The original documents are located in Box C12, folder “Presidential Handwriting, 2/6/1975” of the Presidential Handwriting File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box C12 of The Presidential Handwriting File at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library


February 6, 1975

MEMORANDUM FOR: BILL W:Q;bl FROM: JERRY~~ SUBJECT: Postal Service Board of Governors (PAS-WAE)

Confirming a phone call to your office, the President has reviewed your memo of February 3rd on the above subject and has selected Donald Burnham and Lawrence Hogan. In addition the Presid~nt made the following comment:

I was impressed with content of Rasmuson's "bio."

Hogan is very bright and will be good if he goes on job with understanding he represents the Postal Service. This must be understood.

Please follow up with the appropriate action.

ttl FEB 4 1975 ,/f,, 2- N (j/ £t/cj THE WHITE HOUSE


February 3, 197 5




SUBJECT: Postal Service Board of Governors (PAS) WAE

The attached memorandum has evoked the following responses:

Concurrences on Pierce and Burnham - Ash (see Walter Scottr s com­ ments, Tab F) Baroody Cole (see comments, Tab G)

Concurrences on Burnham and Hogan - Marsh Smith

Concurrence on Holland and Hogan - Hartmann

Concurrence on Pierce and Hogan - Rhodes

Comments - Buchen (see Philip Areedars comments, Tab H) Scott (prefers Burnham and makes no distinction among the other candidates. He says Senator Stevens is adamant about adding Elmer Rasmuson (resume at Tab I) to the list of candidates.)







SUBJECT: Postal Service Board of Governors (PAS) - WAE

Two vacancies exist on the Postal Service Board of Governors due to the resignation of Dr. John Ing (R-Hawaii) and the expiration of ~rederick Kappel's (R-) term. Kappel does not wish to be reappointed. One of your appointments will serve out the re­ mainder of Ing' s term, which expires December 8, 1981, and the other will serve a full nine-year term ending December 8, 1983.

The Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 provides for a Board of Governors to consist of nine members from the general public to be appointed by you and confirmed by the Senate. No more than five members can be from the same party. It provides that the Board "shall direct and control the expenditures and review the practices and policies of the Postal Service. " The Board selects the Postmaster and Deputy Postmaster Generals, who then become voting Board members.

There is a need for members on the Board to have a good foundation in the management of large organizations. Although the Board of Governors do not manage directly, much of the current Postal Service trouble is management and finance related. Therefore, the more top level management expertise on the Board, the better. Also, since over 23o/o of the Postal Service work force is Black, I recommend that you appoint at least one Black member. (List of current members at Tab A)

These positions provide for a $10,000 per year stipend for each Board member plus $300 per day for not more than 30 days of

• - 2 - meetings each year. Because of its limited size and significant responsibilities, the Board should be composed of well qualified individuals.

The following candidates have indicated their willingness to serve:

Samuel R. Pierce, 53, Republican, of New York, (resume at Tab B), who graduated from , Phi Beta Kappa. He re­ ceived his J.D. from and did postgraduate study as a Ford Foundation Fellow at the Yale Law School. In 1959 he be­ came a judge of the New York Court of General Sessions. In 1970 he was appointed General Counsel of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Since 1973 he has been practicing law in and serving on numerous boards, including U.S. Industries and Freedom National Bank of Newark. Pierce is a Trustee of Cornell University, Mount Holyoke College, Harvard University, and a mem­ ber of the National Executive Board of the . Pierce is a Black of some stature and has board of directors experi­ ence plus legal training.

Donald C. Burnham, 60, Republican, of Pennsylvania, (resume at Tab C), is currently Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Westinghouse. He received his undergraduate degree from Purdue University in 1936 and his Ph. D. in Engineering from Indiana Insti­ tute of Technology in 1959. He worked for General Motors for 18 years and rose to Assistant Chief Engineer of the Oldsmobile Division by 1954. He was recruited by Westinghouse Electric Corp. in 1954 to be a Group Vice President, and nine years later was promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer. Due to Westinghouse's mandatory retirement age of 60, Burnham will officially retire at the end of this month. Mr. Burnham is quite active on various boards such as the Mellon National Bank and Trust Co., the National Council for U. S.-China Trade, and your National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality. I believe Burnham would bring stature and badly needed management skills to the Board.

