Tobeheld Frtday
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. a , is _ .. -- .... ,. A.,.=;.=: :u ,. ,'" -. -.- Hom~ of th~ N~WJ All the News I of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning * * * rosse e Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes .__......---------,., ..... ....;.-.---------------------....;.-.-----------------------------_ ..-------------- VOLUME 19-No. 44 ~r\~ee~~:tSJff~6:~l~:tr~r:.t~iCh. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, OCTOBER 30. 19.58 $g~et~~rcY~~r 28 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINE~ Park's Renovated Pool Near Completion' Halloween Parties ParkFiremen of the : ::"'~:,:":<»~~~p~~~!"::~"~ Reach Crash Wt:EK ;',:».:; .....?~(~For Pointe's Youth Scene First As C0'!1'Psted by tbe . ,'] . " . Grosse Pointe Neu's Secours Hospital Alerted :! To Be Held Frtday As Soon As Nun Saw Thursday, October 23 ,I ---' Falling Bomber A STATEMENT ISSUED by j Four Separate Events Being Staged in High School and the Defense Department in The Pointe played a part ,I Three Junior Highs, Dancing, Stage Shows and Washington disclosed that the in the terrible air tragedy Army launched a balloon i Movies Being Offered Friday afternoon, October satellite, but failed to put it 1 Grosse Pointe's 19th annual Community Halloween 24, when a flaming British in orbit. A similar statement jet bomber crashed and ex- was released by the Interna- : Celebration will take place tomorrow night, when tional Geophysical Year Com- parties will be held at Grosse Pointe High School, ploded in Detroit, at Ash- mittee. The s pee t a cuI a r Parcells Junior High, Pierce, and BrownelL. land and Harbor Island, launching appeared to be per- Those attending the party~'------------ just over the Park-Detroit fect from the ground and the at Grosse Pointe High Schooll S d P l- line, taking the lives of six Army said the missile was on will dance to the. music of eco n 0 to crew members aboard. its planned course when the Warney Ruhl and hIS band and Park fir e men, with all first stage burn-out came at the Fenby-Carr 0 I' C h est r a, Sh CI-- equipment. and two Park po- the calculated time. However, both featuring good vocalists, ot "'tI,es lice ambulances were the first 10 seconds later. when the and the latter being noted for at the scene, minutes before rocket was due to ignite, the it~ comedy T?utine. Earle Pe,r- Selteduled Detroit fii'efighters and po- signals failed and it is not kms and hIS orchestra WIll licemen arrived. known what happened to the play at Parcells. Frank Bridges Bon Secours Hospital called satellite. and his band will be at Brow- Two in Pointe Will Be Held all available doc tor sand '" ... * nell. Dave Farley and his band nurses. when a nun at the Friday , October 24 will entertain at Pierce. November 5 at Pierce a"d hospital witnessed the plane TRAGEDY STRUCK in Junior High programs will November 17 at Brownell falling in flames, ready for Springhill, Nova Scotia. when be from 7:30 until 11 p.m. The any emergency and to take an upheaval of rock deep program at the High School The s e con d series of ;Are of any possible victims underground shattered part will begin at 7:30 and con- of the disaster. of a coal mine. trapping 146 clinics for mass inoculation tinue until midnight. a g a ins t polio have been One Park policeman was miners. The latest disaster credited with keeping vehicu- Many stage Acts. scheduled, according to Dr_ followed two others earlier in lar traffic clear at Korte and the day in Kingwood, W. Vir- In addition to dancing, there Thomas S. Davies, commis- Ashland to th2 river. making ginia. and Shippingport, Pa., will be professional stage acts sioner of the Grosse Pointe- it possible for Detroit fire- where six persons lost their • _tcil"C by A l~lr Lou\\ ~I"S at all four schools. These will Harper Woods Health Dis- men and equip:~1ent to enter lives and one was injured. include: the Miller Brothers, A workman is shown putting the finishing touches high roll-moat edge (in the foreground) has been de- trict. the area from that point. '" * * teenage g u ita r and drums Park firemen and those.ot Saturday, October 25 on the white Medusa cement flooring of the Park's signed to prevent the sand from filtering into the pool. The cen.ters where the combo; Jim S ton e r, pianist Detroit, Qattled fires caused waterfront park, pool, which when completed will Other features yet to be constructed including diving clinics will be held, and dates DETROIT CAT H 0 L I C S and folk singer; the Dorothy by the exploded plane which platforms and kickboards. The project is scheduled