222 CLASSIFIED LIST~ Cotton Spinners. Continued. [WORltA.LL'S ------~,--=~--~------COARSE MEDIUM FINE NAMES OF FIRMS. Counts. Counts. Counts. . . . . Twist. Weft. Twist. Weft. Twist. Weft.

Rowland John, Gresham Mill, Main road, ...... • •••• 0 I I I 36/44 32/50 36/H 32/50

*Rowland Joseph & Sons, Mill, road, Oldham • • .. •• • • • • • ••• .. 0 • 0 0 ••• o I o I • • • •

Royal Mills Co., Limited, Featherstall road North. Oldham ...... • • • • • • I o I I 20/!0 30/36 •••• ••••

I I I I Spinning Co., Limited, High Barn street, Royton, Oldham .. .. • • I I I I 12/38 20/36 12/38 ••••

uby Mill Co., Limited, \Vatersheddings, Oldham ...... t o • I I I I I 30/70 30/70 30/70 30/70 *Rumney William & Co., Ramsbottom Mills, Ramsbottom; and Alexandra

Mills, Bury . . . . , ...... 5/50 t I I I I 5/50 t I I 0 I 6/50 t I I I I

Ryecroft Mills Co., Limited, Ryecroft, Ashton-under-Lyne ...... I I I I I 0 o I •••• I I I I I I I I I I I I *Rylands & Sons, Limited. Gorton Mills, Gorton, ; and Gidlow

Works, ...... • • 0 • o o I 0 0 ••• • ••• • 0 •• 0 •••

& I 0 I I Salm'ln Taylor (and warpers and reelers), Middle Brook Mills, Gilnow, • • • • • • • • •••• 40/60 40/60

*Sandy Gate Mill Co., Limited, Sandy~ate, Burnley ...... 0 0 •• I I I I 32 30/52 •••• 30/52 Schofield & Broome (and warp makers), Hathershaw Mill, Ashton road, Oldham 0 • • • 4/30 t • ••• •••• • ••• Schofield & J ohnson, Longtield Mill, W atersheddings, Oldham .. • • • • 0 • 0 0 I I I 0 ... 0 -. • • 0 • • 26/36 •••• Schofield George & Co., Long Meadow Mill, Hyde ...... 2!/50 • • • • • I I o t 21/50 24/50 2!/50

*Schofield J. K. & Co., Limited, Springfield Mill, Freetown, Bury .. .. 0 • • 0 I I 0 I I I I 0 • • • • • 0 •••• ••••

*Schofield .Tames & Co., Kenyon Street Mill, Ramsbottom ...... • 0 •• I I I I .. • • • • • 0 • • •••• •••• Schofield James & Edward, High Street. Mill, Hopwood, Heywood • • •• 16/32W • • • • 16/32W • • • • •••• ID/60

*Schofield Joseph & Co., Town House and Green Vale Mills, Littleborough •• U/32 16/26 H/32 16/26 • • • • • • 0 • 4/28 T 4/28 T Schofield Peter, Alma Mills, Ashton road, Oldham ...... • • I I I I .. • • • • 32/36 •••• •••• 50/5! *Schofield Peter (wick), Harrop Street Mill, .. • • • • 0 •••• I I I 0 .. .. •••• • • • • • • • • • •••

Scott Edward D., , Bleasby street, Oldham • I o I I .. .. • • • 12/24 t •••• 12/24. t o I o I • • • •

Scout Bottom Spinning Co., Limited, Scout Bottom Mill, Newchurch • • .. 22/2! I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 •••• Sellers Henry, Nunn Hills Mill, Stacksteads...... • • • • 16/26 t • • • • 16/26 t • • 0 • • • • • •••• Seville S. & E. (and warp makers), Further Hey Mill, Lees, Oldham •• • • 36/12 • • • • • • • • • 0 •• 36/42 • •••

""Seville Thomas & Sons, Spring Hill Mill, Fleet street, Royton, Oldham .• • • 0 • .. • • • • • ••• • • • • 20/36 • ••• Sharples Spinning Co., Limited, Vale Mill, Astley Bridge, Bolton ...... I 0 I • I I I o I I I I • • • o •••• •••• Shaw Brothers, Spring Mills, Waterhead, Oldham • • • • • ' .. .. •••• • ••• • • • • 0 I I I • ••• . . .. Shaw Charles & Sons, Radcliffe Mill, Lees, Oldham • • ...... I I I I •••• 32/!0 t • • 0 • . .. . . • •••

Shaw Hall Cotton Spinning Co., Limited, Newton Moor, Hyde . . .• . . 33 •• 0 .. • • • • I I I I 36 • • • •

Shaw, Jardine & Co., Limited, Butler Street Mill, Oldham road, Manchester .. I I I I I I I 0 I I I I .. '\ . 0 I I 0 60/300 Shaw John, Springfield Mills, Lansdowne rd. ; and Glenby Mill, Cowhill, Oldham 50/80 •••• I I I I 36/U • ••• 36/U *Shaw Robert & Sons, Stanley and Great Holme Mills, Colne.. •. .• . . • I I I I 30 I I I I 30/!lO . .. .. •••• Shaw Samuel & Son, Brookside Mills, Springhead, Oldham .. .. • • .. 36/U • • • • .- ...... • ' t • • • • • • ••• Shaw Spinning Co., Limited, road, Shaw, Oldham .. • ...... •••• • ••• 20/40 20/50 I I I 0 20/50