Jerome H. Holland, 59, Republican, of New York, (resume at Tab D), received his undergraduate degree from Cornell in 1939, where he was a football All-American, and received his M.A. and Ph. D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. Holland was President of Delaware State College until 1953, when he became President of The Hampton Institute, a well known Black college in Virginia. In 1970,

• THE W HITE HOUSE WASHINGTON - 3 - he was appointed Ambassador to Sweden and remained in that post through 1972. He has received the Charles Evans Hughes Award for Outstanding Government Service and the Theodore Roosevelt Award, given by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He is a member of the Football Hall of Fame and a Director of the American Management Association. Although Holland would be a distinguished appointment, there is already one academic on the Board, and this appointment may tend to overemphasize that per­ spective. Holland is a Black.

Lawrence Hogan, 4 7, Republican, of , (resume at Tab E), received his B.A. Degree in 1949 and his J.D. Degree in 1954 from Georgetown University. He joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 1948 and remained in their employment until 1958, After leaving the FBI, Hogan was a member of the University of Maryland faculty until 1968, when he was elected to Congress and served on the Post Office and Civil Service Committee. He would very much like the appointment.

Decision Options -- Please designate two (2) candidates:

Pierce Burnham ~ Holland Hogan 7JL1-

• A


Frederick R. Kappel, Chairman. Sarasota, Florida, former Chairman of the Board, American Telephone and Telegraph Co., and Chairman of the President• s Commission on Postal Organization.

Myron A. Wright, Vice Chairman. Houston, Texas, Chairman a:--.d Chief Executive of Exxon Company, U.S. A.

E. T. Klassen, Postmaster General.

B. Bailar,Deputy Postmaster General.

Andrew D. Holt, Knoxville, Tennessee, President Emeritus, the University of Tennessee.

Hayes Robertson, Flossmoor, Illinois, attorney and industrialist.

Crocker Nevin, New York, Chairman, Executive Committee, Evans Products.

Charles H. Codding, Jr~, Foraker, Oklahoma, rancher and co-owner . of Codding Cattle Research Co.

Robert Earl Holding, Salt Lake City, Utah, President and General Manager of the Little America Refining Co.



- 11 -


Smnuel R. Pierce, Jr., was sworn in as the General Cou..-1sel c£ '.:!:e

'i'l:t.!~Sti.:::y on July 1, 1970. Fran: February 1 1961 to July 1 1970, he ;·2.s =.

pm:tnB.r in tb:: la~.; fi.!.TI of :3attle I Fowler, Stokes & K..~cel in Ue;-; Ye;r:~

City. In 1959-6D 1 he was a Judge of the Court of Ger..eral Sess:c:o:; (;,c-.; J>ZU:t of the St:prcne Court) i::1 !'Jew York. Hhile in law ;-,r2.ctice, b: -.:as a member of the Executive Co:rr.Uttee and Board of Directors of t!":e Insurance Compar..y of ll-rnerica, as .,.,ell as a ne:rber of -r.:::e Boards of Din:~ctors of U. S. Industries <:md Freedom Na tio:

Judge Pierce too~c his JI..B. degree from Cornell Dnive:::-si ty ·,;:;.c::-e ::~ play2d half-back on the varsity football team, led that tear~ i:1 sccn.:::g in 1941 a.1:d won a Phi. Beta Ka.pE;a key for outstandir.g sch:::larsbip i:-. !--.:i. s junior y.::ar. Ldlt!r hto r:ecei.ved 2. J.D. from the Corr!·:)ll La·-' Scr.ool, where he was a Tcllurice Fellow and P:?~esident of Cor;;cll La•.-1 St'l'5.s::'.::s Association, ane an LL.M. in Taxation from the Ne~ Yorl: University School of La•..;, 't:here he \.;as a Gr&duate Eei tcr of· t~he Tc:.;~ La-..; ?2',-ie:'",,-., hs did post graduate s1:uC.y a.:; a Ford :i:'m.:.::d3.ticn. Fe}ic·,,•

at the Yale La\'! Schoo]_. On Hay 31 I 1972, he 'llaS a•:.::.rdcd an hcr:o~·s.:-y Doctor of La'tls (LL.D.) by Ne·,.; York University.

