Summer 2019 News from Kairos Prison Ministry International, Inc. Vol. 45 No. 2 2019 Annual Conference

The 2019 Kairos Annual Conference will provide an excellent opportunity for education, networking, inspiration, and worship for all in attendance. This year’s conference will be held in Orlando, FL at The Florida Hotel and Conference Center from July 23 - 27. There will be new workshops with new presenters, compelling speakers with powerful testimonies, and a wonderful time for teaching, worship, and fellowship.

The first part of the week (Tuesday and Wednesday) is focused on business meetings for the Board of Directors and International Council. Thursday is designated for State Chair meetings, and a variety of committee meetings. The conference officially kicks off Thursday evening with a General Session and then

continues with workshops on Friday and Saturday. Don’t forget to attend the morning worship sessions to start the day off right!

This year there are many new workshop topics to give you the tools and inspiration to take back home and use in both Kairos Weekends and in the Continuing Ministry. There will be informational ministry booths which will be open Thursday afternoon as well as during breaks and lunch.

For more information about the 2019 Kairos Annual Conference, please refer to these webpages:

Conference Registration Form Conference Schedule Workshop Descriptions

Page 1 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 FROM THE CEO

God’s Special Time It’s an exciting time for Kairos is no guidance the people fall, but is published quarterly for Kairos Prison Ministry! Overall, we are in abundance of counselors there is Prison Ministry International, Inc. healthy and growing with new victory.’ communities for the three programs

Evelyn Lemly taking place, with growth We also have exciting CEO in the existing things happening in Becky Dotson communities, and new KairosMessenger that is COO people joining us creating a database for Craig Combs continually as volunteers. each local Advisory Men’s Ministry Coordinator Council and State to use. Gina Brockmeyer Often, I share – Kairos We find when EZRA is Women’s Ministry Coordinator has great programs, great used well and the data is Kevin Resnover people, and Jesus Christ – present, we have many Youth Ministry Coordinator what else could we want! past volunteers that can Julie Collins Evelyn Lemly, CEO be regained to help us Controller We know our three stabilize current ministry Daisy Nazario programs working individually are and to grow into new locations. Administrative Assistant impacting people. We also know What a recruitment opportunity! Kimberly Bloom that as they work together to impact We also have dozens of future tools Administrative Assistant different individuals, the family is that can help automate information, Andy Perry positively influenced. By sharing reduce redundancy and Executive Administrative Assistant the transforming love and repetitiveness of work, provide a Bill McVay Marketing & Communications forgiveness of Jesus Christ with the one source information site for the man, woman, or youth on the inside local leaders, provide reports and Kris Buchanan Bookkeeper along with the women family trends, track Continuing Ministry, members outside, the programs track training, and provide a Monika Hesse Programs Administrative Assistant together positively change communication tool locally. individuals, family, communities,

and society. As the programs The biggest need continues to be Terry Crockett working together can help improve and probably will always be Board Chair the family connections which can volunteers. As we need to keep Kathleen Cabraja enhance the reentry and reduce each local community whole and Vice Chair recidivism of the returning citizens. vibrant with new additional people Susan Dyer Ken Perduyn Secretary Treasurer If in any way we can help reunify and as we expand to new locations, the family the positive impact on we need people. As everyone the person and the family is knows telling our story and Tom McCarty exponential as the programs are personally sharing of the impact International Council President Better Together. while asking someone to become Lisa Trahan Dave Hess involved is the key to recruitment. Vice President Secretary In 2019, as we work our strategic Please ensure that we are working

plan nationally we are encouraging to replicate ourselves by asking To submit stories and photos or to the states to work their local plan others to be involved, visiting new contact Kairos leadership and staff: for enhancing the current churches to gain new members, and 407-629-4948 [email protected] communities, launching new sharing the wonderful story of what programs in new locations, Jesus Christ is doing through fundraising, and recruitment. As Kairos.

Proverbs 11:14 says ‘Where there

Page 2 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 A MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR People God Uses lives. Who would Continuing Ministry of you select as a each program by: The year of 2019 is almost half person in the Bible  Provide new tools over with many success stories God has used? and resources to enhance during the Kairos weekends. The participants Continuing Ministry Many lives have been and guests may  Develop tracking transformed and hearts impacted see you as that Mechanism for by the love and forgiveness of person, because attendance and impact Jesus Christ (sound familiar you represent using KairosMessenger because it is our Mission Jesus to them.  Ensure the full Statement). Each of you had a Thank you! Terry Crockett, program (Weekend + role in the programs of Kairos, Board Chair Continuing Ministry) is as a servant first, and a volunteer The next five years (2019 to being conducted at each second, by answering God’s call. 2023), Kairos has numerous facility/community Thank you! opportunities to sustain and grow for the ministry. The As we are the “People God The Board of Directors met in Kairos Five Year Strategic Plan Uses”, please review Vision April in the Kairos office with a has seven Vision Priorities to Priority 2 of the Kairos Strategic theme of “People God Uses”. accomplish this including: Plan where you serve. Each Board member selected a Continuing Ministry is the person in the Bible (named or Vision Priority 2: Sustain and “Heart of Kairos”, which helps unnamed) and told the story with strategically grow the ministry in carrying out the Kairos the way God used them. Each of reach and impact through the Mission and Vision Statements. us are these stories of how “God three core programs and Uses People” to demonstrate the inclusive with strong focus on “I was in prison and you visited love of Jesus Christ. God Continuing Ministry. me.” Matthew 25:36 equips, empowers and guides us A Segment of Vision Priority 2 as a body and as an individual is the continual focus of Blessings, Terry throughout Kairos and our daily

First Annual Legacy Luncheon Friday, July 26 12:00 - 1:15 pm The Florida Hotel in Orlando, Florida

Kairos First Annual Legacy Luncheon will be held during the Annual Conference on Friday, July 26 and is invitation only. This special luncheon is held to recognize those who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy with Kairos by making a bequest or other planned gift.

If would like to include Kairos in your estate planning, please contact [email protected] to learn more about your options. If you have already included Kairos in your estate planning, please contact [email protected] to receive an invitation to this wonderful event.

Page 3 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019

KAIROS MEN’S MINISTRY Jacob Moment By Craig Combs, Men’s Ministry Coordinator

Have you ever had a Jacob moment? I hope so… I really do. Jacob was a conniver and his style of relating to others was to manipulate them to get what he wanted. He was a user. He controlled his life and depended on himself and not on God. Interestingly, he found someone just as conniving as he was when his mom sent him away to live with his Uncle Laban as Jacob had kind of messed up the family dynamics, to say the least! I am sure God used Laban to show Jacob what he was really made of since they were very similar. I’ll bet when Laban switched Jacob’s bride from Rachael to Leah, Jacob was reminded of his own deception with his brother. Fortunately, God loved him enough to break him of his natural self and changed him into someone dependent upon God. That is why I hope you have had a Jacob moment… or two or three or hundreds perhaps. That is why we provide a Jacob moment at a Kairos Inside Weekend - so God can wrestle with the participants, so God can show Himself to them and so they can see that it is more important to trust and rely on God than on themselves, even in prison.

