Congressional Record—House H9830

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Congressional Record—House H9830 H9830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 Langevin Nolan Serrano b 1715 tive Yates could learn from his atti- Larson (CT) Norcross Shea-Porter tude, knowledge, and experience. Lawrence O’Rourke RECOGNIZING MONTEREY COUNTY Sires Mr. Speaker, I had the honor and Lee Pallone Slaughter AND SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FARM Levin Panetta privilege of serving with Representa- Smith (WA) BUREAUS Lewis (GA) Pascrell Soto tive Yates. He was a great American, a Lofgren Payne Speier (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given true American hero, and a fine man. He Lowenthal Pelosi Swalwell (CA) Lowey Pingree permission to address the House for 1 will be missed. Takano Luja´ n, Ben Ray Price (NC) minute and to revise and extend his re- Thompson (CA) f Lynch Quigley Thompson (MS) marks.) Maloney, Raskin CONDEMNING THE SLAVE TRADE Titus Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Carolyn B. Richmond IN LIBYA Matsui Rosen Tonko today to recognize the Farm Bureaus McCollum Roybal-Allard Tsongas of Monterey County and Santa Cruz (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given McEachin Ruiz Veasey permission to address the House for 1 Vela´ zquez County. McGovern Rush minute and to revise and extend his re- McNerney Ryan (OH) Visclosky This year, those farm bureaus will Meng Sa´ nchez Waters, Maxine mark 100 years of serving our agri- marks.) Moore Sarbanes Watson Coleman culture communities across the central Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, by now, we Nadler Schakowsky Welch coast of California. We know that those have all seen the horrifying video of a Napolitano Schiff Wilson (FL) slave auction in Libya. It is out- Neal Scott (VA) Yarmuth in agriculture are consistently evolv- ing as they constantly contend with rageous. Migrants and refugees, most NOT VOTING—8 Mother Nature, mandates, immigra- of them Black Africans, are being Bridenstine Kennedy Sewell (AL) tion, and the ever-changing market. preyed upon, held in detention camps, DesJarlais Pocan Walz and bought and sold like property. Gutie´rrez Scalise Fortunately, the local farm bureaus’ leadership and consultation has always Mr. Speaker, the United States can- been there to help our over 600 farmers not stand by as an idle spectator to the b 1709 stay competitive and keep our commu- plague of slavery in Libya. People are Ms. MOORE changed her vote from nities strong. The farm bureaus are an not property. ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ essential ingredient as to why our Last week, members of the Congres- So the bill was passed. number one industry on the central sional Black Caucus and I met with The result of the vote was announced coast is agriculture and why my home Libya’s Ambassador. She agreed that as above recorded. can claim the title of being the berry the Libyan Government will conduct a A motion to reconsider was laid on bowl and salad bowl of the world. transparent investigation, but they do the table. I thank and recognize the Santa Cruz not have the capacity to do so. That does not absolve the United States of PERSONAL EXPLANATION County and Monterey County Farm Bureaus for their past, present, and fu- its responsibilities. Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- We must immediately investigate al- ture work for our agriculture industry ably detained. Had I been present, I would legations of slavery and forced labor in and for our communities that feed our have voted ‘‘Nay’’ on Rollcall No. 674 and Libya. We need to impose sanctions if families throughout our Nation and the ‘‘Yea’’ on Rollcall No. 675. Libya fails to end slave auctions and world. forced labor. We must ensure the U.S. f f Department of State and the U.S. RECOGNIZING FORMER GEORGIA Agency for International Development ISIS IN AFRICA STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOHN are adequately staffed to respond to (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was YATES the situation in Libya. given permission to address the House (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Mr. Speaker, Congress should adopt for 1 minute.) was given permission to address the the bipartisan H. Res. 644, which will Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as House for 1 minute and to revise and do all these things and more. ISIS loses ground in Syria and Iraq, we extend his remarks.) f must remain vigilant. There is a grow- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- ATTACK ON RULE OF LAW AND ing terrorist threat in Africa. Between er, I rise today to remember the life of DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS January and September of 2016, the Af- former Georgia State Representative