Kinning Park Care Home

Welcome Pack

"The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. The beauty of the morning and the radiance of noon are good, but it would be a very silly person who drew the curtains and turned on the light in order to shut out the tranquillity of the evening. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth." W Somerset Maugham


This pack contains information that we hope will help you settle into Kinning Park Care Home.

We hope you will find this information helpful. If you would like to know more about the home, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Prior to becoming resident in Kinning Park Care Home clients are invited to visit the home with their family and friends. We endeavour to make the transition into our care home as smooth and welcoming as possible. We will have information available for you including our previous inspection reports, policies and procedures and complaints procedure.

Kinning Park is a family run care home that strives to provide care based on an individual’s needs. It is firmly set in the community of Kinning Park in the south side of . Some of the clients who have chosen to live with us have lived and worked in the local area for many years. Other clients have moved here from other parts of Glasgow and beyond.

The building itself was the local Labour Exchange and originally built in the 1920’s. It was transformed into a Care Home in 1989. A further first floor extension was added in 2000.

Kinning Park is a district in Glasgow situated on the south bank of the Clyde about 1-mile (1.6 km) west of the city centre between and Ibrox/. It is served by Kinning Park subway station and many bus routes. It has many local amenities, shops, cafes and is close to a large park.

The service is currently registered to provide nursing care to 25 older people. All bedrooms are single rooms and all have en-suite facilities.

There are 2 sitting rooms, a conservatory room and a safe and private garden area.

The home will provide the necessary furniture and fittings to suit each person’s individual taste and needs. It is our policy to encourage people to bring personal items of furniture and pictures to ensure a homely atmosphere and to help the transition from home to Kinning Park Care Home. All furniture and fittings must comply with the latest fire regulations and all electrical equipment must be subject to a portable appliance test.

We have developed a statement of Aims and Objectives for the service which sets out what we strive to offer everyone who chooses to live in Kinning Park Care Home:

Aims and Objectives ● To provide a friendly, welcoming and safe place to live. ● To provide a quality of life that supports people living here to retain their independence, identity and a sense of value. ● To provide stimulation and encouragement; to offer people activities and social events that they enjoy and are meaningful to them. ● To provide physical and emotional support to the people who live here and their family and friends. ● To offer the people we support opportunities to comment on and develop the service. ● To maintain and develop close links with the community. ● To promote each person’s physical, mental and emotional health and safeguard individual rights. ● To deliver the best possible care and support to everyone who lives in Kinning Park Care Home at all times

We believe that the best way to meet our aims and provide the best service is to have a skilled, well trained and happy staff team. Kinning Park Care Home is run by an experienced home manager and a team of qualified nurses and carers who are all experienced in looking after older people. This includes those with needs that require additional support and understanding such as dementia. We take training very seriously and our carers have access to the recognised SVQ training programme as well as relevant ongoing training and support.


We have organised this section of our welcome pack in alphabetical order to help you find your way around more easily.

Activities and community links

We have access to a minibus to enable outings to be arranged when the weather permits. Our neighbours include a Sheltered Housing Complex, the residents of which are invited to events in the home. Kinning Park care Home enjoys visits from the Minister from Kinning Park Parish Church and the Priest from St Anthony’s Chapel. Our Activities Co-ordinator will sit down with you and find your interests and dislikes and will tailor a plan of care to suit. We endeavour to encourage you to keep any hobbies, interests and community links that you already have.

Entertainment appealing to a wide variety of tastes is provided. There is a comprehensive programme of activities which are held both within and outwith the home. We have strong links with the wider Kinning Park community. Concerts are held regularly including Christmas, Easter, St Andrew’s Day and other memorable occasions, not forgetting our national bard Robert Burns.

We also have a large projector movie screen in the upstairs sitting room where films of the residents choice are shown “cinema style”.

We seek to cater for all tastes and interests and we would welcome your suggestions on how we may expand these.

Regular meetings are held with residents to discuss their preferred choice of outings and activities.

Advocacy services

There may be occasions when people living in Kinning Park Care Home need additional support in making informed decisions and making their wishes known. To assist with this we have made links with an advocacy services. Information leaflets about the role of advocacy and the local service are available in the reception area of the home.

