
200 BCE – 1 CE – First contact: The first found their way into space and were later granted an embassy.

1895 CE – Geth created by quarians for use as labourers and tools of war: The quarians were a technologically capable species, The quarians kept their programming as limited as that of any VI, nothing close to an AI, remaining mindful of the Council's laws against artificial intelligence. But as the quarians gradually modified the geth to do more complex tasks, developing a sophisticated neural network, these changes altered the geth to such an extent that they became sentient.

1895 CE – Morning War: A geth asked Hala'Dama, a quarian overseer of geth workers whether it had a soul and what its purpose was. This was not the first time that the question had arisen but it was the first time that the quarians had reacted with fear to the question. The quarians attacked the geth and the quarian homeworlds were placed under martial law. The geth retaliated, at first only to protect units that could not protect themselves, and to protect their creators who stood as their allies. The geth eventually drove the quarians from their homeworlds and onto the flotilla. The council refused aid to the quarian people and they were forced to live as nomads on board the flotilla, where they have lived for 300 years.

1895 CE – Post Morning War : The quarian race was stripped of their embassy on the Citadel.

2161 CE – Tali’Zorah is born.

2183 CE – Tali’Zorah’s Pilgrimage: The events of ‘Homeworlds’ takes place. Tali’ Zorah is on her pilgrimage aboard the Honorata, crewed by Keenah’Brizh. En route through the Cresent Nebula the Honorata detects a geth presence on an unidentified ice world. Tali and the crew land and manage to disable a geth unit and extract some of its memory core. Fearing for the galazy Tali convinces Keenah that they should turn the data over. They are then attacked by mercenaries working for Saren. After fleeing to Illium the Honorata is delayed docking for several days due to Illiums prejudice toward quarians. After walking into an ambush much of the crew is killed, Tali and Keenah manage to escape by stowing away on a transport ship headed toward the citadel. They are caught and handed over to c-sec upon arrival on the citadel, where their pleas of having important information are ignored. Whilst trying to find a way to ensure the information reaches the council Tali is shot and Keenah mortally wounded by the turian mercs.

2183 CE – Tali’Zorah joins the crew of the SSV . During which time the events of ME1 occur. (The human colony of Eden Prime was attacked by the geth, during the attack a turian spectre called Nihlus was murdered. It was realised that another turian spectre known as ‘Saren’ was in charge of the attack. The council did not believe the evidence presented to them by the human crew of the SSV Normandy. It was only after Tali’Zorah’s evidence was presented to the council that Saren was declared rogue and stripped of his spectre status. At this point was named a spectre. Tali’Zorah joined Commander Shepard and the crew of the SSV Normandy in their pursuit of Saren. It was later revealed that Saren was being controlled by a ship, known as Sovereign. Sovereign was part of a race of sentient star ships called the , found to be the cause of the prothean extinction. Sovereign and the geth fleet launched an assault on the Citadel. Shepard defeated Saren and the Alliance Navy destroyed Sovereign, preventing the release of the Reapers.)

2183 CE – Tali’Zorah returns to the Flotilla: The SSV Normandy comes under attack from an unknown vessel, later revealed to be a collector vessel. During these events Commander Shepard is killed and the Normandy destroyed. Tali’Zorah then returns to the quarian fleet, completing her pilgrimage using the data on the geth obtained during the events of ME1.

2183 CE – Attack of the Quarian Fleet: Events of ‘: Ascension.’ Following the events at the Grissom academy, a young autistic biotic named Gillian Greyson flee to the quarian flotilla alongside former teacher Kahlee Sanders, guard Hendel Mitra, and a young quarian on his pilgrimage Lemm'Shal nar Tesleya . Once aboard the fleet they are eventually made honoured guests and allowed to stay as long as they wish. The illusive man sends a group of Cerberus operatives alongside a quarian exile Golo (exiled previously for attempting to sell 12 pure quarians to the collectors) to infiltrate the fleet and retrieve Gillian Greyson. The infiltration attempt is completed using a stolen quarian ship known as the Cyniad (the crew of which had previously been tricked and slaughtered by Golo) the kidnap attempt is thwarted and whilst many quarians are left dead the Idenna is left unharmed. (for more detailed synopsis read Ascension or the wiki article)

2183 CE - A new age: The quarian fleet realise that the time for conservatism is over following Cerberus’ attack on the fleet, and thus the fleet send ships off on lone voyages to search for new home worlds. The Idenna is amongst the first to leave the fleet, accompanied by Gillian Grayson and Kendel Mitra.

2185 CE – Veetors Pilgrimage: A young quarian named Veetor travels to a small human colony known as Freedom’s Progress. During his time at the colony the collectors attack taking every human, Veetor however remains untouched by the collectors and is able to gather some data regarding them which can then be passed on to Commander Shepard. Tali’Zorah and a small crew are sent to the colony to retrieve Veetor following the attack.

