard J. McGarry, Pastor day, 8 p.m., Bible study. ™« Rev. things, it seems strange, doesn't it, to have the Son of God in our midst vy." Boughton: "Christinas Natus sel, film projector and Mrs. Krecl panist. The congregational hymns Assistants isl," Deis: "Oh. I Would Sing of Wehruin, Youth Bell Choir director, Sermon for Sunday, "Auditing and not know it. Nevertheless I peiieve tlu's is true. will IK "Joy to the World," "Silent Rev. Francis F. McDeiroltt Christianity." Gary's Child," Lovelace; "Christ- ilusic under the direction of Mrs. Nighl, Holy Night," "0 Little Town We can understand the followers of John the 'Baptist. It is hot too Rev. Francis X. Carden nas Iiullabye," Hopkins: "Jesus, Donald E. Bleeke, director of mu- if Uothlehem." Keck ry—1221 Wyoming Dr. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES esus lies! Your Head," arr. Schroht. difficult for us to see why they would not know (his one who stood among The readings which will accom- ADains 2-4007 1170 Old Karttan Rd., Clark nion; 8:45 and ij^° them, but why the Lord can stand and we.not know it really pany the projected pictures will be Sunday Masses—7, 8, 9:15, 10:30 Tomorrow: 7:25 p.m., ministry is a very strange thing to me. I suppose that some of us don't know him Presbyterian Women To read by the teachers, Miss Mary Me- and 12. school; 8:30 p.m., service meeting. ; and sermon; ? p^ ^ because we really flon'l'believe in-him. This,is a slrange thing, too, for WSCS Evening Unit Neniar, Mrs. Arnold Anderson, Mrs. Weekday Masses—6:30, 7 and 8. Sunday: 5 p.m., public talk on- j lowship; Senior Ej*. r Christians. How can we be Christians, how can we be called by Ifii name, Hold Christmas Tea Richard Popp and Mrs. George Holyday Masses—6, 7, 8, 10 andtitled, "Increasing the Fruits of Churchmen. ^ Prill. The choral speaking of the Wednesday: ? uj | i if we din't believe In Him? How can we worship in the church that He Jirislmas Party The Woman's Association Christ- p.m. God's Spirit In Your Life" given by ; mas tea will be held today at 1:30 first grade is entitled, "Ah, Dearest 1st Friday Masse»-6:S0, 7:15. II. Matthews; 6^05 p.m., question communion; 8 pm '? established? How can we kneel at the altar and receive HI* bddy and Jesus. Holy Child." and answer consideration of the arti- dub. '* blood and riot bclievd in Him? We make all kinds bf excuses. \Ve say. in the chapel. Program chairman Novena—Our Lady of Miraculous Set Tuesday of the day, Mrs. Edward Minick, The children's sermon will be giv- Medal, Monday, 8 p.m. cle entitled, "Preach a Release to "Oh, He was a man of history. lie was a great man, but He wasn't any will present "The Bells of Christ- en by the Hcv. Walter A. Reuning, Benediction—Fridays 2:30 p.m. the Captives." COMMUNITY Son of God." We are even to a place now where we are wondering about The evening group of Ihe Wom- mas," by the Adult Bell Choir, di- pastor. The greeting to the assem- Confessions—Saturdays, eve of 1st Tuesday: 8 p.m., question and an- God. Is there one? Rome people believe that if there was one, maybe en's Society of Christian Service of rected by Marilyn J. Herrmann. blbed parents will be given at the Fridays and Holydays, 4 until 5:30, swer participation, using the Bible He is deaii This is the kind of culture we are living in. We knovtf that il the First Methodist Church will have beginning of the service by Arthur and 7:30 until 9. study air, "Things In Which It Is its annual Christmas program Tues- The choir members are: MrsH. . Kreyling, superintendent, of Impossible For God to Lie." may be all right lo have some kind of idea about this subject—about God day at a: 15 p.m. in the social hall Thomas Campbell, Mrs. S. N. Ewan, Plainfield. Baptisms—Sunday at 2 p.m. by ap- and about His Son. This may be something that i6 pleasant to have around, of the church. Mrs. Edward Ewen, Mrs. Kenneth The observance will continue the ointment REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday: 9:»18:i kind of a concept of Santa Claus. Nobody wants to kill Santa Claus. Hackman, Mrs. Eugene Hermann, Marriages — Arrangements to be Cor. Cowjwrthwalte PI. and Clark St Featured on the first half of the Mrs. Paul Kolterjohn, Airs. Bert Me- 12 days of Christmas from Dec. 24 school, gradcj 4-li, program are the Jessie Hewson to Epiphany, Jan. 6. On Sunday, .dde at rectory two months in ad- Rev. Walter A. Reunlng ship; sermon: "ft, Quadu, Mrs. Leonard Schork, Mrs. ance. Vicar David A. Wood the Rich People"; ^ You know, there would be a tremendous furor if the papers came out Jones Madrigal Singers, under the Reno Seiders, Miss Ruth Van dcJan. 1, at 4 p.m., the Sunday school stating that Santa Claus was dead. We don't want to believe in that: we direction of Janet Grimier Gleason. grades two through eight will pre- Suhday: 8:30 a.m., Holy Commu- garten, grades 1-J; I j Sande, und Mrs. R. W. Whealon Jr. iLL SAIN'lt>> EPISUOJ-AL CHURCU minster FeaowiWp; IJ Want to believe In the spirit of Christmas, but we don't want to believe The singers are Mesdames R. Glenn sent the tableaux of the Holy Nativ- nion will be celebrated—children's Bauer, Roy T. Forsberg, Allen R. Installation of officers and devo- ity with accompanying carols and 550 Park Avenue •hoir will sing; 9:45 a.m., Sunday tivity Play perfamid'5 In the Christ who was born at Christmas. Some of us say, "Oh well, it's Klttlesoin, Jay K. Rochlin, James tions will be led by Mrs. David Sar- anthems by the junior choir. Six Scotch Plains school rehearsal of preschool minster Fellowship. more than an idea, it's more than a myth, I suppose. It may even be prac- W. Sasso, Herbert M. Stork, Edward gent in the chapel. The Christmas scenes of the Christmas history, as The Rev. Joseph T. Hammond hrough grade 1 for Christmas serv- Wednesday: 9 tm., t tical in a certain sense because wo need some kind of morals and ethics." J. Walsh arid James L. Whitcford. tea will l)e in the assembly hall recorded in Ihe Gospel of St. Luke KfccUir ice; 11 a.m., main service; 3:30 p.m., 0:30 a.m., Intercessory j tVe admire good people nnd we like to be good people, and with some kind Included in the group of early hosted by Circle 15, Mrs. Anthony and St. Matthew, will be depicted in Sunday: 8 a.m., Holy Communion; hJIdren'e Christmas service, pro- p.m., confirmation da. and Circle IB, Mrs. Heiiis. costume by selected children of the of guideline, it is easier to get along. But these people say, "At best it is Christmas selections will be Spanish, 9:15 a.m., prayer and sermon; nurs- school to Grade 1. Swedish and French carols and a Sunday school. All children in their Tuesday: 3:45 p.m., confirmation kind of a poetic idea, this idea of the Son of God coming Into the world. ery care; church school, nursery Negro spiritual. classes will assist with memorized and kindergarten in the Edith Lea classes A & B; 8 p.m., Sunday More Church It is an idea that may be helpful to fill some human need, or il may be Following the Madrigal Singers Calvary Lutheran quotations from the sacred record to room; grades 1 through 5 in the school teachers meeting; 8 p.m., eve- psychologically sound, but the Son of God isn't among us. I do not believe there will be a service for Christ- accompany each scene. The entire parish hall; grades 6 through 8 in ning Bible study. Next Pai mastide, in which the Mesdames Sunday school will join in the car- In a Son of God." This is a current statement in llils world and it is Yule Pageant ols, "From Heaven Abave," "Si- getting more current every day. James Whitaker, James Coldwell, Laurance Master, Charles Lulz, Jay lent Nighl, Holy Night," "A Great 425 East Broad St., WesUleld, N. J. Altai U and Mighty Wonder." One morning this week I was in the car and Ihe radio was going and Rochlin and Richard Peinkofer will Sunday At 4 take part. TOWN OF WESTFIELD they started to sing a Christmas carol—in the middle of Advent—and I The meeting is open to all and vis- PARKING PERMIT PLAN RESERVATION FORM just kind of went along with the words, they being familiar. "God Rest "A Covenant With Us," an origi FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST itors nre welcome. pal pageant written and directed by SCIENTIST May Be Used In Parking Lot No. 3 — (South Side Railroad Station! t.KADER, THl-RSDAT. DECEMBER IS, 18*6 Pa*6 * I FIRST METHODIST TIIIKCH ciiairs" with appointments, the at-1 p€.«-ka At Convention Mnu&ters: iurncy's services wuuid nut hav* j Activities In The Churches Rfv. Clark W. Hunt Fireplace Claims Early lx.oii rcquiied. ! K. G. Pecks of 809 Sherbrook Dr Kcv. James C. Wliiiakcr director, Center (or Occupational Rev Punald G. Junes DO VOl'K CHRISTMAS SHOPPING f Kdm,-alion o* Jersey City State Col- day school Christmas projirain wi GROVE Kev. I'liiup K. llti-ttcrich TIIKOl'GH LEAUEK ADS j l^e. attended the 60th annual, con- be presented at the cu-tuti^ si-ivU\ TERKIIX ROAD BAPTIST Role in Yule Festivity S-.n-day. 14 ]."i iind 11 am . all d.'- vent iim of the Amcncao Vocational All are invited to this program in. OK'RCH nirsiei,!... of H.e church school nuvl. LEADER WANT ADS P*Y I Association in Denver. Colo. note thai it is one half Imur i-arlic Scotch Plains M and II i> iv. , \\or.slnp services 111 rlaiIls thun the normal i-vcmni! .service. Mfrting in 1,.1-rill Junior High When Santa Oaiis comes sliding j Tlie use of such tiles for fireplaces H-.l:ii.:;.\ ii 4;, :, ,., c :i" >;iSHill.!rv. 1)1 1 i "lark \v. I hin,. 'down thv chimney (m Christmas KM , i soon spread til r'.iiKland, and (hen to Tuesday: 8 p.m., prayer ;md B.iii lay .V'IKIO!: 1 I study time at the Chapel. the M-i iinr. will ;>,- inor IIHIII-UT. vt ill preach, a 1 uheio w.l! he li'.i-.d .' the Colonies. Why a fenuly on a budget \ i:a- .tales I- ii;;:li! in Ihe iirrplaco. an area 1 Skilled Dulch craftsmen devornled -ll0l>1> four!i '(LVndav *- ' 11 1"! 1 . ary. 7 pm , fliristttliii. ;v pni-! lli..I has IH-CII a traditional |on vf • ceramic tiles design.-, of or- CKAC'E ORTHODOX , riirisln-,.i> tin- more >eiirs ilia 11 Siint.'i' iin;:(-s. p;i|n-s, tulips, vast !S;.nt:i a»u>. ei si. Nieholos. f 1 v-1 rhc Knalish IISIHI similar pirturc.-- Znor Fellowships; 8:1= . Williai.i K. Cobrr, Minister j.e.K-nily won- a blue robe, :iltlKiui:li 1 ,tnd a&dt.l{ „,.„, l4larrai,ig scom-s Sunday: 9:30 a.m., church M- . aid society meeting. S'.M'.d.ii y !'. 4:-, ;,,,ri It . : . « HI.-.!-!]-. FAWYotm l-Kr.SRVTERU\ ricmcnt flarke MOOIT. in "A Visit • ^sitned hy renown^ artists, hi- '715 pm.. youth prey- classes for all ages: Nursery n>u >( r •froiii si pielnn-d him as ,.|,ldmg K;l!(. t;,.wna«-iiy. farrwd for •;, adult study. "Survey videiddd fof r churchhh schooh l and nuini-.nj'. j ' iill in lnr. from his head to • s •(.") and lr 7-1 Martiiu- Avenup, S. 1 her ('lin.--li)'ias card designs. worship service; 11 a.m.. worsii-n ainch'su-h M'*.siot;> "1 n 111 i-urc»- 1.. Hunt DD, Minister I Ins ion , service. Guest preacher Dr Chi'r i'!.,, .J [ S«-l a Precedent •j and 8:30 p.m., Chrisl- vm il(.i> -.1 DO ;m,l I 1 a ill . \v,>..,|n|. Hut lor eeiilnries. the fireplace Iwjts yjhip service. Davis of Die faculty of Lai'iM-,.' c ., lief.'t ;i l:-'-:i>ined iiud often vilul Tliese ttles were used both to line i-es: Or Ceor.i!,. 1. Hum u ill Ihe firepUice and on mantels and Seminary; 5:45 p.m., lntc'imedijic ;:Mi-ip al ii« h (in ihe topic. -Tin- lYacoah'.c |>.irl of tile home Machen League 'grades 7 and B : 7 i;..l,,ii I! p. The ln'cpiarc :i.< it c-Nisls today— other surfikciitus. .vetting a precedent CUAPEl .1, in: i.i,, loin" \urs<-ry care is t(tr modern fireplaces. Fanwooo p.m., evening worship service. Hy:mi I).-., spivi. 1, iirl.iivn 111:,Ur three. !> :il> and II ll,:lt llu- lil'ebnx aioilf! the Wlltl, sing led by Stanley Otlosoti. 1 >,-. '. a elunuH-y msteail of ;in open In America, the IMIgriins built the Woodside .« Davis preaching. in llu- nmlilu- nf the room— crude stone fireploa-4. then con- eJ will meet i THE ]'Ki:SHYTKRIA\ ,'ill'lU'll • Ihronilh eklilll (irarie. 11 [t structed their IOK lmls around them. Monday: 8 p.m. home Bible sluiiy >eiii..i1 hi;-h elas< on tlv hu .^ from about !0< The Senior Young f of tlle (272-6368). is WI:SITII:I.I) Today, as in tliose earlier years, t at th« home n>i ^ l.i p in . urtiiii reeiial 1\ :iilll or Wood 140 Moiintiitit Avenue liil Humler. tllcM or^atusl; 4 M'' K.nly I'M epl.ues were Imilt of cciiimie tile remains a practical and Ministers v :«ip [1 in . \ .Service ot I .es^olis and . ooil or \v•kcri . bul Ihev roM-d so di'CDt'ativc slllfaeinif material for , Dr. Fri-dt-rick rtiristian I , B Leonard Brooks, MADISON AVE. CHAPEL ( aii.l led by 'tie se\c-n choirs 1*1 ':"i>;eriiiis tluil in the year HIM fireplaces. IUKI (ho hoini- ouiu'r has on furlough from the Rev. Jack II. Barker Ho\, Kirliard 1,. Smith ;he cliureh. under I lie dirociimi ,.l : l'•'> ol I ondon ilwnwl that liolicc A far wider choice to work with thun will bring Ihe message ; Itrv. J.IIIU'S D. (die William S H'renu. oinaiiivi and il,-'">'*> fiieplaei 1 he made of tile.i. did early home builders. 1, Bible Hour The Sun- Sunday: 11 a.m.. worship service 1 Rev. M. Kolin Uurwuy Mr. Barker will preach on the topic. iciloi ol musk- lessons will be read piaster, utidei the |M-imlly More than '2M different ceramic mll he in session at the j Kov Ace L. Tul>) ut :; (U-nioh.-bed "Prepare to Meet Thy God!" !•> i'i'pre.-.<.|il,-ili\|.s of \aiiimv eluu-cli tile M/es. shapes mid (Mturcs nrt- ; p.m., tin' annual Sun. • Stmdiiy « ami 10 4J."I n in , \vm>hip ei ;:.iiii/;iin>Li-,. v pin , M-IIUM1 ln-:b A jireailUy improved system ol supplied hy Aiucricuu iiiaiiiifuclurprs Isi-nice.- .-illd elnireli schmil l>! fellowship ('In islnias i>:irty liles was adopted 1>S' t!iesays the Tiio Council of America. I riiiUtian «-i|i preach m> tin topic \V. -: ll :W am, midwei U ' I iiitch Ironi ihe Spaniards follinvini; .lust as in HIP emly days, speclu .•"Tlle Sen«- ol Ih,. Hcliaions , :l m-lup. led by Mr Miller. « pn-. .'Ihc Trcaly of Hreda in MM. nnd 1 divoiwive I lies give the flrt-plncu a 'a 111 . M.-n , Tn.-in^l,. |;il.k. , ;i;.,1 ai. lEi-iicA.-il liroiip fur Bible s:uil\ ! paved llic «ay for more elaborately r distinctive touch of clegatico lo gl'flet I'!!iz:ibelli Norton. Hilii- u.-^v I,,!- 11el:s ill Ihe Inunue j <(;•» uliitci eera-nies (in iireplaec fat Siintn when ho arrives, Via U» '.1'9 ;\Som.-:i: 4 p 111 1 hn-lin.i-. Vi sp •:• li anil mantels. ditional routp. A KHchtnAld really gtv»» you your monv"* worth.. It'* •In the eliurch unli chiidi-i-n's eliciir-.l betterto woi K better and laet yeere longer. You tun put your I'MTAltl.-W FK1.1.OHSIUP ' I n;:rr;.tcix ;ind lal-]e:ti'\ i-n Hie iheme. lemher Di-imicratic majority Ilia dlthii In without hand-rinsing, and they'll torn* out realty eleen OK ; : "Lei's Keep fhristmas". 7 p 111 . s.' j nok office on .hm. 1, HH15, voted and dry. It'll hotd a whole day'e dltliee eailly. And KitchenAid A I.Hx-ral Heli^icin : ! nior liich- in Wc.-lininsier Hall. fn-.A Trailsidc Offers ivvr Ihe objeetions of Iho thivv re hau fine eervlce record. Atk iny KitchenAid owner. VMCA : 1 sfH-nker. Mrs. .lolin Kepler. | iliilK Republicans lo liuike tin Coma In eoon and eelectyour KitchenAid dlshwether. They Snnd:i.v HI :«• a li . speaLer. S il ; Two Programs ilislers. I)i I'd-l-in/o. topic. Ivdiic.-ihonal I.e.- I «ome In many models and etylet, CALVARY I.l'TIIFHAN Clll'tiCIl Tlii- Democrats were upheld In Hip Inn- ir:il I lrlM..|):-!l;Uiull • ; ! heini; (p'lcred Sunday. Dornc: "The bill should have bee r 117 E. BROAD ST. ichililrcn of Ihe Sunday t'lnirclij i Hi 11,.rui.I N. Mnlid-nki-. direetol M.47. i." Si html: li .'10 p 111 , seillnf leells cl.iS'- ; I ol tlu- Tr.ii;M(!i» X.iiuit- and Science Democnits Willinm J.'Aherd coun 232-3726 es: a skil veil he presented al .1 i I 1'inter, will conduci a linn nf the ered with the claim that If tlie Re- SALES SMVICI . l'|-|i::i;im fdllnu :nj: el:wscs. and eaii-l i I lil-lnrie 'Decried Villaile," hx.lled publicans bad not "ployed niusionl I III Ihe \alicy lielwcen Hie first and 1> r I'lillliliilil. U »,.., • -"r«'li(t»e Ilituiplotl »ir III*- l-'nmwrntl ! Munday: ? ;m ]i.m , clun-( h etniiu it i, lur. Tht- |jritli(-l'(> Mnt« l>itiltl|ilt- llnlfil tvl Tuesday: in a in., charity sewin1.: ! The guided tour is open to Ihc Ill ! piihlic aii;l will start (ruin Trailside 1 ' at - p.111 and proceed to Ihe sib 'of tlle "Villjfci1," ii sliiirl distiiut'i ] aw.'iy. j Dr. Moldcllke will discuss Ihe ;l(IO I year ol,l hisbny .'.inl tiiulilion of the I area fn.tii ihc IIHIC of lite hulhiii.-; ^ iiod earlu-si Millers 10 Us presen ; si:iN' a> a unit ol llic l'nion CounlJ j Park System, lie will point mil our jimmy hi;lone fcaluies and Identify and tell inleicsliM:: fact,1; aKoiil lmtll Ihr- nalive anil (-\olic gtlaul antl nnl ma! life Dial e.visls in the area Also nn Sundiiy al :j pii,., n or. sound film enlilleil "Tbe 1'elri ficd Hiver The Sbny of Uiaiiiuin' will be shown in llic auditorium al second and Our Service, too! Triillside. Tlie film shows Ihc se.ircli for uranium in the v\e:lirn p;irl ol ihc l'nileit Stales arid reveal-; a He Here you get the plus of our years of experience to help you choose, free oloi:ical drama of -'flc; million y-ar.-. One half hour nature t;ill;s for chl counts instruction if desired, and our guarantee as welt as the manufacturer's. dren vill be iilcin by Dr. Molilenke >nil;i>'. Ttirsday. Wednesday and Thursday ol next week al A p.m. each day. The topic to be discussed So, cotne in if you are going to is "Hers and llnncyheri." Tlle lec- tures will IK- illustrated with color slides. The Trailside Xaliire and Science Conp-r is open to Hie public on work- days, cvccpl Friday, from D to 5 Christmas p.111 and on Satunlays and Sundays from I In 5 pin. The public Is In- vited to visit the Nature Tenter, view Ihc thousand"; of i-xhibils and par- ticipate in the scheduled pro^ranw. GIVE PHOTO GIFTS ...and MARTIN JEWELERS makes it count [bestI" Freeholders Vote A not-so-funny thing happened on Ihe way timepiece Ihnt keeps time through the vibra- to Christmas last year. tion? of a tiny tuning fork. The tuning fork $12,000 Fee For We ran out of Accutron* timepieces. splits each second into 360 equal parti. So the customer! who came in at the last And leceps time so accurate, we guarantee minute had lo settle for u conventional watch. monthly accuracy within 00 seconds'—which Dems Lawyer Some didn't. And we know why. averages out lo about 2 seconds a <•<- All conventional wotches—wind, self-wind Every second counts during December holders vni-d Tlmrsdjiy lo pay iis nnd clcclrie—keep time by the gyrations of a days. what happened last year could Complete stock of the latest developments in utlorm-y's fti-- $I2.()(K> for scrvitr:; balance wheel. It splits a second into 5 parts. h.ippcn ;i|',;iin. But Accutron h not a watch. It's a precise Ho run in befolc we run out. DJIVKI I. S!< |i;i{-nff. tin* I'l-rth AMI- • Cameras, Movie and Still • Slide Projectors hoy .ittotney who was Itircd by tin* boiird in 1')(!'» to defend its ,*irtii"i in oii'tiiif! five appniolees named to j • Movie Projectors • Screens • Flash Guns, Bulbs county joh-, t«y \\w outpoint! Itcpuh- j licnn-cofit!oi!i-.e (l"v:-lo|H'd when the .vjx- J

