Volume 116 REGINA, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2020/REGINA, vendredi 3 juillet 2020 No. 27/nº 27


PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOI (Fourth Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 28e Assemblée législativ(e)...... 1726 ACTS NOT YET IN FORCE/LOIS NON ENCORE EN VIGUEUR...... 1727 ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION (Fourth Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 28e Assemblée législativ(e)...... 1731 ACTS IN FORCE ON SPECIFIC EVENTS/ LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR À DES OCCURRENCES PARTICULIÈRES...... 1731 ACTS IN FORCE BY ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL/ LOIS EN VIGUEUR PAR DÉCRET DU LIEUTENANT-GOUVERNEUR EN CONSEIL...... 1732 ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2020)...... 1732 BOARD ORDERS/ORDONNANCES DE CONSEIL, COMMISSION, RÉGIE ...... 1733 The Assessment Management Agency Act...... 1733 MINISTERS’ ORDERS/ARRÊTÉS MINISTÉRIELS...... 1737 The Education Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation...... 1737 The Municipalities Act...... 1739 CORPORATE REGISTRY NOTICES/AVIS DU REGISTRE DES SOCIÉTÉS ...... 1741 The Business Corporations Act...... 1741 The Business Names Registration Act...... 1759 The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif...... 1768 PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS...... 1769 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997...... 1769 The Medical Profession Act, 1981...... 1770 The Municipalities Act...... 1770 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN/ASSEMBLÉE LÉGISLATIVE DE LA SASKATCHEWAN...... 1772 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS/AVIS AUX ANNONCEURS...... 1772/ 1773


F-8.001 Reg 50 The Livestock Set Aside Program Regulations ...... 565 SR 79/2020 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 24-102) Amendment Regulations, 2020...... 573 SR 80/2020 The Securities Commission (Local Instruments) (LI 11-501) Amendment Regulations, 2020...... 579 SR 81/2020 The Open Seasons Game Amendment Regulations, 2020 (No. 2)...... 580 1726 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

PROGRESS OF BILLS/RAPPORT SUR L’ÉTAT DES PROJETS DE LOI (Fourth Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 28e Assemblée législative) ______Government Bills/Projets de loi émanant du gouvernement Bill No./ No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétiqu(e) Entrée en vigueur 187 The Administration of Estates Amendment Act, 2019/ Loi modificative de 2019 sur l’administration des successions...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 201 The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Amendment Act, 2019/ Loi de 1997 sur la réglementation des boissons alcoolisées et des jeux de hasard...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 179 The Apiaries Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 197 The Automobile Accident Insurance Amendment Act, 2019...... Assent 189 The Coroners Amendment Act, 2020...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 203 The Financial Planners and Financial Advisors Act...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 183 The Fisheries (Saskatchewan) Act, 2019...... Assent 184 The Fisheries (Saskatchewan) Consequential Amendments Act, 2019/Loi de 2019 corrélative de la loi intitulée The Fisheries (Saskatchewan) Act, 2019...... Specific Event 210 The Income Tax Amendment Act, 2020...... Assent 204 The Jury Amendment Act, 2019/ Loi modificative de 2019 sur le jury...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 208 The Legislative Assembly (Emergency Period Quorum) Amendment Act, 2020/Loi modificative de 2020 sur l’Assemblée législative (quorum pour la période d’urgence)...... Assent/Specific Date 195 The Lobbyists Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 196 The Members’ Conflict of Interest Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 181 The Mineral Taxation (Modernization) Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 194 The Miscellaneous Municipal Statutes Amendment Act, 2019...... Assent/Order of Lieutenant Governor/ Specific Date 180 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Government Relations – Transfer of Gas, Electrical and Plumbing Functions) Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 199 The Opioid Damages and Health Care Costs Recovery Act...... Assent 212 The Police Amendment Act, 2020...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 211 The Provincial Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2020...... Assent THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1727

Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétiqu(e) Entrée en vigueur 209 The Saskatchewan Chemical Fertilizer Incentive Act...... Order of Lieutenant Governor 198 The Traffic Safety Amendment Act, 2019...... Order of Lieutenant Governor ______

Private Members’ Bills/Projets de loi émanant des députés Bill No./No du Name (listed Alphabetically)/ Coming into force/ projet de loi Nom (par ordre alphabétiqu(e) Entrée en vigueur 622 The Patient Choice Medical Imaging Repeal Act...... Assent 620 The Public Disclosure of Travel and Expenses of Government Officials Act, 2020...... Assent 619 The Public Interest Disclosure (Provincial Health Authority) Amendment Act, 2019...... Assent 618 The Saskatchewan Strategy for Suicide Prevention Act, 2019...... Assent 621 The Workers’ Compensation (COVID-19) Amendment Act...... Assent ______

ACTS NOT YET IN FORCE/LOIS NON ENCORE EN VIGUEUR Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Aboriginal Courtworkers Commission Act, S.S. 1995 Assented to May 18, 1995...... A-1.1 The Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019...... 2 The Business Corporations Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 Assented to March 16, 2020 ...... 1 The Cancer Agency Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016...... 12 The Children’s Law Act, 2020, S.S. 2020/Loi de 2020 sur le droit de l’enfance, L.S. 2020 Assented to March 16, 2020...... 2 The Consumer Protection and Business Practices Act, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, sections 114 to 116 and 118 to 119; subsections 121(2) and 122(3) to (5), (7) and (8) not yet proclaimed...... C-30.2 The Credit Union Act, 1998, S.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998, clauses 2(1)(v), subsection 9(2), clause 10(c), Parts VI and XXI, clauses 440(1)(o) to (s) and (hh), and subsection 440(2) not yet proclaimed...... C-45.2 The Credit Union Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clause 3(b) not yet proclaimed...... 8 The Data Matching Agreements Act, S.S. 2018 Assented to May 9, 2018...... D-1.3 The Enforcement of Judgments Conventions Act, S.S. 1998/Loi sur les conventions sur l’exécution de jugements, L.S. 1998 Assented to June 11, 1998...... E-9.13 The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012,/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1997 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2012. Assented to May 16, 2012, section 6 not yet proclaimed...... 13 1728 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Enforcement of Maintenance Orders Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020/ Loi modificative de 2020 sur l’exécution des ordonnances alimentaires, L.S. 2020 Assented to March 16, 2020...... 4 The Evidence Amendment Act, 2018, S.S. 2018/ Loi modificative de 2018 sur la preuve, L.S. 2018 Assented to May 9, 2018...... 11 The Film and Video Classification Amendment Act, 2006, S.S. 2006 Assented to May 19, 2006, sections 1 to 11 and 13 not yet proclaimed...... 20 The Health Information Protection Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 17(1), 18(2) and (4), and section 69 not yet proclaimed...... H‑0.021 The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, section 13 not yet proclaimed...... H-3.01 The Insurance Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015, clause (f) of the definition of “insurance agent” in subclause 1-2(1); subsection 5-79(2); sections 7-16 and 7-19; clauses 7-24(a) to (c); and subsections 8-55(6), 8-108(2) and 8-171(2) not yet proclaimed...... I-9.11 The International Protection of Adults (Hague Convention Implementation) Act, S.S. 2005/Loi de mise en oeuvre de la Convention de la Haye sur la protection internationale des adultes, L.S. 2005 Assented to May 27, 2005...... I-10.21 The Land Surveys Act, 2000, S.S. 2000 Assented to June 29, 2000, section 22 and Parts IV and VII not yet proclaimed...... L-4.1 The Land Titles Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 19 The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019, that portion of clause 3(1)(e) that adds new clauses 2(1)(g.3) and (g.4); clause 3(1)(f); subsection 3(3); section 15; that portion of clause 19(b) that adds new clause 31(h); that portion of section 20 that adds the words “limited licensees” to new subsection 32(2); and section 41 not yet proclaimed...... 7 The Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Act, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, clauses 2(a), (b), (g) to (i) (n), (o), (q), (t) (w) and (x); clauses 7(2)(i) to (l), (n), and (o); subsections 7(7) and (8); sections 10 to 16, 20, 22, 24 to 60 and 66; clause 75(4)(e); subsections 75(5) and (6); sections 77; clause 78(1)(b); subsection 78(11); and clauses 84(1)(b), (e), (g), (i), (j), (l), (s), (u) to (w) and (z) not yet proclaimed...... M-2.01 The Midwifery Act, S.S. 1999 Assented to May 6, 1999, subsections 7(2) to (5), sections 8 to 10 not yet proclaimed...... M-14.1 The Naturopathic Medicine Act, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015...... N-3.11 The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010, sections 4 to 8 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Power Corporation Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 25 The Prescription Drugs Amendment Act, 2002, S.S. 2002 Assented to June 20, 2002, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 22 The Provincial Court Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, section 5 not yet proclaimed...... 24 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1729

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Provincial Health Authority Act, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017, subsections 4-1(3), (4) and (5); 6-4(3) and (4); 8-1(2), (3) and (4); and that portion of subsection 11-15(4) that adds subsection 7.1(2) of The Mental Health Services Act not yet proclaimed...... P-30.3 The Provincial Lands Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, section 1-2 that adds the definition of “fund”, sections 3-4 to 3-9, and that portion of section 10-1 that repeals section 6 of The Ecological Reserves Act not yet proclaimed...... P-31.1 The Provincial Sales Tax Amendment Act, 2018, S.S. 2018 Assented to May 30, 2018, subsection 4(3) and clause 12(a) not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Public Guardian and Trustee Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 Assented to March 16, 2020...... 11 The Public Health Act, 1994, S.S. 1994 Assented to June 2, 1994, subsection 73(5) not yet proclaimed...... P-37.1 The Public Health Amendment Act, 2004, S.S. 2004 Assented to June 17, 2004, section 7 not yet proclaimed...... 46 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012/Loi de 2012 modifiant la Loi de 1998 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012...... 29 The Queen’s Bench Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016/Loi modificative de 2016 sur la Cour du Banc de la Reine, L.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, sections 4 and 9 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Residential Services Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019...... R-21.3 The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Amendment Act, 2010, S.S. 2010 Assented to May 20, 2010...... 30 The Saskatchewan Employment (Leaves) Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019, sections 11 and 12 not yet proclaimed...... 20 The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015 Assented to May 14, 2015, that portion of section 11 which enacts subsection 13(3) of The Saskatchewan Pension Plan Act and subsection 14(1) not yet proclaimed...... 20 The School Choice Protection Act, S.S. 2018/Loi sur la protection du choix d’école, L.S. 2018 Assented to May 30, 2018...... 39 The Securities Amendment Act, 2007, S.S. 2007 Assented to May 17, 2007, subsection 10(3), that portion of section 42 that repeals section 118 of The Securities Act, 1988 and section 58 not yet proclaimed...... 41 The Securities Amendment Act, 2008, S.S. 2008 Assented to December 3, 2008, sections 12 and 14 (that part of section 14 that repeals section 45 of The Securities Act, 1988), section 33 not yet proclaimed...... 35 The Securities Amendment Act, 2012, S.S. 2012 Assented to May 16, 2012, clauses 3(e), (g) and (h), sections 7, 12 to 15, 22 and 31, not yet proclaimed...... 32 1730 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Securities Amendment Act, 2013, S.S. 2013 Assented to May 15, 2013, clause 46(a) and section 48 not yet proclaimed...... 33 The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2015, S.S. 2015, (Assented to May 14, 2015) Specific Event: subsection 64(3) and Schedule 3 come into force on the coming into force of Part XXI of The Credit Union Act, 1998...... 21 The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2016, S.S. 2016 Assented to November 30, 2016, sections 1 to 2, 4 to 7 and 11 to 12 not yet proclaimed...... 30 The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 Assented to May 17, 2017, sections 1 to 3 and 5 not yet proclaimed...... 26 The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2017, S.S. 2017 (Assented to May 17, 2017) Specific Event: section 4 comes into force on the day on which sections 5 and 11 of The Summary Offences Procedure Amendment Act, 2016 come into force...... 26 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 (Assented to December 4, 2019), that portion of section 7 that enacts section 5.2; in subsection 17(1) the words “5.2,”; and that portion of clause 21(b) that enacts clause 30(c.12) not yet in force...... 32 The Trespass to Property Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019...... 26 The Trespass to Property Consequential Amendments Act, 2019, S.S. 2019/ Loi de 2019 corrélative de la loi intitulée The Trespass to Property Amendment Act, 2019, L.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019...... 27 The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997, S.S. 1997 Assented to May 21, 1997, clause 44(a) and section 57 not yet proclaimed...... T-22.2 The Victims of Crime Amendment Act, 2011, S.S. 2011/ Loi de 2011 modifiant la Loi de 1995 sur les victimes d’actes criminels L.S. 2011 Assented to May 18, 2011...... 21 The Workers’ Compensation Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 Assented to May 15, 2019, section 4 not yet proclaimed...... 28 Note: This table is for convenience of reference and is not comprehensive; it is meant to be used in conjunction with the Legislative Table of Public Statutes published by Publications Saskatchewan. Please refer to the Separate Chapters and the Tables for any additional information regarding Proclamation dates and Coming into Force dates for the Statutes listed above./Le présent tableau a pour but de faciliter la référence et n’est pas complet; il est utilisé en conjonction avec le Tableau des lois de la Saskatchewan (Legislative Table of Public Statutes) publié par Publications Saskatchewan. Veuillez vous référer aux chapitres tirés à part et au Tableau pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements relatifs aux dates de proclamation et d’entrée en vigueur des lois susmentionnées. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1731

ACTS IN FORCE ON ASSENT/LOIS ENTRANT EN VIGUEUR SUR SANCTION (Fourth Session, Twenty-Eighth Legislative Assembly/Quatrième session, 28e Assemblée législative) ______

Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Expropriation Procedure Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 190...... 5 The Legal Profession (Law Foundation) Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 192...... 7 The Legislative Assembly (Protective Services) Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019/Loi modificative de 2019 sur l’Assemblée législative (services de protection), L.S. 2019 (Assented to December 4, 2019)...... 185...... 30 The Marriage Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020/Loi modificative de 2020 sur le mariage, L.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 175...... 8 The Miscellaneous Statutes (Electronic Register) Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 177...... 9 The Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 178...... 10 The Provincial Emblems and Honours Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 (Assented to December 4, 2019)...... 186...... 31 The Saskatchewan Employment (Public Health Emergencies) Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 17, 2020, retroactive on and from March 6, 2020)...... 207...... 14 The Statute Law Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020)...... 193...... 13 ______


Title/ Chapter/ Titre: Chapitre: The Children’s Law Consequential Amendments Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020) Specific Event: comes into force on the day on which section 1 of The Children’s Law Act, 2020 comes into force...... 3 1732 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

ACTS IN FORCE BY ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL/LOIS EN VIGUEUR PAR DÉCRET DU LIEUTENANT-GOUVERNEUR EN CONSEIL (2020) Title/ Bill/ Chapter/ Titre: Projet de loi: Chapitre: The Election Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 (Assented to December 4, 2019), in force January 31, 2020...... 202...... 29 The Fiduciaries Access to Digital Information Act/ Loi sur l’accès des fiduciaux à l’information numérique (Assented to March 16, 2020), in force June 29, 2020...... 176...... 6 The Saskatchewan Employment Amendment Act, 2020, S.S. 2020 (Assented to March 16, 2020), in force March 27, 2020...... 200...... 12 The Tobacco Control Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019 (Assented to December 4, 2019), sections 1 to 6; section 7, except that portion which enacts section 5.2; sections 8 to 16; subsection 17(1) except the words “5.2,”; subsection 17(2); sections 18 to 20; section 21, except that portion of clause 21(b) that enacts clause 30(c.12); and sections 22 to 24 in force February 1, 2020 ...... 182...... 32 *Note: An order appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print/Un décret qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. ______

