
PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040



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NonCommercial - : Properties and Origins :Properties


xploration Science Directorate

Solar System Solar



r r Laboratory for Space Science Research andE Research andExploration Science Directorate,

22, 2013 - anh.n.nguyen@.gov - Speaker hnsonSpace Center, Houston, TX, hnsonSpace Center, Houston, TX,

, TX 77058 lan [email protected] [email protected]

ndsay P. Keller ndsay mail: mail: mail: Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under - - -

 November 18 Taipei, Taiwan 1 The Cycle of in the : Observations, Theory, and Laboratory Experiments (LCDU 2013 )

E E N. Nguyen Ann Jacobs NASA JohnsonSpace Center Houston E Li Robert M. Walke Astromaterials NASA Jo Scott Messenger Scott Robert M. Walker Laboratory for Space Science, Astromaterials NASA Jo Dust in the the in Dust PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

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starting starting 10 obtained obtained

- a diffuse, of of dust in 4

10 by by

(<1 mm) dust dust principally Robertson

Solar erplanetary dust erplanetary - from from all of http://pos.sis

, and has been

among un over w w on the horizon just re re we summarize the Diverse Diverse environments Solar Solar System according according to their size 90 % of the dust in the grains condensation e of volatile loss from . ranging ranging from refractory He


, and by direct laboratory , . ] the the 5 llisions llisions dust - to the S 1 Interplanetary [

Solar Solar System . have contributed have the contributed of majority Solar Solar System of of dust

for most for intof most the and of

s ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - with time and and Solar Solar System could could y y dust favored as the dominant dust m) m) Remarkably, Remarkably,  alone alone dust dust in the Solar Solar System NonCommercial rtunately, observational limitations leave large large leave limitations observational rtunately, - also vary gradually gradually spiral in

(<100 (<100

can be traced back to the

Unfo Due Due to a combination of . . ] prodigious prodigious source e associated with several major asteroid families 8 dust [ < 1 cm probably probably comets comets entering the inner also also ng ng and as a consequenc

by by building building blocks of the visible visible with the naked eye as a faint glo


. is were were

particles particles diacal dust cloud suggest that as much as . Later, IRAS observations of the Zodiacal dust revealed distinct present day interplanetary all interplanetary interplanetary itself itself original ’s earliest beginnings >1 >1 AU from the proposed proposed that 1P/Encke

derives from derivescomets from Solar System Solar ]

ebula ebula 6 Solar Solar System


he Solar Solar System have have survived intact in comets and asteroids that have undergone minimal parent other other airless bodies interstellar dust stream. dust interstellar

derived from laboratory analysis. analysis. laboratory from derived solar solar n Earth accretes Solar Solar System of of samples collected on and above the Earth and in space

as they approach the Sun. It is still not known with certainty whether comets or asteroids or whether asteroids comets is with still Sun. certainty the approach It notas known they

he Solar System Solar T Early Early attempts to discern the origin of interplanetar Dust in the Knowledge Knowledge of the origins and properties of The The gh gh a combination of astronomical observations, Modern interplanetary dust interplanetary Modern


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 and location in t in and location virtually all sources drag and solar drag, bands whose inclination distributions wer sources to asteroidal taken favor were and these observations More recent models of the zo inner uncertainties in models for the origin of origins of interplanetary the dust particles interplanetary dust complex. Furthermore, t comets dust. interplanetary of sources theare dominant source. Whipple the dust in the following sunrise. light’ sunset Thisfollowing is ‘zodiacal caused or before reflection by of sunlight off of countless interplanetary dust particles in the inner derives from mutual collisions amo throu analysis properties and origins of as materials 1.1 body body processing since their formation ~4.57 billion suffused with years a new generation of dust that ago. is formed by mutual co Today, the impacts onto velocity high particles comprised the within the minerals condensing from high temperature gas near the Sun to organic grains forming under cryogenic conditions at the outer regions of the disk. environments 1. smoke these clouds, formed in molecular with grains Together . theof outflows dying PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

. ]

19 [ grain grain sa.it -

While While Direct Direct during during

. ] The high

11 like like objects , - the Japanese

10 [

d d in grain http://pos.sis and

varying varying degrees of ] g ofg particles < 300 and rarely from the k Solar Solar System

13 d d the most accurate collection collection bias. 7 [

An An interplanetary dust , . orbit. Measurements of ] 2 .

] 16 [ 14 intact organic materials materials intact organic


Wild Earth - and

] 81P/ low

ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence.

18 - [ comet , and have experienced rains rains , but none are free of have have also returned directly from NonCommercial -

asteroid asteroid Itokawa satellites in bodies bodies bodies or are ejected from the by

presolar g presolar

motion motion resonances with bodies than , which mainly derive from

amples is highly challenging because they are diverse, are they diverse, because ischallenging amples highly Earth

- . - ] . Only a few submicrometer grains have been found so spacecraft ] and

21 [


[ .

] Two Two ned. ned. Work on these samples is proceeding in a consortium mission to the near . 15

] [ (the capture medium)

Robertson effect is a relativistic drag force that arises from the Solar Solar System - lyses. lyses. But, for practical reasons the number of bodies that can be to 12 [

Solar System Consequently, Consequently, interplanetary dust accreted by the Earth is a more low abundances low of including including the discovery of refractory minerals particles particles and their source

with ters. ters.

challege challege has been to locate and analyze samples of the interstellar dust stream

The Poynting .

. ] particles particles are ultimately captured by the Sun, some are destroye as these are the first samples directly obtained from the surface of an asteroid. an of surface the from obtained directly samples first the are these as 9

established established geochemical context and strengthen connections between remote [ ] captured captured by other mixed - ust collection also resulted in the destruction and alteration of fine grained and

. Investigations of and radiation damage are another area of intense

unexpectedly unexpectedly deployed deployed on the international has also been used to collect ] 22 [ 14 rth, rth, in the upper atmosphere, are still in the planning stages planning the in still are and [

of the Each of these collections yield unique types of information about the and origin of The analysis of asteroidal samples poses its own challenges due to the The study of the Stardust cometary s The cometary of the study Stardust Samples Samples of cosmic dust have been collected in especially clean locations on the surface of , and ] Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under m m in diameter every year

17  interplanetary interplanetary dust samples of asteroids and comets are extremely valuable because they provide fresh with materials well observations and sample ana limited limited amount of sample retur fashion particle by particle. Despite this limitation, researchers have already confirmed that S type asteroids are likely parent bodies of ordinary Earth meteorites commonly found on interest An An even greater targeted by the Stardust spacecraft far and the critical analyses necessary to determine whether or grains not they are true insterstellar thermal thermal and shock alteration as a result of the impact into the dust collector at 6 km/s. velocity d thermally labile materials. Nevertheless, analysis surprising findings, of these samples revealed a [ number of (JAXA) (JAXA) Hayabusa mission collector the Earth impacting before just intimately the Ea impact craters on 4 x ofrate approximately 10 of thedust, terrestrial measurement the LDEF spacecraft have  yielde their source bodies: the NASA planetary planetary encoun representative sample of locations in the near mean timescales anisotropic absorption and emission of radiation from small particles in motion most collisions, PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


from from

sa.it ary deep deep sea are are altered or

period period comets which survived which survived - http://pos.sis effects v the lowest degrees the lowest of degrees samples samples of

