H9830 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 Langevin Nolan Serrano b 1715 tive Yates could learn from his atti- Larson (CT) Norcross Shea-Porter tude, knowledge, and experience. Lawrence O’Rourke RECOGNIZING MONTEREY COUNTY Sires Mr. Speaker, I had the honor and Lee Pallone Slaughter AND SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FARM Levin Panetta privilege of serving with Representa- Smith (WA) BUREAUS Lewis (GA) Pascrell Soto tive Yates. He was a great American, a Lofgren Payne Speier (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given true American hero, and a fine man. He Lowenthal Pelosi Swalwell (CA) Lowey Pingree permission to address the House for 1 will be missed. Takano Luja´ n, Ben Ray Price (NC) minute and to revise and extend his re- Thompson (CA) f Lynch Quigley Thompson (MS) marks.) Maloney, Raskin CONDEMNING THE SLAVE TRADE Titus Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise Carolyn B. Richmond IN LIBYA Matsui Rosen Tonko today to recognize the Farm Bureaus McCollum Roybal-Allard Tsongas of Monterey County and Santa Cruz (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given McEachin Ruiz Veasey permission to address the House for 1 Vela´ zquez County. McGovern Rush minute and to revise and extend his re- McNerney Ryan (OH) Visclosky This year, those farm bureaus will Meng Sa´ nchez Waters, Maxine mark 100 years of serving our agri- marks.) Moore Sarbanes Watson Coleman culture communities across the central Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, by now, we Nadler Schakowsky Welch coast of California. We know that those have all seen the horrifying video of a Napolitano Schiff Wilson (FL) slave auction in Libya. It is out- Neal Scott (VA) Yarmuth in agriculture are consistently evolv- ing as they constantly contend with rageous. Migrants and refugees, most NOT VOTING—8 Mother Nature, mandates, immigra- of them Black Africans, are being Bridenstine Kennedy Sewell (AL) tion, and the ever-changing market. preyed upon, held in detention camps, DesJarlais Pocan Walz and bought and sold like property. Gutie´rrez Scalise Fortunately, the local farm bureaus’ leadership and consultation has always Mr. Speaker, the United States can- been there to help our over 600 farmers not stand by as an idle spectator to the b 1709 stay competitive and keep our commu- plague of slavery in Libya. People are Ms. MOORE changed her vote from nities strong. The farm bureaus are an not property. ‘‘yea’’ to ‘‘nay.’’ essential ingredient as to why our Last week, members of the Congres- So the bill was passed. number one industry on the central sional Black Caucus and I met with The result of the vote was announced coast is agriculture and why my home Libya’s Ambassador. She agreed that as above recorded. can claim the title of being the berry the Libyan Government will conduct a A motion to reconsider was laid on bowl and salad bowl of the world. transparent investigation, but they do the table. I thank and recognize the Santa Cruz not have the capacity to do so. That does not absolve the United States of PERSONAL EXPLANATION County and Monterey County Farm Bureaus for their past, present, and fu- its responsibilities. Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I was unavoid- We must immediately investigate al- ture work for our agriculture industry ably detained. Had I been present, I would legations of slavery and forced labor in and for our communities that feed our have voted ‘‘Nay’’ on Rollcall No. 674 and Libya. We need to impose sanctions if families throughout our Nation and the ‘‘Yea’’ on Rollcall No. 675. Libya fails to end slave auctions and world. forced labor. We must ensure the U.S. f f Department of State and the U.S. RECOGNIZING FORMER GEORGIA Agency for International Development ISIS IN AFRICA STATE REPRESENTATIVE JOHN are adequately staffed to respond to (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was YATES the situation in Libya. given permission to address the House (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and Mr. Speaker, Congress should adopt for 1 minute.) was given permission to address the the bipartisan H. Res. 644, which will Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as House for 1 minute and to revise and do all these things and more. ISIS loses ground in Syria and Iraq, we extend his remarks.) f must remain vigilant. There is a grow- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- ATTACK ON RULE OF LAW AND ing terrorist threat in Africa. Between er, I rise today to remember the life of DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS January and September of 2016, the Af- former Georgia State Representative The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. rican continent suffered at least 1,426 John Yates, who passed away on De- ARRINGTON). Under the Speaker’s an- incidents of terrorism-related violence. cember 11 at the age of 96. nounced policy of January 3, 2017, the Terrorism is a major challenge to Representing Griffin, Georgia, just gentleman from Florida (Mr. GAETZ) is peace, security, and development in Af- south of Atlanta, he was first elected recognized for 60 minutes as the des- rica. Recently, the threat has grown to to the Georgia General Assembly in ignee of the majority leader. directly impact U.S. servicemembers 1988, and over time became one of the Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I take the serving in Africa. most inspiring officials in the State. floor tonight, along with many of my Last May, a Navy SEAL was killed in When he retired from government, colleagues, to fight back against an at- an operation against al-Qaida affiliate Representative Yates was the only tack on the rule of law and our demo- al Shabaab, the first U.S. servicemem- World War II veteran serving in the cratic institutions. ber killed in action in Somalia since Georgia General Assembly. He was Right now, the investigations into the 1993 infamous Black Hawk Down drafted into the Army in 1942, and flew and the prior investiga- incident. Last month, an ambush by a Piper Cub airplane, a small plane tion into have been in- Islamist militants in Niger left four with a top speed of less than 100 miles fected with the virus of severe bias. U.S. Green Berets killed. Recently, the an hour. He flew 200 missions adjusting Hillary Clinton went under investiga- U.S. conducted its first airstrikes artillery fire on the enemy, including tion for the mishandling of classified against ISIS in Somalia. at the Battle of the Bulge, earning six information and her dealings through Mr. Speaker, the writing is on the Air Medals and four battle stars. the , which was es- wall. The terrorist cancer in Africa is After the war, he went back to school sentially investigated by her own fan metastasizing. It is on its way to be- to earn his college degree and em- club. Meanwhile, ob- coming a full-blown threat to African barked on a 35-year journey with Ford tained his team by fishing in the never- and American interests. Motor Company, eventually becoming Trump aquarium. Having been displaced by war in a depot manager. Only through the antidote of trans- Syria and Iraq, ISIS is finding a new Representative Yates served the parency can we end this erosion of the home in Africa to carry out its reign of State of Georgia with the most humble rule of law and restore the American terror, and we must be mindful and attitude and went to great lengths to people’s confidence in the institutions vigilant. help Georgia’s veterans. Anyone who that we must trust to live in a civilized And that is just the way it is. was lucky enough to know Representa- society.