from tha hometown of Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Issue no. 78 After four hour public hearing City Council approves CETA grant

By TIM MAINS Ufbaa LesigQe) to te-teview the applica­ tions, makm reconuBendations. and super­ A program request from the vise the projects after peopte were hired. Alliance ofthe Genesee Valley, Inc. for Undaunted, Schiano threatened another $35,406 in federal job-training funds was "orange Juice war" if the Urban League finally approved at the November 22nd recommended the GAGV the second time Rochester City Council meeting.The eight around. to one affirmative vote came at the end of What surprised gay leaders was the four hours of public debate, the second army of homophobes who quickly lined up public hearing to focus on the GAGV's behind Schiano in their attacks on the request in as many months. Thirty-six GAGV CETA grant specifically and on speakers addressed the Council with homosexuality in general. Mike Macaluso, opponents outnumbering proponents 19 to national President of Citizens for a Decent 17. Community, and Marian Khona, President Despite tiie fact that the CETA approval of a local group called Women Concerned, involved 38 agencies an an allocation of represented the organizational opposition over $1 million, debate was focused only on (Ms. Khona was one of the few opponents the GAGV's $35,000 grant. to avoid slurs against the gay community in The single negative vote was cast (as her objections to CETA funding.). Funda­ expected) by Charles A. Schiano, the mentalist ministers and "concerned pri­ Council's ione Republican. Schiano had vate citizens" rounded out the ranks. At started the flack by calling the Alliance's both the September 27th and the Novem­ proposal **worthless" when it was first ber 22nd meetings, opponents read from slated for Council action in late September. the Bible, the dictionary (definitions of Blasting the Democrats as ** mental sodomy), and the state criminal code. morons" for even considering the GAGV, Epithets abounded. Terms such as "per­ Schiano's reaction was viewed as a vert," "queer," "sick." "mora! morons," partisan political pre-election swipe as "sodomite," and "criminal" were sprin­ much as it was viewed as an a/ :ck on the kled throughout the anti-gay speeches of gay community. One IOCAJ djtily newspaper both hearings, in addition, gay people branded Schiano*s partisan polemics as were compared to cancer victims and to the -JJ ''irresponsible." Nonetheless, a storm of cult of mass murderer Charles Manson. controversy began to blow, with winds of ChntOe ScUanet "1 wen^t vote for Though the anti-gay speakers had domi­ fund* thi^ wffi be uaed to pronraigpte such magnitude that the United Commu­ nated the first portion of the September nity Chest reneged on its recommendation hearing, pro-gay speakers held the first for the entire package of proposals. The eight slots on the roster for November's recommendations. Countering remarks I FBATUIES I Gay Book Reviews city had contracted with the Chest to public forum. that had been made at the September 8,9 n review all applications for the community meeting (and which were to be heard again I IWYReporr 7 Gay and non-gay citizens added their Election Recap service portion of CETA allocations, and voices to those of gay movement leaders that night), strong religious support for the 11 was forced to choose another agency (the who argued for approval of the CETA gay funding was read into the public record. Church support came from leaders of the Catholic, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Bulletin Board 15 i\ Church of Christ, Methodist, and Unitarian Commentary 5 denominations, as well as from a group of Cooking 5 Empire State Roundup 3 60 students at the Colgate-Rochester i< Divinity School. A physician and several Letters 4 councilors spoke eloquently about the Newsfronts 12,14,15 snu nature of gay sexuality as an ascribed Snuff fFed! condition, rather than a chosen lifestyle. if RGTF President and Empty Ooaet Asso­ By MAJBTHA BIOWN to D'Agostino. Demonstrators collected Ce*Eiittors signatures from passersby on a petition to ciate Editor James R. lde gave the spunkiest retort, blasting Schiano for his T. Mains M. Wells On Thursday. October 27, the film Smiff tbe Hotel Management. Police ^were pre­ AaaedateEdtors opened at the Holiday Cine downtown in sent aad complimented the protestors on divisiveness and the Community Chest for its cowardice. GAGV Co-President Michael Joan Giuffre James Ide Rochester. On Tuesday, November 1, their orderliness. At the peak of the Prodncthm Heads demonstration, D'AGostino himself ar­ Robertson summed up many people's theater manager Cesare D'Agostine an­ perception of the ordeal when he said: Bob B. Shirii Oemens nounced the closing of the film. For rived . and while crossing the line of CentnlNiton moving protestors called them "pi^s" and "We have learned a lot. We see a public Rochester feminists, those six days repre­ uneducated and mis-informed. We will not Chris Santoro. Bob B., Bill Giancur­ sent a time of renewed struggle during "motherfuckers." Only two press repre­ sio, George Mohr, M. Wells. Jim, sentatives covered the Saturday protest. sit idly by any longer. We shall—we must which many women were forced again to begin the task of educating a public so Michael Robertson. Dan W.. James face the grim reality of the way in which At 9:30 a.m. on Sunday October 30, four quick to condemn us. We shal) overcome." Ide, Daryl Clemens, Karen Hagberg, men view us. women were arrested by 2 ptainclothed But it was the brief and impassioned Bob Sweeney, Emmett McGuire, The Holiday Cine, leased from the officers of the vice squad and charged with remarks of Vicky Russo which ch=«w the SanU C, Rick D.^ Stuart A., Tun Criminal Mischief 3rd degree. The women, li Holiday inn until 1985. is part of a mall of greatest response from the pro-gay specta­ Mains shop^r directly facing Main Street. The Sylvia Gasoi, Martha Gever, Margaret Hall tors. Russo told the Council that she would { lurid posters for the Simlff douIHe bill were and Lee Walker, had allegedly broken a be preparing a Thanksgiving feast for 50 Bob Sweeney Keith S. visible from the street. Doe showed a window qf the theater display, and gays "who have no place to go because cioated male figiuie with dagger raised removed and destroyed a poster advertising their £amilies have turned them out. Now The name or photogn^>h of any over a screaming woman, her neck and the movie SnniE. "Riey were said to have who's really destroying the family?" she person or organization is not neces­ breast pierced by a red gash. The tile read spray-painted "Holiday Inn Hates Wo­ asked. "Think about it when you sit down sarily an indication of their sexual ''the Slasher is the sex maniac." men "across a glass door and another to your tables on Thanksgiving." orientation. Views expressed are The Smrff poster showed a photo of a window, and to have chained the main soley those of the respective authors woman, chopped up by large scissors, and theater door closed (Since no bafl can be Speeches were aj^lauded-by one faction and do not reflect the views of the read ''SmsB. the film th«t could only be set on Sunday, they remained in jail until or the other, depending on who was G.A.O.V. or the Empty Cloaet Pr^s. made in South Anwrioi where life is Monday morning. Their next heiuing wiO speaking and what was being said. Boos \ cheap." On Thursday and Friday, October beDecember6 at City Court, Part I. Judge too cound be heard when comments were Pubttshed by the Empty Closet 27 and 2S, friends wlio had seen tbe Maloy pretiding.). exceedingly objectionable. Mayor Tom Press. Owned and operated by the advertiseinents called Rodiestnr wosnen to Sunday afternoon, the number of Ryan gaveled for order on several occa­ Gay AtHance of the Geneaee Valley. alert them to the pmeenoe of tte film. protesters was twice that of the day before, sions as the charged atmosphere erupted Inc., with prodnction aatlatancc by Otiier women attended tiie fifan on their and local T.V., radio and newspaper into debate. At one point, a yliouting match the lirtirtii gjhiit.and tim l^iHir ? own. A few quick phone cnOs eeauhed in coverage was heavy. A row of men watdteed broke out between angry spectators and a Wtmsm A membeg of tiie Gey News­ the assembly of a group of Aoiat 35 tiie activities, tatting and lai^hing aqio^g speaker who insisted on referring to the paper Asuociation. pfolenlont, moatiy women and ch&dieiu in themselves, joined by the Holiday Inn GAGV as the "Queer AlUance." front of tiie Holiday bm. Tliey matcned guards, who prevented demonstiators By midnight. Council had dispensed all Correspondence to: whh signs derlaring the Qbn a crime from making inquiries Inside the Hotel. with the bulk of its agenda and had heard The Empty Cloaet Press agninit women, definteelyMtenMtaining, That evening, tiie fir*^ orgartiing meeting four hoirs of testimony. With the speeches c/o 713 Monroe Avenue I Bocheater, New Ycfk 14607 and asfcing the hotel to discontinue renting a 3 l977/n» EMPTY CLOSUBT "" —