    • Photo Albums • Slide and Movie Files Oper 24 Hour* o Day ' AND i 611 Park Ave., Plalnfietd ' inn. 'Ik •»<< 7 let with Mii ii>[j l>u<.kIv. >13<1CO OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS attendance at store U«c Our C Or (lliur^r 1'iiynu-ut Plan Day and Night

    "YOUR PERSONAL JEWCIER" / —I— •v.^ A. A. <^> Alcoholics Anonymous nruuuiri Westfield \ Studios WESTFIELD Other Stores Drinking Problem? ElM & QUIMBY STS. Write in Cranford 121 Central Ave. P.O. Box 121 WeitfieM AD 2-6718 and Plainflold Or Telephone B win ofljjJt to this tolwance, II neccusry. Ouarjintn uloron»yeor. tv/hen case, ciystal ond crewn »f» IrtBCtJ 232-0232 242-1513 Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19GS

    Robert M. Thomas, another Michael W. Donovan, 2112 Chv™ Esso Ruwi,reh scientist. invented Dr. Sparks Retires PTA Activities || Across The Years, Music Reflects | Harries Appointed Way, Scotch Plains, speM • ""•! ™d Ave butyl rubber 1 Dr. Sparks has received many of miles per hour. $W n« and »* *s ! '™°^ - February 1 From chem slry's most impoitan honors. COLUMBUS Holiday Joy, As Ca rolers Sing j Manager Of S&P revocation of license. - Mrs. Jack McDonald, president of John E. Belts of North Plaint MA j ck in ol the ACS. He served as presi- j Columbus School held a meeting at "Carol, brothers, carol. Carol joyfully. careless driving. $20. '"• j parking'^' Esso Research !ie1 Bond Division dent-elect in 1%5 and as president j ' home Dec. 6 with the comini:- Lawrence Robinson Plain ' this. year. | lee chairmen present. Minutes from With the coining of Christmas, almost everyone accepts the injunction The retirement of Dr. William J. ; of the old song to "carol joyfully." From special church services to Standard & Poor's Corp. announc- leaving scene of accident. $40. Sparks of Wcslficld from Esso He- Other honors included the 1C56 tiie previous meeting were read b> j family gatherings, a "carol sing" is a traditional pleasure. ed today the consolidation of all of Mrs. Marjorie Crothers, 526 Hjgl). search and Engineeri?ig Co., effec- Ciold MedaJ of the American ItistituU Mrs .Hermit Redd. its municipal bond services under tive Feb. 1, 1%7, was announced of Chemists, the 1%3 Charles Good- Thank you notes are being written The custom of singing carols at holiday lime is an ancient on<>— one operating head. Named to the last week. year Medal of the ACS, and the 1M4 to the Junior Chamber of Commerce begun, perhaps, even before the first Christmas, at celebrations such as new post of manager ol the Munici- Terkin Medal awarded by the So- and the PT Council for help in set- Dr. SparKS, WHO 16 president of the the Roman Saturnalia. pal Bond Division is Brenton W. ciety of Chemical IudusL"y. ting up a Safety Shield program. Harries of Weslfield", president of 100,000-member American Chemical Modern interest in music, and in learning to play musical instruments, Society, last week observed his 30ih In J!K>4 he also won Hie highest Earl Wright gave a report on :lie the Blue List Publishing Co., Inc., a award in American chemistry, tile teachers salary which was approved has given earol singing a liealthy boost. In most homes, at least one wholly owned S. & P. subsidiary. anniversary with the company which member of tlie family can be depended on to provide instrumental accom- is the principal scientific aim of the Priestley Medal, given annually by and a letter is being written to the Mr. Harries is a resident of 133 (he ACS. Board of Education and the FT paniment for carols—and the instrument msay vary from the old favorite world-wide Ksso affiliated compan- piano to the currently popular guitar. Stanmore PI., where he resides with ies. He holds the title of scientific He was born in Wilkinson, Ind.. in Council. his wife and three sons. advisor, the company's highest rank- 1904. He earned bachelor's and mas- Membership report was made by Music in any form has long been especially beloved as a means of The new division will be responsi- ing technical post. His term as ACS ter's degrees at the University of Mrs. Amos Webster. She reported expressing Christmas joy. Early Christian believers were forced to worship ble for publishing The Blue List of president ends Dec. 31. Indiana and a doctorate in chemistry that 136 parents joined the PTA. in secret—and therefore, quietly. Then, in the fifth and sixth centuries, Current Municipal Offerings, a daily Dr. Sparks, who has been granted from the Universily of Illinois. Christianity came out of the catacombs—and exultation for freedom of listing of municipal bonds offered more than )20 U.S. patents, partici- A resident of 704 Highland Avc, worship was expressed in the glar ringing of church bells. publicly for sale by dealers through- Dr. Sparks and his wife, Meredith — out the country; the municipal pric- pated in a number of important de- Early hymns and carols, however, were in Latin. Carol singing in its velopments during his Esso Re- a PhD. chemist and a patent attor- ing services offered by Standard ney whom he met while at the Uni- modern form—in the common language of the country—probably orig- Statistics Co., Inc., another S. & P. search career, particularly in the WflNTADO) inated in 1223, when St. Francis introduced the first i-ealistic replica of field of scientific rubber. In 1937, he versily of Indiana—have four chil- subsidiary; and S. & P.'s own muni- dren. the manger scene, in the little town of Greccio, Italy. cipal credit analysis and bond rat- From this beginning, the practice of erecting a creche or crib soon ing services. became a Christmas tradition in many towns. Around the representation "By bringing these services to- of the first Christmas, villagers gathered to marvel, pray and sing. Often, gether under one operating he&d," the creche was constructed in a churcyard or on a public street. Thus it said Frederick A. Stahl, president was natural for [he worshippers to stroll away from the devotional service of S. & P., "we hope to achieve a —formal or informal—and continue singing the beloved carols as they butter degree of coordination and made their way home. concentration of effort in this very Mr. anil Mr«. Hubert p. ilurl.nmiii fo, ^™^^^^^ important segement of the securi- This spontaneous action may well have led to the custom of going ties business. We »re certain that llurrvtt it f'ruiu. Int., Ht^iiTr*,* nc*olln(ee IhU w^J1!: * from place to place to sing carols. And the more music, the better, was we will improve b( .h the quantity the rule. Any musical instrument, however humble, was a welcome addi- and the quality of services we offer CHRISTMAS TREE tion and accompanied. in this area." In later centuries, the "wassailing" or "gooding" expeditions helped Mr. Harries has been with The the growth of caroling. Singers went from house to house, receiving treats Blue List since l'J55, having been as rewards for carols. elected a vice president in 1U60 and president in April of this year. In Even oppression could not put an end to carol singing. When the Puri- addition to being a director of Stand- tans abolished Christmas observances in England, printed sheets of carols ard & Poor's Corp. and a member were bootlegged for a penny. And poets and musicians went right on of its personnel management com- composing carols, as they do today. mittee, he is also a director of Standard Statistics Co., Inc. Come see our large selection of fresh • Also, The Boston Stranglcr, Gerold Frank; Introduction to Teaching in Boro Library American Schools, Gordon McClos- key; A Cultural History of Western Traffic Telephone AD 3-0003 J cut stock. Various sizes and varieties Education, Its Social and Intellec- Book Shelf tual Foundations, Freeman ButU; Court Classroom Group Behavior, M. A. A SERVICE FOR NEWCOMHS TO W51WJ The following books were added Bany; The Origin of the Solar Sys- The following dispositions were from which to choose. to the shelves of the Free Public tem, T. Page; Planets, Carl Sagan; made in Westfield Municipal Court Library of Mountainside: Essentials of Healthier Living, J. J, last week by Magistrate John M. Rerefence—The American Heritage Schifferes; An Introduction to Pub- Mackenzie: Pictorial Atlas of United States His- lic Health, H. S. Mustard; Educa- Dolores S. Mullen, Kenilworth, tory; American Heritage; The tion for Safe Living, H. J. Stack; shoplifting, $75. WE RECOMMEND American Heritage Book of the Social Pathology, J. L. Gillin; The John Cladopulos, 1126 Fanwood Pioneer Spirit, American Heritage; Principles of Navigation, E. W. An- Avo., dog running at large, $10. structures of the Modern World, derson; Gregg Shorthand Manual Theodore Menker, Newark, viola- ARTHUR STEVENS 850-1000, Nello Ponente. Simjlified, J. R. Gregg. tions of plumbing code, $105. Reference—The American Heritage Also, Giant Molecules, H. F. Mark; John Reid, 433 Downer St., disor- 233 E. Broad St., Westfield 1. S, Churchill; With , derly person, withdrawn and $5 costs D American Cut Glass, J. M. Pearson; of court. ierre Salinger; The Habsburgs, D. The Pine Furniture of Early New G. McGuigan; Ivan Pavlov; the Man John Crocco, 108 Hazel Ave., dis- England, R. H. Ketlel; Patterns of orderly person, withdrawn and $5 and His Theories, H. Cuny; Under Here you will find everything in iht lernini a Memoir by I. Bollon, Thinking and Writing, B. Guyer; costs of court. pseud., M. Miller. The Arbuthnot Anthology of Chil- Francies E. Davin, York Haven, Pa., unregistered vehicle, $45. Fiction—The SUteman's Game, dren's Literature, M. H. Arbuthnot; clothing line for the young child - The American Writer and the Great Joel B. Grennor, Elizabeth, allow- James Aldridge; Evening Star, Faith ing unlicensed driver to operate car, Baldwin; The Episode at Toledo, Ann Depression, H. Swados; 100 Ameri- boy or girl. A huge stock, qualify can Poems of the Twentieth Cen- $35; lending driver's license, $35; Bridge; All Fool's Day, Edmund delinquention inspection, $15 and no Headquarters for cut English Holly/ hooper; The Boron and the Mogul tury, L. Perrine; Nine Plays, E. G. registration in possession, $10. iwords, John Croasey; A Dandy in O'Neill; Nothing Ever Breaks Ex- items, reasonable cost. Try them. Beautiful Oregon Greens, Aspic, Derek Marlowe; Dive Deep celp the Heart, K. Boyle; The Poems for Danger, II. T. Rothwell; Pay the of John Keats, J. Keats; Age of Ex- Doctor, E. Seifert; The Wedding ploration, J. R. Hale; Ancient Ruins Bargain, A. S. Turnbull; The Cen- II, S. E. Smith; A Political History and Live Christmas Trees and Archaeology, L. S. DeCamp; The ol Postwar Italy, N. Kogan; Five turion, Leonard Wibberley. United States Navy in World War Non-fiction: How to Read a Book, Women I Love, Bob Hope. '.. Adler; A Matter of Life and Death, A. Z. Carr; The Jury Re- turns, L. Nizer; 46 Days of Chiist- as, D. G. Spicer; 'flic New Intelligent Man's Guide to Science, I. Asimov; The Winter Beach, C. Ogburn; THE JIMFEX BOO SERIESSIEU Wreck of the Memphis, E. L. Beach; D America's Exciting Cities, A. TAPE REGORDER/PUVEII WHIMS FLORAL F4RM Iwartz; The Remarkable Irish, M. a Bence-Jones; Life in Medieval Eng- SPRINGFIELD AVE. land, J. J. Bagley; Postscript from Hiroshima, R. Steinberg; African OPP. ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB Kingdom, B. Davidson; Meeting i E 'hildren's Emotional Needs, K. E. D'Evelyn; Child Psychology, A. T. 232-4076 Jersild; Facts of Life and Love for Teenagers, E. M. Duvall; India and he West. B. Ward. SI s D STI £ Our Fuel Oil Will Keep AMPEX Your Family Comfortable, its priced below $300 That's right... now there's a high quality, low priced Ampex Long Pl«y T" R«l Capacity .. . Up to » Hour* o •olid state stereo> tape recorderecorderthar thatt out-performout-performss all other* Music On On. Reel. ( P.rl««l Healthy and Safe! In It* price range. Here'* a recorder that oilers true-fidelity Accurate Record L.v.l Vu M.teu..""'' tttreo sound, magnificent styling and unmatched reliability ... all for an extremely modest price. Record In your own Recording*. , (waWi Interlocked Tap. Control. ... For'Wo'Oj-.^J-To-TiP* home or on location . . . It's portable. Or, build your own n stereo tape library by recording directly from AM, FM and Precl.e Dual C&p.t.n Drlw. .. • f<" •««' "° Where the safety — health — the comfort of your family is con- FM-Multlplex. Contact. -„ ^ttll gl Lifetime Ampex Deep-Gap Hf "d* ; •„• r Just think of the fun you can havel This recorder was Malntenance-r?eB High Fidelity Reproduction. ^ designed lor unsurpassed listening pleasure. Whether It be E lt ( cerned, only the best will do. Thousands of Westfield families chose voice, small groups or a full orchestra . .. the sounds you All Solid State Electronic.... For Cool. «'< ™ JJl Atd hear are unbelievably real. And . . . Solid Stste Ampex 800 Die-Cast Aluminum Construction ... w ° Series recorders are built lor years of maintenance-free Rigidity ... and many, many more. JIL.ioivaur»* e and stay with OUR FUEL OIL HEAT. They are glad they did — and performance. Here are a few of tha features you get: We Invite you to see this remarkable laps j\^ Z'^f Ml W Versatile 3-Speed Operation ... For Highest Fidelity and Why not come In for a free demonstration JOOSI under no obligation whatsoever. you will be too. Maximum Economy.

