Asian Journal of Medicine and Health

4(4): 1-13, 2017; Article no.AJMAH.33742

Anatomy: A Chronological Review of the Evolution of Context and Content

J. O. Owolabi 1*, P. O. Ogunnaike 1 and A. A. Tijani 2

1Department of , Ben Carson School of Medicine, Babcock University, Nigeria. 2Department of Anatomy, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Author JOO conceptualised and designed the study and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Authors POO and AAT did the review with author JOO. Author POO did advanced review on the article content while author AAT managed external consultations. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJMAH/2017/33742 Editor(s): (1) Janvier Gasana , Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, EO Epidemiology, and EO Medicine, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work, Florida International University, USA. Reviewers: (1) Abdelmonem Awad Hegazy, Zagazig University, Egypt. (2) Alicia Noemi Kohli Bordino, Italian University Institute of Rosario, Argentina. (3) Elvira Bormusov, Technio- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel. Complete Peer review History:

Received 27 th April 2017 th Review Article Accepted 28 May 2017 Published 12 th June 2017


Anatomy as a subject is an ancient medical science. The early practitioners of Anatomy were morphological explorers and observers. Anatomy was one of the earliest sciences that marked the transition of logical reasoning from philosophy to science. This is why it is appropriate to describe the early scientists as both philosophers and scientists. Anatomy was considered and purposefully practised by the early scientists as a subject that was indispensable to understanding the form and functions of the body and the causes of pathologies. The subject of Anatomy evolved greatly; yet, has remained the bedrock of modern health sciences. Consequently, Anatomy has increased in sophistication and content volume. Advancements in technology and increased demand for better solutions have given several perspectives to the subject; thus anatomy in its current form has several fields - primary and applied. While Anatomy started as what is currently called Gross Anatomy which is the study of tangible morphology, other primary fields including , Histology, Genetics and Histochemistry have evolved particularly due to the advancements and sophistications in methods of studying the body towards better understanding of form, functions


*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected];

Owolabi et al.; AJMAH, 4(4): 1-13, 2017; Article no.AJMAH.33742

and disorders. Obviously, the radical, yet positive and purposeful evolution of Anatomy has an interesting chronicle and impact on content dynamics and the contexts at each point in time. To this end, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of Anatomy in the context of its modern form, yet with a clear understanding of its evolution and how it has affected the content of its modern form. This review article considered the chronicles of Anatomy in term of its content and context at each stage.

Keywords: Anatomy; review; modern; content; context; history.

1. INTRODUCTION subject that was indispensable to understanding the form and functions of the body and the Anatomy: A means to ends and an end to itself causes of pathologies [2]. Over the years, the subject of Anatomy evolved greatly; yet, has Anatomy is originally the study of the structure of remained the bedrock of modern Health the body. It is an ancient basic medical science. Sciences. Consequently, Anatomy has increased It is logical to understand that intelligent humans in sophistication and content volume. would have developed the curiosity, will and Advancements in technology and increased quest to explore nature, forms and functions from demand for better solutions have given several antiquity. Though the prehistorical accounts were perspectives to the subject. not adequately documented, there are evidences of anatomical studies and practices before the Thus, Anatomy in its current form has several formal accounts began, in India for instance [1]; fields- primary, advanced and applied. Anatomy and by implication in every established early as a subject has witnessed radical evolution in human populations. The early instance of formal context and content. While Anatomy started as anatomical studies was recorded in Egypt about what is currently called Gross or Basic Anatomy- 500 years B.C. [2]; who sought to know the form the study of tangible morphology, other primary and functions of structures and bodily products fields including Embryology, Histology, Genetics [3,4]. This is also true of their unique interest in and Histochemistry among others have evolved ancient medical practices. It was also recorded particularly due to the advancements and that Anatomy was practiced in Persia - an sophistications in methods of studying the body ancient Asian Empire built around the modern towards better understanding of form, functions day Iran - as early as the 6th century BC [5]. and disorders. These reports suggested that the practice of Anatomy was part or a feature of the The aim of this narrative review is to appreciate development in ancient education in different and put into the proper perspective, the chronicle empires and established human populations of Anatomy as a subject as well as the dynamics across the world. The mode of study was involved in its evolution, particularly in terms of originally observational and exploratory, arguably content and context. While most articles have with much philosophy and complimentary little emphasised historical accounts basically; this logic. Thus, Anatomy started as a transition of article attempts to emphasise the dynamics of philosophy to science or logical reasoning [6,7]. content and contexts along the timelines. The transformations that the world has witnessed Expectedly, this article would provide answers to have no doubt affected education or could be the questions usually raised about the definition said to have been caused by advancements in for Anatomy in the modern context, the extent of education. Anatomy therefore has no doubt its content as well as its primary relevance and evolved and advanced over the years as a importance to other subjects and walks of life. It subject or field of science. Anatomy as a subject should also help to appreciate the fact that the also has an ancient antecedent and the earlier subject has greatly evolved and its modern form practitioners of Anatomy were morphological has much greater contributions to make to observers and explorers. various walks of life even beyond biomedical sciences. Anatomy was one of the earliest sciences that marked the transition of logical reasoning from philosophy to science- this is why it is 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS appropriate to describe the early scientists as both philosophers and scientists. Anatomy was Three major conventional search engines were purposefully pursued by the early scientists as a employed to search for literatures-keywords on