ot^u/iid^ ^^4ii2eM^ <>» s£s^YM^^ ^o^^ ot^td

:if% fewv6fv §lvcrjp 'J,--(i ».-'>Ci 157 I'yk Avenue/ HWfiJay hours: Mon - Sat 10 - 6 ^ 275-9374 '' Tue & Thu until 8, Whfa mom cnrrying ^gns to dty oonM Dad be home watching the coomHI meetings, one wond^— kids? More a.. approves GAGV CETA cononued from page 1 ing to objective criteria," Lindley said. "1 have no problem supporting their recom­ over, it was Council's turn to haggle over mendations." the Urban League's recommendations. Vice Mayor John Curran (D-at large) No Membership Schiano read an old "Shiela** column from reiterated Lindley's stand and reminded the Empty Closet, and claimed the Schiano that if the gay proposal were to be Charge CETA monies would promote more of the singled out for special evaluation, then all same. He moved to delete the GAGV the projects would have to undergo the MOVIES proposal from the rest of the package, but same scrutiny. • tOCKERS the motion failed. Schiano continued to The Council's two black members, Ruth • SAUNA BATH insist that the monies would be used to Scott (D-at large) and Ron Good (D-North- 0 REFRESHMENTS "promote homosexualism" through the east District) both said they viewed the • PRIVATE ROOMS Empty Cloaet, and he accused the Demo­ possible omission of the gay proposal as crats of trying to hide behind first the • STUDENT RATES discriminatory. Ms. Scott voiced concern • COLOR TV LOUNGE Community Chest and then the Urban because she had received so many com- League. ments~ from both sides. "I had to look, m CENTERS OF ACTION^ Councilman Chris Lindley (D-South Dis­ inside at my own personal moral code,** • V.D. CLINIC EACH MONTH trict) reminded Schiano that he too had Scott confided. "I decided they (GAGV) been a frequent critic of job training funds were entitled to the funds." • OPEN 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK in the past. Lindley maintained that Views similar to Good's and Scott's were IN AND OUT PRIVLEGES (WEEK-ENDS) Council had wasted millions of dollars voiced by the Urban League at the time * THURSDAY $1.50 5P.M. - 3A.M. because they had tried to do the evaluating they issued their list of recommended on several past projects. He said he was agencies, which included the Gay Al­ proud that Council had been willing for liance's "Project Equality." *'!f lines can once to give the task to an agency "which be drawn on the basts of sexual prefer­ THE has a much better track reoord" in this ence," said Urban League Director Bill area. "I trust the Urban League has the Johnson, "then lines can be drawn on the ability to assess community needs accord­ basis of race." ot%\a auna More,,. INC. 109 NORT H STREET Snuff films snuffed ROCHESTER,.NEW YORK 14604 oontlnned from page 1 nothing wrong with it. The film has an " R" rating, and not "X", because it has been T(_^leph :r.- (7ih) 4 54-1074 was held, and a plan of action developed. It edited in such a way that it does not show was agreed that tbe group would support genitalia. The termination of the film's run the four women wbo were arrested in any in Rochester was not hastened by action of way they could. Arrangements were made the poBce or the DA's office. Tbe manager to contact attorneys, to keep tbe press of the hotel. Donald Ley, said throughout apprised of future actiona, and to contact the lacidettt ttmA tbe Hxriiday hm wanted similar groups in otiier cities. the theater out of iti mall. It was the During the next several days, 800 embarrassment caused by constant de­ signatures were collected (in roughly 6 monstrations tiiat caused the Inn to 3lSiE hours of picketing onlyl) for presentation to pressure the theater to stop the film. the Holiday Inn and leaflets were drawn up Women working on the Small project and distributed in downtown Rodiester announced to the press on November 4 that ''Hafnophobia"' it an irrational calling attention to the nature of the film. ahhoogh they originally acted as indivi­ Spokeswomen appeared on TV. news and duals focusing on the showing of Snoff, fear of hmnasex$tals by some hetero- gave extensive newspaper interviews. they were determined to continue to work sextiab. Homosexual self-loathing can Several contacts were made with the together to end the oppression, abuse, and office of the District Attorney to inquire humiliation of all women represented by be hrnnophoUc too! Got it? into prosecuting die theater owner for this film. Rochester Women Agunst showing the film. However, one woman Violence Against Women can be contacted was told by an assistant District Attorney dirough tiie New Wemen*a Tfanea (271- daryl Clemens m.div that it is not the job of his office to enforce 5523) or attending the benefit for the 4 the law. Vice squad officers, furthermore, women arrested December 9. 288-8102 who saw tbe film said that there was —from New Wr——•' alane.clark m.div. 442-9027 counselors

