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How we transferred the BEE PATH good practice and achieved so much more…

Final Learning Log of the City of

Transfer Network BeePathNet

March 2021 BEE PATH was awarded the title of Preparing detail guidelines for other URBACT good practice -on the Ljubljana – victories and regrets of the EU cities - enabling them to join the URBACT festival in Tallin in 2017 transfer process from the Good Practice „Bee-fiendly cities network“ Taking the time to visit all Organization of the BeePathNet Final transfer partners and understand City perspective Conference –even in a hybrid form their situation and approaches Developing a Ljubljana's‘ BEE PATH long-term Organizing the BeePathNet development Vision and Action Plan Distributing BeePathNet give- Organizing 1st & 2nd phase kick-off meetings in Attracting over 70 teachers to stars Bootcamp – introducing 30 ULG together with BEE PATH members away treasure and opening the Shining Shining Cesena and Hegyvidék –allowing us to start members from 5 cities to a first- the first Api-kindergarten covers of BeePathNet Result learning from them, while boosting their hand BEE PATH experience programme presentation Book & Transfer Guidelines for confidence and role in the project All power-play roles within the first time Involving original BEE PATH partnership disappear during the Based on one of the Realization that we selected a fantastic members in organization of the back-to-back road trip from partners‘ knowledge we Transfer partners asking us for more group of project partners –devoted, bootcamp –allowing for Budapest to Bydgoszcz –2 city created our own vision of good practice –based on expressed

Eureka Eureka enthusiastic, creative, curious, full of creation of informal knowledge visits, 1 team building and so the Culture of living center interest we added the „bee-swarming“ moments positive energy and always ready to exchange and networking much more… module to the BEE PATH good practice go one step further Winning the in-house Finalizing the project despite Creating safe, supportive , Realizing that Ljubljana‘s Adapting to the new Composing a core bureaucracy battle for almost unexpected staff changes , moving to constructive and ULG is strongenough to on-line reality – management team and everything –who thought it virtual reality during COVID-19 and cooperative transfer function even with despite never fully surviving „the baptism of fire“ would take so much effort… proving that we are a great team environment in all 6 URBACT reduced support from accepting it

–the submission of 1st & Invisible Invisible victories Local Groups (ULGs) its coordinator 2nd phase application forms Transferring good practice from Ljubljana to 5 BEE PATH good practice up-grade, Preparation other EU transfer cities witin the URBACT Finalization of Transfer Guidelines period (2018) framework (Jan. 2019 – May 2020) and dissemination (Jun. 2020 – May 2021)

Not involving enough Ljubljana‘s The intensity of work with Too few Ljubljana‘s ULG Low level of Ljubljana‘s PR services and media - to Ljubljana‘s BEE PATH suffered on administration involvement in Our Our members joined study visits – Realizing that our awareness regrets further improve the visibility the account of our international missed opportunities for first- the project - the opportunity to raising monitoring module did engagements hand learning experiences from lear from other cities was not not survive COVID 19 partner cities fully taken by city administration modifications – some things just can‘t be done on-line Long and complicated internal tendering Due to COVID 19 many of our procedures – we need extra time and activities, especially those linked COVID 19 –strike two!! But we

effort to hire external support and Obstacles Obstacles in our way our in to awareness raising, need to be won’t be beaten… Look at all the employ staff. changed. stars! • Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• BeePathNet Transfer Story – the good practice city perspective

Written by Maruška Markovčič, the BeePathNet ULG coordinator

To be a Lead partner in project URBACT III: Transfer Network – BeePathNet is a crazy experience. After this, nothing will be the same again. It was my first EU project experience, that set the expectations for further ones really high. I dedicate this Learning log to personal growth of all partners and my own, as well as to the path that we walked together. Key to visual signs used below: Oh, I see!

What is under the sea level, runs the world…

I totally have to remember this!


… and Bee Path was one of 97 Awards are important for the City of Ljubljana. If possible, we are applying for every one that we know about. Definitely justified, as we are good, innovative and have results. There is no better initiative than a reward from abroad. One such award was the URBACT’s Good Practice Award.

