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16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER Aggressive hiring Cooking doubies OiJ Can returns I HOMES KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright DUHELP WANTED FOR SALE statement sought coupie’s pieasure but Bosox iose All real estate advertised ... page 10 In the Manchester Herald BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ... page 12 . p a g e 1 5 Is sublect to the federal 'it Courteous energetic Fair Housing Act of 1968, person to work sel-. which makes It Illegal to CARPENTRY/ iMnCELLANEOUS ling displaying, advertise any preference, CHILD CARE REpOEUNfi SERVICES reordering in hard limitation or discrimina I ware store. Good tion based on race, color, urstno Student/Mqthtr Carpentry and remodel religion, sex or notional Dumas Electric-- Having Need A Good Tenant? starting pay. Apply in will provide dov care ing services — Complete Electrical Problems? origin, or an Intention to Zimmer management will person. from 3-6pm. Ages $-10 In home^redalrs and remo Need o large or a small moke any such prefer my home. Bowers school find a well oualfled, good ence, limitation or dis deling. Quality work. Rtf- Repair? We Specialise In Conyer’s Hardware area. Storting September erencer, licensed and In paying tenant for your crimination. The Herald Resldentiol Work. Joseph rental property kt Eost of 3rd. Call offer tfpm. 643- s u re . Coll 6 ^ 1 6 5 . Dumas. Fully ‘ Licenaed. 83 Tolland Tpke. will not knowingly accept 8542. the Piver area. Many Manchester, C T any advertisement which Free Estimates. 6 4 6 -i^ . years of experience. Very _Js In violation of the low. T O CLEAN artificial flow Sunthine Daycare Center- reosonobie fees. Call for anrli^fitrr H rralh 646-5707 / ers, place them heads September openings for 3 poHIculors. 646-3778 or Manchester - A City of Village Charm C le ^ Cope. 3 good size down In a paper bog, add 873-4115. A w fbr Llso. to 5 years old. $60 weekly. salt and shake well. To borfi^oms, fireplace, Open 6:30-5:30. Call 646- modernized kitchen, rec 7160. clean out storage oreas In Your Neighborhood room, breezeway and gar your home or garoge. Fogorty BrottMHrs — Bo- Handymen - Gcroges, at age! HJ^gh 90's "We Gua Place on ad In ciossifled throom remodeling; In tics cleaned, bmements Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1986 Real rantee our Houses" Blan Licensed -Family Day tellinol our reoders whot 25 Cents Care. Full ilm e, starting stallation water h ^ e r s , cleaned or wotfrproofed, chard & Rossetto Real you have for sale. gorboge disposals; faucet lawns mowed, general Estate 646-2482.0 September. Ages 116-5. repairs. 64MS38. Vlsa/M- A Estate Newer home off Brood landscaping. Interior and osterCard accepted. exterior painting, any odd Just Listed! Beautiful Bol Street, fenced In area. Coll 646-7473. IPAINTIN8/ lob. No lob too big or too ton location. This 3 bed PAPERINe small. Honest family men MaH to bring (HOMES room 1 '/z bath home has RRRCELtANEOUR will work for you at o folr FOR SALE much to otter. Coll today. BOOKKEEPiNR/ SERVICES price. Call John and Mark "We Guarantee our Name your own price — I Ot64»-(3S3. Houses" Blanchard & RIGOME TAX Father ohd sofir-^Fast, CARS Rossetto Real Estate 646- dependable service. Odd lobs. Trucking. Automotive FOR SALE Columbia Lake- 2482.0 Bookkeper seeks work at Pointing, Paperhanging Home repairs. You name Woodland Terrace, 5-6 It, we do It. Free esti Drivewoys patched and town millions, home. 10 years expe & Removal. Coll 872-8237. bedroom^, 3 baths, over 1 sealed with lotexlte high U rience with locol firm. mates. insured. 643-0304. 1976 Malibu Classic Sta West Side 2 Family. At auallty products. 12 years CARS acre with a 150 foot lake tractive 5-5 with screened Call 6^-8482. tion Wagon - power steer frontage. Magnificent John Deere Pointing Con-' experience, very resono- FOR SALE In side- porch, separate troctor. Inter lor/exte Delivering clean farm ing and brakes. Runs view, fireplace In livng locNTi; 5 yords $75plus tax. ble rates, free estimates, good. $350. 649-7754. heating systems, 2 car IPAINTINO/ rior. Quollty paint, quality work guaranteed. room, large enclosed garage. Call tonight "We Also sand, stone, and porch. Flexible financing PAPERING auallty work. References, ~ III Brett Jones, 643-1699. analyst says grovel. Call 643-9S04. Guarantee our Houses" free e^lmatej|L 64F3248. 1964 Rambler American possible. S275K. Owner- Blanchard & Rossetto classic red convertible. agent. 