Toronto Local Appeal Body 40 Orchard View Blvd, Suite 211 Telephone: 416-392-4697 Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9 Fax: 416-696-4307 Email:
[email protected] Website: DECISION AND ORDER Decision Issue Date Tuesday, June 04, 2019 PROCEEDING COMMENCED UNDER section 53, subsection 53(19), section 45(12), subsection 45(1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended (the "Act") Appellant(s): NELLA SACHAR Applicant: SIR GROUP INC Property Address/Description: 1023 KIPLING AVE Committee of Adjustment Case File Number: 18 135668 WET 03 CO, 18 135635 WET 03 MV, 18 135663 WET 03 MV TLAB Case File Number: 18 266416 S53 03 TLAB, 18 266420 S45 03 TLAB, 18 266421 S45 03 TLAB Hearing date: Monday, May 27, 2019 DECISION DELIVERED BY DINO LOMBARDI APPEARANCES Name Role Representative Sir Group Inc. Applicant Nella Sachar Appellant/Owner Amber Stewart Franco Romano Expert Witness INTRODUCTION This is a matter on appeal from the Etobicoke York Panel of the City of Toronto (City) Committee of Toronto (COA) decision to dismiss the applications for the severance of 1023 Kipling Avenue (subject property) and the associated variances. 1 of 17 Decision of Toronto Local Appeal Body Panel Member: D. LOMBARDI TLAB Case File Number: 18 266416 S53 03 TLAB, 18 266420 S45 03 TLAB, 18 266421S45 03TLAB The Owner/Appellant, Ms. Nella Sachar, proposes to sever the subject property in order to create two undersized residential lots and to construct a new, two-storey residential dwelling with an integral garage on each of the newly created lots.