It all started with a top-down question: “Do we have anything to declare as a good practice?” This was not just a question, it was a task. The answer – Bee Path in Ljubljana. My first answers were really far from being good. I was not familiar with this sort of communication and with the help of Petra Očkerl from Slovenian National URBACT Point,

I managed to prepare the application that persuaded URBACT, to place Ljubljana’s Bee Path in the company of 96 other good practices. Two good practices from Ljubljana got in. Presentation in Tallinn on URBACT Festival was n unique experience – since 2008 I was not participating in any EU international activity, my English was really rusted, I forgot how to be relaxed among foreigners and I thought that our practice was really not that special.

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• Initial feelings? More or less silence and withdrawal… Everybody kept saying: “Your project is so interesting…”, but when the presentation in the showroom started, I was siting alone. I was convinced that someone will show up eventually, if not I can just present everything to myself and practice English. Well, at last someone came. Tiago Ferreira (Amarante, Portugal) and with interest listened to my presentation. I got the willingness to talk, and I felt that he is sincerely interested and his intent to be a part of our story was clear from the beginning. When this kind of klick happens and people want to hear what you are doing and not just present their work, then you know that you are on the right track. You are certain that you are mowing forward, but it is true that you don't know how far will it take you – till the end of presentation or to the application to the EU project. The episode in Tallinn turned out to be so much more. URBACT managed to create a safe environment suitable for beginners and newcomers, also the scared ones. In August 2017 my mother said goodbye to this dimension. In the time of insane grief and sadness I wrote the last few lines for URBACT Tallinn Festival, as well as for the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Award (MUFPP) in Valencia. I still cannot believe that Universe caressed me with two awards that totally changed the line of my regular way of life.

Besides getting into the company of 96 other good practices I also got the Special Mention Award for Short Food Supply Chains and Food Management (MUFPPT). I remember that I was looking at everything that was going on around me, like through a veil of sadness and I was just excepting everything more like an observer than an active participant. The result was a complete “go with the flow situation”, I was totally relaxed, without any pressure, expectations and without a desire to success. I kept this kind of modus operandi through the whole project and today I know that it was the right way that led to the results that we have today. Never say no to opportunity – you never know when a not necessary task in the office can become a wonderful experience and opportunity.

Trust your own work and story – every content has its own target group; you just have to wait for it.

Newer consider your language skills a barrier – if someone is interested, you will find a way to communicate your message. When the time is right, everything will fall into place!

… and the Bee Path from Ljubljana became the BeePathNet

After a brief pause came the question: “Would you consider applying for URBACT III Transfer Network tender and transfer good practice to other EU cities?” I had just the right amount of self-confidence after Tallinn that my answer was a clear YES! LET'S GO! LET'S DO IT! It was a strait jump into water. But since the beginning, our story is wrapped in blessing of positivity and cooperation. It brought together wonderful and creative people. With internal support from Luka Sešel (from Office for Development Projects and Investments) that brought to the project knowledge about how to apply to the EU project, right people started to gather around the story. Not even my diploma from the University received that many modifications as our phase 1 application form. Huge amount of communication, searching for partners and Lead Expert. Constant questions – who to take into our partnership, should the Lead Expert be a Slovene or a foreigner, how to put

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• everything into City's, at the time not existing budget, how will we manage all the tasks aside our regular office tasks, will the co-workers that will join the project be ok…

I will always be happy that we made the decision to invite into the first phase the City of

Bydgoszcz (Poland) that at the end 2017 abolished the prohibition of having bees in the city and the City of Cesena (Italy) whit it's rich beekeeping tradition and its connection to University in Bologna, which already made huge steps in the field of beekeeping but had no experience in urban beekeeping. Almost at the beginning we knew who other partners will be – Amarante (Portugal), which waited for our signal and expressed its preparedness for cooperation with their mayors’ letter to Ljubljana’s mayor, 12th District of Budapest – Hegyvidék (Hungary) and Nea Propontida (Greece). From West to East, from North to South. The working group in Ljubljana was composed from Luka, Gorazd Maslo and me, with constant support of our Lead Expert Klemen Strmšnik, who never saw his role only as an unaffected observer and technical support but he is from the beginning in this story with all his hear. Along the progress came also Vesna Erhart and totally build promotion of the project and communication within the project, in 2019 new force Urška Stražišar expert for finances.

