Q Codes and with info links:

@Jack - Jack Dorsey, CEO of Tweeter @Snowden - Edward Snowden

3 Families - House of Saud - Rothschild - Soros (the Triangle) + ------Soros family ++ - - - - Rothschild family +++ - - - - House of Saud 17 - - - - - Q = 17th letter of the alphabets 187 - - - - -Police code for Murder 4,10,20 - - Donald J. Trump 5:5: - - - - Radio code loud and clear ADM R - - Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA AF1 - - - - Air Force 1, POTUS airplane AJ - - - - - Alex Jones, INFOWARS AG - - - - Attorney General AL - - - - Al Franken, Senator of Minnesota Alice and Wonderland - and the Bloody . AM/1- - - Angela Merkel AM/2 - - - Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI ANON - - Anonymous Person posting on Q board.

ANTIFA - Anti-Fascists, George Soros backed domestic terrorists. ARM - - - Trump Resistance Movement AS(2) - - - Adam Schiff Antonin Scalia ASF - - - Apache Software Foundation

AW - - - - Anthony Weiner 21 months in prison, ordered to pay a $10,000 fine, and was required to permanently register as a sex offender Weiner began serving his federal prison sentence in Nov. 2017 ATL - - - Atlanta, state capital of Georgia AUS - - - Australia County BC - - - - Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States BDT(2) - - Banladesh Taka,ref. Bangladesh Blunt and Direct Time. BHO - - - Barack (Hussein) Obama BIS - - - - Bank of International Settlements BOB - - former Director of FBI BO(2) - - Board Owner Barack Obama BOD - - Board of Directors BP(2) - - Border Patrol

Bill Priestap, is an American attorney and intelligence official.

BUZZF - BuzzFeed is an American Internet media and news company based in NYC

C-A - - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency CA - - Canada CC - - C-INFO - Classified information CEO - - - Chief Executive Officer CF - - - - Clinton Foundation CFR - - - Council on Foreign Relations CIA - - - - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency CM - - - - CodeMonkey, 8chan Program Administrator COC - - - Chain of Command COMMS - Communications

CS(3) - - - Chuck Schumer Civil Service Christopher Steel CTR - - - Correct The Record

Clowns/Clowns In America - CIA, Central Intelligence Agency D's - - - - Democrats D-J - - - - Dept. of Justice D5(2) - - - - D5 is the most severe level of avalanche.

DEFCON 5 - No Stopping Now. DC - - - - - District of Columbia DEFCON - Definite Confirmation (Time Minutes) DET - - - - Detachment

DJT - - - - Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States DNC - - - - Democratic National Committee DOD - - - Department of Defense DOE - - - - Department of Energy DOJ/D-J - Department of Justice DOPEY - - Alwaleed bin Talal DWS - - - - Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)

EH - - - - - , 82nd Attorney General of the United States. EM - - - - - Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX EMP - - - - Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS(2) - - - Emergency Messaging System Emergency Medical Services EO - - - - - Executive Order

ES ------Eric Schmidt, former Executive Chairman of Google & Alphabet Inc. EU - - - - - European Union F-1 - - - - - FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation F2 - - - - - Face to Face

F&F - - - - Fast and Furious (Dianne Feinstein's) failed gun sale F2F - - - - Face to Face FB - - - - - Facebook FBI - - - - Federal Bureau of Investigation FED - - - - Federal Reserve

FF - - - - - False Flag The bad guys are up to something! FISA - - - Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

FLYNN - - , former National Security Advisor to President Trump. FOIA - - - Freedom of Information Act

FVEY - - - Five Eyes, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, The United Kingdom & U.S.A. G ------Google Geotus - God Emperor of USA G-2 - - - - Military Intelligence USA GER - - - Germany

GS - - - - - George Sorros, VERY BAD ACTOR.

GOOG(2) - Google

NASDAQ Designation

GITMO - - Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, military prison.

H ------Haiti, officially the Republic of Haiti. HEC - - - United States House Committee on Ethics

HI - - - - - Hawaii, is the 50th and most recent state to have joined the US

HK - - - - Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. HRC - - - Hillary Rodham Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009. HS - - - - Homeland Security

HA - - - - Huma Abedin, 2010, Abedin married Anthony Weiner HUMA - - Harvard University Muslim Alumni

Hussein - Barack Obama, the 44th POTUS of the United States from Jan. 20, 2009, to Jan. 20, 2017. H-wood - Hollywood, is a neighborhood in the central region of Los Angeles, California. HW - - - - Hollywood, CA Los Angeles, California. IBOR - - - Internet Bill of Rights IC - - - - - Intelligence Community

ID - - - - - Identification IDEN - - - Identification IG - - - - - Inspector General IM5 - - - -

IM6 - - - - Foreign intelligence service of the government of the United Kingdom IRS - - - - Internal Revenue Service ISIS - - - - Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

JA - - - - - Julian Assange, Assange founded WikiLeaks in 2006

Jack - - - Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-foudner

JB(3) - - - - John Brennan, Former CIA Director - Very bad actor

Jeff Bezos, chief executive officer of Amazon

Joe Biden, Vise. Presedeny of Obama

JC(2) - - - James Clapper (Former DNI Director) or

James Comey (Former FBI Director) - Very bad actor.