ACTS PROCLAIMED/LOIS PROCLAMÉES (2020) ______The Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.A-22.3. Proclaimed in force May 11, 2020. The Insurance Act, S.S. 2015, c.I-9.11. Section 1-1; section 1-2, including clauses (a) to (e) and (g) to (j) of the definition of “insurance agent”; sections 1-3 to 5-78; subsections 5-79(1) and (3); sections 5-80 to 7-15; section 7-17 and 7-18; sections 7-20 to 7-23; clause 7-24(d); sections 7-25 to 8-54; subsections 8-55(1) to (5); sections 8-56 to 8-107; subsection 8-108(1); sections 8-109 to 8-170; subsection 8-171(1); and sections 8-172 to 11-15 proclaimed in force January 1, 2020. The Interpersonal Violence Disclosure Protocol (Clare’s Law) Act, S.S. 2019, c.I-10.4. Proclaimed in force June 29, 2020. The Irrigation Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c. I-14.2. Proclaimed in force March 20, 2020. The Legal Profession Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.7. Clauses 3(1)(a) to (d) and that portion of clause 3(1)(e) that adds new clause (g.2); clause 3(1)(g); subsection 3(2); sections 4 to 14 and 16 to 18; that portion of clause 19(b) that adds new clauses 31(g) and (i); the portion of section 20 that does not include the words “limited licensees”; sections 21 to 40 and 42 to 44 proclaimed in force January 1, 2020. The Miscellaneous Statutes (Family Dispute Resolution) Amendment Act, 2018, S.S. 2018, c.18/Loi modificative diverse (résolution des conflits familiaux) de 2018, L.S. 2018, ch. 18. Clause 2(2)(b), the definition of “family mediator”; that portion of subsection 2(3) that enacts section 10 of The Children’s Law Act, 1997; subsection 2(5); in subsection 3(2), the definition of “family mediator”; that portion of subsection 3(3) that enacts section 15 of The Family Maintenance Act, 1997; and section 5 proclaimed in force January 1, 2020. The Oil and Gas Conservation Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.14. Section 24 proclaimed in force February 12, 2020. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1733

The Personal Property Security Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.15. Proclaimed in force June 22, 2020. The Pipelines Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.16. Proclaimed in force January 20, 2020. The Real Estate Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.19. Proclaimed in force May 20, 2020. The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency Act, S.S. 2019, c.S-32.4. Subsection 8-3(10) proclaimed in force January 1, 2020. The Securities Amendment Act, 2019, S.S. 2019, c.23. Sections 3 to 5; section 8; and clause 21(b) proclaimed in force February 1, 2020. *Note: A proclamation appearing in this list for the first time is indicated in bold print/Une loi proclamée qui figure pour la première fois dans cette liste apparaît en caractères gras. ______

BOARD ORDERS/ORDONNANCES DES CONSEIL, COMMISSION, RÉGIE ______The Assessment Management Agency Act [clause 12(1)(p)] ______

CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS (2019) This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2019 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2019 assessment return. SCHEDULE 1 Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, on June 29,List 2020. of 2018 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on April 08, 2020 Initial Confirmations Myron Knafelc,

TotalChair. Assessment Northern Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value AssessedIrwin Value Assessed Blank, Value N.V. OF SANDY BAY 14,159,600 0 0 7,081,440 122,880 0 5,154,200 0 0 5,838,960 Board 6,519,560 Secretary. 12,358,520 ______

SCHEDULE 1 List of 2019 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020 Initial Confirmations

Total Assessment Villages Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value VILLAGE OF AYLESBURY 2,556,400 8,325 75,735 1,399,840 0 0 480,600 151,300 18,500 374,900 1,759,400 2,134,300

Total Assessment Northern Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value N. TOWN OF 364,469,700 0 0 134,996,800 29,387,520 0 158,989,300 0 0 105,569,380 217,804,240 323,373,620 N.V. OF PELICAN NARROWS 6,602,400 0 0 3,370,080 0 0 2,389,800 0 0 4,100,980 1,658,900 5,759,880

Total Assessment Rural Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value RM OF MORRIS No. 312 220,277,800 6,068,385 94,241,950 11,871,760 0 0 4,329,900 0 16,273,900 6,662,545 126,123,350 132,785,895

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value.

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value. 1734 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS (2020) This is an Order pursuant to clause 12(1)(p) of The Assessment Management Agency Act confirming the 2020 assessment roll for each municipality listed in Schedule 1, as at the date of each municipality’s 2020 assessment return. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, on June 29, 2020.

Myron Knafelc, Chair.

Irwin Blank, SCHEDULE 1 Board Secretary. ______List of 2018 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on April 08, 2020 Initial Confirmations

Total Assessment Northern Municipalities Total Assessment SCHEDULE 1 Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other List Multi-Unitof 2020 AssessmentSeasonal RollsCommercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020 N.V. OF SANDY BAY 14,159,600 0 0 7,081,440 122,880 0 5,154,200 0 0 5,838,960 6,519,560 12,358,520 Initial Confirmations

Total Assessment Towns Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value TOWN OF ALAMEDA 45,949,400 90 242,660 28,642,800 945,280 0 6,966,400 893,400 163,900 4,718,035 33,136,495 37,854,530 TOWN OF ARCOLA 98,363,600 5,715 257,235 50,120,400 1,277,680 0 33,635,600 0 0 16,649,380 68,647,250 85,296,630 TOWN OF ASQUITH 60,369,500 2,160 236,280 42,338,000 555,760 0 6,114,100 0 203,800 5,092,300 44,357,800 49,450,100 TOWN OF BALCARRES 50,530,800 0 147,400 26,127,520 1,323,360 0 15,863,700 0 85,500 13,940,180 29,607,300 43,547,480 TOWN OF 275,280,300 13,275 521,675 181,728,240 1,699,680 0 44,277,300 0 740,100 38,982,080 189,998,190 228,980,270 TOWN OF BROADVIEW 45,199,700 14,625 58,850 21,127,280 0 0 18,022,100 0 629,000 16,201,260 23,650,595 39,851,855 TOWN OF BRUNO 41,071,700 0 0 27,117,920 908,160 0 5,877,700 0 161,400 3,576,620 30,488,560 34,065,180 TOWN OF BURSTALL 21,030,000 0 56,375 11,484,640 0 0 6,559,500 0 12,200 5,161,080 12,951,635 18,112,715 TOWN OF CABRI 33,489,100 0 125,235 14,271,200 251,520 0 15,065,300 26,400 16,300 10,690,560 19,065,395 29,755,955 TOWN OF CANORA 149,502,800 90 1,881,385 87,613,840 4,841,360 0 29,714,500 233,500 564,900 24,719,540 100,130,035 124,849,575 TOWN OF 21,804,500 0 130,295 12,830,480 0 0 5,513,200 0 16,300 3,548,640 14,941,635 18,490,275 TOWN OF DELISLE 128,851,550 0 242,605 80,687,040 1,905,840 0 23,726,100 1,544,700 165,100 17,335,825 90,935,560 108,271,385 TOWN OF FRANCIS 18,487,500 0 123,200 12,377,680 304,480 0 2,354,300 0 56,500 2,635,760 12,580,400 15,216,160 TOWN OF HAGUE 103,582,100 0 27,610 62,852,480 3,983,680 0 19,976,100 0 10,600 10,643,560 76,206,910 86,850,470 TOWN OF 134,446,600 18,855 433,565 51,679,120 5,497,600 0 55,844,200 6,049,600 251,700 42,691,980 77,082,660 119,774,640 TOWN OF KYLE 36,662,900 0 0 16,129,280 1,394,480 0 14,664,500 84,300 9,400 10,480,920 21,801,040 32,281,960 TOWN OF 103,842,000 0 150,700 58,017,600 1,299,120 0 29,254,200 139,200 28,700 15,546,015 73,343,505 88,889,520 TOWN OF LUMSDEN 339,798,500 0 690,525 210,653,280 18,516,960 8,240 51,902,000 0 167,900 41,327,785 240,611,120 281,938,905 TOWN OF MARSHALL 53,916,100 0 74,140 36,038,240 1,464,000 0 6,680,400 0 223,100 4,910,820 39,569,060 44,479,880 TOWN OF 77,920,300 0 182,545 39,691,120 2,551,760 0 24,180,200 0 604,600 17,694,500 49,515,725 67,210,225 TOWN OF MILESTONE 73,510,300 0 0 49,124,880 1,066,560 0 9,408,300 823,300 539,400 6,256,880 54,705,560 60,962,440 TOWN OF NORQUAY 28,570,700 0 68,200 14,146,800 689,840 0 9,881,400 0 19,500 8,106,890 16,698,850 24,805,740 TOWN OF OSLER 144,378,900 0 109,065 91,787,760 7,033,120 0 20,644,700 0 9,800 15,401,460 104,182,985 119,584,445 TOWN OF OUTLOOK 234,095,000 19,755 587,565 143,481,040 8,698,880 300,080 42,382,800 0 0 35,048,925 160,421,195 195,470,120 TOWN OF PILOT BUTTE 428,785,800 364,545 0 285,564,160 26,826,160 0 36,865,000 0 622,800 21,352,625 328,890,040 350,242,665 TOWN OF 67,987,300 0 434,225 35,465,520 1,329,920 0 21,203,500 0 0 18,515,060 39,918,105 58,433,165 TOWN OF ROSE VALLEY 17,108,600 0 61,105 5,457,120 0 0 10,162,100 0 14,000 9,300,160 6,394,165 15,694,325 TOWN OF SPRINGSIDE 37,859,900 0 6,875 24,846,160 451,600 0 5,947,800 16,100 261,300 5,180,835 26,349,000 31,529,835 TOWN OF STURGIS 39,299,600 47,115 44,880 22,664,400 440,240 0 9,956,500 0 276,000 9,639,250 23,789,885 33,429,135 TOWN OF 70,917,600 0 431,420 42,320,960 2,570,080 0 14,000,300 0 19,100 11,445,660 47,896,200 59,341,860 TOWN OF WALDHEIM 121,191,600 0 41,580 77,942,240 4,891,200 0 17,568,800 0 5,400 15,745,300 84,703,920 100,449,220 TOWN OF WATROUS 245,476,300 0 1,165,230 132,756,640 11,270,320 0 61,798,300 463,200 1,062,500 39,195,169 169,321,021 208,516,190 TOWN OF WILKIE 95,244,000 23,760 944,075 54,065,600 1,978,320 0 18,217,100 3,359,400 1,302,600 13,099,285 66,791,570 79,890,855

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value.

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1735

SCHEDULE 1 List of 2020 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020

Total Assessment Villages Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value VILLAGE OF ABBEY 4,421,600 0 38,665 2,058,320 0 0 1,765,700 0 12,700 1,423,940 2,451,445 3,875,385 VILLAGE OF BRODERICK 2,823,200 9,045 69,190 1,930,480 0 0 245,100 0 19,100 90,380 2,182,535 2,272,915 VILLAGE OF BROWNLEE 2,984,500 2,565 294,525 1,335,600 0 0 763,500 0 10,300 62,855 2,343,635 2,406,490 VILLAGE OF 13,740,900 9,045 158,125 8,791,440 0 0 2,136,400 0 202,500 1,443,640 9,853,870 11,297,510 VILLAGE OF CEYLON 7,048,600 0 12,815 2,905,920 124,480 0 2,803,500 421,000 12,800 2,564,720 3,715,795 6,280,515 VILLAGE OF CLIMAX 8,748,920 0 69,768 5,472,645 0 0 1,679,615 89,150 12,500 1,808,615 5,515,063 7,323,678 VILLAGE OF CONSUL 6,777,200 0 75,845 1,155,760 0 0 5,183,600 0 11,000 3,988,520 2,437,685 6,426,205 VILLAGE OF DEBDEN 26,949,200 0 192,060 11,067,840 287,920 0 12,398,200 0 7,100 8,946,260 15,006,860 23,953,120 VILLAGE OF DENZIL 6,806,500 0 64,185 3,901,440 0 0 1,802,700 0 10,300 1,080,960 4,697,665 5,778,625 VILLAGE OF DODSLAND 19,115,700 7,650 318,395 9,163,120 296,800 0 3,302,500 284,900 3,107,500 1,780,570 14,700,295 16,480,865 VILLAGE OF DRAKE 18,384,700 0 45,265 9,149,440 1,318,720 0 5,048,500 0 168,700 3,912,560 11,818,065 15,730,625 VILLAGE OF DYSART 12,701,600 0 177,320 6,250,560 349,840 0 4,128,700 0 0 3,060,580 7,845,840 10,906,420 VILLAGE OF FAIRLIGHT 5,479,100 0 272,965 1,002,960 0 0 849,500 0 2,879,600 478,220 4,526,805 5,005,025 VILLAGE OF FOX VALLEY 12,239,800 0 18,480 6,810,640 0 0 3,522,400 170,500 0 2,648,640 7,873,380 10,522,020 VILLAGE OF GLENAVON 10,630,500 0 97,130 5,654,080 94,000 0 2,915,300 344,200 9,300 1,827,340 7,286,670 9,114,010 VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE 2,675,800 0 99,000 1,734,400 0 0 317,300 0 10,500 323,290 1,837,910 2,161,200 VILLAGE OF GOODWATER 3,421,700 0 0 1,461,280 0 0 1,595,100 0 0 1,108,660 1,947,720 3,056,380 VILLAGE OF HUBBARD 2,068,800 13,365 75,185 837,280 0 0 331,600 0 524,200 374,970 1,406,660 1,781,630 VILLAGE OF INVERMAY 9,934,900 0 110,935 4,206,720 0 0 4,323,200 0 151,600 4,209,585 4,582,870 8,792,455 VILLAGE OF KENDAL 4,293,100 0 56,540 2,715,440 0 0 786,600 0 9,400 524,540 3,043,440 3,567,980 VILLAGE OF 16,967,100 62,235 74,250 9,514,160 0 0 4,801,100 0 0 1,713,420 12,738,325 14,451,745 VILLAGE OF 3,967,600 3,690 82,555 905,760 0 0 700,800 1,379,000 597,300 443,265 3,225,840 3,669,105 VILLAGE OF LOREBURN 10,322,300 0 79,200 4,380,880 0 0 4,331,200 361,600 9,400 3,929,620 5,232,660 9,162,280 VILLAGE OF MARKINCH 4,369,900 0 35,915 2,750,000 0 0 600,800 256,800 9,500 504,660 3,148,355 3,653,015 VILLAGE OF MARSDEN 20,217,100 6,975 308,220 11,168,240 0 4,160 5,618,200 0 57,500 3,552,175 13,611,120 17,163,295 VILLAGE OF MCLEAN 48,382,400 90 215,655 32,608,960 0 0 6,608,400 0 620,500 5,498,620 34,554,985 40,053,605 VILLAGE OF MEACHAM 7,558,500 1,485 144,595 5,082,480 0 12,720 923,300 0 0 468,840 5,695,740 6,164,580 VILLAGE OF MENDHAM 1,220,000 0 15,785 673,600 0 0 337,200 0 12,100 245,680 793,005 1,038,685 VILLAGE OF 66,573,200 0 143,220 45,423,360 0 2,876,880 5,914,200 0 23,300 5,828,700 48,552,260 54,380,960 VILLAGE OF MINTON 4,361,800 0 101,365 2,070,160 0 0 1,589,800 0 0 1,066,500 2,694,825 3,761,325 VILLAGE OF MUENSTER 44,009,800 0 99,605 31,776,720 370,960 0 3,500,000 0 144,100 2,967,925 32,923,460 35,891,385 VILLAGE OF ODESSA 21,003,800 0 120,725 12,299,440 107,840 0 5,263,300 0 11,900 4,019,860 13,783,345 17,803,205 VILLAGE OF 14,938,400 0 95,260 7,026,240 149,040 0 5,787,100 0 9,000 5,048,280 8,018,360 13,066,640 VILLAGE OF PARKSIDE 7,789,700 0 44,330 4,991,360 0 0 1,464,700 0 5,200 1,024,640 5,480,950 6,505,590 VILLAGE OF 7,576,700 0 46,530 4,890,640 0 0 1,182,800 0 196,000 1,102,800 5,213,170 6,315,970 VILLAGE OF PELLY 9,591,900 0 62,040 5,747,680 412,560 0 1,766,700 0 12,100 1,287,780 6,713,300 8,001,080 VILLAGE OF PENNANT 5,249,400 0 46,420 3,514,320 0 0 763,400 0 8,700 557,020 3,775,820 4,332,840 VILLAGE OF 67,216,700 450 0 44,734,000 SCHEDULE 1,596,640 1 0 9,302,400 0 0 10,017,080 45,616,410 55,633,490 VILLAGE OF PILGER 2,767,500 0 27,445 1,769,600 0 0 505,600 0 0 474,700 1,827,945 2,302,645 VILLAGE OF RAMA 4,120,700 0 40,150 1,997,200List of 2018 Assessment 0 Rolls 0 1,469,700 0 81,500 1,049,460 2,539,090 3,588,550 VILLAGE OF 10,064,400 0 0 4,260,640 0 0 4,728,200 0 10,400 3,520,360 5,478,880 8,999,240 VILLAGE OF RIDGEDALE 2,919,100 0 Confirmed 186,230 by 1,464,240 the SAMA Board 0 of Directors 0 on April 737,600 08, 2020 0 12,600 771,460 1,629,210 2,400,670 VILLAGE OF ROCHE PERCEE 13,484,000 121,005 41,910 9,426,400 0 257,680 533,400 0 500,400 495,485 10,385,310 10,880,795 InitialVILLAGE Confirmations OF SEMANS 12,713,500 0 179,685 6,989,280 0 0 2,976,600 106,800 566,800 2,518,160 8,301,005 10,819,165 VILLAGE OF SMEATON 8,406,400 0 62,590 4,683,760 410,480 23,360 1,895,600 0 0 1,617,215 5,458,575 7,075,790 Total Assessment Northern Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages Note: Percentages of value established by(100%) regulation have been applied to the confirmed totalsTotal above, Assessment except byfor Tax Total Class Asses (Percentagessment (100%) Applied) which is 100% of value. (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value N.V. OF SANDY BAY 14,159,600 0 0 7,081,440______122,880 0 5,154,200 0 0 5,838,960 6,519,560 12,358,520