And then, we submitted the tender application, we waited and… Success. We are one of 25. And now? First phase went by so quickly. From April till December 2018. Beside the working content we manged to build also four foundation stones:

Modus Ethics, Common Communication operandi compassion, positivity and values kindness

Establishment of the communication rules, creating the work plan, establishment of ULG groups, first contacts on the field, looking for those that think alike…

One of the top things was, that we encouraged both partners to look for things that the Municipality and others already do, activities that already take place in the city connected to the bees, biodiversity, education… We encouraged them to look for people that have opened minds, and are positive. We asked them not to be scared of people leaving the

ULG – which is normal and everybody will stay as long as it suits them and contribute as much that they can. That was also the key element that relaxed them and gave them the energy to create the ULG's. When they looked into the analysis what already exists, they felt good and were convinced that they will manage. People have to feel good in what they do. They have to have clear directions and they got this whit the Working Plan. From the very beginning we operated in a way that partners, unless it was really serious, did not notice our stress and trouble. We achieved everything with kind word. From the beginning we involved in our conversation every day topics – family, politics, changes, relationships… First round of bilateral visits – I would never change this experience – two weeks of traveling from one partner to another with Klemen, where we had the opportunity to get to know partners in their environment, got to know the place and the city and felt the beat of the ULG group. I knew that it won't work without a support of my boss. Gorazd is totally an open person, he always let me go my way but I never crossed the Slovenian border. I presented the idea to him with the following argument: “Gorazd, let's go into this story while I am still

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• relatively young and have a strong desire and when you are still around (he is will retire in 2023). If we don't make this step now, we never will!” The argument was strong enough and he was aboard. I am extremely happy that I entered the field of EU project with URBACT project that is on its way of operating similar to my way of working – family ambient, safe environment, treasure of information and kindness. From the very beginning you have to involve everybody. They all have to have the same information at the same time. Lead partner has to know their partners very well and it has to know the environment/community that they come from. They all have to feel that they are equally important. With praise you open the door to constructive criticism. I can’t emphasise enough the importance of the same language used by Lead partner and Lead expert. That makes communication smoother and things get solved quickly because of short distances.

But the most important thing is to enjoy the work you do and well-being of partners. Whit this we encouraged their creativity and it blossomed.

… Phase 2 – and then we were 6 Intensive getting to know each other year. Kick-off meeting in Hegivydek, Budapest (Hungary) – the spirit was that good that we instantly knew that partners will, despite a very demanding Work plan, manage to execute everything. We slowly began to deepen knowledge about each other and a whole new world appeared. Bees started to be the glue to keep us together. Boot Camp in Ljubljana () gave us the capacity and broadened our view of the topic. We extremely well organised our three-day meeting and transferred the knowledge from Ljubljana’s ULG members to participants. The large community enabled a broader understanding of the project and topics and a personal involvement of partners gave them a whole new push. Bilateral visits – 2nd round – Klemen and I divided partners among us according to their needs. Those that needed constructive talk to mayor, were visited by Klemen, those that needed more assistance with their ULG member were visited by me. For me, being present at ULG meetings, gave me the opportunity to see the work of the groups and after that it was possible to assist ULG coordinators with their further work.

Back-to-back meeting in Hegyvidék and Bydgoszcz – at the beginning we thought it was a crazy idea, but we soon realised that it is a fantastic one. Yes, we were tired – to travel 1.000 km by buss is no picnic, but in that ride, we created strong bonds with each other. Not only did we visit Bydgoszcz and Hegyvidék, we also had a traveling office and

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• playground that was open during the whole time of travel and enabled us to solve some crucial dilemmas.

In order for the whole group to breath as one it has to have a strong feeling of belonging.

You have to spent as much time together as possible – eat together, sleep together, have fun, see each other in a totally different »outside the project« role. »Our idea is just one among many!« – Ljubljana happens to be the one transferring its own idea to others, but I soon realised that partners are way ahead from us in some topics. When I realised that, I started to feel small and sad. After the constructive talk within the core team I realised, that we put so many different stones into the whole mosaic and that the greatness of the project is within this, and that we managed to stimulate partners to see the big mosaic.

The biggest beau to my work was the moment, when members of partners ULG's started to, on their own, develop contents connected to bees even within the work that initially had nothing to do with them, while they were inspired by the project that much. I started Bee Path in Ljubljana from pure joy and I let it get its own way. Everything that happened was OK. Within the BeePathNet I had to transform practice into theory and it was not easy. With huge help from Klemen we produced precious guidebooks for every module. When everything was written I only then realised what it is really all about and the greatness of the work we managed to create just for fun.

