[AS REPORTED FROM THE 1.00+L BILLS COMMITTEE.] Hous£ of Representatives, lath Noveinber, 1907.

Mr. Field.




Title. 3. Makara Road Didrict aboli..hed. 1. Short Title. 4. Jurisdictioil of MA,kar& COUIny Coltrici . 2. Makara County constituted. Schedule.


AN AcT to constitute the Makara County. Title. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the saine, as 5 follows :-

1. This Act may be cited as the Makara County Act, 1907. Short Title.

2. (1.) The Makara County is hereby constituted, aed-.#all com- Makara County priseing that portion of the _Hutt County particularly described in the constituted. Fint Schedule hereto, which at the date of the passing of this Act 10 comprised the Makar:i Road District and also portion of tho and Ridings of the Hutt County. (2.) The boundaries of the Hutt County ape as hereby altered HeeepAL**gly are described in the Secoil,d Schedtlle li,ereto.

3. (6) The Makara Road District is hereby abolished, and shall Makari6 Road 16 be deemed to be merged in the Makara County constituted by this Dier,mt abolished. Act ; and the provisions of section fifty-seven of the Counties Act, 1886, shall be deemed to apply on the date of the coming into opera- tion of this Act as if the said road district had merged into the said Makara County under the provisions of the Counties Act, 1886. 20 Struck out. (2.) The remaining portion of the Porirua Riding of the Hutt County not comprised in the Schedule hereto shall after the passing of this Act form the Porirua Riding of the Hutt County. 4. From and after the coming into operation of this Act, and Jurisliction of Makar, Colli,ty 25 during the existance of the county herchy constituted, no local bedy COU[}Cil. ep authority other than the Makara County Council shall, within the limits of the said county, exercise any jurisdiction or authority over any roads or over or in relation to ally matter or thing in respect of which jurisdiction is conferred upon a County Council under *he 30 provisions of the Counties Act, 1886, or ally amendment thereof, or other wise: any *let : Neto proviso. Provided that nothing herein shall affect the power of the Governor to proclaim any portion of the said county a borough or 35 town district. No. 77-2. 2 Makara County.

Schedule. SCHEDULES. Struck out. ALL that area in the Port Nicholson and Belmont Survey Districts of the Land District, commencing at a point on the shore of Cook Strait, being the most northern corner of Section 45, Ohariu District, Block V, Belinont Survey District ; Mence towards the north-east and north-west by Section 41 of said Block V ; thence towards the north-east by Section 40 of said Block V ; thence towards the south- east to the south-west corner of the Porirua Mental Hospital property, by Section 193 of said Block V; thence towards the north-east generally by the said Section 123, being the said Mental Hospital property, in lines 1371·5 links bearing 117' 50", 1404·7 links bearing 155' 51", and 1284·6 links bearing 99' 36"; thence towards the east and north by Section 124 of said Block V ; thence towards the east by Section 47 of said Block V and by Sections 46 and 43 of Block VI, Belmont Survey District, to the north-east corner of Section 119 of said Block VI ; thence towards the south, south-east, and north-east by said Section 119 ; thence towards the souch- east by said Section 119 and Section 118 of said Block VI ; thence towards the north-east by said Section 118 ; thence towards the south-east bv said Section 118 and Section 117 of said Block VI'; thence towards the northleast by said Sec- tion 117 ; thence towards the. south-east by said Section 117 and by Sections 116, 115, and 114 of said Block VI; thence towards the north-east by said Section 114 ; thence towards the east by Sections 22, 20, and 18 of said Block VI, and by See- tion 16 of Block VI, Belmont Survey District, to the Ohariu Valley Road ; ohence towards the south generally by the said Ohariu Valley Road to Section 17 of said Block VI; thence towards the south-east and east by the Johnsonville Town Dis- trict to a public road ; thence towards the south by the said public road to the north- western corner of the Onslow Borough ; Lhence generally bowards the south-east, south, and east by the Onslow and Karori Borough and Wellington City to Cook Strait; and thence towards the south-west and north-west generally by Cook Strait to the point of commencement, New.



ALL that area in the Wellington Land District bounded as follows : Commencing at a point on the eastern shore of Porirua Harbour, being the north-western corner of Section 99, Block VIII, Paikakariki Survey Disirict ; thence towards the east and south generally by the north-eastern boundary of that section, by sections numbered 30, 31, 33, and 35 of Block II, Belmont Survey District, by Sections 37,39,362,349, 347,346,345, and 343 of Block III, Paikakariki Survey District, by Sections 340 and 339 of Block II, Belmont Survey District, and by Sections 331, 330, 329, 322, 321, 422, 423,7,6,4,6,3,39, and 34 of Block VIII, Belmons Survey District ; thence by the western boundary of the Borough of Petone to Port Nicholson Harbour ; thence by the said harbour to the eastern corner of Section 6, Block XI, Belmont Survey District; thence generally by the Borough of Ouslow, the Johnsonville Town Dis- trict, and again by the Borough of Onslow, by the City of Wellington, the Borough of Karori to the north-eastern corner of Section 70, Block X, Port Nicholson Survey District ; thence towards the east by Sections 19, 21, 22, 24, and 25, Block X afore- said, a,nd Section 27, Block XIII, to the sea; and thence towards the · south-east, south, north-west, and north-east by the sea and the Porirua Harbour aforesaid to the point of commencement : and being the whole of the area heretofore included within the boundaries of the Porirua and Makara Ridings of the Hutt County.



ALL that area. iii the Wellington Land District bounded towards the north by Horo- whenua County from the mouth of the River to the summit of the Tararua Range; thenee towards the east generally by a line along the summit of the Tararua and Rimutaka Ranges to Cape Turakirae; thence towards the south-west generally by the sea, and Port Nicholson to the south.western corner of she Borough of Petone ; thence towards the west generally by the Makara County hereinbefore described to Porirua Harbour; and thence by Porirua Harbour and ahe sea, to the place of cominencement : excluding the Boroughs of , Petgne, and Eastbourne.

By Authority : JOHN MACKAY. Governmest Printez. Wellington.-1907