God did that for Jacob by bringing him to the end of his rope and allowing him to be scared. He was to meet up with his older brother, who by all accounts should have hated him since Jacob had stolen the birthright from him. They had not talked or seen each other in years to resolve their issues and allow for any forgiveness. In the void of communication, everyone thinks the worst, so Jacob was probably very paranoid about this family reunion!

What did God do to Jacob when He wanted to get hold of him? He revealed Himself to Jacob. As soon as Jacob was alone, it says that a ‘man wrestled with him.’ That man was God. We know that Jacob gets a new name out of the wrestling match that means ‘he fights with God’ or Israel. During the fight, God says ‘let me go’… which seems odd. What, God can’t win? Daybreak was coming and the light would have revealed God’s face and Jacob would have died. But Jacob won’t let go! He says ‘I won’t let you go unless you bless me.’ Finally, Jacob has come to the point where he would rather die than live without God’s blessing. Jacob represents independence from God and Israel represents dependence on God.

This is what we want to happen on Saturday night – to make sure the participants have what Kairos calls a Jacob moment-- where the participants wrestle with God and come to the point of where depending on Him is far better than depending upon themselves. That is why we send them out the door on Saturday without hugs, handshakes or goodbyes. We don’t want to get between God and them to interrupt what God is doing in their lives. We could easily mess up the perhaps uncomfortable moments where God can reveal Himself to them, and they can wrestle with God. Those moments might be uncomfortable for us, but God wants to use it to reveal Himself to them.

So while I hope you have had Jacob Moments in your life, I also hope we let the participants have Jacob Moments too.

Page 4 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019

KAIROS WOMEN’S MINISTRY Using Our Kairos Tools for Recruiting By Gina Brockmeyer, Women’s Ministry Coordinator

I recently read a Weekend Leader’s report which stated they had 48 team members who served on their last Weekend. I know this number of volunteers serving on a team is not uncommon in many places, but for this institution it is. For the past several years they have only been able to host between 18 and 24 Participants on their weekends because they were unable to recruit enough volunteers to serve on their teams.

But this year the Advisory Council decided they were going to do something about those numbers, they decided they needed to ramp up their recruitment efforts. In addition to visiting more churches and doing many of the typical things all Advisory Councils do to recruit volunteers, they did something every Kairos Advisory Council can do, but that most, probably have not even thought about doing.

They made use of a tool that all our Advisory Councils have available to them, KairosMessenger.

This Advisory Council went into KairosMessenger and compiled a list of their past volunteers. Then they divided the list up between the members of the Advisory Council, giving each member a few of their past volunteers to call and invite to serve on the Weekend. Their efforts were very successful. Several former volunteers returned to serve on the weekend, and several more said they could not serve this time but expressed an interest in serving on a future weekend.

Fortunately for this Advisory Council they had been utilizing Ezra properly, making sure all the information requested in Ezra was filled in completely and properly, and they also have been passing their data from one Weekend Leader to the next, so they had data regarding their past volunteers in KairosMessenger to retrieve.

Passing data from one Weekend Leader to the next is simple, but it does require several steps that are outlined below.

Starting on the Monday after your Weekend, when you start up Ezra, you will get a message that you have additional things to do before you have completed your weekend. That message guides you to the next step you need to take before you are completed. If you are a Kairos Outside leader, you must import data from your Observing Leader 1 and Angel Coordinator. All Weekend Leaders then do the final two steps numbered 1 and 2 as shown to the right. YOU MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET. Please follow the process.

Utilizing Ezra properly and passing on the data from one Weekend Leader to the next ensures your Advisory Council has a complete and thorough record of all your volunteers, your Participants or Guests, and the effectiveness of your ministry.

And having this information at your fingertips is valuable in so many ways from recruiting to showing Departments of Corrections and Donors how powerful our Kairos programs are, and what an impact we are having on incarcerated men, women, youth, their families, and those they work with.

Page 5 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS YOUTH MINISTRY Be Relevant By Kevin Resnover, Youth Ministry Coordinator

I appreciate how Peter went directly to the deeper need of the lame man lying at the temple gate called Beautiful. This severely immobilized man was just doing what he did every day for a living; he was begging. Don’t judge him…It was all he could do! Peter and John didn’t stare with disdain because he was there every day with his hand out. Nor did they look the other way because they didn’t have any money to give. They had a God message relevant to this disabled man’s need. In fact, it was far more than he could have ever expected. What they had to give him went past his immediate monetary need and struck an unquestionable bullseye at what was essential to his disability.

Jesus had instructed them well in ministry relevance and the importance in speaking to the issues directly in front of them as referenced in Luke 9:12-13. After all it’s hard to hear the message of unconditional love over the roars of an empty belly.

When studying for ordination into the ministry, one thing that I heard over again was, “Be relevant!” My instructors were profoundly insightful scholars, and often warned against striving to be so deep that we failed to speak plainly to the present need(s) in front of us. One pastor often paralleled ministry with the phrase, “This is where the rubber meets the road”.

My very first week working for Kairos I met a wonderful man named Larry. He was a highly decorated, humble and compassionate officer of the law. He continually moved up the ranks because of the integral and fair way he handled the public (even those that he had to arrest). Larry was eventually promoted to the position of Assistant Police Chief in a large metropolis in the Midwest and went on to become an F.D.L.E. Agent. I believe it was his experience as a law enforcement officer that opened his eyes and heart to see the importance of mentoring youthful offenders in Kairos Torch. Larry brought that same spirit of excellence and integrity into each mentoring session with the youth he was assigned, and was a model mentor for all of us to aspire to.

Several years ago I sat next to Larry in New Mexico on a panel where we addressed the importance of mentoring incarcerated youth. Larry passionately moved into his closing statement by saying “I’ll never forget my 2nd mentee. It was a total mismatch; it could never have worked. I am a 6 foot cop- Anglo, and this little kid is 17 years old, he’s about five foot-three and he’s black. He’s been down five years already. He’s gotten only one letter from his mother, and that is the only contact with anyone in his family. I mentored him for 6 months and he was about to get out… I said, God this is a joke, we have nothing in common! How can I mentor this little short black kid from the streets? But we really developed a great relationship, and through the resources of the prison he found a family that was not in his hometown…they basically adopted him… (long pause) But before he left, (breaking in tears) he told me I was the best friend he ever had.

There was hardly a dry eye in that packed room as Larry handed the mic over. As moved as I was and still am every time I replay that video of his presentation, it’s the back story that really touches my heart. The part that Larry did not tell was that this young man was the gang leader inside that facility, and he ruled

Page 6 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS YOUTH MINISTRY with his fist. The reason Larry was assigned his mentor was because of his police training. Over a period of time Larry was able to ask this young man what he wanted to do with his life. The young man said he wanted to be a boxer. You can imagine Larry’s feeling about helping this young man become a boxer since he was already using his fist to rule in the institution. Larry told the young man that he didn’t know anything about professional boxing and finished up their mentoring session for that day.