The Advocacy Project Cumbrae House 15 Carlton Court Glasgow G5 9JP

Telephone: 0141 420 0961 Text phone: 0141 420 0989

Email: [email protected] Website:


Light refreshments are supplied for special occasions. Some residents are used to a “night cap”. This will be required to be supplied by you. Please note that on occasion alcohol may not be allowed due to medication.

Appointments with GP’s, Dentists, Opticians, Podiatrists etc

Wherever possible you can remain with your own GP or if moving out-with your GP catchment area we can assist you to choose a local doctor. All local surgeries provide visits to the home when requested by nursing staff.

The community optician, dentist and podiatrist visit the Home regularly and other specialists can be accessed through your GP. (A fee may be charged by the specialist depending on the service required.)

Appointments with Hairdressers, Beauticians etc

Appointments with local hairdressers or a hairdresser of your choice can be made. A hairdresser is on staff at the home, there is a small extra charge for this service.


There are occasion where bed rails may be needed to be fitted to keep people safe in bed. They will only be fitted following an individual assessment of risk and in line with the manufacturer’s instructions. The bedrails are regularly checked and maintained. We ask that relatives and visitors do not tamper with the bedrails or bumpers, but instead request assistance from a member of staff.


We have 25 single bedrooms, all of them with en- suite facilities. We encourage each person to make their room as homely as possible and to bring their favourite items such as ornaments, pictures, and small items of furniture. All furniture must comply with fire safety regulations and electrical equipment will be given a test to ensure it is safe.

Circumstances in which a resident may be asked to leave.

The Home and all the staff involved in your care will strive to help you settle into Kinning Park and have all your needs met appropriately.

However if your needs can no longer be met to your satisfaction despite all efforts being made by management, nursing staff, doctors and social workers (if appropriate); if your condition detrimentally affects the lives of other residents; or if your expectations are not able to be met, then a full explanation will be given to yourself and your relatives.

This will detail all efforts made to avoid these circumstances, the length of notice to leave given to you by the Home, and the offer of assistance to find alternative appropriate accommodation.

Communal areas

We have a main lounge with a small kitchen area downstairs. This is where most of the residents like to sit. It has a large screen TV and the kitchen area for making teas and coffees. We also have a lovely conservatory which is used as a dining room or a place to sit and chat between meals.

There is another smaller sitting room upstairs with a projector cinema screen for showing movies. Both this lounge and the conservatory can be used to entertain visitors in addition to your own room.

Cultural, social and religious services

Our local church is Kinning Park Parish Church and it’s Minister visits monthly to conduct a service. The Parish Priest from St Anthony’s also visits monthly to conduct a short mass and communion. Other beliefs can also be accommodated and respected.

Fire Procedures

To maintain safety within Kinning Park Care Home we have developed all the fire procedures and risk assessments required of us. We have links with the local fire department and our staff are required to undertake regular fire safety training. We ask that all visitors to the home are mindful of fire safety and smoking policy. We carry out regular maintenance checks and fire drills. If you suspect a fire please report this immediately to any member of staff.

The fire alarm is tested every Wednesday at 2 pm.

The Fire Drill Procedure is attached as Appendix 2 at the back of this brochure


The Southern General Hospital is the nearest to the care home.

Should you have a hospital appointment our staff will accompany you or a family member can do so if you wish. Patient transport will be booked when appropriate or you can opt for a taxi, at your expense.

If you require attending hospital urgently we will endeavour to accompany you, however this is not always possible and we may need to ask your family to do so. A transfer document detailing your current care needs will always be sent with you.

Should you need to spend some time in hospital we will liaise directly with them to ensure a smooth transition back to the home.

Incidents and Accidents

We try to keep these to a minimum but do recognise that accidents will happen in a care home setting. We have a policy for recording any incidents and accidents that involve any of the people who live in Kinning Park Care Home. When you come to live in the home we will ask when and who you wish to be contacted in the event of an incident or an accident. This will be recorded in your personal plan.