Individuals Groups Reality Relational •Unions and Sex llierapies

•j"^ IWKMWTCXeiBr/PTimhM 1977/3 't

Koch - Bellamy win; gay rights prospeds enhanced u NEW YORK—Rep. Edward I. Koch swept co-director of the Nati

^ Buffalo regional gathering

On November 11th over thirty people trate and support for the 1978 New York representing five gay/lesbian groups met State legislature. w at the Buffalo SUNY campus to hear Mary Buffalo is now ready to offer volunteers WeUs and Jim lde talk about the New YOHE to work on Media, Legislation, Finances COALITION FOR CHANGE State Coalition of Gay Organizations and Internal Communications as dictated (NYSCGO). by the new NYSCGO bylaws. Lesbians and congratulates the Jim Haines, vice president of the gay men pledged to work together to Mattachine Sodety of the Niagara Fron­ present a unified political frtmt to local and QAY ALLIANCE of the tier, organized his NYSCGO region to hear state wide elected offidals. the two guest speakers. Both speakers $50 was raised that night and SI ,(K)0 was GENESEE VALLEY on its emphasized that the Buffalo area should pledged from the BufMo region to pay for again become involved with the legislative the salary of John Nehrich. NYSCGO's recent achievements. Securing grassroots work that NYSCGO will orches­ lobbyist in Albany. CETA funds is a landmark step toward the realization of human rights for gays in Rochester. The membership of the COALITION FOR CHANGE looks forward to a new year of mutual success founded in a spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm.

Happy Holidays to our sisters and brothers. vn«poi6fvuiD> •>1 \ fwlotnttfll A t



XTFrUTTERi S Gay nurses.., .the ...not until gay men can leam another to stop fearing for their viewpoint manhood in women's presence

To the Editor: gayness. In the meantime, personal ad­ To the Editor: male egos in our midst. You want women 1 have read and reread *'Becoming a vances made within my profession, with Although you called for "counterpoint around you to see to your needs because Nurse Was Part of My ," people knowing who and what I am, is positions" to Maty Wells' editorial in your that is what women are aoppoaed to do. 'if which appeared in the November issue of based upon my professional performance. October issue, I would like to take this we cease doing this, your collective the "Empty Qoset." My initial reaction, It's a feeling of total satisfaction. I am portunity to express support for her neuroses pop out aU over, and you chide upon reading the article, was anger. The constantiy aware that there looms a views. yourselves for "capitulating to your own result is the comments that follow. Perhaps possibility that I may loose my licensure Ever since the Eaiapty Cloaet ceased emasculation." Mr. Deneshea and I are in greater because someone may deem my homosex­ to be funded by the University of Rochester agreement than I realize. Still, I feel that I uality as immoral. This can happen just as John McCormick asks whether gay men as a publication of the student Gay and lesbians can work together effectively, must offer my viewpoint, being aware that easily if I am open or secretive about being Liberation Front and began solidting each of us is entitied to our opinions and gay. The difference is that if I am open and doesn't answer the question. The answer advertisements from the "community" at is, of course, no. Not until gay men can each viewpoint is legitimate. honest, there is less chance of my being large, it has been offensive to me. The caught unaware. leam to stop fearing for their manhood in Mr. Deneshea bas expressed his gay­ community who bought advertising was the Bfesence of women—not until lesbians ness by pursuing the vocation of nursing. I Mr. Deneshea finds that he has a prindpally a gay male underworld which can stop having to' walk on eggshells have e3q»ressed ray humanism by selecting nuturing aspect to his personality, which thrives on your paranoia and champions a around tite gay movement lest they nursing as my profession. The fact that I he labels as being gay. I too, have a shallow, singles-bar lifestyle in which "emasculate" the fragile men. Lesbians am gay had no bearing on my choice of nuturing aspect to my 'personality that I people are encouraged to see others as sex have more imp(»rtant things to do just, now. profession. I cannot imagine the seiection label as being a loving human being. This objects before they are seen as human I asked before and will ask again, "Why of an area of employment as being a characteristic was encouraged and allowed beings. Staff writers, matching the spirit of ^on*t gay men work independentiy oi legitimate method of expressing a person's to grow in me, as I matured under the the "gay" advertising, write campy lesbians?" The answer is that yon are as sexual orientation. I am certain tiiat men guidance of loving and caring parents. The columns which often seem to be the o^y afraid of being without us as you are of and women are equally capable in tixe joint effort of a sensitive female parent and kind of writing the local conmiu|iity is being with us. You want us in tiie gay professional worid and that if they are to be a macho male parent. The myth that capable of producing. To read the Empty movement, but you want us on yenr terms, successful, they must place their sexuality females only should be rewarded for t>eing Cloeet, one would think that all homosex­ because having women around—the right in the back seat while functioning as sensitive and caring is a myth that needs to uals spent the greattt- part of their lives in kind of women, that is—legitinuzes you professional people. Being gay could be be destroyed for the benefit of all. Any a bar when, in fact, the great minority of sodally and augments you emotiotially. omsidcered as a plus in a helping great leader is required to be caring and homosexual people w Rochester have But if you are seen with aaaertivtf women profession because it has allowed me tlie sensitive to the needs of the group that is never stepped foot into a . who refuse to acknowledge or defer to yoor fi?eedom to develop an attitude of sympa­ being served. I don't feel a need to be maleness, then pec^le wiU think you are thetic empadiy for my clients. "Why haven't I partiidpated in the accepting of a "womanly" part of me. I writing of the paper, then?" you ask. This sooKdiow weak aad, indeed, that we have Mr. Deneshea has apparendy spent a have been allowed to develop the qualities is the most infuriating aspect of this whole effectively castrated yoo all. great deal of emotional energy worrying that allow the practice of a humanitarian matter. The men who have controlled the But what if we're just not there? Take about people sn^>ectsng him of being gay art—nursing. paper since it b^an soliciting advertising away women and see whst yoo have left because he is a nurse. This attitude only I don't know where Mr. Deneshea failed to understand what I found offensive when you have no one to l>e better than. helps to reinfotxic the stereotype image oif received his nursing education, but I hope —^you aUB fail to understand, or you Examine what is missing—«iiat are the male nurses and gay people. It has been that the institution has either revised its wouldn't be doing anything as craas as empty places in your social and emotional my experience that interaction with co­ curriculum or has t>een dosed down if they asking for rebuttals to Mary Wells' lives that you have relied on women to fill? workers is not totally within the profes­ persist in teaching nurses to be "good little column. Would you ask for r^uttals to an When you become whole and self-suffi- sional sphere and that on tbe job socializa­ girls." I was taught that the responsibili­ anti-radst view? (Now let's hear from all dent human beings, no one can evoke the tion is reflected in professional interacticm. ties of a nurse could be best achieved you radata out there!) kind of fear in you that is expressed in John If you are dishonest with co-workers on a successfully by logical thinking based upon A point I made eariier was proven by a McCormick's letter. 'In this state—at some social level, why should tbey expect you to a collection of sdentific, sodal and psycho­ letter you printed in your November issue foture time perhaps—it may be possible be honest on the professional level? If you logical data as presented by the client. This by a man who feels actually threatened fcx* lesbians to "worii effectively" with gay feel that your sexual prr' .^nce is a formula, given to me by my nursing with castration in the face of lesbian men. Biit certainly not now. legitimate facet of humaiiit>. ^hy L.ot be instructors, must be valid because I have feminist thought. Admit it, John McCor- The trouble with maleness, as *McCor- open and honest about it in your dealings never felt ineffectual by not being able to mick isn't the only man among you who midc has defined it, is that it is incomplete with others? It seems to me that if you find use my sexuality in reaching nursing goals. can't stand it when women insist on being —it needs a victim to present a whole your gayness something that requires I too have had attempts made to limit my- your equals, when we are assertive, and pictore. Well I, for one, refuse to be that hiding, you leave homosexuality and nursing practice in the area of gynec<^gy. when we don't take care of the ddUcate victim any longer. yourself open to suspicion and negative My response to the male doctor and the Karen A. Hagberg generalizaition: consequentiy n^ative institution was that my license was issued stereotyping. I don't come into a new work to me without restriction to areas of situation and suddenly announce that I am practice. The viewpoint of the physician gay. When talk of mates and soda! events and the institution was quickly altered by a ®BMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMtL® are die topic of conversation among my trip to tbe N.Y.S. Department oi Human heterosexual counterparts 1 feel free to Rights. I subsequently enjoyed a very pro- share with them these same areas of my femionafly fnlfining tenure on the gyneco­ gay Kfc. logical nursing unit. Admittedly, this attitude of mine is not Nnrsing has been and remains a NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY always easy to foOow. I freqnentiy encoun­ woodetful method for me to realize the ter people who are hostile towards me humanity that I share with others. No because I am gay. However, in the long matter what yoor profossion is, the Benefit of the GAGV run, it is easier to Innction In an environ­ greatest limiter of adiievement is the buU- ment fdiere it's oot in the open and can be shit that yoa allow to exist in yoor own • a» dealt with. Perhaps aome day 1*11 loose oot head. on a promotion or a job becauae of my George Mohr December 31, 9:30 until - Twas the night before Suffet, UHne launch. Champagne at CDidnite! As the end of the month approaches we dents of the Gay Alliance, Pat Coles' and will have an opportunity to be festive, to Michael Robertson, as they assess their Donation $10 per person celebrate or pe^aps, if we are not involved administration and usher in the new in all of this traditfonal and rather religious co-presidents. You will read more about holiday rigamarole, then perh^w we will that latter protect in the January Issue of just sit back and enjoy oor paid vacation the.rmpty Claaat. days off from work. Be tiiat aa it may, when it comes time for With a little time off we will contemplate the eve of one of these major holidays, I H tickets may be obtained at the o^ice of the the paat year and we will make aasesa- hope that yoo wiU be enjoying the company menta and ^iprataala of what happened in of your favorite love. I hope further that Gay Brotherhood of ^oche«ter, 715 CDonroe Ave. '77. IfwedotUswewillbeinthe good you will be looking back at aoccess and that company of TV and mdlo shows aa they we all win be lool£ig forward to a new year bring in the new year whfa a laat took at the of gay rights. old.onp. W«L|r«,bv» joiNl«.4«,46'PM^Ji M-W. KS*..,C •"••• ^^^^^WWW^WRin »!,„_, -tr^-Jih, ww-V' I—^rt I. I mmn B^ I. MMliMB»»-