Owolabi et al.; AJMAH, 4(4): 1-13, 2017; Article no.AJMAH.33742

the subject of the article. Selection criteria now a part of modern Anatomy content known as required that only articles that addressed the Gross Anatomy [8]. subject of the article with emphasis on the keywords were selected. Information on the Early Anatomists also sought to appreciate the subject was extracted and analysed objectively. process of development - the aspect of Anatomy Common accounts were considered and that is currently known as Embryology. It was contradictory reports were critically analysed. easy to observe the embryological development Whenever deemed necessary, a number of on the eggs of the avian species. The contradictory opinions were rather reported than development of the chick provided great insight merely taking a position- this is to enable for into embryology at the beginning because the objectivity in comparison of facts. Informed eggs were big enough for macro-examination positions were however taken whenever factually and they develop largely outside the body documented information outweighed opinions environment. There was more to the practice of and unsubstantiated reports. Literatures were Anatomy along the line of history, as several considered based on the quality and standard of anatomists were also artist and the historical the sources: they included standardised landscape is quite interesting [9,10]. academic and scholarly publications that specifically included and in the order of While scientists successfully established the preference: scholarly articles, standard published other fields of knowledge; development and its texts, standard published web pages and process especially in vivo was demystified publications with emphasis on referenceability in through Embryology- the field of study that science. An average of 16,000,000 literatures considers the process leading to fertilisation and appeared in connection with the key words. the development of the formed zygote till Altogether, over 1000 literatures met the parturition, not excluding the implications of selection criteria and about 72 literatures were developmental process on life and life functions specifically considered citable in the reviews afterwards. Furthermore, the need to understand leading to this report. and address the numerous problems associated with abnormal developmental processes led to 2.1 Introducing and Defining Anatomy in creating a defined filed of knowledge - Content and Context Teratology. Genetics- as it relates to heredity and establishment of forms and functions, was also Anatomy in its most popular context is meant to incorporated into anatomical content due to its mean the study of the body and bodily structures. fundamental roles in explaining the The word Anatomy originated from the Latin establishment of forms and functions and their word that means ‘’ which can further be anomalies including their consequences. described to mean the exploration of body structures by cutting-up or cutting through the The invention of the microscope from the idea of body. However, in general terms, anatomy the telescope made scientists see the need for a simply means the study of forms or structures; deeper or more comprehensive understanding of hence there could be anatomy of any animate the body structures especially by using tools that thing and by extension, there could be anatomy could enable humans to explore and appreciate of tangible or physical inanimate things as well. microscopic units that constitutes the gross Albeit, the term Anatomy in its very original use structures. With the aid of the microscope, in the context of a subject or field of knowledge is scientists could observe tissue organisations in meant to be the exploration and appreciation of organs as well as the forms of various cells. This body and bodily structures with particular gave birth to microscopic Anatomy that would emphasis on the body of animals, especially further divide into two elaborate fields of humans and its constituent structures. This is knowledge Histology- the study of tissues and why the earliest scientists acknowledged as their constituent cells and Cytology- the study of Anatomists studied the body of humans, either cells’ ultra structures. At first, it was the light by observing physical structures and their uses microscope that allowed for just cellular cum functions in the living or by dissection of organisation into tissues with limited cadaveric bodies of humans or other animals. understanding of the cell ultra structure. The Early Anatomists made great drawing of gross electron microscope and other modifications to structures of humans and animals including other the original optical microscope to give rise to relevant animate things. This original and ancient more effective methods of microscopy gave rise Anatomy in its evolved and advanced form is to very advanced understanding of the ultra