    /// the fun anil excitement of owning this Mlb «" j recorder Is yours . .. f EASY PAYMENTS See it ... Heir it today I Ctetvtewts c 450 NORTH AVE. EAST • WESTFIELD, N.J. 07091 • 232-2200 STUART'S AUDIO, > FUEL OIL and BURNER SERVICE 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. HEATING EQUIPMENT INSTALLED 232-0483

    Open Monday thru Saturday and evenings except Saturday 'til Christmas Page 7 Special entertainment will ;i!. kick twek at tlie iieart of a pci • | Bui Un'.-ie days it dtx-sn't have io Iw bulls packaged with mink-toverea Putnam Growth Fund. Putnam in- M;-• l.Vk!e agreed that suggestion j son who is uiiaccmtomed to regular i in the form of a clu-ok. lies' vestors. Inc., and The Putnam \». io.ill! !H- signed. White Flakes : ri'suu-Mtj - physiciil activity (old weather iiiten Most banks offer unusual methods Check wilh local full-service bwiki jv unusual fashion- re- come Fund. Inc. ] Mi 1,1;,. U) \ >i'i, also .suggested that the town- sifies the strain on the heart. '< and t.»P ««"; -'"!•> install ;t time clock for munici- Although winter is a season of joy of giving uifiiey. For instance., a for ideas on how Io give the gift erf and almost everyone looks forward It's belter to shovel before catiiiK bank in Ma*<-r*lown. Md . has in- money ed Putnam Fund i>,il employees, "so that there is no or wait an hour after eating, as you with thoir wives. Hoard of u'lesiion about who worked when." with exciteim-nt to the first flurries .•ilalhti a .Money (iift Store in it.-i Quimby Ends Long of snow, tlie fluffy while stuff is a should for most vigirout exercise lobby. mcvtin^ and '«« (>ti another Inatter. slie praised the j And don'i smoke while working, to 1 »i Nassau-capl" <-i-.ii!:iitti-e for calling department diinj'.er to be reckoned with warns There. Rift Ki%ers can buy: Con- Or Harold Wasscrinan of Westfiold. bacco causes constriction o( !ht- Career At Esso j y«-rs to 1 11' -HI.- in for conferences on next blood vessels, just as cold uir d,n -. ed Givem> (cans of money wltu-ti •"•"lie. Avc . a t-, >c.if's municipal budget president <)J the l/iitom County Heart iivad. L-ou The oonibiiiulion can be dangerous dually have to lw iifwned wiih ci Donald M. Quimby of iltis liotfu lii oiher committee action, officials Association. an oix'iier'; f.'u\nl edible fortune n lid. tu L.iKi- Never shovel to the point of ex d j Ave has retired from the I\ssu Hi.'- '•• Ave. n lenvd to tlie police committee a Because heavy snowfall is usually h lhc vide a shorter hausiion. XJon't UH (tie invitjoratiiw search and iitigineering Co. wi:hj : from the freeholders that the followed by flurries of heart attack air or u wanmn£ shot uf whisky loo) for more than 31 years' service. ! ^nii'ji of Ten-ill Kd.. from From deaths due to overexcrtion. Dr. Was- iin- l".;»-d:-n si K«:iy you He began his career in ) i :"" •i>.u] nuli-s. ter wlien tin- thermometer registered If you iKH'ome breathless, rest un- metal working and watch repairing. I Marline A\e . Inn it m-wr li.1; been v t Mt'llon was ai>iH>inte. Kioup of physicians. Two of the vol- ner, or a r«»tf ul snack. jfied it that n ptyns in nndcrt:ilv? ; Up 111 Fainvood unteers lujd to be stopped afler one ; s|)i-<-d surveys in ll.u ii.-iii li,i ;md minute because the KCt'r showed Week AVWrif Far Excellent food 24 hotnt i olher township siren.-.. jis i-e<|uest^d j l-'an«-u<<5 have been .set ;„„„ ,„ „„, ,„„,„,,,, w,is :i|,|)l,ivi,(1 One week's nsctee Is requested jinm in the hnroudi was »iv,. m.-in of rendrni of the "Lender" who A suggestion tox for municipal em-! lasl wi-ek l>y Uu- |!,wrd of Henlili t'or men in this :ige tjroup, lir, nrt- chanslnx their Hddrewei. ployces w;is the sugKeslKin ol a re^u-! It mil |-;,isi. the fee to $;!. effeelive Wiisserman ari\ ist's: Addrfm Hit* are inadr up one liar siKflator at iniininpal mcciiii:'-.. j.lan. ) wn-h In ndvanct, and while II Ii Mrs. Virginia Dekle nf I HahiK.raM This is tlie first increase in Iwn If you have heart disease!, don't possible «l Ihe lust minute to OPEN 24 HOWS DAILY 1M. She also praised ihe cinploy.-es j ycai - awarded to Hie jiriviiti' scav- wnd an cxlra paper to • new and said -several of them are "out-[enters win) liaiuile liutise lii-luiuse addrrwi. It Is not poulble Io prr- standing." hiarhajjc- collection here. Tlie last as collection of ^rass c!ippiu£s. vrut the already addreis«4 Mrs. Dekle's reconimeiKlalioii Miat | Iniost. also 2."i cents, went into effect Tin- monthly fee is collecleil from paper from gohiK to the old ad> no signatures be required on sin:*... !•!;>"• '- HKil. individual householders, tiy the scav- dreu without the week's nollr.t. engers. lions im-t with opiwsition from Com-j The Board or HeaKh estimated The "Lender" will be happy to inilteenicn Norman It. l,,iComl e: that tin- srnvi'imeiV cost of collee- In older IniMiioss, (lie 1SK17 board budget, lolaliltg $ti,IKMI, was adopted. forward paprrt without «itra >,^ , ,/ veil Pry/in 1 auonyniuus suggest inns ;ir<- worlli-jlhe last tun years, The total is I ho s.iniu as in the pusl few years. The budget will lw sub- KluU-s fur ihoie subscriber* who less because nlfiri.ils ili Council. arc planning to be away far lc>n- wliolus originated them nrv.l,,H,r,i,K.R,ilS(, to cover their increased tin William If. »lmlf«r, formerly »r CUrlt, »«t< rri.ull, they are municipal employees. l-«-leoMs nf labor, of eqiiip. A tlr fcoio*-

    JARVIS DRUG STORE 54 ELM STREET, WESTFIELD Phone 233-0662 or 0663 for those who appreciate

    CANDIES WHITMAN CHOCOLATES sweetest Samplers ALL sizes GIFT Miniatures — also Soft Centers under the MESSENGER Assort. Chocolates tree! CANDY CUPBOARD CHOCOLATES The new Magnecord RECORDER/REPRODUCER $1.75 to $3.75 S'Tpy 3V, N .>>. MAILLARDS r*» Colorful Mints


    W AMBASSADORS... finest miniature chocolates This modal has advanced circuit design utilizing tho latest lube types, and 1 l $2.25 % lbs. $4.50 #H >r prlnloct wiring to insure uniform high performance from recorder to recorder. LARGE ASSORTMENT You'll like shopping In our modern salon where you get a hearty welcome. OF You can shop in leisure — no one will hurry you. CANDIES FOR THE STOCKINGS STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. RUSSELL STOVER Delicious 232-0483 Open Monday thru Saturday and evening* except Saturday 'til Chrlstmai BOX., chocolates FRUIT CAKE d butter bons $3.95 WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 lure large buckles, saddle sirups and Smart Shoes harness stitching. ] Good Grooming Sparked By Giftin« Good-looking brogues, ure prime j If he likes to look neat—and virtu are handsomely packaged favorites for bolh business arid dre.^s •: aljy every man does—grooming gifli Good Gifts wear. Standout trim includes lurjji: I make especially appropriate preseuts Scents are gy,,,g more .,„„ ; A or small perforations, stitching, pink- I for the holiday season. The choices favor as a men's grooming jt,ln f.,r The ^"^ «r«^ For Yule ing and long winy-lijj.s. i range from items priced low enouyh If he's hats on boots, biiyhien his for Junior to afford, up to more lux- Nothing will make a man happier holiday with dashing cliukku.s. <:;dd- urious gifts such as electric shoe to step into 1967 than tlie smart, hijjh bools. or dress buot-shoes- [jolishers or razors. sturdy pair of shoes he received ShearJin£-lined boots in weather and New model electric razors, for in- for Christmas. wear-resistant leathers will keep his stance, combine good grooming fac- fet't frost-free and comfortable. Whetlier designed ior casual wear, tors with speed, ease and comfort. business or dress-up, gifl shoes can Gorhscrvatives on tin; £ift list wil Some ore both plug-in and battery base, to provide dresser-toi appreciate d neul jiair of leathi'r ox operated, offering the convenience of tion. provide both style and comfort. And fords. With new blunter Iodine; the range of leathers available has shaving anytime or anywhere the nnd a touch of brogue detailing, tin man chooses. The area of apparel offers many kty|)our7 never been greater, note* Leather oxford is a foohvear classic with opportunities for good grooming gii; Industries of America. fresh new look. High on tne popularity list are grooming gift sets, usually consist- giving: Suit hangers, over-sized Jim For moccasin or slip-on fans the Not sure 0/ his shoe size? Th ing of cologne, aftershave lotion and brushes, garment bags and boxes field is wide open. From the au-gift key lius in the numbers insids a deodorant. There's a plus bonus only begin the list of items to help thentic handsewn model to sporty his latest pair of slioes. The sho a here, too, since most of these sets man look his best. grained and brushed leather ver- clerk will gladly decode them. J EADE sions, there are moccasins galore to tyle preference is a problem, tlu i "^T^ make a man's Christmas merrier. simple solution is a -shoe sift cer- Popular leisure-time slip-ons fea- ificate. Why is SONY. PETITE, BLONDE AND DETERMINED—When Mrs. Ruth Ann Burns decided she was going to spend her first anniversary with her husband, Carl, a helicopter pilot In Vietnam, not even the U.S. Army man- aged to block her way. Mrs. Burns is shown in an Army helicopter and taking photos in Saigon. the biggest-selling tape vcrsary with her husband, despite ism on the problems of reporting Determined Wife IIic fact that wives of servicemen news of the Vietnam war. are not allowed in Vietnam. Her one of the articles she did for the husband, a 1U64 Rutgers graduate, New Brunswick Home News, on a recorder in the world? ets To Vietnam had been shot down thrue times and shopping trip into the native markets had been awarded the Purple Heart of Vietnam, recently won a $100 Via Journalism and the Air Medal for his Vietnain award from the William Randolph service, but she knew it was unlike- Hearst Foundation in a monthly lluth Ann Burns is a feminine ly he could gut lionic for their anni- competition open to students in jour- agile-looking, blonde Douglass Col- versary; nalism schools throughout the U.S. This is the first time a Rutgers stu- 4,'e student. But when she made up "I just made my mind up that 1 was going to get over there," Mrs.dent has won this award. A match- or mind to visit her husband, Carl, Hums explains with quiet determina- ing prize of $100 will come to the helicopter pilot with the U.S. tion. "I kiew that the hest School of Journalism. jrees in Vietnam, nol even the would be to go over as a journalist "1 would like to have stayed in rmy could stop her. so I set out to get press accredita Vietnam and done more writing," Mr* and Mri. Lnwrpnre Frlpdlunri ur* nttvr rPMliflntt' lit tlieir "«Ltv Soon after her marriage in Sept., lion." Mrs. Burns says, 'hut Carl felt that r««tdrnre IOCUIMI n( ft23 H. C.'livNfiiuf Ht. wlilch tlit-y pu rt'liiiKftl frittti Hti5, Mrs. Burns decided that she he could not pilot a helicopter and Mr. and Mm. WIMInni C. M>rr«, IhniUKli

