NEKO3 is a Copenhagen-based contemporary music consisting of three members: the two percussionists Kalle Hakosalo and Lorenzo Colombo, and pianist Fei Nie.

The ensemble is working towards the creation of a new musical language and repertoire for this unexplored combination of instruments. Placed between acoustic and electronic music, NEKO3 aims at offering a fresh musical proposal, building a narrative and a concept for each concert and thereby making it a unique experience for the audience.

NEKO3 is continuously working with composers to commission and premiere new works. The ensemble has a special focus on the interplay between images, electronic devices, videos, lights, and seeks to integrate music, visual art, installations, and body performance into one conceptual whole.

Since its formation in 2017 NEKO3 has performed at festivals such as Dark Music Days in Iceland, Kammerklang in London, and Festival, Pulsar Festival, Modern Mondays, and Sonic Festival in Copenhagen. Moreover, they’ve recently been invited to perform in Bára Gíslandóttir's debut concert with piece ‘Víddir’ written for nine flutes, Bára Gísladóttir (double bass), Skúli Sverrisson (bass guitar) and NEKO3; as well as featured as soloists with the Danish National Symphony Orchestra, premiering a new multidisciplinary trio concerto ‘Yes for No’ by Xavier Bonfill.

In 2018 the ensemble recorded its first EP with music by Danish composer Jeppe Just Christensen and in 2020 they released their second EP with music by Mads Emil Dreyer.

Since September 2019 they are pursuing a chamber music-oriented Master's degree under the tutelage of Antoine Françoise at the Hochschule der Künste Bern in Switzerland. Repertoire (* commissioned and premiered ** premiered)

Bára Gíslandóttir : Víddir (2020)** David Bird : Decoder (2017) Elena Rykova : 101% mind uploading (2015) Gemma Ragués Pujol : Silent Fantasy #1 (2020)** James Black : Lullabies for Lost Children (2019)* Jeppe Just Christensen : Neko (2009) Jeppe Just Christensen : Oracle (I-III) (2017)* Jeppe Ernst : apoteose (sang I-III) (2018)* John Cage : The Ten Thousand Things Juliana Hodkinson : Tresh (2018) : (1959) Karlheinz Stockhausen : (1959) Karlheinz Stockhausen : (1961) Karlheinz Stockhausen : (1967) Mads Emil Dreyer : Forsvindere 1 (2017)* Mads Emil Dreyer : Forsvindere 2 (2018)* Mads Emil Dreyer : Lys 3 (2017) ** Mark Applebaum : Integrity (2002) : Auftakte, Sechshändig (1996) Remy Siu: New Notatios - for three players (2019) Simon Løffler : b (2012) Simon Løffler : e (2017) Simon Steen-Andersen : Rerendered (2003) Stefan Prins : Pianohero#1 (2011-12) Thierry De Mey : Silence Must Be (2002) Thierry De Mey : Table Music (Musique de Table) (1987) Vinko Globokar : ?Corporel (1985) Xavier Bonfill : one for two (2018) * Xavier Bonfill : The Taking (after “The Kiss”) (2015)** Xavier Bonfill : Entrée / En Mouvement / Encore (2017)** Xavier Bonfill : Yes for No (2020)* Xavier Bonfill : three_four_maybe (2020)*


Jeppe Just Christensen, Neko: Silent concert: Electronic concert: Karlheinz Stockhausen, Kontakte: Xavier Bonfill, Yes for No: Moderne Mandag Stockhausen-Cage: Contacts

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