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September8issue37.Pdf Published under Authority by the National Printing Corporation Crn. of Jeremie and Laborie Streets Castries Saint Lucia, West Indies Tel.: (758) 468 2127 Fax: (758) 452 4582 email: [email protected] Website Address: Quote : We all make mistakes. We vary only in how willing we are to admit to them and to make amends. GENERAL INFORMATION Advertising Rates Government Appointments 1315-1323 3/4 page $275.00 Vacancy Notices 1323-1329 1/2 page $215.00 1/4 page $135.00 Development Control Authority 1329-1330 Full Page $350.00 Invitation to Bid 1330-1331 Minimum Charge $125.00 Legal Documents Customs Exchange Rates 1331 (per publication) $150.00 Trade Mark Applications 1332 Naturalization $130.00 Court Notices 1333-1334 Financial Statements Full Page $700.00 Declaration of Lands 1335 C o n t e s Quarter Page $265.00 Court Notices 1336-1338 Half Page $430.00 Minimum Charge $200.00 Institutes of Chartered Accountants in St. Lucia 1340-1342 Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Balance Sheet 1343 Press Releases 1345 NATIONAL PRINTING CORPORATION Gazette Deadline Please Note All notices to be published in the Gazette from The annual subscription fees are $150.00 for hard whatever source should be sent to the National Print- copies and $80.00 for electronic copies. All ing Corporation to be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Legislation is available by means of email, CD, on Wednesdays for hard copies and 4:00 on Thurs- diskette and hard copy prints and will be costed days for electronic copies. Electronic copies can be according to size. This publication is available on sent as attachments in any format. request via email and hard copy. terms and conditions as may be agreed tion (Embassy of Saint Lucia, Washing- GOVERNMENT NOTICE upon with the Government of Saint Lucia. ton D. C.) with effect from September 03, 2003, on contract, subject to such terms The Public Service Commission has Consequent upon the retirement of Ms. and conditions as may be agreed upon Lucy Joseph, Bursar, Entrepot Second- approved the following in the Public with the Government of Saint Lucia. Service: ary School, the Public Service Commis- sion has approved the appointment of The re-appointment of Dr. Merlina Jo- APPOINTMENTS Mr. Vernon Joseph to the post of Bursar, seph to the post of Consultant Derma- Entrepot Secondary School with effect tologist, Ministry of Health, Human Ser- The appointment of Mrs. Priscilla from August 11, 2003. vices and Family Affairs, with effect from Nelson, to the vacant post of Counsellor September 01, 2003, on contract, sub- I, Boys’ Training Centre, Ministry of Home The appointment of Miss Cletia Alcide, ject to such terms and conditions as may Affairs and Gender Relations, with effect to the post of Staff Nurse I, Ministry of be agreed upon with the Government of from July 01, 2003. Health, Human Services and Family Af- Saint Lucia. fairs (Victoria Hospital), with effect from The appointment of Ms. Leander Marlyn August 18, 2003. The re-appointment of Mr. Martin Joseph Calixte, to the post of Clerk/Typist, Gov- to the post of Driving Examiner, Ministry ernment Information Service, with effect The appointment of Mr. David Desir to of Communications, Works, Transport from July 01, 2003. the post of Physical Planning Officer I, and Public Utilities, with effect from Oc- Ministry of Physical Development, Envi- The appointment of Dr. Eni-Ola Monisola tober 05, 2003, on contract, subject to ronment and Housing, with effect from Ajao, to the post of Registrar, Golden such terms and conditions as may be August 18, 2003, on contract, subject to Hope Hospital, Ministry of Health, Hu- agreed upon with the Government of such terms and conditions as may be man Services and Family Affairs, with Saint Lucia. agreed upon with the Government of effect from August 1, 2003, on contract, Saint Lucia. subject to such terms and conditions, ACTING APPOINTMENTS as may be agreed upon with the Gov- RE-APPOINTMENTS Consequent upon the granting of twenty- ernment of Saint Lucia. two (22) days vacation leave to Ms. Kearl The re-appointment of Mr. Paul Serieux The appointment of Mr. Julian King to the Duval, Administrative Secretary, Ministry to the post of Assistant Chief Security post of Crown Lands Officer I, (Crown of Finance, International Financial Ser- Officer, Ministry of Education, Human Lands Section), Ministry of Physical De- vices and Economic Affairs (Accountant Resource Development, Youth and velopment, Environment and Housing, General’s Department), the Public Ser- Sports, with effect from September 03, with effect from August 04, 2003, on con- vice Commission has approved the fol- 2003, on contract, subject to such terms tract, subject to such terms and condi- lowing for the period June 30 to July 29, and conditions as may be agreed upon tions as may be agreed upon with the 2003: with the Government of Saint Lucia. Government of Saint