When Larry left the facility, he made his way to the library and checked out every book he could find on boxing and spent the next two weeks reading. When he returned back for the next mentoring session, Larry began to explain to the young man everything he needed to do to become a professional boxer. With great amazement the young mentee ask, “How do you know all this information when you didn’t know anything about boxing two weeks ago?” Larry simply responded that he went to the library, found all the books he could and read them all. It was then that his mentee quietly revealed, “I don’t know how to read or write.” Before the young man left the facility he could read at an eighth grade level… I’m sure you can guess who taught him how to read.

Larry was clear on his role in introducing his young mentee to Christ. But he also understood the value of being relevant and address the physical needs of those Christ put in front of him. The young man never returned to incarceration of a life of crime because someone took the time to be relevant in his life.

I have come to deeply value those called to work with minors and youthful offenders. Just as this lame man needed others to carry him from place to place, the youth we serve in Kairos Torch are still in their formative years and require some assistance in their development and crossing over into adulthood. It’s where the rubber meets the road.

Kairos Planned Giving Options

There are many ways you can support Kairos through planned giving and it is made easy through the new website,

There are a number of tax efficient options that allow you to maximize your gift to Kairos such as:

 Appreciated securities such as stocks or bonds

 Retirement assets such as unused portions of your IRA, 401(k), or other tax-deferred plans.

 IRA charitable rollovers for supporters who are 701/2 or older

 A life insurance policy that is no longer needed

If you want to make a donation, but would like to speak with someone about your options please contact [email protected] to learn which options work best for you!

Page 7 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019


By Tom McCarty, International Council President

This will be my final epistle to you as your IC President. To say it has been a joy would be a great 2 Timothy 4: 7-8: “I have fought the good fight; I understatement. To serve you, “them,” and “Him” have finished the course; I have kept the faith. has been the highest honor and privilege, to be sure. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous As I wrap up my service—tour of duty if you want judge, shall give me at the last great day. Not only to call it that— in the army of the Lord, I thought unto me, but to all those who love truly His what better way to close than to say “goodbye.” And appearing.” what better source of goodbyes than (what we call in our house) The Handbook. Revelation 22:21 “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” Here goes: Jude 24, 25: “Now unto him that is able to keep 2 Corinthians 13:11-12: “Finally, brothers, rejoice. you from falling, and to present you faultless Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree before the presence of his glory with exceeding with one another, live in peace; and the God of love joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and peace will be with you. and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 6:23-24: “Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord And finally, perhaps my favorite, from Numbers 6 Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord with the little addition by Robert Schuller I think. Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.” “And now may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you 1 Thessalonians 5:23: “Now may the God of peace and be gracious unto you. And may God give you himself sanctify you completely, and may your His peace, in your going out and in your coming whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at in, in your lying down and in your rising up, in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” your labor and in your leisure, in your laughter and in your tears… Until you come to stand 2 Thessalonians 3:16: “Now may the Lord of peace before Jesus in that day in which there is no himself give you peace at all times in every way. The sunset and no dawning. Amen.” Lord be with you all.” Titus 3:15: “All who are with me send greetings to I thank God on every remembrance of y’all you. Greet those who love us in the faith. (Virginia version!)

More New Tools for Kairos!

Kairos Inside Women’s Video If you haven’t seen the most recent video yet, what are you waiting for? Located under Newsroom / Videos & Radio (as well as several other places) it features a very moving testimony by our participants from the Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women, some of whom are now studying in the seminary!

Page 8 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019


Alan D’Ambrogi, passed away Association, was honored as "Man of build a water treatment plant in Omaha. peacefully at the Year" at his parish, Holy Spirt After Omaha, his family moved to home in Santa Church, he received the Community Tampa and he joined the Henry C. Rosa, CA, Service Award from the City of Santa Beck Construction Company to build surrounded by Rosa and was a Medjugorje Pilgrimage the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in family, on April Group Leader. His volunteer service Sarasota. He later worked with Sun 20, 2019. He is will be missed at Kairos Service with State Builders here in Tampa in the survived by his San Quentin inmates, The Redwood development and building of loving wife of Empire Food Bank, St. Vincent DePaul Carrollwood Village and sixty-one years, Karen Elisabeth Society, The Redwood Gospel Mission, condominiums in Pinellas County. This D'Ambrogi. Loving father of Mark A. The Sonoma County Humane Society led him to becoming an entrepreneur (Ingrid) D'Ambrogi of Colfax, CA, and The 19 gallon plus Blood Donor and owning his own company, Johnson Douglas T. C. (Vickie) D'Ambrogi of Group at the Redwood Empire Blood Construction in Tampa. Vancouver WA, Gregory J. (Shay) Bank. D'Ambrogi of Windsor CA, Kevin P. In 1991, Glenn competed in Track and (Kim) D'Ambrogi of Upton WY and Family and friends are invited to a Field Senior Olympics in Syracuse, Denise A. (Mike) Blumenstien of Funeral Mass on Friday, May 3rd, New York. Glenn enjoyed many years Rocklin CA. Adored grandfather of 2019, at 10:30 a.m. at Resurrection of Model "T" Ford car restoration and Andy (Anastasia) D'Ambrogi, Darren Church (303 Stony Point Road, Santa touring the country with friends from (Nicole) D'Ambrogi, Tony (Christine) Rosa, CA, 95401). As an expression of many states and countries. He won the D'Ambrogi, Travis D'Ambrogi, Chad sympathy, the family requests Stynoski Award for best restoration (Jannelle) D'ambrogi, Breena donations in Alan's name be sent to The with the 1912 Ford Model T Delivery D'Ambrogi and Jaimie (Dan) Hopkins, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Van in 1994. He was a member of St. Ian (Autumn) D'Ambrogi, Hunter ([email protected]). Mark's Episcopal Church where he Penrod, Haley (Ryan) King, Maddison served on the Vestry and was Junior Blumenstien, Jake Blumenstien. Glenn Johnson, Florida formerly of Warden. He was very active in the Cherished great-grandfather of Colton, Odessa, passed Kairos Prison Ministry having served Isabella, Lucas, Giovanni, Allesandra, away April 11, as a leader. Rosalie, John, Logan, Abigail, 2019 at the Emberlyn, Cameron, Blair, Gemma, wonderful age of Glenn was a non judgmental man with Carter, Seth, and Blacyn. Alan is 84. Glenn was a quiet strength. We give many thanks preceded in death by his parents; born February 15, to the staff of Brighton Gardens for the Charles and Vivian D'Ambrogi and 1935 in Sterling, exceptional care he received during his brother; Charles Jr. D'Ambrogi. Oklahoma, to last year of life. May he rest in Peace Morris and Cora and rise in Glory. He will be missed by A native of Petaluma, CA, age 82 Johnson. He graduated from many. years. Alan attended St Vincent's the University of at El Paso school system and graduated with an where he was a member of Sigma There will be a memorial service on Associates Degree from the Santa Rosa Alpha Epsilon fraternity and he met his Saturday, May 4, 2019 at 2 pm at St. Junior College. Alan was a Signal Man wife, Dale. They were married for 60 Mark's Episcopal Church located at with the U.S. Navy. He held wonderful years. He is survived by and 13312 Cain Road, Tampa, Florida membership's with the International was very proud of his three children, 33625. Reverend Robert Douglas will Meat Cutters Association and was Glenda Jensen, Jim Johnson, and be officiating. A reception will follow employed for 39 years with Safeway, Shelly Fonseca (Hernan). His four the service at the church. Any Inc. and was also a Meat Cutter/ grandchildren, Becky and Ashley memorial gifts are requested to be sent Butcher for The Highland House, G&G Jensen, Max and Natalia Fonseca were to Metropolitan Ministries, St. Mark's Market and Kunde Estates. the apples of his eye. Episcopal Church, Kairos Prison Ministries, or the charity of your Alan was a "Great Humanitarian," After college, Glenn served in the choice. setting an excellent example for giving U.S. Army. Glenn then became an back to the Community. He gave his estimator for Robert E. McKee Ken Cooper went home to be with time as a Fire Captain with the Rincon Construction and C.H. Leavell his Lord on Saturday, March 16, 2019. Valley Fire Station #1, was an Construction in El Paso, Texas. From Mr. Cooper was an active member of Instructor for the American Heart Texas, Glenn journeyed to Nebraska to Restoration Baptist Church where

