May 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 11213 As the President said this week, we and I want to quote his words again. our first amendment, but its effect is cannot define success in Iraq as the ab- The President, in thanking the leaders the same. sence of violence. The day that freedom for coming down, said, ‘‘Yesterday was For Americans, this day should spur wins, whatever that day would be, the a day that highlighted differences. us to consider the role that journalists day that we can know with a moral Today,’’ he said, ‘‘is the day when we play in our society and to ponder what certitude that this new democratically can work together to find common our Nation would be like if this corner- elected government in Iraq is able to ground.’’ But he also added, ‘‘It is very stone of our liberty were to be cur- defend itself, able to defend its people, important we do this as quickly as we tailed. the day we have the moral certitude possibly can.’’ And he expressed con- Although most Americans take the that they can do that and we can begin fidence that we can reach agreement. concept of a free press for granted, I be- then to come home in good conscience, I will close with that, Mr. Speaker. I lieve that an unfettered press is vital there will likely be insurgent and al truly believe in all my heart that it is to America’s national security and to Qaeda violence taking place somewhere possible for a majority of this Congress our democracy here at home. in Iraq. Therefore, we cannot define to come together in a manner that we A year ago today, my colleague from victory as the absence of violence, but can deliver to our soldiers the re- Indiana, Mr. Spence, and Senators we can define victory as the presence of sources that they need within a con- CHRIS DODD and RICHARD LUGAR joined me in launching a new bipartisan, bi- a stable democratic, constitutional re- stitutional framework that doesn’t in- cameral caucus aimed at advancing public that can defend itself. And that, trude on the President’s role as com- press freedom around the world. The it seems to me, beyond the issues that mander in chief, in a way that reflects Congressional Caucus for Freedom of the President raised when he vetoed fiscal discipline and in a way, also, the Press creates a forum where the the legislation, is the most compelling that continues to provide the resources United States Congress can work to argument for finding a way forward, that if, in fact, the modest progress we combat and condemn media censorship finding the common ground necessary are beginning to see continues to widen and the persecution of journalists to get our soldiers the resources they through the summer, that we, in fact, around the world. The launch of this need to get the job done and to come provide the resources for an expanding new caucus sends a strong message success for the surge, an expanding home safe. that Congress will defend democratic success for Iraqis stepping forward to This is a tough time in Iraq. General values and human rights wherever they oppose al Qaeda and insurgency in Al- Petraeus told me on the ground in are threatened. Baghdad a month ago, he told Members Anbar, and ultimately a success for In launching the caucus, we were en- of Congress gathered in a bipartisan freedom in Iraq. I am confident of this, couraged by the wide range of organi- briefing last week that there are dif- I am confident the common ground is zations and individuals, such as Re- ficult days ahead, that there is no there; and it will be my hope and my porters Without Borders, Freedom guarantee that the surge, which seems prayer and my pledge to work with col- House, the Committee to Protect Jour- to be beginning to take hold in Bagh- leagues on both sides of the aisle to ac- nalists, Musa Klebnikov, the widow of dad, will ultimately succeed. But it complish just that. Paul Klebnikov, the editor of Forbes seems to me the fact that, despite the On behalf of the Republican Study , who was shot to death outside recent wave of insurgent bombings, or Committee and our many members, I of his offices 2 years ago, and the leg- the fact that sectarian violence is down thank you, Mr. Speaker, and I thank endary Walter Cronkite, all of whom in Baghdad, the fact that Ramadi and the Republican leadership for yielding enthusiastically endorsed our effort. al Anbar province appears, because of us this hour. Freedom of the press is so central to Sunni Iraqi leadership and U.S. and f our democracy that the Framers en- Iraqi forces, al Anbar province appears WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY shrined it in the first amendment of to be taking a turn for the better, how- our Constitution. At the time, there ever modest, that that argues for us The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. was little in the way of journalist eth- finding a way forward, finding common COHEN). Under the Speaker’s an- ics, and newspapers were filled with ground where we can give our soldiers nounced policy of January 18, 2007, the scurrilous allegations leveled at public the resources they need. Because in gentleman from California (Mr. SCHIFF) figures. Even so, our Founders under- Baghdad, despite the recent bombings, is recognized for 60 minutes as the des- stood its importance to advancing the sectarian violence is down. ignee of the majority leader. new Nation’s experiment in democracy. Baghdad is not safe, but it is safer be- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, today is In the Virginia Report of 1799–1800, cause of the presence of more than two World Press Freedom Day, a day that touching the alien and sedition laws, dozen U.S. and Iraqi joint operating the international community has set James Madison wrote that, ‘‘Some de- centers in that capital city, more than aside to honor the work and sacrifice of gree of abuse is inseparable from the 40 joint operating centers now spread journalists around the world. proper use of everything, and in no in- throughout Ramadi, and the fact that World Press Freedom Day was first stance is this more true than in that of in al Anbar province, more than 20 designated by the United Nations Edu- the press. It has accordingly been de- Sunni sheiks across the region have cational, Scientific, and Cultural Orga- cided by the practice of the States that united together to oppose insurgency nization in 1991 as an occasion to pay it is better to leave a few of its noxious and al Qaeda. tribute to journalists and to reflect branches to their luxuriant growth upon the role of the media in general in than by pruning them away to injure b 1700 advancing fundamental human rights the vigor of those yielding the proper This war is not lost. Congress should as codified in international law, re- fruits. And can the wisdom of this pol- find the common ground necessary to gional conventions and national con- icy be doubted by any who reflect that give our soldiers the resources they stitutions. to the press alone, checkered as it is need to get the job done, to stand up The Universal Declaration of Human with abuses, the world is indebted for this government, to ensure this new de- Rights, which is the foundation of the all the triumphs which have been mocracy in Iraq can defend itself, and postwar human rights movement, gained by reason and humanity over then lay the framework for us to come states the principle broadly in article error and oppression, who reflect to the home. 19. ‘‘Everyone has the right to freedom same beneficent source. The United Mr. Speaker, I thank you for this of opinion and expression. This right States owes much of the lights which time. It is my fondest hope that what includes freedom to hold opinions with- conducted them to the rank of a free the President called us to in his re- out interference and to seek, receive and independent nation and which have marks from the Cabinet room this and impart information and ideas improved their political system into a week will characterize much of the de- through any media and regardless of shape so auspicious to their happi- bate between now and Memorial Day, frontiers.’’ It may not be as eloquent as ness.’’

VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:01 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H03MY7.002 H03MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 11214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 May 3, 2007 Throughout much of our history, only five countries: China, Cuba, Eri- the gulags, the miserable performance Madison’s argument has guided our na- trea, Ethiopia, and Burma. of the Soviet economy and the endemic tional attitude toward the media. Jour- These countries which imprison jour- corruption of Soviet society were laid nalists have jealously guarded their nalists for straying beyond the bounds bare. There is little doubt that the So- rights, and American courts have, in of official censorship are not the most viet media’s revelations were a cata- the main, carved out broad protection dangerous for journalists, however. lyst in the disintegration of the Soviet for the press. In the United States, the Since 1992, more journalists have been Union. press operates almost as a fourth killed in Iraq, Algeria, Russia, Colom- In the immediate post-Soviet era, the branch of government, the fourth es- bia and the Philippines than anywhere Russian press foundered as the econ- tate, independent of the other three else. omy collapsed, but the first Chechen and positioned as an agent of the We are all familiar with the dangers war, which lasted from 1994 to 1996, re- American people. inherent in covering war and vitalized Russian journalism. Tele- From the pioneering work of journal- insurgencies, and many of those killed vision was especially powerful, and its ists during the Civil War, to the muck- in Iraq, Algeria and Colombia have coverage of the war turned millions of rakers who were committed to expos- died covering conflicts in these coun- Russians against the conflict. In many ing social, economic and political ills tries. In the Philippines, the murder of respects, this period was the high wa- of industrial life in the early 20th cen- journalists has been part of a larger termark for an independent press in tury, to the publication of the Pen- campaign against perceived left-wing Russia. tagon Papers by The New York Times activists. But even as NTV and other television in 1971, to the work of Washington Post But it is Russia, where more than 20 outlets helped to shape domestic oppo- reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bern- journalists have been murdered in 6 sition to the Chechen war, Russian stein in uncovering the Watergate years since Vladimir Putin succeeded journalism was shedding its independ- scandal a year later, journalists have Boris Yeltsin, that we wish to address ence. As Michael Specter wrote in the performed a crucial role as the watch- this evening. New Yorker about this period in Rus- dogs of our freedom. All alone among the top five coun- sia, ‘‘The moral tone of the journalist’s But in order for freedom of the press tries where journalists are murdered, world began to shift from idealistic to to do its work properly, it must be un- the deaths of journalists in Russia mercenary. The practice of writing bi- fettered, and journalists must be able seem to be part of a concerted effort to ased news articles for money became to do their work without fear of ret- silence the few remaining journalists routine, even at the best papers. Res- ribution. Information is power, which who refuse to tow the Kremlin line. taurant owners, businessmen and pub- is precisely why governments, many of China, Cuba and others have been lic officials knew that, for the right them, attempt to control the press to rightly condemned for imprisoning price, it would bring them favorable suppress opposition and to preempt dis- journalists who raised the ire of their coverage almost anywhere.’’ sent. Far too often, reporters and edi- governments. seems to have This distortion of the journalistic tors who seek to demand reform, ac- taken a different tack. Instead of cen- creed of objectivity and neutrality was countability and greater transparency soring jailing journalists it doesn’t exacerbated in 1996 when President find that their livelihoods and even like, the Kremlin seems to look the Yeltsin, whose support and opinion their very lives are in danger. The cen- other way when they turn up dead. polls had fallen into the low single dig- sorship, intimidation, imprisonment There is no direct evidence tying the its, faced off against Communist and murder of these journalists violate Putin government to the murder of Gennady Zyuganov in the Russian not only their personal liberty, but journalists in Russia, but there is a presidential election. Knowing that also the rights of those who are denied wealth of circumstantial evidence without third-party intervention access to these ideas and information. pointing to at least acquiescence in the Yeltsin was doomed and that Zyuganov The United States, as the world’s old- death of journalists. would reimpose control over the media, est democracy and the greatest cham- The number of journalists killed, the Russia’s media elite intervened. pion of free expression, has a special circumstances of their deaths, the sto- Over the course of the campaign, obligation to defend the rights of jour- ries they were working on, and perhaps NTV and other media outlets collec- nalists wherever and whenever they are most telling, the fact that not one of tively swayed Russian public opinion threatened. A free press is one of the the crimes has been successfully pros- and Yeltsin ended up winning. But the most powerful forces for advancing de- ecuted involving the murder of these damage was done. As a former anchor mocracy, human rights and economic journalists in Russia, is indicative of a for NTV told the New Yorker’s Michael development. So our commitment to deliberate decision not to dig too deep- Specter, the election ‘‘put a poisoned these larger objectives requires active ly into these murders. seed into the soil, and even if we did engagement in the protection and the Others hint at something darker. In not see why, the authorities under- promotion of this freedom. an editorial the Washington Post re- stood at once mass media could very These are difficult and dangerous cently stated, ‘‘The instances of vio- easily be manipulated to achieve any days for reporters around the world. lence against journalists in Mr. Putin’s goal. Whether the Kremlin needed to According to the New York-based Com- Russia and of the brutal elimination of raise the rating of a president or bring mittee to Protect Journalists, 56 jour- his critics both at home and abroad down an opponent or conduct an oper- nalists were killed in the line of duty have become so common that it is im- ation to destroy a businessman, the in 2006, most of whom were murdered possible to explain them all as coinci- media could do the job.’’ to silence or punish them. The toll was dences.’’ 9 more than the 47 journalists killed in The evolution of Russian journalism b 1715 2005, just the year before, and well from its dismal Soviet past to its cur- Once the Kremlin understood it could above average for the last 2 decades of rent role as the Kremlin’s sycophant is use journalists as instruments of its reporting. Another 30 reporters were distressing. During the latter part of will and saw that journalists would go killed, but law enforcement authorities the 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev loosened along, everything that happened in the cannot confirm that their deaths were many of the Soviet era’s restrictions Putin era was, sadly, quite logical. the result of their work. on the press and the Soviet media be- The ascension of Vladimir Putin to Outright murder is not the only tool came an important player in the Russian presidency cemented the that the authorities use to silence re- Gorbachev’s policy of Glasnost. link between Russia’s rulers and the porters. As of December 1, 2006, 134 Under Gorbachev, journalists began press. Even without government cen- journalists were imprisoned around the to explore the full range of issues that sorship, the press has become a passive world as a consequence of their work. had remained hidden for so long by the booster of the president’s efforts to Of these, more than 100 were held by Soviet Government, the Afghan war, centralize authority and to restore

VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:01 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H03MY7.002 H03MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 11215 Russia to its former status as a great the only way to silence him was by included it there because they believed power. To that end, the Russian media eliminating him. Mr. Safronov is not in limited government and they be- has ignored the corruption and cro- on either of the lists of journalists that lieved in the survival of liberty, and nyism that has become institutional- we have tonight to highlight because they understood the role that the press ized in Russia since the Yeltsin period, his death is so recent. But his tragic plays in our society and as we seek to and has largely been uncritical of the death is another example of the lack of promote it through this caucus in prosecution of the second Chechnyan progress being made to protect journal- other societies. The press is that agen- war which has raged for nearly 8 years. ists in Russia. cy of progress, that agency of account- But even as the vast majority of Before I begin highlighting 13 of the ability that makes freedom possible their colleagues censor themselves and journalists on the committee to pro- and sustains freedom. follow the Kremlin line, a few brave tect journalists of the most recently A few thoughts from our Founders journalists have dared to investigate, murdered journalists in Russia, I would before I yield back to our effort to to question, and criticize. Journalistic like to introduce my colleague from In- highlight what has been a train of independence in Russia is dangerous. diana, MIKE PENCE, who is one of the frightening contract-style killings tak- And in a few minutes we will introduce co-chairs of the caucus and does a su- ing place in Russia that we seek to you to some of the journalists whose perb job advocating for the rights of highlight today. Thomas Jefferson brave voices have been stilled. the media. would say, ‘‘Our liberty,’’ and I would When my colleague arrives back on Mr. PENCE. I thank the gentleman add parenthetically, anyone else’s lib- the floor, MIKE PENCE, I will introduce for yielding. erty, ‘‘Our liberty cannot be guarded him. He has been a leading voice in the I am profoundly grateful that while I but by freedom of the press, nor that House on human rights and serves as have the privilege of co-chairing the limited without danger of losing it.’’ the other co-chair of our Congressional Congressional Caucus for Protection of Roger McCormick, the founder of the Caucus For Freedom of the Press. the Press, I want to acknowledge you Chicago Tribune, spoke words that are But this evening I will start in high- have been the driving force behind this chiseled on the wall of that newspaper lighting the Russian journalists who caucus. You recruited me to participa- to this day, and I wrote them down have lost their lives by talking about tion a year ago and I am grateful for when I was visiting the paper a few Ivan Safronov, who died in early March this opportunity to have a reunion years ago, about the goal, the mission of this year after falling from a fifth with you publicly on the House floor. of a newspaper. He said, ‘‘The news- floor stairwell window in his apart- The gentleman from California is a paper is an institution developed by ment building in Moscow. Member I deeply admire, and am hon- modern civilization to present the news He was a correspondent at ored to be associated with, as well as of the day, to foster commerce and in- Kommersant, and is the most recent our Senate colleagues, Senator CHRIS dustry, to inform and lead public opin- journalist in Russia to die under a DODD and Senator RICHARD LUGAR from ion, and to furnish that check upon cloud of suspicion. Russian officials my home State. government which no Constitution has quickly called his death a suicide. I would reflect at the outset about ever been able to provide.’’ However, according to colleagues of his World Press Freedom Day which was Benjamin Rush, one of our Founding at Kommersant, he had a very happy the very day that we launched the Con- Fathers, would say, ‘‘Newspapers are the sentinels of the liberties of the family life and had no motive to com- gressional Caucus For Freedom of the country.’’ mit suicide. It was not until Press back on May 3, 2006, the profound James Madison would say, ‘‘To the Kommersant and some other news importance of the freedom of the press press alone checkered as it is with media suggested foul play that the au- and my belief that the United States of abuses, the world is indebted for all of thorities agreed to investigate the cir- America ought to be a beacon of free- the triumphs which have by gained by cumstances of Mr. Safronov’s death. dom for the world. We ought to inspire, reason and humanity over error and According to his editors, Mr. we ought to articulate, we ought to use oppression.’’ Safronov, a military affairs writer, was our freedom, as the gentleman from And Daniel Webster would say, ‘‘The working on a story about Russian plans California is doing today in this Spe- entire and absolute freedom of the to sell weapons to and via cial Order, to highlight the absence of press is essential to the preservation of Belarus. Mr. Safronov had been a colo- freedom in other parts of the globe. I government on the basis of a free Con- nel in the Russia Space Forces prior to am greatly enthused by his leadership, stitution.’’ reporting for Kommersant. He fre- Mr. Speaker, and by the opportunity These great minds, these great voices quently angered authorities with his today. of liberty, some of whom faces are chis- critical reporting and was repeatedly A few thoughts on freedom of the eled into the wall of this great room, questioned by Federal authorities press. I would offer where there is no are what inspired the formation of the which suspected him of divulging state freedom of the press, there is no free- Congressional Caucus for the Freedom secrets. One such report that Mr. dom. If America is to be a beacon of of the Press, and it inspires me to be Safronov filed that angered officials re- hope for the world, we must hold high able to stand with my co-chair, with vealed the third consecutive launch the idea of a free and independent the founder of this caucus, Congress- failure of a new Bulava interconti- press. We must advance it abroad and man SCHIFF, to now use this platform, nental ballistic missile. This had been we must defend it at home. this stage, this blue and gold and red a pet project of President Putin’s A few quotes about the centrality of carpet to hold up the ideal of the free- which was supposed to show the world freedom of the press. As the gentleman dom of the press, and in the exercise of Russia’s nuclear strength. from California (Mr. SCHIFF) suggested, our own freedom to challenge those Strangely enough, no charges were sometimes we don’t quite understand and expose those places in the world ever brought up against Mr. Safronov. how central the freedom of the press is where the freedom of the press is under He was well aware that he was report- to the success of the American experi- siege. ing on a sensitive issue and was very ment. But our Founders enshrined the As I prepare to yield back to the gen- careful in his work always to have a freedom of the press in the first amend- tleman, I would say that the rising tide way to prove he was not divulging ment because they understood, as peo- of violence against journalists in Rus- state secrets. He was known for mak- ple who believed in limited govern- sia since the advent of the presidency ing meticulous notes and conducting ment, that the only check on govern- of Mr. Putin is deeply troubling and thorough research so he could always ment power in real-time is a free and ought to be troubling to anyone who prove he got his information from independent press. cherishes the notion of a free and inde- known sources. Our Founders did not include free- pendent press. It would seem that sadly Mr. dom of the press in the first amend- As we saw the wall fall in 1991, we all Safronov’s reporting was too good and ment because they got good press, they hoped that the daylight of liberty was

VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:01 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H03MY7.002 H03MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 11216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 May 3, 2007 rushing in with perestroika and the realize that these were each promising forced to flee to Vienna after the offi- changes and the democracy movement, lives, these were each important lives, cer sent an e-mail to Novaya Gazeta but it seems that Boris Yeltsin’s recent these were real people doing a coura- promising that he would seek revenge. passing may be a metaphor for Russia geous job who are no longer among us, When Politkovskaya covertly visited today. The Boris Yeltsin who stood we can understand the enormity of the Chechnya in 2002 to investigate new al- against Soviet totalitarianism, stood crime that is going on. legations of human rights abuses, secu- for democracy in his country, passed The first of the journalists on the rity officers arrested her, kept her into history just a matter of weeks committee’s list and the second most overnight at a military base, and ago, and it seems as I think the gen- recent journalist in Russia to be mur- threatened her. In October of that tleman will articulate in a powerful dered, probably the most well-known year, Politkovskaya served as a medi- and compelling way today, that as he internationally is Anna Politkovskaya. ator between armed Chechen fighters passes into history, we fear that this Her portrait is behind me. Anna was and Russian forces during a hostage experiment in freedom and democracy, found shot to death in her Moscow standoff in a central Moscow theater. and particularly a free press in Russia, home on October 7 of last year in a Two days into the crisis, with the is passing into history as well. We do murder that garnered worldwide con- Kremlin restricting media coverage, not conclude that, we fear it. demnation. Russian forces gassed the theater and 129 hostages died. Politkovskaya deliv- I am honored to be able to join my b 1730 colleague and participate as he yields ered some of the most compelling ac- time to telling some of the stories of Her death sparked protests from gov- counts of that tragedy. these journalists who have paid the ernments around the world, the Euro- Just prior to her murder, Anna was price for doing liberty’s work in that pean Union, and civil society groups working on an article, accompanied by country of Russia. concerned with freedom of the press. photos, about torture in Chechnya. It So again, I commend the gentleman Anna was a courageous and world-re- was due to be published days after she and give him whole cloth credit for nowned writer for the paper Novaya was killed. Her article, however, never founding the Congressional Caucus For Gazeta. For many years she had cam- arrived at the newspaper. Freedom of the Press. I am honored to paigned against the war in Chechnya, In her last book, Russia Under Putin, stand with him and honored to call him corruption, and shrinking freedoms which was published this year in a friend. throughout the Russian Federation. France, she not only criticized atroc- Mr. SCHIFF. I thank the gentleman Anna was a fearless journalist com- ities in Chechnya but also corruption for your generosity and commitment. I mitted to reporting the truth about the and human rights violations in Russia. Anna was internationally acclaimed know my colleague probably feels as I conflict in Chechnya, which she called for her courage and her profes- do that there is many a morning I get ‘‘a small corner of hell.’’ sionalism, and now you can see why. up and read the newspaper, seeing my In 7 years covering the second She was named by the Committee to own name in it, and not feel that this Chechen war, Anna’s reporting repeat- Protect Journalists as one of the is the day I want to champion a free edly drew the wrath of Russian au- thorities. For simply reporting the world’s top press freedom figures of the press. That does happen from time to past 25 years in the fall 2006 edition of time. But notwithstanding those occa- truth about the conflict, she was threatened, jailed, forced into exile, its magazine, Dangerous Assignments. sional morning papers, we almost al- Anna may have been killed, but her and even poisoned. Even that was not ways recognize the importance of the memory continues to live on. Today, enough to silence her. institution. That is why we are here to- Anna was named this year’s winner of In an interview with the Committee night. the prestigious 2007 UNESCO/Guillermo to Protect Journalists, Politkovskaya When we have gotten together in the Cano World Press Freedom Prize. This noted the government’s obstruction past, it is to highlight journalists who is the first time the honor has been and harassment of journalists trying to have been imprisoned or murdered or awarded posthumously in its 10-year cover the Chechen conflict. She point- killers who have gone with impunity history. around the world. But because of the ed out the difficulty of covering the While the Russian Government magnitude of the problem in Russia, 2004 hostage crisis in the North claims that many leads have been ex- because of the prevalence and the per- Ossetian town of Beslan that left 334 ci- amined, so far the investigation has nicious nature of what is going on in vilians dead. She said, ‘‘There is so stalled, and no charges have been filed, Russia, we felt that we needed to spot- much more to write about Beslan, but a sadly familiar tale when a journalist light one country tonight and devote it gets more and more difficult when is murdered in Russia. the entire hour to Russia. all the journalists who write are forced This is the face of a woman of great Let me start by highlighting some of to leave.’’ courage, who gave her life so that the the 13 journalists in Russia who have Apparently the authorities were not truth could come out and be told, and been killed contract-style since Presi- content with simply forcing tonight we honor her memory and we dent Putin was elected president in Politkovskaya to leave. She was point to her example. 2000. poisoned on her way to cover the I will turn now to Mr. PENCE to high- This list of journalists was compiled Beslan crisis. After drinking tea on a light our next journalist. by the caucus to protect journalists. flight to the region, she became seri- Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, also pic- These 13 journalists are all believed to ously ill and was hospitalized, but the tured on our poster, and I believe the have been deliberately killed due to toxin was never identified because the gentleman from California could point their work as journalists. Their names medical staff was instructed to destroy to, in the upper left corner of the post- and the dates they were killed and the her blood tests. er should be the image of media outlets they worked for are list- Politkovskaya was threatened and Magomedzagid Varisov. ed on some of the graphics that we attacked numerous times in retaliation At around 9 p.m. on June 28, 2005, in have here tonight, and these are the for her work. In February 2001, security the city of Makhachkala, assailants faces of the 13 slain journalists. agents detained her in the Vedeno dis- armed with machine guns opened fire It is one thing when we talk about trict in Chechnya, accusing her of en- on Magomedzagid Varisov’s sedan as he the numbers of journalists that have tering Chechnya without accreditation. drove home with his wife. Varisov sus- been murdered this year and the num- She was kept in a pit for three days tained multiple bullet wounds and died ber that were murdered last year or the without food or water, while a military at the scene. The likely motive for number killed in Russia alone over the officer threatened to shoot her. Seven Varisov’s assassination was his work as last several years. Those are only num- months later, she received death a journalist and a commentator. bers; but when we look at this chart threats from a military officer accused For three years prior to his murder, and we look at these journalists and we of crimes against civilians. She was Varisov wrote analytical columns for

VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:01 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H03MY7.002 H03MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 11217 the Novoye Delo, Dagestan’s largest risen through the ranks of Forbes over Paul may have believed Russia was weekly newspaper. Dagestan, a Russian the prior 15 years with the magazine, entering a new era, but today we can republic bordering the Caspian Sea, has starting as a reporter covering Russian still see that with independent report- been the scene of low-level political vi- economic reform and the rise of the ing stifled and investigative journalists olence and unrest driven by a sepa- country’s new business elite. As a son living in fear of contract killings, post- ratist rebellion since 2000. Varisov was of Russian emigrants with a long mili- Soviet Russia still must close a vast often critical of the Dagestan separat- tary tradition across the political gap to begin to have a free and unbi- ists, and his expertise on the Northern stratosphere, Paul developed a signifi- ased press. Caucuses made him a highly sought cant expertise in Russian and Eastern I yield to my colleague from Indiana after resource for reporters and re- European politics and economics, (Mr. PENCE). searchers. As a journalist and a pundit, which he used to report on the murky Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, Aleksei Varisov wrote that the opposition was world in post-Soviet Russia where poli- Sidorov is our next victim, and his trying to destabilize the republic and tics and business meet. image appears along with Valery topple the regional government and au- Over the course of his career, Paul Ivanov at the center of the poster, if thored investigative pieces into ter- conducted hundreds of interviews with the gentleman from California would rorism and organized crime in the re- top Russian officials and business lead- point it out. I do think, as Mr. SCHIFF gion. ers and had interviewed nearly all of said earlier, it is important in this mo- In an issue of Novoye Delo just before Russia’s most famous businessmen, its ment that we dwell on the fact that his death, Varisov examined Russian oligarchs. His research into the activi- these were people who demonstrated Army operations in the Chechen border ties of these leaders led to his first courage, who had loved ones and who town of Borozdinovskaya in which one book. Further research into organized are now gone forever, both to the cause person was killed and 11 others were re- crime in Chechnya led to his second and to their families and their commu- ported missing. Ethnic Avars, fearing book. In 2003, he published a nities, and it is imperative we look for their lives, left Borozdinovskaya by groundbreaking article on corruption them in the face. On October 9, 2003, Aleksei Sidorov, the hundreds and crossed into neigh- among Iran’s theocratic rulers. the editor-in-chief of the independent boring Dagestan. Varisov criticized When given the opportunity to daily known as Tolyatinskoye Chechen authorities in his article for launch Forbes Russia, Paul considered Obozreniye, was murdered in Togliatti, failing to protect the safety of it a great opportunity to bring the best a city on the Volga River 600 miles east Borozdinovskaya residents and ap- of Western values to a Nation strug- of Moscow. pealed to Dagestan authorities to do gling through a difficult political, eco- nomic and social transition. He wrote Sidorov was the second editor-in- right by them. chief of that newspaper to be murdered For over a year, Varisov had spoken that Russia, despite setbacks, was en- tering an era where lawful, innovative, in a 2-year span. His predecessor, of threats against him and had written shown in the same photograph, Valery about those threats in articles for free enterprise capitalism could emerge. In Forbes Russia’s inaugural Ivanov, was shot eight times at point- Novoye Delo. Varisov complained that edition of April 2004, Paul published an blank range in April 2002. unknown individuals were following investigative piece that led to criti- According to local press reports, two him, and he sought protection from cism from the Kremlin. The following unidentified assailants stabbed Sidorov Makhachkala law enforcement au- May issue included a list of Russia’s 100 in the chest several times as he ap- thorities. No protection came, and not richest people, noting that Moscow had proached the apartment building in long after, Varisov was gunned down. more billionaires than any other city. Togliatti where he lived with his fam- In a tale that has become all too Both articles incited the subjects of ily. The assailants fled after stabbing common in Russia, Mr. Varisov’s mur- the pieces, and Paul’s tradition of cre- Sidorov, and the editor died in his der will go unsolved and unprosecuted. ating enemies through his reporting wife’s arms after she heard his call for A raid on October 25, 2005, killed three continued. help and came down to the entrance of suspects in Mr. Varisov’s death. Local That history followed him to the their building. prosecutors closed their case shortly night of his murder when Paul, after Sidarov’s paper was a newspaper afterward, and Varisov was added to leaving work, was shot multiple times known for its investigative reports on the list of journalists whose murder and killed. In his dying words, he said organized crime, government corrup- will go unsolved but not forgotten. he couldn’t imagine who wanted him tion, and shady corporate deals in the Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I thank dead. heavily industrialized city of Togliatti. the gentleman. A special crimes unit was assigned to His colleagues are convinced the mur- The next casualty in Russia’s war on investigate Paul’s murder. der was in retaliation for the paper’s journalism that we will highlight to- On September 28, 2004, Moscow police investigative work. night is Paul Klebnikov whose photo said they arrested two Chechen men One of them told the Committee to appears here. suspected in the murder. But the sus- Protect Journalists, ‘‘All of our inves- Paul, editor of Forbes Russia and an pects denied involvement, and police tigative work was supervised by investigative reporter, was gunned backed off their initial assertion. Less Aleksei.’’ Another journalist at the down as he left his Moscow office late than two months later, on November paper told CPJ that Sidorov had re- at night on July 9, 2004. Authorities in 18, 2004, Moscow police and the ceived unspecified threats in retalia- Moscow described the case as a con- Belarusian security service arrested tion for his work. tract murder and said that he may three other Chechens considered sus- Government officials initially agreed have been killed because of his work. pects in the murder. Authorities pro- that Sidorov’s murder appeared to be a Paul, a U.S. journalist of Russian de- vided only limited information about contract killing in retaliation for his scent, was 41 years old when he was the evidence they used to link the new work as a journalist. But a week after shot at least nine times from a passing suspects to the crime. the killing, officials began offering car. Some analysts reacted to the arrests conflicting explanations about the mo- I had the opportunity to speak with with skepticism. After the September tive for the murder. On October 16, the his widow a year ago today when Rep- arrests were reported, Oleg Panfilov, local head of the Interior Ministry, resentative PENCE and I launched this director of the Moscow-based press Vladimir Shcherbakov, said Sidorov caucus, and I expressed my deep sorrow freedom group Center for Journalism was stabbed after refusing to give a to her and their three young children in Extreme Situations, told an inter- stranger a sip of some vodka he had about this tragic occurrence. viewer that authorities were pursuing supposedly been drinking, the inde- Paul had just started as the editor of a ‘‘farfetched Chechen trail.’’ pendent Moscow daily Gazeta reported. Forbes Russia, which had launched Today, Paul’s case remains another That same day, Deputy Prosecutor three months prior to his death. He had unsolved murder in Russia. General Vladimir Kolesnikov said the