It was not easy to pass over the content that I was building for years to others. Now I can't be gladder that I did it. Only with wide usage, first with our partners and I hope also wider in time, lays its value. What good would it do to be locked in Ljubljana? I am convinced that partners will have as their own also in years to come. Bilateral meetings and talks with individual partners take a lot of time but they are the most precious ones – through talks and intensive work on the project when we have the time to go through everything from how are we doing to where are we at the moment, questions appear that will newer pop out on group meetings. Because of the amount of work in the project I neglected my own ULG group. As it turned out, we manged to build so strong bonds during the years that this didn't damage us. Everything was running smoothly and nothing stopped. You can’t do anything without good co-workers. Our new employee Urška enabled us to totally leap forward on the field of organisation and outer help form Vesna put the communications and promotion of the project to another level.

We were amazed by the way our partners managed to promote their activities. In Ljubljana we were so not there. That gave us the push and we managed to talk things over with our management officer, that put our Bee Path to totally new level and we have a special individual page within Municipality web called Bee in Ljubljana and has so many elements and Bee Path is just one of them.

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana•

…Second year and the project extension +

2020 was a special year.

Fortunately, we managed to have the Midterm Review meeting in January. It gave us that strong push and we managed to go through COVID 19 relatively well. We made a revision of our work and we were really satisfied with results. After that the reality of our everyday became Zoom meetings and Webinars.

Nobody gave up, quite the opposite – partners did so much more. The greatest success was the 20t May – World Bee Day celebration that because of COVID 19 spread through the year. Work with Ljubljana ULG group got a totally new push and jump to another level. We created a new module – Selling point and at the same time started to build new long term

strategy of Bee Path in Ljubljana. As it turned out, members of Ljubljana ULG showed their maturity and eight of them took over separate modules and created their own working group. Personally, I really liked 2020 and I am extremely grateful for it. Despite the outer storm it was possible, if you didn't allow the other world to get to you, to calm down, look back and forward in peace. A new drive occurred and the year was also much fuller than others. It demanded a lot of adjustments to the new communications system. Virtual reality gave us he power to solve tasks, but it robed us of personal contacts. Fortunately, partnership was not damaged to much since the foundation we laid in 2019 were strong and we also kept our regular contacts with zoom meetings.

COVID 19 occurred right on time. It gave us the extension that on my opinion will have a positive effect to our partnership. It gave us the opportunity do deepen the connection of ULG members. Only time does that. That will also gave them the opportunity to build a good mid- and long-term plans. I strongly support projects to be 3 years long.

I realised that we totally neglected the possibilities that virtual world gives us. I strongly believe that it must become a regular part of our work. We must deepen our knowledge

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• on that field and this will save our projects in situations like this. More than we use it, more people will cross the barrier of dislike and our communication will be easier.

…To be continued

Ljubljana will intensively develop Selling point or as we named it – The Centre of Culture of Living

ULG group in Ljubljana will continue to work as it already works, but it will also make the next step and start focusing on eight topics on the principles of group project work. The City of Ljubljana will still be present as an active coordinator for a bit longer, but the final goal is to have an independent organism that will take care for itself.

Partners of BeePathNet are the »core team« that will build the international network of urban bee friendly cities and will recruit new cities to enter the story of BeePathNet. You are more than welcome to dive into the Bee Path Long-term Vision we developed in Ljubljana and is presented at the end! Final impressions? Tired, a little exhausted, little fed up with all activities. Full brain. Totally grateful for this experience and guidelines that will provide us textbooks for our future followers. Dissemination period here we come! The Bee Path model is so useful also for the same approach with different target groups on the field of rural development. We will use it next with food self-supply target group and urban farmers – allotment gardens owners.

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana• More than BeePathNet What are the chances to meet great people whit whom you immediately click and you know it will be heart breaking to finish the project? They are your lifelong friends and you never want to lose contact with them ever again. So, BeePathNet is an organism. We had laughs, we were happy, we cried and: - We had 4 babies; - We married one son; - We lost one of us and one husband – let their soul find peace in eternity; - We had two bigger surgeries – a knee and a hip and we had COVID-19; - We had to say goodbye to 4 of us due to new jobs in different work places and we welcomed 5 new ones; - We were 20 on our first meeting and we created a family off 302 active bee lovers and countless those that were reached by our project, one way or another in 3,5 years.