    -hrloln linmlli-il Ilif tranxiic- ns going to spend their first anni- years of college work with a majo also worry about my safety. Perhaps in journalism. On the strength o when he has finished his tour of duty 250A we will both go back to Vietnam as 1 this she got a job on The Daily Hom< ••Mill'" •••HIM News in this city as a reporter an a reporting team." feature writer and proceeded to tur, out as much copy as she could. Here are 2 "Once I had a respectable hatch of Fraser Promoted articles with my by-line, I began writing to many oilier newspapers major reasons and news services, asking them to By Esso Eng. send me to Vietnam as a war cor- Mod* 830 Solld-Stato Stereo Tape System— Model 250-A Solid-State Stereo Tra M respondent. I finally worked out Charles R. Fraser of 1148 Tice PI. All-newand a perfect choice forany family. If a Recorder—The world's favorite ttsrto *± arrangement with the North Amerr has been appointed an engineering a trus portable that offers professional-quality Connect It to your present system ind «* associate n Esso Research and En- performance. XL-4 Quadradlal Sound for Liv- the wonderful world of tape, R«onJii» can Newspaper Alliance and goi ing Stereo, 20 watts of stereo music power, amplifiers, playback pre amps, profession Exclusive incering Co's. Ksso- Kngineering- three speeds, professional-type controls, ver- agreements to accept articles from type controls, vertical or horizontal ran, six newspapers and various women's chemicals department. He is a mem- tical or horizontal operation. Under $399.50. tlon, walnut-grain base, Under J149.M, magazines," she says. ber of the department's project man- agement division. "After my request ror official ac- creditation was submitted. 1 learned Mr. Kraser has had considerable • • • and here are 9 more! there were some people in the I'cn-experience directly supervising pro- ttigon who were more than a bit un-curement and detailed design activ- Modal SCO ESP-Revarse Solid-State Stereo Tape System, under $575 • Model 260 Radial Sound SAM happy about an Army dependent ities, and has monitored contract- Stereo Tape System, under $249.50 • Model 203 Portable Compact Stereo Tape System, under H99.S0> JkJI ors' performances as a project en- 777 "Electro-Bilateral" Head Solid-State Stereo Tape Deck Recorder, $695.00 • Model 350 Thret-HudSt» visiting Vietnam, and right up to the State Stereo Taps Deck Recorder, under $199.50 • Model 105 Solid-State High-Fidelity Tape Sntalias time I stepped off the plane I wasn't gineer on numerous projects. • ModJl 104 Solid-State Hlgh-Fldelity Tape System, $99.50 • Model 800 Executive Baltery/W SdM* 1* sure how things would work out,' In recent years ne has prepared System, under $193.50 • Model 900 Traveler Battery/AC Solid-SUI« Tape System, {67.M, she says. essentially all of Esso Engineering's "Even though I wns In Vietnam overall project schedules. In this for only two and a half weeks, 1 was role he has made contributions that AMERICA'S FIRST CHOICE IN TAPE RECORDERS able to see more than many journal- have resulted in considerable im- ists do in a much longer time be- provement in the accuracy with cause my husband had set up a care- which tlie Project Management Di- fully planned series of interviews ision is able- to predict project com- And why do so many people for me," Mrs. Burns explains. iletion dates. She became convinced that most Americans arc not receiving a clear come to Stuart's Audio for them? picture of what is happening there, Spanish Club Active because of inadequate reporting both I'ingry School's Spanish Club had • Because we offer only quality equipment and service • Because we hovii of the efforts to build up the coun- lecture on Spanish art Dec. 9. wonderful showroom in which to relax while you select • Because wegos* try despite the war and of the very lidos of the best paintings of El high morale of American troops. of our way — way out — to assure your satisfaction. Come in and brow* 3reco and Velasquez weru shown won't you? While in Vietnam Mrs. Burns in- ind explained by Juan Gamez-Gar- terviewed village chiefs, peasants, in, the Spanish instructor, and medical men, shnpkeepers and many Carlos Monroy, AFS cxcliangc stu- New Jersey soldiers. She was in a lenl from Madrid. crowd into which a viet Cong terror- 'Also, recently, the Spanish Club STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. ist threw a grenade and the heli- atehed a Spanish movie at school copter in which she traveled came ntitled "Maria Candelaria." under frequent ground fire, but she Westfield members of the Hispanic 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. escaped all of these episodes unhurt. irganization are Eichard Doone, An article by Mrs. Burns on her truce Freeman and Robert Zu."ich. 232-0483 Vietnam adventure appeared in the Dec. 18 issue of Parade, a nation- O YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Open Monday thru Saturday and evenings extept Saturday 'H New General Electric Range wide Sunday newspaper .supplement, THROUGH LEADER ADS accompanied by pictures of her and her liusbajid. Sho has reported her with fabulous P-7 Oven that observations of the Vietnam scene for each of the newspapers which sponsored her. 1 Cleans Itself Electrically! Mrs. Burns, who is now living with her parents at 4 lCrvvin Terr., East Brunswick, while completing the re- Set the diall Latch the door! The new P-7 oven goes to work—clobbers grease, quirements for her college degree, spills, spots, crusted-on juices—cleans itself electrically. And only General earned more than enough from her Electric has it at this low price! reporting efforts to pay the com- "Hands-off" with the P-7 Oven. Don't lift a finger except to set the dial! No plete costs of her Vietnam trip. She is also doing licr honors proj- more messy fingernail-breaking scrubbing—no more rough red hands from ect at the liutgci-s School of Journal- harsh cleaning chemicals. General Electric's P-7 gets itself scrub-clean without any elbow grease. The same electricity that does the cooking does the cleaning. Even the back of the oven and those hard-to-reach corners come out spotless as Almost anywhere the day you bought it. Amazingly economical, too—just 70t per cleaning, less .SWITCH TO you move, than the cost of cleaning by hand. You'll find a host of other work-saving fea- tures, too—the big-capacity oven; self-cleaning, fast-heating, fast-cooling we can have Calrod® surface units; easy-to-use top pushbutton controls; appliance outlet; (Csso) your phones there "no-drip" raised edge to catch spillovers; automatic oven timer. when you are. GENERAL ELECTRIC 40 In. RANGE GENERAL ELECTRIC (NEW EASY MOVE PtAN) with Self-Cleaning p-7 Oven Americana RANGE with Self- HEATING OIL Cleaning P-7 Lower Oven and • Automatic Oven Timer Picture Window Upper Oven • Economical—dean burolnj ( • Signaling Minute Tim- • W» deliver automatics".; i er and Clock • Four Fits 30' Space • Automatic Calrod Surface Units In- Oven Timer, Minute Timer and FUGMANN OIL CO. cluding Sensi-Temp. • 3 Clock • Automatic Rotisseno Storage Drawers • Automatic Grill • Meat Ther- mometer • La'fie Storage 232-5272 Drawer • 2-LeveI txhaust Bargain __co- The Bell System's new "Easy Move Plan" lets you enjoy uninter- Big Volu. of $558* rupted telephone service no matter where you move. ™Lce> NO DOWN PAYMENT! EASY TERMS! Jarvis .. your moving day, just call your local telephone Business • •Minimum R«ljil Price 1Ba»ed on r-lorida Power & Light Co. average rale for electric cooking 2( per KWH. General Electric Ranges carry a one-year repair warranty against marm/acttmng defects. Authorized We'll save you time and worry by: 1. Installing phones aty Kodak Dealer May Orcltr tli.-< 1 Sim niKli I'' •hi.-.. .1 IS-!-: Iii new location the day you arrive. 2. Turning your newpnojn Swj Our l.'mr. hiy, i'l i. for Color Processing —• the same day your old phones are disconnected. 3. Transi WESTFIELD'S ONLY both movies and stills omceu your service information to theTelephone Business c0(je G-E DEALER Bring Your Films To Us area FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES for tho area you're moving to. 4. Telling callers of your new re Finest Reproduction* ls n 143 E. BROAD ST. and phone number. Our new ."Easy Move Plan" .° ^ecaIJ< WESTFIELD way we're working to provide you with the finest service AD 3-2121 Open Monday & Friday 'Til 9 — Daily To 6 '•any area served by the Cell System. THE WESTXIEIJ) (^f. J) LEADER, THCRSDAY. DECEMBER 15, IMtSectlOII »—9*gt I Junior College offers majors in lib- % eral arts, engineering, science and Uion Student Council, will IH lu*!d Applications business administration, and ;i»-;;rds Civic Club Elects | Tiifsday from 8 to 11 p.m. ;n thv associate in arts de^rt'L-.- to >"i;cU :v. , i*;wiip!.;s CotliOl". it IS in'iii C:ti"i in both the day and c\f:i!:,c >.- : year during Sho I'hrt^iiKis iuilic!, > . j Semester sions. About 85 pi-r ecu! ol ai; i .!< New Officers MI itLor.t t'.ll' s:r;nUi.;.:c s ;i:- graduates, transfer \\i;h ;,<;h;:!ia-ct iLTiJir.t: four-your fi>:it'i;.\>- ;inJ ;!•.'*'. • Tomorrow •. ..:;• t 'Ui \ eivilu'S jt'uur<4 tin.' t'lHid* ry van standing to more than -tw tu'it'^\-i Ui •'.:<.'.d i. and universities. , J;U no. u :> :•;: '.ill- ii>?:.:;,i: of ad- \K\iV. • Mi.^s Ikip;t)a t^pci'^fd ilu* liopo , M..r,() .1. 1 larrieri. iWi a*. \i\ l' HUMIV : j many t'liiun Jimsor i."oii»'i;i' ;ihunni Iwr f.rt' tho i ; will 1H* on hand fur the annual horn**- : t-d ;iii^ 1965 Chev. Impala V-8, 2-Dr. H,T. H. T. Clee Club's idem . Mr. (lurncri h;i> PIT-| roititnj: Sho roporsvi! SfH'i'ia! ! \ luusiy In-ld the offices of \ ii (• piv>- ; m\ i';t!ioi).s luw In-vn oxloudod to Dark Gre«n, Air Conditioned, Power Steering and Power Brakes ! idem. i.lUll!' nian o: tin- > '•• :\\\ faculiy mnv.'iR'i s lo In* on hand .Kid < s 10 both the Concert Sunday i lioarit ; .•hiiirnii!1! ul !he dituH-r ' tci i:i'tvt all alunni! and \\W\Y jiucsls ; jns and to ma- daui'e. Hi' s.iid Ui.;U will i llu1 ton- :i[ thi*'tiSllillii-apotl llOUSO. rtnali'K'iilated stu- The annual Christmas coneeil of nnued •-uppI"'! ll! 11 i !fM;ill!> .ul.:i-h ;i!so will feature U»urs of the $1995 \ and >jrriiuiiiinu ii'i: Linuur id. the Holy Trinity High School doe ,-:. ;in- or- viinipus. Club will be held in the hiuh seiiuoi i u;ini/:alion Uli! ron' < M;» Pip;ilii. ML'rriiuy to the jires- •SUT will t*gin auditorium Sunday at 2:30 p.m. ;nul «ie»i of tiie yirsi S!;iU' Hank of I'n- again at 8:15 p.m. ion, is ;» IIH'IIIIKT til llu* rl;iss of Included in the program will lie , l>^ Sho yujrticd ,iu ;t>S(H'i;ito 1964 Rambler American 440H 2-Dr. two selections from Handel's "Mes- M-|'l! UclUl. li'i' |>Uv:,l,.|i:. Mis. : > clo^ivo itiul I'ontuuu'd hot' H.T., Bucket Seats, 6 Cyl., Automatic, Radio and Heater siah" • the "Halleluiah I'horus." students are per-"Glory to God'1), "The Night Before Mis \Vi!i;;ii:i H^ik.!. cm n>iio!uim^ si'i'ivtary. Mi> C.rniui wra ,,K>ir collie careers Christmas," and "Kuin, Finn, Finn." Semester 10 accommo- Ireusuicj1. Tin- CMTU!;W eoni'.niiUf Several special groups will be feu- will i-niisi.-i i,l Wi'.lKim Hiilk.i. Mis $1095 »ho cuWPl1'"' thcir scr |\X'ork Is Cilvil t0 lured, including Guy V Dolls, com- l.i.u.x and .Mrs. M:» lu J ilin- ^os. who desire E° posed of select voices from the Mixed ! l'lf.i] .iiui l\ielyn l)'.\»di'e;i. ]>i es- art colU e tu ri. «t and tHi'» st * : Choir, two piano solos, three vocal •is!> (.1 iln- Huiy Trimly High ' ,-ho chanso their mind solos, two folk-singing groups. Star- IIIKII'S l'areiiis i.Juiid. repoiting on 1964 Rambler Classic 550 4-Dr. Sedan Uj 10 colU'CO- '. .. liters, a group composed of the 2! ! tin- work of the (iuikl. have eilrd rses in liberal arts, en- best female voices of the Mixed LJC Homecoming Ilii «mk ul Hie luisi'itiility ciimmil- 6 Cyl., Automatic Trans-, Radio and Heater scieni'C and business ad Glee Club as well as the Mixed Glee h-e. wliuli uisities the socml Miecess will be offered in theClub itself, the Girls' Group, and For Alumni Dec. 27i <>! 1 IK- t.inkl nu'ciiiiKs. prvpuring Kssion during the coming the Boys' Group. .Hid scrxiii^ i'ik(rt'^hiiH-n1s. mesler Amons them are: $1050 ^position. Western Euro- Miss Nina Hodge. Miss Both Cher- MU- Judy-.lo Pip:!];! of Uli." Arlmr lleiiileil l.y Mrs William Knmlz. isiure beginning and mter- nicliowski and Christopher Magyar lain1. I'limn. will M-i\e ii> rktiMn.m ;hi' i niiiinil'fr i UII>I-.IS uf Mi> l-'i\ink ?rench Cciman and Span- will be the pianists: .John Nel.smi for tile .UHllKil l.ullu'i uniil'.i; open ll'.iiii. Mis John riuiMJMMo und . lluiisc uf lite I nioii .hiiiini in'lep' Mrs (irraUl Cerardiello They are ral phycholosy. mathemat- will perform on [he bass, Kiehard i unifed calculus I and McCriskin on the drums. I.-Miiimii AsMii-uiliiMi. H u;n- :unt<>uiie- I ;is>!>!rd h> (let- hdltli'ldnju molliei'S 1964 Rambler American 330 2-Dr. ^ics'and United States his- jed HKiiiy liy Hieluird I'. .Musc;ilello j i('i>nseiilni^ eai-li of Hie classes in of l']ii?;ihe!h. president. j the sthool. Sedan, Lt. Aqua, 6 Cyl., Automatic Transmission, DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SIIOIMMNG community college The hoinreiMiiinu. sjjiinsnntl hy the $895 r | DO VOl'lt f-IIIUSTMAS SIIOl'l'lNC. Radio and Heater THROUGH I.EADEH AUS Aliuniij AssiK'iation and the d;i\ .ses- lie disciplines," Union 1 1llHOl(.ll I.KADKK AIKS

    Make it a Christmas SOUTH AVE. ® Inc.

    369 SOUTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD 232-2456

    t ""si,1

    Sony Tape Recorder

    SOLID-STATE SONYMATIC "104" (left) From beginning lo end, you'll find more features for your convenience than in any other com- parably priced recorder. Automatically--the 104 ensures you effortless tape threading, guaran- tees perfect recordings every time with Auto- malic Recording Control, keeps you from erasing by mistake, protects its heads from unnecessary wear and then shuts itself off at the end of the tope. All of this together with the performance, style and quolity that have made Sony America's first choice in tape recorders-only $99.50 complete with Sony F-96 dynamic microphone. 8-Track Stereo SONY SERVOCONTROL "800" (right) Space-oge technology inspired this new oil- Tape Cartridge purpose solid state portable tape recorder. Its heart is the newest Sony achievement—The Sony Player ServoControl motor; the same type of motor used in missile guidance control systems where critical timing accuracy is a must. The 800 gives you a choice of 3 electronically controlled speeds, 7'i. 33i, and l?i ips. Full 5 inch reel delivers up to 4 hours of speech or recorded music. It oper- °tes on both flashlight batteries or household cur;-ni-withoul an adapter. $179.50.

    SONYMATIC "900" (left) A compact battery powered portable performer with o big, big voice. Weighing a mere 5'.j pounds, the 900 makes a big step ahead in the Gives tv/ice the music refinement of miniaturization. The Sony 900 can • All solid state transistor circuitry be your traveling or home companion. Operating portably on 4 flashlight batteries, it can instantly • Completely automatic play — endlessly switch to household current with no special • Compact — aircraft quality adapters needed. Sonymatic A.V.C. (Automatic • Brilliant full dimensional stereo Volume Control) automatically ond instantly adjusts recording levels. Only $6/'.50 complete • National availability of major with dynamic microphone and vinyl carrying record libraries in stereo 3 case. "907". Same as above for boticries only, $49.50 When it comes from Stuart's you know you have bought iJ at one of Nov/ Jor'.ey'i most mociurn and complete audio See ,hern here, where jhe welcome mo, ,, oh.ays ^ salons. Come in and brows—you are always wolcomo. are ready to serve and where there is a resnui, H"= among the finest in the state. Come in and browse. STUART'S AUDIO, Inc. STUART'S AUDIO, Inc 544 NORTH AVE-, EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. 544 NORTH AVE., EAST WESTFIELD, N. J. 232-0483 232-0483 Opon Monday thru Saturday and evonings except Saturday 'til Christmas Open Monday thru Saturday and evenings «c*p< Sarurday 'til Chris.mos V Page 2 THE WESTFIEI.D (N. J.) LEADER. THVKSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 members who will hold office after with few exceptions, must report The questions are typical f — Dominick F. Rinaldi of the United u "To give tile people the best gov- are not in the United States during School System public relations committee "' * !'°Pi<*. \nti^ Office Holders ernment possible on all levels, we States Immigration and Naturaliza- January must report their address must start with the government clos- tion Service stated that the period to the service within 10 days after Scotch Plains—in an effort to dis- "People ask th«* question „„,.! £S"-,«5 "What's more 11ntiurlatit than gel-: esl lo the people—their home towns," within which aliens must report their their return. pel what it terms "misinformation" tins elected is givi 'i the pcuple good j said Collins in announcing plans for address is almost at hand. and also to expand public knowledge tdtcs a knowledge weuknc v Mr. Rinaldi said that forms with about the Scotch Plains-Fan wood which the board is attemutin. t lit government on eery level." said I the brunch. "The legislative lead- The month of January has been u Loire 'R'P' Collis. Union County j ers, the freeholders and the counly set for the address reporting pe- which to make the report will beschool system and the proposed high correct. *" Republican chairn .111. in announcing j line officers will discuss current leg- riod. AU aliens in the United Slates, available to all post offices and of-school addition, the Board of Educa- a Legislative Brunch for member' s islau'on which affects each town," fices of the Immigration and Nat-tion is mailing a fact sheet to resi- £?*!!£*£&.?*?*" Kroups of the governing bodies of each Un- he said. Senator Stamler, the senior uralization Service during the month dents of the two municipalities. January, when representatives of the of January. ion County town. GOP elected official, will preside Republican legislative delegation, The publication prepared by theschool addiUon "was "defeated'' hfl \ The brunch is set for Saturday over the discussion, Collins said. freeholders and county line officers Mr. Rinaldi urges all aliens to board answers 22 questions about the referendum. " »i a . at 9 30 a.m. at the Slage House Inn, The counly chairman also revealed will hold public meetings in each comply with the reporting require- school system in general and pro- New plans for the addition are Scotch Plains. The Republican may- that at the brunch he will announce town to discuss local problems and ments, as willful failure to do sovides six basic facts about the high being prepared by the Board of I'd, ors and municipal governing body the schedule of dates, beginning in suggestions. may lead to serious consequences. school addition. cation, which will submit the aadi-

    E. C. SCHMAL.ENBEKGER will b, avuUabUWroUkhTtMday, if foUowSii meek, plus beloih ** MHI SfUXaU"SSSty MomJBfy «W Schmalenberger