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Nashe Vremya editor-in-chief hooliganism,’’ the ITAR-TASS news the afternoon in front of witnesses and Vera Yuzhanskaya believes that agency reported. escaped in a getaway car that was Natalya’s death was related to her pro- fessional activities, ITAR-TASS news b 1745 waiting nearby. Dmitry died instantly. Dmitry was well known in Murmansk, agency reported. According to local news reports, Dep- not only for running the television sta- Since opening an investigation short- uty Prosecutor General Yevgeny tion, but also for his political activism ly after her murder, officials have Novozhylov said that an intoxicated and a number of commercial interests. changed their theory several times. welder from one of the local factories, Although he had not worked as a jour- Initially, the prosecutor’s office said Yevgeny Maininger, stumbled upon nalist in many years, Dmitry remained that because Natalya was carrying jew- Sidorov that evening and murdered in a managerial position and on the elry and a large sum of cash that were him after a brief argument. The local station’s board of directors. According not taken at the time of the murder, police detained Maininger on October to press reports in the Moscow-based that robbery could be ruled out as a 12 and charged him with murder after Center for Journalism in Extreme Situ- motive. he confessed to the killing. ations, he influenced the station’s edi- But on July 24, 2002, the Taganrog Di- Sidorov’s family and journalists at torial policy and TV–21’s reporting. rectorate of Internal Affairs announced the newspaper Tolyatinskoye The Murmansk media covered that robbery was the motive, and that Obozreniye were skeptical that the au- Dmitry’s murder widely and actively the crime was unrelated to her journal- thorities had found the true killer. A speculated about the possible motive. istic activities, according to a local year later, a Russian district court Dmitry’s colleague said the TV–21 had radio station report. Taganrog authori- judge confirmed their doubts by acquit- received several threats for its critical ties switched their story again on Sep- ting the man. reporting on several influential politi- tember 5, and the Nashe Vremya editor On October 11, 2004, Judge Andrei cians, include Andrei Gorshkov, a can- in chief, Vera Yuzhanskaya, told the Kirillov found that the 29 year-old al- didate in the city’s mayoral race. Committee to Protect Journalists, leged assailant was not involved in Several weeks before Dmitry’s mur- when they closed the murder investiga- Sidorov’s murder and said the prosecu- der, Gorshkov had threatened TV–21’s tion without officially identifying the tion’s case was untenable, according to journalists several times after they reason for the murder. Gregory Bochkarov, a local analyst the independent Moscow daily known broadcast a tough interview with him. in Rostov-on-Don for the Moscow-based as Kommersant. Sidorov’s family fa- TV–21 news editor Svetlana Bokova Center For Journalism in Extreme Sit- ther said the family was pleased that told the Committee to Protect Jour- uations told the Committee to Protect the acquittal ended what they consid- nalists that at the time of his death, Journalists that the only credible mo- ered to be a flawed investigation. ‘‘The Dmitry was using his contacts at the tive for Natalya’s murder was her re- investigation, instead of seeking out police and prosecutor’s office to inves- porting about Tagmet and that police the real killer of my son, tried to dump tigate the mayoral candidate’s links to had emphasized the robbery motive in everything on this innocent person,’’ organized crime. an effort to play down the significance Mr. Sidorov’s father, said. ‘‘We will do Police investigated various motives of her case. Just prior to her death everything possible to ensure the [au- behind the murder, including Dmitry’s Natalya reportedly told several of her thorities] start a normal investiga- political, commercial and journalistic colleagues that she had recently ob- tion.’’ activities at TV–21. Dmitry’s col- tained sensitive information about the Karen Nersisian, the defense lawyer leagues maintain that he was killed in representing the Sidorov family, said, Tagmet story and was planning to pub- retaliation for TV–21’s critical report- lish an article revealing this informa- he will work to have the case trans- ing on local politics. ferred to a higher court in Moscow, ac- tion. Sadly, Dmitry’s murder has yet to be Let me say that again. Just prior to cording to local press reports. solved. her death, Natalya told several col- More than 3 years later, Sidorov’s I now yield to the gentleman from In- leagues that she had recently obtained killer has not been identified. diana. sensitive information about the story Mr. SCHIFF. It is a sad commentary Mr. PENCE. On March 9, 2002, and was planning to publish an article on the number of journalists that have Natalya Skryl, a business reporter revealing that information. been murdered in Russia, that in an working for the Nashe Vremya news- Natalya, like all other journalists, is hour we will not have time to discuss paper in the City of Rostov-on-Don in among the ranks of unsolved ranks of all of them. southwestern Russia died from head in- murders of journalists in Russia. There are several journalists we may juries sustained during an attack the Mrs. Pence is waiting supper. I will not be able to fully describe this previous evening. Her image appears on ask the gentleman’s forbearance. I ex- evening who are featured on our chart. our poster at the lower right-hand. tend my gratitude for your leadership I do want to let those know who are Perhaps the gentleman from California of our caucus, for the honor of partici- listening and watching know that the could point that out for our C–SPAN pating in this special order with you full biographies and facts that we are camera team, Natalya Skryl. and to say how much I look forward to outlining tonight can be obtained from Late on the night of March 8, continuing to work with you as we use the Committee to Protect Journalists Natalya was returning to her home in this institution of freedom to promote and Reporters Without Borders. Much the town of Taganrog just outside of press freedom around the world. of the material we are using tonight is Rostov-on-Don when she was attacked Mr. SCHIFF. I thank the gentleman drawn from their sources, and we are from behind and struck in the head very much, and particularly since the deeply grateful for their work and as- about a dozen times with a heavy blunt gentleman conducted a special order sistance. object. Neighbors called an ambulance hour before this one, I am amazed that The next journalist we will highlight and the police after hearing her his voice has held up this long. I thank tonight is Dmitry Shvets. Dmitry’s scream. Natalya was found unconscious the gentleman for all your work, and picture appears here in the middle of just outside her home and taken to appreciate you joining me tonight. the chart. On April 18, 2003, the 37 year- Taganrog hospital, where she died the The next journalist that I will high- old deputy director general of the inde- following day. light this evening is Eduard pendent television station TV–21 Natalya, who was 29, reported on Markevich, and Eduard’s picture ap- Northwestern Broadcasting in the local business issues for a newspaper pears in the upper left-hand corner. Mr.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 10:01 Apr 27, 2010 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR07\H03MY7.002 H03MY7 WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 3, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 153, Pt. 8 11219 Markevich was the 29-year-old editor southern Russian city of Togliatti, was service of the U.S.