SCHEDULE 1 List of 2020 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020

Total Assessment Villages Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value VILLAGE OF STENEN 2,971,100 1,305 4,565 1,526,960 118,240 0 894,300 0 9,100 416,060 2,138,410 2,554,470 VILLAGE OF ST. GREGOR 10,126,100 7,470 29,645 4,961,600 0 0 3,215,500 568,000 70,100 950,125 7,902,190 8,852,315 VILLAGE OF STOCKHOLM 36,062,100 0 51,040 24,936,800 239,040 0 4,499,500 0 0 3,662,480 26,063,900 29,726,380 VILLAGE OF 7,302,800 0 5,335 5,159,680 0 0 843,500 0 0 527,315 5,481,200 6,008,515 VILLAGE OF TOMPKINS 8,245,600 0 161,480 3,561,840 140,320 0 2,692,900 0 631,400 3,121,760 4,066,180 7,187,940 VILLAGE OF TUGASKE 4,746,700 0 32,395 1,767,920 0 0 2,468,900 0 9,000 1,012,510 3,265,705 4,278,215 VILLAGE OF VALPARAISO 606,800 0 106,370 308,480 0 0 18,200 0 9,600 5,200 437,450 442,650 VILLAGE OF VANSCOY 70,406,900 0 35,750 42,771,840 534,000 0 16,129,500 0 80,100 6,455,410 53,095,780 59,551,190 VILLAGE OF 48,416,900 0 97,020 31,518,400 575,040 0 7,621,900 0 501,800 6,058,980 34,255,180 40,314,160 VILLAGE OF WEEKES 4,644,100 0 99,660 2,320,400 0 130,960 1,398,700 0 0 1,185,240 2,764,480 3,949,720 VILLAGE OF WELDON 8,123,000 17,775 133,760 4,454,480 0 0 2,254,800 0 17,400 2,227,940 4,650,275 6,878,215

Total Assessment Resort Villages Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value R.V. OF BIRD'S POINT 47,958,000 0 0 19,680,000 447,680 17,245,840 1,241,100 0 0 2,435,020 36,179,600 38,614,620 R.V. OF CANDLE LAKE 604,041,800 105,345 0 147,280,160 10,996,560 301,073,680 29,619,700 0 0 42,196,180 446,879,265 489,075,445 R.V. OF GRANDVIEW BEACH 23,693,600 0 0 2,318,640 0 16,464,240 215,000 0 0 758,600 18,239,280 18,997,880 R.V. OF 16,243,900 0 0 5,169,040 0 7,630,800 244,100 0 0 508,900 12,535,040 13,043,940 R.V. OF 31,666,000 19,080 0 4,110,560 0 20,457,360 913,700 0 0 1,052,140 24,448,560 25,500,700

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value.

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value. 1736 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

SCHEDULE 1 List of 2020 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020

Total Assessment Rural Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value RM OF SOURIS VALLEY No. 007 317,434,275 6,879,510 92,325,475 21,091,120 0 0 93,247,875 723,800 13,946,400 18,290,020 209,924,160 228,214,180 RM OF No. 017 437,195,400 85,982,940 98,453,300 2,396,720 0 0 950,200 0 63,170,100 17,371,440 233,581,820 250,953,260 RM OF LONE TREE No. 018 135,289,200 7,652,700 63,362,640 1,470,240 0 0 964,800 0 275,800 1,456,065 72,270,115 73,726,180 RM OF LAURIER No. 038 224,088,600 14,610,330 66,946,550 23,557,200 0 0 37,720,400 0 2,733,300 18,944,233 126,623,547 145,567,780 RM OF THE GAP No. 039 172,439,300 19,657,170 58,676,915 2,896,320 0 0 9,022,800 0 9,428,200 1,973,250 97,708,155 99,681,405 RM OF WAVERLEY No. 044 235,196,400 34,866,495 82,001,645 4,261,520 0 0 3,285,600 0 8,900 11,800,815 112,623,345 124,424,160 RM OF ANTLER No. 061 312,730,700 8,125,155 94,962,670 34,802,190 0 0 67,929,600 7,200 10,676,000 23,900,655 192,602,160 216,502,815 RM OF WISE CREEK No. 077 171,635,300 13,568,715 73,675,305 1,781,360 0 0 1,237,100 300 4,063,400 1,505,940 92,820,240 94,326,180 RM OF GRASSY CREEK No. 078 193,775,100 20,229,300 57,021,030 14,113,200 0 0 6,308,800 0 21,196,200 9,206,170 109,662,360 118,868,530 RM OF ELMSTHORPE No. 100 167,358,300 12,822,435 71,067,590 4,362,240 0 0 3,885,300 0 312,100 3,346,215 89,103,450 92,449,665 RM OF GLEN BAIN No. 105 214,748,000 918,450 113,377,165 4,616,480 0 0 413,400 19,400 363,300 3,145,480 116,562,715 119,708,195 RM OF SILVERWOOD No. 123 321,334,900 8,466,930 89,999,140 15,002,880 0 0 25,849,200 745,500 93,536,400 13,271,656 220,328,394 233,600,050 RM OF KINGSLEY No. 124 329,576,800 3,760,470 94,474,050 11,236,480 0 0 945,400 0 134,458,200 4,308,650 240,565,950 244,874,600 RM OF FRANCIS No. 127 504,580,600 7,346,025 141,178,455 62,588,160 0 0 6,816,400 1,022,200 145,494,200 37,763,843 326,681,597 364,445,440 RM OF LAWTONIA No. 135 207,839,400 4,072,500 95,626,300 16,412,720 1,042,240 0 2,078,900 12,100 1,013,700 19,041,290 101,217,170 120,258,460 RM OF ENTERPRISE No. 142 347,228,050 8,079,885 90,643,630 538,960 0 0 132,821,750 0 30,970,700 7,622,745 255,432,180 263,054,925 RM OF No. 151 666,930,900 8,795,025 72,921,310 33,950,320 0 0 471,932,300 0 432,000 22,775,753 565,255,202 588,030,955 RM OF No. 152 533,073,519 14,691,600 60,350,180 26,256,400 0 856,080 343,898,119 0 12,909,200 18,206,711 440,754,868 458,961,579 RM OF PENSE No. 160 774,044,200 6,347,340 145,133,835 43,371,040 0 0 287,150,800 8,698,200 145,996,500 30,414,050 606,283,665 636,697,715 RM OF No. 161 711,444,890 3,536,321 145,179,650 121,228,640 15,127,120 0 136,103,100 35,016,100 98,059,500 172,916,465 381,333,966 554,250,431 RM OF EXCELSIOR No. 166 404,768,300 11,068,740 120,600,370 45,392,880 0 0 1,340,800 0 102,815,800 54,252,110 226,966,480 281,218,590 RM OF SASKATCHEWAN LANDING 249,766,100 7,192,170 80,297,305 21,761,040 0 0 997,300 0 59,594,200 8,460,270 161,381,745 169,842,015 No. 167 RM OF RIVERSIDE No. 168 556,447,450 12,745,305 140,418,575 8,250,720 0 30,480 158,076,350 411,700 103,978,500 23,878,697 400,032,933 423,911,630 RM OF FOX VALLEY No. 171 345,126,500 17,062,920 85,048,315 1,663,440 0 0 120,672,000 0 29,824,300 5,665,930 248,605,045 254,270,975 RM OF LANGENBURG No. 181 345,238,400 3,813,975 98,287,860 30,202,000 0 0 112,543,400 1,535,900 6,225,900 17,086,465 235,522,570 252,609,035 RM OF FERTILE BELT No. 183 343,790,600 7,721,145 111,894,475 81,664,160 0 5,211,440 3,356,600 0 11,236,900 35,753,881 185,330,839 221,084,720 RM OF MCLEOD No. 185 249,053,000 3,694,095 126,189,745 8,559,920 0 0 158,500 0 549,600 3,155,270 135,996,590 139,151,860 RM OF NORTH QU'APPELLE 478,075,300 3,488,265 67,534,170 162,163,600 263,040 106,429,440 9,688,000 0 1,776,100 22,496,224 328,846,391 351,342,615 No. 187 RM OF LUMSDEN No. 189 584,762,600 10,778,670 106,975,990 257,660,480 0 991,920 39,354,700 0 3,638,000 51,313,346 368,086,414 419,399,760 RM OF CANA No. 214 267,714,500 6,504,930 79,453,275 58,557,840 0 0 3,240,900 22,821,900 9,555,900 31,519,447 148,615,298 180,134,745 RM OF LONGLAKETON No. 219 399,509,900 3,718,440 117,077,455 111,631,280 10,518,240 239,520 7,179,600 12,933,500 5,279,200 21,767,260 246,809,975 268,577,235 RM OF HURON No. 223 240,935,200 14,925,960 70,379,045 663,840 0 0 131,900 0 78,842,800 1,276,310 163,667,235 164,943,545 RM OF MIRY CREEK No. 229 385,082,625 10,904,760 132,556,600 4,981,920 0 0 41,861,925 28,500 71,720,000 5,116,775 256,936,930 262,053,705 RM OF CLINWORTH No. 230 349,098,200 22,829,985 107,609,150 12,833,920 0 0 19,192,400 0 67,477,100 13,072,350 216,870,205 229,942,555 RM OF ARM RIVER No. 252 198,607,400 3,926,610 87,821,250 14,106,000 0 0 1,342,400 10,923,000 252,800 12,309,395 106,062,665 118,372,060 RM OF WILLNER No. 253 238,788,600 5,925,735 93,795,185 13,538,080 3,604,720 0 666,600 12,196,400 20,792,100 14,723,435 135,795,385 150,518,820 RM OF COTE No. 271 238,665,500 10,354,365 100,580,260 18,628,320 SCHEDULE 0 1 3,011,920 2,217,400 0 3,514,900 17,479,702 120,827,463 138,307,165 RM OF No. 276 363,411,600 11,458,125 147,480,905 32,173,360 0 9,297,680 4,719,700 5,818,400 7,425,100 30,502,060 187,871,210 218,373,270 RM OF WOOD CREEK No. 281 212,980,200 6,733,665 94,531,470 7,620,400 0 0 4,674,200 11,840,300 101,100 3,757,940 121,743,195 125,501,135 RM OF MILDEN No. 286 329,917,500 3,131,145 131,121,100 6,285,520List of 2018 Assessment 0 Rolls 0 3,486,500 872,100 72,341,900 5,045,654 212,192,611 217,238,265 RM OF ST. ANDREWS No. 287 454,031,600 2,566,125 166,914,715Confirmed by20,485,680 the SAMA Board 0 of Directors 0 on April 5,106,900 08, 2020 29,189,900 84,943,900 13,692,235 295,514,985 309,207,220 RM OF PLEASANT VALLEY 222,509,800 11,670,930 87,560,220 14,520,960 0 0 14,172,100 0 5,050,700 9,497,135 123,477,775 132,974,910 InitialNo. 288 Confirmations

Total Assessment NorthernNote: Percentages Municipalities of value establishedTotal by Assessment regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value. Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential______Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value N.V. OF SANDY BAY 14,159,600 0 0 7,081,440 122,880 0 5,154,200 0 0 5,838,960 6,519,560 12,358,520

SCHEDULE 1 List of 2020 Assessment Rolls Confirmed by the SAMA Board of Directors on June 29, 2020

