REGION - Coverage of Water Tankering Requirements 17 May 2011 C o o r d i n a t i o n S a v e s L i v e s

Legend International North Regional Horo Shewa(R4) Zonal Woreda Guduru CGhinGaksGen West Percentage of requirement

Wellega G G G G GurGsum covered G G West Mieso G East G Girawa G >100 Wellega Shewa Fedis 91 - 100 West GemG echis East G Malka Midega G 71 - 90 Kelem G G Harerge Harerge G 51 - 70 Wellega G Balo G Tola Babile South G G G 21 - 50 East G Daro West Shewa G G G G G G 0 - 20 Shewa Lebu Golo Ilubabor G G G G Oda Affected Population Hawi G Arsi G Gudina 4,468 - 25,000 SudeG G Lege G G G Jimma G Hida Meyu 25,001 - 45,000 G G G G G G G Robe 45,001 - 75,000 G Arsi Limu Bale G SGhallGa G G G G 75,001 - 140,620 Negele Bilbilo G G Requirement and Response Gap by Woreda Shashemene G Miyo 5 Bale Goro 1 G G GSiraGro Zuria Moyale 2 G G G G West G G Mena 4 ORS INGO GoroG Gololcha Bale 2 Arsi Kuni-2 4 1 UNICEF GAP Dawe Rayitu 2 1 Kachen Dugda Dawa 1 11 G G Siraro 2 1 Map Doc Name: 25_WASH_003_Oromia_051711_A3 Creatio n Date: 17 May. 2011 3 1 Mena Web Resources: Gura Damole Gura 2 1 Contact address: [email protected] 3 1 G Damole Shalla 2 1 0 25 50 100 150 km s Arsi Negele 11

Robe 1 Ma p data s ource (s ): Lege Hida 2 1 G CS A, Mert￿ 1 Ginir 1 Meda Meyu 2 2 2 G Welabu ¹ 2 Melka Guji Di scl aime rs: Jeju 2 GDugda Soda Th e de sign atio ns em plo yed a nd th e p re sen tatio n of m at erial Rayitu 3 2 on th is m ap do n ot im ply t he exp ression o f a ny op inion SUDAN Dawa wh atso eve r o n th e p art of t he S ecret aria t of the Un ited Shashemene … 2 Na tion s conce rning the le ga l st atu s of a ny cou nt ry, territory, Malka Balo 2 cit y o r area or of its a uth orities, o r co nce rning the delim it atio n o f its f ro ntie rs or bo un da rie s. Girawa 2 Chinaksen 2 3 Government 9 Seweyna 1 1 3 INGO 44 Gursum 1 3 UNICEF 14 Tigray Melka Soda 4 Total 67 Dire 5 Borena

Golo Oda 2 6 Afa r Am hara Hawi Gudina 3 2 7 G G NB: The woredas in the table below 1 1 2 7 G are not found in the database; hence Ben eshan gul Gum u Babile 1 7 not represented in this map regardless Dir e Dawa Dire Ha rer i Boke 1 8 of presence of needy population. Add is Aba ba

Fedis 2 8 Gambe la Dillo G Orom ia 1 11 G G G Som ali Zone Woreda Affected ￿ Water truck Gap SNNPR Mieso 1 17 G Populaton￿ requested Daro Lebu 4 1 22 GMiyo Moyale East Harerge Kumbi 29,572 8 7 -10 0 10 20 30 KENYA West Harerge Burka 41,512 8 8 Required/planned trucks Dhimtu