Recent Recent expeditions to

eating eating . , many of , many

H of of rounded metal or

s may be overcome by careful mages courtesy of Matt Genge. of Matt courtesy mages ting rimitive rimitive that that resemble the bubbly textures of ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. atmosphere


of p consis

,’ of micrometeorites of

producing producing asteroids and short NonCommercial - those - These These textures are consistent with as melting a

. m) particles generally show particles m) generally ]

The The polar micrometeorites show diverse textures  24 . spherules ] , thousands 27

23 - [

m m extraterrestrial particles that are collected on the Earth l (<50 ed alteration alteration effects related to terrestrial residence or sample 25  SEM backscattered electron i electron SEM backscattered [ cosmic cosmic

mal differences. he peak of the mass flux of extraterrestrial materials accreted ‘

weathering. weathering. These shortcoming

S 500 Micrometeorites Micrometeorites were first identified in

. as )

– . ] and therefore sample the dominant dust producing bodies in the also

and and ) 25 ] [ atures reached during are also strong functions of 12


century by by quantifying

m th  Fig. Fig. 1, heating heating during entry into the Earth’s (

in recent times

iaceous . micrometeorite. iaceous magnetite on magnetite their surfaces

frictional frictional lections lections provide a broad sampling of dust Micrometeorites , but peak temper . . These particles represent t with with Micrometeorites Micrometeorites are classified according to both their mineralogy and texture and the Micrometeorites Micrometeorites are ~25 ce

Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under Fig. Fig. 1: (Left) with Fine a grained micrometeorite large pyroxene grain magnetite. and framboidal Scor (Right)

 to completely melted cosmic spherules. Micrometeorites that experienced partial melting termed scoriaceous are because they possess irregular vesicles dark rockvolcanic heating and compositions that largely are there although meteorites, overlap with extent of thermal alteration resulting from atmospheric entry heating. unmelted particles that preserve thermally sensitive phases such as phyllosilicates and organics sediments sediments in the 19 grains result of and collect Antarctica have Greenland atmospheric entry without melting 1.1.1 surfa by the Earth (~200 Solar System However, However, high velocity particles (typically cometary) and many micrometeorites destroyed by atmospheric entry heating. Particles collected on or near the Earth surface are also susceptible to contamination sample selection and collection. sampled sampled in this way is small compared to the diversity of potential targets. Terrestrial cosmic dust col PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


in in ]

28 [ sa.it . The

] survive survive 29 (>35 (>35 km) [ Most coarse small, small, fragile gh gh rare cases densities densities and m m were found . high high C content 

coarse coarse grained http://pos.sis ir type type CM, CI, and rich rich meteorites (a

The The textures and - are consistent with

s. s. high high altitude m grains mineral m

 st distinguished by their -

by sub

usly usly collected micrometeorites the matrix of anhydrous anhydrous crystalline rules, rules, but are common classified into , metal and sulfides

mostly ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. previo -

contain contain refractory minerals that are sized - similar similar to that that m the the recovery process. A new collection of pper pper stratosphere

that are are that  that that cover the range of alteration recorded in

fragile fragile materials would be to unlikely

s NonCommercial textures textures and compositions - . The particles are fir composed composed of hydrated silicates or their thermal and ]

ollowing ollowing section. Based on the 31 is indeed , grained grained micrometeorites may derive from the same >several 27 - [ However, However,

typically ese ese particles likely derive from parent bodies that were are Th % % or more) that greatly exceed the most C micrometeorite micrometeorite . and fine

- Variations in the textures and mineralogy of these particles reflect of reflect these particles and mineralogy the in textures Variations first first collected in the u .


dominated dominated by 30 [

fine grained micrometeorite grained fine . At this altitude most of the atmospheric dust particles >10 ] wide wide range of and and hat hat are

t 32

[ like like micrometeorites and single crystals are also found. fine grained micrometeorites

- . Unmelted micrometeorites are broadly Rare Rare micrometeorites are also found Some Some coarse grained micrometeorites are decorated with fine grained chondritic

extents extents of aqueous alteration Stratospheric Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs) Particles Dust Interplanetary Stratospheric encounter encounter velocity, angle of entry into the atmosphere and particle Interplanetary Interplanetary dust was Overall, Overall, the Coarse grained micrometeorites are igneous objects that are mainly composed of Fine grained micrometeorites -

chondrite meteorites Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

 uncertain. 1.1.2 balloon flights and carbonaceous chondrite meteorites very high C abundances (~50 wt few wt. %). Moreover, their mineralogy is very interplanetary dust similar particles discussed to in the the f anhydrous chondritic porous and anhydrous mineralogy, a cometary origin for these particles is proposed, but this remains known known classes of chondritic meteorites. hundreds to thousands of years trapped in micrometeorites has been recently obtained from freshly fallen snow that contains ‘ultracarbonaceous’ particles with properties distinct from what fraction of micrometeorites may be derived from chond components of chondritic meteorites, so their presence among the micrometeorite population is expected. material that indicates coarse cases. some in parent bodies crystalline crystalline olivine and pyroxene within a glassy mesostasis grained micrometeorites have mineralogy similar to chondritic meteorites, althou of mineralogy of coarse grained micrometeorites are often similar to chondrules. It is not certain mineralogy mineralogy of CR differing meteorites. primitive in occur that inclusions refractory of fragments probably decomposition decomposition products, olivine, and pyroxene, with varying proportions of magnetite, metal, sulfides, and refractory minerals. warm enough to melt ice and sustain liquid in their interiors. This evidence of alteration aqueous is very common among primitive carbonaceous chondrite meteorites Earth compositions micrometeorites mesostasis glassy PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

. ]


s 33 , sa.it

. grained grained ] 24 - [

40 - reflect reflect both , paint chips, 35 volcanic volcanic dust, nate minerals. [ single single mineral

http://pos.sis m) m)  ewed as samples of of samples as ewed 57 aircraft routine collection routine - half half of the collected 10 (1) chondritic, smooth

Fe carbo - -

: EDX) after oil has been

- .

