Revista del CESLA ISSN: 1641-4713 ISSN: 2081-1160
[email protected] Uniwersytet Warszawski Polonia Antigua, Guatemala, Street Food Vendors Little, Walter E. Antigua, Guatemala, Street Food Vendors Revista del CESLA, vol. 25, 2020 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia Available in: DOI: This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. PDF generated from XML JATS4R by Redalyc Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Artículos Antigua, Guatemala, Street Food Vendors Walter E. Lile
[email protected] University at Albany, Estados Unidos hp:// Abstract: : Based on long-term ethnographic research on livelihood practices in urban public spaces, I explore street food politics in Antigua, Guatemala. From various subjective vantage points, I describe the food vendors themselves, the handicra vendors who constitute their primary clients, tourists who only by chance encounter them when purchasing handicras, and the city officials who are responsible for regulating the streets. I analyze the reasons why some food vending practices are permitted, despite regulations against them. Drawing on a theoretical framework that articulates Lefebvre's (1996) and Harvey's (2012) positions on rights to cities, I explain why such street Revista del CESLA, vol. 25, 2020 food vendors persist in a highly regulated UNESCO World Heritage Site. I argue Uniwersytet Warszawski, Polonia that claims of rights are not merely organized political actions but are exercised in the everyday practices of those who live and work on the street.