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12DE7.033 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9831 The people in this country have a cious and false dossier from the Fusion We also know that Mr. Weissmann right to know what has happened with- GPS company about the current Presi- sent emails to Sally Yates, praising her in the FBI, the Department of Justice, dent, Donald Trump. We don’t know for directly defying an order from the and within Robert Mueller’s team as he whether or not the FBI contributed President. That should have disquali- probes the President and his transi- funds toward that cause. fied Mr. Weissmann, but we don’t know tion. But there is so much in hearing Think about that for a moment. if that was, in fact, the qualifying fac- after hearing that members of the Ju- When we asked the Attorney General tor that led him to be on this team. diciary Committee, the Intelligence and the FBI Director, were taxpayer Aaron Zebley is also a member of the Committee, and the Oversight Com- funds used to go and obtain a dossier to Mueller team. He represented Justin mittee have been told we don’t have a discredit the President both before and Cooper, who set up the Hillary Clinton right to know as the Representatives of after his election, we were told that we email server. Could we not have found the people. don’t have a right to know and that the people for the Mueller team who were Let’s begin with the tarmac meeting taxpayers don’t have a right to know if not involved in setting up an email between Loretta Lynch and former their money was used in this way. It is server for Hillary Clinton? President Bill Clinton. troubling. He also used a hammer to smash We as the American people appar- We also know that Nellie Ohr, the BlackBerrys, destroying evidence. Mr. ently don’t have a right to know what wife of a top Department of Justice of- Zebley may be a witness, yet he is on was truly discussed. In information and ficial, Bruce Ohr, was actually getting the Mueller team. reports that have been submitted to paid by Fusion GPS, the company that Jeannie Rhee. She defended the Clin- the Congress, there is extensive re- ultimately produced this false dossier. ton Foundation against FOIA requests dacted information. So we don’t get to If that is not a conflict of interest, if and now is involved in persecuting the see the substance of those communica- that doesn’t impair the credibility of President. In fact, over half of the tions between Loretta Lynch and this investigation, I don’t know what members of the Mueller team have fi- former President Bill Clinton. It is does. nancially contributed to the campaigns deeply troubling. We also don’t know who is in charge. of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, or We also don’t get to know what the We asked questions to the Attorney both, and none of them contributed to informant would tell us who had infor- General regarding the nature of his Donald Trump. mation about ’s attempts to im- recusal. Can the Attorney General ap- I don’t think it is a coincidence. I pair the United States’ uranium assets point a second special counsel to evalu- think it is ridiculous that the Congress through the now infamous Uranium ate the Clinton Foundation? doesn’t have any information about One deal. We got contradictory answers. how these people were selected, how We know that there was an inform- So as we prepare for the Deputy At- they were vetted, how they were ap- ant. We now know that informant torney General Mr. Rosenstein’s testi- proved. wanted to come forward and give infor- mony before the Judiciary Committee But it is not just the Mueller team. mation about bribery and kickbacks tomorrow, we don’t know if it is Mr. It is also the Department of Justice. that undermine America’s interests. Rosenstein who can appoint a special Bruce Ohr, the head of counter intel- Unfortunately, people at the Justice counsel. We don’t know if it is the At- ligence, meets with , Department who still remain in sub- torney General who has the power to who is the author of the dossier during stantial positions of power went and do that. the campaign. Then after the cam- sought a gag order so that the Congress We do know that the American peo- paign, he meets with Glenn Simpson. wouldn’t learn what was happening and ple want it. Harvard University re- All the while, Bruce Ohr, working at so the American people wouldn’t learn leased a poll that said over 60 percent the Department of Justice, has a what was happening. of the American people believe there spouse getting paid by the very people Then we learn that an inspector gen- should be a second special counsel to developing these lies about the Presi- eral who wanted to raise the flag of investigate Clinton and the Clinton dent to discredit him. It is smoking- concern regarding the deeply troubling Foundation, largely as a consequence gun evidence of bias and conflict of in- conduct of Hillary Clinton was essen- of this intractable bias that we con- terest. tially shut down. tinue to see in the intelligence commu- But it is not just the Mueller team Mr. McCullough has now given inter- nity. and the Department of Justice. It is views upon his departure from the in- So let’s look at that bias as it is ap- also the FBI. Andrew McCabe is the telligence community indicating that plied to Mr. Mueller and his team. current Deputy Director of the FBI. he went to James Clapper. He said that We have no idea how Bob Mueller When he was the assistant agent in these mishaps, these potential viola- picked the members of his team. I charge of the Washington field office, tions of law, were serious and that they asked FBI Director Christopher Ray: he was sending out emails just weeks put America’s national security in Did people get on the Mueller team be- before the 2016 election saying that the jeopardy. What he heard back from Mr. cause they hate President Trump? Was Hillary Clinton investigation would be Clapper was that these revelations there any vetting? Was there any re- given special status, that it would be would create heartburn for the Clinton view? Did we look at political contribu- handled by a small team at head- campaign. tions, political activity or activism quarters. It is ludicrous, when we have got po- from these folks? What that means is that Hillary Clin- tential bribes and kickbacks, and we The FBI Director would not answer ton got different treatment than any have got the Clinton Foundation func- my question. other American who would have been tioning essentially as a passthrough So here we are, unclear as to whether charged with the mishandling of classi- money laundering operation, that we or not the standard to investigate the fied information in the Washington, wouldn’t have all of the information President was a