Like all care services in we are registered with and inspected by the Care Inspectorate. Their inspectors visit us at least once per year to see how we are performing against the regulations set out by and the National Care Standards for Older People (a copy is available on line or in the home). Each time the inspectors visit they write a report and give us a grade. The reports are available online at and are advertised within the home on the notice boards. After each visit we develop an action plan to show how we address any areas for development they may have highlighted. This allows us to continually improve the service we provide.

We are also inspected by Contract Monitoring Team and the kitchens are regularly inspected by their Environmental Health Services.

Key worker/named nurse

You will be introduced to your named nurse and keyworker during the admission process. They will assist you to settle into Kinning Park care Home and develop your plan of care with you.

See “Personal Plan” for further information.

Last Wishes

Although a difficult subject, it is necessary that nursing staff be aware of the last wishes of each resident. To allow for this, you and/or your relatives will be requested to complete a plan detailing all aspects of your wishes. This will be kept with your care plan.


We have a fully operational laundry service available in the home. We ask that you mark your clothing clearly prior to admission, preferably with sewn-in labels. We advise that clothing be of a machine washable material. If you wish a family member to do your laundry please let the staff know and we will assist


All mail is received into the home and then, unopened, it is delivered to the service users. Assistance with reading and replying to correspondence is available from staff. Stationery, postage etc. is available from the administration staff on request. If you wish your mail to be given to a family member to be opened on your behalf please let us know.

Meeting the cost of care

Our fees are in line with Glasgow City Council and no extra charge is added if you pay privately. These amounts are reviewed each April. Your Social Worker will assist with your financial assessment during the admission process and this will result in a contract from Glasgow City Council. After admission the Homes Administrator will assist with all financial matters.

Our table of charges can be found in Appendix 3 at the back of this brochure.

Menus and meals

When people come to live in Kinning Park Care Home we ask and record their likes and dislikes. This is shared with the kitchen staff that will come and introduce themselves to you and tell you about our meals and what is available each day. If you need a specialist diet the nursing staff will contact the relevant professionals and give the kitchen staff the details of what this has to be. There are a variety of local cafes, restaurants and take away food shops if you want to make use of them with staff support or with your family when they visit. We have a menu board visible in the lounge which shows our choices each day. Our fully trained chefs can prepare something specific on request for you if desired. Fruit, snacks, biscuits, hot and cold beverages are available 24 hours a day. Meals can be taken in the dining room, lounge or your own room. We can also cater for birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. Please discuss with our staff.


Our newsletter is produced every 2 months. It includes information and details about current and future events in the Home.

Newspaper/magazine delivery

We can arrange for delivery of newspapers or magazines. Please ask a staff member. The retail price will be charged for these. The Home also receives copies of the local free paper “The Govan Press”.

Personal plans

Meeting all your care and support needs is of utmost importance to us. When you come to live in Kinning Park Care Home your primary nurse and key worker will discuss your needs, wants, likes, dislikes, abilities and issues that cause you concern. They will discuss with you how you like these to be addressed and will formulate a plan of care that you agree with. This will be reviewed monthly or sooner if needed. This care plan is available to all staff to read to ensure they give the care that you want and need. You can also read this at any time or give permission for a relative/close friend to read on your behalf. If you have memory problems your welfare guardian or Power of Attorney can access your file. Please note that any information from a 3rd party that may be in your file e.g. letters from hospital or other professionals will need to be removed first before you read it.


Visitors are welcome to bring well-behaved pets into the home. If you have a pet and wish to bring it to live with you in Kinning Park, please discuss this with the manager who will assess each individual case.

Policies and procedures

We have developed a full suite of policies and procedures to inform all who use, visit and work in Kinning Park Care Home. These are available on request from the home manager who will be please to clarify any information contained in them that is not clear to you.

Reviews To ensure that we continue to: ● Identify if all your needs and wishes are being met ● Discuss any issues that have arisen ● Work in collaboration with all parties involved in your care and support ● Hear your wishes for the future and continue to plan ahead We hold regular (at least six monthly) review meetings. You, your family and all the people involved in your care and support will be invited to attend these meetings. Prior to the meeting, your key worker will spend time with you to assist you to prepare for the meeting so that you can put your views and questions forward. We also have access to Advocacy Services if you feel you need independent support to express your views.


Security is of prime concern, and the home has a comprehensive security system providing a safe and secure environment for all our residents. We would ask that you use the main door at all times when entering or leaving the building.