to are announced as follows: mourned their archbishop, Ed have a IO-lane, 25-meter length racing section at its Ashby Trio, featuring a swing destroyed three homt".5 and ward Cardinal Mooney. who east end. The regular swimming area will have every be finished by December 1. The pool capacity will be harp'; Paul Lemmon, comedian Nov~mber 5, Wednesday at Pierce Junior High School, damaged at least a dozen died of a heart ailment at the device needed to safeguard the swimmer, including one million and a half gallons of water with the depth and impersonator; Buddy Hill, others. The firefi,ghters of the 15430 Kercheval (between Vatican, less than an hour be- wall hand rails and buoys. The sand beach area will tapering to maximum of six feet. The cost of the re- teenage t rum pet sensation; two cities side by side fore he ,,-as to take part in the Tom Barrett, dancer; the Wil- Nottingham and B alf 0 u r), be 100 feet deep and 320 feet in length. An eight.inch novation is $45,652.. Grosse Pointe Park. for about an hour with De-- conclave to elect a new pope. liams Twins, a trampolir:i.~ act; troit equipment, before the He was 77 years old. He was ~~ Chuck ¥iller, singer, pianist, November 6. Thursday at Park firemen retU!l"fiedto their the second cardinal to die since ana."recording artist; the Ski Harper WGOds Junior High station house. " the death of Pope Pius XII. All Pointes Special' Programs Provide Ipark Spends Broth~rs, singing combo. Mr. School, 20225 Beaconsfield, Only two per son a were Mooney's death cut the number Forrest Geary, Chairman of Harper Woods. taken to Bon Secours. One, of cardinals to 53. The number the Hallowe'en Committee an- NOVEmber 15, Saturday at Mrs. Otto Ewald, 65, of 179 had been dropped to 54 on Oc. Go to Polls Talented Students Chance $45,652 to nounc~s that other acts will Eastland Cen~r (auditorium Ashland, the most seriously tober 17, when Cardinal Con- be added to complete an even- on e<>ncQurse.) injured, with third degI'e& stantini died during the period Next Tuesday\To Accelerate Pl~ogress 1mjprOlje .pool ing of fun and enterta;inment November 17, Monday at burns on her right arm, face of funeral services for Pope for all, Brownell Junior High Sch<>:ol,and back. was transported to Pius who died on October 9. 260 Chalfonte, Grosse Pointe ,.. The movie program consists the hOspital by Park Police . Deadline for A b 5 e n tee. Honor Selections Established at High School To Permit Farms. Sgt. H a zen Hennig, when Laned Racing Strip Is of cartoons, featured shorts, Sunday, October 26 Ballots Set for 2 O'clock Academically Inclined To Perform All centers will be open from neighbors rescued her from Feature of Renovated and full-length double features 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Eastland PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Saturday Afternoon To Full Cap~city at each of the four schools. her burning home, one of the challenged Russia to join with Swimming Area at will be open from 11 a.m. to three houses destroyed . .Students at the High School 8:30 p.m. the UniJted States and Britain "Opportunity. for acade~cally talented students Lakefront Site will see, "Marjorie Morning- The Park firemen, under the in a one-year ban of nuclear Qua 1i fie d registered has again been expanded at the Grosse Pointe High This is the second set-up in command of Chief George De- star" and "Abandon Ship." At the plan to administer the weapons tests startin~ this voters of the Pointe are re- School," D,r. James W. Bushong, Superintendent of the WhEm the Park's swim- BrowI\ell, "Fearless Fagan" Caussin, who were at the Friday. He reaffirmed Ameri. minded by their respective complete immunizing series of see n e of the disaster, aid- Grosse Pointe Public School System, announced. "More ming pool renovation at the and "Thirty See 0 n d s Over three "g.hots:' For final shots, can-British readiness to aban- city clerks that applications than 400 of our academically talented students are now waterfront park is com- Tokyo." At Pierce, "Hellcats ing their Detroit oolleagues, don further tests for a full for absentee ballots will be centers will be set up prob- were: Sgt. Paul Wernet, Engi- enrolled in special Honors sections. pleted about Deceplber 1, of the Navy" and "The Day year trial period while East- accepted up to '2 p.m., on ablY'in May of 1959 which is neer Francis Skiffington, and This represents an expan-~ it will give the Park the the Earth Stood StilL" At Par- prior to the incidence ot the West dtplomats attempt to ne- Saturday, November 1, for cells, the movies will be "Solid Firemen William Hunt.