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structures of tissues and cells in particular. It also reasoning termed science. The practice of facilitated the understanding of the mechanisms Anatomy at the stage was largely underlying cellular and tissue functions. observational. Debatably, this ushered scientists into molecular biology. Histochemistry is another field that (2) Early Civilization Exploratory Anatomy evolved as an offshoot of Histology to localise [From about 600AD -1800AD]: This and appreciate chemical reactions in tissues in describes the second stage of the situ . Employment of antibodies in the process of development of Anatomical sciences in localising and appreciating chemical reactions which the practice was largely exploratory; and tissue components led to an advanced form based on the scientific curiosity to of histochemistry called immunohistochemistry appreciate forms and functions, with [11,12]. relatively little emphasis on application and advanced applications. This period include Despite the radical evolution of Anatomy in the latter part of the Middle Ages; the High context and content; it has continually provided Medieval Era; Renaissance and the Age of the foundational knowledge to most fields of Exploration. Biomedical Sciences including Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Allied (3) Modern Basic, Educational and Health Sciences. In several instances, only the Advanced Anatomy [Late 1800sAD- relevant aspects of the contents of Anatomy are 1980AD]: Anatomy at this stage of made available to students of the courses or evolution centred on study and analysis in school of knowledge. Several allied health context and, basic and applied in content. science students undertake only Gross Anatomy, This describes the stage of Anatomical being the study of the body or bodily structures. practices in which the results of To them, Gross Anatomy would appear majorly observations and scientific exploration to be Anatomy. What is deducible from this were applied to medical practices, scenario therefore, is that the subject Anatomy research and improvement of other human though wide and comprehensive could always be working systems in various walks of life. tailored towards meeting the knowledge-content Thus Anatomy was practiced basically as a requirements of the various fields of health science; the knowledge was used for sciences. This scenario is therefore typical of the education in medical sciences and modern context of Anatomy. Notwithstanding, research. For better understanding, Anatomy as a course of study for the modern advanced forms of Anatomical sciences Anatomist is all encompassing. Hence Anatomy were introduced and these brought has been described to have an end to itself while Anatomy into synergy with several serving as a means to several ends. developing modern era sciences. To this end, fields of studies such as 2.2 Defining the Evolution of Anatomy in histochemistry, molecular biology, the context of Historical Landscape anthropological sciences, comparative Anatomy, Radiological Anatomy, Clinical It will be very helpful to define and describe how Anatomy, and so on were either developed Anatomy as a subject has evolved in context as advanced forms of basic Anatomy or over time. incorporated from the developing world of sciences to complement the original 2.3 Anatomy: Historical Perspective and contents. This included the era of the Start Evolution of Philosophies of Enlightenment; the Industrial Revolution and the High Modern Era.

Anatomy, through its rich history has evolved (4) Post-Modern Basic, Advanced and over the years- both in content and context. The Applied Anatomy [1980AD – Till Date]: Philosophy has also changed as follows: The post modern era witnessed the most radical development in education and (1) Ancient Observational Anatomy [From application of knowledge and this is about 500 BC – 600AD]: This describes equally applicable to the science and the the first stage of formal anatomical practice of Anatomy. Thus, in addition to practices that witnessed the transformation the advance fields, Anatomical sciences of systemised philosophy into logical and practices were designed to address