] 34 IDPs). [ - Excluding Excluding rocket exhaust and

large large (1 . established established 2, and WB - , industrial pollutants isotopic abundances isotopic ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - factor of 3 of primitive CI chondrite

hydrated silicates (2) chondritic, porous chondritic, (2) silicates hydrated

U2, U2, ER

ray analysis (SEM These particles can be vi particles These

- of NonCommercial - terrestrial terrestrial contaminants include rich phyllosilicates and Mg , including the observation of solar flare tracks, - flights his success, NASA NASA his success,

. ] r micrometeorites and meteorites collected on the Earth 41 ) are low porosity objects whose mineralogy is dominated [

mainly composed of composed mainly terrestrial H, C, N, and O N, C, H, terrestrial 20 km) - - foam to trap impacting particles to impacting trap foam non and and mafic silicates that may have small amounts of fine (18

and and other materials of uncertain origin copy copy energy dispersive X

IDPs) and nebular/interstellar materials (CP materials and nebular/interstellar IDPs) - rial origins. rial origins. t Following , Ni sulfides smooth smooth IDPs (Fig. 2 - free polyurethane free polyurethane . Several independent proofs of extraterrestrial origins of such ‘chondritic’ - ] oil 35 [

set them apart from the large IDPs IDPs occur in several broad compositional and textural classes ic material adhering to them adhering ic material rticles rticles that are dominated by anhydrous silicates and (3) t tratospherically tratospherically collected interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) have characteristics that articles articles are investigated for their textures and bulk major element abundances by Chondritic S pa P and compact particles that are are that particles compact and

id rocket exhaust particulates (aluminum oxide spherules) Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under planetary materials (CS materials planetary Fig. 2: (Left) SEM image of a CS hydrated IDP of probable asteroidal origin. (Right) SEM image image SEM (Right) origin. asteroidal probable of IDP hydrated a CS of SEM image (Left) 2: Fig. origin. cometary probable of IDP anhydrous a CP of

 grains grains such as Fe chondri by aqueous alteration products such as Mg generally generally surface. (CS) (CP) metal metal grains, skin flakes, volcanic dust, whose abundances vary particles have bulk element considerably, abundances that are within approximately a meteorites particles have been established over and time gas, noble solar implanted scanning scanning electron micros removed with an organic solvent (hexane). terrestrial Theand extraterrestrial origins. compositions Common of the particles sol to have extraterrest cosmic dust by high altitude Particles are collected by inertial impact onto flat or bouncing plates coated with silicone oil to prevent PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

. . - ]

or or - Ni Ni

are - or or s 52

have [ a few sa.it

) ). ). The

8 3 typically typically O IDPs forsterite forsterite

2 -

IDPs Si - with growth with growth . The Fe 2

CP ] also

based on their

CS 49 ) and -

3 3x that of the C http://pos.sis that that -

IDPs, IDPs, presumably 47 IDPs 2 - [ - CS evidenced evidenced by greater . IDPs IDPs are consistent with ] ). Many enstatite grains


] IDPs IDPs is 42 - Ni Ni sulfides, and amorphous [ 54 - [ ose ose in CP

, as However, However, some ). Because of their low strength, cosmic cosmic dust collector surface ) and (CaAl anorthite

6 ght ght blue, sulfide = red, Ca,Al . O ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. ] - 2 CM CM and CI

46 . - ] rich than th 42 50 rich carbonaceous material (Fig. - [ [ imitive imitive carbonaceous chondrites and -

jects (Fig. 2 Equilibrium Equilibrium condensation calculations show thick thick section of a CP IDP. (Right) False col NonCommercial - - . ob ]

bar total pressure

53 dominated dominated by enstatite (MgSiO 4 [ - aqueous aqueous processing

10 fragile

are gas gas the parent bodies of s of enstatite and forsterite in CP average, average, the C abundance of CP IDPs IDPs


localized .

of fragments upon impacting ] On 1310 K at . 51 rich olivine and pyroxene grains, Fe - compared compared with CM and CI chondrites [ - nstatite nstatite = dark blue, forsterite = li in CP only only IDPs IDPs tend to be more Ni IDPs - - phases including (CaMgSi diopside including phases high high temperature m m Mg CP  - minor minor porous IDPs are highly - experienced experienced with with silicates silicates begin to condense from a gas of solar composition over a relatively narrow ), ndritic 4 mineralogy mineralogy shows broad similarities to pr

: : (Left) Bright field TEM image of a 70 nm rystalline rystalline silicates C Cho SiO 2 IDP - mperature mperature interval (~1380 Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under rich rich glass = orange, equilibrated aggregates = yellow. material = carbonaceous purple, amorphous silicates (GEMS) = green, Fig. Fig. 3 mineral map of the IDP. E

 The microstructure and composition condensation from a that these te exhibit unusual crystal such asmorphologies and whisker forms platelet that, along proportions proportions of these phases are highly variable from particle to particle, and any one phase may dominate individual chondrite meteorites CI rich (Mg they they often break into hundreds during sample preparation. Transmission electron microscope studies reveal assemblages of sub silicates all bound together by abundant organic apparently apparently compositional heterogeneity have contents that greatly exceed that of known meteorite groups sulfide minerals in CS fluids aqueous the of nature the oxidizing reflecting CS particles have been directly linked to compositions and presence of specific minerals PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

, - - -

or or

50 ous [ sa.it

50 nm and Ni -

- . Their quilibrated quilibrated sized sized FeNi amorph mineralogy mineralogy -

has also been existing existing FeNi IDPs termed GEMS termed GEMS - . Zinc . Ni sulfides are - )

- ] 4 IDP En = enstatite, is - S http://pos.sis some CP 3

61 Fe


500 nm rounded CP Fe - ( eralogy eralogy and irregular Most .

] ation ation of pre

. iz , accounting for as much as 63 sulfide ] - , 58 m m in size as well as 10 , 62 have have typical  IDPs , - 57

[ 50 hat ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. amorphous silicates amorphous - [ 200 nm in size, but are typically 100 CP

- A A cubic Fe S] with a wide range of grain sizes X) TEM darkfield image of an e - IDPs - (1 partly partly reacted with aqueous fluids to form type of : ). GEMS grains are ~50

] NonCommercial rich mesostasis, and minor diopside. The - CP - =pyrrhotite. =pyrrhotite. 60 s up to several that , . Experiments have shown that the anhydrous

Fig. Fig. 4 aggregate (EA) in Pyh a CP IDP. ] 59 [ 65 Al, Al, Si [ - ch

ri - shaped, IDPs silicate grains that contain numerous 10 to 50 nm m, m, but - - abundant abundant constituent of Ni Ni pyrrhotites [Fe are are “hybrid” IDPs occur t  - ). Their The common most Fe

CS . Tiny sulfide grains decorate the surfaces of 4 low low temperatures through the sulfid - ]

amorphous amorphous silicate grains. Al

64 - and thus represent a late addition of material during their formation [ % to nearly the

The origins of GEMS grains are discussed in more detail below. detail more in are discussed grains GEMS of The origins

Si . - d by low IDPs Mg that may form through condensation from the gas phase the gas from condensation through form that may

relatively -

. ] small small amounts of material CP 57 , rystalline rystalline silicates typically IDPs are usually fully anhydrous samples that appear to have escaped significant post - m m to several

C Ni sulfidesNi 56  - associated associated with [ .