Page 9 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019


funeral services will be University of Kansas in Lawrence on a Windsor, Chevy Chase and Denver. held at 10:00 AM music scholarship majoring in music Kevin loved baseball and was loyal to Saturday, March 23, theory and composition. While at KU, the home team wherever he lived. He 2019, with Pastor he was active in Sigma Phi Epsilon loved road trips and read avidly. Doyle Harper social fraternity eventually serving as officiating. Interment president. He also had his own jazz Gary Kulbitski, was born on January will be at Evergreen band. Deciding music was not the 1s t, 1943 in Iowa Cemetery. career for him, Kevin left school during City, Iowa where his his senior year. Before returning to KU father was stationed He was the founder and president of in 1971, he was a cabbie, a singing during World War II. “Ken Cooper Prison Ministries” and waiter, pizza cook, carpet salesman and He spent most of his was the author of “Held Hostage”. Mr. more. childhood among a Cooper was predeceased by his first large extended family wife, Jennie Anne Cooper; his second Kevin received his BA in geography, in South St. Paul, wife, June Cooper; and a grandson, his MA with a thesis The Personality of Minnesota, with a few Kadesh Ellison. Survivors include his Jefferson County Kansas and his PhD of his teen years in Bellingham, daughter, Rebecca Cooper (Ted); a with a dissertation The Subjective Washington, returning to South St. Paul brother, Gene Cooper (Martha); 11 Tradition in Geography. His adult for his senior year of high school. After grandchildren; 23 great grandchildren; work life was in oil and gas exploration his first year of college, in 1962, he and many other loving family and before the bottom fell out of the spent the summer at the home of his friends. industry causing a move from Denver Uncle Richard Werner in White Bear to the Baltimore Washington DC area. Lake, MN and worked for him in his The family will receive friends from 5 There he became a Certified Financial propane business. When not at work, – 7 PM Friday, March 22, at Corey- Planner active in his professional Gary and his cousins Jay and Phil Kerlin Funeral Home, 1426 Rowe Ave. organizations. He was named planner Werner would play bridge with the In lieu of flowers, the family requests of the year several years by Worth next-door neighbor, Lee Ella Curtis, as memorials in Mr. Cooper’s memory to magazine. the fourth. Towards the end of the the Ken Cooper Prison Ministries, P.O. summer, Jay suggested that if the trick Box 77160 Jacksonville, FL 32226. While in the East, Kevin went on his contained ace-two-three -four of the Walk to Emmaus and then became a same suit, the holder of the ace should Kevin Condon, was born 6/22/1944 volunteer within the organization. He kiss the dealer. And so it was that Gary in Kansas City, MO to taught Disciple Bible Study which he gave Lee her first kiss on September 3, Paul Daniel and credits with ‘making him a Christian’ 1962. They were married September 3, Catherine Regina and preached at two small rural 1965 after Gary had graduated from (Fleming) He and Methodist Churches in northern OCS. Glenda Gay Beach Baltimore County. Condon were married at They were stationed a short while at St Colomba’s episcopal In 2002 Kevin returned to Colorado Fort Sill, OK. Gary was then sent to Church in Inverness, and partnered in a startup company to spend 13 months in CA 1/31/1969. Besides his wife, Kevin provide online financial advice before Korea. While there, Gary Crosby is survived by daughters Carrie Garcia, retiring in 2012. Back in Colorado he Kulbitski Jr. was born July 21, 1966. her husband Christopher and sons again was a Walk to Emmaus volunteer After Korea Gary was again stationed Anthony, Michael and Gabriel, Sarah before switching to Kairos Prison at Fort Sill, where Anne Alaina Condon and her children Myah and Ministry International. He served at Kulbitski was born April 11, 1968. Olivia Condon-Lorick and Dorian Sterling before helping organize Kairos Packer, and his brother Mark Condon. at Bent County and Buena Vista. He Gary resigned from active duty the also served as Colorado’s state summer of 1968 but stayed in the Army Kevin graduated in 1962 from Raytown president. Reserve for 19 more years. They High School where he’d played the alto returned to White bear Lake Minnesota sax in band and orchestra before Whether in Kansas, Colorado or to finish their college degrees. Gary switching to the bassoon. During Maryland, Kevin always sang tenor in graduated from the University of junior high and high school, he the church choir. From his college Minnesota with a degree in electrical attended Midwestern Music and Art days he was passionate about the value engineering. He went to work for a Camp each summer. He entered the of men’s groups, organizing them In division of Control Data which would