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problems in almost all fields of endeavour studies were probably preceded by anatomical and walks of life where the human body and surgical practices during the Babylonian would interact with other systems. This Emprire [5]. ushered in Applied Anatomy . To this effect Anatomical sciences and practices include Objectivity was introduced and Anatomy was applied fields such as ergonomics, forensic purposefully studied to help the science of sciences, genetic engineering, medicine. The Grecian Anatomists and Neurosciences, toxicology et cetera. This morphologists laid the foundation for the includes the era of the Information Age and development of Anatomy at this stage and the Cutting Edge Technology in many spheres Greek Anatomists stood out in history [21]. of human endeavours. Because the methods were not largely empirical; information collected were largely partly scientific Each of these stages of evolution is discussed in and partly philosophical. This is why the historical context in the next part. knowledge of this era had series of misconceptions about life, breath, mind, soul 2.4 Ancient Observational Anatomy , and organ functions. Players included the nations of early civilisation with the [From about 500 BC – 600AD] Greeks being major players in their later stage because of their philosophy of ‘Reason and Anatomy was basically concerned with the Justice’. observation of Animals and human structures; in a bid to appreciate nature and appreciate the On a more precise note, methodical and form and functions of the human body. Though nomenclature-based Anatomical studies would the first documented account were in Egypt by be attributed to the Greeks. Methodical about 500BC [2]; it is understood that of animals and humans- dead and observational Anatomy was practiced in other living, gave great insight into the form and places- for instance, India where Rishi Sushruta functions of the human body. A number of Greek [about 600BC], stood out [9] as one of the worlds philosophers and ancient scientists played earliest surgeons recorded in history [13-16]. significant roles. Alcmaeon through dissections There are also reports of the practice of identified and named the optic and structural or anatomical studies in the ancient Eustachius [24]. Persia [17-19]; even ancient Egypt [20] and such

Fig. 1. Pyramid of histological timeline [ [1994-2016] [22]


Owolabi et al.; AJMAH, 4(4): 1-13, 2017; Article no.AJMAH.33742

Fig. 2. Chart of histological timeline: Historical Eras- An idiosyncratic partial timeline [23]

Empedocles identified the organ as the central to appreciate structures, but also functions by organ of blood circulation [Singer, 1957]; but examining how structures functions while erroneously named the blood innate heat [24]. dissecting criminals live [24,26]. Herophilos Others including Acron, Pausanias and Philistion corrected ’s position on the seat of contributed to ancient Anatomy about 480 BC intelligence and stated that the is the seat [24]. of intelligence [Singer, 1957] [24]. is the last major and most informed anatomist of the The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, ancient era. He was a gladiators’ chief physician. contributed to ancient Anatomy and is credited to He built his findings for human bodies and be the father of comparative Anatomy around 4 th animals- apes and pigs especially- dissection on century BCE; though he erroneously posited that the numerous findings of the previous the heart was the seat of intelligence. The report Anatomists and corrected a number of erroneous of Siddiquey [25] stated that Alexandria had the assertions. He was active in the 2 nd Century first school of Anatomy about 3rd to 2 nd century BCE. He documented several of his findings BC. The King Ptolemy I permitted cadaveric including the major two: On anatomical dissections. Anatomical dissections and studies procedure and On the uses of the parts of the progressed and by the 4 th century BCE, body of man [24]. His major misconception Herophilos and conducted extensive however was that blood would circulate in a dissections and vivisections that helped not just back-and-forth pattern. This was later debunked


