Abdo, Muhammad, 212 Abdulatipov, R. G., 276 Abkhases, 159 Abkhazia
Index Abdo, Muhammad, 212 akrinlap (gradualism), 188, 189 Abdulatipov, R. G., 276 Alash Orda Party, 264 Abkhases, 159 Albulak, xi Abkhazia, 89, 103, 142, 149, 271 Aldar, 234 abstract homo sovieticus, 16 Aleksii, Patriarch II, 118 Academy of Sciences, Bashkortostan, Alexander II, 212 239, 240 Algeria, 114, 115, 155 Adigamov, A., 235 Ali, M. Imtiaz, xiii Afghan-Tajik border, 77 Ali, Syed Abid, xiii Afghan-Turkmen border, 78 Aliev, Azerbaijan’s President and Afghani Dzhemeletdin, Jamal-ud-Din, former Soviet Politburo member, 212 Haidar, 46, 50 Afghani, Jamal ud-Din, 19, 211 All-Bashkirian Congress, 274 Afghanistan, 12, 14, 17, 30, 36, 43, All-Russia Central Executive 44, 49, 54, 57, 59, 62, 67, 71–5, Committee, 282 77–8, 87, 89, 101, 114–16, 123, All-Russia Muslim Movement, 119 132, 141–2, 145, 156, 164 All-Russia referendum of April 1993, Afghan opposition leaders, 146 230 Afghanis, 211–12 All-Russian Congress of the relations between Russia, Organisations of the Peoples of Kazakhstan and the republics the East, 172 of Central Asia, withdrawal of All-Union Central Executive Soviet troops, 145 Committee (ACEC), 253 Soviet invasion of, Russian strategy All-Union Islamic Renaissance Party in, 72, 73 (IRP), 120, 278 Tajik refugees in northern, 77 Almaty, 47, 55 Tajiks, 72, 73, 77 Al-Muktadir, Jafar, an Abbasid caliph, Uzbek rule in, ascension to power 169 of Tajiks or Uzbeks in, Islamic Alnas, 206 resistance fighters in, Afghan Amanullah, Amir, 75 currency for Rabbani’s American dream, 20, 221 government, Russia’s relations American Institute
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