644-0139. Real Estate 646-2482.0 1977 Cordoba - All the New top and Interior. INTERIOH/EXTERIOR toys, power brakes and Rebuilt lost year, runs "PAINTINQ SPECIALIST' Bv George Ldyng a stale traffic permit — was For Sale Bv Owners - 80 East Hartford- Spacious 4 steering, olr conditioning, good and looks good. Larabee St, East Hart fresh 4 4^5,^ $1,000 or best offer. Coll Herald Reporter granted to Homarl and its partner G bedroom raised Ranch. D 8i D Landscaping. Voco- Odd lobs by stuBvnt - power seats, power win ford, on lot 100 X 300. Call Fireplace, finished rec. tton cuttings, hedge trim dows, white leather Inte 635-1998 anytime. in the project, the New York-based 649-9535 before 10am or hedge clipping, window in about three years. Manches Manchester 1-84 Associates, in room, 2 car garage. ming, Prunings, flower a, cleaning, oil pointing, an rior. Needs minor work offer 4. $139,900. Milne Real Est shrub plantings. Free esti S800 or best otter 646-7835. 1981 Hondo Accord LX, ter residents should gradually June. ything. Coll Mark, 649- A/C, Cassette Stereo, begin reaping the benefits of the ate, Inc. Realtors 528-6573, mates. C^ll 659-2436 after 5695 momlnm or late When the Stale Traffic Commis 569-4161. FRED M. NEWMAN Hondo Accord 83, grey, 5 Hatch Bock, $2495 or best proposed Buckland Hills Mall, and Manchester Brendon S:30pm. evenings. otter. Coll 646-8809. sion gave the developers the Woods, early American speed, 4 door, stereo, about nine years after the mall is go-ahead to construct the,7.50,000- sunroof, Zlebort, mint built the town should realize "a horhes. Open House Sun 3 bedroom Colonial I'/z A. Henry Personalized Chevy Cavalier 1983. Ex square-foot complex near the days 12-4, Manchester, baths, hardwood floors, Lawn Care-Complete School has started ... this condition. $65(X) or best significant” tax boost from the offer. 646-1979. cellent condition, auto South Windsor border between Glostonburv line. Rte. 83 oak wood work, newer lawn core and loncbcop- IS o good time to advertise matic, Air, AM/Fm. $4500. project, according to Manchester Buckland Street and Slater Road, kitchen. Porter Street Peterman Building Co. 29 MAIN STREET Ing. Free estimates, tuilv that desk you no longer Coll 646-0680 otter 5pm. Budget and Research Officer it also recommended that a Call 649-9404, 647-1340, 647- area. $127,900 646-0407. SHEET ROCK REPAIRS Insured, all work guoran- use. Let o Classified od 76 Plymouth Volare MANCHESTER, CT 0S040 Wagon - tuned up, new Robert Huestis. number of improvements be made 0080. CEIUNQS TEXTURED teed, senior citizens dls- find a cosh buyer tor you. "For the first two orthreeyears, Home-Brand new '/z du fiounts. 647-1349. 643-2711. tires, runs good, 2 snows. to other roods that would lead into plex now under construc- $1,000. 643-9023.^ it will be as though nothing will be the mall. Town Manager Robert Manchester New Listing, going on at all,” Huestis said this lovely 7 room Ranch, 3 tlon, 3 bedroom, Weiss said Tuesday those improve bedrooms, large living basement, wall to wall 1978 Dodge Challenger. 1982 Toyota Corolla. 5 morning. However, after the mall ments would cost the town $9.5 carpeting, 1'/z baths, vinyl $750. Call 643-1108 days, speed, olr conditioning, is built, the number of job.s will million. room, den, fireplace, one AM /FM, new brakes. Ex car garage. Priced realls- siding, $115,900. Call Bo APARTMENT8 1 ^ HOMES RinBOATS/MARINE 647-9557 evenings. gradually increase as will revenue The town Tuesday look the first land Brothers 649-2947. FOR RENT cellent condition. $4,000. from personal property taxes, he tlcallv at $112,000, U & R I ^ F O R RENT CLOTHING | o a j rEQUIPMENT 659-2436 otter 5:30. step toward complying with the Realty, 643-2692.0 said. After about nine years, the commission’s recommendations Wethersfield. Under con Get needed bock-to- ---------------^-----3---------------------- 5 rooms, 2 baths, no Men's Custom made school money by selling full benefits of the mall — and in when it voted to designate the EDC Just listed Large two struction 30ft X 48ft duplex 30 Locust St. 2nd floor, 4 16 foot Mad River canoe, children, no pets, availa shoes 11AA Cost $89. Sell paddles Included. Used unneeded Items around 1B83 Pontiac Full Size particular the revenue from real as the development agency for the family with loyely stone . Pick your own Interior. room, heated apartment. Grand Prix, V-6, White estate taxes — should be realized. Completion date No ble September 1st. Call tor $25. Four months old. four times. Excellent con your home. Use a low-cost project. fireplace and natural oak No appliances. Security. 649-9600. 649-1170. w/brown bucket seats, vember 1st. $179,5<X). 633- $520 monthly plus utilities. dition. $sa Please coll od In Classified for quick According to figures presented The board also delayed a motion wood. Good location. Pos 643-4942 n'ler 6pm or 647- results. automatic, PB, PS, sible office use. Call today 8317. Coll 646-2426. Weekdays 9 AM/FM Cassette. Car In -to the Board of Directors Tuesday to is.sue tax increment bonds to for details Joyce G.