Small Church on the Adige, Giuseppe Canella, 18Th-19Th Centu

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Small Church on the Adige, Giuseppe Canella, 18Th-19Th Centu anticSwiss 01/10/2021 04:59:29 Small church on the Adige, Giuseppe Canella, 18th-19th centu FOR SALE ANTIQUE DEALER Period: 19° secolo - 1800 Ars Antiqua srl Milano Style: Altri stili +39 02 29529057 393664680856 Diameter:12cm Material:Olio su tavola Price:3400€ DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Giuseppe Canella (Verona, 1788 - Florence, 1847) Church on the Adige Oil, diam. cm 12 The artistic life of Giuseppe Canella is fortunately traceable through the artist's handwritten autobiography, now preserved in the civic library of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. Initiated into the art of painting by his father Giovanni, in conjunction with his brother Carlo, Canella dedicated himself in his native Verona to the scenographic activity and to the fresco decoration of stately villas. Following a stay in Mantua, the artist converted to landscape painting, elaborating the suggestions of Canaletto when he stopped in the heart of the Serenissima (1815-1818). Canella also defined his own pictorial language during a stay abroad that lasted over a decade (1819-1832): first in Spain, with stops in Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante and Madrid, then in Paris, then moving to the forest of Fontainebleau, in Alsace, Normandy and finally Holland (1826). Author of spectacular views of the Seine and the Parisian boulevards, much appreciated by the future King Louis Philippe d'Orléans - who awarded him a gold medal -, the artist also devoted himself to the execution of marinas and glimpses of the Dutch canals, comparing with new urban subjects after his return to Milan in 1832, where he was appointed Academic in Brera. His intense research on the theme of the landscape continued during the 1830s, in a continuous update on the most advanced examples of international painting, from Paul Huet to Camille Corot, both present with Canella himself at the Parisian Salon of 1827. Not we can completely exclude a hypothesis recently advanced by critics, according to which Corot and Canella could have met in the autumn of 1834 on Lake Garda, a sought after and picturesque destination for the artists of the time: the first stayed there in September, staring from true the landscape of Riva del Garda and Desenzano on his travel notebook (Paris, Musée du Louvre), while the presence of the latter in southern Tyrol is documented with certainty in 1835, when the artist completed two Views of Trento, exhibited in the autumn of the same year at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts (View of the Buonconsiglio Castle and View of the Piazza del Duomo in Trento, to which the View of the on riva dell'Adige in Trento, taken from the S. 1 / 3 anticSwiss 01/10/2021 04:59:29 Martino district). The precious view proposed here stigmatizes one of the artist's emblematic views. The marked chromatism reflects the miniaturistic taste accorded by Canella to the landscape views, typical of his most sought-after production. The miniature depicts a bend in the Adige river, happily joined by a small church, soberly decorated in the attic and approached by a bell tower. The porch on the façade of the church denounces the northern context, as well as the architectural structure of the building, which recalls the similarly Trentino churches of S. Ippolito in Tesimo, S. Giovanni in Ranui and S. Procolo in Naturno. The adoption of a modern and essential composition and the accentuation of chromatic and luministic values distinguish the extreme production of the painter, who, according to the chronicles of the time, was crushed in Florence by a "violent disease" on 11 September 1847. The mountain glimpse is chronologically linked to the production of the 1930s, when the artist, before leaving for Rome and Naples, dwelt for a long time on the artistic restitution of lake and woodland landscapes of northern Italy, as also demonstrated by the dates of the aforementioned views which date back to 1835. 2 / 3 anticSwiss 01/10/2021 04:59:29 Gallery 3 / 3 Powered by TCPDF ( Powered by TCPDF (
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