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and corrected by Vesalius and Harvey in the 16 th [24,35]. Also in the 16 th century BCE Vesalius, a Century BCE [27]. renowned Belgian anatomist challenged a number of Galen’s erroneous presumptions and Obviously, Anatomy at this age was made Anatomy a discipline. He published a great observational; with discretely and sparsely treatise De humani corporis fabrica [36]. documented observations and little understanding about the systemic functions of Anatomy practices and studies continued in the the body and how structures are related. Also the 17 th and 18 th centuries as organised dissection term Anatomy was never used for such studies. classes under teachers and professors. This Hence the basic characteristics of the ancient period had anatomical dissections tailored Anatomy could be highlighted as follows: towards developing medical and surgical skills. The supply and use of cadavers was the major 1. Anatomy was basically concerned with the challenge of this period; hence body snatching, observation of Animals and human grave robbery and dissections of relatives and structures; in a bid to appreciate nature. criminals were witnessed. 2. Because the methods were not empirical; information collected were largely Deductions from the above accounts can be philosophical heighted as follows: 3. Players included the nations of early civilisation with the Greeks being major 1. Anatomy of the Early civilisation age was players in their later stage because of their exploratory. philosophy of ‘Reason and Justice’ [2]. 2. Philosophy was giving way to logic 3. Anatomists explored bodies through active 2.5 Early Civilization Exploratory dissections of plant and animals; even the Anatomy [From about 600AD - structures of plants were carefully and 1800AD] curiously studied 4. Key players included Harvey , Vesalius, Da This period include the latter part of the Middle Vinci and others Ages; the High Medieval Era; Renaissance and the Age of Exploration. At first, Anatomical 2.6 Modern Basic, Educational and studies depended on the ancient era information, Advanced Anatomy [Late 1800sAD- especially the work of Harvey up till the 12 th 1980AD] century BCE. Animal dissections were also carried out to complement the records [28,29]. This stage was actually important in the historical Political influences affected anatomical practices: landmark of Anatomical practices in terms of for instance Boniface VIII laws restricted standardisation and modernisation. This stage, dissection [30]; whereas Emperor Frederick II based on Paul Connelly’s Chart of Idiosyncratic later compel medical trainees to dissect in Partial Timeline- included the beginning of the medical colleges in Italy [31]. Mondino de Luzzi, Modern Era; Puritan Era; Start of the 1276 – 1326 was the first Anatomist of this era to Enlightenment; Romantic Era; Industrial conduct extensive dissection and he documented Revolution; the Petroleum Age and the High his findings in a book titled Anathomia in 1316. Modern Era. His efforts were complemented by Alessandro Achillini and Antonio Benivieni [32,33] of the Standard Medical Schools were being fifteenth century. established, in Europe in particular. Anatomical dissections thus became a fundamental and Leonardo Da Vinci [1452–1519] was a great indispensable requirement for training. Due to Artist cum Anatomist of his time. He worked with the challenges of obtaining cadavers for established models of human Anatomy but more dissections, legally, the British Anatomy Act was importantly, conducted several dissections and passed in 1832. Anatomical theatres were also made masterful anatomical representations that established [2,26,27,36]. Other developments of reportedly totalled about seven hundred and fifty; the 19 th century included the regulation of many of which were used as teaching aids after medical schools by the Royal College of him. He established nomenclatures for Surgeons; establishment of anatomical museum Anatomical drawings and models. He also made and very importantly, the expansion of Anatomy some earliest pathological representation into developmental and microscopic domains of including cirrhosis and arteriosclerosis [34] Embryology and Histology respectively. Thus,


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this period witnessed for the first time the education and Anatomical science was not left advancement of the study of Anatomy from the out: rather than advancing basically the quest of mono-perspective of Gross Anatomy into multi- knowing; the philosophy shifted to what to do perspective of Gross, Embryology and Histology with knowledge. Hence, gross Anatomy was [37,38]. applied to fields such as forensics and anthropology, ergonomics and systems design, 2.7 Anatomy as Gross, Embryology and prosthetics and modelling; advanced Histology and Advanced Forms preservation techniques including plastination among others. Embryology was also applied to The continuous evolution and advancement of the science and practise of Assisted Anatomy as a medical science and the Reproduction Technology such as In Vitro advancements in technology resulted in the Fertilisation. Yet the end of this era only marked conventional inclusion of Embryology or the beginning of the Applied Anatomy as it Developmental Anatomy as well as Histology or witnessed largely the practice of the basic microscopic Anatomy in the 19th Century; there Anatomy in the early part; and the Advanced were medical schools regulated by the Royal Anatomy in its latter part. College of Surgeons and Anatomical museums for the purpose of teaching [37,38]. Though It is obvious that Anatomy at this stage was advancements in tools and learning methods studied in the context of medical education and provided the opportunity to study developmental research of natural phenomena. Hence, this and microscopic anatomy; the drive could be stage of Anatomical history witnessed the study adduced to quest for more knowledge and of anatomy for two major reasons: explanations for phenomena that that lead to in vivo development as well as the explanations for 1. The multi-perspective- and dimensional the body architecture at microscopic levels. study of the human body for science and Marcello Malpighi, the Italian scientist has been research- as the advancement and reported to have been the first scientist to continuation of the ancient observational practice Histology; he studied basically Anatomy and early civilisation era exploratory and Medicine and he was a revered professor anatomical studies of structures [Encyclopaedia Britannica] [39]. This therefore 2. The study of Anatomy as a fundamental implies that Histology was systemised between requirement and component of medical 17th and 19 th Century, and was conventionally education integrated into Anatomy or Anatomical studies by the 19 th Century. It should be noted that There was however a mixture of these reasons Histology and Microscopic Anatomy started with and philosophies, such that departments of what is now termed Optical or Light Microscopy; Anatomical Sciences were set up either to satisfy its major limitation was resolution and quest to both or either needs. overcome this ushered in the electron microscopy [40] which became a major feature of Deductions from the above accounts can be scientific advancement in the 20 th century. heighted as follows: Cytology or Cell Anatomy was also defined as an aspect of Anatomy in the 19 th and 20 th 1. Anatomy, when the world civilisation Centuries. attained the modern age; at first the Study of Anatomy emphasised the Study and In the latter part of the modern era of anatomical Analysis of the Human Structures for science advancement which extended a bit Holistic understanding; beyond the first half of the; advancement was 2. Hence, the multi-perspective approach to explosive as industrialisation transformed the the study of Anatomy to include: Gross world greatly through technology. The electron Anatomy, Histology, Embryology. microscopy techniques in the various forms 3. Secondly, the Basic and Applied Approach contributed greatly. So also the development of was employed, whereby research computer based analytical methods. perspective was emphasised more than Histochemistry and its advanced forms made ever before, with the goal of solving the microscopic and tissue studies interesting and problems of diseases and anomalies, while invaluable to research and diagnosis. It became attempting to improve the conditions of life a modern advancement of Anatomy. In addition, and living industrialisation changed the philosophy of