The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. rican continent suffered at least 1,426 John Yates, who passed away on De- ARRINGTON). Under the Speaker’s an- incidents of terrorism-related violence. cember 11 at the age of 96. nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the Terrorism is a major challenge to Representing Griffin, Georgia, just gentleman from Florida (Mr. GAETZ) is peace, security, and development in Af- south of Atlanta, he was first elected recognized for 60 minutes as the des- rica. Recently, the threat has grown to to the Georgia General Assembly in ignee of the majority leader. directly impact U.S. servicemembers 1988, and over time became one of the Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I take the serving in Africa. most inspiring officials in the State. floor tonight, along with many of my Last May, a Navy SEAL was killed in When he retired from government, colleagues, to fight back against an at- an operation against al-Qaida affiliate Representative Yates was the only tack on the rule of law and our demo- al Shabaab, the first U.S. servicemem- World War II veteran serving in the cratic institutions. ber killed in action in Somalia since Georgia General Assembly. He was Right now, the investigations into the 1993 infamous Black Hawk Down drafted into the Army in 1942, and flew Donald Trump and the prior investiga- incident. Last month, an ambush by a Piper Cub airplane, a small plane tion into Hillary Clinton have been in- Islamist militants in Niger left four with a top speed of less than 100 miles fected with the virus of severe bias. U.S. Green Berets killed. Recently, the an hour. He flew 200 missions adjusting Hillary Clinton went under investiga- U.S. conducted its first airstrikes artillery fire on the enemy, including tion for the mishandling of classified against ISIS in Somalia. at the Battle of the Bulge, earning six information and her dealings through Mr. Speaker, the writing is on the Air Medals and four battle stars. the Clinton Foundation, which was es- wall. The terrorist cancer in Africa is After the war, he went back to school sentially investigated by her own fan metastasizing. It is on its way to be- to earn his college degree and em- club. Meanwhile, Robert Mueller ob- coming a full-blown threat to African barked on a 35-year journey with Ford tained his team by fishing in the never- and American interests. Motor Company, eventually becoming Trump aquarium. Having been displaced by war in a depot manager. Only through the antidote of trans- Syria and Iraq, ISIS is finding a new Representative Yates served the parency can we end this erosion of the home in Africa to carry out its reign of State of Georgia with the most humble rule of law and restore the American terror, and we must be mindful and attitude and went to great lengths to people’s confidence in the institutions vigilant. help Georgia’s veterans. Anyone who that we must trust to live in a civilized And that is just the way it is. was lucky enough to know Representa- society. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE7.033 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9831 The people in this country have a cious and false dossier from the Fusion We also know that Mr. Weissmann right to know what has happened with- GPS company about the current Presi- sent emails to Sally Yates, praising her in the FBI, the Department of Justice, dent, Donald Trump. We don’t know for directly defying an order from the and within Robert Mueller’s team as he whether or not the FBI contributed President. That should have disquali- probes the President and his transi- funds toward that cause. fied Mr. Weissmann, but we don’t know tion. But there is so much in hearing Think about that for a moment. if that was, in fact, the qualifying fac- after hearing that members of the Ju- When we asked the Attorney General tor that led him to be on this team. diciary Committee, the Intelligence and the FBI Director, were taxpayer Aaron Zebley is also a member of the Committee, and the Oversight Com- funds used to go and obtain a dossier to Mueller team. He represented Justin mittee have been told we don’t have a discredit the President both before and Cooper, who set up the Hillary Clinton right to know as the Representatives of after his election, we were told that we email server. Could we not have found the people. don’t have a right to know and that the people for the Mueller team who were Let’s begin with the tarmac meeting taxpayers don’t have a right to know if not involved in setting up an email between Loretta Lynch and former their money was used in this way. It is server for Hillary Clinton? President Bill Clinton. troubling. He also used a hammer to smash We as the American people appar- We also know that Nellie Ohr, the BlackBerrys, destroying evidence.
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