Robert Mueller, Special Council for Investigating Allegation of Russian Interference, Is Stacking His Team with Democrat Donors and Obama Lawyers

Former FBI Director, , was appointed by Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein to head an investigation into allegations of Russian interference in US elections. Despite the fact that Rosenstein is a Trump appointee, Mueller is stacking his Special Counsel team with Democrat donors and Obama lawyers. These include Jeannie Rhee, who served for two years under former AG, Eric Holderm. She was a lawyer for the who helped block an attempt to compel Bill and to testify under oath about the Foundation’s operations. [Trump will be betrayed once again.] –GEG Jeannie Rhee served for two years under .

According to Wilmer Hale, Jeannie Rhee served for two years, up to 2011, as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel for the US Department of Justice, where she advised the Attorney General, the White House and senior agency officials on constitutional, statutory and regulatory issues. Lifezette has more on Mueller’s partisan picks:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich sparked a mini-meltdown in the media Monday with a tweet challenging the fairness of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Gingrich, who also appeared on “The Laura Ingraham Show,” pointed to the early hires special counsel Robert Mueller has made.

“Republicans are delusional if they think the special counsel is going to be fair,” he tweeted. “Look who he is hiring.check fec [sic] reports. Time to rethink.”

He’s not wrong about the donations. Four top lawyers hired by Mueller have contributed tens of thousands of dollars over the years to the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates, including former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

One of the hires, Jeannie Rhee, also worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation and helped persuade a federal judge to block a conservative activist’s attempts to force Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath about operations of the family-run charity.

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