preexisting bias D.C., area. that an inspector general would bring against him. Absolutely outrageous. That special forward. Mr. Speaker, I don’t believe that it is treatment didn’t lead to a more rig- Mr. McCullough gave interviews a coincidence that the Mueller team is orous review. We know now that James where now he said that his family, his populated by people who bring that Comey was drafting the exoneration job, his agency, his mission was threat- bias with them and who seemingly statement before even interviewing ened by people in the deep state. That have acted upon it. key witnesses, including Hillary Clin- is not the America we need to live in. Mr. Weissmann, who is Mueller’s ton herself. Transparency is the antidote to this number two, attended Hillary Clinton’s type of corruption and this type of election night party. Are you really b 1730 truly intolerable conduct. telling me we couldn’t find a number Then you have Peter Strzok, also at Here is what we do know. We do two in the Mueller investigation who the FBI. Mr. Strzok has now been dis- know that the Democratic National wasn’t at Hillary Clinton’s election credited and demoted because he was Committee was off paying for a sala- night party? For goodness sake. sending 10,000 text messages back and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.092 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 forth with his mistress about how was revealed that they wanted to get litical rivals. They need to know that much he loved Hillary Clinton and the agent that divulged the fact that they can trust their FBI, and right now hated President Trump. I don’t think it that meeting occurred out on the it doesn’t seem like they can have con- is a coincidence that Mr. Strzok is the tarmac. They weren’t interested in fidence in that. person who went in and changed the what the meeting was about just days It seems like if you are on the wrong term ‘‘grossly negligent,’’ which is a before Secretary Clinton was going to side of the scale, Mr. Speaker, it is a crime, to ‘‘extremely careless,’’ in the be deposed before this House of Rep- bad day for you. But if you are con- exoneration statement about Hillary resentatives and be questioned and nected and you have people working for Clinton. interviewed about her role in Benghazi. you like—oh, I don’t know—Peter The Attorney General needs to do his Why does that happen? Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and his wife now, job. He needs to appoint a special coun- It seems like the scales of justice, Andrew Weissmann, or Jeannie Rhee, I sel to investigate Hillary Clinton be- once again, are tipped. mean, as the days go on, we just keep cause she was never investigated in Peter Strzok. He interviewed Heather on finding out more and more and earnest in the first place. He needs to Samuelson, Cheryl Mills, Bryan more. And we don’t find it out because tell Robert Mueller to put up or shut Pagliano, and Paul Combetta, and they they are offering it. We find it out be- up. all got immunity. They all got immu- cause we have to pull it from them and If there is evidence of collusion, let nity. just beg them and require them to us see it. We are almost a year into Who gives somebody immunity with- come in here and force the information this investigation, and the only thing I out anything in return? out of them. That is not how this is see is a bias that continues to erode Okay, they got immunity. We get it. supposed to work. our institutions and our rule of law, We want to know what was on the We need to have confidence in our and this Congress should stand for it no other side of that equation. I mean, FBI, and we need to have confidence in more. this is not to apologize for, or to stick our Department of Justice. American Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman up for, Mike Flynn or for Paul citizens need to have confidence in from Pennsylvania (Mr. PERRY). Manafort. If they have committed their judicial system to know that the Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, I thank my crimes, that needs to be dealt with ap- blindfold is still on Lady Justice, that good friend, the gentleman from Flor- propriately. Lying, period, is never ap- the scales are even, that we are all ida (Mr. GAETZ), for bringing this issue propriate. going to be treated evenly, and that to the floor. But they didn’t get this deal. These crimes are going to be investigated, Mr. Speaker, this can all be cleared folks did get the deal. And, at the same not individuals. And that there is not up, pretty quickly, with a little bit of time while they got the deal, we know going to be some kind of a witch hunt transparency and with a little bit of via their email and interviews that or a lynch mob mentality at the Fed- sunlight. It comes down to the issue of: they actually did lie to the FBI. Some eral Government level against people Do we have impartial justice in this of these folks lied to the FBI, yet Mi- with whom the political ruling class country or don’t we? chael Flynn pleads guilty, and these disagrees. We are all familiar with Lady Jus- guys and gals get immunity. If it requires another special counsel, tice. She has a blindfold over her eyes, Do the scales of justice, Mr. Speaker, so be it. If not, it would be great if we she is holding the scale, and the scale seem like they are a little bit askew? could just clear all of this up by pro- is straight across. It is not leaning one Mr. Combetta—if that is how you viding the information that this House way or the other. But, in this case, it pronounce his name—we know that he of Representatives and the American seems—and I am going to say that kind was out there searching for ways on people demand. There is no reason to of tongue-in-cheek—it seems like it is, the internet about how to scrub a com- keep it. It is not classified; it is not like the scale is not right across, Mr. puter. Nothing to see here, right? That sensitive. It is information that all of Speaker. It is heavily on one side, and seems a little odd, doesn’t it? us need to know so we know how our the other side is way up in the air. Cheryl Mills, she got immunity, al- Federal Government is operating and And let me just make a couple of legedly, to give up her laptop. So she who is being truthful with us. And then points: got immunity; we got that. She can’t we can have confidence in the fidelity Deputy Director McCabe refers to the be prosecuted. We got the laptop. of our FBI and our Department of Jus- Clinton email investigation as ‘‘spe- Shouldn’t the American people know tice. cial.’’ what was on the laptop? Why is that Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Why is it special? information not available? Why is it Where is it on that scale? the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. JODY Is it up high or is it down low? that this Congress, this jurisdiction of B. HICE). Why is it called special? oversight, as applied in the Constitu- Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. Why did Secretary Clinton have a tion, has to beg and cajole the FBI and Speaker, I thank the gentleman from team from headquarters investigate the Department of Justice to provide Florida (Mr. GAETZ) for