Total Assessment Rural Municipalities Total Assessment Total Assessment by Tax Status (Percentages (100%) Total Assessment by Tax Class (Percentages Applied) (Percentages Applied) Applied) Other Multi-Unit Seasonal Commercial Railway R/W Exempt Taxable Municipality Assessed Value Non-Arable Agricultural Residential Residential Residential & Industrial Elevators & Pipeline Assessed Value Assessed Value Assessed Value RM OF ST. PHILIPS No. 301 125,420,400 6,744,195 58,464,505 2,793,280 0 239,040 119,100 0 223,400 2,165,585 66,417,935 68,583,520 RM OF No. 307 207,411,300 4,292,955 89,515,195 22,161,920 0 0 1,006,300 0 6,380,300 16,462,335 106,894,335 123,356,670 RM OF MARRIOTT No. 317 235,686,900 9,661,905 102,476,440 14,515,280 0 87,280 1,098,000 0 8,544,000 14,465,475 121,917,430 136,382,905 RM OF No. 334 285,844,200 19,167,615 93,312,560 47,390,240 0 4,400,865 4,142,500 20,300 4,534,500 32,928,145 140,040,435 172,968,580 RM OF BIGGAR No. 347 387,446,200 21,281,085 136,236,650 43,825,440 116,960 0 4,581,800 15,655,400 17,286,700 30,081,673 208,902,362 238,984,035 RM OF MARIPOSA No. 350 215,628,625 9,757,620 82,685,405 10,810,720 560 0 11,442,025 0 18,585,200 8,586,468 124,695,062 133,281,530 RM OF PROGRESS No. 351 344,168,400 5,452,335 99,022,880 8,763,920 0 94,640 36,296,000 0 104,641,000 4,990,130 249,280,645 254,270,775 RM OF KELVINGTON No. 366 216,496,400 12,455,955 76,560,000 29,212,320 2,047,440 4,532,640 4,646,200 0 168,800 18,653,907 110,969,448 129,623,355 RM OF PONASS LAKE No. 367 240,894,000 8,523,405 116,258,670 5,925,440 0 0 2,745,500 13,800 407,600 5,420,455 128,453,960 133,874,415 RM OF SPALDING No. 368 275,251,700 2,352,645 131,918,325 12,148,880 0 143,760 2,837,200 11,652,200 316,900 6,842,863 154,527,047 161,369,910 RM OF ST. PETER No. 369 384,424,500 760,950 162,473,135 58,564,320 0 30,960 10,724,400 283,800 3,075,500 46,871,885 189,041,180 235,913,065 RM OF EAGLE CREEK No. 376 224,723,200 7,873,830 96,687,965 21,511,360 0 1,029,520 3,257,300 0 0 13,219,630 117,140,345 130,359,975 RM OF ROSEMOUNT No. 378 155,141,800 11,016,090 57,216,445 9,035,600 0 0 2,465,600 0 12,871,600 9,585,250 83,020,085 92,605,335 RM OF TRAMPING LAKE No. 380 192,342,800 5,086,170 91,010,755 7,404,000 0 0 207,800 0 6,103,300 3,396,872 106,415,153 109,812,025 RM OF GRASS LAKE No. 381 261,599,875 3,767,085 110,990,165 6,156,080 0 0 28,259,475 0 15,473,700 7,935,345 156,711,160 164,646,505 RM OF BARRIER VALLEY 195,612,000 13,513,680 53,573,355 26,399,760 0 23,502,640 5,214,700 225,400 357,400 18,935,470 103,851,465 122,786,935 No. 397 RM OF LAIRD No. 404 382,527,500 2,676,285 131,156,410 106,304,400 0 347,040 4,799,700 0 0 33,329,230 211,954,605 245,283,835 RM OF FLETT'S SPRINGS 399,268,700 4,880,205 164,861,730 36,929,360 0 0 3,865,700 35,762,300 2,885,500 25,406,455 223,778,340 249,184,795 No. 429 RM OF PAYNTON No. 470 205,452,500 15,233,310 40,327,815 12,124,800 0 25,120 72,554,500 0 10,535,500 10,984,385 139,816,660 150,801,045 RM OF WILTON No. 472 897,057,725 8,179,920 171,744,045 146,387,680 0 0 324,268,425 30,499,300 28,865,900 73,397,125 636,548,145 709,945,270 RM OF BIG RIVER No. 555 286,151,600 14,194,530 16,368,880 95,296,480 221,280 62,171,920 27,733,100 0 0 20,377,449 195,608,741 215,986,190

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value.

Note: Percentages of value established by regulation have been applied to the confirmed totals above, except for Total Assessment (100%) which is 100% of value. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1737


The Education Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur l’éducation [sections 42, 54 and 61] and The School Division Administration Regulations [sections 6 and 7] ______

ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES — REGINA SCHOOL DIVISION NO. 4 M.O. ED 03/2020-21. Pursuant to the authority vested in me by sections 42, 54 and 61 of The Education Act, 1995, and sections 6 and 7 of The School Division Administration Regulations, I, Gordon S. Wyant, Q.C., Minister of Education, do hereby order the following, effective September 1, 2020, in the manner set forth herein: 1 That the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan is continued to be established. 2 That this Order repeals and replaces all previous Orders describing the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan. 3 That the boundaries of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan shall be established as all that portion in the City of Regina of the Province of Saskatchewan. 4 That the boundaries of the subdivisions and the number assigned to each subdivision of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan shall be established as described in Schedule A attached hereto. 5 That the number of members comprising the Board of Education of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan shall be seven (7) and the members comprising the Board of Education immediately prior to the effective date of this order are continued as members of the Board of Education and assigned as representative, if applicable, for the same subdivision. 6 That all assets and liabilities of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan or its predecessors, continue to be the assets and liabilities and shall remain vested in said name. 7 That all parcels of the aforementioned lands that may be registered in the name of the Board of Education of the Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan or its predecessors, shall remain vested in said name. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan this 14th day of June, 2020.

Gordon Wyant, Q.C., Minister of Education. ______

SCHEDULE A Regina School Division No. 4 of Saskatchewan Subdivision 1 Commencing at Wascana Creek and Provincial Highway No. 1 bypass (Ring Road); north on centre line of said bypass to Victoria Ave.; east on centre line of Victoria Ave. to city limit; south, east, and west on city limit to Wascana Creek; north-west on centre line of said creek to point of commencement. Subdivision 2 Commencing at south city limit and Albert St.; north on centre line of Albert St. to the Canadian Pacific Railway main line right-of-way; north-east on centre line of said railway right-of-way to Broad St.; south on centre line of Broad St. to Victoria Ave.; east on centre line of Victoria Ave. to Park St.; south on centre line of Park St. to Arcola Ave.; south-east on centre line of Arcola Ave. to Provinical Highway No. 1 (Ring Road); south on centre line of Provinical Highway No. 1 (Ring Road) to Wascana Creek; south on centre line of said creek to city limit; south and west on city limit to point of commencement. 1738 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Subdivision 3 Commencing at Albert St. and south city limit; north on centre line of Albert St. to Wascana Creek; west on centre line of said creek to Lewvan Dr.; south on centre line of Lewvan Dr. to Regina Ave.; west on centre line of Regina Ave. and along westerly production of Regina Ave. to city limit; south and east along city limit to point of commencement. Subdivision 4 Commencing at Albert St. and the Canadian Pacific Railway main line right-of-way; north on centre line of Albert St. to Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; east on centre line of said railway right-of-way to southerly production of Cornwall St.; north on centre line of Cornwall St. to 5th Ave. N; west on centre line of 5th Ave. N to Albert St.; north on centre line of Albert St. to Ring Road; east on centre line of Ring Road to Winnipeg St.; north on centre line of the northerly production of Winnipeg St. to city limit; east, and south along city limit to Victoria Ave.; west on centre line of Victoria Ave. to Provincial Highway No. 1 bypass (Ring Road); south on centre line of said bypass to Arcola Ave.; north-west on centre line of Arcola Ave. to Park St.; north on centre line of Park St. to Victoria Ave.; west on centre line of Victoria Ave. to Broad St.; north on centre line of Broad St. to the Canadian Pacific Railway main line right-of-way; west on centre line of said railway right-of-way to point of commencement. Subdivision 5 Commencing at Albert St. and the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; south on centre line of Albert St. to Wascana Creek; west on centre line of said creek to Lewvan Dr.; south on centre line of Lewvan Dr. to Regina Ave.; west on centre line of Regina Ave. and along westerly production of Regina Ave. to city limit; north on city limit to the Canadian Pacific Railway main line right-of-way; west, north, and south on city limit to the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; east on city limit to the northerly production of Fleming Rd.; east on centreline of said railway right-of-way to Albert St.; south on centre line of Albert St. to point of commencement. Subdivision 6 Commencing at Lewvan Dr. and the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; north on centre line of Lewvan Dr. to 9th Ave. North (Ring road); west on centre line of 9th Ave. N to McCarthy Blvd.; north on centre line of McCarthy Blvd. to city limit; east and south on city limit to northerly production of Winnipeg St.; south on city limit then continuing along centre line of northerly production of Winnipeg St. to Ring Road; west on centre line of Ring Road to Albert St.; south on centre line of Albert St. to 5th Ave. N; east on centre line of 5th Ave. N to Cornwall St.; south on centre line of Cornwall St. to the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; west on centre line of said railway right-of-way to point of commencement. Subdivision 7 Commencing at Lewvan Dr. and the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; north on centre line of Lewvan Dr. to 9th Ave. N (Ring road); west on centre line of 9th Ave. N to McCarthy Blvd.; north on centre line of McCarthy Blvd. to city limit; west and south on city limit to the Canadian National Railway main line right-of-way; east on centre line of said railway right-of-way to point of commencement. EXCLUDING those lands which lie within the boundary of an Indian Reserve, EXCEPT in the case where an Indian Reserve constitutes its own subdivision. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1739

The Municipalities Act [section 49] ______

TO CREATE A NEW DIVISION AND ALTER THE DIVISION BOUNDARIES IN THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF DUNDURN NO. 314 Pursuant to section 49 of The Municipalities Act, it has been deemed appropriate to comply with the request from the council of the Rural Municipality of Dundurn No. 314 to create a new division and alter the remaining affected division boundaries in the Rural Municipality of Dundurn No. 314. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Rural Municipality of Dundurn No. 314 is restructured by creating Division 6 and altering the existing boundaries for Division 5. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the boundaries of Division 5 and Division 6 shall be described as follows: Division 5: Township 33, Range 4, Sections 28 to 33; Township 33, Range 5, Sections 25 to 27, 34 to 36; Township 34, Range 4, Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; Township 34, Range 5, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36; Division 6: Township 33, Range 4, Sections 27 and 34; Township 34, Range 4, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36; All West of the Third Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT: 1 The effective date for the creation of Division 6 and the alteration of the existing boundaries for Division 5 is November 9, 2020. 2 An election for a councillor to represent Division 5 and Division 6, as described herein, will be held on November 9, 2020, to coincide with the 2020 general election for odd-numbered divisions and with the effective date of this Minister’s Order. 3 The term of office for the councillor for Division 5 shall begin at the first meeting of council following the November 9, 2020 general election and expire at the time of the first meeting of council after the general election of odd-numbered divisions in 2024. 4 The term of office for the councillor for Division 6 shall begin at the first meeting of council following the November 9, 2020 general election and expire at the time of the first meeting of council after the general election of even-numbered divisions in 2022. 5 Leanne Mack shall be appointed as Returning Officer and shall conduct the election to be held for Division 5 and Division 6 on November 9, 2020, in accordance with The Local Government Elections Act, 2015. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the area of the Rural Municipality of Dundurn No. 314 shall be confirmed as follows: Townships 32 and 33 in Range 3; Townships 32, 33 and 34 in Ranges 4 and 5; Townships 32, 33 and 34 in Range 6 lying right of the left bank of the ; The portion of road allowance lying south of and adjacent to Sections 1 and 2, Township 35 in Range 6; All West of the Third Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan. 1740 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

With the divisions as hereunder shown: Division 1: Township 32, Range 3; Township 32, Range 4, Sections 1, 2, 11 to 14, 23 to 26, 35 and 36; Division 2: Township 32, Range 4, Sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22, 27 to 34; Township 32, Range 5, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36; Township 33, Range 4, Sections 3 to 10, 15 to 22; Township 33, Range 5, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 24; Division 3: Township 33, Range 3; Township 33, Range 4, Sections 1 and 2, 11 to 14, 23 to 26, 35 and 36; Division 4: Township 32, Range 5, Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; Township 33, Range 5, Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; Township 34, Range 5, Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; Townships 32, 33 and 34, Range 6, lying right of the left bank of the South Saskatchewan River; The portion of road allowance lying south of and adjacent to Sections 1 and 2, Township 35, Range 6; Division 5: Township 33, Range 4, Sections 28 to 33; Township 33, Range 5, Sections 25 to 27, 34 to 36; Township 34, Range 4, Sections 4 to 9, 16 to 21, 28 to 33; Township 34, Range 5, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36; Division 6: Township 33, Range 4, Sections 27 and 34; Township 34, Range 4, Sections 1 to 3, 10 to 15, 22 to 27, 34 to 36; All West of the Third Meridian in the Province of Saskatchewan. Dated at the City of Regina, in the Province of Saskatchewan, the 24th day of June, 2020.

Sheldon Green, Assistant Deputy Minister for and on behalf of the Minister of Government Relations. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1741


The Business Corporations Act ______

Editorial Disclaimer: Any content or typographical errors filed with the Corporate Registry operated by ISC are hereby reproduced under this Act and its corresponding headings. Avis de non-responsabilité éditoriale : les erreurs de contenu ou typographiques apparaissant au registre des sociétés, tenu par la ISC, sont reproduites en vertu de la présente Loi et de ses rubriques correspondantes.