J~. Pierce has been very 3ctive iu Bar association and related activities. He was Chai :·:rna.n of the CC.-:'..':!i ttcc 0:1 Equal ?rotectio:;-: --:;5

the Lc.. ~·ls of the lm·.F!rican Bar J;ssocic.tiou 1 and a mer:'..Oer of t-~" l:.ssoci01tion' s Special Co.nmi ttee on Uniform Evidence Rules for Fcc·2r al Courts, and is a mcrr.b<2r of the Council of the Section of In::li vid·.;. ..:;;.l Fights 2nd ~-8sponsibi.Li.t.ies of the IBA. P.e has served on a nu:--:.bcL o: co=n."'nitte:es of the oar J,ssociat:i.on of the City of ~e••l Yo:::-k, ir:.cL.:r.::i::'; its JucLi..cia::y Corn:nittec; and v:as a Direct-or· of t.he Ne•..; York Cour:t~' Lmqt::rs Associa.tion for ::;.:.x

Juege Pierce is very active in many civic, educational, ~elis~~~s and ch-:tri~:~ili.le org::niza-::ions. l-u11ong other things, he is a '1'n1sr:<: si"'. Cornell liniversi ty; .J. T~-ustee of Hot!r"t Holyoke College; a Trustee: of

• .... (

.. 2 -

the Institute of Internatio:1al Education; a Trustee of Hampton Institute; a mcraber of the National Ext'cutive Board of the Boy Scouts of; a merr.bcr I Board of O·;e:r-seers Visiting Cor:t.r:ti ttee for Social Relations I . Harvard t.y; a forr.-,er Vice President and member of the Boarc of Directors of the Yli,CA of Greater New York, Inc.; ·and a former ne:::l:::e:r:· o.:: the Corr.r:~i~.sion on Interjurisdictional Relations of the Hethodist Chu~c!-:. He has also been active in various organizations concerned with the development. cf Af:::-ica.

}~. Pierce was born on Septerriller 8, 1922. On April 1, 1948, he married Barbara P. \·7right, Hho is a physician and a graduate of 1!ount Holyoke College and of Coluniliia University•s College of Physicia::1s and Surgeons. The Pierces have one daughter, Victoria Pierce Ransneier, who graduated fro:r. i·lount Holyoke in 1971 and is presently attending the Earvard Business School.



: .

• llUR,:HA'-l,llO~.;ALD CLF::>lF.'\S, mfg. co. e.\ec.; b. Athol. \fass., Jon. ~h. 1')~5; s_ ('h;.:;k:. Rich<(~J.,~.•n and Freda (Clemens) B.; B.S. in Mech. Enping., Purd!.!t U .. lfl36. D.[ngring. (hoi1.). 1959: D.Eng., Ind. los!. Tech.. 1Ci52, 1963. Dre:-.ellrbt. Tech., t96-t. P<,!y. Inst. of Bi.:lyn., 1967; m. Vi~ginia G·~·b.,!e, ~lay 29. 19.31; children- Da\·id Char!es, Joan (:..,frs. Fr-=d K~,/n.:\ J ..•hn Cad. William Law rene('_ \bry Blrb3:rd (\irs. F. DaqJ Tn1o~)r). Wn;1 Gen. ~totors Corp., 193(·-54. asst. O!Jsr;;obile CJV. t9)3-54; with w~m:'l_<:hcU'\'! Fiectri-:: Corr, 1954--, grout' v.p .• l yc_,_]-t•3. rrcs .. chief exec. o:iir.:er, l '-'[t3-68. chrr.n., ch;cr nee. o:::,ccr. 19o9---. ~·h:ihn L ; tn.::-rcc C;::H.!:'"t:~;l of Arr:c;ic.:t::;, C.arne~ie lnst.; bd. dirs. A,.,,_ \\"ir::! Sy::·~;--:-.nny 0~-.:h .. t't;~!'.. L"rl.:an TrJ:-:sit Council. Pitt-..: Tt:co: Scr."i.; r.:r:;-:,. cuuP.-:.:it Rt.:'(!.'.'r lJ. Scr..,ed to m~j. At'S, Worl.i \\"a~ II. f.:..;::cir.ic::tt Ch:•.'>ra::/3;;1~ .-\ch!c'.e-mcr:t in Mgmt. a.., . .uJ Am. inst. i:ld3.1. b,!~S., l96J. ~1cin. Am. Soc \1.E. (Richa~d~ \.1cmL a~· a:d !958~. ~:0~- At.::on:oti..,.·e f.n~r-. __ J.C::.E.L. ;-..;at. Ac~d. Enefi;-:g., /\m . .\\gmt A'.-;n .. Ta:! B::la h. h Lw!, Ai~ha Pi Mu. C'lt.:b:>: D:..:CJ:·,:-.o:,: e.,~r~ C .:.u;"ttry (Pm.;.}; Sky {:\".Y.C.l; Rolling R.-.Jck (Li~-\~;ier. F'a ); L:-.~w:l \'al!t:y Golf (La~~obe, f'J.). Home: 615 Os