CP m m sized irregularly ]

nickel sulfides are the other major crystalline constituent of  - IDPs in 55 -


yrrhotites yrrhotites occur as isolated single crystal CP Iron Amorphous Amorphous silicates are an Equilibrated Equilibrated aggregates (EAs) are

P . 2.0 ] . - ] Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

52 ich sulfides are also reported as trace phases in  [ accretional alteration. However, r but also contain hydrated minerals typical of reported r believed to form at metal in the early silicate grains in metal and Fe metal mineralogy is dominate 61 sized grains formation by subsolidus annealing of amorphous precursors precursors of amorphous annealing subsolidus by formation half the in particles. mass some (glass with embedded metal and sulfides; irregular amorphous mineralogy mineralogy dominated enstatite and forsterite, by pyrrhotite, Mg constituent grains in EAs are euhedral and range from 50 Mg nm in size and frequently show equilibrium grain boundaries. morphologies The of min EAs show they were never molten, and their textures are consistent with polycrystalline polycrystalline grains (Fig. abundance in individual IDPs is variable from highly a few vol. entire volume of an IDP. The EAs consist of crystalline grains with a simple polycrystalline polycrystalline grains are also and common are referred aggregates” to as “equilibrated 0.1 defects, defects, are characteristic of vapor phase growth occur as single crystals ranging from in size 0.1 PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

. . . - - - ] ] ]

CS CS 51 70 67

[ - from from are a ,

sa.it higher higher 68 66 [ Multiple Multiple [ than

. IDPs - may may simply CS originate

The amorphous The amorphous

meteorites meteorites . . http://pos.sis ] d with short period encounter velocity encounter velocity

- 65 IDPs [ - systematically systematically because many clearly in as little as a day at

IDPs CS - confine

CP and meteorites s of IDPs is based on their show Recent Recent observations of low samples suggest that limited limited that suggest samples

omets. omets. First, their fine grained hydrated IDPs on of - r to comets than ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - CS cometary cometary solids are expected to be period c 2 returned 2 returned

- can be

enough enough overlap between the groups that rich asteroids that are not sampled by - ssociati ins and material The The high C abundances of

. and ] On On the other hand, er, er, so

NonCommercial - 73 . ] , m m grains observed in cometary comae 71  72 [ - [


rich materials are rare among the meteorite collection. - comet 81P/Wild comet derive derive shortfrom than asteroidal dust. After thousands of years in space,

However, However, there is considered considered unlikely to occur in comets. Accordingly,

eralogy. Although comets are inrich Although it comets ice, water eralogy. been has not IDPs such such C -

aqueous aqueous alteration ce bodies CP derive derive from primitive C stent stent with properties of comets as inferred from the low strength of

interest interest in determining the sources of IDPs abundances abundances that are more simila

because C

IDPs - ). These findings support the a with asteroids. ]

and thus higher estimated atmospheric entry velocities (>18 km/s) km/s) and velocities (>18 entry thus atmospheric higher estimated drag, whereas larger bodies are more dynamically dynamically more are bodies larger whereas drag, case CS have have experienced minimal parent body alteration, as shown by highly , 74

have asteroids, asteroids, but are IDPs is highly reactive in the presence of aqueous fluids fluids of aqueous presence in the reactive is highly IDPs



cially cially prone to have have high abundances of presolar gra IDPs

- of materials that formed under the action of water. IDPs

- IDPs IDPs CS - - result in differing degrees of heating during atmospheric entry. Peak temperatures of degrees atmospheric result ofof in during Peak differing temperatures entry. heating obertson IDPs CP - R CP CP -

CP Constraints on IDP sour on IDP Constraints (<14 km/s; are usually ascribed asteroidal origins , The inferences of IDP parent bodies based on composition and structure are plausible but There is considerable

s inferred by the stepwise thermal release of He teorites. Thus, the compositional differences between Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under oynting

 IDP values for IDPs comets and of asteroids. The strongest direct evidence constraining the source atmospheric entry velocities. Dust particles from comets have higher orbital eccentricities and inclinations compared with asteroidal dust. This is manifested as a significantly higher Earth encounter velocity for cometary dust these differences are lessened, but the general trend is The maintained. Earth differences me reflect the fact that interplanetary dust may P escape any portion of the asteroid belt due to are uncertain, given our limited knowledge of the properties of comets and the limited sampling parent bodies that underwent extensive aqueous alteration, conditions that are known to have occurred in some IDPs puzzle if this is the It is possible that considered considered possible for them to host anhydrous. liquid The wat hybrid IDPs are an interesting contain traces counterpoint to this argument because they in Stardust minerals sulfide temperature aqueous activity occurred on comet Wild cometary cometary meteors and the abundance of sub Second, Third Finally, min and anhydrous unequilibrated 1.1.3 originate from primitive bodies that are different from those sampled by meteorites lines of that suggest evidence and fragile structure is consi mineralogy of CP mineralogy silicates are espe temperature. room PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


(4) (4) are are


- - sa.it starting starting eded eded to CP CP

Detailed Detailed

IDPs asteroidal asteroidal source - Any Any given show very m

 nebular nebular and CS . On one hand, s s having a wide IDPs eccentricity eccentricity than origins. http://pos.sis -


CP Solar Solar System orbital orbital

presolar The The (1) the (1) the interstellar medium (

. : Solar Solar System lteration, products of thermal of thermal lteration, products vors vors the capture of materials materials having fa are regarded as being essentially


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- IDPs - On On the other hand, separate separate from that of the IDP


. . CP versus versus interstellar undergone undergone extensive hydrothermal processing NonCommercial -

based based dust collector or detector capable of - derive derive from asteroids and some Solar Solar System ere the components originated. components the ere

arising arising from kinetic effects during physical and

parent parent body complex complex mixtures of Solar System Solar

IDPs a At At present, isotopic measurements provide the only -

and organic grains. Deciphering the origins and histories at at similar rates in the stratosphere, but this is unlikely to Consequently, Consequently, CP

Solar Solar System . ] materials materials are well homogenized and typically display percent 76

[ parent bodies have

A A dedicated space Types of materials most likely to form or be altered in parent body

. in in most elements, IDP ] in in a gravitational focusing effect that -

are collected 75 e escaped parent body processing, the question of where

distinct distinct mineral [ CS

Coordinated Coordinated mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic studies are ne 5 . represented in the collection because their lower density results in slower hav Solar Solar System - e meteorites IDPs

- variations CS IDPs - rocesses. rocesses.

are over

CP Nebular and interstellar components within I components interstellar and Nebular isotopic isotopic n where the materials formed. If If The question of where and how the components within IDPs formed is even more CP CP and

grain may grain in may principal derive from one of the sources following . . By contrast, ing ing rates in the atmosphere and thus have higher atmospheric concentrations. On the other IDPs tellar tellar ejecta (2) the solar nebula (3) - ] - Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

