No online items Finding aid to the Advocate records Coll2012.030 Finding aid prepared by Robert Graves and Kyle Morgan ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, USC Libraries, University of Southern California 909 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles, California, 90007 (213) 821-2771
[email protected] © 2012 Finding aid to the Advocate Coll2012.030 1 records Coll2012.030 Title: Advocate records Identifier/Call Number: Coll2012.030 Contributing Institution: ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives, USC Libraries, University of Southern California Language of Material: English Physical Description: 26.4 linear feet.14 records boxes + 7 flat boxes Date (inclusive): 1953-2001 Abstract: The records, 1953-2001, comprise the editorial and administrative records of the Advocate, 1967-2001, with the bulk from 1967-1974 when it was under the direction and editorship of Dick Michaels and Bill Rand. The records include article drafts, clippings, artwork and illustrations, negatives, photographic prints, mock-ups, story notes, correspondence, promotional materials, posters, and other records used in publishing the Advocate. creator: Advocate (Los Angeles, California). Administrative History First published in September 1967, the Advocate was a revised extension of the newsletter of the Los Angeles gay rights organization P.R.I.D.E. (Personal Rights through Defense and Education). P.R.I.D.E. was founded in May 1966 by Steve Ginsberg to foster pride in the Los Angeles gay community. P.R.I.D.E.'s tactics were more activist in nature than existing local gay organizations. On January 1, 1967, several New Years revelers indulged in celebratory, same-sex kisses at the Los Angeles gay bar the Black Cat and were arrested as a result.