    Now Associated

    With Meierdierck Elmer C. SrluiKiK'nburgei' of 411" » enrolled in Benjamin Frank- lin School. I I GRAND OPENING Daily Fire THIS WEEK of Report O'CONNOR'S Bon.Jut oven ronst IL mmff^\ft Dec. 6,—8:45 a.m., ICngine 4 to Vic WESTFIELD flogers Texaco Service, comer ot CROSS RIB /r On Dec. 24, 1966 ... Ross PI. and W. South Ave; to Flavorful, lender pot roast tit\ JL t? si sland by while service man lit fur- Amana Horns Fre»z»r, nace, as precautionary measure. Live lO0O-lb. Black Angui BONELESS CHUCK - OD Steer and Live Pony Dec. 7—1:37 p.m.. Fire Prevention Mealy, leaner, delicious beef ,. A f\if Tendei^aged, custom-cut bet 2nd ! C-ir to Lincoln School, 728 Westfield cut »49' Aw., check on trouble signal re- SHORT RIBS . _ -lb49* RIB ROAST - cnived from fire dct'-'dion system. Signal caused by power failure; 6:11 Genuine, gourmet, firtt cut beef ., M f^a Lean, boneless, flavorful chuck p.m., Engine 4 to 1170 Central Ave.. "69" 1 investigate fire in own which had PRIME RIBS --- - '"•69 STEW BEEF CUBES been extinguished by resident. Fire Dubuque O'Connor's own recipe, freik made out, smoke was removed with me- COUNTRY SAUSAGE- "65* chanical ejectors. BACON I Dec. 8—12 noon, EnRine 1, Engine 4, Truck 1, Sqund 1 to 24!) Welch lb Way, smoke in house. Probai)!'; FRANKS- 55' GROUND BEff-' 3"*1.45 cause, material ovi-rliuatcd, on stove, no damage. Friday—5:29 p.m.. Knsino 5 to First National Market, 2CO E. North Ave., ear on fire: 10:.",8 p.m.. Squad 1 to 715 Dorian Rd., investigate yas CHUCK • • •3 lb" cdor. Cause, sower gas entering cel- lar; concentration not explosive. FRESH KILLED $ Saturday—No calls. TURKEYS MUST BE TURKEY GROUND ROUND- - - 2- 1.98 Sunday—11:08 a.m.. Engine 5 to ORDERED BY 506 VI. Broad St., assist person lock- MONDAY, DEC. 19th ed out; 3:03 p.m., lOnuine 0 to inter- JKTODAY Every Day, On Every section of Kimball and N. Euclid CALL 756-5550 Aves., leaves burning in street: 5:24 hem _ Lowcr Prices, p.m.. Engine 1, Engine 4, Truck PLACE YOUR ORDER NOWI Squad I, to 1021 Grandview Ave., re- Kleenex table 50C tT Alpo Hog food A 15tt-oz. $1 port of fire in bouse. Fire in kitchen Fresh t Frozen ^/-W Frozen out on arrival; resident burned, Killed 10-18 Ib. *S 4* 19-22 Ib. 4 sisted by Westfield Rescue Squad; Ib. HENS +JyJVo. TOMS CcmpbeXVs, with sauce Libby selected ripe ld:31 p.m., Eniiine 4 to 19 Plymoutl O PK.. I BEEF CHUNKS 4 «-~ I Hd., lint burning in clothes dryer BEANS- - - PITTED OLIVES No damage. Q cam Scot bathroom Monday—5 a.m., Engine 1, Engine Planter's dry roasted 4. Truck 1, Squad 1 responded to PEANUTS - |ar TISSUE - - - HOG Gr;vit A vi'.. report of house on 49* fire. lions'.: overheated by apparent Ragu spaghetti Hunt's finest $ faulty operation of thermostat on PINEAPPLES - SAUCES - - - Tomato Sauce 10»" 1 heating ssytom; no damage; 8:18 •59* a.m.. Engine 5 to 921 Harding St., Bayer 100 count Ocean Spray lbS ear on fire; 3:24 p.m.. ICngine 5 tc RED LETTUCE- ASPIRIN- - - Cranberry Sauce ^J -««l 3112 Oreiuln Cir.. investigate smok - - 63' oilor. Caused by overheated wirinsj Fresh, tchlie Chock Full O' Nuu Maxwell cof/ee 10-oz. 4 No damu:;c: 5:-17 p.m., dcparliw lb>$ notified to sKvtrt hy to assist Bahvaj MUSHROOMS - COFFEE - 2 1.59 INSTANT - l« 1.26 Fire IH-pt. at two alarm fire in Hah California fancy Sumhine chocolate Jb v.ny; 7:25 p.m.. relieved from stain by status. AVOCADOS - HYDROX Cookies Pke Sn'cef, Fresh, ld RENTED IT Mexican National Bltcuit Company! THROUGH THE THE BEST COSTS LESS AT FINE MEATS AT LOW PRICES SOCIALABlE 9-ot. WANT ADS STRAWBERRIES CRACKERS pk0- Sunshine Coco. HYDROX 1-lb. Plaiefield Store Westf ield Store Berkeley Heights COOKIES pkfl CORNER EAST SECOND STREET CORNER SOUTH AVENUE 495 PLAINFIELD AVENUE For Unusual GINGER BREAD A~Jl ond GARFIELD AVENUE and CENTRAL AVENUE Nr. MOUNTAIN AVE. Intersection kfl- ORIENTAL GIFTS • 370-390 SOUTH AVENUE Convenient . . . from $1.00 lo $200.00 Only 2 Block! from Uland Av<. Opening Dec. 14, 1966 Call .464-1092 Ff.« D«li»«ry • • for Winel, Llquor>f and Bear Op«n B:30 AM -9 P.M. Monday, Thunday Op«n 8 A.M.-9 P.M. Monday thru Thunday Optn B A.M.-9 rM. Monday riiru Saturdoy BAYANIHAN —lilt 8 P.M. Sot.—fridoy nlghl until 9:30 Friday 711 930 P.M., Saturday Til e P.M. 61 1 MORRIS AVE. P.M.—Sunday 5 A.M. la 2 P.M. Claiad Sunday Till 6 P.M. Tu.tday — Claxd Sunday SPRINGFIELD HOME FREEZER WHOLESALE MEATS «M>P. Sl,..rl Hltl> ••:,!. 1.1s) COR. ROOSEVELT AV«. k EAST 1M ST. <1 BLOCKS PROM BAMBERGER'S PLAINFIELO) 1 in... ii .Xiih'f. ;.th A vi'. Froe Parking in Rear Call PL 6-5481 for Complote Price Catalog and Further Information 376-9737 a*TUE WESTFIELD IN. 3.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER IS, IMC

    IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM JOHN J. O'CONNOR OF O'CONNOR'S MARKETS "~T_ rIlE ECHO LAKE CHURCH OF CHKIST: Left U> * ^ ,|B1 Musslewhite, Eddie Shewmaker, Lynnos Morton, *' ***. H garret. Musslewhite and Barret have just recently ^"ia a Sunday ordination. ties that rest upon us all. They are duties which we owe to God and to ch Of Christ each other. We would lay upon your heart that you may net-opt thorn sol- ins Three emnly and with prayer. Let us help one another to please God." Officers Tlie Echo Lake Church Is situated on Springfield Ave. in (he historic IS FREEDOM DEAD, TOO? w Lake Church of Christ litlle rock chapel between Gciger's three in officers Restaurant and Kte. 22, whore it has ,y installation service. Two met since 1952. The congregation I Barret and J- E. Mus- is oriented to a conservative, evan- ,ere madt bishops, and gelical theology. They emphasize jrik-y became a deacon, involvement and ministry on the parl thurcli is now directed of each of their 125 members. Last week representatives of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Pood Store Employees of live bishops and four The congregation has purchased T*o ministers are now ev 2',4 acres at the corner of Spring- byllie conureKalion: » - field Ave. and K. Broad St. in West- Union, Local 464, and Retail Food Clerks Union, Local 1245, came to mo and asked me nmions and Kev. James field and plan lo erect a new site of operations sometime next spring. to sign a contract which would unionize O'Connor's employees. I Informed these repre- allation was conducted by Many visitors from the WestfieUl original bishops who have sentatives at this time and on at least two other occasions that O'Connor's Is neither for jitinunusly since 1%O, J. area have expressed an interest in alter. W. H. Kogle and L. the old Branch Mills Chapel where Tin- installation service the church nuw assembles. The nor against unions - but that It is up to the O'Connor employees to decide whether they do structure was erected in l!KM, and Mi 40 minifies and was by a final essoration from the site has neon a religious meet- or do not want a union and if they do, do they want these local unions or other ones. The niiiaker, that went thus: ing place since 1U25. •cure cliurcli. we say, let union refused to consider a secret ballot by our employees, administered by the National reoeth in those God-given 'fs. They were ordained Labor Relations Board. Instead, they would only accept a contract signed by me, putting my ! and strengthen us. Let 1 SWAPPED FOR ;o submit to ane another, f another, and to provoke 1 n THROUGH THEl employees in their unions without the employees having the right to vote their acceptance ~ to love and good works, nern our entire lives by WANT ADS or rejection. The union told us they would take action to make us sign this contract. that we are not our own KD boufilil with a price. ve reviewed responsibili- The action was initiated on Monday, December 12,1966. The Amalgamated Meat Cutters RE-CHRISTMAS SPECIA and Food Store Employees Union, Local 464, started picketing O'Connor's Markets stores <&.• in Plainfield, Westfield, and Berkeley Heights. They are attempting to coerce our suppliers of merchandise into not delivering and our customers into not shopping our stores. PRICE The pickets had written on their signs that 'O'Connor's was on strike/ This is not true, misleading and misrepresentation. As dPiMonday, December 12,1966, not one O'Connor employee had failed to report for work or had participated in the picket line. O'Connor employees are sharers in the benefits of O'Connor's Markets. They will always have the right to join a union by majority vote, by secret ballot administered by the National Labor U WHIRLPOOL Relations Board. But no one, a union or anyone else, can take away an O'Connor's NDERCOUNTER, SUPER WASH employee's right to decide for himself, if he wantsta union. I will not sell out the principle 1ISHWASHER of free choice; the right of free determination that belongs to our employees. O'Connor's has requested the National Labor Relations Board to expedite a secret ballot election for its employees. Unfortunately, the union may continue to picket in the meantime. We will abide by their choice.

    We offered the union the opportunity for a secret ballot election before they began ToMOAJI picketing which they would not consider. Now we have petitioned the National Labor Relations Board for such an election. Rather than the ballot box these unions prefer to picket our stores, cut off our deliveries and cause us serious economic injury. We don't think

    low SPU-6B this is fair dealing, just because we won't violate the rights of our employees. NOWONLYl r!skes 15 Table Sellings. a|er-Streatn Washing "mn Washes Cleaner As of this date a few of our suppliers are still delivering to our stores and we have taken Mn Ever! emergency steps to keep our stores supplied. It is quite possible that an effective boycott could bankrupt O'Connor's Markets and destroy the fruits of 37 years of free enterprise. NEW RCA WHIRLPOOL .PORTABLE,SUPER WASH fe3 DISHWASHER We plead with you, the general public, to first check the facts I have given you and then lOW, 119 88* please patronize our stores during this strong-arm move by these two unions. It seems f lilJi'r'1.1* Tabls Settings. No Installs- 1 '™ c«k! No Pro-Rinsing, No Scraping! unbelievable in this country that freedom of choice, freedom of self-determination can be : FULL YEAR SERVICE ^ killed by the unscrupulous. We need your support to prove that freedom is not dead. , SPP.5s

    Special Christmas Gift Offal Decemberonlyt EE John J. O'Connor vours when you buy ono or these great RCA Whirlpool dishwaihers! Offer vaiid only vihenAt^ General Manager washer is connected to fuo- lic Service lines by Dec 33. O'Connor's Markets PLAINFIELD, BERKELEY HEIGHTS, WESTFIELD

    AVE. (Opp. Quimby St.) WESTFIELD P«gC 4 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER J5. 1966 Double Feature Now at the Strand Theatre *•***•**•*•••*•**••••* UJC Students Host At Party Today Uniun Junior College students wi!I jo uajp conduct a Christinas parly today for -[lip a'U JOJ £)jed snun 40 children at (he Union County nty Cerebral I'alsy Center in Cranford. of Union, made on the i-.i11 . " put? uajpfiqa atf) O) !•" iSRMVED years. demands" c-Ktnta i Martin R. Samclson of Clark will •^O£diua Aq pjpmojd stjiS ajnqujsip m,, nY, ' * intlmefor play the role of Sonta Claus and will has lx*n a traditional event Christmas Giving! * GIVE Marlon P h, N j

    Ml.,, RCA VICTOR ! DIANE McBAIN. doing research KAJ»ANJS, Burrog«le VI tiii" ("ou'in'o GUITARS HORST BUCHHOLZ and EUa on th« Perfect American Male, of Union, made <,„ tlic »"", „" ,|.,i SOLID STATE Martlnelll enact the tempestuous of Dec-embvr A.n.. liicr. U1) , ,,'> from ! finds him In Elvis Presley in B>:«-utrlK of lln. «ntf>u of Valrt d', Isven in "Marco the Magnifioent." eeatod, notii-H ia hereby uiv, , , ' 16.95 epie-acale adren(ure>ab*ania filmed MGM'6 lilting new romantic com- (lie <•!-.-die,re of sm,l "«""'« "'•• 40% PIANO ROLLS 1.25 Omar Sharif, Orson Welles and Include Shelley Fabares. Deborah B12TSY ANN MII.T.MANN, LIMITED QUANTITIES! B ; |MMEDIATE Anthony Quinn as Kublal Khan., Louis J. l,UKh|. Attorney «" »<''lx RYI Walley and Dodie Marshall. 190 Kim Street 5.95 Wi-Btfleld, N. J. UKULELES COMPLETE LINE 12-S-U Pep,, jo, ., OF HOHNER -28.41 TAMBOURINES 3.95 HARMONICAS from AUTOHAftP 42.50 1.00 Why fmnst your good Ripnay In ¥ an unknown brand of unknown ^ SNARE Wal*<" Ponde Theatres quality—when you cat? get £ NOW THRU TUESDAY America's best-known, most . yC trusted name in sound—AND PAY -fc DRUMS 29.50 NO MORE! Com* sg#—h«ar—-try ~£ TIME AMPLE ¥ •—choose from e hoge s«1ect<• offirmauoi, ,,,'" pf models and prices including. -*r ¥ •very new, w»ntt "Outlaws Ant •k "Hey There It GREGORY'S STARTS WEDNESDAY, DEC. 21 127 A CENTRAL AVE. MUSIC CENTER (Opp. Quimby St.) "Born Free" CENTRAL JERSEY'S MOST COMPLETE MUSIC STORE — Hi;n, mx, n ¥ SERVING PLAINFIELD FOR 36 YEARS KIT. o

    ; : •::...... GIVE .;

    ••'•' '••••.• • • • ' ". and " : ' ••••; V; ,. SUPPORT ITALIAN FLOOD DISASTER REUEF FUND

    The cyclonic storm of Northern Italy left thousands of homeless people in its wake. The Third Ward Political Club of Westfield has initiated a drive which is in its second week for the benefit of the victims of Italy's devastat- ing floods. Residents and merchants who care to help join in the rescue mission can send a voluntary contribution to Herbert I. Hoer, Treasurer, c/o Suburban Trust Company, or to P. O. Box No. 728. Please do it now in the true spirit and unity of the Holiday Season.