Sha.wcross & Co. (wick), Store Street Mill, Junction st., rd., Manchester I I I I I I I I • • 0 • • ••• •••• •••• *Sha.wforth Spinning, Manufacturing and Mining Co., Limited, Peel's Mill, Shawforth, ...... 20 16/38 20 16/38 • • • • •••• *Shepherd Caleb, Sagar Holme Mill, N ewchurch ...... •••• 4/8 I I I I ·-·· • • • • • • • • *Shepherd George & James, Holmes Mills, Bacup ...... • ••• •••• t I t I • • • • • • • • • ••• *Shepley John & William, Ltd., Brookfield Mill, Dinting Vale, Dinting . • . . 32 •••• •••• I I I I 40 • • • • Shepley Mill Cotton Manufacturing Co., Limited, Chapel street, Glossop.. . . 30/34: 36/50 I I • .. 0 ••• 36/50 •••• *Shepley R. & J., Rhodes House Mill, Marple, ...... • . . 3! I I I I • • • • .- ... •••• 40 Sheppard Thomas, Paved Brow Mill, Heywood ...... • • • • • ••• • ••• •••• I I 0 I ...... • ••• *Shiers John J., Albany Mills, Ripponden road, Oldham .. • • .. ••• •••• "' .. • • • • • • • • • .. . . . • • • • *Shiers Richard & Brother, Medlock and Fountain Mills, Lower Moor ; and New Breck Mill, Huddersfield road, Oldham ...... • . . . . . • • • • • ••• t I t I I I I I • • • • •••• Shiloh Spinning Co., Limited, Holden Fold, Royton, Oldham ...... 20/36 • • • • •••• o o o I 20/36 • ••• "'Shorrock Christopher &; Co., Bowling Green and Moss Bridge Mills, Spring Vale, Darwen ...... -...... • . . 29 • • • • I o I I • • • • 29 . . . ..

*Sidebottom T. & W., Waterside and Bridge Mills, Hadfield ...... • • • • • I I I I I I I I • • • I I I t . . . .. *Simpson & Russell, Gregson Lane Mills, Walton-le·Dale, Preston ...... 36/60 • • • • • ••• 26/34: 36/60 •••• Sinkinson J. & R., King Street Mill, Oldham • • • • •• ._.- .. • ••• 36/U .. t .. I I • • • • 36/.U •••• *Slack Mills Co., Limited, Hyde lane, Hyde ; and High Bank Mill, Godley 10/50 •• 8/40 10/50 8/40 10/50 I o I 00 *Sladen Wood Mill Co., Sladen Wood, Littleborough ...... • .. • • • • • ••• • 0 •• • ••• .. . .. • • • • Smallbrook Spinning Co., Limited, Smallbrook, Shaw, Oldham .. 24/38 2l/5"- .. .. •••• • • • • 24/54 • ••• *Smallpage Isaiah. Parsonage Mill, Burnley ...... •• 32 42/46 .. • • • • • ••• • ••• . .... Smart Arthur & Co., Robert Street Mill, Cheetham, Manchester .. • • • • ••• .. .. • 0 0 • .. • 0 • • • ••• • ••• Smith John & Son, Holyrood Mill, Royton Junction, Oldham .. 12/40 t •••• .. I I I I . . 12/10 t I I I I • •••

*Smith Joseph, .Sontbgate and Ribbleton Mills, Preston .. • • .. • • • 30 •••• • I I I o .... 0 30/40 • • • • Smith Thomas & John, Higher Ijillgate Mills, Stockport ...... 20/200 t •••• • 0 •• I I o o •••• 20/200 t *Smithson Brothers, Spodden Vale and Lower Mills, Facit1 Rochdale ; Bank Heath Mill, ; and Daisy Hill Mill, Rishton, BlacK burn...... 12/22 T 12/21 R 12/22T 12/2lR • • • • •••• Springhead Spinning Co., Limited, Springbank Mills, Lees, Oldham . . . . 60/70 • • 0 • • ••• 40t . .... Staley Mill Co., Limited, Millbrook. Stalybridge . . . • . . • . . . . . 32 i- . . . .. • • • • • ••• . .... •••• Stalybridge Co., Limited, Bridge street, Stalybridge ...... ID/52 I 34/38 o o o 0 I o I 0 I 0 I •••• Stamford Mill Co., Limited, Hey, Oldham ...... 4:0/70 • • • • • ••• •••• • ••• 40/50 Standard Spinning Co., Limited, Rochdale ...... •• ...... 12/50 12J2,1: 12/50 12/24: 12/50 50/70 20/52 Stanley Spinning Co., Limited, Lees Brook, Lees, Oldham ...... •• • • 0 • • ••• 20/34 20/52 .. . ' Star Spinning Co., Limited, Royton, Oldham .. .. • • • • .. .. 16/32 10/32 16/32 10/32 • • • • •••• 30/52 Stead John & .Tames, Orchard Mill, Ramsbottom .. I I I I .. •• ...... I I I I •••• 30/52 • •••