PPPPM! «^WPFifi|iPii


Commentary for what it's worth... By Thn Mains Since I came back to work for the En^ty this discomforting introspection which may Cloaet two months ago, I have received an rest at the heart of differences between alarming number of complaints from gay lesbians and gay men in this community. men about what they perceive as the Some men resent accusations which high­ "lesbian dominance" in this newspaper. light their sexism just as certainly as Equally alarming to me is the virulence suburban school boards rail at radst with which men and women exchange accusations. Though some of our brothers blows in our letters column. Though it may never be willing to encounter their seems that a separatist philosophy is own oppressive attitodes, behavior, and advocated by a small percentage of our speech, lesbians have made it quite clear community, 1 feel compelled to respond to they will cN^ntinue to draw attention to it. this vocal minority. Likewise, this newspaper will continue to print material designed to define and Gay women and men comprise a mere describe the nature of sexism in an effort to 10% of the U.S. population. Tliough our raise the consdousness of the community. legitimacy as a dvil rights movement is beginning to be more widely recognized, In their zeal to stamp out sexism. we are still looked upon as a fringe group however, some lesbians mistakenly attack gay male baths and what they often see as To PAM B. from Santa—That New York, To John N. from LRC—A 12 week course in whose numbers are much smaller than Kinsey statistics would indicate. There is men's "casual sexuality." Such attacks New York plays forever and you alwaya plain talking. seem to stem from moral myopia. Certainly have a dance partner. To Kevin S. from Dignity—His own parish. much work' remaining if we are to truly improve the lot of lesbians and gay men in gay rights is part of the sexual liberation To ANITA BRYANT from (he Gny Com- To TONY G. from Gay Community—A tea movement which insists that l)nonexploit- mmity and auppetlera thereof—An openly dance every week. a predominantly homophobic culture. It seems tactically foolish to diminish our ive "recreational sex" is possible and that gay son, an openly gay daughter, and To WARREN O. from E.C. Staff—His own f effectiveness by refusing to work together. 2) sexual activity between consenting prayers that you'll preach love instead of private ladies room at Friar*s and a adults in private should not be subject to V hate. The exchange of mutual hostilities between "nurse" to assist him in his new studio. separatist men and lesbians bums up sanctions by the government or the To THE RAMS frnm Santa—Anita Bryant To LOU [from the RIVERVIEW] finm valuable energy and takes time away from community. Women who make such at­ f for a coif. LRC—Busy bar nites every nite, a good the heterosexist decision makers who tacks would do well to engage in their own To MIDGE COSTANZA from the Gay ventilation system, and—all our love for should rightfully be the focus of our work. 1 introspection. Often, their sexual assump­ rommnrittj—A quiet trip home to Roches­ being there and being who you are. do not suggest that internal differences tions (which seem to be based on a ter and a spare set of knees. To GEORGE M. from E.C. Staff—A simply be *'forgotten"; 1 suggest instead heterosexual bias towards ) ir% CHARLES SCHIANO .frwM. .Antt|i bedpan fuJi of bon-bons. remain unexplored. Biryant—09 pounds of oranges from To JOHN N. fxWM^ ifc.C. Simft—A. *^GentW- that they be placed "in perspective." Florida. man's Guide to Profanity" (uncensored) Perhaps we can start by \ook\ng for the If -wotnetx hope to be successful \n their To LRC from GBR^-Our support in return with an inscription from the Pope. connections we have, not only with the efforts to raise the consdousness of gay for your understanding. To BOB B. from E.C. Staff—An extra week women's movement, but with all dvil men. they will have more success if they Te GBR from UlC—A hug and a kiss and in the month to do six more pages of rights groups. Our mutual insistance that lay down the shotguns. Big blasts at the promise that if yon all wc^k on your typesetting for his favorite publication. human worth and dignity not be assessed lifestyles and activities are simply not as sexism, we won't make any more tacky To CAROL C. from LRC—Permission to on the basis of race, religion, age, effective as shots aimed at specific words remarks about castration. disclose the names in her littie black book occupation, sex, sexual orientation, or and behavior. Whatever they do, lesbians To LRC from LRC—A FEMINIST RESO­ income will only be heard if our voices are should not give up on gay men as and wallet that overflows. "hopeless." LUTION! To TIM M. from E.C. Staff—A Charlie raised together. We are all disadvantaged To MAYOR TOM RYAN from Ronnie Schianp wrist watch, a friend to get him by the assumption that white, middle class, Many of the gay male leaders in Stm^weatfaer—A gay republican on dty places on time (and to keep him warm at middle aged, married men are more Rochester are sensitive to women's issues, council. night), a production staff that turns it's "able" than the rest of us. We are all and many lesbians have worked patientiy work In on time, a tantrum mat, a date with disadvantaged by the presence of racism, with their male counterparts here for To MIKE MACALUSO finMn Lany Ftyn^ years. Yet as feedback seems to indicate, His own edition of Deep Threat, 16 mm Bob Green (Anita's husband), and pebbles sexism, and agism in our community. As a for his forensic rehearsals coalition of minorities, we must stand many others in the community feel a with sound and a year's subscription to certain animosity towards their sisters or Hoatler magazine. To MICHAEL R. from GBR—His own together against the types of prejudice Library of Congress card and Twinkles each particular group faces. It Is our brothers as a group. The opinion pages of To MIchaelf Thn, Geiy, Jim, and aD the this newspaper are dedicated to the ether men who week wtth M the moot frnm stuffed with ground beef. oM^ation if we are indeed committed to Human Rights. Men who complain of "too expression of your viewpoints, and as such LRC—Our thanks for putting up with us, Te WHTTEY L. from GBR—A grow light will continue to carry letters and columns growing/changing with us, and just being fnr his special plants, and a fair haired many articles" about lesbian issues appa- rentiy fail to recognize the importance both which profer your perspectives. As we there. plumber's helper—so he can take the continue to explore the relationships plunge. of the articles themselves and of the Te Gi^ Mbvemcnt from E.C Staff—We s<^idarity they are designed to encAurage. between lesbians and gay men both in the wish some more t