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION/CERTIFICATS DE CONSTITUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 102105805 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 1500-1881 Scarth St., Regina full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102105872 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 800-1801 Hamilton St., holding companies Regina 102105876 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 69 Lake St., Regina full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102105883 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 309 Park St., Regina holding companies 102105889 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 204-3988 Albert St., Regina computer systems design and related services 102105981 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 51-1st Ave. NW, engineering services 102105989 Saskatchewan June 16 32-320 Sangster Blvd., truck transportation Regina 102106037 Saskatchewan Corp. June 16 2216-20th St. W, truck transportation 102106047 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 Lot 9, Block 2, D’Arcy used car dealers Station 102106060 Saskatchewan Corp. June 16 3-305 Fairford St. W, Moose computer systems design and Jaw related services, electronics and appliance stores 102106110 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 2425 Cumberland Ave. S, holding companies Saskatoon 102106118 Saskatchewan Inc. June 17 8710 Archer Lane, Regina full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102106125 Saskatchewan Inc. June 17 3130 Mazurak Cres., Regina full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102106148 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 2255 Albert St., Regina real estate property managers 102106149 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 2306 Arlington Ave., lessors of non-residential Saskatoon buildings (except mini- warehouses) 1742 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 102106166 Saskatchewan Corp. June 17 109 Reserve Centre Rd., farm product merchant Cumberland House wholesalers, other farm product merchant wholesalers, other warehousing and storage, pharmaceuticals and pharmacy supplies merchant wholesalers, warehousing and storage 102106201 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 Lot 4, SE ¼ 15-19-21 W2M, pet and pet supplies stores RM of Lumsden No. 189 102106216 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., holding companies Regina 102106222 Saskatchewan Inc. June 18 435 Boykowich St., Saskatoon holding companies 102106227 Saskatchewan Corp. June 18 4138 Diefenbaker Dr., holding companies Saskatoon 102106237 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 9106-81 Cambridge Ave., truck transportation Regina 102106238 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 Box 1010, B3, 5012-46th St., full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102106264 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 Miller Thomson LLP, 300, holding companies 15-2rd St. E, Saskatoon 102106275 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 1-40 Meadow Rd., White City full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places 102106292 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 99 Mayfair Cres., Regina drafting services, residential building construction, non-residential building construction 102106300 Saskatchewan Corp. June 19 Trobert Gilliss Law Firm, real estate agents, real estate 1339-4th St., property managers 102106301 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 250, 2550-15th Ave., Regina all other personal services, other membership organizations 102106383 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 101-1610 Dakota Dr., Regina truck transportation Activcom Services Ltd. June 16 401-1916 Dewdney Ave., telecommunications Regina Aim Industries Ltd. June 15 3301 College Ave., Regina agricultural, construction and mining machinery manufacturing, industrial machinery manufacturing Al Rabih Brothers Market Ltd. June 15 A, 727-22nd St. W, Saskatoon supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores Amiri Medical Prof. Corp. June 17 600, 2103-11th Ave., Regina offices of physicians Anderson Wealth June 15 800-1801 Hamilton St., securities brokerage Management Ltd. Regina THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1743

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Arc Elements Inspections Ltd. June 19 2A-1540 Alberta Ave., building inspection services Saskatoon Arthur Ling Medical June 19 410, 475-2nd Ave. S, offices of physicians Professional Corporation Saskatoon Autumn Software Inc. June 15 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon software publishers Bidsy Service Corp. June 15 3023 Hayden Park Rd., other business support Regina services Childcare Ltd. June 15 Box 143, 308-1st Ave. E, child day-care services Blaine Lake Breathe Better Duct June 16 1201 Spadina Cres. E, other services to buildings and Cleaning Inc. Saskatoon dwellings C.T. Medical Aesthetics Inc. June 18 360 Fairway Rd., White City all other personal services Cameco Expat Services Inc. June 16 2121-11th St. W, Saskatoon all other financial investment activities Captive Rentals Ltd. June 16 24 Highway No. 39 E, support activities for mining, Estevan and oil and gas extraction, other commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing Cherniak Farms Ltd. June 19 201, 1291-102nd St., North oilseed and grain farming CVL Holdings Ltd. June 16 Cowessess Indian Reserve, holding companies, other Cowessess activities related to real estate Dr. Alexandra Carter June 15 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon offices of physicians Medical Prof. Corp. Dr. Eric Bortolotti June 17 410, 475-2nd Ave. S, offices of physicians Medical Prof. Corp. Saskatoon Dr. Sarah Melendez Medical June 16 500-616 Main St., Saskatoon offices of physicians Professional Corporation Eaglenations Energy A June 18 201, 1291-102nd St., North scientific research and lliance Inc. Battleford development services, support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction Elcap Construction Inc. June 17 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon industrial building and structure construction, commercial and institutional building construction, non-residential building construction, residential building construction, management consulting services, engineering services, plate work and fabricated structural product manufacturing 1744 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Ellas Transport Ltd. June 18 710 E 18th Ave., Regina general freight trucking, long distance Everstar Material June 16 1030B-8th St. E, Saskatoon building material and supplies Technology Inc. merchant wholesalers, building material and garden equipment and supplies dealers, scientific research and development services FFM Authentic Fashion & June 18 138 Palliser Crt., Saskatoon clothing and clothing Accessories Ltd. accessories stores First National Training & June 19 Muskeg Lake First Nation, other management Consultancy Corp. 250-103C Packham Ave., consulting services, all other Saskatoon information services, all other personal services, book publishers, book, periodical and newspaper merchant wholesalers, business-to-business electronic markets, computer training, direct mail advertising, direct selling establishments, educational support services, financial transactions processing, reserve and clearing house activities, Internet publishing and broadcasting, and web search portals, management consulting services, marketing research and public opinion polling, office administrative services, other activities related to credit intermediation, other individual and family services, software publishers, sound recording merchant wholesalers H & H Freight June 21 3495 Green Lavender Dr., wholesale trade agents and Management Inc. Regina brokers Hilster Holdings Ltd. June 18 350 Langdon Cres., Moose Jaw holding companies Indigenous Medi-Mask Inc. June 19 374-3rd Ave. S, Saskatoon medical equipment and supplies manufacturing Innovation Software June 15 1-1235 Central Ave., Prince computer systems design and Technologies Inc. Albert related services Invictavr Technologies Ltd. June 17 1170-424 Spadina Cres. E, educational support services, Saskatoon professional and management development training, individual and family services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1745

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: J.A. Stewart Contracting Ltd. June 18 342 Stonebridge Common, all other specialty trade Saskatoon contractors JA Marketing June 15 c/o Jaques Law Office, 2912 direct selling establishments Corporation Rae St., Regina Juan Stop Shop General June 18 Box 1367, 5014-48th St., all other general merchandise Retail Store Ltd. Lloydminster stores Kanata Construction Inc. June 17 Latitude: 51º 19' 9.60" N roofing contractors Longitude: -104º 05' 27.60" W, Muskowekwan Kanâtan Manufacturing Ltd. June 16 500-616 Main St., Saskatoon soap and cleaning compound manufacturing, chemical (except agricultural) and allied product merchant wholesalers Kelsy Leavins June 19 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., offices of physicians Medical Prof. Corp. Regina Kentel Farms Ltd. June 17 114 Bismark Ave., Langenburg oilseed and grain farming Knotty Pine Bistro Limited June 16 5, 210-15th St. E, Prince full-service restaurants and Albert limited-service eating places Laron Prosperity June 16 204 Foxtail St., Regina all other financial investment Management Incorporated activities Legacy Apartments Corp. June 18 401-1916 Dewdney Ave., real estate property managers Regina LN Mobile Truck Repair Ltd. June 15 250, 2550-15th Ave., Regina automotive mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance, truck transportation Logic Bath Solutions Ltd. June 17 148-5th Ave., Regina building material and supplies merchant wholesalers LV Nails & Lashes Inc. June 16 378 Childers Cres., Saskatoon hair care and esthetic services Meier Law P.C. Corp. June 15 823 Central Ave., Prince other legal services Albert MLG Consulting Ltd. June 15 319 Souris Ave., support activities for mining, and oil and gas extraction Moducarry Designs Inc. June 16 SE ¼ 35-36-8 W3M, RM of clothing accessories and other Vanscoy No. 345 clothing manufacturing, other miscellaneous merchant wholesalers, other specialized design services, textile and fabric finishing Moness Masri Medicine June 15 117-915 Kristjanson Rd., offices of physicians Professional Corporation Saskatoon Nikbakht Farm Inc. June 19 Box 207, LSD 13-23, Kronau agricultural chemical and other farm supplies merchant wholesalers 1746 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: O’Ryan Motors Ltd. June 18 Weber & Gasper, 512-7th St., motor vehicle and parts Humboldt dealers Prairie Bin Service Ltd. June 19 NE ¼ 12-17-16 W2M, agricultural, construction Balgonie and mining machinery manufacturing, non-residential building construction Prairie Road Solutions Inc. June 17 410, 475-2nd Ave. S, engineering services Saskatoon Pryzm Cannabis Corp. June 16 Box 940, Shellbrook other farm product merchant wholesalers, all other crop farming Purple Touch Designs Inc. June 17 B, 1017-22nd St. W, printing Saskatoon Reese Contracting Ltd. June 20 200 Garfield St., Davidson plumbing, heating and air-conditioning contractors River City Radon Inc. June 15 336-6th Ave. N, Saskatoon other services to buildings and dwellings Round Way Business June 19 814-20th St. W, Saskatoon used merchandise stores, Serving Inc. medical equipment and supplies manufacturing, food merchant wholesalers, health and personal care stores, real estate property managers, independent artists, writers and performers, fine arts schools, used household and office goods moving, musical instrument and supplies stores Saluki Truck & Towing Ltd. June 15 2624 Makowsky Cres., Regina motor vehicle towing Saskatchewan Medical June 15 51-1st Ave. NW, Swift offices of physicians Faculty P.C. Corp. Current Second Wind Power Inc. June 19 1500, 410-22nd St. E, electric power generation, Saskatoon transmission and distribution South West Ag & Auto June 15 351 Central Ave. N, Swift automotive parts and Supply Ltd. Current accessories stores, beer, wine and liquor stores Sparrow House Foster Care Ltd. June 16 3355 Green Bank Rd., individual and family Regina services, child and youth services Synergy 888 Marketing Inc. June 15 300, 110-21st St. E, electronic shopping and Saskatoon mail-order houses The Everyday Kitchen Inc. June 19 1400-2500 Victoria Ave., bakeries and tortilla Regina manufacturing THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1747

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Things of Desire June 15 4521 Hames Cres., Harour other miscellaneous merchant Global Procurement Landing, Regina wholesalers, other services Services Limited related to advertising, other specialty-line building supplies merchant wholesalers, packaging and labelling services, personal and household goods merchant wholesalers, photo finishing services, piece goods, notions and other dry goods merchant wholesalers, private households, private households, stationery and office supplies merchant wholesalers, wholesale trade agents and brokers, advertising, public relations, and related services, all other merchant wholesalers, all other miscellaneous store retailers Tomyn Construction Inc. June 19 125-361 Main St. N, Moose residential building Jaw construction Trevor Piche June 15 215 Augusta Blvd., Warman water transportation, cattle Contracting Limited ranching and farming Velocity Logistics Inc. June 20 314-2830 Arens Rd. E, truck transportation Regina VIP Flooring Ltd. June 15 178 East Hampton Blvd., flooring contractors Saskatoon Wheat Kings Carpentry Inc. June 16 8830 Sherwood Dr., Regina finish carpentry contractors

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION/CERTIFICATS D’ENREGISTREMENT (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: 7P Crop Care Ltd. June 17 Alberta 1B, 333-2nd St. W, other crop farming Brooks AB 8Twelve Mortgage June 15 7th Fl., 2010-11th mortgage and Corporation Ave., City Centre, non-mortgage loan Royal Bank brokers Building, Regina SK 2154661 Alberta Ltd. June 15 Alberta 709 Skyview Ranch n/a Grove NE, Calgary AB 1748 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: 2268791 Alberta Ltd. June 18 Alberta 5018-50th Ave., n/a Lloydminster AB 10029519 Manitoba Ltd June 5 Manitoba 158 Kingfisher landscaping services Cres., Winnipeg MB 3486312 Manitoba Ltd. June 19 Manitoba 71 Main St. S, all other crop farming Carman MB 8586985 Canada June 15 Federal 31 Hansen Rd. S, crop production Corporation Brampton ON 11996959 Canada Inc. May 21 Federal 102-9th Ave., holding companies Weyburn SK Arletta Environmental June 19 Alberta 900, 332-6th Ave. environmental Consulting Corp. SW, Calgary AB consulting services Aspen Strategic June 17 Federal 1000, 250-2nd St., securities, commodity Advisors Corporation Calgary AB contracts, and other financial investment and related activities Biovibe Solutions Inc. June 16 Federal 410 Buckwold Cove, scientific research Saskatoon SK and development services, research and development in the physical, engineering and life sciences Dejong’s Insurance Ltd. June 15 Alberta 3801A-51st Ave., insurance agencies Lloydminster AB and brokerages Doppl Inc. June 19 Federal 101B-69 Union research and St., Mitchell Hall development in the Kingston ON physical, engineering and life sciences Frontier Project June 15 Alberta 1400, 555-4th Ave. engineering services, Solutions Ltd. SW, Calgary AB mining and oil and gas field machinery manufacturing, oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction Gracie Point Financial June 17 Box 49314, 2600- other activities Canada ULC/Gracie 595 Burrad St., related to credit Point Financière ULC Three Bentall intermediation Centre, BC Headquarters Benefit June 16 Manitoba 1700-360 Main St., insurance agencies Solutions Inc. Winnipeg MB and brokerages Independent Energy June 18 Alberta 3400, 350-7th Ave. petroleum and coal Holdings Inc. SW, Calgary AB product manufacturing THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1749

Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: K1 Investment June 17 Delaware USA 875 Manhattan other funds and Management, LLC Beach Blvd., financial vehicles Manhattan Beach CA USA Lightbox Enterprises Ltd. June 15 British Columbia Box 11117, 1500 all other crop farming, Royal Centre, 1055 all other miscellaneous West Georgia St., store retailers Vancouver BC Longshore Resources Ltd. June 19 Alberta 555, 605-5th Ave. oil and gas extraction SW, Calgary AB (except oil sands), oil and gas pipeline and related structures construction MJCA Contracting Corp. June 19 Alberta 282 Gleneagles construction, forestry, View, Cochrane AB mining, and industrial machinery, equipment and supplies merchant wholesalers Novak Bros. June 15 British Columbia Box 850, 217-1st St. holding companies Contracting Ltd. W, Nipawin SK Okcoin USA Inc. June 16 Delaware USA 3411 Silverside Rd., all other financial Tatnall Building investment activities No. 104, Wilmington DE USA PGSF VI Feeder GP, LLC June 19 Delaware USA c/o National securities, commodity Registered Agents, contracts, and other Inc., 101-160 financial investment Greentree Dr., and related activities Dover DE USA Progenybio Agricultural June 19 British Columbia 103-300 Okanagan greenhouse, nursery Services Inc. Ave. E, Penticton and floriculture BC production Protective Knit Inc. June 18 Federal 2 Scarlett Rd., all other miscellaneous ON manufacturing, electronic shopping and mail-order houses Raks and Saar Corporation June 12 Federal 106B Kloppenburg holding companies Cres., Basement, Saskatoon SK Simply Benefits Corp. June 18 British Columbia 506 Doyle Ave., all other insurance Kelowna BC related activities Skymount Medical June 19 Alberta 1601, 333-11th Ave. holding companies Group Inc. SW, Calgary AB Skymount Medical Inc. June 18 Alberta 1601, 333-11th Ave. medical and diagnostic SW, Calgary AB laboratories 1750 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: Tateson Ranching Ltd. June 18 Alberta NW ¼ 20-16-14 cattle ranching and W4M, Brooks AB farming Veripark Software June 15 New Brunswick 3000-77 Westmorland software publishers Canada Inc. St., TD Tower, Fredericton NB Vineham’s Cleaning June 15 Alberta 3801A-51st Ave., janitorial services Services Ltd. Lloydminster AB Wheelhouse Strategic June 15 Alberta 900, 517-10th Ave. management Marketing Ltd. SW, Calgary AB consulting services

CERTIFICATES OF CONTINUANCE/CERTIFICATS DE PROROGATION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Precontinuance Registered Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Address/ Nature des activités: Autorité Bureau législative enregistré préalable à la prorogation: CNIE Industries Ltd. June 18 British Columbia 512-7th St., automotive Humboldt mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance Derek Wiebe CPA June 15 Alberta 51-1st Ave. NW, offices of accountants Professional Corporation Swift Current Knoll & Co. June 17 British Columbia 300, 15-23rd St. E, offices of lawyers Legal Prof. Corp. Saskatoon