-funded RFE/RL, and publisher of Novy Reft, the local shot dead outside his home at approxi- which broadcasts daily news program- newspaper in the town of Reftinsky, mately 11 at night. He was 32 years old ming to Tajikistan. Sverdlovsk Region. He was found dead, and was shot eight times in the head at A Radio Free Europe spokeswoman shot in the back. point blank range while entering his said at the time of his death, Iskandar Novy Reft often criticized local offi- car, a colleague at the newspaper said. had been working on stories about the cials, and Eduard’s colleagues told the My eyewitnesses saw a 25- to 30-year- Russian military’s human rights ITAR-TASS news service that he had old man walk up to Valery’s car and abuses in Chechyna. received threatening telephone calls shoot him, according to local press re- prior to the attack. This was not the ports and the Committee to Protect b 1800 first attack on Eduard, the Region-In- Journalists sources. The killer used a form news agency reported. In 1998, two pistol with a silencer and fled the scene Earlier in the year, a senior official unknown assailants broke into his on foot. in Russia’s Media Ministry charged apartment and severely beat him in Valery’s colleagues believe the kill- that Radio Free Europe was ‘‘hostile to front of his pregnant wife. They were ing was connected to his work. The our state.’’ His death, along with all never caught. newspaper he worked for is well known the other journalists killed in Russia In 1999, Eduard was illegally detained for its reports on local organized crime, since 2000, remains unsolved. for 10 days after local prosecutor’s of- drug trafficking and official corrup- The next journalist we will highlight fice charged him with defamation over tion. Valery also served as a deputy in this evening is Sergey Novikov. On the a Novy Reft article questioning the the local legislative assembly. night of July 26, 2000, Sergey Novikov, propriety of a lucrative government Local police opened a criminal inves- the 36-year-old owner of the only inde- contract that gave a former deputy tigation into the murder, and many pendent radio station in Smolensk, was prosecutor the exclusive right to rep- considered several possible motives, shot and killed on the stairwell of his resent the Reftinsky administration in though it is believed by many that he apartment building. The killer shot court. was killed in retaliation for his writ- him four times and escaped through In May 2001, federal prosecutor gen- ing. Five years later, no one has been the back door. eral Vladimir Ustinov reprimanded the brought to justice for Valery’s murder. Sergey had received death threats local prosecutor for violating Eduard’s The next journalist we will highlight earlier in the year after announcing his constitutional rights. this evening is Sergey Ivanov. There is intent to run for provincial governor- Police investigated, or launched an little known about the death of Sergey ship. He was one of the most successful investigation into Eduard’s murder. Ivanov. His picture appears here. businessmen in the region, serving on Now 6 years after the journalist’s Around 10 p.m. on October 3, 2000, un- the board of directors of a local glass- death. Authorities have made no known gunmen killed Sergey in front making factory. progress, the Moscow-based Center for of his apartment building in Togliatti, Sergey’s employees believed his mur- Journalism in Extreme Situations has a town in Province. He was the der was politically motivated. His reported. There is continually no director of the largest independent tel- radio station, Radio Vesna, was a fre- progress made. evision company in Togliatti. Sergey quent critic of the government of Smo- His wife continues to publish the was shot five times in the head and lensk Province. Three days before his Novy Reft, and, this evening, Eduard is chest. death, Sergey had taken part in a tele- in our thoughts and in our memories. Lada-TV, which the 30-year-old vision panel that had discussed the al- The next journalist I will highlight Sergey had headed since 1993, was a sig- leged corruption of the provincial dep- this evening, is Adam Tepsurgayev. nificant player in the local political uty government. To this day, his killer Adam’s picture appears just here to my scene. Investigators have considered a remains at large and the police have right. Adam was a 24-year-old Chechen possible or commercial programming not determined a motive for his death. cameraman. He was shot dead at a dispute as the motivation for the mur- neighbor’s house in the village of der. However, the murder still remains My time will soon run out. There is Alkhan-Kala. His brother, Ali, was unsolved. Without a complete inves- one final reporter that I wish to high- wounded in the leg during the attack. tigation, we may never know the cir- light on this chart tonight, Igor A Russian government spokesman cumstances of his death. Domnikov. On July 16, 2000, Igor, a 42- blamed Chechen guerillas for the mur- The next journalist murdered in Rus- year-old reporter and special projects der. The gunman reportedly spoke sia we will highlight this evening is editor for the twice-weekly Moscow Chechen, but local residents said the Iskandar Khatloni. Mr. Khatloni’s pic- paper, Novaya Gazeta, died after being guerillas had no reason to kill a cam- ture appears to the far right on this attacked 2 months earlier in the eraman. During the first Chechen war chart, to my far right, that is. entryway of his apartment building in in 1994–1996 Adam worked as a driver On September 21, 2000, Iskandar, who southeastern Moscow. According to nu- and fixer for foreign journalists. Later was a reporter for the Tajik-language merous sources, the reporter was at- he started shooting footage from the service of Radio Free Europe/Radio tacked by an unidentified assailant front lines of the conflict between Rus- Liberty, was attacked late at night at who hit him repeatedly on the head sian troops and separatists guerillas. his Moscow apartment by an unknown, with a heavy object, presumably a Reuters’ Moscow bureau chief, Martin axe-wielding assailant. The door of his hammer, and left him lying uncon- Nesirky, described him as an ‘‘irregular apartment was not damaged, indi- scious in a pool of blood, where a contributor.’’ While most of Reuter’s cating that there was no forced entry neighbor found him. footage from Chechyna in 2000 was and that the journalist might have Igor was taken to the hospital with credited to Adam, including shots of known his attacker. injuries to the skull and brain. After Chechen field commander Shamil The 46-year-old Iskandar was struck surgery and 2 months in a coma, the Basayev, having his foot amputated, he twice in the head, according to Radio journalist died on July 16. had not worked for Reuters in the 6 Free Europe’s Moscow bureau. He then From the very beginning, Igor’s col- months before he died. His murder, too, stumbled into the street and collapsed leagues and the police were certain the is yet to be solved, and there are no de- and was later found by a passerby. The attack was related to his professional tails about any investigation. journalist died later that night in Mos- activity or that of the newspaper. It The next journalist I will highlight cow’s Botkin Hospital. Local police was also believed for a while that the this evening is Valery Ivanov. Valery’s opened a murder investigation, but had assailant mistook Igor, who covered so- picture appears here. On April 29, 2002, made little progress by year’s end. cial and cultural issues, for a Novaya Mr. Ivanov, editor of the newspaper, Iskandar had worked since 1996 as a Gazeta investigative reporter named Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye, in the Moscow-based journalist for the Tajik Oleg Sultanov, who lives in the same