2185 CE – Haestrom: Tali’Zorah and a crew of quarians are sent to the previous quarian colony world of Haestrom to investigate why the sun is aging at an accelerated rate. The team is attacked by geth during the study and only a few make it out alive. Tali’Zorah and Kal’Reegar being named as two who can survive the trip. Tali’Zorah is recruited by Commander Shepard to aid against the Collectors with the admirality boards blessing. It is concluded that the sun is aging at an accelerated rate due to dark energy.

2185 CE – Lia’Vaels Pilgrimage: Whilst aboard the citadel Commander Shepard interrupts an exchange between a quarian, volus and human c-sec officer. The volus has accused the quarian of theft of his credit chit. Shepard asks around the local shops and finds that the volus had forgotten his chit. Lia’Vael is subsequently treated rudely by the volus and threatened by the c-sec officer. At which point Shepard may stand up for her. At this point the young quarian admits she is staying in a turian shelter and living off nutrient paste.

2185 CE – Kenns Pilgrimage: Whilst on Omega Commander Shepard meets a quarian merchant named Kenn. After speaking with Kenn it is revealed that he is on his pilgrimage and had his money stolen so he is unable to leave the station. It is also revealed that Harrot (another merchant) is making him sell high meaning he is struggling to sell his goods. Shepard has the opportunity to give Kenn 1000 credits to continue on his pilgrimage.

2185 CE – Tali’s trial: Whilst serving aboard the SSV Normandy, Tali’Zorah is accused of treason and asked to stand before the quarian admiralty board. Tali’Zorah is accused of bringing active geth aboard the flotilla. Prior to the trial Tali is stripped of her title to be tried as Tali’Zorah vas Normandy instead. It is learned that she had been sending geth parts to the Alarei, the lab ship on which her father works. After boarding the ship to remove the geth presence, Tali and Commander Shepard find evidence that Tali’s father and the crew of the Alarei were bringing geth platforms online and performing tests on them. Upon returning from the Alarei Shepard can keep the data to himself, gaining Tali’s loyalty, or tell the admiralty board. Shepard also has the chance to ensure Tali is not exiled and not advise the quarians against going to war with the geth. 2185 CE – Quarian Director’s ‘Quarian Kiss’: Taken directly from official Cerberus Daily News. The Galactic Music Video Awards kicked off tonight with dazzling numbers from Eff Tee El, Bootyherax, and Blue Giants. In what will undoubtedly be called the entrance of the year, Eff donned a cowboy hat and reinforced codpiece to ride a low-powered biotic singularity onstage. As for the awards, Best New Artist went to Domino Masque, Best Choreography went to Skinsuit’s “Mix It,” and the coveted Video of the Year went to Varrencage for their anthem “Let It Up, Let It Out.” A moment of silence for deceased singed Lady Sweat preceded her band’s performance of “Where You Gone?” with the soulful vocals provided by VI-via Wonder. But the most memorable antic of the night was dubbed the “Quarian Kiss”: Lita’Orn nar Idenna stripped off her mask when she won Best VI-Directed Video and gave presenter Illesa T’Nasty a big wet kiss. Lita’s representatives say she is expected to make a full recovery.

2185 CE – Migrant Fleet in Mining Debate: Taken directly from Official Cerberus Daily News. Eldfell-Ashland Energy is refusing to meet with representatives from the Quarian Conclave as they clash over rights to rich veins of palladium discovered on several asteroids on the outskirts of the Nubian Expanse. “Eldfell-Ashland’s sole contribution to the project was to appear with an armed frigate after we finished surveying, then demand that we vacate the unclaimed area,” says Captain Ahlis’Laspar vas Nalotir. “We will continue mining until Eldfell-Ashland presents the Conclave with proof of ownership or speaks to us without hiding behind a gun sight. We would prefer both.”

2185 CE – Migrant Fleet Accused of Attack: Taken from Official Cerberus Daily News. Eldfell-Ashland Energy has accused the Migrant Fleet of destroying a cruiser, three frigates, and six mining freighters in the Nubian Expanse over a mineral-rights dispute. The quarians denied all charges, saying that they last saw Eldfell-Ashland’s ships retreating out of sensor range, presumably to refuel at their cruiser by the system’s mass relay. Eldfell-Ashland spokesperson Yves Nevil responded: “Yesterday we lost contact with our ships out in the Expanse. Shortly afterward, we received a distress signal from the MSV Stanislaw reporting an ‘alien attack.’ We have very little doubt as to what happened here.” Eldfell-Ashland officials are planning to go before the Council and ask that the Migrant Fleet be banned from Citadel space.

