Cornell Alumni News
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CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS Volume Twenty-Nine SEPTEMBER 1, 1926—AUGUST 31, 1927 Published weekly throughout the college year Monthly in July and August Forty whole numbers and index to this volume ITHACA NEW YORK VOL. XXIX, No. 1 [PEICE TWELVE GENTS] SEPTEMBER 30, 1926 LH 1 08+ Five Thousand Given to War Memo- rial by Parents of Lieutenant Alvin W. Splane Cornell Defeats Geneva in Opening Football Game by Score of 6 to 0 Dr. James B. Sumner Isolates the Enzyme After Nine Year's Work Announce $10,000 Gift to Fund for John Edson Sweet Memorial Professorship Published weekly during the college year and monthly in July and August. Subscription $4 per year. Entered as second class matter, Ithaca, N. Y. Postmaster: Return postage guaranteed. .Use form 3578 for undeliverable copies. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS J. Dall, Jr., Inc. Rothschild Building Construction Bros. Alumni Ithaca send their sons to the EDMINSTER N.Y. Prep. Tutoring We Carry School a Complete Line gf • Cornell Furnishings J. Dall, Jr., '16 Phone President 2369 Banners, Pennants, Pillow Covers, Wall and PROVIDENCE HARTFORD Hemphill, Noyes £& Co. Table Skins at Very ESTABROOK & CO. 37 Wall Street, New York Attractive Prices Investment Securities Philadelphia Albany Boston Baltimore Sound Investments Pittsburgh Rochester Buffalo Syracuse New York Boston Jansen Noyes '10 Clifford Hemphill 24 Broad 15 State Stanton Griffis 10 Harold Strong Walter S. Marvin Kenneth K. Ward ROGER H. WILLIAMS, '95 Rothschild Bros. New York Resident Partner J. Stanley Davis L. M. Blancke '15 SPRINGFIELD NEW BEDFORD Members of the New York Stock Exchange Ithaca, New York H. J. BOOL CO. Lehigh Valley Service Furniture Manufacturer The facilities and experience of Lehigh Valley Passenger Representatives are at the disposal of all patrons. Frequently their services aid travelers tremendously. We specialize in college and school furniture. Naturally, inquiries from Cornellians are always welcome. We make special furni- ture to order. If there is no Lehigh Valley Agent in your city, N.W.Pringle, Passenger TraflBc Manager, 143 Liberty Antique furniture re- Street, New York will gladly put you in touch with paired and refinished by the nearest office. expert workmen. Estimates Free Lehigh Valley Railroad Clhe Route of The Black Diamond H. J. Bool Co. 126-132 East State Street CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIX, No. 1 ITHACA, N. Y., SEPTEMBER 30, 1926 PRICE 12 CENTS HE year is beginning on the Hill. cannot deal with a thousand students in on the New York market of the day be- The school year, with the Jewish two days without much machinery. We fore, and the other the Chicago Daily Tyear alone, defies the logic of Nature. must be a part of our age, and it seems a News Foreign News Service by which While the woods and fields are making all necessary part of our age that a student special radio cable stories will be furnished. tight and shipshape against the winter, the must spend his first day in his Alma Mater The Sun points out with pride that it is Campus rouses from its summer's drouse. standing in line to have access to stamping- the only college paper to carry such a The grass of the quadrangle, untrodden machines. service. since the close of Summer School, was THE NORTH SIDE of East State may no invaded first by certain* sub-frosh short on CONSTANT AND HARD USE of Willard longer be used as a testing place for entrance credit. They came to attempt Straight Hall during the ten months it has automobile snubbers and springs. The the entrance examinations, muttering been open made necessary various renova- City fathers got big-hearted this summer formulas and going gingerly for fear of tions which were effected during the lull of and repaved the whole stretch, from the capsizing their precious deck-cargo of vacation. The table tops in the Tea Room foot of the hill up to Eddy Street. Also, facts. Then the compets, hunting their and the eight tables in the billiard room the corner intersections on State Street at quarry with fountain-pens for harpoons. were in a particularly bad way, and four Tioga and Cayuga have been widened. (A bewildered frosh who signs at every were entirely refinished. Last year the three The south side of Thurston Avenue re- table before the Library Arch will obligate chairs in the Barber Shop were inadequate mains a dirt track almost up to Prudence himself for $27.25 worth of athletic to meet the demand; two new chairs have Risley. memberships, subscriptions to college now been installed, and the shop enlarged magazines, and class and college taxes.) THE STATE CONSERVATION COMMISSION by knocking down