But guess what… We are ready for more!

• Final Learning Log of the City of Ljubljana•

Železniška postaja Ljubljana Ljubljana railway station

Celovška cesta

a Avtobusna postaja Ljubljana est Dunajska cesta ka c Ljubljana bus station ols Masarykova cesta Tiv Krajinski park Tivoli, 2c Dvorakova ulica Rožnik in Šišenski hrib

Pražakova ulica

Metelkova ulica Miklošičeva cesta

Resljeva cesta Kolodvorska ulica Od dediščine ČEBELJA POT / BEE PATH 40 min / 3 km Kotnikova ulica do urbanega Slomškova ulica Vošnjakova ulica Where heritage Gosposvetska cesta 3 meets urban Od dediščine do urbanega Trdinova ulicaCigaletova ulica Kersnikova ulica

Where heritage meets urban Čufarjeva ulica Slomškova ulica 1 Mednarodni grafični likovni center PARK 3 1 Slovenski etnografski muzej TIVOLI Slovenska cesta Tavčarjeva ulica Slovene Ethnographic Museum Puharjeva ulica Čufarjeva ulica ulica 2 Park Slovenske reformacije Miklošičev Park Dalmatinova ulicapark Tabor Maistrova ulica Župančičevava ulica TABOR

2 B&B Hotel Ljubljana Park Narodna Njegoševa cesta Njegoševa galerija Kolodvorska ulica Kotnikova ulica Tabor Tabor 9 Štefanova ulica Bleiweisova cesta Resljeva cesta 1 Komenskega ulica 3 Medex (Trgovina /Shop) Ajdovščina 2 Miklošičeva cesta 30 Moderna galerija Cankarjeva cesta Ilirska ulica 4 Ljubljana SNG Opera 3 in balet Ljubljana 6 4 Pri kolovratu (GostilnaCesta 27. aprila /Guesthouse) Nazorjeva ulica 8 Tomšičeva ulica Rozmanova ulica Hrvatski Ciril-Metodov trg 14 Čolnarna 3d Park Tivoli Miklošičeva cesta Trubarjeva cesta trg 5 Čopova ulica Vidovdanska c. 5 (Trgovina /Shop) Trubarjeva cesta Ika Šubičeva ulica e brežj Zmajski Pet vo na most kovš Ciril-Metodov trg 13 Rastlinjak 3b ško kovo tkov nab Muzejska ul. e re Tivoli Valvasorjevpark P Kopitarjeva ul. žj 1 3 Poljanski nasip e 6 Stolnica sv. Nikolaja Cesta 27. aprila 7 Prešernov 7 nabrežje Beethovnova ulica trg Cathedral of St. Nicholas Šubičeva ulica Tromostovje Adamič-Lundrovo Vodnikov Dolničarjeva ulica 1 9 trg Trg republike 6 Stritarjeva ul. 8 2 Wolfova ul. Poljanska cesta 7 Škrabčeva ulica Prešernova cesta e Ciril-Metodov trg Osrednja ljubljanska tržnica j Erjavčeva cesta ž 3 e 1 r Slovenska cesta Prekmurski b Park Zvezda a trg n 5

o Pogačarjev trg 1, Adamič-Lundrovo nabrežje 2-7 4 Krekov trg v Poljanska cesta

1 e Kongresni trg Roška cesta e j Cankarjev j

ž Erjavčeva cesta r e dom a r


8 b Trubar n Ulica talcev

a a Streliška ulica


C Vzpenjača

Okrepčevalnica in slaščičarna o Mestni trg

Funicular 15 min v

Igriška ul. e j

Snack bar and sweet shop r Židovska ulica


i 10 Trubarjeva cesta 53 r

Gregorčičeva ulica SNG Drama 3c H Strossmayerjeva ulica B Ljubljana l Ulica stare pravdeUlica Janeza Pavla II. e i w Igriška ulica POLJANE e i s Prešernova cesta Grajski grič o ČEBELJA POT / BEE PATH 1 h 50 min / 7,50 km v a Gregorčičeva ulica Stari trg Castle Hill Vegova ulica c Slovenska cesta Gosposka ulica e Ljubljanski grad s Borštnikov t a trg Turjaška ul. ‘Od cveta do cveta, čebelica leta!’ Rimska cesta Rimska cesta Narodna in ‘The bees go buzzing one by one’ univerzitetna Botanični vrt UL Rimska cesta knjižnica University Trg fr. Botanic gardens Zarnikova ulica revolucije C e s 1 Tržaška cesta Aškerčeva cesta Mestni muzej ta Zemljemerska ulica Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani s Ljubljana Gor lo nabrežje nji v trg en University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana s 2a k i Breg h Ižanska cesta 15 Križanke k m