77  [ level chemical p wh and processes formation the both elucidate components components formed simplifies into mineralogical studies by TEM yield critical constraints discer on formation processes, but cannot definitive way of discerning interstellar from materials consisted of stardust grains and interstellar molecular cloud material in a single element variations of incases some orders range compositions, of isotopic interstellar interstellar origins and secondary alteration products little evidence of parent body hydrothermal processing that has affected the ofmineralogy even the most primitiv materials. interstellar and nebular of aggregates pristine the IDP parent body itself. a orof hydrothermal settings include minerals hydrated byproducts alteration or shock (from impacts) and organic materials that may form from aqueous solutions or thermal processes and it is likely that these samples are important important than the question of what the source bodies of IDPs are. A may contain typical over 10 10 of these individual components is a great challenge and is an area of active research. sub or s measuring measuring particle trajectories is probably required to accurately measure inner the in dust and asteroidal cometary the proportions of 1.1.4 CP settl hand, dustinterplanetary from originating asteroids tends to have lower cometary dust, resulting over cometary dust the possibility remains that some cometary. reflect the proportions of cometary and asteroidal dust in the inner PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


ess ess out out

brief sa.it distinct distinct was, was, as proc starting

- s , chemical The carrier that that es Solar Solar System sotopic sotopic ratios later stages of the result of solar) isotopic - http://pos.sis the the

ant nucleosynthetic ant nucleosynthetic gradually gradually teased Solar System Solar n of m) m) that it is possible to

 ite ite in a process that that are ascribed to The SiC and grains graphite grains SiC and The process. The i

0 . - strategy strategy ] . 4

r ] - bodies. These grains are direct . These data are classified into 84

] - 81 - This 85 82 [ . [ ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. 78 -

[ predate predate the formatio tardust has had an enormous impact on our NonCommercial Solar Solar System - presumably presumably the f the parent from the isotopic composition

are are also strongly dependent on the mass SiC, and graphite tudy tudy of s esis, esis, and of the parent stars at the time that each grain was formed. mineralogical mineralogical identifications were established by electron

of meteorite materials s

grains grains are large enough (~0.1


r element isotopic compositions in individual grains by secondary the the stars that produced these grains. Dust from asymptotic giant and dust is imparted with the products of

isotopic isotopic ratios measured in presolar SiC grains span four orders of

s of that relate to the nature of the ofto the the nature that relate grains of presolar s ) presolar dust grains from the host meteor The The enormous ranges in isotopic compositions are h as mainstream, A+B, X, Y, and Z grains nd mino

resolution imaging by transmission electron microscopy. microscopy. electron transmission by imaging resolution ). suc - 5 explosive explosive nucleosynth

SiC SiC and graphite abundance and evolutionary and evolutionary stage

s (Fig. (Fig. inherited inherited by the dust grains Detailed reviews of the isotopic properties of presolar grains, relev grains, of presolar of properties the isotopic reviews Detailed mass mass AGB stars of near solar metallicity, while Y and Z grains (a few %) are though

- . phases identified were diamond, were diamond, identified phases Ancient interstellar dust interstellar Ancient itions. itions. The discovery of presolar grains in meteorites followed a painstaking search for the It It is a remarkable fact that stardust grains that SiC is the most thoroughly studied presolar grain type because of its relatively large size Carbon and

Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

as made it possible to amass an impressively deep survey of presolar SiC, with isotopic data ranch ranch (AGB) stars is formed from the products of H and He burning and  h from over 40,000 grains published in an online database isotopic subgroups stellar sources. The majority of presolar SiC grains (~90%), termed ‘mainstream,’ from low originated composition Therefore, it is possible to infer the properties o grain. dust of a given and high abundance of trace The elements. of development automated systems isotopic imaging nucleosynthetic nucleosynthetic processes in b , while nuclear burning, of material measure measure their major a ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). and high magnitude the rare (ppm team leader Ed Anders put it, like ‘burning down the haystack presolar to find the needle.’ The first were shown to have stellar origins compos on the basis of highly anomalous (non interpretations, and historical perspectives can be found in found be can perspectives historical and interpretations, carriers of isotopically anomalous noble gas components phases were in gradually concentrated by trial meteorite and error, applying strong residues. acid and other chemical treatments and physical separations samples samples of remote astrophysical environments that are difficult or traditional impossible . to The observe laboratory by s understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis, processes in and thestellar atmospheres, lifecycle of dust in the galactic . Here we present a chemical evolution, grain of the propertie overview condensation materials 1.2 have survived for billions of years in primitive PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


vary vary sa.it ). These are http://pos.sis Fig Fig 6 & refs. therein. refs. &

, ] [85] 90 [ C ratio and the (

13 C/ though the proportions 12 N isotope ratios are shown for 15 N/ ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - 14 anomalous Xe that is enriched in both Presolar graphite grains are especially

tion of graphite grains deriving from ). ] 89 NonCommercial - [ ; 3 ial ial and solar isotopically isotopically . A presolar origin is ascribed to some fraction of he propor ] T 94 [ process process elements freshly formed in the host AGB stars

- Fig. Fig. 5: C and N isotopic grains compositions extracted of individual from SiC primtive correspond to isotopic subtypes meteorites. that relate to distinct stellar The symbols origins. The Solar System terrestr from Data lines. dashed as reference 2.2 g/cm s - e = C


1/2 type type . ciled ciled -  ] C/ Some Some 12

93 collapse re estimated to derive from supernovae, while this drops to just 1 % [ Ti ( - 44 candidates candidates ns ns having high concentrations of Mo, Ru, and Zr in solid solution, Ca Ca that is 44 they they contain high numbers of tiny refractory carbide inclusions that in some metallicity AGB metallicity

- (~1 %) have been . The low iamonds iamonds have less certain origins than the SiC and graphite grains because their . . The only known ] , Fig. 6), reflecting a ] ] 87 86 [ 88 [ Ti is in the deep interior


44 ) 76 % of grains a ) It It is noteworthy that anomalous isotopically polycyclic (PAHs) aromatic hydrocarbons 3

. ] The The nanod Presolar Presolar graphite show grains similar ranges of origins indicating isotopic signatures, from 92 , Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

91  of atmospheres star atmospheres of carbon mean size is so small (2.8 nm) that it is still composition not of possible a to single accurately nanodiamond measure the isotopic nanodiamonds because they are carriers of cases cases appear to have served as seed nuclei for mainly the Ti graphite growth carbide grai reflecting the enhancement of these [ have been measured in presolar graphite grains, effectively probing the chemical compositions supernovae supernovae is thought to be much higher than is the case for SiC, according to the physical properties of the graphite grains. In the lowest density graphite (1.6 1.7 g/cm in the highest density fraction (2.1 interesting because range range of alteration histories and/or residence times in the interstellar medium. carbon stars, novae, and supernovae. for their stellar presolar SiC sources. grains appear to rounded be or fractured, grains but most are preserved ( exceptionally well supernovae isotope ratios of type A+B grains (few %) are not easily recon with models of AGB stars. J carbon stars are leading enrichments enrichments in attributed to the of decay 60 years source of layers of type II core to lowderive from stars. X grains shown to derive from supernova on the basis of extreme isotopic PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


out out

sa.it ed turn

00 00 nm) and high http://pos.sis e origins in

silicates silicates is complicated by graphite graphite grain having a large ar oxide grains to be found , and later by a new ‘SCAPS’ efficient by the development of ar grain phase, they were among l ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. presolar presolar - more more m L) L) Bright field TEM image of a 70 nm (depending (depending on the meteorite) 

