FREE PARKING THEWESTFIELD LEADER EVERY NIGHT THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY o^ 17 at Wt'vtflrU, V J. I'uMl.-t.i'ii \\i:s!Kii:i.i). M:W JKUSKY UTOUO. THIR.SDAY. DKCKMBKK 15, Kv.oy Tliuiml.! 48 Pages—10 Cent* Santa Clans To Visit ^ "s mini's Trw l.ol wn Charter Proposal >.<ni.i i ;;uis wii! lie ,.ii hand S it 3 Incumbents Named .!uia> at:.-imiiai lu help iiisloniiis :i.ei. mil trees ,u the Y ."• Mi n -. " iilisliu.f- tuv sale, corner ol 1 nil and (Itch.ml Sis S.iiHa is CN|K', ui sses Initial Hurdle ',> have Ititui.i.ns Inr children of Im For School Board .-•inpi'i'i's s.,i,t .inn i:;;ui'.i. vm . J..HI in.in 'We ic dclkhScd to have Sllch HI X] Picks Trio; ii'.iisU'.ou- lelniiU'er. l-lihi't said Petitioning ,.r. \ i i. .ponso . r GUI' Mayor UoU'i't JI. Mulrcany Yllle lji<r|l| itltr Petitions Filed and Councilmcn Archer Sargent. V P laturc Carl Peterson. Saimicl Kinney Ji /-< • • i Tin re iniMimbcnl nu'nibors Waller Perry Jr.. Jamc- M,,,.,,' l^OlltCSl I lt*I"C San la's On j have Ueen nauicd hy the Joint ,,-il Tuesdav night j Robert Keryusim Jr.. Morris Kamle; Civic Cninmillee as canilitlates 111'1 ' . i' 1 AM..... *H 1 .. .ho first step Inward and Albert Molowa wril U' IUIO'. -i-i,,, u ,;. u . -, • I I • YW : for clcclion tn the Weslfield] j Hoard of Kdnculion in Ihe annual %Z*U .ll«- town', ] of honor a, a l,^,a,,ve Br h ,., ^J^Lt^l "ir:™ 11 1 S WilV •schuol eleClinn scheduled for 1> utKinnnou. VOtc -nee will, ».•!•.. »I.,MI, Mat, .,„,,„.., ,„ „„ ,„,„; „ ,,,_„,:,. J : I'el) l-tlh next year. he final reading of j cou.ily elected offici ,ls to ,l,,,;,,- by |;,,.;i.,'i;r.,dv'p1.-.id.'.,u Th,' on-• t authorize the fll-! feHislatiun and problems ol special j Charles <! Moioniierck Jr., (Huh Sets \V,.»tlt,-l-t St tnlit.s •litinn tn tilt' State linlerest to Wcsiiiehl. The cient i* „'„.,.' .. , ' " ,' ', ••'""; "V ichairman nf Ihe Joint CIVIC Com- h MltS. J I'M AN I'llKI.I'S ,|,r the passage of a I sclusiul.-cl for Sa.urday n.onnn,: al ' '" '" '" •^' ^» Annual \ IMtatlOll ilUill.v, announced lhal prlH lens en- S n wl11 u ; N nl Avi idnrsin^ iiuiiinbeiil.s Ciiarles Ii. l0 proud.' lor Ihe new Ihe Sla«e^!ousi. Inn. Scold, Kains : ^['^ •!Z'7,LfJm'tsZ'2-Z .,'•" '" '' ' ''^ " " ' ' School Holiday j I'Tiinki'ii'iivh Ji' , Mrs Julian l'hel|ia their I i.-s a:»l ;:i l-ii i- llculiniait.-f.-. S.ituni.iy at n :«l; i ami (ieoiiie A I'leitty had Ik'i'n :i was Hie lirst of ; hi.iid.iy .-e.i-nii . i>ruih..h;\. nidus •"" j Weslflrlil I'ulilU- Ncliouls will i signed at the conumltcc meeluiu al II.-IM. ID lie taken Fire Chief Warns Iry .in,l ;,..id la.