For the security of all our residents we have a controlled entry system on the garden gate and main entrance door. Please press the buzzer and a member of staff will let you in.

All external doors are alarmed for added security.

Visitors and staff are asked to sign in when entering or leaving the building. The visitors signing-in book is located in the front foyer when entering the building and the staff signing-in book is located in the nurses office.

Smoking Policy

Kinning Park Care Home is a no smoking home. Visitors may smoke in the garden or car park area. We ask that you dispose of cigarette ends safely and responsibly.


The Home Manager has overall responsibility for the day to day management of the home and for resident’s welfare.

They ensure that staff have appropriate qualifications and training and liaise with professional agencies such as the Care Inspectorate, Social Work Department, GPs’, Hospital Staff, Education Authorities etc. The Manager would welcome the opportunity to discuss any matters with you.

The Deputy Manager assists the Manager in the overall management of nursing and residential care within the home. The Deputy Manager takes charge when the Manager is not available.

The Deputy Manager and Staff Nurses supervise the health aspects of residents and carry out nursing duties to the required standards of the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC).

Senior Care Staff also supervise the health aspects of the residents as well as carrying out all aspects of care.

Care Assistants carry out all aspects of care – helping with washing, bathing dressing and bed-making and escorting residents. Their assistance is promptly and easily attained by using the emergency buzzer.

Kitchen Staff We have a fully qualified kitchen staff that is responsible for menu planning, food preparation and food hygiene. Our catering staff are all experienced and specialise in providing a varied, nutritious menu. All meals and baking are prepared on the premises for your enjoyment.

Domestic and Laundry Staff carry out all cleaning within the home including resident’s rooms, maintaining the high standards required. Our Laundry Staff take care and pride in ensuring clothing is well cared for.

Maintenance Worker is responsible for the day to day repairs and maintenance of the building and gardens.

Office Administrator is responsible for the administration of the home and deals with all fees, charges etc., The Office Administrator can also assist families with any form filling, benefits information or funding issues. Please feel free to call or arrange an appointment.


A telephone line can be installed in your room. You would be responsible for arranging this with British Telecom (or other provider) and for any costs arising from it. Calls can be received on the nurse’s office phone and you can be assisted to receive those. Staff can also offer support with mobile phones.


All staff undertakes a variety of training including Moving and Handling, Food Handling, Health and Safety and General Residents Care as part of their training. Their knowledge and skills are constantly updated and assessed.

Registered Nurses undertake professional study days and internal and external training courses are undertaken on a regular basis. Again, updating of knowledge is ongoing, and staff can use Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board for information and advice. The Care Home Liaison Nurses provide a range of training to the staff.

A number of our staff have completed or are working towards their SVQ in care.

We also invite all family and friends to attend any training sessions held within the care home such as moving and handling, food hygiene and fire safety.


To add to the various services and activities already mentioned the home has access to a mini bus which is fully equipped to accommodate residents in wheelchairs. Our activity co-ordinator is responsible for planning and directing most recreational activities. The mini bus is not only popular during the summer months when visiting local places of interest but also in winter when the residents visit the pantomime, tour the Christmas lights or attend events in local schools.

Regular meetings are held with the residents to discuss their preferred choice of outings and activities.


All bedrooms are lockable and all rooms have a lockable drawer for use by you. We do have a central safe to keep small valuables if you wish. A receipt will be given for these. The Home’s insurance only covers individual items to a value of £50 therefore we recommend that family take care of valuables where possible.


We welcome visitors at any time, however we prefer to protect the meal-times of our residents and ask that you avoid visiting between 12 noon and 1 pm and 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm. We are aware that meal-times are a social occasion and you may wish to visit and share this time with your friend/relative. If you wish to do so we ask that you let us know in advance and we can arrange for you to sit privately with your friend/relative. We have 3 communal rooms (2 lounges and a conservatory) that can be used for visiting in addition to the residents own room.

We respectfully ask that all visitors sign the visitor’s book in the entrance foyer. This is to comply with fire safety regulations.


Your name will be added to the electoral roll at the address of Kinning Park Care Home. You can be assisted to the local polling station by staff or we can assist you in arranging for a postal vote.


