16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER Aggressive hiring Cooking doubies OiJ Can returns I HOMES KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright DUHELP WANTED FOR SALE statement sought coupie’s pieasure but Bosox iose All real estate advertised ... page 10 In the Manchester Herald BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ... page 12 . p a g e 1 5 Is sublect to the federal 'it Courteous energetic Fair Housing Act of 1968, person to work sel-. which makes It Illegal to CARPENTRY/ iMnCELLANEOUS ling displaying, advertise any preference, CHILD CARE REpOEUNfi SERVICES reordering in hard­ limitation or discrimina­ I ware store. Good tion based on race, color, urstno Student/Mqthtr Carpentry and remodel­ religion, sex or notional Dumas Electric-- Having Need A Good Tenant? starting pay. Apply in will provide dov care ing services — Complete Electrical Problems? origin, or an Intention to Zimmer management will person. from 3-6pm. Ages $-10 In home^redalrs and remo­ Need o large or a small moke any such prefer­ my home. Bowers school find a well oualfled, good ence, limitation or dis­ deling. Quality work. Rtf- Repair? We Specialise In Conyer’s Hardware area. Storting September erencer, licensed and In­ paying tenant for your crimination. The Herald Resldentiol Work. Joseph rental property kt Eost of 3rd. Call offer tfpm. 643- s u re . Coll 6 ^ 1 6 5 . Dumas. Fully ‘ Licenaed. 83 Tolland Tpke. will not knowingly accept 8542. the Piver area. Many Manchester, C T any advertisement which Free Estimates. 6 4 6 -i^ . years of experience. Very _Js In violation of the low. T O CLEAN artificial flow­ Sunthine Daycare Center- reosonobie fees. Call for anrli^fitrr H rralh 646-5707 / ers, place them heads September openings for 3 poHIculors. 646-3778 or Manchester - A City of Village Charm C le ^ Cope. 3 good size down In a paper bog, add 873-4115. A w fbr Llso. to 5 years old. $60 weekly. salt and shake well. To borfi^oms, fireplace, Open 6:30-5:30. Call 646- modernized kitchen, rec 7160. clean out storage oreas In Your Neighborhood room, breezeway and gar­ your home or garoge. Fogorty BrottMHrs — Bo- Handymen - Gcroges, at­ age! HJ^gh 90's "We Gua­ Place on ad In ciossifled throom remodeling; In­ tics cleaned, bmements Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1986 Real rantee our Houses" Blan­ Licensed -Family Day tellinol our reoders whot 25 Cents Care. Full ilm e, starting stallation water h ^ e r s , cleaned or wotfrproofed, chard & Rossetto Real you have for sale. gorboge disposals; faucet lawns mowed, general Estate 646-2482.0 September. Ages 116-5. repairs. 64MS38. Vlsa/M- A Estate Newer home off Brood landscaping. Interior and osterCard accepted. exterior painting, any odd Just Listed! Beautiful Bol­ Street, fenced In area. Coll 646-7473. IPAINTIN8/ lob. No lob too big or too ton location. This 3 bed­ PAPERINe small. Honest family men MaH to bring (HOMES room 1 '/z bath home has RRRCELtANEOUR will work for you at o folr FOR SALE much to otter. Coll today. BOOKKEEPiNR/ SERVICES price. Call John and Mark "We Guarantee our Name your own price — I Ot64»-(3S3. Houses" Blanchard & RIGOME TAX Father ohd sofir-^Fast, CARS Rossetto Real Estate 646- dependable service. Odd lobs. Trucking. Automotive FOR SALE Columbia Lake- 2482.0 Bookkeper seeks work at Pointing, Paperhanging Home repairs. You name Woodland Terrace, 5-6 It, we do It. Free esti­ Drivewoys patched and town millions, home. 10 years expe­ & Removal. Coll 872-8237. bedroom^, 3 baths, over 1 sealed with lotexlte high U rience with locol firm. mates. insured. 643-0304. 1976 Malibu Classic Sta­ West Side 2 Family. At­ auallty products. 12 years CARS acre with a 150 foot lake tractive 5-5 with screened Call 6^-8482. tion Wagon - power steer­ frontage. Magnificent John Deere Pointing Con-' experience, very resono- FOR SALE In side- porch, separate troctor. Inter lor/exte­ Delivering clean farm ing and brakes. Runs view, fireplace In livng locNTi; 5 yords $75plus tax. ble rates, free estimates, good. $350. 649-7754. heating systems, 2 car IPAINTINO/ rior. Quollty paint, quality work guaranteed. room, large enclosed garage. Call tonight "We Also sand, stone, and porch. Flexible financing PAPERING auallty work. References, ~ III Brett Jones, 643-1699. analyst says grovel. Call 643-9S04. Guarantee our Houses" free e^lmatej|L 64F3248. 1964 Rambler American possible. S275K. Owner- Blanchard & Rossetto classic red convertible. agent. 