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT/CERTIFICATS DE MODIFICATION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Amendment/Modification: Date: 101289497 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 changed name to MJA Farms Ltd. 101305028 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 changed name to Sheppard Realty Corp. 102039278 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 changed name to Sunstone Retirement Specialists Inc. 102052044 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 changed name to Canafri Logistics & Trading Ltd. 102065801 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 changed name to Robert Agriculture Trading Ltd. 102089558 Saskatchewan Inc. June 15 changed name to Mehar Group of Companies Inc. 102093364 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 changed name to Beequipd Farms Ltd. 102093610 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 changed name to Hounjet Hills Farms Ltd. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1751

Name/Nom: Date/ Amendment/Modification: Date: 102098368 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 changed name to Moreau Family Holdings Co. Ltd. 102103045 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 changed name to Toepoke Software Incorporated AMT Warranty Corp. of Canada, ULC June 11 changed name to Guardsman Warranty Corp. of Canada, ULC AMT Warranty Corp. of Canada, ULC June 11 changed jurisdiction to Alberta Andres Cleaners Ltd. June 15 changed name to Bruce’s Dry Cleaners Ltd. BMS Canada Risk Services Ltd./BMS Canada Apr. 30 changed jurisdiction to Ontario Services de Risques Ltée Fierce Energy Ltd. June 18 changed name to Archangel Enterprises Inc. Gravity Brain Learning Inc. June 18 changed name to Gravitybrain Inc. Gravity Brain Learning Inc. June 18 changed name to Federal Hudson’s Bay Company/Compagnie June 17 changed name to Hudson’s Bay Company Ltd./ de la Baie d’Hudson Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson Ltée Hudson’s Bay Company/Compagnie June 17 changed jurisdiction to British Columbia de la Baie d’Hudson Hudson’s Bay Company Ltd./Compagnie June 19 changed name to Hudson’s Bay Company de la Baie d’Hudson Ltée ULC/Compagnie de la Baie d’Hudson SRI Hudson’s Bay Company Ltd./Compagnie June 19 changed jurisdiction to British Columbia de la Baie d’Hudson Ltée Jack & Roy Montgomery Holdings Ltd. June 15 changed name to Grey Owl Camp Fly-In Inc. Logan Stevens Construction (2000) Ltd. June 16 changed name to 101135797 Saskatchewan Ltd. Mario Entreprises Limited June 18 changed name to Mario Enterprises Ltd. Mavericks & Company Developments Inc. June 19 changed name to Mavrik Home Builders Ltd. Samaris Business Consulting Corp. June 17 changed name to Samaris Business Consulting and Trading Corp.

CERTIFICATES OF AMENDMENT/CERTIFICATS DE MODIFICATION (2020) Name/Nom: Amalgamating Date/ Head or Incorporating Nature of Corporations/ Date: Registered Jurisdiction/ Business/ Sociétés Office/ Autorité Nature des fusionnantes: Siège social législative de activités: ou bureau constitution enregistré: 2264316 Ventura June 10 136 Main St., Alberta n/a Alberta Inc. Resources Inc. Melita MB Clarke Road Clarke Road June 9 140 Horseshoe Federal truck Transport Inc. Transport Inc. Lake Dr., transportation Halifax NS 1752 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Amalgamating Date/ Head or Incorporating Nature of Corporations/ Date: Registered Jurisdiction/ Business/ Sociétés Office/ Autorité Nature des fusionnantes: Siège social législative de activités: ou bureau constitution enregistré: GFL GFL June 9 500-100 New Ontario waste collection, Environmental Environmental Park Pl., waste treatment Inc. 2020 Inc. 2020 Vaughan ON and disposal, remediation and other waste management services Mercer Global Mercer Global June 21 800-120 Federal n/a Investments Investments Bremner Blvd., Canada Limited Canada Limited; Toronto ON Pavilion Advisory Group Ltd. NSC NSC Minerals June 17 4500, 855-2nd Alberta n/a Minerals Ltd. Ltd. St. SW, Calgary AB Petro Service Petro Service June 11 710-55 Union New Brunswick other specialty Limited Limited; J.A. St., Saint John trade contractors Robinson Pump NB Service Ltd.

CERTIFICATE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE/CERTIFICAT D’INTENTION DE DISSOLUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Gardiner Dam Terminal Ltd. June 17 Box 11, E ½ 11-27-5 W3M, inland grain terminal Strongfield

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION/CERTIFICATS DE DISSOLUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 102080414 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 104-14 Lorne Pl., Regina truck transportation D.L. Hellings & Associates Ltd. June 17 219 Oxford St. E, Moose Jaw real estate appraisals Fresh Vintage Decor Inc. June 15 212 Central Ave. N, Swift selling antique and vintage Current furniture, home decor, and antique accessories Great Spirit Conservation June 15 52.738704-102.366858, climate conservation products Products Inc. Hudson Bay and construction services Harris Truck Services Ltd. June 17 Box 600, 206-2nd Ave. W, vac truck Unity Jebsen Logistics & June 16 439 Crean Lane, Saskatoon truck transportation, support Transport Ltd. activities for transportation THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1753

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Kander Electric Ltd. June 16 600, 105-21st St. E, electrical contracting Saskatoon Kyle Holdings Inc. June 18 NW ¼ 33-21-29 W2M, holding company Brownlee M & A Kitchen Cabinets Ltd. June 18 7, 401-45th St. W, Saskatoon kitchen cabinets and millwork, construction M & L Oilfield Rentals Ltd. June 17 813 Brooks Rd., Estevan oilfield rentals company Nehaj Enterprises Inc. June 17 116 Main St., Canora building supplies sales, plumbing, contracting O & K Holdings Ltd. May 29 320 Broadway St. W, retail and wholesale sales of vitamins, herbs, supplements, minerals, body care, gluten free products, organic foods, spices, candy, bulk foods, natural cleaning supplies, milk free products. Prairie Processing (1989) Ltd. June 16 NE ¼ 28-25-19 W3M, Eston investment co. R & G Ventures Ltd. June 19 426 Brookmore Cres., holding companies Saskatoon Reban Wood Products Inc. June 15 500, 123-2nd Ave. S, logging operation Saskatoon Riley’s Technical Service Ltd. June 16 204-2002 Ave., computer systems design and Saskatoon related services Rodger Enterprises Ltd. June 15 2600 Victoria Ave., Regina operation of restaurant and holdings Rodie Industrial June 15 1258 Wascana Highlands consulting industrial Consulting Inc. Estates, Regina businesses on chemical and equipment usage Shuntian Logistics & June 16 538 Christopher Lane, truck transportation, support Transportation Ltd. Saskatoon activities for transportation Timsworld.Net Consulting Inc. June 18 3201 Arlington Ave., Internet application Saskatoon consultant Tongyu Travel and Tours Ltd. June 16 Box 1560, Bay 3, travel arrangement and 101 Centennial Dr. S, reservation services, hair care and esthetic services V.M.F. Investment Corp. June 17 350 Langdon Cres., Moose investment company Jaw Yangyang Family June 16 G, 136-2nd Ave. S, Saskatoon clothing and clothing Investment Limited accessories stores, grocery stores, full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places, other miscellaneous merchant wholesalers, bakeries and tortilla manufacturing 1754 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

CERTIFICATES OF REVIVAL/CERTIFICATS DE RECONSTITUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 101192279 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 527 Klassen Cres., transportation Saskatoon D.T. Thermal Mechanical June 16 89 Sunrise Dr. S, Skyview pumbing and heating Contractors Ltd. Estates Shining Star Accounting June 10 403, 402-21st St. E, bookkeeping, payroll and related and Consulting Ltd. Saskatoon services, offices of accountants, tax preparation services

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER/SOCIÉTÉS RÉINSCRITES AU REGISTRE (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 608593 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 3525 Diefenbaker Dr., holding co. Saskatoon 101107610 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 817 Ave. K S, Saskatoon holding company 101127803 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 122 Lavalee Pl., Saskatoon holding company 101134821 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 3972 Albert St., Regina tax preparation and bookkeeping 101149902 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 R.R. 1, SE ¼ 28-25-14 holding company W2M, Leross 101162011 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 501 Colwell Rd., Rosetown holding company 101175892 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 335 Maxwell Cres., Regina holding company 101193423 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 Box 1436, 165-5th Ave., mobile media advertising in Lumsden southern Saskatchewan area 101198774 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 8 Apollo Dr., Lumsden investment company 101201823 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 1421-101st St., North holding company Battleford 101251080 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 15 459 Labine Cres., truck transport local and long Saskatoon distance 101273572 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 16 NE ¼ 2-29-20, Brock hot shot and picker services 101277461 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 220-1251 N Galloway St., general freight Regina 101293118 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 19 1134-4th St., Estevan truck transport 101297488 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 2995-2nd Ave. W, Prince grocery store Albert 101298795 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 17 16 Broadway St. E, restaurant Yorkton 102009932 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 10 1575 Park St., Regina automotive equipment rental and leasing 102068037 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 21 403 Braeside Bay, holding companies Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1755

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 1st-Globe Trading Limited June 16 1-15 Darlington St. E, wholesale trade agents and Yorkton brokers AME Homes Corp. June 15 20-4019 Aronec Ave., residential house development, Saskatoon designing, renovations, gardening, furnishing, art and painting distribution, building material distribution, international trading, business consultations, flower planting and trading Andres Cleaners Ltd. June 15 212-1st Ave. W, Nipawin dry cleaning and laundry services Boynton Farms Inc. June 19 NE ¼ 16-48-16 W2M, agricultural - farming Bray’s Pet & Garden Ltd. June 3 3883-2nd Ave. W, Prince retail pet and garden supplies Albert Bulldog Haulage Inc. June 16 2708 Grant Rd., Regina truck transportation Caribou Auto Body (1980) Ltd. June 15 250 Caribou St. W, Moose automotive body, paint, interior Jaw and glass repair Concord Farms Inc. June 17 18 Olds Pl., Davidson farming Crowdfund SC Corporation June 18 158 Hinnitt Pl., Saskatoon all other funds and financial vehicles DDIY Property June 17 502B Ave. M S, Saskatoon property maintenance and Maintenance & Renos Ltd. renovations Double K Productions Inc. June 17 92 Sunrise Dr. S, Skyview agents and managers for artists, Estates athletes, entertainers and other public figures Free-Way Electric Ltd. June 19 NW ½ 22-49-26 W2M, electrical contractors and other RM of Buckland No. 491, wiring installation contractors Prince Albert Friesen Industries Ltd. June 19 NW ¼ 22-49-26, Plan 72, electrical contractors and other Buckland wiring installation contractors Great Spirit Conservation June 15 52.738704-102.366858, climate conservation products Products Inc. Hudson Bay and construction services Hilux Flooring Inc. June 17 1813 Ave. D N, Saskatoon floor covering installation: carpet, wood, linoleum, vinyl and other resilient floor coverings in residential, commercial, industrial and institutional buildings. J & R Gibney Farms Ltd. June 18 602-9th St., Humboldt grain farming and ranching JJWeb Development Inc. June 15 125A Idylwyld Dr. N, computer systems design and Saskatoon related services Kapeller and Sons June 18 SW ¼ 6-48-10 W2M, farming operation Enterprises Ltd. Arborfield 1756 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Kimosom Pwatinahk June 15 1249-8th St. E, Saskatoon forestry and logging Development Corporation Naeem Maken Transport Ltd. June 21 4833 Sherwood Dr., Regina truck transportation Promoware Corporation June 15 2210 Hanselman Ave., marketing computer software Saskatoon QC Spray and Texture June 17 4518 Ellard Way, Regina texture and drywall Services Ltd. Rising Trade Corp. June 18 2060 Broad St., Regina agricultural feed merchant wholesalers, agricultural supplies merchant wholesalers, all other food manufacturing, all other information services, all other merchant wholesalers, all other support services, clothing and clothing accessories merchant wholesalers, clothing and clothing accessories stores, community food services, convention and trade show organizers, cosmetics, beauty supplies and perfume stores, department stores, document preparation services, educational support services, facilities support services, food merchant wholesalers, food service contractors, full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places, full-service restaurants and limited- service eating places, general merchandise stores, general warehousing and storage, grocery stores, individual and family services, international assistance, marketing research and public opinion polling, men’s clothing stores, musical groups and artists, non-alcoholic beverage merchant wholesalers, office administrative services, office supplies, stationery and gift stores, other clothing stores, other federal labour, employment and immigration services, other management consulting services, other specialty trade contractors, other specialty-line food merchant wholesalers, other traveller accommodation, other travel arrangement and reservation services, packaging and labelling services THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1757

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: RNT Services Inc. June 15 142-445 Bayfield Cres., housekeeping cottages and cabins, Saskatoon carpet and upholstery cleaning services, janitorial services, finish carpentry contractors Robert Kirk Psychologist June 17 3000 Victoria Ave., Regina practice of psychology and any Professional Corporation ancillary activities RTC Oilfield Consulting Ltd. June 16 5-1st Ave. NE, Weyburn oilfield consulting Sara Lindsay the June 16 2176-7th Ave., Regina hair care and esthetic services Makeup Store Inc. Shenative Goods Inc. June 17 A, 1113-8th St. E, a brand and manufacturing Saskatoon company of leather handbags and locally sources accessories, distributing the end product online, at pop up shops and tradeshows. Sinn Dutch June 16 109 Main St., Lake Lenore real estate property managers Enterprises Corporation Utran Hydrocarbons Ltd. June 18 113-1st. Ave. E, crude oil and natural gas productions Windy Hills Farm Ltd. June 17 300-1st St., Kipling grain and cattle farming

CORPORATIONS RESTORED TO THE REGISTER/SOCIÉTÉS RÉINSCRITES AU REGISTRE (Extraprovincial Corporations/sociétés extraprovinciales) (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: Cona Holdings Ltd. June 17 Alberta 501-4th St. S, holding companies Lethbridge AB Hudson’s Bay Company/ June 17 British Columbia 1700 Park Place, all other miscellaneous Compagnie de la 666 Burrard St., store retailers, Baie d’Hudson Vancouver BC clothing and clothing accessories stores, general merchandise stores Tandem Energy Corporation June 19 Alberta 1900, 520-3rd Ave. oil and gas extraction SW, Calgary AB

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290/ RADIÉES DU REGISTRE EN VERTU DE L’ARTICLE 290 (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 101298210 Saskatchewan Ltd. June 18 34 Markwell Dr., Regina property management 1758 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Cooltech Commercial June 21 Box 31, St. Benedict property maintenance and Maintenance Inc. management Golden Arches Orthotics & June 15 15-3010 Diefenbaker Dr., providing digital foot scanning Wellness Ltd. Saskatoon and ordering orthotics Lowes’ Bulk Sales Ltd. June 20 115 C.P.R. Right-of-Way, bulk fuel reseller Balcarres Merlin Properties Inc. June 19 5-903 Heritage View, property development and Saskatoon construction

STRUCK OFF THE REGISTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 290/ RADIÉES DU REGISTRE EN VERTU DE L’ARTICLE 290 (Extraprovincial Corporations/sociétés extraprovinciales) (2020)

Name/Nom: Date/ Head or Registered Incorporating Nature of Business/ Date: Office/Siège Jurisdiction/ Nature des activités: social ou bureau Autorité enregistré: législative de constitution Foretek Holdings Ltd. June 15 5009-47th St., Alberta holding corporation Lloydminster AB Kalahari Farming Ltd. June 19 420 Macleod Trail SE, Alberta farming/land Medicine Hat AB purchase in Saskatchewan Posera Ltd. June 17 341 Talbot St., Ontario all other London ON miscellaneous store retailers Rical Sales and June 16 1500, 850-2nd St. SW, Alberta truck transportation Logistics Inc. Calgary AB TCS John Huxley June 19 M-6171 McLeod Dr., Nova Scotia manufacturer Canada Limited Las Vegas NV USA and distributor of table games and table game-related accessories to the gaming industry. The Great Canadian June 17 101-3300 Highway Ontario franchising and Bagel, Ltd. No. 7, Vaughan ON leasing fast food restaurant operations TRC Environmental June 15 21 Griffin Rd. N, Connecticut USA environmental Corporation Windsor CT USA and engineering consulting services WCSB Power June 17 1910, 150-9th Ave. Alberta electric power Generation IV GP Ltd. SW, Calgary AB generation, transmission and distribution THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1759

Name/Nom: Date/ Head or Registered Incorporating Nature of Business/ Date: Office/Siège Jurisdiction/ Nature des activités: social ou bureau Autorité enregistré: législative de constitution West Industrial Ltd. June 18 202-5940 Macleod Alberta support activities for Trail SW, Calgary AB mining, and oil and gas extraction Wild River June 16 1106-101st Ave., British Columbia holding companies Investments Ltd. Tisdale SK Wings Motor Cartage Ltd. June 15 2700-700 West British Columbia motor carriage and Georgia St., freight forwarding Vancouver BC

Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice. ______

The Business Names Registration Act ______

Editorial Disclaimer: Any content or typographical errors filed with the Corporate Registry operated by ISC are hereby reproduced under this Act and its corresponding headings. Avis de non-responsabilité éditoriale : les erreurs de contenu ou typographiques apparaissant au registre des sociétés, tenu par la ISC, sont reproduites en vertu de la présente Loi et de ses rubriques correspondantes.