a wall and using one of Then early professors, restless in stiff and the extension service of the College of the adjoining rooms, formerly used as a collars, or a little self-conscious about Agriculture conducted a four-day trip bedroom. clothes which looked quite all right in during the month for the study of forestry THE JOHNNY PARSON CLUB, closed dur- London. Finally on Wednesday, Septem- conditions and the progress made in re- ing the summer, is open again. Last year ber 22, the surge of freshmen arrived for forestation in the Adirondacks and north- its lakeside location and excellent service Registration Day, followed on Friday by eastern New York. State and county made it a most popular eating place, another and greater surge, the tidal wave of officials, representatives of chamber of serving three regular meals a day, and a la the three upper classes coming for their commerce and other business organiza- carte service from the breakfast hour until registration. tions, made the trip, which included visits 10:30 in the evening. to fifty-five different points. Illustrations AT HALF-PAST EIGHT on the morning of were noted of every phase of reforesting THE NEW DEAN OF WOMEN, Miss R. September 22 the line of Freshmen, its from the seed to the oldest tree. Louise Fitch, acted in her official capacity head at the north end of Goldwin Smith, for the first time at a tea given in the extended the length of the building, THE SOUTH HALF of the first floor of women's lounge in Willard Straight on emerged into the sunlight, crossed the Morrill Hall has been completely rebuilt. September 22 by the senior class to the Campus to Morrill, and dangled its tail The Treasurer's office may now be entered women of the University, particularly to half way back to Goldwin Smith again. from the main corridor, and there are a the freshmen. Receiving with Miss Fitch An individual who might take his place in series of windows on either side between were Miss Grace Seely '04 and Miss Emily this line would move step by step for the main and south entrances for the A. Voight '25. hours to his first objective, Davy Hoy's transaction of most of the students' busi- twelve-fisted stamper. If, then, he is ness with the administration. In the base- THE BEARD of Charley Howland, editor destined for the Arts College, he marches ment formerly occupied by the Co-op are of the Sun last year, was one of the in a new line to receive a bundle of docu- the offices of Mrs. Anna F. Grace Ίo, features of Ithaca during the summer. ments consisting chiefly of blank spaces to manager of residential halls; the drafting Then he left town to get a job as ordinary be filled in; he receives likewise an assign- room of the Department of Buildings and seaman on a Standard Oil tanker. The ment to a faculty adviser, who advises Grounds; the mailing room for University desperate adventures resulting from the him in the manner of England advising publications, and a number of storerooms. beard, and its final sacrifice to save its Egypt. The advisee proceeds to the offices FROSH CAPS have formerly been sold by wearer from a sad end at the hands of the of the various departments, and stands in most of the merchants in town, with the chief mate, made one of the raciest stones line to be assigned to sections in the sub- result that there were about as many appearing in the Journal-News in a long jects he is to take. He returns to his ad- shades of gray appearing on the young- time. viser, if he can find him again, and re- sters' heads as there were stores. This PRESIDENT FARRAND cheered up a few ceives the adviser's signature on his study year the Freshman Advisory Committee, freshmen who were wondering if their card. He deposits his study card with the with the cooperation of the Student Coun- I. Q.s would prove high enough to stand Dean. By sunset he is an enrolled student cil, has taken the sale in charge, all the the gaff of University work, at his first in the University, and can go to stand in caps being therefore exactly alike. A chic address to the Class of 1930 on September line for his Hygiene, Drill, and Physical touch has been added to the cap in the 24. He said, "I am convinced that no Training assignments. form of a scarlet button in place of the freshman was ever forced to leave the gray one. Profits resulting from the sale WHEN GIBBON the historian matricu- University because of lack of mental will go to the freshman class treasury, so lated at Oxford in 1752 he was presented ability." He blamed a twisted sense of that the yearlings will start the year with with a velvet cap and silk gown, and a key values and the habit of aimless drifting money in the bank, and not have to rely to a "numerous and learned library"; he for most of the failures.