    We are grateful for the early response of the following service organ- izations:

    The Civic Club of Westfield The Woman's Club of Westfield, Inc. Martin Wai I berg Post No. 3, American Legion Clark-Hyslip Post No. 645, Veterans of Foreign Wars Westfield Master Barbers Association

    Headquarters Committee

    Ettore Di Sarro EDWARD A. CAMILLO, General Chairman Dominick Cacchione Alfred E. Williams MAYOR ROBERT H, MULREANY, Honorary Chairman Martino Mennino THE WESTFIELD (V. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 198S Pafe 5

    Boro Women , piailii-i' in Jersey City up lo I IK' iivling Results U:iKi oi hi> removii! lo Moun!ainsi cit'Cied lo the Now .1tM"st*y Church I Hou>e of Assembly in 1940 ;uwi 7 Den Chiefs Rt. n To Ease ! In Card Display «• 1, ! horu'd in the legislature ior thivt* -I" ;,; ••Christmas Around the World" is H.'li" • • ' ' ' ;iH 1* |.\fjrs, riMiriiig in 1SM3 to ac«'pl un Menitvis of Cub Semil park 170 r Traffic On 22 the theme of the greetings Barrett !'i;..a-i'- -- •;; :-T i»| appuitnim-u! as assistant corporation hold the December meeluii: at tjrant School and hniium! seven don chiefs ! !i ("rain. Inc.. Realtors, is extending Washd'tv It'oiinsfl nf .UTM'.V (.'ily. rtv-i^ in Mountainside—'Hi!' Holy Name So OUIP.UK'UII 1:. l' ".'.' ~'l frini) Sumt Tuinps 72. 74 and 77 iVli | to the ilcni« who pause to look In M<-lltlltIlKt Altivd K. l>ris- ciely of Our Lady '.niirdes Church IMaink Mi-iliuilltii . . 111 ! (he windows of its 43 Elm St. of- H 44 1... appmnU'd him thv chief cords were awarded to Hulwis heard Uiuicmv Mcl.aujjhlin of HK' UmintyHoard nf Taxation m No. j Si-ivafo. Mike Davidson. Ted Mas incc. Tito seasonal display feature* |-1 rr Slate Highway [lepartmen! speak on j a collection of Christmas cards from Triangle \CMIIH-I-. lai and he was leaplHiiiHed |''"• ' Meier. IMnlip I.midin. Si-ull ' Highways of New Jersey" a( ils W | the six continent:: and many islands P.i-rrj ' »• H«». j <'p||il!i|.i:h,M 'to thai ol I ice by Cm Hol'.rt li ' 1-amh and Kenneth MacHichic ic^ular nn.Kiihly inei-tinji; ihis wtt'k -'•I'-j 1- ... ~;i . I M,>,!,.•: . A n dl>11 N (; as | as well. Ili-llinun i Meynei in 1>J37. 'fouur.issiuner Hay-1 ™ - " - »' Pri-srati-d ""'" J;::= IV" l. ;;;';•;:";-' The ofliciiil pivdicled (hnl when ai mond K. Male of the Department of! 1>S' <*>>« mot her Kuth Siruta. M.-mKoule 78 is computed lioute 22 i These cards have been loaned by '.%'j •'.'."..:: ^ ?; NO'I'I"1. .:.•.':::: i« ^ ;; 1 : Labor and Industry appointed liim ii j tors of the new den included Thomas Irallic would decrease t>y :"iO jK'r j Mrs. A. Muertlein, who has kept M<'"*!>•• 1" :;P M I • Judge of Coi-,;pon.sat.oM in the !)i\ i. 1UH. Timothy Hall. Jrtlin Marcsca. Hitcli »i-ori-»: iPi-rr :'i3. AIPI..|.| 2ns I <'eiil Howc\er. he also made a I them over many years as meinen- ;;;;:: 23 as Smart Set isiou of tt'orkinen'i Coni|x-nsalion in Kevin Mullen and Douglas all j toes uf funnel- students atid friends ,',',' "iju» • — ;J jS lorccast that I lie anticipated traffic • Novi-miHi-. )!*2. which nosiiion lie'"' whom qualified for Iheir Helical crowih in the state would cause Kle ! uf her husband and herself. The A; :l ! Merchantg Handicap '* .- in' ••' ! : i now occupies silling in Newark dis- hadees. Chuck Jarrett o( Don 2. T2 traffic lo be about equal lo what , lute Dr. llacrllci.ii was assistant dean "rs ••• •;.' i « 1. Ktt-tiuiati l-'cui-'liy . :;: | ; trict. Eleanor Solon den mother. «as of the School of lCnginucriug »t Har- •""•f-lJe's'-'liiilJ: 11.6. Phyl- ( i il is at present by the year H'llO. ipil'aiM- S Maruiip . :: :„ i,,i V"iN CI:-\ r..!.-I . j:. ••., awarded his Wur badi;e and sold u Judge Wagner has been very ac- lv vard University. In this position he Tt.wm. lVll. '...'..'. i'Ti 1 j i:.... ,.r..,-,i !•„, u [•:. tive in Ukrainian affairs, national. and silier arrows; Frank Webster Mr. Mcl.iiuKhlm n- e a very inter- met and became friends with many ll.uu ;.. ,.!•••« !•!•• :02. ' eslim; and i nfoiiualive talk with Arb.,i 'lull ' ,..'.'. in -,i and local for the past received his lion badge and avUi j foreign students, and Mrs. Haort- W.-BIII.-1.I An . . IK :•! arrow In Den 4. Dian Slueker, rlen slides illustrating the various parts lein offered (lie hospitality of their 3St years He WJJS the State Ukraiu l Air i-..i! 17'.. --is, i ian Democratic k'uder during that niolher. ;KK Foster cani<«i1 his sil nf his (ulk. It was slated that the home lo these young nien. The ,. ....••••• k'.- jJvj Arlluir rl.'ims ... 17 ' ;:• " Earlv Bird* I Ukrainians Honor tniH1 and up to his appointment as !v*'' arrow Amlmny Bullock o( Oi'ii •11.000 miles of the interstate high- friendships blossomed and were kept IllKh si..pis l: I;.., in. i' ;•:'."'' 1. Carol Duncan, den mother, way system must be finished by Oc- •" IJIM-KIPP:I -::>J. I>. HI II.I., ;L'V judi;e At his request. Governor alive by tin- seiKiing and receiving >u % iilh 1 ZiJi'. A. Clp.. inn Ilii ^(M. Judge Wagner At i Meyner became the first governor ificd as a Bobcat. tober of 1!'T:{ or the slates involved of Christmas greetings. jof New Jersey to proclaim Jan. n,\ Assistant Cubmasler Ollie llrown could lose the !K) per cent federal - •• '" 19' i's' Late Show 1«55 Ukrainian Independence Day to j reporlwi thai a total of 57 hoys and aid Against a backdrop of a map of I Testimonial commemorate the fateful day in is*ll) 1 Jt«Js enjoyed the invi|ioratiti|{ dawn The official slated thai New Jer- tlte world, the cards have txwn ar- their independence from Russia and eooktxit at Skylop on Dec. 3. (irant sey located in (he cenler of the vast ranged so as to Indicate, by means Mountainside— Judno Mured K. of red and tftwn rihlwns, the coun- || I 1 N Austria. A similar proclamatiiw has | nullerimire. Jerry Jarre.ll. Ulaine area called Mo^alopalis, lhat extends try from which they came. The Fabeltes ^ TIMS.IS II IIP Waunor, who IKIS Ixvn rt'sidiii); in U-en isiiued every year simv Ihen | I-oiirfiii and Frank Coy were iiinmn! from Massachusetts In Virginia is ('.Kill ^Sp.,11 i McnintiiiiiMrif for the )>ast two and by Covernnr Meyner and Cinernor those who huilt the fires and kept the the most densely populated, has the maps Kine for each window) were M.i'k'1 J J ^;J Sportsmen I (MU'half yciirs, was uivi-n e toMi- drawn by artist l/eslyn Ash who also l liichard J Hughes. vgfis. sausage and hot cliocolate mid fasti's! i^rowiilji poptiflilion, and Ihe x "lii'rK'" "• '• • ." "" Toil: T.-iiis 17 ;•' | nioiiia! dinner iind rom-i'il SMfttcrdiiy painted the watorcnlors of local l : i Also in I'.ifiS on Ukrainian Christ- coffee euniint!. faslesl growing auto populalion. He M< '" "' ' " ^r, so ASII-UK . HL, >ii AUIM 11 homes which are on view in the .lav.l. j .il the Ukrainian i'unimunity Oilier In preparation for Its Chrislniiit. predicted I bat lhi> number of aulo 1J1"';,V:;•.•'• r-s i(.', IHKII «•...!,» ii s. ii.p.idi '•',-,- "|i ; mas Jan. 7. the lute Mayor Rcrnni'd l'.i • PIKHHI l'uccv mobiles in New Jersey will double 3110. ' I T.(T:.n> 1,,,,^ ... •:, .,, I milter nf Ukrainians of which .losrpli Jhiunl Sinn.' . -| .., proclaimed Jan. 22 Ukrainian lnde 1H, Hud Mayo led Ihe pack In Christ- by the year 19)10. In addition New ;'„'•"!!».;•' i'uiTi» 501. (1..M.-1. I'i, « ,, I •-, fi v l» >;. ••:' ! Ltfsawycr. supreme presidi-nt of HM- j penilcnce Day hut also directed that mas carols. Jersey has one of the lai'iteM Ukrainian National \.s( For Stiiiihiv HuMiieKs Administration. Mr. Iliad- Icy joined the Iralisportnllon district to Ihi'ir UHiviii!-! lo Jersey ('i!y. He ily Center in Jersey City. j of Jersey Cily Council 137. Tlie nnuiial Ohrislnuis Turkey in mrifl. w.i.s named an assistant is a j'radaale of SI. Peter's Prep The .Indue and Mrs. Waiitier have Two oilier memberii of bis family | Sluwt will be conducted and spon- ••iisliler the following year and an aralory in tint illy and iv 'our childieii. all cn!|iM!e gradual"*. reside ill Mountainside, n sister, Mrs : sored by I be Union County Park Now enjoy is';i.slanl vice president In IWii. eeivci) hi>. ].••« ile::i'i'i' frmn Kwdli HI- William [ro:n the University of Vir- Waller Hosier, ihe wife of n Union Commission at the park trap an.l 1'niversity in ira and was adiniti-d ] 'ini.i. Marcel from SI Pet-r's Colol-- County Heultur, and bis brother, skrel Kroiinds, off Kcullwoith Illvil.. A U. S. Navy vvlivan of World tip i>ruetirc law in .New Jersey ul ! lego in Jersey City, Carolyn from i Stephen .1. Wntfner. senior staff on- | Cianfonl. Sundnv. beiiinniiiK at 2 War 11, Mr. Ilradley Is married to Beautiful, natural color Hi- Oetohi r, l!L'7 lerin nl the Sn \ Maryiiioimt College in Tarrytown, N. [dneer wilh Ihe Wcsh-rn Kleclrie Co. ' | Til" event vi ill be a .1(1 lan'el Ihe former Kli/altelh White. Thu as fresh as all outdoors pn-iiii' I'oiirl. Hi' ciHiilucled his law ' V. and Marv from Dunbiil Ion Col ' in Clark. Itemttii.'ton biindicip conli"-| at trap Hrndley's havp' one dinnihtor. CROSS RIB Stewing Beef 69c Ib. | SHOP AND SAVE AT J&M SUPER MARKET SAUSAGE Goulash Meat 69c Ib. TOP SIRLOIN ROAST THOUSANDS OF GOOD FOODS, PRICED RIGHT i . Pork-Veal-Boef MEAT S. S. Piorce Groceries — Choice Maat — Name Solid Meat Delicious Meat Loaf Brands. If you want it, we have it. Come See, Ib. 89c Ib. 49c Ib. Come Save. 99c Path's Hams Opp. National Bank U. V Choice Grade Fresh Killed Small LOIN END PORK ! nonolos* le«n I Carman Style SIRLOIN STEAKS —SPARE RIBS S9clb. FRYERS Ib. Rolled POT ROAST KNOCKWURST lb 69c lb lb PORTERHOUSE STEAKS Ib. 59c 89c 99c Ib. Small and Lean 79c 29c Vtry Meaty Dollcloui 1 lb. Krnut Fr»« ORDER NOW - Fresh Killed Turkeys - Geese - Ducks - Capons - Roasting Chickens - Roost Beef - for Christmas Maaf FIRST PRIZE SlroaVs Scrapple 55c Ib. Steer liver 59clb. Bout-loss Pork Roast 79c Ib. J&M's Famous Links 89c Ib. Strodo'j Link Sausage 99c Ib. Chicken Livers 69c Ib. Genuine Pork Liver 29c Ib. Homo Mado Smoked Tongues 79c Ib. Strode'! Sausage Meat 69c Ib. Taylor Ham IVilbs. J.I9 Rath's Pork Goodies 89c Ib. SAUSAGE MEAT Jones Llvorwurst 39c Ib. Hormol Hams, Loan and Tendor Franks 79c Ib. Jones Bacon 99c Ib. Oscar Mayer boneless 1.391b. Ib. Pol'sh Dclogna 99c Ib. Jonei Links 69c Ib. Franks, Bologna 69c Ib. First Prlzs Boneless Ham 89c From MoloroH'l new (light of Colof TV with gen- uine Walnut veneers and itlect hardwood solids ALL OUR MEATS ARE CUT FRESH TO ORDER J&M's FAMOUS GROUND BEEF, lean, 3 Ibt. $1.99 with Oil Walnut tinlsh.

    Fresh Farm Vegetables Delicatessen Dept. Dairy Department Frozen Foods — Many to Choose Jumbo Fruits Rare Roast Beef '/i Ib. 99c New Soft Ol»o 39e Corn OH Oleo 29c Rich Bev. 7-99c I STOUFFER'S YMlow Bananas Imp. Boiled Ham '/j lb. 99c 7 lbs. 39c Plain Oleo 19c Lobster Tails 139 Grapofru't German Style Bologna 69c Ib. | Lobster Newburg 1.69 MOTOROLA 6-49c Land o' Lakes Butter 69c Filllgree Orange Juice 6-$1 Florida Oranges 29c doz. Mother Goose liver '/i Ib. 49c |Crab Meat au Gratln 1.69 Fresh Eggs, large 59c doz. S.S. Pruno Jice 3-59c Avocodos 29c ea. Pepper Loaf 'A Ib. 49c Ch00I Souffl 89c California Carrots 2-29c Pillsbury Cookies, like 3cans79ci ° » Old Dutch Loaf Vi Ib. 49c 10 flavors 2 rolls 89c Rectangular Color TV Rosebud Beets 2-29c Doxio Fried Clams 49C Croam Chlckon 89c Delicious Apples 3 lbs. 39c Grilling Franks 69c Ib. Sharp Cheddar Choeso 79c II). NEW- Breast Chicken 1.69 Winosap Apples 3 lbs. 39c Dried Beef Vi lb. 69c Domostic Swiss Cheese 89c Ib. Cheddar Soft Cheose 99c Bird's Eye Frozon Trout 69e WITH SOLID STATE RELIABIUTY AT 17 CRITICAL POINTS Chopped Cole Slaw Phila. Cream Cheese . 25c THE ONLY MARKET WITH All Cold Cuts Froshly Cut Sliced Boots 39c Fillet of Sole 69c Pure Cider Vi gal. 39c LARGE, SNOW WHITE All Center Cuts, Lean with Orange Fillot of Flounder 69c • Hi-Fi Color Tlibe with rare earth Atl Kinds Pickled Horrim Broccoli Hollctndalso phosphors MUSHROOMS Fruit Salad 49c qt. 39c Smelts 69c pkg. Krinklo Kut Potatoes • Power transformer chassis Lower Food Prices R.D. Orange Juico 25c qt. 3-SOcj Paul's Crab Cakes 49c 79c Ib. Pous • Tint control • Two speakers Ragu Sauces 59c Grapefruit Juice 25c qt. 3pkgs. 50c Paul's Scallops 69c Blue Choose Krinklo Kul Potatoes, Ig. 25c • Automatic demagnetizer Scot Tissue 10c roll 99c Paul's Shrimp 79c Iceberg Lettuce 19chd. Swiss Fonduo 1.49 Ch:ves pkg. 49c Paul's Fillet 39c • Color indicator light Yellow Turnips 2 lbs. 19c White Rose Apricots . 4-$l Ricetta Cheese 49c Ib. Easy Color Tuning Yellow Onions 3 lbs. 29c White Rose Plums 4-$l Mozzarolla pkg. 39c Come See 1500 Items To Choose Cucumbers 2-25c Tomato Sauce 10-$l Push-button UHF tuning presets Red Rose Radishes 2-19c "All Kinds" "u lo 5 UHF channels Color con- S.L. Cranberry Sauce 2-39c From J&M'j Selection ™» ate numbered - helps sim- Scallions 2-19e CRACKER BARREL plify repeat tuning. End» guess- Campbell's Beans 8-$l "DTK! S.L. Pears, IVi 3-$1 CHEESES Progroiso Kidney Beans CL717C with 23" overall dial, tube meas.; Full lino of Boston's famous 2-35e 274 n. In. picture viexing aret pkg Jumbo Scott Towels COLOR TV-your best entertainment buy S. S. PIERCE CANDY S.L. Fruit Cocktail, Vh 3-$l 29c at the Riqht Price Pink Salmon 65c 59c Wrile-a-Cako Assortment 29« 1 lb., 2 lb., 3 lb., 5 Ib. Choc. Camp. Mushroom Soup 6-$1 Quaker or Mother's Oats 35c Whoatona or Creom cf Wheat 3 Ib. Hard Candies Tetloy't Tea Bags . 48,45c CROWN PIZZA 39c Ribbon Candy Bold Wash Powder giant OUTSTANDING-BUYS ON QUALITY MOTOROLA W.R. Tuna, White Meat 3-$l 69c Candy Canes 29c ea. Hot Cherry and Banana Poppers 39c qt. Diamond Salt 2 boxes 25c Uncle Bon's Wild Rico Mix Keebler Sandies . 39c 79c Hawaiian Punch 3-J1 Wild Rice - Caviar — Pheasants NBC Sociables 33c MOTOROLA Grapefruit and Pinoapple Canada Dry Soda MOTOROLA COFFEE Burry's Cookies ... 3-S1 2-49c plus Juice 3-89c Hydrox Cookies 39c Sweet life Sodas, all flavors 6-$1 SOLID STATE SOLID STATE Savarin 2 lbs. 1.49 Aluminum Foil pkg.29c Planlnrs Poanuls .. 3-*>l Roal Lomon Juico ...quart 49c Chock Full o' Nuts 2 lbs. 1.79 White Rote Garden Peas Dish Detergent pkg.29c Oreo Cookies 39c 5-$l CLOCK RADIO FM/AM RADIO Martinson's 2lbi. 1.79 Melt's Apple Sauce 10 Ib. Detergent 1.49 NBC Thin Pretzels 25c 5 jars $1 Arnold's 79c Ib. Mazolci Corn O.I q».63« • Automatic Trip. Control on fM Sanka .. 89c Ib. 10 Ib. All 1.89 Dulany Cut Green Beans • 6" Golden Voice' Speaker SPECIAL SALE 3 ime in