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HOUSTON—The International Wo­ men's Year Conference. M its second plenary session on Sunday November 20th, passed the Sexual Preference Resolution. Lesbian history was made on that day (see inside for w<»-ding of the Resolution.). It was feared that this Resolution, whidi was number 23 in what was called a "ftt>- Plan" of action, would not be voted on because of the delaying tactics of the right wing anti-groups. Planned strategy ses­ sions, led by the National Gay Task Force's Women's Caucus, eventually can­ celled out those fears. To her LESBIAN VISIBILITY Betty Frledan riaea to apeak hi $v#er el the fhibhm Bl^toa On Thursday, November 17th, about 150 Mt la ont leablan Ailie Scett— NO W^ JUition Vice I to 200 lesbian observers and delegates The strategy consisted of a briefing by great fervor, but the chair had to silence gathered to count forces and to openly Delegate Whitlock on what stalling parlia­ her because her 2 minute time limit was discuss tactics for the forthcoming days. Jean O'Leary, NGTF Co-Director mentary procedures would be used for and up. All debate fimdly ended when the Some lesbians were disappointed that this and IWY Commiaakmer, appointed how to get around them. This was the most question was called by Charlotte Bunch first meeting was not more productive, but by President Carter, rending Sexwa informational session the lesbians would and delegates were asked to stand and it allowed Jean O'Leary, NGTF Co-Direc­ Pittfeience ReaulnUon to tiie Heoa- have. They were told that the opposition show their aye or nay vote. As is history tor, to get a head count. NGTF had the tan deiegatea. would try to stall voting on all other now, an overwhelming majority stood in most visible lesbian presence in Houston resolutions in hopes that there would be no favor and bedlam broke out on the floor and they needed women to staff their booth straights who supported gay rights. time to vote on it. The other plans were to and in the galleries. Hundreds of helium at the Seneca Falls Mall Exhibit area and in There were only 130 "out" lesbian substitute the sexual preference resolution filled balloons were set free and a running their hospitality suite at the Sheraton delegates, but by Sunday, there were at with an anti-gay amendment. Another was line of lesbians weaved their way down to Houston Hotel. Many women did volun­ least a thousand orange bands being worn to try and get the chair to consider the the podium and around the convention teer, and lesbian visibility was underway. at the conference. resolution, paragraph by paragraph, so floor. Delegates remained on their feet ROCHESTER'S FINEST Hundreds of people stopped by the that confusion would take place and more applauding all the while. After a few NGTF table to pick up membership forms LESBIAN CAUCUS time would be taken up. These delaying minutes of this demonstration, the dele­ or to just plain talk to a real live lesbian. Kay Whitiock. a lesbian delegate from rules were actually used, and each time, gates turned toward the back of the For some, this was a first contact, while Pennsylvania, acted as parliamentarian for the chair would say no or the entire floor colesium. They continued to applaud a others did not even know there was a the lesbian caucus. On Friday afternoon would vote on them and they would be little longeF for a large green and white National gay organization. from 3 to 5 o'clock, parliamentary proce­ defeated. Lesbian Rights sign. From the 17th to the 20th. there was a dure was used by the lesbian-delegates- preponderance of orange armbands and only caucus so that they could practice for KEEP THE PLAN MOVING LESBIAN RECEPTION DISCO-DANCE BAR. what was to come in the next two days. orange smile buttons seen at the Houston NGTF distributed buttons which said in "Pokey" Anderson, a Texas delegate, Colesium. The press was banging on the caucus effect that the "pro plan" of action should and other lesbians from texas made California lesbians, and then later New room doors but they were only allowed into be kept moving along and that all of the arrangements for a lesbian celebration in a York lesbians, used these orange arm­ the room a few times to film and ask issues should be debated. Meryl Fried­ ballroom at the Sheraton. Non-lesbian bands as an identifiable symbol for questions. The lesbian strategy was simple man, an NGTF floor leader, said that it delegates came to thank the lesbian caucus lesbians at their state IWY meetings. The enough, but they did not want it to be would be a "hollow victory" if the lesbian for voting in favor of minority and welfare orange armbands were also worn by known by the "anti" groups. rights issues were not debated on the floor. planks and some just to say "hello." 123 NORTH STREET The conference was marked by only 15 Jean O'Leary and Kate Millet made jninutes of debate of both pro and con short speeches on the lesbian victory and positions. Speaking in favor of the issue Jean pointed out that ''Now we al\ have to was a young Puerto Rican delegate who go back to our states because the work has came "out", and as she did, she spoke of just begun." her double oppression as a member of a minority ethnic group and as a lesbian. She urged the other delegates to ease the SEXUAL PREFERENCE RESOLUTION burden of her oppression as a lesbian just Congress, State, and local legislatures Monday - 25c diraft beer as they had in a previous resolution passed should enact legislation to eliminate discri­ as a favorable minority recommendation. mination on the basis of sexual and T%&esaay - 2nd drinR for 25c It was hoped that straight women would affectional preference in areas including. also speak in favor of passage for this part but not limited to, employment, housing, 'Wednesday - *Two for One' of the plan as Betty Friedan. co-founder of public accommodations, credit, public the National Organization for Women and facilities, government funding, and the THursday - 15c off all drinKs former outspoken anti-lesbian leader did. military. At first, delegates felt that Betty Friedan *s State legislatures should refurm their "wrHen yoti wear a Jim's T-sHIrt presence at the microphone meant that penal codes or repeal State laws that lesbians would again be denied their rights restrict private sexual behavior between in the feminist movement. Instead of consenting adults. speaking out against, she spoke in favor by State legislatures should enact legisla­ saying that everyone knew that the tion that would prohibit consideration of lesbian's rights were not covered by sexual or affectional orientation as a factor E.R.A. and so, "We should help the in any judicial determination of child lesbians in their revolution" by voting for custody or visitation rights. Rattier, child sexual preference. custody cases should be evaluated solely Betty Powell, a former NGTF Board on the merits of wiiich party is the better member, spoke about the lesbian lifestyle parent, without regard to that person's OPEN NIGHTLY in an impassioned speech. She spoke with sexual and affectional orientation. flowers 'TIL 2 AM rl