The discovery of silicate stardust in IDPs Image Image courtesy of Thomas Bernatowicz. Similar Similar to presolar SiC and graphite grains, ~1 ~1

. NonCommercial ] - sured (Bottom (Bottom

100 [ by by the high spatial resolution (<1


materials materials of similar mineralogy that make up the host : : (Top L) SEM image of a presolar graphite grain. (Top R)

oxides oxides mea C internal grain. ll size (~200 nm). thick thick section of a Ti (Bottom R) Bright field TEM image of a presolar GEMS grain. grains. and sulfide metal are Dark spots Fig. Fig. 6 SEM image of a presolar SiC features grain showing primary growth The search for presolar oxides and

. of of the - ]

ar ar made made possible p . This work was made much

] one one % rich 83 - [ 97

C C and Solar Solar System was was ,

12 ] 96 [ C/ 99 [ 13

Solar Solar System nanodiamonds nanodiamonds . It may be that and and silicates show a range of isotopic ratios that indicat ]

6 s 95 [

, on average only processes in stars - N N isotopic ratios are, on Following Following these r and meteorites . Although presolar silicates are the most abundant preso 14 ] ] Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under N/

98 40  transmission transmission of the newly introduced NanoSIMS ion microprobe imaging system for the IMS 1270 ion probe presolar oxide and supernovae. stars, novae, to be a presolar grain automated isotopic imaging systems, enabling hundreds of presol [ the last to be found due to their sma [ laboratory laboratory studies of stardust with astronomical observations. the huge background of meteorites and cometary dust. Presolar oxides were meteorites, identified where roughly 1 in acid residues of primitive oxides oxides and silicates, as probe these different stages of evolutionary stars from the C presolar grains and because of the desire to more closely link and only rare stellar origins. have nanodiamonds discoveries, there was interest great in finding presol composition composition materials of and respectively terrestrial of the most Sun, of formed within the the nanodiamonds of every ~10 contains a single Furthermore, their Xe 15 atom. average, within error of the the heavy and light (Xe (Xe and light isotopes the heavy HL), corresponding to the and However PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

- - -

by by and and The The rich

, but -

sa.it bearing bearing es have - ses ses such higher higher than ical studies of llar llar molecular s in the ISM is like, like, Fe http://pos.sis - much much by by proces Silicates are more sulfide sulfide grains. . The . characteristics he he presolar silicate

] . ggregates ggregates of presolar T or ISM ISM A observations observations of silicate

rich AGB stars indicate rich stars indicate AGB - 103 .


. Silicates Silicates are less refractory

. ] have have origins in AGB stars 104 is also mostly amorphous with Fe wo wo successful strategies have been [

ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - been observed , but t (ISM)

amorphous amorphous with olivine these these grains like like compositions processes. Detailed mineralog


also also NonCommercial - mapping by TEM isotopic mapping by followed imaging. contents contents and the amorphous grains have a wide generally generally consistent with ot ot associated with metal - the proportion of crystalline silicate are are even more uncertain, but similar to interstellar

Astronomical observations of O observations Astronomical and enstatite attributed attributed to amorphization in the

Solar System

- he majority of is . . T that that are often spatially heterogeneous silicate grains (~70% on average) are amorphous with non

. This ] while while others are n . However, dust emission features have been fit to Mg

rich crystalline olivine and pyroxene, partially crystalline grains, . However, the proportion of crystalline silicates is - 102 [

presolar presolar grains grains show a range of Fe stars (Fig. (Fig. 6)

ptible ptible to alteration or destruction by thermal, radiation, shock, and aqueous like like compositions. However, - and silicate/oxide assemblages have have assemblages and silicate/oxide

picture of silicate stardust mineralogy has emerged that appears to defy simple ] AGB silicate grains

been based solely on spectroscopic studies for decades.

. The silicate dust in the interstellar medium out and for TEM study mineralogical 105 chemical chemical compositions

] - [

chiometric chiometric amorphous silicates. Some of the presolar amorphous silicates are classified

The majority of The detailed chemical compositions and crystal structures of ~40 presolar silicat Spectroscopic Spectroscopic observations of material ejected from evolved stars, interste The The laboratory study of presolar silicates enables direct tests of interstellar grain models 101 around around evolved stars have [ stoi


GEMS Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

 range range of silicates stoichiometric chemical compositions. This is dust mineralogically mineralogically and chemically diverse mineralogies than include Mg other presolar phases. non as crystalline of silicate dust produced in nova outbursts amorphous are silicates the of most grains, and circumstellar been determined by TEM analysis analyses of rare nova and supernova grains have also been achieved produced produced by as ion irradiation, grain abundances collisions, of and supernova dust shock created astronomical waves. during observations The supernova compositions explosions amorphous silicates and with both olivine are not well constrained chemical chemical compositions. The proportion of crystalline average 10% silicate of the silicate grains mass, with most is of the estimated grains being pyroxene to and extremely Mg rich be on bearing olivine constrained to be less than 1% of the silicate mass, roughly 10 times lower than the amount models of interstellar dust compositions. compositions. dust interstellar of models clouds, and young stellar systems have established a consistent picture evolution in of thesilicate dust Galaxy. of the formation and the majority of the circumstellar silicate dust is histories histories of interstellar dust and early presolar silicates are due challenging to their small size employed: isotopic imaging to first identify presolar silicates followed by lift(FIB) focused ion beam Over time, a that and more susce processes compared with other types of presolar grains, and thus offer unique insight into the PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

. 5 Ps - The The

ID . . - sa.it ]

CP Fe could

alteration alteration 107 [ quilibrated quilibrated

gas gas [118] 98

- Reference 96 113 114, 115 105 40 116 109,117 115 40


(K) resolar resolar e

Tc 1633 1562 1537 1472 1351 1320 1318 1317 1305 1287 1270 1250 1246 1200 <800 A A p

: : Equilibrium condensation


grain grain most likely resulted from ntified ntified in meteorites that have

3 oxide

ide There is also evidence for radiation ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. Phase Corundum Perovskite Melilite Plagioclase Rankinite Fassaite Forsterite Metal Sphene Ti Enstatite Cr Spinel Amorphous silicate , indicating that some grains were - . bar bar from solar composition bold are phases presolar Identified Table Table temperatures of minerals at P=10 ] . - ISM ] is is 108 bundant bundant These as pyroxene. olivine grains contents than predicted from equilibrium