e Groharjeva cesta č k Gallusovo Streliška ulica 2 i Plečnikova hiša MIRJE Zoisova cesta h

u Pot p Plečnik house o 2b Fleischmannovega ro Karunova ulica 4-6 Mirje rebrinca v Grudnovo nabrežje Fleischmann’s 3 Cankarjev dom Jamova cesta Parsnip paths Prešernova cesta 10 Barjanska cesta Mirje Orlov vrh Karlovška cesta 4 Stojišče za čebele v Parku Tivoli KRAKOVO nasip Krakovski Beehives in Tivoli Park 46.0524, 14.4925 Finžgarjeva ulica Emonska cesta Zvonarska ulica Grajski vinograd Castle Vineyard 5 Narodni muzej Slovenije Gradaška ulica National Museum of Slovenia Gradaščica PRULE Eipprova ulica Ljubljanica Roška cesta Muzejska ulica 1 Prule

6 Drevored avtohtonih malih jesenov Riharjeva ulica Hradeckega cesta Trnovski pristan Privoz na Slovenski cesti Prijateljeva ulica

Janežičeva ulica Tree-line of autochthonous flowering 2 Karunova ulica TRNOVO ashes on the Slovenska cesta Road 2 7 Mestna hranilnica Ljubljanska Ziherlova ulica Prule3e City Savings Bank of Ljubljana Privoz Dolenjska cesta Čopova ulica 3 Ziherlova ulica

Gruberjevo nabrežje 3a 8 Medarska ulica

Medarska ulica Street Barjanska cesta Grubarjev prekop Ljubljanica 1 9 Stolnica sv. Nikolaja Ižanska cesta Cathedral of St. Nicholas Opekarska cesta 1 Dolničarjeva ulica 1 3 10 Ljubljanski grad 3b ‘Od cveta do cveta, Ljubljana Castle čebelica leta!’ Grajska planota 1 ‘The bees go buzzing one V smeri proti Botaničnemu vrtu sledimo V Murglah Čebelja pot by one’ oznakam »Botanični vrt UL«, v nasprotni smeri Cesta v Mestni log Kopačeva cesta proti Ljubljanskem gradu pa oznakam Cesta na Loko »Pot Fleischmannovega rebrinca«. v Ljubljani In direction towards the Botanic gardens, we follow the »University Botanic gardens« signs,      m in opposite direction towards the Ljubljana Castle, The Bee Path in Ljubljana Orlova ulica we follow the »Fleischmann’s Parsnip path«. ↖ Kranj BREZPLAČNA BROŠURA Bled FREE BROCHURE Gameljne

Stanežiče Črnuče ↗

Šentvid 7 Maribor Mestna občina 10 Ljubljana

2 4 Šiška Podgrad 1 Bežigrad 11 1 32 2 Nove 3 Fužine 2 11 Janče Vič 3 Center 8 12 Trnovo Ljubljana 5

Rudnik 9 ↙ V. Trebeljevo 4 6 Postojna Črna vas Koper ↘ M. Lipoglav

Novo mesto 3 ↓


1 Enthusiasm & problem-solving Cooperation Oportunities

Synergies By sustaining the BeePathNet momentum Commitment

2 ULG coordinator was our „heart & soul“

BeePathNet And a few QUEEN BEE other things… Facilitator Motivator Organizer Dreamer „Slave-driver“ A shoulder to cry on...

BeePathNet project experience 3 But, it was the team effort that counted the most…

“Tell me and I will forget…” “Show me and I will remember…” “Involve me and I will A Chinese proverb understand!”

BeePathNet project experience 4 So, we tested some…

Learning by doing, while playing

Providing first- hand experience

BeePathNet project experience 5 … and then some…

Organizing events & joint actions

Visiting ULG member‘s locations

BeePathNet project experience 6 …insisted on … inspiring ULG while trying- memebrs out something new & discovering their talents

BeePathNet project experience 7 But most of all by…


BeePathNet project experience 8