JK(2) - - - - John Kerry Very bad actor

Jared Kushner, who is currently senior advisor to his father-in-law, . JFK(2) - - - John Kennedy, 35th President of the United States

GEN. John F. Kelly, current White House Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump. JOHNNY - John Conyers(D), US Representative for Michigan

JP ------John Podesta, Very bad actor

JPC - - - - John P. Carlin, former U.S. Assistant Attorney Gen JS - - - - - John Solomon

KKK - - - - Ku Klux Klan, started by the Democrats KSK - - - - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia L ------Lynn Rothschild LDR - - - Lord De Rothschild, was a British banker and politician from the wealthy international Rothschild family. LG6 - - - - LG Electronics & LG6 Cell Phone

L ------Loretta Lynch, the 83rd Attorney General of the USA

LP - - - - - Lisa Page, worked for the FBI lover of Peter Paul Strzok

Lover of Peter Strzok. LV - - - - - Las Vegas, Nevada M - - - - - USM Marines Core

MAY - - - Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom MAGA - - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN MB - - - - - Muslim Brotherhood MCT's - - Multiple Communications Transactions ME - - - - - Middle East

MF - - - - - Michael Flynn, National Security Advisor to POTUS Donald Trump

MH - - - - - Peter Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, Promoted to Director in SEC enforcement 36 hours after the Anthony Weiner Laptop was found. MI - - - - - Military Intelligence ML - - - - - Marshal Law

MG - - - - Matt Gaetz, U.S.Rep. To Florida congressional district MM - - - - Media Matters also Million

MP - - - - Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump nominated Pompeo as United States Secretary of State. MS-13 - - Latino Drug Cartel

MSM - - - Mainstream Media, CNC, NBC, New York Times & more

MW - - - - Maxine Waters, U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district.

MZ - - - - Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook NG - - - - National Guard of the US NAT G - National Guard of the US NK - - - - North Korea NORK - - North Korea NOK - - - North Korea

No Name - John McCain the senior United States Senator from AZ

NP(2) - - - Non-Profit Nancy Pelosi NSA - - - National Security Agency NWO - - New World Order

NYT - - - New York Times, American newspaper

OO - - - - Oval Office, the working office space of the POTUS OS - - - - Office of Strategic Office OSS - - - Office of Strategic Office OP - - - - Original poster also Operation(s)

OWL - - Space based weapon (Orbiting Weapon Lancet) free falls from space ‘ZUMA’

Operation Mockingbird - CIA infiltration of mass media

One who shall not be named - John McCain

OWN - - Oprah Winfrey network

P - - - - - POPE Francis Bad Bad Pope PT - - - - Peter Theil

PM - - - Paul Manafort, American lobbyist, political consultant, and lawyer. PEOC - - Presidential Emergence Operations Center P_PERS - President Trump's Personal message to us PG - - - - Pizzagate/pedogate PL - - - - Presidential library

PM - - - - Prime Minister, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom POS - - - Piece of Shit Stinky smelly POTUS - President USA PP - - - - Planned Parenthood "MURDERS"

PR - - - - Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House.

PS - - - - Peter Strzok, FBI agent Very Evil PVG - - - Shanghai Pudong International Airport

Punchy - Robert De Niro, Actor (Hollywood) Q - - - - - Person with extremely high level of security. Q+ - - - - Could be Q team or POTUS (TRUMP) RNC - - - Republican National Committee R(2)- - - - Republicans

Rothschild Bad Family R's - - - - Republicans

RBG - - - Ruth Bader Ginsburg "EVIL"

RC(2) - - Red Cross "BAD EVIL"

Richard (Dick) Cheney, 46th VP of the USA ROT - - - Rotation

ROTH - - Rothschild "EVIL Family"

R/Renegade - Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States. What a mistake!

RR(2) - - - - (Deputy Attorney General)

Ronald Reagan the 40th President of the United States RT(2) - - - Real time

Rex Tillerson, chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil.

RYAN - - Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House since 2015 S ------Eric Schneiderman NY Atty General SA - - - - - Saudi Arabia

SAP - - - - Special Access Programs are security protocols that provide highly classified information.

SC(2) - - - Supreme Court, the highest court USA Sleeper Cell SD - - - - - State Department

SEC(2) - - Security Secure

SESSIONS - (Attorney General) of Trump SIG - - - - Special Interest Group SIGNT - - Signal Intelligence

SH - - - - - Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit

SIS - - - - - Secret Intelligence Service (in the UK) SK - - - - - South Korea SOTU - - State of the Union

SR(2) - - - Susan Rice Seth Rich SS - - - - Secret Service ST - - - - Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6) STRAT - Strategic of Strategy Div within an AOG TDS - - - Trump Derangement Syndrome T2 - - - - - Terminal2

TG - - - - - serving as the U.S. Rep. for South Carolina. TP - - - - - Tony Podesta TRI - - - - Trialateral Commission TM - - - - - Team TSA - - - - Transportation Security Administration

U1 - - - - - Uranium One is a Russian-Canadian uranium mining company with headquarters in Toronto, Ontario.

UK - - - - United Kingdom The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

UBL - - - - Osama Bin Laden was a founder of Al-Qaeda DEAD UN - - - - - United Nations US - - - - - United States USMC - - - United States Marine Corps USSS - - - United States Secret Service

VJ - - - - - Valerie Jarret She served as the senior adv to President obama.

WH - - - - - White House WL - - - - - Wikileaks

WMD - - - - Weapons of Mass Destruction WRWY - - WE ARE WITH YOU WW(2) - - - - Worldwide RAW Paste Data Wikerson Walsh Law DC firm WWG1WGA - Where We Go 1 We Go All

X/MX - - - - - Mexico

Y ------Sally Yates acting Attorney Gen fired by Trump