[ - 111 [ NonCommercial -

. ] could could have been acquired during condensation if it and for grains

SiC grains,

110 n having a [

presolar presolar silicate

have have been observed . m m the parent star A A similar scenario is The spinel core likely likely core spinel The

. . ] ] likely likely formed by annealing of amorphous precursors

or fro 109 112 [ [

Fe Fe in these grains sized sized oxide seed nuclei - ISM ISM contents while the pyroxene grains have no detectible Fe. no detectible have grains pyroxene the contents while - an IDP thermodynamic thermodynamic equilibrium conditions or if the grains formed at lower - rich enstatite supernova grain - like like crystal structure of a presolar MgSiO . This scenario is probable for presolar silicates identified in pristine pristine in identified silicates for presolar probable is This scenario . he silicate grains have higher Fe - ] (mostly (mostly carbides) originally originally condensed as a crystal under vidence vidence for secondary alteration has been observed. conditions conditions but was later rendered 106 enerally enerally absent within [ e in presolar graphite and

grains grains identified in stoichiometric stoichiometric grains with a uniform distribution of Fe. Alternatively, the -

- ium Condensation Condensation theory predicts that silicate growth Further Further e In In general, t equilibrium equilibrium conditions. The structure of this grain - Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

 stoichiometric composition stoichiometric condensed under equilibrium silicate conditions material while formed at the lower non temperature under attests to the rapidly changing chemical and physical in abundanc oxides are g grains. However, there has been a recent observation of a presolar crystalline spinel grain amorphous surrounded by silicate an mantle of heterogeneous non likely likely for shell and amorphous core nanocrystalline a presolar enstatite grai can only proceed on nm While sub stoichiometric stoichiometric Mg likely to have equilibr amorphous either in the remnant or at vicinity a later stage of the supernova aggregate unique perovskite shock processing in the processing in some presolar silicates. One temperatures temperatures or in non in the which This for grains body. is alteration on the likely parent secondary resulted from have Fe is concentrated in the outer alteration thermal more experienced portions crystalline crystalline olivine twice are grains as approximately a Fe substantial have also condensation theory. The occurred under non expected expected from observations of silicate dust annealed in or the that the amorphous processes in grains the solar are nebula. While astronomical more spectra indicate susceptible the majority silicates of to have crystalline the destruction composition by of pyroxene, laboratory analysis of presolar silicates reveals PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

, 2

Fe Fe , ome ome 2 TiO sa.it infrared infrared Identified Identified

, TiO an an 3 O 2 nd st st identified in a http://pos.sis rich stellar outflows - e minerals predicted to , kamacite, metal, in circumstellar outflows

grains grains gradually become amorphous amorphous silicates. , SiC, graphite, Al 4 r dust N ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. condensed - 3 . Amorphous silicates may anneal to ] Fe) carbides,

111 a variety of [ by gradual erosion and homogenization of NonCommercial - chondritic chondritic element abundances, - form form chemical compositions. However, neither of

At At intermediate stages, grains will retain moderate .

] (Ti, (Ti, Zr, Mo,

olivine, olivine, and , 111 ntitative ntitative tests of this model could be with performed, the 2 [ . These phases include many of th ] SiO

GEMS GEMS grains is also within 2% of terrestrial (or planetary) 117 - model model are that circumstella

113 , GEMS model. However, the chemical and isotopic properties of most properties of most and isotopic the chemical GEMS However, model. dense dense below about 800 K this 81 [

s ago, GEMS grains were proposed to be remnants of interstellar silicate

hibonite, hibonite, spinel, . otopic otopic compositions that show they formed in the outflows of evolved stars. A ). Many of these phases have narrow ranges of stability and may react to form ns is borne out. Excepting the <6% of GEMS grains with large isotopic interstellar interstellar ] tion tion of relict internal grains, near of circumstellar environments. circumstellar of . This proposal was based on their amorphous structure, size, presence of nanophase 118

] [ ious ious search strategies and sample preparations have gradually expanded the inventory match match to dust in the ISM. A further prediction was that GEMS grains formed by Origins of GEMS grains grains of GEMS Origins

59 onsequences onsequences of l [ C As As discussed in the previous section, some GEMS grains do indeed have highly Twenty year Var . It would be a decade before qua ] observa

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119  isotopic isotopic anomalies. Thoroughly homogenized grains would end up with the average O isotopic composition of the local ISM and have uni these predictio anomalies, the remainder have O isotopic ratios within error of bulk Solar O System materials. isotopic The composition of support for for support the GEMS grains are not as expected if they formed dust circumstellar chemically and isotopically homogenized. chemical imaging. chemical anomalous O is few other presolar silicates also show evidence of radiation processing such after their as formation, the amorphous enstatite grain discussed above. These observations provide s Fe, spectra extensive radiation processing of mineral precursors that [ introduction of the NanoSIMS ion microprobe and TEM instruments capable of quantitative 1.3 grains (Table (Table 1, other compounds as temperatures decrease Amorphous silicates con before leaving the circumstellar crystalline phases upon environment. heating to ~1000 K in a matter of hours to years, depending upon temperature the ambient and composition meteorites meteorites and IDPs to date includes nanodiamonds, oxide, magnetite, Si subgrains within these grains include , and silicide form by equilibrium condensation from a gas of solar composition in O conditions of identified presolar grain phases. Many of the most found exotic as presolar grain inclusions types within have larger been grains, principally presolar graphite. Stardu PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

IDPs - in the sa.it

tardust tardust

CP normalized normalized - parent parent body

Si http://pos.sis average average

the the er, er, the only such phases showing showing high heterogeneity

like like materials have also been - ines are the solar values. solar the are ines whose whose isotopic compositions are of GEMS grains formed in this way ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. -


like like grains are common in the S rich stars, by condensation from gas of - - cause cause ‘dirty’ amorphous silicates are the

. . The dotted l dotted . The ] NonCommercial - similarity 52 [ Fig. Fig. 7: Fe/Si and Mg/Si ratios bulk for GEMS compositions grain [60] proposed proposed that most GEMS grains formed carbonaceous carbonaceous chondrites and some Antarctic solar values. However, solar However, values.

