Masonite Factory : Raymond Terrace
UNIVERSITY or NEWCASTLE DEPARTMENT or COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES COU RSE: Open Foundation. SUBJECT : Australian History . CLASS : Wednesday evening . Ms. Margaret Hanry. TOPIC: Regional History - The Mason ite Factory, Raymond Terrace . Wednesday, 7th September, 1988 . STUDENT: Dorothy Harrison. Availability of timberlands, water supply , coal and electricity we re the main reasons naymond Te rrace was chosen as the site for the f'irat Masonite factory in Australia. While this facta.ry became iuall known in the dist rict, it only directly touched the lives of a few, especielly being almost insignificant in comparision to the numbers em ployed by B.H. P., or even Courtaulds. The Masonite factory has, however, conti nued to employ a steady number of people, whereas Courtaulds is no longer operating at Tomago , and 8.H . P. ' s employment f igures have decreased , Situated twenty-seven kilometres f~om Newcastle , Raymo nd Terrace was discovered on t he 29th June, 1801, by Lieutenant- Colonel Willia1n Paterson and named Green Hill. Althoug h t here has been some debate es to whe n and how the name was changed, it is generally accepted to have been prior to 1812, and named after ~ Lieuenen t Raymond. The first land 1 grants were made in 1851 7 with the first sale of land 9.8.1838 , ( )The land was heavi ly timbered and was to become t he centre of a large dairy 2 industry , with the first cheese and butter fectory built i n 1903. ( ) Although a kind of fibreboard had been used in some buildings as early as 600 A.D .
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