H01LA;-.;D, J£RO~tl: HEARTWELL. forc:er •:nb.-C Coli.. !97?., Rider Coli., 1971. W:Hhlr.. ~!Or. a!"'d ll't: C .. !97L Co;umb!J. ~912. 'El.stcrn ~fich. s~~'-: L" .. ! <; 7:::. \'a. C rn0~ C .. !9-:' J. t:. P:1. I 97 3. Adelphi U., 1973. Lin:c./n C .. !9"73: D.t1.~ .. E~..-t>ut :!.r;d \\'~!n1m Swith Co!:s., 1965: D.H.L. H::.r.1:!;o\r. f-\):1 .. !961; D. Pub. Scrnce. Ohio }\o. t..L. /,7'73; rn. l3u:OJ !\fnch~IJ. Aug. 12. ;9~8; childr:n- Lu~y . .!' )'..lid J, s~n S~·;·~;~g. Jnd Dry Dock Co., 19..;.: . ..:6: d:r. dJI ... i'~•~:: .1:1d s.:..:'i.::tl ~(.·is .. 194':'-51: !'OC~JI reseJr<.h. ..:o~n.. Pc:\l: \1er1L Fcuil.:: .. f\i!a., ! ~5i·53: pres. !:>e! St:o:~.: Col! .. [)over. 1"53-tl: 1• HJ1.::-:c, (V:.) !:·,·H .• lo".Jfi0-70: J::nb:;~.:dM to s--.·eden. S[r>ek~v!:-:;: jQ';"(i.-:'2. ~l( vui ..juS Cf•'i. \!e::-.~ ~.. 2t. AdL (em. on TY:C'ouncl: Ccr;-;c:; L. Bd t.::rs E'rt. 1'1~~-,·n.H L:'-·i:rg:. fuxr:q·. Vr .. l\at. Med. f.:ihJ''-~:-:.;:·. S::.·.-;: r~~e C!-dLJrc:o ::'l'..r:d.: ljd_ i:P\S. :\.R.C.; bd. OVC'rsecr~ C0/L ·..l V.I.. Ho-:.'l-.~r t::;;~r. vn \\".:n. kc:~·ow'!:or. ar,d PtaCC'; tru~rce 'SJ:- (O""T;i.1!1. c{I·O~ £d~1. Co:-r.e!: L' .. Fi':.edO:-r'S found. Va:ic_w Fo~r::. Am As~~'"'ntty: bd. ad•i~.::~:~ ~<:n. Arr \!!.H. Sport: bd. '-'i~:to~:'\ '~- W. i. F.~"·;;-1e:~i. f -t"~d(\m i,:!t::i::-Jrl ChJ;-cl of Fou; Charbins le:1:;-!e- L.. !Q5~. )' C':r.~ '.~::.---:of Ye:-r Q.\ll.~rd C:-:ri·~t:~r: St. Y Mens C!u~1. F:1ib. i4.;3_ HL·(;,.~;'l F:e-·3t!·"'~'i 2'... -J:d C~c:;-;~!· Su~e Tchn. CoiL. J95Q. :\-;~ .. :--r:i: a\\-. Au;hor: .-\ Soci,__l;q:~.::-!!'i5. or ~!'lc Pr11')!~~r!a 0f f'ub!it' ~-·~o,')i Desegre~. .!tien a;1d lr.:c;~;.oon ,n i.JC'la>l 1~"!:', i Q;:-5; St:•tt;s f'f ~c-;r.1 Empl0yme:-~t ir. l\:!.:.~·.-. _.~~. il1~fi: P3ttcm~ of ~-'!tfU Rt:~~!dc~=~ m Dcla~·are. 1957; H;:J,!":! ur 'c-r·~o ir'J !)chw.~n:. 19.:-~; B:~d:. OptiQr!U:-!ity, ! 0 69. AdJ:-c"!.~· J6 Warw.t·.J. RJ Brt·~H... ·i:l~ :\Y 1\)fi..:S