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building. Sultanov claimed to have re- Mr. JEFFERSON, for 5 minutes, today. [Docket No. AMS-FV-06-0225; FV07-932-1 FR] ceived threats from the Federal Secu- Mr. MCDERMOTT, for 5 minutes, received May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. rity Service in January for his report- today. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- culture. ing on corruption in the Russian oil in- Mr. WYNN, for 5 minutes, today. 1482. A letter from the Administrator, De- dustry. Ms. CORRINE BROWN of Florida, for 5 partment of Agriculture, transmitting the According to the paper’s editorial minutes, today. Department’s final rule — Onions Grown in staff, the Interior Ministry was ac- (The following Members (at the re- South Texas; Exemption of Onions for Ex- tively investigating the brutal attack quest of Mr. HAYES) to revise and ex- port [Docket No. AMS-FV-07-0043; FV07-959-2 and promised Igor’s colleagues to finish tend their remarks and include extra- IFR] received May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 the investigation by the end of the neous material:) U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ag- summer if the latter agreed not to Mr. POE, for 5 minutes, May 10, 2007. riculture. 1483. A letter from the Administrator, De- interfere or disclose any details of the Mr. FRANKS of Arizona, for 5 minutes, partment of Agriculture, transmitting the case to the public. However, in early today. Department’s final rule — Almonds Grown in fall of that year the police downgraded Mr. JONES of North Carolina, for 5 California; Outgoing Quality Control Re- the case’s high priority status and minutes, May 7, 8, 9, and 10, 2007. quirements [Docket No. FV06-981-1 FR] re- archived it, as allowed by law for cases f ceived May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. unresolved within 3 months. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- Igor’s colleagues were not informed ADJOURNMENT culture. about the downgrade. As they ex- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I move 1484. A letter from the Comptroller, De- plained, archiving does not mean out- that the House do now adjourn. partment of Defense, transmitting a report The motion was agreed to; accord- of a violation of the Antideficiency Act by right closure of the investigation; the the Department of the Army, Case Number case may be reopened if new informa- ingly (at 6 o’clock and 3 minutes p.m.), 05-09, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1351; to the Com- tion emerges. But this did not appear under its previous order, the House ad- mittee on Appropriations. likely and has yet to happen almost 7 journed until Monday, May 7, 2007, at 1485. A letter from the Chair, Equal Em- years later. 12:30 p.m., for morning hour debate. ployment Opportunity Commission, trans- Those are the journalists we have f mitting report of a violation of the time to highlight this evening. They Antideficiency Act by the Equal Employ- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, are just a window into the attack on ment Opportunity Commission, pursuant to ETC. 31 U.S.C. 1517(b); to the Committee on Appro- press freedom going on in Russia, and Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive priations. they stand as a shining example of the 1486. A letter from the Under Secretary for courage and dedication of some of the communications were taken from the Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- men and women around the world de- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: fense, transmitting a report to Congress on voted to freedom of the press. 1476. A letter from the Administrator, De- the use of Aviation Continuation Pay (ACP) Tonight we honor their memory and partment of Agriculture, transmitting the for Fiscal Year 2006, pursuant to 37 U.S.C. we call on the Putin government to in- Department’s final rule — Irish Potatoes 301b(i); to the Committee on Armed Services. vestigate their deaths and hold those Grown in Washington; Modification of Ad- 1487. A letter from the Under Secretary for ministrative Rules Governing Committee Personnel and Readiness, Department of De- responsible accountable Representation [Docket No. AMS-FV-06-0182; fense, transmitting the Department’s report f FV06-946-1 FR] received May 2, 2007, pursuant for improving the recruitment, placement, LEAVE OF ABSENCE to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on and retention within the Department of indi- Agriculture. viduals who receive scholarships and fellow- By unanimous consent, leave of ab- 1477. A letter from the Administrator, De- ships under the National Security Education sence was granted to: partment of Agriculture, transmitting the Act of 1951, pursuant to Public Law 109-364, Mr. COSTA (at the request of Ms. Department’s final rule — Olives Grown in section 945(c); to the Committee on Armed PELOSI) for after 2 p.m. today. California; Increased Assessment Rate Services. Mr. GINGREY (at the request of Mr. [Docket No. AMS-FV-06-0225; FV07-932-1 PR] 1488. A letter from the Principal Deputy received May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Associate Administrator, Environmental BOEHNER) for today on account of at- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- tending a funeral. culture. cy’s final rule — Extension of Temporary Ex- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas 1478. A letter from the Administrator, De- haust Emission Test Procedure Option for (at the request of Ms. PELOSI) for today partment of Agriculture, transmitting the All Terrain Vehicles [EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-0858; and through May 9, 2007 on account of Department’s final rule — Raisins Produced FRL-8305-8] (RIN: 2060-A035) received April official business in district. From Grapes Grown in California; Final Free 23, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to Mr. ORTIZ (at the request of Ms. and Reserve Percentages for 2006-07 Crop the Committee on Energy and Commerce. PELOSI) for today on account of per- Natural (sun-dried) Seedless Raisins [Docket 1489. A letter from the Principal Deputy sonal health reasons. No. AMS-FV-07-0027; FV07-989-1 IFR] re- Associate Administrator, Environmental ceived May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Mr. PEARCE (at the request of Mr. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Agri- cy’s final rule — Prevention of Significant BOEHNER) for today on account of offi- culture. Deterioration, Nonattainment New Source cial business. 1479. A letter from the Administrator, De- Review, and Title V: Treatment of Certain f partment of Agriculture, transmitting the Ethanol Production Facilities Under the Department’s final rule — Apricots Grown in ‘‘Major Emitting Facility’’ Defition [EPA- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED Designated Counties in Washington; Suspen- HQ-OAR-2006-0089; FRL-8301-4] (RIN: 2060- By unanimous consent, permission to sion of Container Regulations [Docket No. AN77) received April 23, 2007, pursuant to 5 address the House, following the legis- AMS-FV-07-0031; FV07-922-1 IFR] received U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- lative program and any special orders May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); ergy and Commerce. to the Committee on Agriculture. 1490. A letter from the Principal Deputy heretofore entered, was granted to: 1480. A letter from the Administrator, De- Associate Administrator, Environmental (The following Members (at the re- partment of Agriculture, transmitting the Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- quest of Mr. JEFFERSON) to revise and Department’s final rule — Changes in Hourly cy’s final rule — Regulation of Fuels and extend their remarks and include ex- Fee Rates for Science and Technology Lab- Fuel Additives: Extension of the Reformu- traneous material:) oratory Services-Fiscal Years 2007-2009 lated Gasoline Program to Illinois portion of Mr. CLYBURN, for 5 minutes, today. [Docket No. AMS-ST-07-0045; ST-05-01] (RIN: the St. Louis, Illinois portion of the St. Ms. WATSON, for 5 minutes, today. 0581-AC48) received May 2, 2007, pursuant to 5 Louis, Illinois-Missouri Ozone Nonattain- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ag- ment Area [EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-0841 FRL-8304- Mr. ELLISON, for 5 minutes, today. riculture. 1] (RIN: 2060-A034) received April 23, 2007, Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, for 5 minutes, 1481. A letter from the Administrator, De- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- today. partment of Agriculture, transmitting the mittee on Energy and Commerce. Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, for 5 min- Department’s final rule — Olives Grown in 1491. A letter from the Principal Deputy utes, today. California; Increased Assessment Rate Associate Administrator, Environmental

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