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KAIROS REMEMBERS later be bought out by General Cashmere, WA, where Julie graduated Ralph Recker traveled from Oregon to Dynamics. The family moved to their from C.H.S. in 1975. She spent most of Everett, WA, to officiate the home of 30 years in Burnsville, MN. her senior year as a private exchange unforgettable ceremony. "Well done, Son Paul Curtis Kulbitski was born in student in Saltillo, Coahuila, in good and faithful servant”. 1973. Gary enjoyed a fruitful career Mexico. It was in Saltillo where she and became known as the " dad of the attended school, and assisted three Julie’s love, kindness, and faithful heart AYK-14" a computer on many Navy young missionaries, in serving the poor will live on through her sons: Matt jets. He worked for this one group until in remote areas of Coahuila. Julie Leon of Aberdeen, WA, Mike Simpson retirement the end of 2001. During this received her AA degree from Yakima (Melonique) of Arlington, WA, and time Gary and the family were active in Valley College, and then spent a Jeff Simpson of Bothell, WA. The the Church of the Nativity. summer in Barcelona, Spain through delights of Julie's life were her Fort Wright College in Spokane, WA. grandchildren: Ahayla, Cyrus, Willow In 2002, Gary and Lee moved to and Kamden. She is also survived by Colorado to enjoy grandchildren in Julie married Rudy Leon in 1979, and her parents; Gordon and Joan Martin; Colorado Springs and skiing at their lived in Tri-Cities, WA, where their siblings: Sue Martin, Tracy Franklin condo in Keystone. Gary and Lee son, Matthew was born. In 1982, Julie (Ron), Mike Martin (Michelle), Jeff became members of St. Michaels in the moved to Wenatchee, WA, and worked Martin (Julie), Rob Martin (Annie), Springs and participated in St. John's in for the family business. Several years Kris Reinhart (Kirby); 18 nieces and Breckenridge. Gary loved to play golf, later, Julie married Jerry Simpson, and nephews who all claimed Julie as their play bridge and ski. He loved they moved to Vancouver, WA. “favorite" aunt; 13 great-nieces and participating in the Men's groups, both Together they had two sons: Michael nephews; aunts; uncles; cousins; Jerry in the Springs and Summit County. He and Jeffery. The family lived in Simpson; and so many dear friends. particularly loved participating in the Renton, WA, Minnesota, Colorado and KAIROS prison ministry programs then back to Washington state. Julie A special thanks to Swedish Hospital, offed at Correctional facilities around left many dear friends wherever she Hospice Care and sister, Sue. The the state, including Territorial, Sterling, lived. She taught a private preschool tender loving care that was given to Buena Vista, and Bent County. His for many years where she nurtured and Julie will never be forgotten. mission in all aspects of his life was to loved so many young children. She practice kindness. For three years he went on to become the beloved student Celebration of Julie's Life will be on battled cancer and knee replacements counselor at Lakewood High School in Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 1:00 p.m., enduring many surgical procedures. Marysville, WA. Julie retired from ITT at Immaculate Conception Catholic Until the very end, if asked how he felt, Tech, where she was a top performing Church, 1200 East 5th St., Arlington, he would say " ultra- fantastic". He recruiter, receiving many recognitions WA. Graveside service will be held on chose to Live while he could. He was and awards for her performance and Saturday, April 27th, 10:00 a.m., at an amazing husband, father, service. Wenatchee City Cemetery, 1804 N. grandfather, friend and witness. May Western Ave, Wenatchee. Memorials all who knew him hang on to the joy he Julie was a very faithful and active may be made to: CASHMERE CARES gave them. member of the Immaculate Conception –No Child Left Behind, 210 S. Catholic Church in Arlington, WA. Her Division Ave., Cashmere, WA. 98815 Donations may be made to Kairos ministries included: Eucharistic Prison Ministry. Minister, Faith Formation instructor, Deacon Gordon Kenneth Dinners to Feed the Poor volunteer, Cartwright, 82, began life on Julie Ann Martin-Simpson, Our Prayer & Picnic in the Rosary Garden February 10, 1937, children are on loan to leader, and chairing the street fair booth in Woodland, Pa. us from God, until He for the last two years. Julie had been Relocating to calls them home. He passionately involved in the Kairos North Tonawanda, called our Julie home Prison Ministry for many years. N.Y., where he on April 15, 2019. met the love of his Born on May 3, 1957, When Julie received her cancer life, Gloria in Bremerton, WA. diagnosis, she prayed that she would Wisniewski, and Julie was the oldest of live her last days as an example of spent the next 61 seven children born to God's grace. Indeed she did…on Julie’s years loving her Gordon and Joan Martin. The family last day, she became a Benedictine and their four children, Denise moved to Quincy, WA, and then to Oblate of Mt. Angel Abbey. Father (Douglas) Lawrence and Marie (Joann)

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Russell, he was preceded in death by Operations until retirement. His second Daniel Joseph, and Kenneth Jerome. career was serving his fellow man Why Do You Volunteer He enjoyed life with his seven through volunteer works largely grandchildren, and 10 great- initiated by his beloved St Matthew’s With Kairos? grandchildren. His driven passion for Church, including Angel House Soup Christ lead him to be ordained Kitchen, Casa Marinanella, Austin Stop and think for a minute about permanent deacon of the Diocese of Food Bank, Settlement Club, and "Why I volunteer with Kairos." Buffalo, N.Y. in 1980. His career at Kairos Prison Ministry. He served as Then take out your cell phone and Buffalo Air Handling moved him to President of the Austin Habitat for Lynchburg Va., where he served the Humanities, even volunteering up until do a short (less than 1 minute) video Diocese of Richmond in prison shortly before his passing. with your answer! Send it to ministry, Hospice, Cursillio, Tabor [email protected]. We need at least 40 Retreat Center, and Holy Cross School. His egalitarian and inquisitive ways of these clips. (By sending us the He is survived by a sister, Norma endeared him to all he met. He never video you are giving us permission (Carl) Vogal; brother, Daniel (Joyce) met a stranger or a person he didn’t Cartwright, along with numerous like. He will be sorely missed. to use it). nieces, nephews, and countless Dan served with the Hughes Kairos godchildren. He was preceded in death Community. by five siblings. His actions demonstrated his love for humanity. He NOTE: Please email any obituary you loved the Lord, cheered on the Bills, would like to see posted to [email protected]. adored his family, and enjoyed life. The family will receive friends at St. Thomas More Catholic Church, in Lynchburg, Wednesday, March 13, Kairos of New York Receives Excellence in 2019, at 5 p.m. A funeral mass will be held at 6 p.m. with reception to follow, Chaplaincy Award also at St. Thomas More. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to any of the following, ATTN: More Aide, St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 3015 Roundelay Rd. Lynchburg, VA 24502, The American Diabetes Association, or The American Heart Association. Tharp Funeral Home & Crematory, Lynchburg, is assisting the family. To send condolences, please visit The New York State Council of Churches has bestowed the 2019 Excellence in Chaplaincy Award to Kairos of New York. The award was received by State Chair Phyllis Col. Daniel Stewart Henshaw, Doane along with about 25 dedicated volunteers. Kairos International CEO Evelyn Lemly Sr., 96 years old, died in Austin, TX was also in attendance. on March 31, 2019. Dan was born Reverend Peter Cook, Executive Director of the New York State Council of Churches June 9, 1922, in Raton stated, “Kairos offers a beautifully structured program which helps to enrich and redeem Pass, NM and grew up the lives of incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families.” Reverend Cook went on in Long Beach, CA. to say, “Kairos reminds us that all people are created in the image of God and are capable of restoration and rehabilitation. People discover the restorative life of Christ through the Colonel Dan had his first distinguished relationships they build with one another and Kairos, through its thoughtful work, is a and highly decorated career in the Air great facilitator of such restoration.” Force flying C47s in WWII over Europe, B29s over Korea, B47s To learn more, please visit the Kairos Newsroom. during that program, and B52s, becoming a Deputy Commander of

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Advanced Kairos Training is for Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside, and Kairos Torch volunteers who are in or will be in a Weekend leadership role, including Advisory Council or State Chapter positions, anywhere within the Kairos program.