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If77/1HB VMpnr cioasT TBB EMnrr OOSBTi ifrr/9

MaUng Seznallty Hmmm Molly, where arc you? Who arc you? By Nonmn PHtmitcr And why are you? ~ United Oinrdi PMa, FhRndelpUa, 1970 I am a sassy, eartiiy, gutsy, intelligent, 96 pngaa^ $3.95 dirt-poor illegitimate giri who fights my way through sodal and sexual frustration Reverend Pittenger acceptably and posi­ and discrimination. A lesbian, comfortable tively writes about human sexuality and its with my sexuality from childhood to expressions—hetero- and homosexualities. maturity. I love lofe. my sixth grade He is one of few flickering lights at the end lover—and myself. of a sexually ignorant and dismal, dark In grade scho(^, Molly Bolt discovers religious tunnel! He rejects the Christian that she is Ruby DroUinger's bastard child, ethic of sex as merely a cannonization of and therefore prodaims herself to be called doseted morality that he insists is closed to Rubyfrait Jungle. "I don't care, h makes l>,Tgl«t«i^ !•«•' **^ the fresh air of accepting our bodily nature. no difference where I come from. Tm here, Instead, he proposes an ethic for us based ain't I? " on affection, responsibUity and permis­ This story is one of the funniest, "TS siveness. Profound, fc«- a mature figure to heartbreaking, hellbent for equality books say. Sex isn't obscene, but sexual bigotry th|it I have ever read. It was written by Rita The Gay Academic library sdence, linguistics, literature, David Kopay, who is the first profes­ good beginning." David tells of his and ignorance are. Let's not get carried Mae Brown, a founding mother of both the By Lottie Crew |ed.) et id. philosophy, psychology, sodology and sional athlete to ever publicly prodaim his sometimes tortured feelings for his de- away with sex, nor put it down. But let's feminist and gay movements. Palm Springs: ETC Pnbiicatlons, 1978 politics. 1 paid attention predominantiy to homoKsexuality, will have you reading and voutiy Catholic family; of his education in a have an up front, positive attitude towards An accomplished lecturer, Ms. Brown 444 pages. S15.00 the psychology and the

