THE IRISH ISSUE Tressed Nations Make the Same Appeal to His Sense of Chivalry That Distressed Ladies Used to Make to the European Knight
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The I rish Is s u e I n I t s Am eric an As pec t ' A C ont rib ut ion t o t he Set t lement o f Anglo-Americ an Relat ions D uring and Aft er t he Great Wa r 13V Sha n e Les lie N ew Yo rk ’ Cha rle s Sc rib n e r s So n s 1 9 1 7 CO PYRI GHT , 19 17 , B Y CHARLES SCRIBNER ’ S SO NS Publis he v d No emb er , 1 9 1 7 NO V 27 1917 l . CDmA4 7 9 2 3 9 HE RY N C . GO V E R N O R P H IL IPPI N E S AND MI N IS TE R CO NTENTS PART O NE ’ AMER IC A S FAMILY GHO S T TH E CENTENARY O F JO H N MITC HE L TH E M E MO R Y O F PAR NE LL THE TR E AS ON O F TH E RE DMONDS ETHI C S O F S INN FE IN TH E PR E S I D ENO Y O F PE AR S E THE KILLI NG O F KE TTLE CARS ON AND CAS EME NT TWO TH E WINNING O F TH E UNITE D S TATE S IR IS H AME R ICA D URI NG TH E WAR EPILOGUE AMERICA ’ S FAMILY GHOST Ireland is the spectre of the British Empire . Sometimes s he seems to fill the position of ’ America s family ghost as well . Uncle Sam is far too good and young to be haunted as some of the European nations are haunted by the undying phantasms of those they oppressed . Only the picturesque wraith of the Red Indian broods upon the prairies of the West . If the American has pressed into other lands than his original colonies , it has always been to redeem and civilise , never to enslave persons or dese r c ate territory . N0 ghost came out of the Philippines to decry his record before the na tions . His Cuban conscience is clean . The t he Queen of Hawaii , pride of Spain , and the Pekin summer palace need never trouble his soul . The hazard of the world brought each hi s into way and he dealt with them severally , as a gentleman should under the circumstances . The American gentleman is so by national tradition rather than by individual birth . Dis 3 4 THE IRISH ISSUE tressed nations make the same appeal to his sense of chivalry that distressed ladies used to make to the European knight . He is largely descended from those who at different times have made good their release from the English J Tory , the German unker, and the Irish land lord . There is a gulf between the old families of America and the European aristocrats , whose past deeds cause phantoms to scream about the banners of their country , whenever unfurled even in the justest cause . If America has a ghost , it is Ireland . But if Ireland haunts America, it is with a haunting based on love and not on hate . Like the Janus - of . the Atlantic , Ireland is two faced Towards England She ever looks with anguish and bit t e n es U r s , towards the nited States with tearful f hope and wistful a fection . For in the nine t eent h century America was to Ireland what la r a n e n a ' France was in the eighteenth , g d ti on The strongest and choicest Went into their service , military in the case of France , indus trial in that of America . The canals and then the railways of America were created by Irish i labour . The ndustrial connection found apotheosis in the names of Mc C ormick and Ford. Ireland has always believed that her freedom AMER ICA ’ S FAMILY GHOST 5 was due to her through American means . N0 European country was better represented in the Revolutionary ranks . Deep in Irish hearts was laid the unwritten covenant that out of of America Ireland Should be reborn , out the . ffi strong sweetness It was unwritten o cially, of save in the script Benjamin Franklin , who had attended the debates I II the old Dublin Parliament a nd inscribed Ireland i n the list of the revolting colonies to be united a ga l n s t i England . S nce then sympathy with Ireland has become a tradition in the United States , lisped by statesmen and even pronounced by Presidents . More than once Americans have threatened to obtain by force what the Great War brought them a striking opportunity to procure by peaceful consent . It is curious indeed how Irish action and re action has run like an uncanny spirit through t he o of wo f American history . Before the n A Revolutio , Ireland and the merican colonies ’ f Mol n were