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2.8 Post-modern Basic, Educational, 12]. Interestingly, several Anatomist of the last Advanced and Applied Anatomy era- the modern era- have failed to catch up with [1980AD – Till Date] the evolution as their definitions of Anatomy, which unfortunately dominate the existing This is the most advanced stage of human life literatures has fast become archaic relative to the and activities which is typically designated the realities of the current era. The mere study of information age. It has within its content and body structures has paved way to the use of the more importantly, context, the older forms of knowledge to improve health which in turn has Anatomy as the more stable part of its form. The advanced to the multidimensional application of applied content lays emphasis on the wide range anatomical sciences and skills. of application of Anatomical knowledge to solving problems in the various walks of life. This For instance Glasgow [44] defines Anatomy as arguably informs why many modern schools and ‘scientific study of the human body in relation departments of Anatomy are set up as to its function’ and states that the career Departments and Schools of Anatomical prospect for its graduate as follows: Our Sciences. Some other offer the Basic, graduates are employed in biomedical Educational, Advanced; and add an Applied laboratories (in both industry and hospitals) and Anatomical field such as molecular biology, in forensic science. Others have entered the forensic anthropology, reproductive biology or paramedical services, publishing and teaching, assisted reproduction technology, cell biology, while many have continued in postgraduate neuroscience among others. This trend clearly training, or have become graduate entrants into indicates that though Anatomy remains Medicine or Dentistry. Witwatersrand [2016] [45] connected to its basic modern era forms, well as on other hand stated: The School of Anatomical an advancement of the ancient anatomical Sciences was established as the Department of practices; the transformation in the philosophy of Anatomy in 1919. The School currently education in the postmodern era has also comprises of three academic divisions, namely influenced Anatomy. Hence, Anatomical science morphological anatomy, structural biology is studied with emphasis on areas of useful (histology), and biological anthropology. These application. This is being termed cutting-edge two instances illustrate the roles of philosophical anatomical education. evolutions in relations to context and content of training in Departments and Schools Thus, the modern Anatomist can still be a of Anatomy. teacher of the subject of Anatomy, as practiced right from the early civilisation or premodern era, Anatomy- in addition to the developed basic, or a researcher and educator as practiced largely basic, educational and advanced forms- acquired in the modern era. Very importantly, is the fact the applied form in its full fledge at this stage of that the modern Anatomists is also trained to development. apply the knowledge of Anatomical science to all relevant fields and walks of life in the post 1. Anatomy in the postmodern world has an modern world. Thus the post modern Anatomist addition dimension to the second phase of could be an educator, researcher, anatomical the modern era Anatomy: services provider, and most advanced, a 2. This encompasses the Basic, Applied and professional in a field that requires Anatomical Advanced Approach to the Study and practices. This could include forensic experts in Practices of Anatomy the security and defence services; researchers in 3. This created a cutting-edge approach to the health and biomedical industries; service Anatomy providers in health sectors and entrepreneurs of 4. Thus, Anatomy is studied, in addition to the the anatomical sciences and skills [11,12]. This is purpose of Education and Services being reflected in the trend of curricular provision- to provide applied and advanced structures [41,42] as well as policy services to any walk of life where the nomenclatures [43]. knowledge of human morphological systems is required To this end, it should be noted that modern 5. Thus fields such as forensic anthropology, Anatomy is a greatly advanced form of the ergonomics, IVF/Assisted Reproductive ancient science which has greatly evolved [11, Technology, Neuroscience, Histochemistry