A society's values are easily discerned book is carefully footnoted referring the after a look at the laws it's leaders legislate reader to important dedsions. Straight Answers about Homosexuality for straights. You will vehemently agree and and enforce. How well these leaders A lengthy appendix includes a bibliogra­ Straight Readers disagree with him. At times he is "right represent the populace can be seen by the phy of books, articles, pamphlets and By David Loovis on"; at others he is overdrawn and rather speed with which laws change to reflect the periodicals; a listing of gay organizations Englewood aiffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1977 cutesy. His argument is extended by me positive value shifts of that society. Tbe and ACLU offices state by state. The 190 pages, $8.95 after his query: If non-gays get their Rights of Gay People, put together by the appendix also includes a listing according gayness up (though un-acted out) through American Civil Liberties Union defines the to state of Laws Applicable to Consensual Loovis writes—in an attempt to invite, to discovery of identification with people who legal rights of the Gay Community today. Adults Homosexual Acts. Where lewdness appeal to, to support and to convince have taken homosexuality into their public lives, then (what follows is mine) can gays Today's gay community is realizing that as can get you 3 months and/or $500 penalty non-gays—about "your homosexual sensi­ in New York, it can get you one year and/or bility." Remember that he is writing to get their straightness up (un-acted out) long as they are expected to remain through discovery of identification with invisible and discreet in order to have $500 in Maryland. A lot of information has people who have taken into rights which should belong to any dtizen, been organized in this paperback. their public lives? Ridiculous. For that they have in reality, no protection under Two minor complaints I found, the bright matter, most gays cannot be bothered with the law. As it now stands, for example, purple cover a bit offensive and sometimes this book. For one. you don't integrate anyone evicted from housing for the sole the writers move too fast over too homosexuality into your public life (i.e. reason of sexual preference has no legal^ complicated legal discussions. However, 1 your orientation automatically colors your recourse against such adton. For any found Ihe Righto of Gay People interesting public as well as your private life). group to attain its rights, it must first know and even learned a lot. ff you have any what has already been won and where to questions about gay rights this book is the Nonetheless, this t>ook is one you can let next focus its energy. For this reason I place for a quick answer. lay around for your straight friend, parent highly recommend The Rights of Gay or spouse to see! People to anyone interested in this The resources LooWs draws from are particular attempt for dvil rights. It impressive (some 50 of them). But he presents a good, to the point outline of the missed The Joy of f nshjnn Sex and Ihe Joy rights of gays on all facets of legal activity of Gay Sex. Here are some sample questions (you can imagine the answers): from freedom of speech to security Don't queers molest children? What about clearances to the rights of transvestites. the Bible? Are there dominants and The book depicts the contradictory stance submissives? What do homosexuals do in the courts seem to be taking towards gay bed? How does one t>econie gay? How do rights (For example the case of Boraas vs. you come out? Do gays have fears? What Belle Terre where the Supreme Court will neighbors think? Are there easy overruled the liberal dedsion of the Court breakups? What is S & M? How much for a of Appeals which may continue to create a hustier? What's a zap? problem to gays in the area of housing rights due to the definition of the word. Loovis succeeds in dulling (and boring) Family.). The book also reflects the my "heterosexual sensibility"; this book ts increased vidume of gay rights court not for gays I Approach to male homosex­ uality only, lesbianism assumed (even to batties fought and won over the last ten give him the benefit of the doubt) is quite years; a reason for some optimism. Written unfortunate. in question and answer form the book's ten short chapters depict the present legal For God*s sake, buy this book for your ntuation for thoae ImBvldoals who make up parents. Hiked: the artificially grouped "dass" of gay people in America. This Handbook makes Question—* 'Are gay people alwajrs no pretense to being a "do-it-yourselT'law right?" Ut. Actiona that oould be taken against Answer- '-*' Abamntely. diacrfawlnntkm are briefly outlined. Step noe Is ahvayt—find a good lawyer. One tartererting fMt I teamed was that the Amerkan Bar Aaaociation passed a resolu­ BOOKBBVBWS tion hi 1973 nrgfaig all states to drop aU Inws thm made criadnal any form of By DAKTL Md SHOU CLBMBNS **BonaBnHng eemal activity between adoha hi prtvme/* Thns te. eight states have IMtowedttisieumMMnilBrtM The hand- . . ; • -u". --MiJ J «»*'.'".^"wsjwts-Taw*^, * •^^mium •'Uhitw*'* - *-?«**M03W'',^i.jHfc


By JAMES VU IDE For those who have followed my series of incumbent who lost was Patricia A. Bell articles on "The Pcditical Game" begin­ who did not receive our endorsement. She ning in~ the August issue ctf tills paper, I had told us that she ^idn't believe in guess 1 owe a wrap up or assessment of discrimination. She, however, thought we how well the gay community played the were "wrong to make our requests for civil game. rights a public issue." Well, gay rights is a V The election returns give only part of the public issue. Civil rights have always been a answer. Tbe participatk>n of candidates in public issue and will ce the answer could best be future candidates if that party wishes to viable two party system demands. Showtime 10:30 PM So now, let's look at the record, given by the candidates themselves. Why escape the narrow confines ck a Schiano We endorsed 3 of the 5 winning not ask theml based appeal. Schiano went all out to help Democrats in city council races (Although MONROE COUNTY The Gannett press endorsed 16 erf the 29 his'three stooges and they readily and we did not endorse John G. Curran, gay Special Midnite Fanfare There were \1 Republicans who won winning candidates (56%). The Knpty happily grabbed on to his coat tails. The people were active in his campaign. They legislative seats. The only 2 who had our Cloaet endorsed 16 of the 24 winning fact that Richard E. Krist and Alan C. invited him to a coffee-house, the candi­ endorsement were John R. HofF and candidates (67%). Cassetti ran almost 2,000 votes ahead of date night at Jim's, and distributed Special Guest Appearance Eugene C. Maz»>la, Jr. the Schiano forces sh winning candidates (80%). The Rnq^ ROME • PARIS • NEW YORK Claaat endorsed 3 of tbe S winning Monday 1:30-3:30 candidates (60%). Wednesday 1:30 - 6 Overall, considering the county legisla­ ture. Family Court, and dty council races COCKTAIL HOUR Friday 1:30 - 3:30 together; the Gannett press endorsed 20 of FREE! - CALL 442-4000 tbe 35 winning candidates (57%). The Enpty Oaaet endorsed 19 ^rf" tbe 30 winning candidates (64V^). Mon. thru Fri. 4 - 7 p.m. "Three for Two" The really important thing is that gay people got involved in the political process and they are tr3rittg to make that process an a44-4S4a important vehicle for their human rights. Thursdays, 10 p.m. until closing and on Sundays, 3 - 6 p.m Tbe politicians know that gay people are here and always wiU be here. Tbey are people, voters, taxpayers, relatives, "Two for One" friends, and neighbors. Tbe real test of BEN-HAM how well the Gay community did in the last CHRISTMAS GIVING election will only be answered in the FOR THE MAN YOU LOVE TnauGi SGrtuicG months ahead when the elected officials Sunday Brunch $1.00, and Bloody Marys .75,12 - 3 p.m. will have to deal with issues which wiU Park Avenue at Park at Oxford, 244-4884 Herbert C. Beoge make Monroe County and tiie dty oC Mon-Fri 10-9, Sat 10-6 I East Main St. Rochester a better and sailer place forou r Goodman Street Ibcbeaer's fines Men's Shep lesbian sisters* our gay brothers^ and our Webater, NY 14580 growing number of straight friends. (716) 872-6330

WOMAN'S NIGHT EVERY NIGHT >!! ^^&l^ i*i>Avenue Pub wishes all its customers, & Friar's, Jim's 212 CH Riverview, 212, Bachelor's Forum, and the Rathskeller Vai Avenue %* ' for the best drinks in town * '. ' BookStar Mary where you can nieet new friends SPECIAL 360 Park Asx.*">f^» OF THE WEEK Choose a Cnnsimaa preeent from our OR large collection of interesting t>ooka- BOZ SCAQGS • • t nOWN TWO TSBN UBFT watch the old ones come out Free Gift WrappingI Jperr^ Qbrietmae anfe a Qroeperous Qew gear! We will mall anywhere I $4-98 Phone orders accepted: call 271-6120 CUM-a7.9S} Hours: Tuea. thru Fr)., Noon-9. OPEN: SUN 12-9 Jim (Day Mgr) Mary (Night Mgr) Kent & Mike (Weekend Bartenders) Sat. 10-e. Son. 1-5. MON . SAT 10 • 9