644-0139. Real Estate 646-2482.0 1977 Cordoba - All the New top and Interior. INTERIOH/EXTERIOR toys, power brakes and Rebuilt lost year, runs "PAINTINQ SPECIALIST' Bv George Ldyng a stale traffic permit — was For Sale Bv Owners - 80 East Hartford- Spacious 4 steering, olr conditioning, good and looks good. Larabee St, East Hart­ fresh 4 4^5,^ $1,000 or best offer. Coll Herald Reporter granted to Homarl and its partner G bedroom raised Ranch. D 8i D Landscaping. Voco- Odd lobs by stuBvnt - power seats, power win­ ford, on lot 100 X 300. Call Fireplace, finished rec. tton cuttings, hedge trim­ dows, white leather Inte­ 635-1998 anytime. in the project, the New York-based 649-9535 before 10am or hedge clipping, window in about three years. Manches­ Manchester 1-84 Associates, in room, 2 car garage. ming, Prunings, flower a, cleaning, oil pointing, an­ rior. Needs minor work offer 4. $139,900. Milne Real Est­ shrub plantings. Free esti­ S800 or best otter 646-7835. 1981 Hondo Accord LX, ter residents should gradually June. ything. Coll Mark, 649- A/C, Cassette Stereo, begin reaping the benefits of the ate, Inc. Realtors 528-6573, mates. C^ll 659-2436 after 5695 momlnm or late When the Stale Traffic Commis­ 569-4161. FRED M. NEWMAN Hondo Accord 83, grey, 5 Hatch Bock, $2495 or best proposed Buckland Hills Mall, and Manchester Brendon S:30pm. evenings. otter. Coll 646-8809. sion gave the developers the Woods, early American speed, 4 door, stereo, about nine years after the mall is go-ahead to construct the,7.50,000- sunroof, Zlebort, mint built the town should realize "a horhes. Open House Sun­ 3 bedroom Colonial I'/z A. Henry Personalized Chevy Cavalier 1983. Ex­ square-foot complex near the days 12-4, Manchester, baths, hardwood floors, Lawn Care-Complete School has started ... this condition. $65(X) or best significant” tax boost from the offer. 646-1979. cellent condition, auto­ South Windsor border between Glostonburv line. Rte. 83 oak wood work, newer lawn core and loncbcop- IS o good time to advertise matic, Air, AM/Fm. $4500. project, according to Manchester Buckland Street and Slater Road, kitchen. Porter Street Peterman Building Co. 29 MAIN STREET Ing. Free estimates, tuilv that desk you no longer Coll 646-0680 otter 5pm. Budget and Research Officer it also recommended that a Call 649-9404, 647-1340, 647- area. $127,900 646-0407. SHEET ROCK REPAIRS Insured, all work guoran- use. Let o Classified od 76 Plymouth Volare MANCHESTER, CT 0S040 Wagon - tuned up, new Robert Huestis. number of improvements be made 0080. CEIUNQS TEXTURED teed, senior citizens dls- find a cosh buyer tor you. "For the first two orthreeyears, Home-Brand new '/z du­ fiounts. 647-1349. 643-2711. tires, runs good, 2 snows. to other roods that would lead into plex now under construc- $1,000. 643-9023.^ it will be as though nothing will be the mall. Town Manager Robert Manchester New Listing, going on at all,” Huestis said this lovely 7 room Ranch, 3 tlon, 3 bedroom, Weiss said Tuesday those improve­ bedrooms, large living basement, wall to wall 1978 Dodge Challenger. 1982 Toyota Corolla. 5 morning. However, after the mall ments would cost the town $9.5 carpeting, 1'/z baths, vinyl $750. Call 643-1108 days, speed, olr conditioning, is built, the number of job.s will million. room, den, fireplace, one AM /FM, new brakes. Ex­ car garage. Priced realls- siding, $115,900. Call Bo­ APARTMENT8 1 ^ HOMES RinBOATS/MARINE 647-9557 evenings. gradually increase as will revenue The town Tuesday look the first land Brothers 649-2947. FOR RENT cellent condition. $4,000. from personal property taxes, he tlcallv at $112,000, U & R I ^ F O R RENT CLOTHING | o a j rEQUIPMENT 659-2436 otter 5:30. step toward complying with the Realty, 643-2692.0 said. After about nine years, the commission’s recommendations Wethersfield. Under con­ Get needed bock-to- ---------------^-----3---------------------- 5 rooms, 2 baths, no Men's Custom made school money by selling full benefits of the mall — and in when it voted to designate the EDC Just listed Large two struction 30ft X 48ft duplex 30 Locust St. 2nd floor, 4 16 foot Mad River canoe, children, no pets, availa­ shoes 11AA Cost $89. Sell paddles Included. Used unneeded Items around 1B83 Pontiac Full Size particular the revenue from real as the development agency for the family with loyely stone . Pick your own Interior. room, heated apartment. Grand Prix, V-6, White estate taxes — should be realized. Completion date No­ ble September 1st. Call tor $25. Four months old. four times. Excellent con­ your home. Use a low-cost project. fireplace and natural oak No appliances. Security. 649-9600. 649-1170. w/brown bucket seats, vember 1st. $179,5<X). 633- $520 monthly plus utilities. dition. $sa Please coll od In Classified for quick According to figures presented The board also delayed a motion wood. Good location. Pos­ 643-4942 n'ler 6pm or 647- results. automatic, PB, PS, sible office use. Call today 8317. Coll 646-2426. Weekdays 9 AM/FM Cassette. Car In -to the Board of Directors Tuesday to is.sue tax increment bonds to for details Joyce G.
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