-;,- Mil; I,,- |j,,- , 11. Santa's \i-tl uiiiiks the 17th an-• close lor Ihe Christmas holidays 'the VMCA Monday niuhl. Lirtcr can become law. lei 1.1 used ui seleeliau .1 vi ninei An r.ual children's Clirtslinas parly I M Ilie CIOM' nf (he regular school j The selcilion followed several idalurc iX'ls fuvor- : awaul «ill he |n cseuli il In the w in -I'on-oieit by ihe l:\ch.ui^e Chili nl j ita.v ii.'M Thursday mill will I>|M-II Residents Using iiiiilllhs nf larelnl screeninii ul llnllli- |n.rili(i:i i" January or j • tier .i! Ihe -I.iiiiK.ry rne,-::,-< nf ih,- Uesltn-hl j Tuesday, .Ian. 'i nl Ihc usiiiil icn llif measure will be ni'cs by Ihe .HV serecniiu,' cDinmlt- Jawivs. ((urine! - up \wil .d-u AltiT LT ^ Ihe c\|>e,leil bulile ! CMAHI.i:s MIANKCNIIAl II Jit. (a:oi((iK o. IM.KNTY tmiii's voters in a lee, lie.uled hy William I'. Ch.yes, ; Artificial Trees ceiw r,-intuit mu. ; uf children. Santnla will rule in a lireIn' rn'Sl November. chairni.ui Names of llimiinees hint I'rclmnn.uy iaduni^ will Like I cuv.ine. ui'lmtcd bhy Ihthe ymuiKsliTyium^strrs ro iiullincd l>y Sam- Kire Chief Martin llurke has ra been suhllilUed hy ho'h .ICC niein- IK-IUICII l>ce. :M .in,! 'SA. Then I,ml. to ;k speei.ll Clni>linas s)l(H\ Ill; her.s mid residenls of Wt'.vlfiehl wish- !•)• Jr., chairniaii of the lioncd Weslfield resideins that n 1i " : i w inners vi ill be Thins,!,i)', 'l the Hi.illo Theater. :'.M K. Hroad Sludenls At WHS Will Present Ink's Committee, in aall nf the artificial Christmas tie. ini; to do MI. | Dec. i'.i by u jiani'l i>\ dms iu he | Si- for the audience attend- on sale are firt'-safe. The chief puin Mr. l'lankeuliach. whn will \x ting Tuesday nitfht and out that while trees made uf poly •I'kiiiK ii .srciiiiil Ihrec year lerni, is die hearing was held. vinylchioride are virtually „ „„-„ am-; K,^,;,,?;^-^ ^L,^ ^-"^'.'n,,;^ l;:; ' H'^-^U'^ ^V^^, .^b:;. 7^E Traditional Christmas Program it life-Iniiu resident of Westfield. re- Mr. Kinncy's sninniary mahle, olhers arc made of si siding id 'lir> <Jtnve St. lie is a j Iht' l!ii.."i conlesl. ! lii needy l.iniihes. il comment by Mayor tyi>e plastics, which will burn. Two [lerfnrinaitcc.s of Ibe Iradi-. Walhice, and the production of lite mid tltc solo with which the |>n>i Cia.hiiile ul the West Held scliool sys- ilulrcany stressing that i/cs will lie awarded In all cliil- "Kire safely can he a si lional Clirislinas prncraiu piesenled ' lableaux will IH- supervised l>y Mrs.eon.dudes, "I'eai-e I Leave With 1,'in, was graduated I nun Drown fire, safely can he a significant . | - . idrt'H al Ihe end ol Ihe show, Inp•; • hearings will be fur Ihe public by (lie art. dranialii> Marianne II Murray and Mrs. Uclly Von." I'niversily with a I5A di'uriv in eco- advantagu of the artificial tree." I \ 1 I'lc |,()(l(r(» S(»Jl|c ; (HSI by the award of Iwu bicycles. •haitfr proposal prior to 1 IjUII L amt nurir (l,|i;n lini-nl.'