October 4, 1950
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Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange The Kenyon Collegian College Archives 10-4-1950 Kenyon Collegian - October 4, 1950 Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian Recommended Citation "Kenyon Collegian - October 4, 1950" (1950). The Kenyon Collegian. 2014. https://digital.kenyon.edu/collegian/2014 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the College Archives at Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Kenyon Collegian by an authorized administrator of Digital Kenyon: Research, Scholarship, and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~.t. • , • Vol. 77, No. 2 Kenyon Conege, Gambier, Ohio October 4, 1950 , in Kenyon Honors Frost With Eventful Weekend The CO LLEG IAN Reports Robert Froat, elder American will present Mr.. Frqst's rellgious vard will discuss "Reality in the poet, will be the guest of honor drama, uA Masque. of Mercy." American Poetic Tradition." Dr. of Kenyon College at a three day This is believed to 0 be the world Murdock's latest book is "Note- conference October 6, 7, and 8. premiere of this poem, the com- books of Henry James." The sec... The theme of the celebration is panion work of "A Masque pf ond speaker, Dr. Marston Morse. ''The Poet and Reality." Leaders Reason." . mathematician and a fellow of the of American letters, science, poli- Saturday will be the confer- Institute for Advanced Study at. tics, and pub1isbing will join the ence's "big day." Beginning at Princeton University, will talk OD. Kenyon faculty uul student body 10:30 in Rosse Hall Dr. Thomas "Some Reflections on Evaluations In honoring the man whom many Reed Powell, Professor of Law in Mathematics and. the Arts.'" authorities CODSider the dean of Emeritus, Harvard University, and uA Masque pf Mercy" will be American poets. author of "The Supreme Court presented again Saturday eve- Registration will begin Friday, and Police Power, 1922-30," will ning at 7 :30, and climaxing the October, in the Alumni library, address the conference on "Or- day's schedule, Robert Frost will MIa ..........ak<Io. Gu. Patrides. representative of Keny ..... Mr. Tbamas. aDd the conference will be opened der and Invention in Law and address the conference in Rosse repr •• -Uve of the Congreqational Christian ServIce. Committee. uul olllci,ally w!th a cIiIlner at Peirce Government." Then Mr. L. A. Co. Hall at 6:30. Inunediately fol~ Mrs. Rl<aleI; duriDq the diotrlbution of the c1othillv. Hall 6:15 p.m. that evening. At SlrOllg, English poet and novelist, lowing Mr. Frost's speech a .re- 7:30 lit a- HaD, J. Donald will introduce the theme of the ception will he held in Peirce Hall Adams, a conlributinc editor of Conference, "The Poet and Re- for thel college's guests, faculty "The New York Times Book Re- ality." and students. Gus Delivers Goods Yiew," will speak on l'The Poet That afternoon following the Sunday morning at 10:45 in the and the-- Wooder 01. the World," Kenyon • Wooster football game Church of the Holy Spirit the and at 11:00 in the Speech Build- Dr. Kenneth B. Murdock, Profes- Rieht Reverend Henry Wise Hob- To Native Greece Ing the KenyOD Dramatic Club sor of English Literature at Har- (CoBtiaued on poge 4) TIle foUowl.nc article was written for the COLLEGIAN by Gus Patrtdes. chairman of the Committee for the Collection of Clothiq for the Orphans of Greece. whidL undertook before the end of the last academic year I a drive that resulted in the 101- lection of' approximately thirty tnmks of clothing items. The coUected clo~ was forwarded. to New York, at the expense of members of the Gambier ~ Kenyon':Singers Will Tour Ohio munity and from there the Congrelational Christian Service Committee undertook to ~ it. free of charge to ita representative in 5alonika, Gn!ece. Gus •• triclM. who was to spend his summer in Europe, went to 8alonika, picked up the dothinl there and distributed it 'With the help of American and Greek welfare 8Ien". The following article is the story of the distribution of the clothing coUeetd. 