Incorporation of Wrights in Glasgow
HD bMt5 Gfc lb nOO a31 1 8801 1 ^00906b Hi) 6462 G6 16 1900 INCORPORATION OF WRIGHTS IN GLASGOW. INCORPORATION OF ^RtGHTS IN GLASGO«f« ' ' ^^ "'L^"'^X - "'^J^' THE |nc0rp0rati0ii 0f Wr}g|ts |n ^lasgoto. GLASGOW: PRINTED BY JAMES C. ERSKINE & SONS, 140 HOPE STREET. MCM. THE UB'^ARY UNlVER^u. ^. GUELPH Master Court—i8gg-igoo. Deacon. Late Deacon. James Goldie. Alexander Buchan, Collector. Late Collector. H. M'Taggart. D. Buchanan. Masters. Deacon Maben. Deacon Hunter. Deacon FERGUSON. Mr. W. Lightbody, Jun. Mr. Thomas Young. Mr. J. G. Sharp. Mr. A. M'Farlane. Deacon Porter. Mr. J. Keppie. Mr. G. P. M'R. Rome. Trade's Key, Thomas Kay. Deacon's Key, ....A. S. Neilson. Honorary Members. Deacon William Lightbody. Deacon M. Henderson. Deacon Andrew Gray. Representatives in tke Trades' House, \ '"^„^^-kT^J^'^.l^^°^^and Deacon HUNTER. Member of Committee on Hall Buildings—The Deacon. Delegate on Gorbals Lands—Deacon Maben. Director on Education—Mr. W. Lightbody, Jun. Clerk. James A. Reid, 172 St. Vincent Street. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ; prefatory IRote. At the Annual Meeting of the Incorporation in 1876, a Committee was appointed to prepare a list of names of all the Members who had entered the Incorporation after the year 1800. Subsequently, in 1880, it was resolved by the Master Court of the day to print this list as well as the "Seal of Cause" and By-Laws; and the opportunity was taken of including in the print a brief record, under the title of "Historical Memoranda," of the more important events in the history of the Incorporation.
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