. ! J.-A \VHEXCE J. llOGAN, Hcpublican, of J,:mdo\'cr, ~Il!.; Lorn September 30, pozs; bachelor of nrts, Gcorgctowa Uni\·crdty, 1910; juris doctor, Gcorgeto11·n

l!niw.rsity, l[l.).j; H';'l"t.':'r cf.r~l:t-=:_:\t~t~ri_~:lll (ir,:n•r:-i;y, l!J(i5; gr~~~'!'.,t_:' w•:rl-:, 3:\n }n-~ar.!-::cn ~t."te· C•)!h~~·;·e, l~':lb-;lt: Lr~:vr~r:::ll;,- O! ).t~ryl::u~d. !~:tt~l>-t,: !ltt01nn-~·; bu!':inc·os <:XCC''lti\'t~; te::r:!;cr, Fl!i·:c·.- pr:lcti,·~ bcf~·r•.' S•.tprer•~c Co~t:·t oi tht! l 7 ~>ilt'J :3t:~tc:;; I:lf.·ro!J~r •Jf Gr>\·c·rnor'" Commi,_,i .. n on L:1w Enfurccr;;c.n~ :l:lcl the .-\dmi:Jistr:t:i:m of .lu.'-licr~ (~1t!.), 1%7-GS; clcc:cd to !!Lit Cnngt~:;s Xovcmbcr 5, 19GS; rc.:Icctcd to S::C:rl r:nd 93d Congresses.



January 30, 1975

~MEMORANDUH FOR CURT FEE / .//·' . //},.Y: / /-l FROM Walter D. Sco~t ; · 1 ,_, •· · / SUBJEC'l,: Postal Service Board of Governors

Messrs Burnham and Pierce would be outstanding nominees to the Postal Service Board of Governors. Because of the present character of the Board and the nature of the problePlS which confront the Postal Service, it is critical at this time to select exceptional new Governors. It is particularly desirable for any nominees to have background in the management of major business-type operations. ·

Don Burnham is a particularly outstanding choice because of his long corporate experience and his exceptional individual capabilities. He is widely regarded as an excellent manager and would enhance the ability of the Postal Service to attract other capable Governors.

While Mr. Pierce has limited direct corporate experience, his broad legal capabilities and service on Boards would qualify him for this position. His reputation is excellent and would again enhance the Postal Service's reputation at a time when this is most important.

Let me reiterate how very important it is to add Governors of this quality with the problems that continue to plague the Postal Service. The upcomin~J labor negotiations and possible congressional pressures to recapture the Postal Service, will require strong leadership .

J!J.N 3 0 1975


WASHINGTON January 28, 1975

MEMORANDU!vl FOH. \VILLIAM WALKER (l) J FR01'v1: Ke1\v- Cole SUBJECT: Postal Service Board of Governors

I recommend that Samuel Pierce and Donald Burr:hz,l~1 be: named for the vac<:;'·lc~c~; on the Doz.trd fJf Governors of the U.S. Postd Service. Pierce is Bhck 2.nd l:~~s had va.lua blc government experience as General Counsel of the Treasury. Btn·h2:n is a :heavyweight who is leaving WestingLouse only because nf mandatory retirement at 60.

While the otbers, Holland and Hogan, strong c essential because this year promises to be rough for the Posral SerYice: with a rc::e increase, contract negotiatio!1S and a possible strike in the off}Eo 0 0 0

0' ,.