    SHOP AND SAVE - OTHERS DO Central at Quimby J&M Super Market 232-6064 Opp. National Bank — Plenty of Parking Page 6 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 Ohans, Porchetta Caroll Wins Honors Whitmore Paces Blue Devils Quintet Propoises Defeat New WHS Captains At Davis Elkins It was announced last week by Joseph Carroll, | Railway Girls i Westfield High School Athletic Direc- Mrs. Frederick C. To 7943 Win Over Heights or. John H. I.;iy. tlml James O- By TOM McNAMAKA , lop m;irk on year's squad, set l>y j * Coach Pwry Coullus and her Kiius, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sparked by CapUiin Glenn Will- i Jim Harmon. j young YWVA diarfcs spoiled the O'Haus of 226 Baker Ave., and Mario more's 24 point ouibursl. Wcstliekl'.-. Tomorrow night Scotch Plains uiil Kahway Y 39 points in the 15-17 aye Porchetta. son of Mr. and Mrs. Blue Devil cagers convincingly play host to tlie Devils in confer- group and still managed to outscoio Nicholas Porchetta of 317 Central trounced Berkeley Heights 7H-43 in encu encounter. Last Friday toe j their adversaries by nine points in an THE WESTFI1LD LEADER Ave. were elected co-captainp s of Ihe their season opener Friday. Haiders edged Hillside 62-59, as exciting swimming meet held at 1967 Westfield High School Running and snooting from the Chris Atkins and (Jerry Me Deed Wcstfield's Wallace Nataorium Sat- opening tap, the Devils quickly open- tallied 17 and 19 points respectively, urday afternoon. Sue Schreck, last ed a six point margin and diL'w Tlie Blue Devils have beaten th< years outstanding team diver and away as tlie game progressed. J'iie Plainsmen in only two out of thei this year's diving coach, helped point spree was led by junior guard last six meetings and have not woi Weslfield get off to a good start Many Awards Presented At Annual Mark Rcddy, who drove through Hie at Scotch Plains in the last when her proteges, Connie Balnicr Highlander's man-to-man defense ftr years. and Carol Haertlcin placed first and two baskets and set up two oilier <« Westfield School Boosters As- to make the score 8-2. Porpoises included Kim Harvey in sociation held its traditional Fal Dave Pushman, Bob Stevens, John At a Ford Dealer Berkeley's Paul Dudak banked in the 10 and under freestyle, and Mar-Sports Awards Dinner at Westfield Tourtellotte, Bob Treut, Bob Urcioli. Used Car lot!* a 15 footer midway through the first tha Wescoat, Beth Malier and Julie High School, Thursday night. Mem For soccer, senior plaques to Phil period to bring tlie Highlanders ll.'IMlll.'K IllT . . Greenstein in breaststroke. back bers of the football, soccer and cro^s Davison, Al Ganun, John Haig, Bill 1961 V.W. 2-Dr. Sedan within five, at 11-6. This was the stroke and butterfly, respectively. I country squads were guests, as were Harrington, Bill McJames, Dave 1964 V.W. 2-Dr closest they could come, however, lie 11 and 12 age group, Stacie Far- senior band members, cheerleaders Moore, Chip Merrill, Pete Rub, Dick as Whitmore countered with five ley, Heidi Owen and Connie Balmer twirlers and the "Blue Devil." Many Schroth, Gary Shi/frin, Dave Smith, $795 markers to push the Devils to a 20-13 took first respectively in the 50 yan parents and friends also attended. In Nathaniel Wilmott, Randy Kahn, first stanza lead. breaststroke, backstroke and indi addition, approximately 45 guests, Dick Steiner, Bob Flynn, Reid $1175 The second quarter saw the local vidual medley and teamed up wit]including coaches and their wives, Boates. 1961 Ford Fairlane 500 hoopslers increase their spread to Rajidi Barrett, freestyle, to win tin were present. Cross country senior plaques to 2-Dr. Sedan, V-8, Auto. Trans., 42-21 by halftimc, with (he BIuo 200 medley relay in the good linn Association president, Albert Dan Jerry Brown, Dave Calvert, Jon Devils' deft jump shooter. Ken Kell- of 2:29.5. Crane, BUI Gordon, Dave Herron, R&H, One Owner 41,000 Mi. y,sm. er, firing in three 20 foot jum))ers. ker, introduced school officials and In the 13-14 bracket, Sue Lulu; Jim Kane, Hal McCulloch, Keith Center Paul Jones shone on defense coaches, each of whom spoke brief- Monley, John North, Bob Primosch, by blocking three enemy shots while ;ook first in the 300 yard freestyh ly. $695 $1395 ii-.lily :n the excellent time of 1:07.6. Cath; Frank Rugg, Terry Savage, Lou Von dropping in five of his 13 counters in • :i Y . . The highlight of tlie evening was Mutius. this period. Euwur Iale broke her own individual record the presentation of awards for out- 1962 Ford Country Sedan as she pulled home ahead of her op Senior band member awards to Whitmore pac-eu trie attack in the standing individual performances. In S/W, Auto. Tran.., P. Living:,> 111 M>nent in the breaststroke in 1:28.9. football the most valuable lineman Marshall Austin, Julie Baumgarlner, Station Wagon, V-8, third quarter, hitting on all types p Wcsfneiifniii :o Zl i. Cathy Kalbacher, Westfield's lone was Pete Harvey and the most valu- David Berg, Eric Brown, Charles of shots, from layups to jumpers to Offli-lnlK—Slpcrallasll . N.'itllllo Crispen, Charles Freiberger, Thomas Auto. Trans., P.S., R&H tap-ins, and the Devil starters gave :ntry in the 17 and under events able backficld man was Doug Mur- $1675 howed great spirit as she just inLss phy. In soccer, the most valuable Jones, Roger Luckmann, Doug Mac- way to (he second string late in the id first place in .the gruelling 200 Kay, Richard Marshall, William Mc- $945 third quarter with the game safely More Sports player was John Haig. In cross coun- Chesney, Hal McCulloch, Bruce Mc- 1965 Ford Galaxie 5002* won. ard individual medley, placing sec- try, the outstanding award went to nd by a touch in 2:59.1. Lay, Linda Megantz, Douglas Mer- H.T., Auto., RIH, P.S., ' The 24 points which Whitmore gar- Dave Calvert. rill, Steve Nelson, Linda Payne, 1963 Buick Electra Conv. nered were only three shy of !he Next Page (Continued on next page) The Raymond Bailey Award, pre- Frank Rugg, Craig Shoemaker, Wil- Auto. Trans., P.S., R&H Air Cond. sented by the Martin Wallberg Amer- iiam Thlele, Harold Wolcott. can Legion Post by Vice-Command- er Grover Tranor, was won by Tom Awards were also presented to se- $1595 $1995 McNamara. . nior cheerleaders Sherry Davis, iharon Dugan, Sue Dughi, Kathy Awards presented included: Senior Farley, lvathy Ketcham, Sue Man- 1963 Chevy Corvair Monza 1965 Ford Galaxie500XL ilaques for football to Bill Backus, gan, Linda Smith, Jim Clancy; and. Spyder, 4-speed Trans., 2-Dr. H.T., Auto. Tram, senior twirlers Karla Ginouves, June waltz through washday Ron Beales, Bob Bolan, Marty Froy- PS., R«H tad, Gerry Glassey, Jon Gordon, Markwell, Beatrice Mould, Sue War- Super Charge Engine WITH NEWGENERAL ELECTRIC WASHF R AND DUYFR Edward Greene, Pete Harvey, Tom ren, The "Blue Devil," now recog- Hood, Randy James, Pete Kncpper, nized as Cindy Obenchain, was sim- 'om Mannino, Charles McCarthy, larly honored. $795 $2195 1963 Olds 88, 4-Dr.H.T., 1965 Ford Falcon Futuro 2-Dr. Look what you get in a Two YMCA Swimming Teams Again Auto. Trans., P.S., P.B., R&H H.T., 6 Cyl., Auto., RtH Split Meets With League Units $1395 $1495 new General Electric For the second week in a row the The YMCA's M Division swim 1963 Sunbeam Alpine 1965 Ford T-Bird H.T,, ^MCA's Y Division swimmers were team suffered its second straight de- he hosts for tho Saturday after- feat Saturday, losing 104 to 79 to a Roadster Full Power loon meet. Also for the second weok strong Plainfield team at the Plain- row Westfield won, defeating field pool. $1095 $2895 Automatic Washer tlie Orange Y 122 to 61. Tlie team The "West/leld divers did excep- core was helped considerably by a tionally well, taking first and second trong 13-14 age group effort which in both age groups to give tlie team MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM :ave Westfield first and second in a 16 to 2 lead at the start of the Buy from a raputabl* dealer who offer* only meet. Randy Jones was first and for only ,11 events in that group. The 15-17 •elected Suburban-Traded Uied Can. ear group came up with a winner hi Pal Banes second in the 13 and under ach of their four events. group, while Ham Kiddie took first SERVINO NEW JERSEY SINCE 1920 David Butler of Duncan Ct. repeat- and Bruce Goff second in the 14 io d his last week's performance by 17 class. aking the 9-10 year old 25 yard free- Plainfield led SO to 72 at the end of tlie individual events and won Westfield Motor Sales Co, Inc. ityle in 14:3 and the 9-10 25 yard lUtterfly in 16.1. In the 11-12 group, three of the four freestyle relays. ill Albertson, Edgewood Ct. won theFine performances for Westfield 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD, NJ 0 yard freestyle in 28.3 and joined were turned in by Fred Conroy, who AO 2-FORD (3^-74) dike Kecnan, Pete Demarest and Open daily till 9 p.m. •ob Shahnazarian to win the 200 (Continued on next page) ard freestyle relay in a 1:54.9 udge's decision that had the whole No Down Payment! Easy Terms! Vostfield team cheering. In the 13-14 group Jim Wescoat, imbali Ave., took the 100 yard rcaststroke in 1.13.5, Greg Gerber, 'lark St. won tho 100 yard buttcr- EXCLUSIVE G-E FIL- ly in 1:00.6 and joined Pete Meyers, TER FLOS WASH SYS- >ick Haney and Steve Schmilt on TEM) Non-clogging fil- he winning 200 yard free relay in ter dispenses deter- :41.0. Jeff Greim and Jeff Bryan gent, tool ion the 100 yard freestyle in 54.6 3 WASH, 2 RINSE ind the 10O yard backstroke in 1:00.7 TEMPERATURES! espectivoly, and then became dou- >Ic winners by moving into the 15-17 COLD WATER WASH igc group, where Greim took the 100 AND RINSEI ard backstroke in 1:00.1 and Bryan Scotch for ollowed with a win in the 100 yard POWER-SPRAY RINSQ rcaststroke. Ross liilbacher. Lam- jerls Mill Rd. completed the clean people who weep of tlie 15-17 events by winning 3 WATER-LEVEL SE- he 100 yard freestyle in 55.0 and the LECTION saves water, 00 yard butterfly in 1:03.4. really like detergentl Saturday ihe team will journey to idgewood to meet the team that 600 RPM SPIN.Ieaves as a co-winner with Summit of the many fabrics dry 'ual mccl season. Summary: Scotch. enough to Iron! liivint. .v-in y..;ir nlils — 1, IlrtK'i- ant. W: j. li. Iliimpliri'y, (I; 3, Hoy LOAD nil. W. HIT yi'ar wills —1, Krhr .in 1..IIVIH. W; !•. Turn Thomas, W; HI Ti-i-t-lyl. -Ill yr j:> yil.— SAFE] Drum stops if Mv,,l |:,,i| \V ; L', lid Is raised in spin , W- :i. i i-in-ii ri-i.i i II-1U j-.-nr <.r.l», 50 cyclel • I. Hill .•Mli.-rlsiiit. W; 2, Tuin iK in, li . I'd.- Dcmurt'Ht, W; I, PORCELAIN ENAMEL Willl.iniK. (i. '!•••< sl.vli 11-11 M';ir "his, 100 cover, lid, basket and •• • - I. .I •II < : if in,, w 2, .SU'VI.' .:. 111,-k Urmvn. (): 4, tub resist corroslonl | •• i:.-i: y.iir ,iid». nm Kill.ii.-n.-r. \V: 2. Jny : :i.Krie Nlxcni, O. i. ilcr, •odd WAS34B Dryttl ol mttcblni ltjl« •!*> anlllblt. Electric drjrera from J57. IDE420DVQ Ntniii "ii. (i 11 -li O yds. r«-"rK,- \. Tiiinhiill. i). iMMriiki-. HI ami uiuliT, 25 fabric! COMPARE the famous Filter-Flo® system that 1, T.'Ul Killy. II J, .Miii-lt V«'J-

    cleans and recleans wash water! Then look at tho name .,ii V.I.-..--1. ILI.IM I Ulx. W: 2, l'iiiM|,|,|, ; , urn, shuliiiii- •mta.nMgk.' and compare the price! i, \v- i, c. ll.nni.lir.y, o. 12 B^ BJnd iMdft Otiwrel CfocfrJe wo*&mrt amd 6ryn tarry a o*«-y«nr r*pofir wuuMily mw&ui .«lr..|i.., l:;-H yeayr r nlil», 100 Jim 1V I, \V; 2 , lllr \V; .-!. .!,,„P;,l,lt.». t. K. yvar part* warranty c* inwiiwliiliia partt •# Urn wobir. iilw .m, u. ir.-IT year oldK. 100 I ARD 'If. -- 1. .li-rr llry ii. W; 2. Tom rlinl.l.., W: ::. Urn,.- K,,l,n, O. You M.'iy Ordur the Model Shown Through Ua Your FrancMufti G-1S Dealer. .Si-c Our Hull. Illy, -•-lit y iir (.Ids. 2u yds.— Curn-nt Display, 1'ilecj and Tt-rnis. Uavl.l liinl ; , John Mala l Nixon, O; 1, J. MneM - ••H..1.I. \V. II -1J yi'iir nlilH, ,'.0 yilH. 1. NIIIIII i:.- . I-,., o; », J,.|,,i Mli- Westfield'sOnly •!i<>, W- ;i. T..IH Hull, W; <, C. •iZ' M. \V. Jlnl ti I llv l.'l-l I yfnr iililf". 1"0 yiln. G-E Dealer 1. i: I-.-K'i • I I" I. \V; :. IVIc Mi'J- ". w: 3, J.ilm lhiiilN. (>; 4. S. ( FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES '"•ii. < >. i;,. IT ycir r.lil.i, 101) 1.^ i-'.iiiiiii'hi'r. "W ;. Eric '• " :i. Oilp l.ynt.', W. 143 E. Broad St. • •lyl.. |j. lays—]» it H(1 iitidcr. "'!;-. -iiniiiK'' (AIiu-lioii. VIrowii. !• nlVl.l. KVVKI'O). 11-1-'. 2110 , Westfield -W.-,uii-l.t. III-I-IHIOH (Kvrnnn, AD 3-2121 • "••M. S'li;ilniii7.n.iim. AllKTt- l::-li, L'flll y.lM. W'OMtllold .„.««'• • • r, M. yi;., Iliiuiv, Jv-hmilL. SltNMD SCOtCH WHISKY Elt fBOOF TH£ MISCHMAN" *•••' WL Open Monday and Friday Til 9 Daily To 6 li •• IIIII.-S Kit.-ini lliV 1E. -17 year .lay ith un'.fllL-iu] 1«t«SDAT. DECEMBEK 15. The V team plays in thi- N:-A Jersey YMCA Business Mra'.; Hi.;. sion and for tltc paM tiuic- v . Porpoises t;i has finisiied in fust place " „ ,. 'Cimlinued from pr*AioiK in<- This year's team Is the larges: ' ' nv «-as the . ,,d imvt of tin ever. All the regulars are Luck U-.-..n Sl co , •» 9 10 vear class. last year, Roger Love, Eldgar H;n- oil for the ii a|,y. Hor,K.;Sl-s ano i s ll11 "" ffri i the 1J-M ley, Albert Danktr. Rubrn Rm^ '" '' l.r>t »in .r, u,\. ,-«.-niH Wilson in theGeorge Sarle, and Bill Tayior. N\.» f:r.ois-. is mu>: -to WO Mastella. Dr. Dank'l ("ox. l>aii..-| f!'"!l' ">*'" »> ail «HT:.. in IUCKOIIH- Semels, James Jaiiis. lCd.i.;:.] iu ;i:< VJOjili li;iudU-aj' iriimsccl by WinsloM', Alfred Plom. Thnn;,> ''''? ";J';"ll-> Schilling, Howard Mc-Nirln,',: ... .*•,"'"''' <-Llu!i'>'i ri'iiuot.- Ui.n any Thomas Coy, Al Barnes, and ThutW y"! " l:i l!i0 )r'"17 """•' '-"••••'Ki'iy m,.,' i st d AselKrff. " - ' ' '" sft' vaii M;s# Man, if •'' *'• ?• V "V'rVrkOW'- _ __ • H.-iLie:! HoalttiKdiifjtidn Diri^-ior a'l !hp VW. Summary:

    " >••••'• '•• s v Trinity Five ;**'•• -,.7T -ii?r*rp: 10 uud I Wins Again Holy Trinity's Blue Braves took an early lead and held it for a 74 ",2 i win over St. CecvlUi's at Koarrsy • V • li-17-J Friday, ' j \V, A! «<•«' II nuit 12 Jim bivesey spaikcd the wiiin'itR it Ut 1**011 J. r Si <•*<•*: • tntomi attack with 29 ixiints and dr:mi;i.(r ; 1 P >* down 21'rbbounds as the unlH-au-ii! West field loam won its second of i, season. Holy I'rlull) Tralntir I J »•«•!.}- .. Uetsuth IIEitlMl I 1 '-.l ll.lslvl,. |..||,,

    .'ll I..1. kfll.l,,. I' M.||.|; ^IT , :• ,\,H1. \ 1, , p':. -H.! l..:li. illy: Wrssri.-M rl Bur t-.|.i.,t,ri,..l. Volleyball Btount .. .1.1 .1..11'. m.-ii.-i , 1:, .,., Koej'fK-i- • I, .11... K,,H, ,,-h, , earn Opens TotaliJ ii-I lii.-.lli-v ivl,, i ll,,|,«, TownU-y ;, MorH" ', . 2 CA volleyball team opened Hrumluge 4 atainst the llatkensaek Y I'yer ,. . i under the direction of Bill ;3or*ion r. torif ie opener was lost 15-19 bill i| More Sports came back strong lo via Tol:i|» IT s j I and third games 12-15 and l(i>ly Trinity .. 1; u :^ :-1-TI fl. (V. i-lij-s .. 13 1; 11 t; — l2 [lively. r ISext Page

    four General Tire Specialist says; "BUY GENERAL WINTER TIRES NOW AT THIS The Room Built To Show You The Best YEAR'S LOWEST PRICES. YOU'LL SAVE TIME, >\ TROUBLE AND MONEY1" Magnavox WINTER TIRE RECTANGULAR BIG PICTURE ASTRO-SONIC STEREO.. SALE COLOR TV surpasses all other achievements Tubeless in the re-creation of sound! Blackwalfs brings you perfect pictures AUTOMATICALLY TAXES IXTMJ NO TUBES I Mojjaavox SoUd-St«to Comfomntt* art ttn ttmes mor* efficient FORD, PLYMOUTH, BUICK. OLDS, DODOB, without critical tuning! tbta tube aetsl Tubes «nd dama^Of cbutk h»»t—tlio major cnusci of breakdown* CHEVY, RAMBLER MERCURY, CHRYSLER, •-are eliminated. Uses lesspowtf th»a • imaQ Ughlhulbl 'So dependable—thty're Exclusive Magnavox Automatic Color—alwaff» PONTIAC, PLYMOUTH fuarantetd 5-yean, replaced by Vs it defective In normal use. Wo also provldtf 7.75*14.7.75x15 8.25x14, $.15x15 nukes color pictures appear perfectly—and keeps frttsen/lceXov 1-ycar. Come In—l*t ut damonttrate revolutionary Magnavox them that way without manual toning which anally Astre-Sonlc Stereo! It will krlnf M«ntlr«ly new world of beautiful miuM degrades pictures. See fabulous, new Magna-Coloe Into your home. TV—you'll never bo satisfied with anything kttt, Complete Audio Contrefel Me^rift W/ArO, Tuned RF Stage oniolji FM/AM (or optimum petfermance, tmy flywheel tuning. Proolilon ISTATl AND iOpU SLIGHTL Y HISHtm TAXCS CX TBAJ Over 70S greater Tuning Meter, Stertocmt Indicator, Step Bass-Step Treble-Mutlu •lopping t/tellort Timbre end Loudnaic Contrelet f*u* connection* (or ttpa recorder • Self-Cleaning Cleats bite deep al urban ipcodt. and optional remote tpteker eyattme. Up to 49K tnor* • Full 4-ply Nylon Cord •lartlng Uactloa Construction • Duragen Tread Rubber for long mileage

    Shop Early at General's Value-Packed Gift Contort

    \ Nowhere els$ in town will you find these extra special gifts these extra low prices/ Quantities are limited. Hurry in I Wp» WO HEWr EXCLUSIVE RECORD ALBUHS ~ Selector Windows, Tono Confrd, and two Uagnavox b^tl Compatible Sound • Hi-Fi or Storao 5-piece TEFLON* LINED GREAT MOMttiTS, VOWS, COOKWARE SET by REGAL MUSIC OF THI till) CMVRY Combines beauty Two insplrlrti hours of John with no-stick TOTAL Remote Cental, so «ei> F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, cooking, no-scour derfullyconvcnlont.lotjyouclmnga Franklin 0. Roosevelt, Mahatmj cleaning. Heavy- channels, adjust volume, turn TV $450 •nwtful JUiran ProvTmM 9n**0? Gandhi, Paul Whileman, Lcnij duty aluminum. on/off, or cut off the sound—aS •Mure oablnet has ttoreg4tr«afor Armstrong, many otrijrs! Set Include* 7'/i" without wlros or batteries. At-the- j» panel* gtvo morteomrenteNi evar 60 reoorda. Model 1.8P6S4. fry pan, egg set push-button Power Tuning, too. to record player and eB eo»)trel*« atto evalisbls In •uperbjy eraftea CNCHANTINS STOHIIS ANO poacher tray, 2-qt. fAIRY TALES rOH CHILDREN hout disturbing your dtooratlv* lop* 18th Contury Ingilah end Conlttl sauce part, 2-qt. Modern atjles-your choloe. Two hours of all-time favorite) double baiter. Inter- of-s«t »cces8orl««. Gliding Tambour Door* ftnhanco such as Jack and the Beanstalk, changeable cover. Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, tho beautiful Contemporary fins *fiupont'i Snow White, Peter and Uie Wolf, trademark 'or Iti furniture cablnot, and conceal ths and many morel TFE ron-ltlc* finlih. TV screen when not in use. Thestt Magnavox Astro-Sonic Solld-Stata Components ara ten times more efficient than obsolete tube setsl $795 A 95 COMPARE 95 REAL •icft album AT VALUE 2of 2 tflcordi VALUE 6 $10.95 These additional features... make WINTER SAFETY SPECIAL No money down Magnavox Color TV your best buy! COMPLETE FRONT-END for qualified buyers • Brilliant Color Tubo -brings you brighter, more vivid 295 5ERVICE INCLUDING FULl VSB Be fierals »q. In. pictures that are far superior to other makm todayl WHEEL ALIGNMENT • Chromatone-adds thrilling dimension, depth to color; Enjoy ixdllng Stttto FM plua Tfih txclutlv* Mloromttl* T«e Wij Two 1.000 eyd« EiponMtltt No trade-in AUTO warm beauty to otherwiso drab black and whitn pictures. Momurtl f M/AH Radio. Hit flayer with Dlimoii] atylu* Jltnqr 15- T»n W«(»n r«- 40-YI'IIH iindlilortej maila pickup bmlihet dltcnnlMt tire needed • Quick Pictures-flash on la Just 12 seconds, four times Ital acipuittuMtonamWi. l«nt KMitllal tfflclincy of powir entpirt. tfrorj »nd ityiui WHf. ^*"mblt" or distortion. 20 ocn« lyps tftdli tpmksra. CHARGE faster than others.

    Free mounting • Color PorHTer-(dccauGser) automaticntly keeps_otJ pV> MOST CAR* tures pure, both monochrome and color, oven if sot See our magnificent selection of Magnavox bas been moved. Solid-State STEREO CONSOLES from SEE CHET MOUNT OR TOM STEELE • Ibgnawx Ec.-nd-worU famous for Hs fWelHy, odds «nctra program realism. • Hlgheit R«nat>lllly-prec!sfen Magnavox Bonded Clrcuf* ENERAL TIRE SERVICE try, just as in todays most advanced asro-space doclronio °0 RAHWAY AVE., ELIZABETH device*...assureslasting dependability. SUN APPLIANCE COME IN TODAY-Other Magnavox EL 2-6700 pftalityTV is now priced from only 200 CENTRAL AVE., OPP. POST OFFICE : ' A-M. TO 7 P.M., MON. THRU FRI. - SAT. 7 A.M. TO 3:30 F.M. WESTFIELD • 232-4025 COUUITTU Open Evenings 'til Christmas Except Saturdays Page 8 THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1966 Schwarz Wins Blair varsily soccer letter. He has bwn a i ster, Tom McNomara and Scott fundamentals of basketball, both on member of Ihe team for the past two Y Basketball I Sanborn. Centers—Bill Backus and an individual and team basis. There Soccer Letter I Dennis Keller. Guards — Bob Flynn. is no reyislrauon charge for partici- At Blair Academy, Blairstown. years. He is (lie .son of Mr. and Mrs. [ Kalp Dilio Kusso, Rick Tliorne, Bob pation in this clinic .but re^.i.slnitKin Doug Scliwarz has been awarded a Iloticrt A. Schwur/.. League Opens I'Mrcr and Bill Meyer. ix necessary iind will IK- held at IJK w i, fvi. <:nbeginning or- the first se^iun. New Season i The activities of the junior and 'i| The lourlh season of the V ba-skot- i senior divisions oi the league wiii CHRISTMAS GIFTS li.ill I/cajjue £ut under way Sulurd^v aiso begin Saturday, with practice wilh Oio KOO! .Jerks surprising the sessions at Washington ajid Jeffer- THEY'LL USE son Schools. Team selections have (Jolden Bears, 54-«, the Balloon llfii 'I'IIIM 1\ « rk AND REMEMBER 1 arm IKI\ ing an 35-20 win QWY been made based on tryout results the C'lmckors. the Asplundhs coa.-4in^ and players will be notified by the Typewriters — Adding Machines managers of the practice schedul:.'. CHILDREN'S io a 03-IJ2 win over Ihe A venders, and Several night practices will be held Fountain Pens — Leather Goods the Wildcats ujwading the Embryos in preparation for tlie start of the 45-26. league schedule Jan. 7. CHARACTER Hob BrewsUT paced the KJ's with Boys Court Clinic OLYMPIA 23 points and 14 rebounds, but il w; The managers participating this PORTABLES the clutch shooting of Larry Juksle This Saturday year are; Junior division—Harry WATCHES SM-9 119.50 and rebounding of Geoff Titsworlh Criss, Bill Taylor, Don Rouiliard, that enabled KJ's lo win. Inksk'r fin- The Sixth Grade Clinic of theAndy Kelly, Harold Tilswortli, and Ballerina — Popeye SM-8 99.50 ished with 14 poiuls, 10 in the second Westfield Boys' Basketball League Manny Pinero: senior division—Ray SF 69.50 half rally, while Tilsworlli pulled will begin iLs second year Saturday Burns, Bob Biggio, Charlie Kuchur, Flipper — Yogi Bear down l'i reboumis. Steve Gentino al Washington .School at 9 a.m. The Walt Robinson, Bill Clancey, John Barbie All Olympias have added eight points to help the ciube. clinic is open to ali sixth graders Mavraganis, Jack Wiley, Bob Brew- Boise's 2 Year Buh Cutrer with 20, Jay Miller \vi!h who are interested in learning ihe ster, and Al Pfeiffer. Guarantee on IB, and John Tourlelloule with 10 Reg. $11.95 $9.95 ports and labor. points, did all the scoring for lliu lieyrs. Tourlelloute picked off 19 re- bounds, Miller 14 and Randy Jones 4 DAYS ONLY 10. Reg. $2.50 THURS-, FRI., SAT., MON. Craig SI fin, Sandy Longford and Jim Ilely controlled the boards for SPECIAL (he Halloon Farm Lo pace Ihe vic- LADIES' ATTACHE CASES tory. Stein and langford scored eiKht points and Holy chipped in with six. WALLETS In rebounds. Stein had 14, Langford .00 10 and llcly nine. Pusack's eight 5 EACH iwints led the Chuckers, with Chuck Ciispen adding five. Hard grabbed Reg. 6.95 and 7.95 12 bounds, Chspcii ciulit and Jiog Another Great 98- Other Fine Attache Cases 9.95 to 35.00 Luckinan six. ICddiu Down paced the balanced CHRISTMAS GOLF SALE! Reg. $7.00 Asplundh attack with 21 points. Mike Reg. $7.00 FOUNTAIN PENS . . . Mease added 12, and John Sully, Lur^ent Sclcfl'tftm of Golf On Ejalc Aurwhcre A Personal Gift — Used and Ralph Dello Kusso and J'ete Hub SCHIAPARELLI CHRISTIAN OKM each contributed 10 points. Rub pull- Low Closeout Prices, on All Remembered for Years to Come ed down 14 earoins, Down 13 and 5HEAFFER STYLIST PENS Mease 10. Rick Thome's nine points 1966 Men's and Ladies' Clubs and Bags SHOCKING SET SPRAY COLOft 5.00 and 10.00 paced Ihe Avengers, with Doug Mur- STYLIST 2-PIECE SETS phy adding six and Dennis Felter .98 ive. Bob Urciouli picked off 11 Perfect for Gift* ... 8.95 and 20.00 caroms, while Felter had seven in Putters, Wedges, Pull Carts, Umbrellas, Wood Covers, ; 3 STYLIST 3-PIECE SETS 4-' imited action. Gloves, Travel Covers, Carry-All Bags, Electric Putting 12.95 and 32.50 The addition of Hobby Flynn has Devices and Many Other Golfing Items Reg. $19.95 A FULL SELECTION OF DESK SETS made a new team of the Wildcats. Flynn hit for 24 points, in addition to GOLF BALLS ALWAYS ON SALE COMPLETE STOCK ictting ui> several other baskets. ALL PRICE RANGES ... IN GIFT BOXES RONSON LADY'S LARGE SELECTION OF BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS Jim Ewcn helped out with eigh'. OF THE NEW points and Dave Twitcliel] had seven. 72 Hour Delivery on Imprinted Cards From Our Stock Twitclicll and .John O'Shiuclinrciiy ELECTRIC RAZOR had eight bounds apiece, and Scoli SHORT HILLS GOLF RANGE NINE FUGS Sanborn had seven. John Hohbins' THE STORE FOR HOME eight points led the ICms, will) six 800 MORRIS TPKE. (RT. 24) SHORT HILLS, N. J. '.39 AND OFFICE point performances by Dill McJames Phone: 376-2543 AFTER SHAVE LOTION and Larry liartolf. Tom McNamaia Pro Bho|» (>]ifu Hvcr)- liar (Jni'liiilInK Humlfiy> Vntll ClirlHtmfiN 12 107 OUIMBY ST. snared li misses, with Mike Soda- HOUltN—MON. TIIIIII 1 III, O n.m. lo HAT. JiL 8tJ.\., U A.m. to O 1>.1H. WESTFIELD • 233-7200 mora getting six retrieves. Reg. $9.95 The Y All-Stars, who play YMCA Reg. $19.95 Open Every Night Until Christmas learns from throughout the State, LLOYD'S Except Saturdays, until 5:30 P.M. have been selected: Forwards — Mike Mease, Ed Down, Boh Brew- TRANSISTOR WALKIE-TALKS for HIM RADIO SET at the LEADER STORE Smgll Pocket Size .98 11 /v, THIS CHRISTMAS GO MODERN... Give OMEGA

    Reg. $19.95



    Scamasltr Automatic, waler-ltjiitant ease, UK Cold top. stret bark. J/J5. FRESH POLAROID FILM Other Omega Autom,\tici /font M2.S0. ALL SIZES AT NEW LOW PRICES o You MIGHT forgcl lo wind a walch but an Omega Automatic always remembers to wind itself. Open Sundays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. An ingenious mechanism winds the mainspring with every wrist-motion. USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE FROM VOW'N PARKING LOT The result is not only more accurate timekeeping but complete freedom from old-fashioned Mem winding. See the new Omega Automatics, for IF YOU ARE STILL men and women, at our store. PUZZLED . . . GIFT CERTIFICATE .c^\t Use Our Convenient Bmljjel Or Charge. Payment Plan OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9