Nationally Competitive Scholarships and Fellowships For Graduating Seniors and Graduate Students

If interested in learning more or in applying, contact:

Trisha Folds-Bennett, PhD Coordinator, Nationally Competitive Awards 953-6592 [email protected]

Intent to Apply Deadline: At least three months before application deadline

Last Updated: October 23, 2012

1 Opportunities Outside the U.S.

Alexia Foundation for World Peace Student Competition Candidates must be interested in photojournalism and increasing their own knowledge and understanding of other cultures by studying photojournalism at Syracuse University in London, England. • Deadline: February 1 • Eligibility: Must be enrolled full-time students in an accredited college of university in the U.S. or abroad. No student who completed more than three internships or a year of full-time professional experience is eligible. • Application Procedure: Proposal (up to 750 words), Project summary (25 words), Portfolio, Resumé, Three references • Amount of Award: graduating seniors/graduate students - $8,000 scholarship to study photojournalism in London; undergraduate students – full-tuition scholarship (15,300) • Length of Award: One academic semester • Website:

The American Scandinavian Foundation Candidates must be interested in pursuing research or study in one or more Scandinavian countries. • Deadline: November 1 • Eligibility: US Citizenship or Permanent Residents of the US, Must have completed undergraduate education by start of project, Must have well defined research or study project that makes staying in Scandinavia essential • Application Process: Application, Three Letters of Recommendation, Transcript, Project/Study Summary (no more than 200 words), Project/Study Statement (no more than 1200 words), Bibliography, Proposed budget, Curriculum Vitae (not to exceed ten pages including publications listing), Invitation and other relevant correspondence confirming the availability of overseas resources • Length of Award: up to one year • Amount of Award: up to $23,000 but otherwise support various project-related costs • Website:

Boren Fellowship Supports graduate study in specific world region, its language and culture (particularly non-Western) at any US university. Can study overseas, domestically, or both. • Deadline: January 31 (campus deadline: TBA) • Eligibility: US citizen • Application/Nomination Procedures: Develop a strong and unique project with serious language study and a compelling case for national security, online application, three essays, one optional essay, letter of overseas affiliation, language self-assessment form, language proficiency form, two letters of reference, third optional letter, budget form, transcript, preference is given to students who will make a commitment to work in the federal government. • Length of Award: Maximum of two years • Amount of Award: Up to $30,000 • Website:

Carter Center – Graduate Assistantship Program: Summer Session Only Offers a limited number of opportunities to students currently enrolled in a master's level program. • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: applicants must have completed at least two semesters of their academic coursework in a master's level program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, 100-word autobiography, 200-250 word essay, resume, writing sample, two letters of reference,official transcripts • Amount of Award: Stipend of $3,500 • Length of Award: 10-week, 40-hour-per week commitment • Website:

2 Crane-Rogers Foundation by the Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowships Nurtures deep expertise in foreign countries and cultures by supporting a Fellow who carries out a program of self-designed, independent study aboard for a minimum of two years. • Deadline: August 1 • Eligibility: At least strong/credible ties to U.S. society (e.g. US citizenship), under 36 years old, necessary language skills, have completed the current phase of formal education • Application/Nomination Procedures: Letter of interest, Résumé/CV • Amount of Award: Full financial support • Length of Award: minimum of 2 years • Website:

East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for US Graduate Students Introduces students to East Asia and Pacific science and engineering in the context of a research setting, and to help students initiate scientific relationships that will better enable future collaboration with foreign counterparts. • Deadline: November 9 • Eligibility: Enrolled in a research-oriented master’s degree program in the U.S., U.S. citizen/permanent resident, pursuing studies in fields of science and engineering research and education supported by the NSF • Application/Nomination Procedure: Cover sheet, application form, project summary, project description, biographical, sketch, two letters of recommendation, supplementary documents • Amount of Award: $5,000 stipend, international round-trip airfare to host location • Length of Award: 8 weeks (10 weeks in Japan) • Website:

Fulbright Full Study Supports study abroad for up to one year in any field. In some cases, supports language training. • Deadline: October 17 (campus deadline: September) • Eligibility: Requires campus nomination, US citizen, good health, at time of application, possession of BS/BA or enrollment as graduating college senior or graduate student, sufficient proficiency in the written and spoken language of host country • Application and Nomination Procedures: Completed application form, three letters of reference, personal statement, project proposal, letter of affiliation from an institution or individual who will supervise project, transcripts, language background report (depending on country), foreign language evaluation (depending on country) • Length of Award: One academic year • Amount of Award: Covers travel, living costs, small book and research allowance, supplemental health and accident insurance, tuition (in some cases), language courses (in some cases) • Website:

Fulbright mtvU Award Supports pursuit of projects around an aspect of international contemporary or popular music as a cultural force for expression. • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: US citizen, good health, at time of application, possession of BS/BA or enrollment as graduating college senior/graduate student, sufficient proficiency in the written and spoken language of host country • Nomination Procedures: Complete application form, documentation and outreach plan, three letters of reference, statement of grant purpose, personal statement, language background report, foreign language evaluation, transcripts, letter of affiliation from an institution or individual who will supervise project • Length of Award: One academic year • Amount of Award: Covers travel, living costs, small book and research allowance, supplemental health and accident insurance, tuition (in some cases), language courses (in some cases) • Website:

3 Gates-Cambridge Supports graduate study at Cambridge University, UK in any field • Deadline: October for US citizens, December for Non-citizens • Eligibility: Any nationality, except UK, must apply to one of following: degree program leading to PhD, one-year post-graduate course, second Bachelor’s degree, MBBChir Clinical Studies, MSc or MLitt (two year research-only degree), must be admitted to Cambridge under normal procedures, English proficiency • Application and Nomination Procedures: Submit graduate and scholarship form to Board of Graduate Studies, two letters of reference from faculty, transcript, certification of graduation, research proposal (only applies to some courses of study), written work (only applies to some courses of study), curriculum vitae • Length of Award: Until completion of graduate study • Amount of Award: Tuition and other fees, maintenance allowance, discretionary allowance, travel • Website:

German Chancellor Scholarships Enables individuals to complete projects in academic, political, and economic fields in Germany • Deadline: October 15 • Eligibility: US citizens, must have completed Bachelor’s degree by start of award, German language proficiency not required, but does help • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, project description, three letters of recommendation, transcript, statement from proposed mentor in Germany, evidence of German speaking skills • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: EUR 2,150 to EUR 2.750 per month • Website:

Golden Key Scholarship for Study Abroad Assists members of Golden Key who participate in a study abroad program. • Deadline: October 1 • Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate, graduate, or a post graduate member, must be enrolled in a study abroad program or will be enrolled the academic year immediately following the granting of the award • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, description of the planned academic program at the host university, statement of program’s relevancy to applicant’s degree, enrollment confirmation, official transcript • Amount of Award: $1000 • Website: g/StudyAbroadScholarship.htm

Inter-University Board for Chinese Language Studies Provides support to those who aspire to truly advance competence in the Chinese language • Deadline: January 11 • Eligibility: Must speak and read English fluently, equivalent of two years at the college level of Mandarin Chinese • Application/Nomination Procedures: Pre-admissions language qualification form, application, statement of purpose, transcripts, language teacher letter of recommendation, two non-language references, application fee of $50.00, Chinese name should be typed or neatly handwritten on the first page of the application form • Length of Award: Varies • Amount of Award: Varies on length of program • Website:

Lionel Pearson Fellowship Supports study at an English or Scottish University to outstanding students majoring in Greek, Latin, Classics, or closely related fields at any American, Canadian college or university • Deadline: Sept. 30 • Eligibility: Outstanding students in final year of undergraduate study, strong background in classical languages • Application/Nomination Procedures: Requires nomination by faculty member familiar with work, application form, letters of recommendation

4 • Length of Award: One year – nonrenewable • Amount of Award: $25,000 • Website:

London School of Economics Alumni and Friends Award Funds one year of graduate study at the London School of Economics • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: US citizen or permanent resident, high academic achievement, first time attendee at LSE (or enrolled in summer programs only) • Application/Nomination procedures: Apply for program and graduate merit award at LSE, candidates are selected from those who receive graduate merit awards • Length of Award: one year • Amount of Award: full tuition • Website:

Marshall Supports study at any university in UK in any field • Deadline: October 3 (Campus Deadline: September) • Eligibility: US citizen, by start of scholarship, a bachelor’s degree from accredited 4-year college or university in US, GPA of at least 3.7, no previous study or degrees from UK university • Application/Nomination Procedures: Requires campus nomination, endorsement of President, Provost, or Academic Dean, online registration form, proposal of program of study, personal statement, four letters of recommendation, transcript • Length of Award: 2 academic years (some extensions are possible) • Amount of Award: University fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the United States and, where applicable, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse. • Website:

Newberry Library - Ecole Nationale des Chartes Exchange Fellowship Support for graduate students to spend a period of three months in residence at the Ecole Nationale des Chartes in , an institution specializing in the archival sciences. • Deadline: January 10 • Eligibility: American or Canadian graduate students. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Cover sheet, project abstract, project description, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference • Amount of Award: A monthly stipend and free tuition • Length of Award: Three months • Website:

PADI Foundation Funds and assists worthwhile projects that will enrich mankind’s understanding of the aquatic environment and encourage sensitivity to and protection of the delicate ecological balance of underwater life. Will also fund projects to increase understanding of sport diving physics and physiology. • Deadline: January 31 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Three page application • Length of Award: Determined by project • Amount of Award: Will consider budgets up to $20,000, normally range between $5,000 and $10,000 • Website:

5 Peace Corps Promotes world peace and friendship by providing opportunities for volunteers to travel abroad and provide practical assistance (in education and youth development, health and HIV/AIDS, Agriculture, Environment, Business Development, or Information Technology) to countries that request it; Also provides opportunities for graduate school education and job placement. • Deadline: rolling • Eligibility: Must be at least 18 years old, willing to commit for 27 months • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, letter of reference • Length of Award: 27 months • Amount of Award: Living allowance that enables them to live in a manner similar to the local people in their community, complete medical and dental care, covers the cost of transportation to and from your country of service. When you return from your 27 months of service, you will receive $7425 toward your transition to life back home. • Website:

Princeton in Latin America Fellowship Connects graduating seniors and graduates with fellowship opportunities in Latin America, specifically to one-year, service- oriented positions at NGOs and community based service organizations. • Deadline: November 20 • Eligibility: Graduating seniors and young alumni of Princeton and other universities, some knowledge of the local language (Spanish, Portuguese, or French) is necessary • Application/Nomination Procedures: Completed application, essay, resumé, letter of reference, official transcripts, application fee, supplemental language and location preference form • Length of Award: 1 year • Amount of Award: A monthly stipend • Website:

Rhodes Supports graduate study at Oxford, UK in any field • Deadline: October 4 (Campus: September 4) • Eligibility: 18 and not yet 24 years of age by October 1 of year following applications, must complete Bachelors before entering Oxford, must apply as a college senior, high academic achievement and public service, challenging course load, evidence of leadership • Application/Nomination Procedures: Institutional endorsement, completed application, personal statement that includes description of area of proposed study, list of personal principal activities and honors, five to eight letters of recommendation (4 of which must be persons from whom applicants have received undergraduate or graduate instruction), transcript, photocopy of passport, birth certificate, or other material that proves citizenship and age, passport-sized personal photograph • Length of Award: 2 years (may receive 1 year extension) • Amount of Award: Full tuition, travel expenses, living expense stipend • Website:

Rotary Global Schloars Grant Supports study abroad in any country where there is a Rotary Club • Deadline: Set up by each Rotary Club in spring of each year • Eligibility: Citizen of country where there are Rotary Clubs, completion of at least 2 years of college-level coursework or equivalent professional experience, may not be Rotarian or lineal descendent of Rotarian, proficient in language of host country (some exceptions), maturity and demonstrated commitment to organizational participation and leadership • Application/Nomination Procedures: Must apply through Rotary Club in legal or permanent residence or place of full-time study or employment (limit of two nominees per club), brief autobiography (no longer than two pages) detailing academic strengths and challenges, work experience, and volunteer activities, statement of intent, list

6 summarizing principal interests and activities, language ability form, two recommendation forms, original transcripts, application or acceptance to institution where course work will occur • Length of Award: Academic year (multi-year and shorter term also available) • Amount of Award: Travel funds, tuition, room and board, and some educational supplies (Maximum amount is $26,000) • Website:

Saltire Scholarship Provides support for the brightest and the best students to come and study in Scotland. • Deadline: June 17 • Eligibility: TBA • Length of Award: One year of graduate study • Amount of Award: 2000 Pounds • Website:

Samuel Huntington Public Service Award Support for graduating college senior to pursue public service elsewhere in the world. • Deadline: January 18 (post-marked deadline) • Eligibility: Graduating senior from accredited US colleges • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, brief abstract of proposal, proposal, statement of need for project, project description, measurable target objectives, schedule for project tasks, sustainability of the project, budget, three letters of recommendation, transcript, resume • Length of Award: 1 year • Amount of Award: $10,000 • Website:

Summer Research Grants for Graduate Students by Institute of Turkish Studies Provides funding for graduate students to embark on summer travel to Turkey to carry out research projects. • Deadline: March • Eligibility: Graduate students in any field of the social sciences and/or humanities in the US, US citizens or permanent residents, currently not engaged in dissertation writing. • Application/Nomination Procedure: TBA • Amount of Award: $1000-$3000 • Length of Award: a minimum of two months • Website: • UNESCO Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship Provides American college students who express an interest in international collaboration but as of yet had not been afforded many opportunities to travel abroad the opportunity to do so. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: US citizen eligible for foreign travel, between 18 and 25 years old, currently enrolled in an accredited U.S. college or university • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application coversheet, summary of project, essay, resumé, two letters of recommendation • Length of Award: 4 to 6 weeks • Amount of Award: Between $1000 and $4000 • Website:

Whitaker International Fellowship Sends emerging leaders in U.S. biomedical engineering (or bioengineering) to undertake a self-designed project overseas that will enhance their own careers within the field. • Deadline: January 21 7 • Eligibility: US citizen or permanent resident, have language ability to carry out proposed project in host country, should have a BS or MS degree in biomedical engineering. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, dean of a school or chair of biomedical engineering department’s nomination, three letters of references, foreign language report (if applicable), host institution letter of support • Amount of Award: Round trip international airfare, a monthly living stipend, health and accident insurance, tuition reimbursement (capped at $35,000), Individual reimbursement amounts determined by Whitaker Program, typically no greater than $25,000. • Length of Award: One academic year • Website:

Graduate Awards for Minority Students

American Geological Institute Minority Participation Program Supports minority students in graduate study in the geosciences, including related disciplines • Deadline: March • Eligibility: US citizen, ethnic minority status: Black, Hispanic, or Native American (American Indian, Eskimo, Hawaiian, or Samoan), demonstrated financial need, full-time student, major declared in geosciences, including geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrology, meteorology, physical oceanography, planetary geology, earth science education • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form, transcript, including standardized test scores, personal statement of purpose, two letters of recommendation • Length of Award: one time cash award • Amount of Award: $500-3000 • Website:

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Supports minority students interested in a career in accounting • Deadline: March • Eligibility: Must be AICPA student affiliate, accepted to a masters-level accounting, finance, taxation or other related master-level program, enrolled as a full-time graduate student (9 semester hours or equivalent) at a 4 year or upper division institution, unless completing his/her final semester of study, GPA of at least 3.3 (major and cumulative), minority student (Black/ African American; Hispanic or Latino; Asian; American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; or of two or more races), US citizen or permanent resident (green card holder), plan on pursuing the CPA credential • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, transcript, letter of acceptance if you will be transferring/enrolling in a new school in fall (copy is acceptable), financial aid worksheet, essay, letter of recommendation from a faculty member or CPA • Length of Award: One Year, may be renewed • Amount of Award: $1500 up to $3000 to be used only for expenses that directly relate to school expenditures: tuition and fees, housing, meal plan, books, and required classroom materials. • Website:

American Library Association Spectrum Initiative Scholarships Supports minority students who attend an ALA-accredited graduate program in library and information studies • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: US or Canadian citizen or permanent resident, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, ALA-accredited graduate program in library and information studies or an ALA-recognized NCATE School Library Media program

8 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, personal statement, transcript, three letters of reference • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: $5000 paid in two installments and other benefits. • Website:

American Society of Criminology Fellowships for Ethnic Minorities Encourages minority students to enter fields of criminology and criminal justice • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: African American, Asian American, Latino, Native American, acceptance into doctoral program in criminology or criminal justice • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, curriculum vitae, transcript, statement of need and prospectus for financial assistance, letter describing career interest, three letters of reference, indication of race or ethnicity • Length of Award: academic year • Amount of Award: $6000 • Website:

The Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Provides support, particularly to women and minority groups, for outstanding scholarship and encouraging graduate-level research in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archeology • Deadline: February 22 • Eligibility: US citizenship, currently pursuing or intending to pursue a masters or doctoral level degree in oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archeology • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, letters of recommendation, SF-424 form, general information sheet, research proposal, statement of intent, statement of financial need, institute certification letter, transcript, declaration • Length of Award: 2 or 4 years • Amount of Award: varies, but ranges from $32,000-$168,000 • Website:

Frances C. Allen Fellowships – Newberry Library Supports in-residence research and writing at the D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History. The particular goal of the Fellowship is to encourage Native American women in their studies of the humanities and social sciences. • Deadline: February 10 • Eligibility: Women of Native American heritage working a graduate or pre-professional field • Application/Nomination Procedure: Cover sheet, project abstract, project description, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, Frances C. Allen Fellowship Form • Amount of Award: up to $8000 stipend • Length of Award: One month to one year • Website:

GEM Engineering Fellowship Supports underrepresented students interested in graduate study in engineering or science • Deadline: November 15; for early consideration, October 1 • Eligibility: US Citizenship or US Permanent Resident, minority groups: American Indian, African American, and Hispanic American/Latino, an engineering or computer science, mathematics or applied science (i.e., chemistry, physics, geoscience) major/baccalaureate degree holder, must apply to at least three (3) GEM member graduate institutions in addition to completing this application, must be a junior, senior, or graduate of an engineering or computer science program accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) at the time of application, minimum GPA of 2.8/4.0, committal to internships • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, resume, statement of purpose, GRE Scores, three letters of recommendation, transcript • Length of Award: one year

9 • Amount of Award: $10,000 over 3 semesters/4 quarters; minimum of 2 paid summer internships with a GEM Employer member; full tuition and fees at a GEM Member University • Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Foundation – General College Scholarship Awards scholarships to community college, four-year college, and graduate students of Hispanic heritage. • Deadline: December 15 • Eligibility: Hispanic heritage, U.S. Citizen or a legal permanent resident with permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (not expired), have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or 4.0 on a 5.0 scale), have applied for Federal Financial Aid • Application/Nomination Procedure: Fill out academic profile, application, transcripts, recommendation form, student aid report, enrollment verification form • Amount of Award: $1000-$5000 • Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund/ALPFA Scholarship Program Supports degree work in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Hospitality Management, Human Resources Management, International Relations, Information Technology (IT/MIS), Management or Marketing • Deadline: January 31 • Eligibility: Hispanic, U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident, minimum GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale, entering their Sophomore, Junior or Senior year, completed the FASFA application • Application Procedures: Application form and resume • Amount of Award: $1500 - $10,000 Website:

Hispanic Scholarship Fund/McNamara Family Creative Arts Project Supports work in a creative arts related field: media, film, performing arts, communications, writing • Deadline: March 31 • Eligibility: Hispanic, U.S. Citizen or legal permanent resident, minimum GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale, completed the FASFA application • Application Procedures: Application form. • Amount of Award: up to $15,000 • Website:

Microsoft Research - Graduate Women's Scholarship Program Supports women pursuing a Ph.D. in the computer sciences, electrical engineering, and mathematics. • Deadline: October 16 • Eligibility: Women in their second year of graduate school (apply in the first year), enrolled as a full time student in an U.S. or Canadian university in computer science, electrical engineering or mathematics • Application/Nomination Procedure: Three letters of references, application, curriculum vitae, undergraduate transcript • Amount of Award: $15,000 plus $2000 for travel allowance • Length of Award: One academic year • Website:

Sigma Delta Epsilon Fellowships Awards for research in all the natural sciences, including: physical, environmental, mathematical, computer, life sciences, anthropology, psychology and statistics. • Deadline: January 15

10 • Eligibility: Women scientists who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are conducting research in the natural sciences • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, abstract of proposed project, project proposal description, proposed budget and budget justification, two letters of recommendation, copies of Animal/Human subjects approval OR collecting permits, $25 Application fee • Amount of Award: $1000-$10,000 • Website:

Smithsonian Minority Awards Program Provides graduate students the opportunity to learn more about the Smithsonian and their academic fields • Deadline: February 1 (for Summer and Fall), October 1 (for Spring) • Eligibility: Currently engaged in undergraduate or graduate study, GPA of 3.0 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form, essay for internships or research proposal for visiting students, CV or resume, transcripts, two letters of recommendation from professors • Length of Award: 10 weeks • Amount of Award: Stipends are $500 per week, with additional travel allowances offered in some cases • Website:

Soros “New” American Fellowship Supports graduate study at any accredited US university for recent immigrants to US • Deadline: November 9 • Eligibility: “New American” – an individual who 1) is a resident alien, 2) has been naturalized as US citizen, 3) is the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens, possess bachelor’s degree or in last year of undergraduate study, younger than 30 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, two essays, resume, exhibits, three letters of recommendation, institutional status form, transcript, documentation of evidence of “New American,” aptitude test scores – GRE, GMAT, MCAT, or LSAT • Length of Award: All years of graduate school • Amount of Award: up to $25,000 in maintenance grants and up to $20,000 per years in tuition support • Website:

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students – Aspen Institute Introduces and supports a diverse group of students to issues and challenges affecting philanthropy, social enterprise, nonprofit organizations, and other actors in the social sector. • Deadline: MUST BE RECEIVED BY DEADLINES: December 15–Spring, March 15–Summer, July 15–Fall • Eligibility: Demonstrated interest or experience in nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, and the social sector, excellent research and writing skills, demonstrated financial need, U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent residency • Application/Nomination Procedures: Letter of interest (include information about dates of availability for the fellowship), resume, official transcript, documentation from university financial aid office demonstrating financial need, two letters of recommendation • Length of Award: Twelve-fifteen weeks in Washington DC • Amount of Award: Approximately $2,000 will be awarded to the Fall and Spring fellows and approximately $4,000 will be awarded to the Summer fellow. All travel and housing costs must be covered by the student. • Website:

11 Awards for Graduate Study

AMBUCS Scholarship Provides financial assistance to those studying physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, and hearing audiology. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: U.S. citizen, be accepted at the junior or senior undergraduate or graduate level in an accredited program by the appropriate health therapy profession authority in studying physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, and hearing audiology, demonstrate financial need, good scholastic standing, intent to enter clinical practice in chosen field of therapy in the US • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, most current IRS form 1040, personal statement, enrollment verification • Amount of Award: $500 to $1,500, one two year award of $6,000 • Website:

American College of Medical Practice Executives Scholarship Supports and promotes healthcare leaders’ personal and professional growth toward the advancement of the profession. • Deadline: May 1 • Eligibility: Enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program relevant to medical practice management including public health, business administration, healthcare administration and other related areas. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application • Amount of Award: $1,000 to $5,000 • Website:

American Foundation for Aging Research Scholarships Supports students enrolled at US institutions for involvement in aging research projects • Deadline: December 17 • Eligibility: Must be enrolled in degree program at US college or university, utilize modern and innovative approaches and technologies • Application/Nomination Procedures: Pre-application form, application form, two letters of reference, one must be from academic advisor, one from faculty, transcripts • Length of Award: Yearly • Amount of Award: $1000.00 renewable • Website:

American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation Graduate Scholarships Supports graduate-level training in hospitality management • Deadline: December 31 • Eligibility: Undergraduate hospitality degree, minimum GPA 3.0, US citizen or permanent resident • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form • Amount of Award: $5000 • Website:

American Meteorological Society Fellowship/Scholarship Program Supports graduate study in atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic science • Deadline: February 8 • Eligibility: Provide evidence of acceptance as a full-time students entering first year of graduate study in accredited university, majors in atmospheric physics, oceanic/hydrologic science, minimum 3.25 GPA, US citizen • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, three letters of reference, two essays, transcript, GRE scores, description of proposed course of study • Length of Award: Nine months • Amount of Award: $23,000 • Website: 12 Archaeological Institute of America Offers a stipend to assist scholars in preparing, completing, and publishing results of their field research • Deadline: November 1 • Eligibility: Must be a graduate student or post-doctoral professional, member of Archaeological Institute of America at the time of application, maintain membership in Archaeological Institute of America till end of the grant term • Application/Nomination Procedures: Transcript or dissertation title, three letters of reference, written proposal must include a time-table for completion of the manuscript and specific plans for publication (including intended publisher), curriculum vitae • Length of Award: two years • Amount of Award: $ 5,000 (paid in two yearly installments) • Website:

Carnegie Junior Fellows Program Opportunity for graduated seniors to work at Carnegie Foundation for International Peace • Deadline: January 15 (Campus Deadline: November 23) • Eligibility: Campus nomination is required, graduating seniors from US university who have not begun graduate studies; do not have to be US citizen, must attend participating university (CofC is on the list) • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, transcript, essay, letters of recommendation • Length of Award: 1 year • Amount of Award: $33,000 per year (approximately); plus benefits • Website:

John L. Carey Scholarships Provides financial assistance to liberal arts degree students pursuing graduate study in accounting • Deadline: April 1(postmarked) • Eligibility: US citizen or permanent resident, must have liberal arts degree from accredited university, must be applying/accepted to accounting graduate program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form, essay, transcript, GRE scores, two letters of recommendation, resume • Length of Award: One year, renewable for additional year • Amount of Award: $5000 • Website:

Dennis R. Washington Achievement Scholarship Provides financial assistance to State and National Horatio Alger Scholar Alumni who have exhibited integrity and perseverance in overcoming personal adversity, and who aspire to pursue a graduate level education. • Deadline: April 1 • Eligibility: In good standing as a State or National Horatio Alger Scholar, have completed an undergraduate degree program, 3.5 GPA, accepted into a Master’s or Doctoral program in the U.S., U.S. citizen • Application/Nomination Procedures: Essay, two professional references, one personal reference, résumé, academic record, test scores, and academic references • Length of Award: renewable annually • Amount of Award: up to $60,000 annually • Website:

Department of Energy Provides support for outstanding students to pursue graduate degrees and research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computational sciences and environmental sciences relevant to the Office of Science, and to encourage the development of the next generation scientific and technical talent in the U.S. • Deadline: November • Eligibility: Senior majoring in physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, engineering, environmental sciences, or computers sciences; or a first-year or second-year graduate student in a qualified research-focused Master’s or Ph.D.

13 program at an accredited U.S. college or university at the time of applying, cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.3 or higher at the time of application • Application/Nomination Procedures: Complete online application, personal statement, purposed plan of research, scanned copy (.pdf form) of your academic transcripts, three letters of reference • Length of Award: 1 year – renewable • Amount of Award: $35,000 per year stipend for living expenses, $10,500 per year for tuition and fees and a $5,000 research stipend supplement for research materials and travel expenses. • Website:

Phillip M. Fields Scholarship – SC Aquatic Plant Management Society Promotes environmental stewardship through operations, research, education and outreach related to integrated management of vegetation in aquatic systems. • Deadline: October 11 • Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate or graduate students in an accredited college in the US, course work or research must be in an area related to the biology, ecology, or management of aquatic plans in the Southeast • Application/Nomination Procedure: Online application, three references • Amount of Award: $3,000 • Website:

Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship Supports study in doctoral program in specified fields in science and the humanities (e.g., chemistry, math, philosophy, politics, women’s studies, geography, history) • Deadline: November 14 • Eligibility: US citizen or foreign national, evidence of superior academic achievement, committed to a career in teaching and research at the college or university level, enrolled in or planning to enroll in an eligible research-based program leading to a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree at an US educational institution • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, essay, statement of previous research, personal statement, four letters of recommendation, transcript, GRE scores, verification of predoctoral status • Length of Award: Up to 3 years • Amount of Award: $20,000 stipend, $2000 toward tuition and fees, expenses to one conference • Website:

GCA Award in Coastal Wetlands Studies Promotes wetland conservation through the support of young scientists in their field work and research. • Deadline: January 15 preceding the year of study • Eligibility: Open to graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in coastal wetlands science • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, resume/C.V., letter of endorsement from the applicant’s graduate faculty advisor • Length of Award: 1 Year • Amount of Award:Scholarship for graduate studies in coastal wetlands and carries a stipend of $5,000 to support field-based research • Website:

Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Provides funds for women to pursue careers in computing and technology • Deadline: February 1 • Eligibility: Female, entering senior year of undergraduate study or be enrolled in a graduate program in the next academic year at a university in the U.S., enrolled full-time in computer science or computer engineering program or a closely related technical field, cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or 4.5 on a 5.0 scale, U.S. Citizens, permanent residents, and international students are eligible • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online applications, resume, essays, transcripts must be uploaded into online application, enrollment confirmation must be scanned and uploaded into the application, references • Length of Award: Academic year (may re-apply)

14 • Amount of Award: $10,000 - Google will distribute the scholarship funds to you through the Financial Aid Office of your university, for you to use for tuition, fees, books, and supplies. • Website:

Richard C. Hasson Memorial Grant sponsored by the American Association of Petroleum Geologist Foundation Fosters research in the geosciences by providing support to graduate students in the earth sciences whose thesis research has application to the search for and development of petroleum and energy-mineral resources, and to related environmental geology issues. • Deadline: January 31 • Eligibility: Must be enrolled in a Master’s or Ph.D. program or their equivalent in the US • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, resume, project summary, description of research, project budget and funding, two letters of recommendation, preferably your thesis/project supervisor and the department chair or director, transcripts • Length of Award: Varies • Amount of Award: $500 - $3,000. Funds are not to be used to purchase capital equipment, attend conferences, or to pay salaries, tuition, or room and board during the school year. • Website:

Health Professions Scholarship Program – U.S. Air Force Provides scholarships to healthcare students. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: TBA • Application/Nomination Procedure: TBA • Amount of Award: All tuition and fees required for study, $2,060 stipend • Length of Award: Upon graduation, you will be required to serve active duty, one year for each year of scholarship, with a minimum of three years. • Website:

Health Professions Scholarship Program - Navy Medicine Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education Command Provides full financial support for student seeking a health profession degree in exchange for military service • Deadline: Rolling • Eligibility: Be accepted to or enrolled in a school of medicine, dentistry or optometry, U.S. citizen, physically qualified for commission as a Navy officer • Application/Nomination Procedures: TBA • Length of Award: up to four years • Amount of Award: Tuition, monthly stipend of $2,060, school fees, books, etc., Active duty pay for 45 days a year • Website: spective.aspx

The Fannie and John Hertz Foundation’s Graduate Fellowship Supports students pursuing a PhD degree in the applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences with the freedom to innovate and explore their genius in collaboration with leading professors in the field. • Deadline: November 2 (Reference Reports November 5) • Eligibility: US citizens or permanent resident of the US, students of the applied physical, biological and engineering sciences, morally commit to make their skills available to the United States in time of national emergency • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application that includes 4 essays, transcript, four letters of reference, GRE scores • Length of Award: up to 5 years (or length of graduate study if less than 5 years) • Amount of Award: $36,000/ 9 month person stipend per year, plus tuition • Website:

15 Jim Hickey Memorial Scholarship Program – International Facility Management Association Provides scholarships to students that are enrolled in a facility management degree course or related field. • Deadline: May 31 • Eligibility: Full-time undergraduate or graduate students, must be enrolled in a facility management (or related field) degree course, undergraduate student must have completed two years of university, undergraduate minimum GPA – 3.2; Graduate minimum GPA – 3.5 • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, letter of recommendation, letter of intent, résumé • Amount of Award: minimum of $1,500 as well as travel expenses to IFMA’s World Workplace event • Website:

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program Supports study at US doctoral programs in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences • Deadline: September 30 • Eligibility: Entering a Master of Fine Arts program in academic year where the master’s is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected field of study or entering a doctoral program and have not yet completed the first full year of study in the program for which they are seeking support, U.S. citizens or nationals, permanent residents of the U.S., or citizens of any one of the Freely Associated States, must be eligible for acceptance or currently attending a graduate program leading to doctorate or terminal masters at accredited institution, FAFSA • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, statement of purpose, three letters of recommendation from faculty, transcript, GRE scores, listing of honors and awards, certificate of eligibility form • Length of Award: Annually for up to the lesser of 48 months or the completion of degree • Amount of Award: Tuition and fees, and a stipend (in the past, the maximum stipend was $43,755, and the institutional payment is estimated to be $13,755.) • Website:

Josephine de Kármán Fellowship Recognizes and assists non-US citizens who are pursuing a doctoral degree in the US • Deadline: January 31 • Eligibility: PhD candidates, postdoctoral and masters degree students are not eligible, special consideration is given to applicants in the humanities, open to foreign students already enrolled in a university located in the US • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form, official transcripts, two letters of recommendation • Length of Award: One academic year (May NOT be renewed) • Amount of Award: $22,000 • Website: • Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship Funds graduate study in any recognized field of study in the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences (including law, medicine, engineering, architecture or other formal professional training). • Deadline: January • Eligibility: Fellowships are restricted to graduate students who are United States citizens attending an accredited and designated institution of higher education within the United States, must have an outstanding undergraduate record, demonstrate financial need, US citizen • Application/Nomination Procedures: Completed application and signed statement of conditions, statement of purpose, letter of recommendation from chair of department, two faculty letters of recommendation, copy of personal vita, official transcripts, copies of federal income tax returns for prior two years of candidate and spouse (if applicable), financial aid information from university or other applicable source, GRE, LSAT, or GMAT test scores • Length of Award: renewable annually for up to three years • Amount of Award: Covers the cost of tuition and provides an annual $18,000 stipend for living expenses. • Website:

16 National Collegiate Athletic Association Postgraduate Scholarship Program Promotes and encourages postgraduate education by rewarding the Association’s most accomplished student-athletes through their participation in NCAA championship and/or emerging sports. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: In final season of NCAA athletic eligibility or will not using any remaining athletics eligibility, GPA of 3.2 or above, intend to continue academic work beyond the baccalaureate degree and enroll in a graduate degree program • Application/Nomination Procedures: FAR nomination, personal statement, three recommendations • Length of Award: 24 months, with 8 month rotations • Amount of Award: $7,500 • Website: AA/Diversity%20and%20Inclusion/Diversity%20Programs/postgrad_scholarships.html

National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program Supports doctoral level graduate study in science and engineering • Deadline: December 14 • Eligibility: US citizen or foreign national, minority applications encouraged, must receive Bachelor’s degree by start of award, must be in final year of undergraduate study or have completed no more than one year of full-time graduate study, must plan to attend an accredited US graduate institution in appropriate discipline • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, transcript, essays, GRE scores, three letters of reference • Length of Award: 3 years (including at least one summer of research at DoD lab) • Amount of Award: tuition and fees $30, 000 first year, $31,000 second year, $31,500 third year • Website:

National Radio Astronomy Observatory – Summer Research Assistantship Supports research under the supervision of an NRAO staff member at one of three NRAO sites.Students who are interested in Astronomy and have a background in Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science, and/or Math are preferred • Deadline: February 1 • Eligibility: Must be a graduate student in an accredited university or college, US Citizen or permanent residents of the United States, eligible to work in the United States • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, transcripts from all colleges or universities attended, three letters of reference • Length of Award: 10-12 weeks in the summer • Amount of Award: $634 per week; students based in Green Bank live in on-site Observatory housing. At the other sites, students are expected to arrange their own lodging. Travel expenses to and from the NRAO site will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $850. Up to seven days lodging will be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $275, while the student is looking for a place to live. • Website:

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Supports graduate study at any research-based master’s or doctoral program, US or abroad (does not include clinically- focused degrees) in the Natural, Physical, and Behavioral Sciences • Deadline: Nov. 15, (interdisciplinary); Nov. 16, (Engineering); Nov. 18, (Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Math); Nov. 18, (Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy); Nov. 19, (Geosciences, Psychology, Social Sciences); November 19 (STEM Education and Learning); Nov. 22, (Life Sciences) • Eligibility: US citizen, completion of bachelor’s and start of graduate degree by Fall, senior in college or prior/during first year of graduate school, must demonstrate pending affiliation with an accredited graduate program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, transcript, GRE, three letters of reference from faculty members, personal statement, previous research experience, proposed plan of research • Length of Award: 3 year maximum • Amount of Award: $30,000 stipend per year; $10,500 tuition per year; one time $1000 travel grant

17 • Website:

National Water Research Institute Supports outstanding research for a master’s or doctorate student related to water supply, resources, quality, and technologies • Deadline: April 25 • Eligibility: Must be currently enrolled full time in a graduate or doctoral program, performing research pertaining to water and its supply, resources, quality, and/or technology • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, transcripts, letter of endorsement from research advisor, research proposal, letter of inquiry describing your research goals, resume, official verification of enrollment • Length of Award: 2 years • Amount of Award: $10,000 per year • Website:

Nursing Scholarship Program Helps alleviate the critical shortage of registered nurses currently experienced by certain types of health care facilities by helping needy students complete their rn training. • Deadline: April or May • Eligibility: US Citizenship, nationals, or lawful permanent residents, enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a professional registered nurse program located in a U.S. state or territory, begin classes no later than September 30, free from existing service commitments, free from any federal judgment liens • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, all supplemental forms, supporting documentation, application checklist and self certification form • Length of Award: Depending on status of student • Amount of Award: payment of tuition, required fees, other reasonable costs; monthly stipend of $1,326 in exchange for at least two years of service commitment. • Website:

Organization of American States Scholarship Program Supports graduate studies or research in any field, with the exceptions of the medical sciences and related areas, and introductory language studies. • Deadline: Multiple/Open /Recurring • Eligibility: US Citizen or permanent resident of OAS member states, hold a university degree • Application/Nomination Procedures: Apply through the national liaison office, on-line application form, certificate of language proficiency form, three letters of recommendation: 2 from professors and 1 from employer, diploma of highest degree earned, transcripts, resume • Length of Award: Not more than two years • Amount of Award: May not exceed $30,000.00 per academic year which includes tuition, benefits, and administrative costs • Website:

Phi Eta Sigma Supports students in their first year of full-time graduate or professional study • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: Must be a member of Phi Eta Sigma, minimum 3.5 GPA • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, letters of recommendation • Amount of Award: $7,500 payable in two installments • Length of Award: 1 year • Website:

Phi Kappa Phi Study Graduate Fellowships Supports graduate or professional study for members of Phi Kappa Phi • Deadline: April 15

18 • Eligibility: Must be an active member of Phi Kappa Phi, applied to enroll as full-time student in post-baccalaureate program, graduating senior at accredited undergraduate institution • Application/Nomination Procedures: Campus nomination (CofC limit is 1), application, personal statement, acceptance at an approved graduate or professional program, transcript, letters of reference, standardized test scores • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: $15000 or $5000 • Website:

Pickering Fellowship Supports graduate work leading to career in US Foreign Service • Deadline: February • Eligibility: US citizen, minimum GPA of 3.2, at time of application, must be seeking admission to graduate school with intention to enroll in at least a one year masters program in either public policy, international affairs, or public administration, consideration will be given to qualified applicants who, in addition to outstanding leadership skills and academic achievement, demonstrate financial need, upon completion of award, must complete 3 years with Foreign Service • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, US citizen, GRE scores, two letters of recommendation, transcript, copy of financial aid letter for candidates who are receive aid, two page resume • Length of Award: 1st and 2nd year of graduate study • Amount of Award: Tuition, room, board, and mandatory fees during the first and second year of graduate school, also includes reimbursement for books and for travel (one round trip per academic year, up to a set maximum amount). • Website:

Presidential Management Fellows Supports students from a variety of academic disciplines and career paths who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, excellence in the leadership and management of public polices and programs. • Deadline: October 15; October 31for Nomination Officials to fax nominations • Eligibility: Will meet all graduate degree requirements, including the completion or successful defense of any required thesis or dissertation, between Sept. 1 and August 31. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Nomination form must be submitted, applications are submitted via a vacancy announcement on USAJOBS ( or via a likn on the “PMF Application” webpage once activated, required to link a resume, complete a qualifications questionnaire, veterans will need to provide supporting documentation to claim veterans’ preference • Length of Award: Two years • Amount of Award: Formal classroom training of 160 hours, Mandatory four to six month developmental assignment, Optional rotations of one to six months in duration, challenging work assignments, potential for accelerated promotions, and opportunities to network with other future leaders. • Website:

Princess Grace Award Identifies and assists emerging talent in theater, dance, and film. • Deadline: January 15 • Eligibility: All applicants (except playwrights) must be nominated by a school department chair/dean or company artistic director, U.S. citizen/permanent resident • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, résumé, photo, biography, DVD, compilation of solos • Amount of Award: $5,000 top $25,000 • Website:

Public Policy & International Affairs Fellowship Program Prepares students from diverse backgrounds for graduate studies in public and/or international affairs and groom them for professional roles in public service. • Deadline: November 1

19 • Eligibility: College junior or rising seniors, committed to completing a Master’s Degree in public and/or international affairs at one of the PPIA Consortium graduate schools, demonstrates financial need, U.S. citizen/permanent resident • Application/Nomination Procedure: Online application, transcripts • Amount of Award: Full tuition to attend PPIA Junior Summer Institute, a minimum $1,000 stipend; minimum of $5,000 toward graduate school tuition • Website:

Roothbert Fund Scholarships Helps men and women was are motivated by spiritual values and are in need of financial aid to further their education. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Individuals motivated by spiritual values, no matter what religious affiliation, students currently accepted to or attending a US college, university, or another institution of higher education, preference given to those considering careers in education, applicants whose permanent address or future address is located in one of the following States: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, , New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia or North Carolina • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application (available for download between November 1 and January 31) • Amount of Award: $2,000-$3,000 • Website:

Tylenol Scholarship Supports students who intend to major in areas that will lead to health-related fields • Deadline: May 14 • Eligibility: Enrolled in an accredited two or four-year college. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Complete the online application located at • Amount of Award: Range from $5,000 - $10,000 • Website:

USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Designed to attact outstanding young people to careers in international development as USAID Foreign Service Officers • Deadline: January 23 • Eligibility: College seniors or graduates looking to start graduate school in the fall of the year they apply, have GPAs of at least 3.20 and be U.S. Citizens • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, Two letters of recommendation, Proof of U.S. Citizenship, Student Aid Report, GRE or GMAT Scores, Official Financial Aid Statement; Transcripts • Amount of Award: Valued at up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degee, arranges internships on Capital Hill and at USAID missions overseas, and provides professional development and support activities • Website: 48BE-8E20F128E05B0D8E

Western Civilization Graduate Fellowship For doctoral work focused on the intellectual, economic, political, social, and religious heritage of Western Civilization • Deadline: January 16 • Eligibility: US Citizen, must be familiar with ISI's purposes and programs and who receive The Intercollegiate Review, must engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level • Application/Nomination Procedures: Fellowship application, outline of prior education, awards, fellowships, and internships, four brief statements, essay written on the theme of the fellowship for which you are applying, personal, philosophical, and professional autobiography, academic writing sample, three academic letters of recommendation, oficial transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work , 2x3” photo or head shot • Length of Award: one time cash award • Amount of Award: $20,000 • Website:

20 Post-Baccalaureate Awards for Teaching

Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Provides support for graduate students in the University of Washington’s teacher education program in science and math • Deadline: October 12 • Eligibility: Excellent academic record, completed bachelor’s degree in arts and science, acceptance into UW’s teacher education program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Apply jointly to scholarship program and to UW teacher education program • Amount of Award: up to $30,000 • Website:

21 Dr. W. Wesley Eckenfelder, Jr. Scholarship - Brown and Caldwell Supports Civil, Chemical, or Environmental Engineering or one of the environmental sciences (e.g. geology, hydrogeology, biology, ecology or industrial hygiene toxicology.) • Deadline: January 31 • Eligibility: Full time graduate student, enrolled at an accredited university, U.S. citizens or permanent residents, Minimum 3.5 GPA • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, essay, two letters of recommendation, contact information for academic advisor, transcripts • Amount of Award: $3000 • Website:

The Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship Provides funding for the pursuit of Master's Degrees or Doctorates in transportation related fields. The program objectives are: 1) to attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation, 2) to enhance the careers of transportation professionals by encouraging them to seek advanced degrees, and 3) to retain top talent in the transportation industry of the United States. The Program is intended to bring innovation and enhance the breadth and scope of knowledge of the entire transportation community in the United States • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Possess an earned Baccalaureate degree or be a confirmed graduating senior, be enrolled in an accredited U.S. institution of higher education, be pursuing a degree in a full-time program in a transportation-related discipline, have at least one full academic year remaining in program of study, conduct ongoing research in one or more transportation-related disciplines, be planning to enter the transportation profession after completing their higher level education. • Application/Nomination Procedure: One official sealed transcript, four unsealed transcript copies, application, four letters of recommendation, resume/CV, proposed plan of graduate study • Amount of Award: up to $10,000 per year towards tuition • Length of Award: Two years • Website:

Foundation for Community Association Research - Byron Hanke Fellowship Available to graduate students working on topics related tocommunity associations. Community associations govern common-interest communities of any kind—condominiums, cooperatives, townhouse developments, planned unit developments, and other developments where homeowners support an association with mandatory financial assessments, and are subject to use and aesthetic restrictions. • Deadline: May 1 • Eligibility: Enrolled in an accredited master’s, doctoral, or law program in the US or Canada • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, proposal, three references, writing sample • Amount of Award: stipends of $2000-$4000 • Website:

Fulbright English Teaching Assistantships Supports opportunities to teach English in various foreign countries • Deadline: October (campus deadline: September) • Eligibility: Requires campus nomination (submission of campus rating form and all application materials by campus coordinator), US citizen, good health, at time of application, possession of BS/BA or enrollment as graduating college senior or graduate student • Application/Nomination Procedures: Completed application form, three letters of reference, personal statement, poposed country for teaching, some teaching or training experience (varies by country), transcripts, language form to show level of language proficiency • Length of Award: One academic year • Amount of Award: Travel expenses, room and board • Website:

22 JET Programme Provides opportunity for post-baccalaureate students to teach English in Japan • Deadline: December • Eligibility: Interest in Japan, mental and physical health, ability to adapt to living in Japan, US citizen, under 40 years old, have not lived in Japan for more than 3 years since 1999, hold a bachelor’s degree • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application • Length of Award: One Year • Amount of Award: Approximately 3,600,000 yen per annum after Japanese income and inhabitation taxes • Website:

Knowles Science Teaching Foundation - Teaching Fellowship Encourages students with degrees in physical science (physics, chemistry, astronomy) or mathematics to pursue careers as teachers • Deadline: January 13 • Eligibility: Degree in Physical Science, Biological Science, Mathematical Science or Engineering, plans to teach full- time in area of certification upon completion of teacher education, enrolled in or planning to enroll in, an approved teaching credential program, received most recent degree in the last five years • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, resume/vita, three essays, three letters of recommendation, transcript • Length of Award: up to 5 years • Amount of Award: Summer stipend, room, board, and travel; Academic year tuition assistance, monthly stipend, room, board, travel to annual meetings, membership in professional organization. Up to $10,000 annually • Website:

James Madison Graduate Fellowship Supports graduate study (masters level) at any US university in teaching American history or government at secondary level • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: US citizen or national, currently teaching, or plan to teach American history, government or social studies at the secondary level (grades 7 – 12), bachelor’s completed or to be completed by August of award year, wait at least three years from the time that any previous graduate degree was awarded before applying for a James Madison Fellowship,agree to teach American history, government or social studies in grades 7-12 for no less than one year for each full academic year of award • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application online, essay, transcripts, two letters of recommendation submitted online • Length of Award: Until completion of graduate training (usually two years) • Amount of Award: Covers tuition, required fees, books, room and board. Maximum award ($24,000) • Website:

Math for America Fellowship To improve mathematics education in US public secondary schools by recruiting, training, and retaining outstanding mathematics teachers. • Deadline: October • Eligibility: U.S. citizen/permanent resident, new to teaching, have a Bachelor’s degree by June of the application year, have completed substantial coursework in mathematics, achieve a competitive score on the ETS Praxis Exams • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, résumé, personal statement, transcripts, three letters of recommendation, mathematics course credit list, Praxis II Math Content Exam scores • Length of Award: 5 years • Amount of Award: Full tuition to earn a master’s degree or teacher credentialing program in Mathematics Education, up to $100,000 in stipends in addition to a full-time teacher’s salary • Website:

23 Newton Fellowship Program For mathematically sophisticated individuals who are interested in teaching math. Supports graduate training (at NYU, Columbia, or Bard) and teaching experience (in ). • Deadline: January 21 (early decision: October 1) • Eligibility: US Citizen or permanent resident, must hold bachelor’s degree by June from an accredited college or university, completed substantial coursework in mathematics, a minimum of 21 credits in math courses at the calculus level or higher are required, GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale, take the ETS Praxis II Math Content exams Mathematics Content Knowledge (test number 0061) and Mathematics: Proofs, Models, and Problems, Part 1 (test number 0063) as part of their application. Typical Praxis scores for MƒA Fellows range from 150 to 180 on the Mathematics Content Knowledge test and from 175 to 190 on the Proofs, Models and Problems test. Education majors who have received teacher certification are not eligible, commitment to teach in public schools while actively participating in MƒA corps activities and events • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, personal statement, classroom scenario, three letters of reference, resume, transcripts, submit scores from ETS, plan to enter a graduate credential program at one of the three MfA NY partner universities, math course credits • Length of Award: 5 years • Amount of Award: $90,000 stipend over five years; full tuition to master’s level teacher program • Website:

Noyce Teaching Scholars Program Provides support for secondary math and science teaching applicants to the University of Washington teaching graduate program • Deadline: October 8 • Eligibility: Candidates with deep content knowledge in science and math, experiences with learners in diverse settings, and a commitment to help all children achieve high levels, Individuals planning to apply to the University of Washington’s teacher education program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Apply simultaneously to scholarship program and teacher education program • Amount of Award: up to $15,000 • Website:

Henry Salvatori Graduate Fellowship Supports graduate work related to the American Founding for those planning to teach at the college level • Deadline: January 16 • Eligibility: US Citizen, must be familiar with ISI's purposes and programs and who receive The Intercollegiate Review, must engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level • Application/Nomination Procedures: Fellowship application, outline of prior education, awards, fellowships, and internships, four brief statements, essay written on the theme of the fellowship for which you are applying, personal, philosophical, and professional autobiography, academic writing sample, three academic letters of recommendation, official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work , 2”x3” photo or head shot • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: $10,000 • Website:

Teach for America Provides college graduates with an opportunity to teach in at-risk schools that need strong and well-educated leadership • Deadline: September 7, November 7, January 7, February 13 (rolling deadline) • Eligibility: Graduating college seniors or college graduate, minimum 2.5 GPA, US citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident • Application/Nomination Procedures: Resume, letter of intent, essay, phone interview, transcript (if invited to final interview), two Letters of recommendation (if invited to final interview) • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: salary and health benefits (varies depending on location of school) • Website:

24 Richard M. Weaver Graduate Fellowship For students who plan to teach at the college level and who aspire to integrate the principles of liberal education into their teaching • Deadline: January 16 • Eligibility: US Citizen, must be familiar with ISI's purposes and programs and who receive The Intercollegiate Review, engage in graduate studies for the purpose of teaching at the college level • Application/Nomination Procedures: Fellowship application, outline of prior education, awards, fellowships, and internships, four brief statements, essay written on the theme of the fellowship for which you are applying, personal, philosophical, and professional autobiography, academic writing sample, three academic letters of recommendation, official transcripts, 2”x3” photo or head shot • Length of Award: one time cash award • Amount of Award: $5,000 and payment of tuition • Website:

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships For the recruitment, preparation and retention of effective teachers for the students and school who need them most. • Deadline: September 1, October 27, December 1, January 12 • Eligibility: US citizen/permanent resident, have attained or expect to attain a bachelor’s degree by June 30 of the application year, have majored in and/or have a strong professional background in either science, technology, engineering and mathematics, GPA of 3.0 or higher • Application/Nomination Procedures: Registration, application, two essays, resumé, three letters of recommendation, transcripts • Length of Award: Three years • Amount of Award: $30,000, admission to a master’s degree program at a participating university, guidance toward teaching certification • Website:

Post-Baccalaureate Internships, Research Fellowships, and Public Service

American Association for the Advancement of Science Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program Strengthens the connections between scientists and journalists by placing advanced science, engineering and mathematics students in newsrooms across the country. • Deadline: January 15 • Eligibility: College students (in their senior year or in any graduate or postgraduate level), studying natural, physical, health, engineering, computer or social sciences or mathematics. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, résumé, writing sample, journal news story coverage, three letters of recommendation, transcripts • Amount of Award: $450/week stipend as well as travel expenses • Length of Award: ten weeks • Website:

American Concrete Institute Offered to high-potential students whose studies relate to concrete. • Deadline: October 18 • Eligibility: Must be nominated by a faculty member who is also a member of ACI • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application sent to applicant after faculty nomination • Amount of Award: $7000 educational stipend for tuition, residence, books, and materials • Length of Award: up to two years, renewable annually • Website:

25 American Council of Trustees and Alumni - Internship Provides internships for high-energy students (high school seniors, college undergraduates, and graduate/law students) with excellent research and communication abilities to participate in its work. Intern responsibilities include research, writing, clerical and administrative tasks, and some data entry. • Deadline: March 5 for Spring; March 30 for Summer • Eligibility: High school seniors, college undergraduates, and graduate/law students • Application/Nomination Procedure: Resume, cover letter, transcript, two references • Amount of Award: A stipend • Website:

American Medical Student Association Internship Engages motivated students in supporting the AMSA Fellows and President with developing innovative programming. • Deadline: March 18 • Eligibility: NO experience is necessary, both medical and pre-medical students encouraged to apply, strong analytical, presentation, and writing skills preferred • Application/Nomination Procedures: Cover letter, CV/resumé, reference letter • Length of Award: Four weeks • Amount of Award: $300/week stipend • Website:

Animal Behavior Society Provides financial support for scientific studies of animal behavior conducted by graduate students. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Enrolled in a graduate program, an active member of the society, enrolled or renewed, as of December • Application/Nomination Procedure (TBA) • Amount of Award: $500-$2000 • Length of Award: 1 year • Website:

Archaeological Institute of America Publication Preparation Grant Supports the scholarly publication of already excavated archaeological material in a peer-reviewed outlet. It is intended to assist in the final analysis, writing, and preparation for publication of the results of research so that, by the end of the second year under the grant, a completed manuscript (article or monograph) will be submitted for publication. • Eligibility: Graduate students and post-doctoral professionals, members of the AIA • Application/Nomination Procedure: Proposal (time-table for completion, specific plans for publication) • Amount of Award: $5000 • Website:

Archbold Biological Station Internship Offers students the opportunity to be trained in a field station setting, to design their own independent project and to provide them with real world experiences in the following fields: Ecological research, environmental education and land management. • Deadline: Dependent on program • Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students • Application/Nomination Procedures: Letter explaining interest in specific program, general biological background, internship availability period, two letters of recommendation, resumé • Amount of Award: 100/week and free room and board (undergraduate); 125/week and free room and board (graduate designing thesis/dissertation); 150/week and free room and board (graduate working on thesis/dissertation) • Website:

26 Mabelle Arole International Fellowship Trains and develops pre-med students on community-based primary health care in India. • Deadline: January 15 • Eligibility: US citizen, completion of undergraduate degree, been accepted to a U.S. medical school, willing to defer acceptance for one year • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application form with essays, resume, two references • Amount of Award: Stipend of $8,000 • Length of Award: One year • Website:

Bear Research and Conservation Grants - International Association for Bear Research and Management Intended to benefit biologically sound bear conservation and management efforts, emphasizing assistance to situations with critical need. • Deadline: December 1 • Eligibility: Anyone may apply • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, three letters of reference, curriculum vitae • Amount of Award: $500-$10,000 per year, no more than $15,000 for one project over a three year period • Website:

Lydia Cabrera Awards for Cuban Historical Studies Supports original research on Cuban history in Spanish, Mexican and U.S. archives • Deadline: June 1 • Eligibility: Currently engaged in graduate studies at a U.S. institution • Application/Nomination Procedure: CV, detailed itinerary, budget statement, narrative description of project, three letters of support • Amount of Award: $5,000 • Website:

Catherine H. Beattie Fellowship - Center for Plant Conservation Enables a graduate student in biology, horticulture, or a related field to conduct research on a rare or endangered U.S. plant. • Deadline: November 30 • Eligilibity: Graduate students in biology, horticulture or a related field. • Application/Nomination Procedure: 2-3 page proposal, itemized budget, letter of endorsement by an academic advisor, three references, transcripts, resume • Amount of Award: $1000-$4000 • Length of Award: One year • Website:

Capital City Fellows Program (CCFP) Mayoral initiative to attract recent graduates of master's degree programs in public administration, public policy, urban planning and related fields to work for the city of Washington, DC. Candidates compete for two-year fellowship appointments during which they complete four six-month rotations in different city agencies. • Deadline: May 1 • Eligibility: Earned Graduate Degree within two years prior to start of October Fellowship, GPA 3.5 or higher, U.S. Citizenship or legal non-resident citizenship status, required to live in the District of Columbia within 180 days of appointment • Application Procedures: Complete on-line application, transcript, resume, three letters of reference • Length of Award: Two years • Amount of Award: $50,000 for the first year with a 4% increase in the second year contingent upon a satisfactory performance rating. Fellows are eligible for benefits afforded to all regular city government employees such as health insurance, annual and sick leave. • Website: 27

Centralized College Internship Program (CCIP) Promotes leadership in undergraduate and graduate students who want hands-on public policy municipal government experience. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Must be currently enrolled and in good standing at an accredited college or university at the time of the internship, GPA of 3.0 • Application Procedures: Complete on-line application, transcript, two letters of reference • Length of Award: six-week - summer positions (40 hours each week) • Amount of Award: Salary is determined based on the level of education: Graduate: CS-7 1st yr, CS-8 2nd yr. • Website:

Chips Quinn Scholars Internship Offers experience to college students interested in pursuing journalism as a career. • Deadline: October 15 • Eligibility: College juniors, senior, or graduates with journalism majors or career goals in newspapers are eligible. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Résumé, work samples, short essay, two letters of recommendation, transcripts, a color headshot photo • Length of Award: 10-12 weeks • Website:

Coral Reef Management Fellowship - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Provides the state and territorial coral reef management agencies with highly qualified candidates whose education and work experience meet each island's specific needs, while providing the individual fellows with professional experience in coastal and coral reef resources management. • Deadline: August 15 • Eligibility: Masters degree with two years of experience OR Bachelor’s degree with four years of experience, U.S. citizen or permanent resident • Length of Award: Two years • Website:

Coro Fellows Program Develops future community leaders through exposure to community issues, leadership development, civic leaders, and organizations. • Deadline: January 18 • Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree, demonstrated involvement in civic and campus activities • Nomination Procedures: Pre-application and application, resume, three written essays, three letters of recommendation, transcript • Length of Award: Varies by Center; 9 months average • Amount of Award: Varies by Center; on average awards are $8000 for 9 months • Website:

The Duke Endowment Fellowship Program Provides a two year work opportunity in the Endowment’s four philanthropic sectors: higher education, healthcare, child welfare, and rural church. • Deadline: January 2 • Eligibility: Must be past or current residents of North Carolina or South Carolina and/or a graduate of a college or university in North Carolina or South Carolina • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application including personal statement, expanded resume, two references • Amount of Award: $43,000 the first year and $46,000 the second year plus paid vacation, stipend for moving expenses, health benefits, travel reimbursement • Length of Award: two year, full time (approx. 35 hours per week), beginning in August of year received • Website:


EID Advanced Laboratory Training Fellowship Emphasis on the practical application of technologies, methodologies and practices related to emerging infectious diseases • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Bachelor’s or master’s level degree in biology, microbiology, biochemistry, virology, a related scientific discipline or an accredited medical technologist program prior to program initiation, U.S. Citizen • Application Procedures: Application, resume, two-page narrative, three letters of recommendation, transcripts • Length of Award: One year • Amount of Award: $32,039 for fellows with a bachelor’s degree; $35,713 for fellows with a master’s degree; and $43,952 for fellows with a postdoctoral degree. Fellows are also provided with comprehensive medical insurance, travel to the interviews, orientation, and host laboratory and a professional development allowance. • Website:

EID Postdoctoral Laboratory Research Fellowship Emphasis on the practical application of technologies, methodologies and practices related to emerging infectious diseases • Deadline: February 10 • Eligibility: PhD, Md or DVM or have completed all requirements for such a degree, U.S. Citizen • Application Procedures: Application, resume, two-page narrative, one-page description of your laboratory research objectives, three letters of recommendation, transcripts • Length of Award: Two years • Amount of Award: $43,952 for fellows with a postdoctoral degree. Fellows are also provided with comprehensive medical insurance, travel to the interviews, orientation, and host laboratory and a professional development allowance. • Website:

El Pomar Fellowship Trains and develops today’s young professionals into tomorrow’s leaders. • Deadline: January 18 • Eligibility: Graduates of a four year university or college, should have a Colorado connection (resident, immediate family) and/or an explicit interest in serving the communities of Colorado • Application/Nomination Procedures: Personal statement, resume, two letters of recommendation, official transcript • Amount of Award: Starting annual salary is $29,000 • Length of Award: Two years • Website:

J. Paul Getty Trust Graduate Interships Offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust-the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Foundation-to students of all nationalities who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual arts. • Deadline: December 3 • Eligibility: Currently enrolled in a graduate school program leading to an advance degree in a field relevant to the internship(s) OR Individuals who have completed a relevant graduate degree on or after January 1, , with postgraduate activities in their field, paid or unpaid • Application/Nomination Procedure: Online application, personal statement, supplemental applicant information form, one original transcript and three copies, two letters of recommendation • Amount of Award: $17,400 for eight months, $26,000 for twelve months • Length of Award: Eight or twelve months (depending on internship) • Website:

29 International Reading Association Steven A. Stahl Research Grant Encourages and supports promising graduates students to conduct classroom research in reading • Deadline: November 1 • Eligibility: Graduate students who have at least three years of Pre K-12 teaching experience, wish to conduct classroom research in reading and literacy instruction. The research must be conducted in the classroom(s), it must be focused on improving reading instruction and children’s reading achievement, and it must be empirically rigorous; Member of International Reading Association • Application/Nomination Procedures: Complete your proposal online using a web-based grant management system • Amount of Award: Up to $1000. • Length of Award: Research must be completed within two years • Website: .

The Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship Provide an educational opportunity for students interested in the marine sciences and the desire to become involved in the policy making affecting such areas in the national government • Deadline: February • Eligibility: Enrolled in a graduate or professional program as of application due date, studying a marine or aquatic related field • Application/Nomination Procedures: Must apply through SC State NSGO (located here in Charleston on Meeting Street), personal resume and CV, personal education and career goal statement, two letters of recommendation, letter of endorsement from sponsoring Sea Grant Program Director, transcripts • Amount of Award: $49,000 • Length of Award: one year fellowship • Website: • Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow Program Provides opportunity to gain experience in the world of public policy. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Students and recent graduates, between ages of 18 and 30 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, college transcript, resume, two references, three essays • Length of Award: 10 weeks, June 4 - August 12 • Amount of Award: $1,500 stipend plus housing assistance and a limited number of travel scholarships. • Website:

Lifchez/Stronach Curatorial Internship Enables those who demonstrate financial need the opportunity to continue in a career in art history. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Recently graduated from college or is enrolled in an art history MA program, pursuit of a career in art history, femonstrates financial need or other disadvantage that might jeopardize pursuit of a career in art history • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, résumé, personal statement, short essays, letters of recommendation, official transcripts • Length of Award: June 4 to March 1 • Amount of Award: $16,500 stipend • Website: and-graduate-students/paid-internships-for-college-and-graduate-students-at-the-main-building#6

Marine Corps Research Grants Encourages graduate-level and advanced study in Marine Corps history and related fields. • Deadline: May 1 • Eligibility: Graduate students who have to ability to conduct advanced study in American military history directly related to the U.S. Marine Corps • Application/Nomination Procedure: Preliminary application, application, proposal, letters of recommendation, transcripts

30 • Amount of Award: $400-$3000 • Length of Award: One year • Website:

Metropolitan Museum of Art Internships Internship opportunities for college and graduate students interested in careers in art museums • Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students, recently graduated students, interested in art and museum careers • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, résumé, personal statement, short essays, letters of recommendation, official transcripts • Website:

NASA Langley Aerospace Research Summer Scholars Provides hands-on paid research experiences for students on-site at NASA Langley Research Center. • Deadline: October 24 – Spring Session; February 1 – Summer Session • Eligibility: US Citizenship, full-time student at an accredited U.S. college or university, classification as a rising undergraduate junior or senior, or graduate students by the start of the program, at least a 3.0 GPA • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, transcripts, resume, two references • Length of Award: 10 weeks, June 6 - August 12 • Amount of Award: $5,000 for Undergraduate students; $6,000 for Graduate students • Website:

National Academy of Social Insurance Offers nationally competitive paid internships to students studying for or interested in careers in social insurance policy. • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: Interested in careers in social insurance policy • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, cover letter, résumé, transcript, three letters of recommendation, writing sample • Length of Award: 12 weeks • Amount of Award: $3,500 honorarium, academic credit can arranged with home institution. • Website:

National Evolutionary Synthesis Center Graduate Fellowship One-semester fellowships for graduate students to pursue research either with a NESCent sabbatical scholar, working group, or postdoctoral fellow, facilitating broadly synthetic research to address fundamental questions in evolutionary science. • Deadline: January 1, April 1, July 1, September 1 • Eligibility: Graduate student • Application/Nomination Procedure: Contact the Director of NESCent or the Associate Director of Science and Synthesis for feedback on project ideas, project proposal, CV, two letters of references • Amount of Award: a maximum of $12,000 • Length of Award: One semester • Website:

National Geographic Society’s Young Explorers Grant Offers opportunities to pursue research, conservation, and exploration-related projects consistent with National Geographic’s existing grant programs. • Deadline: Multiple/Open/Recurring • Eligibility: Between the ages of 18 and 25, prior experiences in the fields of research, conservation or exploration • Application/Nomination Procedures: Pre-application form, application, three references, CV, three page proposal • Length of Award: Depends on project • Amount of Award: between $2000 and $5000 • Website:

31 National Institutes of Health Post-Baccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award Provides opportunities for recent graduates to spend one year doing biomedical research at NIH • Deadline: Continuously • Eligibility: US citizen or permanent resident, graduate of accredited university, must begin training within two years of receipt of degree, plans to initiate application to graduate or medical school during course of training • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, CV/resume, list of publications, cover letter, three references, transcripts, proof of citizenship • Length of Award: one year (but may be extended under some circumstances) • Amount of Award: approximately $27,000 • Website:

National Institutes of Health Summer Internship Program Provides an opportunity for graduate, medical or dental students to work alongside some of the leading scientists in the world in an environment devoted exclusively to biomedical research. • Deadline: March 1 • Eligibility: Currently enrolled at least half-time in accredited university, at least 16 years old, US citizens or permanent residents • Application/Nomination Procedure: Online application, CV or resume, transcripts, cover letter, two references • Length of Award: 8 weeks • Amount of Award: Varies, approximately $5000 • Website:

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Coastal Management Fellowship Provides on-the-job education and training opportunities in coastal resource management and policy for post graduate students and to provide project assistance to state coastal zone management programs. • Deadline: October 19 • Eligibility:Completing a masters, doctoral or professional degree in natural resource management or environmental relate studies • Application/Nomination Procedure: Résumé/CV, statement of goals, two letters of recommendation, transcripts • Amount of Award: $34,000/year • Length of Award: two years • Website:

National Public Radio Kroc Fellowship Identifies and develops a new generation of extraordinary journalists for the public radio system. • Deadline: December 31 • Eligibility: Must be just completing college or graduate school or be out of school for one year or less as of December 31 • Application/Nomination Procedure: Online application, résumé, three references, transcripts, cover letter, a sample of work reflecting remarkable initiative or accomplishment • Amount of Award: Stipend of more than $40,000, plus benefits • Website:

National Radio Astronomy Observatory – Graduate Student Internship Program Provides support to graduate students interested in pursuing research in radio astronomy, instrumentation and hardware development, electrical engineering, or computer science. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: US citizens and permanent residents, enrolled in an accredited U.S. Graduate Program studying engineering, physics, astronomy, mathematics and/or computer science • Amount of Award: a stipend, some travel support, housing assistance • Length of Award: Ranging from a few weeks to up to six months • Website:

32 National Radio Astronomy Observatory - Graduate Summer Student Research Assistantships Provides students the opportunity to conduct research in radio astronomy under the supervision of an NRAO staff member. • Deadline: February 1 • Eligibility: U.S. Citizen or eligible to work in the U.S., accredited U.S. graduate program • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online application, three letters of recommendation, transcripts • Amount of Award: $652/week • Length of Award: 10-12 weeks • Website:

National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology fellowship Program Enables students to confront global warming on their campuses and help educate and engage the campus community on global warming impact and solutions. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate students from any college or university in the Southeastern United States • Application/Nomination Procedure: Proposal, two letters of recommendation • Amount of Award: $2,000 stipend • Length of Award: 15 months • Website:

ORNL Research Alliance in Math and Science (RAMS) Program Provides collaborative research experiences among faculty and students at colleges or universities and DOE national laboratory researchers. • Eligibility: Must be an undergraduate or graduate student majoring in computer science, the computational sciences, engineering technologies, or mathematics • Application/Nomination Procedures: Online registration, application, transcript • Length of Award: 10 to 12 weeks • Amount of Award: $10.50/hr, weekly housing allowance of $110, travel reimbursement of $1000/term • Website:

The Pearson Leadership Development Program Provides program members with deep functional and industry knowledge to help them develop their careers with Pearson and become future company leaders. • Deadline: TBA • Eligibility: Have a BA/BS from an accredited 4-year college, GPA of 3.2 or above, permission to work in the U.S. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, cover letter, resumé, transcripts • Length of Award: 24 months, with 8 month rotations • Amount of Award: Full-time position with full employee benefits • Website:

Pew Leadership Year Provides individuals who are dedicated to building a leadership career in the public or nonprofit sectors with hands-on experience in solving today’s most challenging problems. • Deadline: April 25 • Eligibility: Recently completed an undergraduate or advanced degree, must have legal right to work in the U.S. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Résumé, cover letter, essay, transcripts, letters of recommendation • Length of Award: 1 year • Amount of Award: Full-time, paid position • Website:

33 Public Service Fellows Program Provides the opportunity for undergraduate students, graduate students and recent graduates to participate directly in transforming the way government works while developing valuable professional skills. • Deadline: March 25; June 24; October 28 • Eligibility: A commitment to public service; strong written and oral communication; analytical thinking • Application/Nomination Procedures: Applications, references, essays, resumé, unofficial transcript • Length of Award: Depends on position • Amount of Award: $1000/month stipend for those with at least a BA • Website:

Regional Policy Symposium Grant Provides scholars and policy-makers with a forum to examine and discuss current policy research on the countries of Eurasia and Central and East from multi-disciplinary and multi-regional approaches. • Deadline: December • Eligibility: Must be currently enrolled in an MA, MS, MBA, JD, or PhD program or have held a graduate degree for 10 years or less, if hold academic post must be pre-tenure, U.S. Citizen or permanent residents of U.S. who are currently residing in the U.S. • Application/Nomination Procedures: Complete application, research summary of the research to be presented, CV • Amount of Award: Round-trip airfare (provided by IREX through its travel office) and/or surface transportation from anywhere in the US to the symposium site, meals and accommodations for the duration of the symposium • Website:

J.W. Saxe Memorial Fund Enables students to gain practical experience in public service by taking a no-pay or low-pay job or internship during a summer or other term • Deadline: March 15 • Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate student in an accredited college or university, seeking support for an internship in public service, demonstrated public service activity, financial need will be taken into consideration • Application/Nomination Procedures: Resumé, essay, three references, one from a faculty member • Length of Award: Depends on project • Amount of Award: between $2000 • Website:

Scoville Peace Fellowship Provides college graduates with the opportunity to gain a Washington perspective on key issues of peace and security. • Deadline: Spring, October; Fall, January • Eligibility: College graduate (may apply in senior year), US citizenship not required, but non-US citizens must have proper work visa • Application/Nomination Procedures: Personal essay, policy essay, resume/CV, transcript, letters of reference • Length of Award: 6-9 months • Amount of Award: $2,400 per month, health insurance, travel to DC • Website:

SIR Foundation Allied Scientist Training Grant Provides support to trainees enrolled in graduate level training programs which are outside the clinical realm of Interventional Radiology but are still considered crucial to the future of Interventional Radiology. The goal is to create collaborative research training environments that benefit from the unique perspectives of established scientists and Interventional Radiologists. • Deadline: December 14 • Eligibility: Trainees enrolled in graduate level, degree seeking programs (Masters, Doctor of Philosophy or equivalent) at educational institutions in the United States or Canada, encouraged but not required to be members of the Society of Interventional Radiology (advisor or co-advisor must be an active member of the Society of Interventional Radiology), applicants enrolled in clinical residencies or fellowships are not eligible for this grant.

34 • Application/Nomination Procedure: Research plan, including two-year budget, two letters of recommendation • Amount of Award: $20,000 per year for two years • Length of Award: Two years (depending on satisfactory review of first year progress report) • Website:

Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) Internship Program in Environmental Studies Offers undergraduate and beginning graduate students a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the fields of environmental research and education. This program enables students to work on specific projects under the direction of the sponsor's professional staff and is tailored to provide the maximum educational benefit to each participant. • Deadline: For Winter/Spring - November 15; For Summer - February 1st; For Fall - June 1st • Eligibility: Currently enrolled undergraduate and beginning graduate students, or students who have recently graduated from an undergraduate or Masters program. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, essay, transcripts, two letters of recommendation • Amount of Award: a stipend of $425 per week • Length of Award: 10-16 weeks • Website:

Smithsonian Graduate Fellowship Offers research opportunities for graduate students. • Deadline: January 15 • Eligibility: Graduate students who have completed at least one semester, available to a diversity of majors • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, abstract, research proposal, time table, budget/justification, bibliography, CV, transcripts, two letters of references • Length of Award: Ten weeks • Amount of Award: $6,000 stipend • Website:

Smithsonian Paid Internships Offers internship opportunities for college and graduate students. • Deadline: Depends on internship • Eligibility: Undergraduate and graduate students, recently graduated students, available to a diversity of majors • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, essay, two references, transcripts • Length of Award: Most last for ten weeks • Amount of Award: Stipend depends on internship and availability of funding • Website:

Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Grants-in-Aid of Research Provides small awards to graduate students in support of their research in the fields of integrative and comparative biology. • Deadline: October 15 • Eligibility: Graduate students currently enrolled in degree programs, active members of the SICB • Application/Nomination Procedure: Application, proposal, budget justification, advisor contact information • Amount of Award: maximum of $1000 • Website:

South Carolina Space Grant Consortium: Graduate Research Assistantship Meets the continuing needs of the aeronautics and space effort by increasing the number of highly trained scientists and engineers in aerospace, space science, space applications and space technology. • Deadline: January 12 • Eligibility: Must be a US citizen, full-time graduate students or be an applicant for full time admission, attend or plan to attend a consortium member institution, sponsored by a faculty advisor, have an interest in aerospace and space related studies. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the basic sciences, science education, astronomy, planetary science, environmental studies, and engineering.

35 • Application/Nomination Procedures: Description of proposed research and/or plan of study, abstract, budget information, letter of recommendation from faculty advisor, biographical sketch of faculty advisor, resumé, transcripts and summary of activites • Length of Award: 1 year, renewable for up to three years • Amount of Award: $10,000, $17,000-20,000 stipend • Website:

Special Olympics Research Grants Engages health professions students to work with persons with intellectual disabilities as a way of filling in a gap that exists in most health program curricula. The program promotes short-term projects exploring issues that impact the health and well-being of all persons with intellectual disabilities, including, but not limited to, Special Olympics athletes • Eligibility: Health Profession students at the Bachelor, Master, Doctorate and Post-Doctorate levels from accredited institutions or programs in the United States or other countries, fields or disciplines may include, audiology, dentistry, pre-med, medicine, nursing, optometry, physical therapy, podiatry, public health, social work, law, public administration or other related health areas. • Application/Nomination Procedure: Student and faculty advisor information, project description, objectives, and rationale, methodology, timeline, budget, advisor’s CV • Amount of Award: up to $5000 per year • Length of Award: dependent on project timeline • Website:

United Nations Human Rights Fellowship Programme Gives staff members of NHRIs from all over the world a better understanding and appreciation of the international human rights system. • Deadline: November 30 • Eligibility: Degree in law, minimum three year of working experience in a NHRI, fluent in English and/or French • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, curriculum, letter of recommendation from respective NHRI • Amount of Award: monthly stipend, round-trip air ticket, health insurance and salary • Length of Award: Six months • Website:

U.S. Department of State Internships Provides students a head start on their career in international relations while still in school. • Deadline: November 1, March 1, July 1 • Eligibility: U.S. citizen, successfully complete a background investigation, have been accepted or are enrolled in an accredited college or university, undergraduate juniors and graduate students (including graduating seniors who intend to go on to graduate school) • Amount of Award: Most are unpaid depending on financial need, May be able to earn college credit • Length of Award: One semester or quarter during academic year, or minimum of 10 weeks during summer • Website:

Urban Innovation Fellowship at Tulane University Identifies and supports the next generation of urban social innovators who have ideas to solve systemic social challenges. • Deadline: December 1 • Eligibility: Proposal that addresses system level social challenges in one of four areas: Urban Revitalization, Health, Public Education, and Economic Development • Application/Nomination Procedures: Application, two references, essays, three page proposal • Length of Award: 1 year • Amount of Award: $45,000 stipend • Website:

36 The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention’s Summer Internship Program Offers students the opportunity of working on a defined project that expands and enhances U.S. Pharmacopeia’s core strategic initiatives. • Deadline: February 25 • Eligibility: Undergraduate sophomore, juniors or seniors and graduate students, studying chemistry, biology, biochemistry, or pharmacy, must have completed basic chemistry courses • Application/Nomination Procedure: Résumé, transcript, letter of recommendation, essay • Amount of Award: Hourly rate to be determined • Length of Award: 12 weeks • Website:

Web Development/Video Internship in Educational Media – Metropolitan Museum of Art For recent college graduates who want to participate in the production of video and/or media resources created for the general museum public as well as families, teachers, and students. • Deadline: January 6 • Eligibility: Recent college graduate, undergraduate coursework in at least one of the following areas: video, web development, design, education, art history, or related fields • Application/Nomination Procedure: Résumé, personal statement, short essay, letters of recommendation, transcripts • Amount of Award: $25,000 stipend • Length of Award: One year • Website:

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars – Research Assistantships Offers paid research assistant positions for students interested in international relations work in Russia • Deadline: Multiple • Eligibility: Undergraduate, graduate, and prospective graduate students, U.S. citizen/permanent resident, fluent in the Russian language • Application/Nomination Procedure: Resume, cover letter • Amount of Award: paid work 15 hours/week • Length of Award: between 3 to 9 months • Website: nts=5995%2C11984%2C15600#internships