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BRUNGH ON SUNDAYS FROM 1 UNTIL 3:30 \ Moipdajr nathskttUAr nite 182e North Goodman St a for I, XO nntn dosing! Roeheeter, N.Y. 14600 14/ 19T7/The SMPTT CLOSET THE EMmr CXQSET/Ikeecadber lf77/15

body, the commission can make reuMn- BACHELOR FORUM mendations to the Legislature for indusion in the law of new groups to be proteded. The legislature has added age, sex, 8 '2forrs Court may yet height and weight, and handicaps td the original state dvil righta ad as prc^iibited consider gay subjects of discrimhiation —from Phiindelphin Gny Newa SPECIALIZING IN INDIVIDUALLY Merry case this year DESIGNED AND CRAFTED Amnesty International may JEWELRY Court of AppeiJs the dedsi

Classified ads for our "Bulletin JBoard" WANTED: Roommate(s); male, late 20's. Affiliates: cost $3.00 for 25 words or less and $.10 for looking for two stable people to share each additional word. commodious S-room townhouse in Com Hill; much personal privacy possible. Call GAY DISABLED—Anyone who is gay and 546-1089. LESBIAN RESOURCE CENTER disabled in some way (amputees, the blind or deaf, et al.) is invited to join a TAROT READINGS—Hypnosis-Age Re- GAY BROTHERHOOD special-interest pen-pal dub now being gression--Smoking, etc. CW. Davis, EMPTY CLOSET **i formed. The ofganizers hope also to start a 482-903^ evenings. newsletter or newi^>aper concerned with ROCHESTER GAY TASK FORCE the needs of peracms in this ceibcgpty. Por ROOM FOR RENT—Share home; non- Infonnation. write Dnane J. Boolware, smoker pidfefted; 766 Garson Ave.; 5973 R Oark St,, Chicago, IB. 60660, 482-903S«venlnas or weekend. \ understand that CETA funds are not Dec. IB—Gay Teaichen Caacns Organisational meethig 3:00 p.m., Dec. 7—FOm: fa The Baul irtatMt ef enough. St. Lake's Pariah HaU. 0m fhairin 8:00 p.m. Gay Center Donatioaa wffl be accepted at the the fcayty Cbaat fffam door for LesMan's Mother's Defbnae Accept my help In paying for rent, Dec. 6—Planning meeting for Jan. Fund issue. telephone, supplies and production costs. / V Oec. 10—Deadline for stories. Dec. 14—Regular Meeting at 8:00 ' Dec. IS—Deadline for ad orders p.m. */•-•• Jan 3—Planning meeting fr>r Feb. Dec. 21—"Pornography"—where Make check or money order payable tO: issue—248 Monroe Ave., 8:00 p.m. does eliminating sexist roles/op­ rrme$emrer^ C^.«.V. Jan 5—MaUing Party 713 Monroe pressive attitode stop and censorship P.O. BOX 18076 Ave., 8:00 p.m. start? ^ - - .,- •^;jr-.j •-ti..,.- V- -^z. Jan. 7—^January issue distributed r' flOGHESYER. N.Y.-14618 .- - -li(r- Jan. 8—Annual Empty Closet Con­ vocation; come help plan tiie Sth Dec. 4—Regional Mefkhq^bf' $2S: —$S0: _$I00; year. Organizations ofthe 3:00 p.m. at, 713 ljft|, PV^wppwi- « Gay Allianoe of Geneaefe YalE^ (use Dec. 4—Pot Luck at 8:00 p.m,w side entrance) Oec. 4—Auction (Bachelor Fonun) at 9:30 p.m. Dec ^-^'Pornography: The New Dec. il^Tbn Denesha apeakfaig on TeRerfsm'% ilmd raiser for Rochea> Gtya aad Related Health PioUens ter Wonen Against ^^olenoe Against OR IF YOU PREFER TO MAKE A PLEDGE Dec. IS—Dtocnatioo on tbe hook Women; aO proceeds to go to the TO CONTRISUTE OVER A PERIOD. SEE BELOW We're making a big movef <«Homoneraalhy^ A Family Matter• » Legal Defenae Ftad; guest wpeaktt I Pledfs moitlhly instalNnsntt of t for s period of Andrea Dworfcln. «t St Faol's .*»* Chorch, East Avenvs and Vkk Farfc momht ao he#n (dots) THE EMPTY CLOSET 248 Monroe Avenue P>c, ?4--Hry Yi & \ -*" 11 .(.•^o-y December: Join the P • If le of NGilF Photo; KayTobin 1977^ Issue Number 78

Out of the Closet for Christmas: Gay Boo/cs Barbara Gittings Galore - 8/9 especially in having sparked gay groups in the.. HOME: Philadelphia. Pennsylvania professions, and in reaching out to isolated gay people

PROFESSION: Gay speaker. Bibliographer Editor QUOTE: Those of us who can afford tp be visible have a special message for the millions who can t be: OTHER INTfeRESTS: Singing. Hiking. Canoeing. Courage, folks, because those ot us who are out are Mystery and Detective Stories. Oid Movies otitng the closet door hinges as fast as we can! Houston Report MOST RECENT ACHIEVEMENT: Appointed to MEMBER: The National Gay Task Force ' Pennsylvania Governors Council for Sexual Minorities. page 7 REASON: If we gay people don t work together to end PROFILE: Still smiling after after 17 years of battle tor prejudice and discrimination directed against us. no one the cause, this dynamic and versatile woman rejoices else is going to do it for us Election Recap IWI^rffET National Gay Task Force, Rm. 506, 80 Fifth Ave., IH^ 11 New York, N.Y. 10011, Tel.: (212) 741-1010 page ft

Yes, t would like to join NGTF. Enclosed is my contribution for

CJ $15 Basic Member 1 $100 Supporting Member $25 Household Member n $25 Conthbuting Memt>er ] $500 Lifetime Member (for two) Z) $50 Sustaining Member 1 $1000 Sponsor $$ Limited Income Member Oh, Not Anital I ur»derstand that I will receive the NGTF newsletter, IT'S TIK^E, with my membership • Please keep my name and mailing confidential. .£CL paga t3 Name Address

City State Zip

— .—'_-r»:. MMAMJM iSi lai' <• •» '* ^»*#l » ^»M»->«rj^'-ail^'Wi'*»'«»r%ta-.>- s— -^'^t^ rf* .--'>••••••