. of the bii;li II Si'lmivk. The tableaux will include '"Ilie nomics and is associated wilh the 1 the chief .said. "It is unfoilu.iale that I' "*" f ^«-tll» I one lor a Ixiy. and »\\v fur a pv\. o Iht U'Kislaturu which M-IKKII. will Ix- (iivrn In!' Ihe Miilh 'Hie innMeal ininiliers will imliiili- Annel. I'lu' Shepherds. lite firm of Teai'siill & Kiaukenhach in a consumer who purchases a tr''''j/\<Y» II 11 an. II). a number of por- I Tlioin.ts Mannino. i'li;urinau of Ihc year Wednesday evening. Dec 21, in from "The Me.ssiah," ".And llu1 (Ilory laitiily. Ibe Children, I'lie We.stliel.t lieir support. with (his faclor in mind, inay wmd jUlllCerS I lCadftl ! |'ni::r;im. is up with one which is only slightly.; ; assisted by Ihe en-;'|||,. school al 7: l.'i anil «:4fi o'clork. of the Lord" and "llailelujah <Mun Three Kinus." and "The (lift.v" Mr and Mrs Krankeuhach iire !ho M'y, chairman of the I meiuhership nf the K.M'hnnee | |.-,,|UIWIIII: n i-iimtti'ltl ii.-i", stint also '"Hie Aihent Millet," .Sludenls who will sun; solos are jif at all. mole safe than a natura!J|>,r parents ol lour children, with Ihe ;t luh. :il Committee of tintree- . We feel that our resident-, j by the i boir. the program will enn "(JIKI'S SIMI Is Horn, Ihe Thru' Jane Kehcr. IL>iu;l is llarl.ni. Alan llaee sel I ai;e children attending 's, read a letter in By Dr. Malcolm (laN'iiu. I'iiula Spilner, William Unse- should he aware of this siluatiun " . t of musical c.impositions dravxr Kums." 'T'IIIII. Kill)), I''itiu," "CIPV- Lincoln School. Jaytrs expressed the !' vin^le. Keniielh Itenili'ison, l-!ric A bulletin rccc-nth ieieive,| (r,i:ni ]), r.riice I. Malcolm uf i:il S.ind. Srlimkl P ll'I'lllUI ij hum si'vi-ral eetiluries, pel formed i-nliy Carol," "(> Wonder of This Mr. Kraiikcnhaeli has served us lltfy found lite promised u Schlesinuer, Helsy Coe, Jean Walk the National Kirc i'mteclion Ass.icia- j fed AM,, was in-lalf-d a- Wm>lup . »«'"* '-" ll\*U > by the elinral t'loup and soloists, to Christinas Ninhl," "While Stars Kcerelaty and president of the Wesl- bo a "wi'll conceived, Their Vintl Keep" "Ho.sauna lo Ihc IT. Constaiiee Mm shall, Leslie (iruss, lion irpcirLs Ihal some iiiai In! .MI-II-I- of AH;i.-. l.uil:-..- N<i. I!', i;:i-lher wilh lalilraux inspired by field Junior cbainlicr of CiiimmTcu; Sdii lit David." the Iradiliiiual pro- Anne Si'hinaleulii'i tier, and Sarah dmnnciit. ' ll.cy :ip- j „, fi^.n.^.,,.,,,, ,,.ot,s h:lV(. ,.>,,„,.,,,.,) i ,.-s u, M()i,,u y ^ in tin- Ma- itiaslej'pieees of ml displayeit in seci.tiuy and vice president of the icil Registrations cessiiinal, "(> Come Kmmiinurl," lln? roller. Orwanisls will he Anne CucU- ,cil \m- As. t-rforls and collci,ni lllilt fi;in,nl.ll>u. tri.,.s iiri. hl.. MinK. -i-,,,,,,,,nip,l •-.-». many inuseunhs of Ihe world.
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