Advanced Kairos Training gives the who, what, and why of the Kairos ministry. Kairos policy requires that all Weekend leaders must have completed the entire training course 12 to 24 months prior to leading a Weekend.


1. All Advanced Kairos Trainings are essentially free to any and all attendees. However, paying the expenses of an attendee for training is borne by the state sending its volunteers to a training in or out of its local state. This means that all Advisory Councils or State Chapter Committees should be budgeting for any training expenses deemed necessary for their future Weekend Leaders or other attendees that the Advisory Council or State Chapter Committee wants to attend. 2. Advisory Councils or State Chapter Committees should encourage their volunteers (who may have been used to paying out of their own pocket previously to a Host State) to make their donations to their local Advisory Council instead to help build the budget to allow for more volunteers to attend trainings.

Be Sure to Bring Your Program Manual With You to Training!

You must complete the entire Advanced Kairos Training in order to receive your certificate and become a Weekend Leader. UPCOMING ADVANCED KAIROS TRAINING SCHEDULE

June 28, 2019 JACKSONVILLE, FL Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside, Kairos Torch July 12, 2019 RALEIGH, NC Kairos Inside August 9, 2019 HAMPTON, GA Kairos Inside August 16, 2019 BALTIMORE, MD Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside September 6, 2019 CALERA, AL Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside November 8, 2019 WAXAHACHIE, TX Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside, Kairos Torch November 15, 2019 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Kairos Inside January 17, 2020 CALERA, AL Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside February 14, 2020 RICHMOND, VA Kairos Inside March 13, 2020 KANSAS CITY, MO Kairos Inside May 15, 2020 DENVER, CO Kairos Inside October 23, 2020 COLUMBUS, OH Kairos Inside

Detailed information for each training, including costs, facility, and registration can be found on the Kairos Kalendar at

Page 13 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019

KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside) DateDate StateState InstitutionInstitution W/E # Leader Leader EMAIL- AgapeEMAIL - Agape 06/13/19 DE Sussex CI 8 Rick Cira [email protected]

06/13/19 NY Wende CF 64 Tom Felong [email protected]

06/13/19 OH Franklin Medical Women 5 Ariel Boyer [email protected]

06/20/19 MD Jessup CI 4 Mike Blackson [email protected]

06/21/19 AUS KO North Queensland 8 Kathy Ford [email protected]

06/24/19 NIC La Modelo 25 Eddy Santiago Gonzalez [email protected]

06/27/19 MS Mississippi SP Parchman 39 David Howell [email protected]

06/27/19 TX Ferguson 67 John Somma [email protected]

06/28/19 AUS Mobilong 28 Hugo Hopton [email protected] 06/28/19 FL Madison CI 30 06/28/19 NH New Hampshire CF 9 Nancy Forrester [email protected]

06/28/19 CT KO Connecticut 14 Nancy Peloquin [email protected]

07/08/19 AUS Port Augusta 9 Ken Gibb [email protected]

07/11/19 TX Torres 40 Richard Sausman [email protected] 07/12/19 AUS KO Perth 11 Kathie Riddle [email protected] 07/15/19 AL Talladega FCI 20 Bob Alexander [email protected]

07/18/19 TX Estes 18 Russ Mansfield [email protected]

07/22/19 AUS Cessnock 22 Neil Goldthorpe [email protected]

07/25/19 AR Grimes 3 Robert Bradley [email protected]

08/01/19 FL Moore Haven CF 49 Enrique Acevedo [email protected]

08/01/19 TX Wallace 41 Carroll Andes [email protected] 08/07/19 NC Central CI Men 50 Bob Langlais [email protected]

08/08/19 TX Jester III 4 Freddie Foster

08/15/19 TX Hutchins 28 Jim Tyler [email protected]

08/16/19 CA KO California (Spanish) 71 Abelica Estrada 08/16/19 OH KO Northeast OH 3 Denise Ball [email protected] 08/22/19 AL Bibb County CF 37 Mark Stacks [email protected]

08/22/19 AL Elmore CF 20 Sam Johnston [email protected]

08/22/19 GA Pulaski State 46 Cindy S. Scoggins

08/22/19 TX Mountain View Unit 30 Lisa Rodriguez

08/23/19 AUS Alexander Maconochie 8 Geoff Smith [email protected] 08/28/19 MS Southern Mississippi CI 28 Jim Brooks [email protected] 08/28/19 TX KO Abilene 5 Lucinda Rose [email protected]

08/30/19 CA Valley State 11 Dave Krietemeyer [email protected]

08/31/19 TX Huntsville 30 Kirk Draut [email protected]

Page 14 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside Date State Institution W/E # Leader EMAIL - Agape 09/05/19 AL Hamilton A&I 15 Tim McCray 09/05/19 So Afr ODI Prison Soshanguve 21 Sbusiso Valoyi [email protected] 09/05/19 TX Jordan 46 Jeremiah Lovins [email protected] 09/06/19 AUS Wid Bay Capricorn Region 14 Andrea Olsen [email protected] 09/06/19 KY KO West KY 4 Anica Smith [email protected] 09/12/19 IN New Castle CF 20 Craig Hornsby 09/12/19 So Afr Johannesburg Men's Prison 19 Lance Goodall [email protected] 09/12/19 TX Smith 45 Abe Wiebe Sr. [email protected] 09/12/19 TX Hilltop 4 Lynn Plagens 09/13/19 NC Southern CI 10 Kay Pitt [email protected] 09/13/19 AUS KO South Coast 3 Debra Cole 09/13/19 TX KO Abilene 3 Lucinda Rose [email protected] 09/18/19 TX Roach 40 Anthony Phipps [email protected] 09/19/19 AR Ouachita River Unit 25 Lennon Hill [email protected] 09/19/19 CA Salinas Valley SP 7 Brian Donnelly [email protected] 09/19/19 GA Walker SP 21 Sandy Howard [email protected] 09/19/19 MD Roxbury CI 20 Tommy Spenser [email protected] 09/19/19 NC Alexander CI 28 Gene Kaiser [email protected] 09/19/19 NC Bertie CF 24 Jonathan Unger [email protected] 09/19/19 VA Greenville Regional CC/ S-1 79 Jeff Hammaker 09/19/19 AL Aliceville FCI 12 Charlene A Ferniz [email protected] 09/19/19 AL Tutwiler Prison 57 Karen Trippe 09/19/19 NC Swannanoa 2 Alberta Brown [email protected] 09/19/19 So Afr Johannesburg Woman 26 Cynthai Marz [email protected] 09/20/19 KS KO Kansas 22 Janet Torkelson [email protected] 09/20/19 LA KO East Louisiana 20 Avis Henderson [email protected] 09/20/19 NC KO Northeast NC 3 Donna Beitzel [email protected] 09/20/19 TX KO Amarillo 35 Kathryn Kihn [email protected] 09/20/19 FL Torch Okeechobee 1 Nick Ferrara [email protected] 09/26/19 AL Draper CF 20 Lee Heath 09/26/19 AL North AL Work Release 7 Marty Thomas [email protected] Center 09/26/19 IN Edinburgh CF 9 Mark VanHook 09/26/19 TX Clements 50 Don Dalley [email protected] 09/26/19 TX Hughes Unit 45 Scott Murphy [email protected] 09/26/19 TX North Central Correctional 22 Gary Clark [email protected] Complex 09/27/19 TX KO Central Texas 11 Patricia Ritcherson [email protected] 09/27/19 AL KO North Alabama 44 Annette Taylor [email protected] 09/29/19 TX KO Lubbock 18 Ronda Menefee 10/01/19 MI Central Mississippi Women's 43 Carol Neal [email protected] Inside 10/02/19 TX Hobby 37 Michele De Bellis [email protected]