We hope that your stay with us will be a positive and happy experience. However we do recognise that things can fall short of expectations. We have developed a variety of ways in which you can give us feedback and if necessary make a complaint to us. Please see overleaf for our procedure for making complaints.


The Manager and staff of Kinning Park Care Home are constantly striving to provide the very best service for all the people who live here and their family and carers. We welcome all the feedback and comments we receive. On some occasions they may come to us as a complaint about the service. Whilst we are always disappointed that our service has fallen short of expectations, we welcome the opportunity to review and improve our service if we do receive a complaint.

If you have any concerns regarding anything in Kinning Park Care Home, the management respectfully ask that you speak to the senior person on duty, who will be able to listen to and log your complaint. There may be occasions when we can rectify an issue at the time but we will still record the complaint to allow us to fully investigate the issue.

We realise that you may not be able to raise the issue in person at the time. When we receive a written complaint we will acknowledge this in writing within 5 working days. In this letter we will summarise the elements of your complaint and if there is anything you disagree with or wish to clarify you will be given the opportunity to discuss this further with the manager or provider.

Following the receipt of any complaint we carry out a full and thorough investigation and endeavour to have a written response to you within 20 days of receiving the complaint. If this is not possible we will keep you up to date on a weekly basis as to the progress of your complaint until it is concluded.

Following the investigation you will be given a letter detailing the process of our investigation and the outcome. All complaints can also be directed to the Care Inspectorate which is the regulatory body for care services in Scotland.

CARE INSPECTORATE CENTRAL WEST REGION 4th Floor No 1 SMITHHILLS STREET PAISLEY PA1 1EB Tel: 0141 843 6840 We welcome feedback, suggestions and compliments which all help us to improve the service further. We have a comments book in the foyer of the home and we review this feedback each week and develop an action plan where necessary. We will post this action plan within the book. We also have a suggestions drop off box situated in the foyer where feedback can be made in a confidential manner. Again we collate this information and develop an appropriate action plan. We also give regular feedback in our newsletters based on your suggestions. From time to time we may ask for comments and feedback about certain aspects of the service such as meals and activities.

If there is anything you wish to discuss about any aspect of the service please do not hesitate to speak to the manager or any member of the team.

C Anderson Manager Date: November 2013 Review date: November 2015

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing to live in Kinning Park Care Home. You can be assured that we will strive to make your stay with us a pleasant, safe and fulfilling experience.


The premises are protected by an automatic Fire Detection System. In addition ‘Break Glass’ points are provided where the alarm can be raised manually.

If you discover a fire, move as far away from the fire as possible and call for help immediately.

● Do not use the lift under any circumstances.

● Do not return to the scene of the fire.

● Do not waste time picking up any personal belongings.

● Make your way as directed by staff.

● Follow all instructions given by staff, who will assist you if you need help.

● Do not panic – try to remain calm and concentrate on leaving the building quickly and quietly, if directed to do so.

● Do not re-enter the building until a Fire Officer has stated that it is safe to do so.


As at April 2013

(The charges below are subject to change each April in accordance with the annual increase to DWP Benefits and State Pension).

Nursing Care - Single Room £580.11 (per week in advance) Residential Care - Single Room £499.38 (per week in advance)

Respite Care - Nursing Care £580.11 (per week) Respite Rate - Residential Care £499.38 (per Week)

Please note Kinning Park Care Home does not apply supplements or top-up charges to care home fees for Private or Self-Funded Clients.

N.B. The above amounts may slightly differ depending on which local authority may be funding the placement. This information will be confirmed prior to admission.

Additional charges will include:

Hairdressing, chiropody, newspapers, outings, travel costs and clothing labels etc. (If required).

We trust this Brochure assists you in making the choice to reside at Kinning Park Care Home.

Public Transport Link: Kinning Park Care Home can be reached in various ways.

Our home is a 5 minute walk from Kinning Park Subway Station

Bus Routes

The bus stop at the junction of Mair Street and Paisley Road West is served by

First Bus/Glasgow Citybus: Services 9,9A, 10,89,89,121,153

McGills Buses: Service 38, 38A

Assistance with public transport planning can be found at