- . GEMS

] n . The ] 65 [ (Mg, (Mg, ly ly be 60 [ O O rich

16 it it has been Similar Similar conditions are likely to have been present within the Solar System System Solar . While the ] 120 [ . The fact that GEMS grains are so much more common in 5% more ]

~ . ] circumstellar circumstellar GEMS grains can be understood if they formed in a similar

124 - forming forming elements - position position 125 [

121 [ r r high abundance in cometary materials, GEMS grains were clearly one of the anomalous ous, ous, both within and between chemical chemical composition. - O teorites

) that are highly depleted from the gas phase in the ISM. So the expected abundances of Given Given thei Based Based on these observations, A A final difficulty for an interstellar solar - Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

 microme than meteorites may be attributed to processes, their especially aqueous rapid alteration alteration and destruction by mission samples, although their compositions and textures have been thermally modified by the process collection near solar nebula. early major building blocks of outer Solar System materials. reported in a few of the most primitive solar nebula as late stage condensates with the manner. In fact this is not necessarily surprising be most abundant form of dust produced by evolved O abundances abundances of Mg, Fe, and Ca are approximately 60% of originate solar in values. the If GEMS ISM grains then did a complementary abundances interstellar phase should having be high found Mg, together Fe, and with occurring in Ca IDPs are GEMS crystalline silicates, oxides, and sulfides grains. Howev the within formation of indicative grains grains based on element depletion patterns i the ISM. Silicates are expected main to host be for the rock Fe, Ca are near silicates in these interstellar elements GEMS grains (Fig. 7). (Fig. grains GEMS origin of GEMS grains is elemental that their bulk compositions derived abundances for interstellar silicate differ from than terrestrial com narrow range of consistent with O thorough isotopic their homogenization, chemical compositions are very ratios highly is heterogene composition. composition. This is expected for planetary materials but the expected end point of such extensive homogenization would actual the solar value, that is PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

, . - . ). ]

69 The The The The ies [

. 147

. sa.it ystem ystem ] . [ linked linked ] - S (Fig. (Fig. 8

Selective Selective primitive primitive for for about 143

137 .

, . ] , olar olar S In In addition to

parent bod 142 Organic Organic matter .

many 132 136 [ r, r, often hollow, ]

[ [ http://pos.sis 146 - identified sized sized inclusions - , perhaps reflecting the IDP and only only account m

] 144 

, 69 . Meteoritic organic matter [ 68 [ Due Due to their small sizes, little

submicromete enrichments enrichments are supported by

. It has also been proposed that have have among the most consistent ]

a wide range of morphologies, meteorite been identified in

that has affected meteorites

ir s 134 ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. [ - IDPs samples - since of organic globules and other forms of

show 100 K) in presolar cold clouds molecular CP

– at at 10 K before the before

NonCommercial mission mission

- IDPs - phologies phologies CP r shapes that are all isotopically distinct . Soluble organic ] es es ranging from interstellar chemistry to the origin of meteorites meteorites and IDPs occur in . Interstellar origins of D 127 ] nanoglobules nanoglobules have , amples amples are available for analysis thousands of distinct species have been have species distinct of thousands in the solar lednebula to substantial N isotopic fractionation ‘hotspots’ ‘hotspots’ are associated with

131 2 - 126 [ must have formed have must

N N ratios among meteoritic materials , yet , yet cannot cannot account for the range of observed H, C, and N isotopic opic opic anomalies may require even more extreme conditions. One

composed of amorphous C with trace H, N, and O with N, H, trace C of amorphous composed 128 14 N N enrichments comparable to values in primitive

[ macromolecular macromolecular material that is highly aromatic and cross 15 N/ es isot 15 dust

that are are that mponent , and comet Wild 2 Stardust n in the solar nebula or in their parent bodies. models models of gas phase chemistry in cold molecular clouds shielding shielding of N The N - o isotopic isotopic signatures and mor . organic ] IDPs organic globules organic - cid cid insoluble showed showed that

133 [ he alterati CP Many Many of these isotopic

ical self and N isotopic anomalies in e organic co e organic . ] Ancient Ancient Isotopically Isotopically anomalous organic The The magnitudes of H and N isotopic anomalies provide a guide to how well presolar The The isotopic properties of primitive organic matter give clues to its origin. Organic Organic matter is an important component of asteroids and comets and its nature and . However, recent modeling and experimental efforts have left open the question of ] 141 -

mostly mostly an a Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

135 ractionation ractionation during chemical reactions at low T (10  including including bubbly, featureless, and irregula Variations in the anomalous carbonaceous grains likely reflect differing formation conditions histories of and subsequent Since parent body process t anomalies, meteorites, organic globules, carbonaceous matter in fact fact that these IDPs have escaped hydrothermal processing largest H 138 nanoglobules organic globules are isotopically variable and isotopically distinct from the surrounding matrix [ observed anomalies isotopic N largest account the for may process this whether organic materials have in survived different materials. highly elevated D/H and photodissociation photodissociation of D from PAH molecules in the diffuse ISM is another potential route to D enrichment recent model materials may be produced in amines and nitriles photochem in primitive meteorites and IDPs and IDPs displays toH are that and anomalies inattributed isotopic mass meteorites N primitive f or the outer protosolar disk observed D/H ratios of simple interstellar molecules that reach 10,000 times the local average, in agreement with life. Early Solar System organic matter has chondrite meteorites, been where large s most intensively studied in carbonaceous is with various functional groups th 10% of 1.4 history is intimately related to disciplin PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040


rder rder

sa.it . http://pos.sis identify identify bona fide compositions compositions and

Figure from [143] from Figure

definitively provide provide essential context for a a breadth of of dust in the Galaxy. An important ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - ISM ISM . The study of presolar silicates remains

N (lower L) and D (lower R). Black bo 15 NonCommercial - solar isotopic ratios, we are afforded a rare and - e e and were an important part of These grains show : : TEM energy filtered C (top L) and brightfield images the the study of , interstellar processes and

Fig. Fig. 8 (top R) of organic globules in Tagish highly enriched Lake. in The globules are images. TEM the of area the A shows in as stardust grains. This leaves aside any biases or assumptions This as or any biases aside grains. assumptions leaves stardust among among cometary and asteroidal materials shows they were a

N 15 and common

Whatever Whatever Spectroscopic Spectroscopic observations of the ory ory study of astromaterials has brought about new ways of exploring diverse . ut the chemical will will both complicate and strengthen new models of dust formation and evolution

Concluding remarks For those grains found to have clearly non The The laborat The combined D rtainty rtainty in exactly where rdust rdust grains on the basis of isotopic anomalies has opened up new branches of laboratory

Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons the ofCommons author(s) the terms the Attribution Creative owned by Copyright under

astrophysics that were unimaginable a few decades ago a quickly developing scientific frontier. structures that in the Galaxy understanding how presolar grains fit in with the lifecycle . into their origins crucial certainty about interstellar what grains are thought to be like. The ability to sta and remote astrophysical environments. The scientific knowledge gained cosmic dust has grown exponentially from as analytical capabilities have improved and new the sample study of have become available for study. The results of these studies have far reaching implications for the origin of the Solar System and for observation observation of organic globules significant and widespread constituent of th materials. starting System the Solar 2. clouds clouds and it similar is likely environments that present in reaches the outermost were disk. of the protosolar their origins, the fractionation, fractionation, but there is some unce this occurred. It is known that appropriate conditions present in are cold molecular organic matter. matter. organic enrichments of organic globules are temperature indicative of low chemical is known abo compositions of the globules organic and relationship is to the bulk of the what their PoS(LCDU2013)040PoS(LCDU 2013)040 PoS(LCDU 2013)040

: - - -

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both strengthened and overturned ShareAlike ShareAlike Licence. - add urgency to continued exploration. SAO Special Report, 1967.

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 8. 9. 10. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3.

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