Page 15 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside Date State Institution W/E # Leader EMAIL - Agape 10/03/19 AR Tucker 44 Ed Rhodes [email protected] 10/03/19 CA CA SP Sacramento 24 Butch Henry [email protected] 10/03/19 NC Pamlico CI 2 Mike Miller [email protected]

10/03/19 OH SCC-L 2 Kim Doran

10/03/19 SC Lieber CI 60 Larry Brock [email protected]

10/03/19 TX Allred 36 Chad Brown [email protected] 10/03/19 TX Daniel 32 Gary Dickson 10/03/19 TX Hightower 23 Daniel Viljoen [email protected] 10/03/19 TX Stiles 41 Michael Ray 10/03/19 TX Wallace Pack 1 Mark Oncken 10/03/19 FL Hernando CI 45 Fanny Rice [email protected]

10/03/19 GA Whitworth WF 10 Martha Warren [email protected]

10/03/19 TX Lockhart 25 Doreen Alexander 10/04/19 AL KO South Alabama 72 Roxanne Charles [email protected] 10/04/19 CA KO Northern CA 12 Mary Meier [email protected] 10/04/19 MO KO Western Missouri 13 Teresa Moretz [email protected]

10/04/19 TN KO Northeast Tennessee 32 Candy Fansler [email protected]

10/04/19 TN KO Eastern Tennessee 32 Christy Dobbs-Perez [email protected]

10/04/19 TX KO Houston 43 Vicki Gandy [email protected]

Daytona Residential Juvenile 10/04/19 FL 6 Art Baggott [email protected] Facility

10/07/19 TX Terrell 9 Charlie Ehlert [email protected]

10/08/19 VA Green Rock CC 21 Jason Huber [email protected]

10/10/19 IN Wabash Valley Correctional 21 Vaughn Murray 10/10/19 LA Rayburn Correctional Center 26 Lenny Coats [email protected] 10/10/19 NY Shawangunk CF 22 Philip H Lewis [email protected] 10/10/19 OH Lebanon CI 59 Kenton Hill [email protected]

10/10/19 OH Southern Ohio Correctional 29 Steven G. Moore [email protected]

10/10/19 SC Perry CI 43 John Daniel Ramp [email protected] 10/10/19 TN Northeast CC 39 George Fulwider 10/10/19 TX Plainfield Correctional 24 Jeff Horne 10/10/19 TX Polunsky 43 Chuck Jones 10/10/19 TX Wynne 11 Rickey Downey [email protected]

10/10/19 WA Staffard Creek 4 Chris Shultz

10/10/19 PA SCI Cambridge Springs 61 Jennifer Mulls [email protected]

Page 16 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside DateDate StateState InstitutionInstitution W/E # Leader Leader EMAIL- AgapeEMAIL - Agape 10/10/19 SC Camille Griffin 4 Kathy Gilmore [email protected] 10/11/19 CA USP Lompoc 33 Rich Antles [email protected] 10/11/19 TX Carol Vance 69 Dick Baker [email protected]

10/11/19 CA FCI Dublin 27 Velicia Tillman Johnson [email protected]

10/11/19 AL KO North Alabama 33 Donna Burn [email protected]

10/11/19 LA KO West Louisiana 45 Kay Carroll

10/11/19 TX KO North Texas 4 Rhonda Schmidt [email protected]

10/11/19 WI KO East WI 38 Chloe Suckling

10/14/19 UK HMP Whitemoor 9 Matt Rowley [email protected]

10/14/19 UK Stocken Prison 3 Terry Welti [email protected]

10/16/19 NC Nash CI 5 Kirk Woodard [email protected] 10/17/19 AL Donaldson CF 70 Rick Hardy [email protected] 10/17/19 AL Limestone CF 68 Steve McCurry [email protected]

10/17/19 IN Pendleton CI 25 Dave Kellogg [email protected] 10/17/19 NC Mountain View CF 4 Peirce Bingham 10/17/19 NY Gouverneur CF 11 Sam Sochia [email protected] 10/17/19 SC Evans CI 52 Jeff Richardson [email protected] 10/17/19 TX Boyd 34 Tim Mentzel 10/17/19 TX Briscoe 23 Steve Hearne [email protected] 10/17/19 TX Coffield 47 Alfred Mendoz 10/17/19 TX Luther 7 Gavin Zietsman 10/17/19 VA Augusta CC 42 Kurt Johnson [email protected] 10/17/19 WA WA State Reformatory 64 Jeff Ouimet [email protected] 10/17/19 NM Lee Arrendale 49 Libbye Sloan-Brooks [email protected] 10/17/19 OK Mabel Bassett CC 7 Jean Magnuson 10/17/19 TX La Vista CF 27 Dee Johnson 10/18/19 DE KO Delmarva 3 Marie Van Der Wall 10/18/19 FL KO Central Florida 41 Terry Deer [email protected] 10/18/19 TX KO East Texas 11 Joanna Goodwin [email protected] 10/18/19 NC KO Western NC 21 Sandra Byrd 10/19/19 IL Stateville 26 Michael Phillips 10/22/19 TX Neal 42 Bryan Oliver 10/23/19 TX Murray 47 Brandy Dillon [email protected] 10/24/19 AL Fountain CF 68 Tony Smith 10/24/19 AL St. Clair 68 10/24/19 AR R L Williams 13 Willie Gordon [email protected] 10/24/19 FL Everglades CI 31 Addington Braynen [email protected] 10/24/19 FL Zephyrhills CI 77 Jim Heptner 10/24/19 FL Desoto CI 72 Patrick Kowalski [email protected] 10/24/19 GA Georgia SP 30 [email protected] 10/24/19 ID Idaho State CI 20 John Cooney [email protected]