Lucia. The acting appointment of Ms. Cheryl The re-appointment of Mr. Horton Bruce The appointment of Mr. Henry Omer Philip, Secretary IV, Ministry of Labour to the post of Radiographer II, Ministry of Lubin to the post of Accounts Clerk I, Min- Relations, Public Service and Co-op- Health, Human Services and Family Af- istry of Justice with effect from August eratives, as Administrative Secretary, fairs (Victoria Hospital), with effect from 04, 2003. Accountant General’s Department, November 08, 2003, on contract, sub- vice Ms. Kearl Duval. ject to such terms and conditions as may The appointment of Dr. Luana Fraser- be agreed upon with the Government of The acting appointment of Ms. Aurelia Freeman to the post of House Officer Saint Lucia. Victor, Secretary III, Ministry of Labour (Obstetrics and Gynecology Depart- Relations, Public Service and Co-op- ment), Ministry of Health, Human Ser- The re-appointment of Dr. Christine Sita- eratives, as Secretary IV, vice Ms. vices and Family Affairs, with effect from Pierre to the post of Livestock Extension Cheryl Philip, July 01, 2003, on contract, subject to such Officer II, with effect from November 1, The acting appointment of Ms. Flavia terms and conditions as may be agreed 2003, on contract, subject to such terms Francis, Secretary II, Ministry of upon with the Government of Saint Lucia. and conditions as may be agreed upon Labour Relations, Public Service and with the Government of Saint Lucia. The appointment of Ms. Dionysia Didier, Co-operatives (Co-operatives), as Graduate Teacher II, Ministry of Educa- The re-appointment of Dr. Alina Montane Secretary III, vice Ms. Aurelia Victor, tion, Human Resource Development, Jaime, to the post of National Epidemi- The acting appointment of Ms. Shanel Youth and Sports (Ciceron Combined ologist, Ministry of Health, Human Ser- Albert, Clerk/Typist, Ministry of Justice School), to the post of Coach, with effect vices and Family Affairs, with effect from (Police Department), as Secretary I, from July 09, 2003, on transfer from the October 5, 2003, on contract, subject to Ministry of Labour Relations, Public Teaching Service. such terms and conditions as may be Service and Co-operatives (Co-op- agreed upon with the Government of The appointment of Mr. Cletus Bertin, to eratives Department), vice Ms. Flavia Saint Lucia. the post of Deputy Director, Public Sec- Francois. tor Reform, Prime Minister’s Office, with The re-appointment of Ms. Angela Cherry The acting appointment of Ms. effect from August 18, 2003, on contract, to the post of Secretary/Receptionist, Josephine Headley, Accounts Clerk III, for a period of one year, subject to such Ministry of External Trade and Civil Avia- Ministry of Finance, International Finan- SAINT LUCIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — MONDAY 8 SEPTEMBER, 2003 ISSUE 37 1315 cial Services and Economic Affairs (Ac- Harris, acting Secretary II, Ministry of tice, vice Ms. Anne Marie Joseph, with countant General’s Department) as As- Social Transformation, Culture, and Lo- effect from June 02 to September 11, sistant Accountant I, for the period Janu- cal Government, the Public Service 2003, ary 10 to February 28, 2003, in the post Commission has approved the The acting appointment of Ms. made vacant by the transfer on promo- following: tion of Ms. Robertina Edwin. Mathurine Anthony, Executive Officer, The acting appointment of Ms. Ministry of Labour Relations, Public The acting appointment of Ms. Delores Hermina Dianne Lewis, Secretary I, Service and Co-operatives, as Senior Gregg, Commerce and Industry Officer Ministry of Education, Human Re- Executive Officer, Registry Depart- I, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and source Development, Youth and ment, vice Mrs. Elizabeth Gaspard, Consumer Affairs, as Commerce and Sports, as Secretary II, vice Ms. Louise with effect from June 03 to Septem- Industry Officer II, for the period July 01 Elizee, for the period July 14 to Au- ber 11, 2003. to December 31, 2003, vice Mr. Michel gust 18, 2003. The acting appointment of Ms. Thomas on study leave. The acting appointment of Ms. Josephine Farrell, Clerk III, First Dis- Consequent upon the granting of twenty- Nickata Clovis, Clerk/Typist, Ministry trict Court, as Executive Officer, Minis- four (24) days vacation leave to Mr. Mat- of Education, Human Resource De- try of Labour Relations, Public Ser- thew Gabriel, Senior Pharmacist, velopment, Youth and Sports, as Sec- vice and Co-operatives, with effect Dennery Hospital, Ministry of Health, retary I, vice Ms. Lewis for the period from June 10 to July 08, 2003. Human Services and Family Affairs, the July 14 to August 18, 2003. Public Service Commission has ap- Consequent upon the granting of fifty- six (56) working days vacation leave to proved the acting appointment of Ms. The acting appointment of Ms. Euthalia Prisca Ramlal, Pharmacist I as Pharma- Cyril, Accounts Clerk III, Ministry of Ms.
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