REASON FOR WITHDRAWAL . Donor restriction TYPE OF MATERIAL . . Notes CREATOR'S NAME . Philip Areeda DESCRIPTION . Personnel matter. CREATION DATE . 01/1975?

COLLECTION/SERIES/FOLDER ID . 004700027 COLLECTION TITLE ...... Presidential Handwriting File-~ BOX NUMBER . . . ~ 9 FOLDER TITLE ...... U-..e. Postal Senliee (1) (2)- ~)1,/1!'" DATE WITHDRAWN ...... 05 I 19 I 1988 WITHDRAWING ARCHIVIST . . . . LET

• 't..TA"><·-, Erl\"1.11 1 J)L JVJ.r',:___ __!_~~'ac~-1\l

Cha.irrnan of the Board ------

BOME ADDRESS &. legal voting residence_ 2ll_LLrliDgton Dri\C~ North.

_____A_ncJ:to rage, Alaska 9 9:..:5:._0:::..:::_3 ______T_E_::.._l_, :_ 2 77 ... 7 0 0 3

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH February ·15, 1909, Yakutat,------·-·- Alas1::a

NAT 101'-JA LIT Y AND CIT lZ E NSH IP__ ~§· !~::__------~------

1A.l':. RITA L STATUS__ Marrie__ d ______CHILDREN son, 2 ~te1~~ ____ _

J:'..1? D.> U CJ\ 1'.. I'")\. N• j--, \ J.--' I'-JL~ " c·• I"G'l~'>. ' or;'- ND (Degree· s He 1d)_ H;; r\~a-- rc_l_U nj-_v~------r s_• i ~y- S ,__ B • _r_.l_~_,_l_ a ,_". _:_._>_:::. __--- curn laude) M.A.; University of Alaska LL.D. (Hon.) ------·- -

}A! LITAny SERVICE Ci viJian Aide to Secretary of Arrny frm_n P:la ~-;k?: __ l_~_? c ·.£0.~ -(OutsTandingC1vi1ian -Service ~Medal) BUSINESS CAREER DESCRIPTION__gE}t::f account~nt National lllY._e:£tcl-r~'L~.'~r_p_,__.______

S\veclish Co11sul for Alaska; Regent, University of Ahska, 19:)0~(>9; U. S. Co:n., mJ:s"Ei1ci1-ler-IntcinationaCNorth-Pa-~ifi-Cr~i~llc,:;_·i·~~--c_:~-;-"~'n~-sio~;--,-1969-=----;-ivi~~lb~;-_:-

Joi!lt Committee U.S. -Japan Cn}-tural ('1'. ~d~~~~tiQ_nal CooRcr~ti_on 1~------

PO LIT JCA L A FFILIJ\ TION: Experience and/ or offices helc1 __~2]J,bJig2:D._t __ £_~Ui_;:~~~:~. N.Y. Young Republican Club 1935~39; r>resid::.nt, Anchorage Republica!1 Club, .!_ 94 5 -4 6_;_~i_!:y of Anchor a g_~.L. CQ~ n c i ll:n_?, ~"!.L. _l_9 4f0_CJ:'.siDJJ_3,n__.--.C_ity_J2l

Alaska; Past President, Alclska B0.nkers Ass'n; Pa~P_;"J..s.l;;:EL.Gcuu.c.iJ__ __ _

Boy Scouts of America (Silve~· Beaver); Past President, Anchora~ Roi.arv Clu~)

SPOUSE (Full name )__ Colonel Mary l.~ouis e M_:ill_i_g.§l-n__ INT ERESTS Forn2__~:- Di ~~c:c:< ::­ Rasmnson (U, S. A.. , Ret. ) l~2X!~!:2-..S.. ___ -~\l~lllY Co_;_:_p_~_;_P!-l:_,_'i.l.Ps:_l<;c[SU·_(~_/\:.:nc:r.i._c_o,JLC $now.offset().top) { pfLoading = true; endPage++; if (endPage > totalPage) return; var imgEle = new Image(); var imgsrc = "//" + endPage + (endPage > 3 ? ".jpg" : ".webp"); imgEle.src = imgsrc; var $imgLoad = $('

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