CANCELLATIONS/ANNULATIONS (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Place of Business/ Date: Place d’Affaires: Artisan Health Supplements June 17 Saskatoon Belly Rub Country Club June 15 Warman Clear Blue Skies Window Cleaning June 18 Regina Gil’s Massage June 19 Moose Jaw Green Earth Road Spraying June 10 Shellbrook Hoffart Law Firm June 18 Swift Current Hounjet Hills Farms June 18 Prud’Homme River City Auto Sales June 18 Saskatoon Rosewood Digital Media Group June 18 Saskatoon Runyowa Law June 15 Regina Sunstone Retirement Specialists June 16 Moose Jaw Sunstone Retirement Specialists June 16 Moose Jaw Sylvia P Harris Consulting June 20 Select MB 1760 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

CANCELLATION/ANNULATION (Extraprovincial Corporation/société extraprovinciale) (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Place of Business/ Date: Place d’Affaires: Kineticor Resource FG Limited Partnership June 18 Calgary AB

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION/CERTIFICATS D’ENREGISTREMENT (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: 1st Rate Exteriors June 17 42 Bird Bay, Regina other building finishing contractors, roofing contractors, siding contractors 2SK Performance June 17 254 N Par Pl., Regina athletic instruction 3M Land & Cattle June 5 SW ¼ 20-44-18 W2M, oilseed and grain farming RM of Star City No. 428, Melfort Alliance Genetics June 18 Box 18, Site 5, R.R. 2, all other animal production, Prince Albert cattle ranching and farming Another Level Home Inspections June 17 Box 1644, Yorkton building inspection services Archangel Realty June 18 2072 Montague St., Regina real estate agents Ashley Dawn Consulting June 19 94 B Cloverdale Rd., Prince other management consulting Albert services Avanti By Zenn June 16 222-310 Hammond home health care services, hair Wholistic Day Spa Building Main St. N, care and esthetic services Moose Jaw Baatshaat Networks June 20 24, 1621-1st St., Estevan Internet publishing and broadcasting, and web search portals Bannerman Heavy Duty Repair May 26 NW ¼ 25-51-19 W3M, other automotive repair and Livelong maintenance Bantle’s Service June 18 106 Highway No. 2, automotive mechanical Cudworth and electrical repair and maintenance, automotive parts and accessories stores, gasoline stations Beachside Rental June 16 Provincial general rental centres Park, Highway No. 204, Cochin Blush Brand Photography June 15 3514-37th St. W, Saskatoon photographic services Buffalo Lookout Campground June 15 250, 2550-15th Ave., recreational (except hunting Regina and fishing) and vacation camps Casa Rio Developments June 17 910 Rempel Rise, residential building construction Saskatoon Chiefin’ Contracting Services June 16 SW ¼ 24-54-28 W3M, finish carpentry contractors Onion Lake THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1761

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Christie’s Elephant June 15 1222-5th St., Estevan mobile food services Ear Emporium Coleville Hotel June 16 100 Main St., Coleville hotels (except casino hotels) and motels Country Acres June 17 Box 142, SW ¼ 7-18-15, promoters (presenters) of Weddings & Events W2M, McLean performing arts, sports and similar events with facilities Crescent Street Creations June 19 32-6th Street Cres., sewing, needlework and piece Kindersley goods stores Dameswork Venture June 16 13-104 Hanbidge Cres., all other miscellaneous store Regina retailers Dan’s Moving and June 16 2724 Quinn Dr., Regina used household and office goods Transportation Company moving Discount Car and June 15 720 Arrow Rd., Toronto ON automotive equipment rental Truck Rentals and leasing Display Development June 15 7-1801 E Turvey Rd., other miscellaneous merchant Group of Regina Regina wholesalers Drive By Gas June 19 1514 Forest Dr., Saskatoon local messengers and local delivery, fuel dealers Dstudio Microblading June 15 253 Willis Cres., Saskatoon all other personal services Duff Kelly June 16 110 Harold St., Senlac musical groups and artists EF Solutions June 16 Box 758, 116 Parkview electrical contractors and other Cove, Osler wiring installation contractors Embrace Change Hair Salon June 16 350 Chaplin St. W, Swift hair care and esthetic services Current EN Enterprises June 15 135 Blackburn Cres., motor vehicle and parts dealers Saskatoon Ethan’s Electronics June 16 353 Bendel Cres., electronics and appliance stores Martensville Evolve Massage Therapy June 19 3-239 Centennial Dr., all other personal services, other Martensville personal care services, offices of all other health practitioners F13 Oilfield Rentals June 18 Box 732, 525 Carlyle Ave., general rental centres Carlyle Fabeluxe Bags By April June 17 1-2249 Cornwall St., electronic shopping and mail- Regina order houses FJ Contracting June 17 2125 St. Charles Ave., residential building construction Saskatoon Food Trip Kabayan June 15 52 Aster Cres., Moose Jaw specialty food stores G & Z Trading June 19 21 Centennial Dr., North other farm product merchant Martensville wholesalers Gallivan: Student June 9 4400-181 Bay St., Toronto all other insurance related Health & Wellness ON activities 1762 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Glendor Acres June 3 NE ¼ 32-20-26 W2M, RM other grain farming of Dufferin No. 190 Glendor Acres June 3 NE ¼ 32-20-26 W2M, RM other grain farming of Dufferin No. 190 Goal’s Gym June 17 Box 3399, 103 Burrows fitness and recreational sports Ave. E, Melfort centres Good Neighbour Ventures June 18 333 Main St., Saskatoon civic and social organizations Gopro Athletics Powered By June 17 106 Lincoln Dr., Regina athletic instruction Shae Howorko GP Financial Services June 15 1703 Badham Blvd., investment advice Regina Grandma’s Attique Gifts June 17 301 Railway Ave., Golden snack food manufacturing, gift, and Treats Prairie novelty and souvenir stores, art dealers Hello Paint June 18 C28 Great Plains Rd., paint and wallpaper stores Emerald Park Hitchcock’s Hideaway June 15 Box 103, Birsay recreational vehicle Camping Resort (RV) parks and campgrounds Hone & Polish Your Writing June 19 218-4th St. E, Saskatoon all other schools and instruction Inner Peace Yoga June 17 3521-8th St. E, Saskatoon fitness and recreational sports centres JA Richaud Family Mineral June 11 Box 500, 5016-48th St., holding companies Rights Limited Partnership Lloydminster Jaydon Tsui Pharmacy Practice June 16 18 Colony Pl., Regina pharmacies and drug stores Kabayan Pinoy Food Products June 16 20 Fairford St. W, Moose specialty food stores Jaw Karan Kuljit Courier Service June 19 3122-37th St. W, Saskatoon couriers and messengers Kazam Lemonadez June 15 213-1st St. E, Carlyle caterers Kintyre Farm June 15 108 Rayner Ave., seed merchant wholesalers Turf Seed Division Saskatoon Kr’spy Kr’tt’rs:Thermal June 15 122-B Ave. O S, Saskatoon exterminating and pest control Extermination services Kyle Pfeifer Construction June 15 5 Echo Dr., Fort Qu’Appelle residential building construction L & T Huynh Contracting June 18 2044 Alexandra St., Regina janitorial services, painting and wall covering contractors Lakshya Enterprises June 17 34-53 Munroe Pl., Regina janitorial services, painting and wall covering contractors Larry Mcrorie June 16 217-322 Saguenay Dr., all other financial investment Insurance & Investments Saskatoon activities, insurance agencies and brokerages Legendary Oilfield Rentals June 16 Box 732, 525 Carlyle Ave., general rental centres Carlyle THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1763

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: LGS Law June 16 1035 Main St. E, offices of lawyers Saskatoon Loko Designs June 15 113 Hyde St., Balgonie gift, novelty and souvenir stores MAF Management Group June 18 1400-2002 Victoria Ave., management of companies and Regina enterprises Magi-Kleen Janitorial Services May 15 30 Jackson Dr., Meadow janitorial services Lake Nellie’s Kitchen Restaurant June 18 610A, 350-3rd Ave. N, full-service restaurants and Saskatoon limited-service eating places NFK Nutritional Coaching June 20 SW ¼ 1-48-28 W3M, all other personal services Lloydminster No Breaksexpress June 14 4-1315 Chaplin St. E, Swift couriers Current Northpoint Electrical June 19 SE ¼ 26-60-19 W3M, electrical contractors and other and Contracting Meadow Lake wiring installation contractors Nota Serve Solutions June 19 4130 Albert St., Regina accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services, administrative management and general management consulting services, all other financial investment activities, all other food manufacturing, all other support services, cosmetics, beauty supplies and perfume stores, direct life, health and medical insurance carriers, food merchant wholesalers, fresh fruit and vegetable merchant wholesalers, frozen food manufacturing, grocery stores, supermarkets and other grocery (except convenience) stores, tax preparation services, offices of notaries, cigarette and tobacco product merchant wholesalers, mobile food services, other specialty food stores, other petroleum and coal product manufacturing, other specialty- line food merchant wholesalers Old Iron Acres June 17 SW ¼ 35-30-10 W2M, RM all other crop farming of Foam Lake No. 276, Tuffnell Ottawa Insurance June 16 350 Langdon Cres., Moose insurance agencies and Jaw brokerages Over Under Spray Foaming June 18 128 Moose Bay, Arcola drywall and insulation contractors 1764 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Passionate About Painting June 16 347 St. Johns St., Regina other specialized design services Decorating and Designing Pat Roth Entertainment June 16 403 Warwick Dr., Regina all other amusement and recreation industries Paws Inn Boarding Kennel June 8 NE ¼ 20-26-2 W2M, RM of pet care (except veterinary) Wallace No. 243 services PGP Management Services June 17 358 Candle Cres., management consulting services Saskatoon Prairie Donair Hamilton June 16 1914 Hamilton St., Regina full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places Prairie Lily Financial June 17 2016, 2345-10th Ave. W, insurance agencies and Prince Albert brokerages, investment advice Prairie Rangeland June 16 603-1st St. NE, Wadena pesticide and other agricultural Custom Spray chemical manufacturing, pesticide, fertilizer and other agricultural chemical manufacturing, remediation and other waste management services, support activities for crop production, support activities for forestry Prairie View Productions June 15 801 Albert St., Estevan motion picture and video production Prim & Proper Decor June 19 100-1114 Central Ave., all other miscellaneous store Prince Albert retailers QTO – Quality Tools Online June 18 702-1st St. S, Martensville electronic shopping and mail- order houses Quartz Logistics June 17 Box 42, Bright Sand truck transportation Ralph Oberle Auction June 19 SW ¼ 32-7-17 W3M, RM of personal and household Grassy Creek No. 78 goods merchant wholesalers, agricultural supplies merchant wholesalers, direct selling establishments, farm, lawn and garden machinery and equipment merchant wholesalers, second-hand goods (except machinery and automotive) merchant wholesalers, other direct selling establishments Red Coat Ag June 18 96 Great Plains Rd., agricultural supplies merchant Emerald Park wholesalers Red Line Motor Sports June 16 1017-3rd St., Estevan automotive parts and accessories stores Red Road Builders June 15 NE ¼ 17-9-2 W2M, Carlyle commercial and institutional building construction THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1765

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Reliable Enterprises June 15 Box 1751 Stn Main, Moose residential building construction Jaw Rick’s Turn Craftwork June 18 421-9th Ave. NW, Swift bookkeeping, payroll and Current related services, tax preparation services, wood product manufacturing RJH Designs June 15 826 Grandview St. W, wood product manufacturing Moose Jaw Roberts Law Office June 19 15 Champlin Cres., offices of lawyers, other legal Saskatoon services Rooted Plumbing & Heating June 19 1571-91st St., North plumbing, heating and air- Battleford conditioning contractors Rosenberg & Parker Surety June 17 205-4211 Yonge St., insurance agencies and Toronto ON brokerages Runnin R Ranch June 17 NW ¼ 1-36-15-33 W1M, horse and other equine Wapella production Rustik Jems Art Services June 16 Box 236, NW ¼ 33-28-19 art dealers W2M, Raymore S & B Cranch Trucking June 17 NW 2750142 W2M, truck transportation Nipawin Sara Jain Tattoos June 19 301-1377 Hamilton St., other personal care services Regina Sassy Plants June 19 412-410 Hunter Rd., other home furnishings stores, Saskatoon nursery stock and plant merchant wholesalers Schubert Salvage and Towing June 16 NE ¼ 5-11-11 W2M, motor vehicle towing, recyclable Fillmore metal merchant wholesalers South Side Auto Wreckers June 16 319 Souris Ave., Weyburn other recyclable material merchant wholesalers Spirit Storycatching Network June 21 1319-20th St. W, Saskatoon research and development in the social sciences and humanities Sticks and Doodles Shop June 15 2927 E Jenkins Dr., Regina other specialized design services, general merchandise stores Suremovers June 16 B-4643 Curtiss Ave., transit and ground passenger Regina transportation, used household and office goods moving, local messengers and local delivery Tapestry Yoga June 19 250-14th St. W, Prince all other schools and instruction Albert The 19th Hole Pub and Eatery June 17 390 Pottery St., full-service restaurants and limited-service eating places The Family Nest: Education June 19 505 Lansdowne Ave., educational support services for Expecting Families Saskatoon 1766 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: The Fix Bites: Protein June 18 NE ¼ 21-29-31 W1M, snack food manufacturing and Energy Snack Kamsack The Master’s Class Online June 15 107-212 La Ronge Rd., advertising material Saskatoon distribution services, administrative management and general management consulting services, advertising agencies, advertising, public relations, and related services, all other information services, all other support services, book publishers, business-to- business electronic markets, computer systems design and related services, computer training, computer, computer peripheral and pre-packaged software merchant wholesalers, direct selling establishments, direct mail advertising, document preparation services, educational support services, educational support services, electronic shopping and mail-order houses, financial transactions processing, reserve and clearing house activities, internet publishing and broadcasting, and web search portals, language schools, management consulting services, marketing research and public opinion polling, office administrative services, office administrative services, other activities related to credit intermediation, other business support services, other individual and family services, other management consulting services, other membership organizations, other personal care services, other publishers, professional and management development training, software publishers The Rustic Cellar June 19 324 Park Ave., Langham beer, wine and liquor stores The Water Heater Guy June 17 c/o Mr. J’s Maintenance other specialty trade contractors Service Ltd., 573-16th St. W, Prince Albert THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1767

Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Tinkered Secondhand June 16 406 Main St. N, second-hand goods Craft Store (except machinery and automotive) merchant wholesalers Tod Procurement Services June 15 4521 Hames Cres., general-line building supplies Harbour Landing, Regina merchant wholesalers, general- line food merchant wholesalers, household appliance merchant wholesalers, interior design services, other business support services, other miscellaneous merchant wholesalers Treasurekids Day Care June 16 5469 Cade St., Regina child day-care services, child day-care services Urban Evergreen June 20 504-2nd St. W, Meadow all other miscellaneous Sustainable Goods Lake manufacturing, all other miscellaneous store retailers Van de Kamp Visuals June 19 1723 E Hunter Pl., Regina photographic services Voltzer Contracting June 16 3015-1st Ave., Waldheim electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors Wang’s Traditional June 16 2-623 Ave. H S, Saskatoon all other personal services Chinese Medicine WNR Farms June 15 NW ¼ 34-42-13 W3M, agricultural feed merchant Maymont wholesalers YLM Beauty & Lifestyle June 19 4-461 King St., Estevan all other personal services

CERTIFICATES OF REGISTRATION/CERTIFICATS D’ENREGISTREMENT (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Incorporating Head or Nature of Business/ Date: Jurisdiction/ Registered Nature des activités: Autorité Office/Siège législative de social ou bureau constitution enregistré: K5 Capital Advisors, L.P. June 18 Delaware USA 875 Manhattan other funds and Beach Blvd., financial vehicles Manhattan Beach CA USA K5 Private Investors, L.P. June 18 Delaware USA 875 Manhattan other funds and Beach Blvd., financial vehicles Manhattan Beach CA USA Laura Secord S.E.C. June 11 Quebec 550 Avenue Godin, all other miscellaneous Quebec QC store retailers 1768 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

CERTIFICATES OF DISSOLUTION/CERTIFICATS DE DISSOLUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Assiniboia Travel Agency May 11 309 Centre St., Assiniboia travel agency Leuschen’s Country Jan. 4 108 Main St., Cudworth convenience, hardware store, General Store coffee shop, Canada Post, liquor franchise, game licence issuer, plumbing and heating

EXPIRATIONS/EXPIRATIONS (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Place of Business/ Date: Place d’Affaires: Richi Collection June 19 Saskatoon Serendipity Studio June 21 RM of Buckland No. 491

EXPIRATION/EXPIRATION (Extraprovincial Corporation/société extraprovinciale) (2020)

Name/Nom: Date/ Place of Business/ Date: Place d’Affaires: Strathallen Retail Property Fund LP No. 1 June 17 Toronto ON

Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice. ______

The Non-profit Corporations Act, 1995/Loi de 1995 sur les sociétés sans but lucratif ______

Editorial Disclaimer: Any content or typographical errors filed with the Corporate Registry operated by ISC are hereby reproduced under this Act and its corresponding headings. Avis de non-responsabilité éditoriale : les erreurs de contenu ou typographiques apparaissant au registre des sociétés, tenu par la ISC, sont reproduites en vertu de la présente Loi et de ses rubriques correspondantes.

CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION/CERTIFICATS DE CONSTITUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Global Association for People June 19 836 Main St., Saskatoon international assistance and the Environment Inc. Massage Me for Free Charity June 18 404-1015 Stonebridge other personal care services for the Homeless Inc. Common, Saskatoon THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1769

CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION/CERTIFICAT DE DISSOLUTION (2020) Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Langbank Sunshine Club Inc. June 15 1103 Broadway Ave., Drawer local social club 280, Moosomin


Name/Nom: Date/ Registered Address/ Nature of Business/ Date: Bureau enregistré Nature des activités: Regina Dawat June 18 2359 Riverbend Cres., all other support services, Club Incorporated Regina civic and social organizations Saskatchewan Health June 9 3802 Allen Ave., Regina community health centres Coalition Inc. Saskatchewan River June 15 Reserve Center 109, other membership Community Development Cumberland House organizations Corporation Stockholm & District June 5 Box 35, Stockholm civic and social organizations, Lion’s Club Inc. other membership organizations Swift Current Community June 17 800-2nd Ave. NW, Swift provide facilities, social and Baptist Church Inc. Current spiritual services (church) to the residents of swift current and area The South Saskatchewan June 3 3934 Gordon Rd., Regina to render financial assistance Community Foundation Inc. to charitable organizations White Butte Minor Baseball June 21 134 Meadow Rd., White City sports teams and clubs Association Inc.

Sheri Hupp, Director/Directrice. ______PUBLIC NOTICES/AVIS PUBLICS ______

The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997 [section 20.1] ______

ELIMINATION OF A SPEED ZONE – PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY NO. 16 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, effective immediately, pursuant to section 20.1 of The Highways and Transportation Act, 1997, the Minister eliminates a speed zone under Schedule B at the following location: • 80 km/hr on Provincial Highway No. 16 from a point 300 m east of the east limit of the Borden Service Road to a point 450 m west of the west limit of the Borden Service Road. The speed limit at the referenced location reverts to 90 km/hr as specified under Schedule B. Dated at Regina, Saskatchewan, the 11th day of February, 2020. ______Tom Lees, Assistant Deputy Minister, Operation and Maintenance Division, Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure. 1770 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

The Medical Profession Act, 1981 ______

SASKATCHEWAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONS – REGULATORY BYLAW AMENDMENT The Regulatory Bylaw of the Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons is hereby amended as follows: Regulatory Bylaw 35.1 is amended by adding clause (c) as follows: “(c) notwithstanding clause (a) above, a physician who has successfully completed residency training in Canada in 2020 and has been granted a provisional licence, but for whom the examination leading to Certification from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada was postponed, shall be placed on the specialist list of the College until the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada has released the results of the first examinations that the physician was eligible to challenge in that physician’s specialty”. Certified a true copy of a bylaw amendment passed by the Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons on June 20, 2020.

CERTIFIED TRUE COPY: Dr. Karen Shaw, Registrar, Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Surgeons. Date: June 20, 2020. APPROVED BY: Honourable Jim Reiter, Minister of Health. Date: July 3, 2020. ______

The Municipalities Act [section 214] ______

NOTICES OF PREPARATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLLS — RURAL MUNICIPALITY R.M. of Morris No. 312 Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the R.M. of Morris No. 312 for the year 2020 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, June 19 to August 20, 2020. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $25.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, R.M. of Morris No. 312, Box 130, Young SK S0K 4Y0, by the 21st day of August, 2020. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2020.

Belinda Rowan, Assessor.

THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1771

URBAN MUNICIPALITIES Village of Lake Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Pinehouse Lake for the year 2020 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 10 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4 p.m., on the following days: Monday to Friday, July 3 to August 31, 2020. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal with: The Assessor, Village of Pinehouse Lake, Box 130, Pinehouse Lake SK S0J 2B0, by the 31st day of August, 2020. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2020.

Martine Smith, Assessor. ______

Village of Speers Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Speers for the year 2020 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays, May 15 to July 15, 2020. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $50.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Clerk, Village of Speers, Box 974, Speers SK S0M 2V0, by the 15th day of July, 2020. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2020.

Dean Nicholson, Assessor.

Village of Weirdale Notice is hereby given that the assessment roll for the Village of Weirdale for the year 2020 has been prepared and is open to inspection in the office of the assessor from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 8 and from 10 a.m. to noon on Friday, July 24, 2020 or by appointment, June 25 to August 25, 2020. A bylaw pursuant to section 214 of The Municipalities Act has been passed and the assessment notices have been sent as required. Any person who wishes to appeal against his or her assessment is required to file his or her notice of appeal, accompanied by a $100.00 appeal fee which will be returned if the appeal is successful, with: The Assessor, Village of Weirdale, Box 57, Weirdale SK S0J 2Z0, by the 25th day of August, 2020. Dated this 3rd day of July, 2020.

Sherry Dearing, Assessor. 1772 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020


Rules Relating to Private Bills The Rules and Procedures of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan with regard to the time for filing Petitions for Private Bills with the Clerk and other related matters can be obtained by visiting the Legislative Assembly website or on application to: Gregory A. Putz Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Room 239, Legislative Building Regina SK S4S 0B3 Telephone: (306)787-0603 E-mail: [email protected] * For further information regarding the Private Bills Committee, visit the Committees link at: ______

Règlements relatifs aux pétitions et aux projets de loi d’intérêt privé Les règlements de l’Assemblée législative de la Saskatchewan relatifs aux délais prescrits pour le dépôt de pétitions concernant des projets de loi d’intérêt privé, ainsi que d’autres renseignements à ce sujet sont disponibles en tout temps au site Web de l’Assemblée législative ou auprès du greffier en s’adressant à: Gregory A. Putz Greffier de l’Assemblée législative Bureau 239, Palais législatif Regina SK S4S 0B3 Téléphone: (306) 787-0603 Courriel: [email protected] * D’autres renseignements au sujet du Comité des projets de loi d’intérêt privé sont disponibles sous le titre « Committees » au site Web de l’Assemblée législative au: ______


PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submissions to The Saskatchewan Gazette is 5 p.m. on the Monday of the week of publication. If a holiday occurs within the week of publication, the deadline is set back to 5 p.m. of the previous Friday. Please allow yourself at least one full week to ensure mail delivery of Gazette submissions. Publication of any material received late will be delayed until the following week’s issue. All material for publication in The Saskatchewan Gazette must be submitted electronically (MS Word or WordPerfect) accompanied by a signed hard copy to Publications Saskatchewan, Ministry of Justice, B19-3085 Albert St., Regina SK S4S 0B1, tel. (306)787-6948, or by E-mail: [email protected]. Each document or disk must be complete in the form required for publication and must be separate from the covering letter. Signatures on all documents must be typewritten or clearly printed immediately below the written signatures.

Prepayment is required for ALL notices placed in The Saskatchewan Gazette by non-government clients. Cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Please include the GST in addition to regular charges at the rate of 5% each for those items listed below under “GST Payable”. THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, 3 juillet 2020 1773

The minimum charge for publication of notices not specified below is $16.00 for each notice, which sum shall accompany the material when forwarded for publication. The following are minimum rates for advertising in The Saskatchewan Gazette: GST Payable Notices under The Saskatchewan Insurance Act...... Two issues...... $35.00 Notice of Intention to Apply for a Private Bill...... Two issues...... 40.00 Notice of Sale and Auction...... One issue...... 20.00 Notice of Sale of Unclaimed Shipments...... One issue...... 20.00 Notices under The Tax Enforcement Act...... Five parcels or less, for a minimum charge of...... 20.00 (Additional parcels are $0.75 each; metes and bounds descriptions are $3.50 each) GST Exempt Notices under The Companies Winding Up Act...... Two issues...... $35.00 Notices under The Traffic Safety Act* or The Commercial Liens Act (Vehicle Auctions)...... One issue...... $20.00 *Please note that Auctioneers acting pursuant to The Traffic Safety Act must be licensed under The Auctioneers Act. Notices re: Assessment Rolls (Municipal)...... One issue...... $30.00 One copy of your submission as it appeared in The Saskatchewan Gazette is mailed to government advertisers who are invoiced. With prepayment, a copy of your submission is available on request from Publications Saskatchewan. Subscriptions Yearly subscription rate to The Saskatchewan Gazette (Paper Copy)...... Payable in advance...... $125.00 Shipping charge per issue...... $5.00 ______


SACHEZ QUE: La date de tombée pour les soumissions à la Gazette de la Saskatchewan est le lundi à 5 p.m., la semaine de la parution. En cas de jour férié à l’intérieur de la semaine de parution, la date de tombée sera remise un jour avant, soit le vendredi à 5 p.m. Pour les envois de soumissions à la Gazette par la poste, veuillez prévoir une semaine au complet. La parution de tout matériel reçu en retard sera remise au numéro de la semaine suivante. Tous les documents qui paraîtront dans la Gazette de la Saskatchewan doivent être soumis électroniquement (MS Word ou WordPerfect) et accompagnés d’une copie papier signée et envoyée à Publications Saskatchewan, ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, B19-3085, rue Albert, Regina SK S4S 0B1, tél. 306-787-6948, ou par courriel: [email protected]. Chaque document ou disquette doit être complet, conformément aux normes de parution, et doit être séparé de la lettre d’accompagnement. Les signatures sur les documents doivent être dactylographiées ou écrites lisiblement en lettres moulées et doivent apparaître immédiatement en dessous de la signature écrite.

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The Rules of Court of Saskatchewan Publications Saskatchewan offers a loose-leaf service for The Rules of Court of Saskatchewan. The service includes the following features: • 8½” x 11” page size in the same version and format as the Internet service, Freelaw®, located at

The Rules of Court effective June 15, 2020, will be available soon. To subscribe, e-mail your name and contact information to [email protected]. If you have questions, please call(306) 787-6894, or toll free in Saskatchewan 1-800-226-7302.

Loose-leaf Regulations of Saskatchewan The Office of the Queen’s Printer offers a loose-leaf service for the Regulations of Saskatchewan. The service includes the following features: • 8½” x 11” page size in the same version and format as the Internet service, Freelaw®, located at • complete consolidated Regulations with Title Pages, Tables of Contents, historical notes and forms • quick and easy filing without complicated page numbering • updated regularly Release No. 60 (2020-2), effective June 15, 2020, will be available soon. To subscribe, e-mail your name and contact information to [email protected]. If you have questions, please call (306) 787-6894, or toll free in Saskatchewan 1-800-226-7302. 1776 THE SASKATCHEWAN GAZETTE, JULY 3, 2020

Printed by Publications Saskatchewan under the authority of The Queen's Printer/Imprimé par Publications Saskatchewan sous l’autorité de l’Imprimeur de la Reine pour la Saskatchewan Regina (Saskatchewan) ©2020