yielding. her, as opposed to the Washington field documents so that we can see what I am greatly honored to be here to office? happened, so that we can know, so that participate in this important discus- Think about this: the American people and their rep- sion. We all want transparency, and for If the FBI called you, it wouldn’t be resentatives can know how this dos- that to be in our government is critical for a meeting or an interview. It would sier—if you want to call it that—was to all of us. I am honored to be on the be called your deposition. You would constructed and how it was used? Why Oversight and Government Reform sit there with your lawyer, and you must we beg for that information, and Committee where this is part of the re- would answer questions. And it why can’t we get it? sponsibilities entrusted to us. wouldn’t be when it was convenient for Mr. Speaker, this can all be cleared But after repeated scandals and mis- you. It would be when it was conven- up; just provide the information. There conduct, it is patently obvious to me ient for the FBI. doesn’t have to be another special pros- that former Secretary of State Hillary Secretary Clinton gets to have a ecutor. Mr. Mueller can continue with Clinton plays by her own rules, and meeting with the FBI for an interview his investigation and find the truth be- simply does so because of her own sta- on a Saturday morning of a holiday cause we all want the truth. We want tus, her own positions of power and in- weekend. Now, contrast that on the the truth that is impartial, not some- fluence in the government, and has scales of justice with Paul Manafort. thing that is fabricated because we now been in those roles for decades. She has Paul Manafort gets his home broken have an FBI that is pursuing individ- been getting a free pass to follow or ig- into in the middle of the night and uals, as opposed to crimes. nore the law as she chooses, whereas it dragged out of bed while he and his The American people need to know seems, on the other hand, as has al- wife are sleeping. Something doesn’t that this isn’t a tinhorn dictatorship ready been discussed this evening, seem right to me. and that we don’t have government of- President Trump and his administra- You talk about the meeting on the ficials using the power of the Federal tion seems to get a special counsel just tarmac. The FBI, in their emails, it Government to work against their po- for sneezing. It is insane what is going

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.094 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9833 on, and we, as Americans, must here into President Trump’s inter- And then what have we learned in prioritize equal justice under the law. actions with Russia, but where is the just the past 5 days? Lady Justice must remain blind, and investigation on Hillary Clinton’s ac- her scales must remain balanced. This tivities with the Russians? b 1745 is a fundamental principle for all of us The Obama administration at- as Americans—something we cherish tempted to sweep this situation under Bruce Ohr, the Associate Deputy At- and something we hold on to—and we the rug. They let her off the hook. torney General; Bruce Ohr, four doors are watching it change right before our That is a disgrace. It is in complete down from Mr. Rosenstein; Bruce Ohr, eyes. It seems as though Lady Justice disregard for our Nation’s laws. And, the top guy at the Justice Department, is peeking underneath that blindfold, perhaps, that in itself ought to be in 2016, during the campaign, is meet- and that is simply unacceptable. something else that is looked into: the ing with the guy who wrote the dossier, Mr. Speaker, I am honored that we Obama administration’s role in all of meeting with Christopher Steele. are coming to draw attention to this this. Bruce Ohr, the top guy at the Justice horror and this change that is taking I am grateful that Attorney General Department, the Associate Deputy At- place. The principle of blind justice is Sessions is taking these allegations se- torney General, and four doors down one of the most basic fundamental riously. I am hopeful that we can get from Mr. Rosenstein is also meeting principles that we have in this country, to the bottom of this and ensure that with Glenn Simpson, the guy who and without it we are watching individ- justice is served. founded Fusion GPS, the people who uals like Mrs. Clinton and her allies The FBI must investigate this thor- paid for the dossier. act above the law and get away with oughly. We must have transparency to So you have got Bruce Ohr, the top things they simply ought not be get- make sure that Hillary Clinton is held official at the Justice Department, ting away with. And the truth is, a accountable and reaffirm that no one is hanging out with the guy who wrote breach of justice for one is a breach of above the law. and the guy who paid for the dossier justice for all of us. Enough is enough. We have got to go during the campaign. Let me give you a quick example. into this further. Here is the kicker. I mean, you can’t Back in August of 2016, The New York Mr. Speaker, I thank the good gen- make this stuff up. Here is the kicker. Times reported on generous foreign do- tleman from Florida (Mr. GAETZ) for At the same time that Bruce Ohr is nations to the Clinton Foundation, and his leadership on this. meeting with him, we learn that Bruce this was done while Hillary Clinton Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield to Ohr’s wife is being paid by Fusion GPS, was Secretary of State. That, in itself, the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JORDAN). working for the people who paid Chris- ought to raise some red flags, shouldn’t Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, I thank topher Steele to write the dossier that it? Foreign countries. And then we find the gentleman for yielding. we believe was taken to the FISA court out that many of these foreign coun- Mr. Speaker, did the Comey FBI and to secure warrants to spy on Americans tries had already tremendous human the Obama Justice Department coordi- associated with the Trump campaign. rights violations: Kuwait, for example, nate with the Democratic Party to go We know all that happened. That is , Qatar, and several oth- after the Republican Party? Did the all public. We know that is the truth. ers, just to name a few, yet they are FBI and the Justice Department work Now, what Mr. GAETZ is saying—and giving tons of money to the Clinton hand in glove with the Clinton cam- this is why I appreciate the work that Foundation, while she is Secretary of paign to go after the Trump campaign? Mr. GAETZ and my colleagues are doing State. That is the fundamental question. That on this—and what we are saying: Look, And then the Clintons say: Well, we is the fundamental question. give us the documents. Answer our were open; we disclosed all of the infor- And think about what we have questions, for crying out loud. And if mation about who was giving what. learned in the last several weeks: you won’t, then appoint a special coun- They tried to convince us that they First, we learned that the DNC and sel—a second special counsel so the went above and beyond to disclose the Clinton campaign