1ft Gambier under the auspices of Kenyon College. This Year, Climaxed by "Messiah" Early in August, after receiv- not be distinguished from the Greatly encouraged by the ex- whether the Kenyon group will rectlon of Mr. William Root. Dean ing word that the clothing was fields around. The farther away cept~ line lUld unusua1ly travel to Pittsburgh or whether Bailey announces the possibility about to reach Salonika, I left we got from the main hiIlhway, turnout of IlI!W members for the Kenyon will play host to the PCW: that Mr. Root will bring his 65 Athens and headed for the capital the worse the 1IlIl<0undin«s be- Chapel Choir and Kenyon Singers, group. Dayton, Ohio is contem- piece Mt. Vernon High School of Northem Greece. I was re- came. To all of us it beeame ap- the ",wc department III l~g plated as the scene of another band to perform at the Home- ceived there with much enthus- parent that the village we· were forward optimlslleally to an ex- Kenyon College-Western College coming football game, adding. iasm and it was with deep admir- about to visit was in a miserable tremely acti.,., and aueeeosful1llu- concert in Combination with the even more spirit to the occasion. The ation that I saw the wonderful job condition. area all around It sical-- yea r, ProIeosor P a U I Dayton Symphony Orchstra. A 'Unlike last year, this season's of relief being carried on to a was barren of trees, reeently cIe- Schwartz has IllUlOUftced thet concert in Cleveland, Ohio is aJsj). great SCale. The clothing from stroyed by the Communist guer- plans are being· completed for tentatively planned for n ext series of concerts by professional Kenyon, cleared from the Hellenic rllas on their retreat. It seemed several concert appearances of spring. However~ much of the artists will be handled on an in- Customs, was stored and waiting as if the land was deserted - as the Kenyon Sincers both locally time of the Singers between now dividual concert basis rather than for me at Anatolia College, an if humanity had forgotten that in and throughout Ohio. Though and Christmas vacation will be a seasonal subscription. The American school situated in the one of those bills other hUJnaJ> dates are not yet deftnltely de- taken up by rehearsals lor ''The price of the individual C'Oncerts outskirts of Salonika. With the beings struggled for their exist- cided upon, the Sincers expect to Messiah" by Handel to be sung. remains $1.20 and though Pro- cooperation of the International ence. And our expectations were appear again at Western College with the.Mount Vernon Commun- fessor Schwartz has not an- Red Croos and other humanitarian justified wben we fIaally entered for Women In a combined concert ity Chorus in Mt. Vel'llOll on Sun- nounced the complete 1ists of organizations, 'IUld accompanied Leipsydrion - the stony streets with the Western choral group at day, December 3. Of COllrlll:, the artists, an unusually fine series by President Compton of Ana- burning under the bot lRID; the Oxford, Ohio. This season, after traditional pre-Christmas concert can be oexpecte'd on the basis ot tolia, Mr. Thomas of the Christ- houses built with mud afteI' a very an absence of three years, the of carols in Chapel is again in laSt year's and other year's per .. ian Service, and other enthusiastic primitive fashion; the w"oIe vil- Western group will come to Ken- view. With. the,!" dates as a beaU, lage, being very dry, lacked trees formance. It is hoped that even and energetic relief workers, I yon for a combined concert. Plans Professor Schwartz promises his •or bushes, lacked the very live- more Kenyon students will at- left for a tour of the" guerrila- are also being completed for a Sincers and Kenyon College a stock that a small agricultutal tend these concerts now that the s~ villages near Salonika joint concert with the Pennsyl- year lull of promise. town so badly needs. It seemed individual tickets ere available that auftered mostly by the recent- 't8nla Colleee for Women al- The band has already oe1led- ....if we had gone backwards Into and chargeable to Book Shop .... ly ended civil war. itJougb ft Ia not yet certain uled rehearsal times under the di. time and visited a pre1aIJtorIe College SCCOUftts. /Uthough most of the villages town in the deoert of Sahara. visited were in a miserable con- The tim thing that I felt, wheR dition, one was sincled out - the townspeople started gathering Dances Scheduled for Oct.. 14, 28 Leipsydrion, in the County of around our jeep, was that the vil- Oqtober 01• is the <late; Peiree IIIng are the popular Edcl,ie Kn- fair. Admission charges are Ki1kIs, approximately forty miles lagers needed clothing - uul thla HalliouDCe Ie the pIaee. What for? mer and his MEL-a-TONES, re- !'Overed by .tudent dance funds. north of Sa1oDika. was later ofl!claIly certIfted bJ: the The SoeIal committee staaea its cently returned from a series· of In keepinc with the IlI!W polley To reaeh Leipsydrion we had to Red Croo& The YOUlll mea and lint cIaBee of tile year, the featlvi- night-club eneagements. Enoueb elf having more dances at Kenyon, leave the main hichway and take women were dressed lit clotIJes ties laatine from 8:30 to 12:00. couples should be on band to ~ second shiDdig of the seaaoa a side road which at limes could lColltlaud oa ....