Andrei Linde is one of the authors of inflationary , which helps to solve many problems of the theory of the hot . He is a Professor of Physics at , but originally he worked in the Division of of the Lebedev Physical Institute in . Linde several times visited Sakharov during his exile in Gorky. He has been awarded many prizes for his work on inflationary cosmology, including the , the Fundamental Physics Prize, the on Astrophysics, and the Gamow Prize by RASA-America.

Prof. Linde is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Valery Rubakov is chief researcher at the Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow and Professor at M.V. Lomonosov . Theoretical , he made deep, fundamental contributions to and cosmology, including the Callan-Rubakov mechanism for proton decay, the mechanism for baryogenesis in the early , the hypothesis of large extra

Prof. Rubakov is a Full member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, he is also a recipient of Pomeranchuk Prize, the Pontecorvo Prize, the Julius Wess award, the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics among other distictions.

Grigory Trubnikov is Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, ). An expert in charged particles accelerator physics and technology, he was elected Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science in 2011 and a Full member of the RAS in 2016. He is Deputy of the Academician-Secretary the Physics Science Division of the Russian Academy of Science since 2013. In 2009 he initiated, and then led, the Nuclotron-NICA heavy ion colliding beams project at JINR.

In 2012–13, Prof.Trubnikov was a member of Presidium of the Russian Presidential Council on Science and Education. In 2017–18, he served as the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and in 2018–2020 was appointed the First Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. He is also a recipient of the 2010 State Prize of the Russian Federation in science and technologies 2010 (for creation of new generation of heavy ion accelerators for relativistic nuclear physics and innovative nuclear-energetic technologies) and a member of the Russian Pugwash Committee since 2018.