paid for the dos- American people can get the truth. their donors, but they did not do so. Because if this, in fact, happened— For example, we found they failed to sier. The DNC and the Clinton cam- and I think it did—where you had the disclose $2.35 million in donations from paign, which we now know are one and Justice Department, the FBI working a family foundation that was linked to the same, paid for the dossier. They with one campaign to go after the the mining company, Uranium One, first paid their law firm, who then paid other campaign, working with the Clin- which we happen to be talking about Fusion GPS, who then paid Christopher ton campaign to go after President tonight. Steele, who then paid Russians. This is Well, who is Uranium One? a great irony. Trump’s campaign, then that is as Of course, we know by now that this We have Special Counsel Mueller in- wrong as it gets. That is something is a company that was taken over by vestigating possible coordination be- that should never take place in the Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy tween the Trump campaign and Russia United States of America. firm, Rosatom, another decision that to influence the 2016 Presidential elec- That is why this is so important. was signed off by Secretary of State tion, yet we know, just as sure as I am That is why the work that Congress- Hillary Clinton. standing on the House floor tonight, man GAETZ and other colleagues are The dots are pretty easy to start con- the Clinton campaign paid Russians to doing is so important. necting. We, at least, have some red do what? Influence the 2016 Presi- Again, if you are not going to do the flags here. dential election. job, Justice Department, at least ap- Furthermore, there was a whopping They paid for the dossier. It has been point a second special counsel so we $145 million given to the Clinton Foun- reported—and I think it happened—but can get answers and we can hold people dation by Uranium One’s owners. I it has been reported the dossier became accountable who did this in this great don’t know about everyone else here, the basis to secure warrants at the country. but I would certainly know it if I re- FISA court. In other words, they took Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the ceived over $100 million from Russian this dossier, this disproven dossier, gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JORDAN) for donors. Talk about Russian collusion. fake news, National Enquirer, garbage joining us on the floor this evening. I Shall we talk about it? Let’s have this dossier, they dressed it all up, they particularly thank him for his work in discussion. That is the whole point of spruced it all up, they took it to the the Judiciary Committee and the Over- what we are talking about here this FISA court and then got a judge to say: sight Committee. The gentleman is evening. I would also be very concerned Okay, that is enough to spy on Ameri- correct. We just want our questions an- that someone receiving this kind of cans. swered. We just want to know: Did money was free of bias or coercion That is what has been reported. And these things occur that would seem to when they are getting this type of all of the evidence points to that actu- evidence collusion on the part of the money. ally taking place. Democratic Party and the Clinton But let me land the plane here. There So they used this dossier, this campaign with Russians to influence is a full-fledged investigation going on disproven dossier, to spy on Americans. the outcome of the election?

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.095 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9834 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 But our own Justice Department and make sure they don’t have a conflict. You know, many of us have read, un- our own FBI won’t answer those ques- We know that there is a huge cloud derstood what happened during Water- tions. Tomorrow we have Mr. Rosen- that sits right there. gate, and we thought surely there have stein before the Judiciary Committee. Well, this is outrageous. No firm in been enough things put in as checks to I hope he does give us answers. the private sector would ever allow prevent an administration from totally Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he that to go on. But here we have this— co-oping the Department of Justice. No may consume to the gentleman from it is like a drip, drip, drip from a fau- one President should be able to have an Florida (Mr. BIGGS), a fellow member of cet. Every day or two, here is another administration that is powerful enough the Judiciary Committee. conflict of interest that comes out. that it could be a self-sustaining party Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the Maybe Mr. Strzok, maybe Mr. Ohr, where all of the powers, whether it is gentleman from Florida (Mr. GAETZ) maybe Mr. Ohr’s wife, maybe Mr. the IRS that has people in key places for leading this Special Order tonight, Weissmann, maybe Mr. Zebley, maybe that prevent people from guilt giving, and I am grateful for his work on this Mr. COOPER, maybe Jeannie Rhee. It for example, proper tax status to oppo- very important issue. just goes on and on. nents of an administration so that they Mr. Speaker, I will tell you that I am You know what? This is ridiculous. stand a better chance of being defeated very appreciative of my colleagues who So I asked Director Wray: Look, you in running for a second election. also continue to work on this very im- have got the inspector general looking It happened in the Obama adminis- portant task, because this reminds me at the Hillary Clinton investigation tration. And to the great embarrass- of playing a basketball game where you right now and all these other investiga- ment or what should be embarrassment get there and there is a five-on-five tions. What will you do if he says there of the Obama administration, of the game, except for it is not really five- was irregularities in the Hillary Clin- IRS, and of the United States Congress, on-five because the other team has got ton investigation? nothing was done. It appears crimes the referees on their side, they have He said: I would try to ‘‘unring the were committed. Nothing was done. got the scorekeeper on their side, they bell.’’ We are just aghast. have got the statistics on their side, Think about that. He says he is will- How could this happen? they have got the person that runs the ing to unring the bell. I asked him Surely the DOJ would jump into the clock on their side. what he meant. So he talked about per- IRS and correct this and stop this so That is really what has happened sonnel decisions. Maybe someone needs that the IRS could not be weaponized here. We know that is what has hap- to be let go, disciplined, retrained, as a political tool. I mean, Nixon may pened here because of the conflict of whatever. Maybe they will come up have dreamed of that at some point, interest and bias that has taken over with a process to vet conflicts of inter- but we are not aware of it. and controls the Robert Mueller special est and bias investigations. I mean, it is just hard to believe that investigations team. That is a team But I pressed him a little bit harder. anybody would anticipate using the that is biased. He has got conflict of in- I asked him: When you get to unring powers of government in such a fla- terest. Nobody is going to get a fair the bell, if you have irregularities in grant form as we are finding out al- shake from that team. the Hillary Clinton investigation, will most every day now. New allegations, Why is that? you commit to reopen the investiga- not just—not allegations; new facts Well, let’s just think about this. A tion? show that corruption and political ani- couple of weeks ago, we had the FBI— Now, he didn’t commit, but he indi- mus and anything but justice was excuse me—Attorney General Jeff Ses- cated very strongly he would reopen being conducted for a number of years sions come in. He is a great guy. I that Hillary Clinton investigation. in the Department of Justice. asked him specifically: Do you have That is what needs to happen now. any procedure to vet conflict of inter- We know that there were irregular- You know, as an assistant district at- est or bias on Mueller’s special team or ities. We know that that is what the in- torney in east Texas, as a judge getting in the Department of Justice? spector general is going to find. And I to know and hearing so many different He said: No, we don’t. We don’t have tell you this: We have got to stop mak- Federal agents testify, most people felt that. ing this administration play a stacked like, gosh, if the FBI comes in, these He doesn’t have a question there. He team when the other team has nothing are the guys in the white hats. But doesn’t have a process. He says: It is up but biased and conflicted investigators much of America has seen what can to each individual to determine if they who control the clock, who control the only be styled as real corruption that have got that conflict of interest or score, who control the statistics, who has turned those white hats into a bias. control the referees. That is what you stinking brown for some of the top peo- Well, we had Director Wray in last have going on here, and it must stop, ple. week. I asked him the same question. and it must stop now. We heard Christopher Wray, the FBI He said basically the same thing: No, With that in mind, if Attorney Gen- Director, saying: You know, I think of we don’t have a process. eral Sessions, if Director Wray, and if the FBI and I think about these thou- Mueller doesn’t have a process. In Mr. Rosenstein do not provide the in- sands of great Federal agents across fact, it is as if the process is you need formation Congress has asked, they the country who care about their coun- to have a conflict or bias in order to should be held in contempt. try and protecting people’s lives and get on Mueller’s special counsel team. Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the protecting the law. That is what this is stacked up to be. gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS) Well, yeah, I think about that, too, Well, that is where we are today. And for his leadership on the Judiciary until my mind comes back here to tomorrow, when Deputy Rosenstein Committee. He is absolutely right. We Washington, and not just a swamp, but comes in, I am looking forward to ask- have to get answers to these questions. areas that have become a cesspool. It is ing him the same questions because And if we don’t, then Congress can unbelievable to think—I mean, I saw there is conflict and there is bias. My never have confidence in the outcome ‘‘All the President’s Men’’ the other colleagues have all iterated that to- of any investigation. And if we can’t night about Watergate and Deep night. It just happens over and over have confidence, then our constituents, Throat. And as I watched, oh, my gosh, and over again. To get on that team, the American people, certainly can’t you mean somebody in the White you have to have a conflict or bias. either. House may have had contact with Well, so what else is important? Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he somebody that may have had funds What else has come out of these hear- may consume to the gentleman from that could be used? ings? Texas (Mr. GOHMERT), another member I mean, you look at what is coming Well, I tell you what else has come of the Judiciary Committee. out in the news every day and it makes out. I said to Director Wray: Look, we Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I do ap- that look like Keystone Cops—nothing know there is a problem here. Attorney preciate the concerns of my friends compared to the extent that this ad- General Sessions told us that the re- here in Congress because this is just in- ministration used the Justice Depart- sponsibility of the person involved is to credible. ment.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.097 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE December 12, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9835 And going back to the IRS, what did that the person who risked his life and turned from, what Christopher Rosenstein or all these other great Jus- couldn’t disclose what was going on. Wray says, an F that stood for ‘‘fidel- tice Department officials do for us in Sounds like somebody, to me, at the ity’’ to, now, an I that stands for ‘‘infi- cleaning up the mess at the IRS? FBI and the Justice Department had a delity.’’ Nothing, nothing, nothing. pretty dirty conscience and they didn’t Let’s get back to fidelity in the Jus- What did and Loretta want to be outed. And at every turn: tice Department. Let’s get back to an Lynch do to clean things up? Oh, well, that was sealed. Oh, well, incorruptible Justice Department. I am Well, they just kept dumping more that is a nondisclosure agreement. Oh, hoping and praying we are heading and more dirt in that washing ma- you can’t have access to that. that direction, but I am just not seeing chine. The FBI and the Justice Department it yet. Just when you thought it couldn’t and people that we have been ques- Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, I thank the get any worse, then you find that a re- tioning have really kind of gotten gentleman from Texas. His perspective porter sees the husband of someone themselves in a position where they as a former prosecutor and former being investigated in a clandestine are above the law. They are above Con- judge certainly sheds a tremendous meeting, in an area they thought no- gress. And in this country, the branch amount of light on the stark days that body would notice. that the Founders thought would have we found ourselves in with this biased And what do they want to do at the the least control ever—that was the ju- effort against the President of the Justice Department? diciary; they are small; they don’t real- United States. We find out they want to go after ly have any power—they are legislating I would also like to thank the gen- that reporter. They want to go after and running the executive branch from tleman from Ohio (Mr. JORDAN), the that reporter because this reporter ac- under their robes. gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. tually was reporting some things that At the same time, you have got the PERRY), the gentleman from Georgia might help get some things cleaned up. executive