plainti fs in the same suit . y eux s o Ca s e o I r ela nd S ta ted fam us f , the first hand - book of Irish nationalism , became a text book ’ O Ri hts o the Col to American thinkers . tis s g f oa tes was its adaptation . Rebels , whether in Ireland or in America, were the same children of the stormy time - spirit loosed in t he last dec 6 THE IRISH ISSUE ades of the eighteenth century . Lord Charle of V mont , the head the Irish olunteers , used “ to be toasted as the Irish Washington . When America exchanged her suit for an a p peal to arms , Ulstermen helped her as bravely ’ in America as they helped Wexfor d s appeal 1 t o arms in 798 . Ulstermen were always the most revolutionary members of the English speaking world and in n o town of the empire ‘ was the capture of the Bastille more fiercely celebrated than in Belfast . American independence had as great an effect on Ireland as the Russian revolution has had on the modern world at large . It left Ire i land dreamily amb tious , eternally unsettled , and enamoured of the sunset in the West . Only the perennial s afety-valve of emigration o ut of the political wilderness at home into the Promised Republic prevented explosions in Ire land . Relations between Ireland and the ‘ United States began immediately . Catholic n and Protesta t, Ulstermen and Irishmen , the ” of Ula dh old sons and of Erinn, as the writers divided Irishmen , were one in hailing American n independence . There is o doubt that Lord North ’ s first conciliatory act towards the Irish Catholics was due t o the desire to foreclose sympathy with the Revolutionary States . AMERICA ’ S FAMILY GHOST 7 O ddly enough the same hired Hessians were loosed on rebels in Ireland and America . It is a historical point whether the American Revolution would have succeeded , had it not been for the feud of the exiled Ulstermen with ’ the English Tories . The original Bunker s Hill is near Belfast . Both Scotch and Milesian n Irish rallied to Washingto . No fewer than thirteen of the Revolutionary generals were born in Ireland herself . It was historically poetic how memories of the different Irish r e ’ hellions found echoes in America s wars . Rob ert Francis Paine , who with eight others of of Irish kindred , signed the Declaration Inde ’ en d en ce O Neill h p , was really an , sixt in de ’ O Neill scent from Shane , who had held Ulster J against Elizabeth . General ames Moore , who ‘ th e fi eld took for the Insurgents , was descended ’ O More from Rory , the most romantic figure in the Rising of 164 1 . General Clinton found “ t he emigrants from Ireland our most serious ” ’ n t on s a antagonists . g ides included a Fitzgerald an hen Moylan , a brother of r f the then Bishop of Co k . It was a Barry o Wexford who took the new American flag to n s ea . There is an entire traditio of the Irish share in the Revolution . A Sullivan fired the o first Shot and captured F rt William and Mary , 8 THE IRISH ISSUE avenging the battle of the Boyne thereby . “ The British General Fraser fell t o a sniper called Murphy . An Irishman ferried Wash ingt on across the Delaware and a Lynch kept the doors of the first Congress . It is claimed that Molly Pitcher was an Irish girl of the f family o Hayes . Certain it is that the “ Friendly Sons of St . Patrick raised a Liberty Loan for Washington . And when it came to on of peace , it was the farm an Irish Carroll that the White House was erected on the model of Leinster House in Dublin . The Feast of St . Patrick had already pa ssed into l the American calendar . During the R evo u tion it had proved a lucky day for the United 177 States . On that day in 6 the English evacuated Boston and on that day in the following year a French ship arri ved with a stand of arms . Ireland and America went their ways , ‘ though , as Professor Dunning well states in ‘ “ his work on Anglo - American relations : There survived in the United States the tradition of ’ Gr a tt a n s w Parliament, hich received the breath of life through the success of the war ” that made America free from Great Britain . When war broke out afresh between England 18 12 n o and America in Ireland lifted voice .