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2.9 The Microevolution of the Deductions from the above accounts can be Postmodern Time [1980AD – Till heighted as follows: Date] 1. Anatomy has been an indispensable basic The fact that Anatomy is indispensable to medical science and remains the inlet for Medical Education remains undisputable; as all medical sciences. suggested by Papa and Vaccarezza [46] in their 2. It is important to appreciate the very article introduction: Anatomy has historically dynamic changes and trends that have been a cornerstone in medical education accompanied the changes in the study of regardless of nation, racial background, or Anatomy across the world medical school system. Many literatures have 3. Anatomy as a subject has greatly evolved supported this assertions and established their and expanded and its branches have correctness and realties [47-55]. The emphasis become quite vast; such that certain of the article however sheds light on the context schools now have schools of Anatomical of Anatomy in the medical context as a Sciences fundamental requirement and foundation for 4. On the other hand, some other institutions medical training and practice [56]. This have carved their niches with emphases is one perspective to Anatomy- Anatomy on certain areas such as molecular as a means to an end. For emphasis, this is not Biology, Neuroscience, Tissue Toxicology, only applicable to medicine, but to almost all Applied Anthropology etc. [7,12,57-63] medical and allied health courses and professions. The other is Anatomy as an end to 3. SUBMISSIONS itself- the science, education and application of Anatomical sciences. This perspective 1. Anatomy is an evolving Science emphasises the training of professionals by 2. Its Postmodern form is dynamic and equipping them with Anatomical education and advancing skills. 3. Anatomical Education has changed in context and content over the centuries Therefore, Anatomical Sciences in itself involves 4. Four key stages have been identified all the basic, developed and advanced forms and 5. Postmodern Anatomy is Basic, Applied branches of Anatomy as stated. It is interesting and Advanced to note that there of micro-evolution in each of 6. Modern Anatomical Education MUST be these fields based on research and skill dynamically structured to meet the need of st demands as manifested in cutting-edge the 21 Century orientation to research, for example. For 7. The anatomist should have substantial instance, radiological Anatomy as applicable to applied or clinical anatomical knowledge neuroscience has advanced to include high-tech and skills to put the basic knowledge into methods that are superior to the equivalent an applicable form. methods that are used in clinical and laboratory 8. Anatomy ‘has an end to itself as much as it medicine. The same is applicable to molecular is a means to many ends’ methods and histochemical procedures among others. The most advanced developments in 4. CONCLUSION these fields and several others are ever first of all available to researchers. This is because It is important to note that Anatomy or research is the first line of response to challenge Anatomical Science[s] has evolved in context as well as the scientific-proactive means of and content over the years and these evolutions addressing potential challenges. It is expected have influenced the philosophy at each stage of that this series and dynamics of microevolution the evolutions. Four key stages have been will continue following closely the trends in identified: The Ancient Observational Anatomy scientific and technological developments. This [From about 500 BC – 600AD]; the Early fact thus, explains why Anatomical Civilization Exploratory Anatomy [From about Sciences cannot be tied to the orthodox 600AD -1800AD]; the Modern Basic, Educational definitions, context and scope. It also accounts and Advanced Anatomy [Late 1800sAD- for the new nomenclatures that are being used in 1980AD]; Post-Modern Basic, Educational, training regimen and issuance of degrees- for Advanced and Applied Anatomy [1980AD – Till instance, B Sc., Anatomy and Forensic Date]. The current postmodern Anatomy or Anthropology. rather Anatomical sciences considers in addition


Owolabi et al.; AJMAH, 4(4): 1-13, 2017; Article no.AJMAH.33742

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