branch and the Department (Mr. JODY B. HICE), and the gentleman They say: We don’t want things of Justice that has become a new play- from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS) for their con- cleaned up. We want to keep our little ground for people who want to write tributions not only to this Special cesspool tight and friendly, where we like Kafka, ginning up charges, knock- Order, but to this critical discussion we know all the players and all the swamp ing down doors in the wee hours of the are having in the country. rats. morning: Oh, were they a threat? I will conclude with this, Mr. Speak- We have got to have a massive clean Well, no, not really, but we just need er. Tomorrow, the Deputy Attorney out of what has been happening, but it to intimidate them. It is what we do in General will raise his right hand and is not happening. the Justice Department nowadays. We swear to be truthful before the Judici- are the Department of intimidation. ary Committee, and we will ask these b 1800 I am telling you, Mr. Speaker, there tough questions about coordination Then we find out, gee, there was this has got to be a material change. There with Democrats and the DNC and, po- investigation regarding Russia trying has got to be. There are too many peo- tentially, the FBI to gin up this false to violate the law, pay bribes, pay pay- ple currently in the Justice Depart- information about the President. offs, anything they could do to corner ment and the top of the FBI—not these We will ask why a senior official at the market on uranium and get United fine young agents across the country the Department of Justice had a spouse States uranium in their own control. who have given everything they had, who was working for the company that And, gee, who ends up having their fin- even though Mueller removed their was trying to discredit our President gerprints on that? A guy named Rosen- ability to have wise counsel because he both before and after the election. And stein. got rid of the long-toothed people that I hope he doesn’t give the same an- In fact, then you see one of the peo- had the experience and the wisdom to swers that we heard from the Director ple involved in the investigation of cor- know how to bring these agents along. of the FBI, Mr. Wray. ruption and uranium and payoffs, well, He purged the training materials so Mr. Wray said in response to almost there is ’s name. Now, FBI agents could not know how to dis- all these questions: Well, we have got he has an assistant sign for him asking cern if somebody had been radicalized. an inspector general. Inspector gen- the judge to seal the records so we There is just so much, that almost erals sniff around all these things, and can’t know exactly what all was done needs to start from scratch; and we are if there is something wrong, we will by the FBI. having to deal with the players like make reforms after we hear back. It is kind of like we find out there is Rosenstein who have been in that sys- The time is now. The danger to our someone, the undercover agent that tem as they were part of the process country is clear and present if we allow the FBI was using, that the Justice De- while it was corroding and, really, in- our duly-elected President to be under- partment was using, and they get an fecting. mined by these unfair and biased tac- agreement, a nondisclosure agreement. I thank my friends for caring enough tics. So I am hopeful that we will move I mean, the only reason I can think of about what is going on to stand up and past the jargon and just give straight they would want a nondisclosure agree- raise Cain. But, like I said, you know, answers to the American people to ment at the FBI is so that the inform- just when you think, well, that has got these very legitimate questions that so ant wouldn’t turn around and talk to be the final shoe dropping, then we many of our constituents are asking. about how dirty they have been. I have this story that the wife of the de- We should also remember that the in- mean, why would they get a nondisclo- moted DOJ official actually worked for spector general process is far from per- sure agreement? the firm that put together, was behind, fect. We heard from an inspector gen- I might expect the guy who was the the anti-Trump dossier that we believe eral, Mr. McCullough, who said that, informant demanding a nondisclosure may very likely have been used in when he brought forward claims, he agreement from the FBI and from the order to surveil the Trump campaign, was threatened, his family was threat- Justice Department: You can’t talk in order to use the DOJ, working in ened, his job was threatened, his agen- about what all I did; you can’t talk collusion with not only Russia, but cy was threatened, and that he did not about the things I did because the peo- also the Hillary Clinton campaign, in have an opportunity to tell the Amer- ple I was working undercover for you order to elect a candidate who had no ican people the truth. on, they might try to kill me, so I de- chance otherwise. Mr. Speaker, the American people de- mand a nondisclosure agreement from Well, a funny thing happened on the serve the truth. The truth is that there the Justice Department, from the FBI, way to using the DOJ and Fusion GPS was no collusion between the Trump so you won’t disclose things that will and the Russians in order to get Hil- campaign and Russia. If there was any get me killed. lary Clinton elected—she didn’t get collusion, it was the Democrats, it was But, no, that is not what happened. elected. But that certainly doesn’t owe the DNC, and it was this nexus between Under the Obama administration, Lo- anything to Nellie Ohr or Bruce Ohr or Mr. Ohr and his spouse working for the retta Lynch ‘‘Injustice Department,’’ these people who have been occupying very people who were engaged in these we have a nondisclosure agreement the Department of Justice as it tainted devious tactics.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.098 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE H9836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 12, 2017 We deserve better, and we are going ward and penalties have been assessed what our Republican colleagues are to be demanding better tomorrow in and people have pleaded guilty. doing. They are taking that value and the Judiciary Committee. All of that is the fact, and it is point- turning it upside down. Instead of Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ing closer and closer to the White doing more for those who have little, of my time. House; and, therefore, I understand, they are doing much for those who al- f gentlemen, I understand why you are ready control the greatest amount of so upset. I suppose if I were somehow wealth ever in the handful of a few peo- WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE IN to stand here and be an advocate for ple since the 1400s, when the Spanish CONGRESS? the President, I might be upset, too, Empire was ripping off the Western The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under because the net is drawing tighter, be- Hemisphere. That is what is happening. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- cause information is coming clearer. Of all of this money, the top 1 per- uary 3, 2017, the gentleman from Cali- So come to the floor, do what you cent and America’s biggest corpora- fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI) is recognized can, do what you can to undermine the tions are gaining, and the rest of Amer- for 60 minutes as the designee of the investigation; do what you can, icans, over the next 5 to 7 years, are minority leader. through your falsehoods, through your going to pay for that. We have to stop Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, one incorrect interpretations of plain facts, this tax cut. We have to stop it because of the tasks of having the second Spe- to undermine the integrity of an inves- it is terrible public policy. cial Order Hour is to find myself sit- tigation. I understand why you would American corporations don’t need ting here in this Chamber listening to be intent upon doing so. more money. It was reported today the most absurd, ridiculous conversa- But the purpose of this evening isn’t that Apple—the world’s largest, most tion that I think I have ever heard any- that. It is something that will affect valuable corporation, Apple, in my where. My esteemed colleagues were America for the next two decades, at State of California—is sitting on $2.5 here for the last hour in a different least. The purpose of this hour is to trillion of cash today in the United world, in a completely different uni- talk to the American people about States, and another $2.5 trillion of cash verse, not of this world, but a different what is happening here while these outside the United States, and they universe, And I am thinking: What in foolish floor discussions are going on. want their tax rate reduced. They are the world are they saying? What is happening here in Congress almost paying nothing now because By my recollection, every one of our at this moment, this week, is one of they are able to escape American intelligence agencies said that Russia the biggest transfers of wealth ever in taxes. was involved in the campaign and de- America’s history; the transfer of They say: Lower the corporate tax veloping information that was sup- wealth from the working men and rate so that there will be investment in porting the current President. I am women of America, from the poor, from America. thinking: I think that is what I heard the elderly, to the superwealthy of It ain’t so. In the last 20 years, there over the last 9, 10, almost 14 months America. has been a cataclysmic change in the now. And yet my colleagues are up What is happening here in Congress way in which corporations use their here and in a different world. now, in a conference committee, is the profits. I will tell you what it is all about. drafting of legislation, tax legislation, In the 1970s, 50, 60 percent of the This wasn’t the subject matter that I that will dramatically affect the Amer- after-tax profits of corporations went was going to talk to tonight, but it was ican economy for decades. into building their business, building really about another scam, another b 1815 new equipment, new manufacturing scheme that is being perpetrated. This plants, adding employees, increasing is all about, this last hour’s discussion Transferring wealth, benefits that wages. The remaining 40 percent or so was all about somehow turning the the elderly receive in Medicare, trans- went to dividends. table so that Special Counsel Mueller ferring benefits that the poor receive in Where are we today? is demeaned, his work is somehow not food stamps, in Meals on Wheels, in Less than 10 percent goes to increas- authentic so that the investigation Medicare, Medicaid, children’s health ing a company’s manufacturing, the that is coming closer and closer to the programs; transferring those necessary company’s employment, wages for Oval Office is discredited, setting the benefits that these men and women workers. stage for what may very, very well be need to survive, to be able to live; Where does the rest of it go? an extremely important task that this transferring those benefits to the It goes to stock buybacks and to divi- House has. superwealthy in a tax proposal that dends. It goes to the shareholders. As that investigation continues, we gives to the largest American corpora- And who are the shareholders? will hear even more shrill discussions tions and to the top 1 percent, over $5 The top 1 percent. from the President’s supporters tearing trillion over the next decade, that is This is the scam of all times. They down that investigation, undermining what is happening. say we have got to reduce the taxes on the integrity of it, so that when that Here is a fact: American corporations corporations so that they will employ task comes to the House of Representa- that have already seen their share of more Americans. If only they would. If tives in an impeachment resolution, burden to finance this government, to only they would. they will simply say: Well, his entire educate the Americans, to keep our I am sure you have heard of AT&T. investigation is discredited and, there- military, to deal with national secu- Do you know what the effective tax fore, we are not going to proceed. rity, they have seen their share of the rate of AT&T is? The American public isn’t buying it, Federal revenues drop from some 20 Not 35 percent, not 30 percent, not gentlemen. The American public is not percent—actually, 30 percent in 1939, 15 even 20 percent, as this tax bill would blind. They are not deaf. They are lis- percent in 1960, down to somewhere in set as the maximum rate of corpora- tening, and they are understanding the 5 to 10 percent range. At the same tions. The effective tax rate for the that an honest investigation is under- time, the burden is shifted to the mid- last 10 years for AT&T has been 8 per- way, based upon what our intelligence dle class. That is what is happening. cent. Eight percent. agencies discovered, based upon the Here is what should be happening. And during that time, did they use fact—the fact—that the Russians did Here is the way we ought to look at it. that after-tax profit to add employees, hack the DNC and did hack the chair- On The Mall here in Washington, we to increase wages? man of the Hillary Clinton campaign have the FDR Memorial. Etched in the No. They laid off 80,000 American and then weaponized those emails that marble is this: ‘‘The test of our workers. were stolen. That is a fact, gentlemen, progress is not whether we add more to What did they use that money for? and you cannot wash away that fact. the abundance of those who have much; Stock buybacks, corporate execu- And from there, we now have a spe- it is whether we provide enough for tives, $124 million to the CEO just 2 cial prosecutor, a special counsel in those who have little.’’ years ago. place who is carrying on an investiga- I presented this upside down almost I could go on and on, but I would like tion, and indictments have come for- on purpose because that is precisely to bring to this debate Mr. CICILLINE,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:22 Dec 13, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12DE7.100 H12DEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with HOUSE