Page 17 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019

KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside Date State Institution W/E # Leader EMAIL - Agape 10/24/19 IN Putnamville 19 David Easterday [email protected] 10/24/19 LA Dixon CI 11 Paul Pratt [email protected] 10/24/19 OH Marion CI 46 Jamie Colner [email protected] 10/24/19 SC Ridgeland CI 18 Mike Harris 10/24/19 TX Bridgeport 2 Steve Whatley 10/24/19 TX Darrington 64 Andrew Miller 10/24/19 TX Eastham 38 Jim Jones [email protected] 10/24/19 TX Estelle 8 Dwight Miller 10/24/19 TX Lynaugh 42 Jeff Allbright 10/24/19 TX McConnell 48 Travis Nunez 10/24/19 TX Michael Prison 55 Tim Bubel 10/24/19 TX Robertson 49 Chris Cummings 10/24/19 VA Sussex II SP 17 Walt Burns [email protected] 10/24/19 WA Washington State 64 Jeff Ouimet [email protected] Reformatory Monroe 10/24/19 LA Louisiana CI for Woman 51 Marianne Bruening [email protected] 10/24/19 OH Ohio Reformatory for Women 33 Dianne Snarski [email protected] 10/24/19 SC Leath CF 31 Denise Walker [email protected] 10/25/19 AUS KO New England 8 Lone Petrov [email protected] 10/25/19 CA KO Victor Valley 15 Pam Kane [email protected] 10/25/19 TX KO Corpus Christi 18 Paula Bearden [email protected] 10/31/19 CA Centinela 22 Jim Shinn [email protected] 10/31/19 MD Maryland Cl - Hagerstown 29 Carlos Tejada [email protected] 10/31/19 OK Cimarron CF 30 Curt Andrews [email protected] 10/31/19 PA SCI-Albion 47 Robert Burnett 10/31/19 TX Telford 6 Les Breedlove 10/31/19 IN Rockville [email protected] 11/01/19 PA Muncy 9 Margette Bianco [email protected] 11/01/19 MS KO South Mississippi 18 Vermantha Lizana [email protected] 11/01/19 TX KO Ft. Worth 2 Chelsea Jaubert 11/01/19 TX KO Wichita Falls 23 Jeanna Berry [email protected] 11/03/19 PA Muncy 9 Margette Bianco 11/04/19 IL Pontiac CC 7 Joel Schiltz [email protected] 11/07/19 CO Bent County Correctional 8 Michael Reading Facility 11/07/19 NC Craggy CC 5 Jim Boettcher [email protected] 11/07/19 NC Foothills CI 19 Steve Potter [email protected] 11/07/19 OH London Ohio CI 17 Terry Johnson [email protected] 11/07/19 OH Warren CI 22 Philip A. Brown 11/07/19 PA SCI-Greene 25 Daniel Albert Anderson [email protected] 11/07/19 TX Beto 61 Paul Lasiter

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KAIROS KALENDAR Kairos Weekends through December 2019 Weekend Key:

M = Men Inside W = Women Inside T = Torch (Youth) O = Kairos Outside Date State Institution W/E # Leader EMAIL - Agape 11/07/19 TX Beto 61 Paul Lasiter 11/07/19 TX Dalhart 40 Louis Griego 11/07/19 TX Montford 42 Louis Alvear 11/08/19 CA CA Medical Vacaville 53 John Gishe [email protected] 11/08/19 MD KO Maryland 27 Shelbi Nelson 11/13/19 TX Connally 33 Dan Tappmeyer 11/14/19 CA California City 9 Gary Gordon [email protected] 11/14/19 FL Sumter CI 29 Michasel Cupp [email protected] 11/14/19 OK Joseph Harp CC 3 Doug Eckert 11/14/19 TX Clemens 25 Everett Lewis 11/14/19 WA McNeil Island SCC 4 Tom Carleson [email protected] 11/14/19 AR McPherson Unit/AR 79 Carolyn McLean [email protected] 11/15/19 TX KO San Antonio 37 Nora Gonzales 11/22/19 AL Holman 16 Benjamin Hubert [email protected] 12/05/19 TX Ferguson 68 John Schureman [email protected]

Online Donation Portals are Now Available for all State Committee Websites

To ensure all donors are able to make a donation, every Kairos State Committee website must have an online donation page. If your state does not have an online donation page, please contact [email protected]. Kairos marketing department can quickly get any state setup with an online donation page that can be easily linked to your state’s website. Don’t delay, start receiving online donations ASAP!

Favorite Kairos on eBay for Charity

Did you know that if you use eBay for online buying or selling, you can select Kairos Prison Ministry as your favorite charity? In doing so you can choose to do- nate a portion of your sales to Kairos! Choose Kairos as your favorite eBay charity today by visiting the Kairos eBay page.

Are You Using the Correct Kairos Logo?

Please ensure you are using the most up to date Kairos logos in all aspects of your ministry. Please visit the Kairos Website Administrator page to find the current logos in multiple file formats.

Page 19 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019 KAIROS ONLINE

Have You ‘Liked’ and “Followed” us on Social Media & Blog?

Our Facebook page has OVER 6,000 fans — are you one of them? If not, you’re missing out on Kairos news, blogs, and inspirational messages! “Like” our page at kairosprisonministry. SHARE our posts with your friends! The Mission of the Kairos This is a great way to spread the Kairos message. Prison Ministry is to share

the transforming love and

forgiveness of Jesus Christ Our Facebook “Group” page for volunteers has been to impact the hearts and transformed into a NEW page with 4,000+ members, are you lives of incarcerated men, one of them? This is where we share Kairos topics of prayer, women and youth, as well encouragement, stories, etc.! Come “Join” our group at as their families, to become Let loving and productive your voice be heard! citizens of their


Follow us on Twitter at @kairosprisonmin — Send us a tweet

and let us know what you or your ministry is doing, or what Vision: prayers are needed. We “RE-TWEET” other @Mentions of A community spiritually Kairos Prison Ministry and its a great way to find out more freed from the effects of about Kairos around the world! imprisonment reaching all

impacted by incarceration,

through the love, hope, and Have you seen some of the powerful testimony videos and faith found in Jesus Christ. transformational change that happens when God uses our

Kairos team? Subscribe and watch us on YouTube

@KairosPrisonMinistryOrgIntl. Core Values:

 Lay led Christ Centered

Ministry Are you a member of Kairos E-News? We send out a quick update for  Empowerment While our volunteers on the first of every month. To sign up, visit Building Accountability and fill out the Kairos E-News Form at the bottom of the  Continuing Ministry home page. Model to Build

Community Sharing and re-posting about Kairos Prison Ministry  Trustworthy makes a greater impact on our ministry.  Respect and Love

 Stewardship

Page 20 God’s Special Time, Summer 2019