2185 CE – Migrant Fleet Rescue: Taken directly from Official Cerberus Daily News. Earlier today, the Migrant Fleet rescued an Eldfell-Ashland Energy employee drifting through the Nubian Expanse in a lifepod. Navigator Camilla Gutierrez, the only survivor of the MSV Stanislaw, says that quarians had nothing to do with the attack that stranded her: “The ship’s silhouette was just massive. There’s no way the quarians had that monster in their Flotilla. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Asked about the attack itself, Gutierrez reported, “They blew out our engines before we knew what hit us. Smoke was everywhere. I heard the captain yell something about boarders before he ordered us to the lifepods.” Eldfell-Ashland says it is relieved Gutierrez was recovered, but that the Citadel investigation should continue “until all parties involved are satisfied.”

2185 CE – Quarians Send Aid to Turians: Taken directly from Official Cerberus Daily News. The outpouring of support for the turian victims of the Vallum Blast has reached across the . “Today, the whole galaxy bleeds blue,” said ’s European Union’s Prime Minister Hertz. On Thessia, Matriarch Tiala ordered the Serrice Republican Guard to play the turian anthem “Stars Behind Me” during their changing of the guard, an act last performed during the Rebellions after the turians lost Uchalda. The quarian Migrant Fleet made no symbolic gestures, but are sending two dozen cruisers to Taetrus packed with emergency supplies. The Salarian Union, meanwhile, is donating heavy moving equipment: state-of-the-art construction-grade vehicles that use mass effect fields to alleviate secondary collapses when digging through rubble.

2186 CE – Flotilla refuses council inspection: Taken directly from official Cerberus Daily News. Migrant Fleet refuses Council inspectors CITADEL — Diplomatic relations between the quarians and Citadel Council have chilled after the Migrant Fleet refused to consider visitation by Council weapons inspectors. The move comes several months after the Migrant Fleet allegedly acquired dual-use ship materials, which could be used to create dreadnought-scale weaponry. The allegations leveled by unnamed Spectres center around a battle over the Terminus world of Korlus. In a violent dispute, the Migrant Fleet fought Blue Suns mercenaries and when the fighting was done, took its fill of parts on or orbiting the planet. Quarian representatives have so far been unapologetic. “We have no embassy on the Citadel, and are no longer signatories to the Treaty of Farixen,” Admiral Han’Gerrel vas Neema said. “Our armaments are none of the Council’s business. Further, these worries are unfounded. We have never had, nor do we plan to have, hostile intent to Council species.”

2186 CE - Return to the Citadel: Fothar vas Maynar, quarian representative had an audience with the council with the aim of reopening the quarian embassy on board the Citadel. The council refused, however the quarians were authorized to create a consulate.

2186 CE – Idenna comes under attack from batarian slaver ship Kar’Shan: The Kar’Shan, en route to a mining operation with a hull full of slaves saw an opportunity to cash in by taking in a full bounty of quarians. Quarians are valuable as slaves for their mechanical expertise. The battle went in the favor of the quarians and the slaves were mostly set free, with some being arrested, the ship was then turned over to a young human named Gillian Grayson in return for her assistance during the battle.

2186 CE- Geth War: Prior to the events of ME3 the quarians decide to go to war against the geth with the aim of retaking their home world. Some quarians disagree with the decision so strongly that they leave the flotilla. The quarians initially are able to successfully push the geth back to their home system, where the quarian home world Rannoch is situated. However the geth, forced by desperation turn to the reapers for aid and receive upgrades that enable them to begin a strong push back. Commander Shepard arrives to offer aid to the flotilla and dependant on their decision may bring about the destruction of the geth or the quarians. Alternatively Commander Shepard is able to broker peace, if peace is created the geth offer the quarians choice of habitat to begin colonising as a gesture of peace. It is also revealed at a later point that the geth are downloading software into quarian suits with the aim of speeding up the strengthening of the quarian immune system.

2186 CE- Kal’Reegars death: If Kal'Reegar survived Haestrom, Shepard will receive an Alliance News Network update stating that Reegar and his squad sacrificed their lives on Palaven repairing and protecting a critical communications tower used for relaying critical mission information back to the Hierarchy.

2186 CE – Post ME3 Ending: It is suggested that the quarians have a hand in rebuilding the mass relays and galaxy as a whole, the quarian future may be any of the following depending on choices made by Commander Shepard at the crucible. Destroy – the quarians eventually return to their homeworld, Rannoch and begin to rebuild without the geth. (It has been theorized that the geth software may have survived and that the quarians may choose to rebuild the race) Synthesis – the quarians eventually return to Rannoch alongside the geth, due to their new synthesized DNA the quarians no longer have the need for enviro-suits, and though they are seen to be wearing the suits (probably due to culture) the masks are no longer worn. Control – the quarians eventually return to Rannoch alongside the geth, the geth continue to aid the quarians in rebuilding their home. Refuse – the quarians, along with every other space faring race are driven to extinction by the Reapers.